Joanna Dennehy: Britain’s Most Dangerous Woman | World’s Most Evil Killers | Real Crime

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in march 2013 a man walking his dog on the outskirts of peterborough in cambridgeshire made a shocking and grisly discovery dumped in a rural ditch was the body of a man who'd been violently stabbed to death the police didn't know it yet but there was a serial killer on the loose when is the next body gonna turn up we've got to find her who did this and we gotta find it quickly the investigation would lead detectives to a woman a violent individual who'd killed without hesitation or remorse and for no other reason than the pleasure and gratification it offered her she is heartless ruthless and sadistic during a 12-day killing spree joanne dennehy butchered three men and left a trail of destruction that stretched from east to west across the uk she's not somebody who feels bad who feels remorseful who regrets things she does what she wants to do and she doesn't care about the consequences joanne dennehy had ruthlessly become one of the world's most evil killers [Music] in april 2013 police in henneford arrested a runaway fugitive and her besotted accomplice in a killing spree that lasted almost two weeks 31 year old joanne dennehy had murdered three men and stabbed two others in broad daylight leaving them for dead one of the most dangerous women in criminal history she's now locked away in prison and will remain there for the rest of her life the fact that she'll never see daylight again in the outside world is of huge comfort for the family for joanne dennehy it's absolutely the right thing that she won't come out of prison joanne dennehy's crimes were incomprehensible to the british public at the time of her imprisonment author and journalist christopher berry d took a special interest in the case i wanted to really try to get inside how the police were working and how rapidly they caught this very dangerous woman the strong curiosity he had for dinner his crimes caught the attention of the murderer herself and very soon christopher was in written correspondence with the killer behind bars her left is beautifully written very eloquent very good grammar um certainly on a par with somebody of a good education behind them um and we developed this relationship where i was trying to get inside her head but at the same time she would being the arch manipulator was trying to get inside my head his attention peaked and christopher eventually went to visit dennehy at bronzefield prison in 2015. she looked into my eyes and she said to me christopher killing you would be good for me and it was a nice cold stare i can tell you so yes she would have killed me in a heartbeat if she'd had a chance the story of this cold-blooded killer begins over 35 years ago in the picturesque city of saint albans in hertfordshire joanne dennehy was born in 1982 and began life in a loving and secure family home very few could have predicted this bright and intelligent young girl would turn into a sadistic monster with a taste for violence by all accounts she was starting off in life with a what we might say is a perfect foundational upbringing joanne dennehy appears to come from quite a normal family she had a relatively uneventful childhood she's one of two siblings her mother worked in a supermarket her father worked as a security guard and for a telecommunications company and from the outside they appear to be a normal family she had a sister to which she was very close they hadn't even developed a secret language she was she played netball for the school um she was a very normal quite bright school girl but denna his idyllic childhood was curtailed as she entered her teens she started to experiment with drugs she started not going to school and she linked up with a man called john trina our parents they weren't their wits end they didn't know what to do they tried to keep her locked up or bring home from school and teachers to try to reprimand her and the more they tried to control joe it was joe saying stuff you and it was literally like throwing petrol on the fire dennehy and trina ran away together embarking on a turbulent relationship despite dennehy's violent outbursts the couple had two children together and eventually settled in cambridgeshire i think quite a lot is made of the fact that joanne dennehy misused alcohol and and drugs but but i think she's well aware of the fact that this is going to be discussed and she knows that these offer quite a convenient excuse for her behavior and alcohol and drugs and other substances can disinhibit but that's assuming that people have got those moral standards to begin with and joanne dennehy didn't have them in the first place a very disturbed woman she had done a lot of self-harm of cutting herself and so on so there were a number of danger signs that this was somebody who was not attuned to society as time went on dennehy's erratic behavior intensified she cheat on trina and leave him and their two children for sporadic periods of time her drinking worsened and she reportedly began to carry a knife hidden in her boot i think she's she's somebody who perhaps has always enjoyed hurting other people it's almost like she's this crazy scientist and the world is her experiment finally in 2009 trinor took the children and fled from denahi afraid of what she might do next the company that she was keeping as well she was surrounded by people who were similarly disconnected so so i think when there was no check or filter or break on her behavior she was only going to get worse dennehy had become no stranger to the local police she'd been in and out of prison for drug offences and was also given a 12-month community order for being in control of a dangerous dog in february 2012 dennehy spent three days on the psychiatric unit at peterborough city hospital where she was diagnosed with a series of disorders she has had various diagnoses attached to her anti-social personality disorder psychopathic personality disorder and these are our conditions they're not mental illnesses and there's a real important difference between the two because people with personality disorders know the difference between right and wrong they're they're fully rational they're in control of what they're doing but they choose to do it anyway so she's not somebody who feels bad who feels remorseful who regrets things she does what she wants to do and she doesn't care about the consequences by 2013 31 year old dennehy had settled in a small bed sit in bayfield a housing estate in peterborough but the local residents were unaware of her troubled past or her violent nature one of dennehy's new neighbours was michelle bowles she was polite to me like but i wouldn't melt my mouth basically she's well spoken to me and never spoiled she was actually quite pleasant do you know what i mean i showed her respect she loved babies she was excellent with children um i didn't have a problem with her when i saw her old spoke to her said hello she said hello back but other residents were not so sure michelle's friend john chapman lived in the same building as dennehy he was a falklands war veteran who'd fallen on hard times i don't know what regiment used to be i should know because the amount of stories you used to say it's just john being smiling all the time and happy and nice to know but john chapman didn't smile when joanne dennehy was around john was petrified john came in mine and he said on several occasions there's this mad woman moved in she says she's going to get rid of me whatever way she can and he was right to be afraid in just a few months joanne dennehy's threats would turn to violence and john chapman would be dead in early 2013 joanne dennehy was living in shelton housing in peterborough following the breakup of her relationship her ex-partner had left her after becoming increasingly concerned about her erratic and sadistic behavior the bedside that dennehy now called home was managed by kevin lee a father of two who lived in peterborough with his wife christina she remembers hearing about this strange new tenant christina has asked for her identity to be concealed he was stressed with work the money element of it it was turning into kind of a nightmare really it was getting a little bit unmanageable kevin used to house disadvantaged people so he'd done it for years and obviously he was used to giving people chances um and so he did with with her but kevin lee and dennehy's relationship quickly grew into more than just a business one lee began to employ dennehy as a rent collector obviously i wasn't aware at the time to me it would have been just another tenant and he just said about this woman and that she's really tough really hard he needed to evict some people and whether she was threatening and it suited him because he wasn't getting any joy from the council so i think she had a bit of wellies and you know really big mouth and threatening and i don't know whether that at the time he thought that was his only way out and to deal with these people 48 year old kevin lee became infatuated with the younger dennehy and they soon became lovers in exchange dennehy was living rent-free in at least two of these properties across peterborough in a household that becomes quite apparent if someone's behaviors sort of changed and didn't seem quite himself dennehy would make up unnerving stories to impress her new landlord and lover at one point she told kevin lee her father had abused her and that she'd killed him absolute nonsense of course never did anything of the kind she was neither abused nor did it was he dead but she was also a pathological liar kevin just said about her that she spent eight years in prison because he raped her as a child abused her as a child um it's not unbelievable story but then when kevin said that she'd also killed other people and that she hadn't got caught for those it sounded a bit far-fetched i just i didn't know what to think i didn't know whether it was a truth or whether it was just a load of old rubbish but it wasn't long before joanne dennehy turned her murderous fantasies into reality thirty-one-year-old lucas zlabozewski had moved to the uk from poland in 2005. after meeting dennehy a few days previously he began exchanging text messages with her on the 19th of march 2013 slavozewski went to visit dennehy at one of the houses she was staying in on rollerston garth and was never seen alive again she almost certainly lured this man with the promise of some kind of sexual favor but without a moment's hesitation she stabbed him through the chest once very very hard killing him almost instantly slavozebski had been coaxed into dennehy's deadly embrace she led him to believe the pair were in a relationship he willingly and naively entered the trap she'd laid for him everybody that comes into contact with joe and dennehy it's like falling into a spider's web and you can't get out men can't get out they become entranced by her for all sorts of reasons he had complete disregard for the life she'd just taken then he puts this poor polish man's body in a weedy bin and then shows it to a 14 year old so look how clever i am i've killed this weed again but it was only a temporary solution dennehy knew she couldn't keep slavazebski's body in a bin she had to dispose of it quickly but she needed help she called upon one of her friends 47 year old gary stretch who was more than willing to assist joanne dennehy is quite bright she's quite clever so she's able to exert quite a lot of control in her interactions with with other people and that's what makes her exceptionally dangerous now looking at the relationship that joanne dennehy had with her accomplices i think she was able to charm these men she was able to kind of lure them in really and they would have been flattered by her attentions you know here she is this younger woman wanting to spend time with them these were men who had quite dull quite boring lives and i think they were quite excited to to get involved in in what joanne wanted to do at seven foot two inches tall gary stretch towered above denner his slight frame an unsuccessful burglar stretch was absolutely infatuated by her twisted and lethal charms gary stretch and joan dennehy met when both of them were on parole from prison for various offences she realized that she could use him to do whatever she wanted he was her bodyguard her mind and that's how they formed this team which became so overpowering for stretch that he would do anything for her i don't think joe and danny had any emotional feelings towards her accomplishes whatsoever they were useful to her at the time and and she just cast them aside when she was finished with them with the help of stretch dennehy dumped lucas slabozewski's body in a ditch in rural thorny dyke just 10 miles east of peterborough city center unable to control herself her confidence rising and her desire for violence building in just over a week dennehy would strike once more she turned her attention towards her fellow byfield resident 56 year old falklands war veteran john chapman who reportedly had walked in on dennehy while she was in the shared bathroom of their bedside every time he spoke about it he was with fear like this in his tony voice and we thought it's just john john just leave it if she starts here's our phone numbers fingers and we come around you know help you and get you in here with us thanks and it was the last time we saw john on march the 29th 2013 dennehy attacked the helpless john chapman john chapman was an inoffensive kindly man who may have been asleep or in an alcoholic stupor when dinner he killed him but she did so by stabbing him once in the neck severing his carroted archery and then five times in the chest with such force that one wound broke the breast bone he also punctured his heart it's a frenzy that is quite difficult to comprehend but evidence of what the behavioral scientists now call escalation first victim one stab wound second victim six stab wounds it was heartbreaking see a poor defenseless man killed and said know what she'd done to him how she killed him it was just heartbreaking for us all dennehy was developing her confidence and her crimes were becoming more and more brutal with each move now where joanne dennehy's so bad is that this woman actually used a knife to attack a grown strong man is very up close and personal it's not at a point of a gun which is not quite a personal thing it's not by bludgeoning it's not by strangulation by nature a woman is not often strong enough to strangle a strong man but this is a young woman using a knife to repeatedly stab somebody and for that reason alone makes her a hands-on blood-lusting killer i can't describe how evil this woman is i really can't she's the worst i've ever met it's always been said the woman's method of killing is usually poisoning it can sometimes be other things but knives no it's a very male killing method and it said some people speculate that danahee was to some extent trying to be more male more masculine than the men around her because she felt they were rather weak and feeble and she had to be the boss and being a boss meant you were male but dennehy was offsetting one roll with another that of a femme fatale charming and enticing men into her life before switching character in an instant with deadly results we're quite quick to point to joanne dennehy's masculine traits because they're the ones that are most visible to us her aggression and her violence and the very brutal way in which she perpetrated these murders but i don't think she's somebody who would be like that all the time because that wouldn't serve her needs all of the time i think sometimes she was feminine and she was demure in a way she she's somebody who will just adapt her behavior so it's it's very difficult to know who the real joe underneath after killing john chapman dennehy didn't hesitate in continuing her rampage on the very same day she'd strike again with fatal consequences later that day she lures her boss and her lover and the bed-sitting house's owner kevin lee to the house but this time dennehy wasn't in the mood for love she was searching for another victim to try and quench her murderous desires march the 29th would be the last time that kevin lee was seen alive joanne dennehy was in the middle of a murderous rampage having taken the life of 31 year old polish man lucas slabozzewski 10 days earlier dennehy had just killed 56 year old john chapman and had a third victim in her sights and landlord kevin lee the pair had been having a secret affair kevin's wife christina was the first to notice something was awry when he didn't arrive home on that march evening he was very much like a come home from work tea on the table pajamas and he was quite sort of traditional and old-fashioned in that sense i tried to ring him and his phone wasn't on which was odd in itself he'd never have his phone switched off because that's that was his livelihood that was his business and i knew it had charge kevin had felt threatened by dennehy days before but he'd wrongly assumed it was just bravado kevin did tell me that she told him that she wanted to kill again and i think that was the crucial thing because it wasn't just a case of bragging or mentioning that she'd committed murders in the past it was the fact that she specifically told him she wanted to kill again so that's going to unnerve anybody false or not it's just not a thing that normal people say hours passed growing desperately concerned christina with the help of kevin's business partner paul creed tried to trace kevin i asked paul to look at kevin's phone records so we gave them to me and there was a number that kept appearing on the telephone and i said to paul i said um which houses are empty at the moment because they need work done to them and he gave me a list and i subsequently just went round to each of those properties i knew he was in trouble put it that way at that point i knew there was something not right i knew kevin wasn't coming home christina began an urgent hunt unaware her search was in vain dennehy had already struck she'd stabbed kevin lee to death at the same house in rollerston garth where she'd murdered lucas slabozewski ten days earlier lee was dennehy's third victim i wouldn't describe joanne dennehy as a serial killer i would describe her as a spree killer because there didn't seem to be any points during her her killing spree in which she returned to any semblance of what was a normal life for her it tended to be a continuous chain of events what is not in doubt is that these first three victims it was simply a prelude to what she hoped would be a further spree dennehy again with the help of gary stretch and this time another accomplice leslie layton deposited the bodies of john chapman and kevin lee on the outskirts of town chapman was placed at thorny dyke the same spot where they dumped luka slabozewski's body 10 days previously kevin lee was left 10 miles further north at nearby nubra dennehy dressed lee's body in women's clothing and left him positioned in a grotesque and crude manner with his buttocks exposed i think joanna dennehy was unusual in that she liked humiliating her victims it was clearly a modus operandi there and there was a clearly a motive the pleasure of of killing somebody rather than doing it for some particular reason oblivious to the fate of our husband christina lee was becoming increasingly concerned about kevin's whereabouts i rang the police then i went back with paul creed to one specific house because i noticed that the light [Music] wasn't on and then it was on when we went back later so i thought there's obviously somebody at the house and i just said to the police you know i'm really worried expressed my concerns and gave them permission to break into the house which they did inside the house on rolliston garth there were no obvious signs of trouble but the police immediately sensed that something was wrong they said that they could smell there was a really strong smell of bleach and they could see some blood on the floor and you know i just knew and christina wouldn't have to wait long for news of her husband the following day march the 30th 2013 police were called to an area of farmland in nubra by a dog walker who'd made an horrific discovery you know see on tv all the time the dreaded knock at the door and then two detectives came and obviously you've not been identified at that point but they just said that they'd found a body which you know i was expecting to hear that so they just kind of told me what i was expecting to hear you don't feel anything because you because you know and it's a feeling that you've never felt so you know where some people might think you'll be doing this you'll be doing that i don't know it's just kind of a blur really you're just alive i think that's but not alive you're just existing for police a very serious picture was beginning to emerge of a killer on the run with an unstoppable determination for destruction when is the next body going to turn up we've got to find her who did this and we gotta find them quickly detectives soon discovered kevin lee's burnt out car christina had provided them with denner his phone number and by using it they were able to form a crucial link they must have been trying to call it to and using their systems or whatever must have tracked it down through gps that the location of kevin's burnt out car was where this mobile had been so it was quite obvious that she'd been there they realized that he knows somebody called joanne dennehy and there was an affair between them and then they came across a man called leslie layton who they interviewed he tried to cover up he didn't know anything about them where they were with which in fact he did he soon cracked because he was weak-willed spineless and he said yes dennehy and stretch are on the run they've gone east and they've probably come west and with that the police went wallet they they issued a national wanted alert for every agency in the country to find these this couple as quickly as possible dennehy and stretch for now wanted fugitives she reveled in the idea high on the thrill of being on the run she loved the notoriety of it she relished the fact that the men around her were frightened of her in an attempt to try and evade the authorities dennehy and stretch first headed to norfolk where they burgled a house they then made their way across country to hereford with the intention of selling the stolen goods to help fund their escape generation stretch became a a sort of a i hate to say this a bonnie and clyde type outfit their faces were in all the newspapers now they were wanted most wanted after they burgled another property in hertfordshire the pair stopped 20 miles outside of hereford to liaise with a man named mark lloyd who joined dennehy and stretch on the journey they get an accomplice or a friend of theirs to bring the stolen property into herefordtown to sell it and it's at that point that dennehy decides she wants to kill again it had been four days since the murders of john chapman and kevin lee on april the 2nd 2013 with mark lloyd in tow dennehy was caught on cctv entering this small shop in harryford at 3 30 p.m she's seen pointing at the cashier in a threatening manner just 10 minutes after this footage was captured denahi in an unprovoked random attack attempted to murder a fourth man she had this terrific anger and bloodlust she's had a quarter bottle of whiskey she's been smoking roll ups and she suddenly sees a man walking his dog in broad daylight and she says to stretch stop we stopped i want to kill him brandishing a knife then he jumps out of the car and runs up behind him and stabs him in the back denna his unfortunate victim was robin barressa a 63 year old retired fireman you knew exactly how she what she intended to do i'm going to kill you she said to the firemen i want to hurt you i'm going to kill you and she plunges this five inch lock knife into his back time and time and time again the man thought he'd been punched he turned around and saw her covered in his blood he collapsed she calmly walked away and got in the car and said to stretch no let's go find somebody else back in the car dennehy took the time to pose for this selfie it seemed unbelievable to imagine but she wasn't finished having felt the thrill of attack once she hunted out her second victim of the day ten minutes after the first attack she spots another man walking his dog and it was the same bloodthirsty scenario all over again she got out and she told stretch to stop the car she got out with this very small knife uh walked up to him and plunged it into time and time and time and time again can you imagine the shock this man wouldn't have known what was happening is broad daylight she's licking the blood off of the knife his blood he feels himself getting dizzy and sick and then he collapses and she takes this dog walks casually back to the car another car passes and she waves at the people in it they get in the car and off they go this second helpless victim was john rogers a 56 year old hereford local dennehy stabbed him more than 30 times it was an horrific and entirely spontaneous act completely lacking in reason it is a reflection of a brutality a viciousness a lack of any kind of control that makes dennehy very unusual she is a most frightening figure who behaves in the most obscenely violent way imaginable almost defying belief when we look at the the two attempted murders you know towards the end of her spree this is something altogether different these are strangers these are men that she doesn't know so i think what was happening here was that she was up in the ante she was getting bored you find that psychopaths tend to have a promise to boredom and a need for stimulation so so she was even applying that to her murders remarkably both men survived these attacks although their injuries were life-threatening they were still able to give the police descriptions of dennehy and the instantly recognizable star tattoo on her cheek by now the police sirens are going all round and blue lights are going all around temperature they're panicking it's like somebody's kicked over a wasp nest the local police had been alerted to her spree and were about to put an end to her bloodshed they cornered dennehy and stretch on newton close in helliford two officers turn up and they spot this car with dennett e in it talking to the dog on the back seat while gary stretch is trying to negotiate stolen property at the front door of one of his associates house they arrest denny he on the spot gary stretch and one of his friends do what they call him police parlance a runner they jump in another car and speed off something like a car chase goes on for about 20 miles and then stretch decides to get out and run for it now mr strauss is not built for speed and of course he's very unfit and he's stopped and he turned around to the police office and said ah you've arrested me joe and i would have been the next bonnie and clyde footage of dennehy in custody at harryford police station just 40 minutes after stabbing two men and leaving them for dead showed her laughing and joking with the arresting officers [Music] is like a chameleon um she's become a very accomplished actor so she will play to whatever audience is in front of her um she can be charming and and sound very educated and literate and at the same time to another audience she could sound quite rough and quite downbeat so she's she's really honed these these skills of responding to it to the people that are around her the following day april the 3rd 2013 the bodies of dennehy's other two victims were discovered just outside of peterborough in a ditch on farmland at thorny dyke investigators found thirty-one-year-old lucas slabozewski and fifty-six-year-old john chapman a close friend of michelle bowles we wasn't concerned until we actually noticed he was missing no one had seen him at all and next thing we knew the forensics were around the back of the house we were praying outside thinking please don't let it be john let him live if we would know what he meant and what she was going to do at the time we would have got john out of that house and let him live with us but how were you supposed to know she was a serial killer to take john's life lucas's life and kevin's life why joanne dennehy's pre-trial hearing was set for the 18th of november it's very difficult to understand quite how far the road is from a nice suburban upbringing to a ditch in peterborough where you're dumping the bodies and then you've stabbed to death it's an extraordinarily long road a very dangerous one and a very destructive one but she certainly traveled it and took some pleasure in the travelling at the hearing of the old bayley dennehy was devoid of remorse she laughed as proceedings took place and stunned her legal team when she chose to plead guilty the fact that joanna dennehy decided to admit murdering these three men and denying them a lawful burial took the whole of court two by surprise including her defense barrister who said that proceedings weren't going as anticipated so the judge asked joanna dennehy in the dock what she'd said she told him i have pleaded guilty and that's that kareem khalil defending gary stretch remembers the shock that rippled through the courtroom when this unexpected plea was heard it's surprised all i think but the judge who seemed entirely satisfied with that result um her counsel asked for time to speak with her to see whether she really had meant what she just said and returned to tell the court that yes she entirely understood the charges against her she meant to plead guilty and that was the end of it many of the serial killers i've interviewed obviously is guilty as sin try to hide behind the criminal justice system and use it as a defense to retreat back into it to use mitigation um i didn't intend to kill somebody but i had a drink disorder or drug disorder i'm not culpable of committing these crimes basically i'm in the same joanne dennehy it's not like that she just loved it kevin lee's widow christina couldn't bring herself to face the woman who dragged her husband down into her own sordid world and destroyed her family i went to court but i stayed in the family room i didn't want to be in there because i didn't want that thing to ever see my face i thought you haven't got the luxury to grace my face so therefore you shall not see me just that cocky and pathetic and so predictable and i just thought it's just so abhorrent that i thought no it's just best off in another room during the hearing dennehy's partner in crime gary stretch argued he was manipulated by her throughout the killing spree gary stretch's position was that he had not known that she was going to kill any of the people that she killed whilst accepting that after the event he was made aware that she had killed people and the difficulty of course that he confronted was the assertion that he was a willing participant in covering up those killings once he became aware of them there's no question in my mind that dennehy did influence gary stretch hugely joanne dennehy's somebody who was very much in the driving seat all the way through the the murders that she committed and the men were just there in in a supporting role you know she was she was the the center stage actor here and i think the fact that she was doing this on her own she wasn't coerced or compelled by it by anybody else does make her quite unique in a final act of defiance dennehy refused to relinquish control of her fate over to the legal system she stood up in court and told the judge exactly how she felt i don't want to be controlled by anybody i don't want to be in control by my lawyers by the police by anybody and that's what she told the judge get stuffed basically get stuffed your honor on february 28 2014 mr justice spencer sentenced joanne dennehy to a whole life term she became the first woman in british history to directly receive this highest of custodial sentences in a courtroom dennehy was immediately sent to bronzefield prison she will never be released dennehy's accomplices were also imprisoned for their part in her crimes leslie layton who helped dispose of two of the bodies received 14 years and gary stretch received two life sentences it was a bittersweet relief for michelle bowles it's a victim's family as well they carry in a large sentence isn't there cleverley's not because these kids lot have kids lucas is never ever gonna have kids john you know he's never gonna be around again none of them are he wasn't a horrible person he was one of the loveliest generous people he could ever meet he really was he would have done anything for anybody it'll take years for christina lee and her family to get back to normal after dennehy callously ended the life of her husband personally it makes you want to rethink the death penalty to me that'd be too easy for somebody like that let them rot wherever they are really so yeah i expected that i think it was just so hideous how a female you know it's hard to even think that's a woman would i say she got what she deserved not at all she didn't get what she deserved she just is where she needs to be it's just everything everything has changed you know what was a family unit and people just learned about their business everything came crashing down he was a laugh a second he was the most one of the most optimistic person i've ever come across never moaned about anything not negative about anything any problem would be overcome we laughed a lot so yeah we had a lot of fun joanne dennehy has refused to disappear quietly even in prison she's continued to wreak havoc from the day joanna dennehy was sentenced to prison she has exhibited more anti-social behavioral traits in as much as she's tried to escape twice she wanted to chop the fingers off a prison officer and use that on the electronic keypads to get out dennehy's absolute lack of remorse and the savagery involved in her crimes are beyond the public's understanding of what a woman would usually be capable of joanne dennehy was unusual in that the most notorious women murderers in this country have tended to be associated with a man either myra hindley associated with ian brady or rose west associated with her husband fred then he was kind of acting alone although she had people helping her a bit afterwards covering things up but she was a kind of self-motivated murderer i think the the reason that we're so fascinated and so shocked by female serial killers is because of our general expectations of the role of women in society we expect them to be the carers and the nurturers and the givers rather than the takers of life daenery touched the public imagination because she was a young woman and one who seemed to contradict everything that most of us expected women and to do so in such a cavalier and violent way that she set herself apart from the female population she's in prison now and she's going to be in prison for the rest of her life but joanne and he will not stop manipulating she will manipulate the system she'll work the system and when the time's right she'll definitely kill again it's difficult to comprehend the insatiable killing spree of joanne dennehy with a lust for blood and a twisted lack of morals she manipulated others along her way as she murdered three men and brutally attempted to kill two strangers in broad daylight the safest place for a dangerous individual like joanne dennehy is behind bars which is where she will remain for the rest of her life
Channel: Real Crime
Views: 1,677,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real crime, crime documentary, true crime, full documentary, full episode, murder documentary, murder documentary 2020, murder documentary full episode, serial killer, world's most evil killers, britains most evil killers, Joanna Dennehy, Britain’s Most Dangerous Woman, female serial killer, woman serial killer, evil women, dangerous women
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 14sec (2594 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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