THE ASSASSINS - Hollywood English Action Movie | Hollywood Crime Action Full Movies | Jason Statham

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hey kiddo what are you doing I buy you a fancy Mexican meal and you're feeding to a mut real fancy you any idea what that is what tree chicken what that's what the locals call it colds headaches hangovers feels anything iguana that's what they say what about the digestion [ __ ] Iguana Taco yeah well you had it in Salvador yeah that was [ __ ] what about Angola the food was good there right [ __ ] yeah rhia [ __ ] Hamburg [ __ ] sure if it's not New York it's you got it [ __ ] look you wasting away got to get a job in New York that won't be a problem plenty of [ __ ] there than the move to [Music] [Music] yeah yeah yeah spee spe spee [Music] whoops [Applause] me the [Applause] [Applause] [Music] away [ __ ] stay down stay down k [Music] [Applause] what happened there was a kid in the car there was a kid in the car go go go go [Applause] I'm done with this I'm finished I can't do this anymore I can't do this for [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] D he get in these camel jockies have got diseases I don't want to think about where is he the client still has him what client we going there now okay drive so the client's an oil sheet no less used to rule some huge stretch of desert till his tribe kicked him out been living here in Exile ever since anyway sheiki was loaded and he wanted a job done Hunter took the contract then he ran they caught him at the airport and and you know the rest you got a package here go it what's the job just came with a price tag no details HTO took it cold why would it do that $6 million a big score Denny too bloody big for Hunter yeah well why'd you offer it to him he wanted the money and you were out remember yeah still am I'm done with killing yeah well maybe killing ain't done with you an needs the old Danny the best in the B is the one with Bulls a steal you remember him right look he comes hand of this you don't do this job Hunter's a dead [Music] man they're waiting for you [Music] [Music] this way he's waiting for his eyes to adjust be careful around this one boy my son forgets the ways of the desert since our war against the sordan all he has had of his homeland is this paint plaster My First Son Hussein was slaughtered here shot before his children and here at the Battle of mbad his brother Salim was wounded and then killed murdered and then my third son was taken from me Ali hunted down and slaughtered the lord of the desert says the blood of the victim must be washed away by the blood of The Killers but I refuse revenge and saved my last son but hit from the war so I was exiled to this desert I have wealth power but richment died too when I die I want beit to go home to my tribe but for that to happen the killers of my sons must be killed you don't need me a hunter for this you got all the men you need what use would my men be in England England the English sent their fiercest dogs to kill for the Sultan's oil the say yes yes they glorious Special Forces it was a war it was not England's War they came to my land murdered my sons now they will face my law the doctors say I have 6 months left to live you must avenge my sons before I die or your friend will die with me I don't care how you kill the killers but they will admit their guilt on tape and their deaths must look like accidents this must not Le back to my son so go show the English our war isn't over till both Sid say it is I want to see Hunter oh Danny no dny no no no no no what are you doing here get out of here am right am I all right yeah I'm all right got to go get away from here go go go go live for you anyway was thinking about the girls the S me too me too what's that supposed to mean it's tough putting food on a table what you feeding them 6 million no questions must thought that was a [ __ ] job yeah I know [ __ ] SAS oneway ticket for sure well you took the job and I'm not leaving you here hey get this man a drink I missed you well I didn't miss you every day you were out of this game was a good day for me I was proud of you when you got out stay out too late should have stayed away we run faster spee foree spee son bit what are you doing let me get my watch back [Music] go go go go get the door get the door give me go bravo bravo if you need to be shot and happily oblig kill my father needs him alive nice try you know they' have found you everybody gets found you knew my gut tells me you knew the Target and you knew Hunter wouldn't take it you used him as B that's a lot of angles daddy you think I'm that smart get out and you out we missed you at the dance last night I'm not much of a dancer besides I'm still trying to find out how much house is under this right big plans maybe too big you don't remember me do you yeah well it's been a while I'm in frer and frer and had red hair full of grass and weird red gum boots with eyes on them oh my God boy you ow me 50 Quid told you be back didn't I we missed you yeah there where I am all right then you want some yeah man you still got it you still got that edge you're a real killer come on let's talk while you're away you didn't start a family did you no so no one's depending on you only Hunter only Hunter cuz one you're going after the sis they're a paranoid Bunch always got their backup two you need Ino Oman no one talks about Oman they went in there as advisers and end up fighting the [ __ ] War real Hush Hush semi- mercenary stuff three you need confessions they're trying to resist torture so no matter what you say I'll do they'll say nothing and for Denny this is the best special Force's regiment in the world they make the Navy Seals look like a bunch of cupcakes and not only that you're trying to take down three of their geeses and make it look like an accident while I'm asking is give us some thought so you a day more if you want I'm going anyway of course I'm in you silly bastard it's what we do right anyway I got a SC set with him tried out for them when I was in the Paris did herit the whole [ __ ] life what and they wouldn't have you you want this bottle shoved up your ass are you upset would you like a lolly I'd love a lolly strawberry or [ __ ] you may in why 6 million reasons so what's the split after the agent takes his slice 50/50 between you two 50/50 how about you I'm in this for hun how wonderfully touching touching but [ __ ] stupid she could only idea one of the killers we need you to come up with the names on the other two start with the one they killed at mbat so the one target we do have is Steven Douglas Harris stayed on in a m after the war ended up flying choppers for the s's Armed Forces great juice Junkie me mar will head there to track him down B Danny [Applause] what the [ __ ] [ __ ] off [Laughter] well I hope the boggers like sand and the burgers huh White Range Rover coming your way it's Harris what are you doing come on have a go come on have a go just a and shoot go here we go you am [Music] [Applause] [Music] why why [Applause] why hey all right ladies you can throw your niers if you want go on you Che you sering man that mbat that was a that was a day wasn't it what about mbat how was it right me wasn't good got a make there get this quick yeah all right all right hello spiky it's bazer sick I'm on pluging that bloody thing next time I minut it yeah I'm on to this bloke here right he was in the bear earlier pumping some SAS Lads for INF for one mbat mbat and he says he's Walsh but he don't sound it I don't know maybe I'm being a bit paranoid but hey just cuz you're being paranoid doesn't mean to say they're not out to get you all right mate give me what you got okay put one of my locals on it [Music] [Music] the Armani Embassy our local followed him into the Visa section says he's Welsh calls himself Mr Jones we lost him after he left lost him he never came back to his car stolen anyhow he flies to Oman in 4 days I'd like permission to send one of my boys out there to tail him this was definitely some kind of wrecky that was a dirty war what we did there was questionable a man is a a bloody Hornet's Nest right this bugger is poking at it I want to know who he is I say we send a local any objections noted they'll leave you to choose the right man I'd also like it noted that we are xas the men we protect are xas and you spike though you hate to admit it our X SAS remember we're businessmen and bankers now what we do here is illegal we can leave no trace of our activities that's why we're called the featherman cuz our touch is light that's far's a good man they the SAS lost him they lost a good soldier yes but the problem is he thinks he's still in the SAS well someone has to do the Dirty Work none of us want blood on our pin stripes listen I've got no problem with blood what worries me is ink make sure he keeps us out of the newspapers what's doing boss your arabic's still good right good enough you're going know I'm man I got a block I want you to tail out there you lucky bastard you know what you're gorgeous where are you staying I'm staying at the Hilton as a matter of fact so am I what room you in why would you like to know you are what are we doing out here then in the middle of nowhere what I asked him to go hide it he hides it could have been your assho or consider yourself lucky sh it law appreciate it thank you these ts are an exact Mi to the sh step 100% haris on the cor with his Ox put case CL get out of there you boys are going about this all wrong that birdie screw's married why don't we just pop them both them I looked like husband did it pop them both she ever done Harris were after poor bastard 10 years after the war he coms it for doing something he was ordered to do you knew what he was doing when he joined the club yeah what club The Killing Club could be you or me yeah but it's not I'm just glad I never killed a ret no offense my son let get us done excuse my friend he's a royal [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] where's he going to run it's the middle of a [ __ ] desert son fire CL up with the next show let's go let's [ __ ] where is he [Music] [Music] get out of here fck can't help so what now somebody's on our ass we should move right away I'll set up Harris's interview for tomorrow Davis you make sure his girl doesn't sh she has nothing to do with this [Music] [Music] we're military historians I'll do the talking all right well it's 5:00 somewhere isn't it so where's this documentary going to be Shan then on the tell the chair those bastards and sea company put us together h what's the matter they didn't let sand them that Burgers hey hello boys not saying a word till I see my lawyer think back the village of Kum he killed the gorilla Commander his name was hen bin Amir do you admit [ __ ] off you kidding right you commanded a company there let a company on that up sure yeah you assassinated husen bin Amir Witnesses dropped him in front of his family all right you got me I did it [ __ ] you good one now I'm timeing get up hey piss off we have what we need what have I told you somebody else dropped your G Commander his name is I can't remember but he's writing a book about the H man gig you might find it in there if you could read is it a bathroom no on your KN [ __ ] C your [ __ ] head down get your [ __ ] hands off me you're [ __ ] kidding me still find you put your [ __ ] head in the toilet poor [ __ ] I need money for the taxi I had to take a taxi I had a flat [ __ ] you Cas closed [Music] tells of a dramatic 12 rescue operation to sa the radio ship seems your friend did what you couldn't wouldn't wouldn't couldn't his avenge hin good news for the old man not for you what do you mean Three Brothers dead riding in the sand you didn't want to get revenge yourself scared of getting your hands dirty better get used to it no Palace for your going a tent to hold the [ __ ] in me he's your worst nightmare and he's going to do it and when he does you're out of here when I find you in that desert I pray God keeps my aim true well what do you think yeah it's coming along what are you doing for New Year's Eve dinner oh [ __ ] stranger a bit of an exotic thing around here come on I didn't think I was a stranger oh but you're still exotic Danny something tells me you've got a story to tell yeah come on what are you waiting for part's [Music] outside happy New Year it's a tradition around here happy New Year [Music] [ __ ] mbat the artist name is on the back have them talk to him one more thing my boys had some trouble in Oman somebody was telling we'll have to have a look into that won't we yeah ahuh that's how you get it our life like then sorry f of the lads isn't that like cheating I'm recreating an historical event accuracy is everything H that m p stop me call when I saw it you're at mban had a mate there I was hoping you might have an address for him you with the SOS was your best bet for an address would be regimental Association talk to me it's been the last few years playing my trade overseas and G in that I come to you on official like well I uh might have something somewhere just give me a few minutes be my guest I got a [ __ ] are asking about M yeah claims it's with the regiment no there's no way he was going to say yes yeah I can smell it of him he's a bloody [Applause] fake my contact says the cor was cut off but ging said that there was somebody there asking about mbat it has to be our guy and what would you have us do about it find them if we don't there's going to be another murder and it'll be one of our mbat boys then who are they well they're Pros for sure if these guys are going after the SAS they're going to be Top Class professional assassins they must have a string of hits behind them but they're completely under the radar all we've got is a man a man we all know our people went too far a man mbat it all needs to be left alone you should try telling that to the Welshman he's right we have to find this phony Welshman and his crew the file says an sas officer killed the shik's son at the Battle of mbat War Steven Craig he was the only officer there that night killed everything that moved he's our worst nightmare a real hot shot paintings of him the lot you goodness the bloger did the paintings don't you worry about that all right you shuffled off this morning Co that wasn't part of the deal come on [ __ ] happens when you're play in the deep end of the pool Danny why can't you two stick to the plan huh what you been watching this Craig what's your next big idea his wife's in hospital when he's not training for the selection March he spends most days there so why don't we hit him there no not near his family give me everything you know that much we'll see where that goes okay so there's only four more about survivors in Britain I got locals on the other three you get the celebrity it's War Craig you're kidding wish I was Welcome to Hell the SAS selection March 41 M 55 lb of gear they lose some every couple of years don't you even think about it why not during the march this place is craw with sis yeah you said it yourself it's an accident waiting to happen how you going to catch him then he's been trying for months he's like a gr just have to slide down w't we insulin chlorpropamide inial hair anything doing no Craig's still in there with these misses yeah boss this will keep you going cheers penck I need you back here mate pronto [Music] what are you doing are youing [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the [ __ ] way this friend [Applause] [Applause] [Music] a [Applause] oh d no [Music] you wouldn't [ __ ] believe it somebody was watching Craig what H you think he's from the same style as the shooter in the desert maybe who's good whoever he is he too late all good good choma slows him down insulin sends him into Shar I tell it too and when were you plan on getting it to him before the March how it's an sas Bas stand it that you trained in so think back the security lay at the law nuts you going to die man you really are one crazy son of a [ __ ] Danny e [Music] [Music] [Music] right on the trucks I don't care what regiment you're from I don't care how great you think you are let's see what you made of ladies on the trucks come on moving you lot he only got hard the do is he enough enough he's a dead man walking stay out of okay his name was s vamir you remember the name did you kill him think back did you kill him major yeah I did it I did the bastard so glad he was D want to do this your boy doesn't want to go back to the desert the ministry of defense today announced the death of an army officer during Maneuvers 33-year-old major war Steven Craig died of exposure during an sas exercise on bre weather conditions at time were described as aing hurricane Factory [Applause] show a bit of respect top there I come bearing gifts from my boys in Angola I have no idea how you meant to eat this so sh who's on our us I'm on it don't worry look there's only one more to go after this is done I'll get you boys a nice cushy job in a sun there is no after us I'm a vulture I live off Killers gives me a unique perspective have you heard of the 2% that's you Davis yes a that's all you love mercenary Hit Men Heroes your part that 2% of men who are natural Killers that's why you'll never get out you can't run away from who you are Denny that's not who I am that's what I've done and I can do something else yeah yeah that's all nice and good but let's just take care of business first shall we your third target major Simon mccan mad Simon mccan of late how'd you find him asked around it was easy these days is your basic cash for trash mercenary he's a Sitting Duck I did not tell you I came bearing gifts you know where to find me you don't trust that snake do you he's lying yeah how do you not his lips were moving he just gave us a third target he done nothing on that last fall someone's onto to us I want hun her out of there I want this finished and I want to be around to enjoy the money when it is the first thing you should buy is a pair of balls we're going after mcken all right I miss you there's a lot I don't know about you but I do know that much I convinced myself that everything's okay because when I'm with you I'm happy then you go away and I realize that I know nothing about you I don't know where you go and I don't know what you do I mean you've got a whole another life Denny is there someone else come on man well then what is it I mean Jesus what are you not telling me what are you hiding can we talk about this when I get back to hell with it what you show me a beautiful woman I'll show you a Blog that's sick of her [ __ ] shut up Roger then that him that's him major Simon mccan served in the Sultan's forces to who pensioned out for four years ago you want Sam doesn't look like an invalid like I said a bomb went off under his Jeep scrambled as wiring he can't keep the job he's a [ __ ] psycho Jesus s good come on she doing here come on it's the one I went head to-head with at the hospital right wa white [Music] wa let's go stick with him w [Music] back it's me you okay oh yeah still scraping skin heads up my doorstep oh I was just uh just checking in Lo who drives that green ja what's his name his name's Spike Logan he's an ex soldier of some kind he got his eyes shut out PL hero somewhere he's got no job and he keeps OD hours H don't you know who these guys are I mean Secrets being your bread and butter don't worry about it I do worry about it you should do every move my guys make these lot of waiting if you ask me I think it's time you put those fancy shoes of yours on a few throats yes but no one is asking you you'll be interviewing for a security position Mr mcken actually we got your name for mutual friend the sis so we'll see you Tuesday 17th at 10 okay we look forward to it see you there all right my son you'll be there good I don't get it but Ken lives here he'll be here for the interview here Tuesday at 10 they'll take this ride the Boston breaks perfect they weren't perfect in Boston I wasn't at the controls got 10 days 10 days quicker we get this done the better I'm going to need to bring in some help okay okay just like that mck's being watched how you going to get a confession out of him we are we'll fake it bit of bad lightning camera work you can be him what we'll do is play back what admit to in the reports who are you I'm the one that let fly around in an unmarked chopper with a gun in my pocket you can call me miick Myck [ __ ] what's in charge we have questions about this little illegal Club of yours the featherman you're a attack dog time to bring him to heal ehy and then we'll put that on the agenda we'll be with you in a minute I want to put locals on major McAn Around the Clock I realize McAn is an old friend of yours but what is it to do with us but this is our chance to get the bastards who killed Craig and Harris the authori saw no evidence of Foul Play either case what are you talking about no evidence I've got the evidence right here everybody in this room knows that those men were killed everybody knows that Manan is going to be next it's an out [ __ ] we have to do something well we could put it to the vote Yes but that require the full committee and um it'll have to [Music] wait Spike that was a setup he sent him away he knew there'd be a vote Spike please look listen this is getting big the powers that be are asking questions pressure is being applied they have their reputations to protect I'm not doing this to protect reputations you know a light touch is one thing with no touch at all I can't do this you realize this thing is set up for maximum deniability you're the only one who knows the locals all their orders come through you so so this comes out you're the one who takes four four from where I am done with this whole committee thing I'm going to find him he's a good kid don't worry I'm stoping his mom dozes he know he can't bring his mom in the job yeah yeah yeah tell your mates and om man I said hello Danny is this what it was like when your first time this is your first job Jesus my first time I puked for a day afterwards was young and dumb just the way the Army likes him I got to be good at this man it's easy yeah killing easy living with us the hard part if I see him I'll give you a bell don't be shy about spreading the word there's a very tidy finders Fe I'll keep my eyes peeled one more and we'll call it a night they're on he's late just keep me at 75 ft and give me a clear line of sight yeah okay [Music] [Music] would you buy your [Music] license on is to doing sh day you'll have a vis on Danny in 1 minute stay with him Jake I got him I got him we have Target in sight going to miss it come on get in get in behind him just do it get in there not enough room push him I can't get in there okay then overtake him go pass him the hell you doing Mayer I need a range countdown Mayer don't screw this up I'll operate looking backwards relax M Davis we'll give it a [Music] countdown 400 m okay range me 300 M outside line wire 200 m here he comes 100 [Applause] m now now now fish TI fish tile [Music] oh oh you [ __ ] got him you got him man oh [ __ ] he's dead he dead is [Music] [Applause] Alvis you got him man stop the car we got to be sure Elvis is left the build [Music] Target out a minder head to the exit Point bring him to [Music] me you had a [ __ ] mind [ __ ] got him man you got shut up F who is he I don't know give me an update Davies oh man he's coming past here take a left sh up here left keep going hold on come in [Applause] David D where the [ __ ] are you got here bastards [ __ ] this go go here he here he comes get out of the car where the [ __ ] do you guys come from step away from the car Jake take it AJ check the car slowly that shouldn't have happened it should not [ __ ] happen take it easy Danny D take it easy we were out of there clean done look I'm getting C's not picking up [ __ ] who are these bastards I don't know but they're looking for their men and they're not legit Jake call this number tell the agent we need a cleanup crew here ASAP and why that radio into my car get me here so that's it then yeah done I'll fly tonight you should get going too they're close what happens to Myers cat it has to be somebody poor s I'll have a hooker for him he' like that yeah be safe me too Davis I'm sorry we're still looking for Campell but it looks bad [Music] thanks you sir if there's anything else room service something exotic [Music] yeah I found your Welshman you sure it's him I'm sure [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] hell get up get dressed move move [ __ ] dog get up don't say a word to anyone you understand you kill sawon Manan didn't you and Campbell where is he you [ __ ] never heard of him all you got yes Spike we got the Welshman we're bringing him to you now over nice work pen well done I'm looking forward to meeting the bastard hey Spike's going to cut your dick off and shove it in your mouth you like that I like the sound that yeah do you yeah yeah I do get in the van get in come on get in [ __ ] me you're kidding come on get in there you are you prick wa [Applause] what am I meant to do with that yeah had this on him oh phone number great work that part of Min me was our best chance of finding out who these bastards are print him and Trace that Bloody number you [ __ ] idiots drop it left hand the gun the floor can't get to mate the Welshman they we bringing them to you where is he he didn't make it you you do it truck he made a break for it he got lucky would have been very slow otherwise yeah well that was my [ __ ] friend yeah and my cam was mine and one of our F no Davies Meer Harris McAn Craig Campbell too many names on that list don't go adding yours Spike inside who are you doesn't matter after tonight I don't exist what the [ __ ] is that supposed to mean sh done you think so no uniform no war not special you don't know what to do with yourself nobody knows what to do with you right wrong you know my name but you don't know me you have no idea who you're [ __ ] with really don't follow me don't put your name on that list third confession The Killers have been killed now you can go home you can help you man you will get the money when it's being checked bring him out bring him out me put I just want to put my watch on what's the matter with you you what yeah what's the plan you have okay sounds good I was sure you were going to get yourself killed kiddo how in the hell did you do it how did you pull it off H I don't want to talk about it I get it thank you not for me but for my kids for having a dad I can never thank you enough for what you did never yeah you can you can get out of business be done with this [ __ ] no more soldier in no more Ming work all right okay okay I'm asking you please tell me a d I'm done I'm out good you stay out otherwise all this is for nothing so how are the Yankees doing you could have called you would have answered sorry about that you're sorry maybe you should be sorry so it's over you going back again no and you're ready to tell me everything whatever you want to know good except I don't want an N want me all I've I've missed you Daddy I don't really care about the past I just care about now hey boss all right K that phone number that was the business was for some [ __ ] travel agent runs Merc in L of every [ __ ] hole in the world come on hello hello Danny where'd you get this number please Danny don't insult my professionalism what do you one we got a problem with the job the job's done no you killed the wrong guy there's one more to go I busted my nut setting his job up and I want my 10% I did what I had to do tell that to the Sheik he wants a London meet with his son check with your girlfriend before you make any rash decisions [Music] what for what are you doing come to bed come with me an what to Paris you can wait for me there while I'm in London leave tomorrow nothing's given you here right I it's the middle of the night you can't they know about you who knows about me they about us when will this be over sure all goes well it will W it D keep a good eye now huh listen don't do this on your own no other way DA's may all this he you come on let's just get in the car we go to London it we have a deal remember what do you think I can't cut this is that it I mean I'm not a baby s come on I need to know she's safe you're the only one to trust this is [ __ ] you can run both of you just go come on everyone gets found you know that you're going to get yourself killed Kido thanks for doing this you got to be kidding me welcome back to London sir thank you sir [Music] you tell the old man he threatens her again I'll put it between his eyes Harris the pilot on his film he said another solder killed my brother he was winding us up he thought it was some kind of a joke this was just published the author served with the SAS it describes an ambush where he killed the gorilla leader Harris did not kill us you gave me his name you said he was guilty well such as Al's will Alice's will you had me kill it as a man the book would be the real Killer's confession I'm a father I know what your father needs I need everything you can get on a Ral FS yeah right X where you got I got fins he's still pushing his book on on M he'll be doing a press bash on Tuesday Tuesday I know it's a bit short notice but I'll be able to pull a crew together do this on my own you sure it's just a phone call I guess he's [Music] sure b i n g [ __ ] up I knew I'd find you you bastard [Music] you mind listen to that you look lonely Danny's friend the famous Hunter he say nice things what are you doing here watching you you should be with him I tried it didn't work he wanted me here to protect you and you look like you needed protecting from what you you're thinking about him not coming back what happens then no I have a wife I know the look we've known each other through thick and thin Danny and I Seline my wife she loves him my kids love him I mean wild animals like Danny yeah I know Danny's going to come back for you and when he does you're going to steal him away huh I didn't know what the plan is M you what play I have a woman to interrogate now all right boys so this guy is good very good he senses something's up he runs your corner him he fights but now the gloves are off it's all [ __ ] ends today all right everybody knows the rules there are no rules Ro [Music] boss he's out front I think we're on this could be him black LS that just the Ser stairs to be just hold your positions we'll no soon enough got him stays alive P don't shoot touch him not there stay St there you [ __ ] get his helmet off before he chokes [Music] [ __ ] then time get the wall okay easy with that [Music] guys our man's down head for the roof [Music] hen head for the roof we're on our way up now boss come [Music] he jumped he jumped [Music] come on come on he's on the Move let's go [Music] come [Music] got it there's no sign him up here boss I can see all the way to the river he's gone [Music] move and You're Dead all right let's go let's go get in what is this that's for Campbell and that's for CRA you finished we haven't even start take the hood off way outside boys save a little bit for us boss so why is he still alive why didn't you kill him what were you to done I thought you were the good guys who are you who do you work for you and I got a line commment really you think so so you're sitting there tied to a chair and I'm standing here with a gun in my hand now you tell me what the [ __ ] this was all about what you think this is over there'll be somebody else your boy finds he's going to die go and put a trigger kill me and you kill FS stop to again get him I stopped you I stopped them I didn't want to kill him they will you put that in the right hands this thing's over the camera why proof evidence that he's dead it's the only way you'll save him you tell me I walk I'll tell you who's behind us and where to find him okay you walk Shake him here Bessa you'll find him in a man why what they killed three of his sons some good guy drop it inside beside him on your knees you set up that's what we love about you lot we only care about the action never think about what you might really be fighting for or who never see the big picture you're the one that was set up he just wouldn't get out the way Her Majesty's government doesn't like secret societies particularly when they get in the way of our interests do you know how much oil that pathetic crust of desert is floating on do you know what those contracts are worth three men's lives that's right that's right we deliver the killers son number four goes home and when Shiki re-ups the contracts we get f able consideration a bar you bastard you're a patriot who serves his country as those three men did with their deaths as you will with yours [Music] [Music] [Applause] door [Applause] C [Music] there she is Danny might have dropped off the radar but one thing's for sure he'll come back for her he'll come through that door with $6 million and she won't be there who don't you screw out of his 10% Yours Truly boss deal with him [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] it wasn't person this business you played us I don't care why but if ever a lion piece of [ __ ] needed killing it was you game's over you know I would I just wanted my C she was only C you go after them I'll find you remember remember everybody gets found even [Music] you you got to get those photos to that old bastard to finish this thing for good yeah kiddo that's why I'm here what about you baby s's Overkill who says I say she safe you're the one taking your chances now come on come on you walked into a trap last time you think I'm going to let you do that again I told you girl you going to become a back to her you want to make a liar out of me no you're supposed to be guarding her not interviewing her those a sucker for her pretty face don't denying that she's a keeper that's for sure she doesn't know does she son it's going to be tough my old man used to say life's like licking honey from a thorn yeah what does that mean something about good times and bad times seems like there's been all thorns for us LEL both of us all right let's finish this I'll be top cover anything goes wrong I'm coming in hey look the Chic wants this over it's in hand over the photos and out yeah yeah there isn't going to be a problem from your mouth the God's is don't move till I give the all clear okay [Music] here were you what do you want for the shake I have to see it placed in his hands [Music] [Music] take these to my people show them what I have done I have a message for the sh still alive that FES but this is going to [Music] end I don't care what would I do huh that God forsaken desert have you forgotten [Music] something hold it hold it stay where you are something's not right here you see this yeah I see it so we're in the wrong place [Music] let's go let's go [Music] relx I only kill the C [Applause] you again back at the palace what happened in there he was there waiting for a message from you I was the messenger and what do you think his boy in there didn't give a [ __ ] he's not going back to the desert so there'll be no oil contracts it was all for nothing is that right and the winner is so that's what this is all about yeah allers and blow from here on it you just don't get it do you did you you sure did you I got to cover my expenses you can't go back to England I'd have to kill in that spook who the [ __ ] are you oh me the voice of experience where you going to go what are you going to do you're going to need this new name new face new papers expensive you'll see damn shame you think you get to just walk away nobody walks away no me you none of us the old man you just killed you tell me a war isn't over till both sides say it is well I'm telling you now this is over for me really and what you want me to say me too and then it's happy ever after your choice you know when I got this they told me my war was over I told them they were full of [ __ ] now I'm telling it to you let it go so where you going well you planning a visit you never know you come I'll be waiting we'll call your C from the airport hey on you and Fraser the girl with those weird gums are you Denny Bryce the boy who went away yeah I'm back where you headed I don't know me neither want to come along [Music]
Channel: Hollywood English Collection
Views: 8,636,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollywood movies full action hd, hollywood movie 2023, hollywood movie in english, Hollywood Movies In english 2023, new action hollywood movies in english 2023, new hollywood movies 2023, hollywood movie english mai, hollywood movie, movies 2023 full movie, hollywood movie english, hollywood movie english 2023, hollywood action movies in english, Killer Elite, crime action movie, Killer Elite full movie in english, hollywood action movie in english, The Assassins
Id: panc98vEKXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 5sec (6425 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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