Joe Rogan - NASA Is a Part of a Corrupt System

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and isn't he's supposed to be cheap like in terms of like how he pays workers at the Amazon fact I was imagine that when it comes to Blue Origin his rocket company that he is not cheap oh I didn't even know he had a rocket company yes he has a rocket company he's Elon Musk yeah he thinks that he thinks that that SpaceX an Elon Musk are the hair and he's the tortoise so he has launched rocket the same rocket eight times now and landed it again really yeah same rock the same rocket so he's demonstrated multiple reuse the problem is that his rocket can't can only get to the fringes of space it can't really get into orbital space is right here Jamie just pulled it up haha Wow real that's a real Jamie that's totally why does it look fake you haven't seen it before doesn't it look like CG are you sound like kitty Bravo so it could be but he's actually launched this thing a time what's with the golf ball inside there I have no clue it's probably demonstrating that it that it's weightless we really time of super geniuses dude incredible and this is how it lands it lands the same way that's exactly it that's incredible and Elon says you know that Elon has been landing his rockets and he wants to read and he's been reusing him I think he's done 11 were uses so far something like that but Elon is saying that he's gonna get so precise in his landings that the Rockets will land precisely on the brackets from which they took off Wow yeah so that was on the same pad I mean yeah I was a fairly small pad that the Bezos roxo basis is a very well controlled rocket eelain's you saw after the Falcon Heavy launch the pictures of the two boosters landing simultaneously within a hundred yards of oh you have to bring that up sometime because it's an astonishing I like side those is the Amazon Prime videos they're putting out they're putting out some really great shows yeah they're putting out a lot of stand-up comedy now right which they're trying to somewhat compete with Netflix and if you have a third is right there yeah it just sounded heavy well though that's that's it yeah that's the money shot yeah Wow planning simultaneous unbelievable yeah so the goal here is up until now NASA which has been dumbed down so much it's ridiculous by Congress in the Senate yes Congress in the Senate or insist on designing their own rockets and order Drew's jobs programs not to get us to space right is that what the problem is it's a funding issue too right it's like you have to have immediate results for the amount of money it's worse than that the there's a little thing called the Alabama mafia it's a bunch of senators and congressmen from Texas and Colorado and MS Mississippi and all the states that have rocket jobs and they have designed a rocket called the Space Launch System and it's gonna cost thirty billion dollars to design it and it's a throwaway rocket so it's gonna cost one to two billion dollars for each flight do you think this is intentional it's intentionally yes it's intentionally stupid he thinks and yeah because it's designed for jobs and the result is we Americans haven't had access to space on american-made vehicles since 2011 that's a long time now when we do get access to manned space is gonna come from Elon Musk it's not gonna come from any of the major space companies and three billion dollars a year is sunk into this Space Launch System this Turkey and another turkey called the Orion and that's money that needs we need that money to actually design habitats on the moon design mining equipment to mine the ice on the moon and turn it into rocket fuel and breathable oxygen and drinkable water and there are tons of things we need but NASA's not producing them because it's trying to compete with Elon and Jeff Elon and Jeff know a secret if I volunteered to fly you to New York City and I told you I'm gonna do this for free I'm not gonna charge you a penny all you have to pay are the expenses and then I bought you a Boeing 737 for three hundred and twenty five thousand dollars and allowed you and one friend to get into this thing and then I flew you to New York and then I flew the plane out into the Atlantic over the Atlantic and plowed it into the Atlantic Ocean and discarded it now when but I'm doing this all without charging you anything you realize so when you want to fly back from New York to California I'll buy you another 737 another three hundred and twenty five thousand dollars and fly you back and then I'll fly the 737 out over the Pacific and I will ditch it this is the way we do space at NASA right now so how much would it cost you per ticket for you and a friend to go from LA to New York and back again approximately three hundred and twenty five thousand dollars per ticket how often would you fly from New York to from LA to New York not very often if ever so that's what NASA is doing with the Space Launch System and it's gobbling up so much money there's no funding left for the stuff we really need to do do you think it would be better if they just privatized the entire venture it would be better if they offered were to call cots programs where you ask companies to bid on getting a rocket wherever you want it to go and doing with that rocket whatever you want it to do and then let Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos and United Launch Alliance which is a big company underwritten by the government that is I can never remember the names of with the companies but it's Boeing and Lockheed Martin combined and allow them all to bid on this because Elon is gonna bring it in for a tenth the cost Elon has developed the Falcon Heavy for approximately two billion dollars he's developed all of his rockets for approximately two billion dollars for all of them it's costing NASA 30 billion dollars to develop a turkey now how do they how do they keep doing that in the face of these guys like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos congressmen and Senators don't care they simply want to maintain the jobs in their districts plus if they feed the smick the space military-industrial complex the space military-industrial complex will kick back contributions to their campaign funds as a result so this is an evil spiral Buzz Aldrin calls these the Darth Vader of space for Lockheed Martin's and Northrop Grumman the big aerospace with traditional aerospace contractors so Congress incent a certain number it's a cabal of senators and congressmen who are screwing us up because a country a country that dreams big gets big a country that looks up goes up a country that looks down goes down we've hoped we become accustomed to looking down because we don't have that a glorious option the moon is way behind us buzz and and Neil Armstrong walking on the moon that's a long time ago that's two generations two-and-a-half generations ago and kids in America have lost that dream of creating a paradise above the sky because NASA's abandoned them and its mess has been forced to abandon them by these congressmen and senators who steal this money from the NASA budget but if that money were used look that three billion dollars a year would mean that you could develop an entire Elon Musk face problem program and launch roughly 20 rockets is the issue the the actual engineers and the scientists themselves I mean they must know it's these politicians right but the politicians are they able to dictate what the actual scientists and engineers create y'all say hey you must create something that is disposable yes today is that really a conversation that's taking place yes because these guys have said okay we want to use space shuttle left over space shuttle technology and we and they've they've mapped out the specifications of the rocket that they want these guys are doing yes that's right how's that possible oh it's easy that seems disgusting they control the budget and one of the tricks that this smick the space military industrial complex is known for a long time is you try to parcel our jobs to as many states as possible so major programs like the the latest fighter that the Air Force the Navy are being told to use those represent jobs in roughly 45 States each that means that if you're Lockheed Martin and you want to keep your contract for a plane that people are claiming can lose to a 1951 era MIG all you have to do is hit the congressmen and Senators from those 47 states and they'll all back you why because they're counting on your campaign contributions where you're going to get the money to give them a campaign contributions from that billion to three billion dollar nipple per year that NASA has been forced to extend you or that the Air Force has been forced to extend to you it's a very corrupt system that's a dirty system and it means that the Russians and the Chinese can develop equivalent aircraft for example for 1/10 the price and deliver them for 1/10 the precision where we would be mean you're only talking about two super geniuses Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk imagine where it would be if they didn't exist and exactly the odds are very high that they wouldn't exist the odds are very high that somebody could do away with them it would be fairly easy hey don't even put that out there yeah well the current man
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 1,115,509
Rating: 4.7304339 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, NASA, SpaceX, Elon Musk
Id: Pva3kUU7TS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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