Gregg Braden - Ancient Technique for Creating Advanced State of Consciousness

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[Music] hello my name is greg braden and i'd like to welcome you to today's very special presentation of the divine matrix bridging time space miracles and belief in the last episode we saw how the code of language and human emotion allows us literally to hack the field of all possibilities and when we do so we achieve super human potentials well additional discoveries now catapult us even further and they show that you and i are biologically wired to exceed the limits of what we once believed possible in our lives in this episode we'll discover how our super inner technology works as well as the ancient technique that uses this technology to create the most advanced states of consciousness known to exist [Music] for the purposes of what we're doing here for the purpose of our exploration of the divine matrix it appears that there is a circular link of brain states leading to different states of consciousness and they all give us specific kinds of access to specific places in the matrix you achieve the brain state and you tune into that place in the field so it may be that what appears to be our deepest states of relaxation are actually the doorway to our most awakened states of awareness so when we talk about the gamma brain state for example i'm going to go back to gamma because it is one of the most common brain states we typically achieve uh gamma in our lives we're averaging right around the that 44 cycles per second but we typically achieve it spontaneously it seems to happen under certain conditions one of the first questions people ask me is where does it come from and how do we create this state intentionally i'm going to answer both questions right here first of all where does this gamma brain state come from i want to be very clear when i talk about gamma brain waves uh and gamma waves these are very different than the gamma waves that that we talk about in the cosmos i'm not talking about cosmic gamma waves it's the same terminology that's a completely different kind of wave so i want to make that distinction here the gamma brainwave originates from a tiny organ in the center of our brain it's called the thalamus from this tiny organ in the thalamus it's located in the center of the brain just above the spinal column these super fast waves if you can imagine this they shoot from the thalamus and they go to the front of the brain and the back of the brain and to the front of the brain again at this incredibly high speed of 40 times every second 40 okay that second 1001 that second right there 40 times gamma waves if i were in the gamma state would have have pulsed from the front to the back to the front to the back of my brain again just uh just to give you a sense for how fast this is if you've ever seen a hummingbird hummingbird's wings we actually hear them before we see them a hummingbird's wings beat at the rate of about 50 times per second so this gamma brain state is just a little bit slower than the hummingbirds wings and that really helps to give me some sense for how amazing this state is but as these waves not only are they moving very quickly through the brain now listen to what they're doing it's not that they are in a narrow focus from the front to the back front to the back they are all encompassing it's called a sweeping wave that the gamma wave sweeps through all of the lobes of the brain the front and the back and that is why it is also called a unifying brainwave it offers the experience of a number of different potentials and one of those is is this unifying experience when people are in gamma they seem to feel less separate from the world and i'll just share with you why if you are able to see the scans the brain scans there's a part of our brain just above the occipital area that lights up when we sense that we are somewhere in a place in time it is our awareness of space so when we say you know we're anchored in this moment in time in the space we're present in the here and now that part of the brain is very active in the gamma brain state what the scans show is that part of the brain becomes less active because we're not so attached to the space and the place we become more at the essence of our environment and this is the unity consciousness and it exemplifies one of the benefits why would we want to access a gamma brain state let me just go through a list some of the benefits from the gamma brain state and let's talk about how we can achieve a gamma brain state in our lives when we are in the gamma brain state we as i said we achieve this sense of of unity consciousness and this is something that the monks talk about all the time the tibetan monks and nuns and the the abbots the higher order monks we achieve super cognitive enhancement and super memory recall if you've ever seen any of the very popular movies based on on jason bourne the jason bourne series and i call this the jason bourne brain state because our intelligence agencies are actually training agents to achieve this gamma brain state for many of the benefits i'm sharing with you right now super fast learning if you want to learn something really fast if you want to learn a language very quickly if you want to memorize information in a book and when i was in college and i shared this in the earlier episode i have full credit 19 credits in my earth sciences major i was paying out of state tuition i had no money i was working three jobs one of those jobs was a job that lasted from midnight until 8 am and my first class was at 10. i didn't have a lot of time for sleep or homework now i didn't know then the details and the science of what i'm saying to you what i learned then was through my experiences with indigenous people and my own personal experimentation i learned how to be able to absorb information very quickly you can imagine in the science major uh biology it's all about phyla and uh and species and an earth sciences major it's all about crystallography and mineralogy and crystal classes and x-axis and z-axes and y-axes and all those things i had i had to memorize this stuff really fast this technique that i'm going to share with you and this state is what gave me the ability to do that successfully so super super learning super cognitive enhancement super memory recall we all take in the information do we have the ability to recall it's super focus really really fast information processing i mean just like that gamma brain state is also a natural antidepressant people who are in gamma during the time they're in gamma they're much calmer and uh and their body is not in the fight-or-flight mode and it is not in the mode releasing the chemicals and the hormones that contribute to the depression it also gives us access to the deepest states of intuition on demand and this is the key we all have intuition often our intuition happens when it happens it happens when we're in the shower and the privacy of uh of our own home and and that very primal experience of water pouring over us we have deep insights into our work or friendships or relationships we'll get out of the shower and boom they're gone where did they go or you're sitting in a traffic light waiting for a light to turn green and you don't know when that's going to happen so you don't want to start anything so it gets there and it's in that openness when those insights come in and then all of a sudden the light turns green and you're off looking at the vehicle in front of you or checking your rear view mirror and those insights are gone those are spontaneous how do you achieve that when you want it the most on demand gamma is the answer to that and much much more and because of the link between the gamma brain state high gamma brain state and theta where the healing happens there is a direct length some of our deepest states of healing begin in the gamma brain state so i'm just giving you some examples of how powerful this state is and why we would want to access this this very powerful state on demand so with all these benefits in mind the obvious question is how do we do it how do we access this powerful state of consciousness and this is one of those places where my direct experience in tibet give me the opportunity to answer this question firsthand so in season one of this series of missing links i described the 1991 discovery of the 40 000 specialized cells in the human heart sensory neurites that are focused in the heart in a way that is called the little brain of the heart it is a neural network but it's not in the brain it's in the heart these sensory neurites are essentially brain cells but uh but they're not in the brain but they function the way that brain cells do they think they feel they remember independently of our cranial brain and when i shared that with you i also opened the door to the potential for the gamma brain state here's what i mean by that in season one i shared a technique that's been developed in the laboratory that reflects what some of the most ancient and indigenous traditions have taught us about harmonizing the heart in the brain two organs into a single potent system in our body so what we're really doing is we are harmonizing neurons in the brain and the neurons in the heart to two separate organs the neurons are in two places we're harmonizing them into a single potent system called heart brain harmony or more specifically heart brain coherence so if this is new to you i'm going to invite you to go back to season number one of missing links and check out the episodes where we're talking about harmonizing the heart and the brain and the specific techniques i'm going to refer to them here but i detail them and i want you know that detail is there i'm not just glossing over this so now that we understand that it's possible to harmonize the heart in the brain and that through breath and focus we may create this very very powerful state of coherence between the heart and the brain coherence is defined as 0.1 hertz when we can create a signal between the heart and brain of 0.1 hertz we are in this optimal place where our body senses that all systems are enabled it's in this place where we are at our best and this is no secret athletes at the olympic train center in colorado springs are using these techniques to optimize their their physical performance at very high rates of metabolism this isn't something you have to do when you're in a deep meditative state and completely relaxed us military is using the techniques very techniques i'm sharing with you now to hone the focus of our men and women before they go into combat to optimize their opportunities for success but also when they return from combat to help them to reintegrate into their homes and their families and leave the reflexes the battlefield reflexes behind serve them in the battlefield but they don't necessarily serve them when they return to their homes so this is an optimum state all systems go all right now in this state one of the techniques that i shared with you was to create an emotional experience a feeling and the feelings that i recommended from the laboratory the institute of heart math in northern california is developing these techniques and honing these techniques so that we can do these things in our living room so we don't have to go to a monastery in a mountaintop at high elevation half a world away to do it one of the the techniques that i i offered was to feel the feeling one of four feelings to create that point one hurts gratitude appreciation care or compassion compassion is the key compassion is one of the doorways to the gamma brain state when we are in compassion now it makes perfect sense when we're in the state of compassion now that we know it's this sweeping wave the state of compassion opens this realm of possibilities to the way that we think and we feel i just want to talk to you briefly about how we access compassion in the west compassion is often mistaken for a form of pity where we feel sorry for another person well in its truest sense and when i'm working with the monks and the nuns and we were in tibet through the translators that's not the way they think of compassion so let me talk to you about this just briefly compassion is the end of a sequence the sequence begins with sympathy when we are in sympathy what we're saying is that we cannot even imagine what someone is going through but we can sympathize with their hurt or sympathize with their pain you you get a sympathy card that's what it says i can only imagine what you're going through and it's very honest so in sympathy we are not experiencing the hurt or the pain but we're acknowledging that hurt or pain another person that's the first step the next step from sympathy is empathy in empathy we are actually feeling the pain of another person healthcare providers know this when you work in an office as a doctor or a nurse practitioner body worker massage therapist counselor relationship therapist physical therapy anything like that you automatically empathize with the people that you're with to better serve them at the end of the day if you've seen 10 12 15 people they go home feeling better and if you have not yet learned how to separate yourself from your empathy you go home feeling maybe worse than you did when you came to work in the morning because you're empathizing what the brain scans actually show that when we empathize with someone's pain the pain centers in the brain of the person empathizing light up in the same places but not to the same degree as they light up in the person having the hurt so we experience we say in empathy i i can empathize with your pain i am i am experiencing that pain the pain of the loss of a loved one or whatever that is second step to compassion the third step is compassion compassion is a step beyond empathy now i want to talk to you about compassion just for a minute and to find it in maybe a little bit different way compassion is defined as an emotional experience where we first accept the suffering of another without judgment this is a very buddhist concept without judgment and without attachment to the outcome to the rightness or the wrongness or the goodness or the badness this is what gives compassion so much power in the gamma brain state the sweeping wave it is sweeping all the lobes of the brain so that we are not anchored we're not stuck in the rightness or the wrongness of what we're seeing all right so compassion we accept the suffering without judgment we accept that without attachment to the outcome the third piece here is at the same time we hold the focus for a greater possibility or a greater outcome so we acknowledge what's happening without the judgment of what's happening while holding a space for a greater outcome so there's a lot in there there's a lot to think about for some people i know it's a very different way of thinking about compassion this is the way the the buddhist monks in tibet define compassion and it makes perfect sense because when we are able to do these things think about this when you're able to acknowledge what's happening without the attachment so the attachment is the polarization without the judgment of the rightness of the wrongness or goodness of the badness then you are not in the left brain you're not in the right brain you are able to move into something beyond to transcend the judgment and this is where the gamma brain state comes in compassion is the key to the gamma brain state compassion is the ancient science that leads us directly into that gamma brain state so i'm going to offer you a little formula that you can think of and carry in your lives when you want to optimize your opportunity for your greatest potentials the formula is simply this heart brain coherence plus the gamma brain state equals all systems go when you create the heart brain coherence and into that space of coherence you drop the gamma state of consciousness now you have become a very different person you have transcended the judgments of your peers of your society of your culture of your family and you are opening the door to a deep deep deep communication with the field of energy the divine matrix and that is where your mastery begins so it's from this place of extraordinary abilities that we actually learn to hack the matrix we learn to hack the matrix as we are no longer subject to the laws of physics as we know them today we're no longer confined to the limits of space and time it's from this place where we create the prayers that influence the healing of our bodies in a very powerful very profound way as well as the world beyond our bodies [Music] through embracing the deepest truths of our relationship to the divine matrix we are given the key to transcend the rules of physics and time in space that seem to limit us in this world in doing so we truly hacked the divine matrix so we expressed our highest levels of mastery in the next episode we'll discover the prayer code from a 2500 year old text that gives us the instructions to breathe life into our most heartfelt creations i want to thank you for joining me for today's program be sure to tune in for our next all-new episode of the divine matrix bridging time space miracles and belief [Music] you
Channel: Gregg Braden Official
Views: 106,800
Rating: 4.9606757 out of 5
Keywords: inspirational, motivational, cutting edge science, transformation, quantum physics, self empowerment, human potential, the power of the human mind, spirituality, self healing, power of beliefs, science based techniques, intuition, philosophies, intuition philosophies wisdom, real-world solutions, wisdom, modern science, pioneer, educator, Gamma Brain Wave, pineal gland
Id: W2s1Yh_claw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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