Joe Rogan & Joey Diaz on Gambling Addiction

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the Joe Rogan experience you think about how many bets are placed oh Jesus Christ I mean there's so much money is so much money out there people love to gamble [ __ ] games when games are on people loved a gam what do you think is spent this weekend Jamie come on Jamie question Joey like why is that a problem like what what it what's helping us by letting them regulate that [ __ ] like why why does that have to have a licence to gamble why no if you think someone's not paying their taxes and you could prove it is it because it's money it's cash that's being thrown around mostly like what why is it an issue the government's got not getting their piece it seems ridiculous that grown adults could tell other growing adults they can't gamble but you can here but you can't there no gambling is one of those things like legalization of marijuana legalization of [ __ ] cocaine like legalization of anything bro you know what there's gonna be [ __ ] winners and there's gonna be [ __ ] losers my chance two years ago Connecticut dinner that an expose on 60 minutes about women who have just lost their [ __ ] minds gambling and Mohegan Sun because they installed no no disrespect to Mohegan Sun a casino industries they installed these type of slot machines that could just [ __ ] with your mind right so these women were going down there and losing [ __ ] mortgages houses you know things like a John Waters movie the dogs no dog it was just something that listen listen let's get some rotten away here the biggest percentage of degenerate gamblers are usually women let's look this [ __ ] percentage up here women go [ __ ] deep it's a [ __ ] hole they don't give a [ __ ] about nothing they they [ __ ] play cards women [ __ ] bang it out Wow and they bang it out while you're at work Joe Rogan while I'm at work they start with a horse then they go to this you know those little pros they in Jersey we can take what you know when that landing city was Atlantic City you went to Union City right you paid 15 bucks to get on a bus they gave you a coupon book and when you get to like City given $15 and corners back so they're basically driving you to [ __ ] gamble and drive back well I believe in gambling I believe in making a living I believe that it's a niche it's an illness whatever but when you're losing your house there's God that's where I want to know where that's where it bothers me it's just like okay it's just like I'm drug abuse it's just like the opiate problem it's just I can't even [ __ ] anything else it could [ __ ] you and I both know people who have lost their [ __ ] lives gambling okay you've seen people in pool halls you see how they get your open there's no difference in the drug addict than the gambling addict not Lawrence no difference there it's just as scary too because they're conscious it's like if you see the drug out do you see them be shooting up or whatever it is and you see him fainting you aw that poor bastard but when you see a guy who's fully in the grips of gambling trying to figure out how to make get his money back he's all jazzed up with adrenaline he doesn't understand why see this campus like Michael Jordan then this gamblers like Joey Diaz this gamblers who have the means to gamble and that is a [ __ ] killer also like a Michael George like a Michael Jordan and I'm not saying nothing bad about Michael Jordan just accusations that you hear that even bets on his own one-on-one basketball games he was very competitive oh yeah but now how Joey Diaz was doing it not how people Charles Barkley lost nearly thirty million dollars gambling and says yeah don't ease this Charles uh hey Joey how much money is chocolate how many people did you grow but that was like Joey Diaz did that I have the means that were 19 years old yeah okay and one night they put a ten times better than a [ __ ] knick game and they won fifty dollars when you're 19 $50 is a lot of money that's a lot of fun so now you think you got the world by the ball so you do it again on Friday Saturday and now you enter this Joe Rogan that gets dark it's it's instead of the drug addiction of the alcohol addiction every morning you wake up like is today my lucky day it's like the people who go to the 7-eleven everyday and you're trying to just get a pack a roll on papers you're just gonna rush you just left you gypsy just wanted rolling papers and water and there's a guy in front of you and he's done you give me 368 464 and this poor [ __ ] whatever gives them 20 lottery tickets and it's a hundred and eighteen dollars this is what this guy is doing every day seven [ __ ] days a week my friend and he bite me he might be one in 200 hours a [ __ ] week but every week he's getting deeper and deeper into a [ __ ] hole because in your mind you think you today's your lucky day and it's never your luck I was in that hole when I was 19 dog and I saw a friend loose eighty thousand when you're 18 years old and they had to get three jobs and I never really [ __ ] with that again I learned that addiction that should left my world early you know wasn't degenerate loser gambler John Gotti he wanted because they brag right that's that conversation in mind there me get away from me you know I have no [ __ ] idea if I had [ __ ] Michigan and the hook I would have made thirty thousand they lose eighty ninety two hundred thousand a weekend that the system is designed to bury the degenerate gambler like from from August 15th look at this John Gotti secret obsession that waged 600 bets in Scrabble and a three thousand dollar monopoly buy-in you have no idea guys with the degeneres for like eight for like seven months I played this [ __ ] ugly game Joe that I would start I knew the action I knew that you had a bet on Monday nights and try to win and you know what I lost every week and all these people who sell you information listen arch Lisa played the [ __ ] game lost Pete Rose Benton even Michael Jordan bet lost yeah there's rumors that that's why he was asked to play baseball for a few years because there was a cover-up again I did not write this this is just things I hear on the road everybody has a [ __ ] boat gambling grabs you [ __ ] weird weird and it grabbed me for a long time I kept thinking that was the day and I kept betting 40 times what's up Jimmy if they had a problem playing Scrabble they would call up the Parker Brothers hotline dick mobsters would to dispute the rules and have them explain lamia is a word is a word joke stop me kid is not a word stop man kids the word we keep a wiki wiki dude he told me I saw stop me that's why they were getting arguments about the garbage man real word garbage man cafe you know gambling is a [ __ ] nightmare and once you get caught in the web and you and Joe Rogan's shuts me down then I start putting bets with Jamie and then pretty soon I start plucking dipping into accounts and pretty soon now you're done now you get forced into a bad head I told you that I was a backer on the road for a while my friend Johnny B when I started making money doing stand-up I put together a little bankroll and me and him would go places and gamble and he would win or lose you know sometimes he'd win sometimes lose but it was just being in action it was fun you know that kind of gambling I was never good enough to like play those guys but I could play like people that were like my level and you'd bet like 20 bucks or maybe if you want to get crazy bet like 50 bucks I never bent like a lot of money gambling on pool but it makes you think more it makes you play like way more serious it's good for your game and if you can have a friendly sparring partner they play like friendly games like maybe erased seven for twenty bucks so it's cost you probably in any city pool halls I don't know what the rate is per hour but they got to be like at least 25 for once and for all I want you to break it down for me I walk into a pool hall with Jamie yeah I got 10 G's cash in my pocket Jamie is my main man how do i exactly make money and why is it that the people the room pass money around and how does that money get the purse pursed it's real simple everybody puts like you put in I'm in for a hundred like it depends on who's putting it together cuz they might decide to just pooling all their money like everybody put in on one side pooling money and you know and and back this guy or they might be betting on the side they might not even be playing the game there's always side bets side bets are probably more like if you had a bet if you had a like a big pool game right you know there used to be a place called was West End billiards I think in New Jersey West End I think it was what Caldwell see if you found West End billiards it was a world-famous pool hall we would take the drive from from New York to go down in New Jersey to this famous pool hall that would have these like serious high-level professionals play there and real high-level hustlers from all over the country would go there for big-money games you go there and watch people play for $5,000 $10,000 I mean the best in the world would be there all the time I got to play against some of the best in the world they killed me but I got to play again against him like real good into the tournament you and I are in the tournament and you are Efrain Reyes with the grace of all time or Earl Strickland or Johnny Archer and I'm just Joe Rogan I barely could play it doesn't matter I put my money up I enter the tournament I can play against you yes it's a huge huge like where you have to get invited so that does Joey Diaz come on the side and go listen I'm putting three-to-one odds on this sure some people don't go that side that's aside yes I don't know how the pool you got a hundred bucks on Archer you know you'd never seen this Diaz kid play I got a hundred on Diaz and dudes I'll take that I'll take that and then you just work it out and everybody works it out but when sometimes guys will get together and back somebody to like say if they're you got it like a friend it's a really good player and this guy's coming in from out of town and he wants to take a crack at him no well he wants to play a hundred dollar sets okay and then you have to think how many barrels do we have you pool all your money together okay we got four barrels that means if he wants to play sets we can lose four times so you have to be able to lose a couple gained a couple like if you're gonna really play a guy out these guys would play ten twelve hours then we keep going back and forth and back and forth it's a it's crazy like I've seen guys and you would see him the next day they'd still be playing you'd go there in the morning they'd be playing all through the night I don't know what the [ __ ] they were on most likely some sort of Infanta means that was a big thing in the pool world for a while guys would just break each other with gambling it would just it would be about who quits it wouldn't be about who won it's very rarely about like you know like you would you'd be you would be frowned upon highly if you left on top say if you're ahead by 500 bucks and you want to quit me and I you and I'm still ready ready to keep playing I still got more money man let me win my money back if you just walked away nope I've got what I wanted I'm going to leave now like that would be you did you'd be what's called bad action well guys I got two kids or having good up to seven goals yeah cool all [ __ ] with two kids you're not playing that kind of fool there ain't nobody with two kids playing that level pool in pool halls like gambling pool maybe now there are there's actually a few guys I take that back there's a few guys with kids that are top of the food chain there's a pool hall mile from my house whenever I get whenever I go into Hollywood now I can't do Laurel Canyon no more so I gotta go a long way and I get off on victory just to see it [ __ ] always fell with the generates I'm petrified to pull in there some places were home to me he's always what I'm talking about right next to a strip club is that on from the redic tree right when you exit there there's a strip club right next to a pool wall well I know the only good one in this area Washington say the only good one the only good one I know of is House of billiards in Sherman Oaks I like this area have you you bet you've been on the 101 have you seen what that place is that way you took me there a couple of times to eat we did comedy there remember Hollywood billions you took me yeah it's [ __ ] a building what did it know the goal there next time what does it look like I don't Joe next time I I drove by and I was like oh my god that you should be we did comedy there to eat there with Arya come please we played pool there a bunch of time on Showtime that place was great [ __ ] done that whole area is completely that's where I met crazy max Eberly really yeah like that dude can play some [ __ ] pool woo so when you play max Eppley homage arrived to put up guy still put him on the wall I would get tortured you would have to bet like that I would go to you're never gonna bet on me like a guy like max Everly he's top of the food chain as far as his technique and delivery he could win a World Championship Tournament like legitimately he's that good I have no chance like if we play 12 games I might win a couple I might get lucky and win a few maybe I'll win four he's gonna win way more he's gonna get to 12 for sure quicker it'd be a terrible bet the bet would be how many games do I get - that would be the bat if you say you'll never get past three because a guy like max tablet can run 10 racks in a row and I'm not exaggerating I've seen him do it but I am breaks runs 10 racks in a row but to the point where you're sitting there he did it in Vegas we were all hanging out though I think was man was it Ari I forget who came with me that's for you guys to go to the Italian place yes that place is amazing and that's where exactly where max Max's plan he would break and run out on guys they would just get frustrated they'd be like what the [ __ ] man they didn't get to shoot we watched him he was gambling some guy and when the set was over the guy was just pissed off cuz max just wouldn't miss it was crazy just watch him he's playing a guy that really just wanted to take a chance and play like a top of the food chain guy and he gambled with him but just watching the difference between a kid who can play a little pool is pretty good versus a world championship caliber pool player they're so precise like his technique is so clean and his angles are perfect and he's just efforts and effortlessly moving the cue ball on the table to where he wants it he sees clusters and problems way in advance and breaks them up it's so high level that's my boy that's max al Burley he taught me how to play pool not that I didn't already play it before I met him but he taught me how to play it way better way better he made my game way more technical he was explaining things that I was just guessing before and he was explaining what was wrong with my approach and like what was the what's a better way to do it he's a wizard when it comes to technique now he can make a living going from pool hall of pool hall or no way because he's that good he's an artist too fortunately for max he he makes pretty cool artwork like a lot you see some of its probably on his Instagram I could just poke you for something no no no my friend that does pool cues let's poke you somebody along the way he said he makes like [ __ ] 8g poke you your ivory era crisp that's my boy Eric curry somewhere sunny that's what I play with I play with his cue his cue is uh he's a wizard man he's a guy who's like really into like the grains of woods he's really into like patterns and he thinks of like to him wood is like mesmerizing he finds like the most beautiful pieces of wood and Comp combines them together and they have to have a certain harmonic frequency like he drops him on a cement floor just like dink-dink lee he wants to hear a certain sound from the wood otherwise he won't use it he's like finding logs on the side of the highway and [ __ ] and recognizing some weird hardwood that no one's ever used before he cuts it up and makes a cue out of it it's a wizard like his cues are pretty he doesn't give a [ __ ] he makes as many as he wants you you know sometimes they don't make them for a while makes him for his friends won't let me pay for one I have to buy have to pay for everything just to not feel terrible he's like the nicest guy ever play some [ __ ] pool too so I don't even know when this podcast started heads aren't against it's happened but it's funny before we started we were talking about yeah 4.8 billion oh my gosh a pitbull 3% will happen in Nevada that's it only 3% so most of it online live is that chris christie thing you pulled up earlier James listen G home line and banks thanks there's still people who I like you know they got a ton of loot chris Christie goes to Supreme Court on sports betting is he trying to get sports betting yes lives they passed something in New Jersey I think in 2011 to allow betting in sports but it's still only allowed in Vegas because of that whatever law there is I'm back on you team Chris yeah all right so he might have a few problems but we all do 17 states also with him on this I think they want to do it so he won he opposed it he's they want it again they want betting again because they have an NHL team in Vegas and that's always been like the logic is that you don't be some issue whatever you can't it be betting where they're sports being played because someone will throw the game everybody should be able to bet every city so he'll do whatever you want [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 3,822,227
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, Joey Diaz
Id: adHWkJ1jfJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2018
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