Job ~ 38:9 to 38:32

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are we ready to get back in Our Fathers worried finally finally after 37 chapters of a bunch of Ratchet jaws going to it finally God answers he speaks to job and the first thing he says to job is what are you listening to these people that have no idea what they're talking about they're ignorant concerning what's happening you're wasting your time job and then he said get up from there hurt yourself up to do battle that gives you a clue there that's very important do battle with who the enemy in other words thirty seven chapters Satan hadn't been brought into this other than talking directly to God in Chapter one and two they're blaming job they're blaming God they're blaming everybody but Satan is causing it and that's why he said get up from there gird yourself that's for battle and get ready to do battle and you must realize that in everyday life that Satan if you be familiar with God's Word where you can do him some harm naturally you're on his list but you don't have to worry because we have power over him now Luke chapter 10 verses 19 and 20 will declare that to you you don't have to put up with it he even becomes afraid of you so that's what the battle is and that's why God told him you get up and now listen to me so be very careful when you listen to man man's traditions is his religious rituals and stick to God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse and you won't go too far wrong if you learn to rightly divide it if you don't know how to rightly divide the word and you preach a sermon or two on what some of those knuckleheads were preaching you're in trouble you you violate the very ordinance of truth from God's Word and miss the whole boat as far as catching a boat the promised land as a gifted servant of God you're not going to make it you don't you don't even belong on board if you can't rightly divide I'm talking about teachers now that are supposed to be conditioned and and mentally and spiritually to teach God's Word when you're teaching God's Word teach God's Word and let men's word flitter off where it belongs into the nether nether land stick to God's Word that's what God is telling you here to make it probably a little easier for you he was giving an example in verse eight we're gonna be picking up with nine of and seven and eight as to how the sons of God that's to say God's children before Satan rebelled how happy they were and you can have that same happiness but God is giving job and exercise in knowledge and wisdom of where were you or can you the point being and this will make it easier for you man really can't do a whole lot without God and that's why you can't leave him out of your life so with that having been said a word of wisdom from our father chapter 38 the great book of Job verse 9 and it reads with that word of wisdom from your shoe up God speaking when I made the cloud the garment thereof and thick darkness a swaddling band for it verse 10 and break up for it my decreed place and set bars and doors verse 11 and said hitherto shalt thou come but no further and here shall by proud waves be stayed I said joke joke can you do that I don't think so man cannot do that we can put up levees and they're always breaking aren't they or you call out 700 people to tote sandbags and try to or somebody stick his whole thumb in the dike over the hole in the dike rather you know but God when he puts a stop to the swells and so forth he can do a pretty good job of it verse 12 hast thou commended the morning since the days and caused the Dayspring to know his place have you have you been able to tell the Sun to come up in the morning and order it to and it follow your command have you known how to to command even the dawn of the day the very early the very starting part well I think how helpless we are in that comparison and the reason I want you to see that is to show you how helpless we are without our Father that's what father wants you to know he's not he's not putting on some big show himself I mean that's the easy stuff for him to do that but I just want you to see the in significance of man God doesn't necessarily have to have man but man it does make up his children and mankind that is to say and it gives him pleasure and so therefore men should never forget his place compared to our Father verse 13 that it might take hold of the ends of the earth that the wicked might be shaken out of it the ends of the earth is the wings of the earth in the Hebrew it can be translated and I get quite a bit from this when I when my mind runs to Hebrews chapter 12 where God says there's going to be another shaking just like the one that ended the first earth age there's going to be another shaking but if you're standing on the solid rock which is to say Christ you will not be shaken but the wicked are going to get shaken all right it's going to be quite a time I look forward to that but what are you seeing here job can you do that the answer is obvious no of course not father verse 14 it is turned as clay to the seal and they stand as a garment this this this I like to translate in two ways one just food for thought and the other I made the earth a body of clay and told it to stand and let that outer top soil basically be the garment for the earth and actually that topsoil is what gives us life because we come from will say mother earth and within that you understand what I mean and as well as the flesh body only not your soul but your flesh body comes from that garment that he placed around the surface of the earth can you do that do you know something man can't even take good care of that garment after God created it much less man considering that he could create it got it asked earlier where were you when I placed the the planets in orbit the Earth and Moon and so forth you know it took man 2,000 years to put a little old 18 pound satellite in orbit just around the earth you know man's a little bit slow and all we can use is fossil fuel that is the burnout from the first cat turbo overthrow you know really our Father is something else he's wonderful he can do anything verse 15 and from the wicked they're right their light is withholding and the high arm shall be broken or it'll be crushed now you got to reverse your thought here for the wicked when is their day of work it's not in the sunlight it's in the darkness that's when the wicked do their work is in the darkness he said can you can you with hold the light from coming in and ruining their day so that the light can shine on their wickedness and we can crush their arm mean to stop their wickedness 16 has now entered into the day into the springs of the sea or has doubt walked in the search of the depth have you investigated the sea job do you know where the water comes from do you know where it originated well now I'm going to tell you what this is where science would have kind of a tough job if they weren't familiar with the firmament in the first Earth Age if you want to take it back to Ground Zero as he instructed us to do in verse seven whether some are aware of it or not that that the secret of the depths at one time was not the depths it would be considered the height and it kept all poisons and and from various rays of one sort of the other from this earth it kept an equal season from the North Pole to the south and that's easily documented in this generation I've done it for you before you know that we've found NamUs with buttercups in their mouth frozen under the tundra in northern alaska we're where by buttercups don't grow because it's not seasonal there it wasn't one time when you go way back to the first earth age 17 have the gates of death been opened into the question and you think about that or has thou seen the doors of the shadow of death do you understand death joke you see God knows why he causes each of us to be born from above that is to say to come from him and as it is written by Paul in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verses 7 and 8 instantly when we leave this body we return to he who sent us here absent from this body present with the Lord Paul's way of of stating it one of the greatest comforts that you can possess to Christian people is to know where the dead are so that you can comfort Souls God is the god of the living not the dead I can tell you quite frankly that thus far no one has died not even Satan though he's sentenced to death as we learned in chapter 1 verse 7 he still approaches with the other angels before God though he's bound his evil spirit can traverse the earth but not he de facto so understanding death is a powerful tool in the tool chest of a Christian seed planner or teacher to comfort the hearts of people that need to know he's a job you know where they are do you understand death the death is part of the process of living quite frankly if you understand eternal life verse 18 s top received the breath of the earth declare it declare if thou knowest at all there's a bit of irony in this and I thought but think you could even pick that up in the English declare us if thou knowest at all don't you just hate a know-it-all hmm well God is giving a little bit of irony within this that a person can know and understand the fact that that man though we feel now with the instruments we have we can come pretty close but not the way God can you can't measure the breadth of the earth so forth in the first place that changes considerably and I suppose that God had every right to say that with a bit of irony fine wake up job that's what he's saying verse 19 where is the way where light dwelleth think about that question in depth where is the way where light dwelleth question and as for darkness where is the place thereof can you answer that we know how fast the speed of light is or did it or did it originate where does it come from well spiritually we know don't we of course we do for Christ that I am the light I am the way and when you put the way in the light together that is Yeshua Emmanuel God with us but at the same time when we have when we can discover with the speed of light by watching stars and planets sometimes of things that you see the light actually was transmitted years and years and years ago it just now gets here it's an awesome thought deep you bet I don't think man's equipped to handle it with specificity verse 20 I some some would say oh we can well you you can say that I can't I know our Father knows the exactness verse 20 that thou should has take it to the bound thereof and that thou should as know the paths to the house thereof that that you could even take the light or the darkness and lead it home hmm what a thought verse 21 knowest thou it because thou was then born let me read that again knowest out yet because thou wast then born question or because the number of thy days is great maybe a little bit more of irony here what is man don't I mean you were born don't you know it of course you don't I mean each is born an innocent babe that's God's plan and purpose to make its mind up whether he or she will love God or Satan with the choice being totally free will upon the entity the child so in long days I'm sure he chuckled at that because our Traverse here on earth is probably let's say 72 years or let's say we'll say a hundred years how long is a hundred years to God it's just about not a I'm here it's just a blink out of out of expanse of time that's all you can say about it think about that man without God and that's what he wants you to see when he asked that question in 21 it's just about as helpless as that newborn babe for his days are not long enough to comprehend or even to begin well perhaps we can begin to comprehend some of these things at least have a working knowledge and idea but the specifics hey there's no way verse 22 hast thou entered into the treasures of thus no question or has thou seen the treasures of the hail do you know how snow comes to be and do you know how hail comes to be now we've we know when one has had many hours in meteorology that we've got a pretty good working idea of what forms a droplet it's usually a very tiny particle autumn of dust and but why would he mention these things let's take the next verse 23 which I have reserved against the time of trouble against the day of battle and war now you can begin to understand why he told Joe get up from there and stand up and act like a man back in verse 2 hurt yourself up that means get that skirt pull back up where your legs are free to do war battle why thirty-seven chapters we've talked about what the problem is and never once knowing who to war against Satan was not mentioned by any of the men of so-called wisdom which turned ultimately to be stupidity we'd find that in in verse two rather where God said why why do you want to listen to that stuff for when we got our Father you see there's no man can answer all of your questions God's Word can with the unction of the Holy Spirit and when you're gifted to know and understand the mania scripts our Father did not leave us here blind and helpless as small infants he sent us a word of power I don't know do you know how to put on the armor of God he tells you what it is to do battle how are you fixed for in you know to be nude and void of any protection in this world is a dangerous thing you talk about a person being needing inoculation to be immune to things of the world and knowing how to handle it you'd better be very familiar what God is saying here I've set the snow and the hailstones aside when I in the day that I will take my vengeance upon Satan that's what he can can't you see Joe I have Satan wanted you he's been he's the one that's been messing with you and here we see a father that's he's not impatient with his son I wouldn't even go so far as to say he's disappointed because Jobe has had it I mean job thank God he doesn't put the rest of us through the meal quite to that extent sometimes maybe some feel closed but I hope and pray it doesn't take you that long to wake up as to who the enemy is and let Satan stay take boarding up in your own home your own casa and and take boarding and comfort there and laugh his head off at you and your family with your quibbling and so forth wonder will any why things are going so wrong and he just laughing and every one of you and you call yourself Christians well you know Christ men don't let that happen to them if they can help it they we they're certainly none of us perfect but many as sure as this happened to job today or like little children in starting arguments and griping and fussing over kids stuff and Satan put it there for you to pick up on and just see how you'd growl and groan and then say to the Father and you call that your elect oh boy if that's all you got I've got it in Maine that's why Satan thinks that maybe he can win so am i probably spending too much time on that one verse but beloved it's important our Father is a father of vengeance but he will not use the storm until the last battle in two segments Haman Gog and Armageddon until then you're kind of on your own you have the power and the authority to to take it upon yourself with the gospel armor on and stand up and act like a man woman or a child of God or let's say tonichi up that's that's your choice which will it be this is one of the things I like about the book of Job it's very complete in telling you how to find peace of mind in this earth age I don't know which would the most it or the book of ecclesiastes when God wrote that special letter in Ecclesiastes telling you how to be happy in the flesh body and there's no way a man's gonna be happy in the flesh body until he totally and completely understands the book of Ecclesiastes I'm talking about for a long period of time and to be able to everybody finds happiness on good wonderful days but you're going to have storms and you've got to be able to weather them and when you can have happiness even in the storm of challenge then you're beginning to find the meaning of the patience the enemy and what our target is and what we're to use for ammunition to hit that target to crush it or you can let him eat you and your family up next thing you know all your kids will be out on drugs and and maybe you'll get hooked yourself and you have to go all the way to the bottom before you finally wake up and cry father help me and I don't know you know when they wait that long sometimes it makes you there all the way to the bottom of the ditch why not just cover it up over well thank God he's more loving than that he will take someone even like that when the devil has placed him in that state of degradation and build them up don't let that happen to you that's why I'm saying it don't let it happen to your family now I know some of you your children or adults and so forth and there's not much you can do about it but at least set the example of how you live for him and be ready for advice and instruction from the Word of God not some yo-yo not some ratchet jaw I hope if you've learned any lesson from the book of Job don't listen to denominational ratchet jaws that never quite get around to teaching God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse whereby God can bless you your family and pick you up verse 24 lest I be accused of ratchet join will get in some more verses from the father's word all right I hope that you gain by that beloved it's very serious 24 by what way is the light parted which scattereth the east wind upon the earth but what way is the light parted that that warm east wind can come in and create heat well we know the seasons but how does he arrange that quite frankly it would have happened at the kibo that this earth we got the North Pole and we got magnetic north and they happen to be 90 miles apart we got just a little bit of a we got a bearing that I don't know what keeps it from wearing out and I'm kidding I'm jesting but we got a little bit of a wobble we're not actually true that everything could be perfect no way it could be 25 don't make any don't read any more into that than what it is said other than things we know why things happen as they are and we have the seasons 25 who have divided a watercourse for the overflowing of waters or a way for the lightning of thunder in other words who you look at you you fly over a desert and boy here you've got waterways canals channels who decided which would go well naturally it was God's nature it was gravity in other words that water always goes to the lowest point because of the flow of gravity and cuts the channels in other words man didn't have to be there to do that the point being what you want to recognize God doesn't need man necessarily now there would be meaning would argue was that it is letting you know how insignificant and is as far as running this earth is concerned quite truthfully excuse me if anything we polluted this earth till it's done a lot more harm than good verse 26 - cause it can you do this to cause it to rain on the earth where no man is on the wilderness where in there is no man I mean you think you could handle that well if you're a man that'd be pretty difficult what he's saying is when you look out at the very desert itself he waters it there's life there and there's not a man there so who does it God does that's what he wants you to know he does it that's a pretty good job of it 27 to satisfy the desolate and waste ground and to cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth he even takes the waste and he dresses it up and the very wasteland itself he dresses it up man I don't know if you've ever been in the desert in the spring of the time of flowers but it is just a working hive of life and some of the most beautiful flowers that exist and there's no man they're not needed sorry no help needed verse 28 at the rain a father question or who hath begotten the drops of dew who sired the rain who's the father of it well the question is and the answer is obvious and it better be in your mind now man is not necessary so who father said our Father does Almighty God yah have a verse 29 out of whose womb our cervix came the ice and I'm quoting Hebrew or the hoarfrost of heaven who hath Gingerdead well you know our Father formed and shaped everything exactly as he wanted a man or woman had nothing to do with it 30 the waters are hid as with the stone in the face of the deep is frozen in other words he said hey can you do this job can't picture if you would some huge lake and picture when temperature falls below 32 degrees and the liquid water turns to stone it's hard as a rock it's ice in other words it's frozen over can you do that well men can simulate many things and so forth but think of the volume of energy over the Great North lands and the extreme Southlands thinking of the South Pole of where water is actually turned as hard as a rock by turning to ice 31 let me ask you a question what men can though we have refrigeration and we have ice houses and people that make eyes what men could create a machine that would make the vast Iceland of Iceland or the South Pole or the North Pole impossible our Father did 31 he didn't do it with the machine but he did it with his own nature 31 canst thou bind the sweet influence of Pleiades the the the congregation of the bodies that's what that particular group means or loose the bands of Orion and Orion of courses is the coming Prince is who he symbolizes in in the the Bible of the Stars 32 tennis ball bring forth mazzaroth in his season do you know what Massa Roth is that's the 12 signs of the zodiac and many people go by those signs and for their seasons or kehna style guide our tourists with his sons that's that this this has two names and it's according to who you're talking to or listening to and be that just for what it's worth the big bear keeper is what it's called but it was originally the main flock of sheep but I don't care you can call it whatever you want to I guess what what I the main thing that God wants you to do here is can you cause the sign those 12 signs of the zodiac can you put them in that perfect order that great circle in the sky and caused them to function properly whereby everything falls in its season now many might say well I don't understand that well that's why they were placed there many of you might not have ever read the Bible but the the verse 14 of chapter 1 this was the beginnings meaning where you should have began studying God's Word possibly and God said let there be lights in the firmament in the heaven to divide the day and the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and for years that's why we use them that's why the the spring equinox begins the new year that lets them man can't keep a calendar properly well we pull one day out of February or no I'm whether if we put an extra day in February every four years and if we do this and if we change if we have sabbaticals here and there man goes to all that trouble when the solar calendar is exactly the same every year without all that hanky-panky you know but man's got to be difficult we we use a calendar that is a long ways from perfect but there's a perfect calendar the calendar we have Passover by many people will say well when does Passover it's the same time every year it's the fifteenth day of the new year and the new year begins at the spring equinox and it is amazing it never changes it's always the same and so when you look up at all those things of course man is absolutely helpless to do anything about changing any part of the heavens wouldn't you think that what God wants us to know is how much we need him because he can do something about it he placed them there so anytime you think you're really something on a stick maybe that's not a good terminology but I used it and it's too late to take it back now you might better think about your father a little bit you realize really you're not much of anything without God with God many things are possible without him you got trouble so there you are it makes one feel so inadequate to teach these this particular chapter after 37 chapters of the other stuff that we just strive to do our best with it that you realize and not miss the point that our Father is a God of vengeance and he does use ice and the way there but it's stored for a day when the great battle comes the time of trouble is Jacob's trouble you know that the day of Jacob's trouble is just before the Lord's Day and and he's going to do battle he's going to take care of Satan basically oh after at the end of the Lord's Day for one in all times and we're going back to that state of perfection by being with our Father but don't ever forget how great he is and how wonderful he is and don't be ever won don't ever be one of these little bitty tiny ends you know not the big red ants but one of those nearly B I forget what they call them me up north and then what we call them here in the south might not be to just right but anyway little bitty rascals don't be like one of those that says I can do it not without father don't try it because that's just about how we are compared to him why kid oneself of trying to make it to life without him you actually have people as I just wonder if I really believe in God I feel sorry for you if you have not studied the letter that he wrote to you to the point that you know man couldn't have arranged that by that I mean two things prophesied God's plan coming to pass exactly as it's written then I feel sorry for you you're a lost soul indeed being tossed about by the waves of time and and the ways of men without an anchor without stability can you do your father's letter it's precious what a beautiful chapter after 37 chapters of the ratchet JA preachers and teachers that came to assist job fantastic our fathers word all right bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teacher would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived Christ said in mark 1323 behold i afore told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step-by-step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 340 645 to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel peel box for 16 grab in Arkansas 7 to 7 36 don't be deceived by Satan I bless your hearts there we are back again the 800 number 1 864 three four six four five that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question share it please never ask a question about a denomination particular individual or organization let's just teach God's Word and let the chips fall wherever they may you know the chips from God's Word will always heal and improve it never tears down unless it's of Satan right it only tears down wickedness so if it stings a little bit maybe somebody needed it all right but it's always a positive always let's keep it that way okay those of you that listen by shortwave your announcer at the end of the hour will give you our mailing address you got a prayer request you don't need the telephone number you don't need an address talked to him you know in as much as he was able to create all these things including your own soul then certainly he can help you and he is one that you surely love because he has given you a letter of instructions on how to find peace of mind and be successful understand it father around the globe we come we ask that you lead guide direct father touch heal in Yeshua's precious name Amen okay let's get into the questions here today we're going to go with Carl in Florida has the soul departed from a person being kept alive by full life-support with no brain activity I'd appreciate your opinion has the soul departed when the brain has no activity well that is that is a question that only our father could answer I can give you my opinion many people tell their family do not ever use artificial means if I have a terminal now hear my words well listen to them I said terminal that means if I'm bound if I have a disease or something wrong with me that is definitely going to take my life then do not utilize artificial means of keeping me alive and many might say well if you withdraw that no no ask God to heal you if it be his will but if God chooses to heal you then let yourself live in the natural without all the garbage now I shouldn't say garbage because life support for someone that is nocturnal he'll that has been injured on a battlefield or in an accident is a wonderful thing it's great but it is good if someone will tell their family whether to to to use no heroics if they are terminally ill it really helps the family and you're not put through what this person is should we remove the life support it is the I suppose the 12th chapter of Ecclesiastes comes as near answering this as anywhere possible here the silver cord should part in the clay bowl which is the clay man's body break you know and instantly returns to the Father whereby the clay pot returns to clay or dust again so I'm sorry I can't give you any more answer than that but it is different in different people so you have to be the your own judge on that if a person is terminally ill and there is no brain activity I see no reason whatsoever to keep false life into them when it's obvious I said terminally ill now with accidents sometimes their turn normal anyway it's a good thing for families to talk about these things before accidents and before these diseases happen so that everybody has a clear understanding Steven from Wisconsin your teaching is wonderful please explain Ezekiel 28 13 well thank you for the comment Ezekiel 28 13 has to do it's it's a chapter I refer to very often it has to do with the king of tyre which is Satan tyre means Rock not our rock but their rock okay Tyrus means rock in the Hebrew tongue and God tells Satan he said that you were in the garden of God you were in the Garden of Eden and I made you the full pattern in other words I made you more beautiful than anyone else basically what is implied I get a little jealous when I read that I think Satan must have really been a good egg at one time but he sure went sour he goes ahead and tells him he gave him most of the stones of a priest in and and mentioned in the breastplate but then he tells him at the conclusion of that verse 13 or is it the next verse that he was a cherubim the day I created you as a cherubim not a man a cherubim which Satan is okay that's what it means it's describing Satan and then if you continue reading you read of his fall he was the chair of that covereth which means was to protect the mercy seat but he tried to take a seat there and be the savior and of course verses 18 and 19 tell you that he will be turned to ashes from within he's doomed Lee from Illinois my friend say Luke 18 verses 1 through 8 say you should keep praying for the same thing and God will grant will get worried weary and is this correct please explain not if it will hurt you you know god knows what tomorrow brings and the next day and the next we don't I will use a hypothetical that is a little ridiculous but let's say that some seventeen year old wants a brand new I'll just say Cadillac okay real you know probably that wouldn't be what one would want but God knows he's going to kill itself in it in six months and God has real special things for that kid to do a year from now so do you think God is going to are you gonna if your little kid asks for a rattlesnake are you going to give it to him unprotected and no training I don't think so well God isn't either so you've got to do it is true that if you need something for your ministry if you need something in your life to help you be a better person don't stop asking for it but do know at the same time God's going to give you what you need but he's not going and He loves you so therefore he's not going to give you something that will hurt yourself got it God knows sometimes we don't that's why I like to totally go with God's will if I pray for something and don't get it I just okay lord knows it's best that I didn't so that's fine with me because I trust him I have faith in Him and I know it's for the best Elizabeth from California a friend of mine asked why I was studying job he thinks you have to be Jewish to study the Old Testament how can I answer that question so he will understand he is so he is so uneducated in God's word that is pitiful to be Jewish is to be of the tribe of Judah does he think there was only one tribe of Israel I mean you know that's pretty dumb really and a lot of people get nervous when I used the word dumb you got to scare some new people away no a lot of people with common sense I draw in more than anyone else because I speak straight coming out the gate you don't have to wonder or what do you mean by that I mean by that mmm that there were 12 tribes and only one of them was of Judah what is your friend want to do let the other eleven drift in the woods many of them migrated over the Caucasus Mountains were later called Caucasians settled Europe many and then later to this nation do you know why this nation is blessed because it makes up a large part of the house of Israel and you should study every Christian whether they're an Israelite or not should study the Old Testament because it's the beginning and he is so far behind I would say there's not much hope for him unless you can get a seed planted and kind of jar him out of it a little bit he certainly needs it some people are so uneducated in God's Word that it's it's pitiful and as a teacher it makes me glad that I have the platform that I do that maybe I can knock on a few heads and give them to open up and let a little truth from God's Word rather than traditions slip into the gray matter and say oh of course and naturally they think God isn't real that that this great nation that is an influence on the world just happened didn't just happen God's in control gene from California what Bible do you recommend for us as a Study Bible well I recommend the King James with the Strong's Concordance so that you as the English reader can have a very inexpensive way of going back to the original manuscripts that is to say knowing the definition in Cal d aramaic sirak Hebrew or Greek whereby it gives you an advantage over most a Study Bible I recommend and naturally and and have kept the Bible alive if you wonder why it is that you can go somewhere and acquire a companion Bible you're looking at the reason right here because I truly love and respect the work of bullinger who assembled the companion Bible and it is the best Bible right now for one to dig into truth and maintain the facts does it have a few flaws very few and none of those are major he was a fantastic scholar and I highly recommend the companion Bible that we have in our library Bob from North Carolina what denomination are you affiliated with praise God I had no affiliation with any denomination we are affiliated with Jesus Christ and we study his word and we are totally completely independent we have no branches whatsoever and God has truly blessed us that we shun separatism and simply teach his word to man around the world without any hangups of Church ah city I like it and I'm not talking against churches I'm just saying do you know what I don't know of any denomination that would allow me to teach as I do in their church you mean say that again I know of no denomination that would allow me to teach as I do as I feel led of God to teach in their church it would offend them so much they would run me out now there are a few churches that would dare stand against and maybe they allow me to be a guest but for me to have an ordination in one of those groups you can forget it okay I'm too strong I'm too bold and I teach too much of God's Word to suit him I teach the chapter by chapter and verse by verse and they say you can't hold a crowd by doing that that's amazing isn't it so I love the Brethren I truly do from the bottom of my heart and that they won't let me play with them okay and so what can I say we're we're we're all the way away from Kathy from Illinois who are the 7000 men mentioned in Romans that will not bow a knee to the image of bail I have just listened to your tape the mark of the beast well they are the Godsey leg those that were set aside as it is written God saying I have set aside 7,000 that will not bow a knee to bail he stated that made that statement to Elijah when Elijah said oh god I'm all alone they killed that they've killed your prophets that I boldly but left just kill me right now God and God said the kid up from there and start acting like a man Elisha I've set aside 7,000 that will not bow a knee to bail in other words you got company get up and get going all right that's what he said that's that that has reference to God's elect and it comes from oh the great books of the Kings all right first and second Kings Chuck from Minnesota did God divorce Israel because of what happened in the Garden of Eden no no now go back to the Book of Jeremiah and read Jeremiah chapter three verses verse 8 is the centerpoint but read before and after it's because they were whoring around then they grew worse not better that's idolatry but God called accused her of being a harlot because so that you would get to point but it stems from that certainly you're in good shape there pearl from California what is your opinion of UFOs unidentified flying objects well God's Word describes them in the great Book of Ezekiel and and to God they're not under identified there they are vehicles that his throne was aboard at one time on more than one occasion I should say okay the color the the best thing a person can do to open their eyes in a very simple way is to take your Strong's Concordance take the color amber as it is utilized in the first chapter of Ezekiel I believe it's in verse 4 and you'll find that in the Hebrew it's highly polished bronze the circular vehicle was just shown in the Sun alright and and move this way and that and so forth Richard from California I have a friend who says the net meaning the Internet is just another name for the beast what is your idea on this I think he is wrong well you're thinking right there is no way that the net is the Beast though it's a beastly thing you got you talk about ratchet jaws that go on and on and on the Internet has the biggest undisciplined bunch of Ratchet jaws I've that could ever be conglomerated it would be like we were going to have a church service with nine hundred people attending and give every one of them a microphone boy that would be something would it not as it's no secret that Pastor Marie is not high on the net other than for business and and for contact communication purposes but yet at the effigy I just don't I'm sorry I don't have time for it but you're right it's not the Beast though the Beast is the one-world political system and it's for hidden dynasties I'm out of time I love you all a lot really I do why because you enjoy studying our fathers word in more depth you disproved some of the people that say you can't hold an audience by teaching God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse because you're hungry and God's Word feed you I love you for that but what's most important God loves you for it it makes his day and he will change your life by his word we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that most important this though that you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Yeshua Jesus he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,113
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Keywords: Holy bible, Book of Job, Shepherd's Chapel, Murray, Pastor Murray, kjv, Arnold Murray, Arnold, Chapel, Shepherd's, Shepherds, Shepherds Chapel, Pastor, Book of, Job, bible, Pastor Arnold Murray
Id: Rc4YXtbwn1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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