Jimmy Evans – The Secret of the Double-Portion Blessing

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well you guys are so sweet thank you so much very sorry for even in his family and just the you know tragic loss of his that but I'm so glad that pastor Robert and family were able to go and be with them I'm excited about this weekend and everything that's happening and the first fruits offering Karen and I we have our commitment here our heart for the kingdom commitment as well as our check and so I'm going to bring this message and at the end of the message we'll have an opportunity and this pastor Robert said you don't have to feel pressure but if you're watching online and all the campuses are watching this but you'll have an opportunity to give not only a commitment for the heart for the kingdom but also a firstfruits offering and just going to be thinking about that I know that you've gotten a card as you came in today so if you'll just be thinking about maybe as I'm preaching and speaking maybe the Lord will be speaking to your heart and you guys can begin to prepare your gift here now this message is called the secret of the double portion blessing and I want to talk to you about living how many of you would like to live in a double portion blessing anybody I do I'm talking that's kind of a no-brainer there I want to talk to you about your right as a child of God to live in a double portion blessing we're defrauded of so much that Jesus died to give us simply because we don't know about it we don't we don't understand it but once we understand all that Jesus did for us on the cross through his life death and resurrection we understand we're rich I mean we we have been given incredible blessings through Jesus Christ in one of those blessings is the double portion blessing this is Deuteronomy 21 this is the first scripture now read this is the Old Testament and it says if a man has two wives one loved and the other unloved and they have borne him children both the loved and the unloved and if the firstborn son is of her who is unloved then it shall be on the day he bequeathed his possessions to his sons that he must not bestow firstborn status on the son of the loved wife in preference to the son of the unloved the true firstborn but he shall acknowledge the son of the unloved wife as the firstborn by giving him a double portion of all that he has for his the beginning this strength the right of the firstborn is his now first follow me to say God's talking here about if you have two wives it's just always a bad idea and I just want to go on record right now I'm saying because one of them is gonna be more loved than the other and you have drama if you look in the Bible anytime you find bigamy or polygamy you just have super super big drama so here's a lot of drama here so the principle is this the firstborn son belonged to God and the firstborn son was given twice as much of the father's possessions as any other son or any other child but with that double portion blessing came the responsibility of taking care of the family the reason this was not preference the the first morn did not receive a double portion because he was more loved or preferred a responsibility came with that to be the father's representative and ultimately his replacement the firstborn son when he received the double portion he knew I'm the dad if there's a need in this family I'm responsible for meeting this needs so the blessing was great you received a double portion now remember Jesus is the firstborn the firstborn the only begotten of the Father here's what the Bible says about Jesus Romans 8 whom he foreknew he also predestined be conformed the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren that's Romans 8 Colossians 1 he is the image of the invisible God the firstborn over all creation for by him all things were created that are in the heaven on the earth visible and invisible whether Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created through him and for him and he is before all things and in him all things consist and he is the head of the body the church was the beginning the firstborn from the dead that in all things he may have the preeminence and so Jesus came as the Father's representative with the blessing the double portion blessing of the firstborn to take care of God's family that is what the double portion blessing is for Jesus was the ultimate example of someone sacrificially coming and taking care of God's family but here's the good news I want to give you and that is in Jesus every person in the body of Christ is a first form men and women listen in Christ there's neither male nor female right so we when you're talking about the kingdom you have to get past the gender that you are right now in Christ there's neither male nor female for example as men we have to deal with the fact that we're the Bride of Christ and that's a challenge that really is a challenge for us okay as women you have to deal with the fact that your sons of God okay so here's Hebrews 12 you have come to Mount Zion to the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels and to the General Assembly and Church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven to God the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect to Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better than that of Abel so says you you've come now to this intent and it says they're angels here God is here but it's also the Church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven he said well Jimmy firstborn there refers to Jesus no it doesn't because the firstborn males of Israel were registered when a first horn male was born it was written down it was recorded and registered that that firstborn had been had been born and that he had the the right of the firstborn listen let me tell you something you need to know this on the day that you were born again your name was registered in heaven as a firstborn son of God did you know that men and men and women there in Chryslers neither male nor female we all have a hundred percent of the blessing you have the right of the firstborn upon your life right now you can walk in a greater blessing and a greater anointing than you've ever walked in before if you simply understand who you are in God we are the General Assembly of the Church of the firstborn and our names have been registered in heaven okay so this is I want to talk to you about how to receive the double portion and let me ask you again now how many of you want the double portion anybody want the double portion here okay I want the double portion Matthew 14 I want to talk to you about this because once you see this you can't unsee it it's just with you from that point forward and it's very simple very very simple Matthew 14 this is the double portion anointing when Jesus went out he saw a great multitude and he was moved with compassion everything Jesus did he did because he felt compassion we have a loving Savior He healed their sick while it was evening his disciples came to him saying this is a deserted place the hours already late send the multitudes away that they may go into the villages and buy food for themselves Jesus said them they did not need to go away you give them something to eat they said to him we have here only five loaves and two fish he said bring them here to me then he commanded the multitude to sit down the grassy he took the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven he blessed and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples and the disciples to the multitude so they all ate and were filled and they took up the twelve baskets full of fragments that remained now those who had eaten were about five thousand men besides women and children so they had very large families back then you're talking about somewhere between twenty-five and thirty-five thousand people who ate five loaves into fish and after they ate the five loaves and two fish they had twelve baskets large baskets of fragments that they picked up so think about that for just a minute Jesus blessed and broke the five loaves and two fish fed thirty thousand people and every disciple ended up with their own basket so Jesus turned to the disciples the disciples said Lord is slate theirs there's no food around here youyou need to let the people go so they can get something to eat and Jesus turned and said no you're gonna give them something to eat though sometimes I know until we take responsibility for the people that God loves we're not going to live in the blessing of the double abortion before the double portion blessing falls upon us the Spirit of the firstborn has to be in US and the firstborn takes responsibility for the family that's the reason for the double portion so Jesus goes out right after this story Jesus exposes the problem of why people don't walk in the spirit of the firstborn this is Matthew 16 this is right after this miracle man when his disciples had come to the other side they had forgotten to take bread then jesus said to them take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees and they reasoned among themselves saying it is because we have taken no bread but Jesus being aware of it said to them oh you have little faith why have you reason among yourselves because you have brought no bread do you not yet understand to remember the five loaves of the five thousand and how many baskets you took up nor the seven loaves of the four thousand how many large baskets you took up how is it that you don't understand that I don't speak to you concerning bread but to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees then they understood that he did not tell them to beware of the leaven of bread but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and the Sadducees you say well what what well what is the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees Matthew 23 woe to you Jesus is rebuking them woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites you shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against from a men for you neither going yourselves nor do you allow those who are entering to go in woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites you devour widows houses and for a pretence make long prayers therefore you will receive the greater condemnation selfishness selfishness that is look that is the doctrine of the Pharisees and the Sadducees they these were people who use their position to fleece the flock these were people who didn't care about the people remember Jesus was filled with compassion they were filled with greed Jesus called them whitewashed ends and these are these are people now that when they look at other people they don't see people in need they see people that can meet their name the people are for us let me let me go back to the beginning of Gateway Church gateway Church started at David's steakhouse in Amarillo and pastor Robert and Debbie and Karen and I were out eating and we entered into a covenant relationship that night with a handshake between pastor Robert and me to start gateway church I am so proud of Robert Morris he is my dear friend he's one of the best best pastors on the planet and what I love about he has been speaking now for the last weeks about how we need to go witness to the loss you know that you know what that means about him he cares about people gateway Church I have never seen a church do more for people than this church when you see gateway church were all about people we're all about lost people we're all about hurting people we're all about disadvantaged people we're all about helping people to receive Christ to receive deliverance to receive freedom everything we do is about people I've never met a person that walked in the spirit of the first born more than pastor Robert Morris and I'm so thankful he's my pastor I'm so thankful we had anybody thankful for Robert Morris is our pastor the elders of the church I was in an elders meeting this week we have the best elders in this church there's so there's they have a heart for God but a heart for people and and I know that many of you can't know them personally I know them they're my friends so I'm saying I'm proud of this church with a godly pride I'm proud of our staff I'm proud of you because every time we have an offering every time you give anything I'm saying it just shows your heart not just your heart for God but your heart for people now I'm on staff here and I am the the lead apostolic senior pastor here and my role is oversee all of the outreach ministries of Gateway Church and I don't have enough time to tell you everything that we're doing it's absolutely phenomenal the amount of not just money but the amount of compassion that is poured out of this church it's not just what happens in every campus on the weekends which is very very very important and meaningful yes the world is being touched because of you it begins with pastor Roberts vision it begins also with the elders and their heart and the SAP but it's you every time you give and I'm saying churches that are dying did you know that only 20% of churches in America are growing 80% of churches are either plateaued or declining does you know that the average church only gives 3% of their money away from the church and that's not good that's not the spirit of the first one the spirit of the firstborn says we're going to take care of somebody other than ourselves we're not just going to help the people and right here we're gonna help the people all over that are hurting I would say something about America with with all of our issues in America were the greatest nation in the world and one of the reasons that were the greatest nation in the world is there's never been a country as generous as us when there's a problem anywhere in the world guess who shows up the first point with all of our problems there's there's a lot of good things about America one is we stand with Israel and the other is we help everybody sometimes you say we shouldn't help those people but if we make a mistake we make it on the side of generosity I'm proud of our nation it's no accident when you see someone blessed God took the blessing when Jesus cursed the fig tree you remember that story he was cursing the old religious system that took from people he didn't care about their hurts he cared about what was in their pocket it just took advantage of them Jesus came and started a revolution it was called the revolution of the first one he had a double portion oiling and he came with his heart filled to give away to meet the needs of people the thing that has to change in us before the blessing of the firstborn comes on us is we just have to make a decision we're not just gonna live for ourselves we're gonna live for other people Karen I shared with you our testimony about giving but we went to we went to church when we can we were in our early 20s - Julie was a little big baby Julie's 44 and wheeshes little baby and we went to church one Sunday and I grew up for I just I never even thought about giving any money away I never gave any money away because I just thought if you give money away you're crazy or you're rich and I'm neither I may be crazy I'm not rich but we went to church one Sunday and it's the first time we visit the church and the preacher got up and started preaching on giving giving money to the church while I I just had an out-of-body experience I I was miserable I hated it I just thought this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life and I we left that church I was disgusted I was angry and I thought buddy I feel a lot sorrier for me than I do this church this church has got money and we're broke I made $600 a month we lived in government housing we were wrote so we got home and I was just I mean I was just so put off with that and Karen walked into the living room I was sit in the living room and she walked in and said hey I really like that pastors message today I said Karen really she said I would like to give 40 dollars to that church we had no money the only way we made it financially was float you know you write checks and they don't get there for several days we never had money we never admin we were broke we always live broke and I mean honestly I was sick it made me sick at my stomach I was terrified disgusted all at once and I said Karen we don't have money to give and she said I'd like to give $40 to the church and she gave it you know honestly I felt like if I say no God strikes me dead if I say yes we go broke so let's go broke you know I'm I'm a reasonable person and we gave we gave she gave she gave now I didn't get we didn't get any money in the mail we didn't know that stuff happened the only thing that happened was the next time we got paid we had money in the bank now that had never happened never happened okay and so then then she came back the next time we got paid and said I'd like to give another $40 I said Karen we survived your first little stunt I did that's what we just we survived the first one don't press your luck because I have a sweet godly wife I woke up one day and God was blessing us did not because of me it was in spite of me I could not deny we were tithing and had extra money when we started I made seven thousand dollars a year and we were broke as we begin to give something dramatically changed but it wasn't just giving it was living for something other than myself and it just changed our lives so then we started giving to the building fund at the church house the reason we started giving the building from the church is I was the preacher and I was telling everybody give the building time so I had to kind of talk myself I pretty so good I gave we gave every year to the building fund and we'd always pray you know about what we were gonna give and about 17 years ago we were taking a big building fund offering and I'm not telling you this to manipulate you I'm just telling you this is this our testimony I was praying one morning and I said Lord what he wants to give more said give everything and Karen came in later and she said have you prayed about what we're gonna give this week and I see yeah I said did you pray she said yeah so what Lord said to you because you're the big giver she said what the Lord say to you I said Lord said give everything she said that's what he said to me now we didn't sell our house our cars we took all of our cash in her checking account all of her savings and we had some stocks and we came down now that weekend at the church and our dream was a house we wanted to build a house and we took all the money that we had and we came down and we gave that Sunday right before Thanksgiving we put a check in the offering and we gave everything we had except our houses and cars it was scary and unbelievably phenomenal at the same time so you say well what happened I'll just give you the bottom line two years later we were living in our dream house debt-free with four times more money in the bank than we gave if you build God's house he will build your house if you take responsibility for God's family he will take responsibility for your family the blessing the double portion blessing is phenomenal phenomenal and I look back at those markers in our lives when we were giving it was life-changing in some times literally I look back and I shudder when I think what if I hadn't done it what if what if I hadn't done it we're so blessed we're so blessed here's the double portion blessing Jesus said this is Matthew 14 again jesus said of them they don't need to go away you give them something to eat and I said to him we have your only five loaves and two fish you said bring them here to me he command the multitude to sit down on the grass he took the five loaves and two fish and looking up to heaven he blessed him broke them and gave them to the disciples that samples gave the multitude they all ate and were filled and they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments that remain now those who had eaten were five thousand men besides women and children and so why most people don't give is because we don't even have enough for us but think about this there were twelve disciples plus Jesus and there were five loaves and two fish I'm telling you you know thirteen men that's not enough that's not even a good snack that's just enough to frustrate you well they're in the middle of nowhere they don't have any food places around that's why the disciples said send them away and Jesus says no you don't need a cinema you give them something to eat they're saying we don't have enough for us that in that best way I felt if I had enough for when my ship comes in I'm going to give something away your ship is out in the sea waiting for you to take on the responsibilities of first born in ship comes in the disciples said we don't have enough Jesus at all you need to do is give it to me and as soon as they put the loaves and fish in Jesus hands the miracle begins first of all they gave it to Jesus here's what numbers eight says they are given to me from among the children of Israel I have taken them for myself instead of all who opened the wound the firstborn of all the children Israel for all the firstborn among the children israel or mine both man and beast the miracle of the first one blessing begins when we say to God I belong to you I'm Yours everything it's not just my money Lord I'm yours everything I have is yours the second thing is Jesus needs to bless it and break it this is he says he bless it and broke it and gave the late loaves to the disciple what do you mean he bless it he put the double portion blessing on it as soon as they took responsibility for the multitude and gave Jesus what they had he put the double portion blessing on what they had and he broke it what do you mean he broke it if we're going to live the way that God wants us to live something has to break over our lives a spirit of selfishness a spirit of lack a spirit of fear a spirit of poverty all of that has to break off of our lives and when you give it breaks all that off your life they gave it to Jesus he blessed it he broke it the miracle began and listen God was pleased because his family was taken care of the disciples were pleased because they all got an overwhelming blessing and all the people ate until they were full when you give God wins you win and the people win when you don't give nobody wins that's the blessing that's the blessing of giving I want if someone would bring out the first basket I just want to show you an illustration here we're about to take our offering this this is the first basket thank you very much is so imagine this is this is five loaves and two fish right here these are the fish these are actually real I caught these today and so imagine imagine that there's 13 men 13 men and you're gonna divide this in these and Jesus says no no that's enough with my blessing it's enough in fact with my blessing it's more than enough and some of us been there I've been there now would say I don't have enough I've never had enough I've never had enough I had a spirit of poverty on my life a spirit of poverty you just feel like you're never gonna get ahead it's just not enough jesus said if you'll let me bless it and break it it'll be enough in fact it'll be more than enough now let's bring two other baskets up if you would and let me show you what happened when they gave this to Jesus here's what happened with five loaves and two fish and this is the blessing the double portion blessing this is twelve baskets full of fragments of bread and fish so it's pretty easy math so there we go so here's here's the deal here's the deal so let's just kind of reason this route because this is the truth so this is what the Bible says would you trade one thirteenth of this for one of these for yourself didn't a good trade so so you say no wasteman so you're telling me if I give to the Lord this is gonna happen I want to read scripture to you this is second Corinthians chapter 9 Paul is taking an offering for poor people in Jerusalem the Saints in Jerusalem are suffering he's taking an offering from the Corinthians so listen if you think if you think that the scripture says this listen to it therefore I thought it necessary to exhort the Brethren to go to you ahead of time and prepare your generous gift beforehand which you had previously promised that it may be ready as a matter of generosity and not as a grudging obligation but this I say he who sow sparingly will also reap sparingly and he who sews bountifully will also reap bountifully so let each one give as he purposes in his heart not grudgingly or of necessity for God loves a cheerful Giver and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency and all things may have an abundance for every good work at is it written he is dispersed abroad he's given to the poor his righteousness endures forever now may he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food supply and multiply the seed which you've sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness while you were enriched in everything for all liberality which causes Thanksgiving to us from God that's what that's saying he who's so sparingly will reap sparingly he who sows bountifully really does they've been able to make all grace abound to you that you're always ready for every good work now I want to say something we're about to take our offering closest and it's important to the devil that you live broke and when there's a need you can't meet it he wants you to live in fear and in lack and in selfishness so that you're not thinking about helping somebody else you're just you're just out for Team you and that's why you live your life it's important to God see if when you have this there's not enough when you have this it's too much they didn't have refrigeration you couldn't keep this for two three weeks you had a day or two to eat this before it went bad this is this is too much for one person that you will it's not for me but for most people I need to give some away I've got so much I can give without fear that's the person of it that's the reason for the double portion blessing it's important to God that you have more than enough and I know that some people some preachers say you need to be rich let me give you the definition of prosperity having more than enough to do what God's called you to do the only other alternatives is not enough or just enough God doesn't want you to have more than less than enough or just enough Psalm 23 says my cup runs over why does your cup run over so you can give somebody else what they need I'll live my life like this now I used to live my life like that in fear and in life and selfishness my wife thank God for a good wife we're able to give I have our gift here and I have our commitment here this is above our tithe we are able to give now without fear now some of you here we're gonna take our offering here in just a minute some of you here I'm preaching to the choir you're all ahead of me you're blessed you live in the blessing of the first one and you can't wait to give your you came ready some of you this is gonna change your life first of all it's gonna scare you and then it's gonna bless you and you have an opportunity to let God bless what little you have and break off of it a spirit of lack in poverty and to do a miracle in someone's life and return back to you more than enough I'm gonna pray for you here in just a minute I want you to prepare all every campus every service I want you to begin to prepare your card and your gift if you would you're watching online you go online right now and give and also turn in your commitment card there but just here's what's gonna happen I'm gonna pray for you in just a minute we're gonna sing a song of worship at every campus in service we're gonna have a song of worship during that song as an opportunity to come down we'll have baskets here on the front and you can come down and give your card and give your check if you need a little bit more time take a little bit more time just sit down and continue to write and continue maybe the talk is a couple until you're ready to come down at the end of the song listen I'm gonna come up here and I'm gonna pray the blessing of the firstborn over your life and I'm gonna pray a blessing over all of us that God would expand us that God would multiply us that God would give us more and he would give us an expanded heart to care for his people because that's what it's all about okay I want to pray for you real quick bow your heads Lord I bless your people and many of the people listening to me right now they they understand everything I've said and they've experienced that some of us Lord we were just like the disciples where it just terrifies us to think about taking the little that we have in giving it away and Lord I'm just asking for you to speak I'm asking for you to speak to every heart as you have your head bowed right there I'm saying I'm not asking you to give anything that God doesn't tell you to do I don't want you to do it under compulsion I don't want you to do it under guilt or anything like that I only want you to do both in your commitment and your gift exactly what you feel individually or as a couple what you feel like the Lord is impressing on your heart and when we come down here in just a minute and we give these down at the front we do it as an act of worship we do it by saying Lord I take the responsibility as a firstborn son of God to care for your family and I trust you to care for me I'm gonna build your house and I'm trusting you to build my house in Jesus name Amen I want everybody to stand if you would if you need a little bit more time you can continue to prepare there but is the worship place is the worship song plays you can worship but also this is the opportunity to come down and put your gift and also your card down here [Music] you ask we gladly your head said revival free in a surrender come start and let it but cry heaven filthy girl Oh [Music] Oh [Music] just one king and just one crown [Music] rule and reign here till the darkness has bow down your people as we Hubley see your face we seek your face whatever you are [Music] whatever you ah [Music] we glad [Music] Seb revived and I've surrender come starter [Music] what kind [Music] just one love and just [Music] unified Great Divide and Lake Oh pre-stressed boy [Applause] by [Music] revive [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is still plenty of time if you're coming you keep coming there's plenty of time every service every campus you can keep coming even during the ultra call here in just a minute there's plenty of time for you to come and also want to say I know many of you you came and you just weren't prepared to give but when you go home go online you can give and you can fill out your card that way if you want to receive the double portion blessing of the first porno once you lift your hands up to the ball or don't want to pray for you we're your children we're your firstborn sons our names are registered in your book in heaven on the day that we got saved you recorded us this is our birthright Lord we're not asking for something that doesn't belong to us we're claiming what belongs to us we want the double portion and we understand that there is a condition that comes with a double portion and that is we take care of your family that when we see a need and you tell us to meet that need that we meet that need and we're trusting you for blessing we're trusting you for multiplication in our own finances but Lord I speak the blessing of the firstborn over their lives their family their health their finances their marriage every area of their lives I speak the blessing of the firstborn over them in the name of Jesus we break a spirit of lack we break a spirit of poverty we break a spirit of fear we break us fear every spirit that it would keep us from being the people that you called us to be we break that spirit we speak a blessing I speak of blessing over every family and I speak a blessing over our church family over a gateway church let us reach more people this year than we've ever reached before the loss they're hurting the bound every person that you want us to reach to the right to the left the North and the South let us expand and let us fill the earth with the name of Jesus and the family of God but I bless these precious people and I speak over them the double portion blessing in Jesus name and all God's people said amen somebody give the Lord a big hand clap god bless you
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 35,263
Rating: 4.8555007 out of 5
Keywords: Christmas, gatewaypeople, Gateway, Gateway Church, Robert Morris, Pastor Robert, Savior, Dallas, Southlake, Texas, Jesus, Sermon, salvation, christ, Jimmy Evans
Id: mzKjn1OOD5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 43sec (2383 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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