Elon Musk opens up about Aliens

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imagine you're very confident that we were going to be visited by super intelligent aliens in let's say ten years or twenty years at the most super intelligence so you think within twenty years yes I'll have alien in earth haha well digital super intelligence will be like an alien it will be like yeah but but my question is do you think there is other intelligent life outside there it seems probable but I think this is this is one of the great questions in physics and philosophy is wear out the aliens maybe they're among us I don't know some people think I'm an alien not true ok but maybe we are a course that says we are I mean if you look at this part of the world yeah they believe that human being are not from Earth they came from somewhere else even an atom came from somewhere else to act so in a way human being alien to this land do you think we'll make contact with alien within the next 50 years well that's a really tough one to say ok if there are super intelligent aliens out there they're probably already observing us that would seem quite likely and we just are not smart enough to realize it but I can do some some back of the envelope calculations and any advanced alien civilization that that was at all interested in populating the galaxy even without without exceeding the speed of light even if you're only moving at say ten or twenty percent of the speed of light you could populate the entire galaxy and let's say ten million years maybe 20 million years max this is nothing you know in the grand scheme of things first of all congratulations you've launched a rather unconventional payload into space one that's generated a lot of buzz and there's a lot of people some of them citizen scientists some of them they're just newbies when it comes to tracking things and space are going to try and track the the Tesla and understand what's happening to it you know like that movie dude where's my car and other than the live webcam today what is SpaceX going to do to interact with this community of Tesla trackers once the car leaves orbit do you have a plan or are you just gonna kind of wait and see what bubbles up on the internet and react to it um we don't have a plan no plan the battery's gonna last about 12 hours from launch roughly and after that it's just gonna be out there in deep space for maybe millions or billions of years who knows and uh yeah maybe just covered by some future alien race thinking what the heck what what were these guys doing did they worship with this car why do they have a little car in the car don't really confuse them I feel in be so interested in the long-term future of humanity well I think I'm that unique you have an institute clearly you're interested in that too I'm curious your interest in the far future humanity well I think it what my interest in the future of humanity is I guess as a function of reading a lot of sci-fi and philosophy as a kid and and then and just sort of thinking about okay what's what's important to do like why should why do anything what's the meaning of life and you know came to conclusion that what we really need to do is make sure that life continues into the future and particularly conscious life and and in doing so we'll better we'll be better able to understand the nature of the universe and and and achieve greater enlightenment one thing I really admire about you is you don't just talk about the future of humanity you actually start companies and do things about it so what made you so audacious well I really think of these things as all out of daesh's they seem like natural things to do you know that is sort of a more of a long-term optimization rather than a short-term one and yeah I just um but not that I think you know everyone should be doing these things but someone needs to do them so you know so if I see that well somebody is not doing this and maybe I could be helpful then then then I try to do something in that regard weren't there some people along the way though told you that how that's crazy to start space company or a new electric car company or company sure I mean that lets people that said the the likelihood of failure was extremely high and that it was a sheer thing to do and when I started SpaceX one of my closest friends got a compilation of rocket failures and maybe watch the whole thing and there were less people I tried to talk me out of it and the joke was you know how do you how do you make a small fortune in the rocket business where you start with a large one and I got told I took so many times that that I've said me the punchline you know so I just tell them the punchline and they would look at me like is he serious or [Laughter] or it's like would I go like say why did you say rock company and like it I was trying to figure out the fastest way to turn a large portion just more one it seemed like a good way to go but but the thing is like I already thought the probability of failure was was high that and that you know with that the likelihood of success was low and so this was not new information I you know I thought maybe SpaceX had I don't know ten or twenty percent chance of success and Tesla probably similar I thought I thought Solar City had a much higher chance of success but probably still only you know I don't know if 50 percent rose when I got but yeah I mean for the longest time SpaceX and Tesla almost didn't survive I mean came very close to Pershing's companies in 2008 and 2009 with the Great Recession was extremely close Cole looking ahead what do you think are the technologies that I can have the greatest impact on society so I think it is it's probably at five five categories as and you know I'm not even giving a particular order but making life multiplanetary achieving sustainable production and consumption of energy obviously the Internet as a whole I mean the continued growth the internet the and then potentially if we do this reprogramming human genetics and the pheasant with artificial intelligence so you know working on the kind of the first three but not not the last two if it you know the last two I think have the greatest potential to be a double-edged sword so when you call that artificial intelligence double edged sword you talk about about the positive edge what do you see is the greatest benefits we can get from AI well the greatest benefits from a I would probably be in eliminating drudgery so like in terms of or tests that that that I'm that are mentally worrying not interesting there's a early breakthroughs in areas that are currently beyond human intelligence or at least for now beyond human intelligence something we could probably solve them in the long term such as you know the classic sort of curing cancer and addressing diseases of aging and Alzheimer's and all these things so there's the insert you know various like intractable intractable problems to human in shelters are currently what seems to be intractable problems and then if you had something that was wastewater it could solve those problems and I think it's it's best to prepare for attitude to try to prevent a negative circumstance from occurring then to wait for it to occur and then be reactive so and this is a case where the potential the range of negative outcomes are quiet some of them are quite severe so it's not clear whether we'd be able to recover from some of these negative negative outcomes in fact some of the civil you can construct scenarios where recovery of human civilization does not occur and when the risk is that severe it seems like you should be proactive and not reactive quite curious why you decided to make such a large donation because 10 million is not something that really enables the massive amount of research I don't think 10 million is large enough amount of money for for this subject area you should probably be higher but a but the you know it there should be probably some much larger amount of money applied to a safety it in multiple ways well I want to thank you again so much for this that's something you really really appreciate them are eager to do great stuff with
Channel: Reddit Storytime
Views: 2,459,809
Rating: 4.7855954 out of 5
Keywords: elon musk, tesla, spacex
Id: hxPmow6rY2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
Reddit Comments

I think he knows the real truth about aliens. He probably feels like it will fall on deaf ears and all that will happen is his stocks will drop. Seriously the truth needs to come from the president or a high government official to be taken seriously. Even then people wont believe the truth ,it's just our nature to doubt. The day full disclosure comes the world will never be the same again. Maybe people will actually be cool and accept the real truth. But more then likely religion will fall into a tailspin and it will case mass panic. When I was a kid I actually saw a real UFO. It had the lights and hovered and zipped around like a hummingbird. I went inside my room and cried like never before. Not really scared of an attack more of it just radically change my view and values in an instant. Being older now I realize it could have just been a military ship of some kind. All I know is my first instinct was total shock and disbelief in everything I grew up to that day knowing about my catholic upbringing to that point. So yah ignorance is bliss.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/antnee5150 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

Could someone comment here regarding what he says about aliens, I usually have difficulty watching any video that isn't pornographic in nature.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/BigAssAndTitties4Me 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

Elon was a guy that made a tech company. Basicly in the beginning PayPal was just a way for people to buy drugs overseas. Then it spread to everything else. He got lucky. That's it. Now he is only an investor. Not a fucking visionary. Elon doesn't have the smarts everyone thinks he does. Scientist he hired did all the real work.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/cobeyashimaru 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
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