10 Rare Pedals

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today I'm going to show you 10 really rare petals for my petal collection [Music] I've got something new to show you it's from my friends over Eventide they actually sent several things which I'm gonna show in some later episodes but this I'm really excited about it is the Rose de lait let me open it up it's a new delay from them modulated delay with a ton of features that the bag stickers got to have my stickers and here's the pedal it's cool it's like in a smaller format than some of the other stuff and I've heard demos of this I did not get to play it at NAMM so I'm really excited to plug it up and let's listen to it together [Music] you [Music] let's start off our 10 rare petals with an extremely rare and important part of petal history it's from 1991 and it's brought to us by the great Mike Matthews of electro-harmonix Fame Mike starts electro-harmonix in the late 60s he goes through the 70s and 80s he's innovating he's doing amazing stuff like the memory man the big muff the POG all these cool pedals but then he finds himself going through two bankruptcies at the end of that he decides to get involved with some old Soviet Russian technology companies old warehouses old factories and he starts selling tubes they had these big manufacturing companies there of valve tubes like a tube amp uses and he's selling those all over the world people are putting their own brand names on it and he kind of starts to be the guy known for if you want tubes go to Mike Matthews and go to this new company called soft tech but one day he sees that those peddle prices from his old electro harmonix in the 70s and 80s they're going way up and he says I'm gonna do pedals again so he does and right here in this wooden box is the very first soft tech pedal you could say it's the very first modern electro harmonix pedal kind of post-bankruptcy new wave electro harmonix it's really cool really really rare and one of my favorites the Red Army overdrive let me pop it out here there's some really cool things about it first of all it just says Mike Matthews that's pretty baller Saab Tech no mention of electro harmonix red army volume tone and Distortion this is a big muff but not only a big muff it's the very first russian big muff ever made and a lot of people don't realize it because first of all they've never seen it and it says overdrive my big muffs not really overdrive it's quite unique among the big muff family and sounds really really [Music] [Music] this next one is really really awesome like they're all awesome but this one's like next-level awesome are you ready I think you're ready there was the full drive to you've all seen this the blue pedal with two foot switches but before that one there was the full drive to that was orange or red depends on how you see colors I think it's orange there was this guy so here it is full drive model to this is literally like an Avery sticker from like a school supply place flip the box up pull it out this silver with label maker serial number 171 signed by Mike fuller on February of 1996 this is kind of like the prototype phase of the full drive - really really fun sounds just like the other ones but it's awesome because this is before he knew how much this pedal was gonna forever change the pedal world the full drive went on to be one of the best-selling pedals ever it put him on the map and he just continued to knock it out of the park [Music] [Music] this next one's really really fun really cool fine I've had it for years is a diamond memory lane - now this pedal is a big deal for pedals because it's the first ever bucket brigade all analog delay that had tap tempo so it gave you the ability to tap in your tempo and what makes this really really special and rare is that it's a 2008 prototype I don't even remember how I got ahold of this I think someone contacted me and just thought it was cool thought I might want it if you look in the back it says show demo August 6 of Oh 8 and there's no serial number on the back sticker and on the board here if you look at the top and I can see it it says demo in the middle of the circuit board up top so this is really cool it's really big piece of technology history huge diamond fan they are some of the best pedal designers ever and this is just a cool moment of like they kind of broke through and did something that had really never been done now I was the second person to ever put out a tap tempo analog delay and that was with the big Panther delay but that wasn't until 2011 so they beat me about years and just really really fun to have this and plus it's a killer sounding pedal the modulation on it the way that it repeats in the way that it regenerates is socially [Music] this one is some JHS rareness it's pretty rare that Jesus has a rare Pell so I guess in a way this is like double rare but that aside it is a 2012 Super Bowl this one particular is the 10th Super Bowl ever made it was built in October and it has something wildly different about it now it's not the fact that it's hand stamped all my early pedals I stamped them with rubber stamps I didn't even label some of the knobs that's pretty typical if I did I put one letter you'll notice all the power jacks on the older pedals have an explanation point and you know that's normal throw those out there but what makes this really crazy is the icon there are only 50 of these in my recollection that we ever built that have a three-stage lightning bolt if you look at new super bolts notice it's a four stage lightning bolt now I had to change this because I got a call from the guy who held the trademark for sue pro and the mark is actually the three bolt it's that particular so I changed it over and this three stage we kept building them really quickly and kind of complied with that request because we just honestly didn't know once we found out we changed it and that makes this a very very [Music] [Music] this one is proof that I have serious problems I mean some people call me a petal hoarder some people call me a puddle collector I just like to say that I'm a lover of petals and in this case petals that have never been out of the box this is a late 90s electro harmonix small stone and I never opened it still has the copper here I actually don't even know what's in this like it could be even more rare than I realized because what if I open it and there's like a small clone in it or something like the wrong pedal and then it's even more rare and this is the stuff that keeps me up all night like I think about what's in the box but I can't open the box because if I open the box it's no longer special or cool like I know there's a warranty card like what if there's a card that says mailing and get a free t-shirt I go crazy thinking about what's in the box but I don't know and I'm making a choice to never know what's in the box but I'm pretty sure that this small stone phaser sounds really good but I don't have a problem I mean I'm okay I'm totally fine I'm okay I don't have a problem okay so I promised you ten rare petals you couldn't hear that one so let's just act like that never happened okay deal all right next up is a fun one it is a 1981 proko rat it's a big box version these are collectible and yeah there's a lot of these out there and they're rare but there's not a lot of this one now what makes this particularly strange interesting rare fascinating is the fact that the filter control is not called filter it's called tone control see that here is also a rat from 1981 I'm gonna hold them side by side so this is the rare one this is the not rare one look closely at those middle controls one is labeled filter and one is labeled tone now from 1979 to 81 they said tone this is one of the last ones ever made but tone so 81 was a transitional year they made some like this and some like this but either way this is a rare bird sounds really really nice I love the big box rats I love how they feel of how they look now there is one even more there's actually two even more rare than this there's one where there are no lowercase letters and the tail of the r is actually like chunkier if you see one of those you know how to get ahold of me you know where I'm at let me know because I might want it and then there's the most rare rat of all it's called the bud box it looks nothing like this has orange on the black and it has an actual rat on there there's a 12 or 11 of those on earth so also if you know you got one of those laying around you know hit me up it's not that I want it I don't I don't have to have it okay like I said earlier I don't have a problem I don't need those other rare ones because I have this rare one it's fine like don't eat if you have one I don't need them I mean you could eat it let me know [Music] next up is a boss diem to delay pedal there are tons of these I would say there's thousands upon thousands upon 10 thousands of this pedal anywhere you can find one right now on reverb or eBay there's probably some at your local guitar store and they used bucket because they made a ton of this it's not really rare so why am i holding it and why is it on this episode well it's not this that's rare it's this this is a Korean made delay dl1 now it's exactly the same circuit inside down to the circuit board itself and the parts placement it's a really really bizarre things from 1983 this is 1982 so someone somewhere had a company I don't know the company name because they didn't bother to tell us but they just straight-up copied boss pedals and a plastic enclosure and sounds good looks cool it's just a weird piece a history [Music] this one's fun because I found it at another petal builders lair his secret lair in Holland Michigan I was up there on vacation I went in and stopped by to see my friend john cusack of Cusack pedals you've never heard of his pedals go check him out they're amazing but he had some stuff lying around and this was one of them and it caught my attention and dare I say caught my heart it is an MXR labeled Western NAMM winter of 1982 now obviously this is for a special occasion Anaheim is where this name show was it's where it currently still is and it doesn't even say what it is but it's a phase 45 it sounds just like any other old face 45 but you know that's my birthday 1982 and I'm not a huge fan of name so you know act like we won't say that but this has got to be really crazy rare I'm pretty sure they made this for employees or for like top dealers so I'm guessing there's less than ten of these out there if anyone knows let me know if something you mxr guys are watching I need the details I really really want to know it's a cool piece of history and it's cool cuz I found it and fixed it up got it working again and big thanks to John Cusack for let me take it off his hands [Music] [Music] [Music] this is probably the rarest petal that I own if ever ended up at like a rare petal competition where you take your petal and throw it in the ring and let it Duke it out with another petal this is the one I'm taken to the fight it is a 1966 Sola sound tone bender mark 1.5 version 1.5 so the tone bender comes into play in 1965 you know the version one's rare the version twos rare there's a lot of rare tone vendors but this is really really crazy a lot of people didn't even know this existed because it's only made for a few months in the fall of 1966 for some reason the three transistor tone bender mark one version one just goes away for a few months and this two transistor version is produced and then this goes away and it's back to three transistor version in the mark 2 and so on it's a really really strange pedal and there aren't many of these anywhere because none were ever really made now there's another layer to this really cool story the 1.5 tone bender being around for just a few months and then disappearing is super interesting because when we look at the classic fuzz face made by arbiter it is a part 4 part copy of the 1.5 tone bender so the tone bender goes from 3 transistors to 2 it's only around for a few months Dallas arbiter copies it part for park this stays alive but this goes back to a mark 2 with 3 transistors and the fuzz-face lives on this story is awesome the rarity is amazing and it is a beautiful beautiful piece of metal [Music] [Music] next one gets bonus points because it's British British pedals are usually just better that is a fact I read it on the Internet here it is it is the colour sound och divider it's a solo sound colour sound made in London England this is from 1974 there weren't a lot of these made and it's really really fun it's an old technology kind of primitive octave device so a sub octave and it actually tracks okay it's really fun to play because it has some unpredictability I love it with fuzz pedals and overdrive pedals I love this brand I love the look of them and I love knowing that this is really rare and that I was able to get it from a guy in England and he shipped it over [Music] [Music] all right we're at the end this is the last of the ten rare petals and it is amazing it's something where in hindsight I could look back and I can see this story and I know that when this pedal that I'm about to show you was built that the Builder had no idea how important it was gonna be and how this pedal that he had designed was forever gonna change guitar pedals and the guitar industry here it is you ready it is claun centaur zero zero two built in January of 1995 this is the first claun ever built and the first claun ever sold right here in my hands now you're asking why is it serial number zero zero two and that is a fantastic question bill the creator and the builder of this pedal he had 18 orders and he set serial number zero zero one aside he fulfilled 18 orders building zero zero two first so when he built zero zero one it was actually the 19th built he kept that but this was out in the wild and I got ahold of it and it is so amazing even the look of it it almost looks like it's painted with a paint brush and then I don't know I have all these ideas of stuff but it's so so cool here is the cells receipt two hundred and eighty five dollars they definitely increased the plastic bag here is an envelope where it had the adapter for the power cable in there and then we've got some other cool stuff basically like some important notes you have to remember this is like pre-internet selling really outboard power for the Centaur talking about the little Jack that I showed you and then here's the manual I believe this is handwritten by Bill and then he just ran photocopies one more thing the business card I doubt any of this works anymore and stuff yeah so last but not least give it a listen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today's record time is brought to you by 2011 is ODS sold by the band mute math mute math has several records before this but this one is really interesting and really good to me because it's a transitional record they had four members the guitar player leaves and they make this record with the three remaining members the bass player kind of took over most of the guitar duties as well and it kind of lends itself to being a more riff based album really cool guitar parts really great use of effects great song writing lots of JHS pedals on this album as well but besides that it's just really really cool and I think it's unique to the band so check it out if you've never heard it and in the comments below tell me about an album that's by a band that feels different maybe it's something transitional due to member changes or something like that but drop it in the comments and then let me know in the comments what you think about this that's it for this episode I hope you enjoyed it hit like if you did like the episode subscribe to the channel and there's a bell icon if you click that you get notifications of all future episodes in the comments below I'd love to know what your favorite pedal from today's show was and then also if you own a rare pedal or a historical pedal put that in the comments as well I'd love to know all about it until next time have a wonderful day
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 305,918
Rating: 4.9216828 out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, Guitar, Guitar Pedals, Electric Guitar, Guitar Effects, Guitar Player, Guitar Playing, Pedal Demo, Guitar Demo, New Pedals, New Guitar Pedals, Josh Scott, Guitar Gear, Music Gear, Guitar Tones, Pedal Tones, Good Guitar Tone, Best Guitar Tone, Best Electric Guitar Tone, Analog Guitar Tone, Guitar Sounds, JHS Guitar Pedals, JHS VLOG, JHS Videos, Rare Pedals, Strange Pedals, Old Pedals, Octivide
Id: skEYdG8MTto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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