Joe Rogan Reacts To Fake Martial Artists

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I just that that there's something about cults and there's something about like seeing people just hook line and sinker roll out the red carpet here he comes here he comes you know that stuff freaks me out that stuff freaks me out I think because I've seen it seen it with martial arts especially seen it with a lot of a lot of the old-school martial arts schools were very culty very culty you know I don't know if you follow McDo Joe life on Instagram dude I'm just gonna give you a treat here mcdo Joe life is a awesome collection of the fakest martial arts you've ever seen in your life and something about these videos is so goddamn compelling because these people who are the students they know the [ __ ] does not really work but they pretend that it works because they're just they're in a cult you know and this guy's like teaching people like if someone comes to grab him like to try to take him down like some wrestler check it out he's gonna put his hand here give me some volume on this Jamie small intestine is gonna get it right from the bladder point just making [ __ ] up dude just making [ __ ] up we get homeboys mustache behind him he comes in he touches them hits him here right here that's all you need to do bro Cain Velasquez shoots that power devil just put that left hand look at that he's ko he came out him bro get him up this is important and this guy really believes us that's an anti Gracie move he says [ __ ] try that too let try that on hens oh you [ __ ] dummy there's so many of these but this guy has like an awesome collection of them look at this the guy gets out and throws everybody to the ground hi-yah I am a master they goes walk at this man they're all they're all grabbing him and he's like but I have superpowers and you don't they might as well be five they might as well be five-year-olds on a playground and one of them pretends he's dr. strange you grab me I'm gonna send you back to Mordor it's so stupid it's so stupid but this is what I'm saying these are cults this is there's something about this [ __ ] that freaks me the [ __ ] out and my martial art school that I started out in Taekwondo school was very strict as a lot of discipline it wasn't really culty but it was a everyone everyone is they're all little culty they're all little culty well there's master and mister and all and stuff there's always a little bit of that but we would go to tournaments and then we would see it full-on just full-on cults like one guy would be the kung fu master and have all that students they'd all be at his command and he'd be telling them what to do they like yes say they'd scream it out and [ __ ] just like Karate Kid there's a lot of a man there's hundreds of these weird little schools that were run by people that were running their own little cults but at least at least at the tournaments like you guys are getting actually [ __ ] compete right yeah so the kids even though they're they're like dogs they're well trained you know they always listen yes sir yes sir and they still get to get on the mat and they experience loss they experienced some form of [ __ ] real world miss not like the [ __ ] on McDo Joe yeah no but it's what's stunning about McDo Joe life is how many of them there are I mean there's and they're making video so this is the thing these people like scroll just scroll and show how many videos this guy's got out I mean who I don't even know how many this probably hundreds but the thing is this is just what's on video man I don't understand how you know the easel that come to these places they don't ask for competition they don't ask to see somebody they don't know any better always but is it always like you know oh if I did this to a man he'd die you know like is that is that what everyone believes look at this one this guy when a guy has a knife to his neck he's gonna smush the guy's hand with his chin watch this he's gonna make the guy tap check this out the guy's got a knife right to his neck and he's like but what you need to do try it on me as soon as he gets that knife near me not the same spot [ __ ] that's not the same spot right watch this okay I give up but I will take my hand and then my chin will make your hand hurt like this watch this guy it's a dumbest [ __ ] hurry up we get to it he goes look he's making him tap he's grabbing his own hand czi grabs his own head leave that armbar ferocious ferocious at no point time with that guy I've been able to stab the [ __ ] out of him with that giant knife in his hand that's just relax a little bit believable than the other one goes the one right next to it were the guys on the his knees there that one right there watch this one this one's so [ __ ] stupid I mean reach me with that hand reach me with that you cannot our mustaches like straight Ben Stiller but this is why I think I get freaked out by cults is that when I was a young teenager and I've started doing martial arts I saw like certain elements of that I you know I went to Catholic school for just one year when I was young when I was seven first grade actually six right and it was [ __ ] horrible yeah and I remember thinking like that I can't believe all these people are just doing this like all these people are following along there was like so awful okay enough with the I don't want to see anymore these I can't there's some stupid he's got high years of a man but I recognize that like when I was young I was like this is this doesn't make sense this is just everybody's just going along with this this is normal to leave your kids with this mean ass nun and all these [ __ ] people or everybody's like staying order everyone's nasty to you and they're hitting kids like woof was awful and I remember thinking man there's something that happens to people when they get big groups of them together and they agree on irrational [ __ ] something some weird thing that happens to people where everybody this can't be right that lady's not acting in the name of God there's no [ __ ] way she's a crazy mean old lady and I got to listen to her because she works for God like this is [ __ ] nuts can I talk to God does he know how she act no you gotta talk to him ya gotta talk through her representative I got the phone line yeah your [ __ ] parents take you there and drop you off and leave you with these monsters all day like what and some of them got [ __ ] right some of them got molested not just some of them quite a few so I think I had a healthy respect for that and fear of that when I was really young and then I saw some of the same elements when I started doing martial arts particularly with like some of the more ridiculous like like really rigid traditional type styles a lot of kung-fu there was a lot of like you know for every hundred martial arts schools you had three or four that would just flat-out cults I just made those numbers up there with no idea one percent who was the guy I think he wasn't it was in China that [ __ ] up one of these fake Grand Master's home then he had to go into hiding yeah well that guy was two of them one of them happened recently was that was the guy with yellow sneakers on right he was an MMA guy yeah yeah yeah and he [ __ ] this guy up the just like all of like two strikes to [ __ ] dismantle little part yeah I mean it's not it's not fair you're dealing with someone who's delusional but it is fair because we all need to see that because there's some people that really did believe that guy had magic powers because they run a cult like these people that are doing all this death touched it when they see their students like oh huh they fall down they believe that they're getting jolted and some weird might maybe not a hundred percent but there's a small percentage of their brain that's willing to not just go along with it but to believe this guy something special that guy with the yellow sneakers didn't give a [ __ ] about that he just beat the [ __ ] out of that dude and for everybody else but that dude that's good you know for that guy to find out that he's not really some possessor of magic powers I mean if he really did believe it here it is Oh red sneakers a different one maybe no this is it what is it he just beats the [ __ ] out of this dude I mean real quick he just storms him boom hit some of the right hand boom another right hand and just gets him on the ground and beats the [ __ ] out of them I mean this is like maybe six or seven seconds before they stop at he's out cold have those mats in my house puzzle mats yeah they let me know the exact color I check them like that too you're an animal you keep in the living room uh-huh that's we can just quickly yoga we can roll that's hard Oh wrestle with my son there you'd freak people out if they came into your house if you in the neighborhood so uh you [ __ ] hang out with me for a minute in the living room come on over and have some cacao dip into my cart a cow yeah it's like a mild dose of MDMA Hey look at my living room it's [ __ ] wrestling mats nothing creepy about that
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 1,710,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: l1y23KvjqKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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