In His Father's Shadow: Robert Todd Lincoln

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Hi, I'm the History Guy. I have a degree  in history and I love history and if you love   history too this is the channel for you. On April 9th 1865, General Robert E. Lee   surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to  Union General Ulysses S. Grant following the   defeat of the Confederate Army at the Battle of  Appomattox Courthouse. The surrender documents   were actually signed in the parlor of a home  owned by a man named Wilmer McLean and they   were witnessed by both Grant and Lee's staff.  The last survivor among those witnesses lived   all the way until 1926, and by coincidence was  a very famous person, one of the most important   statesmen of his day, this is him later in life.  Don't recognize him? Maybe you recognize his dad.  Robert Todd Lincoln was Abraham Lincoln's  firstborn son and the only one of Abraham   Lincoln's children to survive to adulthood. His  younger brother Edward died of a fever just the   age of three. Robert grew up at a time when his  father was practicing law on a circuit and thus   was traveling, gone most of the time, and so  their relationship was distant not very close;   Robert once noted that his most vivid memories  of his father growing up was Abraham packing   his saddlebags. By the time that Roberts  father was elected President, Robert was   attending Harvard University. He described his  father's being so busy that they scarcely had   ten minutes quiet time together during his  entire presidency. Robert graduated Harvard   in 1864 and briefly attended law school  there, but he felt compelled to join the   Union Army and share the risk that everybody  else was taking. At first his mother resisted,   his little brother Willie had died in the  White House of a fever in 1862, and his mother,   Mary Todd Lincoln, feared that she could not  withstand another loss. But Robert eventually   prevailed and his father asked General Grant if  Robert could be assigned to his staff. Robert  was made an assistant adjutant and given the  rank of captain and that is why he was present   to witness Lee's surrender. Robert had traveled  to Washington to visit his parents on April 15th,   and his parents invited him to go to the theater  with them but he declined, he had been traveling   on horseback all day and needed a rest. And so  Robert narrowly missed his father's assassination. Robert moved with his mother and his younger  brother Tad to Chicago and he continued his law   studies, he was admitted to the bar in 1867.  In 1868 he married the daughter of a United   States Senator; they had three children.  In 1876 Robert was elected town supervisor   of the town of South Chicago, a town that was  eventually absorbed into the city of Chicago;   that was his only elected office of his career.  In 1877 he was offered the position of Assistant   Secretary of State by President Rutherford B.  Hayes but he declined, although he remained   active in Republican politics. And then in 1881, he  accepted a cabinet appointment as Secretary of War   in the new cabinet of President James Garfield.  He was with Garfield in the train station in July   of 1881 and witnessed Garfield's assassination.  Robert continued to serve as Secretary of War   in the cabinet of President Chester A. Arthur  where he was involved in many military reforms,  he left the position in 1885. And then in 1889,  he was appointed to the important position of   Minister to the United Kingdom under President  Benjamin Harrison where he served for four years.   When he returned to the United States he became  General Counsel of the Pullman Palace Car Company,   the world famous maker of railway cars. And  when the founder George Pullman died in 1897,   Robert was made president of the Pullman Car  Company. He served in that position until 1911   when he left due to ill health but he stayed  on as chairman of the board clear until 1922.  Despite his very accomplished life Robert Todd  Lincoln has often remembered for three things,   the first was a coincidence. Somewhere in 1863  or 1864 Robert Todd Lincoln was riding a train   from New York City to Washington DC, and while  in Jersey City, New Jersey, he was bumped off   a train platform landing in the dangerous spot  between the platform and the train. A stranger   reached down and pulled him out and when Robert  looked up he realized that his savior was the   most famous actor of the day, a man named  Edwin Booth. Only later did Edwin Booth find   out that the young man that he had saved was  President Lincoln's son and that, it is said,   to have offered Edwin Booth some solace as he was  personally devastated when his younger brother,   John Wilkes Booth murdered President Lincoln.  Second, in 1875 Robert had his mother, Mary Todd   Lincoln committed to an asylum, he was concerned  about erratic behavior after the death of his   younger brother Tad at the age of 18. Mary was  able to get some letters out to her attorney who   was able to convince Robert to let her leave the  asylum and live with her sister but it included   some public embarrassment for Robert, and he and  his mother never fully reconciled. And finally,   Robert Todd Lincoln is sometimes described as  being somewhat unlucky because of his proximity   to three presidential assassinations. He  just missed his father's assassination,   he was there when James A. Garfield was  assassinated and he was just getting off   a train going to visit president William  McKinley when McKinley was shot in 1901.  It is tragic that a man who lived such an  accomplished life is remembered for coincidences,   he was there for three presidential  assassinations because he was proximate to   power during a tumultuous time. But Robert  Todd Lincoln lived an extraordinary life,   he was born poor and found great success and  died very wealthy. He was an elder statesman,   he was a leader in his party who was suggested as  a candidate for president or vice president many   times but always declined. He was the president  of one of the largest corporations in the country,   he was frankly one of the most accomplished men of  his era. His last public appearance was May 30th   of 1922 when he appeared with President Warren  G. Harding and former president and Chief Justice   of the Supreme Court, William Howard Taft, at the  dedication of the Lincoln Memorial. He passed away   in 1926 just a few days shy of his 83rd birthday.  He was the last surviving member of the Garfield   and Arthur administration's and the last surviving  witness to Lee's surrender. Robert Todd Lincoln   lived an amazing extraordinary accomplished  life during one of the most dynamic periods   in American history and darn it, he deserves to  be remembered as more than just his father's son.  I'm the History Guy. I hope you enjoyed this  edition of my series 5 minutes of history,   short snippets of forgotten history 5 to 10  minutes long. If you did enjoy this then go ahead and  click the thumbs up button there on your left.  If you have any questions or comments then   write them please feel free to write them in the comment section and I would be happy to respond. And if you want to get   five minutes more of forgotten history, then  click the subscribe button that is there on your right.
Channel: The History Guy: History Deserves to Be Remembered
Views: 834,181
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Keywords: history, the history guy, us history, abraham lincoln, robert todd lincoln
Id: B_3FsfmevnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2017
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