Joe Rogan Talks to Bob Lazar About Technology, Evolution, and Alien Life

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the gyro can experience so much like we have different-shaped aircrafts and fighter jets and cars they probably have different shapes of these objects that operate under similar principles right but they all have the same power source all the same power source and we're also dealing with if you think about the laws of technological progression you know you think of Moore's law and you think of how things accelerate you've got to think that if this civilization is who knows how many years more advanced than we are if not even years I mean I mean we're thinking about in terms of conventional terms right the way the way we look at the world I mean they might be just superior in terms of their intellect they've gotta be maybe maybe we don't know well the only reason I I say that is because look everyone doesn't necessarily start at a steam engine right and go to an internal combustion engine and then you know electric power nuclear power and go up the ladder that we right can well you know the binary if the stuff is true about the origin and the binary star system and they have heavier elements that we don't have and this element stable element 115 is a naturally occurring material maybe that's the first thing they started experimenting with and the version of their steam engine their first product was something that operated like this and actually when they came to earth to look around or you know whatever they were amazed at the stuff we were doing these guys burned stuff and squirted out the back to go forward so right um right you know who says they follow any kind of normal progression like that my thought was if you went back to the 1400s and then you went from 1400 to 1500 you're not gonna see that much of a difference technologically right if you go from 2,000 to 3,000 I assume there's going to be a radical change right well they yeah the Delta the rate of change is is magnificently higher than it used to be right so if you think about what they had in 1988 and you think about what they probably have in 2019 just logically seems like they would advance I would think so the only question is like are they living is that a living thing in terms of like a biological thing or are they some sort of an artificially created creation like we are working on right now I mean we're in the middle of working on artificial reality artificial being sentient beings artificial intelligence there's constantly silicon-based life forms that they're essentially trying to create Boston dinette was it Boston Dynamics at the company's robots robots yeah you can make machines out of flesh right so a cyborg or cybernetic organism is just that you know that's what a lot of people think there's like gray things or you know that people call the greys you know it's like they were like their machines rented from flesh so what you're saying is like I can just no synthetic like they don't even need to be you know machines well they seem to have no sex organs where they described by people that have had interactions with them assume these people aren't lying right or crazy or whatever right that they have no sex organs and that they don't seem to have any muscle there's almost like a frame right and they have enormous heads I mean if you look at Australia Pittacus or depictions of you know ancient hominids and then you go to human beings one of the things you see is bigger heads and weaker bodies well you see some clear progression of evolution you know where or something like that I would lean towards synthetic organism because it looks like it was made for a specific task there's no reproductive organs so I mean that almost kind of leaves out any kind of you know physical evolution right well that's also the bottleneck right our bottleneck is our biological imperative the the need to breed emotions fear anxiety all these different things that exist in order to force us into making sure we reproduce I mean that's essentially there's a human reward systems that aren't necessary once they can figure out a way to make some sort of sentient artificial life some sort of thing that doesn't have these biological limitations that we have by the way these crafts all these different kinds have been reported because it was confusing I always thought of flying saucers what I heard Bob Lazar talking about flying saucer right but if you look back in history people have always reported the weirdest shapes like none of them are alike you know there are other saucers but you got cigar shaped you got you know the top hatching you have orbs why maybe they're serving different purposes they're doing different things like we'd use different tools and I want to be clear the reason I know that memo is is real is because I spend a lot of time with dr. Edgar Mitchell six man to walk on the moon last guy to film before he died right that's how I know I don't want any journalists thinking I got it from anywhere else I know because of dr. Mitchell and he said the same thing maybe these things are performing different tasks you know and that's what I seen if you if you think about what an alien is in terms of our are the sort of iconic image of an alien like the Steven Spielberg closing towns of the third time the Third Kind alien they seem like what we'd assume a human being would eventually become right and if these things are tiny human beings are smaller than they've ever been before they're weaker than they've ever been before and there seems to be a trend in that direction and this trend seems to be amplified by our technological progression there are a lack of need for muscle strength and our lack of need for violence and we're moving in a society to try to get away from all the things that we think are abhorrent about human beings and the terrible behaviors that we have if we one day do give birth to some sort of an artificial being like Marshall McLuhan's quote we are the sex organs of the Machine world you know that one day we all buy this yeah McLuhan was brilliant and that that quote has always been one of my favorites because okay what are we doing when we're constantly technologically innovating we're constantly looking for faster cars better computers bigger screens faster more resolution more pixels more this more that higher bandwidth 5g 10 G right what are we doing we're moving into this in this if you just follow it objectively stay stand back don't attach yourself or your civilization your culture to it and look at what it is we're moving a hundred percent towards technological innovation if you looked at this species from a far and if you weren't a part of it you would say what does this species do oh they make things they make things better every year beehives are the same [ __ ] thing that you see ten years ago you go by see a bee hi it's amazing it's cool but they're the same [ __ ] thing they figured out how to do it they make a beehive right we don't do that we make better things what would you constantly and at some point I think that technology is gonna fuse with us yes and we're gonna because already happening yeah Yvan must talked about it on my podcast that we are cyborgs you just carry it in your pocket that's a phone it answers any question you want you couldn't talk to it it'll give you the answers into the answers instantaneously it navigates you it has all your phone numbers in it has all your contacts you can get ahold of people people listening to you through it it's connecting us in ways even involuntarily haptics that kind of yeah it's also getting on your wrist how many people have eye watches Apple watches it all right rest right and that's only because we can't integrate them yet but if you know that point it's kind of percent yeah I didn't joke about it last night but I have a bit about it that I do about the integration between humans and technology that's what would you do if you are a hyper intelligence right would you do the work yourself or would you create some cool things called like humans to do it for you would you create things that are cybernetic organisms to come in with machines and do it for you if you're a hyper intelligence that has kind of changed like you've described you'd probably create workers right well that's a vast conspiracy theory I'm not talking about conspiracy but it is a kind of a conspiracy I'm asking you well I mean I don't think it's necessarily that I mean you could look at it that way but that is the way a conspiracy theorist would look at it the way I would look at it is like there's obviously a progression going on a biological progression there's some sort of an integration with technology there's some sort of imperative this need for technological innovation it's inescapable everyone has it we and I think it's attached to materialism and some sort of a strange way because so many people work so hard to get new things and like God that seems so illogical and preposterous and it makes people unhappy and depressions on the rise but nobody seems to be able to stop it like why is that well maybe it's because we are the electronic caterpillars that give birth to the butterfly maybe that's what we're doing very well but what our job is to do is to make some sort of a cocoon and we don't even know we're doing it while we're doing it do you think a caterpillar as well hey caterpillar what are you doing man just I'm doing my things my job I have to make this could be a natural part of evolution it could be that right just supposed to do this and make the jump to some sort of mechanized right yeah no an orangutan that is fishing with a spear no they've figured out how to fish with Spears there's there's some primatologist ways way without somebody showing them how to finish no they've imitated human beings doing it and now they do it but they do it independently they're not trained orangutans they're wildly that there's a wild ratts impressive well there's these primatologist I guess you'd call them primatologist that's a term that's a great biologist biologists that believe that monkeys and chimps and some of the great apes are moving into the Stone Age that they've currently entered the Stone Age like they're not staying what they were a hundred thousand years ago or five hundred thousand years ago but they're actively using tools and they're experimenting with different different ways to use those tools and then they're making tools out of stone they're making these tools out of sticks and they're using them well this might just be what happens this might just be what happens I mean why else why would why the [ __ ] we work so hard I mean I was I was driving to LA this morning I had a doctor's appointment so I was on the 405 at 8:00 in the morning but Jesus Christ like this is so crazy when you're in the 405 in LA at 8 o'clock in the morning you see literally a million cars and it's just everywhere you go as people but and also I'm in a Tesla so I have it on autopilot so I'm there sitting I'm listening to a podcast I barely have my hand on the wheel I'm not touching [ __ ] this cars driving me along I'm not even doing anything I'm just I'm just hanging out it's so much less stress do that that way right so it encourages you to innovate it encourages you to embrace this new technology I got this giant screen it's showing me the navigation in front of me I'll be there five minutes early excellent and I'm listening to a podcast wirelessly it's Bluetooth screen dreaming from my phone and I pulled that podcast which came out today out of the [ __ ] sky and I'm listening to it and I'm all comfortable in my nice little car just driving on my way to the doctor's office this is irresistible stuff yeah yeah it's frightening ly irresistible it is it frightening I mean if you were a monkey right if you were not Australia Pittacus would you go man I don't want to [ __ ] be a person I live in a house that's [ __ ] I like just swinging around on trees I like I've running from Jaguars this is life guys life is running from crocodiles it's not living in the [ __ ] suburban home there's probably some letter like that yeah I don't think so I think I think what when it comes we're gonna embrace it we're gonna embrace it the same way embrace cellphones the same way embrace television there's gonna be a few holdouts I don't even have an email address man those are those there's a few and far between there good luck with that [ __ ] go move to the woods Ted Kaczynski yeah I was just gonna throw Ted Kaczynski was right this is something that I think about sometimes when I get really high that Ted Kaczynski was a part of the Harvard LSD studies this has been proven Ted Kaczynski they cooked his [ __ ] brain when he was at Harvard and then when he went over to Berkeley and became a professor his goal was to make enough money so that he could to implement this program and live in the woods and then write his manifesto and start killing people that were involved in propagating technology he was expunged from the Harvard logs by the way this is something my friend just called me about so there's like this private library and they used to print people's names whenever they were part of a university and he was one of a handful of people that were expunged from it I want to jump back to the one thing Joe I want to be very careful with that word conspiracy theorist what I was what I was saying to you was we terraform our earth right we tariffs when we change the environment we do all this innovation what is stopping us from thinking that that's not being done I'm not saying is I'm saying what's stopping us from thinking that that's being done on a much bigger level on a cosmic level you mean like aliens coming down doing that to humans I'm telling you that there is something here that's there's a fact you know there's something there are craft they're here they're not ours they're here so the question is what is that about and I'm just looking at what we do with what you're describing with technology I think it's much more likely that the same way we observe chimps and we observed that they are now in the Stone Age that they're observing us and that they're recognizing that there is a pattern that there is a there's steps that happen I mean Carl Sagan talked about the different levels of civilization and then you know if we don't get past certain levels we're never going to reach this I mean we're enticed one civilization gonna stay type-0 well we're in this warring polluting yeah pillaging were awesome civilization it's well we're awesome in a lot of ways you know but in that way we're not well yeah we're we're children that have immense power that we didn't really the other thing is you're using the immense power that other people have created right I mean even when you're driving a car you stomping on the gas like whoo you didn't invent the [ __ ] engine you didn't invent tires there's all these things that were involved in the creation of this thing that is really outside of your grasp of understanding but yet you have the ability to use it like a person with a gun I'm just gonna bang bang bang people you don't you didn't invent a gun so like you've you've without the intellect to craft and engineer and in and manifest these creations you just have access to them because you have paper or your Bitcoin or whatever the [ __ ] you're using using a credit card now you have almost no responsibility you just you could just flippantly use these things which is why we you know we were very childlike in our actions because we haven't had to earn the responsibility we haven't had to earn these things that we've been able to have and you've only been able to have them because other people have innovated and spent ungodly amounts of time and effort and focus in the lab to create these things and then they've all put them together and then what is the what's the reason to put them together to profit well what's the reason a profitable why are you doing this so you can buy more things well what are we doing what are we doing we're making better things that's what we do that's all that's all we do is make better yeah why the [ __ ] do we need oil why do we need oil why can't we just burn wood and stay home why can't we grow chickens and food in the backyard why can't we do what we [ __ ] can certainly can people do do it but we decide to make that almost impossible our preferred way of living is to stuff everyone into a very small area where no one grows anything other than weed this is what la is la is 20 million people with hard surfaces ISM as many hard surfaces you can boy if you got an acre backyard in la holy [ __ ] look at all that grain this is amazing no that's the [ __ ] earth coming through this weird sort of creation that we've put on top of the earth but the goal is that like New York City that's there's none of it right you just got you've got Central Park and they just got human [ __ ] you've stacked up no one's growing anything and then constant work everyone's up early go go go innovate progress make that money so you can buy more things and every year hey Apple where's this [ __ ] new phone as if your phone isn't good around yeah phone's taking pictures and videos and people are calling you when you got applications to tell you which way the winds blowing it's not good a blink of an eye blink of an eye it's all gone though that you know like 10,000 years and the Hoover Dam goes or whatever you know Mount Rushmore disintegrates so it's amazing because we have created that and and everything's trying to spring up through that we keep it maintenance down but we're we're a blink man something hits but we don't think that way well you know you think in terms of your own life right you think in terms of what you want and what you need right now you know what it's we are in many ways this combination of this weird primitive ape-like thing with the ability to calculate and manipulate our world in our environment that makes us holy unique on top of that with existential angst and and and fear so what do you do with that with [ __ ] water down with the pre antidepressants give these [ __ ] people some [ __ ] that keeps them moving well they're worried about the future they're trying to figure out what reality is it's just you're on a goddamn convertible spaceship spending a thousand miles an hour hurling through infinity there's no meaning to this thing just keep making [ __ ] keep making stuff and then one day they're gonna be able to hit that switch and this life will be born out of innovation and thinking and progress and technology and more than likely it's probably going to be what we're seeing these things are that your your observing mm-hmm I'm not observing them but yeah someone's are you implying that they're us I don't think they are us but I think they are what happens when things keep going it's not us just like we're not monkeys right all right I'm not a chimp oh that's a cool eye there from here is your idea no no no that this is what happens all over the Union right yeah this is what happened here's the thing you know I went to see Brian Cox's he has this amazing live show with Robin in swear they have these LED screens he's huge screens with high resolution depictions of the cosmos and one of the most mind-blowing things was he has this large scale image of the universe and it shows all the individual galaxies the universe and it just keeps moving through all these galaxies in three dimensions and it's [ __ ] incredible but what's stunning is the relative uniformity of it even at you know it mean you're obviously looking at an incredibly small depiction of something that's immensely large like a galaxy of hundreds of billions of stars you're seeing it as this little dot but this little dot that's flying through space surrounded by other little darts with very similarly spaced distances yeah Himanshu yeah so like if we see uniformity in that form in terms of like the distance between cows like so many galaxies is so it's so similar they might vary slightly and that slightly might be hundreds of millions of light years right but but but there's so much uniformity why would we not assume that that uniformity exists pretty much everywhere and that all these things that you're seeing that are so similar you do see binary star systems you do see single star systems like sorry but there's also some some speculation that earth and that our solar system was one time was a binary star system [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: ovlTUUyfzKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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