John Gotti's "The Hole" Body Dump Site | Michael Franzese

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you know but i'll never forget that drive driving through that place it was without a doubt the most unpleasant place that i had ever visited up to that point in my life it kind of the reality of that life really set in for me in that drive in the hole [Music] [Music] everyone welcome to another sit down with michael francis hope everybody is doing well all is good and blessed on this end and as always i give god all the praise honor and glory for that and people you know you see the title of the video today i got to be honest with you this is not my favorite subject unfortunately it is a part of the mob life that i was once very much entrenched in and from the way you people reacted over the last video we did about bodies or the burial ground for the mob in vegas lake mead people were they just enjoyed it or they were interested in it i don't know what to say but unfortunately it's not a pleasant topic but it's something that i know that the people that follow me want to hear and you know as part of what i do i kind of educate you on the mob life and try to give you the truth the real side of it without glorifying it because obviously when you're talking about death and murder it's not a it's not a great subject but again it's just giving you information and informing you but before i go into that you saw the title today it's about a place called the hole and it was a burial ground for bodies in new york it was a place that john gotti allegedly used i'm not going to say he did i was never with john or people that you know put a body there when it happened so i can't say that for a fact but you know from what you hear and what you know when you're on the street you hear things and and of course you know you can take it from there and assume that some of these things are true but before i get into that i have to comment on this horrific horrific shooting spree that went on in that texas school i don't know what to say about it people you know 19 kids were killed i think another adult i think the the the total is up to 21 now certain more were injured it's just a horrible horrible thing it's been on my mind as well as everybody else's mind in the country i'm sure for a day or two since this happened and it's it's just horrible i don't know what to say other than the fact that there is a lot of evil in this world i don't know what motivated this young man i don't know the details i don't know anything about it i'm not going to get political and talk about guns this is not the time this is a time for healing for people to get together and try to find the reasons that these things are happening here's a troubled young man 18 years old i understand he shot his grandmother first and then went to the school and did this uh absolute tragic tragic tragic killing of these young people i don't know what to say you know to me i just pray to god that things like this stop that we find the root causes of this you know look over the past 20 years or so i've spoken to so many young people that have come out of broken homes without a father figure in a house with a mother struggling to do her best trying to you know get herself you know organized and get on with her life nonetheless trying to do that with her children that so many mothers are not equipped to do they get married at a young age look i'll say this i'm going to take a hit for it but i don't care you know there's a time in life when you have to be bold without criticizing anybody individually but you got to be bold in certain things i believe that so much of the trouble that we're having today is due to the breakup of the family that's it i know from experience i speak to these young kids so many of them tell me hey i never had a father figure in my house michael i never grew up you know watching anybody that i cared about that i idolized nobody ever taught me anything i've heard this time and time and time again so when i make a statement like this it's based upon my experience and again i'm 71 years old i've met so many of these young people in prison and over the past 25 years i've met so many of these gang bangers these kids that have gotten themselves in trouble because they have no guidance they're brought up in a single family home and it's tough and i've said this so many times you know i have seven children and it's rough raising them even in the best of circumstances when you take away you know that father figure or you know people around these young people that can guide them and teach them it's very very tough they have more negative influences at their fingertips on their phones are being bombarded all the time it's a tough situation and all i can say is you know my heart goes out to the families of these people i can't even imagine what they're going through today to wake up to something like this or to get that phone call god forbid it's so horrible so you know my heart goes out and people let's not politicize this let's try to find the root causes of this and see what we can do to try to help these young people out you know what the environment that they're living in today we adults created it and we owe them to give it back to try to find solutions so that these things don't occur anymore they're tragic and they're happening too often and we have to figure this out we have to do something about it you know and uh this is not the time to go into you know all of this right now i just wanted to mention it and say my heart goes out and you know i pray to god that there's some comfort i don't know how that some comfort can come to the families of of these young boys and girls that were tragically killed and the adult you know i mean it's it's horrible too we we tend to look at the kids and forget that there was an adult i believe a teacher that was shot also maybe two i don't even know you know it's it's just so terrible you don't even want to hear the facts about it you just want to do something about it so that's my take on that for the moment you know many many years ago after i had received my instruction from tom de bella who was the boss of my family at the time my father proposed me i went to see tom a guy by name a little jojo by taco he was a soldier under my dad very very loyal he was very happy the day that i went to visit tom the fact that i was proposed i knew him all my life and i've gotten instruction from tom about what i needed to do as a recruit you know just every day you're you're at the call of your boss and whatever you're told to do you do if your mother is sick and dying you're at her bedside you leave your mother's side you come to serve the family if you're called that's the kind of commitment but look one of the horrors of that life i'll say it is that there is a lot of violence people get killed people get murdered we understand that people have said to me well michael you weren't real gangster you weren't you didn't kill anybody people let me tell you this you spent 20 years in that life as a maid guy unfortunately you see your share of violent acts i'm going to leave it at that and again i don't like to talk about it but it's a fact that's it so after i got my commission i would say from tom de bella little jojo started talking to me started schooling me a little bit he was around a long time of course you know my dad was my advisor a counselor as was andrew russo we talked about him he passed away a short time ago but jojo said mike look one of the realities of this life is you're going to be involved there's violence you're going to see it it's going to be around you it's not pleasant but when you got to do what you got to do or see what you got to see that's a fact of this life so he said i want to take down a drive somewhere and we went to a place that's kind of on the borderline between queens and brooklyn and it's a place called the hole and unfortunately it was kind of a burial ground for a lot of guys they called it gotti's favorite burial place again i don't know if that's a fact or not that's what they've called it obviously i heard things on the street and it was a the worst part of town that you want to be in it was like just a desolate area it was it smelled because they didn't have sewer systems in there they had to use septic tanks and cesspools it was probably the worst part of town that you could be in think of your worst part of town wherever you live and this being worse than that it was kind of abandoned not people lived there because they had to live there you know it was kind of poverty stricken or maybe because they just liked the isolation because nobody would really go down there there was nothing attractive about it and way back in the early 80s there was a couple of kids that were playing and they smelled something horrible and they went to see what it was you know in the area that the order was coming from and it was a dead body and that kind of attracted the police to the area and they started digging up bodies there and yes it was a burial ground for the mob sunny red you know who sunny red is he was one of the bodies that was dug up there you saw the movie um donnie brasco you remember the feud between sunny red and sunny black remember the scene where sunny red was killed where him and part of his crew they were killed that's where the bodies were buried and another couple of guys that i could mention you would know their names and i think if anybody took the time to really excavate that area they would find a ton of dead bodies there because it was a burial ground and who knows how far back it was and uh so jojo took me for a ride there and he said michael you know hopefully the day won't come when you ever need to visit this place again but i want to make you aware of certain things and this was one of a few places that he took me to and again it's called a whole desolate part of town ugly part of town the stench the odor is still there i think it's in the uh being it's on the borderline of queens and brooklyn there are two police departments that actually patrol this area they don't even want to go there from what i understand and i heard that from law enforcement that was around they don't even want to go there so the places is known now i would assume that every once in a while if a body is missing that's the place they go to see if maybe they can dig it up or there's a fresh burial place that they'll recognize but it's that kind of place it's flooded all the time because again there is no real sewage system there cesspools and septa tanks you know they're not the ideal way of getting rid of sewage um and especially when they're not kept up you know in the right way you know a bad place and you know look you know there's a lot of guys on youtube and they talk about you know murder and a lot of the violence in that and you know people have knocked me you know they've called me a racketeer and not a gangster and i can tell you these people i take that as a compliment i don't want to be known as the guy that was happy to pull the trigger i don't want to be known as the guy that that was the first cause of action you know look we can talk about roy demaio because everybody knows it's public it's there we know what he did at the gemini lounge and if you look at roy and you read everything about him you say hey that's a guy that loved to kill people you know he got off on it this was his way of solving problems and there were certain guys in that life that acted that way i have to be honest greg scarpa you know maybe it didn't bother him when he had to pull the trigger you know i knew greg pretty well i'm not going to comment beyond that he has his reputation and there are a few guys you know we talk about the ice man we we've saw movies about him that were embellished no question about it these movies are embellished we talked about uh you know a lot of other guys i don't have to mention all their names look it's an unpleasant part of the life it really is and unfortunately when this happens you have to do something to dispose of the body right and so they have places like this there's another one you know jersey philadelphia pennsylvania area where bodies were found and bodies were disposed of it's almost like i don't even know how to continue the conversation myself other than to tell you this people murder violence it's an ugly part of life and we see so much of it lately we see it in our schools we see it in our churches we see it everywhere we can blame guns you know it's not about the guns it's about the people that have the guns and let me tell you this again i'm not going to get into the politics but it's like drugs you make drugs illegal there'll be more drugs on the street than you can imagine there's a black market for these things we have to find a solution to this you know to me listen when you don't have god in your life and you don't have an end game listen my end game is to get to heaven you know that's what christians believe we're on this earth it's a journey but the end game for us is to get to heaven we believe there is a heaven we believe there is a hell and we understand what we need to do to get to heaven and that is to repent our sins and to believe in jesus and that's what motivates us and drives us and you know some of you that don't share our faith you can say that's a fairy tale but we don't believe that we believe strongly in our faith and if it keeps us on the right track and it stops us from doing some of the things that we're seeing you know a lot of people say religion is the cause of violence well no a distorted view of religion might be the cause of violence you know there might be a distortion there that cause it but people that have faith and believe in god and believe in in love and mercy you know that's not what the cause of violence is it's people that distort that belief distort that faith distort that love and mercy and grace that's what that's all about so you know people look uh i can go on but i'm very disturbed about this look i have seven kids i got six grandchildren and uh i love young people and to see something like this happen is just so tragic and it's gonna go on for days and we're gonna mourn this and we're going to hope to god that it doesn't happen again and i'm imploring our government our law enforcement our local politicians find a solution listen if it's to put security guards in schools if that's what it's come to find they don't have to be so overt as to scare kids most of these retired law enforcement people they're nice people they know how to deal with children they love kids they're not going to be so on ostentatious and so out there that they're going to scare people around them but gosh they're trained they understand they can see things this is what they do maybe that's the answer i don't know but you know all the local politicians the local school groups they got to get together and find a solution because this is happening far too often and we don't want to have a burial ground in cemetery similar to a burial ground that we have with mobsters we don't want this we don't want it and we've got to find a solution to it so all i can say is you know my heart goes out to all the people out there that are suffering this this terrible tragedy it's the families that really suffer um my heart goes out to you my prayers go out to you and uh i just really hope again we do find a solution to this and that's what we all as a community as a nation as a people need to work towards i said my piece for today i hope you're with me on this people i really do uh we got to find a solution but for now let's pray for the people that are mourning uh they they certainly need our help and they need comfort and let's give it to them the best way that we can so that's it for today how do i always leave you same way same way and uh be safe ladies please be safe in the parking lots look around you be aware you know ever since i left the street my instinct every time i walk i'm looking around myself not because i'm afraid of people from my past just instinctive and especially today be safe ladies be healthy do yourself a favor eat right exercise be healthy this can be a good life if we take care of ourself i mean this from the bottom of my heart especially all those people that are mourning today god bless all of you and yes god willing i'll see you next time take care [Music] you
Channel: Michael Franzese
Views: 642,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michael, franzese, michael franzese, mafia, mob, mobster, mob boss, mafia boss, colombo, colombo mafia, gambino, gambino family, john gotti, gotti, american mafia, italian mafia, sitdown with michael franzese, mob stories, thehole, bodydumpsite, john gotti the hole, gotti burial, john gotti burial, mafia cemetary, john gotti dumpsters
Id: fn82GG96hTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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