Joe Rogan Reflects on Fallon Fox Controversy

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but you have you been mobbed before you have oh yeah what's been the worst oh one of the big ones was about trans fighter I remember that yeah that was a hilarious one yeah cuz I'm like you guys can kiss my [ __ ] ass you're out of your mind you guys are out of your mind if you think that a man who has been a man for 30 years and has taken female hormones for two is the same you put Brock Lesnar chopped his dick off and put them in a dress that guy's gonna maul through the women's heavyweight division like nothing you've ever seen in your life yeah because we're built different and it's just a fact and then anyone who tries to argue that is crazy and there are there's certainly standouts in terms of women who are like much more muscular higher bone density particularly african-american women a very high bone density but there's a different shape to their hips there's there's the the size of the hands the size of the shoulders things are different mhm that and also the imprinting of years and years of testosterone it's just there was a great article by this board-certified endocrinologist who went over all of the all the things that separate men from women which exclude them from competing in combat sports against women and this woman was called a trans Fobo [ __ ] endocrinologist idiot she's talking about the science and she's also talking about the science of one of the things they talk about is how women you know or trans woman once they transition to being a woman they're basically biologically almost exactly the same as woman she was like no not only that but the bone density is retained by taking estrogen which is what the problem with women when they have osteoporosis they lose they're losing estrogen they lose bone mass well the estrogen actually helps you retain bone mass so when a man transitions to a woman and then starts taking estrogen it's actually helping retain the bone mass he would have lost by not having testosterone and then on top of that reaction times the reaction times are several tenths of a second faster in general for women than they are for or for men rather than they are for even professional athlete so he's all these variables yeah that need to be taken into consideration when you're allowing someone to do a sport and we're not just talking about bike racing we're not talking about you know something or someone non-contact we're talking about the most contact we're talking about [ __ ] fighting there's there's benefits that certain people have there's there's physical attributes at peak there's variables inside the genders right there's some men that have gigantic physical advantages over other men mm-hmm and all of those are taking into you you there's no like even playing field when it comes to even inter-gender competition or you know male versus male competition there's no real level playing field so the best we can do is say ok you guys got to be the same weight just make that yeah I get the same way and as close as you can get but but even in that there's people that are just physically they're just they're just gonna be better yes no there's no getting around it there's gonna be better than athletes there's they're gonna have better genetics you know there's nothing you do about that but one thing we can do is we can keep women from getting beaten up by men mm-hmm and and men who transition to being women and if you think that's fair you're [ __ ] crazy and it's just not it just doesn't make any sense and the arguments for it are so shitty and so they're so riddled with progressive speak mm-hmm that they're trying to pretend that this is a woman now this is not a woman this is a trans woman this is a male she has a Y chromosome she transitioned to being a female now she's a trans woman and if you choose to fight her and you're a woman and you know that she's a trans woman I'm totally fine with that but that was not what was going on here what was going on here was this woman who used to be a man for 32 years transitioned to being a woman and it didn't tell anybody mmm and thought to different women who thought they were fighting a woman and got [ __ ] smashed badly injured yeah I was watching it it was like watching a man fight a woman that's what I was watching I was like this isn't like particularly she wasn't particularly skillful mm-hmm it wasn't like she had like some unbelievable background in judo like Ronda Rousey or something like that it wasn't that you were just literally watching a former man beat up women mm-hmm who never had the the benefit of 30 years plus of testosterone in their body what do you think the solution should be then I don't know but I was fascinated by watching the the mob come after me for that well yeah I was like yeah this is this is adorable what was fascinating about it was here's something that I I mean I'm not a fizzy elec spurt in Physiology or endocrinology but I'm a martial arts expert mm-hmm I've been doing it my whole life like I know the difference I've trained with women world champions and watch them get mauled by men who are not very good mm-hmm it's just a fact yeah especially when it comes to striking you know there's more of a gap in jiu-jitsu or the gap rather closes in jiu-jitsu because skill and technique take precedent over physical strength but goddamn it when it comes to striking you could get a man who's been doing it for six months but just happens to have a lot of fast twitch muscle fiber and it just knows how to hit things hard and he he'll [ __ ] woman up it's not good especially when it comes to kickboxing and kicking and punching there's so there's so many advantages and to say that those advantages are immediately cut out of the picture as soon as you transition to being a woman and within two years you should be able to fight women in a cage and not tell them you're a woman I was like this is insanity yeah so that was that was the big mob that came after me hmm I think it's interesting that in this because it is pitting people who would call themselves feminists against transgender activists and it's basically women are being lost in the mix so you can't say certain things like on what planet would it be okay for someone who is born male to fight a woman but in this case because this person who's born male identifies as female you can't call that into question it and also there was a real problem in Texas the other way where there there what they were doing is being prejudiced against trans people to the point where they wouldn't let a girl transitioning to being a boy wrestle with boys yeah they made her wrestle with girls while she was taking testosterone yes like you guys are out of your [ __ ] mind like you you're not even recognizing that she wants to compete with boys which is a disadvantage for her or him yeah let him compete with boys because this is a different thing but then even then a lot of boys are saying we'll look I'm not taking testosterone I just have testosterone would if her testosterone is higher than my testosterone because she's taking exogenous testosterone this is kind of crazy yeah it's there's a lot of new ground that's going on here my concern as a martial arts expert is when you are using ideology to push this this progressive notion that you know a trans woman is exactly the same as a woman and you're getting women beat the [ __ ] up because of mm-hmm and this is what I felt in this is what I saw and they wouldn't have to be hard for like a year or two but then it all went away what's the worst thing they said about you I didn't read it I read a little bit of it and then I was like I really didn't even hurt my feelings yeah cuz I was like it's just so stupid it's like do you know a woman who's got a hand that looks like that yeah find one find one because if I took estrogen I'd still have these and that's not fair yeah it's just not I don't care I don't care what anybody says it's just not mm-hmm I mean even a woman with big hands they're not that big they're not like Brock Lesnar's hands is it there's a difference there's a [ __ ] difference yeah the difference in the shape of the jaws the difference in so there's so many differences and men to women and there's so many women that used to be men that transition to being women that are now dominating these sports so these women feel like they're being [ __ ] over when weightlifting there was this Australian weightlifter who's trans woman who's competing as a woman and his [ __ ] breaking records he left and right here but is like this is crazy she's an inspiration ya know she's a guy she used to be a guy and now she's breaking these women's record it's like what are we doing this is crazy yeah but to play devil's advocate please do didn't file in Fox get beaten by yeah because she sucks that's really what it is Ashlee evans-smith is good okay sure yeah so good she listened there's a lot of women that would beat a lot of men yeah women who are not taking anything who would beat a lot of men and it's happened Jermaine to random II who was a super high level women's MMA fighter is one the 145-pound world title beat Holly Holm she fought a man in a kickboxing bout knocked him out it's cuz she's a [ __ ] beast yeah she's really good and really technical super strong and just much better than a guy who wasn't on her level but she's just super exceptional mm-hmm but there's also women who fought men who were world champions who got knocked out who well there was a woman from god damn it she was a female boxer from Holland her name escapes here right now I'm she was she was a woman that they were always trying to match her up with Christy Martin back when Christy Martin the Coal Miner's Daughter was a famous god damn it why can't I remember her name but she was an elite female boxer and she got knocked out by a man it was ugly mm-hmm and the guy she knocked out the guy who knocked her out really wasn't very good yeah he just clanged her on the jaw and Kayode her but it was disturbing to watch yeah but someone wasn't disturbing when Jermaine to random he knocked out the guy then it was like yeah the you can't you're always going to have people that are higher level skill and Ashlee evans-smith who's competed successful in the UFC she's very tough mm-hmm and she beat Val Fox yeah and that Susan you know I'm not against Fallon Fox fighting women that want to fight her not against that if they want I'm not against women fighting men we want to do I'm not a man I'm not against people riding bulls I'm not against people bungee jumping yeah should people do it I want but don't pretend that you're exactly the same as a biological woman yeah why the [ __ ] do we have tests then why why what is it what is a chromosome mm-hmm what our genetics what not what is it is it all we're just gonna give it all away for ideology and what about women yeah like what this idea of being completely progressive and in looking at things and and promoting equality that's wonderful but are you promoting equality for women like what about the women what about a woman like you what about a woman who's slight thin what are you supposed to do yeah how much do you weigh I'm not gonna tell you I'm thin though yeah let's pretend you're in the hundred and five pound week yes do you feel like you can compete with 105-pound man no that seems yeah this seems ridiculous yeah right well it seems to me that we have to accept the fact that there's some physical differences when the consequences are being gravely injured and this is what martial arts are all about I'm trying to hurt you mm-hmm and I shouldn't have natural physical advantages that come from having a y chromosome in 30 plus years of testosterone in my body that just seems to be obvious to me yeah and I didn't understand why but that was a hill that I was ready to die off I was like you guys can [ __ ] off good for you for that but you see that they've kind of left you alone now right because I do this because I because I can say things like this about it and because it makes sense yeah because when other people hear about it there are rational people they go what what's happening wait a minute that's a guy she was a guy for 30 years like that's not right and the vast majority of people who even support trans rights including friends of mine who are trans with me on this like yeah that's crazy have you heard the term turf my surf and turf Turk no turf as in ter F is trans exclusionary radical feminist so this is a new slur that's being used against women who will say trans women are not women because they were not born women trans exclusionary radical feminists you would kind of be a turf in this situation cuz you're advocating for women and safety of women and that people who were born male but identifies female are not the same as people who are born female yes but that doesn't mean that I'm discriminatory no but it's a word that they use to try and discredit you good luck have fun with that I don't care see this is a problem but the thing about this is I don't care because I really don't have any hate in my heart and I don't have any discrimination in my heart like I don't think most of us do well I can't speak for everybody some do but some do I'm sure I'm sure if you were trying look if you have a thousand people and a hundred those people are a [ __ ] [ __ ] to you it's gonna feel like a lot of people right so if you're a trans person and you're may have seen horrific things written to trans people online I've seen it I've seen I understand this is real discrimination but I understand that you have to understand you have to appreciate who your actual allies and people who are rational people who actually care about you and who disagree with you on one very particular thing and this is the only place where I disagree it's combat sports it's because it's my area of expertise yeah I've been doing it since I was a kid like you can't tell me that the there's not differences I've watched men and women fight my whole life I know there's a difference and I know that from talking to endocrinologists and people who are experts in the human anatomy that there's just physiological differences that are insurmountable they just are I've seen men and women hit the back it's a very different thing yeah I mean I get where people are coming from the people who are upset by this because I think by acknowledging someone that someone was not born the sex that they identify eyes it's almost like saying pointing out to them that they're different but they are different well yeah they are different but I can see how that can be upsetting for someone who identifies as the opposite sex yeah you know what I can see how it's upsetting if you're short and you want to identify as being tall hmm you know what if I wanted to pretend that I was seven feet tall you'd be like Joe you're 5/8 I'm like are you an [ __ ] why are you saying I'm a 5/8 but you are so if I say you're a trans woman which means you're a born a man you have a y-chromosome like where you're a piece of [ __ ] how you pointing that out but that's what you are yeah it's not that you're negative are you are people who are dwarves or is that is it evil to say that a dwarf is a dwarf or a little person or whatever you whatever phrase you want to use are we supposed to acknowledge that there's an issue like if someone is born with a handicap are you supposed to is that a fact are you allowed to discuss it as a fact if you have autism am I allowed to bring up the fact that you are on the spectrum or am I supposed to ignore it yeah is it discrimination if you talk about reality if someone has a deformity are you allowed to discuss it or is it discrimination to discuss reality because what are we doing with our language what are we doing with the way we describe the actual things that are that exist in the world and if we're not describing them in accurate terms because we're trying to somehow another stop people from getting hurt feelings what are these feelings based on these delusional perceptions of reality and why we reinforcing these delusional perceptions of reality because it seems to me that this kind of language in this kind of exclusionary the inability to use certain words and the inability to describe things accurately correctly and in many cases scientifically it hurts everybody yeah I agree with that I don't think facts themselves are hateful I think people who use facts to justify discrimination that's where the problem is and that's where the efforts should be going because when you start to deny facts where does that leave you where do you draw the line in that case absolutely but I think it's there's something that's kind of cool about it that there are trans people and what's cool about it is that the world is weird you know and I'm I'm not happy that they get a lot of hate but I'm kind of happy that they exist mm-hmm I wish they could just be women I wish you could just like hit a switch and you really wish you're born a woman BAM you're a woman but I suspect that even if you could do that some people would rather just be trans some people would like there's a lot of people that I know that are trans and also have dicks mm-hmm yeah and they want to keep the dick yeah and they're like okay like what's going on here and you know that you're transphobic if you're a straight heterosexual male and you're not willing to date a trans woman with a dick but you know what it is it's actually a sexual preference for four men who will date trans women who which is retaining their penis that's what is called the literature they decide not to get surgery it's actually a particular sexual preference for the people that are attracted to that yeah particular tribe it's called gain and room or Foe philia whoa someone tell Jim Norton nothing wrong with out ooh you know nothing yeah nothing do what you do it but this is the thing the difference between a man and a woman a trans man a trans woman and then someone who could actually be a woman who transitions I think we're gonna get to a point within you know whether it's a hundred years or five hundred years where we can use things like the the future version of CRISPR or whatever comes down the line next some scientific innovation that's going to allow people to literally transition
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: KQpQmNhya14
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Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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