Jimmy Kimmel's Favorite Letterman Moments

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hi i'm jimmy kimmel this is my favorite youtube  channel i have a youtube channel but i don't look   at that this is the one i spent most of my day  looking at i'm embarrassed to say it because   dave might watch this but i'm an obsessive  david letterman fan i had a license plate   on my car that said late night when i was in  high school my birthday cake said late night   with david letterman the cake on it i started  smoking cigars because of david letterman no   joke i watched every one of these shows i didn't  have a vcr i was up at 12 30 watching these shows   late for high school every morning was known in  school as the kid who watched david letterman   not exactly most likely to succeed but somehow  i never thought i would host a talk show i just   my dream was to one day become dave's friend and  that is probably never going to happen but i do   have a show and i've had the fortune of meeting  dave many times and to me these videos most   everything you remember from your childhood does  not stand up it does not it just isn't as good as   you remembered it it's either slow or it's just  not that funny i can't get enough of these videos   i can't believe how funny they are i just and it  brings me back to that moment when i was sitting   at my desk in my bedroom i had a 12 inch black and  white tv set that i'd stolen from downstairs and   we got a color set and that was it i was there and  locked into the show when the theme song kicked in   it was and so exciting and when the show  was over i couldn't wait till the next day   so some of my favorite moments from late night  with david letterman i have to start with a   segment a remote segment nobody was nobody's ever  been better at doing these not just late night   just ever than dave was there's a segment called  well i called it just bulbs and dave went into   a a store that sold bulbs and just so happened  that he'd asked the woman a very patient woman   if they had other things and he asked her if she  had shades and she said no if you want shades   you have to go to a store called just shades and  of course they cut right to a store only in new   york called just shades it's great the name of  the store was just bulbs and that's exactly what   we sell just bulbs okay so besides bulbs what  do you have here nothing how about shades could   you get shades here no we are just bulbs if you  want shades maybe going place called just shades what uh what is the name of the store just shades   and uh what what can you get in here what can you  get in here these shades that's by winston that's   why our name is just shades but seriously  what what can you get besides shades here i owe great debt to david letterman to late  night with david letterman to the writers and   um producers and everyone that worked on the show  but you can really see it in this clip because   larry bud melman who was the first person ever  to appear on late night with david letterman this   man who had no skills really or talent  i guess and yet he was hilarious i don't   think he knew that he was funny or at least  he didn't know why he was funny but he was   funny and dave sent him to port authority the bus  station to welcome tourists to new york if you've   ever been to new york and been to port authority  you know that you know it's not not a great place   and but larry bud was there with a hot towel and  a microphone that he didn't know how to use at all   and this is one of those situations where my uncle  frank kind of filled the larry bud melman role   for me on my show but there's a  situation where you think you know   what's going to be funny about the idea and  then it takes a a left turn and then it's   something entirely different so here just just  watching larry bud mellman work a microphone   is television magic welcome to new  york sometimes called front city and where where are you from  the eastern shore of virginia   oh do you have any questions about new york wow did you have a snack one of the shows i watched a lot when i was a  kid was mash and alan alda was a great actor   and i never really thought of alan alda as a you  know somebody you'd think was funny and other than   thinking he was funny and dave went into a chinese  restaurant and i don't know what their intent was   but the result was an investigation of sorts  into alan alda and his proclivities when it came   to eating chinese food in the last several years  much has been said and written about alan alda the   tv star and the film star the motion picture  director writer humanitarian champion of minority   causes but surprisingly enough we know very little  about allen alda a guy who likes chinese food   that's why we're here at the hunan park  restaurant this is david chang one of the   owners david nice to see you nice meeting you  too and this is david fang paul i'm sorry paul   um tell us about this photograph of alan alda here  in the apron i guess he actually worked at the   restaurant for a while huh no he never worked  in a restaurant actually it's uh back to the   eight years ago we when we first restaurant opened  in 98th street in broadway he's become the regular   customer they later be controlled my personally  friend good friend of yours now when he would come   to the restaurant paul would he would he actually  wear his own apron like that uh that's it that's   actually it's um part of the four season movie he  shot so we're doing this in the kitchen i teach   him how to cooking and preparing chinese food so  you guys in a way were indirectly responsible for   the success of that movie this movie is not in  the domestic when uh sure in the theater let's   go to the internationally he's a promotion that's  a movie i see now here here we see alan alda and i   guess that's uh paul now uh what what kind of food  does he enjoy he likes stream beans and he likes   to noodle with a sesame sauce fried dumpling  most food we have he like it very much does he   have soup oh he has to all the time what kind  of suit uh house especially and what about uh   chopsticks does he use chopsticks oh he uses  chastity very well does uh when he eats here   does you know you clear the dishes away is there  a lot of crumbs of food and stuff left over   uh no not very yeah now what kind of a tip  would the guy leave you very good very good tip the hunan balcony restaurant another chinese  restaurant in a different part of town and yet   once again in the window we see more photos of  alan alda here on the left the complete montage   of allen alda cooking and over here another  photograph of alan alda with the owners so we   decided to come in and talk to the manager james  about uh alan aldon man who truly seems now to uh   love chinese food how do you do james nice to see  you uh at the other chinese restaurant we found   out a few of alan alda's likes and dislikes what  can you tell us what insight as to his ordering   can you offer us well when he comes he bring  his wife he coming down all the two sweeties for   her meal and does he ever order too much and have  to take some home no he ordered a hot special soup   over sometimes he changed the dish you know and so  variety he does enjoy a variety and fried dumpling   of a condom with sesame sauce especially like the  string bean and broccoli with uh garlic sauce let   me ask you something at the other restaurant  we heard that uh he uh did use chopsticks he   used the chopstick and he doesn't really leave  much of a mess is that true here yeah it's true   he never lived on a mess or something on his table  like that that's uh has he ever never been in any   trouble ever get rowdy out of hand no he's a  very gentle but he's really nice rice steamer   fried uh stephen rice and about a tip we found  out at the other restaurant pretty good tipper   yes but it could tip you here uh do you have any  other photos of alan alda we can just kind of uh but you could almost put together a whole series  of alan alda chinese restaurant trading cards great well thank you very much james  i appreciate your time and trouble   well there you have it uh another  view of alan alda truly a man who   loves chinese food and i don't know about you  but i feel like uh i know him a little better now i love when dave would go out into the  field as we call it which is really just   leaving the office but dave went to this  inventors convention and the inventions were   mostly ridiculous but there was one invention i  know it wasn't fake but it's just so ridiculous   it couldn't possibly be real this guy invented  a um some kind of a device that would prevent   you from being buried alive and naturally dave  asked you know is this has this been a problem   and the guy through an interpreter explained  that he'd been buried alive three times and so   this is why he felt it was necessary it seems  like at least at the inventor's convention that   the better inventions are coming from mexico  city and this is uh roberto moncey muncie vice   and uh pedro cruz whom we know is going to  interpret for us what is uh uh the invention   we're interested in according to the pamphlet life  detector to avoid being embalmed or buried alive   the premise is now if a loved one appears  to be dead is loaded into the coffin locked   into the box and is still alive this alarm  system will let the loved ones know that   local herb is not gone yet right he doesn't  have to do anything there are system systems   connected to his body that will automatically uh  make uh make it known that he's still alive um   could you ask roberto um does this happen a lot  uh yes uh he told me to tell you that he was   buried alive three times he got a little worried  about it so now he developed this idea and uh it   has proved to be of a great interest to a lot of  people who died three times people thought he died   and then they put him in the coffin and at the  funeral uh he woke up or it was mere chance all   of these times one of these times was he was going  to be robbed and somebody saw that he was still   alive and that was how he came uh after which time  did he get the idea for an alarm to prevent this after the second time when he was thrown off  by a horse after the after the third time   that you were buried alive it must have  got to be annoying huh not just the mind   it's the most terrible feeling that you might  experience you might you start carrying a card   with you that just says i'd kind of like  another opinion one final question i can   understand being buried alive once you know sure  everybody's going to make a mistake or even twice   you know somebody's looking the other way they  close the lid but uh three times how how has it   had happened to him three times he says this is  something that he can't explain it just happened to well congratulations on the invention and better  luck to you thank you thank you again pedro thank   you one of the clips i've watched the most  of david letterman this is something that   my band leader clito and i quote all the time  is there was a woman on the show who had some   monkeys that wore dresses and that's a great  start and one of the monkeys was menacing dave   and this is one of the few times that you see dave  show real fear uh i think what crispin glover was   on was one and this is another uh the monkey was  lunging at dave and dave said something to the   effect of i i think he's gonna he's gonna he's  gonna reach into my neck and pull a vein out   how are you yes sandy why don't  you go get your chair down offer your hand to the lady like a gentleman she's she's gonna leap at me and pull  a vein out of my neck and kill me   well stand here maybe you'll get some  maybe you won't stand here that's right   pour a little bit in sandy's glass quietly you
Channel: Letterman
Views: 196,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letterman, david letterman, dave letterman, interview, letterman interview, letterman official, letterman late show, letterman late night, late night, stupid pet tricks, stupid human tricks, top ten, late show, top ten list
Id: 3BI8v8_4ZVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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