Jesus Who and Why - 1st Session - Chuck Missler - Body Builders #12

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[Music] [Music] well welcome to this next session in which we're going to explore the Trinity so I want to welcome both our studio audience but also those that are watching on our streaming network we hope you find this edifying because we're gonna explore one of the most mysterious concepts in the scripture and indeed metaphors rainwear mysteries reside we sometimes hide the fact that we don't really know about something by giving it a fancy label and nowhere is that more evident then we start talking about the Trinity and so we want to explore this a little bit is there one God or three that's a debate among many many people how does one reckon reconcile the one god of the shema with the three persons of the new testament trinity and what does god reveal to us of himself in his word and that's our reference here isn't traditions or other people's view we're gonna let's see what the Bible really has to say the doctrine of the Trinity is have been at the heart and a lot of theological controversy and that the routine objection is that the doctrine sacrifices monotheism for try fee ism but this is all based on a misconception and so we'll just jump right on in and see what we can find out about this how does one deal with the extensible tensions between the old and new testament revelations of the ultimate mystery of the godhead and so many of us contrive conceptual models to somehow try to deal with this and that's one reason we have so much misunderstanding because we rely on models power intellect will is one attempt body soul and spirit that is another attempt these are all models if you will motion light heat like the Sun for example with three tones and a chord of music these are all suggestions that have been advanced to try to deal with this a single ray of light but composed of three primary colors this water being solid liquid or gas if you will in mathematics we have things called an infinite sir and you're gonna have three infinite series that add up still to one infinite series and so forth and then you can get into hyperspace --is and hilbert spaces and so forth and so my favorite for many years is simply that of a corporation consisting of three perfectly communicating partner shareholders that's one model but all of these I think are dangerous because they can darken counsel if you will by misleading analogies and so let's stand back for a minute how would you communicate to an Aborigine a TV set that's never seen one how would you explain to an Aborigine the internet or how would you explain a 747 jet no matter what how you might try to communicate these to someone it's not in our culture any explanation would be inherently incomplete of course one of the things we're encountering as we get into this topic is that we're crossing the very boundaries of our physical reality and so even if we're just dealing with physical properties there beyond the boundaries of our reality itself as we have many materials on this that I invite you to take a look at that will illuminate that dimension of all of this and see when we talk about the Godhead that we're dealing is something even one step beyond even the meta Kazem of the of the physical reality and so it can only be known by revelation not by reason alone and we only know what God has chosen to reveal to us so let's explore that and now there really is no absurdity with the Trinity when you realize that plurality Canon does coexist with unity you can have that's something that's unified and yet still be composed of sub pieces to that example as Adam and Eve in the scripture they are referred to as one flesh they're obviously distinct and separate and yet they also are dealt with as one flesh and so I want to again underscore a caveat that we want to put forth as we explore these doctrines essential doctrines of the end times we're not here to sell a particular point of view will explain what we believe and why we believe it but our goal is for you to become a self eater to determine your own view from your own study of the scriptures that's our goal our aim is simply to be helpful as you undertake a heuristic search heuristic being serving to discover for yourselves and we rely very heavily here on hermeneutics not doctrines your theory of interpretation we espouse a very very high hermeneutic taking the Bible is very very seriously very very precisely so now one place to start is of course with the most cherished portion of Scripture to the Jewish reader the Shema as they call it here o Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart with all isold with all thy might and you recognize this of course this is what Jesus himself quotes as the great commandment he's basically quoting the Shema she said thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul with all thy mind this is the first and Great Commandment so that's just the Lord Himself quoting the Jewish mom when you go into a Jewish dwelling you'll find a mezuzah on the on the threshold and that not always but typically has the Chaumont has it at some scripture it's usually the Shema in there and of course in in exodus 20 10 commandments thou shalt have no other gods before me that echoes the same idea there you go to Isaiah 45 you find the same expression where God says I am the Lord there is none else there is no God beside me i girded thee though thou has not known me that they may know from the rising of the Sun and from the West that there is none beside me I am the Lord and there is none else and these are course all advanced in the area of what we call monotheism 1 1 explore this term 1 there are several hebrew words for one the heat is unique and Ishod which which incidentally does not clewd distinguishable entities within it in the Genesis 2:24 being example Adam and Eve are said to be one flesh they were there is a God and in Deuteronomy of course the smiler uses that word if God which means unified unity in the sand within linguistic structure the fact that unity or oneness is expressed of God does not exclude having plurality within it just like you can have one corporation of three partners that's one of the reasons I have had a potentially look at it and those worked in those terms at the same time there's a concept of plurality one of the words Genesis one opens up bara Bereshit bara Elohim the word Elohim most of you recognize even not knowing Hebrew you recognize that a masculine noun with an IM ending is a plural Elohim is a plural noun as in cherubim Seraphim and so forth the IM ending is a plural Elohim is a plural word now what's strange about this is and by the way the same Adonai is also a example of that now it's interesting that the very first verse has a grammatical error in it because Elohim is a plural noun but it's used with a singular verb Bharath in the beginning God created the earth well the Elohim is plural how many of you knew that I see a show of hands most of you have you did you know that in Hebrew a plural is three or more and so it's they have a concept of a dual as well as a plural and so Elohim is a plural and so incidentally this is also used by Paul in 1st Thessalonians 3 in the Greek he plays on this every place where Elohim is written in the Bible it is technically an error the noun doesn't agree with the verb we're given a subtle clue here that there's more than one within the one that's really what's implied here and so and we notice this shows up even in the English translations if look at Genesis 1 verse 26 and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and so forth it's interesting that the word us that that plurality shows up even in the translation and our image our likeness you see the plural and vile evolved there and to get down to Genesis 3 verse 22 and the Lord God said Behold the man has become as one of what us one of us to know good and evil and now let's put put forth his hand and so forth thing goes on and so and this can't be associated with angels because they were not associated with God in the creation and so you get the Genesis 11 we see it again it says go to let us go down and there confound their language you remember that in Bible there and there again we see that plural emerge even in the translated text when we encounter a vision of the throne of God in Isaiah 6 we have the scene there the holy place of the Holy Ones celebrated by the Seraphim who failed their faces and what do they say holy holy holy is the Lord of Hosts there's this trilogy again suggested but it gets even deeper than that I want you know there's three declarations obviously and we see the same thing occur in the vision in Revelation chapter 4 we have that triple a triplex if you will here in Isaiah 6 when you get to verse 8 we also see a hint of the plural because it says who shall go for us again we have that plurality indicated but there's something else here it makes reference to the Lord of hosts and all sources contrary sources acknowledge its act applicability to the father yet it's provocative to notice that John attributes that passage to Christ himself in John 12 verse 41 and Paul attributes that passage to the Holy Spirit next 28 so we're seeing an interplay of the linguistic linguist here all three persons are here included most of you are familiar with the Old Testament benedictions many Christian churches use it to the closing service so forth and the Lord bless thee and keep thee the Lord make his face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace and that's quoted from the closing verses of Numbers chapter 6 it's interesting that these three passages can be ascribed to the Father of mercies and fountain of all good in the first case the redeeming and reconciling grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the second case and the purity consolation and joy by the communion of the Holy Spirit in third case and so that's one reason it's comfortable in a in a in a New Testament church to use the Old Testament benediction and so it's interesting that the three primate Prime their many names for God in the Bible but the three primary ones Elohim and the Tetragrammaton yo Dave Ave most rabbis just pronounce the letters rather than try to pronounce the word Elohim yo yo D Bobby and I don't I each of those are ascribed to all three members of the Trinity the Father of course is obvious the son in Isaiah 9:6 unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and that's not that's synonym by the way we'll take on that a little later all the way through we find that we have and yet at the same time and Isaiah 11 we have these terms applied to the Holy Spirit so interesting enough those names for God are ascribed in various places to the various persons of the Trinity interestingly enough notice that these are all Old Testament references I'm using so far one of the most provocative passages in this on this topic turned out to be the second some and I challenge you to read the second Psalm and try to figure out who's talking to whom and you'll quickly discover it's a trilogue among the godhead itself the question is raised why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed really so you've got the speaker probably the Holy Spirit and you have these other two members they're saying let us break their bands this is what they're quoting the people saying let us break their bands asunder and cat to weigh their cords from us I love this he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh the Lord shall have them in derision then he shall shall he speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure yet I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion and he continues here I will declare the decree the LORD hath said unto me here's the son quoting the father thou art my son this day have I begotten thee ask of me and I shall give you the heathen for thine inheritance the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession thou shalt break them with a rod of iron thou shalt dash them in pieces like a Potter's vessel and that rod of iron is an identity piece all through the scripture there's a dozen places you can chase those down being wise now therefore all ye kings be instructed ye judges of the earth serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling kiss the son lest he be angry and you perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little blessed are all they that put their trust in him and the word kissed there and the translations describes homage if you will at you and so forth and we could get into the linguistics but anyway I challenge you to take a look at Psalm 2 and decide yourself who's speaking to who and you'll quickly discover it's a discussion among the Trinity itself but I have another approach that when I first discovered that some time ago it really made helped me a great deal and that's to look at the works of God the major works of God and notice how they're ascribed each one of these works is declared to be wrought wholly and independently by each person of the Trinity what I mean by that well let's start with the creation of the universe it's ascribed to the Father in Psalm 102 verse 25 it's ascribe to the son in Colossians 1:16 and john 1 and verses 1 2 3 we'll look at that a little later to the spirit and Justin went through the spirit moved the very second verse of the book of Genesis describes the creation to the Holy Spirit interestingly enough and these are each specific ascriptions if you will and all three are gathered in the term of ello in Genesis chapter 1 interestingly enough let's take another one the creation of man is ascribed to the Father in Genesis chapter 2 - the son and Colossians one and two the spirit in job 33 okay and the 13 plurals in Ecclesiastes in Isaiah 54 the third one we'll take a look as the incarnation boy we're going to talk a lot about that in the next session - as ascribed to the father in Hebrews 10 it scribed to the Sun and Philippians 2 and to the spirit and Luke chapter 1 the Incarnation and the Spirit generates the Sun but in such a manner that the Sun ever addresses the first person as father there's one exception to that there's only one time in eternity past or eternity future that Jesus doesn't call him father and that's when he says my God and he declares that when he is wearing our shoes so to speak as I think most of you are familiar well let's take the 4th in the life and Ministry of Christ the Sun always did the will of the father and he and to this end the Spirit was given to the son without measure you can track that down on yourself the death of Christ this is an interesting one ascribe to the father in Psalm 22 and Romans 8 in John 3:16 to the son and John 10 in Galatians 2 and to the spirit and Hebrews 9 specifically the death of Christ described to each members specifically the atonement boy to the father in Isaiah 53 to the son and Ephesians 5 and to the spirit and Hebrews 9 each one of these you can track down and confirm to yourself own satisfaction the resurrection of Christ ascribe to the Father in acts 2 in Romans 6 ascribed to the son and John 10 and John 2 and to the spirit in first Peter 3 in Romans 8 the resurrection of Christ the resurrection of all mankind this is a different event ascribed to the father in John 5 also to the son in John 5 and to the spirit in Romans 8 we get to the inspiration of the Scriptures is a verse that we all know second Timothy 3:16 ascribed to the father in the one case but to the son and first Peter one and to the spirit and second Peter 1 interestingly enough we have the minister's authority ascribed to the father 2nd corinthians 3 there the son in 1st timothy 1 and the spirit in acts 20 and then we have the indwelling presence now this may surprise you your indwelling presence is ascribed to the father in Ephesians 4 verse 6 to the son and Colossians 1:27 and of the Spirit in 1st Corinthians 6:19 now that one doesn't surprise us but the others may surprise you that the father and the son in dwell you not just the Holy Spirit we so glibly speak because it's Holy Spirit know all three are ascribed specifically the very work of sanctification is described as the father in the opening verse of Jude in Hebrews chapter 2 and the son 1st Corinthians 6 now this is a dandy in fact of all the doctrines is the one that I think we want to certainly focus on that's the believers safekeeping ascribe to the father in John 10 verse 29 but in to the son and John 10:28 and also Romans 8:34 for different ways and then the spirit in Ephesians 4 now this is one of the dozen we've looked at that we regard as an essential we're talking about what are essentials for the end times this is a doctrine it's strange that we would single one out to be essential this is certainly one of them because then you don't know if you're not confident of your own situation you know you're not gonna be much of a witness to others and then we have a whole bunch of others we could list comparing 1st Corinthians 1 with Psalm 8 and the logos of John 1 and so forth there's a bunch of those we'll go a little different way let's talk now not these specific events or works of God let's talk about the attributes of God and all these attributes are ascribed to each of the three of the Trinity and the eternal existence of God ascribed to the Father in Psalm 90 verse 2 to the son the Alpha and Omega the first and the last in Revelation 1:8 John one and on and on and in the Hebrew of course Genesis 1:1 and Isaiah 41 and so forth okay I'll come back to that in another way a little bit and of course in its the the spirit as eternal in the in the Hebrews 9 verse 14 the concept of infinite power is described to the Father in 1st Peter 1:5 to the son and second Corinthians 12 and the Spirit in Romans 15 omniscience God knows everything something God can't do he can't learn ok ascribe to the Father in Jeremiah 17 to the son in Revelation 2 and to the spirit and first Corinthians - and what about omnipresence God is everywhere he's not localized the father ascribed a father in Jeremiah 23 the son in Matthew 18 and and to the spirit in Psalm 139 and the concept of holiness revelation 15 for to the father to the son in acts 3:14 and the spirit everywhere that's why we call on the Holy Spirit that description is very specific in its own sense and that's one of the reasons and the vision of the throne of God in Isaiah 6 it's holy holy holy and it speaks for itself the concept of truth is ascribed to the father in John 7 to the son in Revelation 3 7 and it's to the spirit in first John 5 6 now benevolence is described to the father in Romans 2 to the son in the fusions 5 and the spirit in Nehemiah 9 so each one of those I encourage you to chase down yourself make your own annotations they're the dispositions or communion of the father in 1st John 1:3 to the John in the same verse and also the spirit and 2nd Corinthians 13:14 the individual distinctives let's take all three of these and notice that they are equal in nature they are separate in person and they are subservient and duties and again I remind you that the plural of Elohim is a three-fold plurality not a dual it's a three-fold plurality in the Hebrew and so there's no intimation that any one person of the Godhead sustains these attributes in respect to the other two persons or that they are held in partnership is predicated of each as though none others existed and so we want to understand that as we go here I like the way Lewis Sperry chafer summarizes this that's why i've accepted here the fact that each person possesses all the divine characteristics and so completely that it would seem that no other need to possess them speaks of the distinction between the person's as such on the other hand the fact that they all manifest these characteristics in identically the same ways and to the same measure speaks of the unity from which their mode of existence Springs and I don't know how to improve on that that's pretty crisp okay so now let's poke let's focus on one specific member of the three and we'll open up with the Gospel of John in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God and how often we read that it sounds like double-talk doesn't know each is quite distinctive in the beginning and before time and we now know the time itself is the physical property that versions mass acceleration and gravity among other things God is outside our time domain and so before the world was created the word already existed is what the Greek really represents here in the original and so in the beginning was the word the logos if you will that's a title that's more than just a lexer graphical word like in a list or something it's a consent it's a principal thought or concept the word itself what a fascinating title of our Lord Jesus Christ it's the he's the expression the utterance of that thought and the Word was with God this conveys a sense of reciprocity that is the word is not merely in the presence of God but there existed a mutual and reciprocal relationship between though were and God it was with God and there's a mutual fellowship and inner communication a close personal relationship as the implication here and we see that in Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God grid they have it in the earth but here we have Elohim God created the heaven of the earth and we have this very peculiar term for God which is plural in the Hebrew which requires three interestingly enough by the rules of Hebrew but getting back to this the world was was was was that in the Greek is an imperfect verb it implies continuous existence that in contrast to coming into being it implies a continuity from from earlier in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God the same was the beginning you've got all things Wow here we go all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made that's quite a statement Jesus Jesus Christ is the creator himself we need to understand that and we're going to explore that in Colossians 1:16 - in a minute here but let's take Hebrews 1 is another rendering of all of this God who in sundry times in divers manners spake in time past unto the father's by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom he made the worlds who be in the brightness of his glory and the Express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he by himself purged our sins sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high Wow well let's get back to Colossians 1:15 who is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of every creature now the image of invisible God yes in contrast to the Gnostics and the Muslims by the way who maintain that God can never be known or understood in contrast to that view we have one who has made God known to us that's a staggering difference to really understand the Muslim God is somebody who cannot understand he's capricious he can do anything mean that means he's untrustworthy no no the god of the Avram eat second yoke I was a God who delights in making and keeping his promises he's antithetical to the presentation of knowing the Muslims of course the Gnostics that that Nepal was writing about here the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us that's that's in contrast in other words he is made he is he is revealed to be understood and and it's because man bears the image of his creator that it was possible for the son of God to become incarnate as man and in his humanity display the glory of the invisible God as an echo that's the reflexive aspect many people don't think about then we were created in God's image that made it possible for God to assume our image to communicate himself to us Wow you know it's interesting that one of the staggering things were going to encounter in this procession of course is that the creator himself became God and dwell among us and to try to absorb that but as we mature in our understanding of biblical things we begin to realize the gulf that exists between sinful man and a holy God the more astonishing discovery isn't just that God became man the astonishing thing is as we meet here today there is a man sitting on the throne of God that is every bit as staggering to realize she just didn't become a man for three and a half years he's a man to this day we'll talk more about that as we go here who is the image invisible God and the and so it reflects on the Adam Christ apology that is drawn all through the scripture in which Christ is viewed as the first true man who fulfills God's design and creation that's why we speak one of the titles that Paul uses of Jesus is the last Adam Adam was the first this is the climactic one at the end and to be meant to be in the image of Christ as the goal of all Christians you become like the gods you worship that's something important to really understand is the world unforgiving cold you worship the world you'll become cold and unforgiving and we could go on through all the different idols that's why it's so important to worship Christ because then you'll become like him okay see Paul uses the word imaged means that exact representation and revelation and the writer to Hebrews affirms that Jesus Christ is the Express image of his person Jesus was able to say a shocking face as he that hath seen me hath seen the father Wow see in his essence God is invisible but Jesus Christ has revealed him to us in John 1:18 and ellsworth all through getting back to Colossians 1:15 who is the image of the visible God the firstborn of every creature the firstborn now that's a misunderstood word we tend that in the translation the psalm 89 verse 27 I will make him my firstborn higher than the kings of the earth no it's a it's a it's a phrase of position prototokos it's a priority of position not origin we tend to infer that's a a term of origin no it's a term of position the firstborn of all creation that words prior to all creation is what it really conveys in the letter delay of the sea and so forth and it was interpreted by Aryans to mean the first of a kind and but that it can't have that meaning but that meaning is not consistent with Paul's theme which stretches the Messianic priority and primacy the word firstborn is intended to be positional he's the heir and preeminent one not necessarily one born first it's real nice occur examples he saw in Jacob Reuben and Joseph Manasseh and Ephraim these are all where the firstborn isn't the firstborn in position if you will the first Adam the last Adam is another example preexisting only-begotten Isaac is so-called in hi in Hebrews 11 Abraham was a Isaac was Abraham's only begotten son which is a strange term it's a positional term it's not a an order of it doesn't mean what some of us jump to the conclusion let's look at Exodus for losses and thou shalt say to Pharaoh thus saith the Lord Lord is was my son even my firstborn and I say unto thee let my son go that he may serve me and if L refused to let him go behold I will slay thy son even thy firstborn again it's a positional term in Psalm 89 we see that I found David my servant with my holy oil have i anointed him with who my hand shall be shall be established mine arm also shall strengthen him the enemy shall not exact upon him nor the son of wickedness affliction and I will beat down his foes before his face and plague then them that hate him but but my faithfulness and mercy shall be with them in 9 name shall his horn be exalted I will set his hand a pulse upon the sea and his right hand and the rivers he shall crying to me thou art my father my god and my rock of rock and my salvation and I will make him my firstborn higher than the kings of the earth see there it again it'sit's a title of position not origin that causes a lot of linguistic confusion my mercy will I keep for an ever more and my covenant shall stand faster with him and his seed also will I make to endure forever and his throne as the days of heaven and so on so many 9 very important song let's get back to our basic text Colossians 1 for by him we're all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him all things not most things all things that includes Satan that's that's bad news for the Mormons no he's not Christ's brother quite the country he's a created thing and so whatever cosmic powers there may be they have nothing to offer or deny a Christian in Christ he has all these things Romans 8 we'll take a look at that before we're all through and if he and so visible and invisible two different categories here two different kinds we know there are four dimensions that we can directly experience three spatial dimensions and times a physical property there are we know that there are at least six that exist but only inferable or a total of ten there's a common estimate some say eleven but that's another but somebody else's debate whether they be Thrones dominions principalities or powers no those are translations of greek greek terms that represent angelic beings these are hierarchies of angels if you will Thrones dominions bring that it doesn't ring that way in our vocabulary but that's the Greek intention of the terms there and all things were created by him and for him what a statement what a statement three prepositions by four through are used to refute the philosophy of false teachers he is the heir of all things we are all houseguests in somebody else's universe his history is headed somewhere and we all have an accountability for that that's the scary part of all of this and so and disbelief or denial is not a refuge we all have an appointment with dust nets one reason why these issues emerge to be paramount as we move into the end times and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that we're heading into a period called the end times we're not setting dates don't misunderstand me but clearly these as we move into this period of time these issues get intensified they get underscored it affects our priorities and that we could go on and on by then you know it's interesting for centuries the Greek philosopher has taught that everything needed a primary cause and instrumental cause in a final cause that was their concept well the primary causes the plan the instrumental cause is the power and the final clause the purpose when it comes to creation Jesus Christ is the primary cause he planned it he's the instrumental cause he produced it in the final clause he did it for his own pleasure interestingly enough colossians goes on in verse 17 s and he is before all things and by him all things consist and that's a strange term consistent soonest ma to be compacted together to cohere to be constituted with to be held together all things are held together with perhaps a better translation there you see most of us understand there if you have any physics old you know there's four basic forces and there's gravity which keeps our feet on the ground and keeps the earth in orbit and what-have-you electromagnetic like radio waves light and molecules of chemistry and so forth the strong then two nuclear forces a strong nuclear force that holds the atom together a weak nuclear force that generates radioactivity in the heat of the Sun and that sort of thing presumably well the nucleus of every atom is held together by what physicists call the weak and the strong forces the nucleus of the atom contains positively charged and neutral particles to use a simplistic model notice that the nucleus is consist of neutral and positive charges the mutual electrostatic repulsion between positrons should drive the nucleus apart if it were not for the strong nuclear force which binds the nucleus together in other words you all know that positive and negative charges attract each other no surprise to two particles of the same kind either positive or negative we tell each other where do you go okay so we have a nucleus of an atom that consists of all positive things surrounded by energy levels of electrons but everything in the center of this should be flying apart because their positive charges that repel each other that's being held together what happens when that isn't held together well you know what happens that releases energy that's unimaginable now they've discovered that the zero-point energy is an active force imposed upon the universe which actively holds the very atoms of the material world together moment by moment day by day century by Centuri similarly accelerated electrons circling the nucleus would quickly radiate all their energy away and fall into the nucleus unless there exists an invisible energy source to counteract this and that's what they call the zero-point energy and it's the energy if you will of what we think of as empty space it's not empty space that has impedance it has a whole bunch of properties that are measurable and that's exactly what the Bible says but that's a whole nother study but we the atoms appear to behave in perpetual motion machines picking up energy from the background zero-point energy and are thus sustained by it and that that's been estimated by experts to be enormous ly high levels of energy other New Testament passages deal with the density of the atomic engine physics Hebrews 1 and second Peter 3 deals with these issues interestingly enough and take a quick look at it in Hebrews chapter 1 heaven these days spoken to unto us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom he made the worlds and the world the word world's there Ionis is plural it means time domains interestingly enough and some Bible say ages but it's generally regarded to mean the entire creation but and Jesus of course is the creator itself but you get too much next verse who being and the brightness of his glory and the Express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had himself purged our sins and sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high the Express image of his person and there again it's the it's the Express character like a steel engraving if you will and all the prophets and all the writings up till now have all been but shadows and hints at the aspects of Jesus Christ but he's the embodiment of them and he walked this earth that we might know upholding all things by what the word of his power and there is a day he's going to say enough already and this all a numerous the same three facts in the same order as here the word for upholding is the very same word as in the Septuagint is used when it speaks to the Spirit of God moving on the face the waters in the second verse of Genesis he brooded he moved and so forth and he had by himself purged our sins and that is what we had and so eloquently expressed in Ron Madison's presentations the Greek eros participle is here completed it is done it is finished as Jesus himself declared from the cross to tellus died paid in full well he purse points out that Sun is the final revealer he's the heir of all things he's the son through the son the ages were made he's the brightness of God's glory he's the image of the father he upholds all things by his power he made purification of sin this is the one that we're dealing with and he sat down on Majesty on high praise God let's shift and see what Peter has to say about all of this he says whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished the Noah and Noah's day of course but the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and the perdition of ungodly men look by not by water God made a promise to know and not by water but you want to read the small print next time it's by fire is the point next time by fire and that's also all through the Old Testament you'll find at least four places where that's alluded to by him were all the very elements held together and that's what he's going to let go if you will God's sovereignty over time job 22 deals with that God has a perspective and intensity a priority that we lack the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and not willing that any should perish you know the astonishing thing of this entire drama is that God doesn't get what he wants it's another refutation of Calvin the great tragedy is that after the entire panorama of redemption God doesn't get what he wants out of the deal not all will repent that's God's preference staggering to realize out of the whole deal he shortchanged in a sense of speaking Wow time is our most inelastic and thus the most precious commodity we have the scripture tells us the number hour nanoseconds right okay but Peter contains but the day of the Lord will come as a thief of the night and the which the heavens will pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with a fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up the day of the Lord and there's lots that you'd make a whole study that on your own and it's interesting how Paul and first Thessalonians points out that he will come as a thief in the night to those who are in darkness but you are the day not in the darkness many people need to reread 1st Thessalonians 5 more carefully he comes as a thief of light to those that weren't really anticipating him and I say he says I behold I created a new heavens new earth that's not a relation saturdaya and so the heavens shall pass away Wow the day of the Lord closes at the end of the millennium with the destruction of the heavens and the earth it's not just you and I it's not just the earth that's redeemed there's a new heavens and a new earth Wow with a great noise and it's the word there's used like the swish of an arrow the rush of wings the splash of water his it's a subtle noise if you will and the elements are they built basic building blocks and they will in effect untie or become loosed if you will what that actually says in the Greek seeing then all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness he advocates that's what we ought to be like the francis schaeffer at minds how then shall we live it shouldn't we should have a response to all of us the question you need to ask yourself do the realities of all this impact our personal priorities that's the challenge looking forward hastening the coming of the day of God wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with a fervent heat looking for and hasting did you know you can hasten the day of the Lord that's what he's looking for and hasting unto there that's what the Lord's Prayer is all about will you pray pray pray I praise the Lord for thy kingdom come there's probably not one Christian ten that knows what he's pretty praying for because 9 out of 10 churches I believe that don't even teach of the millennium at all you all can help bring in the fullness in Romans 11:25 not you to figure that out and how you do that and you can check the commentaries that's in your notes and we have the elements shall melt the very mountains will be melting we understand nevertheless we according to his promise look for a new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness develop devoutly to be wish'd as as Hamlet might say a new heavens and a new earth some people call it world number three some people feel this whole world is the second one after the interval between the first two verses of Genesis but that's a whole other thing this one the one that's coming will have righteousness dwelling in it that is indeed and devoutly to be wish'd God dynamically sustains the universe including the very atoms themselves atoms and sieves are stable only because force and energy are being supplied into their nuclear by binding fields from outside the system and that's a surprising discovery in in particle physics you'll find the discussions of that in our briefing background beyond perception to get into all of that if you want to get into that and see God is the sustainer of the owner he didn't know it not only did he create it he's sustaining it he is not uninvolved remote or detached or impersonal leaving things to run themselves not at all he's very much involved he energizes all things according to the counsel of his will it's the first chapter of Ephesians nails that we know he knows the number of hairs on your head do you we know we view that as a figure of speech no he does every time I take a shower I look down then realized you had to revise his inventory a little bit yeah he cares about the sparrow that falls to the ground the widow of the orphan and the homeless you he cares more about you and me then we have the capacity to imagine that's probably the staggering thing that it's probably the most essential thing for us to understand is how much he loves us the extremes he has gone to for each one of us each one of us sitting in this room or watching this this thing is God cares more about that than you and I can imagine and God does not lose track of his children but watch them with an infinite patient intimate precise fatherly care he also intervenes that's the other surprising God intervenes in history from time to time to alter the status quo in response to prayer and even alters the course of entire nations he moved the entire world into a census to get Mary and Joseph to move 30 miles it's amazing what he does to get how far he will go to get what he wants done let's get back to our pace texts earrings one and he is the head of the body of the church who is the beginning the firstborn of the dead that in all things he might have preeminence he who is the beginning he's the originator the Alpha and Omega of the Aleph in the Tau it's interesting to discover that there are untranslated letters in Genesis chapter one in Zechariah chapter 12 they shall look upon me whom they've pierced but after me there's two little letters an Aleph in the towel now if they have a maquette that's hooked that's the indicate a direct dodged that one of four things to indicate a direct object when they're floating like their their untranslated they should look upon me the aleph and the tao-tsay we do in the Greek it rings better to us right they look upon me the Alpha and the Omega whom they pierced in the beginning God the Aleph and the Tau created the heavens the earth interesting many people missed that first because of misguidance on the grammar as the body of Christ that is not the body of Christians the body of Christ the church is not merely a society but is defined in terms of its organic communion with Christ as we talk about doctrines the only critical doctrine is a person not a movement not a society not a group of rules no it's a person that's what we're all about our organic communion with that person and in all things he might have the preeminence potato the used elsewhere in the New Testament that's the very theme of Paul's official to the Colossians for it pleased the father that in him should all all fullness all fullness dwell what on earth does that mean but Roma the sum total of all the divine power and attributes and that's the course of Fame it was a favorite term of the Gnostics and that's what Paul is really writing against him for in him all the fullness was pleased to dwell God the Father was in him in a sense God the Holy Spirit was it his full measure and so and dwell actually means to reside to be at home permanently if you will and the verb indicates that the fullness was not something added to his being that was not natural to him but it was part of his essential being as part of his very Constitution and that permanently and that's kind of sweet and his commentary on this what does that really mean God is fully met it's only manifested he is fully manifest in him as what that really means in him should all the fullness dwell now that's one of the errors we've been talking about the Trinity the Chavez witnesses are that's one of the things they attack every cult group attacks either Christ's humanity or as deity the Jose witnesses tried to attack the Trinity and what you do with them you drop down we make you you jot down these verses you take them to his a a--j 41 4 where it God speaks of himself as the first and lastly who is that and they'll say well that's Joe of a guy ok go to isaiah 44:6 in i'm the first and last who's that well that's the whole but they call jehovah god ok 48 12 same thing ok then you take him to Revelation 1:8 verse 11 verse 17 each one is speaks if I am the first the last well that's 2 over God and when the when you've got them almost tediously with those 7 examples you take him to revelation to 8 I am he the first the last who was dead was dead and now alive and they stumble because that's clearly not the father that's the Sun and it punctures their little premises if you will the error of another Jesus the jobs witnesses denial is deity the Gnostics denial his humanity the Universalist denial his sufficiency and the sufficiency of Christ is the real issue before us with and leaves us without excuse and so Socrates said to Plato I think in 500 BC roughly Socrates had an insight that's very profound he said it may be that deity can forgive sins but I do not see how he had enough perception to realize that if God is righteous that how he how can he forgive sins he's either got a count he's got to compromise his righteousness or not forgive sin you know which there was that there was that fundamental paradox there that he perceived he didn't understand the answer and we're going to explore the drama that comes from that tension in an extension we're going to the next session we're going to talk about what I called the ultimate drama a drama the likes of which you cannot find any parallel to it you may know enough about writing or that a plot is typically a problem and it's solution the plot of any drama involves some problem it shows up somewhere long way and it's solution that's that's what we call a plot and we're going to see in our next session wearing explored the most astonishing drama in the universe and that's our thing next time so let's bow our hearts forward word of Prayer father we stagger as we begin to get a glimpse of how much you love us and the extremes that you've gone to on our behalf father we solicit from you from your word and from your spirit to help us grasp and appropriate understand how far you've gone for us help us father through your spirit and through your word to be more responsive to what you would have of us in response to these things as we commit ourselves with no qualifications or reservations whatsoever we commit ourselves into your hands in the name of Yeshua our precious Redeemer our kinsman redeemer our Lord our Savior indeed [Music]
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 37,632
Rating: 4.8914518 out of 5
Keywords: the, acts, of, holy, spirit, apostles, jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute, Chuck Missler
Id: Yapaepszw2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 7sec (3367 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 12 2018
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