Joe Rogan on Learning Jiu-Jitsu for Self Defense

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the older i get i'm just a puss man i need a man up i used to be so aggressive you're a big dude you're strong that's why nobody messes with me oh yeah what it's like it's like like like you you like fight and all that stuff i can't even like if somebody punched me in the face today i don't know how would react like i don't know i used to be a bouncer at clubs i play college football like i was a tough dude now after all apart I could get you a gym no no I'm in shape but I mean like a fight gym no no I'd know I'm gonna fight a little bit no not to fight people why are you so you don't worry about it I never worry about it okay well then don't worry about cuz I'm at home I saw you at the improv the other night nobody's gonna jump on stage I'm talking about family oh man you never know people crazy has anyone jumped up on the WWF and attacked who did he attack he attacked Brett hiring is like speech that's crazy yeah always gotta be like how old is you know makes do you want any joke survivor so [ __ ] up when the guy tackled them yeah Jesus quick but Joe seriously you think anybody's gonna jump on stage when you're on some dude and could ease it you would [ __ ] kill him no there's there's a lot of people they can kill me you don't get but I I I just don't see me doing stand-up talking about family of love and a dude guys I hate family I love I'm a jumper it's that it's not rational no yeah right a rational person wouldn't do that but you're not worried about rational people anyway okay so so say I started to go to a fight gym like where would I start at my mom what I do I would say you should try jiu-jitsu cuz it's fun it's really good exercise and you'll learn some stuff okay you learn how to do it it's it's a technique based art whereas like say if if you like there's there's guys that I will do Jiu Jitsu sparring we call rolling okay there's guys that I will roll with that are weaker than me smaller than me and tapped me every time I roll with them and I'm a black belt okay like that's reality like if there's there's guys out there that 150 pounds so that I could roll with that I know will tap me virtually every time we roll because their technique is sharper they train more often I am they're more focused they're more in the groove but I also heard you say like one of your podcasts you've got to watch out who you train with because they might just try to hurt you that's true I need I need you got to go to a good school with good ethics because yeah a good school with good ethics they get rid of those guys do you know do you no one in Studio City I'll do sure I'll get ya know do it I want to learn there's a good spot just a little further than that in Tarzana ok Machado's where i got my black belt so John Jacques Machado I trained there sometimes and he used to have a place in Malibu but it closed down because of the fires but they they have an outstanding gym it's like one of the best in the country and it's in that area like as far as teaching yeah top-notch like but there's a lot of really good jiu-jitsu schools now it's not like like when I started in 96 it was hard to find a good gym there was only like 5 of them in all of California right because it was just starting out I was like 93 is when jiu-jitsu sort of emerged in the public consciousness because the UFC and then they were gym started like popping popping up but I was really lucky there was like Hicks and Gracie's which is where I took my first class and then Karlsson Gracie's I thought they were like the same and the other one was closer so I just switched to Carlson's I didn't know [ __ ] you knows wipeout but and then there was a Machado's and then like a couple other places how long did it take you to get to a black belt like four years some guy took me a long time I was a brown belt for eight years but it was just because I wasn't training as much as I should have liked that you don't they don't give them away like you have to be a real black belt but besides what is somebody just watch instructors yeah and you do well no okay well everyone knows it's like like you know when a guy is [ __ ] killing like like he let's take like Theo von for example like Theo I love him he hit a groove some time ago whether it's two years ago or whatever it was and I remember being in the back of the store and I was like dude this [ __ ] on fire yeah he started hittin that groove that where you go and sit down you want to watch his set ya know and I think when that happens in jiu-jitsu it's the same kind of thing I start talking about like - Mike has been tapping everybody but he's just his jiu-jitsu so sharp and you're like man I'm gonna watch him roll and then you watch them all like - that a Sat card pass then guys start asking like wait how about offer you training I'm going five days a week now really yeah and I'm taking to private spa then you know like this guy is on the quest and you'll see a guy go from white belt to black belt in three years but they have to be super exceptional like really unusual athletes unusual mindset unusual discipline it can happen most of the time like a garden-variety estimate is like 10 years is realistic white belt a black belt for a regular person if you really train hard and you really dedicate yourself but freaks can get there quicker like BJ Penn he won the mundi Isles which is the World Championships after three years of training three years of training he was a black belt won the world shall be doing that to bj's a special guy though I just also got legs that are like arms he has leg dexterity like no one on the planet yeah I got chicken legs oh yeah that's actually good is it really yeah you could cinch up triangles on people with chicken legs people everywhere there just think about it in terms of leverage guys with longer limbs like Roger Gracie is a perfect example he's a really tall long guy so when the best jujitsu players ever they can do things with those limbs that a shorter person can't do in terms of like leverage from joints and stuff like this like there's the advantages to every frame like there's a guy like who Samar Paul Hara is a famous like tank of a guys five seven two hundred plus pounds and just rips guy's legs apart and he uses this like short style to dive in on people's legs and get him in heel hooks and bars and rip their legs parties terrifying yeah and that that style heavily favors being built like a little little tank whereas like that long like you are you're a tall long guy you would have like good Darce chokes good rear-naked good or good arm bars good triangles you would have lengthened leverage with that length especially with triangles because long-legged guys they can like sometimes a guy like me with short legs like I'll get my legs crossed yeah and I have to adjust a lot to be able to cinch up by triangle whereas you might be able to just close the right there so you have like more opportunities for triangles because the length of your limbs have you would you have ever been at a point in your in your career when you were doing to just where you how would you have been in the UFC like at your prime like I have no idea I have no idea I would have had to have gotten way better like when I was fighting I was just kickboxing yeah I was kickboxing and first of all first it was Taekwondo and then went to kickboxing and by the time the UFC came around like on the ground I was useless or there's a straight white belt I would get ripped apart every day I would go to the gym and if I if I tapped anybody like if it was like a a week went by and I tapped one guy black oh I [ __ ] tapped a guy yeah there wasn't that many people doing it you know so I was going with like there was a couple of white belts maybe and then there was like blue belts and purple belts and brown belts and those guys would always tap me guys so that's just how went for a long time when you are you know unless you're some kind of freak like some big-ass football player or some like super athlete you're probably not gonna be able to hold these guys off they're gonna they're gonna choke you now was it true you're gonna fight Wesley Snipes that was way later though way late that was a brown belt by then and I've been doing a lot toward you beating him I don't know cuz we never did everybody there's a real martial artist I was real martial arts but he doesn't know jiu-jitsu the thing that must have been exciting though [ __ ] excited yeah because I was thinking like I knew that he was a real legitimate martial artist like he throws kicks and punches and it looks really good like he really does know his [ __ ] but I also know he never fought and there's a big difference between throwing kicks and I know and I haven't fought in a long time but I probably fought a hundred times yeah so i I've been I've felt that nerves I know what that's like it'll be crazy as [ __ ] to do it again that's what I was thinking I mean it'll probably scare the [ __ ] out of me but I think I know what to do I think I know how to like get in there and start fainting and start giving some movement see how he reacts and then the worst case scenario is like I'm like in a scramble I'm gonna strangle this guy like this this comes to a scramble yeah because the average person really doesn't know how helpless they are until a jiu-jitsu blackbelt grabs ahold of you and then you just go oh [ __ ] like I'm helpless because in a fight you really think like you might be able to punch a guy like maybe if he's friend me and he's swinging at me and I'm swinging at him maybe I hit him first you really think that but there's no swinging if it's a jiu-jitsu fight if you guys get into some sort of a tussle and that guy grabs you and trips you and boom and he's on the ground with his hand on your jacket and knee on your chest you're a dead man you're a dead man because there's no lucky shot yeah a jiu-jitsu blackbelt is just gonna close the distance like that evil [ __ ] crab and he's just gonna [ __ ] and there's no way you're gonna avoid it and there's no way you're gonna survive it you're just not going to that's why you don't fight people like people I'm just you can't fight random people on the streets like when you're young that was the thing you could go to bars yeah feel like I had some friends that like to throw down when I was younger and I wouldn't do I was watching but good be now it's kind of like you got to watch everybody because you don't know what kind of training they're doing like everybody so educated on and it's so big right now well some guy fought off a guy in the subway that was attacking with a knife with some moves that he learned watching the UFC never even trained before he just knew what to do yeah he like knew what to do because he had seen guys like get the mount and drop ground-and-pound he'd like knew what to do based on watching it yeah I think it's good like when you mention it I think it's good just to learn so you would feel better about yourself in case danger comes yeah you want to be the person that gets to make the decision here's the thing right if you don't know how to fight and there's some drunk [ __ ] who doesn't know how to fight either but he might come over and punch you in the face and some to punch you and he can hurt you or knock you out in front of your woman you want to be the one who gets to decide yeah if I'm in a situation and some guy and he's like reasonably close to my size and he's being an [ __ ] he's drunk and he gets aggressive with me I can decide what to do with him mm-hmm like I can it gets I don't want to hurt anybody but I'm not gonna let you hurt me yeah you get to decide like you don't want like you've we've all seen these 7-eleven [ __ ] parking lot lights on YouTube or some [ __ ] and both of them don't know how to fight but one guy might [ __ ] that guy up he might kick him in the face while he's down you don't want to be that guy yeah but you don't want to be in that situation definitely walk away whenever you can always
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 4,567,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: JpRJLg9Lq5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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