Tommy Chong & Joe Rogan: "The Government Violates Our Personal Freedom"

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when I watch television and I see the ads on TV and I see some of the reality shows in every I think clearly I'm the only one who's not on acid I can't believe the I see on TV and this that you got people to do on TV what field fear factor everybody must be high on that show that was the only one that was high behind the ceiling are you seeing pot brownies and what mostly lollipops that was the big day yeah she's on marijuana I could function fully yeah an alcohol foes drunk it would be a terrible show it would suck but on pot it was inquisitive and also I like would be actually into talking to these people whereas the normally in real life I'm like this guy's crazy wants to win this I gotta get away from this dude but I'm like so what's up dude well it made it enjoyable to me because the first season I did totally sober and I thought the show was gonna be cancelled immediately which is why I was willing to do it the first place I really never thought it was gonna be a hit show I thought it was ridiculous somebody gonna take people and sick dogs on them and make him eat animal dicks like nobody's gonna watch that you know that's what I thought right I figured everybody would have tuned in until they you know there was a public outrage and they yanked it off the air that's what I expect it turns out for your fraktur was actually the high-water mark yeah cool yeah compared to a lot of things unfortunately that should be the promotion for legalizing marijuana it makes reality contestants interesting it does it's the only thing that works for me it's good to see you out of prison thank you I don't think most people are aware of what went down with your drug bust but wasn't a drug bust it was a bong bust Oh much that's true yeah hi I had the drug thing totally taken care you know I had my medical card I had my license whoo and they said it was for bongs that was guilty yeah when they raided your house which is an amazing story they said do you have any drugs on the premises you just went I'm Tommy Chong [Applause] then they give me that that routine where they say well if you tell us where it is we'll be out of here faster Isis every room in the house and then you got a defense it because while we don't have our dogs and I says well that's another thing what kind of drug bust is this without the dogs they were doing it all wrong it's gonna pond to your agent what kind of drug bust did you get me these you know why we're here don't you know I said I don't they said bombs and that's when I got pissed off because it was my son's business you know they had helicopters everything so they came in full SWAT gear and 12o helmets and flak jackets in the Halawa everything it was weird man because I had a glass door and I could see him and they look like trick-or-treaters if you open the door just gave him candy and closing it was a politically correct bust they had a black they had a Chinese they had a woman it was like a movie in a movie they would have dogs at least I was gonna fight it yeah you know I was kind of looking for this excuse to show the world you know that part is safe and it's good for you and all that you know and then my lawyer told me straight as a charge is paraphernalia and the only thing you could talk about with paraphernalia and I said well that's fine too I'll fight him on that then the government came back and said well if you don't plead guilty we're gonna go after your wife and your son now my son I you know if he went to jail be out again I didn't imagine visiting my wife for something I didn't say so are they treating you heard was addition question about entrapment it was total entrapment oh I fell into the trap you know I was wide open with it you know bond company Chong bongs my face is on it Chong so I did a signing in honoring Arlington Texas the DEA comes in disguise now here's their disguise they got a headband on then the guy comes over to me he goes these pipes they're not really for tobacco use only are they and I said no he goes oh well what are they for for pot they had backpacks with cameras on and the guy would kind of lean over and so they had all that on film that's the trouble with being a pothead see us pot heads the reason there's so many of us in jail is when we smoke pot we think we're not doing anybody any harm why should we be afraid of anybody you know good luck it was it there's not against the law to have paraphernalia in California right but it's against the law in Pennsylvania to ship a bomb across the state line then you breaking postal law you're breaking federal law they would phone up and say we wanted you understand and we would tell them or their company would say no we can't send it to you because you're in you know you know and no no bond zone and so they ordered all these bonds you know and whoever they talked to which was probably an agent and I suspect they put an undercover agent into the factory said okay and then they shipped it they broke the law that's the only way they got me in the indictment read that I should go to jail because I made movies that depicted law enforcement agents in a non flattering manner who said that that's where it gets chilling yeah who's that's in the indictment they're talking about movies that you made like thirty several years ago up in school that's the only thing that you had you know what they did they checked my background and they thought for sure that I'd you know but even Bill O'Reilly said well the reason they busted charlie he had 17 prior convictions they found none did you have something I was shocked man I was char you sure I haven't seen you in a movie in a long time and this was the movie I ended up seeing you in it's a documentary called the American drug war by our pal Kevin Boothe who's here Kevin were AIA great documentarian and I was so excited that you were in a movie and I was bummed that it turned out to be this one in his attempt to shut down the paraphernalia industry and send a message to Hollywood John Ashcroft made an example out of Tommy proving that even a rich movie star is not untouchable for the DEA the privatized prison business is big it's a slave labor market we give these little jobs and we work we get like $15 a month low in people that are doing the longest time here are the ones that had a strategy that went to court and farted and last I'll tell you what it did it made me feel like a black guy as funny as that is that's a big point about how the prison industry is essentially modern slavery and it is racist I mean overwhelmingly the war on drugs is affecting minorities you're in prison being treated like a black guy and a black guy knows what that means because they're being taken off ballots they can't vote that's right that's right it's it's it's an industry and keeping it illegal and that's what it becomes it becomes some self-justifying process you know what at the end of the day it's just a person telling another person what they can and can't do and that's ridiculous you shouldn't be able to tell me what I can't do if it doesn't with you if every time a person got high everyone around them got up - well then yeah well we got to regulate this I want to be there all you're doing is keeping someone from an experience I mean that the who the are you but under the guise of government the idea that any human being should be able to keep another human being from an experience is dumb that doesn't make any sense and it's 2011 and at what point in time do we go stop stop you can't lock people up for that doesn't hurt them for that they like for that makes them see the world better it's crazy I don't know if I trust Joe as an authority on this though I ate a pot brownie in New Zealand that opened doors that haven't closed and I was having panic attacks you know you could have so I direct message Joe on Twitter and I said I'm having a massive panic attack I just ate a pot cookie I don't know what to do have you ever felt like this and he wrote back every day brother every day you got to learn how to let go we got to let go close your eyes and watch the cartoons it's always when I'm hallucinating out too much pot it's always cartoons behind my eyelids when people don't know because one of the things because pots illegal we're not we're not educated about the stuff eating it it's very very different than smoking oh yeah they told me not to eat - when you eat it it produces something called eleven hydroxy metabolites that is like four times more psychoactive than THC and it lets you talk to dolphins they for real I don't give a what anybody says I was on a boat in Hawaii on a pot brownie and I talked to dolphins and we had a conversation about consciousness you have a Rick here comes a rational voice the thing is talking to dolphins is great but sometimes I wish it would drive us to something guys against me so mad about they circled you Lake Lake in wagons for a bun and you know all this stuff and it's like but what'd he do write it down and press click and send and five other guys know it like it seems like were at a point I feel like I just ate that pot brownie again I'm not kidding I'm not dated backless mate wouldn't be great and here Canaries where to get to it laughter if we talk to a dump we get some information on him and he inspires us he inspires [Applause] back in the day when men were fighting they would give him booze say we give them alcohol because alcohol makes you aggressive and ignorant and stupid and you go kill people you know but the people that were in fighting over Vietnam they were getting high everything changed everything changed often they go I don't I'm not mad at that guy why should I kill her yeah and so what happened America lost the war basically and they wanted to blame it on pot so I see what they did with it with the kid that that shot people in the congressman in Arizona the first twitter out was it was a loner pothead yeah they described him as a left winger yeah left winger yeah the first book in the Loveland Fox News does that whenever some Republican dude does something really sexually creepy sucking dicks and bathrooms whatever the it is right they always put like a D right next to his name up sorry alright next D Vermont D whatever yeah when everyone knows it's a Republican platform you do any activism against the war on drugs it's slacktivism or you know I think the really the real way activism works this is a real way you say what you really feel and people who enjoy your work listen to you and it changes the way young people think and that's that's really the way you fix things the system that we have in place is so titanic lis corrupt entirely built on unfixable between the stock market and the special interest groups of piteΓ₯ politicians in office in the first place it's chaos it's all nuts it's completely only way you're gonna fix it is by influencing young people young people who are not going to be completely compromised by the system by the time to hear your message well goddamn it I've had a blast thank you for being a common child so world we keep trying right now rich hero any airplane Donna [Applause]
Channel: Fun Void
Views: 2,310,937
Rating: 4.8506355 out of 5
Keywords: green room, paul provenza, green room with paul provenza, comedy, funny, fun, comedian, comedians, humor, joke, standup, stand-up, jokes, Tommy Chong, Joe Rogan, Rick Shapiro, Eddie Ifft, radio, radio show, podcast, joe rogan experience, void, fun void, funvoid
Id: r3zNlok4BWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2016
Reddit Comments

I like how the special just came out with on Netflix borrows some of his old material from 2011. I mean it's a great bit, Im not complaining.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stomppad12 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 06 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

who is the guy with the sweet jacket that lost another sweet jacket on Maron?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lovehat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 06 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Maria rocks!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nonconformist3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 07 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
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