Overtime: Charlamagne Tha God, Ana Navarro, Joel Stein | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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All right, here we are on Overtime. She's a CNN contributor and co-host on ABC'S<i> The View,</i> -Ana Navarro. -(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) He writes the weekly column<i> The End of My Career</i> on Substack, Joel Stein. He co-hosts the syndicated radio show,<i> The Breakfast Club.</i> And his new book is<i> Get Honest or Die Lying,</i> Charlamagne tha God. Okay. All right, "What do you think, panel, of Martha-Ann Alito--" That is Justice Alito of the Supreme Court, his wife. "Who likes flags?" -Okay, it's Flag Day. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Today's Flag Day. "Is it reflective of a larger phenomenon in the U.S.?" How is there not a Bravo show, <i> -The Real Housewives of the Supreme Court?</i> -(BILL MAHER LAUGHING) I would watch the crap out of that. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Mrs. Alito in the double wide with Mrs. Thomas. Well, I mean... (SIGHS) ...the fact that this country is so politicized, it's almost inevitable, I think, that the flags would get involved. So many flags. I don't know what they mean. There's a bit-- You know, this lady said, Mrs. Alito, that what makes her tick, what makes her happy, her hobby, basically, she's not knitting, she's not playing pickleball. No, she's making up flags in her head. She's got one where she wants to put out the word<i> "vergogna,"</i> which is Italian for "shame," except she's not Italian. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -BILL: She's not Italian? No, she's married to an Italian, but she kept telling this woman, the activist, that she was German. And I kept thinking to myself, if she is spewing all of this to this woman who she doesn't know at a public event, just imagine what that lady does in private. -But, wait. To be fair... -(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Okay. CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: So, is she flag-phobic? -BILL: What-- (LAUGHS) -What's the story? (CHUCKLES) -God hates flags, is what... -God hates-- (LAUGHS) Okay. -(LAUGHS) -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Well, it started when her neighbor-- This is what I read. It started when the neighbor put up a "Fuck Trump" sign, which is obnoxious. Didn't she get spit on and called the C-word? -BILL: Yes. -Which... BILL: Is also obnoxious. Yeah, but when you buy a house on the Jersey Shore, like, the real estate tells you that's gonna happen. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) -The ignorant-- -Ridiculous, Joel. JOEL STEIN: No-- You know? This is the problem with America, though. We never actually talk about the issue. You said the flag said, "Fuck Trump." So, her actual issue is somebody I assume she supports, right? Somebody put a flag up insulting that person. How does it become the flag's fault? -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) -Right. (LAUGHS) Americans, we never know how to discuss the issue ever. JOEL: Like, instead of talking to each other, we just put up flags. BILL: Well, they're better than bumper stickers, 'cause you don't even have to read three words. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -Really. It's that-- I will tell you, I have been surprised and amazed by the number of flags that I didn't know about -that exist in America. -Yeah. BILL: You're talking about the Pride flags? -No, that one I know about. -JOEL: Yeah. -No, there's like 12 of those too. -No, there's like the-- Well, there's the one that she makes up in her head. There's the-- What is it? Elevate to Jesus? -What's the one that she flies in the-- -The Appeal to Heaven? -Appeal to Heaven flag. -Right. Yeah. -There's the upside-down... -The upside-down flag. We wasted, like, three months of our country's time upset that you can't kneel when the American flag is up. And now, you can, like, turn them upside down and make them black and white. -Like, the rules have changed. -That's what I thought. I mean, well, I... I made that point a couple of weeks ago, that the fact that the Republicans can do anything that is so unpatriotic, and they don't get called for it. If a Democrat flew the flag upside down... -JOEL: Yeah. -They have patriotic immunity. It's just the weirdest thing. That's how I feel about when Trump said he wanted to terminate the Constitution to overthrow -the results of an election. -BILL: Right. -Everybody-- That's the most unpatriotic thing to say. -BILL: Exactly. Somebody that wipes their ass with the Constitution? (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Charlamagne, this is for you. "Is Trump dangerous because he's funny?" -Hmm. -What the fuck? -Is he-- What? -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) -No. (LAUGHS) -No? Trump is dangerous because at one point he was the president of the United States of America and he's running to be president of the United States of America again. If he wasn't, you know, running to be in that position, he'd be the most hilarious person -on the planet. (LAUGHS) -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) -BILL: But... -ANA NAVARRO: Is he-- I mean, do you actually-- You're a comedian. Do you actually find him funny? -'Cause people are laughing at him. -Yes. Yes. -Unintentionally. -Yes. -BILL: He's a scream. -What? -If he were-- I-- -Oh, he's so funny, but he doesn't know it. -Every time I-- -No, really. I mean, there are people like that. -(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) -Bill, I-- Listen... BILL: He has no... When I listen to him, when he's talking in those rallies about the sharks and the batteries, I'm waiting for the men in white jackets to show up. But it's only 'cause he's running for president. If he wasn't running for president, you'd be like, -"This stand-up is amazing." -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) It's the only thing, really. BILL: But he sounds... And I've heard you talk about this subject before. He sounds like more of a normal person. -Yes. -And that-- I know you say that the Republicans have a big advantage because they communicate-- They talk like real people. Yeah, I mean... Republicans are more sincere about their lies than Democrats are about their truth. Like, when you listen to Donald Trump talk, you listen to Marjorie Taylor Greene, that's what Waffle House sounds like at three in the morning. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) And sadly, people relate to that. I don't... I... I gotta disagree with you on that, 'cause I think a lot more people disagree with having a fuck-up in their family who got on drugs than they do with paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in hush money. -But-- Yes, I agree. -(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) But that fuck-up in your family on drugs is so funny when he's not stealing from you. -BILL: Right. -(LAUGHS) -He's hilarious. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Give him 20 dollars, make him dance. -(JOEL LAUGHS) -You never did that? Okay. -Um... -(ANA LAUGHING) -Just me. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) "What impact will the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the ban on gun bump stocks have?" Okay, so... Look, I'm not the biggest expert on guns... but I try to understand and not just talk, because that, I hear a lot. People who don't know anything about guns and talk about them. I'm trying to limit what I say commensurate to my knowledge, which is not that much. Okay, bump stocks, I understand, are this thing you can attach to a gun, and it basically becomes a machine gun. And a machine gun is illegal in America. So, I don't understand how they could make this... -legal. -Well, what the majority argued was that it wasn't a machine gun. But if you go on YouTube, anybody, go on YouTube and look at the same gun with a bump stock and without it, and the amount of bullets that can come out of it when it's got the bump stock are immense, immensely increased. -BILL: Right. Yes. -And so, I think it was Sonia Sotomayor who said it in the dissenting opinion. The consequences are gonna be lethal. The consequences are gonna be catastrophic. And she said, "Look, when I see a bird that walks like a duck, looks like a duck, it's a duck." -This is a machine gun... -Right. ...whatever you wanna call it. -And-- -When they are-- -(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) -When they are... If Donald Trump thought it was a machine gun, -Donald Trump banned these things? -BILL: Right. Yeah. I mean, these folks have become so-- The Supreme Court has become so conservative, -they're overturning Trump. -(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) And yet, on the same day, they ruled unanimously for the abortion pill. -No, they didn't. They ruled that they didn't have standing. -They had a standing issue. -Yeah. -They didn't rule on the issue. But isn't that essentially saying that-- -ANA: No. -JOEL: No. It means that the people who brought the legal action had not suffered any harm. It's like, you know, it's like this audience bringing an action for X, Y, or Z... And then Kavanaugh kinda gave them a roadmap -on how to bring it back. -I don't buy that argument. I think the law is whatever anybody says they are. It's what they want to rule on, and then they will find a reason. There is a whole fucking wall of books behind them. If you can't find some law in there to back up what you really want to say in your ruling, then you're not a good lawyer. -And they do it all the time. -(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) So, if they, for some reason, they wanted to keep... The difference is, though, that by not ruling on the actual legal issue, that legal issue could come up again if it is brought by folks who do have standing and who can prove that they've somehow been harmed by it. What is the reason why anyone would need a gun to fire -that many rounds? I mean... -CHARLAMAGNE: A mass shooting. BILL: Well, but you can't really give that reason. -I'm just saying... -That's the reason. ...what is the rationale? But if you're going into-- If you're arguing this in court and you were saying, you know, we really need these bump stocks because, I don't know, my house is being attacked by the North Korean army. -(LAUGHS) -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) I need to shoot a thousand of something when I go out hunting. I don't understand where you even get that rationale. It would be something involving some type of fear. I don't know what the fear would be, but it would be something involving, -"This person is afraid of something." -JOEL: Zombies. -Zombies. Okay. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -(LAUGHS) Okay. -(LAUGHS) Goddamn America. We used to be a proper country. -Yeah, we did. -We used to be a proper country. -(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) -JOEL: There's a flag for that. -(LAUGHS) -BILL: "Does Hillary Clinton--" -Wouldn't it be nice if that was a question on the form? -BILL: What? In addition to asking if you're on drugs while you're buying the gun, why are you buying this gun -that can shoot this many people in such a short time? -BILL: Right, you're right. -What's your rationale? -Right. -What do you need this for? -What's your reason? Right now, a lot of people, as crazy as it sounds, a lot of people would say civil war. -Like, you would be surprised... -BILL: Yes. ...how many people stop me in the street. -I literally had somebody stop me in the street... -BILL: That's it. ...and say to me that regardless of who wins in November, there's going to be a civil war. -BILL: That's-- Yes. -And they were dead serious. And this was like a White guy with some khakis and a polo on. -Like, he-- -Right. -He didn't... (CHUCKLES) -(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) -He was serious. -You're right. No, you absolutely hit it on the head. That's what this is about. -They think the war is coming... -Yep. ...and you're going to need machine guns. Good night, everybody. No, I'm gonna... -(PANEL LAUGHING) -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) One more. Let's-- (CHUCKLES) Such a depressing note. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) "Does Hillary Clinton endorsing Jamaal Bowman's challenger signal that mainstream Democrats are tiring of the Squad?" Okay, this is very inside baseball, -for those who don't follow... -It's very inside New York. -...follow politics. -Yeah. Jamaal Bowman is a member of the Squad. He's a Democratic congressman from New York, very Far Left. He's being challenged, and kind of anti-Israel. He is being challenged in the primary by a more centrist Democrat who Hillary Clinton has endorsed. That's the background of this. There's a split in the party. -It's been going on... -BILL: Right. ...I mean, since Bernie Sanders ran, but on October 7th, it became very clear. It's generational, and it's ideological, it's philosophical, and it's... I don't know where it's gonna wind up. BILL: Well, it's gonna be fun at the convention. -Is where it's gonna-- -CHARLAMAGNE: Yeah, I know Jamaal. I wouldn't say Jamaal is-- I don't think he's anti-Israel. He's anti, you know, the war that Israel is waging on Gaza, or, you know, what they call a genocide, right? So-- It's not a genocide. That's ridiculous. I'm not-- That's their language. That's what they-- -That's their language and it's erroneous. -Yeah, that's their... And that's what he's against. So, yeah, I think that-- -We're all against war. -Yeah. At some point, you have to make reasonable, practical decisions. If you think Hamas should be wiped out, and they did attack Israel, and they're avowed to wipe out Israel, they're the ones who actually are saying we would commit a genocide. -JOEL: And we do not want a ceasefire. -And we do not want a ceasefire, and we do not want a two-state solution. If you think they have to be wiped out, then Israel is going to have to conduct this war. Do you think Netanyahu wants a ceasefire? -BILL: No. Of course not. -JOEL: No. -That's a problem too. -BILL: He wants to finish the war. So does everybody in Israel. They all-- Even when they get-- Netanyahu's days are numbered, but even when he goes, I know lots of people who have been to Israel, -the policy will continue. -JOEL: Yeah. They do-- It's like they have to finish this war. But as long as Netanyahu keeps this war going, he doesn't have to answer the question of, "How the hell did this happen in the first place?" -BILL: Well, he will. -How is it possible... -(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) -...that Hamas was training hundreds of feet -from the border of Israel... -BILL: Yeah. No, it was-- No. -...with the Mossad and the intelligence capabilities? -Absolutely. -It's a mistake. No, right. -And as long as he keeps this war going, he doesn't have to answer the question. But to answer your question, I do think Hillary is supporting the other candidate because the candidate is pro-Israel, and Jamaal is labeled anti-Israel. -To answer the question. -Right. Okay. ANA: But, you know, we have to figure out a way to talk about this issue where we are not telling young people that they're dumb. Because when people, when we were young and people told us that, it didn't work. So, I don't know how to do it. I don't know how to explain-- -BILL: I do. -How? I don't tell them they're dumb, they're not dumb. They're ignorant. There's a difference. -There's a difference. -(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) There's a difference. To call someone stupid, yes, that's wrong. Stupid, you can't help because you're fucking stupid. -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING) -You're just a-- Ignorant just means you don't know something. We are all ignorant of almost everything. There's practically infinite things in this world you could know about. I don't know about 99.99999 percent of them. CHARLAMAGNE: But calling them ignorant would be a terrible electoral strategy. -BILL: It's electoral, yes. -Electoral, yeah. -You know what I meant. -Yes. Electorally, that would be a terrible strategy. -JOEL: But electing Far Left politicians... -But it is the truth-- -What? -...is a bad electoral strategy right now. -BILL: And also-- -There's nowhere in the world where the Far Left is winning. The Far Right's winning, centrists are winning, but the Far Left isn't winning anywhere. The ignorance is not their fault, because they let them out of school that way. The ignorance is the part of the people, the adults and the educators, who don't do their job anymore. And they let you out of school. They will sign that diploma, and you don't know a fucking thing. -(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) -Really. Certainly not about this issue. -No, they don't. Listen. -CHARLAMAGNE: But-- -This is an issue that is incredibly complicated... -Right. ...that people in Congress don't know about. -The people who, you know-- -They sure don't. To Ana's point, though, they should find a way to talk about it, because dismissing all of those young folks is not going -to help them in November. -BILL: That is true. And when you look at what's going on in Michigan, when you have a bunch of voters voting non-committed, I don't know how they're gonna flip that switch come November to say, "Hey, go out and vote." -ANA: Well, they better flip it... -But I gotta say-- ...because let me tell you something, the last thing you want is Donald Trump... -CHARLAMAGNE: That's right. -...doing foreign policy with Netanyahu. They're gonna turn Gaza into a pave-- You know, into a parking lot. It's not gonna be any better. That's what I'm saying, like-- -(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) -You know? But it's gotta also work both ways. Like, the young people have to listen to people who are older than them, and not just say, "I don't agree with you. You're old." "You're just saying, 'Get off my lawn.'" (SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY) -You know what? First of all-- -CHARLAMAGNE: Well, they are saying that, 'cause they don't want them protesting on the lawn of the college campuses. So, they are saying, -"Get off my lawn." -(LAUGHS) -I mean... (LAUGHS) -(AUDIENCE LAUGHING, APPLAUDING) But what I'm always saying to them is, "Don't say that to me. Don't say you're old or you're just saying, 'Get off my lawn.'" Engage with the idea. Then I will respect you. Engage with the idea. And by the way, you could never get near my lawn. -All right. Thank you very much, everybody. -(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING, CHEERING)
Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher
Views: 708,045
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Id: PE4WeqMF4uM
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Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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