Jimmy Evans – Overcoming Sickness – The Overcoming Life

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so if you'll turn in your Bibles Isaiah 53 or your phone or your iPad or however you read the Bible so if you'll turn in your Bibles there I want to finish this series I hope you've been blessed by this series the overcoming life this message is called overcoming sickness I want to talk about how to deal with sickness now some of your here you may not be sick but I want to talk to you about your faith rising for God healing and healing through you I want I want you to have faith that God heals today and he heals through his people and so Isaiah 53 this is called a messianic prophecy because this is the Old Testament talking about Jesus is talking about the coming of jesus isaiah 53:3 his despised and rejected by men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we did not esteem him surely he has borne our griefs which means sicknesses carried our sorrows yet we esteemed him stricken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace that's the worst Shalom it means total well-being was upon him and by His stripes we are healed and so this is the curse for blessing exchange that took place on the cross we deserved everything Jesus got because of our sin and because of our rebellion against God that's what we deserved but Jesus took it so that we could have everything we don't deserve all the blessings of God's grace that we don't deserve here's what the book of Galatians says about the same issue Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law having become a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree in the cross was a tree that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith so Jesus came the Bible says he became a curse for us so that the blessing of Abraham could come on us you say well what's the blessing of Abraham Genesis 24 1 a Brougham was old well advanced in age and the Lord had blessed him in all things Jesus didn't die so we could be kind of bless Jesus didn't die so we could be mostly blessed Jesus died so we could be totally blessed and the blessing of Abraham is the total blessing of God and when it says the chastisement for our Shalom was upon him when a Jew says Shalom to you what they're saying is may you be totally blessed so Jesus died so that the blessing of Abraham could come to us and there was a Sevenfold exchange that happened on the cross Jesus took seven curses away from us so that seven blessings be come to us and here they are he took away death so we could have life he died so that we can have eternal life did you know by the way listen what I'm about to say Jesus told Mary and Martha when Lazarus died he who believes in Me will never die do you know they'll never be a second in eternity that you're dead the fear of death according to Hebrews - the fear of death is the number one way that the devil controls people is by the fear of dying did you know that your will you will never be dead on this earth the minute your eyes close here they open in heaven the minute you take your last breath here you take your first breath there when your senses dull here they come alive there you will never die because of what Jesus did the second exchange was sickness for help that he bore our sicknesses by His stripes we were healed why so we could be healthy the third is rejection for acceptance the sky grew black on Friday afternoon and God the Father turned his back on Jesus and he said my God my God why have you forsaken me that's the only time he called his father God he turned his back on him he will never turn his back on us poverty for prosperity prosperity means having more than enough to do God's will for your life it doesn't mean having millions of dollars it just means there's only two alternatives not enough or barely enough God wants you to your cup to run oval why does God want your cup to run over so where other people can be blessed through your life defeat for victory Jesus was defeated by the Jews but we have victory as our birthright bondage for freedom they bound him up so that we could be free and the last is punishment for peace the chastisement for our peace our total well-being was a on Jesus so we know that Jesus took the curse all of the curse 100% of the curse upon himself so that we could have 100% of the blessing of God it is our birthright and we need to remember it is the gospel of Jesus Christ that is the gospel but one of the issues we want to talk about is healing I say 53:5 by His stripes we are healed not were not will be we are healed as present tense in God heals today but we need to understand how God heals because it's not always the same it's not cookie cutter the Lord heals in different ways because of the different issues related to illness but let me let me begin by reading some scriptures just to make sure that we have a biblical foundation for what we're doing here and let's just read some scriptures about what Jesus said this is John 14 most assuredly I say to you he who believes in Me the works that I do he will do also and greater works than these he will do because I go to my father and whatever you ask in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son if you ask anything in my name I will do it no sir he says here most assuredly I say to you he who believes in Me do you believe anybody he said you'll do greater works than me and so the Bible never says what happened during the Ministry of Jesus was only for the Ministry of Jesus it says quite the opposite first Corinthians 12 the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all for the one has given the word of wisdom through the spirit to another the word of knowledge through the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit listen to another gifts plural of healings plural by the same spirit God composed the body to heal itself the body of Christ we heal ourselves gifts plural of healings plural I was talking about rejection last week and I read the scripture in Corinthians where it says God has given the more greater honor on the more unseemly parts of the body so that we would respect each other and what that means is that many of you that don't think of yourselves as a powerful person or a gifted person you can't believe the healings that God would minister through you if you would only accept who you are you're a healer you're a white blood cell in the body of Christ you're there to heal you are the that so this is the curse of disconnection when the body disconnects we don't heal ourselves we have to come together and so this is mark 16 these signs will follow those who believe in my name they will cast out demons they will speak with new tongues they will take up serpents if they drink anything deadly it won't hurt the only stop right there that doesn't mean you go look for snakes okay because there are churches that do that kind of SEP they're always small they have a growth problem it means in the unfortunate event that you run across the snake doing God's work and it bites you you're okay like the Apostle Paul got bit that time it was okay they will lay their hands on the sick and they will recover this is talking about everything in the body of Christ is relationally transferred we need to touch each other we need to lay hands on the sick and believe that through our lives that God will heal so here's the question so we just read all this stuff why is everybody here and this is a big question let's talk about it it says in this is one verse Matthew 12:15 great multitudes followed him and He healed them all so someone would say well jesus healed everybody actually he did not kill everyone because here's Mark 6 now he could do mighty no mighty work there this is Nazareth his hometown he could do no mighty work there except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them and he marveled because of their unbelief Jesus doesn't heal where there's no faith president so when Jesus went home to his hometown and there was no faith there they had unbelief he didn't do very many miracles Jesus Hills where there's faith president but he doesn't always heal the same in some cases he laid his hands on people in the case of the Centurion he spoke a word concerning a servant he was healed Peters mother-in-law was sick and Jesus rebuked the fever he cast out demons out of some people he rubbed mud on one man's that was blind in another case he told a man to go dip in a pool so there's no cookie cutter formula God heals individually based on our faith and on our circumstances so let's talk about the the ways that God heals or the reason that people sick or in the ways that God heals so let's talk about the six major reasons for sickness because there are different reasons that we get sick number one is poor diet lifestyle now I heard this dietician on television and he said if you tell me what you eat I'll predict your illnesses with accuracy so in the a hundred years ago 300 years ago they didn't have processed food processed food is a modern convention and so processed food means this is food that has the nutrients stripped out and it's manipulated for sight and taste and meaning it much of it is addictive this is the lot of the food that that we today people a hundred or thousands of years ago they they ate off the land they were agrarian God made food to heal the food that God made it nourishes and it heals so when we eat and I've this is the truth I was at the gas station today getting gas and I saw a person come out of the convenience store and they were carrying I'm assuming it was a soda pop I don't know you know maybe it's something else but it was that big and it had a handle on it you might as well just put a sugar IV in your vein and just let it drip sugar and sugars poison it's more addictive than heroin you shouldn't eat my sugar if you want to have happy time every now and then it eats yourself some sugar that's fine sugar has absolutely no benefit to the human body there are many problems that are caused by surgery so you have to watch your sugar intake fried foods processed foods those kinds of things you can have final you don't have to be legalistic but I'm saying the things that we eat cause our immune system to change that good or bad they cause us to get sugar diabetes and we have an epidemic of diabetes and many other diseases that are caused by poor diet and stress let me say this about stress stress is the number one reason for doctors office visits today stress-related illnesses and stress is the number one reason for prescribe medications God will give you no grace for stress God did not design the human body to operate under stress stress is a self-inflicted one you know I read the only the only scripture that I've ever scoffed at was Matthew 11 where Jesus said my yoke is easy and my burden is life I read that one day and I thought we're about to kill me and you know I did you're hard to work for and Jesus said it's not my yoke Jimmy it's not my yo I've never had a cavity I've never had measles mumps or chickenpox I've never had a childhood disease and couldn't get sick until I came to the ministry my body fell apart because of this stress the answer for stress is to slow down to do less let me say less is more because when you're stressed out you can't enjoy anything when you have too much activity your children will stress you out we were with our daughter she had our twin granddaughters are about to turn 16 that's where Karen is this weekend and our daughter one day said to our granddaughters you're not doing anything today you're gonna stop because you need to rest and we need to rest because the whole family can get stressed out and so I'm just saying that if you're if you have a poor diet and you're stressed out you're gonna get ill more often it doesn't mean God doesn't care about you it doesn't mean that he won't you know it just means sometimes healing is just wisdom and just slowing down and eating better number two is genetics and generational curses in all of our lives we have predisposed tendencies for certain illnesses and some of you have cancer breast cancer heart disease Alzheimer's dementia you'll go the doctor and the doctor will say well this runs in your family or whatever and the reason is because of sin we have a polluted blood line this is Deuteronomy fine you shall have no other gods before me you shall not make for yourself a carved image any likeness of anything in heaven above or anything on the earth beneath it is in the water underneath under the earth you shall not bow down to them nor serve them for I the Lord your God am a jealous God visiting the iniquities of the father's upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me but showing mercy to thousands to those who love me and keep my Commandments the Kennedy family is an example of this it's mathematically impossible to be as unlucky as the Kennedys they're cursed and they're cursed because of a lineage of crime they're one of the most corrupt criminal families on the earth and the death and the mayhem there's a book called the Kennedy curse and it chronicles all of the bad things that have happened to that family and they're so cursed they know they're cursed but you know what the answer is the answer is the bloodline of Abraham see let me say this Jesus didn't come to just pay for sin Jesus didn't just come to break the curse of sin Jesus came to reattach us to a new bloodline the bloodline of Abraham and so I would go to the doctor in my when my dad was alive my brothers and my mother and my dad now all wants the same doctor and I would go the doctor and he would say to me he's been a good doctor he's a good doctor and he would say well Jim you know in your family you're gonna get this and this and this they you just kinda need to get ready because you know probably gonna get this this the only was talking I didn't rebuke him or anything I would just smile and I just thought oh you must think I'm of the Evans bloodline to that old polluted bloodline my grandfather had to flee Tennessee he was a bootlegger he had to flee Tennessee because they were gonna arrest him he was on a barge he took the whole family that's how we came to Texas is we we came the old-fashioned way and we got chased out of Tennessee well I'm just saying he was one of probably the better ones than my family so all kinds of crime and mayhem in my family but I have a new bloodline the bloodline of Jesus Christ some people are sick because of generational issues and genetic issues and their family mess answer number three reasons for sicknesses demonic strongholds and a spirit of infirmity Luke 13 he was teaching one of the synagogue's on the Sabbath and behold there's a woman who had a spirit of infirmity 18 years and was bent over and could no way raise herself up but when Jesus saw her he called her to him and said to her woman you were loosed from your infirmity and he laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight and glorified God but the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation because Jesus it healed on the Sabbath and he said to the crowd there are six days which men ought to work therefore come and be healed on them and not on the Sabbath day the Lord then answered and said hypocrite does not each one of you on the Sabbath loose his ox or donkey from the stall and lead it away to water so ought not this woman being a daughter of Abraham whom Satan has found think of it for eighteen years be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath so this is let me say something when this woman anyone would have looked at her today and just said she had bone issues she had some kind of a osteoporosis or something like that Jesus came and saw her and knew that this was a spirit of infirmity that's what it says she had a spirit of infirmity you say what's the spirit of infirmity you're never well if this gets healed this comes up it's just you're just always sick it can come through trauma as a child it can come through different ways but a spirit of infirmity it's a demon spirit it's like fear fear is not your emotion it's a demon spirit you have to treat it as such if you can't educate a demon you can't medicate a demon you can't you can't you know do anything up the only thing you can do is just test the little thing out of there and so Jesus Jesus came and this woman has all been over double for 18 years and Jesus walks up and lays his hands on her the demon leaves as she straightens up so sometimes not all the time but sometimes there is a demon attached and that's especially when you know that it just doesn't respond to medication or medicine number four reason for sickness is sin or lack of spiritual connection in covering John five there's a certain men who have had an infirmity 38 years when Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been in that condition a long time he said him do you want to be made well the sick man answered him sir I have no one to put me in the pool when the water is stirred up but while I am coming another steps down before me jesus said to him rise take up your bed and walking immediately the man was made well and took up his bed and walked and that day was the Sabbath the Jews therefore said to him who was cured it is the Sabbath it is not lawful for you to carry your bed he answered them he who made me well said to me take up your bed and walk then they asked him who's the man who said to you take up your bed and walk but the one who was healed did not know who it was for Jesus had withdrawn and a multitude being in that place afterward Jesus found him in the temple and said to him see you have been made well sin no more lest a worse thing come upon you well we walk in grace we don't have to worry about all the time that if we do something wrong that we're gonna get sick but here's the issue when you're in rebellion to God you're vulnerable listen to me I'm not just talking about rebellion to God I'm we're talking about rebellion to Authority Authority is covering it's not cramping your style is covering your life Jesus said this is John James for James says therefore submit to God then resist the devil but he'll flee from you why why does this say submit to God and then resist the devil because when you're in rebellion you have a kindred spirit to the devil you can't cast him off his own property in rebellion as his own property when you're under submission to God in the kingdom of God you have as much authority as you're under and John 5 Jesus said I'd do nothing unless I see my father doing it he was a hundred percent under the covering of Almighty God so we have to make sure we don't have to be perfect but we need to be submitted to God and walk in a sincere relationship with him and if we've done something wrong we just deal with it and it's over with our God is a very gracious merciful God Luke 6 love your enemies do good and lend hoping for nothing in return your reward will be great and you will be sentenced to the most high for he is kind to the unthankful and evil therefore be merciful as your father is merciful judge not and you will not be judged condemn not and you will not be condemned forgive and you will be forgiven given it will be given to you good measure pressed down shaken together running over it will be put into your bosom for with the same measure that you use it will be measured back to you but number one of the number one sense obviously is rebellion to God but the number two is hate unforgiveness judgment lack of love the number one commandment is love God with all your heart number two is love your neighbor is you would love yourself here's what it says according to your standard of measure I will measure it back to you in return God will give you as much grace as you give away and when you're walking in judgement and unforgiveness and lack of love you're on your way to heaven and God loves you but it's your standard that God uses how much grace do you want I want a lot of grace I need to give away a lot of grace so if you want to walk in a flow of God's grace in God's healing you need to be a person who gives a lot of grace away number five reason for sickness is the glory of God John 9 Jesus passed by he saw a man blind from birth his disciples asked him rabbi who sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind jesus answered neither this man nor his parents sinned but that the works of God should be revealed in him or to the glory of God and so there are some people who are sick and God just can't wait to heal him so that he can be glorified and it glorifies God when people are supernaturally healed number six and this is the final one is death unto death God the God some people are going to die my dad is an example of this my dad had six cancers over a 20-year period of time he was 80 years old when he died but my poor dad he had three cancers when he died and I was so happy today that he went to see my dad the reason I know that my dad has saved us because he got saved in my church tamarillo and every time I gave an altar call my dad responded so I mean I know he's in heaven and so I was so happy his old body he's going to get a new body one of these days when Jesus comes but here's what the Word of God says psalm 116 15 precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints God doesn't see death the way we do we see death as saying goodbye God sees death is homecoming for his children and so sometimes God heals through death but what I'm saying here is there's no cookie cutter formula yet to see God if you're dealing with an illness or you'reyou're ministering to someone who's dealing with an illness it requires discernment and in seeking God on that let me let me go back kind of through these real quickly and talk about how God heals let me talk about the difference between healing in a miracle this is very important healing is a process of miracles instantaneous then we're going to pray for healing here in just a minute let's listen to me some of you are gonna have a miracle and God is going to heal you instantly some of you God's going to begin the process of healing you and you're gonna have daily this faith exercise of believing believing for your healing and walking and obeying God in the area of your healing so don't get discouraged if you're not healed immediately because in many cases there's a process that happens but let me talk about how God heals number one proper diet exercise lifestyle don't have to be legalistic but just use some common sense if you're you know if you're eating wrong or too stressed out or whatever the Romans 8 says if the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us he'll give life to our mortal bodies pray for physical grace say Holy Spirit changed my desires and he will is change my desires to eat change you know break the addictions over my body and give me grace to change number two way that God heals his forgiveness and walking in grace when we forgive and when we're walking in grace it heals us because remember I said when I talked about forgiveness is torture it's physically it's torture we have illnesses many people have illnesses today simply because they won't forgive and walk in grace number three through spiritual covering and connection to the body of Christ again we had gifts of healing the body gills itself we need to connect this is James v is any money is anyone among you sick let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer of faith will say save the sick and the Lord will raise him up and if he has committed sins he will be forgiven confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much now let me say this in every campus every service there are going to be prayer teams at the altar rail so I'm going to pray for you here and just meant they're gonna be prayer teams at the altar rails and they're gonna be ministering and I encourage you to come down and receive prayer if you're sick don't listen to me there are some sicknesses that God will only cure as we make an overt gesture that we are submitted as spiritual authority and when it says or anyone among you sick let him call for the elders of the church that doesn't mean every time you're sick you need to call for the elders but there are times when we just need to say I'm submitted I'm connected to this body I'm submitted to the elders and there are times that we need to confess this in not all the time but the Lord will say what it is confess your faults to one another that you might be healed there are times when there's a blockage and here's what the Lord is saying you need to go talk to a spiritual authority and tell them what's going on in your life because you're disconnected jesus said if two on earth would agree together is touching anything they would ask I do it you know why Jesus makes that promise to two and not to one because he doesn't want us alone he wants us connected the wolf is always looking for the lone sheep to devour if you're isolated if you're alone if you're leaving it living a secret life many times what God will say to you is what James 5 says is that you get to spiritual authority and you connect with them and tell them what's going on and I'll heal you through that another way that God heals is doctrine doctors in medicine I'm so thankful for doctors of medicine they're not the only way that God heals but they're there a way that God heals and chiropractors therapists all those kind of people I mean I my life has been blessed through medical people and through the advancements of Technology there's the only caveat that I would give when I talk about doctors and medicine things like that is we are an overmedicated society and just be being minimalist being every time you put a pill in your mouth ask yourself question do I have to have this because you see these commercials on TV all these medications that have side effects you know I was watching a commercial right now one of the side effects was sudden death it's like good I'm gonna take my chances with this headache I'm just isn't that the ultimate side effect so lastly through prayer meditation upon the word in confession and so psalm 107:20 you sent your word and healed them and to deliver them from their destructions speak the word over your body pray the word over your body if I find a scripture about healing and pray it speak to your body mark 11 Jesus says speak to the mountain and tell it what to do and if you believe in your heart to what you say will happen it will happen speak to the mountain in a mountain can be a physical problem or an illness listen only if you saw this in the paper it was like last week they took this is and they've been this many times for me therefore they took students in a class and they took two plants and put them behind glass and they told students to say bad things to this plant and to say good things to this plant and this plant died in this plant grew it the power of life and death is in your mouth bless your body blood don't talk bad about your body but bless your body if you're hurting say bless I bless you shoulder I bless you need i bless my body speak good things speak the word of your body and pray the other thing I say is take authority over the devil this is Luke 10:19 behold I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you if you're a believer who's been saved a week you have power over all the power of the enemy but you have to use it you have to use it so if you believe somehow the devil is attacking you take authority over him but let me tell you why God heals and then we're gonna pray God hid God Hills because He loves us Matthew 14:14 when Jesus went out he saw a great multitude and he was moved with compassion for them and healed their sick he heals because he say Jim Jimmy why would God heal me cuz he loves you this is just fizzy luxury we're his family just the same reason you want your children okay he wants you to be okay let me tell you there's no sickness he can't heal he can heal any sickness or disease so I want you to pray with me and I want you to have faith for the Lord to heal right now and the Lord I pray that your that your healers would come alive in the body just speak there are some people here who have gifts of healings let let let healing come alive in your body let us have a greater level of faith for healing but Lord we receive we believe we believe that you're a healer and we believe that you're here right now and that you're healing Grace's that begin on the cross are here right now we change bloodlines Jesus now we have been told that we are predisposed towards certain illnesses and some of us are actually waiting on that illness we declare that no illness no generational illness is going to come to us our children we are no longer of our family bloodline we bless our bloodline we forgive anyone in our bloodline who's done us wrong but today right now we renounce our family bloodline and we attach ourselves to the bloodline of Abraham we declare from this point forward we have a pure bloodline that is full of blessing we expect we expect health we expect blessing we expect everything that Jesus died for to come upon us as it did upon Abraham we bind every demon spirit of infirmity in the name of Jesus we command you to loose your hold over our bodies in the name of Jesus I pray for everyone with a spirit of infirmity to be healed now demon of infirmity you let you leave now we declare total healing from the top of our head to the tip of our toes and I just pray right now foreheads I pray that heads would be healed headaches eyes ears mouths nasal sinus sinuses brains we speak healing upon our heads right now in the name of Jesus lungs heart organs intestines we speak life we speak healing right now in the name of Jesus bones nervous system skin blood we speak life in the name of Jesus and we pray right now Lord that you'll heal every single one of us some miraculously in some war beginning right now just let your healing grace begin to cover our bodies and as we walk every day just build our faith that your present that your healing and when you heal us when the healing is finished we will never stop telling people that our jesus healed us I bless your body I bless your body I pray grace prosperity favor opportunity promotion protection fertility I pray God that you will bless your body in Jesus mighty name amen
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 52,836
Rating: 4.8882236 out of 5
Keywords: gatewaypeople, Gateway, Gateway Church, Robert Morris, Pastor Robert, Savior, Dallas, Southlake, Texas, Jesus, Sermon, salvation, christ, Love, Jimmy Evans, Overcoming Sickness, sick, sickness, healing, heal
Id: J0ZnwRQ0a84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 26sec (1886 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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