Joe Dispenza Interview: Change Your Life

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I believe that your personality creates your personal reality and in order to change your personal reality your life it means then that on some level we have to change because nothing changes in our life unless we change so if people have understand that 90 of the thoughts that they think every day are the same thoughts as the day before the same thoughts always lead to the same choices the same choices always lead to the same behaviors the same behaviors create the same experiences and the same experiences produce the very same feelings and emotions and those same emotions influence our very same thoughts and our biology our circuitry our neurochemistry our hormones our gene expression stays the same because we're the same but the repetition of firing and wiring the same circuits in our brain in the same way causes us to create a very finite set of circuitry that becomes our identity and our personality and nerve cells that fire together wire together which means you keep doing it it gets easier for them to fire and they run more automatically need motivation Watch Attack can with believe Nation hey it's Evan Carmichael and I make these videos because in my first business I struggle to believe in myself I quit on my business partner and the thing that saved me was watching the successful stories of entrepreneurs they gave me the inspiration to keep going as well as the strategies of what to do and quite honestly I still need their stories and motivation today as well so today let's learn from one of the best Joe dispenza and my take on his top 10 rules of success enjoy so it turns out 95 percent of Who We Are by our midlife is a set of memorized uh behaviors unconscious habits hardwired thoughts and attitudes conditioned emotions that are so familiar to us that it doesn't even feel like uh fear or it doesn't feel like sadness is just who we are so it usually takes crisis or trauma or disease or diagnosis or lowest point in your life where you're knocked to your knees and for that moment you actually have a view of yourself outside of yourself you can see yourself from a different state that the facade the the the the the whole illusion is over and that's when a person really begins to think about what they've been thinking about they begin to notice how they speak or how they act and I think they begin to pay attention to those feelings uh on a more regular and conscious basis and the word meditation I look this up because when I started my journey I'm I'm very scientifically minded the word meditation the symbol means to become familiar with so so then the first step to change if you wanted to create a new life you have to change it to change your personal reality you have to change your personality and the first step is consciousness or becoming aware so the moment you become conscious of your unconscious thoughts the moment you become aware of your automatic reflexive habits and and your emotional reactions the moment you can become so conscious of those unconscious states of mind and body that you don't go unconscious again so familiar with those States and how many times do we have to forget or go unconscious till we no longer forget or go unconscious and we stay conscious that's that's that's us lighting a match in a dark place and most people when they do meditation they they actually think when those voices come up and when the chatter starts and those emotions start they actually think that they're doing their meditation wrong and I want them to know that they're actually doing it right because you're coming up against those thoughts that slip by your awareness unnoticed or unchecked by many people uh you all of a sudden catch how you speak and people say if I really want to be happy let's think about this I don't wanna I don't wanna complain I don't want to blame I don't want to make excuses I don't want to feel sorry for myself I'm going to stop that now that's breaking a habit of being yourself that's a that takes a lot of energy and a lot of awareness and and and our environment then the circumstances our environment are always available for us to think and feel equal to everything in our life you know so the environment for many people as we said earlier controls the way they think and feel so when they respond to their co-worker when they respond to the news when they respond to the um the the traffic in their life uh that response causes them to return back to those unconscious programs so but sitting in a meditation and really sitting in the fire and believing that there's something on the other side of that thought uh believing that there's something on the other side of some Behavior or some emotion that feel makes us feel a certain way that's that's stepping into the unknown and and it takes um it takes us disconnecting from the environment that's what meditation is about playing music or hearing nothing or closing your eyes and not eating not smelling not tasting not feeling with your body you're putting your body away and you're not letting it be the mind or the program you're making it sit still you're training the animal right and and a person starts feeling emotional and they catch themselves starting to feel those emotions instead of letting that emotion Drive certain thoughts or actions that person settles the body down uh in the meditation and brings it back into the present moment and that's a victory rule number two is be in charge of your life well I think that uh if you look at just the scientific model of how we are structured that by the time we're 35 years old we've done so many things so many times that it becomes an unconscious habit and 95 percent of who we are is really unconscious thoughts uh automatic habits emotional reactions beliefs perceptions attitudes that function pretty much behind the scenes of our awareness so the process of becoming conscious of what you're unconscious about yourself begins the process of change so how you think how you act and how you feel is called your personality and your personality creates your personal reality that's it so if you wanted to create a new personal reality you'd have to change your personality which means you'd have to start thinking about what you've been thinking about and change it become aware of your automatic habits and behaviors and modify them and then look at the emotions that you've experienced that keep you anchored to the Past and really look at them and decide do these emotions really belong in my future so when you begin to think differently when you begin to act differently you begin to feel differently your life is going to change so most people like to wait for a reason to change like a crisis or a trauma or a diagnosis from some disease and now all of a sudden they realize that they can't go on living the same life any longer they have to change something about themselves okay so I think that my message is why wait for that trauma that when you teach people that they can begin to create a better life for themselves and even improve their health and give them the tools on how to do it it becomes more effective for everybody you know here's the key is that we are already wired to do this we're always always in the process of creation if we're truly relaxed and beginning to think about what we want for ourselves in our lives when we're living in stress and we're living in survival then it's not a time to create so getting people out of those survival States into more creative States allows them to do it we're innately wired to do rule number three is control your attention if you're reacting if you're reacting to the problems in your in your or that that reality changed no matter what you did you tried you forced you prayed you hoped you wished you hired people you fired people you've forgiven you've done all those things and still it hasn't changed that's because the moment you come back to your senses you're consciously or unconsciously having certain thoughts that are connected to that problem that are producing a certain frequency or a certain feeling and you're producing the same energy every single day and your life stays the same are you with me still think about this think about that problem in your life or that condition is that has never changed what are your thoughts about it it's not something pleasant is it and what are the feelings associated with it there aren't feelings that you don't typically want to live by but you live by those feelings every single day yes or no so then you're reacting consciously or unconsciously to the thought of the problem or the actual problem over and over again you are broadcasting the electromagnetic signature into your field but if you're creating and those thoughts are these lower frequency thoughts then you have very little effect on matter so now you got to go make the problem happy you gotta go change it with you you got to get your identity or personality involved in it are you with me still come on so then we found out in the research that we've done and we now know there's a formula that when a person takes all of their attention off their body all of their attention off the people in their life all their attention of their things they own their cell phone their computer their car every object or material thing take their attention off their home where they sleep where they work they take all the tension off where they're even sitting and they take their attention off the predictable future or their familiar past and they find The Sweet Spot of the generous present moment then they're disinvesting all of their attention and energy out of this three-dimensional reality and they're moving in the opposite direction towards the unified field and now when they become nobody no one no thing nowhere and no time they have to pass through different layers of emotions that are have memories different frequencies that are carrying different in that's carrying different information and they gotta pass through these layers that have become their identity and most people don't know how to make their way through so they do a little bit and then they come back to their identity the same personality most of you almost all of you have traversed through these frequencies and reached the point where you can become nobody no one no thing nowhere in no time and that is the moment you are pure Consciousness and you now are no longer associating with anything in three-dimensional reality and if where you place your attention is where you place your energy then you're disinvesting all of your attention and energy out of this three-dimensional reality off of everything that's known and you're making a choice to go to a field where all possibilities exist the unknown the quantum field rule number four is inspire people if you study the Neuroscience of culture you know it's so so you unique because we have we share the same biology we share the same brain and because we share the same biology and the same brain we we have certain Universal traits that are that are unique to human beings we smile on we're happy we frown and we're sad we sleep at night for the most part we grab a stick with an opposing thumb so structure and function are highly related and those are Universal traits and then we have our individual traits and that's kind of like how the brain is wired right that's like our fingerprint as opposed to our hand right so we have an individual series of traits and that make us unique and we have our Universal traits but what Bridges the universality of us the commonalities and beings with our individuality and that's culture and culture really is defined for the most part by the past what has worked over Generations or Traditions that have sustained the culture based on one thing and that one thing is in environment so a culture in Northern Mongolia is certainly different than a culture in central Mexico because it's a different environment and those different Customs that are created from that environment allow that culture to sustain itself so look at look at great people in history that that change the culture whether it was Gandhi whether it was William Wallace whether it was Joan of Arc whether it was Martin Luther King whoever it was that changed the culture what they did really well is they showed people that there was an alternative future that they could actually believe or perceive in their mind now you can't see that future if you're living by the same emotions of the past and for most people they live by the emotions of the past what you have to do is you got to get people out of their resting state they have to become inspired they have to become enthusiastic and Theos filled with God they have to become motivated in some way they have to be moved and when they are moved emotionally then that that that energy that emotion causes them to see the same future as that leader sees and you when you get people seeing that same future and they have that clear intention and you combine that with a different emotion you're changing people's state of being now get enough people doing that and what he what happens is you get an emergent Consciousness an emergence in biology is such a phenomenal thing because when you see a group of birds or a flock of birds flying in the same direction or a school of fish moving together they appear as a larger organism when you study that principle and biology you think that there's a leader that everybody's following that it's a top-down phenomenon in fact it's not it's a bottom-up phenomenon and everybody's leaving leading everybody's behaving in the same way and the appearance of a larger organism becomes more sustainable for that species so we have such a stigma in our minds that if you lead with too much passion you're going to get it in the end whether you're Jesus Christ or Abraham Lincoln or uh William Moss whoever it was the the outcome for truth is usually you lose your life but the real question is what if everybody's leading you just can't take out everybody now so so this is a really important time because the emergent Consciousness that has to take place has to be built on principles and the principles that people can actually wrap their mind around they have to keep their mind on it for a period of time where they're not distracted by technology they're not distracted by Tick Tock and they're not distracted by social media and they're not distracted by the news that that that the the eminent condition of the world right now and the way things are going based on self-interests are all based on survival and you can control people when you control their emotions and when you control their emotions you control their attention and if you can capture a person's attention you can capture their energy because where you place your attention is where you place your energy and so you could actually program people to do anything based on the emotion that they feel and fear is a great emotion to cause people to rely on some authoritative figure to lead them away so if there's a new Consciousness that emerges that that is based on not fruits and nuts and not uh you know not on crystals not on colonics not on any of those things but this is game time this is where something else has to be born in human beings that has already innate in us and that is the power to organize as a species when we begin to heal one another when we begin to inform one another and begin to respect one another when we begin to shine from one another when we begin to stand up for one another one begin to abilities and then damage two people that there are other ways of doing things and share that right information I think an emerging Consciousness will actually take place and God I think this is the time in history more than ever uh where where it matters the most also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I've designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight all the Lessons Learned in this video as well as pull out our three favorite learnings and quotes that will inspire you to actually do something the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet designed specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there rule number five is practice gratitude well there's two really paradigms two specific paradigms of reality that are about what's called Newtonian physics which is causing fact that you know something happens to us in our environment I think but an experience happens it changes us internally and then we react to that condition and when we react to the condition we begin to function at effect of something outside of us if something good happens to us and we react positively then we give thanks after the experience happens really but either way we're pretty much victims of Destiny the quantum model of reality says that mind and matter aren't separately that that subjective mind somehow has an effect on the objective world so then if you begin to piece this together you can have a clear intention of what you want but then to move into the state of how you would feel if it already happened gratitude is an emotional signature that the event is already done so if you can teach your body emotionally what it feels like to have the event already happen and you can get in touch with that then your body is the unconscious mind doesn't know the difference between the experience that produces the emotion and the emotion that you fabricate or create by thought alone and when we move into a state of being where mind and body are working together for our thoughts and feelings are aligned so there are biological changes that happen in the brain and body and we move into that state of being and when we're in that state of being the universe begins to organize itself to reflect a new state of being rule number six is get out of survival mode when you're in the state of survival you're not going to learn you're not going to want to create you're not going to want to go within you're not going to want to open your heart you're not going to want to be vulnerable it's not the time to do that in stress it's time to run to hide or to fight and so people spend 70 percent of their life living in the state and as they begin to get caught up in these chemicals what they start doing is out of the infinite possibilities in the quantum field that they can begin to create in stress you will select the worst case scenario and when you select the worst case scenario you're in survival because in survival if you prepare for the worst there's better chances of surviving so people are always picking the worst reality in their mind and combining a thought with the emotion and their conditioning their body into a genetic Destiny how many people are with me so then separation means I'm here and you're there and if you look any different than me then I'm going to experience a little bit more separation and if you have a different skin color I hear a different race or you you look different than me then I'm going to experience more separation and then there's me here one point of Consciousness and you there another point of Consciousness but then there's me here and there's my dreams and where do we place our dreams way out there because we experience time linear so we make an estimate in our mind it's going to take me a lot of time to get what I want so here's one point of Consciousness and then your dreams are another point of Consciousness way over there and it's going to cause you to drag your body through space every single day to go to work to pay off all the dreams that you're creating because your matter trying to change matter rule number seven is change your thinking I just think that there's more to reality than we perceive and I think it's an instinct in our mind it's an intuition in our heart that never seems to go away and I think it's that feeling that brings people to to to Really that process of discovery they may not be able to explain it put it into words but they feel it and they felt that their entire lives and what that feeling is is that this isn't it this cannot be the end this it just can't be so and so what do I find so promising is that uh I said to my scientific team the other day I said I can't believe this is the truth I really cannot believe this is the truth I mean what was once considered pseudoscience we now have data my one of our top scientists did a presentation a couple weeks ago and his last line this is a very well published guy 175 papers his last line is you are what you think that was his last line I looked at him and I thought who is this Buddha on the stage like I cannot believe rule number eight is create your personality we can begin to make measurable changes uh in reality by allowing ourselves to create a new personality so if you begin to see that what you're doing inside of you changing how you think and feel produces an effect outside of you you're no longer uh in a victim of cause and effect but now you're causing enough so in order to explain the answer to that question you have to merge several different idealisms from quantum physics to neuroscience and mind to the neuroendocrinology of emotions how emotions signal genes you know genes prepare the body you know for its Destiny so I think the best way to describe it is is that when we move into a new state of being and we're no longer thinking acting and feeling in the same way there should be physiological and physical changes as a result of it and if we just simply make different choices because we're being differently we're certainly going to head to in the future rule number nine is sync your brain with your heart our sexuality our consumption of food our our ability to use our will to overcome the conditions in our environment most people live by these centers here these are centers of awareness centers of energy and each one every thought that you have produces a frequency so this is what we call the zero point field it is the Quantum field the unified field the energy that connects everything material it is the consciousness of the all in all it is Oneness wholeness Universal Mind infinite intelligence zero point field the unified field Source Observer the void the fertile void all possibilities the Eternal now the infinite unknown the very life force that holds everything together and it's a unifying field and scientists have been trying to unify the principles and the energy of the universe to explain how matter exists are you with me still so energy then the zero point field slows down in frequency and it reaches a certain point and at this level there's an explosion called The Big Bang and all of a sudden energy can't slow any anymore before it divides and becomes polarized and the patterns of everything material exist at the speed of light and it's the patterns then that slow energy down to take form and structure that ultimately appears matter now all of us the Divine aspect of ourselves came from this Universal intelligence and we came all the way down into density and this is the realm of our senses and we can experience the three-dimensional reality with our senses and we spend our whole life being a somebody or having some type of body or knowing someone or being someone owning certain things living somewhere in some time and this becomes the identity are you with me still so then people then spend the majority of their life living in this way and they experience from matter the greatest separation from the unified field here is source and if you're living as a body local in space and time you're experiencing a separation between you as a Consciousness and the consciousness of the unified field so when you're living in a body and space and time it takes a long time for your dreams to happen are you with me still so if you're thinking certain thoughts and certain thoughts produce certain feelings you're taking a thought and you're beginning to store it as energy or emotion in one of these centers and most people are thinking in these first three centers and when they do they're storing energy in their first three centers and their bodies being conditioned to be the mind it takes opening this Center to begin to the creative process this is the center of Oneness this is the center of wholeness this is the union of polarity and Duality and if you can't get energy into your heart then for the most part then it requires a coherent brain and a coherent heart to begin to affect the nature of reality to begin to affect matter are you with me still so then every thought that you think produces a frequency and most people's frequencies most people's thoughts are in this realm right here and would make sense then if they're thinking flower thought frequencies then it's going to take a long time for their dreams to come true and Rule Number 10 the last one before some very special bonus Clips is get outside of time we really think that you know everything's going to be handed to us or we can get whatever we want nothing's wrong with that that's really cool that's really great but in the creative process you actually have to get outside of time in order for you to be able to create because if you're trying to predict what's going to happen in the next moment if you keep Romancing what happens you're not in the present moment The Familiar past is the known the predictable future is the known the present moment is the unknown that is where all possibilities exist so yes there is a function of three-dimensional reality in technology where more things are happening in a shorter amount of time certainly there's some type of energetic thing that's taking place in so many ways and to me that energy is actually endorsing whoever you want to be that's what I believe so if you want to be a victim get ready because it's going to get really good for you because that energy is more available if you want to heal wow there's a lot of people healing now and they're using that energy instrumentally in a positive way so so yes there's a quickening that's taking place and it's creating quite a contrast or extremes that are taking place in reality and the more extreme it gets the more unstable the system right so uh governments um uh journalism uh education religion medicine uh everything's kind of falling apart you know um and and it's very obvious to people that has to happen for a new Consciousness to emerge the thing is we can't face these changes uh programmed because we'll just add to uh the chaos we actually have to be relaxed and awake instead of stressed out and unconscious and we have the data to show that when you're relaxed and awake amazing things can actually happen to you instead of in survival stressed out and in a program so in order to create out something new we got to be we got to be in the present moment and we have to be outside that pace of where everything's moving very quickly and and Technology unfortunately is causing people it's causing people to think uh instead of them for them to think on their own and I'm concerned about that because um I never tell people what to think I I want them to think for themselves I think it's really important for us to think for ourselves so there's an acceleration that's taking place energetically but I do think that that acceleration is really just endorsing uh uh who who you're being so Master the moment and and learn how to be a Creator uh I think that amazing things happen and that's exactly what we're discovering over and over again in just witnessing the the science is absolutely supporting that that you are greater than you think more powerful than you know more unlimited than you can ever dream we have the data over and over again that suggests that and the testimonials that we have in hundreds of people we have cancer researchers standing on the stage with cancer completely gone we see stage four cancers and bones and organs and liver in the lungs com metastatic cancer just doesn't typically go away um very easily and out of the bones there's no sign of it anywhere I mean not once not twice over and over again we had two people at an event that were blind 86 percent of the people in the Western World the first thing they do when they wake up in the morning is grab their cell phone that's almost nine out of ten people so more than likely there's a good percentage of people that are watching this podcast or listening to it that do that and when they reach for their cell phone and they look through their Facebook and their Instagram and their Tick Tock and their emails and their uh Twitter and do all of that they're connecting to everything that's known in their life they're actually making sure that they're connected in a certain way in place of that you can still do that but before you grab unconsciously for your phone and start changing your chemicals in your body it would be such a great idea to sit down and before you start your day just review the thoughts you don't want to think review the behaviors you really want to change about yourself just review them just go over them in your mind re review the emotions that you feel the most in a day and just remember that those emotions aren't loving to you just just review them in the beginning just so that you're aware of them have to change you'll start becoming aware of them and when once you can observe them you're no longer the program once you're conscious of them you're no longer unconscious right you're out of the program before you start the day ask yourself what how do I want to think today how do I want to feel how do I want to behave I mean what would greatness look like what would love look like today what could I do that would be really cool for me at the end of the day say wow so I had a good day today what what would make me feel that way and if you can't find an answer to that start reading who reads anymore read a book I read so many books a week I know I'm that way too so read something about you want to be wealthy read a book about someone who became wealthy and get get real and realize they may have failed 50 times before they actually pulled it off or what were their characteristics what were their traits What made them it's not wasn't about their wealth it was about who they became that's the key right so so so fill your brain with a little knowledge and then just start asking yourself what's the greatest expression of myself that I can be today and and and rehearse it rehearse how you're going to be and and then if if it leads to a different Choice that's the unknown and just know that it's not going to be predictable it's going to be a little uncomfortable that's where the magic happens if you can stay relaxed and awake in the unknown things get pretty exciting when you're back to the known you're back to the familiar don't expect anything to change in your life and if you say it's that person or that circumstance ah you default and went back to the program of the victim allowing your outer environment controlling your thoughts and feelings if you truly do this well this is what I discovered if I truly feel the feelings of my future before they occur and I live in that state I'm no longer looking for it to happen how could I look for it if I feel like it already has right so I try to stay in that state because then I don't then I'm not separate from it and that tends to be when the magic happens there there's no control anymore there's no predicting there's no perfectionism there's none of all there is is just kind of an experiment like I'm experimenting to see if I changed my thoughts and feelings if my life will change and that should be the experiment everybody has and and and do it with with curiosity and do it with just seeing if if the experiment works if it doesn't change something else about yourself until it starts to work that's how powerful we are you could actually like the story We Tell ourselves is how we perceive the world and so then then when we create the difficulties in our life it reaffirms the belief that life is hard that it's really someone out there that's doing it to us that it's a circumstance in the past that created this okay let's take away the person that did it let's shoot him to the Moon Let's uh let's erase your past now what are you going to do now I am you still you still got to do something right you're still alive and I say we already know how to do this we already know how to do this we're wired to be creators we're wired to do this the thing that stops us for the most part in doing it is really the hormones of stress because living in stress constantly is living in survival and living in survivals living in emergency in an emergency it's not a time to create an emergency it's not a time to open your heart it's not a time to learn it's not even a time to sit still so most people then that are living in stress and living in survival they can't believe in a future yet because it's not a time to create so getting people to that point where they make up their mind and they make up their mind enough to begin to think there's got to be a better way there's got to be something else that Awakening process typically happens when people reach their lowest denominator they hit rock bottom because then they can see themselves Through The Eyes of somebody else you're you feel so altered you're not returning any text you feel so altered you want to go to dinner with your buddies you feel so altered you know you don't want to watch your favorite TV show you're just you're just disconnected and that's when you start observing yourself but my message is why wait for that I mean you can learn and change in pain and suffering or you can learn and change enjoy an inspiration if you're waking up every morning being defined by a vision of the future instead of the memories of the past and you get up and you're inspired from an elevated self now instead of a limited self you could observe the old cell from an elevated State instead of that diminished State and people are doing that so they are aware of those thoughts and yes it takes uh effort and if it was easy everybody would be doing it but just because you have a thought doesn't necessarily mean it's true and when you start looking and observing those thoughts um I think you are like Gandalf because Gandalf also said you know you may not pass you know when he meant like that's kind of severity when it comes to how we we make up our mind about things that's the kind of energy or intention begins to create the biggest volume of change in our life and I've interviewed thousands of people in our work that have healed from really serious health conditions and I would say about 90 of them when I asked them so what happened the first thing they say all the time is I just made up my mind I just made up my mind I was going to do this and they made a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision carried a level of energy that was greater than the hardwired programs in their brain and the emotional conditioning in their body and the choice that they made caused their body to respond to a new mind in fact the choice they made became a moment that they would never forget it was an event and the stronger the emotion they felt the more they paid attention to the choice and in a sense they were remembering their future and the body emotionally was getting a sampling a taste of the future and they are lying to that future and that's when the body's healing began that's when the miracle started right in that moment that's how powerful really are now what if you did that every day what if you made up your mind every single day you weren't going to get up from your meditation until you were that person you wanted to be game on now because you'd have to do battle with all the things that are not consistent with it and that's exactly how our brain works so then if you want to be wealthy you can't feel lack you want to be a master you can't judge your co-worker you want to be like somebody great in history then you better execute peace in every area of your life that's that's the law so you take the prayer out on the road now you take the prayer you're the living example of the prayer that's where that's where it matters the most and that's when people start getting suspicious and say shun man you change your medication I mean you're looking way too happy all of a sudden well you're not relying on anything outside of you to bring you Joy you're you're you're overcoming yourself every day and people say to me well why do you do your meditations in the morning I always say easy because if I can overcome myself at the beginning of the day the rest of the day is easy right because that's the biggest that's the biggest Master right is the self look people can create all kinds of wealth and they can create all kinds of abundance they can have the cars the homes and everything but if they can't be present right to enjoy them I've sat with billionaires and they've looked me in the eye and said we're all miserable same here we're all miserable and and and and and and and so then at what point do you have to wait uh to change does it have to be that lowest point or or or can you learn and change in a state of joy and inspiration instead of instead of pain and suffering and that that becomes the art right so then to change then is to be greater than the habituations the drives and the emotions that have been conditioned in the body to change is to be greater than the conditions in our environment that every person every object everything in our life has a neurological Network associated with them they're knowns because we've experienced them and we have an emotion associate with them so you if you're not being defined by a vision of the future you're left with the memories of the past and you see your ex and you're going to see your ex through the memory of your past neurologically and it's going to elicit an emotional response and you're thinking and feeling equal to your environment your life's not going to change so then the next question is how could I overcome that condition that with my ex can I actually forgive could I actually open my heart can I actually the reason we do this is because the stronger the emotion we feel towards someone or something in our life the more we pay attention to them and where we place our attention is where we place our energy and so then we're giving our power away to that person or circumstance that's vital life force you could use to change the person who's sitting in the meditation and they want to quit this is they're thinking they're doing their meditation wrong I want to tell you you're doing it right that's the defining moment right and you lower the volume to that emotion I guarantee you'll take your attention off that person and sooner or later when the body finally settles down and you get Beyond it you're going to take your power back and that's building your own electromagnetic field now you have energy to heal now you have energy great we measured this now you have energy for for creation I consider myself a pretty open-minded person I mean I have a pretty good meter too like I I have a truth meter that like I just I'm a I'm a practical person yeah I want to talk about Quantum superimposition if it doesn't change my life in any way I want to know how it's going to affect my life I'm a pragmatist so I consider myself a pretty open-minded person but I have you know I'm skeptical about things because I want to challenge them in a way that I think it really helps people right so when I saw you know some of the dramatic changes take place I was I I I I I never thought in my lifetime that I would be witnessing what I'm in what I witness and every single week-long event that we've done and we've done 30 of them now and it's never been a disappointment there's just a transformative thing that takes place that is way bigger than me so when you see a person with a stroke who's blind in the quarter of their Vision or has paralysis and can't move an arm and you see that Vision completely restored and then you see the scan that shows there's no longer any blemish or damage to the visual field you just you can't go back to business as usual you can't go back to being the same person you once you know you can't not know and and and it's so beautiful because Consciousness is awareness and awareness is noticing and paying attention so when you see a person who has a transformation and you see the science that says in a week-long event there'll be over 600 metabolic changes in 75 percent of the audience for the better in a one-week event when you when you know that you're now you're aware of another possibility that may not be the possibility that we think is free will to choose from gnomes this is now you're stepping outside and when a person shows up and believes in themselves and does the work they're believing in possibility you cannot believe in possibility and and and believe in yourself not believe in yourself you got to believe in yourself and believe in possibility you got to believe in possibility you got to believe in yourself so for me personally I I it's way bigger than me I'm very humbled on a regular basis every time I get another testimonial uh I say this person is speaking the truth and and it's it's a footprint for somebody else to step into and I think the world needs that more than ever so for me um my greatest passion my greatest joy I think there's some there's something in US Glenn that's so empathetic uh now we're we have universities that are studying we're studying people that can be healed remotely you don't even need to be in their presence if you understand the science of quantum physics and you understand how to do it you can hit a Target and heal another person at a distance and there it is and there it's gone now when you see that occur there's some kind of empathy I I drop in on the calls of these people that show up every single day of their life to heal another person and they do at least three or four a day and these people they're not doing it because they want to be a Healer they're doing it because well how they feel when they see a mother who's comes on the zoom call and says my daughter was you know a handicapped from birth she had a traumatic birth she's listless unresponsive never looked at her brothers and all of a sudden this kid is smiling at her brothers and trying to talk and you watch the people on the zoom call that are the healers you see everywhere all in tears there's this empathy that takes place where we're contributing as a species to one another that we were part of somebody's transformation we gave in some way another one of us is better in this kind of feeling of empathy this feeling of connection is so profound that goes against all those survival and stress emotions that create Division and polarity and separation and and distrust and and so that's when Community starts coming together that's when we start to collaborate cooperate and it and it's got to be from the heart so I'm super hopeful about um well what what we're doing I think we've been programmed quite a bit uh in with our relationship with money and we have a relationship with everything known in our environment you have a relationship a neurological Network in your brain to for your parents for your cell phone for your computer where you live where you've lived in the past what you're going to do tomorrow that for the most part the brain is a reflection of everything that we know right so along with that is our relationship with money and I I feel like I have a really good relationship with money because I work on having a really good relationship with everything in my life did you always have a good relationship with mine I think so I think so I've never really lived in lack that just wasn't part of it even when I went to college and I had to take out student loans and stuff I always figured out a way to always be a little bit ahead of the curve and so so let's back up and just look at how people form beliefs because yes most beliefs um are created from past experiences right so uh children uh when they're uh in their early ages their brain waves are very slow like their brain waves are in Alpha when they're like seven to twelve they're in Theta when they're like two to six years old and and they're in Delta like when they're when they're you know newborn to two years old and so these brainwave States uh are states that were really suggestible to information so when we hear information we believe it and we accept it we believe it we surrender to it as if it's the truth without analyzing it because there's no analytical facilities yet right the analytical mind starts around 12 or so 7 to 12 and that analytical mind is actually what creates a barrier between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind so 412 roughly what we see how how we model our parents behavior is all being programmed subconsciously right and so so that's really really important because if you heard money is the root of all evil uh money is bad only certain people are allowed to make money you have to work hard to make money this is how you got to do it and that becomes the foundations subconsciously like let's like write recording an audio file you just keep recording that audio file it becomes a subconscious program right so a lot of people have a relationship with money based on either what they've been told or what they've experienced in their outer environment right so so then we gain information from our environment and the stronger the emotion we feel from experiences in our lives the more altered we feel inside of us the more the brain freezes a frame and takes a picture and that snapshot is called the memory So based on an emotion based on emotion the emotion Alters our internal state so you're going along as Lewis feeling really good and all of a sudden you have this trauma you have this crisis you have this shock and all of a sudden you have this dramatic change in your internal State and your senses get heightened and then you freeze the frame and you associate this internal state with whatever it is that's causing it right and that's how we create long-term memories we have such great evidence to show that there's something very profound that happens when a person has a transcendental moment and they have an interaction with energy when they hit those elegant States they sometimes come to events as sick we draw their blood at the beginning of the event their event and they we see the what happens to their brain we see what happens to their heart and we know this person has had a profound moment and we draw their blood and we measure everything afterwards if we take the plasma of those individuals as an example and we take a pseudovirus that looks just like SARS cov2 or we actually take now recently we actually did the actual SARS virus and we put that virus in the presence of that person that advanced meditator that had that transcendental moment there's a consistent resistance to the virus the virus cannot enter the cell of that person in people that are novice meditators and they come to a week-long event some of the virus enters their cells some of the virus stays out so there's somewhat of an immunity in all the controls they get infected all right so we know now that there's some agent some cofactor in the blood when a person has this moment so we've gone through some extensive scientific studies and we actually isolated the very protein that stops the virus from entering the cell and if we take that protein and we put it in the infected plasma of the controls all of the infected controls become uninfected now we're not getting that from anywhere out there we're actually finding it in someone who has had a moment where they've interacted with Oneness with wholeness and whether it's there's some change in energy in the blood and there's some proteins being released but we're starting to discover there's some powerful agents when this occurs take the blood of that advanced meditator and put it ate their plasma and put it in a uterine cancer cell and and the cancer cells the mitochondria the powerhouses of the cells are switched on and they're pumping out a lot of energy that's why they're almost Immortal if we take the blood of the advanced meditator and we substitute to a uterine cancer cell 75 of the energy comes out of the mitochondria takes the wind out of the cells take the plasma of that at the same advanced meditator and put it on a neuron that has Alzheimer's and produces the amyloid protein and there's a significant change in the gene expression of the Alzheimer's Gene take that person then and subject their blood to the variance the Lambda variant the Delta variant the beta variance and the same thing occurs they're resistant uh to the virus now what does that mean okay if you really think about this it would suggest that there's very dramatic environmental changes taking place from a scientific standpoint anybody who sees this kind of gene expression change or change in biology they would say oh my God it suggests that there's a dramatic change in the environment the problem is is the person is sitting in a ballroom in a hotel there's not a lot a lot of things going on in a ballroom in a hotel it's not a changing environment where is all that change coming from information from the field so we have great great testimony in our community of people that have reversed all kinds of things and people have created all kinds of wealth and created all kinds of mystical moments and we have really great evidence in our scientific studies and evidences the loudest voice it is the voice that makes the biggest difference so what kind of human being then who has trained themselves to no longer be victim to their environment if I said to you Emilio why what's up with you today and you say I'm sad because of this person or this circumstance I would say oh we mean that person or that circumstance is controlling the way you feel in the way you think well anything that's controlling the way you feel the way you think you're victim to so then when things are good you feel good when things are bad you feel bad right and if you feel bad then you look for something out there to make this feeling go away but then when the when the novelty or the event is over here comes that feeling again and you got to go chase something else well the response for many people to their environment is actually weakening their body the stress response they react to some event and their reaction to the event is actually weakening the organism now short term it's cool all organisms can handle that but the long-term effects of that just diminishes or taps the body's resources of vital energy there's no energy to heal there's no energy for growth and repair so what we're suggesting is that when the person becomes less victim to their environment and realizing that they're more of the creator of their environment and they're less the response to the environment weakens them less because I know how to self-regulate and change they'll be less susceptible to things in their environment large or small and creating a life that is Meaningful for a person someone who's young as you and you start seeing that you're actually creating it you every time you get feedback of breadcrumb from the universe saying Emilio keep going keep your keep your head down keep going you're running gonna run into something big all of those things are convincing you that you are not the victim to your life that you're actually the creator of your life and people who actually do this not that you react the question is how long you react and teaching people how to move out of those States and back into homeostasis back into balance by self-regulating with their eyes open getting so good at doing it in their meditation with their eyes closed that they could actually do it with their eyes open in their life now it's a different game so get enough people uh in the world becoming less reactive to their environment they're less controlled by their environment and the side effect of that is there's a huge change in our biology huge I can I could say right now with certainty I can say that if people commit to say as an example seven days of of an event that we do I can say there will be so many biological changes that take place in their body we have the evidence that says that but we have such a profound hope uh for Humanity in what we're discovering there's a biology to personal change and transformation so we have this emerging youth that that has to resolve the problems that have been created by this past generation from a greater level of Consciousness and that means when everybody else is angry and everybody else is frustrated you're going to have to show compassion when everybody else is fearful and worried you're gonna have to show courage but everybody else is racing and rushing and competing to succeed and climbing over each other to get to the top you're gonna have to learn how to be in the present moment and draw to you and I think if you do that in the beginning it feels unnatural because everybody else is doing something else but how do we become Supernatural unless we start doing the things that feel unnatural so anger is not going to resolve it that's actually what's created Prejudice is not going to resolve it that's what's created it greed is not going to resolve it that's what exactly actually has created it and so we're in a time right now right before our eyes we're watching the world in many ways that experience such extreme polarity that the wobbling of polarity is breaking the system right and it's creating chaos this disorder chaos is the no longer the known as we're in a big unknown right now so when there's brain and heart coherence God we have such incredible data they could take if I trained you on how to do that you could be running around doing a thousand different things and I could say Emilio sit down you got 15 minutes uh to synchronize your heart to your brain we do this all the time and whether the young guys running around chasing this one-year-old two-year-old kid one of my staff is running around doing a thousand different things sit down they sit down and all of a sudden music starts and you see them start moving in and all of a sudden you see this beautiful low frequency take place in the heart and once we see that it starts to build you see the parasympathetic nervous system go up which means either relaxing and then the bio sympathetic nervous system goes down and the sympathetic nervous system goes up and all of a sudden the brain moves into those gamma patterns and that person the heart is informing the brain the heart is telling the brain it's safe to create the heart is giving the brain information we actually see this now the brain the heart has Intelligence brain thinks but the heart knows so all of a sudden the heart says Emilio is time to create you're out of survival and you get these incredible ideas you get the mystical moment you get the understanding you get the download you get whatever that is people can do that now on command now why is that important because you know most people are stressed in survival and unconscious in a program and racing and rushing to try to make that feeling of emptiness or pain go away and there's and they're lost in the illusion of Separation thinking they need the outer environment to do it chaos is happening you got to be the eye of the storm you got to be relaxed and out of survival and awake and heart and brain coherence means relaxed and awake so then we take our youth we're investing in our youth right now because they're going to be the leaders of our future we want to teach them what leadership truly is from the heart we want to teach them how to make changes that are permanent we want them to consider the whole we want them to come up with ideas that we will be interested in supporting and backing that will create that kind of cultural change that takes place and most importantly that they get along with one another I mean why can't we just get along with each other take away all the all the governments take away all of all the different cultures and you see people in like you see modern events a thousand people two thousand people all Races all all cultures we all get along everybody loves everybody I mean that's that's who we innately are the greatest challenge uh when we have uh strong emotions that are stored in the brain and body is it's very difficult uh to think greater than how we feel that I think that is the challenge and uh feelings are a record of the past so so the person if they can't think greater than how they feel then they can't see a possible future because they're looking at that future through the lens of their past biology and so best thing for a person to do if they're truly truly committed to change is to really understand what change means and really understand that there's a biology and a very specific explanation of what change is okay so the person says I didn't create this reality okay okay you didn't create that reality uh I didn't ask for the life that I'm living okay you didn't ask for the life that you're living okay um I didn't pick these parents somehow I was born into this family okay great so now what I mean now what are I mean like if our excuse to change is really it's that person or that circumstance or that past that's really making me feel this way you can do that for a while but if you start reading and learning and filling your brain with knowledge and making new Connections in your brain you got more raw materials to start thinking about new possibilities now that's what information does information every time you learn something new you're making thousands of synaptic Connections in your brain repeat it review it think about it talk about it share it and those circuits begin to create long-term connections called Memories and now you're adding more three-dimensional stitches into the tapestry of your gray matter and and you're building information to see that there are other ways to live now pick up a book on someone who's had trauma and they turn that trauma around and they live their life in joy and then and they see it differently and you're picking up and relating with the story and at the same time you're realizing you're identifying with this character and if they can do it you can do it too all right so now the possibility exists okay now the person really who truly wants to be happy says I can't I can't live in my past any longer okay I understand that I know it's hard and I'm gonna I'm gonna default back to my old personality maybe 10 times or 20 times or a hundred times in one day that's okay because if I'm alive tomorrow I'm gonna try and do it better the next day I'm not gonna think act and feel this way so how many times do we have to forget until we really stop forgetting and start remembering how many times do we go unconscious in our waking day that we have to stop going unconscious and stay conscious so the person who no longer wants to be and I hate to use this word victimized by their life but excusing themselves from the possibility that there could be an alternative way to live a new life to live in the person who excuses themselves that way is because they can't imagine a new life greater than how they typically feel and of course it takes trauma or disease or diagnosis or loss or betrayal for the person to be so knocked out of balance that they finally say I have to change and they can tell you exactly where they were the time of day it was who they were with when they made up their mind to change this happens thousands of times in our research the person says I'm making up my mind in this moment and they make a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision carries a level of energy that causes their body to respond to their mind that the choice that they're making in that moment in time is a moment in time they will never forget in other words the stronger the emotion they felt when they made that choice independent of what was going on in their environment and their life the more they'll remember the choice they're making that's what emotions do and that gives the body a sampling or a taste of the future they're changing their state of being in one instant if your personality creates your personal reality and that means that if in order for you to change your personal reality you got to change your personality so the one of the basic core principles of our work is really uh this concept of change and what is change how do we change why is change so hard because we all say it's hard yeah it changes hard I used to say that too my Kevin's so good at changing I'm not good at changing it turns out I'm really good good at it yeah once you know how yeah and you understand the formula it gets very simple to really all of a sudden sip with yourself long enough this is what I want people to do I want them to sit with themselves long enough that they can become so familiar with the word meditation to become familiar with to become so conscious of their unconscious thoughts that they don't go unconscious to them in their waking day you know that belief like I can't why can't I change it why is change so hard for me to become so aware of how they speak how they act if they blame if they complain if they make excuses they feel sorry for them they judge people I want them to sit with themselves and look at those programs to become so conscious that they don't default and go unconscious again and then and then sit long enough with those emotions where you really don't reach for the cell phone now and you're curious to see what's on the other side of it or you're given a tool to help you get Beyond it right if I give people numerous opportunities to overcome themselves because that's what it is and numerous opportunities connect over and over again sooner or later it's going to start to create some movement so then the person should then in that place called The Unknown start thinking about what thoughts they do on a fire and wire in their brain and with intention and attention when that voice is saying I can it's too hard I'll never change this becomes the louder voice than that voice and nerve cells that no longer fire together no longer wire together okay so if I keep that up I can install Hardware that can become like a software program which would be like the new voice in my head that says Maria you actually can change it's not that hard you you actually prove that to yourself by getting beyond that thought there's something on the other side of it right that's called The Unknown if you close your eyes and thought about how you were going to be in one day just with your family with your relationships with your job with your co-workers and traffic how are you going to be like what would greatness look like if you took the time to really rehearse those scenes in your mind you would do the exact same thing as thinking about them you would begin to install more Hardware priming your brain for the ACT to cause your brain to look like you've already done it that's what the research shows so I want people to remind themselves of who they do want to be and get very familiar with it fire and wire fire and wire and then this Focus equals feeling right so if you're focusing on it non-stop you're going to start to feel it which is the next thing and the last thing then is which is the toughest part for people because we've been programmed and hypnotized into waiting for the event out there to occur to take away the lack or the pain that we feel inside of us so the event produces the experience of when the wealth comes when the relationship comes down I'm going to be happy Well turns out you got to feel it in order for it to happen in the quantum so if we can teach people how to self-regulate their emotional state right and feel the feeling before the event the body is so objective that it doesn't know the difference between the real life experience that's creating that emotion and the emotion that that person is fabricating by thought alone the body's believing it's living in a new environment well the research on epigenetics says it's the environment that signals the gene okay well the end product of an experience from an environment is an emotion so when people are embracing these emotions ahead of the environmental experience they're signaling genes ahead of the environment they're actually they're actually their gratitude is actually healing them their wholeness is moving them back towards Health their empowerment is taking them towards success they're they're generating abundance they're feeling more worthy and and and it turns out when we measure what happens there are dramatic biological changes that take place in one week that actually suggests that that person is literally living in a new environment and they're in a ballroom and there's not a lot that happens in a ballroom and I keep saying to the scientists where are those chemicals coming from no scientists will dispute the fact that living in survival and living in stress long term pushes the genetic buttons that create disease that no organism in nature can sustain emergency modes for that experience for that extent of time all other systems are compromised because all the energy is going towards survival and if you can turn on that stress response just by thoughts alone your thoughts can make you sick and she started to read and consume this information and it made sense to her scientific mind she understood she had to get out of survival this is wasn't like how come I'm not healing this is like I have to get out of survival in order to heal did you hear me that's a fundamental point that has to be understood the next thing she does is she experiments to see if I start making changes in my internal state will my body be so objective that it doesn't know the difference between the environmental experience that's producing the emotion and the emotion that I'm creating by thought alone I understand the environment signals the gene okay the end product of an experience in the environment is an emotion my goodness I could actually signal genes ahead of the environment if I give thanks for my healing before it happens and all I'm going to do is combine a clear intention a vision the optimistic view that I could actually get better with an elevated emotion a thought and a Feeling a image a symbol and an emotion a conditioned response stimulus and response and she's conditioning her body emotionally every single day for it to believe it's living in a new future and by practicing the brain and heart coherence she's creating autonomic regulation instead of autonomic dysregulation and the innate intelligence of the body is that it wants to heal are you with me and so then she's in the process of discovery of saying I'm not going to be a victim to my disease I mean the prognosis would normally create a lot of fear for people a lot of stress for people a lot of self-doubt for people a lot of times you don't feel good you're in a lot of pain you don't want to do it a lot of times you just don't want to have enough time because you got to sit with you and that doesn't feel good sometimes but we have Physicians and nurses now and scientists in this audience actually that said well let me just see if I actually apply this and just experiment with the process just I'm not going to try to make anything happen I'm just going to follow the instructions and see what happens if I do this she's not she's not trying to control the outcome she's actually curious to see as a if there's another possibility she's not forcing it she's not fighting for it she's not trying to predict it she's really just measuring the effects of her at cause if I change my internal state will I start noticing changes in my biology I don't know well let's just see if I practice this what would happen and if she starts the event five days into the event she starts feeling better it means she's dragging that body out of the past and some people just find that little magic door where their body all of a sudden responds to their mind they reprogram their body experience enriches the brain now you're laying down circuits for something that has nothing to do with the material world and that experience produces an emotion but the emotion is not going to be guilt or shame or unworthiness or fear the emotions are going to be ecstasy or Bliss and the stronger the emotion you feel the more you're going to pay attention to those pictures in your mind and literally you're going to begin to rewire your brain for the mystical and when you open your eyes and you come back to your senses you're going to see a broader spectrum of reality you're going to begin to see what has always existed but you didn't have the circuits in place to experience them because we don't see things how they are we see things how we are so now the person all of a sudden opens their eyes and I've had this happen you see colors and light like you've never seen before you hear everything's melodious everything's unified so smell The Taste the feeling of everything is just enhanced and we're here in three-dimensional reality for that I mean we're here to really experience life fully I mean that's why I'm here that I'm not going to be guilty I'm not going to be sad I mean we how many times have we done that I mean that mystical moment um when you have that experience and you begin to perceive a whole in a whole different way uh and and you connected to that intelligence uh you will see that that energy that intelligence in every human being and everything around you and you'll feel more connected and less separate and I think that's uh and I think that's why we're here your personality creates your personal reality that's it and your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel so the present personality who's listening to this podcast has created the present personal reality called their life which means that if you want to change your life you want to create a new person in reality you're gonna have to change your personality you're gonna have to change because nothing changes in your life until you change so what is the understanding of change that we've spent over 10 years studying a way to explain what change is because if you think 60 to 70 000 thoughts 90 of those thoughts are the same thoughts as the day before you're in trouble because the same thoughts will lead to the same choices the same choices will lead to the same behaviors the same behaviors create the same experiences and the same experiences produce those very very same emotions and those same emotions influence our same thoughts and our biology everything stays the same because we're the same I gotta change my personality while this concept of metacognition you know the seed of our conscience our frontal lobe allows us to think about what we're thinking about to notice how we're behaving and to become aware of how we're feeling and the repetition of thinking acting and feeling in the same way causes our brain to become hardwired into very specific neurode patterns right so the moment we become conscious of those thoughts the moment we become aware of those behaviors the moments we notice those feelings we're no longer the program in fact part of the Consciousness observing the program and that's the first step to change I think that the demonstration of greatness is so important right now people are looking for it and they can't find it anywhere and we can't wait you cannot wait for someone else to lead you got to show people what compassion looks like you got to show them what kindness looks like you got to show them what equality looks like you got to celebrate successes and others you you we have to be that all the time so that we give people permission to do the same right so my hope is that if we can change individuals one by one we're going to change the world and that's it and and and at the end of a one week long event I would say that 99 of the people that come to that week-long event are not the same person that got there now they go back into their life and all of a sudden they're not doing anything differently but people say to them all the time what's up with you what happened to you because you got a new job you know whether you got a new girlfriend and a boyfriend what's going on no nothing because they're out of phase the memory of that person is not matching the projection of what they see in front of them they're at a phase right so I've got enough people remembering that they're the creators of their life that they actually do control their emotions that they actually have the ability no matter who they are uh to to create the life they want in in just making the time to do it is so important so I have I have great hope at this time in the world right now that all the things that are falling apart have to fall apart and our youth are going to be our leaders and and that we either demonstrate we're going to teach them how to demonstrate what that looks like then they have to be impeccable when they do it we don't see things how they are we see things how we are and so the I I don't like to use the word visualization because I think it's been okay has been overused I like to use the word mental rehearsal I don't care if you're a virtuoso uh musician I don't care if you are a performer or an actor I don't care if you're a dancer or an athlete everybody does this who's engaged in getting better at whatever they do they will rehearse the course now or the re rehearse the ACT enough times that once they can concept the whole thing to its completion and they get out of that think box then the think box is so important because we have to review our act we have to repeat it enough times and the act of mental rehearsal really installs the neurological Hardware in your brain it primes the brain free so you have circuits to use now mental rehearsal also changes the body you can take a group of men and have them imagine or rehearse doing bicep curls for an hour a day for two weeks and add an emotional component called stronger harder more intense and for one hour they practice in their mind doing those those curls at the end of two weeks there's a 13.5 increase in muscle strength they never lifted a weight their bodies changing by thought alone so the person who's priming their brain and body through rehearsal when they get in their play box there's no thinking they're just doing there's just the act in fact the thought of what they're doing becomes the experience they get lost in the act and they're analytical facilities their analytical mind is out of the way and they can they can sustain a state where nothing in their environment is going to move them from the state they're in the feeling of what it would feel like to play well and they hold on to that feeling and when the conditions get tense they actually do something different they self-regulate and they actually crave this moment of performance to be able to produce an outcome and so there's no mysticism to this it's just what people do when they get really into something is that we rehearse all the time so when people understand if you take a group of people that never played the piano before and you teach them one hand that scales in chords and they come in practice for two hours a day for five days at the end of five days if you do a brain stand and before and after they'll grow circuits on the opposite side of the brain no magic there you learn something new learning's making new connections you get your body involved you get some instruction you have an experience experience enriches the circuits repeat it over and over again fire and wire and pay attention and stay present you'll assemble new neurological circuitry take another group of people have them close their eyes an act that actually have them mentally rehearse playing the scales and chords for two hours a day for five days scan their brain before and after and the end of five days their brain will look like they've been playing the piano for five days but they never lifted a finger the brain literally changed through the rehearsal okay so now take the person and put them in front of a piano never played the piano before and they could actually play those scales and chords like the people who are actually physically demonstrating it so what does that have to do for the single mother of three children what does that have to do with the person who's trying to heal a health condition it's not enough to just have a good meditation and get up and spend the rest of your day reacting and responding to the conditions in your life that's one hour of living and conditioning your body and brain into the future against 15 hours of you and responding emotionally from your past so we gotta rehearse okay how am I going to be in this situation how am I going to change what would love do today what would greatness look like it's the it's those frontal lobe questions that actually begins to install the circuitry and we all do it naturally the only time we don't do it is when we're living in stress and we're living in survival why because it's not a time to create it's not a time to learn it's not a time to go inward uh it's not and not a time to Dream It's a time to run fight and hide and if you're spending the majority of your time in the arousal of those stress hormones than most people then their senses become heightened they narrow their focus and now they're engaged in doing anything they can relying on something outside of them to take away that feeling so if people begin to understand that they actually can change and there's a they understand a formula to do it and they practice that formula and they rehearse it both by mentally rehearsing it and actually participating in it the effects should be in the experiment that something should change either in your body or in your life and that's why we do it so when you see the changes or the synchronicities or the coincidences or the opportunities starting to show up in your life you're going to pay attention to what you did and you're going to do it again and many people who have chronic health conditions that just get Beyond those thoughts and those habits and those emotions that keep them as that same personality and begin to think act and feel differently notice dramatic changes in their in their health and in their biology and we have the data to suggest that people who do this for seven days their body looks like genetically and biologically they're in a different life their body is no longer responding in the same way and they're no longer victims to their environment because they can self-regulate there tends to be a greater resistance to anything in their environment even on a microscopic level that means your thoughts are literally going to make you sick and the fundamental question is if your thoughts can make you sick is it possible that your thoughts can make you well and that's kind of the interest that I have and and we've done numerous studies to show that you can take people we did a study with 120 people and we said okay um here's what we're going to do we're going to measure cortisol levels we'll measure stress hormone levels you're going to come to an event a workshop for four days and we're going to re-measure your cortisol levels we measured another chemical called IGA immunoglobulin a it's the primary defense in the body against bacteria and viruses the body's natural flu shot in fact it's better than a flu shot and we innately make this but as cortisol levels go up as stress hormones go up your immune system is suppressed right uh so we said okay let's change the frustration the anger the impatience the resentment whatever the emotion is that's correlated with the hormones of stress and let's do a heartfelt emotion let's do gratitude appreciation kindness uh thankfulness and let's let's start self-regulating and and we put heart rate monitors on them to make sure that they were doing it everybody has done this at some point in their life right where they have to catch the thought they have to catch how they speak the ACT they have to notice oh this is that weird feeling again I'm not going to just stay in this feeling can I change it right so then if you remind yourself every single day of who you no longer want to be before you start your day become conscious of your unconscious self so conscious that you don't don't go unconscious in your waking day the next fundamental question is if your personality creates your personal reality what thoughts do I want to fire and wire in my brain and with attention with presence and intention energy begin to Fire and wire that thought if you can fire and wire that thought you start installing the neurological Hardware in your brain keep doing it and start acting acting like a software program it becomes more automatic that's the new voice in your head that says you can it's possible or whatever and then how are you going to behave in the zoom meeting how are you going to behave with your children how are you going to behave with your ex how are you going to be today when you open your eyes now here's the cool part and you know this the act of closing your eyes and mentally rehearsing who you're going to be planning your actions in the day mental rehearsal shows that you could actually install the neurological Hardware in your brain to look like you already did it or it already happened now the brain is no longer a record of the past it now becomes a map to the Future okay we've all rehearsed something in our life and our minds over and over again keep doing it keep rehearsing it keep reviewing it and it'll start to become more automatic and you could actually program a person then to behave as a happy person no magic there you install the circuits now here's the hardest part can you teach your body emotionally what that future would feel like before it happens in other words don't wait for your healing to feel gratitude don't wait for your new relationship to feel love don't wait for the mystical moment to feel awe that's kind of the old model of reality of cause and effect let's wait for something out there to happen to take away this emptiness this guilt this lack the suffering whatever what if I could condition my body emotionally into the future so then we started studying not only brain coherence but we started studying heart coherence could a person trade resentment and watch their heart beat in a really irregular fashion to a more coherent fashion where when they're feeling gratitude when they're feeling inspiration when they're feeling love could they practice that enough times so much so they can condition their body into the emotion of the future now here's the cool part about that our research shows you could absolutely do that and do it so well that you feel like the future that you're in wanting to experience has already happened and when it feels like it's already happened you feel less separate from it which means you're no longer looking for it why would you look for it if you feel like it's already happened now to become familiar with the old self and then fire and wire and condition the body emotionally and chemically and become familiar with the new self if you're truly in the experiment of life and I truly change my personality there should be some evidence in my world that there's been some change either in my body and in my life in some way and literally their biology changes their their their immune system changes they're we've we've isolated thousands of metabolites that show that that there's a flourishing going on in the body the body's responding it's believing emotionally that it's living in a different environment that's that's the key because you made it this far in a video I want to celebrate you most people start and don't finish most people never actually follow through most people say they want something but they don't ever do the work to actually get it but you're different you are special believe Nation you made it here all the way to the end and I love you so as a special celebration if you put a hashtag believe down in the comments Below on this video I will showcase you and celebrate you somewhere on the screen in a future video because you are awesome for 10 more amazing rules from Eckhart Tolle check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 126,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, evan carmichael, dr joe dispenza, reprogram your mind, entrepreneur mindset, evan carmichael top 10 rules for success, evan carmichael motivation, joe dispenza top 10 rules, success motivation - joe dispenza top 10 rules for success, dr. joe dispenza, changing your mindset, how to grow your mind, expand your thoughts, changing your thought process, millionaire mindset, health mindset, self improvement videos
Id: uPwPE3pIxnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 40sec (5440 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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