Ezekiel ~ 38:4 to 39:11

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible City are back in our father's word Ezekiel chapter 38 very prominent and important at this time I want you to think back for a moment on chapter 37 what happened there our Father told Ezekiel take a stick and write on one Israel and the other Judah which Ephraim being the ten tribes the largest of the ten join them together in one stick so Jacob and his twelve sons are all back together then but then we have war in the 38th chapter and what would that be well it would be that brother that I took you to I took you to Genesis chapter 25 verse 21 where after the mother conceived these two children these twins fall even in your womb and that battle goes on to this day and as it is written in the 27th chapter with the great book of Genesis II saw the the hairy brother would live away from the fat of the land meaning they're not very but not very productive and so it is today as we read in this 38th chapter the chief Prince Meshach the chief prince in the Hebrew tongue is Rush which is today Russia has nothing to do with the Christian people in Russia but the communistic atheistic nation of Russia okay this is how it goes down in the end even today as we would talk about star treaties and so forth you want to keep your eye on the Word of God because this is the way it goes down so those brothers still fighting and he sets the stage for that and we come to the final battle that's what you're going to have here in the third in the 39th chapter of Ezekiel having said that we're talking me shake is right were Moscow and to booktube oh right less than probably fifty mile from where moscow is today and two boulders old tubal-cain they kind of nest up together and so it is so we'll pick it up then if we name concerning ruch by then later rush by the vulva and russia of today chapter 38 verse four let's pick it up there and continue our Heavenly Father speaking and I will turn the back and put hooks into thy jaws and I will bring thee forth and all nine army horses and horsemen all of them clothed with all sorts of armor even a great company with buckler's and shields all of them handling swords God says I'm going to do it do you know why God wants to do our army won't have to turn a tap do you know why God wants the atheist to know he's real that he can take care of business he can call for a tsunami he can call for hailstones he can call for whatever he chooses he can put an army out of business quicker than you can link a knife and so it is who else is with them verse five Persia who is Persia today that's Iran with our little nuclear program Ethiopia that bets Somalia and Libya and with them all of them with shield and Helmand all of them kind of teamed up together verse six Gomer and all his bands the house of to go of the North quarters a lot of people think that's the Romanians I do not and all his bands and many people with thee that's the men of the East and so forth all gathered together 7b Val prepared and prepare for thyself doubt and all that company that are assembled into thee and be thou a guard unto them in other words you bring on your very best you get it all together verse 8 after many days thou shalt be visited in the latter years thou shall come into the land that has brought back from the sword and is gathered out of many people against the mountains of Israel which have been always waste but it is brought forth out of the nations and they shall dwell safely over them you know this this great nation is blessed it is the nation of unwalled villages we've never had to have walls to protect our cities people always protect themselves even back into ancient times or the beginning of times this nation is not old enough to say ancient but the family protected themselves when you have old portraits even granny herself had a long gun I mean this is this was the law in the order and that's the way we survived we lived in peace when I was a lad you didn't even lock your doors if somebody needed something well they were welcome to it there were no thieves basically but my hunt times can change versus when you begin to let other people's in verse 9 thou shalt is sin and come like a storm thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land thou in all my bands and many people with thee their one world system when that one world army comes at us it would be enough to pride most but you don't have to worry God's going to take care of it himself why he wants them to know he is God and he does not need man's help to be in control verse 10 thus saith the lord god it shall also come to pass that at the same time shall things come into thy mind and thou shalt think an evil thought always little satanic beams messing around and and and interfering with people that are atheists and against God they can't help it that's just the way it is Satan like to take advantage and they're more than willing verse 11 and thou shalt say I will grew up to the land of unwalled villages I will go to them that are at rest that dwelt safely all of them dwelling without rest and having neither bars and our gates not again this you know America is a superpower of superpowers when when the house of Israel went over the Caucasus Mountains settled Europe many of them later coming to Canada and the Americas we've always lived in peace we never had to place walls up to protect ourselves against an enemy because God has promised we always control our gates and so it is but this land that is so blessed that we have huge mountains of grain every year and when you're in a nation that likes to conquer those things are appetizing to certain peoples and they like to take over we've always been a blessed nation we always will be you don't have to worry about it our Father is still on the throne and he is the one that has gathered the children as they are that love him that trust him verse 12 this is what's in their evil mind to take a spoil to take a pray to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations which have gotten cattle and goods that dwell in the midst of the land or better translated the very navel of the and itself and that's that's Israel the ten northern tribes that have dispersed and have God's blessings God with them verse 13 see who's behind a lot of it listen carefully 13 Sheba and Eden and the merchants of Tarshish there they are the little kid Knights busy busy busy in his own right here with all the young lions thereof shall say unto thee art thou come to take a spoil we'll take our part art thou come to take a spoil has bowed gathered thy company to take upright to carry away silver and gold to take away cattle and goods to take a great spoil well of course that's what they're after but mainly to conquer a free people verse 14 therefore son of man prophesy and say unto God dust saith the Lord God in that day when my people of this will Briella safely shalt thou not know what question do you know why they dwell safely because we have a wall and that wall is God himself it may appear that we are unrolled that God is our wall verse 15 and thou shall come from thy place out of the north parts thou and many people with thee all of them riding upon horses a great company and a mighty army it would be seen almost impossible to defeat them 16 and thou shall come up against my people of Israel as a cloud to cover the land it shall be in the latter days thus the end times and I will bring the against my land that there is a purpose that the even make no mean when I shall be sanctified in thee O God before their eyes in other words I'm going to destroy you you're going to well I didn't know there was a God is what they will say they're gonna find out the hard way that he is very real not there there is something you need to know and that is that in the year 1867 for for seven million two hundred thousand dollars Stewart purchased Alaska from Roush we purchased it seven million two hundred thousand dollars in 1867 for their burial ground they come from the north all right we even held there's a little jetty that goes out seaward Peninsula that almost touches Russia from Alaska not all that much distance in between you see nothing happens by accident basically when it comes to these great nations this has been something that has stuck in the craw of Roche for many years out of Alaska I mean we pumped more oil than you could imagine and the natural resources from that area we only paid seven million two hundred thousand paid in full and how precious it is that we had that and so it is that God's prophecies continue right on time even today with this group again I will repeat we have the Stars treaty going with them trying to be forced through think about it seventeen thus saith the Lord God art thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring me against them well who is he talking to Esau so he was talking about what did the Prophet say well we're going to go back to numbers and you're not going to have it I'm going to read it to you where did the prophets say that this particular battle would take place was written long ago in many places other than this even the entire book of Joel speaks of it but here we go with numbers chapter 24 verse 17 speaking of this self same battle listen to it I shall see him but not now we're talking about Messiah here I shall behold him but not 9 there shall come a star out of Jacob that's the 12 tribes and a scepter shall rise out of Israel and shall smite the corners of Moab and destroy all the children of Seth Seth doesn't have an article here Seth being translated means term or for confusion and it should be translated thusly verse 18 and Edom that is Esau or ruch you're reading it and Edom in the eighteenth verse shall be a possession see heir also shall be a possession for his enemies and Israel shall do well Utley not because we've got God with us nineteen out of Jacob shall come he that shall have dominion and shall destroy him that remaineth of the city that is to say Almighty God through the son verse 20 and when he looked on Amalek here's Esau his grandson and he took up his parable and said a Mallick was the first of the nation's but his latter end shall be that he perished forever there's only going to be one king of kings and one Lord of lords and and those that are against God will not be there verse 21 who else was that the little ships of Tarshish listen to it 21 the prophecy and he looked on the key nights that's the sons of King and he took up his parable and said strong as I dwell in place and I'll put his died nest in a rock you always miss near that's what you think are great powers 22 nevertheless the key Neider Cain shall be wasted until Ashur beste saving a Syrian shall carry thee away captive and he took up his parable and said alas who shall live when God do at this I can tell you you do we're coming up on that time the prophets have spoken of this battle long ago and it comes to to the end of that latter day when you understand then especially why Christ would say learn the parable of the fig tree didn't say maybe you should he said learn it and he meant it so the prophets do tell of this and have spoken of it where have you been are you familiar with it this you're reading now exactly how it will go down you don't even have to read tomorrow's newspaper you're reading it now why God's on the throne he will do it himself and this is how he accomplishes it returning them to the 38th chapter next verse please verse 19 18 and it shall come to pass at the same time when God shall come against the land of Israel saith the Lord God that my fury shall come up in my face it is time then for the vials it is time for the wrath of God to be poured out upon the nation's 19 for in my jealousy and in the bar of my lab have I spoken surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel 20 so that the fishes of the sea and the fowls of heaven and the beasts of the earth and the field and all creeping things that the earth in Oh how many Oh the men that are upon the face of the earth shall shake at my presence and the mountains shall be thrown down in the steep places shall fall and every wall shall fall to the ground all but the very well not one stone will be left standing atop another especially on Mount Zion or anything that would come against us our Father intends for people to know he is God he is the creator the most high of all and you know something you're very fortunate because he's your father and as long as you love him he loves you you've got nothing to worry about but those that go against him may God have mercy on their souls they're in for it that shaking is coming there's one way you can avoid that shaking and you can read of it in the last four verses of the twelfth chapter the great book of Hebrews in the New Testament that's to be on the rock and that rock is Christ verse 21 and I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains saith the Lord God every man's sword shall be against his brother and that's between his role of Jacob and Esau those two brothers it comes down to this 22 and I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood and I will reign upon him and upon his bands all seven of the vials the wrath of God pour out turning water to blood and so forth and upon the many people that are with him an overflowing rain and great hailstones fire and brimstone some of those hailstones weighing a talent which is from 120 to 180 pounds apiece that'll take out about anything my friend verse 23 best of all I magnify myself and sanctify myself let's to make it things holy and I will be Noland in the eyes of many nations and they shall know that I am the Lord that's that's what God wants his children to know even those that are against him that he is real they could have trusted him and this this is a prelude right to the first day of the Millenium we're going to in the fortieth chapter we go into the Millennium the Millennium being a timed teaching if they do not learn from this who's boss if they do not learn from this who's on the throne then probably there will be unteachable but many of them will have that opportunity because as it is written that one that we read of in numbers chapter 24 verse 17 he is I do not see him but a see him near that's the Lord Jesus Christ and they will either be in him or they won't be and that's how it is now we come to the 38th chapter how is that battle fault you've got to get this in your mind so many people when it comes to Armageddon they get all shook up if you love the Lord he's not angry at you you could be standing right in the very middle of all of it and he will not harm you you see he's the one that fights to battle our army doesn't for the simple reason is the last verse we covered he wants the heathen that is to say non-christian to know he's God chapter 39 verse 1 therefore thou son of man prophesy against God and say thus saith the Lord God behold I am against thee o gog the chief prince me a second to bow as to say rush and Moscow 22 and I will this is emphatic I will turn me back and leave but a sixth part of them will cause thee to come up from the north parts and will bring thee mountains of Israel I'm going to let it happen that's what's going to happen to you when you get there three and I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand and will cause dyin arrows to fall out of thy right hand this very land that we purchased you don't ask me to document this just believe that when you see it come to pass when they enter the great state of Alaska God Himself will strike every weapon that they have regardless of whether it is flying rolling voting whatever it's going down because God is going to do it himself we purchased it for their burial ground verse four thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel not Russia they make it into our territory which we purchased and it became Israel it became American soil God blesses America and it is the place of the real house of Israel not the house of Judah but the house of Israel thou and all thy bands and the people that is with thee I will give thee unto the radius ravenous birds of every sort into the beasts of the field to be devoured you're going down verse spine now shall fall upon the open field it won't be a city nobody's going to get hurt not one soul where my people will be there it's open field no buildings no city no town for I have spoken it saith the Lord God and there you have it that's why we purchased it for six I will send a fire on may God and among them that dwell carelessly in the aisles that's the coast and they shall know that I am the Lord verse 7 so will I make my holy name no one in the midst of my people Israel well they're going to know I'm God they're not going to have to save later there's not gonna be any atheist that day and I will not let them pollute my holy name anymore but two atheist and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord the Holy One in Israel now you know many of you might wonder what how is this going to come to pass stop and think what we've been reading first one I am verse 2 I will verse 3 I will verse 4 I will verse 5 on the open field verse 6 I will and verse 7 I make and I will and then to complete it I am in that seventh verse which is to say the sacred name our Father is not a happy camper and when he's ready to finish all our enemies he will not need our help and it will happen in a place whereby there is not a city not a town not a person nobody's going to get hurt except those that would come against our people now this is this is the battle haman gog it is not the battle McGee oh that takes place in a different place but this is that valley Haman GOG which being translated is the multitude of God what's going to happen to them but it is important that you zero in on the fact is that when it comes to this final battle and those cups of wrath are poured out God takes care of business we don't I mean I think we probably have the best army in the world I don't have any doubt about that the most complete most modern most up-to-date and it's good that we've got it because it is it is our protection but on this day we won't need it because God will pull the trigger long before they get there he will knock every weapon out of our enemy's hand and throw it in the ditch it will be gone forever I mean they will perish that is to say the weaponry the army it is consumed God is a consuming fire and let there be no doubt about that so many people worried about the end times you don't have to why what you're a child of the Living God and he's the one that makes things right he is our wall he is the one that protects us he is the one that takes care of our enemies no at that final battle and how precious it is now let's continue on then we go with the eighth verse then verse 8 behold it is come and it is done saith the Lord God this is the day were of I have spoken this is the Lord's Day this is that great time that the seventh trunk sounds the true Christ returns I mean he takes care of business big time verse nine and they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth and shall set on fire and burn the weapons both the shields the buckler's the bows the arrows and the hand stays and the Spears and they shall burn them with fire seven years now this in Hebrew is not really seven years at seven dispensations of time what is the seventh dispensation is the millennium a thousand years we will be putting away correcting and removing anything that is a weapon against Almighty God and as it is written in Revelation chapter 20 verse 5 God's elect or priests to with Christ meaning teaching teaching for those that will read that never had an opportunity to learn in spiritual bodies at the seventh Trump one all our changed boy are they going to find out there is a god they're going to find out something else too that God has an election those election care they have compassion they will teach but it will take that what did God say this is today what is that day this is the Lord's Day well how long is a day with the Lord second Peter chapter 3 verse 7 and 8 be not ignorant or this one thing that one day with the Lord is a thousand years with man that's a millennium that entire day of correcting of teaching of letting people absorb what has happened not only at Haman God but at Magee oh it's a time coming my friend this is that day verse 10 so that they shall take no wood out of the field neither cut down out any out of the forest for they shall burn the weapons with fire and they shall spoil those that spoil them and robbed those that robbed them saith the Lord God robbed them of their evil ways and make a prey of them so to speak to take over to teach to instruct verse 11 and it shall come to pass in that day that millennium that I will give into GOG a place thereof graves in Israel the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea and it shall stop the noses of the passengers and they shall and they should and there shall they Beauty gog and always multitude and they shall call it the valley of him and god that valley there struck down in when you when you go off that coast and you look to the east which means to the land the stench will even come up from there so this lets you know how close to the coast that this I mean they hardly even get into Israel and bam it happens and and this will be in that Valley in Alaska and there it will be and it will be called Haman GOG which is translated the multitude of God now me to get all out it bent out of shape about this what happens at the seventh Trump we're all changed into spiritual bodies there's no more flesh so understand that the cleansing is the spiritual things as well and and it takes it takes place through that thousand year period many of these that did not have an opportunity that's a royal brother and you're teaching a second chance you think they ever had a chance with you gut these bunch of hypocrites that are nothing but atheist and a communistic society socialistic that tries to drive God out of our very midst do you think they have a chance when they're born a babe under those conditions and have never heard truth and naturally they didn't have a prayer of a chance and but God always equalizes and and make sure that everybody has that opportunity to learn to know to love or to be destroyed but it is the individuals prime choice after they come to knowledge and in spiritual bodies at that seventh trunk they will be Prime's to learning and want to learn because what they will have witnessed is an awesome awesome thing you just read it that makes a believer out of a non-believer think about it alright don't miss the next lecture bless your heart you listen to moment once you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,646
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: Ezekiel, Chapel, Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Book of Ezekiel, Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherds, Arnold Murray, Book of, Bible, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Holy Bible, Arnold, KJV
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 48sec (1968 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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