Joe Rogan on Transgender Athletes

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the Joe Rogan experience dude I tell you I support all the trans rights and and everyone doing all this stuff the only thing that I ever go like that doesn't seem right is with athletics oh yeah that's the only thing where I feel like it's not that I don't feel like someone should be able to play any sport and compete but like when a dude transitions to becoming a woman it's like I play basketball now it's like come on man yeah like I get it you're you you're the right to live your life and play but like you have all those skills that you developed as a man and now you're playing against frailer smaller you know yeah like that to say that like you can't bring that up that that's offensive is ridiculous to me well especially when it comes to fighting [ __ ] yeah that was the big one and that was where I really understood like how bizarre and the defense is yeah how cult-like this this ideology is I'd like to see you transition to a woman and fight women to have what 12 murder charges that would be the fun part it doesn't make any sense now of course not the bone structure is so different and people that deny that are [ __ ] crazy I know that's that is silly man what if what if I like transition whatever anyone a man and there's a power lifting well people have done that and they're winning and breaking all these records books they are yeah and why are we like why are we not stopping being like that doesn't know that doesn't cuz we want to save people's feeling exactly and silly what's really fascinating is in the process of being super progressive you you go towards the most maligned part a section of society which is like transgender people and so everybody else who also has been marginalized by society like women mm-hmm women get put on there they get put in a less protected category and transgender women right so a man becomes a more protected class of woman yeah then a natural-born woman herself that's very interesting that's crazy it is it's very true also yeah it's crazy because all these women that got beaten up by that man who became a woman started fighting in MMA fought two women before ever disclosing the fact that she used to be a man because she said it was a medical issue that had nothing to do with them which is just shows you how completely insane the logic behind all she still fight this Wow but now everybody knows she lost to a woman she did yeah actual woman who wound up yeah I said actual [ __ ] off yeah that's wild right that a woman beat she's not good no she's not good cuz she's not a good fighter no she's just strong yeah like there's nothing you don't look at her and think like oh she fights like Chris cyborg or she boxes like Claressa Shields no she's not that unbelievably talented right she's just physically weighs a different yeah she's a [ __ ] man yeah she's a man for 30 years yeah had children this was when I knew it was crazy I got in a conversation with someone within online with this woman was like she's always been a man I go even when she got another woman pregnant and had children with her and she was yes even then she was a woman she was a woman she's a woman that [ __ ] another woman and got her pregnant okay why just hang up what what are we doing I know like this is so crazy you got a tap out of those legs even Bruce Jenner when he transitioned to Caitlyn Jenner and then eventually got his his surgery right her surgery become she said even before the surgery though it didn't change anything I was always a hundred percent a woman okay then was a surgery well because you're thinking that gender is just with genitalia I mean mistake you personally and that's that what is it it's it's genders not just genitals it's in your mind right so so it's also it's ye shall reconstruction just said something [ __ ] stupid and I know how dumb that was so what is the difference someone said that there's gender and then there's there's biological sex and that gender is the operating system and biological sex is the hardware ten percent agree yeah makes sense outrage over transgender female weightlifter who destroyed their rivals by hoisting 19 kilograms more than the runner-up now she's a contender for the Commonwealth Games yeah yeah guess what oh my God look at the size of her [ __ ] laurels it god damn gorilla say international weightlifting debut in Melbourne pounds more than the second place yeah why in the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] yeah can you imagine if you're a biological woman who's been training and working hard all her life yeah and then all sudden you have to compete with this and you're like I'm first place it's like and she's giant like look at the size of her head or formally male head yeah that's a giant woman that's just a way to get medals well it's sandbagging yeah that's what a lot of it is that's [ __ ] up man that is that's what it is what a lot of it is snuff and people don't want it not fair yeah sandbagging if you don't know what it means is like you would get that in martial arts tournaments like say you would have a tournament and the tournament would be like four blue belts only would you have one rank above white belt and then guys would be like a black belt in judo and they would enter into the blue belt division and stomp everybody right about now yeah but he's sandbagging like you know what they're doing yeah and everybody knows what they're doing you see that [ __ ] and you you see there's there's a lot of that where people just want to win and the way they can win is by competing against people that are not on the same level sure if you don't think that people do that when they switch over from being a man for 30 years and then competing as a woman and not tell them and just start smashing these women so I don't think there's something in that you don't understand athletics you don't understand competition you don't understand sandbaggers and you don't understand the kind of people that wouldn't tell people about that in the first place sure yeah but they don't want to look at it that way they want everything has to go through the filter of being progressive so you have to err on the side of being the the most open-minded the most liberal and the most progressive yeah which I'm a hundred percent for if women want to fight a transgender woman if a woman wants to I think you should be able to ride bulls I think you should be able to skydive I think you should be able to do [ __ ] bungee jumping I think you should do a lot you should be able to do a lot of ridiculous crazy dangerous [ __ ] you should be able to do flips with BMX bikes why shouldn't you be able to fight a man yeah why shouldn't you be able to fight a transgender woman a woman who used to be a man you should be able to if you're a man you're zero yeah if you're a woman rather and you're 130 pounds you want to fight 130 pound 100% man no no transgender no nothing if you want to do that you should be out too yeah you should be allowed to I don't advise it I think it's a terrible idea for you yeah you're gonna get pummeled well if it's a good fighter you just what is this what's going on here bodybuilder we show me Jen however the article says this person can't decide to compete as a man or a woman and this is what they look like I can't decide whether to compete as a man or a woman that's what he used to look like on the left yeah [ __ ] Haim and then oh my god it was super jacked and now he is on the right and easy but he looks like he's still a man he hasn't transitioned yet he lives his life as both see this is where you're seeing that there's some of these [ __ ] people of mental illness yeah there was an employed of radio lab where this one guy who's also a girl switches back and forth and under pressure he changes like he's Paul or he's sending and this is what on what radio labs a podcast and but radio lab is so [ __ ] left-wing and I love them they're amazing but they're so left-wing and so progressive that they are unwilling to note and and even even address the preposterous nature of this [ __ ] person who's like I just switched now I'm Cindy right now now back to Paul went back to Paul in the conversations in the conversation like I just turned over like oh you did oh you're this special creature that can just go back and forth and and switch genders or are you [ __ ] crazy Paul / Cindy yeah we would never have violated Paige's wishes in the story it's an unfortunate understanding what he what he pulled up is there note when they had to change the whole story remember they had to go back because they got mad that they gendered them in the original how they missed gender if she goes back and forth they had to keep up at the moment [Laughter] so they misgendered how were they called her a him or him or her which one's the misgendering some miscommunication was between the reporter and the actual person they were talking to yeah the person is [ __ ] crazy you can't just go back and forth and back and forth like cut the [ __ ] you know a masterĂ­s the upcoming they will remove references to the name she no longer recognizes does that mean that afterwards she decided to go full female that's what happened we can you tell me Craig for man so at one point in time during the show she switches back to Cindy Sidney's Cindy's light you kiss happy Cindy's loose she doesn't care psychiatric help at this point at one point in time we here's the thing you're not allowed to say that when it comes to gender when it comes to anything else if you like oh I recognize it as a wood elf I'm a wood elf you know that's how I that's why I identify yeah I'm a sprite just be in the forest flying around with the butterflies like people go oh you probably has an issue that guy schizophrenic yeah but if it's a guy who's built like Brock Lesnar yeah who's like you know I've always identified as a small thin woman and people are like yeah whoo damn cool yeah you respect that yeah we should respect that when it comes to gender gender so weird thing that we allow all sorts of very illogical havior well yeah like these 78 plus gender step by the way they're adding more there's or like there weren't enough there's more gender pronouns now than ever before like if it's a guy at a bus stop who's like I am the president you don't go like oh should respect the [ __ ] out of that right now right you're just like okay identifies as the leader of the free world you should address that no you're supposed to be like hey stand over here yeah when it comes to gender we're supposed to we give like a lot of leeway you let a lot of things slide get it's true yeah and I think it's for a good reason I think the good part of is that we recognize that there are people that really do wish that they were a woman and would like you to call them a woman and why not let let the guy become a Gaucher and maybe they'll be happy that way and and it shows I guess it shows acceptance and kindness on our part to just allow that to happen true but the problem with that is the goddamn slippery slope and a lot of this weirdness that's going on is people trying to control other people's behavior and one of the ways they try to do that is try to get you to use words that they've made up yeah this is where you're seeing how preposterous it is the level the number of pronouns is also 78 I mean I recently and somebody's saying like I don't identify like I understand that concepts not right too hard to understand but where it's like I also have free rein on a hundred words that you should possibly know to address me why yeah it's like what do you [ __ ] why are you bothering everybody yeah what you get off on would you become special that way yeah of course you get special right special privileges special attention you get it's just special consideration I remember I'm trying to remember if my yeah yeah yeah I've had on my profile on Twitter for a long time like if you read my first bio sense but nobody respects it well I didn't even know Zim yeah sim is a big one it's bit I know sirs a zhe R or zer yeah yeah those are these [ __ ] there's just so many the fact that one of those guys could just become a woman and just enter into women's weightlifting competitions they would be like she's a woman she's always been a woman god she beat the competition by an astounding 600 pounds we're really crazy yeah beat the second runner-up by 40 pounds no big deal no super normal that happens ya know everybody does it no no we're gonna look back on these days and it's gonna it's gonna be astounding sort of observation on mass mass thinking like groupthink like what happens when people are scared of expressing themselves honestly yeah and in expressing controversial points of view because the time and the culture yeah like what it you know what what ramifications it has like by the way here's here's what's weird I'm and I don't know if it's good or bad it's not a judgment call but I am I know so many people whose children are now transgender a lot yeah like five or six really I didn't know any before like all in California yeah yeah but one of them in Canada but yeah really important what's this Toronto Furies Jessica plot is a CWA chels first openly transgender player now she used to be a woman and now is a man used to be a man now as a woman and she's playing women's hockey anytime [ __ ] that that's crazy [ __ ] people yeah hockey guess who's an all-star this year its Jessica yeah taketake that [ __ ] Mountain from the Game of Thrones put them in skirt yeah see how many people he plows over like goddamn human bowling ball oh my god that is so fun it's just if you're gonna place boards there should be look they're on physical freaks that are women there's no doubt about that there's some women that are just physical freaks and there's some women that also takes steroids nuts and that's another very controversial issue because you have women that are ingesting large amounts of hormones and changing their physiology and then they also compete against women but then there's women or just women yeah what about them how about looking out for them how about not letting them get their head smashed into it's not fair but it's also it's just it just shows you how silly people have gotten and about how weird we are about looking at things and that everyone is so and because they don't have they don't really have a personal stake in the game everyone is so concerned about being viewed as be incredibly progressive and open-minded yeah that they don't want to clear so it's a really interesting point because if you really put yourself in a competition you care about say like it's important to you to imagine yourself competing in something where it's important to you to win yeah they go but that we're gonna have this person in and those are the circumstances you would you'd be the first one to be like [ __ ] that yeah that is not fair and those women get talk called bigots yeah it gets it's really strange yeah that is very straight those women get like attacked online like it's such a women that didn't want to fight that transgender man who became a woman in MMA and they got called bigots and transphobic that and the transgender people that community is like super aggressive about defending that intellectual turf mmm defending that idea see that's an interesting place is like work where you go because you have to have empathy for let's say this transgender person who's like I want to compete and you're like yeah you should be able to compete but how is how is this circumstance fair to both sides you know to those women that that are they also want attention part of part of the wanting to compete is also wanting attention yeah and wanting everyone to know that you're a man the transition to a woman and that there's look there's a lot of energy in that there's a lot of people that are paying attention to that and and anybody who says no that's preposterous people they want their privacy when it comes to these matters and they're not they don't want to be open to the ridicule [ __ ] [ __ ] they want attention 100% that's why they're competing what they're doing it's why they're letting everybody know that the first only transgender woman it's a lot of this is about means some of it is about transgender rights it's about transparency and showing people how many of those folks are out there sure a lot of it's about horseshit yeah there's a lot of attention a lot of it I mean for you to sign up for that competition when you know what's what especially things like powerlifting and MMA like to deny that there's some sort of a difference in the male frame there's also a lot of horseshit when it comes to like what actually happens to the body yeah during transition and how much strength you lose and how much bone mass you lose and there's a woman named dr. Ramona crud sick I think that's her name and they interviewed her and she's one of the very few people that's been interviewed about this it's an actual endocrinologist that's not a gender transition doctor because that's what a lot of them are a lot of the people that talk about these things and have these these discussions about these things that are hashtag experts yeah they're actually transition doctors so they have a vested interest in sort of expressing the ideology that there's no physical advantage and that these women you know they once they have been under these hormonal treatments for X amount of years they become physiologically a woman and there's no distinction between them and a biological woman but this one woman dr. Ramon acrostic she wrote an article for I want to say was it was either SB Nation or Bloody Elbow I forget what it was but they interviewed her and she was saying not only do not lose bone density but you maintain it because you're taking estrogen it's like well the idea is that like a man is more bone density they're thicker they're built different yeah and that you would lose a lot of that in your transition to being a woman but you don't lose the bone density because estrogen is actually what causes people to maintain their bone density when they're older when they're women like that's one of the things that happens to women when they get older you get osteoporosis yeah what part of the problem is that your your body doesn't produce as much estrogen isn't used to and so you have a lack of bone density one way to heighten that is a supplement with estrogen yeah interesting actually maintains bone so it's a good yeah but they're not the same as men because they don't have testosterone anymore and if they're not taking exogenous testosterone they're definitely I have a disadvantage against men but they still would have an advantage against men about against women rather mechanical advantage of course but it's also a mental advantage there's a reaction advantage a reaction time is quicker with with men than it is with women like there's a bunch of weird 3d space recognition advantages that men have it's like and then there's the thing that people want to pretend that there's no difference between men and women there's that group you know about that group no but that seems like so stupid to even entertain the idea no that's this is a common thing among the most ridiculous of the progressives is that there's no biological difference in the sexes what but it is dumb but it shows you how insane a lot of this thinking is is that this group think this mass progressive thought process yeah that they just accept things that they're totally irrational and then repeat them as an ad nauseam like we played this one clip where there's it seems like as a transgender man to a woman to man who's saying she was talking there's a Jordan Peterson debate and she was saying there's no biological difference between the sexes and I'd be happy to unpack that for you oh really oh you'd be happy to unpack yeah biology sure and just no difference at all in our biologists now it's not real okay there's no biological basis in Jin sex Jen what yes I'm sorry you transphobic are you a bigot is this an this is an expert no but she's teaching at a college oh that's yeah that would follow but that's what a lot of lots going on there's a lot of that going on in colleges where people are teaching unbelievably ridiculous [ __ ] I got a piece yep [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 2,022,461
Rating: 4.9066577 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, transgender, trans, transgender athletes, Caitlynn Jenner
Id: UZgtMK0UxlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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