John Wilkes Booth Grave and Cemetery Spring

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everyone so here we are at the remount cemetery in Baltimore and we're going to go have a look at another famous grave you may be asking where this water is coming from and over here there is a spring you can see here look at that little spring in there I don't think I want to drink the water coming out of this spring due to the fact that there's bodies buried everywhere but still very very cool looking is it look how clear it is Wow all right so I'm going to take a little walk up here and check out the booth family plot where John Wilkes Booth of course the man assassinated President Lincoln where he is buried and if we see some stuff away this this graveyard is so beautiful it really is just you ever come to Baltimore and you want to check out just a really cool Cemetery this is the one to come to you just have this amazing kind of old-world art and that's what these these tombstones are they are art I mean look at how incredible you do you just don't have cemeteries just don't look like this anymore because you don't have artisans who do that's kind of work anymore unfortunately but it would appear that this is a little eerie what is she standing on oh maybe it's a snake I just thought it was like him straight up ssin anyway this right here is the Bluth family plot as you can see they have a big monument here they're some of the family now the one thing about this particular grave if you're looking if you come here and you're looking for John Wilkes Booth you're going to be like well where is he where is this grave as you thought over here you have Joseph booth MD Cora booth I believe these were his parents if I'm not mistaken or maybe it was Richard booth I'm not sure there's another booth over here but actually John Wilkes is buried right here and you can see people leave Lincoln pennies on top of his tombstone I guess in a final insult perhaps for his terrible deed but yeah this is this is where John Wilkes Booth is married right down there it's anyway just thought I'd show it to you guys it's pretty cool you can understand why back in the day why he was buried with just a plain worker nothing special on it family probably didn't even want him to didn't want people to know that he was actually buried here I think for a while that was the thing they kept it secret of where his body was interred so anyway another cool place and this is amazing before we go more of those amazing carvings this looks like a scroll of paper it's incredible oh man that is so amazing
Channel: Dan Bell / Film It
Views: 490,573
Rating: 4.7086253 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Capture
Id: ZOPegyKaydI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2016
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