Walk a Crooked Mile | English Full Movie | Film-Noir Crime Drama

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[Music] this is Lake View California one of a score of American communities which came into being during an after World War II this is the lake view research laboratory of nuclear physics one of the top secret government projects vital to the National Defense and security to be a worker at Lake View one must be first an American of proven loyalty the task of guarding projects like Lake View is entrusted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation which explains why special agent Daniel F oera in charge of the lake view security detail remains in his office long after regular hours night after [Music] night Hi H what are you doing here at this time of night trying to win the Legion of Merit just refreshing my memory waiting for a phone call from Jimmy Colton he's out A Leg view on a deal what are you doing here on your time rechecking last week's applications for employment at Lake View about 300 of them oh Dan this is [Applause] Colton I'm talking from a booth at the Lake View Arena I think I've run into something red hot you mean something connected with rad yeah that's right can you get over here right away 20 minutes that'll [Applause] be Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy colon [Music] whoever gave it to him sure Got Away clean just all excitement and yelling inside nobody even heard the shots this young lady just happen to pass by the booth and glance inside it looks funny to her so she opens the door Lets All Y and faints that away he was he was sitting there I thought he was tight or asleep and and then I saw you didn't see who did it no no I only saw him just like that I phon in the report the homicides GL should be here any minute tried to identify him didn't have anything on him his name is James Colton he lived at 110 F Street here in Lakeville it's about all we can do here Sergeant will you I'll take care of everything I can't understand why anyone would want to kill a fine all right folks that's it break it up come on everybody move please break it up break it up you've got other places to go come on what's the matter read about in the papers tomorrow M sorry to bring you back to the office this time of night Mr North but well I wanted your permission to follow this red check thing through to a finish I understand how you feel Dan Colton was a fine boy must be demonstrated to Mr radch as it has been to others who have had the same idea that the murder of an FBI man inevitably leads to very disagreeable consequences right Jak I remember the name but it was some time ago about a year ago an order went out at that time to pick him up on suspicion of illegal entry into the country oh yes now I remember he did a Vanishing act before he could be brought in that's right and he didn't show again until I spotted him day before yesterday I'd picked him up then instead of putting Colton on him to find out what he was doing in Lake View jimmy' still be alive people die of old age too D what could Colton have come up with that Force R to take such a crazy chance commit murder practically in front of a couple of thousand Witnesses I'll remember to ask rad check that when I meet him in person I've got all avenues out of Lake View COV good by the way Mr North do you remember that excuse me Ohara Allison at the lake view bus depot subject just bought himself a ticket for San Francisco good hang on to him Allison he's found rad Lake for your bus depot bring him in then bring him in and then what not a shred of evidence to connect him with Colton's death stay with him long enough he'll probably win his confidence and get a confient thanks Mr n 30 minutes later Anton radack boarded a bus at the lake view [Music] terminal O'Hara delayed arresting Ric he was certain that radek had not murdered Colton merely to escape a relatively minor charge of illegal entry into the United States States using radek to point out any contacts he might have O'Hara and Allison trailed him to San [Music] Francisco as the bus crossed the Big Bay Bridge radek sense of smug satisfaction increased his growing sense of security fell in with O'Hara's plan of action which was to use radack as a bird dog to lead them to whatever connections he had in San Francisco connections which might explain the reason for radek's presence in Lake View at the bus terminal radek took a taxi cab and led O'Hara and Allison to a rooming house in an older section of the city see you later right aided by the agents are the San Francisco office O'Hara set up a 24-hour surveillance of radek's Hideout a motion picture camera was concealed in constantly changing vehicles and everyone who entered or left the rooming house was secretly photographed the only telephone in the house was monitored and every incoming or outgoing call recorded by an agent whose equipment was set up in a basement of a house on the next street but radack had no visitors and left the house only to take his meals and to buy a newspaper at the corner restaurant thank you sir evening papers get the evening paper here evening [Music] paper [Music] hello hello igar who was this [Music] rat good night good night Anon [Music] yes Ohara yes gains maybe I got something I'll be right over [Music] right at least he supports you and your kids all mine supports are a half a dozen bookies no Saloon Down on the Corner wa till I get my hands on him that was Mrs Green we've been able to identify the voices of everybody in the house but this is a new one it identifies itself hello hello Eagle who is this ratek oh Anon about that business down south I think everything is safe now I understand where are you 153 Octavia Street second floor front you'll take care of things iGo of course I'll take care of things thank you good night good night Anton oh that's what we want can you trace that call and dial telephones are tough how long will it take the miraculous we do immediately The Impossible takes a few minutes longer good boy at 10:30 the next morning O'Hara was summoned to radek's Hideout by a telephone call from Allison what's trouble I don't know maybe nothing but I'm a little worried why well every morning it goes for breakfast at 8:00 right yeah well it's past 10:30 now and he hasn't even shown that's why I called you oh I see no visitors nobody in around I got to find out whether or not he's in that room pull a wire inspector gag and see if he's there all right all right well don't try that anymore and make sure you're home in time for dinner yeah I'll be here say Dan I think you better come up what's happening take a Lu guess that explains why I didn't get down to breakfast right through the heart hardly any blood at all RI mortis is complete probably been dead for hours that means he was killed sometime last night no visitors eh well I was on maybe found out we had him boxed up and killed himself uh-uh this Los Angeles paper didn't walk in here by itself it's 3 days old I follow out the corner where rad got his news doesn't sell out of town sheets that means that the killer brought it with him he also brought that knife he really came prepared I know but a man with a knife why didn't rck call out look at it position in the chair look at the room no sign of a struggle whoever killed him he trusted the way it looks Mr radek suddenly became an embarrassment to his friends it was just a little too hot to handle I'm going back down to the office and take a look at that film we shot you stay here and call the police right in the San Francisco office at the FBI oh' Hera called together all of the agents working with him on the radek case in a projection room they studied every foot of the film photographed by the hidden camera that's Mrs Green lived there for 5 years as you can see she loves to talk that's Mrs cat's land lady that's Albert green second floor rear Mrs Green's husband he never gets a chance to talk Mrs Harner first Flor front and the Milkman he used to drop bombs now he drops bottles that's all man cats coming home with a snowball what's his name PR is it Melo you shot this last night that's right who is this gentleman W you can see for yourself he's a clergyman what time did he go in 11:48 pter you were covering the front end did you see him oh yeah sure whom did he visit I don't know he just came in and went upstairs uh-huh how long did he stay not more than 15 minutes came back down at 2 minutes 12 we know and have checked everyone that went in out of that house after the minute of rad ja's murder he's the only person that we don't know therefore he's your killer but then a clergyman well anybody can put on a black suit and turn his collar around who followed him well who followed him well I guess I was supposed to Dan but clergyman and I figured that oh great Potter great you figured come in oh Dad did the film give you any line on the rad check killer yeah he got in and out of the house dressed as a clergyman that's a bad break and he leads only the telephone call the rad check made last night it's a dial phone you know it's pretty tough to trace yeah I was just about to ask you to come in I'd like to have your opinion on something else that come up yes Mr Hunter uh ask Mr Grayson step into my office please yes sir Scotland Yard Man this might be in line with your assignment at Lake View uh any luck gra not yet sir your handwriting men haven't been able to identify the writing on the shipping label oh I see uh Dan this is Mr Philip Grayson Scotland Yard Dan oh high special agent how do you do how are you you got a lot of your territory aren't you all the way things are it's a little difficult to know where one's territory begins or ends all right you are Mr Grayson made a special trip from London with these it's a very nice painting of San Francisco but what is this s John G former Authority on Atomic research says that the mathematical equation is a formula of the most advanced nature the solution to a problem in nuclear physics no thanks Mr Grayson was flowing over here with the hope that we might identify the source uh would you mind outling it for him of course sir he thanks for some we've had a very dangerous secret agent under surveillance Thursday last he received a crate shipped to him from San Francisco Express in the normal course we intercepted it it contained a painting that's a photograph of the painting mhm now we know our man's not the type to be importing art from America For Art's Sake so we sent it to our lab for examination under ultraviolet light this formula cleverly worked in with the pigments of the painting became visible that's a photo of the concealed equation I sent copies of those last night to the director of each of our projects and which atomic energy is involved Beck flew down to Los Angeles to check with Dr Townson at the lake view project excuse me read this gentlemen Mr Hunter isn't Lake View one of your top secrets Our Lake View laboratory is nearing the completion of one of our most vital objectives of scientific research a combination of our most advanced knowledge of the use of guided missiles and atomic Force you know this rad Che Affair is beginning to shape up Mr Hunter Colton was murdered by a suspected subversive in Lakeview from Mr Grayson here we learned that in London a secret agent received a painting in which was concealed a mathematical formula which we have now traced to Lakefield put those two facts together what do they suggest what you've held from the beginning that radek wouldn't commit murder just to escape the relatively minor charge of illegal entry exactly and don't forget Colton's Last Words he'd stumbled on something red hot of course it might be coincidental I don't think so sir come in how about it gains any luck by counting the dial clicks on the record we trace the call well well you're not going to like this Dan but radek's friend eigor took the call to the public pay station that's all we needed excuse me did you say Igor yes Igor that's interesting so if you'll take your magnifying glass and look at the photograph of the painting you see the name of the artist who signed it Igor Igor Brawn it all ties up Dan I think Bron's your man sure sure he's my man but where do I find him where is he may I make a suggestion sir if you could find the spot where the picture was painted you might find the artist Mr Grayson I'm glad you came over thank you Mr Hunter I need six men born and raised in San Francisco know every nook and corner of the city you got them yes Mr Hunter send Morgan in here [Music] please with photographs of the painting as the only clue agents at the Federal Bureau of Investigation searched the city for the location shown in the picture painted by eigar Braun well what do you think [Music] that's it all right it's painted from the rear one of those houses on Clay Street come on the point from which the painting had been made was the rear of this building Igor Brawn occupied a studio apartment on the third floor because of the international involvement inspector Grayson was given a special assignment to work with a Hera on the case oraro set up a complete surveillance of Braun including an observation post from which is every move could be watched hi Frank Hi D how are things on Observatory Hill okay fine not bad not bad at all yeah sure wow you think he'd get nervous having us look over his shoulder like this he looks different from his photo he does let me take a look oh sure sure he does now he's got his collar on right what's he been doing just painting no visitors not yet any mail they got a gas bill and a light bill this morning Gaines checked with us 10 minutes ago no telephone calls in or out didn't he go out he went out to breakfast on Dan uh this time I went with him a good boy Potter he eats regularly at Wongs takes about 20 minutes for lunch 45 for dinner you do to go to lunch any minute now I'd like to have a look at that new picture he's painting mhm I've been playing around with the same idea 20 minutes doesn't give us much time you think we could do it without giving ourselves away do we have a choice oh Dan yeah he's leaving right now okay pter he's yours let us know when he gets to the restaurant [Music] right [Music] well how Potter he's at Wongs and he started his lunch you better hurry fine here we go quite good you know this braw could be a pretty fair painter yes there wasn't so much readed in these work that's right it's a nice sense of perspective I'll let you give me a lecture on our appreciation sometime when we've got more than 20 minutes to do it in by now I think we ought to get busy merely a thought in passing there it is yes I see it hold it steady what do I want to check formula on the painting is new all right you notice the difference yeah you like a few people in front another nasty shock rck came from Lake View rck saw Braun exit ranek Braun paints a new formula hangs together very well doesn't it too well centor wa please yeah I sure stretching 20 minutes awfully thin yeah having Mr Bron's fingerprints on file might prove useful someday he's not attending a banquet you know he's just grabbing a by the lunch never have a better chance than this no good huh no Allison Ron's on his way check here are some Beauties all four fers are the right hand good move off I got a picture of that's it better leave by the back way all right on the following day Grayson and O'Hara watch Braun complete the painting which he created with great care an Express company truck called at the studio and Braun took a receipt for the painting from its [Music] driver O'Hara and Grayson followed the truck through the streets of San Francisco to its destination [Music] there they established the fact that the painting was consigned to London England they decided not to intercept this painting they reasoned that such an act would be certain to alarm Braun before his contacts at view could be uncovered that same afternoon Igor Bron packed his bags for what seemed an extended Journey he went to the San Francisco Airport and boarded a plane for Los Angeles 136 Mainland Los Angeles loading in gate three 136 [Music] meles without giving an indication of knowledge that he was being shadowed Ron was met at the Los Angeles airport by a man driving an inconspicuous black sedan which led O'Hara and Grayson straight to Lake View California oh Johnson come in please Johnson to O'Hara over cover the lake view Art Shop as quickly as possible airtight understand right Ron was received with respectful cordiality by the proprietor of the lake view art shop8 Al Meisner I trust you had a pleasant trip comrade yes thank you very ni oh fine fine good evening comrad good evening comrade Brun it's a great honor to have have you visit us comrade Brun thank you we've been gathered to receive you since your phone call it's good to see my friends again please been a slight dislocation in our method of operation which is responsible for my being here you refer to comrad radek yes radek will not be with us again pity he was guilty of stupidity and clumsiness in carrying out his last assignment we are dedicated to the ideal of World Revolution understand that the individual counts for nothing we have the complete achievement of our work at Lake View within our grasp we cannot permit the slightest risk of jeopardizing our success for that reason I have decided to take personal command of the operation I promise you the reward will be great well that's wonderful your presence will be an inspiration comrade Brun yes com KS about radek's Misfortune I took this picture of the FBI men at Colton's liquidation a moment after the police discovered his body really the two gentlemen in civilian clothes the one on the r is taking charge of the investigation interesting most interesting Splendid work on your part comrade it must always remember comrades it's a vit importance to know your enemy but it's of even greater importance that the enemy does not know you radek made that mistake I trust there will be no more we will always cherish radek's bony and we will not forget this gentleman with Braun and the arop under complete surveillance O'Hara and graay are next conferred with Dr Frederick Townsen Direct director of the lake view nuclear research laboratory the only person connected with the project who knew or Hera to be an agent of the FBI happy to see you again mrar thank you Dr Townson doctor this is Mr Grayson Scotland Yard Mr Grayson doctor because of the international ramifications of this matter Mr Grayson has been put on special assignment to work with me something on the order of reverse lley doctor as a matter of fact doctor it was Mr Grayson here who uncovered the original leak well naturally what you've discovered comes as a tremendous shock to me even in the face of such incontrovertible proof I can hardly bring myself to believe it just how serious is it doctor from the standpoint of your work it's more than serious Mr Grayson it's almost fatal we are coming very near to the completion of our project and this formula which found its way outside this plant represents a vital stage in the structure of our research I I hate to add to your distress doctor but since that time another formula has found its way in the wrong hands until a week ago this formula had not been conceived whoever is guilty has a rapid and direct line of communication want it establishes gentlemen that up to this minute the ultimate recipient of this stolen information knows as much about our work as as I do I'm afraid that's the only conclusion doctor that's a monstrous thought that one of the few of us in this laboratory who share such knowledge is a traitor I understand the urgency of your task gentleman where would you like to begin well for my own satisfaction and because Mr Grayson is unfamiliar with it I'd like to recheck the physical security procedure very well this way please oh Hera and Grayson search for a floor in the SEC security regulations as they toured the plant with Dr Townsen the guards were specially chosen men each of them an ex Soldier sailor or Marine who had proven his loyalty and love of country and battle the workers disrobed in a special guarded locker room and then stripped of the Hide passed into a second locker room in which they done standardized work clothes before being permitted to proceed to their posts this routine was mandatory for every worker entering or leaving the plant as an additional Safeguard it was necessary to submit to the search of this electronic eye which could detect the presence of the most minute particle of metal upon the person of anyone passing before it well yeah you've seen it all what do you think armed guards barbed wire Electronics seems pretty tight evidently not that tight enough as I understand it the creative brains here are your colleagues Allan Von stob forest and of course yourself with Dr neeva acting in the capacity of confidential assistant and sort of a recording secretary that's correct do all of you know about everything I mean do you do your thinking together or is it every man for himself well each of us works on a different phase of the problem independent of the others then once week uh usually on Friday we hold a conference at which we pull all the developments of the week uh our progress is evaluated and everyone's brought up to date I see then every Friday for the moment anyway everybody does know everything exactly where do you hold your conferences doctor right here in this room pardon me as you can see this also contains the special Vault where all our data is kept mhm does Dr Dr Nea take part in these conferences well certainly the most important part she takes notes of everything Dr Nea is practically The Hub around which our wheel revolves she's a most remarkable girl oh she must be to hold such an important position is this the door that leads to your a private study doctor yes is it ever used during the conferences no that's always kept locked I have the only key to that I see one more question sir are you and your associate scientists permitted to leave the premises like was not a Penitentiary Mr Grayson we're perfectly free to come and go as we wish governed by the same security regulations that apply to everyone who works on the project well thank you sir yes thanks very much doctor we won't take any more of your time now you've been most Cooperative it's been a pleasure with the cooperation of Dr Townsen the mirror in the study door was secretly replaced with a special type of glass through which they could observe and photograph every move made at the front Friday conference but which could not be seen through from the conference room side for the first time Grayson and O'Hara could observe the key figures of the lake view project in action first there was Dr rivon stulb of Vian formerly professor of nuclear physics at heidleberg and an internationally famous mathematician after the Allied victory in Europe Dr vanon STL was persuaded to come to the United States to give our government the benefit of his knowledge second there was Dr Homer Allen physicist and expert on rocket propulsion an American whose lineage could be traced back to the original settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony then there was Dr William Forest English scientist whose experiments with heavy water contributed greatly to the final achievement of atomic fishing he was on leave from the British Atomic commission to the lake view project last but far from least there was Dr Anastasia Nea Tony for short doctor of philosophy at the University of Michigan Mistress of five languages including Russian and Townsen secretary and confidential assistant in addition to being photographed a wire recorder preserved every word uttered within the room now doctor the point that still baffles us is the ratio of energy to be released and offsetting the dynamic deceleration of the carrier vehicle yes I know V sto been working on that if there is a solution to the problem it's it's purely mathematical theoretical rather almost fantasy my dear Alan mathematics is a pure science which doesn't permit fantasy only fact eventually all Theory must be submitted to the proof of the law of numbers which uh I'm happy to say has established our Theory to be factal yeah this is amazing this is certainly the answer to our problem mathematics may be completely factual as you say but in your case it's certainly blessed with a tremendous imagination in the beginning Einstein's entire thesis was imagination I'm so proud of you WR her thank you darling well isn't our doubting Thomas convinced I'm sto I don't quite understand the application of your second equation oh I do it's beautifully established I may mistaken but it strikes me as being a minus Factor you have missed the inclusion of the element N3 in the Reconstruction of the nuclear pattern oh yes I should have known you couldn't be guilty of error oh don't say that again our mathematical Babe Ruth hits a home run with a bases full oh that's what I would like to do to play baseball well our game is nearly over one more inning like this and I think we shall have won it you care to have dinner with me tonight in the game of chess ready I think uh Heaven Eng engagement fora no thanks very much he has an engagement with G you'll take care of the notes oh yes of course doctor all right that's enough dson well there we saw it genius at work notice anything out of the ordinary no except the little scene between Von STL and Dr Nea and the fact that she was the last person to handle the paper on which he wrote his equation if that's out of the ordinary yet it's right after these conferences that information has slipped to Brawn close examination of the film failed to provide a lead to the manner in which information was being spirited out of Lake VI but deduction convinced both O'Hara and Grayson that the time immediately following the Friday conferences was the hotspot acting on this reasoning O'Hara took immediate steps to have all of the key figures of the lake view project shadowed all right Malone okay Dan I've got him who's driving them Thompson makes a pretty good cab driver doesn't he excellent [Music] [Music] [Music] how I speaking professional men's club in Glendale oh made a speech and went back to okay Malone go to bed no luck no toen made a speech at the professional Club in Glendale V St a place to take your girl Hollywood ball Vagner Tristan and the Z you couldn't say it wasn't romantic you couldn't say one store when Dr Nea went in the mood hello yes this is Dan dinner at the prime r mhm science all right Thompson call it a day forest and Allen had dinner alone at the prime rib talk science and went back to the plant period do you snow Scotty all Englishman snore if I should tap you lightly on the head during the night with an ashtray you'll know what I mean oh boy am I tired nice people are scientific suspects very nice very congenial except one or more is a traitor and an accessory before the fact of two murders care a hazard a guess Mr Grayson that's the Rob Chum you pay your money it takes your choice I'll take Tony yes she is Rob rather attractive V St does all right for a scientist romance among the research well I suppose it can happen even in such sterilized environment but what does it prove seems to prove that V stall mixes a few red corpuses with his protons and neutrons so what she had my red corpal playing Leap Frog too your red corpuses are probably in a constant state of agitation is that bad you know if a man like Townsen can be a traitor to his country I'm ready to resign from the human race as I feel the same about Forest how about Allen Pioneer American Stock Union League club Boston P Bay oh fine but practically proving what has happened couldn't possibly have happened we've eliminated ourselves completely out of suspects you know what I think huh I think I need a good night's sleep tackle this thing with a fresh m in the morning night all right Ohara by your red corpuses are bouncing in pursuit of the dream image of the fair Tony it might be well to add these few random thoughts of her to your dreams why don't you go to sleep item she is Town's confidential secretary and is completely informed formed on All Phases of the Lake viie Project item only she besides Town's end knows the combination to the Vault item she speaks five languages including Russian interesting isn't it well good night wait a minute just what did you mean about Tony that's what I keep asking myself just what do I mean oh we'll approach it with a fresh mind in the morning good night on the Monday following the Friday Conference of Lake View scientists eigor braon expressed another crate addressed to London England acting under special Authority Grayson and O'Hara boarded the train opened the crate and established that it contained another painting by Braun later the same night the painting was examined in the laboratory of the Los Angeles Office of the FBI I hope Dr Townson hasn't a weak heart this this is going to be an even greater shock to him and we'll have to let it go through to hold it any length of time is almost certain to arouse Braun suspicions that's right we mustn't do that until we know how he gets the data out of the plant and who's supplying him with it I'd be willing to take the stand and swear that nothing can get out of that project but the laundry what was that again I said nothing can get out of there with the laundry you're so right here it is report on local people who visited Brawn the first name on the list is Carl Benish night manager of the elite laundry you see that yeah sure the elite laundry Friday night after the conference Tony and Von stob C looks like I'm about to get a new job in the laundry I think it's a job for Grayson if he'll take it on it will do away with even the slightest is risk of having you or one of our other agents recognized by anybody in the laundry how about it of course I'll take it down good the Federal Bureau of Investigation arranged to have Grayson planted in the elite laundry where on the following Friday night at [Music] 8:00 [Music] is for because of the fact that the lake view project was within one step of completion it had been decided that no more of the secret data could be permitted to fall into the hands of igar braon hence O'Hara was forced to take direct [Music] [Music] [Music] action [Music] [Music] check that for lat Prince Willam all right that's strange a L's handkerchief and a bundle of men's clothes you don't know just how strange it is yeah hand stitched hand embroidered Irish linen never been laundered Fred take a look at this for writing will you okay let's see what it shows under [Music] [Music] heat no acid on it the act to [Music] heat let's try on your fumes go [Music] ahead [Music] what do you think doesn't look like it's going to work well your boys better come up with something or I'm a dead duck we go to chemicals may take some time I'll [Music] wait come M yes comrade bro where is Krebs I don't know he's never been this late find out if he's left the laundry yes immediately [Music] well maybe it's a silver salt solution well let's try for [Music] it [Music] [Music] there she blows that's it that's what I was looking for now that we've got it how was it done well the draftsman's round pointed pen using a solution containing silver salt it's the same stuff that's used in ulion of photographic film then to bring it out you treat it with a developer that turns a silver Salt's plag yes it all checks oh thanks fellas thanks a lot well Fred will you bake that out in your cook stove and shoot it down in my office okay D see you lat so someone took the package of laundry away from you comrade cribs yes in the alley the dark I had no chance you realize what you saying I I'm trying to explain how it was and will you also explain how at the very moment of our success you brought us to the brink of disaster you are guilty of worse stupidity and greater negligence than the late comrade ratchet oh but C right the man who took the bundle knew its cont ense he must have followed you from the laundry who was that man I I don't know comrade I don't know I didn't have a chance to see comrade Brun well there's a man at the laundry a new man what new man he came to work Tuesday on the night shift what about him well it's nothing you can pick out but he doesn't seem like the other laundry floaters that take jobs like this I see and you waited until now to tell me about this new man well I wasn't sure no you weren't I will make sure Grayson had taken a cheap room in the poorer and almost deserted section of town as being more in keeping with his role of laundry worker operat mutal 72419 Los Angeles please for 5 minutes pleas Federal Bure of Investigation Mr Dan oara please I'll try to loc him for you Ohara oh Mr oara I'm glad I caught you I have a call for you from Lake View thank you pardon my curiosity Mr O'Hara but I'd like to keep myself posted on things how about the laundry Scotty I think we've hit the jackpot the answer to the winter take all question I'm on my way out to Lake View now with the evidence to talk to Dr Townsen where are you I I'm at home I'll pick you up on my way out be then about to 25 5 minutes right uh be careful of the front steps they're very tired oh I will I will stay putter I'll snap it walked right into it eh sure I know he would haven't you and feor stay outside right keep out of sight look my friend nobody in the house but you and the land lady here so don't worry about being disturbed now just who are you do you always introduce yourself to strangers like this your name is Grayson isn't it I'm sorry you have the advantage of me look at his hands it's like I said he never did a day's work before in his life I wouldn't say that maybe you think we're playing games I wouldn't say that either see if he has anything on him why'd you go to work for the laundry my appetite you sound like you're British what are you doing in Lake View I came here for my heal hey pay attention have you ever seen this man before no you're lying maybe you're an FBI man too I'm not you were planted in that laundry for a reason what was it I don't know what you're talking about you saw me pick up a bundle of laundry tonight tipped off your Gman partner what did he want with that bundle where did he take it I still don't know what you're talking about you get rougher fell wait a minute maybe we can find out another way look I'm going to ask you a couple of questions the answers better be right how long have you known this man came to live here a week ago has anyone come to visit him since he's been here nobody I'll keep on refreshing your memory like that now who did he talk to on the telephone who called him I don't know have you ever seen this man around here no you're lying he did come here he came to see him no come on you can do better than that you're stalling you're stalling relax don't worry about me young man I see plenty fellows like these before I escape to this country this is not the first time I've been asked questions in the same way by gentlemen like him my whole family was questioned to death I'm the only one left to answer more questions me you don't have to knock go right in well Ohara what a pleasant surprise that's just part of what I owe you for that business in the alley pretty smart aren't you so you found the answer thank you for delivering it to me in person this is the man you said you didn't know you didn't know him either he never came here all right curlyy give us 10 minutes and you and fdor remove these gentlemen I see when you can't convince your kill eh we have a nicer word for it liquidation you know what to do sure just make sure they have no identification on them all right Benish well goodbye gentlemen all right on your feet you too come on get going stand over against the wall put your hands over your heads Big Boy Turn Around slip off your coat I'll get those cleaners tags haven't had it that long it's brand new too bad you won't be able to wear it longer and no funny business when you throw it what yours too I'll take that pen and pencil set too [Music] this is ancho I know from your faces you are good men and I know from what those others said what they are fighting for I call an ambulance because I will not be here when it comes I am happy I can do such a small thing for my country country that has done so much for [Music] me immediately after seeing the two prisoners jailed O'Hara and Grayson raided the lake view AR Shop Boys you got the back door covered good you fellas cover the alley we'll take the front the capture of drawn and Krebs and the recovery of the handkerchief containing a copy of the secret formula was now of Paramount [Music] importance [Music] [Music] hey clean getaway didn't even have to show himself to the men we had watching I didn't think he'd be foolish enough to stay here and greet us Wonder we where he's gone to wait for the final formula that I don't know but I do know he's not going to get it Dr V stob and Tony guilty it's incredible it's fantastic how far does your work progressed at this moment Dr V sto provided us with a final formula last night was either U Tony or V sto left the project since that time no none of us good morning good morning you send for me Dr Townson yes this is Mr O'Hara Federal Bureau of Investigation it's Mr Grayson Scotland Yard how do you do how do you do they'd like to talk to you uh privately privately was anything wrong yes I'm afraid there is would you step into the study please yes yes certainly doctor I'd like to know the minute V stob comes in please of course what you sit down thank you you Mr Grayson I don't understand do you understand the penalty for treason Dr Nea treason what is the purpose of this interview what do you mean by treason it would be much better if you cooperated with us Dr Nea we know the secret information has been sent out of this plant to foreign agents no it couldn't have but it has each Friday after the conferences Von sto's calcul have been copied in a solution of silver salts on one of your handkerchiefs oh that's impossible later on the same evening you've delivered that handkerchief to the elite laundry concealed among your other personal effects how long have you going know this man Brawn Brawn I don't know anyone by that name come now doctor surely you remember the name of the man for whom this information was intended I've had enough of this I won't be browbeaten I don't know what your motive is but I refuse to be treated like a criminal how dare you insinuate that a handkerchief of mine could be connected with theft or treason I'm not insinuating Dr Nea I'm stating a fact Mr O'Hara what you're trying to prove is absurd let me remind you that I am not a mathematician and I do not understand the formulas to copy them you wouldn't have to understand them if you have such a handkerchief produc it prove that the handwriting is mine I can do better than that doctor we've never thought that you were in this alone I'll prove that you have an accomplice here in the project who furnished you with copies of the formulas and helped you deliver them an accomplice the man who created those formulas if you're referring to rant told be you're insane after all he's contributed here it's ridiculous ridiculous to accuse him of betraying a country he's come to love Dr Nea wait a minute O'Hara we must give Dr Nea a chance to collect her thoughts after all we're dealing with an intelligent highly sensitive woman who quite naturally is emotionally upset I've seen Dr Von STL but I uh I think he's Charming oh if you only knew him I can understand how he'd attract any woman especially if he wanted to use her love to make a dup of her I don't think I understand you but I understand you you love him very much don't you yes I do love him very much you understand I want to be lenient and I'm sure Mr O'Hara would make a strong recommendation for clemency wouldn't you Mr O'Hara I might in return for for cooperation there you see practically a promise what a fool I am I thought for a moment you believed me you're very clever Mr Grayson it's a Pity I hav a confession to make even to you your performance deserves one you didn't have to force me to admit that I love Dr Von stob I do so make the most of it but I deny everything every contemptible thing you've said or implied and that's all I have to say nice try didn't do much good though did do NE for the time being we're going to confine her to her quarters I'll assign a man to see that she doesn't leave the project she confessed what about V sto he hasn't reported to his office yet and doesn't answer his Bungalow phone we were all up a little bit late last night perhaps we'd better run over there doctor I'll show you to his quarters thank you I can't believe a man like Von sto would do a thing like this I would have St my life on his loyalty and integrity he must have discovered that you were going to question Tony his suicide is practically a confession I guess you could interpret it that way was a terrible thing to say but if this puts an end to this whole Gastly Affair you know if he had any visitors last night yes I know he did who was here to you acknowledge doctor well the conference lasted till about 11: I walked home here with f stob Tony dropped in after finishing her work about 12:30 Forest came in and Allan we were all here and shortly after that Tony and I left giving Alan and forest alone with him yes how was he dressed when you last saw him in his regular clothes not in his pajamas no I suppose you leave us to take care of the details doctor yes of course looks like a perfect suicide set up doesn't it perfect guilty man lacks cage to face arrest of course that substantiates our case against V stove and Tony right to the hillt S me appears that way here's the glass Ed for the poison that stuff is dynamite kills in a matter of seconds paralyzes the entire nervous system the instant it hits the throat say can you imagine him drinking that here and then walking into there that's a good question come here a minute yes I see it his glass couldn't have made that large a mark there were two glasses here looks like our friend Von stove had a late visitor he couldn't have had his last drink and then removed the other glass from the table and then walked into the bedroom he was carried of course it's murder it's got to be murder killer came back after the others had left on stove got out of bed went to the door and let him in which means it was somebody that he knew very well exactly and murder blows our whole case right out the window know what a mess I've made of this I should get out of the office and Thomas to North to take me off the assignment we're uncovered to the other side anyway right out in the open oh wait a minute brw has a problem too by having Dr Nea in custody we've cut his line of communication with the lake view project yes if it is Dr Nea but if it isn't Dr Nea braa might be forced to have his collaborator inside the project bring that final formula out to him what else can he do you think he takes a a chance to risk of exposing the connection he has in the plan he has to he must have the final formula to make the information he already has of any value the person we want inside the plant will lead us to the man we want outside I'd like to have another look at the film we made at the conference wouldn't you yes yes I would mathematics is a pure science which doesn't permit fantasy only fact eventually all Theory must be submitted to the proof of the law of numbers let's keep our eyes on that paper in V stb's hand all right which I'm happy to say has established our Theory to be factual here this is amazing this is certainly the answer to our problem mathematics may be completely factual as you say but in your case it's certainly blessed with a tremendous imagination in the beginning Einstein's entire thesis was imagination I'm so proud of you rich her thank you Dary well isn't our doubting Thomas convinced I'm sto I don't quite understand the application of your second equation oh I do it's beautifully established I may mistaken but it strikes me as being a minus Factor you have missed the inclusion of the element N3 in the Reconstruction of the nuclear pattern oh yes I should have known you couldn't be guilty of error oh don't say that that again our mathematical Babe Ruth hits a home run with the bases full you'll take care of the notes don't you oh yes of course doctor well I still can't figure it out neither can I and the paper was always in plain sight except when Allan leaned across the table to check Von st's results yes but you could see it all the time and I stayed on that table until Tony took charge of it after the conference yet a copy of the formula was delivered to Brawn that same night continuing to hold Tony in custody O'Hara in cooperation with the local authorities maintained a death watch over Townsen Allen and Forest who shared between them the final step in the successful completion of the lake view project both Grayson and O'Hara knew that there was no longer any doubt one of those three men was the traitor and the mer murderer V sto our her of buildings come in please building's over California 17u 982 don't lose it check you sure you won't take in that lecture with me no thanks not tonight all right see you in the morning good night good night ohar to Grayson come in Grayson to over California 29j 422 right [Music] Ohara calling Grayson O'Hara calling Grayson come in please Grayson to O'Hara what is it drop whatever you're doing and get right over here I'm on Lake View Boulevard heading north towards the pvta junction looks like I drew the lucky number we found our man and Scotty I know now how this thing has been done I just found out what it was we missed in the projection room good boy I'll be with you in a few minutes and don't spare the horses I'll fix your [Music] ticket iard all units aare to all units in the Los Angeles police in this area emergency order Converge on Lake View Boulevard near suta Junction and await further [Music] [Applause] [Music] orders [Music] [Music] a [Music] Grayson toara come in Grayson toara come in please Lon to O'Hara come in please [Applause] [Music] and the wheel my arms pin under the [Applause] [Music] wheel thanks for dropping in what happened let's get out of here I'll tell you later I heard all units or heard all units locate and follow California license 9p 5017 I repeat 9p 517 this car is escorted by a black sedan headed towards the above the junction approach with caution do not apprehend or alarm these drivers allow them to reach their destination and report back to me [Music] car 119 to ohhara come in please oh har the car 119 over car 95017 traced to location location is isolated House 3 m north of saala Junction nearest intersection is sarus road instructions please over Ohara to car 119 keep location covered and permit no one to leave premises ohhara off this is it Mr aara the car you once parked outside the house it was tailed in by that other car one man from the first car went into the house two from the other are they still in there they're still there sir no one came out good have your men get ready to move in Sergeant don't fire unless I give the signal right it's brwn isn't it it looks like him that's the last we saw of him you've done well ComEd KBS you too Ain in a few days we shall be honored as none of our comrades has ever been honored before we should be able to ask anything anything run run this is your last chance to surrender [Applause] what we've got this house surrounded throw your guns out the windows and come out with your hands up we we haven't got a [Applause] [Applause] chance get some ammunition he [Music] nice shooting Scotty thanks well that takes care of Braun and these boys where's the one we really want [Music] you come out or should we come in how long will it take just a few seconds now look Dr Alan I tell tell you I was not there of my own free will yes I know you've told us that a dozen times at 6:30 this evening I received an urgent telephone call asking me to come to that house on a matter of grave importance when I arrived at the door I was seized by those men without so much as an explanation oh I see practically kidnapped eh well yes what could they have wanted from me I have no money we know what your friend braw wanted the final data on the Lakeview project are you insinuating sit down Dr Allan just keep your seat until we can put you in a much hotter one this is preposterous I am a man of standing I have an unblemished personal and professional reputation Mr North May I inquire on what idiotic charge I am being held treason conspiracy against the people of the United States and murder Fon stobb you must have been under tremendous pressure doctor you weren't too clever with that Affair can't you add a few more have you any idea what fools you're making of yourselves oh Dan all set I demand proof of these absurd charges I think I can satisfy even you Doctor may I see your hand I refuse to submit to these gestapo practices what you're going to call us fascist black shirts too doctor isn't that part of the usual routine I have influential friends in Washington your hand I'll see that you sweat for this outrage your hand please doctor this is what we missed in the film of the conference at lakevi Mr North when this gentleman leaned across the table and pressed his hand on V sto's formula his palm had previously been treated with the chemical later he developed the chemical just as we did now then he made a copy of the formula on a handkerchief he stole from Dr nea's Bungalow which he later put back into a laundry hamper tonight he didn't have that opportunity he was forced to carry the information out to braon himself would you like to call your friends in Washington now doctor and complain about the Copo I wish to be represented by Council I demand the protection of due process of law and the country you try to betray we'll see that you get it I know my constitutional rights you'll never convict Me of anything I'm no Foreigner I'm American yes I know you are Alan we once had another American like you his name was Benedict Arnold all right War come on that's the end Valen Dr nea I here I want you to know how sorry we are thank you Mr Grace sometimes in the line of duty one is obliged to I understand thank you for saving what rter Von sto gave his life to create bye thank you goodbye sir good luck goodbye bye I suppose now you'll be going home to England not a chance if they want him they'll have to bring Scotland Yard over here quite can't disrupt a Good Neighbor policy you know goodbye goodbye goodbye so International cooperation between two Freedom loving peoples wrote a successful end to our Lake bu's history which should bring us an added sense of well-being and knowing that the footsteps of those who walk the crook at miles are followed by such men as Grayson and O'Hara la
Channel: DDF: Movie Collection
Views: 226,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, AdventureMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Walk a Crooked Mile, Crime, Drama, Film-Noir, Gordon Douglas, Louis Hayward, Dennis O'Keefe, Louise Allbritton
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 28sec (5368 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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