Josh Duhamel Wants To Get Sober | Wild Ride! Clips

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let me ask you about this so I have a well for various reasons uh my wife is is not drinking for the next okay nine months and I went to Vegas with my buddies last weekend okay we all went me my wife and their my buddies and their wives so it was I had my spiritual hazmat suit on me uh you can't get in trouble that way but you know I I I I decided after this trip that I am done with her to with with uh with the drinking too and I got to admit the last it's been like four days and I'm not a heavy drinker but I do like to have a drink you know once uh you know once a night like I like a sugar-free Red Bull vodka around 4 30 maybe another one around 6 30. all right and then I'm usually done depending on a couple more shots but I gotta say that it's you know the these last couple of days I've really had this urge to and I was like I don't have a problem maybe I do have a problem you know you don't have to be a fall down drunk I don't think to to to have a have an issue and I feel like maybe I do and and I feel like that alone will enhance my life people that I know like you and are you yeah everybody that I know that's done it Dax is another one Dax is a good buddy of mine uh I played golf with Jason Bateman at the 18t this guy's lives have just like elevated from it maybe there's something to that here's the thing any other disease the best you can hope for is to get back to as healthy as you were before you got sick yeah but for us when we treat our disease we become a better version of ourselves than we ever were before yeah it's crazy yeah I see that a lot and it's just kind of done them and reads them because I don't have a drinking problem and I'm not sure I'm a maybe I am uh there's clearly something there that I feel like I want to explore yeah what the potential is just taking it out there's different categories of uh of drinkers there's uh what's the first one problem Drinker and um this is the the person who recognizes they have a problem and and are able to moderate or stop all together I don't remember and then uh and then what alcoholic by depth and by definition means that that you you want to stop you just can't yeah now you've got this powerlessness yeah to stop and um I think it's a little bit as a rule of thumb uh if nobody who's not an alcoholic ever wonders if they're an alcoholic that could be a rule of thumb mine was like I was more of like trying to stop and not and then but I was I was more resentful of myself for like operating at like 60 my potential yeah and I felt like that's where I'm at yeah honestly yeah on the other hand though like for example if if you go on any kind of a diet you know like oh I'm gonna like eat less yeah like as soon as you decide you're on a diet all you can think about is food yeah yeah so the very Act of of seeking to quit like just makes you obsessed with it yeah that that uh calls to mind the saying what you resist will persist yeah so if you're trying to resist it then um then that makes it more difficult yeah and I think that for us we call it consider it rather than resisting it we surrender yeah yeah you know we uh surrendered and we admit defeat yeah but has it has nothing to do with the alcohol or whatever the vice is it's like what are you covering up and so like the the very fact of like not medicating or numbing like the things that come up yeah are the things that you have to deal with and then once you deal with them your life gets better yeah it's not like oh I quit drinking my life gets better it's like things are going to come up in your head where like maybe you're shoving down you're probably more able to deal with them yeah but you don't even know what's coming up because you're like oh it's I don't have drink yeah and then exactly cool but then as it comes up you're like oh [ __ ] what is that and then you know it might be like a fear of directing or whatever the next it's like then what you're like oh wait what is that then you're like it's plaguing me and you start talking about it and then you talk to somebody and actually has something to do with something else that you fix that's why your life gets because the ripple effect off that root cause is what makes it better it's like the thing on the desk the balls that are hanging like you pull back one ball yeah and then you let it go but it's actually some like the fourth ball down that pops up yeah you know right like what's kicking off isn't the actual issue it's something underneath yeah I always wish I like you know this alcoholic I am is like I always wish that I worked the steps of the 12-step program before I quit drinking so like my life could have gotten better and I could have still drank yeah I was always like why did I do this like when I was like 18 because then I could still drink and have a good but like yeah that's not yeah mine is not mine's never been the guy who wakes up the morning has to continue right but it is something that you know I've become accustomed to having a drink and it's and I've realized recently that it's holding me back you know and it's and it's it's numbing me out to a point where I'm not as present as I need to be or I'm not as creative as I could be and and you know I'll be a bet I'm hoping because of this and dealing with the stuff that will come up and it does it is coming up now because the last few nights I'm like this is normally when I go but what I've done is I've just gone and done yoga instead or I've gone and worked out instead so I'm trying to do things to replace that three hour gap where I would normally be craving a yeah they say like in the first couple weeks when you quit drinking it and you have that urge have a piece of chocolate because the sugar is the same sugar that your body's craving that's why chew on some chocolate you've heard that too yeah I've heard that at AAA meetings they have a lot of cookies and cake around for that reason huh yeah it's okay you know so to your point if I do or you're okay can't remember whose point now are you drunk yeah maybe I'm drunk the uh you know I haven't I haven't been like I'm done you know because I I know that if the more I resist it the more it'll persist so it's like I'm just gonna try this till January and hopefully by that time I'll be past it and I'll have enough distance between me and it that I won't need it I'm hoping I'm hoping that I get to a place you know the idea of never having one again is a little bit freaky to me but just taking a break from it for a while and doing the work to support it I think will help and they uh that's something that helped me and said if you imagined you know all of the laundry that you know for the rest of your life it'd be yeah it has a lot of laundry but we just do one load at a time yeah you drink during the buddy games oh yeah so you probably think it had like [ __ ] well I'm not gonna be able to drink at that Buddy game yeah yeah it's true I mean it's like you know the lake this I spent a lot of time at my Lake cabin and there's always a Busch Light yeah for sure it sounds like but like it it sounds like the scariest situation to me because I consider myself so lucky that it got as bad as it did that I just had to address it yeah you know what like the way that I was could not continue it just needed to be addressed it was urgent and as a result because I addressed it here I've like you know I've been able to free up so much time and get super focused and make less mistakes and yeah what do you think you would have addressed it if they if Knoxville and them didn't come and I remember that I was out of gas at the end of The Run what are you trying to like weren't you trying to like throw yourself off a building first thing it was it was all bad what scares me is the idea of it of kind of having alcoholism just a little bit just enough to interfere with you know like uh your life interfere with your relationships slow you down like kind of walking in quicksand a little bit yeah you know but it's not so bad that it needs to be addressed so it just goes on and on and on I feel like I know people who have just had years kind of slipped through their fingers and then the years turn into decades and the next thing I get old and you're thinking man like yeah like uh I didn't operate at my Highest Potential yeah yeah it took me a while to quit drinking because I was like oh there's a wedding in two weeks yeah where there's a friend going away so but there's always something yeah then again I think it's worth noting that you're evidently doing pretty well you know I think that well it's relative because he's probably like what's my potential if I'm doing this well yeah maybe I mean I I am able to to accomplish things but I'm not operating as as efficiently as I should be I could be you feel like you're eating soup with a fork yeah kind of I'm still getting full I'm still doing I'm still like I'm still getting stuff done but not as clear-headed as I need to be you know I'm a little bit slow in the morning or I'm you know not as present as I should be as a father which really yeah that bums me out I'm a good dad but I feel like it could be a really good dad if I were how old you're a kid now nine oh okay you know that's uh yeah I mean that that's that's important yeah um in uh our beverage program the literature is pretty clear that um you know if if uh you think you have a problem like you know but this is how it works but but you know if you're not sure then yeah go give it another try you know but if you find yourself going around the loop where you you don't want to drink and you died I went and did it you know like and and then you're going then maybe think about like actually um to following the path laid out in the book of the beverage program yeah yeah yes you probably didn't see this interview going this direction whatever it's all good because it seems to happen quite a bit with us I think yeah we love it like I'm pretty careful about um just like if it comes up organically I'm happy to talk about it but I don't like we have the flag I don't lead with it it's never my primary purpose I think between us we have 30 years here right 15 10 5 5 yeah 30 yeah 5 10 15. you're 15 years cleaning yeah wow damn and it's crazy huh that is nuts next thing you know you're the same age as old people yeah that's the truth that's Stevo for 20 off of your first order of apparel and if you haven't seen liquid death apparel it's epic it's hilarious it's epic the social media for this company is like I think they're the most followed beverage drink like I don't know what I mean dude they're killing it so support liquid death by going to Stevo buying the tea on Amazon your local retailers to support this company man yeah dude
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Clips
Views: 690,362
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Keywords: Steve o, steveo, jackass, wild boyz, wild ride, Steve o podcast, steveo podcast, Steve o pod, podcast clips, Steve o interview 2023, hilarious, funny, awesome, crazy, incredible
Id: lgHNgepl9LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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