Tone It Up Founders Share Their Secrets to Success

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hi I'm Jess Baron GM of and I'm here with Carina Don and Katrina Scott the founders of tone it up hi I'm Karina and I'm Katrina and we are totally not what do you feel like it means to be stronger this is something that we've been talking about a lot at LIVESTRONG like becoming stronger and sometimes we find that women are a little bit a little bit either turned off or afraid of that sometimes and like what does it mean to you becoming stronger when I hear the word strong I immediately think mentally strong because if you're mentally strong you have the energy and the power to do it anything you want actually my tattoo on my wrist is strength and it's always like my little reminder to stay strong and everything in life and that you have the strength and the power to do anything what symbol is it is a it's a Japanese doll that's very clue that you have the symbol for strength yeah husband has the same one they met and they're like yeah I strength same thing staying strong and then I also think strength strength in numbers we are everything as individuals and as women and with everyone around us and the support of other women were everything and more and when I think of the word strength I think of the strength as a community as camaraderie as empowerment I think of when you feel weak you look for strength and you get inspiration and strengths from the women in your life so really just it's so important to have those positive female relationships in your life because there are days where we feel small and we feel a week and we feel like we can't move forward and you really truly can find the strength within the women in your life and they are the ones that really lift you up what is the secret to your social media success and gaining this following of women that are very adamant about you our number one tip especially if you are creating a community or even anything artistic or creating your own business always make sure that your brand voice is you so you can hire out if you end up hiring employees the business the paperwork the finance the management but if you do anything at the end of the day the way that you connect with your community is through social you need to do your social yourself if someone else maybe is more they can take better photos or maybe something like that like a photographer that's great we work with a photographer all the time but if there's anything that we can tell you to do its caption your own photos communicate with your community yourself that is not something that you can hire out for and it's just being authentic to yourself and your brand and it comes through on your photos and yeah through your social media so let's think about Fitness because I know a lot of our audience cares about getting fit they definitely look to you as role models what is the advice that you would give to someone who's just getting started on their fitness journey is maybe feeling overwhelmed maybe he doesn't even feel like they fit or work can wear workout clothes or any of their clothes what would you tell them for advice I number one I think an accountability partner really helps you get through that kind of hump of doing something on your own cuz it can be intimidating to go to a gym or maybe a class together and so an accountability partner is there by your side and and also I would say find something you look forward to find something fun cuz fitness should be fun it shouldn't be something that you're like oh I have to go workout today there's so much out there now that you can do and so many different styles of fitness that just keep it exciting now I would love to know which workouts you think are the most fun if it's one of yours or something else so many I mean we mix up our workouts all the time yes we like to keep it fun and interesting we I do especially if we're traveling we do our tone drop workouts I love hit workouts so anything on the website with hit when you don't have a lot of time yeah that's great I remember can I tell the story of your one hit workout where and you're like you're doing it and you actually fell out your front door punch and crunch and you guys are way out of the door hey workouts are really fun you can obviously get carried away these days while practicing hit at home the other thing to Kareem and I are the same thing that she just said if it's fun you'll do it and a lot of times we aren't in the gym we aren't in a yoga studio we aren't in a spin studio we are getting out there were especially while it's still beautiful outside the fall is such a great great time to get out long walks jogs bike rides hikes everything that you can really get out and the more that you get out the more you actually become more centered - so instead of always being in the gym if you get out in nature it's amazing what it will do for you so even on our weekly schedule we'll put those in hey girls get out today go for a walk go for a 5k jog or even for coffee with a girlfriend and connect with someone or go for a hike something like that now is there any workout move that you hate each of you that you haven't is it the same one or a different one I got short legs so it's fine I I love Jim talks but I I always struggled with plank and I feel like I live in a plank between yoga and Pilates and our workouts and everything it's ironic cuz every time I'm in plank I'm like I really have to breathe and I really have to focus on my form cuz I can fall out of that really quickly and I don't know I but sometimes if you don't like something if you start doing it that's when you're like I'm overcoming this and this is gonna be part of its it's kind of cool being able to be like this is not my favorite thing but I'm gonna overcome it and I'm gonna push through how about you know people do say abs are made in the kitchen and I hear it and say it all the time on livestrong tell us a little bit about what you to eat some of your favorite snacks or breakfast cuz I know people are dying to find out what it is that you really eat so nutrition wise we have our main main guideline we followed the turnip nutrition plan oh you do okay and it's very simple lean clean and green if you always follow those guidelines whether it's you're making your own meal or you're out to lunch or dinner you can always find something a lean protein keep it clean and green greens fill your plate every yea lunch and dinner we have tons of green yeah so important and really focusing on filling your plate with that especially at dinner before you're going to bed you want to put things that are nutrient dense in your body so you don't necessarily need a ton of pasta potato white rice things that are more I would say empty calories are not packed with a lot of nutrients a lot of people don't realize that vegetables are archived a carbohydrate and so it's better to get your carbohydrate sources especially later in the day from a lot of vegetables and then that's when you want to incorporate your healthy fats we love cooking with you know olive oil and canola oil and just any type of healthy fat so you can add in we'll do like sesame seeds almonds cashews well we'll really focus your healthy fat set in the evening with our vegetables and then yes my my favorite kind of recipe I would say for breakfast we make tone it up protein pancakes they're so easy and I look forward to them so it's just like some egg whites are toning up vanilla proteins and cinnamon I looked at their blueberries in there and the recipes at and then how about a healthy snack on the go people are always wondering what to eat when they're you know running somewhere driving the kids somewhere or going somewhere I'm a piece of fruit girl we're the last trainers to tell you that you can't eat people say you can't eat fruit oh my gosh so we love banana some almond butter I'll have like app apple and almond butter I like I like combining fruit with that healthy fat I also love carrots and hummus mmm you can just pack it in a little Tupperware and take it with you and how about a cheat meal or a cheat snack everybody's wondering like do you eat a cheat snack and what it was I don't like to call it cheating yeah um a little treat yeah we celebrate and indulge in our favorite things yeah I mean we love wine red wine and me my dream if I'm on a nice date is that a really good cheese and charcuterie plate with wine she'll order that and I'll be like so when's the chocolate souffle come when we were in Europe together it was hysterical I was like gelato chocolate she's like she's playing fondues and everything and then both of us were like wine so that would be if we could just eat anything the rest of our life food I would do gelato and chocolate I remember watching it every I've got like some nuts in there honey I hope it looks really nice yes you put together a nice board and now we're so excited about hearing about your new tour and your upcoming events yeah I'm wondering if you can tell us a bit about that and also the future of where the tonot up business will be going in this year and the next year and beyond well we're kind of envisioning you in the VIP section serving Rosie because you're here yeah hey let's treat to my hair kind of like a flamingo like a shrimp oh my gosh that's amazing we start tour September 6 and all the way through October 8th so we're going to 15 different cities so if you go to Tony rap calm washed or you can see the list of all the cities that we're going to and it's a fitness festival it's we have so many surprises planned and we're core power yoga we'll be doing a workout there followed by yeah Jillian Michaels [Applause] I can't believe it yeah are you friends with her yeah well we'll get together and look at what we're giving each other a hard time with anything you love each other yeah it's like sisterly love with all of us but do you work out together with her initiative yeah we yeah that was she is she she is she needs to stay on track Gillian like come on do do the full rep stop talking more questions get back to work Gillian if you're watching I hope you two work out together with Gillian it is it's a hoot and the same thing what Corina said as long as you're having fun and Gillian always never has any fun yeah she's happy bring one are there any final words that you'd like to say to the LIVESTRONG audience out there we love you we love you love you guys tired him out with all the work this morning so happy that you joined us for this and um crane and I always say you know whatever it is that you are setting out to do in your life you can do it and especially with the strength of the tone up community and we're just so happy to have you be part of it thank you thank you karena and Katrina and thank you guys audience [Music]
Channel: LivestrongWoman
Views: 30,843
Rating: 4.8705502 out of 5
Keywords: tone it up, tone it up tour, Katrina Scott, Karena Dawn, manhattan beach, boss babes, founders, success, social media
Id: TUa_5AYR1qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2017
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