Job ~ 36:1 to 37:10

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our we're ready to get back in our father's word the book of Job now let's refresh just a little bit here what is it that job means in the Hebrew tongue persecuted and God allowed this book spoke through this book allowing others to speak as well we're by you would have an extra size in actual life of who to listen to and who not to listen to when you were persecuted to be able to discern spiritually what was causing your problems whether it was father's chest Heisman whether it was Satan's action against you you being one of God's chosen elect and how you should deal with it so for a troubled life you'll never find a better book than job if you will really absorb the message within it knowing how to deal with the enemy we have an advantage in this generation and have since Christ's crucifixion in as much as he gave us power in his name over all our enemies so that gives us quite an advantage Joe did not have that advantage it was strictly a conflict between God and Satan and job was the subject he was the one that God had said he's my man he can handle it he can cut it so that's what he kind of expects out of his election is somebody that can think on their feet can discern spiritually and that God can trust that's why he picked in the first Earth Age when they stood against Satan as it's written concerning Jeremiah in Chapter 1 in the great Book of Jeremiah verses 1 through about 6 he said hey I knew you before you were ever in your mother's womb and he knew he could handle himself okay with that having been said josè three friends have retired so to speak they're only listeners now and a younger person comes along and then in the under the handle of Eli who Eli hue meaning God is him or L is God and he said I was young I stayed stood back I listened and now I want to tell you he come down on job real hard and actually there's no difference in him and the three ratchet jaws that came on first it's obvious he's a liar and you want this is why God wants you to be able to discern because you could teach part of these scriptures and say there it is right there in the Bible well there's just one thing a liar they made the statement so God wants you to be on guard and to be able to discern and think for yourself as to whether it's God's speaking or man speaking if God's speaking that's okay you can listen and you can count on it but if it's some man giving a report then you'd better be careful that's how traditions get had their beginning so with that said a word of wisdom from our Father teaching us discernment and and to remain focused on the Word of God and the message he would alleviate to us from his holy word the lessons learned that will strengthen you in life we ask that in Yeshua's name chapter 36 verse 1 let's go with it Elihu continues preaching to Joe and again this is not the Word of God but this is the words of a man Eli you rather okay and verse 1 reads Eli you also proceeded and said he didn't stop well he had was long-winded to suffer me a little you bear with me just a little bit longer here and I will show thee that I have yet to speak on God's behalf now now friend I don't know of any man that I would want to hear speak on God's behalf you know God has always been able to speak for himself either through the word or through the Holy Spirit it's been a considerable time since God has set aside a man that he actually spoke through so when you hear someone say that if I were you I would let the red flags go up all over the place this dude is going to speak on God's behalf and he's already showed himself up as a fool so he that listens to a fool is a greater fool than the fool so that's what you want to be very careful of discern the Word of God rightly discern rightly divide and you'll be far wiser for it so having said that verse 3 I will fetch my knowledge from afar it's a good thing he came because he hasn't shown any thus for and will ascribe righteousness to my maker that's never hurts because God is the maker of all and he deserves righteousness the reason I want to throw that in is many times man will give you about 95 percent absolute truth it's that 5 percent you want to be real careful of because it makes void basically everything he says as far as your trust is concerned verse 4 for truly my word shall not be false he that is perfect in knowledge is with thee well I'll tell you what you talk about a man bragging on himself perfect in knowledge I mean I would think that anyone that read that in English Hebrew Latin Greek whatever they wanted to whatever language they wish to read it it would automatically say there's only one that speaks like that aside from God in Christ and that's Satan it was Satan's pride in himself that brought him down and certainly we see here I mean you know when a man says truly my word shall not be false that's kind of guarantee and he's gonna tell the truth and he that is perfect and knowledge is with thee boy hey you know that's that's flying high verse five behold god is my he that's true and despiseth not any he is mighty in strength and wisdom truer words could not be spoken but following a falsehood or a braggart a statement that is bragging like then you won't again can you discern verse 6 he preserveth not the life of the wicked but giveth right to the poor that's to say those that are afflicted now understand the entire here we're in the 36th chapter and the question has been why is Jobe in this condition why is he lost everything that he owned including his family and so far the a person being wicked is the answer that has come up so here we have Eli Hugh is no different he gives the reputation of God and that reputation is true and then he said God preserves the life not rather the life of the wicked meaning everything job had wasn't certainly not preserved because it was gone in other words he's calling job a wicked person and here through about 7 through 12 you're going to see him make accusations against job that are rather bitter verse 7 he was draweth not his eyes from the righteous God doesn't let anything happen to the very righteous but with Kings or they on the throne yay he death established them forever and they are exalted now do you believe that do you call that a true statement of course it isn't those that serve God in right seyton nips at him every time he gets a chance and certainly God doesn't guard over any of his election every moment of the day and keep wickedness away from them he doesn't do that because occasionally he put us in this world that we could live in this world and master this world with the aid of our Father and the son all right but that doesn't mean troubles not coming your way and if it does that doesn't mean you're wicked necessarily but again he's he is saying here job God takes care of the righteous so what are you you're trash you're nothing verse 8 my words but the implication is there verse 8 and if they be bound in fetters and beholden in cords of affliction 9 then he show us them their work and their transgressions that they have exceeded transgressions that's transgressions against God's law in other words if if you're down and out and if you're being punished certainly God is showing you your transgressions job you should be I mean this man of great wisdom is telling him this as he mentioned Satan no he hasn't and one of the greatest tricks of Satan and you should learn this lesson well is for someone to think he doesn't exist well that gives him that's like the invisible enemy working in your own camp undetected that gives him free reign so understand God's doing all this through the mouth of this one and supposedly he's speaking for God verse 10 he openeth also their ear to discipline and commendeth that they return from iniquity poor old job sitting there I mean what's the difference job you should God if you were righteous would open your ears and you would leave your sin behind you boy verse 11 if they obey and serve Him they shall spend their days in prosperity in their years and pleasures now here poor job again I'm repeating myself but I want you to see what type individual this is who comes in the name of God you've got a lot of preachers today you want to watch out for that are uneducated in God's Word and yet they will handily and boldly step forward to represent God God sent you this letter personally whereby you could for arm yourself with the gospel armor which in part is this word whereby you couldn't be deceived by some character such as Eli hue because God let you in and you are privy to what's happening in Chapter 1 and in chapter 2 verse 7 we know that Satan is doing all of this not because Jo was wicked but because job was good because job was righteous it is a conflict that has carried on since the garden itself and it still continues to this day I don't know how are you doing it's good question verse 12 but if they obey not if they were if a man won't listen to God they shall perish by the sword and they shall die without knowledge no you know that's really a compliment to good old job that he's supposed to be helping the job had more knowledge remember job was a respected elder and no reason the reason this man held his peace until the elders finished talking is because job was the chief elder and as soon as he lost the material things the people of the community lost their respect for job just knowing heads in above all sins don't let people play games with you grow familiar with your father's letter and know your enemies Christianity is not a religion it's a reality it's in your daily life make certain that you four-armed yourself and you stay that way chapter 30 verse 13 rather chapter 36 verse 13 and it reads but the hypocrites in heart keep up wrath and in other words the godless are proud and they think up stuff in their mind heart would better translate mine they cry not when he binded them they're just proudful and of course that would be Satan's number one fault so has his earmarks right on it 14 they die in youth and their life is among the unclean and this is a terrible insult it means the word in the Hebrew is sodomites perverse eveness now he's really crossed the bounds here of even being a friend because one friend wouldn't say that to another verse 15 in other words this is implying that job participates in all this 15 he delivers the poor in his affliction and openeth their eyes in oppression in other words those that are humble if they obey God he's going to deliver them from it what's your case job here you sit in ashes 16 even so would he have removed thee that's to say job out of the straight into a broad place where there is no straightness and that which should be set on thy table shall be full of fatness you know it should have happened to you job but look at you and I can't think of anything you take if a man is down and his friends come to bill this how would this I would just leave you I don't think it would build you up he when he said I am a man of great wisdom and I'm going to speak in the place of God he blew it coming out the gate no man can speak for God man can teach God's Word the Holy Spirit can speak for the father but no mortal man can speak for God a mortal man can teach God's Word a mortal man can say teach thus sayeth the Lord but to stand up and say that he has the authority to speak for God in God's place I want you to understand what I'm saying because many want but when a man claims that he can speak in God's stead don't listen to him I mean he's already proved that you'll find that by the last word in verse 14 you don't need friends like that verse 17 and thou hast fulfilled the judgment of the wicked judgment and justice take hold on thee I mean you know again if you got a friend like that you don't need an enemy alright 18 because there is wrath beware lest he take thee away with his stroke and then a great ransom cannot deliver thee you ought to beware job and you want to listen to these words of wisdom coming out of my mouth or God will send a stroke upon you you won't recover from that reminds me of the old boy that writes these letters around to porunn desert where people saying I had a dream from God that an evil was upon your house sin money you know what didn't what a fool and I would I would say again don't listen to fools listen to your father's word and gain knowledge whereby you have understanding of the word that you can divide fools from people that are truly friends verse 19 will he esteem the riches question no not gold nor all the forces of strength 20 desire not the night when people are cut off in their place in other words night it's what its darkness job don't don't desire darkness we're about you can continue in your wickedness 21 take heed you be careful regard not iniquity for this has toute chose another than affliction now again I am amazed at the words of this person here he flat-out tells job not judging him but declaring it's obvious you have chose the path of sin rather than righteousness that that it was your own choice the word choice is your keyword now if I were in job's place here it's about this time I would have ended his his mouth speaking in the stead of God would have been closed I guarantee you but job was a very patient person maybe that's why God used him 22 behold God exalted by his power who teaches like him and I'm sure that this little dude thinks he does all right he thinks he's speaking for God God exalted by power and you know what it's a true statement he does but do you still have this little conflict in the spiritual realm which is not visible to the naked eye I will say to the spiritual eye it is in discernment but this war continues on and it is awesome and that battle must be fought and God chooses people that are able to fight it so job through much suffering and pain is a lesson that that God utilizes him to teach you a lesson today so you don't have to put up with that stuff okay that you can be intelligent enough to absorb your father's letter and see what a bunch of Ratchet jaws will do to you if you allow it you don't have to in other words the implication here is job you're a sorry lot because God has the power to raise you up if you were good verse 23 who had then joined him his way or who can say thou hast wrought iniquity 20:24 remember that thou magnifies his work which men behold in other words you know that God never makes a mistake job and God punishes wickedness where do you think you're getting off job when you say I've not committed sin now I see he thinks he's pretty wise and he shows his stupidity in debt he tries to take the place of God that is the heighth of sin is to try to replace God that's why Satan is in the position he is today 24 remember that thou magnifies his work which men behold 25 every man may see it man may behold it afar off man can see job that you're a sorry sinner from a long distance by just looking at you some men are not really all that sharp at discernment I guaranteed a few people can tell discern the workings of Satan and the workings of God if you're certainly not familiar with the controversy and the action that has taken place from the garden thus far you I guarantee you you're probably in the dark verse 26 behold god is great that's a true statement you can you can count on that and we know him excuse me and we know him not neither can the number of his years be searched out now finally he has made a true statement but I want I want to ask you a question I want to see how sharp you are eli hughes states behold god is great well that's 100 percent that's true and we know him not well it's obvious this turkey doesn't but let me ask you a question how can this turkey eli hugh be representing god when he doesn't even know him I mean how sharp are you be careful when you listen to men men will be quite truthful to you and this this dude just built it right from his own mouth he doesn't know God so how possibly could he be speaking in God's stead he couldn't that's an impossibility no this is this is excluding the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit can speak through whomever he chooses but the Holy Spirit did not appear on this earth that is to say to help man in that sense and in that role as our advocate until 40 days past the crucifixion I mean the guy finally is really he did not know God said we couldn't know God well he couldn't not with his frame of mind he never will unless he has a change of heart 27 excuse me for he make us small the drops of water that poured down rain according to the vapor thereof hey that's true he could even make it down to a little fine mist if he chooses that's a true statement and I want you to remember these statements because God himself in Chapter 38 will repeat some of them declaring do you know how that happens this boy this boy will be fini by that time though verse 28 when the clouds do drop and distill upon man abundantly now God can do that 29 also can any understand the spreading of the clouds or the noise of his Tabernacle meaning the spreading of the clouds let just picture if you would a nice good old group of Columbia New York lumber Kowloon you know cumulus clouds I'll say it here in a moment which we call a good old thunderstorm and and what's this noise it's thunder you know it's awesome powerful alright yeah he can do that how does he do that well we with science we pretty well understand but only he can do it 30 behold he spreadeth his light upon it the lightning flashes through it and cover at the bottom of the sea in other words the sea is dark it's one of the darkest when you get in certain places but when that lightning flashes above it it triangles and beams and lights even to see to in depth to a degree 31 for by them judge it see the people he giveth meet in abundance in other words he can give both meat and he can deliver punishment job again he's kind of back on this job you're gonna have to make up your mind alright 32 with clouds he covers the light and commanded it not to shine by the cloud that cometh betwixt in other words he could throw an overcast over the earth where the Sun the Sun light can't shine true and at the same time verse 23 the noise are the thunder thereof showeth concerning it the cattle also concerning the vapor this is really a poor translation what it says is that God can take the lightning bolts in his two hands and directed to strike whoever he chooses it to it's like his weapon alright and that the cattle themselves can tell by the the vapor or the sin the ionization of lightning as the only form of natural nitrogen drifts to the earth following the storm no can we go out then and preach for a fact that good God does this no you cannot well why can't I it's right there in the Bible because it wasn't God's Word if you believe that if you believe that God actually grabs the lightning bolt and directs it to strike whomever he chooses if you think he would do that you're you're teaching it not from Almighty God but you're teaching it from Eli Hughes mouth claiming he's speaking in the place of God I'm just I'm using this exercise to show you how easily man if he's not familiar with the word we could we could pick up a Bible and mean let's just go to many places of worship we could pick up God's Word and we could open to chapter 36 and we could begin reading with 31 and preach quite a sermon there it is written right in the Word of God so what the word says it's not what the Word of God said you don't really have to be too bright a person to know God didn't say that Eli you did and God's going to give his expression if he like you and those other three turkeys in a minute that is to say in probably about the next lecture as a matter of fact he doesn't have a good thing to say for them and you would preach a sermon from that how you know would you know the difference if you walked into an establishment and they crap cracked open the Bible right there and begin to preach from it and say thus saith the Lord that's why God placed the book of Job here for you know in some ways I really enjoy teaching the book of Job but one of the reasons is we've got 38 chapters - the first - that is just a bunch of ratchet join men saying things half truths all truths and lies and we have to discern between and pretty soon you know if you can't trust what a man says you shouldn't listen to him at all so in a sense it's rewarding but it is a lesson especially in this generation that is for most that you learn who to listen to and I hope that now that we have completed the 36th chapter that it is settled in your mind deep down but you don't listen to man you listen to God that you beware of Satan you see he's the root of the trouble here and out of 36 chapters so far no one has mentioned him as accusing him why because Satan that is one of his titles is the accuser so beware and be careful my friend it's a lesson well learned it will you will find within the book of Job the answer to many hardships and be able to recover from it at max speed when you utilize the tools God has given you to defeat the enemy with chapter 37 verse 1 at this also my heart tremble earthen is moved out of his place oh that's sad just I mean that it is just really touched me job boy to hear attentively the noise of his voice and the sound that goeth out of his mouth wouldn't you hear that that is nature and God speaking to Thunder you listen three he directed it under the whole heaven in his lightning upon the ends of the earth he lets it loose he lets it fly before after it a voice roar ahthe when you see the lightning pretty soon you're gonna hear the thunder that smart huh he Thunder it with the voice of His Excellency and he will not stay them when his way is heard so we got a regular little thunderstorm going on it probably was a real very impressive to the end of his speech here don't forget that verse five god Thunder earth marvelously with his boys great things do as he which we cannot comprehend now he finally gets around to admitting it instead of speaking in God's place I really don't understand this well that's very obvious he doesn't all right and I'm just helping the boy out as though he needed it six-four he says to the snow be thou on the earth likewise to the small rain and to the great reign of his string hey that's true God arranges nature or has arranged nature nature whereby when the canopy was removed we picked up a Jetstream to three that actually control the movement of temperature the winds and thus even the moisture that in the creation itself he doesn't have to move each little one in the creation itself it was predetermined and finally we begin through La Nina and El Nino to understand a little more about nature and why things happen as they do verse 7 he seal a--the up the hand of every man that all men may know his work well that would be really great if that were true a true statement if you approach him pray to him and ask for enlightenment on his word he may seal your mind whereby you would have the seal of God that you had understanding 8 then the Beast go into dens and remain in their places 9 out of the South cometh the whirlwind and cold out of the North that's nature he's kind of tripping out here just a little bit he's saying things like when the north wind blows it gets cold and when the south wind blows it's spring and it's summer and it gets warm that's quite a deduction 10 but the breath of God frost is get by the breath rather of God frost is given and the breath of the water is straightened I don't think I would really feel safe in making that statement or calling it a true statement it's more like Satan's bye and I'm speaking from actuality it's more like the breath of Satan that might bring Frost and and don't take that literal it's spiritual I'm speaking spiritually now all right I would not dare call God's breath Frost all right it's just he's warm and the spirit is warm as a matter of fact God is a consuming fire spiritually that's one of his names frost does not necessarily come from fire unless we make refrigeration and I would not feel comfortable saying that concerning God being the point and I'll tell you what we're going to do we're gonna stop there for this lecture don't don't miss the next one God's finally going to put things in order and it's important to you that you be able to discern for God will put things straight whereby you will know God will go into the first Earth Age and he will speak of the enemy of this earth and God himself you can believe man got 37 chapters of Yakkity Yakkity Yakkity and who do you believe you believe your father why he loves you and God always speaks truth man because of illiteracy that is to say and I'm not I'm please do not take that as a bad word there are many things in God's mind that we don't understand there are many things that we do as we work and as we pray and as we ask as guidance but the main thing is to know your enemy and to know your friends but foremost know your father don't miss the next lecture all right bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please the book of Deuteronomy the law was given as our schoolmaster have you been to school on God's Word certainly one way to go there is to study the book of Deuteronomy probably the most the most exciting thing that Deuteronomy has to offer for you is that great song of Moses that those that overcome the false messiah in the in generation will be singing the law itself being the schoolmaster that keeps us out of trouble in these flesh bodies again an education in taming that part of you that oft times needs taming through the old schoolmaster that great book Deuteronomy the law and it's set ways of keeping you from harm's way even in this generation you're gonna enjoy all right bless your hearts there we are back again the 800 number 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question please share it once you do that we could no longer longer answer all questions but because of the volume of homes over a hundred million around the world at this time that we'd go into but what take a handful yours could be there please never ask a question about a denomination individual or organization let's just teach God's Word and let the chips fall wherever they may those of you that listen by shortwave around the world your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address you got a prayer request you don't need the telephone number you don't need an address your father knows what you're thinking right now so let him know that you love him that's what he really wants from you is your love that's why he created you was for his pleasure and it really pleasures him for you to let him know that you love him that's a good clue in pleasing God father around the globe we come we ask that you lead guide direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name amen amen thank you Father okay let's get into some questions and we're going to go to Alabama and we've got Kevin how many times can you repent for sin well Christ said four to seven times seventy that's 490 times and you know I think and many would indicate that's in one day and I hope that we never have a sinner that bad but be that as it may Barry from Connecticut you read the definition of Easter on that is to say the Easter day on one of your programs and I wanted to know which dictionary you got it from I'm looked everywhere all I can find is just the standard origin we have been taught okay it's Webster's new world dictionary it is the third hear me carefully the third college edition third college edition and it's very complete and it lets you know the east are pagan holiday from which the name came okay Rick for a Michigan some I read somewhere or in something about the war in heaven between God and the angels and the Beast and his followers that was quite graphic and detailed as to the events that took place at that time I have never been able to find it since and I am not sure what I'm looking for well let's see you there is a battle in heaven spoken of in Daniel the tenth chapter and that has to do in reference to a battle that has already transpired and and also one that's coming there is also a battle mentioned in heaven in Revelation chapter 12 verse 7 were Michael cast Satan and all of his filthy angels out of heaven now the evil spirits have been allowed upon the earth since Christ took him into captivity by saying behind me and there he sits again his evil spirits can roam the earth but de-facto to be cast in his role as false messiah will happen and that battle takes place and then the three woes are written there is a change that is very graphic mentioned in the 14th chapter of Zachariah that has to do with the changing of bodies that's also a battle it's called Armageddon okay and revelation mentions Armageddon and Haman gog to separate battles the battle that God Himself fights you will find written in the first few verses of zekiel chapter 39 ok Nettie from Pennsylvania I understand the end time signs and realize the false Christ will come first is it possible that I am intellect or am i full of myself in thinking that I am that God doesn't play favorites and being one of his elect that's just a term that means you you are privy to the understanding of God's word for the fact that the false messiah does come first the the fact that in Romans chapter 11 he makes it very clear that all others he blinded to that he sent the spirit of slumber upon them the word is stupor in the Greek and you can i you can preach to them all you want to and they're not going to see it why God himself put a seal over them that they should not and there there's nothing you can do to change that that's why that you're instructed to plant a seed and leave it alone if it grows then tended if it doesn't leave it alone so naturally then it remains that one is is chosen that is to say is able to serve God because they are privy to the facts of prophecy it doesn't make them any better than anyone else it just makes them enemies of Satan and capable of handling handling what God would have them do Davi from South Carolina my husband makes fun of me and discourages me for studying the Bible this makes me angry how do I handle this well study it when he's not around if that's possible unless he's around all the time but it he's probably simply the fact that he's a non-believer and maybe he isn't I wouldn't judge anyone but don't be don't let him discourage you and he your husband and I can give no more advice than that you know I believe couples should get along if it be possible you might read first Corinthians chapter 7 it might help you barber from California how did the different denominations start well denomination means division and it's because you've got a good example of it in the book of Job you've got 3 yo-yos and then along comes of forth and that's about that would ultimately be four denominations right they're just preaching out the Word of God and actually none of them mean what they were talking about they proved that heaven thing I would hope so but that's the way denominations start and I'm not saying denominations are bad all right thank God we have all every Church that we have else where would we be nobody's perfect and I my only fault with churches is that they do not teach God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse now naturally meaning churches do so they don't fall under that category and I'm not talking to them when I say they should do it why because they are it's God's word that is important in God's house what man might say you've had a good example of it in this book of Job yet City yet to deity Barbara from Illinois in whose name should we be baptized in when you are baptized in the name of let's say Jesus what do you what are you Baptists named are you baptized in what does the word Jesus mean many people say well it's the Lord no I said what define it it's only transliterated translated it comes from the Hebrew title name Yeshua Yeshua and what does it mean it means Yahweh's Savior that's the father and the son and if you understand 14 at all you know when the father and the son are present also is the comforter so you're saying all three so men have made religions from this so whatever you know a little knowledge becomes a dangerous thing to some people and ignorance can certainly be blissful can it not check it out for yourself Emma from Oklahoma we're at in the Bible did it say that God divorced well I'll tell you we're at in the Bible that said God divorced and it's stated in Jeremiah chapter 3 verse 8 that God divorced his wife Israel gave her a billable rib wrote her a bill of divorcement why because she was kind of harlot playing the harlot and gods jealous put that in a spiritual sense and you'll be about there okay divorce is a terrible thing but and I'll leave that there Emily Ann from Alabama that's a pretty name I know you say don't get ready for y2k but why are the Soviets spending 5 million to get all the people ready I didn't say don't get ready I said it's nothing to be frightened about you know there are people that are absolutely going underground because they've been listening to bunching yo-yos as a matter of fact I've even told people how to get ready for it and I don't want to if you don't know if you're if you don't know how to check a date then don't try it but there's there are computers basically that you have purchased in the last two years already ok most probably and there could be some flare ups but I don't know where it's written in God's Word that we are supposed to live by the computer I haven't found that or I have never read anywhere in God's word that the that we were to worship the computer but that we were to worship God and God will take care of us he gave us gray matter up here and so if you have a computer that you depend on in your business if you don't know how to check out the fact that if it's y2k compatible all you've got to do is print if you're in I'll see I don't want to start this because I'm though I'm pretty good I'm not an expert all right I think an expert is a drip under pressure or something like that be bad as it may but if you type in February right in date and the dose and up pops you want to correct the day well right type right in there and don't do this on material you haven't filed away or made a backup all right and type in February the 22nd 2010 hit hit return file it away and then type in date again and see if it says blank or if it took it and then see if it advances see if your programs work on the year 2000 all right and then you'll pretty well know I didn't say don't get ready that would be quite foolish would it not but it's not that big a deal and I know there are but you don't understand brother there are a lot of those little old chips that are pre burned and burned in yeah and they're in little old dolls and they're in automobiles and they haven't got a blessed thing to do with the date anywhere on them so you don't have anything to worry about and I tell you what if your little if your child has one of those little baby dolls but that you pull the string and it talks with the chip and that little sucker won't in year 2000 junket okay what the world's not gonna come to an end worship God we got along many years without computers and they're a blessing they sure are but don't be frightened all right I just don't like to see people get all shook up Dennis from Kentucky questioned when John writes in Revelation chapter 22 verses 18 and 19 about the penalties for adding or taking away from the book does he mean just the book of Revelation or the whole Bible the whole Bible you should you know I don't any man that is worth the salt or woman is not I would hope they wouldn't want to take anything away or add anything to you got to remember what were the languages the originals were written in alright and that that we could spend hours and hours going into but many times when you have simply a transliteration from the original you must translate that word to know what it even means if you're reading something and you don't know what it means it does not change you're in other words there's no way you can come to an understanding so you must translate rather than transliterate many words before you can get back to the original that's not changing it as my point okay Linda from Minnesota I have a question concerning the unforgivable sin I know it can only be committed by the elect and when Satan is on earth de-facto all right you got it if the sin is this in just thinking about what you might try to say to Satan no no no trust the Holy Spirit when you're delivered up the Holy Spirit will speak to you mark 13 gives you a prime example of what you are to do you're not to premeditate now many people are going to say well wonder what I would say I'd like to say I'd like to say something to him well just trust the Holy Spirit here in fact it stipulates in Luke chapter 21 that what do you say even the gainsayers are convinced by it meaning many people will be converted Tim in Virginia when I first got saved I was excited and I told my friend about your teachings on the rapture and my friend then started reading 1st Thessalonians 4:13 to me and and I rejected my friend was a was a rapture I realized my friend was a rapture believer the Bible says we should not fellowship with those who would try to lead us astray so I haven't talked to my friend for several months now I want to start talking to my friend Kenneth Cole talk to him you know I would hate to think that my Christianity was so weak that I couldn't talk to whoever I wanted to you you might even convert him but if you want to be friends you don't have to preach at him if he's a good friend and you know there are memories in the past and so forth there's no need in losing a friendship don't don't let him mislead you at the same time but don't you have control of your mind I think so so I don't think he will mislead you read God's Word beware listening to men but that doesn't mean you have to be a stranger to them erich fromm I think that's Erica I'll say that from California is heaven open for people who are mentally handicapped and cannot comprehend god's word of course it is they're innocent okay they're innocent every every soul that is innocent is blessed all right it's and don't forget we have the Millennium and when I mentioned the millennium and past teachings and everything about the Lord's Day not the millennium change we have coming up at the year 2000 that's not the millennium spoken of in God's Word at least we don't think it is yet we'll see norm from Norma from Texas if the last in the last hour if it is a five month period of the tribulation then what about the Philadelphia Church praying that they are kept from the hour of temptation all we also explained Christ hour of temptation well to escape temptation is that they find Satan not tempting do you I don't find Satan tempting I've already escaped the hour that he reigns on earth that five-month period because I don't find the character tempting at all I consider him to be an abomination so learning truth saves you from the hour of being tempted by Satan because we know who he is meaning we'll think he's Jesus I'm out of time I love you all very much because you enjoy studying our fathers word in more depth what's most important God loves you for it it makes his day we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you once you do that most of all this you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day you know why Jesus Yeshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 Gravatt Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,292
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherds, Book of Job, Book of, Arnold, Pastor, Murray, Arnold Murray, bible, Job, Shepherd's, Pastor Arnold Murray, kjv, Chapel, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Holy bible
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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