Angels Volume 1 - The Berean Challenge - Chuck Missler

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well we have a very unusual topic to deal with it's one thing to have a topic about which people know nothing it's quite another to pick a topic which everybody has all kinds of ideas about but nobody really takes seriously so we have a double-whammy to deal with here so we're going to talk about angels and this first session is really going to focus on the whole realm that we find angels in but I want to start right up front dealing with what we call the Berean challenge it's been our trademark for many decades and so we're gonna talk about the misconceptions about angels and we're gonna talk about something else that gets in the way of really understanding them our misconceptions about reality that's really what we're about is to try to marry what we are told about angels with the reality that we experience that surround us in a subsequent session we'll really get into biblical angels and their characteristics and limitations and we'll talk about the lineup of the major players that we encounter biblically and there'll be a whole nother section of two sessions that will deal with the warfare that's behind the scenes so in this session I'm gonna really focus on the Berean challenge in two ways not just about angels but about our own reality and our trademark as you know most of you are aware has been our trademark for many many years from acts 17:11 these are more noble than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the Scriptures daily to prove where those things were so know what's the most challenging part of that for many many years I always used to feel that the challenge that was a call to searching the Scriptures daily and indeed it is but there's a pray a preface a prelude to that that many of us overlook and I want to get into that the all readiness of mind and see I always felt search the scriptures of the challenge Russ I spent most of my many decades of materials here focusing on searching the Scriptures because it's the only reliable source of information especially in the area that we're going to enter here in in these sessions but it's the readiness of mind that's the obstacle to most of us the preconceptions that we bring to the topic and it's amazing to discover that almost all the presumptions we make about angels are not biblical they come from cultural and almost comedic sources but I also want to deal with a foundation that we all need and that's to get rid of our misconceptions about reality the discoveries of science and some of the discoveries of 20th century science really really assist us in understanding the Bible now we all are victims of what I call modern mythology mostly from our movies they just use them as an example angels in the outfield is very colorful movie very enjoyable entertainment but obviously implants misconceptions about what angels really are and there's also a very famous classic movie It's a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart and it has all these crazy ideas about you when when a bell rings an angel gets their wings and so forth no one takes that seriously but that's just the point it causes us not to take real angels seriously and and of course as we will move subsequently into the darker regions here we find even more misconceptions about the dark side of angels if you will so we need to realize that metaphors rainwear mysteries reside when we don't really understand something we hide that with an idiom or a nomenclature to mask the fact that we don't understand that and so our angel is really real is a question we need to confront and and what difference does it make what your feeling is about angels will discover it makes all the difference in the world in fact our spiritual hygiene is impacted by our understanding of the role and capabilities and limitations of angels and so and what are the hazards from all of this are there vulnerabilities that we need to be conscious of are there issues we need to be sensitive to for our kids there are exposures here that are actually very very serious on a subject that most people don't take seriously and of course these popular misconceptions you see in Christmas cards and in Renaissance art cherubs are little chubby babies with wings we discovered cherubs real cherubs are very senior kinds of and very very serious kinds of angels and and they're also characterized typically as people usually feminine there's a feminization that goes on which is antithetical to what the truth really is and so and with every velvet rings some an angel gets his wings none of us really believe that but that misconception does something else it pulls the rug of seriousness out from under what is an angel and we're going to deal with that what are their activities you know they don't play harps while floating around in clouds these images that we use even in our comedies even in our literature is is no one takes seriously and yet that's the refuge of our conceptions we need to outgrow those and it's we see so much popular fiction about angels and even though we don't take that fiction seriously what we fail to probably appreciate is our failure to take us seriously also undermines our whole conception of what about real angels and it's a very insidious their method of warfare some very very insightful fiction has been written but it portrays swords and shields and and medieval weaponry as part of their toolkit when in fact we know a great deal about their weaponry and it's very different than that and we need to deal with that these popular topics of course emerged from a very popular among New Age movement it's very popular among the occult groups probably every occult group is more entangled with angels than most people realize and the Roman Catholic Church deals with this in some very non biblical ways and the other area that we should be on our guard and it's probably of all these the most difficult ones are the area of personal experiences people who not only have experiences but publish books about their experiences the after death experiences and these are very difficult because many of them would seem to be quite intense quite sincerely proffered and at the same time not necessarily biblical and how do you validate these things someone comes to you with a very real experience they feel they've had and they relate the experience how do you validate that what yardstick do you use what criteria do you use for assessing then very critical and on top of all this the websites are multiplying about that collect these adventures these experiences these after death experiences are typically very closely coupled to that and we see this of course there's a whole field of study of the paranormal and among those things that there's discussion about most people have discussed one way or the other the whole area of UFOs are they real or are they not they're real in some sense and yet they're not real in another where do you stand on those things and poltergeists and and they're books written on ghosts and all that sort of thing and there are all kinds of messages from the dead and the afterlife experiences these are on the websites from end to end and the thing that we want to highlight is what do we know that's really true that's provable that's verifiable and what are the hazards and the dangers that lurk especially in the dark side of these things that's our challenge and let's start by doing what we should always do and that is measure these things by the Word of God and of course every time we enter the Word of God I want to be reminded that we never go into that barefoot we always go with a guide so let's bow our hearts for a word of Prayer father we thank you for this opportunity we thank you Father for those that are here and that are hearing my voice and seeing these this presentation we pray father that your spirit would prevail that you would open our hearts and lives to your word give us discernment and out of that discernment give us resolve as we commit this hour and ourselves into your hands in the name of Yeshua our coming King indeed amen so with that let's turn to 2nd Kings chapter 6 I love this passage because it's so vivid so real and so relevant to all of us and it's going to give us a glimpse into what I'll call for a lack of another term the unseen realm and we're gonna try to understand this unseen realm leaning heavily surprisingly on the recent discoveries of modern science but let's just jump into this we're in second Kings chapter 6 starting about verse 8 then the king of Syria Ward against Israel and took his took counsel with his servants saying in such and such a place shall be my camp and the men of God that's an idiom for Elisha the man of God sent unto the king of Israel saying beware that thou passed not such a place for the thir the Syrians are come down when it says the king of Israel this is obviously talking about the division of the nation after the death of Solomon the Northern Kingdom called itself the house of Israel and I'll try to refer to it as the northern kingdom to avoid confusing that with a nation as a whole many people reading text out of context when it says Israel they're not top of the whole nation talking about the house of Israel Northern Kingdom and Elijah was following Elijah as a principle prophet to the Northern Kingdom and they're at war with Syria and so the king of Syria whenever he announced where he was going to be somehow Elisha tipped off the king of Israel as to his whereabouts and the king of Israel is sent to the place which the man of God told him and warned him of and saved himself there not once or twice in other words this wasn't a single event this was a pattern and it took to take long for the king of Syria to realize something was not was amiss here so we get to verse 11 therefore the heart of the king of Syria was a sore troubled for this thing and he called his servants and said unto them will he not show me which of us is for the king of Israel he he assumed he had a mole on the staff that was somehow taping off his adversary and so that's his assumption and one of his servants said none my lord o king but Elisha the prophet that is in Israel tell us the king of Israel the words that thou speakest in thy bedchamber this is I believe the earliest recorded instance of a phone tap that that somehow the king of Syria doesn't have a mole on the staff somehow there is a a way that what is said in his staff meetings is reported to the king of Israel so what does he say he says and he said go and spy where he is that I may send and fetch him that is this this prophet of Israel that somehow has an inside leak here and that I may send it and fetch him and it was told him saying behold he is in Dauphin therefore said he the horses and chariots and a great host and they came by night and compass this city about in other words he didn't send a little team to check it out he sent a whole army in effect the horses chariots great hosts and circled the entire city and so that's the situation here so we get to the next morning and when the servant of the man of God that's an assistant to Elisha when the serpent of the man of God was risen early and gone forth behold the hosts compass the city both with horses and chariots and a servant said under that is unto his boss alas my master how shall we do get the picture overnight the city is surrounded the servant gets up in the morning does his chores and realizes they're surrounded by the Syrian army and he's panicked he turns to to Elijah and says my master what shall we do now Elijah I suspect was maybe a little bit of impatience said fear not the answer is that fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with him now I suspect that the servant probably figured this is not a time for a spiritual cliche I can hear their engines running so to speak ok and so Elijah prayed and said Lord I pray he opened his eyes that he may see and I'm sorry I can't resist the the thought that Elijah maybe did this with a little bit of impatience and let the kids see let him understand Lord what you and I know in effect so Elijah prayed and said Lord I pray thee open his eyes that he may say and the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw what did he see and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire around Elijah fascinating passage the servant didn't realize it couldn't see the reality that between them and this hostile army was an army of chariots and fire that were invisible protecting them and you know it doesn't take much imagination if you were casting this as a movie you could read take advantage of special effects to really dramatize that and to see a reality that is normally hidden from view most of us think that reality is what we can see in touch and feel and it turns out the reality that we can't see touch and feel maybe more real than that which we can touch see and feel that's what we're gonna get into here a little bit you know some of you that use computers a lot use a word processor there are many different ones out there and you can type a letter or a memo or what-have-you but occasionally not usually but occasionally you want to change something around you may want to make a a word italicized or you may want to change the font or you may want to make it a certain part of it bold and so you can send some word processors you can push a key which says equivalent of reveal codes and when you push that key suddenly you realize that behind your text or other colors there's their commands that pick the type size and the color of it and the spacing of it and the tabs and the margins there's all kinds of stuff going on that has to be resolved but you don't want to be bothered normally so you don't see that but occasionally you want to be able to see that so usually there's a code you can enable which allows you to see all the background and you also quit well that lets you make some changes it normally would get in your way for normal routines and that's often occurred to me that's our missing key in life we need a reveal codes key something we could push that would show us the Chariots of Fire and whatever that God has positioned on our behalf that we don't even know about and as we get more mature in our Christian walk we'll be increasingly sensitized to the fact that we're watched by angels and I'll talk to you about some practical examples that has occurred to me recently about that before we're all through here so this opens our introduction if you will I want us to spend this initial session on this topic by laying a very relevant foundation to everything I want us to explore the boundaries of what we think is our reality and we're going to talk about the macrocosm the limits to largeness that the great sin is discovery of 20th century sciences that our universe is finite not infinite and we're also and go the other way we're talking with the microcosm the limits to smallness and that's such big shock some of the early physicists that realize that committed suicide this implications of the limits to smallness is staggering in its implications for our understanding of our reality and we're going to talk about something you may never have explored and that's the meta cousin that's the what's going on beyond the limits of our immediate perceptions of our reality and so that's where we're going the boundaries of a reality now I'm gonna make some diagrams here and I want us to adopt a convention that moving to the right is larger and we're going from small to large when we go from left to right in this diagram and I'm going to position ourselves the reach of man I'm going to indulge in assuming the classic Peruvian man of Leonardo da Vinci just to represent our anthropic reach and we as people how far can we reach and the direction I'm going to start is the direction of largeness so we're going to move looking at what's larger than ourselves and I'm going to collective eyes that under it a topic called the macrocosm that which is larger than us and that leads us into the fields of study called astronomy and astrophysics and I don't want to get into a whole tutorial on all of that but I want to lift a few insights that comes from studies in those areas and so the first thing I want us to be sensitive to is the area of thermal decay now heat we all know that heat always flows from hot bodies to cold bodies that's just an observation leads to the first law firm in fact several of the laws of thermodynamics and if the universe was infinitely old then the temperature throughout the universe would be uniformed the fact that it's not uniform is proof that it's not infinitely old it's cooling down in effect so it's not infinitely old so there's there's a whole bunch of ways to approach this I'll use the simplest one to start with that the the universe had a beginning and even scientists which argue about other subjects tend to agree about the singularity that started at all it hasn't been around forever it had a beginning and that's what leads to these conjectures that we call the Big Bang theories okay and it's also destined for an ending thermographic li so we have the Big Bang that's the explanation of science first there was absolutely nothing and then it exploded now if you think that's logical you can stand on its own you've got some other things to probably think about but from the Big Bang from the singularity as they would call it from that to the end ultimately has the heat that's because there will be a time if nothing else changes that the universe will be at a uniform temperature no more work can be done it ends in effect and so we find ourselves thermographic lee within two limits already and so but along comes a guy by the name of Einstein that really opened up a whole new understanding of the world in 1905 he formulated what's called his special theory of relativity that length mass and velocity and time are all relative to the observers but that led to a generalization of that called his general theory of relativity in 1915 that there's no distinction between time and space another way of saying the same thing as he realized as he was grappling with the properties of reality that we live in more than three dimensions we all know length width and height we all experience what's called Euclidean geometry a three-dimensional world I Stein realized there's actually a fourth and that fourth is what we call time and it was his understanding of a four-dimensional universe that led to a whole revolution of thinking and that is no longer just a theory it's been confirmed 14 different ways for the 19 different decimals it's a it's a at this point a real platform of understanding it took about 60 years for it to be applied to physics by the way but that's where it had its big start so we've just moved in our discussion beyond Euclid most of us have been in school whether we realized it or not were what's called Euclidean geometry that's a geometry that's limited to three dimensions okay but the most important lecture in mathematics was actually given an 1854 by an June 1854 George Riemann's metric tensors and it took 60 years for those that mathematics that he there announced to be applied physically and it's interesting that Einstein himself went to his grave frustrated over his inability to reconcile other issues which since have been subsequently have yielded by simply applying his insights and starting to solve the theory of relativity by adding a dimension and everything became clear so he went to a four dimensional space and he died frustrated because there are other frontiers he could not resolve if he had just done the same thing again gone for not four but two five or six they would healed it and that subsequently happened and in 1915 we have his four-dimensional space-time announcement in 1953 Kaluza and Klein together went beyond four dimensions and reconciled light and grant a super gravity to the equation when you get to 1963 two guys yang and Mills developed fields that reconciled electromagnetic and both nuclear for the weak and strong nuclear forces so by simply adding dimensions these imponderable things suddenly yielded to understanding and clarity and so on it goes and from 1984 onward most people that are in this field of study have come to the conclusion that there are at least ten dimensions not just the three or four that we're familiar with they were super strings and so forth the current thinking is that our universes consist of one dimensional super strings that are vibrating in ten dimensions we're going to talk more about that later but I want you to understand that this when you have more than three dimensions we typically call those hyper spaces just a fancy word for spaces of more than three dimensions but I want to pause here and also there's another I don't want to get into the mathematics say but I want us to get a grasp of these quantities emotionally and there is a very very interesting handbook published by Robert Burnham who has ran the Lowell Observatory from 1950 through 79 and he's published a handbook in astronomy known as the celestial handbook and he's proposed as a very provocative model he noticed a coincidence that the number of inches in a statute mile happens to be about 63,000 360 and this happens by coincidence to be equal to the number of astronomical units in a Lightyear now an astronomical unit is a definition in astronomy it's the distance from the earth to the Sun it's a basic unit of length within astronomy and what's interesting is that basic unit of astronomy within a Lightyear is that roughly the same number as a number of inches in the statute mile very close that gives rise to a useful coincidence let's build a an imaginary model of our universe using that ratio in other words we're going to use that as a scaling ratio we're going to the 60 few thousand 360 we're gonna say that's essentially equivalent to sixty-two thousand three hundred so we're close and so we're gonna let one inch represents the distance from the earth to the Sun a standard standard unit okay and one mile will represent one light year with me so far so just bear with me here a little bit let's build that model well how big is the Sun well if it's about eight hundred eighty thousand miles in diameter and it's about 93 million miles away that turns out the Sun itself would be represented by a period it's about a hundredth of an inch in our model that we're building we're gonna have something a hundredth of an inch and let's just imagine a period or if you have a very sharp pencil a very tiny speck represents our Sun good so far all planets it turns out would then be able to be built in our imaginary model here within a seven-foot circle okay in other words mercury would be four tenths of an inch away from that speck Venus would be seven tense of a an inch in that speck earth would be one inch in other words by definition 1 inches astronomical you know that's the definition of an astronomical unit so we're using a one inch scale as we build this model and Mars would be about 1.6 inches and the Jupiter would be about 5.2 inches Saturn about nine and a half inches Uranus about nineteen point two inches and Neptune about thirty inches out there and we get to Pluto it's about thirty nine point five it desert to call it nominally a meter and radius okay and so so the seventh when I say a seven foot circle I mean diameter of Sanford circle so that's our solar system if we built this model we could easily contain it right here in the auditorium okay now the nearest star to us is Alpha Centauri Alpha Centauri conveniently is about the size of our Sun okay now the nearest star is four and a half light-years away in our model you see that equates to a speck the size of our Sun the size of say a period on your paper four and a half miles away we can't have it here in the auditorium we'd have to it goes I want you to think four and half miles and I want you to remember something else if you remember the man see we've got two specks of dust they're separated by four and a half miles and once you remember that according to the Newton's universal law of gravity you take the product of the masses and divide by the square of the distance between them so not only is it four and a half miles away it mathematically has to be that squared like 20 miles equivalent so to speak if you're with me so the question that lurks in our minds how much influence would gravity have between these two specs two specs the size of a period separated by the equivalent of 20 miles of distance or four-and-a-half miles squared if you will see what you discover as you explore these topics is that most astronomers have prison assumed a gravitational universe gravity is very useful for our solar system because the distances are nominal the minute you start talking about stars and galaxies gravity is a non-player you know I want you it's amazing to step to discover here is a science popular by brilliant people there are victims of their own presumptions interestingly enough if we look at the fundamental forces and we won't go I'm drawing of course on a series of studies we have the beyond perception the beyond time and space the Beyond series we call it I'm drawing on some of those just to get some conclusions here as you look at the four fundamental forces you discover very quickly that gravity is eclipsed by electromagnetic by a factor of 10 to the 36th in other words electromagnetic forces are 10 with 36 zeros after it more intense than gravity and and it works plus and minus grabby doesn't we don't hey we haven't found an anti-gravity for us but electromagnetic goes in both directions so it's vastly compellingly the dominant factor especially as you start increasing large long distances what we've discovered in recent years is the universe that you see in a telescope if you're talking about stars and galaxies you're looking at electrical behavior not gravitational behavior we actually have what people are beginning to call finally the plasma universe the plasma physicists have been saying this for years but no one's been paying attention until recently and we have a briefing package on that called beyond Newton and I encourage you to look at if you're interesting that the effects of gravity are minuscule on the universe the effects of electromagnetism get ten to thirty six times as great the entire volume of our galaxy is filled with diffuse clouds of magnetized plasma electrically charged ionized particles and they behave very understandably but very non-intuitive Li and so 99% of all matter is not gas liquid or solid it's plasma plasma is not just a gas it's an ionized gas it behaves as an organ on its own and some experiments in Europe eeo 600 experiments now suggest they think they have discovered it actually is holographic in nature and that's a whole nother study that goes beyond us our view right here but we can't help as we study our Bible we keep encountering another phrase that I think we need to pay more attention to all through the Holy Scriptures old a New Testament it speaks of stretching the heavens in the English translations I want to talk just briefly about the fabric of space most of us presume there's nothing more empty than empty space in other words you get away from from clouds and whatever you get out in the real deep space there it's empty that's it it turns out we're wrong there is a fabric space this is more than just a metaphor the scripture says who alone stretches out the heavens in job 9 stretching up the heaven like a tent curtain and Psalm 104 who stretches out the heavens like a curtain and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in and these could be just poetic phrases idioms of the author and that's fine except maybe we should pay more attention he has stretched out the heavens in Zechariah 12 the Lord who stretches out the heavens and in fact we could go on and on and on example after example we discover that phrase permeates the whole Bible it goes far beyond an idiom chosen by a Penman there's something more fundamental and I have to tell you candidly in the over 60 years that I've been made the Bible my hobby I have come to the view to pay attention to the details they're not actually unconvinced that every detail every number every letter is there by deliberate design and I also believe there are no such things as synonyms two words can be synonymous in that they mean almost the same thing but watch out for that word almost because hidden in it is usually discovery of some kind so with that view let's continue space we now discover from the scientists is not an empty vacuum as most of us assume the Bible says it can be torn in Isaiah 64 it can be worn out like a garment some 100 you can wear out space apparently it can be shaken you can shake space Hebrews 12 Haggai 2 Isaiah 13 use those ideas it will be burnt up Peter warns is in the second letter revelation all goes on it says it split can spit apart like a scroll wow what's going on here it can be rolled up like a mantle according to Hebrews 1 or a scroll in Isaiah 34 these are clues these are clues to the physics of space by the way let's take a look at this what do you mean it's rolled up if it can be rolled up there must be some dimension in which it is thin in order to be rolled up in order to be rolled up it means there must be some dimension in which it can be bent if you have a two-dimensional thing like a photograph to roll it up requires a third dimension if you have a two-dimensional sheet of paper and you want to fold it over or you want to tear it in two that implies a third dimension to your two-dimensional piece of paper you with me okay so there's a direction to which it can be bent toward so all this imply these this language implies that there are additional spatial dimensions and if you talk to specialists in the study of these things they will tell you that 10 is a current estimate of how many dimensions were dealing with here now a 10 dimensional universe really and I'll show you where that was first discovered and it wasn't in the scientific laboratory ten dimensional universe and we when we get to read the Bible we discover that the most of what we know about the creation is after Genesis 3 we know very little about the creation prior to Genesis 3 why because in Genesis 3 we have the fall of Adam and as a result God announces a curse and there is a view prevalent some scholars that if you that when he can ounce that curse it fractured the creation into two parts from they took the ten dimensions and split it into four plus six those four dimensions that you and I experienced the three spatial dimensions in time we call the physical universe this podium whatever we think that that's part of a four dimensional environment three spatial dimensions and time these other six dimensions we glibly relegate to this spiritual universe and that may be that that's really synonymous effectively synonymous with the six dimensions that are not directly accessible to us and but they are the target of study by our particle physicists and I'm sure you'll be amazed at what's being spent to good to understand that and so the idea that this is the this this partitioning is an effect of the fall the curse in Genesis three it introduces a concept in mathematics called entropy or randomness and in Romans chapter 8 verse 21 it speaks of the bondage of decay that the creation is subject to the bondage of decay and it associates that with the curse so there's some of us that are interested in physics that suspect we obviously don't know but we suspect that the concept of entropy was introduced as part of the Genesis 3 and the universe was fractured then as since the separation of the four addictions that separates what we call the physical and spiritual world those are metaphors rain wear mysteries resigned redemption in the Bible by the way involves more than man alone we're very or overwhelmed as we realize the extremes God God has gone to to rename mankind what we overlook is that all through the Bible it points out that there's more at stake than just us because we know that there'll be a new heavens and a new earth in both Isaiah 65 and 66 and of course in Revelation 21 so there's more going on than just the repair or re replacement of us as individuals it's the universe itself so a few other comments about the universe that it's not essential for our thing but I just give you a little more background people who study the Stars the spectral thing are taught they talk about the redshift back in nineteen the 1920s Edwin Hubble suggested that the redshift we observe in the star spectrum is a result of the Doppler effect that's why they call that Hubble's law that's why the Hubble telescope was named after him and that present that explanation for the redshift is widely taught even today in college astronomic courses but it's wrong it's out of date back in 1976 and following William Tift of the Steward Observatory in Arizona he noticed in document it's been 20 years of his life documenting what he calls aberrant redshifts they don't shift to the red alone they shift differently and he discovered that they're digital that they're always shifted by a like a piano key there aren't any things between the keys it's always a unit that's definitive in the 1980's Guthrie and Napier at the Edinburgh Observatory spent 10 years challenging this view and ultimately confirmed that Tift was correct that they're digital which means that can't possibly be the Doppler effect there's some other cause there's a thing called the Rydberg formula and that was invented by swedish physicists back in 1888 and it's the what Tomic physicists used to describe the wavelengths of the spectral light of chemical elements we see and you see these in spectrums where you see certain lines from those lines they can tell what a star is made of and so forth and these spectral lines on hydrogen here are shown on a logarithmic scale some people called the barcodes of the atom if you will and it turns out these spectral lines we now know are due to the electrons moving between the energy levels within the atom so if there are is there a shift in the lines that's because there's a change in the very fabric of space itself and that's now been confirmed in recent years and the spectral shifts Robert S Mulliken back in 1925 notice that the wavelengths shifted from the theoretical positions but he was the first to recognize that energy and space was battering the atoms and affecting their movement that was controversial but recently been confirmed and this energy talking about is called the zero-point energy and you're probably not one physics in a hundred physicists in a hundred that we has every heard this or knows anything about it but the zero-point energy Max Planck back in 1911 and then subsequently Einstein's turn and Nernst others recognize that this pervasive energy was a universal phenomena and it was intrinsic to space and to the work of Heisenberg and others became understood that Planck's constant was actually the measurement of the uncertainty and position of subatomic particles and by 1960 was realized that this uncertainty position was caused by battering from the zero-point energy this energy incidentally is independent of temperature and mass and that's a whole other insight but moving on here it was 87 that how put-off showed that the electron stayed in their orbits and did not go either spinning out or spinning in do the expended energy precisely because the energy received from the zero point every our own wonder do you see these models of an atom with a nucleus and electron spinning around it ever wonder why it doesn't slow down or why it doesn't speed up and spin out why is it held there and there's a balance between it and the residual energy that's in space itself using twenty-five methods 475 measurements on eleven different related quantities confirmed the energy equation h h times c HS Planck's constant and what they're discovering and that Planck's constant is increasing and the speed of light is decreasing the product has to be a constant because the energy stays constant but the fabric of space is changing Planck's constant is actually changing and that's only been that's only been discerned and confirmed it was a controversial proposition many years ago it's now been confirmed in our experience and the implications that are staggering for you and I in our study and angels you'll see why you'll see where I'm going here the properties of space we discover their zero-point energy it's actually 10 295 herbs per cubic centimeter it has permittivity it has permeability the product of those are called impedance you probably never thought about if you're a radio ham or an electrician part of the reason you have an antenna you matching the impedance of what you have your device with the impedance of space space has impedance we're not talking by the atmosphere we're talking about space itself and the velocity of light is also one of the properties of space now so what we've done here I've taken just a quick little excursion in I'm calling the macrocosm and obviously it's a topic we can't even begin be as even summarize in this brief talk but I want to get you to make to be aware of a few conclusions we know that the that the macrocosm had a beginning we know it is finite it may be expanding but it's finite it's not infinite that is the most profound thing for us to grasp here and understand we also know that it's a fourth dimension called time that's Einstein's theory of relativity the big big event of the 20th century and the summary of all this I want you to carry with you as we go forward is the universe in in the macro cosmic sense is finite it may be expanding but it's not infinite is the point and that's a staggering implication so now what I want to do is go the other way let's look at the other in the other direction and I'm gonna call yeah we're gonna go to smallness I'm going to call that world the microcosm let's exchange our telescopes for microscope so to speak we're gonna go look how small can we deal with things and this leads us into the field called quantum physics and subatomic particles relax we're not going to get into the vocabulary of all those those things we have a thing called beyond perception that gets into that if you want to get into that but let's start though with a simple concept of the atom probably the smallest thing you and I can imagine is an atom it's that they let's just take you know a hydrogen atom it's got a nucleus it's got electron busing around it we can we think we can imagine that to some extent that's one way to represent it there's a nucleus one proton and an electron floating around it it's electric in itself it's electrically neutral obviously and now this is not the scale obviously but let's see how far we we know that the atom is about ten to the minus eight centimeters that's very very small the nucleus is obviously a lot smaller about ten to the minus thirteen to give you just a rough feeling for this you'd have to remember the numbers but you do want to remember the ratio of them because the ratio is 100,000 in other words whatever the atom is the orbit of the electron is equivalent to 100,000 times away let me know if we made a model here and use a golf ball to simulate our nucleus the electron would be three miles away visualize a golf ball visualize something is spinning around it with a radius of three miles now I want you get just a feeling for the sizes here okay let's carry that one that's that's just a linear distance in other words the the ratio of that orbit is 100,000 times as big with me so far let's talk about the area that it includes you have to square that the area ratio is 10 to the 10th in other words 10 to the 5th times 10 to the fifth the volume that it occupies has to be cubed it's ten to the fifth times 10 to the fifth times the 10 that's 10 to the 15th that means a little in our little golf ball model that we have to have a volume that's 10 to the 15th times as big as the volume of the golf ball you with me so far I'm going to suggest to you that 10 to the 15th is a ratio beyond our imagining that's the same ratio as one second would have to 30 million years now scientists who believe the universe they generally have a perspective that says well the universe is about 15 billion years old right we're talking about 30 million years let confuse the situation one second divided by 30 million years so how solid is this podium I'm standing up here you're looking at this boy there's it's this podium how solid is it is this really solid or is it just empty space those are two extreme possibilities well it turns out that conjecture number two is more descriptive than Shepard section the number one by that same ratio one second to 30 million years so you know what you and I think is tangible and real eight by any rational standard you with me so far see part of our problem is we talk about some of these other things as the failure to really grasp how synthetic our concept of reality really is see that as we go into the field of the microcosm we discover something even more shocking than anything I've said so far we discover that everything is made up of indivisible units what do I mean by that if I take a line of any length I obviously can cut that in half no problem if I take one meter I can cut it yeah I can cut it in half and throw half it away no problem you think no matter what I've got I can take what's left divided it again and throw the other half away and even though I may want to go further than I can physically and in my mind's eye my presumption is I could do that forever whatever I've got left I can divide it in half and throw the other half way and it turns out that that's true up until a limit and that limit turns out to be 10 to the minus 33 centimeters that's very very small but if I get that small and I try to divide that it turns out what's left loses a property called locality it not only can't be done it becomes connected to every piece of the universe there's a property called nonlocality that is staggering in its implications and they lose locality and that's true of length 10 to minus 33 centimeters it's also two of time there is a unit of time that you can't get smaller than it happens to be very small sure 10-4 three it turns out that the the prevailing constant that deals with this is called Planck's constant and so I as we as we try to get smaller we run into a wall I'm gonna call brought into the Planck wall there's a Planck constant for length time mass energy virtually every property the world of quantum physics is a world that is it has discovered that everything we experience is made up of in divisible units you just can't make me smaller they call them collectively they call them quantum that's why the contact plural quantum singular that the study of quantum physics is a field of study in which you throw the rule books you've heard out the window it is non-causal and non-deterministic everything is probabilistic in some very strange ways nothing is real we cannot say anything about what things are doing when we are not looking at them there if you get our beyond perception breathing back we get into the to particle experiment when when electrons are going singular or as a group they behave differently depending upon whether you're watching them or not that sounds crazy but I'll leave you with that for now see reality turns out to be non-local every particle in the universe is somehow connected to every light particle in the universe and this has been proven in the laboratory John in back in 1964 John Stuart Bell of C erm in Geneva formulated a mathematical approach to demonstrating non locality he called the Bell inequality he developed a theory and published it we didn't have the technology to challenge it at the time but when hit tonight 20 years later in 1982 Alain aspect Jean del barred and jarred Rosa at the Institute of theoretical applied optics in Paris conducted a landmark experiment the so-called to particle experiment two photons from heating cesium atoms with lasers each traveled in opposite directions through six and a half meters of pipe to special polarization analyzers the filter switched in ten nanoseconds 30 nanoseconds less than the 13 meters of travel between them and the astonishing conclusion of the experiment is that photons did demonstrate their nonlocality they were mean they were connected in a way that implied faster than the speed of light intimacy and and that's been improving a lot of other ways but that was a landmark experiment to people who are interested in this kind of thing and so now Niels Bohr one of the famous founders of quantum physics anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it the more you understand it the less you can deal with it and Boltzmann actually committed suicide because he couldn't handle the implications of it and there are a lot of quotes to give you some feeling for what's going on in that part of the world we want to touch briefly on the Large Hadron Collider this their promy probing the limits of smallness with this collider and what is this called the Large Hadron Collider colliding protons will recreate energies and conditions last seen a trillionth of a second after the final movement of moment of creation that's the concept at CER n which is an internationally known senator it's the European Center for Nuclear Research and that acronym is actually a second him from a French phrase and they won't mispronounce embarrass myself here but is it's a acronym from the French but everybody in English just calls the C erm it's the European Center for Nuclear Research they have spent over eight billion dollars with the B billion dollars over 14 years you have over 10,000 scientists from over a hundred countries participating in this project and it's a huge contraption I'll show just a few glimpses of it the Large Hadron Collider is on the border between Switzerland and France near Geneva it's over 300 feet underground okay it's the largest machine in the world as a circumference of 17 miles it's the fastest racetrack in the world trillions of protons traveling at 99.99% of the speed of light guided by over 90 300 magnets 600 million collisions each second traveling at an energy of 7 tera electron volts in an ultra vacuum it's a 10 to minus 13 that's 10 times the vacuum unisys of the moon and at temperatures that approximate over a hundred thousand times the core temperature of the Sun this is the contraption they built to try to understand the limits to smallness in effect and there's a few pictures to give you a feeling for the scope of this contraption and it's 17 miles in circumference and the complexity of it is non-trivial and we'll go through all that here all this is to probe beyond nuclear Euclid of course as I told you about we had the agreement the math Matt underlying mathematics was in 1854 took 60 years from Einstein to apply it to the four dimensional space and then close decline and yang-mills have brought it up to date to where today people look for 10 dimensions so as we to summarize what we think we want to remember as I go forward from this quick survey of the microcosm everything we know is made up of indivisible units length mass energy time Planck's limits and we're not talking about three dimensions we're talking about ten with me so far now what's makes this kind of provocative to me there was a guy by name of Rabbi Moses mem Nachman who goes by the nickname Ngoc monetise back in the 12th and 13th century and he concluded that the universe has ten dimensions he said that for only four of them are knowable six of them are not knowable in his vocabulary it's interesting that particle physicists in the 20th century and Beyond have spent millions of dollars billions of dollars building elaborate particle accelerators to learn what knock Monte's discovered by doing his homework in the genesis state because we now know there are 10 dimensions for our directly measurable three spatial dimensions in time and six are curled in less than 10 to the minus 33 centimeters and thus our inferable only by indirect means we know they're there but we can't get at him that's why we're spending all this money and I think that's kind of interesting that's the Bible anticipated that and so the boundaries of reality so and here is probably the most important diagram of the whole session so follow me carefully we put the reach of man in the middle we explored the macrocosm from which we discovered a fourth dimension called time that it had a beginning and that the universe is finite you're with me so far on the microcosm side we discovered that made up of indivisible units if there's ten dimensions the astonishing conclusion as you grapple with what we've just put on the table here we discover that you and I are bounded in a finite domain we have we're a finite there's a finiteness two larges but there's also a finiteness two smallness and that's even more staggering than the other so we we are you and I find ourselves in a virtual digital environment environment made up of indivisible units and it's simulated there's a limit to how big we can conceive an experience and how small we can experience and conceive we'll call this larger that goes beyond those limitations the meta Kazem microcosm is larger microbes is smaller but in outside both of those boundaries is an environment for lack of another term I'm calling the meta Kazem and it's interesting that the Scientific American and June of 2005 had an article about the fact that constants are changing and their words not mine says if the constants are changing which they are our universe is but a shadow of a larger reality Wow when I first encountered that good for them that's what the Bible has been saying all along and it's our grasp of that that's essential in my view to really understand when we start talking about angels you're talking about individuals sentient knowledgeable individuals that are in the meta kasam they're not constrained within the physical environment you and I find ourselves they may travel in and out of our environment but they have a larger domain that is native to them and so let's see what the Bible says in Ephesians 3 is interesting verse if he's chapter 3 starting in verse 17 says the Paul is saying that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that ye being rooted and grounded in love may be able to comprehend with All Saints what is the breadth the length and the depth of the height to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge that she might be filled with all the fullness of God Wow it's quite a tour there then he gave all is so skilled at but did you notice something there that you may that you'll be but comprehend the breadth the length the depth of the height whoops whoops wait wait wait a minute how many are there four dimensions okay and do maybe I'll go the breadth the plateaus in the Greek suggesting nation the length which is Mako's which is length the depth of bathos which is a depth of deep things of God and height which is hoop so switch is heavenly or broader and what have you but again we've got four dimensions here and in fact the fourth term my friend Ron Madison pointed out to me that have you guys doing a word study on this is suggestive of of the other six not just for you can argue that the other six are embraced in that not just time as I usually perceive it but we have these four dimensions and I suggest that that's provocative because that's your scripture and should we be surprised no we're never surprised it's amazing how that the scripture anticipates we've just moved into the discussion of hyper spaces spaces more than three dimensions more than Euclid and so spaces are more that there's a fancy word for more than three dimensions now there are only two kinds of people that can really deal with more than three we're so used to three that the only way you can deal with that is if you're a mathematician with special training or if you're a small child they have no problem with that at all and we have because we're programmed okay but because that's true there's an it it turns out it can be quite illuminating we can't go I could talk three four or five dimensions it wouldn't mean much to because we haven't had the training for that we can go the other way though we're three dimensional beings that mess around with two-dimensional things drawings papers photographs so forth so we can learn something about dimensionality by exploring that a little bit so I want to introduce to people but I want you to be compassionate because these two people I'm going to introduce you to have a serious handicap because they live in only two dimensions mister and missus flat and I'm drawing from a idiom from Edwin Abbott a churchman of the turn-of-the-century that wrote a little novel about flatland but I'm drawing on his idioms here as a way of communicating some useful things about dimensionality you see I can have two two-dimensional universes two pieces of paper on which are two individuals that live in two dimensions mr. Clanton misses flat now misses flat has no concept of leaving her two-dimensional space to get into his two-dimensional space you don't even know it exists but I'm a three-dimensional being so I could come along and pick her up and move her into his environment and to her a miracle has happened we've just gone through transdimensional travel she went into a university she didn't know existed which is trivial to us because we are three dimension what you understand what an extra dimension can mean there's something else that it can mean if I have two people in the two-dimensional universe and I come along as a three-dimensional being I can be more intimate with each of them than they can be with each other's they can be several feet apart and I can be a millionth of an inch away from each of them no matter where they are why because I have an additional dimension we get a feeling for what an additional dimension can mean okay now let's assume I poked my finger through their universe they don't see my hand they can't conceive of that what do they see when I put my finger through the universe they see a circle they can see the intersection of my existence with their two-dimensional universe which would be presumably approximate a circle right and putting another way if a ball a three-dimensional ball is floating through space and passes through their two-dimensional universe where do they see they see nothing adopted grows to a circle and shrinks to a dot and disappears they have no idea what happened because they can't conceive of a third dimension to its implication see what in what an additional dimension can apply and so now suppose I'm trying to communicate to them they're in a two-dimensional world how do I communicate a three-dimensional object to the two-dimensional universe a person a two-dimensional universe that's a challenge okay one way I could do it is by giving them a protection I can take a three-dimensional object and project it into two dimensions and try to use that to communicate it turns out to be pretty clumsy doesn't not too helpful see here is a four dimensional cube unraveled in projected into a three dimensional space there are some of these on the internet you can play with but as you play with you begin to realize they're Verret they're obviously not intuitive it's very tricky another way I might try to communicate a three-dimensional object to a two-dimensional universe is to unravel it I can take my three-dimensional box for example and I can just unfold it lay it out flat we've all done that if you folded up a bar I can do that and I now have a two dimensional unraveling of a three-dimensional object do you think that will give them any concept of it probably not okay now there is a device that is a a four dimensional cube that's unraveled in three dimensions and that's what it looks like it's called a tesseract and it's known to people mathematicians of course that's what they study but there's only one place that I'm aware of personally where a tesseract has actually been applied actually been used in a useful way and that may surprise you where that occurs and that's Salvador Dali's famous painting of Corpus Christi it stunned me to realize that Salvador Dali was that sophisticated mathematically to realize that the crucifixion of Christ involved more in more than three or four dimensions and to adopt a tesseract as his concept of the cross shows a mathematical reach that startled me and it's so I share that with you for whatever might be but let's go back to something else we're talking about a hyper dimensional travel I want you to recall a record of hyper dimensional travel that's familiar to you there are a group of disciples that were shattered and shook and frightened that were hiding in a room the room had a floor and a ceiling and four walls and the doors were locked because they were terrified they didn't know what was coming their leader apparently been killed now they find out even his tomb is empty and they're not quite sure I knew about all that there in this room of six sides four walls floor and a ceiling and who shows up in the middle of it our Lord just symbolically represented here there shook at first looks like an image of ghosts what-have-you he says come on fear not handle me and see a spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have he's changeable he's not an image it's not a holographic projection or something no he is real handle handle B and C he says that's his challenge and after they share some and and he never appears by the way without eating I like that he's my kind of guy and of course before long he also is able to leave he can enter and leave that space he's tangible he's not an image he's tangible he can enter leave that space without passing through any of the six sides why because he enjoys more dimensions than were aware of more than the four that were aware of how many does it have don't know there are some Christian mathematicians that suspect he may have at least eleven dimensions in order to do that by the mathematical techniques that were aware of there may be others now why is this so important when we encounter first John chapter three verse two there's a verse that I suspect you can't understand unless you're a physicist he John writes in his first letter he says beloved now are we the sons of God and it does not yet appear what by the way that means were recreated the son of God in the Hebrews but I mean it's a term that implies direct creation of God you and I before we're saved are ascendant of Adam Adam is a direct creation of God all of us were descendants of Adam and subject the frailties thereof when you get to the Gospel of John and in the Old Testament the Son of God phrase is used just of angels Adam and the angels cuz that's what he directly created but he got the Gospel of John in chapter 1 verse 11 says that he came into his own seeing the Messiah he came into his own his own received him not but as many as received him to them gave he the power to become the sons of God you see the term and he picks up that Hebrew concept of a direct creation of God he's exactly we get here again beloved now are we the sons of God does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him why for we shall see him as he is what's that saying to me we're not going to see a representation of him if I show you a photograph of me you see a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional person we're not we we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him whatever dimensionality he's enjoying we will also enjoy because we shall see him as he is not a representation and so I think that's I believe this is a an expression of hyper dimensionality and I don't think you can fully appreciate this verse without the background we've given here well we've talked about the angelic realm beyond our physical boundaries we talked about the macrocosm which is beyond the reach of gravity we've talked about the microcosm we're an I guess the what I call the Planck wall of nonlocality we explore briefly the meta Kazem the realm of the paranormal the realm that apparently we find UFOs and demons and all kinds of things and of course dominated by angels and so we're gonna explore the reality and limitations of angels and what can we know for certain about these things and how does it affect us this all isn't just an intellectual exercise it has a hazard of vulnerability and impact for every one of us and so we have gone through this first session and now we're and we're going to go in the second session about biblical angels characteristics limitations and the lineup of the major players and in so that's in the next session and all of this is a prelude to another pair of sessions that will explore the invisible war that all of us are already a part of and we need to understand that and so with that praise God let's close for closing word of prayer father we thank you for your word for no it's the only reliable counsel we thank you Father for the insight you've given us about the frailty of the reality that we call our physical reality and yet how much of what you do and what benefits you is far beyond all of it we do pray father that through your word and through your spirit you would illuminate these things and above all that you would illuminate to us what you would have of us in response that we might be more effective stewards of these gifts that you've given us as we again commit ourselves without any reservation whatsoever into your hands indeed in the name of endure the glory of Yeshua our coming King indeed amen [Music] you
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 142,961
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Keywords: jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute
Id: G_5uJaIv2R4
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Length: 72min 14sec (4334 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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