JHS Pedals I Killed

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on today's episode I'm gonna show you five J chest pedals that I personally killed should I feel bad about it should I not I don't know you be the judge you might be asking what does it mean when Josh says he killed a JHS pedal well it means that I discontinued that pedal and it happens for different reasons I'll go through those as I go through each of these pedals I killed first up is from 2013 it is the banana boost this is a full range to treble boost pedal that as you turn the blimp at it let's kind of choose either or or the betweens really good pedal always a favorite circuit of mine but it just didn't sell that well so it went on the chopping block it started back in 2008 when I lived in Jackson Mississippi and accidentally started this company and it was this first one ever built here hand painted enclosure by a girl named Megan Meier and if you notice it says J chest pedals with a sticker and I clear coated over the hand paint and the sticker real profession paint ever made we used to do those with our custom shop and various models and then it kind of evolved into the stamped versions there's a couple maybe three versions of this and you notice it's done with a stamp it's not printed on slightly different logos on the heel as I was experimenting with branding but yeah it ended up looking like this nice and printed names under the knobs and full of rock and roll [Music] [Applause] [Music] next up is a pedal that I killed in 2012 there's a really good year but not for this pedal the J Ches all-american distortion fuzz it's more of a distortion because it's based on the proko rat now I'm gonna be really honest there's a lot of versions here in front of me I'm gonna show them to you I basically know what happened but I'm a little too lazy to open up the backs and verify my thoughts and memories so if I'm wrong at least I'm wrong it started like this a rap that I had when I worked at a music shop in my early 20s I modified it once I got into pedals this would have been 2006 or 7 I don't really know but 3 Oh a toggle changed all kinds of parts basically defaced and ruined a vintage rat moving on from that I built one from scratch I lived in Tupelo Mississippi and I sold a few of these on consignment at a guitar shop that was downtown it looks cool I've never used these knobs on anything else and I like the blue notice the typewriter stamping this is right as I figured out 2 hand stamp with ink I didn't have icons yet but you can kind of see where I'm going there yeah then we shrink it down the version to a different icon I found this stamp at some kind of craft store I don't remember and you could have different colors that's back when we were kind of like Burger King like have it your way then we got really fancy and did a hand paint version and it's a hamburger on a mustard colored pedal and it's a distortion that's American the proko rat yeah there's a lot of things there you're not getting but I understand them and that's fine and then we had the final stamped version and then into the printed version and then just one more cliffhanger for you all there's something that was never released I found it in the lurches far in the storage of the shop it was called the Patriot this is proto number 2 that Nick actually built and forgot existed he signed the back plate in September of 2012 the Patriot Morning Glory all-american combo so it's kind of like a blues breaker rad thing anyway I'm exhausted now what's this [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this pedal met the end of the road in 2014 and to be honest it made me a little sad but the sadness gave birth to innovation and a new product technically a version two of it let me not get ahead of myself though warble Tron this is a photocell vintage style univibe cloris vibrato one of my all-time favorite sounds you see me talking about unive ABS on the show all the time so I first did these 2013 or so and they were hand stamped see the inks a little messy the case like that and the inside of those is like kind of wacky it's just a really small board a lot of wire completely hand-built on a hand etched board then you end up with this nicer PCB a year later and yeah this was actually built by Niklaus Nick you're just building all kinds of pedals man how's it feel a fun story with this pedal is one of our first winter names ever kind of as we were putting on our big-boy pants as a company this guy walks up to the booth before the show ever starts at its Paul Reed Smith he has his in his hand and he says is actually a hand Stamper and he says Josh this is one of the best universe on the market and I'm a unified nut he's like goes on and on about vibes so that was really cool it's a big honor and I have a note from him somewhere I lost it to be honest I looked for it anyway there's also this hand-painted version back when we did stuff like that after we discontinued that we released the unicorn which is essentially the same exact circuit with tap tempo and that had never been done to put the tap tempo speed system into a true photocell univibe we also released a children's book which my wife and I wrote and Nick and another guy Philip one of our graphic artists did all the illustration for we have boxes of these and they're just rotting downstairs then we have the v2 the Unicorn so that's kind of what happened there let's play this guy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] by getting rid of this one pedal it actually caused the chain of effect that caused me to get rid of six pedals the JHS Panther delay a lot of you don't even know this exists cuz you're new to the game and that's okay we welcome you here to the show let me go through how this started how it ended and then what came after it it's a long story I'm gonna try to do it quickly it started out with the Pink Panther sometime in 2008 I really don't remember then we had the Panther delay it was a big deal notice it's stamped here most of them looked like this no one had done this feature set except for one other company called Dimond and we were really proud of it we were very small at the time and it took a lot of manpower to pull this off so we did it that's the stamped version there are very few of the printed versions so if you see these they're really rare they're magical you should probably mortgage your house and get one I don't know then we were like let's shrink that thing down and make the Panther cub get it Panther Panther cub it's a smaller anyway yeah so we did that then there was a revision to the Panther cub this is it they look the same but they're not this says one point five on the heel the more you know guys the more you know then we're like the Panther Cubs not cub enough version to shrink it down then we bring back from 2008 this pedal that was killed and we make it again in the small format enclosure the Pink Panther and then one day I came to work an MGM the movie company had a letter delivered to us and said please stop using our Pink Panther icon and name and it turned into the lucky cat so this could honestly be a whole other episode but the point is this one death was actually this is the last one it's the last sad story of the day and as I'm about to show it I'm realizing that a lot of these petals I discontinued are really good they're very good they might be better than stuff I'm doing now I'm having a lot of personal doubts I'm second-guessing myself left and right but I'm not gonna really let that show because the last ones really exciting stage H s petals Quan replica this was from 2008 through 2012 and there are four versions this is the rarest it's hand painted with the centaur horsey man and they go for a lot of money I've seen these go upwards of eight hundred dollars which is horrifying to me I just want to let that be known not a big fan of that price tag but I stopped building it because as I was building this I had a conversation with the creator bill and we talked about the clown he told me all this cool stuff why he did the original Kline why it was so expensive people were flipping them he didn't enjoy that and he had a website up at the time and he said hey I'm gonna put this out eventually I'm gonna do something else and I said hey the moment you start building yours again I'm out of the game and in 2012 I bought this from the guitar sanctuary in McKinney Texas and immediately continued this pedal off of our website and I'm really proud of that you can get a lot of clone replicas all over the place but these were made at that time in that time only there are a few different versions the first ones I ever made we're in a plane enclosure like this so no paint stamped and yeah I don't know how many I made then I got really fancy and I'm like oh this plane silver is not good enough let's do powder coat silver so I do that same circuit and then we went to this color now there's a switch in here somewhere where the PCB turns green and it's a printed circuit board as opposed to an etch board but I don't really remember these were what we were building and you could do custom colors at the time but we killed it in 2012 and you should go buy a KTR let's listen to this guy [Music] [Music] today's record time is brought to you by the war on drugs 2017 release a deeper understanding Adam is an amazing writer he produces his own music and the band on this record is fantastic I wanted to say like these are my favorite songs but really every song on this is so good all of the records before this are great so if you haven't heard of the war on drugs you must check them out it's like if Bob Dylan and Tom Petty and Paul Simon all somehow got together and I don't know how that works and something was made from that and then you just end up with this record and it's like driving down an endless highway of Dreams I don't know you just need to listen to it inside is this pull out poster it's really really cool it's a shot of Adam sending out his pedal board doing guitar overdubs and if you look closely there's a pedal board and on that pedal board is a pedal that I killed or discontinued the JHS bun run or two and one fuzz he has used it for years and years and years he loves the germanium tone bender side this is for another episode though you just need to check it out let me know what you think about the war on drugs what's your favorite song what's your favorite album now let's just do that in the comments today thanks so much for watching this episode I want to give a big shout out to our patrons you're awesome if you're not aware of that or you're very curious about all this chatter with our patreon click that link in the description below you get an exclusive video every month where I dive deep into one of these subjects that I cover in the weekly Thursday episode you also get exclusive giveaway offers and merch offers all kinds of stuff and a sneak peek so you're gonna know about next week's episode before anyone does it makes you special also go to the Jada show.com there's all kinds of cool stuff on there you need to see if you like this episode hit like subscribe to the channel and click the Bell icon to get notifications of all of our episodes I'm next time have a great day and love your pedals because they might not always be here for you or me I don't know bye
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 250,622
Rating: 4.9558754 out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, Guitar, Guitar Pedals, Electric Guitar, Guitar Effects, Guitar Player, Guitar Playing, Pedal Demo, Guitar Demo, New Pedals, New Guitar Pedals, Josh Scott, Guitar Gear, Music Gear, Guitar Tones, Pedal Tones, Good Guitar Tone, Best Guitar Tone, Best Electric Guitar Tone, Analog Guitar Tone, Guitar Sounds, JHS Guitar Pedals, JHS VLOG, JHS Videos, The JHS Show, Music History, Music, Education, Effects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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