Joe Rogan on The Pope Saying Hell Isn't Real

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you know man it's like even what's going on with the Pope just recently said there's no hell and everybody went crazy like what what did he just say the Pope said there's no hell he's he's slowly bracing you for the fact that all this is nonsense but right now we're gonna get rid of hell like this is like one of the one of the purest examples of like the change in people's attitudes towards religious real yep yep the Vatican denies that but yeah the Vatican did not say there's no hell we'll find out an article where it says he did say that he's not gonna go back go back in time and find an article where he did say they guarantee we did say it let's just assume and one day there see this is what they do they say it a little bit and then they take it back so they get used to the idea they're saying it that's what it is I'm full Eddie Bravo right now I'm full conspiracy dude this is how they set it up they start out with they tell you hell's not real and then they say we never said that and then a year from now they say look we're pretty sure hell's not real this this Pope probably plays for tonight and he's like he's got his Kanye's on he's the cool Pope he is the cool Pope he got rid of the throne oh yeah yeah he had a big giant crazy-ass throne for the last guy The Creeper he's got a gamer chair Pope Francis in the house Pope Francis has no problem with gay people either Pope Francis fighting with you litter kid yeah see look how he swatted the old Lou the old throne versus the new throne look at the to side to side the guy on the lefts the guy they just kicked out for crimes against humanity Wow and the guy on the right is the new guy who's just got a sensible chair much better yeah the other throne is creepy man that is crazy and he dresses much more conservatively - he's not wearing crazy wizard robes he's wearing like a one-color wizard robe he dresses like art Kelly on a Sunday just crazy like if he came out and like a polo shirt a pair of jeans no right no everybody like hey you can't be the Pope without the magic outfit where's your fishhead hat come on bro he's got body armor on he's got a hat on like a golden salmon that's coming out of the top of his head like show me that hat do this hat sounds preposterous that's a that's like a monster that's it's a mouth of a monster yeah like a like a giant snake looks like a napkin at a restaurant when you go there it's sitting by mistake making fun of our Holy Father this is on this show sucks you're making fun of our Holy Father he's right there with the smoke oh my god how is this still legal look at these kids dressed up like they're in Harry Potter's seminary done no life that they look good they do they look like they're go to that what's that Hogwarts school mm-hmm they do this is ridiculous universal talking to this dude who's holding up a golden version of where the Savior was murdered right he's got a golden cross this crosses all over the place like don't forget about the cross and he's standing there dressed like a wizard this is craziness and everybody know this is our religion this is our culture this is weird this is weird and I'm not saying it's not beautiful it's absolutely beautiful I'm not saying it's any weirder than going to the Opera because I think that's weird too but this is weird this is some really old form of Education / entertainment that people used to do before they had plays they get together and some room what's crazy different colored glass windows in it why doesn't have a mic on why that kid gotta hold the mic and because Jesus doesn't want him to be unmagnified that's a thick mic though yeah magic was pink a pink mic what's it do what supplies it have to be silver I like pink big pink mic it's uh it's crazy you know and it's a billion of us and I was raised there I mean I was went from when I was real little kid I did at least one year in Catholic school was around a lot of Catholics you know I know I'm not claiming to be an expert in it but I don't have to be that shit's bananas I could be an altar server I used to hold that mic did you really I did you what you ever in the middle of doing that going what in the am i doing now what the most of the times we did it when me my friends talked about we we would get out of class so we would because I went to Catholic school there'd be services during the day and funerals even sometimes we get paid to be out of class and then we would like miss 2-3 hours of school getting paid 20 bucks get some doughnuts miss lunch you know that was really all we were doing I used to just have to light the candles like I me and this other kid would come out and light all these candles bananas when you're in that room and those you see those benches all laid out up to the pulpit like this is so crazy this is it's it's like people figured out some way to make the bridge between physical evolution and mental evolution like there's this bridge between us not being monkeys anymore but still we just want to get out of the Barbarian behavior we've got to figure out a way to get people to like have reverence for something it's all powerful and just control their behavior we got to slow down the chimp in a set a monkey like that's why it looks like a monkey oh it's a widget it's monkey statue the Feast of the chair of st. Peter and they dressed what is the the statue it's just a bronze statue of Saint Peter this is a dark statue try to tell you st. Peter was black sure there's a when we were in Charlottesville they had the black Israelites there they were right out in front of the building yeah they used to set up shop all the time in New York is to run into those dudes just want down the street I was told that because I'm Italian I'm not white that's yeah do told me that I was like thank you and you see true man see I know you are I did see that I did see that but yet I'm certainly not black so keep town but according to these black Israelites I am NOT white so I'm okay the true Nation is that them I love how they dress I mean they take that whole Pope to the next level like that man won't be like he-man master the universe dressing it's crazy oh good look at how they're dressing they have shields and bro go to that make that picture bigger please make that picture bigger these are serious people they're on the street they're reading from the Bible one guy has a sword okay this guy's got an axe the other guy's got a pickaxe like he's gonna go find gold this is one of the craziest pictures if this is real is that real Jaime happier that's like go back to that please Jaime go back to that please for a second what did it say there was something in the the text that went with it is that it yeah there it is what does it say Passover 2012 is upk Passover from Wikipedia hmm looks like a mixtape what is the I High Holy Day Passover in Harlem New York 2012 oh my god so that's the black Israelites at the High Holy Day Passover black Israelites you think they're a different kind of Jew that these so-called Jews that looks like fine I'll do that it looks like fun until someone gets drunk start swinging that axe around what do they got there they're teaching white people stuff they got these posters 666 preach on brother okay they dress cool though look at that outfit all leather giant star David dude has a sword no big deal just two dudes walking around with stored like a it looks like a Holiday Inn or something right does it look like some sort of banquet center when they have the sword show the picture of the sword where are they where the is that going on that seems like a very public place that was sword sir yeah what's that place you eat at and they all look like that rear their horse chow those medieval manner in tight places middle eat the times many times yeah
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 3,940,829
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: ZSZiyvE7h1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2018
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