Joe Rogan - How The Mob Scammed the Lottery

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the Joe Rogan experience check this one out today's paper front page of USA Today confessions of a lottery scammer I brought this along I thought if he entered lottery scam this is a guy big fat guy 300 pounds sitting on his ass in Iowa or somewhere who was on his device who figured out some way to intrude on some algorithm and he started scamming different states he scammed the state of Colorado out of 4.8 million dollars and there is a total of sixteen point five boy you guys are good sixteen point five million now I'm thinking if this guy had scammed the corporation led by Jose Miguel battle he'd be he'd be dead he wouldn't be on the he'd be on the obituary section look what he says here was never my intent to start a full-out ticket scam yeah yeah 25 you could not scam organized crime in this way how do you scam lottery like you figure out you figure out how the number is determined and then you're able to play with it we were able to play with it see an organized crime you couldn't do I understand that how could he like isn't there just a random system a computer program he found some way to to tap into that computer system to tap all the way to mean hack into a hack into it and I can alter the number oh yeah whoa that's crazy wow that is crazy what is fascinating to me is that this what you were talking about earlier what we're talking about about like that this was it gave them an opportunity for hope and that it was a part of the community oh yeah we're missing that in the West Coast the West Coast like off-track betting there's no [ __ ] on here there's a few weirdos that go to the Hollywood Park but that's gone now you know I mean there's nothing here well you the west coast never had this there's nothing here there's nothing like seeing that like I saw that and I saw what goes with it and it may sound oh he's spooky to most people but it's not who he spoke he to people who are really really Sicilian and people who are normal Cuban when you're Sicilian in that culture there's women that you go to and they tell you things they're witches to Sicilian witches whatever the [ __ ] you wanna in in sleepers remember he goes bring the eyeballs to this lady what sleepers sleepers is a movie about for Irish kids that lay there was [ __ ] we have what I remember that movie it's about the four kids dinero plays a priest priest met Brad Pitt oh that's no grandson okay and then they they got the guy on Letterman and he started backtracking like Steven Seagal oh by the CIA involvement they said he will Arends oh Clark attack yeah he later on B said it was a true story and it was not a disaster it was base but if you look at it one two or four those two kids were supposed to grow up to be West yeah but it wasn't it's emotional - [ __ ] mmm right they the - one of the for those guys what are we talking about well you were told all their witches and he you know in the Cuban world is the same thing I want my kid they go to Catholic school right if I play this [ __ ] number today this is gonna save me we you know we don't when you're a comic you have that hope Justin's gonna be there maybe you know just may it's it's a but it's an ethnic hope that comes back from your country it's hard to describe you understand it because your grandmother was a [ __ ] bookie but if you talk to her on a daily basis about it and why she would play that particular number like my mom played 5:17 those are the last three numbers on my dad's gravestone hmm you know 604 was some other [ __ ] hallucinogenic she had if I go like this if I go like this and I go you know what you're looking good today it don't take a yardstick most Cubans look at and go give me five hours on 2:53 because it's the last three numbers of the 20 you [ __ ] okay now is this still going on oh yeah the numbers are still going on yeah not not as a that is a 10-man office when I was a kid it was a 10-man office you were downstairs you had a bodega me and you ran the bodega that's to use and yesterday's paper all we're selling the book of dreams and then you come in and you give me 604 517 it comes on three sheets of paper with with copy paper so right away I ripped the top one I give it to you I keep the other one and the other one goes upstairs to the department where now there's a big wall with 0 to 9 on the wall and I parked there so Joe just came up and played 219 there's 2 and awesome there's a list that goes down I'm a bored guy I just worked the board I got six guys with phones yelling nothing on me oh yay Brogan [ __ ] just put a hundred hours in that number that [ __ ] killed me last week [ __ ] that send $50 of that to Miami cuz I could unload it to create the Union Opia you know when you when I take a sports bet I'm taking five hundred on Pittsburgh Pittsburgh is playing New England I can't take ten thousand on Pittsburgh and five thousand on New England that's not callable utopia I'm gonna make money on the Vig the ten points from you losing so if you bet ten thousand on somebody you bet five I unload five to another bank somewhere across town so this is how and I mean when I was a kid my mother had a bank in the Bronx and the guy that cooked was black Mike he was a Vietnam vet and I was five and he would give me ten bucks to go get him blackberry brandy black might cook Italian food I was so [ __ ] good it was 1970 even if you hated black people you ate his spaghetti even Italians came to eat his spaghetti on Wednesdays he cook corned beef on Wednesdays he made Cuban food they have an office and every phone has a little tape recorder with a wire connected to the phone so you can't call me and say you played doing yeah it's recorded [ __ ] bust your cord way to take for you so every hour the tapes come around those destroy and those get destroyed the week after all that night everything settled but to see those offices in action when you're a kid I'm going to get cigarettes and then give me a time to go get a three dollar pack of cigarettes like keep seven now did you ever see the money what do you mean the more all the money that was gathered I saw how the money would be taken up would be a separate location I would be a separate locating room now there's also they move locations every week you also have to stay ahead of the cops so every week you got a guy like Joe Rogan that just rents apartments for me so every week we move locations so nobody ever gets comfortable with three months in one place then with three months in another place then with three months in another place because not only do you have to worry about cops you got to worry about Jaime getting a little [ __ ] cocky Jaime found out from Joe Diaz that they'd make 40,000 a day Jamie's going to guns go get the two guns and try to go up let's see what happens because they got two guys on the third floor that just got two guns waiting for any it's like you to come upstairs to the fourth floor it was you sir wheel it was surreal so in the morning is my mom would go you want to go to school today or you want to go with my mama I'm going with you because these bookies would all give me 20 40 bucks it's part of that Google now check this out at the end of the day every day that this is going on there cuz betting is going out every day seven days a week this system that Joe is talking about so money's coming in a lot of money's coming in it goes to the counting rooms so at the end of the day you got a lot of money and like two three hundred different locations all around the New York area what they would do is they have people whose responsibility it was to come around collect the money that money would go into a van and that van would have a police escort as it left New York City went through the tunnel and in New Jersey it was met by New Jersey police who picked it up and escorted it from there into the apartments or the houses in Union City where the money was crazy Wow so the cops got paid so how can I tell you this at the age of 10 I knew this but I could never tell you guys you wouldn't believe me so I had to keep it to myself well most the kids wouldn't be able to shut the [ __ ] up call out to talk about of course my world I didn't when were you Saturday we played handball all day I had to go to a play with my uncle well those drunks you worked for a sports betting place too later on as I got older but when I got out of high school I was such a loser then I went to one of 18 street the guys name was champ Jose Torres and the son I went to them like a man they were around the block to this guy named Rowley and Miguel and they ran a complete different operation from the cooperation rollies still around if I had any balls left I go put a bullet in Ronnie's head because Rowley was tight with my mother my mother helped get Rowley started on an 18th Street when my mother died he got tight with my stepfather when my stepfather died he took that money and gave it to my stepfather sister that money belonged to me so today I'm still pissed off at Rowley because when I was a kid I saw Rowley every [ __ ] day he'd give me 50 bucks every time I went over there those guys lived their life on a karma based life so whenever they see Joe Rogan's come in there man you know how many things like there with your father come in here's $100 go get your dick sucked my mother would drive her crazy like how much money did you get tonight two hundred could give me for her to do that I used to buy knives and [ __ ] stars to draw it people but that's there was a very generous Joe mm-hmm you know you can't do that when you come over to my house with your daughter's I can't first thing as they do is put a 50 in everybody's hair so now the girls know whenever they've come over uncle Joey's they get a fifty right so he would have to you're not around they'll come over when they're 14 and they're gonna go to Hollywood don't come over bounce but uncle Joey where you girls going you girls got money it's 50 so I had people give me money because it's a karma based business hmm the more my mother would hit the number for 10,000 she'd give away really yeah because that's the generosity part of it [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 2,777,945
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, Joey Diaz
Id: VyX5cXQ92k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 26 2018
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