Jesus Who and Why - 2nd Session - Chuck Missler - Body Builders #13

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[Music] [Music] well welcome to this session and we're going to explore Christ why and what has he done that's got to be the strangest title you ever seen on the session so you can tell we need a lot of Prayer so let's do let's do bow our hearts father we thank you for this opportunity we pray father through your Holy Spirit through your word you would help us more fully understand and appreciate and appropriate the extremes you've gone to on our behalf as we commit this hour and ourselves into your hands in the name of Yeshua our precious Savior indeed amen and you may recall being challenged by believenot Socrates in his observation it may be that deity can forgive sins but I don't do not see how very perceptive paradox that Socrates puts his finger on how can God preserve his righteousness on the one hand and yet condone the sin that characterizes mankind and that's the dilemma that he poses and that's the dilemma that we're going to see unfold before us here and so we'll just take a little bit of a look at this god man that the Jews called the Messiah that our Bibles typically called the Christ but realize that Christ is a title not in his last name we'll start with something you've seen on all your Christmas around Christmastime we always see Isaiah 9 verse 6 and following in our Christmas cards for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder his name shall be called wonderful counsellor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace interesting passage front to us a child is born and unto us a son is given this is an example of something that's not synonymous it sounds like it but it's not a child is human the son is divine the child is born was fulfilled in a place called Bethlehem the Sun was given at a place called Golgotha it's interesting as you study your scriptures how you discover the whole picture is often view more far more than you may appreciate it first you go into the next verses of the increase of his government piece there shall be no end upon the throne of David wow that's a strange phrase and we'll talk more about that tomorrow morning upon his kingdom to order it it with judgment and with justice from henceforth and even forever the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this and that of course is a make an allusion to the Davidic covenant which is a subject for nothing from the birth of Christ we'll shift a little bit and focus on something most people may not be aware of and that's the early years Psalm 69 tells us about the silent years of Christ's childhood and his young manhood of which the Gospels tell us practically nothing there's an exception dr. Luke tells us about an incident in the life of our Lord when he was 12 years old but we learn nothing else about him until he's about 30 years old but there is a glimpse we get one of those strange glimpses that the Psalms are just full of and this some Psalm 69 fills in some of the details of those early years and I won't try to take the whole thing I'll just give you a little savoring of it starting about verse 4 says they that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head they that would destroy me being mine enemies wrongfully are mighty then I restored that which I took not away and that's that's echoed by the way by Jesus himself in John 15 where he says this cometh to pass that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law they hated me without a cause this is an allusion strangely to Psalm 69 let's move on a little bit in the psalm he makes a strange remark he says I have become a stranger unto my brethren and an alien unto my mother's children what a strange phrase my mother's children mary had other children which confirms the record the Gospels in Matthew 13 March 6-3 but he became an alien unto his mother's children not his father's children because Joseph was not his father they were half-brothers and half-sisters this gives you a little bit of glimpse of the childhood there in Nazareth can you imagine the kids coming home from school hey they don't know who Jesus father was this cloud of illegitimate sea hovers over Mary and Jesus during his childhood years can and you know how how thoughtful children are can you imagine how often they came home crying over these issues and where he was they were getting you it the boys James Judas and Joseph said mother it's not we heard somebody said that Jesus was not really our brother they said that nobody knows who his father is it must've been really interesting when they grow up and discover who their brother really is two of them become pillars in the church but that's it's interesting we don't usually realize or think about the thirty years that he suffered under the cloud of illegitimate sea so that you and I would have a legitimate claim to be his Wow must have been a very unhappy home and and this verse also teaches by the way the virgin birth of Christ but we'll move on here and we know that there were brothers because we have James Joseph Simon and Judas listed in Matthew 13 and also a mark 6:3 they're also listed in two of the Gospels but there's a verse nice is the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up and their reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me he's saying and the disciples remember this because in John chapter 2 they cause they remember that it's written the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up they actually quote from Psalm 69 I think that's kind of interesting and they said of them who art thou jesus said unto them even the same that I said unto you from the beginning I have many things to say and the judge of but he that sent me is true and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him say Jesus answering the challenge there in John eight concerning himself and it's always the same he always consistently claims he's that Messiah the savior of the world and so the and they they understood not that he spake of them of the father he said Jesus unto them when he have lifted up the Son of Man then shall ye know that I am he and I do nothing of myself but as my father hath taught me I speak these things and so when he have lifted me up it's interesting how you see all through the Gospels these allusions to what's coming downstream and this is the second of three of those references in John itself in John 3:8 and twelve all continues but then he that's what makes us interest remark eases it says there are them verily verily I say unto you before Abraham was I am and he's using the very I am statement that pepper's the Gospel of John it's in there seven times but that's the word those the very words he used when he was the voice of the burning bush in in Exodus four and so forth okay before Abraham was ago I'm a Miami I am and X is 3 verse 14 is a quote from it really well before I move on to the some of the other events I want to pause and Gethsemane for a minute we've talked about his birth and we've alluded briefly to his his gospel period but there are there unanswered prayers in their Bible I remember some time ago I got a question from the audience on that are there unanswered prayers they certainly are in fact free of the most intense prayers in the Bible ever prayed were unanswered they occur in Gethsemane this is recorded in Matthew 26 and Luke 22 how Jesus in Co cemani three times pleaded pleaded with a father if there's any other way let's take it there's any way I can avoid taking the cup the cup of God's wrath he knew what was coming it was not a surprise he knew what he was in for and he prayed intensely three times and it's Luke dr. Luke that points out that he in agony he prayed more earnestly that his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground and I've read medical opinions there is a name for that so it's a it is a understand understood process and so he's intense but each prayer ended with nevertheless not my will but thine be done despite his passion to avoid what was coming he yielded to it because that's what he came for that was his job that was his mission and that sealed our destiny and so we talked a little earlier today about the gospel I want to highlight it again Paul defines the gospel one of our disturbing aspects is how rare it is is to find the real gospel the word gospel good news is what a widely abused word Paul defines it for us here in 1st Corinthians 15 I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also ye received and wherein ye stand by which also ye are saved if you keep a memory when I preached unto you unless ye have believed in vain can you believe in vain apparently but then he goes on to define this for us I declare unto you the gospel unless you believed in vain well and then he goes on for I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures three elements from the gospel here first that he died for our sins according scriptures he didn't disappear the best recorded death on the planet earth and not he didn't just die he fulfilled dozens of precise specifications as genealogy and medical details about it and so on and so forth and that he was buried and we talked about the only Paul really emphasized that part as being part of the gospel and then the third thing that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures he rose again the third day according to scriptures and one of the exercises I love to give the students as show me where in the Old Testament it predicts the third day phenomenon that we take so for granted around the time of Passover and so on Jesus had predicted all of this in John - Patsy 27 elsewhere he then up something else before I leave that it's interesting what Paul does not include in the gospel he makes no mention of his teachings makes no mentions of his miracles makes no mentions of his example all most important they're all true and all important that's not the gospel the gospel is that he died for us was buried rose again the third day that's the gospel that's the core of it that's re-emphasis series that night then of course he goes through six trials three Jewish trials and three Roman trials it's interesting that he was under the governorship of the personal representative the ruler of the world and that personal representative pronounced him innocent I find no fault with him he said that seven times incidentally Judas pronounced him innocent one even though Satan had and de Velde him at the time pod of course said I find no fault in them Herod by Pilate the pilots of life the dying thief the Roman centurion there's actually seven are you surprised there's hepatic structure again and so on so and we know all know where it happened it's the you know Mount Moriah is a ridge system and to the west we have Mount Zion and to the east you have Mount of Olives it was valleys between them but we have down at the heart the south we have the Hidden Valley and Salem or the city David is down the base about 600 meters above sea level but as you go up that Ridge you get to a saddle point which is where the temple is the thrashing floor of Varuna that's where the temple is very but you keep climbing from 741 777 strangely enough and that's the peak that's where Abraham offered Isaac and in Genesis chapter 22 and Abraham knew he was acting out prophecy names the place Jehovah Jireh is that the amount of the Lord shall be seen he knew that God would have to raise Isaac from the dead because he had promised Abraham that Isaac would have see do you want me to kill him then God you've got a problem that's your problem not mine that was his attitude apparently and that's a confirmed force in Hebrews 11 verse 19 the achey does it's called the offering of a Abraham which is a foreshadowing of another father offering his son indeed on that very spot and as we get closer to that course we get the whole picture of the the gulf gog affair if you will all the burnt offerings and sin offerings were to be on the north side according to Olivia Leviticus 1 and 6 and that's where you that's where it is up on the north side and it had to be a clean place had to be on the north side as where the burnt offerings and sin offerings were given had to be outside the camp and without just outside without the gate Gordon Hebrews 13 so it fits all the specifications and they crucified of course and two others with him one on inside and one of the others you all know and the crucifixion itself is something we could dwell on I won't spend too much time on it but clearly what we know about it is absolutely excruciating that's where the word excruciating comes from from the root for the word across the vector tension suffocation we can go through all of that a little bit here in a minute the they stripped off his clothing placed him on a cross nails driven in his hands and feet are actually his wrists if you will dehydration intense the thirst is involved and then suffocation actually excruciating is from the Latin crux actually takes that word takes its meaning from the cross and if you've done any vector analysis you realize that as you hang there there's a multiplying effect of the tensions that create the pain and caused the Sun the actual suffocation in fact from Psalm 22 we have the American Medical Association has had a extensive article above on the physical illness physical death back in 86 due to the pain endured by the weight of the body hanging from the nails which damaged the medial nerves and tear at the tarsals the respiratory torture the cramping the pleural effusions concluded that death by crucifixion was the in every sense of the word excruciating literally out of the cross and so forth and as a whole analysis for those that want to chase that down in March twenty first nineteen eighty six the AMA 255 and so on but I love this piece pilot wrote a title and put it on the cross the writing was Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews and he wrote it himself apparently according to the text and it was an official title notice a bill if you will and I love this and read many of the Jews for the place where Jesus was crucified was the night of the city it was written in Hebrew Greek and Latin Pilate apparently could write all three Hebrew of course because that's the people he was ruling Greek because that was the common language commercial language of the day in Latin because that was the official language of the Empire so all three were in use to some extent and so this is what it looked like apparently and and it turns out that what this says is your shoe it goes from right right to left Yeshua huh not for I for Malik how you who them and the I love that's Jesus the Nazarene the King of the Jews that's what it says now I love this you see the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate right not the king of the Jews but that he said I am The King of the Jews they didn't like the way it in' you don't know why but I'll show you why they were upset but Pilate answered I love this this is what I have written I have written I always visualized Yul Brynner saying that for some reason but anyway move on here and so he refused to change the inscription and now this messianic proclamation officially acknowledged by the personal representative of the ruler of the world this is an official title put up there now what's interesting is on this thing here if he pilate apparently knew that the jews loved to deal in acronyms and he wrote this in a way that it's your hey've of hey it's the unpronounceable name of God as an acronym that's why they were unglued it has a double whammy on this thing and so on now did did did Pilate realize this I believe so did he do it just to upset the Jewish leadership possibly because he realized they drew they had delivered him for envy and you know I love it later yeah the next day they were gonna come to him to put a seal on the on the tomb because for fear that they might steal the body and I love his remark to them he says make it as sure as you can you could just hear in his response that he was not surprised when the tomb was empty somehow by then he was beginning to suspect that there's more afoot here and so forth and so enough of all of that people have taken me to task saying that's not really the way it would be written but I have the head of the is V foundation who pointed out that translating from from Latin or Greek to Hebrew the soldier ate the sign would need to be doing there's a high likelihood he would translate the Greek definite article as the Hebrew letter evolve and add a connective that isn't in the Latin intending to the context to make the larger phrase translate in the Hebrew Aramaic as Jesus mattress that is King of the Jews and if this sign said this in Hebrew Aramaic it would generate precisely the objections noted by the Pharisees to amend the sign to read that he said he was King of the Jews and so that was interesting that's been authenticated it's not just a speculation but moving on here soldiers when they Christ crucified Jesus they took his book garments made four parts and every soldier part and also his coat now the coat was without saying more than the top throughout and of course what's amazing about this this was all predicted of course in the Old Testament and so there was seamless in all that sort of stuff and it really act was the fact that Adam was closed by God back in Genesis 3 verse 21 and of course after he dies he but they brought linen took him down wrapped him in linen laid him in that Sepulcher which was hewn out of the rock and rolled a stone unto the door of the sepulchre and Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jesus beheld where he was laid we're moving ahead and how of course but hewn out of Iraq there's a little background here you might find interesting there's a guy by the name of Andrew Boehner who wrote a classic commentary on Leviticus and I'm quoting from him when he describes what the what the what the Levitical requirements of the grade looked like and he published this in 1846 by the way this is before the garden tomb was discovered is the very spot that criminals were put to death was where Joseph's new tomb was hewn out of the rock the stony sides of the tomb the new tomb the clean place which is that was laid was part of the malefactors Hill the dead body is within is with the rich man and with the wicked as the scripture required in the hour of his death his grave is the property of a rich man yet the rocks which formed the partition between his tomb and that of the other Calvary malefactors are themselves part of Golgotha that's his description which he published his commentary in 1846 and I found that rather provocative and I did some homework on that this is where it looks like if you visit if you visited you know the set up there but it's interesting the general Charles George Gordon a distinguished British general was commissioned as second lieutenant in 1852 he discovered the area originally derisively called gordon's calvary which is now known as the garden tomb in 1883 and that is interesting because Andrew Bernard described this only from the Torah texts in 1846 37 years before its discovery by General Gordon most people don't know that even the people the garden tomb didn't know that I prepped this last time there well of course we have all these prophecies that are that there'd be a triumphal entry in Jerusalem betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces he'd be like a smitten shepherd they'd be given vinegar and go all these things you're familiar with from the study of the crucifixion that cast lots for his garments his side would be pierced that's interesting and not a bone would be broken that several that's three times in the Old Testament so specified that he would die among malefactors his dying words were foretold in Psalm 22 and 31 he would be buried by a rich man he would rise from the dead on the third day and resurrection be followed by the destruction of these are all details that stagger you when you start putting this together and he was crucified on a cross of wood yet he made the hill on which it stood and what held him that cross it wasn't the nails at any time he could have said enough already I'll out of here it wasn't the nails he said it was his love for you and me that held him there that's staggering to realize that commitment now there's three day thing I think it's interesting how many places well his new life on the third day in Genesis 1 there's Abraham's offering of Isaac which is a three day thing the court in Hebrews 11 joning the great fish of course is the one that Jesus himself identifies himself with in Matthew 12:40 but there's also the taller worm I'll talk a little bit more about that in a minute ray abs Council predicts the three days to into the two spies in Joshua 2 and of course the wedding in Cana has that overtone and then we have Israel's petition of repentance and I'll say a 5-15 but anyway the third day Passover is on the 14th of Nisan by definition ok the feast of unleavened bread follows it and we get when we get to the third day we know they were Sabbath's plural too so there's not only Shabbat does the Passover but there's also a special Sabbath at the end of the Sabbath's Matthew 28 verse 1 is an error in your King James the word in the Septuagint is plural and that was something we called attention to the is fee and they they corrected it they cut that and the feast of firstfruits then is following the 17th which is the celebration of what we call the empty tomb or what's commonly called Easter and the morrow after Shabbat after Passover it's always a Sunday morning obviously and it's the morning of the ultimate firstfruits of course and Noah's Ark also passed through the waters of judgment to a cleansed earth interestingly enough but let's examine this a little more closely one of the most interesting things to me is to discover when did the flood of Noah end we know from Genesis 8 for that the ark rested in the seventh month on the seventeenth day of the month on the mountains of Ararat this is one of those little tidbits the holy spirit drops in there as a little surprise if you track it down you discover that there were two calendars their civil calendar starts in the fall was Rosh Hashanah and that's and yet the Passover month is in the spring and when God ordains the Passover in Exodus 12 he says this month that's the spring month it shall be unto you the beginning of the months and it shall be the first month of the year which means the Jews have two calendars the Genesis calendar starts at Tishri at Yasha Rosh Hashanah and goes for 12 months obviously the calendar that's ordained in exodus makes Anissa an ass on the first month so it has it's a different calendar and so the Genesis calendar asanas the seventh month in Exodus God redeems it as the first month for the religious calendar he understand the difference are we together okay so the feast of firstfruits crucifixions on the 14th of Nisan he's in how long is he in the tomb three days which means he's raised on the seventeenth which is the first month of the religious calendar but it's the seventh month of genis counter putting it another way that's Genesis 8 for the seventh the seventeenth day of the seventh month in other words our new beginning in Christ is on the end a very anniversary of Noah's new beginning on the planet Earth is that a coincidence no it's evidence of design a skilful design it's the kind of subtlety these kinds of things are laced through the entire Bible and I highlight these things only because they're evidence of the elegance and the deliberation of the text the text you have in your lap is specifically designed from outside time to anticipate everything going on including things that haven't happened yet so that's our challenge isn't one of these I want to come back to because I think it's provocative when Jesus hung on the cross he makes a strange remark in Psalm 22 verse 6 he said I'm a worm and no man a reproach of men and despised of the people what a strange thing for him to say I'm a worm what does that mean the word there in the Hebrew is Tola which means scarlet or crimson and she was for crimson thirty-eight times scarlet dye was made from a particular worm sir mr. Emilio and now it turns out this is an interesting creature because it Pierce's the thin bark of twigs to suck the SAP from which it prepares a waxy scale to protect its soft body the red dye they used is in that scale when reproducing the female climbs a tree usually a home oak or it bears its eggs and the larvae catch and feed on the body of the worm it gives its life for the larvae a crimson spot is not left on the branch when the scarlet spot dries out in three days it changes to white as it flakes off first it's three days that's interesting but there's another aspect that you pick up from Isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 where Isaiah says come now let us reason together saith the Lord though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool so Jesus makes that makes that strange metaphorical allusion while he hangs on the cross I don't think that's accidental scarlet what is snow crimson white as wool well moving on I did as I scan just to select some exemplars from his life on the planet Earth one of my favorite episodes is the road to Emmaus we all know about Easter morning as we call it resurrection morning and and all of that but it's that afternoon that I think is rather interesting there's a seven mile walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus and it's a very interesting episode these two guys are walking along they're talking together those things which had happen that came to pass that while they come in together and reason Jesus himself drew near and went with them but their eyes were holding up they should not know him I don't know what that means but whatever does mean is relieved later so we'll get to that in a minute and he said unto them no say the two guys are walking Jesus joins them and they don't realize who he is and just said unto them what manner of communications are these that you have one to another as you walk and are sad later we say hey guys why you're so blue in the fact right one of them whose name was Cleophus answering said unto Him art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem and has two not known the things which are come to pass in these days they're walking along the kind of Louisa's why you so glum they sort of said to him where were you fella you know are you stranger here or something and I love this line I love it because it gives you a glimpse does Jesus have a sense of humor there's no other way to explain as he looks to them and says what things he can keep a straight face he just has been arrested tortured to death crucified buried three days later resurrected and he can look them in the eye and say what things that's a that takes a composure that I think is as humorous as it gets will they respond to him since concerning Jesus of Nazareth who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people and they go through them and summarize it all how the chief priests our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death and of crucified him and we had trusted that had been he which was should have redeemed Israel beside all this today is the third day since these things were done yet and certain women of our company also made us astonished and were early in the sub occur and when they found not his body they came saying they'd also seen a vision of angels which said that he was alive and certain of them which were with us went to the Sepulcher and found it even so as the women had said but hem they saw not so that's Luke's summary they give him a summary of what's going on now then notice what Jesus does this is even more provocative in this earlier remark then he said unto them o fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory notice what he's doing he speaks of himself in the third person is hey guys if we were right in the shooting script is it hey it's me right no he talks to them about that guy ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter in his glory and then he teaches them for seven miles and he's died he remains incognito they don't realize who he is and he doesn't clarify it and beginning at Moses and all the prophets and by the way that's where you know Moses wrote the book is Moses told anyone con you about that one and beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them all the Scriptures the things concerning himself that's a quick phrase but think about that for a minute he expounded unto them all the scriptures every single verse and not necessarily but most of it he certainly covered the field here see Moses did write the tour anyway in all the scriptures Wow now a seven mile Bible study covering all the scriptures what would that include I'm sure he would start with the seed of the woman that promised were God declares war on Satan it would certainly include the ikeda abraham's offering of isaac it certainly would include the passover the tabernacle serpent in the wilderness and other prophetic passages Isaiah 53 Psalm 22 you can easily concatenate seven miles of study here very easily because Jesus is on every page of the Old Testament they drew nigh into a village whether they went and he made as though he would have gone further in other words got to where they're going and he was just gonna continue then but they constrained him saying abide with us for his toward evening in the Fidesz far spent and he went in to tarry with them so they insist he stay for dinner and he does he's my kind of guy he never appears after his resurrection without eating he's my kinda guy I like that and it came to pass now this is strange as it came and it came to pass that as he sat at meat with them he took bread and blessed it and brake and gave it to them that's unusual that's in fact weird because that was the job of the host not the guest and yet he just takes charge in fact we'll learn shortly that they recognized him when he broke the bread what was it that caused him to be recognized when he broke the bread anyone right exactly pointing to your wrists they saw the scars from the crucifixion well that raises the mystery why is it they didn't recognize him till then these were disciples they knew him they walked seven miles and didn't recognize who he was that's strange in fact we just started that whole mystery starts back that morning when Mary's in the garden she mistakes him for the gardener until she hears his voice it's his voice that tipped her off apparently Rabbo nine so so anyway rise were open and they knew him and event then he vanishes out of their sight that must have shook him up but they they finally do recognize him and and they go back seven miles to Jerusalem because they are in the upper room that night when he shows up and and and they're really shook up when he gets there they don't you think we know he has his nail prints by the way because Thomas wants to put his finger in he know we know that in his resurrection body he has the scars and the Zechariah even says in the second coming that they shall look upon me whom they have pierced so that's and John speaks to the lamb as explained and John the only man-made things in heaven will be scars so they go back to the upper room and when they're there they explained that the Lord has risen indeed and they have the period assignment and they told things things that none in the way and how he was made known of them in the breaking of bread they point out for you later in that chapter that that's how they recognized him when he broke the bread and their shook-up they think he's a seasoned no handle me and see a spirit is not a flesh and bone as you see me have but among the things that he must have talked to them on that thing or what we call types the brazen serpent is one of my favorite ones because the brazen serpent is a weird thing in numbers 21 and so of course we have the manna in John 6 the water from the rock twice the brazen altar the Ark of the Covenant where these are all things that he very well may have reviewed with them on that trip but the brazen serpent thing wants me in response to murmuring God sent fiery serpents their danger servants which bit the people and they died and mortis interceded and he was instructed to place a brass serpent on a pole on a high hill all that would look toward it would be spared now what's so strange about this is you can read the entire Old Testament and have no explanation why on earth God used that weird remedy to heal them from a snakebite Seth in fact some years later some centuries later Hezekiah discovers that brazen serpent is still around being worship when he destroys it because it's become a fetish now pushed on it's a thing of brass it isn't explained until you get to the New Testament in chapter 3 where Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night and Jesus explains to Nicodemus and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness he's making reference to numbers 21 even so must the Son of Man be lifted up so he explains it for the first time there in fact it gives rise to the most famous verse in the entire Bible the whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life the most famous verse and the entire Bible derives from Jesus explaining numbers 21 to Nicodemus and so why a brass serpent well brass a serpent is a symbol of sin brass was the metal that could sustain fire so it speaks Levitical e of judgment so it speaks of sin being judged that's the Levitical metaphor being used sin judged and that's exactly what Paul tells us in second Corinthians 5:21 for he he hath made him God has made him Jesus to be sin for us we have no grasp of what it means for a holy God to be made sin for us who knew no sin that he might be made the righteousness of God in him that was his mission if you will that's incomprehensible in my view but I'll leave it there okay so we have some apologetic implications crucifixion had not been invented in numbers 21 that's invented thousands of years later stoning was the formal form of execution in Israel and yet crucifixes what's predicted all through the scripture the design is inserted from outside time its anticipation of a future fulfillment so we have hermeneutical implication remiz the remedy more hints of something deeper there's no detail I suggest to you there's no detail in your Bible that's incidental every detail is in there deliberately and it's a challenge to chase some of those down but you can tell it'll always be about him about the Messiah you don't have to chase that one down each one right away take cover the explanation will ultimately emerge and God's own timing and whenever you find a contradiction rejoice there may be very interesting surprises hidden behind the details God always rewards the diligent John 3 was anticipated by numbers 21 John 2 is anticipated in numbers 19 it's the read you won't understand the wedding Khanh unless you understand the red heifer and that's another weird thing for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth him should not perish but have everlasting life so we have the greatest being to the greatest degree the the greatest affection the greatest object of love greatest act the greatest treasure the greatest relationship the greatest gift the greatest company the greatest trust the greatest object of faith the greatest deliverance the greatest assurance the greatest promise for the greatest blessing that's a superlative of each word in that chain Wow senator woman why weepest our sin because they've taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid him they taking away my Lord knows her ownership of that I will take him away she says you know in first verse 15 yet she fails to recognize him she thinks he's the gardener and when she had thus said she turned herself back and saw Jesus standing and knew not that it was Jesus and he said unto her woman why weepest thou why seekest thou who seek home suka though she's supposing him to be the gardener said sir if now I have borne him hence tell me where thou has laid him and I bring a boy she's going to carry him away yeah why we birth Oh the gardener okay and she said and he said unto her Mary she turned herself and said to him rabbi which is the same master sow a seed she turned herself she came from the tomb and she looked saw him and thought he was the gardener and so on okay apparently the sound of his voice Mary in the garden of course in John 20 on the Emmaus Road that we looked on a mate dungeon Luke 24 in the upper room that night they're all so terrified for some strange reasons in Luke 24 then we get to this breakfast in Galilee this is some time later they're up in the Galilee now and that's where Jesus meets them at a place that we call top cut now when you visit there and they're out there up there fishing and he yells from the court have you caught anything no that put your net on the other side of the boat like that's going to make a difference and then at bursts that there's they bring he says come and dine when I get to heaven one of the first things I want to do to John is I want to find out what did he mean by the second sentence in John 21 verse 12 there's a sentence here that I that puzzles me there to have breakfast and John Reed writes as follows and none of the disciples Durst ask him who art thou knowing that it was the Lord what on earth does that sentence mean that's one of those sentence that raises the doubt when you didn't have one example I usually use to get the idea across as you're driving to a social agreement with your wife you've been driving for maybe half an hour and for an hour trip and you say to your wife or she asks you either way did you remember to turn off the stove yes I remember you keep going but if you say I'm sure I did that's one of them makes you turn around and go back and check doesn't it see in other words it's one of the responses that raises a doubt this is one of those kinds of sentences something's going on here we notice that they never seem to recognize him after his his resurrection marrying the garden Emmaus Road on the upper room here at the breakfast I think the answer to this mystery you can get an answer from the prophecies I want to show you something that you will not find in Mel Gibson's movie The Passion nor will you find it on any sunday-school filmstrips there's an aspect of the crucifixion that's in the Bible but it's not where you would expect it it's in the Old Testament now as we look at that we know the last verse of Isaiah 52 is part of Isaiah 53 which describes how badly he was tortured as many were astonished at the his visit was so marred more than any man that is form more than the sons of men in other words what that really says the King James translators tried to hide it that he was not recognizable as he was abused so badly he no longer looked human that's really what that that verse in and as if it do says the way it literally would be translated so marred from the form of man was his aspect that his appearance was not that of a son of a man that's what it really says but the King James translators tried to sort of sweep that under the carpet a little bit that's the effect of the brutalities of Matthew 26 and 27 you know the story but there's another verse if you take your Isaiah and turn to the left a page or two you come to Isaiah 50 verse 6 where the where Isaiah records God speaking I gave my back to the spiders and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair I hid not my face from shame and spitting when I first stumbled into this it shocked me to realize that what this is saying is that they ripped off his beard and as I came to terms with that I began to realize that's why Mary in the garden thought he was the gardener that full bore beard that she was used to seeing was gone and there was scar tissue in its place I had that experience personally I was the head of a company that had a large software department the head of the software department was a guy that had a very large full black beard Dona vida and one day he came to work with his beard shaved off because he had a skin thing the doctor needed to deal with and as he came down the hall early that morning I didn't recognize him fortunately for me another employee did say hey Joe and I picked up on that realize oh my goodness that's Joe Divina I was so stunned because I'd never seen him without that big black beard and it so changed his aspect I didn't recognize who he was and that's what makes this so vivid to me here and on the Emmaus Road they walked seven miles with them not realizing who he was and even there at that breakfast and Galilee none of us dare to ask him who are you because we knew it was the Lord you see him sort of covering that that's that that makes it and the thing always comes to mind I'm told of a woman who had a very disfigured face and her little girl when she was very small came home from school crying a lot because the kids would make fun of her because of her disfigured mother's face when the girl was old enough the mother explained to the little girl that when she was a baby there was a fire in the apartment she was able to save the baby with to the to the extent of it sustaining very severe burns and from that day on the little girl didn't cry it's what an embarrassed by her mother's she every time she looked at her mother she knew how much she was loved the question is what about us they ripped off his beard well we know that Jesus still has his scars because in Zechariah 12:10 he says they says they shall look upon me whom they pierced but the apostle john was treated Patmos to some vision of the end times and John says I saw on the right hand of him who sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside and sealed with seven seals and I saw strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof and no man in heaven or on earth neither under the earth was able to open the book and look thereon notice it had to be a man it required a kinsman of Adam is the point okay no man so it goes on the Greek says that the John says I sobbed convulsively is what it actually says I what much because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book neither to look thereon but one of the elder said unto me weep not behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David hath prevailed to open the book and to loose the seven seals thereof you and I don't know what's going on but John did that's why he's recognized the significance no man was found fortunately there is one that's qualified the line of the tribe of Judah the root of David my life tribe who is that as of course is Jesus Christ and I beheld and lo in the midst of the throne of the four beasts and the in the midst of the elders stood a lamb as it had been slain having seven horns and seven eyes and seven spirits and so forth I don't know what we're going to see when we look into the face of the Lord Jesus I can't quite come to terms with the fact that he it might be still twisted with scar tissue on the one hand on the other hand the marks of his humiliation on the marks of his glory I do believe that the physical abuse that he endured is probably the least significant of everything he endured he endured the cup of God's wrath and you and I cannot imagine what that meant that's why he declared didn't quite ask a question he declared my God my God why hast thou forsaken me it's the only time in eternity it didn't call him father he couldn't he's in our shoes I suspect that you and I are gonna spend an eternity trying to understand what it cost him for us to be there I don't think he got a package deal I don't think he got a discount he had to pay for every one of my sins not as some collective abstraction no specifically and yours and yours and yours we have can't grasp what at all the lamins that had been slain Jeremiah do the same thing the lamb and the oxygen brought to the slaughter as it had been slain and Zechariah 12:10 I quoted that I'll pour upon the house of David upon the habits of Jerusalem the spirit of grace of supplication they shall look upon me whom they've pierced and they shall border from him as one morning and by the way the upon me whom they pierced but arrived to me as an elephant at alpha coding interestingly enough whom they pierced there's another thing I have to insert here I think it's provocative I like the way how Lindsey makes an acronym out of the word grace the word grace God's riches at Christ's expense Jesus paid the price so that God now has a basis by which he can forgive our sins because they've been paid for so God's riches at Christ's expense is the way he summarizes them and what's really astonishing about that is that God didn't get what he wants out of the deal Laura's not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance will all come to repentance no so God isn't going to get what he really wants out of this deal I don't know what you'd do with it not willing that any should perish that's his desire well then we have this whole thing we talked about earlier about having being saved right and Michael likes to stir up things by saying I've been saved I'm being saved I will be saved he's doing that deliberately to confuse the students to realize there's a paradigm of salvation in the Institute we try not to use the word salvation because it's ambiguous it doesn't have to be soteriological there's a past tense of salvation which we call justification that's a gift of God everlasting life received by faith alone in Christ and there's plenty of scripture on that one the present tense of salvation we call sanctification that's a work in progress God is not finished with any of us in this room or on the and the network that's watching we a work in progress that involves the faith and works of the believer the future tense is glorification that's the result of the previous aspects then of course and all believers will be glorified now past tense separation from the penalty of sin we call that justification present tense is separation from the power of sin if you're an unbeliever you're in bondage to sin if you are believer you have access to the Holy Spirit that can give you victory here I call it sanctification and the future tends of separation with very presence of sin penalty power and presence past present future its justification sanctification glorification all three of these are simply tense as if you will of the collective term we use sloppily probably is the word salvation that may help maybe not justification is for us sanctification is in us justification declares the sinner righteous doesn't change him sanctification that makes the sinner righteous and justification removes the guilt and penalty of sin and sanctification removes the growth and power of sin that's the concept for what it's worth well there is we as we wrestled with the issues of what doctrines are the essential ones especially in the end times there's many views that we obviously have chosen to focus on the person of the Trinity that we know as the Messiah but there is a doctrine that I want to not leave and that is eternal security can a man lose his salvation absolutely if it depends on him but does it there Manian denies if the true child of God is eternally secure the Calvinists insist that if he does not persevere in holiest he was never ready to be gentle the first place not very helpful after 400 years of dr. disputes the outstanding scars on both sides of this issue it appears to be a result of the failure to adequately distinguish between justification and the possibility of several different inheritance inheritances so we have a basic doctrinal division that Calvinism has this particular views many ISM has its peculiar views they're both wrong in what they deny and that is the there is a middle ground which we call the overcomers where it nails the eternal security issue from a justification point of view but draws a distinction between entering heaven and inheriting there is a distinction that distinction is made throughout the Old Testament and it's highlighted also in the New Testament there's a variation of what we call rewards rewards are for obedience and so I love what Jesus says in John tens were my favorite many passages I get picked I'll just pick this one he says my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand Wow that's pretty cool my hand but then he goes on verse 39 29 my father which gave them me is greater than all no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand you realize there's two hands involved here the father the son if you can lose your salvation I have a new name for God butterfingers because my security is in their hands certainly not in mine and so Christ's sheep is the duty the shepherd to care for each of us locking up the sheep's they follow not ought to they do and they eat each is imparted eternal life ending or forfeiture is a contradiction in terms it's given not merited and they cannot demerit it they shall never perish God cannot lie none of them none are able to pluck them the devil is unable to destroy a single one of them and the father's hand no disappointments are possible our salvation hangs on anything other than the completed work of Jesus Christ then we are in trouble praise God that that is true if our salvation is not secured how can Jesus say of the ones to whom he gives eternal life they shall never perish that implies security if Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost and yet if somehow we can become unsaved and thereby undo what Jesus had done wouldn't it be unduly risky to keep us on earth after we've been saved think it through how can we then be anxious for nothing in small teachers anyone who has questions about salvation does not understand what happened on the cross 2,000 years ago that's the issue what separates those who will spend eternity in heaven and those who will spend it in hell not the absence of sin but the acceptance of a gift once and for all is there anything keeping you from accepting God's free gift salvation right now now the basis of our eternity we have a hold to our study on that but it depends on God the Father it depends on God the Son and depends on God the Holy Spirit and I will not take you even through a summary of all of that it's but one verse might be interesting I Jesus says I in John 17 and his president in his prayer to the Father now I am no more in the world but these are in the world and I come to the Holy Father keep through thine own name those whom thou has given me that they may be one as we are Jesus passes the responsibility to the Father how interesting and of course they're all all of them are this is the only occasion of that being in the scripture and of course it depends on the Holy Spirit upon his ministry of regeneration it depends upon its baptizing ministry and if the Holy Spirit is very active here and especially a sealing ministry boy that's conclusive if you track those down and I'll let you go through then if one person who is born again in Christ ever fails to enter Heaven when he dies then God will have broken his pledge no conditions are mentioned it is a work of God depends on him alone and our destiny the other thing that really shocks me when you get to John 17 and you indulge in this prayer between the Son and the father's the one intimate prayer between the Son and the father you discover that Jesus the Son of God the creator of the world has yearnings somehow in recent years I've stumbled into that and I can't get used to that that God has yearnings an unfulfilled desire how can Jesus have an unfulfilled desire at all that the whole concept of that trouble puzzles me but then going on what is the yearning that's even more amazing his yearning is that he wants us with him he talks to the Father how dear it's going to be to have them with him that's his yearning Wow it's one thing to extend to us the merits the blessings it's quite another to see his desire to have us with him that's just that's staggering his father that I will the fact that they also whom thou has given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory that which thou has given me for thou lovest me before the foundation of the world that's when he had us first I had us on his mind okay well I want to wrap it up now because I'm running very close to the edge here we've talked about the ultimate drama I want to close with the ultimate tour-de-force in the Bible and I want to talk about seven questions you can yes the number would be seven right seven questions and we're going to talk about Romans eight starting at verse 31 seven questions can the opposition defeat the Christian that's a legitimate question okay Romans 8:31 what shall we then say to these things if God be for us who can be against us pretty resilient answer if there is a first-class condition in the Greek who is not if in the sense of uncertain it's since it's better translation we since God be for us who can be against us obviously Satan is demonic hosts are against believers but they cannot ultimately prevail and triumph over believers obviously there's plenty of verses on that got a self-existent sovereign creator and since he is for believers no one can oppose believers successfully that's the conclusion okay the next question is will we have the resources well let's take a look at the next verse he that even spared his not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things interesting thing both the King James and the revised version failed to translate the Greek particle game it should say that he that even spared not his own son your English the newer translations picked that up but the early ones did not he that even spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things will our failures reverse our justification there are many people that are fearful of that that our failures might reverse our justification who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect it is God that justifies our defense counsel is the judge in charge okay and so we could go into the formal of it but that's pretty straightforward see Satan's accusation was to be thrown out of court praise God for that okay the last next question is can anyone condemn us for any reason let's just extend it can anyone condemn us for any reason who is he that condemneth it is Christ that died Jay rather that is risen again who is even at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us Wow so we've got the place wired you see Christ God Himself is interceding on our behalf Jesus is God's appointed judge John five acts 17 elsewhere Jesus is whom the believer has trusted for his salvation he's the one who died in fact more than that he was raised to life and it was at the right hand of God there's plenty of verses in your workbook you can chase that down so he's also interesting that's his full-time job right now is to pray for us did you realize that Wow okay having justified the ungodly God will not and cannot contradict himself by charging them with evil who is he that condemneth Paul gives us four answers each of which is taught elsewhere in the scripture but are gathered here to underscore the unconditional security of the believer that Christ died that he has risen that he advocates and that he intercedes all for there if God has already justified the man who believes in Jesus how can he lay anything the charge of his already justified one his justification comes from the imputed righteousness of Christ and is legally ours that's the argument it is not a subject of merit it cannot be lost by demerit like a father God can and does correct his earthly sons but they always remain his sons that's the whole point of the prodigal son he never lost his sonship okay well the last two questions what kind of assurance can we have a victory let's see what it says here in verse 35 who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword the Apostle by the way suggesting seven setbacks that a delete a believer might experience these are setbacks Paul experienced all of them in second Corinthians 11 they're listed there for you seven setbacks tribulation distress persecution famine nakedness peril or sword as is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long we are kind of sheep for the slaughter nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us and in all these adversities the more than you see sometimes make a collection of the more events in these letters they're kind of fun see rather than being separate from Christ love believers are more than conquerors that's present tense keep on being conquerors it's the present tense continuing thing through him that loved us okay wrapped up with one final guarantee you're ready for this one I love this one okay well that's where I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord angels those are principalities demons what-have-you powers of darkness what else are there this should totally reprioritize our outlook on everything and so with that let's have a word of Prayer father we stagger as we try to appropriate these extremes that you've laid out before us we thank you for the encouragement of the closing stanzas of Romans chapter 8 what a what an encouragement what a heritage what a gift you've given us there but yet father we are also overwhelmed as we begin to get a glimpse of the extremes that you've gone to on our behalf the extremes that Jesus endured on our behalf I think we know just enough to know that we can't possibly understand or appropriate these things I think we I suspect we'll spend an eternity discovering what it cost to have the destiny that you've ordained for us Oh father we would seek through your spirit and through your words to better understand not only what you've done for us father but what you would have of us in response we thank you Father for each day that you tarry each David lies ahead the where we still might be finding ways to reprioritize our lives around you and what your expectations are help us father to be more pleasing in your sight help us to grow in grace and the knowledge of our precious Redeemer help us to truly be your children that we too may be adopted and can say father we thank you in the name of our precious issue indeed [Music]
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 27,801
Rating: 4.8654866 out of 5
Keywords: the, acts, of, holy, spirit, apostles, jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute, chuck missler
Id: k1GLYmAttBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 16sec (4216 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 26 2018
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