Stuart Hazell: A Killer In Plain Sight | World’s Most Evil Killers | Real Crime

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the old community are in shock over this i want to found the last time i said was friday we just hope that we find her i'll miss her forever on august the 9th 2012 a man desperate to find his partner's granddaughter sat down for a televised interview in the hope that she would still be found alive know deep down in my eye that two walked out my house what happened after that is i don't know by the thursday morning after the phone call that i'd had saying stuart would give an interview i knew this was an interview with the killer no doubt about it at all stuart hazel had murdered 12 year old tia sharp and hidden her body in the loft of her grandmother's home he was hiding in plain sight he knows exactly what happens he's the only one who knew what happened in this situation and i think that the fact that he has all this knowledge and these other people don't he's really getting off on that stuart hazel had lied to the country and become one of the world's most evil killers [Music] it was a crime that horrified the nation in the summer of 2012 12 year old school girl tia sharp disappeared from her grandmother's house in south london prompting one of the most publicized search campaigns in british history but on the 10th of august it came to an abrupt end with a twist so horrific it seemed impossible to comprehend tears body and her killer had been right in front of the cameras the entire time the sense of loss here is mixed with all sorts of emotions people feel cheated their week-long campaign was a desperate mission to find tears sharp it ended with the 12 year old found dead in her own grandmother's home the killer was 37 year old stuart hazel a man that tear looked up to and affectionately called grandad detective nick scholar remembers encountering him during the search for tia throughout all of my meetings with him his demeanor never really changed he was always a very quiet person he didn't come across as being particularly intelligent or articulate and he answered questions very simply but behind hazel's quiet nature was a ruthless callus killer stuart hazel committed the most horrible of murders yet was able to lie to his family lied to his friends to do that he must have been a particularly calculating and vile man his story begins over 40 years ago born on the 26th of may 1975 in kingston upon thames surrey stuart hazel was introduced to a life of dysfunction from an early age his father was in and out of prison so there wasn't a lot of stability it was quite disorganized it was quite chaotic he spent quite a lot of time in the residential care system he was moved around quite a lot and i think that did have quite a significant impact on his personality because he didn't really form attachments with other people so that kind of absence of warmth that absence of closeness in those early years is something that really does shape him by the time hazel reached his teens he'd already begun a life of petty crime stuart hazel started drinking when he was about 13 and that got him into quite a lot of trouble so he ended up with his first conviction when he was 14 years old it was a pattern that continued into adulthood between 2001 and 2010 hazel was in and out of prison for offenses ranging from racially aggravated behavior to drug dealing in 2003 28 year old hazel began dating natalie sharp a single mother with a three-year-old daughter called tyr but the relationship was in no way conventional after they split up he began seeing natalie's mother christine bicknell well i think stuart hazel is somebody who is quite predatory who identifies people that he can get things from essentially and he had a relationship with with tia's mother that lasted all of about two and a half weeks and very soon after that he started a relationship with tia's grandmother which which was much more more longer lasting although 10 years her junior hazel moved into christine's home on the lindens estate in new addington south london in 2007. he soon settled in and enjoyed spending time with christine's now seven-year-old granddaughter tyr but he struggled to find work well stuart hazel didn't really have a regular form of employment he was in and out of prison so much and it's very difficult to to maintain regular well-paid steady employment when you have a lengthy prison record so he would go from job to job doing work cash in hand and all of that type of thing by 2012 hazel had found work as a window cleaner and was still living with christine over the past five years he'd grown close to her granddaughter but on friday the third of august just two months after her 12th birthday tia sharp went missing tia went to her grandparents house on the second august and that was a thursday she was supposed to have stayed there overnight then friday morning gone into croydon and she was due home friday evening at about seven o'clock because she never returned but by saturday evening it was clear she wasn't coming home she hadn't made contact with her family or any of her friends levels of worry and suspicion obviously became higher by the morning of sunday the 5th of august tia had been missing for 48 hours i led a major investigation team it was myself two detective inspectors five detective sergeants approximately 20 detective constables and some civilian support staff i called my team in for an eight o'clock meeting on the sunday morning we got together we read all the handover files that have been done during the course of the friday and saturday and started to set some lines of inquiry as the community rallied together in search of the missing school girl the media descended on new addington clamoring to find out any information on the whereabouts of tia sharp one of the reporters at the scene was sky news correspondent martin brunt it's that complete lack of evidence of tear after she supposedly left the house that's fueling police concerns i had a call from scotland yards i was aware that a girl had gone missing girls go missing on a regular basis most of them turn up in one form or another and nothing more is said or done or reported but i think there was a sense early on through police contacts that this was rather more serious they were very keen for us to give a lot of publicity uh to the circumstances of tear sharp's disappearance that suggested to me that they were already suspicious that she may have come to some harm investigative journalist and former police officer mark williams thomas was also intrigued by tears disappearance i think what was very clear from the beginning both in terms of talking to family members also being aware of her as an individual was that this isn't something that was likely to be herself running away and it had now become a number of days that she'd been missing so that concern about something having happened to her i think was very very real and when i went and looked at the area my focus was very much on those people who had the last contact with her and therefore i wanted to try and speak to those people as quickly as possible on monday the 6th of august 2012 three days after her disappearance tears family made an emotional appeal for her return she's not in trouble come home she's very much loved very very much missed just contact any of us whatever way she can i want to say thank you to the police for doing everything that they can and the public for being our support and being out there day and night i urge you not to stop i want to found the police were desperate for any leads about tears disappearance and a new piece of information received by nick scholar made him focus on one member of the family in particular it was soon reported to me that tia had spent the evening at her grandparents house during the sunday it became clear that actually her grandmother wasn't present and stuart hazel wasn't her natural grandfather that made us very interested in the accounts he would give while the police continued to search for the missing 12 year old they were growing ever more suspicious of the last person to see tia a man whom she loved and trusted stuart hazel in august 2012 the police were searching for missing school girl tia sharp she traveled from her grandmother's home in new addington to croydon on friday the 3rd of august but seemingly vanished into thin air we've got several hypotheses i start to work from the first one is that she didn't go to croydon that she was still on the estate somewhere playing with friends staying with friends and delivery not coming home as a missing person there's a lot of open countryside around the estate the second hypothesis she's gone out there to play and she has come to accidental injury and is laying unconscious or otherwise disabled outside thirdly is that she's still in the estate and she's been abducted by somebody on the estate she doesn't appear on the cctv cameras on any of the buses or trams that would have carried her to croydon the small community of new addington rallied around the sharp family and began forming search teams to assist the police thousands of posters and leaflets with tia's photo were soon spread all across the area and beyond it became clear this was more than a family matter it involved an entire community everybody is out looking for little tear because we are a tight community we will always come together anything that goes on we're there you know we are there for the family and for little tear she was a nice young girl and so as a result of that the concerns became heightened there was huge public response within the community within this estate and i think as a result of that it grabbed public's attention joining the locals in this search was the last person to see tear before she disappeared her grandmother's partner stuart hazel he would walk out of the house and go off to do his daily business or to get involved in searches or to make an appeal in front of the cameras he seemed to be doing what you would expect him to do in furthering the search for his missing step granddaughter i mean i don't think his behavior in front of the cameras was particularly alarming but from early on he was clearly a suspect for the police and we shared the same view the last person to see tear was always going to be somebody that the police would have an interest in stuart hazel places himself right in the middle of this campaign you see him walking around wearing a t-shirt with fine tier on it almost as if to try and prove that this is exactly what happened and i'm not covering anything up it's not unusual for an offender to get involved with the search it's it's very usual because actually they then know what's going on they've got a contact of what's taking place and of course it pushes that concern away from them what it did for me as a reporter covering the case was to give me lots of vision of him because we did see him out and about on the estate joining in those searches and there was a vigil one night and we had some very vivid images of him walking towards the the setup on the estate with a candle in his hands looking very concerned and joining in the search for tear the fact that hazel wasn't a direct relative of tyr meant he was more of a concern for the police i had a call from somebody involved in the investigation saying be very careful about your choice of words he's not tia's grandfather he's her step-grandfather he is her grandmother's boyfriend now the very fact that somebody was telling me something like that again made me feel that scotland yard certainly saw him as somebody that they needed to show a particular interest in i think they were suspicious about him from the start bear in mind that he said that tia had left the house in the morning to go into croydon shopping and yet the early searches of cctv eyewitnesses found nothing to corroborate what he said with no reported sign of tear in the neighboring areas police turned their attention towards the last place they definitely knew tear had been her grandmother christine bicknell's house number 20 the lindens something about hazel's story didn't add up he gave an account that they spent a very happy thursday evening together got up friday morning he had made breakfast and tia decided she was going to go and visit friends in croydon meet a friend in croydon the unusual part of that aspect is that we visited the house we found that tia's phone was still there her mobile phone and at the back of your mind then you're wondering well how exactly are you going to arrange to meet a friend perhaps when we were younger we'd arrange to meet at 3 o'clock at a certain place but people today young people today they need the mobile phone to make the arrangement on tuesday the 7th of august 5 days since her disappearance cctv footage of tear was released they were the last known images of her before she went missing the picture showed tear looking relaxed at a supermarket with hazel when i was dealing with tears family they themselves had no suspicions that stuart hazel may be involved no one took me to one side to say perhaps we're not happy about stewart or anything along those lines in actual fact quite the opposite they trusted him and i could see from the cctv that tyr very much trusted him she enjoyed going to her grandparents house she had younger siblings at her address and there wasn't a lot of space there so she got some time and attention from her grandmother and her grandmother helped to make sure she got to school on time and just generally provided support for her and new evidence discovered the following day wednesday august the 8th steered nick and his team away from hazel even further his next-door neighbor told police he'd seen tear leave for croydon on the friday morning she disappeared what certainly frustrated the investigation was the evidence of the next door neighbor he knew tear well and he clearly stated he saw tia leave for croydon at the time stewart hayes was said so he came up with this statement and it affects your whole investigative strategy because it directs attention away from the house back towards was she abducted or taken on her way to croydon or whilst in croydon or returning by now the police had searched hazel's home twice and found nothing with an eyewitness backing up his story it was looking increasingly likely that stuart hazel was going to get away with murder this is somebody who had very little control over his life in his early years his early days but now he he would see it as he's the one who's running the show he knows exactly what happens he's the only one who who knew what happened in this situation and i think that the fact that he has all this knowledge and these other people don't he's really getting off on that he put himself right at the center of this he needed to know what was going on because don't forget he knew exactly what had happened and he wanted to keep as much as possible away from the home address he must have been i mean jumping up in air thinking they've searched the house and they haven't found his body i've got away with it the police searched hazel's house for a third time on wednesday the 8th of august but this time with specially trained dogs i then asked a body recovery dog search premises because the searches hadn't been destructive the bath panel hadn't been removed floorboards hadn't been lifted it's hopeful then the body recovery dog would give an indication if there was a dead body there still a missing person inquiry but just in case the body recovery dog didn't give an absolute indication but the handler afterwards told me that it behaved unusually in one of the rooms so armed with that information and the fact the investigation again we're checking the facts on the investigation decided to have a more forensic look at the house but to do this search the family had to move out by wednesday evening there'd been more than 50 reported sightings of tia sharp and the police were still hoping she may be found alive as investigators prepared for a more forensic search of hazel's home he thrust himself into the spotlight once more a tv interview was about to make a supposedly concerned relative look like a guilt-ridden killer cheer come on bo come on come and eat dinner i want me 10 pound back from the garden we love you baby back to normal please there's nothing it's going to be back to me just come home and be back in the family she's part of family come on nothing's changed no one's in trouble come on on thursday the 9th of august 2012 tia sharp a 12 year old school girl had been missing for almost a week the police were certain that the last person to see tyr her grandmother's partner stuart hazel knew more about what had happened to her than he was letting on the media felt the same way and began to question hazel's role in tears disappearance as the new story continued to shock the country oh people were horrified they always are when girls go missing and i think people who were watching tv saw the blanket coverage that we were giving to the case and i think they perhaps picked up on the fact that the police were more concerned about her disappearance and they might be with disappearances of of other girls i think throughout that week there was growing sense that this was a girl who probably wasn't going to be found alive it was a story that i think more and more people as the days went by believe that this was a story that would end in the discovery of her body so whilst it was clear that the media were portraying stuart hazel as a suspect you must go with evidence takes you and there was no evidence that stuart hazel was involved in tears disappearance at that stage hazel agreed to a televised interview with mark williams thomas from itv news to tell his side of the story and this is going to go on to the itv i said right whatever happens we run throughout so even if we break we keep the recording going so this so the mics on constantly and i said just go with it whatever happens go with it so we got in we set up and stuart was really anxious he was very anxious and what i needed from him was a really detailed account in real micro detail about what happened from the point the tear came to the home to the point that she she was last seen by him so minute by minute as much as he could breaking that down and that's what i did and i got him to talk in real detail because i knew that every single piece of that interview would be poured over by the police because by the thursday morning after the phone call that i'd had saying stuart would give an interview i knew this was an interview with the killer no doubt about it at all well if they believe what they read in the papers they can do whatever they like because i know deep down in my eye that tia walked out my house she walked out there and i know damn well because she was seen walking down the pathway body language expert robert phipps was certain hazel was lying i love to pictures like my own daughter stuart's behaviour throughout this interview is inconsistent with somebody who is in turmoil worried you know anxious about tia sharp being missing his body language is far too animated he's shrugging his shoulders a lot people shrug their shoulders when they're saying i don't know but he's giving supposedly truthful stage statements and saying i don't know i know she made that track down so that way and i think he was struggling at times sometimes to be able to remember what he necessarily said to everybody else and of course the more detail i asked of him the more difficult it became for him to remember exactly what he'd said because what he couldn't do of course was give me something that he'd given to somebody else differently did you do anything to say well no i bloody didn't stewart adds in a lot of detail which is superfluous to his actual answer from the co-op we've just gone to t-31 because you come at the co-op and take a right cut down this little pathway and a bus stop t31 bus this is to pad out the story because it's not the truth so he's adding in other bits that make it sound truthful and when you talk to most people to who recall a story they don't tell it in a logical orderly sequence they start saying something and then they remember something else and the conversation actually or the statements that they're making chop and change crossed over by the jumbo crossing and come home during normal conversation people blink around about 20 blinks per minute if you look at stuart's behavior his blinking rate is around about 40 to 45 blinks this is very high and would indicate that he's actually nervous about what's going on during the interview he seemed to me somebody who was insincere his breaking down his almost tearful performance smacked to me of somebody who was trying to put on a performance the fact that he was sitting there with the t-shirt uh find tear i think there was a picture of her in the background all suggested to me that this was a man trying too hard to appeal for information when he knew exactly what had happened to her she walked past me from the front room to go out and she walked out the front door that is all i know what he's doing is he's looking away from the interviewer and down into his right this normally indicates that he's using the left hand side of his brain this is where you go to construct pictures if it's a memory that you have in your head you would generally look up and to the left which means you're using the right hand side of your brain which is generally where most people hold their visual memory is it it's bad it's bad it's no one knows we're getting false hope we're getting people seeing sightings yeah it's good to get sightings but we want 100 definite exciting so i mean it's just it's crazy one interested viewer was the detective leading the case nick scholar so whilst hazel was a person of interest at that time there was no evidence to suggest he had actually been involved in tears abduction so for that reason you're clearly interested in what you've got to say we were surprised when the tv interview came out because the family never told us it was going to take place we'd been with the family that morning then suddenly that evening his interview is appearing on tv interviews like this with stewart are crucial to the police in helping them gain a further understanding to what they already know because the person is sort of off guard because it's not the police interviewing them anymore stuart hazel is a narcissistic predator he sniffs out other people's vulnerabilities he inserts himself into families where he will be looked after and he will be pandered to and he will have the things that he wants and i think what we can see when we look at him performing in his interviews with with television and with newspapers he is the the center of attention and he absolutely loves that because he's fully in control of everything that's going on around him time will the next 12 hours will bring some good news the following day friday the 10th of august the police were due to return to hazel's home to carry out a forensic search of the property on the same day tear's grandmother christine bicknell noticed a bad smell coming from the house so she calls the police the police turn up and it was a family aids officer walks into the house and goes yeah you're right everyone out it would be the fourth and final time the police searched the house we went back on that friday morning immediately officers went into the house they could smell a very strong smell that from their experience they recognized to be that of a decomposing body the forensic teams followed the smell up into the attic where the police made a horrific discovery pushed into the eaves as tears body completely wrapped in black bin liners and taped in very tightly you know a very sad moment because you always live in hope although the reality is is probably less than a percent you always live in hope that she will return until they found the body the search was over tia had never left the house to travel to croydon she'd been murdered in her grandmother's home her body had been hidden away for a week the entire nation was stunned the sense of loss here is mixed with all sorts of emotions people feel cheated their week-long campaign was a desperate mission to find tears sharp it ended with the twelve-year-old found dead in her own grandmother's home i was gobsmacked we had watched detectives forensic teams police dogs go in and out of the house several times but even i at that time didn't think for a moment that they were about to say they'd found tears body in the house where i'd been standing outside for the best part of a week and the police had searched three times already i just got off the tube and my phone went mad with loads and loads of text messages voicemails anyway i read one text message which was from a colleague of mine at the bbc at correspondent he said you know they found the body and i said where and they said in the house i said you're joking and they went no in the loft i went that's terrible and i said well where's stuart what's happened to him and they said oh he's on the run he's gone where is stuart hazel was the question running through a lot of people's minds that morning he'd left the house and had yet to return hazel had told to his grandmother christine he was going to get a paper and he just disappeared and never came back so we immediately mounted a london wide search for him he was seen on a train going up towards central london and again we know he got off that train the city of london and research room there he then disappeared off the radar for a short while before reappearing in a supermarket the cctv captured a distressed hazel buying some vodka he was drunk he was rambling he was talking to people about you still need to help me find my missing granddaughter it was obvious to those in the shop who he was and they were aware that police were looking for him the owners of that supermarket recognized his face from the press appeal and contacted police agent by that stage had gone into an area of open parkland um but he he bought vodka in the supermarket where he ranked the vodka police search room and a police dog found him in the undergrowth this all unraveled on a friday early evening and by late evening we were told that he'd been arrested hazel had lied to police about tear leaving the house for croydon a week earlier he was the last person to see her alive and the number one suspect in her murder the week-long search for missing twelve-year-old school girl tia sharp had come to a tragic end police had found her body in the loft of her grandmother's house on saturday the 11th of august 2012 stuart hazel tears grandmother's partner was being questioned on suspicion of her murder what can you tell me about the murder of tia show up stewart i'll cut the ministry must listen please okay on the same day a postmortem was being carried out at croydon mortuary clearly tia had been dead for a week and unfortunately the body had begun to decompose quite badly the thing with decomposition is that the rate can be very variable it depends on all sorts of factors if you've got somebody who's wrapped up to prevent the smell getting out they're potentially in somewhere that's not particularly warm which will [ __ ] decomposition in this particular case the passage of time and the changes that had occurred to the body in the postmortem period really limited what pathology could tell you the police still had no evidence that hazel had killed tyr but a further search of the loft had uncovered her clothes glasses and hidden elsewhere in the house something truly sinister on this occasion found pushed behind the door frame on the inside of a cupboard door above head height was a memory card for a digital camera we recovered deleted images from that card that were quite disturbing there was some where clearly had searched the internet and found pictures of girls that were not dissimilar looking to tear and they had glasses and a similar hairstyle but worst of all on that memory card was perhaps the most grotesque image i've ever seen so we took the photograph the show pathologist and he pointed out the hypostasis on it which is essentially how the blood pulls on a dead body and this pathologist was of the opinion that that was a picture of a dead girl also recorded on the memory card were a number of videos one was of tia sitting on a settee looked like she's rubbing suntan lotion some kind of cream into her legs clearly he'd given the impression perhaps he was sending a text or something but all the time he was secretly filming tear one of the crips undeniably linked the camera to hazel another video image was particularly unnerving it showed hazel filming tear when she was asleep he'd obviously gone into her room and was walking around her with the phone in his hand he also just briefly filmed his own shadow on the wall menacingly standing over her on saturday august the 11th 2012 stuart hazel was charged with the murder of tia sharp he was remanded in custody at belmarsh prison where he wrote a letter to his father claiming tears death had been an accident and that he was contemplating suicide [Music] he wrote i can't sleep can't eat i wish i could turn back the clock but i can't i'm sorry to have lied to you all but i didn't know what to do forgive me nine months after the murder of tia sharp on the 7th of may 2013 37 year old stuart hazel pleaded not guilty as his trial began at the old bailly hazel pleaded not guilty court his defense case statement indicated he was going to say that ty had accidentally fallen down the stairs and he had panicked didn't know how to tell her mother and grandmother that the granddaughter was dead so panicked and hid the body and that's the stance he maintained throughout the prosecution case the training of forensic pathologists is not only to identify injuries but to recognize patterns of injuries and to suggest that someone had died of falling down the stairs there are very specific things that we would expect to see and if we don't see those you can fairly quickly exclude such an explanation investigative journalist mark williams thomas was in the courtroom so the interview i did with stuart hazel opened the trial out from the prosecution's case the trial sat through and information started to come out and it was very clear that stuart hazel had become very sexually interested in young tia and one of the searches he'd carried out on his mobile phone on the internet was incest sex and that just highlighted and reinforced that interest for tia's mum seeing stuart hazel on the dock would have been the first time she had seen him since the day of his arrest and i can remember trying to watch the interaction between the two it's a classic thing that crime reporters look for to add colour to the reporting of the first of a trial and she looked at him stared daggers at him if you like and as far as i can remember he spent those first few moments and most of the trial looking down not wanting at all for very obvious reasons to catch the eye particularly of tears mother but for any members of tears family quite a few of who were there on the third day of the trial the indecent photograph of tears body was shown as evidence against hazel the entire courtroom including the sharp family were horrified they were so upset they were they were unbelievably upset because you know they've heard the detail but there's one thing hearing it and another thing seeing it and at times they actually had to leave and it appeared it was all too much for hazel as well on may the 13th he changed his plea to guilty stating tia's family have suffered enough it was a huge shock i think you can only imagine the reaction of people in court there were gasps there were shrieks there were tears from some of those in the public gallery it really was one of those courtroom moments of real drama i've seen a few but this is still very vivid in my mind hazel definitely didn't change his plea to save the family any more agony or despair he changed his plea because he was a coward because that morning he would have to account for the disgusting photograph of tears death he just didn't have the moral strength to do that on may the 14th 2013 mr justice nichols sentenced stuart hazel to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 38 years he was immediately sent to belmarsh prison i i mean i don't know sad and sad it's just really sad the whole thing when you add it all up you get to the situation here was a young girl who loved her grand he loved her mum but loved her grand love spending time with the grand you know she saw solitude in her grand as many many young children do and to go to a place where of course that eventually was where her death occurred was was so sound of course nobody could have predicted that other than stuart hazel christine bicknell said it never crossed her mind that stuart hazel would hurt tyr she knew nothing about his alleged involvement in her murder if she had she said he would be dead too in his sentencing remarks mr justice nichols stated that hazel had developed a sexual interest in tear but that the murder wasn't necessarily sexually motivated now that does seem to be a bit of a confusing thing to say on the surface but essentially what the judge means there is that stuart hazel is somebody who has a sexual interest in in young girls but in terms of did he kill her in order to have sex with her um possibly not we can't know that for sure but the overarching theme here is is power because that's what sex is about um it's about power over another individual especially when it comes to stuart hazel hazel has never spoken about how or why he killed tia sharpe all i can tell you from stuart hazel is that he took away a life a precious life of a young girl who had an amazing future in front of her and as a result of that he has impacted on many many other people's lives and he deserves to spend the rest of his life in jail i don't think we'll ever know what made stuart hazel kill tia sharp that's information that i don't think he's ever going to share with anybody but we can surmise a little bit as to the context of it he's trusted to look after this girl and he abuses it and we don't know what the circumstances are around that whether he felt that she would perhaps tell somebody about something that he had done to her or to somebody else but but it was he found himself in a situation where he had to control her he felt that she had slipped out of his control and she posed some kind of a threat to him if that is in torment if he lives in anguish every day if he regrets or he thinks about what he's done every single day then so be it in august 2013 hazel's next-door neighbor who'd given police a false witness statement was sentenced to five months in prison and in june of the same year the house where tia was murdered was bulldozed to the ground in an attempt to erase the memory of the sickening murder think stuart hazel did some incredibly evil things um but he chose to do those evil things he could have chosen not to and he was fully aware of of the impact of of his actions he's a horrible man he's a dangerous man you know stuart hazel is is the reason that she's dead nobody else stuart hazel and if stewart hazel hadn't done it to her in time he'd probably done it to somebody else we may never know what drove hazel to kill the 12 year old girl who called him granddad but we can be sure his unhealthy interest in tear sharp led to the innocent girl being murdered he caused the sharp family unimaginable torture knowing all along what he'd done to tyr his empathy towards them came too little too late proving that stuart hazel is one of the world's most evil killers
Channel: Real Crime
Views: 603,175
Rating: 4.7541943 out of 5
Keywords: real crime, crime documentary, true crime, full documentary, full episode, Dennis Nilsen, murder documentary, murder documentary 2020, murder documentary full episode, serial killer, world's most evil killers, the mind of a killer, serial killers, evil killer, murderers, serial killer (character occupation), serial killer documentary 2020, Stuart Hazell, hidding in plain sight, hidden killer
Id: rBUNSgrFn80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 28sec (2608 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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