Impersonating The Victim: Seeing Through Fabricated Evidence | Forensics | Real Crime

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operation keppel a missing person's case that rapidly becomes suspected murder when blood spatter is found in her apartment police have a prime suspect but no body what has happened where is the evidence and will science provide the crucial links in solving the case a crime scene is a puzzle that has to be solved a whodunit a scattering of clues to be deciphered by clever detective work and the power of science in the suburban streets of hamilton a resident investigates a car that appears to be abandoned they found it strange just the way it was set there unlocked and from what they saw in the car they thought this is not right so they rang please the car wasn't reported stolen but the registered owner 30 year old single parent carmen thomas had failed to make the scheduled pickup of her child the following day she's reported missing the circumstances of the car being left in hamilton abandoned and then also the fact carmen hadn't come back to her child suggested something wasn't right immediately detective inspector mark benefield sensed this was more than just a simple missing person's case the alarm bells were ringing the sixth sense you know your gut feeling that you have through experience it had a feel about it that suggested that we need to get onto this urgently police canvassed the area for further information regarding the vehicle and its missing owner it's basically identifying any witnesses that may have seen the car being parked there who who are exiting the car or any involvement around the car uh when did they first notice carving in their street speak to everyone on the street and identify anyone in the household that may have seen something the car is taken back to auckland and examined by esr scientists for clues as to what had happened to its owner we were looking at whether there's any indications that something sinister's occurred in the car the items in the car themselves looked like the kind of kay any one of us could have with the exception of the fact she had a packed suitcase in the back we went through the items that were in there we itemized them out and and looked at them all and we found there was blood staining on two of the items in both cases the dna profile came back as miss thomas um she's allowed to have her own blood on her own clothes what we don't know is whether that's come from an event that's unrelated to her disappearance dna samples were taken from various places in the car to determine if anyone else other than carmen had driven it recently we didn't get any useful results from that we're unable to actually answer that for them in the glove box were two clues to the last people to have seen carmen there were two notes found in the car quite different in context but linked linked in the sense of they sort of linked to carmen's occupation one was regarding a debt that needed to be paid once we established who that note came from we completed interviews and around that person and they they told us what they did and how it came about that note was regarding a debt to a manager of an escort agency the second contained cash and it suggested that she was paid some money for services and it was addressed to misti misty that turned out to be a trade name for carmen where she worked she was known as misty the impression that she'd gone to hamilton for work or have received cash to you know to do what she had to do misty was carmen's alias in the sex industry investigators need to determine who is the author of the note containing the money we got the envelope for that note submitted to esr and took samples from it with the viewer trying to figure out who may have actually handled the item itself one of the samples provided a partial dna profile that corresponded to ms thomas's dna profile and there was an additional trace of dna from someone else the trace was such that it was insufficient to use for meaningful comparisons this combined with a lack of fingerprints suggested that whoever had written the note may have worn gloves carmen lived in a flat in auckland with her young child she had shared custody with her ex-partner brad callahan it was he who had filed the missing persons report brad was a civil engineer and booking and living in a relationship with a partner who was seven months pregnant he was generally speaking a clean-cut young man with a good background to his life with carmen missing the young son they shared is now in brad's full-time care the next step of the investigation was to check carmen's home forensic scientists began a scene examination with this kind of examination from a missing person you're really looking for inconsistencies in a pattern of living is there something there that shouldn't be there is there something missing nothing particularly untoward in the living area we locked in the bedrooms nothing necessarily untoward in there but once we got to look in the bathroom and there was blood staining in there that you know is indicative of something happening that probably shouldn't be happening in a missing person case there was smears of blood on the front of a basin and dilute blood on the top of the basin next to the sink there's also we found that quite a quantity of dilute blood spots inside the shower around about from you know waist height sort of down in a fan kind of pattern much like i'd expect to get if someone's turn the tap on and then wash something under the shower that's got blood in it and it's spattered onto the walls we looked in the main entranceway which is the front door that leads onto a little kitchenette and we found small spots of blood down near the floor level of a washing machine and the type of patenting we're finding was very small spots of blood and to get really small spots of blood you need a certain amount of energy being applied to an open source of blood we also had spots of blood all over the edge of the front door but we weren't sure at that stage whether it was the same event that had created the pattern on the front of the washing machine because although they're very close to each other there was nothing sort of connecting the two the areas were swabbed and sent for dna analysis it became apparent that we were looking at something sinister occurring we've got impact spatter on the floor in the kitchen and by the front door and we've got evidence of clean up in the bathroom so that creates a rather unfortunate picture that indicated that something had gone on i had major concerns for carmen's well-being to understand more about blood pattern analysis and how scientists can determine what had happened from that patterning i'm at esr's auckland lab blood is a very unique fluid when it reacts with oxygen it immediately starts to congeal which makes it behave differently from any other liquid today we're using animal blood three main types of bloodstain pattern passive kind of events which is just where gravity is the primary force involved if blood was to drip from a weapon and fall to the ground it would be a passive blood drop they're generally round and fat and have no tails projected where there's an additional force whether it's pressure from like an artery or whether it's been flowing off a weapon these are more elongated in shape and more directional looking what we can tell by looking at the the size of these and the width and the length uh we can tell how they've actually struck that surface so we can get the angle of impact and the directionality through the center of that oval which means we can use a collection of these to give us an idea as to as to where in space they've originated from that's pretty powerful information for what happened at a crime scene isn't it it certainly aids the reconstruction in some cases really well and in our case scientists had seen the very small droplets of impact spatter a spatter pattern requires quite a bit of um of an input of energy to break the blood up into really small droplets looking at what we've got there we can get a lot of information about what kind of events occurred and where it's actually originated from there's a lot of features in this that are consistent what we've actually seen at the apartment where collections are these very very fine spots like this and what does that actually tell us so they're spots that are traveling really quite fast created with a lot of energy because they're really small and they're flying horizontal to the surface so across without any influence from gravity so they're a projected pattern and created with something like an impact to create the very small size of them on the wall we've got these lovely directional spots here so if we use this spot as an example we can see that it's got an oval shape that indicates that it struck the surface at an angle the line that's been thrown off at the top end is part of a wave cast off pattern and if we draw a line through the wave cast off down through the center of the oval we can use that to get an idea as to where it's actually come from and then there's the sort of gap we have between these and then the spatter pattern that goes up the wall here which is actually again very um consistent with the panawhis pattern we saw on the door in the apartment the blood pattern raised my concern about carmen's welfare some sort of force physical force had been used in the scene where someone had bled and bear in mind carmen was missing i had to you know add that to the complete picture that night the investigators used luminol to shop any signs of blood in the flat they were quite clear white marks and luminol on the wall immediately opposite the bathroom door and down the edge of the door frame into that bathroom so someone's made some effort to clean up but not enough that they've actually taken away any of the blood staining that was immediately visible in the shower and clearly missed some very other obvious patterns of blood staining we found luminal patterns that looked a lot like footprints on the carpet that was in the sort of lounge dining area it should show that someone had walked in blood and transferred it onto the carpet they showed quite a bit of activity of someone moving around with probably dilute blood on their feet through that main living area of the unit but on the kitchen floor underneath the high impact spatter where they expected to see a large presence of blood there was nothing on those smooth surfaces the cork tiles there was just a greasy residue of some type interfering effect with the luminal examination itself some type of substance on the floor was masking the presence of blood was that intentional i couldn't figure out what it might be at the time we thought initially that it might be some sort of ignitable liquid that's left a greasy residue such as kerosene so we took samples from a number of places and brought them back and had our physical evidence group try and analyze them in real crime scene investigations there are no magic machines that can determine what any substance is the chromographic mass spectrometer can only look for matches to over 200 000 substances on file and there were no matches one more piece of information came to light at carmen's apartment the landlord actually said oh look by the way you realize her bin's missing now first scan of the address you wouldn't have thought so because outside were rubbish bins belonging to the number on the street so that suddenly said oh that's interesting where is the wheelie been the size of the bin it was a logical way to transport a body so one of the items of significant interest was where is the spin every council rubbish bin has a serial number that identifies exactly which address that bin belongs to if we find it somewhere it might link the murderer to the scene because it is taken from the scene it's another piece of information that sits in the file so until you find the bin and then the circumstances that add context to it it's just one piece of information dna analysis matches the blood spatter in carmen's apartment to dna on her toothbrush the missing persons investigation is now stepped up if any person that's missing you start tracking um their course of business to try and get some sort of feel for where they're being what they're doing where they work who their friends are their neighbours and you just build up that complete picture about that person bank records were examined to establish the last time carmen's account was accessed so we were able to go back and get the ccd footage that puts carmen at a point and place what we know she's alive this day because we've got a crowd of evidence to show that she's standing in a supermarket with her son spending money or that's the last known physical sighting of carmen i expressed to the family that i was uneasy about carmen's disappearance but we asked carmen's mum to go public for appeals on her sightings a to gling information and b um try and advance the investigation really just here to help try and find my daughter if she's out there her son misses her he also needs to see his mom just really wanted to come back it's hard for mum obviously to go on public they would have their own fears about it because they all knew that she loved her son so i cannot discuss it right now good afternoon please communication yes hi it's brett cullen speaking um uh carmen thomas i just she was drew back yesterday to pick up her son and she never stand up um i've been trying to ring her all week and have been having to get hold of her okay what relationship are you to her um i'm uh we have a son together okay next partner yeah with any missing person file you have to eliminate the people that report them missing history is littered with people that have been reported missing that subsequently find out the person that reported the missing is the perpetrator it's sort of a catch 22 phases between a victim and a person of interest so mr callahan being the ex-partner was definitely a person of interest to us he's also next of kin and now the sole charge of his and carmen's child so by rights he's a victim so we assign someone to to liaise with them and keep him appraised of the investigation i asked that we get elimination prints and dna from the sun and himself so that we could eliminate anything in the scene so we would like to have access to your phone records and bank reports which he agreed to give us data from carmen's phone was also accessed forensic analysis identified some strange anomalies the first was a change in her phone activity the key things are the volumes so how many calls and texts did she do traditionally on a day if you look at that a month before she goes missing it's fairly consistent in that pattern and then it's very infrequent she went from say 50 communications to five or less in a one-day period and that tailored off after about two weeks the biggest change in volume happened weeks before she was reported missing and there was a notable difference in the texts the language appeared to change it was very subtle changes but it was significant everybody communicates in their own way people talk and text speak they'll write letters or phrases she used the word hun a lot h.o.n and it was the way hospital appeared it would have been hospital as opposed to the full hospital and what was interesting was that that changed so that indicated to us that something's wrong and and that someone's pretending to use her phone those are all red flags if you like to something's not quite right here she's not missing she's she's possibly dead if she's dead then who's pretending to be carmen and why and are they the killer potential clues could lie in the polling data polling data is basically telling you in a general location where someone is it won't give you a specific point of where they are it's not like gps coordinates it's not an exact science but it gives you an idea of of where someone is or the location they're in when they're making the voice call or text message the first anomaly was that her phone had never polled in hamilton where her car was found abandoned we know she's in hamilton at that stage or the car's been in hamilton so why is there no polling data for hamilton on her phone and why is it still all the polling data in auckland and exactly where her phone was in auckland was of even more interest what became apparent when comparing say carmen's phone to callahan's phone they appeared to be communicating texting each other but when you looked closer at the polling data she appeared to be in exactly the same location that his phone was in on one occasion he traveled to the north shore and we can track him as he's traveling to the shore and the polling data it's going you know carmen's phone brad's phone call as he's traveling up the motorway and it's it's obvious that phones are in the same vehicle there's a text conversation where they have a domestic argument but when you look at the phone polling data for it the phones are in exactly the same location so they're having this this alleged argument when they could be in the same room [Music] brad callahan moves from person of interest to prime suspect police investigate callaghan's activities up to and around the time carmen is reported missing through his bank records they can determine where he's been we had the cctv footage from the day that she went missing callahan's arms crossed head down walking into the supermarket you could see that he was under some extreme pressure or something heavy on his mind it's me in the middle of a working day his colleague from work suddenly joined him out of the blue things just don't look right we obtained what they'd bought i was cleaning products and plastic bags that whole picture did not look good his work colleague becomes a person of interest and callaghan is now being closely monitored his patent of behaviour was to wake up in the morning take his son to school and then he would usually get to work at about nine o'clock in the morning further investigation revealed he did something out of character we established that he'd gone to work one early morning when you spoke to these contractors on site said this was totally out of character he came out from the from the depths of the site in the middle of the night and they thought you know early out of the morning i thought we've never seen him on site he was wasn't in his best he was you know you know didn't make sense but hey he's a structural engineer he can do what he likes they then reported that they were putting in the foundations to the site which were quite massive they said that when they went drop the steel on one particular hole it was a meter proud which these companies work in exact so they don't drill a hole and make it a meter short when they brought it to kellehan's attention you know that there was a meter proud of the steel poking out he just said i'll cut it off and it'll do they thought that was weird and it didn't follow protocol so we thought wow that doesn't match clearly there's something down there it shouldn't be there and this the timing of brad being on site early in the morning when the concrete was going to be poured into this large hole and it was a logical place from our point of view for a body to be disposed of shut down construction work and excavated the footing there's a big hole bit down the side of that particular footing cut a hole and dug it all out take all the concrete out of there and see if we can find the spot at the bottom of the sole screeded every piece of bit that came out of there and ultimately it led to nothing evidentially significant so that was a bit disappointing but had to be done just as they were losing hope an unexpected lead was discovered so at the end of that stage with the site we were tidying up and performing and came to us and told us about this strange bin they then purported that the caravan which they used to have smoker and had its horrible stench and they thought it was their caravan so they thought they better clean the caravan out so they didn't as they went to fill up a wheel even nearby they lifted up the worker described it as just like piss and [ __ ] it was such a terrible smell and it was these bags in this wheelie bin but they didn't you know they closed the weave and moved the williamson away and the stench went away could this be the missing bin from carmen thomas's flat they found that the serial number had been scoused out of it so we'll get that to the esr staff went there and collected it is this the missing bin will science reveal the serial number and can that identify carmen's killer [Music] police had suspected a wheelie bin was used to transport carmen's body from her apartment now scientists needed to establish where the bin found at callahan's work came from most serial numbers are typically stamped into things like metals engine blocks from cars chassis numbers so we don't get an awful lot of them in plastic but the fundamental principles apply but you didn't know it would work on a wheelie bin did you no the research that's out there that's been done on plastics is typically done on small items that get numbers put on them and the techniques are usually they put them in an oven and heat them up slowly i didn't have an oven big enough for the wheelie bin so we sort of had to adapt the practice just a little bit ryan was in uncharted territory he had one wheelie bin and one chance firstly he started preparing the surface all right so the purpose of the sanding is just to take off the rougher areas of the plastic just get it smooth enough so when we start to heat it the plastic starts to relax and the stresses underneath allow it to sort of become proud again we take too much off we lose that he added some gentle heat these are just photographic studio lights what's our light well that's warm isn't it yeah it gets quite hot and the thing is too much heat will destroy everything so we've just gently started to warm up the surface and try to get it to relax and for the mechanical memory of the polymers that have been stressed behind the serial number to sort of come back to their original shape and because there's been plastic removed when it's ground off that original shape sits out of the surface and pokes out your head in just the right position look at that light you should be able to see the numbers wow just got to get the light in the right spot and easy number done one two three eight six five very good it's so clear isn't it when it works it works all the numbers have come back perfect restoration must have been eureka i could see the number it was a good moment i had to call mike benefield to give them results the serial number was matched to council records that didn't belong to where callahan lived next door it was a bin sign to that to the neighbour so i said well go around to the address and see whose bin they've got and then we found carmen's bin two doors up from callahan's address so the obvious question well how did her willy bin get so close to his address and why is it not at her address so we've got a dance of the wheelie bins occurring around mr kellehes place that certainly raises some questions we're able to clearly show that that bin could only got there by one person the bin belonging to carmen's flat was sent to esr for dna and luminol testing as you can imagine examining a bin itself is actually quite difficult so we cut the bin in half lengthways and open it up in order to do that exam and found a number of areas where we got positive results with the luminol which indicates that there could well be blood present and one of the samples from the inside of the bin near the base did give us a dna profile form as thomas it wasn't definitive evidence but it supported the theory that the large bent could have been used to remove her body from the flat the hunt was on to try and whereas we still haven't got a body where is her body because most homicide investigations that's where you start from you've got the body from day one and it's very rare that you get into a situation like this where it's a missing person you've got no idea where the body is you've got you've got your prime suspect who's doing very odd things but you still don't know what's he done with it where has he put it police traced callahan's movements through his phone polling data had he been anywhere unusual somewhere he could have dumped the body he went into the fur for thames and it misses because there's no coverage and then he comes back out on their bombay side of the purple teams and the next night he's up on the bombay side of the proof of thames and then comes back and pings out at the other end you know he's a working guy he works monday to friday he's got a pregnant wife at home and then in the middle of the night he's circling the first attempts doing these massive drives [Music] we thought she was somewhere there so we had eagle fly over it we had the night vision camera on we were looking for any property that may have been discarded along the road had he stopped anywhere had he driven off track an extensive search of the firth of thames turns up nothing the police investigation now established that callahan has started operating a second mobile phone these phone records are accessed to track his movements finding that phone was essential and as we're scrolling down you're getting the addresses it's going auckland huntley and then hamilton and that was you know that was gold it was absolute gold that shows that callahan was in hamilton near the time the car was dumped there as was one of his associates he ultimately helped pick him up that's a deposit in the car down in hamilton we were able to track the fact that you know they traveled their phones traveled to that area the time had come that we had enough evidence to basically go and make the arrest three months after carmen thomas was reported missing brad callahan is officially arrested but the investigation is still far from over we were building up our strategies around collecting the right amount of evidence and putting it into some sort of case police continued with the task of gathering evidence the note found in carmen's car was always thought to be a clue to the last person who saw her alive it had some links to mr callahan through the nature of the word used and hun his handwriting was similar similar enough to be scientific evidence samples were gathered for document examination we searched his address for handwriting samples and we took every document we could find whether it's a diary whether it's just a scribbled note to discover more about the science of document examination i'm meeting with gordon schaaf so gordon i brought you a couple of documents a couple of things that i've written how would you go about analyzing this writing we go through the material making notes on the size of the letters the spacing measure the slope but we also look at the individual constructions of each letter so for example your letter e you make that with a c shape and then a stroke off the center whereas someone else might make it with an l and then two strokes or four separate strokes or upward movement then two strokes with an o you can make it in a anti-clockwise direction or you can make it in a clockwise direction so you can tell the direction of the pen stroke yes and by microscopically examining the ink line we can see characteristics in the ink line which tell us which direction the pen is moving it under the microscope the detail of my writing style can be examined here we can see a heavy deposit of ink when there's been a change in direction from the pen coming in you can see what we call a matchstick and that denotes the start of a stroke because what's happened there is the pen's finished the previous stroke and then was moved up to this new letter and so there's not very much ink left on the ball until it starts rolling again and so you get this non-inking start we can see these little white lines which are called striations what are they exactly they're caused by faults on the ball housing and a ballpoint pen that actually wipes the ink off as it's rolling around with the tee you're getting a striation which runs off the end of the line so that shows that this t stroke is being made from left to right rather than from right to left there's a lot of information there isn't there it's a very long process to go through every letter to check on how it's made are some words more significant than others words that you write often often become like a miniature signature like and or on or yeah that yeah for some people these become very identifiable even though they're so small because they have a a mental pattern as to how they write it and those are words you don't think about you start and then the motor program takes over in your brain and runs runs your hand this is this is what we're looking for when we're doing a handwriting comparison these habits which are happening subconsciously so the envelope that was found in the car what were you able to tell from that envelope so this is the court comparison chart after they've done our examination you can see the high back on the the a this construction of k with the staff drawing into the bowl here we're looking at um interleaved connections so the s and the t connection coming through in the specimens as well can you say that they are both written by that person and found a number of similarities between question writing and barry callahan's handwriting it's strongly supported that he had placed and written the note in and placed it in the car with the cash to leave the impression that she'd gone to hamilton for work the case is building but investigators still need stronger evidence and haven't lost hope of finding carmen's body brad callaghan is arrested for carmen's murder but with no body and a case based on circumstantial evidence investigators hope the forensic examination of his car will reveal more it became immediately apparent that something wasn't right with his car a piece of household carpet that had been cut out and inserted cut to shape and inserted into the boot where the original boot lining would have would have been he had painted some areas black quite obviously because there were runs of paint looking in the boot of his vehicle at the back edge of the back seat we started to find some blood staining soaked into the foam on the seat back we followed that by taking the actual back seats out and underneath the back seats there was blood staining all over the underside and runs of blood down the inside of the chassis of the car so there was enough blood in there at some point for it to be flowing and running under the seats onto the chassis samples were taken of the blood staining that we found and we got a dna profile from this thomas the stench was unreal because the blood had soaked straight into that foam and started to rot and started to break down and it was yeah it was massive so there must have been a lot of blood in that bin and what he did to mask that smell which was fairly horrific was use air freshener so the can of air freshness sitting in the passenger well of the vehicle and he would just get into the car spray the air freshener as he transported his son to school and and went about his daily business we did re-enactments with the bin seeing if we could get the bin into the car by yourself and and it was yeah very chuck sees down very straightforward and very easy one other thing we did find on mr keller his car was on the inside of the rear windscreen there were a couple of little marks about yay far apart just smudge marks on the inside of the glass that look like they you would expect from where the wheels of the wheelie bin would contact it um if it were put into the boot with the wheels up against the windscreen when we did the re-enactment and when you place the wheelie bin in the vehicle you could see with the wheel marks lined up perfectly on the glass with the wheelie bin marks and you could see the way the bin was placed in the vehicle with the wheels up that the lid opened at the bottom and then the blood would have just flowed straight back into the car the examination of callaghan's address fails to find anything of significance but his computers are seized for forensic examination the search term perfect murder was done on the 28th of july 2009 one year ago to the date he researched how to best knock out someone and kill them so there was some really key evidence of some emotive or premeditation he'd researched how to get rid of blood how to dispose of blood from a house there was nearly two and a half thousand entries for the term blood some searches on how to clean up crime scenes and looking at police investigative techniques to to cover it cover your tracks he'd looked at things on his computer like how to dispose of remains and those sorts of search terms and also how to dismember a body you researched that so quite clinical police now knew from a witness account that brad had tried to involve his friend in disposing of the dismembered remains he contacted his mate who he knew had a boat and he basically confesses to his mate that this is what i've done she's in the back of the car at that stage carmen's body is being dismembered and it's in concrete and plastic containers brad's plan is to pick up the containers and put them overboard and dispose of her body that way brad's plan to dump coleman's body at sea fails and the mate basically has a gumption to say look i don't want to be any part of this plan i'm not getting involved in this year on you you're on your own this friend was later granted immunity from prosecution callahan's behaviour was becoming noticeably different i was eating him alive what he'd done and i don't think it was so much about what he had done to her i think it was more about i'm gonna get caught and and he was trying to get his way out of them and just he was he was digging himself deeper and deeper into a hull nine days after his arrest callahan through his lawyer finally reveals to the police where he buried carmen's remains it was in thick bush it was reasonably steep terrain it had been raining for a wee while beforehand so the ground was wet so the esr arrived and began basically a hands and knees search of that particular grid there were two holes or two burial sites very close to each other one had their main main storage bin the 40 litre bin and the other one had the other parts in it there's particular particular cases that will always probably stand out and this was one of them one because it was such a unique scene all the um tapu that goes with a site like that we got the local kamatua to come through and that's an emotional feeling you know getting to bless the site [Music] it was actually really eerie because the bush with its own canopy and its own sounds and light filters and things like that it actually created a sort of there's an airy silence so that made you sort of stop and and take stock of of what you were hearing carmen's remains were respectfully removed and examined by a pathologist the concrete had actually sealed most of the air out of of the bins themselves as did the plastic bags and the body itself was was not in what you consider very good condition so the postmortem was a particularly grueling endeavor for those that were involved cause of death was determined as blunt force trauma the fatal blow was such that it radiated right around and split the skull sadly didn't get coming back alive but she was dead before we started it so we're never going to do that carmen thomas had been murdered 12 days before brad callaghan reported her missing during that time he'd used her phone to keep up the pretense of her being alive he'd driven her car to hamilton planted notes to make her disappearance seem linked to others and he'd involved three associates in his complicated web of deceit so why at trial callahan alleged carmen had asked him to her place to discuss their child's schooling and this led to a heated argument he made submissions that it was um the fact that she told him he wasn't the father of the child and lost the plot and it was a rage and he picked up the first thing he could find which was his son's baseball bat and hit her but he hit him more than once brad callaghan pleaded guilty to murder and attempting to pervert the course of justice he got the stronger send off that you could for the nature of his crime not only killing carmen but the extent that he went to you know pervert the course of justice and that added to his sentence a non-parole period of 13 years seven months we were very satisfied with the outcome though we take no satisfaction in a victim dying you know but all we can do is the best for the victim and get some justice for the family members and i think my team and all the police that attended for a fantastic effort hard yards there's an element of passion that the crime scene people bring to this work and once we get involved we we put that passion into ensuring that everything we can answer as far as the scientific questions does get answered she was a good mother sad sad boy especially his father and now his mother both taken out of the picture it's a tragedy all around the room [Music] there is no averting the tragedy of this case but it's thanks to the hard work of forensic investigators that cases like this are solved bringing some sense of justice to all of us [Music] you
Channel: Real Crime
Views: 1,118,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Crime, crime scene examination, crime scene forensics, crime scene interpretation, crime scene procedures, crime scene processing, crime scene reconstruction, criminal behavior, criminal behavior analysis, criminal case analysis, criminal justice system, forensic case studies, forensic data analysis, forensic evidence, forensic expert analysis, forensic science methods, forensic scientific methods, forensic technology tools, true crime investigation, true crime stories
Id: pBzoukII2Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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