Violent Saturday | English Full Movie | Crime Drama Film-Noir

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[Music] [Music] I sh [Music] hello there oh hello glad to have you back with us thanks hope business will be better you can't expect too much on your second trip try telling my boss that guess that's true costume jewelry ought to go good now more people working new Factory opened up last week men's pajamas that makes bradville a three horse town now huh farming copper and men's pajamas I got to remember that that for my mes you know she was crazy about those earrings you gave me oh glad she liked them they're a good item so is this good morning good morning 307 Miss Sherman she's a new nurse up at the mines well shaped for a nurse wish I haded merchandise like that pretty good my Nur was I love that uh 216 nice double with cross ventilation oh fine oh say before I foret I've got a couple of rookie salesman coming in on the next train supposed to teach of the selling ropes think we can get a couple of connecting rooms uh I'll hold 214 good [Music] Renville next stop bradenville I got to get some air [Music] oh I guess this must be yours I thank the neighbor you're welcome you suppose the children would like a little dessert after their lunch I thank the I thank the would share with us well I thank the what are they dressed up for a masquerade they're Amish people they dressing that way since about Bible times I guess what F it's part of their religion they're real good people run the best farms in the state never use machine oh just the old horse in plow and their hands very interesting tickets please [Music] [Music] h Mr Reeves Mr Reeves the time lock just clicked oh oh the thank you yeah for for [Music] I'm sorry Mister [Music] hey I was only trying to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do you have anything on Bird's habits Elsie I have to give a talk for the ladies a next week in the uh file index under Ornithology thanks I'll uh I'll be back in a few minutes Darth we [Applause] [Applause] [Music] on boys now break it up me through come on boys break it up now that's all now boys let's call it a time are you all right you all right one of these yours Mr Martin thanks a lot Martin that's okay run along Georgie along home boys what is this Ste you and Georgie your best friend fighting why I hit him first you want to tell me why no sir okay Stevie you're the boss you better go home and clean up for your mom s okay Dad [Music] trains are running late again Gus why don't you put on a few more trucks the shops got eight of the trucks tied up as soon as they release them I'll put them back on the job3 over what is it howi over Mr Fair's asking for he's ready to leave over I'll be right there over I'll stop by the shop and see if I can't step up a bit take a bite out of them for me while you're at it sorry I held you up oh it didn't matter I switched to a later plane I'll be at the Prince Edward hotel in case you need me for anything things will be quiet around here for a while that isn't why I waited for you shy I want to ask you to keep an eye on voy don't worry about him he's fine no no he isn't you know that as well as I do well I'll be back next Friday have a good trip what's new nothing much new Union delegate was in to see you trouble no no trouble he just want to introduce himself he'll call again Monday morning Mrs Martin phone for you to bring home some more padin she must be bathing him an international medals called and said their order was 3 days overdue why' they call me Mr Fairchild had the call transferred here senior Junior I said you'd call him back okay if you need me for anything I'll be in boy's office think I'll call out when mine superintendent on his way to ask me why I didn't take all perit national M all right tell me why this isn't my day to talk to people and talk to me what difference would one order make that's not the point you know you're a lucky guys but I bet you never figuring out why why don't you tell me why must be a lot of reasons no just one basic reason your old man was a failure a financial flap that's why you're a success and vice versa simple arithmetic failure breeds success success breeds failure look boy why don't you stop feeling sorry for yourself Mrs Fair child isn't home they say when she' be back no sir well try to locate where Mr Fairchild try the beauty P of the country club yes sir that's another reason sh I mean why you're lucky you always know where you can reach your wife big joke I never could figure figure out why you bother playing golf you don't like the game I look good in sweaters being out on the green with a caddy holding the pin and that little red flag bluring in the breeze it makes a pretty elegant scene starring Emily Warr Fairchild true you better get your legs down why what for well people come walking by here you know for man is supposed to be the leader of the Wolfpack around here you sometimes sound like a prissy Backwoods preacher your husband's office is calling Mrs Fairchild tell them Mrs Fairchild is out on the course yes sir waiter yes ma'am have the operator tell my husband to meet me here for dinner yes ma'am thank you I thought you were going to have dinner with me don't ever try that again Gil what pinning labels on me in public I didn't mean it that way where are you going you said I was out on the course didn't you Mrs is fair child going all 18 today no five or six is old one company suit yourself still mad you know what's the matter with you Gail you're rich eligible and you like yourself and because there little hunky waitresses from the other side of the Town think you're hot stuff you believe it or you're not you're everything and nothing thanks oh why don't you give up get a wife of your own and stop trying to make love to everybody else's [Music] now uh here's the entrance of the bank this is the inside the cages the desk for the manager and the woman clerk yeah at the name place the guy's name is Reeves the other one's in the Shirley name I was just tell you I counted six people working I wish those broads weren't there sometimes they start screaming you ever see a bank without a woman no no okay then it happens to be one of the hazards in a cable like this I picked this spot just because the haard is released no Bank guard only two Troopers to get out of town before we pull the place what are the uh safe look like to you check well H uh it's a regular 120 hour for movement time lap but it's set to open every 15 minutes well we might get hung up for 15 minutes yeah we might have things break that way that's why we're going in 5 minutes before closing we'll draw these blinds and just sweat it up nobody in the outside will be suspicious as far as they're concerned the bank's closed I watch it slow or something H I didn't notice any back entrance no we go out the way we came in hey this is getting rougher all tie it up tie it up the important thing to remember is we've got to get inside that bank 5 minutes before closing if we run late we end up with nothing but Sticky Fingers because at noon sharp they'll screw up that safe door it won't open again till Monday morning is that clear yeah I better get going now pick a spot for slick later we'll go over to set up a few more times what about a car to get us out to Slick after the job that's no problem I got a Trigg oh when I get back give me a ride how you Bobby boy how things at the [Applause] office where's your mommy out in [Applause] there hello honey how you sweetie how's the little whip huh what's the matter with you ice cold fair trade better take the baby in Millie it's getting a little Breezy come on sweetie where's Stevie sent him to his room been fighting with Georgie of all people yeah I know I got in on the tail end of it did he tell you what it was all about not him like father like son the two original clams that's why you love us so Stevie I'd let him stew a while longer no sweetie I think he's had it right now he's at the stage where F needs a friend well I made reservations at the club 7:00 for us I'll be ready in time yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah mhm hi you Steve hi Dad you know I hear the Trower biting like crazy up at roner and Creek what do you say you and Georgie bury the hatchet and Sunday morning the three of us are still up there and catch a limit how about it no thank you look your problem couldn't be that big could it you're not going to spank him shell of course not but I don't understand it he and Georgie have been like twins ever since they were kney to a duck look look at this daddy how did that happen Stevie off the wall and the D and busted it I think your son and I are going to have a little talk let it go honey no shell he can't go around destroying other people's property his father's or anybody else's not now honey why would he do a thing like this shell it isn't like him it adds up Georgie's daddy wanton a medal of uima and I want a picture frame simple for [Music] [Music] [Music] hi [Music] there hello yes neighbor I wonder if you can help me out my car broke down and one of your back roads must be a mile or so from here can I use your phone to get some help we are Amish people neighbor there is no telephone oh well uh how far is the nearest bus line oh I will hitch up the team and drive thee to the highway Martha I don't want to take your away from your work oh please do not concern myself Neighbor come here once Martha how did you this gentleman has walked a long way and is thirsty wil thou fetch some buttermilk while I hit the team please wait here neighbor all right it will be but a moment oh there's no hurry oh thank you you're very kind this is a pretty big place for one family to operate the Lord in his goodness hath provided so yeah he uh he has it that [Music] [Music] how do you feel sleeping I just want to thank you for sticking up for me this afternoon did George tell did he go and tell no I kind of figured it all out when I saw the picture for him sorry I busted it that's not important but why you did it is I don't know Dad I don't know look Stevie all I want to ass show you is that you have no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed for anything I did during the war you see Stevie all of us can't win medals there's many many different ways to fight a war now the war department gave me no choice they told me to stick to my job and to see that all my men kept digging copper what you see Stevie all a guy like myself could say to his son is to tell him the truth and hope real real hard that well that he'll understand Look At Me Stevie every dad wants to be a hero to his son but some of us just don't make it that's all nice Ste night Dad [Music] you got to keep the shutter wide open perspective and dimension most important things for good pictures yes sir fine hary pictures man's got I have a hobby guys name is Roy Mr child sure you know any place else I can look for my wife she didn't meet me at the Country Club said she would but she didn't I tell you that gu it's Roy yeah you told me hi how you doing hey guys Roy you know got to have something a family a wife something I got a hobby perspective and the Mansion best results bartend Scot sodas yes H Mr Fair child hello Roy it's Harry Harry Reeves Mr fa you seen my wife anywhere thank you no sir I haven't first she says meet me then she leaves way at the club don't meet me what' she tell you right Harry Harry Reeves the bank fine institution thank you where you was it you yes I know you're our largest account you work for us righty Harry I'm the manager of the bank you're the guy there comes the money that's right Mr Fairchild Harry call me Harry that's your hobby counting mine I guess you could say that yes how about a wife right you know how to count wives first you break them in little pieces tiny wiy pieces then you C them all every lousy root piece don't uh mess up the place will you Mr Fairchild oh sorry I was just making a point you know what you are R you're a drooler that's if stuff gets you in trouble first you Dro then you marry him I am married Mr Fair child hi Linda hi nice girl you two going together right don't say things like that Mr Fairchild I'm a married man why I I I don't even know her I fix that right up come please please please don't don't get me involved please don't respect your wish is right why don't you dance dance with her Mr Fairchild you want to dance with Linda that what you no no no I I I can't dance I just thought you might like to keep her company I enjoy watching people dance sure I'm a find [Music] Dan looks like you're doing pretty good boy Harry call me Harry you want to dance think you can negotiate you kidding I was all- americ negotiator at [Music] Princeton get a load of the hungry Banker I don't blame her she looks like a Swiss watch watch it son you know how easy you get train sick [Music] you really are good all out do you always drink this much hav that's all just happen you're a pretty unhappy guy aren't you well was kind where's your wife mem she's got a hobby two or three Hobbies you how about you be in my hobby I don't like proposition oh I apologize sincerely and truly okay it's forgotten can't understand you it's your kind of money you could have your pickup girls in this town how my pick thank you thank you very much well now don't say it like that you make me sound like a traveling salesman on the call then I'm sorry got some s you know something what you're pretty nice now I'm afraid to say thank you where were you 10 years ago High School graduation Milwaukee wish I'd been there why cuz that's when I got married you ever a cry with spill milk Linder doesn't everybody I guess so even over skim milk l yes how about you and me I'm sorry I forgot you don't like propositions for instance well like the two of us going away together you're drunker than I thought oh no I've given it sober consideration why me it would be good for me what would you do if I said yes we could leave right away go any place you want to go let's dance it over for a while [Music] [Music] come on yeah how' you make out H sit down spot I pick as a pushover religious screw ball his wife and three kids nobody close to the farm for miles around how me picked a place with his people can't slick way for us on some Road sure right out in the open so people could spot the truck and identify to the cups now this is the safest bet you ever handled no telephone no car no mechanical Gadget of any kind it's against the religion kids make me nervous a stop Del did you tell slck about an hour ago he'll be carrying a truckload of hay so it's not to attract attention now here's our schedule between 10:30 and 10:40 we grab a car in town you know something we know runs good at 11: on the nose we meet slick take over the farm by A4 to 12 we're back in town close to the bank then chappie you phone the state cops report a big auto accident the other side of the turn good right after the cops leave we walk into the bank fine 90,000 squid taxfree let's save the cheers and go over there some more [Music] you're home earlier than I expected may I ask who you are Linda Sherman and what you're doing here don't talk down to me Mrs Fair child I don't like it I merely asked what you're doing here you wouldn't have to ask she stayed a little closer to him get out might as well the only reason I stayed was in case Boyd woke up and needed me I'm quite capable of taking care of him myself well well that's a new wrinkle especially after 10 years of kicking out his insides get out of here now right now don't push Mrs Fairchild I didn't have to bring him home you know we had other plans but all we did was talk about them maybe next time we'll get more would you like me to have you thrown out why don't you get mad enough to try it all I want is an excuse to pull that hair right out of your stupid head I guess you don't have the guts better add you on to him honey don't sober he's the kind of guy I've dreamed about owning all my life [Music] [Music] [Music] for har you awake yeah I don't know I must have the heie jebs or something I can't sleep that's natural enough night before a big job well not that cucumber he's sleeping in there like a newborn baby think's a good man to do that yeah I guess so the trouble with him knows he's real mean you know out and out and mean what's the difference it's on our side talking about being mean there's nothing in this world as mean as a mean woman you know I got to thinking about all the things have happened to me on a c of women in there when I couldn't sleep boy they can sure ruin you let's get some shed ey remember the broad I married har back in Detroit yeah there was a real Dilly for you when I first married her I thought she was a real sweep steak prize I live on a skinny side but that's always a way it's been with me no meat on them just skin and bones I wonder why I go for skinny broads paraly that was her name remember har yeah I remember left me for an Undertaker no kiding a lousy to been Undertaker and I'll tell you the truth I was half glad to see her go she had too many bad habits got on my nerves she used to go around the apartment all day in one of them uh you know Chinese house coats practically lived in it screw you have us like that yeah then all went long she'd have a cold boy she was the world's champion when I come to her cold and every two weeks I'd catch it from her I'll bet I caught better than 50 calls from that broad that's what started me on this okay let's call it qu to get some sleep going to be a rugged day okay hey har somebody's down there casing the building just a guy walking his dog it's okay good night I was just keeping my eyes open okay so as a guy walking a dog I'm just keeping my eyes open you want me to be on a ball don't you you don't have to jump down my throat is good night for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Elsie you stole this didn't you you don't have to answer I know you stole it just because you're a manager of the bank and can attach people's salaries doesn't give you the privilege of making accusations would you rather I went to the police about it I just dare you to go to the police I just dare you when your wife's at home asleep you sneak out and watch that girl UND dress no you're disgusting there you are Mr peeping t i just dare you to go to the police boy boy wake up boy listen to me I want to talk to you I have some coffee for you please B wake up okay okay I'm up really hung on a be didn't I where's Linda it's 4: in the morning she left D ni better to get me home she didn't mind she has a Yen for you sympathy not a Yen she's interested in you she said so I'll keep it in mind guess I'll take this up to my room Bo can't you drink it here I want to talk to you what is it this time I drink too much for my own good no boy no the divorce routine you want to be a free woman not that you aren't free I mean that in the freest sense of the word boy let's not quarrel tonight let's not go off on that tangent let's try to talk the way we used to when we were first married way back in my the days when I really thought you were in love with me I was and I still am an alternate weekends way you're talking now you must have gotten yourself into a nice fat gy have you stopped loving me no I'm afraid not jerk like me goes right on Ling you Stone sober or crying drunk what if it's any consolation to your pride I've tried to behave here at home it was a good fight mom but I lost I said I tried I didn't say any more than that well thanks for the consideration what's the use while you were asleep I thought of so many things I wanted to say to you wanted to beg for your forgiveness wanted a chance for us to go away together to start over again to leave here leave this town the mine but it wouldn't have been any good wouldn't have worked we can't change not us you're an alcoholic and I'm a trap [Music] where could we [Music] go where am I was just talking no matter where we went we couldn't always stay in the dark we'd have to face the daylight sometimes and I'd see you looking at me and wondering we have to try in we have to there's nothing without you it's always been that way a terrible feeling inside of me when you're gone I let myself think where and with whom I can't I breath after that girl left tonight I went upstairs and I sat in the dark and tell yourself the truth in the dark I was remembering all the things I'm ashamed to remember in the light of day why have I done these things boy what's the matter with me am I sick do I belong in an institution no no well I've read about people like me they're sick people I shouldn't associate with these people don't say things like that let's just talk about going away you and me could we Bo could we should we can why not there nothing the hold is here nothing I love you man I love you boy cheap and rotten but I've never stopped loving them never never [Music] we'll put the shotgun together after we meet slick I wish this pushover didn't look so easy we have 12 minutes make sure you don't leave any fingerprints around wow nothing like looking neat and clean for a stick up what are you expecting a water to break out or something how many times You' been in stir right boy too much well I've been inside three hitches one of them was on account of not having enough ammo to back out of a revolving door never again what time do you want me to pick you up about 2 or 2:30 be a good boy okay Daddy hi Mr Martin hi you boy bought some new equipment going out for some bigid tomorrow get the kids patch up things not yet they will well hope me and Stan get in some fish before the season ends hope so too good up part so would you mind giving me a LIF sorry but I'm only going a couple blocks down the street just do like I say you won't get hurt all I want is the car turn left then straight ahead stop for those two guys in the corner why don't you take the car and let me out don't teach me my business mister okay let's go straight ahead then right on Main Street you mind telling me what this is all about just happens we need a car you drew the lucky number why pick me plenty other Park cars we don't want anything reported stolen hold it a 30 no more than that [Music] get out the [Music] back get in blindfold why you sure [Music] hey right on time how does it look back in town pretty good the Farm's about a half mile from there we'll lead the way in we'll park the farmer and his wife in this yle in the barn up in the LOF that way you'll only have one exit to watch till we get back let's get started [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody in the barn come on inside [Music] what what's wrong Mr Reeves don't you feel well oh no no no no no just a little headache it's I'll get some aspirin I have some in my desk no no no thank you shely I'll I'll get some of the drugstore I need the fresh air [Music] thanks hi hello will you give me a couple of cartons of those cigarettes please yes sir hello well you look pretty chipper for the morning after it's the first time in years I thought the sunshine looked good incidentally I'm glad I got a chance to thank you for bringing home the remains last night want me to wrap them Mr Fairchild don't bother they're going into a suitcase in a little while taking a trip yes ma'am Emily and I thought we'd get out of town nothing for me thanks are you planning on going highway police I wish to report an accident sir yes very serious I'm afraid about 20 mi north of bradenville Main Highway yes sir we'll stay in New York a day or two and then fly to London hey Mr Rees oh good morning my wife's waiting for you at the bank she has to pick up some Travelers checks oh right away yes sir excuse me maybe you better get me another car all right all still 2 minutes away tell D then stroll around I'll stay close to the entrance all right Emily hello Gil how about go tomor I'm sorry I'm going out of town out of town yes on a long trip with my husband oh I see well I'm happy for L happy for you both thank you goodbye EXC me forgive me Mrs Fairchild I'm terribly sorry to have kept you waiting like this that's all right I just want to get some traveler checks certainly about how much would you like $5,000 well looks like you and your husband going to see the world on this no just going to find out how to get born all over again that's all I beg pardon it wasn't important how do I make this out cash will be sufficient excuse me please I've been receiving many annoying letters about an overdue payment this will close my account and save me the trouble of doing any more business with this Bank U Miss Braden I I don't handle this Miss Dow the second one I prer your personal ATT inance this impudent letter came from you I I sign all of the bank's correspondence M braen you're a man of many hidden talents aren't you miss geves excuse me but it's almost Closing Time certainly yes Miss Dow the second window down Mr B thank you excuse me uh will $100 denominations be satisfactory oh I think so I beg your pardon did you happen to notice where the man who drove this car went no I didn't I'm sorry that's fine daddy after I cash a [Applause] check morning this is mar I want a receipt more P F everybody stay where you are this is a hold up sit up just do what we say hey no one will get hurt all right come out of those cages and keep your hands where we can see them keep moving we have two minutes before the safe opens come on it's m mommy give it to me stop it stop it alone sit down mister I'll kill you quick let him go come here kid come here shove those in your kisses sending go back there and suck on them thank you you're welcome Bobby don't do that safe open better settle for what we've got just a few seconds we got enough come on we got it all better right get out of [Music] any for [Music] you don't know me my name is Martin I live in bradenville they forced me to bring them here in my car I managed to scrape the he at loose is there anything up here that I can uh cut my hands free downstairs they took the ladder away one of them's out there with a shotgun pull your feet up hey you out there help who was that which one of you guys hollered [Music] I'm going down as soon as I cut myself loose I'll come back for you back oh I thank the neighbor is that man dead yes may the good Lord forgive thee it was him or us vengeance is only the right of the Lord we'll discuss that later neighbor oh meanwhile our guy's friends might be coming back here we'd better take the truck and leave while we can we will not leave our home neighbor let's not make sermons friend let's concentrate on getting your family out of here keep your family clear from that door W how'd he get out of the B it's not SC here where's slick maybe he's in the truck huh I'm going to take a look all right see if there's any more shells in these Pockets forgive me neighbor but I cannot resort to violence do you want them to come in here and kill your family the good Lord will watch over us he's not the truck the ignition key is gone too like good wait a minute hey you in there can you hear me yeah I can hear you what happened to the man we left here why don't you come in and find out for yourself sounds like he's got the shotgun and the ignition key you better leave at his car the Y of mine is probably broadcast on an all straight Aline it has to be the truck or nothing how do we get the key first we find out if he has the shotgun okay I'll find out now we know hey inside can you hear me yeah and I can see you too okay but we're not looking for extra trouble just throw out the key to the truck we'll clear out don't be a hero Mister is there any other way in here no good startop switching the bags to the truck get the rest in the front seat two minutes Mister that's all you've got to think it over before we set fire to the barn neighbor thou must not heed the threat of evil men did you hear hear what they said they're going to burn this Barn down Force us out into the open only if it be God's will do you mean you're going to stand Pat if to stand Pat means to resist evil then yes neighbor we wish to stand Pat time's up in there what do you say okay champy bring it up [Music] get back wa [Music] up get out stay down I got to get to the car cover me right P bur out bags Beed out the fire give him to me looks like a shoulder [Music] get for that [Music] he merciful God forgive [Music] me we' better help your family friend [Music] [Music] you're going to be all right Mr Reeves do you want to sleep some more no this will make you more comfortable just just you stay put no moving around am I going to live of course you'll be going home tomorrow Monday now I'll call your wife she's in the waiting room no please don't there's something I want to tell you it'll keep no Miss Sherman it won't I've got to tell you now all I have the courage if I wait I'll be too ashamed it's about it's about the way I've been acting it's about you I mean why watching me in the drugstore going down the street in the bank and dancing forget it you mean you you knew I wouldn't be female if I didn't now that you've confessed you can rest easy but that isn't all of it I mean I've got to tell you about the nights I I used to take the dog walking over and over again I'd wait until you came home then i' just just stand there and watch you till the lights went out I didn't know that I tried not to I really tried well it's over Mr Reeves we've both learned a good lesson Hereafter I'll pull down my shades she looked awful didn't she like she'd never been alive never go on and talk about it Boyd talk it all out well it's just that it's so strange only a little while ago we were sitting in a living room talking about our trip Emily was drinking coffee I remember sitting on a div van alive and and healthy does it uh bother you if I go on this way no it's just that I'm looking for some sort of an explanation it's so stupid and pointless to be alive in the morning and dead in the [Music] afternoon everything you ever thought or planned is just left hanging in midair all those loose end your life left hanging whacked off and hang you know Emily was always afraid to have a baby that was one of the things we were planning to go away and then to have a family we're talking about it this morning she said she was wasn't afraid anymore she didn't know she only had 4 more hours to live I figured it up all she had was four more hours on Earth I'll drive you home go away Linda for a little while please I don't want you to see me cry hello Stevie hi Dad I've been waiting to see you oh gosh they hurt you didn't they Dad h not very much we'll probably have to call off our fishing trip for a couple of days sure that's nothing already told Georgie boy you got all of them didn't you Dad look Stevie things like that are better if they didn't happen to you at all why you're the only one in the whole town maybe the whole world could have done it even Georgie's father would have been scared what makes you think I wasn't scared I was plenty scared n Stevie being scared is only normal and human no one was ever a 100% hero except you yeah dad will you let Georgie see you will you sure where is he okay fell come on in how things at the office fine boy [Music]
Channel: Film Fanatic Collection
Views: 139,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, CrimeMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Violent Saturday, Crime, Drama, Film-Noir, Thriller, Richard Fleischer, Victor Mature, Richard Egan, Stephen McNally
Id: pURevEee35w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 52sec (5272 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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