Joe Rogan Experience #1542 - Cameron Hanes

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You know those β€œinfluencer” women who post from the gym showing off their sweaty butts in Lycra, interspersed with inane phrases and slogans from their merch β€œwork hard, be a bad bitch” etc. Girl power, girl boss. All that stuff. I feel like Cam Hanes is the male version. An Inspirational lifestyle brand for dudes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 78 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/this-guy- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wait where the fuck is Tim Dillion

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 62 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Quintum45 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can’t wait to hear about how the greatest feeling in the world is giving their meat to their friends, it’s my favorite part

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 139 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cjc4223 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm pretty sure that TRT has more to do with Cameron Hanes' work capacity and energy than him eating wild game. I think after so many years of use, they may forget how much of an added benefit that would be.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 55 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ImBatmanDammit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This sub's going to LOVE this one lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 64 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EmperorTMing πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Where can I listen to this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kickedweasel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Logan Paul is gonna win because he’s jacked?

Is there a gas leak in that studio?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thick_Duck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Elk talk.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn. Cameron again? Miley was right. All the same stuff.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 64 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GDMFusername πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hello campaigns what's up what's going on buddy good to see you oh man it's good to be here in the spaceship look at this it's weird right yeah it's very uh polarizing people love it or hate it a lot of people hate it oh really yeah i think it's cool i like it yeah i don't love it yeah i don't think it's perfect but i think it's interesting it's uh we did it really quickly i mean we we decided to move here within six weeks we were here um i said this on the video on my instagram but i should probably say it again you live up there in oregon yes and i said something incorrect i said about uh there was a guy who got i know there was one guy who got arrested for lighting fires and i thought i'd read some other [ __ ] about activists getting arrested for lighting fires or antifa people shouldn't even call them activists what do you call them crazy people idiots morons but it's not true so sorry if you heard me say that jamie uh informed me of it today it's one thing about being out of the loop you don't know when people are mad at you yeah but this time i agree with them like they're mad at me for something that well like somebody did get arrested for the molotov cocktail i read that right that turns out to be true he got arrested and then he got out of jail and then lit some more things on fire but right see this here's the thing like when when you say antifa like what does that mean right he could just be a crazy person and that's what a lot of antifa is like that guy that shot that dude in portland the guy that shot the trump supporter yeah that guy's a crazy person yeah he's dead now right right he was he was a crazy person yeah you know just decided to pile on to this thing and become an activist but that's with when you don't have like a an entry examination yeah anyone could just join to show up yeah you just show up and now you're antifa yeah and now you're a part of the resistance yeah but i [ __ ] up i said that people a lot of people were arrested i read some [ __ ] about it i don't remember where i read it about all these people getting arrested for lighting wildfires but it wasn't true it was just this one guy well for sure i think they should have been arrested maybe that's a difference well i see that's why it made sense to me because they had been arrested for lighting fires in or that they hadn't been arrested they had been uh seen lighting fires and throwing them into the mayor of portland's apartment lobby yeah and they were lighting fires out in the street in front of his apartment it just when someone said oh look at all these arrests they're they're arresting people for lighting fires i just want oh that makes sense and i just repeated it i'm very upset with myself i don't like when i repeat [ __ ] that's not true that's definitely not true yeah i mean it's a it's a hard time though it's your spot up there though that's your area yeah it's it's you know people and they find out oh you're from oregon so what do you think about you know it's just it's kind of embarrassing to to just because i understand people have an opinion and they want change and they you know maybe it's maybe some of it is valid but i don't agree with a hundred nights of burning or however many nights has been of just burning and ruining a city i don't i don't understand how that i mean eventually maybe one night have a protest do whatever get your message out talk to people but just destruction i don't get that i think it's exactly what we were just saying that you get enough people that join onto a movement and the the movement has no like directive or leaders they're just there showing up and you're gonna get morons that do things like light books on fire and throw them into the lobby like doing all the things that they were doing trying to break into the federal building it's just people are nuts man you get and people are they're everyone's so many angry people right now too that's also part of the problem so many people are angry it's a crazy time and so many people are out of work because of covid because everything's shut down so people are furious because of that you know they don't know what to do it's just it's one of those things where it doesn't doesn't seem like there's a solution on the horizon for a lot of people and so then they're like we got to burn this system down [ __ ] the system until yeah but portland is a fun place i love going up there i've always loved portland well i'm i'm proud to be from oregon i mean oregon is a great state um this i don't know it's really hard to support just destruction yeah and it's just it doesn't seem like it's helping anything you know and then you know all the conspiracy theories oh it's the [ __ ] you know they're trying to bring down democracy it's russia and china involved and oh george soros is funding it like there's a million different versions of the conspiracy of tawa there's so much chaos in the streets you know it's uh it's a weird time yeah i mean eddie bravo was right about a lot of stuff alex jones was right about a lot of stuff right yeah you know it's it's uh it is crazy because you start and i've even texted you about this about wondering about you know people would always say well do the elites run the country and they're controlling this and media and this and that and then i then you start wondering or thinking or seeing and and you see all this is like maybe that's true maybe the elites have been controlling everything and they're still trying to with this covet and the fear and everything they're doing just they can control people with fear and that's what's happening i get super suspicious when people use that term the elites yeah like how do you get in that group i don't even know what that is is there a meeting what is the elites what does that mean i don't like them i i know that that's i know enough about it but i don't know if they're real i mean there has to be right there there is a build a burger meeting right yeah with the bilderberg group they get together and they meet up but what do they do i don't know you know maybe they just talk about interest rates yeah yeah well we were talking about this and i would probably i'm a bow hunter all right so i i don't like the the politics and trying to explain all this stay in your lane i try to stay in my lane but i do have thoughts on other things and we were talking about like if you even look at the movie 300 and gladiator like the old time the the weird they would say boy lovers and you know it's like these politicians it's like a toned down version of that still it's like there's so politicians i don't know that's why trump got elected they were so people so sick of politic quote politicians but there still is that that influence and that them controlling and then just a so much different than the people you know yeah well i think that's how you become successful as a politician you have to be a politician you have to be like deeply embedded and again this is just guessing i'm a [ __ ] too i should stay in my lane i don't know what i'm saying yeah but i would imagine that the only way you really get successful as a politician is you have to be connected to all these other people that are connected to all these special interest groups and lobbies and that's why you have to go to these fundraisers and that's why you have to mingle and and then it becomes normal you become a part of you know it becomes a normal part of the system yeah and i would imagine that that's the case with almost any big business like that's why guys get together the big businessman get together in golf yeah right they get together and they talk [ __ ] and they figure out their plan and they they work out deals and stuff and yeah and some of them do it on [ __ ] island with jeffrey epstein yeah you know i think that's a lot of no wait what what do you mean i've never heard anything about that well it's just a place it's beautiful there's a lot of beautiful trees beautiful warm water and why is it called [ __ ] island oh i don't know i don't call it that i call it a nice place to meet nice people right i mean how crazy is that that's just gone just like yeah was not a story or was that a thing just went away but that sounds way crazier than antifa lighting fires in portland yeah yeah and it's true right that's a real one yeah there's i can talk about that and they they're like well yeah it is what it is yeah i'm so mad at myself for saying that story to have it not be true when jamie showed it to me today i was like did i say that yeah what is it like working with a [ __ ] is it weird like no really like having someone like me being a [ __ ] like i am being responsible for steering the ship and you know your livelihood is connected to this this has got to be strange right you're hitting the buttons man well you got to take the good with the bat i guess is that how you look at it yeah so how how does a use a self-proclaimed [ __ ] yeah have the president of the united states well he's clearly a [ __ ] too this is the only the only thing that makes sense tweeting about you mentioning you one when do oh actually when does him and biden get here see joe biden's the smart one he's like well that guy's a [ __ ] i'm not going on his podcast but trump's the smart one we got problems trump is like that makes sense to me i'm in well trump is like i mean he's obviously deeply again we're way out of my lane just talking nonsense but he's obviously connected to business he's a huge businessman he's a successful businessman but not a politician in any way other than becoming president yeah which is [ __ ] bananas yeah you know part of it is good man part of it is good just to expose the system and just to let everybody know hey look what's gonna happen yeah look out look how can go wrong he has a whole fake news has really got some traction now yeah fake news is a real thing now i would say fake news yeah i was pretty impressed with uh the the treaty we just signed um with israel i mean remember jared kushner got he got beat up a lot and trump for appointing and whole family and how everybody's involved in in his his operation basically but you know like he jared kushner wasn't qualified and then here we signed this great treaty with israel and uh how'd that happen i don't know see if jared kushner was not married to trump's daughter i think people would look at him very differently the problem is he's married to trump's daughter and he looks like damien from the omen have you ever seen photos of him and damien side-to-side no i haven't dude he looks like a god damn horror movie like he's the the devil's son because perfect like slick back hair perfect angular features thin and always wears a suit yeah jamie show me what's up push some buttons he looks he looks very similar to the omen well whatever he did it was good come on son look at that yeah look at him and look at damien look at that yeah come on come on right there that's almost exact bro is that photoshop no no it could be photoshop no and even showing off his watch look at my watch the devil gave me this watch that's not gucci look at that those two up in the that looks like a horror movie like oh they're they're bringing in the antichrist oh the one the far left with donald trump being blurry and him that one right there click on that one come on son that's some satanic [ __ ] if that wasn't a stephen king movie you'd be like oh my god they've got to stop him they've got to stop him well whatever powers he's used it it worked out good for this treaty it's just got good features yeah you know this kid's getting a hard time because he's got good angular features yeah i wish i looked that good i do too yeah smooth skin oh man that's nice young yeah handsome tight yeah everything's smooth no no no ruddiness to his skin no yeah i don't know the problem is if you're married to the president's daughter and then you get a big job in in the white house automatically you're [ __ ] like people are just going to say automatically you don't deserve that position there's no way and biden's son is the same thing probably right yeah i mean that doesn't come up too often either and that's pretty scandalous right that thing where you know someone got fired because uh biden uh forced it through well how did that work do you remember that oh yeah no i i better we should stay out of politics let's i just wish there was something going on that i was really excited about like this is good like elk hunting yes oh okay so we're doing that soon i know i know that's what days away that's it and the thing about it so i was just in colorado no reception you versus the animals uh reading the country reading the wind that's i mean that's life that's none of this bs yeah that well that's the beautiful thing about the woods as a reset is that when you're out there and quiet you realize oh none of these animals out here give a [ __ ] about me they don't know who i am they don't know what is happening in the world they're not aware of kamala harris and joe biden no nancy pelosi or donald trump they don't know nothing they're just out there trying to eat grass and not get eaten and breed yeah and and you know john when john was there last year he was like 18 yards away from a mountain lion john oh definitely yeah yeah well i saw um we saw i think when i was there i saw one but the guys hunting saw two during the day mountain lions and just out doing because the snow came the weird snowstorm it went from 90 degrees one day to 20 degrees the next day how does that happen i don't know jared kushner that's how yeah satan yeah it had to be but anyway the animals were they didn't know what to do so the lions were out hunting hard they were like this is great animals weren't moving because they didn't know they were kind of caught off guard normally the seasons change as a gradual and i think the bull stopped bugling the deer stopped moving normally the bucks are in velvet so they're off feeding and just in their normal routine everything stopped because the snow and this cold temperature came but the lions were they're like oh yeah now we're going to the hot pocket section and killing some deer and elk and uh it was it was crazy but we saw two lions and then the bear were kind of gone for a little while but then they popped back out too and uh it was good hunting for sure yeah um that video that you posted the bear eating the elk calf that's uh that's something that people need to see yeah i need to see the the people who love wild animals i i understand it like but there's there's a real cruelty to the way they die in the wild yeah that if people get upset about hunters like you kind of i understand that you wouldn't want a beautiful animal to die i do understand that but you kind of need to know that they're gonna die no matter what happens and this is the way they usually die yeah and it's a rough way to go you know bears eating animals like that it's it's so hard to watch too because the bears don't really kill him first no and and the bear this year was a hard year for the elk calves because so the cows were pregnant drop we call it drop in the calves so they were giving birth and the bear were just following knowing that the calves are going to be dropped they'll be on the ground they can't stand up and they could just kill them pretty quick and so they were finding like two cat two dead elk calves a day every day and this was a hard year specifically because it was dry in southern colorado so the grass didn't grow normally the grass would be taller there'd be more cover elk cavs could hide better they were just laying on the open and the bears were like oh okay there you are go kill them and start eating them and it was just they they hammered them this year i mean normally i talked to the game warden there um when i was on that hunt great guy legend uh bob's his name and um he's been there for many years and uh he said that normally in that area there's about i think 23 elk calves survive a year out of a hundred and this year's down in the teens because the the grass was they couldn't hide so it's gonna be a rough year it's tough to survive anyway i mean 23 out of 100 is isn't you know i don't quote me on these numbers but it was just the point is i want to make it was less this year because there wasn't the cover yeah it's a it's a rough world man the world that they live in you know when we were there with johnny hamilton and he was telling us that story i've told the story before on the podcast about how they were tracking a cat and uh they they found the cat's tracks and then elk tracks and then no more cat tracks and then they found the elk about 100 yards later the cat had jumped on the elk's back and taken out a big bull elk yeah i mean those they are amazing creatures they live in the snow they live in cold weather in the mountains they live solo they hunt solo they only interact with other animals mostly when it's time to breed right yeah cats yeah yeah and they kill cats specifically kill a lot of big bucks and the reason why is because those big old bucks they like being by themselves they don't like being they just kind of go off by themselves bed and they live a solo life basically that's easy target for a cat so cats kill a lot of big bucks yeah it makes sense but they're i love that they're there this is the thing about predators it's like i don't want to get eaten by a mountain lion but i love that they exist i don't want to get eaten by grizzly but i love the fact that there are grizzly bears yeah like all of it is it's so it's such an interesting world the world of the wild the world of predator and prey and when you're out in there you feel so vulnerable and you feel so fleshy like like whenever i see and like when you even when you like you you're taking care of an elk that you killed and you feel their hide yeah you're like god i'm so weak like everything that we have is so soft and they're just they live in this life that's so it's so robust it's so if they survive like the bull i just killed the taxidermist um he just texted or sent me a message on instagram of the ivory so that's the the back teeth of the bull they call them ivories they're ivory people make jewelry out of them but he said they're the most worn ivories he's ever seen so the the bull was very old and uh so you can imagine a bull that's in that country 10 12 years old where you're living outside every single day i mean we stay outside one time and it's just like oh my god i thought i was gonna die people do die people do die from hypothermia they're out every single day living in the mountains so when you see they're high they're built for that when they're muscle i mean that seven eight hundred pound bull elk that never eats meat obviously just eating grass solid muscle you know those things are just built it's incredible um and also with all those lions and the bears trying to survive that johnny you mentioned johnny hamilton they took eight lions out of that country this year and we're still seeing them during the daylight every day they have so much food oh yeah that's the thing if it's good hunting lions are going to be there yeah it's it's just the world that they live in so spectacular they're trying to introduce the reintroduced wolves to colorado oh god don't know about all that yeah that's ridiculous you think that's ridiculous yeah no i'd like to have a biologist sit down and talk to like a biologist who's pro reintroduction of wolves sit down with someone like you and and have like a conversation about it yeah here's the problem here's what they do they say it all sounds good hey let's wolves are a big part of the whatever um let's get them back and where they used to be let's make because even you said you like see knowing there's grizzly bear out there and you don't obviously you don't want to be attacked but just knowing they're there and maybe seeing them and and wolves are amazing animal the problem is they make they make all these um uh i don't know i don't wanna say promises but they sell it a certain way like we're gonna have this many packs of wolves and they'll they'll breed this this often and then so we'll have a carrying capacity of this many wolves well so once the wolves are there then it's oh no we can't kill wolves because they they sell it like they're going to manage them you know because we're going to keep this many but then it's like once they're there they're like oh no we can't hunt wolves i was like no i thought you were gonna i thought we were gonna manage them oh so that then all everything goes back to and then you got all these protests with all these pro-wolf advocates saying we can't hunt wolves so they're there they're breeding over and over and over you've got all these wolves running around killing because that's what they do and we can't hunt them because now we've backtracked well it is one of those things where they promise that like they have a number like if we have two thousand wolves in this particular area then we'll open it up to management right management means is they'll have tags and they'll put tags available for hunters and they can go and hunt wolves people that hear that they're like wait why would you like they hear you don't eat wolves why would you hunt wolves wolves are beautiful wolves are like dogs yeah but i understand that and i'm on that perspective i get that perspective it makes a lot of sense to me but people need to know that there was a reason why they wiped him out in the first place yeah like they they were destroying cattle and they were i understand too like hey they were here first i get that i get that perspective but if you eat meat and you like having cattle these ranchers it's a struggle as a rancher as it is yeah and if ranchers get hit with wolves and wolves start taking out their calves and taking out their cattle like it's it can be devastating they you know like in alaska they kill people's dogs they do a lot there's a lot of wild videos of wolves tearing apart dogs in people's backyards and wolves are just doing wolf things that's what they do it's not it's not their fault but once they're there yeah they're not going anywhere well places where they exist they have a different perspective on them i remember i was in bc um and i ran into this man at the airport and uh i forget why he came up to me i think like i had a maybe i had a hunting t-shirt on or something something hammering maybe it was a keep hammering shirt but he he came up to me and he said uh are you a hunter and i said yeah yeah and he goes uh he goes yeah we uh we do a lot of hunting up here he goes uh i do a lot of wolf hunting and uh i was like wolf hunt like just right right out of the gate at the airport yeah i'm a wolf hunter yeah and i go why do you hunt wolves like what are you hunting wolves for this is like early on in my my hunting days right and he's like if you don't hunt them man you got a real problem with their numbers he goes and he was telling me stories about friends that have ranches and they get attacked by wolves you know the the cattle get attacked by wolves and he was telling me that they take barrels of frozen meat and they freeze them with water and then they leave these big bricks of frozen meat and water uh out for wolves and then he's got stand set up where he uh who waits for wolves because it takes a long time for them to eat through the meat and the ice like this like a barrel filled with and you know he just kind of sets up shop and he goes and he goes some of them are just too smart he goes i'll set that up and they're like nope i know what that is yeah you won't come anywhere near it he goes you'll be amazed how smart they are but it's just people that live like in bc in northern bc there's a lot of wolves they have wolf issues up there and those people they have a completely different attitude about what a wolf is yeah but it's the people that know wolves it's just the same thing in bc with the grizzly bears you know i mean and anybody who's out in the bush knows hey grizzlies are a big problem out here but the people in the city make the decisions with the vote right and that's what happened when they banned grizzly bear hunting in bc and that's what would likely happen in colorado with wolves yeah most likely yeah i mean colorado's denver and boulder yeah right that's the big population very liberal liberal very and they're not going to be into shooting wolves anybody who's out there like where i was and the guys i'm hunting with there's no no debate no wolves yeah and that's uh yeah but some people say like the reason that's the case is because people want a lot of animals that they can hunt mm-hmm like this is the argument like steve renell's actually talked about this before with alaska that alaska has done this sort of over management of wolves in certain areas because they want to make sure there's a high number of moose and caribou and and deer so that people will come up there to hunt yeah you know because they're trying to maintain and he's like there's an argument that that's not the natural ecosystem there's a the natural ecosystem doesn't include skyscrapers that's true so yeah i mean humans do infringe on that's part of it so it's never going to be it's never going to be like cavemen or native american times it's never going to be back to that so we're trying to balance it as best we can and you know big game animals are a resource they're a resource for the states that they you know hunters do come in they contribute to a lot of things the habitat the conservation um different projects and that's hunting money so if the there's a bunch of wolves there and you can't hunt the wolves because these groups have have protested and made it illegal and then the wolves are killing all the deer and elk yeah that's not gonna work yeah it's it's um it's an interesting situation because i love the fact that there are places where there are wolves like uh whenever we've gone to bc to john and jen's place up there alberta yeah or i'd say sorry alberta whenever we've gone up there um in canada you you know there's wolves in that area and there's something cool about it i remember we saw one once in the distance crossing uh crossing a road it's pretty far away yeah but i remember that was like the closest i've ever been to a wolf but just seeing it crossing that road and this is like look at that [ __ ] wolf yeah i think that we get a we get our bear license but then we also get um a license for wolves i think it's 25 or 50 bucks it's pretty cheap and there's always a hope that you'll see a wolf and it'd be nice to get an arrow in one and um well they want to control them because they destroy the population of the moose and the elk and and it's you know the arg it's a for people that don't there aren't in that world they're like well why would why would you want to kill a wolf like why don't just let them sort it out like that's the california argument like what they want to do essentially the people that manage wildlife a lot of them at least in california they would like to eliminate hunting and let the animals all take care of themselves in some sort of normal wild way and force everyone to eat tofu porsche tofu until breasts right i think that's the plan i think it's written somewhere ah i don't think that's true but i do think that they they don't like the idea of human beings uh they like there's things that people will accept like deer hunting yeah people have deer hunted forever a lot of people have eaten deer deer tastes good yeah that makes sense yeah but as soon as you move into things like mountain lions like even if you tell people that mountain lions taste good they don't want to hear that no they do not want to hear your eating mountain lions well they're not seeing lions so they don't think there's any out there but california is riddled with mountain lions yeah there's quite a few yeah there's quite a few and they also don't have bad experiences with them i think the people that have bad experiences with them have a completely different attitude yeah one on your back you 100. yeah now it's not you're not in disney yeah not in a disney movie now you're a part of the food chain and you realize like oh i'm way down here i'm not up here when i'm in my house and i've got a gun i'm up here but when you're uh out in the woods and you don't have a gun and you're hiking and you realize you're being stalked yeah there's a crazy video that i saw once from colorado this guy and there's a mountain lion slowly walking towards him on this trail and he's trying to figure out what to do and he's talking to it and he's like saying hey get the [ __ ] out of here like yeah and you know you realize like he got away like the mountain lion gave up on him luckily but that could have been the end of that guy's life that thing is just slowly moving towards him and trying to figure out whether or not he could eat him and that's all it does it's not like i've never done this before i don't know if i can do this like it takes down things every single day yeah i mean it definitely yeah when it's when a predator locks eyes on you like that it's definitely a different feeling i mean yeah it's uh they're good at what they do i mean they kill yeah um i remember that uh under armour commercial that you did where they had a wolf in the commercial with you yeah and he said he said that they could only get the wolf to growl one time because after that it was over like you could not control the wolf no yet we we um to make it growl to make it mad we gave it meat and then took it away so it was very upset it didn't get the meat but once it got in that because it was obviously a a tame wool for uh it'd been in trophies trained wolf um but once you introduced meat and it got in that mindset of of meat yeah then that was that was going to be it yeah this is the the commercial it's an awesome commercial how long ago was this commercial um i'm not sure quite a few years ago right yeah like four or five at least 2013. damn seven years ago yeah it's a dope commercial yeah and it's cool the wolf was awesome i mean wolves are amazing how big was it it was tall i mean i i'd say it's probably 120 130 pounds i guess but they're a lot taller than what you like compared to a dog a normal dog how come they don't do more of these commercials i don't know so the whole idea is that you and the wolf are in competition and that you won out yeah see i got the bull and it's mad and so that's when it did that growling yeah yeah and then that after effort did that that was it you could tell it's got a collar back that up a little bit back that up a little bit look look at that yeah it has well it's just a little it's a little rope but that's it had his hair matted down right there yeah but it's a little rope that's someone's dog bro that's a husky now it was a wolf but it's yeah it had a little piece of rope on it have you ever heard the john dudley story that he told on the podcast yeah yeah surrounded by a woman or something like they [ __ ] up and it was like that scene in the gray they killed an elk and they didn't realize they killed an elk literally in the wolf's den oh god like where they killed the elk there was like bones all over the place in the area and they're like oh [ __ ] and these wolves circled them and decided they were going to take the elk wow yeah what where was that it was in bcc and it was him and a guide and the guide only had a certain amount of bullets oh and uh he only had a certain amount because jono uses a four hour quiver yeah so john shot the uh elk with one quiver or one arrow from his quiver and then he had three left and he killed two other wolves and he had one arrow left and uh they had shot three wolves together like the wolves were running at them running at them he killed two wolves that were running at him wow yeah and then one of them he thinks was the alpha male was sitting on the top of this ridge like at about i think he said about 50 60 yards staring at him and he drew back for that one and then he took off and then the whole pack just took off with them they'd abandoned the situation because they realized what was going on but when they shot one he said all the other ones started howling like they tried to figure out who was dead yeah check in yeah which is crazy so like he's basically a weird little war with these wolves and they were they were making runs out of them that would be intense oh my god he said our back was to a tree and he goes the guide only has like a couple of bullets because the guy's bullets are just to scare off grizzlies yeah and yeah he doesn't want to shoot it he just wants to scare it they're not hunting grizzlies yeah so he brings a couple i'll just grab a couple bullets put them in my pocket and then here they are out in a situation where they're literally getting run up on by a pack of wolves man that's intense i couldn't imagine yeah i've seen i've seen what me and roy um the last it wasn't our last haunted the hunt before i was hunting brown bear up in alaska and i wanted to kill in this area there's so many brown bear you could kill two so i wanted to kill one spot in stock and then hunting hunting a tree and and you can bait them up there because there's so many they just made this um legal so my goal was to hunt both ways anyway i killed a bear on the spawn stalk and uh we were up in the tree trying to kill um another bear we were on this island and uh it was uh i thought we saw a flash of a bear earlier and it's getting dark it's like well never really it gets dark for about an hour and a half at this time of year this was in july and so we're just going to stay in the tree the whole time so we got in there at um seven at night and we're gonna stay till five in the morning and just kind of ride out the the darkness and uh i saw a flash and i thought we had seen a bear earlier but it didn't come in and i thought oh the bear's coming back turns out it was a wolf and it's a black wolf and it came in there have it on video i haven't even shared it yet but um it was a black wolf and it stopped there at about 20 or 25 yards and it was so just a wild wolf that close was pretty amazing it's like their special animal it is there's something about them because they're so damn smart yeah it reminds me of that picture or the wolf in the picture i think did they send you one too that photographer the wolf i have on the snow the black one yeah yeah yeah yeah just such a incredible animal so yeah i love wolves i definitely don't think um wolves should be wiped out or anything like that but i just don't think wolves in colorado is that's not that's not a thing we should do it's just reintroducing them just sets off a whole chain i need to talk to somebody there was a guy that is a uh a pro he's a biologist and he's pro wolf reintroduction yeah i need to have my you want to be on with him sure yeah let's do it it'd be an interesting conversation yeah maybe you could explain yeah there's a great video called uh how wolves i think it's called how wolves change rivers yeah i've heard about it yeah really interesting video about this guy talked about the reintroduction of wolves in the 1990s yellowstone yeah yeah and about how it's changed the ecosystem for the better yeah but then i looked into the guy yeah and the guy is for the better is yeah he's an eccentric character yeah i'm not saying he's wrong but he's uh he's into what's called rewilding and he wants to reintroduce wild animals into places including like the uk he wants to reintroduce like he's like the uk used to have lions and elephants and all these all these different animals he wants to see if we could find this gentleman the the guy it's his the concept is rewilding and apparently he was like this really depressed guy it was like urban you know doing the the normal city thing in in england and uh got really into the idea of wildlife and reintroducing wildlife yeah i feel bad for them over there i mean no hunting yeah i mean you know me without hunting well that's you don't know you're your source of food it's also what you train for which when i first met you and i was like why is this guy trained so hard like what is he doing and then you're like i trained for uh bow hunting i'm like what like what is happening when you bow hunt are you in a race like what's going on and then the first time you took me i was like oh okay i get it [ __ ] you have to be in like really crazy shape yeah to pull this off well you don't you don't have to but here what i know is like when hunting and you know how it is now you've done it for years but in the mountains um there's so many dis yeah you can get up and down the mountains you can get around elk but there's so many decisions that you have to make and it's it's related on performance so the higher level of performance the better decisions you're going to make i mean like on these last hunts i i pretty much have an arrow knocked i've i killed two bulls this year and a buck and a bear i've had an arrow knocked pretty much all day pretty ready to go and that's that can be fatiguing just this walking around slowly is tiring so when you're at a heightened level for eight hours or more 15 hours on some days and you're covering distance and it's like i want to be ready at all times for anything that happens so i have an arrow knocked and i am ready so like to do that it's exhausting if i if i didn't train the way i do i couldn't do that so who knows what that would result in as far as success but people don't realize that just i mean you know what it's like when you're hunting it's like almost you know yoga poses all day essentially i've heard people describe it as yeah and uh because you're going so slow and so controlled and every footstep is is controlled and and uh um just freezing like if you're in a situation and elk sees you and you have to freeze and you're holding your bow in your hand you don't realize how damn heavy that thing is and they don't have anywhere to go and they'll just stand there they'll they have nothing to do other than not let whatever they're unsure about kill them and their vision is based on edge detection right i don't know i think it's based on they see a movement like that's why camo works yeah because if you are if you're standing there they don't say oh there's a dude in camo they see the pattern and they see the edges as long as you don't move right they don't see oh right yeah yeah movement when they see movement with like the edge detection like moving edges like this edge is moving towards that edge like what is that yeah but if you just stand still right but if you've got that bow in your hand you're like [ __ ] i can hold it like this and you've got your bow out like this and you're trying to hold it steady like you got maybe a minute two minutes in you yeah before that [ __ ] starts to shake and then the elk is like yeah and then yeah and so you you quickly realize when doing hunts like that what being in shape means yeah oh dude i i learned like last year i thought i was in pretty good shape until i went up there with you and i was like god that one hill that we went up to to get the bull yeah that we wind up getting [ __ ] that was hard and to get up there and then the only good thing is that i was in good enough shape that even though i was exhausted i got my heart rate back quick yeah everything i could i could i could it wasn't like i was beating down once i got up there yeah because you still have to we had to get the wind right to get up the hill essentially what it was and that recovery is all related to how good a shape you're in that thing that we had last year i mean i don't know whoever played the clip but that moment that we had up there was one of the wildest elk hunting moments i don't know i haven't been elk hunting for that long that was the wildest thing i've ever experienced there was how many bulls were up there like nine just screaming we'd pass on bowls but there was nine just on that one little hillside yeah it was like it's what i would call a rough fest yeah so there must have been some hot cows in there those bulls were coming in they can smell a hot cow which means a cow in estrus so she's ready to breed um ovulating i guess is what you'd say if for a human but uh so she was in estrus means she's a hot cow i mean those bulls are like okay i mean bulls kill each other yeah they kill each other all the time fighting well tell the story about the one bull that you shot that you thought was in its bed but was actually dead yes yeah no so i i uh i snuck up and i saw this bull and his head was i don't know i mean they get exhausted so it's they can lay their head down a little bit and rest i mean middle of the day they up all night running chasing fighting so i saw this bull bedded and there's a big bull and i'm like god i don't know i mean it's not moving but i don't know might as well we've got to make sure so i took my boots off and it started sneaking in sneaking in sneaking in and i got to about 20 something yards and i'm like i don't know but i don't want to be wrong so i shot the bull never moved and it was already dead it had been killed the night before it took a tiny in the neck it looked like wow and it and it got it was dead from fighting wow yeah now do you if it got killed the night before can you salvage the meat i don't think so i mean it didn't look good was it hot is it hot yeah it's hot yeah yeah that's a bummer i know that's i mean that's life in the wild it is life in the wild yeah it's uh we we stumbled across one that had been killed had been uh poked in the side but it had been quite a while ago it was rotten it smelled terrible this one i'm guessing it was a night before it was it wasn't that long but the meat had turned you realize that you know those antlers on their head it's not just for looks no they're that's their weapons of war no um this uh this kid wes on the last hunt that i just did in colorado he had some good footage of bulls fighting oh my god dude they're getting after it it's wild yeah yeah it's uh that's what makes it you know between that being um they're so aggressive and then the sounds they make if people haven't heard them if you hear a bull bugle at 20 or 30 yards you can't believe how loud that is then you couple that with the antlers and the size of them and their aggressive nature and they're coming you can hear them coming through the trees and shit's breaking and as a hunter you're sitting there and it's a lot to absorb you know it's like i saw somebody yesterday commented that they've been practicing at 20 yards on a target and it's so small compared to a bull elk it's like that must look like a house at 20 yards how could you miss and i'm like well people shoot over the back of bulls all the time at 20 yards because it's so intense yeah they just they've never experienced it yeah screaming alone it's like when you're near it yeah it they sound like something from lord of the rings yeah yeah they're what an animal man they have everything going for them they do the looks the crazy antlers the delicious meat the crazy sounds they make the wild places that they live and the romantic but short life that they live yeah they live this wild crazy short life running away from mountain lions and bears and and wolves and and trying to get laid yeah and then fight another elk to the death with swords that grow to your head sounds like the life i want to live no no i'd rather be the bow hunter oh sleep in a nice place and even if it's just a tent yeah someplace with a sleeping bag i know yeah we'll get up and do this again tomorrow yeah they're slick out of a cooler meanwhile they're out there surviving all night never never lets up to me it's my uh one of my favorite parts of the year is just the reset of just experiencing the woods the real wilderness yeah like where we're going in utah and the mountains what was that mountain range called um is it the unit united's or unitas or something like that whatever it is it's it's a gorgeous mountain range yeah it's gorgeous and it's it's just it just reminds you you know of what life must have been like before human beings ever existed before they ever came to this part of the world and just walking around with those animals it just it's a reset it's a real reset yeah and every time i eat that meat i think about those those moments i know that connection when we talk about it i mean it ad nauseam probably but that that feeling yeah that's pretty yeah that's yeah you need a we nee how you say it i don't know try it who is that a native american word winter i'm not sure who made that word up why they put those letters together like that i'm not sure but that is what it looks like that's part of what it looks like yeah really looks like the um yeah like that right there that's that's super yeah that's super familiar to me yeah so gorgeous oh it's beautiful we'll hike if like we'll start where you see the beginning at the bottom of the screen and we'll go all the way to that far mountain range and you know if you're if you're out of shape yeah it's a rough go of it you're just gonna make take a lot of shortcuts like into your decision-making and make a lot of poor decisions yeah and chances are you're not gonna i mean you can kill people kill all the time i see it all the time look this guy killed and he doesn't run a marathon a day or whatever that people no you can get lucky yeah you can but if you're going to have sustained success for decades multiple times a year you're going to have to be at your best yeah that's all there's to it and i got to think that a guy like you who does ultra marathons and all this crazy working out there has to be something to what you're eating there has to be yeah the fact that you're eating all this wild game is that your diet is like how much of your diet's meat oh probably i would say 40 percent just 40 yeah 40 to 50. what's the rest of it uh carbs like potatoes and rice and fruits and vegetables just think about how much wild game you consume and how much how protein rich that is and how like that dark red meat that you get from these animals like how how good that is for you yeah it has to have some sort of an effect on your your physical abilities because one of the things that people always marvel at with you is like how the [ __ ] does this guy do so many things like how do you have the time to get up in the morning i mean there's been many times you've run a marathon a day i know people are hearing this oh this guy's full of [ __ ] no no no no a marathon a day you've run multiple marathons and you've done days where you got up at 3 o'clock in the morning more than one day where you ran a marathon and then went to work yeah or you've run 18 19 miles went to work and then finished the marathon off during your lunch break and then you'll go lift weights and then you shoot your bow or you shoot your bow and then you lift weights and like it has to play a factor i know there's just overall endurance and discipline and the fact that you've just always given yourself this hard workload and your your body's adapted to it i'm sure that has something to do with it yeah but the fact that you're not injured all the time and the fact that you have all this energy i gotta think that that wild game plays a big factor in all that i would think i mean i eat wild game every day every single day and i know that has to help me recover um but i think aside from that i think we're as humans we're capable of so many amazing things and it's like i've that's why the people who you've had on those podcasts that i've i've like been obsessed with connecting with because they're humans just like we are but they goggins they do incredible it's like how can the same specie of of whatever so humans just like everybody else walking around here do such amazing things and i i try to i want to connect i always want to connect with those people like goggins uh courtney dewalter um been running with emma coburn lately she's uh um olympic steeplechaser she won the bronze last olympic pro i'm thinking she's going to win the gold at this olympics this coming year so i try to think well how how can they do that they're the same species as we all are there must be something courtney's courtney's the toughest person i've ever been around i've been around some tough people but her mental toughness is is unlike anything you've ever seen it's weird too i've she seems so nice and normal she is but she's yeah she's you know couldn't get more uh you can find a more sweet person but um i've said this before where a dog will run itself to death that's yeah i took that picture right there what is this it says we estimate i slept fewer than four hours during my 105 hours on the colorado trail it's a combination of one minute trail naps and longer attempts in the rv and sometimes they happen by accident during a group sunrise photo weekend at bernie's anyway so she just passed out while she's doing this yeah less than ideal overall sleep time but during the later days the coughing and the wheezing preventing me from being able to fall asleep yeah so that game needs me to work explain this whole thing that she was trying to accomplish right go to that one weekend to bernie's yeah so right here so we stopped with the sun coming up to take a picture and she'd been going for 105 hours which what is that over four days and slept for four hours so we stopped to take a picture and she fell asleep i mean just passed out but right after this picture she's up running so that that other picture on the trail that i took with her and maggie um it's like a lot of people will look at this and they'll say what kind of a human wants to do this this this was a three minute nap right here so it was going to be three minutes or maybe six minutes but something sun had just come up and incidentally i just seen a couple uh a big group of bucks in the dark about two hours earlier about i think three in the morning this is probably about five in the morning but i laid my pack on her legs there and my coats on her legs she's the closest one maggie's is the second one who maggie in her own right she won the uh it's called biggs backyard ultra where they run four miles every hour for as long as you can do it get four miles on and she won it last year courtney the year before was the first woman anyway so these women are insane but they took a three-minute naps or a six-minute nap right here then back up and that's resets your body i mean it reset it's like a control alt delete so before this she courtney was like so exhausted from all this maggie would ask a question and she'd answer barely audibly two minutes later and so it was me or courtney than me than maggie and maggie would say something to courtney nothing two minutes later she'd like i could barely hear it she'd answer whatever maggie said because her brain was like they said her blood her oxygen level and brain was at 70 percent which that was because of the coughing and lung issues and the high altitude and the dust and everything so it just her brain wasn't working let's explain what she was trying to do yeah she was okay she was trying to the fastest known time to run the entire colorado trail from durango to denver is eight days and something like two hours i think she wanted to beat that by a day so she was trying to run 490 miles from durango to denver with 90 000 feet of elevation gain total in seven days and uh to do that i mean it's a you can't sleep is i don't know i don't know what the perfect answer is she she was about 22 hours i think at one point ahead of the record but she ended up in the emergency room just because her her she pushed so hard what i was going to say is animals will push look how [ __ ] up she looks yeah she looks so tired yeah look at her eyes i know she just looks exhausted yeah so that her pulse oxygen was 70 which it's supposed to be in the 90s and if it's at 80 or 85 they say go immediately to the emergency room to the doctor and hers is at 70. so her brain just wasn't getting enough oxygen and the doctor i believe the doctor said that because they said well what what would happen if she keeps pushing and he he said well she'll die on the trail so well that's the problem with someone who's that tough yeah that's right they literally could push themselves to the point where their heart stops and animals do that we know that a dog will push itself a horse will push itself so hard that they will die not my dog no your dog i throw the ball from four or five times in a row and he just he drops the ball and lays down he's like bro we're done yeah right so some dogs yeah my dog like cash would he's a lab and all he wants to do he'll do that that's right so and horses do that horses die a lot or not a lot but horses die from pushing so most humans have that self-preservation mode where i mean most humans that like the hint of discomfort yes i'm out yeah so but courtney has that where um i don't know well goals are interesting because goals are what force you to pass your comfort zone and go into this crazy level where you realize you're you're only tapping into a very small percentage of what your body is capable of like even goggins what is this quote that most people quit at 40 40 yeah i think he's a hundred percent accurate there yeah i don't know i'm throwing percentages around here it sounds good but i mean anybody knows he knows right but there's there's a thing that you do when you tap into like when you have a goal when you say i'm going to run 10 miles a day and i'm going to keep doing like my friend lex friedman mm-hmm um the scientist mit guy yeah uh he was on the podcast last week one of the things that he was talking about was uh he did this challenge where he ran was it four miles every four hours four that was he did two challenges yeah that was the first one he did like earlier in the year before it was four hours four miles every four hours for 48 hours yeah or 48 miles or whatever and just talking about it i think goggins yeah goggins set that up yeah yeah yeah him and goggins are friends yeah okay and uh and then there was some crazy push-up sit-up pull-up challenge that they did as well and uh goggin said whatever you do i'm gonna do double yeah it's just a nice little mind [ __ ] when you're you're falling apart and you realize that goggins is doing twice what you're doing but i love you there's something about a goal like that where you set it in motion and you realize you have to do it where it forces you out of your comfort zone it forces you to realize what your body's actually capable of which most people just never do that's one of the great things about making someone compete like the great thing about training for a marathon or getting ready to do something is like when you have a goal and then you actually and then you're committed to the thing and you actually have to go and do it then and only then do you often find out what your butt is actually capable of yeah yeah and still even even during that goal or that performance it's uh it's really hard to push i mean push and give all you got i remember my kids i would say i said did you give all you got yeah well i didn't see you weren't throwing up i didn't throw up at the end you know it's like when you push i i don't even i mean it's not like i'm i can say i do that every time either but it's like who really pushes with all they got well and what is that line like yeah what's after that line do you die i don't know and would you be happy if you pushed so hard that you died like well this is a good way to die well no then you know you gave your all but but isn't that so that's what fascinates me with these people with with the goggins and courtney and and uh um you know also in some respects emma is like put is like performing at this level and it's just incredible to me yeah it's like so i want to know how can i take whatever mindset they have apply it to myself in what i do so that's all i've tried to do is like i and i've said a million times i'm definitely not talented i spend time around people who are the best at what they do and hoping a little bit i can pick up a little bit get that mindset like goggins flips that switch courtney just has no switch it's just what is what is talent i want to know what that is like when you say you're not talented because you're obviously very successful at both as a bow hunter you're probably i mean if there's three top bow hunters on the planet earth you're in that top i don't know how many people are the the best bow hunters on earth but in my mind you're you're in that group what is talent like if you're that good at bow hunting and i've seen you shoot targets 150 yards away and shoot balloons i mean you've just seen me do some ridiculous [ __ ] you're obviously incredibly talented with a bow like what is talent what does that mean to you when you say i'm not talented uh to me i i always equate talent to physical um like performance like say running 100 meters or like a freak athlete yeah okay i i equate talent to athleticism right like uh like a mike tyson or uh you know uh polo costa yeah some just freak athletes or runners i mean runners there's like they've you know you're saying we've been running since the beginning of time right if you're one of the fastest to humans to ever run you have to be talented that's yeah that's talent yeah there's things that people get that you are never going to get right there's there's a certain amount of speed people can generate a certain amount of power people can generate there's things that people can do but the kind of things that you're doing it's not required it just requires mental strength you're doing endurance runs or these long ass mind torture runs they don't require that sprinting [ __ ] they just require that ability to keep going when you don't want to keep going right the ability to maintain a pace that's painful right yeah and it's and i've i've been i was talking to the because after my hunt in colorado i went and ran with courtney we did a 14 000 foot peak and then i ran with emma the next day and two totally different athletes courtney's you know the the eight seven days crazy emma's the 3000 meters and i was talking to them both about pain because courtney's pain isn't as intense but it's for a long time a week you know or days emma's pain so for she wants to break nine minutes in the steeplechase she never has 902s is her best i believe and uh she'll have to break nine minutes probably to win the gold medal it's a steeple chase that's three thousand meters and it has the barrier like the water barrier so you jump over you jump over barriers and then there's a water barrier too have you ever seen seen them jump over i don't think i've ever seen a steeplechase look up emma here it is this is it right here yeah wow so you jump over water damn look how much air she gets yeah yeah that's crazy yeah so that's her so it's like so she's she has nine minutes and you you can see her like there's a good video of her winning the world championships emma coburn world championship so the steeple chase thing the water you have to jump over the water what if you land in the water they they land in the water that's okay yeah just slows you down um they can't really clear that water so they plan on on running and landing in the water what a weird thing to have a puddle in your run yeah that weird yeah so so see so that's right and she's she's taller than like those uh um the other girls they're usually from ethiopia or kenya um so what a weird event you make him jump over a fence into a pond yeah that's so bizarre i never knew this existed here's another one yeah so they some don't have the water like just have that barrier there and i think there's four per lap how many people eat [ __ ] jumping over that barrier where'd she go oh look at her yeah oh i know look at them legs damn length she can so anyway so she's got nine minutes of pain and i was asking her about because there's always a decision like i watched her watch uh run this mile race and she was kind of in back with about a lap to go and there's always that decision like do i want to go now and have it hurt really bad or just kind of it wasn't my day like how do you decide to deal with that pain and so that's what i was asking her about because that's what fascinates me and what'd she say she's so there she did it at 9 19. so she's got it down to 902 yeah she's that 902 is her best now god damn i know look at all those ladies are beating down at the end of that so painful yeah so she's from this little town crested butte in colorado and that's where i went and ran with her and it's um that's ten thousand nine thousand feet what was her um her answer to that to to like the pain deciding she's just so she like her her brain is so focused in on that time that nine minutes where it's just like and so it's just she knows that if she pushes now it's only going to last this amount of time you know it's just this is what she's got to do this is what how it works she's been doing it her whole life and so it's just pushed through so like if she's so regimented on time from doing track her whole life she'll like say well can you meet me at um 10 and then we can get coffee and till about 10 20 and then we'll go we should be able to get to the mountain by about 10 30 and then we can run and we should be done i mean like everything is like so regimented because her brain works like that so when she thinks about that pain i think she just knows that it's going to be the certain amount of time and then it's going to be over and this is what she does so it's it's different than say courtney who's not gonna it won't be as intense because you know with sprinting when you're exhausted it just hurts right it's so easy to be like that's what i was asking her about because when i watched her run the mile that's not her event her event is 3000 meters which which is more than a mile so i said you could easily said well this isn't my event um you know you made that decision whether to go and pass all these other girls and win or just be like it wasn't my night this isn't my event whatever and just a little bit less oh just so this decision on should i go or should i stay right here where it's comfortable this feels good i mean it's still hard it's still an effort but it's not the pain like going so when you make it right when you make this oh she almost went right there but didn't see that so when you make that decision oh this is i think this is a world championship yeah this was that race we just watched but this is the full race so you hang back knowing this isn't so watch this she passes right here this is world championships going over this water that girl in the middle didn't go over good emma did and right here so she's turning it on but now it's you know now the finish line is there but see how controlled and like fluid she is and this is so fast god damn and so she went on that crazy run with you and courtney as well no no no no what's she doing they're two different athletes um no she didn't run that like she was sleeping up there with you guys right no no she crashed no that was maggie oh maggie yeah yeah she's she's that ultra this is emma cope emma emma maggie those are such white girl names i just inflate them all together in my head yeah no emma lives in crested butte so i went i met courtney in leadville and that's we ran mount sherman which is 14 thousand feet so i met her at four in the afternoon courtney and her husband kevin and we did uh this big 11 mile loop and we did a 14 000 foot peak and then i stayed there um and at their house and then the next morning i got up and drove and met emma in crested butte which is another small town in colorado and it's high altitude and that's where that's where emma grew up and her parents live and so i met her there the next day and we ran i don't know shorter distance but she runs so much faster you know five miles or whatever but for me running five miles at ten thousand feet with her at that pace it's like i mean she's got some length too oh yeah how tall is she uh i would say five seven but her long her legs are so long yeah and she's running she's she got that crazy long stride yeah and running she's run trails there at ten thousand feet or nine thousand feet and it's just like that training and to to go over those barriers you have to be athletic yeah like it's a different explosion she's more athletic than say the girls from kenya they're smaller they but they live kenya's high elevation too so but if emma lives at the same elevation has the same talent um fastest mile ever run on colorado soil running 432.7 that's that's that's the one that's the one i watched that's where i said she was in yeah she was in at the back and then i said that decision you made to turn it on no that's not it oh just a slow-motion version of it oh yeah i think this yeah this was a couple years ago that she just she just broke that outside oh so this is the indoor version of it and then she broke yeah yeah yeah but yeah so i just was interested in how how that decision is made now what when you talk to her about her training how much of her training is just running and how much of her training is like strength and conditioning does she do plyometrics does she because she's gotta not just run she's gotta jump over things yeah she she runs every day usually i think she runs about 70 or 80 miles a week when she's training and so it'll be about you know 10 miles a day split up a couple times and then she'll lift i believe three times a week and so we lift it together too and it's just you know um yeah i mean she's she's strong definitely oh you have to be yeah you could see it in her legs like in the fact that she's able to get over those hurdles while she's in the middle of this crazy ride yeah yeah well for 30 mile fast there's something also so crazy about your goal in life like what you do the thing that you concentrate on the most is your physical body mm-hmm like you're banking on this you're banking on your tissue who is humans yeah any human that does that yeah whether you're a fighter or a baseball player or a runner there's something crazy about banking on your body you know like i always when i look at professional athletes in particular i'm always like oh like boy anything can go wrong and then it takes forever to fix it's not like you blow out a tire you go to the car shop and you you know you go to the tire place you get a new tire yeah they blow out a knee that's been the only secret to any success i've had is that longevity yeah because there's a lot of people who've been better than me for short spans but if you can just keep doing it keep grinding keep grinding keep hammering i don't care what it is you're gonna get good yeah that is the case what how do you how do you avoid injuries because you train so much um i don't i mean i get massage and um you do those normatec boots yeah i got those yeah thank you i sent you those you sent those to me yeah the uh hypervolt the hammer with the ball on it that massage yeah yeah do that with uh eric comes over about three times a week you know you trained with eric too and goes through breaks down my hamstrings and calves and and hips especially so dude i had a lady that was giving me a massage and uh i had a thera gun and i wound up just having her just use the thera gun like she was giving me massage and it was great and everything but there was this like one spot in my back and i was like just try this for a second and that worked yeah man like half the massage session was just her jackhammering me just working me with that and it was more effective than anything because you could do something with those things where you can push all the weight in like a massage but it's doing something that you're not going to be able to do with your hands right there there's this girl who does my massage her name's erin she is so amazing i mean i can say something that's bothering me she can go like feel my leg go right to it and just feel it she just knows where the knees are and then she'll do something else on some other side or some other place and it's like i've never i've had a lot of massages definitely there's just like we say there's levels to everything she's amazing i mean some people just understand bodies they're intuitive like they know where you're tight where you have strain like did you pull your hamstring did you do this yeah like do you have something going on with your back like what do you mean this side is tight so it's probably you're probably compensating for something that's on the other side then yeah yeah so that i mean the only way you're gonna over you know 10 20 30 years to continue to do it is for maintenance is taking care of your body um you say it is tissue it is muscle it is have joints and ligaments um if those something happens to those you're training you've never even had any operations have you that's bananas no i've had a bunch i'm amazed well how do you how are your knees okay that's the other thing how to [ __ ] your knees okay i don't know if people ask me that all the time i was like how do you answer that i mean you have you gotten an mri you don't have any meniscus problems nothing that's bananas no i mean you're my age yeah you've been running forever you don't have any meniscus i have all [ __ ] up meniscus but you also did a sport that was hard on your knees yeah right running isn't i you know everybody's different yeah i mean it's maybe i have good genetics yeah you obviously must yeah yeah i was pretty good with my right knee until like i heard it in a kicking contest with joe schilling i tore uh my meniscus like a year ago like a [ __ ] at the old studio yeah kicking that thing that machine we had the registers how hard you get yeah you did it then with jeans on i know i remember seeing the video yeah nowhere 52 years old slamming into that thing a full clip as hard as i can yeah but that that's a problem when something shows you a number yeah oh i know it's a measurement yeah you just wind up it's a measurement to wind up like that if i was coaching someone i'd say stop you got to warm up let's jump rope let's get a sweat yeah go on stretch out a little bit let's start slow like when i work out on a normal day i never i don't just walk up to a heavy bag and full blast start kicking it i build up but you haven't can't have a contest with joe's showing and say hold on let me warm up exactly he's he's too much of a hard man yeah i had to we had to step up yeah yeah and tear your knee yeah my knee's still [ __ ] up i mean it's not [ __ ] up to the point where i can't do things like i can still kick yeah i can still run i could still do all those things but i feel it where i didn't used to feel it before but that's why i'm amazed that you don't have any of these kind of injuries no i don't know you had a i remember you had a [ __ ] up foot at one point in time oh i have a i mean i there's injuries there's being hurt and being injured you know i heard all the time i heard every day but i haven't been injured um yeah that's a difference yeah i mean it's i don't know are you taking cbd at all yeah sometimes dude i was getting uh arthritis in my toes um yeah and did it help my big toes my big toes like at the joint where my foot makes my big toe it was very annoying yeah and it's from kicking you know just from because you're always like pushing off all right yeah pushing off yeah and my my toes just got so tired of me doing that and they were getting sore and then uh i started doubling and tripling down on cbd particularly like cbd gummies that's my new trick because it's it's like i'm eating candy oh those uh cbd md gummies are like 1500 milligrams i just chuck like [ __ ] 10 of them down at a time i have the thc in them no no no zero high at all but it killed it like whatever like i was like god damn am i going to have to get some i was thinking i was going to have to get prp or something done to my my big toe and that helped it killed it i don't have any problem at all now it's whatever it was it was gone away dave foley told me the same thing dave foley told me he was getting serious arthritis in his hands where his hands were like this he couldn't open up his fingers started taking cbd on a daily basis and then now his hands are fully functional like whatever it was he stopped in his tracks it's just inflammation yeah right yeah i saw well when trump and biden get here you're going to do the dmt question right oh well i'm going to give him high first both of them we're going to get high we're going to do mushrooms i'm going to bring in a shaman there was that babble on b that i showed you today they did have a thing that said like trump was on here for an epic seven-hour interview with rogan and i said had the best marijuana possibly he's ever had it's like tremendous or you know how trump has these same but yeah it's so funny amazing amazing pot can you imagine getting that guy high i don't he doesn't even drink does he i don't think so this is it yeah see that's the picture that's a great picture it is but what was the caption jamie can you find that what did it say oh my god it's hilarious yeah the last lively seven hour interview with joe rogan imagine yeah yeah imagine how many votes he would win if he did that well i bet a lot i bet he'd lose a lot too yeah he'd be like what is happening you need some more of that i'll have i don't know want some more coffee there might be a little bit we can get some more okay put the order in um yeah that guy he's not he's not taking anything but perhaps a few uppers to help put speeches did you see with the the biden thing he um trump said he wanted to do a drug test before debates really yeah no what does he think biden's on oh they got him hopped up on something really yeah if you're that tired yeah i guarantee you they're doing something with them he him talking oh my god it's just it's painful i mean it's like i feel embarrassed yeah it's sad it's sad and then there's the tremendous pressure that's involved in that job yeah i couldn't imagine i mean not being at your best no that's what i've always i mean i've always been i just don't get how there's these people have been in politics for 50 years and i'm like okay good job thank you you did it you served whoever but isn't there somebody better i mean smarter younger like more energized why do we have these 80 year old guys i don't know but it doesn't make any sense i mean there's got i there's got to be people who are just like on the top of their game you can't be at the top of your game when you're 80. you got to wonder like what it is what it is with the powers that be that decided to go with him did they think that he's a known a known name a former vice president so that that brings him to but there was obviously some shenanigans because they were really worried about bernie sanders taking the nomination they were really worried that he was gonna enact some radical change to the democratic party and they were not looking forward to that at all so yeah you know they stepped in got mayor pete and amy klobuchar and all those other people to back out and yeah to back down and then all the delegates went to biden and then biden winds up being the guy and you almost feel bad for the guy yeah i mean that can't be our best option for running i mean so whoever wins you want to feel confident you know and i know people on the other side of where i i am don't feel confident i think i'm banking on harris they're banking on people saying well she's young and healthy she'll take over she is young i mean so it goes to that point of being young and you know energetic but um yeah i mean she's kept a lot of people in jail yeah i i don't know i i i've man politics what a mess it's gross it's gross and i don't know what the best way to do it is you know i think our founding fathers had some pretty brilliant ideas how were they so dialed in so long ago it's amazing to know they write this constitution not to protect not to protect the government from the people that people from the government from from overstepping how did they know i mean maybe because it was the king and queen and yeah i think they saw just i mean people had an understanding of psychology back then of just human beings and just the natural tendency of people to abuse power and to abuse influence and i think they just came out with a really brilliant way to sort of have checks and balances to keep that from getting completely out of hand yeah it's amazing it really is amazing if you stop and think about that you know and how old this um there's this um young man madison cawthorne he has i think he's like the i don't know i can't remember what seat he won but one of the youngest to ever win an election i think it's in north carolina but he mentioned something about the age of um man who was jefferson yeah like how old were they well people didn't live that long i know they got like toothaches and died right wasn't were they in their 20s i wonder let's let's uh google how old was thomas jefferson when he uh drafted a declaration of independence how old do you think it is it's close to 40 i believe close to 40. still pretty amazing yeah or maybe you know maybe what if you go back and you actually look at him and he looks exactly like jared kushner wait everybody does uh an him in 1776 thomas jefferson was 33. wow so young and [ __ ] smart as [ __ ] yeah i mean i think some of the guys were in their 20s 40 53 46 39 35 70 years old who's 75 uh benjamin franklin wow [ __ ] he had to be eating wild game meat yeah for sure it's a 30 year old well he got electrocuted a bunch of times right you got a kite six-year-old lawyer who is 26 jared kushner thomas lynch jr from south carolina okay see three years later right three years later yeah the stress of coming up with that [ __ ] information 26 year old from south carolina a lawyer plantation owner no he had kovid no i had to privilege wow that's what another two they they're counting his death as cofed guaranteed yeah it is really amazing at how smart they were yeah but you know when you read like uh letters from like the civil war era mm-hmm if you read letters back home like the way people wrote back then was so eloquent yeah at least the ones that you obviously there's probably some morons that wrote some [ __ ] scribbles too yeah but there were there were some letters that were written back then where the prose is so it's so elegant it's so well written so so beautifully crafted these these letters that they would write i know you get to read them you go what what is happening between then and now i'd like to get letters like that i mean that would be you'd feel special if you got a letter like that god i know the way they communicated back then was just different do you think people would have spiced up how they wrote just in case someone didn't nope it wasn't going to be personal correspondence they wouldn't want people to think they're dumb so they added some they'd like but the problem is when a dummy writes things and tries to make them seem smart have you ever gotten an email from someone that's dumb that tries to be smart just would have someone else write it for them back then like hey i can't write this but write a letter to my girlfriend make it sound good yeah tell her i miss her send it off perhaps i'm just wondering because people do that now yeah yeah they do they have ghost riders they've done it back then they're a little more we're a little more diabolical now though i wonder if there was like a market for ghost writers back then for letters back home had to be because there's only so many people that could write i don't know about that i don't know i don't know about that or even the x access to the tools too right and but feather to make it look good i wonder paper yeah i don't know i just wonder yeah i mean yeah i think people were it was a harder time and during harder times people are more disciplined and people that are more disciplined probably are more they're harder on their children about learning and grades this probably wasn't so flip it because it's like the consequences of not succeeding in life back then were literal starvation it was a different time and i think when you you have those consequences you have you develop stronger people you develop people with they just they don't have any room for error there's no you you can't you can't [ __ ] off no you won't make it no i know it's uh yeah pretty amazing to think that we're still going by the doctrine they came up with amazing yeah and it's the best one we have like no one's come up with a better job where is your pocket didn't tim kennedy give you a pocket at home cut i have it framed you don't have it with you no it's what it's in my pocket it's going to get like dumb on it and should i reference it it'll get scratched up a pen will leak on it i can't have that okay i need it i thought that was a good gift and he gave you a gun that's cool yeah jamie's been shooting everybody that's all he does now well that's what people with guns do that's what i've been hearing this is joe biden's gonna put a stop to that oh my god well he i was watching some video where he was talking about making um gun manufacturers responsible for shootings it was the weirdest analogy that he was drawing and and then he went on and erroneously said that uh guns kill 150 million people a year and it was like what yeah that's all or 150 million people since a certain amount of time that doesn't make any sense at all but the thing that he was saying was that imagine if drug companies weren't responsible for people dying of drugs well hey joe they're not yeah i don't know if you know that but they're not i mean do you know how many people die every year from drug overdoses i do how many a lot how many people are going to jail for that is there any nobody are these drug companies really responsible for that are they really being held accountable yeah i don't think they understand maybe occasionally maybe the street dealer is going to jail yeah well occasionally drug companies get in trouble you know like for opioid deaths and or for misrepresenting the dangers of the addictions to opioids or some of their drugs that's true sometimes they get fined yeah and they get in trouble but what he was saying was really weird it's like people say things just because they think that people want to hear solutions like hey there's all these guns and shooting someone better do something you know and then someone will come along and say something like that like guns are responsible for 150 million people every year and here's what i'm going to do yeah yeah yeah i know remember when he got uh confronted by that guy at a um at a uh auto factory yeah doing that yeah and the guy was like you you're trying to take away you didn't cuss him you're full of [ __ ] yeah he cussed him out got all grandpa on him well that's a problem with with you know how so when you get old you know i'm not i don't want to talk [ __ ] about old people but you can't think you're just not at your best so what happens what i see and maybe he has dementia maybe not but those guys get they're cranky they get mad they can't think of what they want to say fast enough so instead they just get mad yeah and that's what it seems like he does yeah he like lashes out and comes up you're full of [ __ ] yeah well i think dog face pony soldier did you see that one that was a good one too what is i don't even know what that is you're a lion dog face pony soldier that's a great thing to say to someone if there's a first time i've ever heard it should be a good band dog face pony soldier that would be a good band good name for a band like a weird funk band yeah dog face pony soldier i like it yeah i could see them in coachella yeah it's a thing that uh you know what you know when he's when he gets mad like that too it's almost like it's a it's a tough guy thing too it's like he's around all these hard men that are working in the factory and he's like you're full of [ __ ] i'll show you guys i'm god [ __ ] man it reminded me of uh floyd mayweather and he knocked out victor ortiz when they were kissing or whatever they did but jim gray not well victorities head-butted them i know but then they made then they made up you know what ortiz went to makeup with floyd mayweather they did maybe they're like yeah yeah okay boom yeah but it wasn't jim gray it was a it was an older god what's his name larry merchant yes larry merchant and larry merchant said that if he was 50 years younger he'd kick floyd's ass i remember that yeah i was like okay no you wouldn't have no you wouldn't but it reminded me if he got mad and then he was just gonna kick his ass but what a crazy thing to say to literally one of the greatest boxers that's ever put on gloves yeah i mean you can make an argument who the greatest boxer of all time is but you better have floyd mayweather he's gonna be in there and probably if you're holding a microphone you probably weren't ever gonna kick his ass no what's up with the mayweather fighting logan paul you see yes yes yes well logan paul in that fight [Music] well one thing i will tell you logan paul is a really good athlete and he's an enormous man now if it was an mma fight i would pick logan paul well logan listen to me there's a video of logan paul wrestling with paulo costa it's a real live wrestling like live wrestling sparring session where he is exhibiting real skill he knows how to scramble he's got real wrestling skills and i remember high school i think he wrestled in college oh did he okay no didn't just in high school but he was good though right did he go to college he went to ou and he did the biggest party school in the country i just parted yeah so he's from ohio right that's why you know ohio yeah yeah he knows everything alright so how good was he in high school uh i remember hearing i don't know if he won state but i'll i'll check that real quick either way yeah him with paula costa paulo is uh the ufc's number one contender in the middle eight division and the most beautiful man in the ufc perfect specimen of a man and a wrecking machine yeah just a [ __ ] wrecking machine and the two of those guys are they're they're doing a wrestling drill and sparring and logan paul is hanging in there man with an elite mma you know world championship caliber fighter a guy who like went to war with yoel romero and walked him down right i mean paulo costa is a monster yeah he's a and logan paul is hanging in there and i don't care what anybody says like that what what i saw in that i'm like that kid is impressive no he's got to be six one he might actually did let's see one he joined the wrestling team it says ohio state in athens which is not just oh you so you might have joined the team i don't know if you i don't know if you had a record if he performed with him or if you just okay so he did a little bit of wrestling in college but he wrestled in high school as well yeah either way he's he's a big dude he's a big dude and he's a real athlete and one of the things that i saw you know i know he lost his boxing match they had a draw the first time that he lost a second time but when i'm seeing him throw punches like he's very athletic he throws punches with good technique you know but obviously the other kid that he boxed with did as well but there's such a difference between that and floyd mayweather in a boxing match it's going to be hilarious yeah the only thing is that floyd is so much smaller than him yeah he's got to be compared to logan tiny that's why i say i got the logan's big guy i got the one punch logan ko oh my god that's so hilarious could you imagine if he did could you imagine if he clips floyd mayweather in the temple and he'll see floyd mayweather measure what the crowd would do imagine if there were anybody would be a crowd yeah but um i wonder when they're gonna be able to have it let's do it in china or some [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] it i don't know i i'm just pretty impressed with how logan paul has for a young kid has made so much money yeah just talking a lot of [ __ ] and turn these these opportunities to flight fight floyd what i know but the thing about it is like who's going to sanction that the weight classes are so different yeah floyd's 50 pounds different it could be 50 pounds plus yeah it could be more i don't i don't think floyd's walks around at more than 155 pounds maybe 160 at the most yeah you know and when he's in shape you know less than that probably but here's the crazy thing i'll watch the [ __ ] out of that i'll watch the [ __ ] out of it too i mean everybody will we were talking about mike tyson versus roy jones jr yeah like a lot of people like what what are we doing what is happening here yeah i like the fact that they decided not to do it september 12th so it already would have happened yeah they decided to extend it deep into november give everybody a chance to like really train and ramp up the promotion and let everybody know and and it's more and more exciting every day roy jones jr was posting some [ __ ] on his instagram yeah dude he's still got some hand speed yeah see if you could find that and he he's coming in here soon see him i was looking for logan paul wrestling coast and i'm finding them is like place barring yeah there's a little bit of boxing place barring but there's a bunch of wrestling scrambling in there that's really impressive not in the video i saw and it's not his fault i know i know i'm looking you have to do another retraction i'm just looking like i might have to i apologize i lied about logan paul wrestling just doing it in advance that that [ __ ] for everything yeah just in case that fight is going to be one of the most ridiculous things ever though if you can get a youtube star to to box the literal best boxer of the last one of all times never lost yeah 15-0 so yeah but back it up before that yeah let him let him scramble the jujitsu train okay so this is just jiu jitsu training they're uh they're rolling around the mat but they do some uh scrambles see i don't know how much uh logan has trained you just but watch watch the wrestling watch this though seriously the kid can wrestle like come on they're not showing it what kind of horse [ __ ] is this is this uh because they want them to look good they won't i don't know oh god damn it i know it's there hey there what about the full oh no what do we got come on show me some [ __ ] that's it well it exists it's somewhere so he they they did a lot of sparring like boxing sparring for sure yeah this is just showing let it go right here let's see what happens here come on logan show me some wrestling bro this it's amazing that paul across it can make 185 pounds that's what's amazing the dude walks around at 230 and he's a tank i mean yeah he could be a heavier i swear it's real i swear it's not like the antifa guys lighting fires in portland it's real they did this they're getting arrested maybe i'll find it yeah no i won't do that yeah there's videos of him wrestling from like high school but oh no he's there's no videos of him wrestling paulo costa no video right there was the best i could find i'm looking harder but son of a [ __ ] jamie come on jamie's punishing me for the portland thing i've noticed there's this video of him saying it's getting knocked out but that was 100 staged yeah yeah that's 100 fake yeah well he's smart he's getting a lot of attention i just think he's going to be whiffing at air he's oh yeah how would you ever hit that floyd but if he if that one connects that's what i got my money on that would be so bananas i know imagine if floyd goes because his love is fifteen because he gets ko'd by logan paul he's jacked i mean he works out hard yeah yeah oh yeah super nice kid too he's training with shannon the cannon briggs is he shannon the cannon at least he was before that last fight that he did yeah shannon the cannon was training with him yeah well and he he hunts so that's good does he yeah where's he hunt he hunted in ohio before what do you like whitetail deer yeah oh no yeah his dad um because i went did his podcast took him a bow and and was shot and yeah i mean people got upset that you did his podcast hunters yeah what that's weird uh the hunting industry is uh that's weird first of all for a lot of people that there's a hunting industry yeah yeah right there is because that's what social media has done it's created like that's why i'm here heyman is the brother and i think the dad sharing hunting stories yeah yeah interesting you can find that but you can't find the [ __ ] wrestling footage yeah hey i see it's not oh i see that's not how it works i get it yeah well who's going to win tyson uh jones i do not want to say because i do not know but see if you can see if you can find uh roy jones jr training footage and then just put up some new stuff uh i think yesterday or the day before that's pretty legit and then you know we're gonna get we're gonna get tyson logan paul oh my god that would be a murder murder scene three days ago i think he's still got hand speed yeah but he's still got the same style like hands down yeah look dude he looks fast it's [ __ ] up yeah he does yeah i mean i wonder what he's gonna weigh i mean god damn dude yeah his hand speed is phenomenal yeah that's how he look at that his thing is bend speed right not just hand speed but foot speed as well roy's always been uh he's had a he had a weird style when he was young which is one of the reasons why when he slowed down it was very difficult for him to be successful because roy would instead of jab people he would leap in with a left hook yeah he had a crazy left hook like a like a hook jet kind of like a weird hook yeah and he used that in in lieu of a jab sometimes like a lot of times he and he did crazy [ __ ] like put his hands behind his back and then knocked people out he was so good when he was young people like that song you made you all must have forgot yeah a lot of people did forget it yeah i remember man when i was a you know younger man and roy jones jr was in his prime you would just see who's getting executed this week yeah you know and he one time he had a fight the day he had a full basketball game so he had a full basketball game played like he played like uh semi-pro basketball and then after the basketball game had a fight wow and won the fight people like this is disrespectful like this is the roy jones jr highlight i mean come on son he was so fast look at this that fight with vinnie pasienza that was the only fight that compubox ever scored where there was no punches landed on roy for an entire round really yeah he had a weird body man god look at that incredible but look how weird his body is like he has enormous biceps like his biceps were huge but he didn't have big triceps he had a really unusual build look at his biceps bro his biceps are bananas they're bananas and he had just preposterous speed and timing and confidence that would hurt everything so bad right yeah look at this guy oh he lit people on fire and pissed on their graves he was on just incredible that would be you know how terrible would be to fight somebody like that oh man well in his prime he was so much better than everybody he was fighting it was just this weird and people were like oh roy didn't fight anyone good like incorrect yeah they were good they just weren't roy jones jr roy jones jr was on a totally different level for years the thing is like a fighter can only maintain that kind of rp and that [ __ ] rpms that he was at you can only maintain that for a certain amount of time yeah yeah fedor did it for a long time anderson silva did it for a long time the guys are like at the very very best they can only hold on to it for a certain amount of years yeah and then the knees go the back goes the joints go the hands break things just yeah yeah but does isn't it kind of conventional wisdom that the power can stay though oh yeah so that's what like with tyson i mean he looks fast there i'll say jones looks fast found it for you oh here it is oh look at this look but look at the scrambles man the kid can [ __ ] wrestle like seriously legit oh man look at these scrambles like watch this see that turn around that duck under look at this and paulo costa's a beast jeez just the scramble the way he's spinning around and avoiding the takedown that's athletic yes various thank you jamie okay thank you i knew it was retracted find me some antifa guys like forest fires and we're good he's he's a real athlete yeah and he's a big kid yeah yeah but point maybe that was impressive very impressive so it was an mma fight floyd would be [ __ ] yeah he would get takedown and smashed for sure 100 bet the house yeah but it's not an mma fight it's a boxing match and floyd's the best of all time one time good luck one punch get out of here with that [ __ ] i just wonder if roy jones jr is going to be able to avoid mike tyson's the bum rush yeah avoid that that style of that marauding attacking stop because obviously when you see the tyson training footage he's still got that speed yeah he's still got that power he hits those mitts it's still terrifying you know i don't i just i don't want to see him get get hit by those tyson hooks if it's gonna be i mean if that happens it'll be in the first minute or two and the weird thing is like some people are saying that it's not a fight they're like saying well it's just gonna be a sparring match like you better tell that to tyson because no i'll tell the story that i was telling you yeah this new studio there's a certain distance this uh this table is a certain width and this is the exact same width i don't remember what it is i don't remember how many inches it is but this is the exact same with the old table the old studio yeah but when we moved to this new place i'm like maybe it'd be better if it's like a little more intimate i have a table with that's like a little smaller and then i did the interview with tyson yeah and he was so he had two interviews with tyson one from like 11 months ago or 10 months ago where he was like smoking weed he's opening a ranch he's got this weed ranch he's like super chill and he's introspective and philosophical and he's talking about his past and all his mistakes and how weed makes him a nicer person and he likes himself on weed and you felt comfortable with that distance oh my god it was great it was perfect conversation i really enjoyed it and then the next time was when he's fit and tr i mean slimmed down dude you know these weird muscles that you have at the top like he had a golf ball shoved under his skin he just checked yeah and readied a different mindset that he felt different to be around man he was so keyed up i mean he's in the middle of training camp yeah and and he was just super intense different person super and then we started talking about how it felt orgasmic to hurt people sometimes and i'm like i think i need a wider table and trump sent that out yeah trump put that on his twitter with no comment no context just posted that about mike tyson that is interesting but what how can what imagine imagine you're the leader of the free world yeah and you go posting [ __ ] about how it feels like you want to come when you're you're beating it people up and it's mike tyson talking about it too and he's like oh i like it yeah i can re-post this yeah yeah but so that made me decide to widen this table because like if i was a little closer to him if we were like this close i might be nervous it might affect my ability to do the same thing a couple inches yes yeah was it six extra inches jamie did we widen the table yeah directly because of mike tyson interview i was like yikes so yeah so he's i think they call that the eye of the tiger yeah oh he had the eye of the tiger he's ready he's ready um but the thing is like what what happens if roy can move away from him what happens if roy could avoid avoid the attack and how are they going to treat this are they are they going to treat it like a sparring session or are they going to treat it like war that's what originally the reports were saying it was not going to be a full out fight but i don't if tyson's looking that intimidation intimidating can he scale it back i don't even think he knows what that means what does that mean i don't know i just i can't imagine he's going to scale it back yeah and roy jones jr was saying something recently he thinks he might have made a mistake yeah i would think that too yeah but i don't know if he's being serious he probably watched the interview with tyson 11 months ago and thought that oh i'll fight this guy this guy's cool if you watch this recent one that's when he thought i think i made a mistake maybe but the fact that he would say that i can't imagine he's being serious or unless he wants to make a lot of money and he's like you know this is the way it'll make isn't it crazy how tyson he's can make money for how long has it been you know his 85 is when he first broke in so how many years is this i mean it's been it's been a [ __ ] while and he's still tyson i think the last time he fought was in the i want to say the early 2000s like 2005 maybe i can't i just know when he first came up is like 85 because i was i think i was a junior senior or something like that but yeah 35 years ago i remember when he was on the cover of sports illustrated he was 19 years old said kid dynamite yeah and it was him at 19. i know the most exciting heavyweight prospect dude yeah when tyson would fight it was an event it was an execution yeah you'd watch people get executed yeah i remember i watched the fight um where he lost to buster douglas after i knew the result oh and i still didn't believe it i was like he's gonna get up he's gonna knock him out like this is yeah this is mike tyson he can't lose i was at some duplex and i remember him when he was on his hands and knees looking for his mouthpiece i was like what is going on the world has gone crazy it's gone haywire yeah it didn't seem real no that was crazy uh he uh i can't imagine he's going to dial it back see if he could find roy's exact statement when he said uh he thinks he made a mistake because that to me is like huh or is he selling it right he's selling it yeah i don't know i don't know roy smart he's a great commentator he's one of the best commentators in the game i met him one time me you him yeah and uh in vegas after fights we were eating steak yeah that was uh i think that was at mandalay bay uh is that the place that steakhouse we always go that's the one of the mgm is that did we there i think we ate the one at mandalay bay if i remember correctly yeah but uh but he's been fighting much more recently roy jones on mike tyson exhibition match i made a mistake going in with him tyson's still one of the strongest most explosive people who ever touched a boxing glove jones said i mean they have biden's performance with that what does it say here he said he's still mike tyson's still one of the strongest most explosive people who ever touched a box off if anything i made a mistake going in with him he's the bigger guy he's the explosive guy he said he's going to have all the first round fireworks not me i do have first round fireworks but he's known for more first round fireworks than anybody to ever touch boxing other than maybe george foreman jones apprehension follows remarks tyson made last month where he called the match a search and destroy oh jesus christ of jesus christ you imagine you're at home look i'm just going to check twitter before i go to bed yeah you see that search and destroy jason says this is search and destroy and i'm looking forward to recapturing my glory tyson told tmz sports the fighting game is what i'm about and hurting people is what i'm about oh my god yeah it's so interesting for me to see like jamie and i talked about it right after tyson left yeah jamie was like okay that was a different person like from the from 11 months ago you mean yeah yeah everything everything he was ready to fight back then and then all of a sudden yeah yeah he was yeah everything you've just been saying last five minutes but intense he was saying to us during the podcast the first time he's like i don't even work out he goes if i work out i'll reignite my ego he goes i don't i don't remember that yes and then one of the quotes that he said in this comeback he said the gods of war have reignited my ego oh god they got the war what a [ __ ] terrifying human what i remember is seeing some of those clips of him punching lately with all that power is his legs yeah i mean you know that's where the power yeah i saw his his quads or his hamstrings just the size of his legs my god that's a thick kid yeah yeah brilliant shop thick he's still got it he's still got it whatever it is it's crazy yeah yeah he's still got it well i don't know should be fun to watch there's a thing about like having that skill when you're young um as long as the body doesn't fall apart as long as the shoulders still work right and the back's not completely blown out like especially if and i don't know what the deal is with trt and growth hormone and all that stuff but if he still if he knows how to move his body and he learned how to move his body in a way very few human beings can do the way he he has that that shell that that guard where he comes in that peekaboo style yeah just bobbing and weaving throwing [ __ ] bombs like that is in his makeup well it's like you're kicking yeah it's like you with your your spinning back yeah all that [ __ ] yeah it's like it's you've done it since you were 15. yeah so he's done exactly so no matter what your body does if you're stronger because the trt or whatever else that that's that technique isn't going anywhere yeah your mind still knows how to do it i remember there was a video look at this mike tyson gets more ripped with each intense training video dude this is a while ago though this is a while ago he's way more jacked than this now yeah that's what's crazy like he this was months and months and months ago so this is september it says okay so here we go in this video it's trying to hope it would just no sun's oh here it goes oh this is just a bunch of this one though yeah oh yeah so this is where i saw look at his legs dude yeah no he's exploding and it's also he's an unstoppable force god it's he's an unstoppable force still got it yeah it's the the thing about him is you got to stop him from coming and you can't yeah do you ever see the most terrifying mike tyson fight for me is marvis frazier do you ever see that fight i'm sure i did marvis frazier who was joe frazier's son yeah and there was all this [ __ ] talk right up to this fight where joe frazier was like my son's gonna [ __ ] you up and yeah okay you know and there was this intensity because you know a lot of people had kind of compared tyson in in many ways to fraser because they're both fairly short heavyweights yeah they both have that sort of bobbing and weaving style look how intense that is and the guy who's training him is rafael cordero who's a that's king's mma in huntington beach rafael cordero is a legendary mma coach which is really interesting that he's the guy who's training mike tyson because well see that quote right there look inside my soul and how bad i want it if tyson's like look inside you don't want that look at his forearm see that what i'm talking about yeah the muscles on his forearm yeah bro when he said that's that muscle is from this that's from clenching and smashing god or you're doing chin ups and [ __ ] but that's like the fist muscle dude [ __ ] terrifying he's so terrifying yeah but rafael cordero the guy who's training which is really interesting he's not necessarily known as a boxing trainer he's a muay thai trainer obviously uh trained anderson silva trained uh a lot of the curitiba guys the the uh shoot the box guys like mauricio shogun who uh ninja who uh yeah like uh vandeley silva some of like the all-time great mma legends of the pioneers he was one of the trainers for those guys like a main trainer for a lot of those guys i wonder why he went with him i think they just started out like hitting pads together oh you know and get back in i think he just likes the guy and he started hitting pass together he likes what he was bringing to the table and yeah yeah i always wonder what would happen if uh was it cuss custom if he wouldn't have died oh yeah he would be in a different world i mean because that's what kind of got tyson then he was with don king and that whole thing and unhealthy lifestyle but when he was with custom autos like it was just you know singular vision of yeah he probably would have been even greater than he was yeah he probably would have maintained it much longer than he was that he did yeah i mean cuss probably kept him up in the catskills pulled him away from all the [ __ ] that's what i'm thinking yeah well he he just we talked about it a bit about what an amazing father figure cuss was but we also talked about how cuss hypnotized him really oh yeah man when he was young hypnotized him and that was uh part of his uh ability to like seek and destroy is that cuss told him things like you don't exist just the task the task exists oh you know that there's a man in front of you you're breaking that man down and that's the task you you don't exist like crazy [ __ ] like that you're telling that to a 13 year old and then you have the perfect storm of this 13 year old is incredibly physically gifted yeah right he was 13 years old he weighed 190 pounds [Laughter] and teddy atlas told me he would bring him to these smokers a smoker is like an amateur boxing event that they would do in boxing gyms right and he'd bring them to these smokers and everybody would lie like how many fights does guy have oh he's only had two fights kids had like 30 fights right and so they bring tyson he goes how old's the kid he goes he's 13. he was like that [ __ ] kid is not 13. he's like okay he's 16. yeah how old do you want him to be yeah and he goes okay 16. i got a 16 year old farm and he just smashed this poor guy but he was 13. he was just smashing people yeah it was the first thing that he ever did that got him real love and attention and accepted first thing he ever did were people like you're special there's something to you and then he has this guy in customato who's a legend in boxing yeah one of the most respected legendary trainers in boxing right he had trained uh jose torres floyd patterson there he is and he's he's giving this kid information and talking to this kid yeah about what he can accomplish and what he could be and incredible yeah i mean look at that yeah that was when he was full jack dempsey mode yeah that was when he was 19. he was awesome man yeah i just think uh i would not want to be in there with him no i just definitely not me but i mean if i was a heavyweight boxer who's like anywhere near his age i just i don't i don't want none of that i wonder how he'd do like if he came back in shape i wonder how he'd do like against tyson fury the real problem is he's no matter what you do he's still 54. yeah no matter what you do but those he's still been knocked out yeah listen yes they do they do they go hard oh [ __ ] yeah there you are but tyson fury is six foot nine i know i know he's high mike tyson is pretty close to my side okay yeah yeah when i stand next to him it's not we're not like in a different universe yeah tyson fury's in a different universe than me yeah when i met him i'm like hello giant like he's a he's a giant like and he's a big giant like deontay wilder is a giant too but yeah slender deontay wilder doesn't weigh much more than me which is crazy dude he fought when he fought tyson fury the first time and he dropped him twice yeah he weighed 209. wow 209. wow and he's six six nine something crazy like that six seven he's huge real but he's a preposterous power puncher yeah he's preposterous yeah 40 knockouts or something yeah like he knocked out everybody except one dude and tyson fury yeah in the last fight and then well in both fights you know the last fight he got stopped by tyson fury i love tyson's fury story though too it's amazing i mean yeah the fact that yeah the fact that he was like literally accelerating his ferrari towards a bridge to kill himself yeah yeah and then decided not to and just was like really [ __ ] up dude boxing by itself just just that just getting hit in the head it's not good for your brain no it's just not and then you have cocaine and booze and chaos and fame and all those things that came after he beat vladimir klitschko yeah and he didn't just beat vladimir klitschko he humiliated him he mocked him yeah he taunted him he outboxed him he sang in the ring horrible songs oh god yeah i mean he's so so good he's so good yeah i mean technique-wise yeah it's amazing well and then coming back and um using that guy from cronk sugar hill right that's the his trainer for the last fight i believe that's uh the gentleman from cronk cronk was emmanuel stewart's gym which created tommy hearns and gerald mclellan and all these [ __ ] assassins and they had this real aggressive attacking style and he took on that style for the second fight with deontay so he came after him which uh yes sugar hill sugar hill steward and uh he is that emanuel's son i don't know i don't know that but that would be amazing if it was yeah i mean um but he had a different style he came after deante yeah and he realized that deante does not fight as well going back right but deontay hits dudes in like the top of the head and puts him to sleep he hits he hits guys and it's like what happened like they got shot with a sniper rifle crazy such big humans like i i you know thinking of it now you're right i mean giants giants giants with skill though yeah tyson's so big tyson fury he's so huge yeah all right so i'll go logan paul mike tyson if they both win you imagine they set that up listen that's a real thing that could happen it's not if they both win because logan's not gonna win he's not gonna win dude the one punch i can't imagine that happening i'm not a gambling man per se but i would be willing to bet a million dollars that he's not going to knock out floyd mayweather i'd be like i just can't imagine a world where that that takes place yeah it could happen don't get me wrong it could happen yeah it's a fight game it would be the weirdest moment in all of boxing if logan paul connects with a big punch and knocks floyd mayweather out oh god it'd be it'd be horrible a lot of ways in a lot of ways i mean a lot of ways it would be amazing it would be it would be both horrible and amazing yeah it's his nephew okay so uh you know they they they devised a perfect strategy sugar hill and um and tyson fury in the rematch but then there's going to be another fight in december so they're fighting again the third fight is going to be in december who wait deante wilder and tyson oh yeah yeah yeah right okay yeah it's weird watching these fights with no audience too yeah it's weird how do you i mean do you like doing ufc with no i do like it yeah i don't not like it i do like it yeah the thing about it that's really strange is you hear everything you hear grunt you hear deep breaths you hear [ __ ] talk you hear uh corners coaching like really clearly you know like you know three five three five like look for the left move to the side stay away from his right leg like all these things get out of kicking range you hear things that you don't necessarily hear unless those guys are mic'd up and we too you know sometimes occasionally when there's a live crowd we'll tune in to those people like you have you tune into them um and then you know the coach will there'll be a camera on them and we'll listen to the corner while they're giving instructions but it's not most of the time it's just occasionally right but during these big fights with no audience you hear everything the coaches are saying everything yeah they have this date in december locked up for the vegas new football stadium oh only because they're hoping to have fans there for it so i don't know how many but it lines up with the nfl schedule so the the venue's open how is that possible do you think they were hoping to have 15 000 i think so it'd be definitely distanced in there i don't know how though yeah because the stadium probably holds probably close to 80 90 yeah so they'd be all spread out how weird i know but i mean would you want to go there yeah 15 000 people coughing there's a football game last night in cleveland there's 6 000 people there and they still had a fight in the stands you know what people get drunk they can watch football that's what they want to do they're going to go to vegas they're going to party they're going to be crazy cleveland won they did that yeah fan hopes that fans will be able to attend maybe well at a certain point in time i believe it's after the election yeah it'll be maybe yeah everything after the election it's all gonna be fine unless there's riots who knows what's gonna happen after the election i mean the world could be filled with chaos after the election man i don't know where the fights this weekend they are taking place in vegas this is at the apec center and then next weekend is fight island so the next few fights are at fight island but this one this one's at the apec center which is an awesome place for fights it's awesome the acoustics are amazing the way they have it set up is amazing you know and the ufc kudos to ufc for doing the right job doing the the best job they can they they test the [ __ ] out of everybody everybody wears masks yeah there it is fight night what's the card let me see the card i know um cowboys on the card against nico price as a tough fight and that dude comes that i say his last name chemiev oh my god he's a beast that kid is a beast yeah that's an interesting fight very confident mm-hmm but joe joe gerald meershart has got a lot of experience man yeah lots of fun yeah 44 fights 44 fights johnny walker and ryan spann um oh mackenzie dern kevin holland darren stewart this is good fights mackenzie dern yeah good fights who do you got who's you got in the headliner colby it's a it's listen tyron woodley is one of the greatest welterweights of all time there's no doubt about it but his last two fights have not been his best yeah he lost uh two decisions in a row but he also lost two decisions in a row to a guy in camaro usman who i think is one of the greatest of all time i think usman is just an unstoppable beast and you saw what he's the only guy to be able to shut down colby yeah that's how good camaro usman is shut him down and outlasted him and then won the beating colby up in the final round broke his jaw stopped him um but if tyron woodley can regain the the form that he had when he beat darren till the form that he had we knocked out robbie lawler the form that he had when he was at the top of his game you know he gives everybody problems yeah but the question is like what has been going on is it just that he's me he's meeting some of the best guys ever like in gilbert burns who's elite gilbert burns is elite yeah and camaro usman is elite but you can make an argument that he's lost 10 rounds in a row the last 10 rounds in a row which is incredible if you think about before that fight if you go back to the before the fight with camaro usman if someone told you tyron woodley before this fight is going to lose 10 rounds in a row yeah he'd be like get the [ __ ] out of here he's a destroyer yeah tyrone whitley is a destroyer it's sometimes fighters they have peaks and valleys and sometimes they return better and stronger than ever and sometimes it's the start of a downward slide and colby is a real test to find out where he's at because there's going to be a lot of emotions coming into this fight and uh tyron for sure is the bigger puncher for sure tyrone is a legit one-punch knockout artist but colby has a third lung he's got a crazy gas tank yeah and it's you can't just take him out you got to beat him down like usman beat him down and even then he was protesting the stoppage with a a jaw literally snapped in half blood pouring out of his mouth and pissed that they stopped the fight he's a tough kid he's a [ __ ] animal yeah he's a [ __ ] animal and he's an animal that wants the belt you know and he wants to get back in there with his striking looked pretty good in that fight pretty [ __ ] good and so we know he's a wrestler he's got like i think the most takedowns right now um of anybody active well he he has a crazy pace yeah you know we were talking about michael kiesa michael you were saying that michael kiesa said you can't just have a good camp it has to be your best camp ever yeah if you're fighting colby you you better pack a [ __ ] lunch yeah yeah he's he's he's got a pace that's just hard to believe man right and that's that's uh woodley's kryptonite in some ways it has been woodley's kryptonite it certainly wasn't the usman fight but you know the thing about woodley is at least in those camps and in these moments in the past he has had personal problems he's had career issues he's had distractions like he was starting a rap career he was involved in a lot of other things that when i think when a fighter is at their best they're there of a singular mission and that singular mission is like to seek and destroy yeah to just train and to just fight i think everything else on top of that you can do it you can do it and maybe you'll be successful maybe you win by knockout maybe maybe you'll maybe you're just better yeah but maybe not maybe it'll sap just a little bit of you and maybe maybe those exchanges where you could come out on top you don't right the other guy comes on top and then you drop down a little bit and then you don't have the recovery because you haven't trained as hard as maybe you could have or the distractions have kept you from just being completely focused and centered on your game yeah i think that you saw that with ronda rousey as ronda rousey got more and more famous there was more and more distractions there's movie scripts and there was television shows there was all these different things that came to her yeah and at the end of the day there was also holly holm who was the best striker she ever faced and holly stopped her and it changed changed the whole game well the thing about colby covington is that all that mother [ __ ] does is train and talk [ __ ] he trains and talks [ __ ] and makes videos yeah makes videos with with girls with girls in their bikinis and he's talking [ __ ] in those videos too he's wearing a maga hat and there's so much emotions when you're fighting but that's the only time he's not training yeah i mean he he is so focused on training and getting to be the best i mean you know him well let's just tell people yeah you've trained with him multiple you've run together you've done he's trained at your gym yeah he has and he's just a hard-working kid he's got the best attitude the most respectful guy you know this it's what he does on camera is a whole different thing but when he's there to train that's all he cares about and that's what he does every single day it's like he's obsessed with being the best and it's it's tough to you know when you're at your prime and you're as good as he is we talked about talent and then also you train and you eliminate those distractions it's uh that's a package yeah and i think that training with you also when you know when you took that dude running and you run mount pisgah pigsku how do you say that pisgah pisca yeah why is it got a p in there at pisgah it's p-i-s-g-a-h how's that pisca yeah but this should be a g in there somewhere no p-i-s-g-a-h yeah but how do you say it you're not saying it with a g pisgah yeah you i thought you're saying pisca maybe i do pisca yeah see there's no g in there whatever you're not saying that's just like people who say oregon it's oregon oregon so a gun is still g okay that's okay i'm just saying that when you're from there you just say okay i get it but when he runs that with you and he realizes like wow there's levels to endurance there's levels to cardio i mean that has got to help him i mean the guy your age you're so much older than him and you're like way outpacing him when you guys are running together like that's got to let him know like jesus christ like as much as you think you're pushing it the grind never stops yeah and someone like you who does that grind every [ __ ] day you get to this level of endurance and people that think they're in good shape like i talked to a bunch of the soreness guys that went running with you yeah and they're like yeah i thought i was in pretty good shape yeah it's just it's different but yeah colby is always has been known for his cardio so he does really well but he'll he'll admit too that i mean i'm only doing that so i'm not hitting paths i'm not wrestling so it's like it's easy for me to focus on on endurance but he does say that so it it has opened his eyes he said to there is another level and that's where he's been obsessed with getting yeah the other level of en endurance and conditioning has always been this place where people reach and then realize it uh and i remember um tito ortiz fought frank shamrock this was back when tito ortiz was at the top well before he was really at the top of his game training a big bear i think he was training at big bear i don't know if he was training at big bear back then because this was the fight where frank shamrock outworked him oh and frank shamrock wound up beating him down and stopping him oh okay and when it happened tito became this cardio monster right afterwards and focused on cardio it was it was a great lesson he realized like wow like i fell apart because i got exhausted and before he was able to smash these people because he's this really big strong kid he was a very good wrestler just tough as [ __ ] and he's ready to scrap and he wound up running into a guy in shamrock that was trained better was smarter was just had a better game plan it was an insane cardio and frank just outworked him and and wound up stopping him and then tito became this guy who realized like oh cardio is everything right cardio's in okay i remember kendall grove who was a great fighter from hawaii i remember still around um he trained with tito on the ultimate fighter and then said to me he goes dude it opened my eyes he goes cardio is everything yeah cardio is everything yeah and you realize that these guys that have a certain amount of conditioning they have a certain amount of ability if you add extreme cardio then the other guy gets tired and you don't and when when you see someone tired and you're not tired it's amazing it's amazing that feeling you're like hi what's up oh it feels amazing and the same fatigue makes cowards of us all yep you know so you me as a fighter when you're to when you're you know fresh mm-hmm you could be a whole different fighter than when you're tired yep all sudden being choked out wouldn't be that bad let me get out of here yep yep and that is what happens too your brain starts looking for ways out yeah you know you give up your back you you give up an arm you know like you see guys you see guys getting mounted and you see them like literally reach up and they're kind of giving an arm yeah and they're so tired they're like take my neck but and that's what that's a big thing to me the difference in the fight is i'd colby was tired as a fifth round he was beat up he never gave up that's true but neither did tyron you got to realize tyron fought gilbert burns gilbert burns put a beating on him in the first round tyron never looked for a way out he kept trying to win that fight yeah gilbert was a step ahead of him and gilbert wind up winning basically every round but tyron never looked for a way out did you think that i felt like he didn't he sort of gave up against usman i don't think he gave up i think that's all he had i think that's all yeah look like he was doing [ __ ] in that fight well i think first of all he's trying to stay alive because usman put a beating on him i think it was one round i think was the fourth round he unloaded this horrific combination on him and i talked to usman about it and he was like i was trying to take him out yeah then i realized he wasn't going anywhere i was like oh [ __ ] turn my gas tank out yeah but you know i think tyron's trying to win with everything he had but i don't think he had enough that day and i talked to him about that fight afterwards and he said that wasn't me because i wasn't there anybody who knows me knows that that wasn't me yeah but so so how do you do that how do you go to a fight and that's not you you know what we talked about about distractions about all these different things and you know it's it's hard being a professional prize fighter is one of the most difficult things that anybody could do in athletics i couldn't i mean i've been sitting on the couch talking [ __ ] but you're not sitting on the couch you do difficult things i mean you've done the moab 240. you've run 240 [ __ ] miles in the mountains you know what difficult things are the thing about fighting is that you're you're getting hit and someone is hitting you the thing there's there's battles and some maybe as difficult if not more difficult the battles that play out in your own mind when you're running for three days in the mountains yeah but there's something about people hitting you and about knowing that this guy like when you're sparring say and you realize that a guy is faster than you you're like oh okay like i'm trying to do this and i'm getting cracked yes i'm coming his timing's better and you have to readdress you're constantly thinking yeah it's a crazy management battle because you're estimating what you can do and you're calculating what you need like you need to faint your way in you need to you need to redirect or misdirect you're trying to figure it out so it's draining it's exhausting and then you're getting pink then you're getting dinged up and you're trying to win but you just don't have it right you know and that's what i saw with tyron woody i never saw any quit there was no quit because he could have quit he could have found a way out he's a champion yeah he could have found a way out in either one of those fights the thing about this colby covenant fight is you gotta be ready you gotta be ready and if he's ready and if you you if we're getting the tyron woodley that knocked out robbie lawler if we're getting the tyron woodley that stopped carlos conde we're getting the real tyron woodley if we're getting that guy it's going to be an interesting fight because they [ __ ] hate each other they [ __ ] hate each other and tyra does not want to lose three fights in a row no no and colby says he's expecting the best tyron woodley and he calls him tyrone yeah tyrone woodley you pussied out this should have been you all that [ __ ] i know this is your ass kicking yeah why'd you let this man take this ass beating for you yeah i mean it's gonna be so he's expecting the best yeah and he says he's just he says he's gonna end the fight when he if and when uh he wins the title i want to get him here in here i want i want him to tell the story of why he created his character because it's a really interesting story because if you talk to colby outside the octagon like you said he's a very respectful dude he's really he's smart and nice and he's very smart he's a he's a like he's there like he's he's a very articulate like really engaging person yeah he's charismatic yeah but what he realized was he was about to get cut and the ufc just they they were literally telling him like we we don't like your style we don't like the way you're fighting we're gonna cut you so he goes to brazil he's fighting damian maya in brazil and he starts talking bad [ __ ] yeah he calls him a bunch of filthy animals and said the place is a dump yeah and and everybody goes nuts and he's after he beat i mean he said it on the mic afterwards yeah yeah yeah after he won yeah and i don't maya has never been beat up like that has he um tyrant beat him up pretty bad um and uh gilbert burns knocked him out in his last fight but damien myers 41 i think yeah you know he's he's yeah one of the greatest jiu jitsu artists that's ever competed in mma there it is look at that is this it right now yeah early today oh [ __ ] look how focused colby looks god damn he's so focused this is intense this is intense that looks good has a shirt that says legalize being black what it's illegal did you know yeah um it's it's totally looked good there didn't yeah he looks really really intense yeah it's hard to see if tyron's intense because he's got glasses on he's wearing sunglasses um it's it's a crazy fight man it's a crazy fight but yeah colby in brazil knew they said what he says is ufc said they were going to cut him win or lose yeah and so he made he started talking crazy [ __ ] everybody went nuts and a lot of eyes on them and they're like you like what you're doing so they they basically and he it was it was a career-saving move that turned him into a star yeah and out of nowhere i look i talked to him before that he was not that guy before that he was just a guy was training and fighting and doing really well that's who he still is and he had a great style and his style was that style of like really high pace yeah stays on people he only had one loss uh previous to the camaro usman fight and that was a fight that he took with a [ __ ] up rib yeah he was hurt yeah he needed money he needed the cash which is this the the life of a young upcoming prize fighter yeah but uh he's special he's not you know he tricks people with the cheap suits and the maga hat yeah and all that trash talk like this is a that is a facade but the thing is that makes it harder like to talk all that [ __ ] and then go and fight pressure on yourself yeah people want you to lose man yeah and he's good at it he's good at dealing with that and i even i've heard stories about him back in college wrestling and he still had that confidence where he'd be wrestling and talking to the crowd that's amazing yeah while he's wrestling during the match against you know the best wrestlers in the country i mean well there's something about that that distracts the the opponent too you know people do that like floyd mayweather does a lot of that in sparring yeah james tony was famous for that james tony who's like without a doubt one of the best defensive boxers of his era he was an amazing boxer and james tony would talk mad [ __ ] during fights that's it [ __ ] so you got [ __ ] this is it [ __ ] yeah so you got [ __ ] and then you pop through the jab and hook you come on [ __ ] come on [ __ ] you ain't got [ __ ] you ain't got [ __ ] pop pop he got [ __ ] pop pop god yeah and he did that in in sparring there's see if google james tony talking [ __ ] during sparring it was legendary people go to wild card gym just to watch james tony box and talk [ __ ] to people wow and he would get like world championship caliber fighters and like come on [ __ ] let's bar [ __ ] he would like take guys that maybe he would fight in the future you know like he didn't care he was like come on get in here and he had that like that shoulder roll style kind of like floyd yeah but but he's thick you know he's a big thick dude so you get up in here and and get on top of guys and push him up against the rope and talk [ __ ] and hook him that'd be rough yeah his his fight with roy jones jr was when they were both in their prime and james tony was a destroyer and roy jones jr just was too fast too slick see if you could hear this can you hear some of this he just talks [ __ ] oh that's danny green who is a world-class fighter i don't know where this is look how thick he is god damn james tony looks good here look how big he is oh i don't know if it's uh if there's [ __ ] talking in this or if it's just like regular boxing sparring but danny green i believe when when these guys sparred danny green was a top contender rogan made this video famous 12 years ago let's talk about it six months ago oh it says 12 years after i uploaded it oh that's hilarious that's good that's hilarious well i made it famous again i love watching boxing sparring matches i love i love i love like watching anything yes you said you're scared to get hit you're european yeah oh god see that [ __ ] with people's heads yeah definitely then you take a stiff jab yeah she's talking [ __ ] too oh come on oh god those punches are stout yeah well he was just he was fantastic at like these like really tight like in close combat fights of like giving you a shoulder and pop you with short hooks and turning angles on you he was just super skillful he just wasn't the most disciplined guy yeah so like a lot of times he would show up for fights he didn't have big cameras he brought it up because it was a radio raheem he filmed those oh that's right that's what that was that's right um he also fought in the ufc he fought randy couture yeah i remember that randy couture just hit him with a low ankle and took him down and mounted him i think he armed i think he arm triangled him thinking i'm gonna hit an arm choke but isn't that so i mean you said you like watching training yeah like i mean that's how you you watched me shooting when you first wanted to have me on the on the podcast years ago so what is it about it's like watching people put in work for uh for a discipline is that what you're is you like to see yeah is that what everybody likes to see i i get inspired by greatness people that are great at anything even great at [ __ ] that i don't ever want to do like if i see a guy play the harp he's [ __ ] awesome i get fired up yeah me too i just love watching people put in work yeah i think there's something that's uh an incredible resource that we have today with videos whether it's youtube videos or any kind of video on instagram or what have you where you can watch them and and you get you get fired up like that's a boundless resource yeah you know you need discipline to get things done in this life but inspiration's nice yeah it's nice give you a little extra juice you won't get there without discipline yeah like if you only trained when you're inspired [ __ ] good luck you're not gonna you're not gonna you're gonna get fat yeah that's right you need discipline but inspiration's nice yeah it's nice to have there's something about it to me um i just take advantage of it i think it's a it's an amazing resource so whether it's watching a guy like you shoot and watching your dedication to your training footage and all that stuff like i love the fact you're always putting those the soreness lab on on instagram and you do those long videos where you and uh who's in there with you is eric the trainer dude no that's that's all right oh nick the trainer trainer dude eric mccormick is outlaw strength outlaw that's right yeah um but that you do it with these guys and you have these uh you bring people in to train with you and you have these it just i need to know that other people are working yeah i like it i like it i want to see it i want to see motion i want it makes me want to put my [ __ ] shoes on and go it's weird because those videos sometimes they'll get for me is a lot but 200 000 views on just crazy just lifting yeah is it crazy but so people aren't unlike you i mean they they want that too they love it those goggins videos i put a goggins video on my uh page of the day i got two million views yeah because it's just him talking [ __ ] about himself yeah which is what's hilarious he's talking [ __ ] about his own like lack of motivation is that where he said he videoed himself yeah being a [ __ ] yeah he was sounding like a straight [ __ ] god i love that guy stay hard i love that guy how could he not make somebody want to work harder i mean you're gonna work harder than you were gonna work out for sure you're not gonna probably work out as hard as him but you're gonna work out harder than you would have knowing that there's dudes like that out there yeah i think that's what's that's what people need to realize and i think you provide that as well because people have this idea of how hard they're working and it's usually grossly inflated yeah most most people they don't have the experience of driving themselves on a daily basis to excellence they kind of put in some work and then they pat themselves on the back they think they did a good job yeah right even guys who kind of work out kind of hard like i'm [ __ ] in there hustling oh yeah are you are you really yeah let me show you some videos bro here's here's yeah here's my friend that gets up at three in the morning and runs a marathon before work well every place i've went this year it's like um to a crowd where i haven't been around they've talked about true at doing pull-ups it's hilarious they'll be like so now uh did he do chin-ups too and pull-ups and and switch around i'm like nope just just pull up so push-ups did you put nope just just pull-ups and that pull-ups are so hard and how many pull-ups did he do he did 4 100. in 24 hours yes 17 hours like 35 minutes 4100 pull-ups yeah yeah that's all that is pull up his motivating factor was goggins it was all about goggins goggins previous world record was 4032 and so i just told him i said well you know we we look up to goggins is like a god to us you know i mean he's so such a badass and and just knowing him is is an honor but uh i said well if that's the goal to beat goggins you also have to beat his time otherwise what's the point so um he did he he was able to do that and it was all about just trying to live up to the example goggin said and he got it done but no a lot of people bring that up the goggins pull up like what goggins record was for pull-ups how did he calculate it out did he say if i do five every x amount of seconds five a minute five a minute you do five a minute there's 60 minutes in an hour there's 300. so you calculated it all out he said as long as i can keep that pace i can do this that's what true was doing he wanted to do five a minute yeah so then he fell behind a little bit and uh i was having him get back up on because i showed up when he was about maybe 2000 in i flew in and uh you know and he was doing pretty good but he started to fall behind so then i was getting him back up on that bar and you know i'd look at the clock and say you don't you don't have you got to get back up there now let's go did you play him the scene where adrian tells rocky and rocky no no just win the one that goggins likes is round 14 i think in when apollo had rocky hurt and then rocky gets up and apollo had his hands up and then he looks back and rockies up and apollo just shakes his head and he's like i can't this [ __ ] won't quit so that's what god goggins he replayed that over and over that's amazing yeah yeah that's isn't that funny but anyway goggins is like it's a so he's so powerful to so many people including my son so i mean it's it's um well i gotta say you raised two savage sons he did a pretty [ __ ] good job yeah you really did thank you you have two amazing sons yeah tanner right now is uh he's a stud last time i saw him was like look at you man yeah i remember when you were young yeah i know just a few years ago he was a a a boy now he's this big savage man yeah yeah he's uh and he's a ranger yeah he's in the army and uh yeah i mean i feel no tanner you should be you should be very proud you did an amazing job and it's your example that you've set and that's uh that's a powerful thing it's it's not just powerful because you set that example but you also set an example to them and they will set examples to other people and it's a butterfly effect and it'll pass on you know there's a thing that you're doing um that when putting putting out the kind of work that you do and the consistency that you do people know that they can always come to your instagram page and they're gonna get this like consistent message and consistent work ethic and that's very it's it's fuel for people and it's uh it's it's wind it's like wind on the sail it pushes people and you probably have no idea how many countless people you've inspired by doing that um thank you yeah pretty amazing yeah i mean i i i feel lucky uh just to have the life that i have i mean it's uh you know i don't know i never would have envisioned this coming from where i came from do you also feel motivated because so many people are watching because so many people look up to you yeah i mean i i'm gonna do what i do it's you know you can't fake it for this long i'm gonna do what i do but i also know that um i'm i got to hold myself accountable because people are paying attention and i want to help them i want to be i want to be like you said that wind in their sail and so i owe it to well i was i think for the most part i feel like i owe it to roy to give the best i have every day i think about him often people don't some people don't know who roy is yeah roy is my hunting partner who got me started in bow hunting back in 1988 and uh he died sheep hunting in 2015 and uh he fell and so it's you know i think off the side of a mountain yeah i felt i i think about how he lived his life and uh how tough he was and and how what he meant to me and i just you know so i want to honor him i want to honor his memory and like i always say when i talk about roy's legends never die and i don't want his legend to die so um to me you know it's and i've talked about this before but even i've had a lot of hunting success and it just feels it's it's not quite the same because roy's not here because i'm not able to share it with him and that was our we'd call and update if we weren't hunting together which we had two amazing hunts his last last year um right before he fell and uh it's like it's a little it's just different it's not the same and so i do do it for him i do it to uh on i mean for my life you know i feel like i got to give the best i have and i do it you know to hopefully bend that be the wind and people sail and uh yeah i mean we're all connected in this weird way right mm-hmm that's what's interesting about uh social media there's a lot of negative aspects of social media but there's some positive aspects too that are undeniable and one of them is that we we all do inspire and and motivate each other and whether people inspire and motivate you because they look up to you or because they they follow you because they're interested in what you do or because you look up to them and you see them and you see how hard they're working and it makes you want to get after it we imitate our atmosphere you know and if you are following good positive people good supportive positive people that are out there really putting in work like it makes you want to be one of those people yeah i think so that's how it works on me i do i tell uh you know we have a mutual friend aaron snyder i do tell him i miss the days a little bit where he used to talk [ __ ] about me because he used to because it motivates you yeah because i'm like i i told him i texted him i'm like god i missed the days where he used to talk [ __ ] i said i need that i need the old aaron back now he's super supportive you know and he's like goggins tells me that he goes i like [ __ ] talking yeah he goes i like the haters because i think about them [ __ ] haters when i get up in the morning yeah because i need those [ __ ] he says that i asked him specifically i asked goggins specifically about that and about people who don't like him he's like good he goes i like it like that [ __ ] him yeah i mean so you need it's weird i don't know it's it's a weird journey we're on where different things can motivate you at different times but i do some weird way like reading hate sometimes i don't know why well sometimes you need an extra little bit of gas need the extra little juice yeah and that sometimes people want to prove people wrong yeah sometimes that's uh that's good yeah and it's also knowing that they're just [ __ ] and you're not you know there's something about knowing that there's weak [ __ ] out there in the world like oh look at you look at you cutie i couldn't imagine being one of those guys i could i could i could if everything went totally wrong you know if you just you make bad decisions you go on bad paths you get you got bad friends you get a bad job you have a bad girlfriend or a bad wife bad life and i mean they could have habits it could easily happen drugs and alcohol and stealing and lying and next you know you hate yourself and you're 35 and you don't know why you just like wish you were someone different and special and you see some guy out there just kicking ass yeah [ __ ] him [ __ ] you loser he's faking it he's doing this like i've heard people say all kinds of crazy [ __ ] there's this one dude that i follow he's a martial arts guy people always accusing him of speeding up his videos oh you know because he's so fast yeah there's people like that man they just don't want to believe that and then there's other people that go god damn that guy's fast yeah i want to work out harder right you know it's all on who you are you know yeah and where you are in life yeah let's go find this guy on instagram uh erickson samuel he's uh he's on uh instagram and he's got these uh crazy videos of him doing kicks see if he could find it and just kick after kick after kick and it's super fast oh my god he's ridiculous yeah he's so it's not sped up right no no no no no haters are saying yeah they're just haters yeah uh e-r-i-c okay um there's there's a bunch of really good ones go to the if you look at the grid go to the second down on the left hand side i know far yeah watch this oh this is just him doing a jump spinning kick but there's some other ones uh like the middle one in the top row go to the middle one the top row that one there but no it's not it's watch how fast this [ __ ] is so he does a lot of these yeah he's just really talented really skillful but he had to do a video addressing people that say that he's speeding up his videos yeah but that's how it always is these aren't the best videos he's got some other ones in there that are better is he good yeah he's good yeah he's good i don't he's definitely fought in mma i don't know what his record i just like watching his videos i had fast somebody yesterday said they were gonna kill me and skin me like i do the animals interesting yeah what a sweet person they must be a compassionate vegan yeah so that's always fun yeah i wonder yeah i wonder what they would say if they met you people they they get these ideas in their head that a person who hunts or a person who is a meat-eater is causing all this terrible harm to the world and that they are a good person and that this person is bad and they're going to threaten that person and then somehow or another that's going to make it all all better or that they're showing you that you know they're there to stand up for the animals and there's a lot of like mentally ill people too yeah there's a lot of that there's also a lot of people that they don't understand the harm they're doing they understand the harm they're doing just by buying vegetables that grow in a mono crop situation you know about [ __ ] how much [ __ ] gets poisoned yeah how many animals get ground up when they're using the combines do you know do you know what kind of damage it does to just an ecosystem when you run a mono crop operation like most of the food that you buy like human beings cause damage we cause damage i mean if you're living you're causing death and you've got to think like you personally are causing a small amount of damage like you personally for the food that you eat are causing a small amount of damage but if you stop and think about la like 20 million people and all the corn and all the soybeans and all the almonds you need for 20 million people like that adds up and it adds up to devastation it's crazy on wildlife and wildlife displacement and just how unnatural it is to have massive fields of any one particular crop and all the animals that want to eat that stuff that get wiped out and killed and poisoned bugs and poisoned worms and points all these different things that wind up getting wiped out so much death and then then because i kill a bull elk yeah and and honor every ounce of that meat like it was gold and you know and that's what i would say is people you know americans throw away 40 of their food did you know that yeah i've heard of that 40 so part of that's going to be me so as a hunter every ounce of meat is as i always say consider like gold and then you got people judging you that are you know have a double bacon cheeseburger and they're like oh god i'm stuffed i can't eat another bite take this away it's like what are you doing yeah you paid for the death of that cow and you're so stuffed you're such a glutton that you're pushing it away and throwing in the garbage but you're but yet you're judging me well people just love to judge people because it's better than looking at themselves yeah you know the thing about judging and attacking people online it's uh it's a fun sport for people that don't have other hobbies i guess so i mean that's what i guess if i had to if i could if people could have a purpose i mean i just don't think people feel like they have a real purpose in in life so that's where you know as you know bow honey has given me a purpose it's like oh this is what i do so everything revolves around what i do and so it's i know people don't have don't feel like they have a purpose that's what i it'd be nice i think we'd be a lot happier society if people felt like they had they were here for a reason and had a purpose yeah and you know the there's no shortcuts in terms of your growth as a person and when you do have a purpose and you're pursuing that purpose and you realize each step along the way whether you're improving or whether you need to improve and you've got you've got a task in front of you and you have this this direction and you have this uh this goal in life this this focus it gives you real live feedback on how good you're doing how where you need to improve how you're growing where you're failing and some people never get that they don't they don't have that they just show up they do the most they do the least amount that they can do to not get fired and they go home and then they just sit around yeah and they watch things happen on television and they talk [ __ ] that is sadly a lot of people's and it's this is their existence and this this is this unfulfilled life this is this unfulfilled time here and it's a it's a miserable time because the more you seek this comfort the more you seek this laziness and this sloth and just laying around doing nothing the more depressed you're gonna be because you're not gonna get that good feedback yeah you're not gonna get that growth you're not gonna get that that feeling of accomplishment you're not to get any of the things that make life exciting one of the reasons why like people will go why get happy when you shoot an elk like the video that you and me uh that from last year from my last year's hunt i'm like do you even know how hard that is to do so hard you would know you shoot an animal that's 67 yards away and you have to make sure that you hit it right if you don't hit it right you're you're wounding it and then this and it's also it's so difficult just to keep your nerves together when you're having so many hard aspects to doing that and hundreds and hundreds of hours of practice have to be in place like you have to you can't like be learning that day and doing that that [ __ ] has to be dialed in but out of context it's yeah for some people they're like whoa what's going on these guys are laughing exactly out of context why are you happy yeah you're happy because it is an incredibly difficult thing to do and there's a massive amount of relief when you see that arrow boom go right into the pump station you're like oh we did it we did it all the practice paid off and then then it's just about respecting the animal and finding the animal and you know and and taking it apart and then eating it and and when you're eating that animal you're thinking when you're serving it to your family and your friends you're thinking about that moment you're thinking about the hard work that it took to to make that happen and it's all the more enjoyable yeah and that it there is a switch there's a switch from it's almost like relief and and happiness a little bit that you performed as you have practiced for you said hours and hours hundreds of hours and then that arrow went right where it's supposed to and you know that that's going to result in a humane death for the animal so then you switch because we went from that um feeling good smiling to then the death of the animals we walked up and it's a complete night and day difference yeah it was uh then it was that was that's where the respect came in and you're like here's this dead animal and it's then that's you're not smiling no you're not and for people who haven't been involved and don't know what it's like to take the life of something i mean everybody takes the life of something to live as we just talked about but when you haven't done it firsthand that can be hard to to understand yeah and i think our relationship with animals and food is skewed in this country because people are so aware of the horrors of factory farming and you think about that and a lot of people they equate that with eating meat and it's it's a really torturous and sick reality that that is how a lot of the food in this company in this country is that's how it's made yeah that's how it's grown that's how it's harvested it's these but the difference between factory farming and hunting elk in the mountains could not be further apart yeah couldn't be further apart she went out to eat it for a year it was uh i mean and the challenge i think especially what we do with the bow the challenge is what makes it so rewarding to me i remember my first hunt this year just a couple weeks ago in oregon it was 100 100 degrees 90 degrees full moon the worst hunting conditions you know as people don't know but a full moon means animals are out feeding because they can see at night that means they're not out during the day and then the heat keeps them suppressed their activity suppressed the bulls weren't really running and my buddy who's a lineman kevin acres he's a lineman for pge hardworking guy manual labor we just love elk and he comes down every year to hunt with me just because we enjoy the challenge and he loves elk hunting and we're on day five and he i remember he goes he was man this is uh almost turning into a flirting with a grind a little bit of a grind on this huh and i was just like no what i said it's only day five dude i said i wish it was hotter i wish there was two moons and we were just having you know just joking around he's always always has a good attitude too and it's just that challenge so then when you have overcome that and you say you wish it was hotter we'd quote jocko all the time and he says yeah i wish it was hotter he goes that'd make the water source more valuable good good i wanted to be hot so anyway when you have that mindset and you got to keep pushing and i on that hunt i was just covering mile after mile after mile looking for fresh sign because the elk weren't moving so i'd do you know 10 13 miles a day just looking for a fresh track and finally we saw ron huffs us who no has logged down there forever he saw a fresh rub a bull had torn up a tree and that was a bull hood movie so we were like okay all right now we're on to something a bull had been here last night because it was from the rub wasn't there the day before it was there then so i'm like there's a bull in here we're gonna i'll find his track we're gonna find where they are and we went through and uh sure enough um that fifth evening of that hunt is when i got uh saw there was a bull up on the ridge bugling it actually funny i mean we were going through blackberries and there was a bear about 10 feet away and i had a bear tag too and i looked at the bear and it looked like a pretty good bear and i'm like i know the bull was about 150 yards up the ridge and that there's a couple satellite bulls and i'm like god i could kill this bear as long as it doesn't death on really loud i could go kill so i come to full draw on the bear and it like looks through the blackberries at 10 feet away and sees me and takes off so i didn't i had to let up 10 feet away 10 feet yeah he was like from us to jamie i mean right in the black right there feeding because he was in the middle of blackwell bear that's eating nothing but blackberries with products oh it'd be so good it'd be so good and there's so i you know i had a bear tag a mountain lion tag a deer tagging an elk tag so i'm like i'm ready to make something happen anyway i was going to kill this bear but he took off and so then i was focused back up on the bull and i get up there and the bull hadn't bugled in a while but i saw there was a spike and a satellite bowl on a cow and i take i look up over the blackberries up on top of the ridge and i see his antlers and i was just like jesus that's a big bull so i turned out to kevin he was behind me i go giant bull he didn't really know what i said and i was just like just stay here so i took off my boots and snuck up there and i was 55 yards from him and he was just laying there and i'm like there's no way he's gonna he's kind of facing quartering to me there's no way he's just gonna stay here with this is a rut i mean he's feeling it there's other bulls around here so i stayed there at 55 yards ranged him a few times just to verify he ends up standing up and turning to face uphill i come back 55 hold perfect and hit him with a perfect arrow and he went 30 yards and was dead in seconds but so when you go from the point to all that was that whole challenge of not seeing anything sweating your ass off covering 13 miles a day looking for fresh sign when that accumulates in a giant 7x6 bowl falling in 30 yards it i mean there's relief happiness it's as you say you've just achieved this this goal that i don't even know it's so hard to explain how difficult it is but that's what people see so they see that and in context you can't capture a week of hunting and sweating your ass off and and being in the sun and also you can't explain how many people fail at this everyone ten percent almost success rate yeah that sounds good hunters that's on any elk so but you start talking about big bulls i mean it's less than one percent you know of of hunters especially bow hunting bow hunting for big bulls and it's like so that it's hard not to feel happy you know but it's not it's not that you're happy with the death of the animal you're happy because you worked your ass off and you achieved a goal and that's that that would be anybody that would be anybody now when you transition to you walk up and the animal's dead then there's reverence you know and so there's there's that change and uh i think people do it just like you you know now because now you've done it but it's you can't blame people who haven't done it for not knowing no and it's it's so hard when you're watching if you ever watch a hunting television show most of them i mean there's a few that do a good job of sort of explaining capturing what it's like but most of them no don't there's a lot of flashy music and you know the kill shot and everybody's celebrating high fives and fist bumps people don't know they don't know how you're seeing 22 minutes of something that probably took many many days yeah and and a lot of struggle and so much training to get to that point where you could pull that off yeah both cardio hill running all the different things you have to do and then shooting the bow constantly like with a rifle you could pick up a rifle and not having shot for years and as long as you understand the principles of shooting a gun correctly and getting a surprise shot you can if you're shooting off sticks you could put that crosshair on an animal and pull pull pull blam and shoot the animal it can be done you know i would recommend you practice but you can pull it off yeah there's no [ __ ] way you're going to be able to pull off a long shot with a bow if you don't practice you just can't do it no and people who even practice every day fail because it's nerves nerves are crazy nerves are a weird thing man it's like it protects you because like it's an animal i gotta run like like the like when you're in a situation where you need that adrenaline because your body's gotta get the [ __ ] out of there and do superhuman things yeah as fast as you can right then in a situation like elk hunting now you have to keep those nerves calm it's the weirdest thing for someone like especially i know i've like uh there's a few fighters that have gotten into bow hunting and fighters are used to just in the moment just fighting like moving quick and reacting but bow hunting you have to stay calm you have to keep your heart rate in check you have to be in the moment and just concentrate on the shot process and don't get caught up in it don't don't let that anxiety get you that's hard that's hard for people there's so many little mental games going on and there's and there's also not knowing exactly when to hurry to slow down which you can get away with you're reading the animal you're reading their body language you don't know whether to to close the gap between you and them quickly or it's time to be patient you don't know what the wind's going to do there's so many things that's why i always say like the better shape i'm in i can make better decisions on all those micro decisions yeah you know and that's that's what leads ultimately to success it's not it's not running 10 miles a day but that plays into all better decisions a thousand times and there's some i mean i think that any really difficult thing that you do in this life it it elevates your ability to do difficult things it elevates your your understanding of who you are as a person and where you stand right now in this moment and there's very few of those things that also sustain you with food and there's the crazy combination with what bow hunting is yeah it's both a physical pursuit a mental challenge and sustenance it's all these things together so powerful an amazing combination yeah changed my life it's really dead it's changed how i feel about food it's changed my relationship with meat you know and that's why you offered to write the forward of my book yes i'm excited to do it i've already got ideas i'll tell you after i'm done i don't want to tell you anything i just want you to read it when it's done okay let's get the [ __ ] out of here we're going hunting next week buddy i'm excited i can't wait utah yeah here we go all right goodbye everybody thank you and keep [Music] [Applause] hammering [Music] you
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 2,470,101
Rating: 4.4796495 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party, JRE #1542, Joe Rogan, Cameron Hanes, comedian, hunting, archery, running, Keep Hammering
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 3sec (10203 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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