Jesus: Who & Why? - Unseen 3rd Session - Body Builders #7

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[Music] [Music] this initial session is really a foundational session and so obviously our full focus on some complex issues will be resolved by focusing on the Bible what the biblical point of view is and that's really what we're all about so this is what we're about tonight what we're gonna deal with here a little bit is the epistemological model that we use epistemology is simply the study of knowledge its scope and its limits how do we know anything how do we know what's true and you'll also discover that our primary emphasis in these sessions is not doctrine really but hermeneutics we're going to try to explore and set a background for those doctrines which are essential for the end time in times that we're entering into but our real emphasis or focus or is a foundation is hermeneutics which is your theory of interpretation and we espouse a very high hermeneutics we take the Bible very seriously we're nondenominational but very fundamental and that'll emerge as we go and so one of the things that you and I enjoy today that's unique for our time is the Word of God is more available today to our generation than it ever has been on the planet Earth in it through history the Word of God is is incredibly available and you can get to the original Greek or Hebrew without knowing Greek or Hebrew with the information appliances that we have at our disposal we'll talk a little bit as we go about some tools available I'll give you a few comments about how you how we suggest you deal with problem passages how many of you have ever had a problem passage guys show up in people were out there handing up having studied the problem everybody has of course well what do you do with those we'll try to talk about that not just in this evening session but in the weekend as we go forward and so but our challenge is going to be in part is what doctrines do we consider essential in contrast to those that are peripheral if you and so we'll look at that let's start with hermeneutics about a year ago the Lord woke me up with a phrase that haunted me for a long time metaphors rainwear mysteries reside and I thought what does that mean and it haunted me and I think strangely enough it's going to be Center in this weekend's sessions because we're going to address for example a thing called the Trinity we'll deal with that tomorrow morning what is the Trinity that's a mystery we hide its mystery by giving it a metaphor a label to pretend we understand it but we'll deal with that will discover that metaphors do rainwear mysteries reside and we'll explore that tomorrow one of the things I'd like to highlight is the two-edged sword of our trademarks most of you that nor materials know that acts 17:11 has been our primary trademark for what more than 40 years and but it has a double edged I'm going to get into that here a little bit I'm going to emphasize the whole Council of God one of the things we're going to try to do as we explore these troublesome areas is not to lean on what some people call one verse theology rather a viewpoint needs to harmonize itself with the whole counsel of God and we'll emphasize that as we go we'll make it well develop a contrast between the Hebrew and Greek way of thinking the different models and we'll talk about that as we go and I'm also going to suggest to you reasons why I've come my professional background has been in the information sciences and I've come to the conclusion especially in Bible studies is that there are no real synonyms two words may be synonymous in that they mean almost the same thing but watch out for that almost in the in the gap there can be a discovery the elusiveness of ostensible synonyms I want to highlight and we're talk a little bit about resolving power and the role of precision in your studies so these are this where we're going and out of this will develop what I call the epistemological cycle but I want to start with a puzzle I want you to visualize three cups and I've got eleven pennies there eleven coins and if I ask you to put an odd number in each glass how would you do that because you put an odd number of those eleven pennies in each glass and you quickly come to the conclusion well that's not hard I can put three three and and five and that works right that's eleven there's other combinations obviously but if that's the problem you'd have no trouble at all but now suppose I take one of those pennies away now you've got not eleven you've got ten pennies and I want you to put an odd number in each cup how many of you can do that how many of you okay I think you you figured it out or you peaked ahead okay there is a way to do that and of course the way you do that is really quite simple you see each cup has an odd number even though the total is 10 now you say gee that's cheating no it isn't that's a it's a little lesson what in mathematics would be called set theory because you're gonna have a set inside another set so to speak and that occurs in linguistics also where words can contain another word and so forth and I'll give you some examples this is called set theory of mathematics but I want you to be least sensitive to that as we go here in optics we have a thing called resolving power you get a cheap telescope and go outside and look at a star you see a bright spot you go back to the fender this is the shop where you bought the telescope you spend a lot of money and buy a really good telescope and you go out in that same and look at that same star and you discover it's not a single star it's actually a double in other words good optics have the ability to resolve two things that are very close together they call that resolving power the same thing happens in language you can have two things that look synonymous but they're not quite and you want to be alert to that and in my sixty years of study of the scripture I have come to the conclusion that precision is essential for the diligent student you want to be very very precise and and deal with what the language actually says not what we not to the conclusions we jump to and so an example of that we encounter is the kingdom of God in the kingdom of heaven Mark Luke and John speak of the kingdom of God Matthew in passages that are very similar to the others uses the term Kingdom of Heaven and most commentators 19 out of 20 will say they're synonymous that Matthew just happens to use that phrase and that's unfortunate an error the kingdom of God is everything outside God himself and that goes far more than just the universe within that there is a kingdom from heaven and it's contained by the kingdom of God so that makes Mark Luke and John not in error but when Matthew talks about the kingdom from heaven or of heaven he's just being more precise and when you see it presented this way it becomes quite clear Matthews is the kingdom of heaven 33 times but not always there 5 times he uses the term kingdom of God and some say well that proves they're synonymous no it proves the opposite that he's being more precise in some cases usually the more all-inclusive term but in many many of his unique focuses he's talking about the kingdom of heaven in fact we learned that in both Hebrew and German the word of and from is exactly the same word if I say kingdom of heaven you're not sure what I'm talking about it's a fuzzy fuzzy kind of concept if I say the kingdom from heaven that's clearer it's a kingdom that would came from heaven see it's more communicative what you're experiencing there is what's called a genitive of source not a genitive of that position a genitive opposition is where there's equivalence between the two things ajenifuja sources where one thing's comes from another I'm Chuck fried awho there's no equivalence of an Idaho that just from where I'm from do you follow me you see and so the there there are there are different kinds of genitive Xan language this is a genitive of source that kingdom from heaven and once you understand that the passages are much clearer as you go and so when you get into eschatology and hermeneutics the theories of interpretation of the end times this is where it's more urgent than ever for us to rely on what's called the whole Council of God any view that you adopt needs to be harmonious to the rest in other words they all have to fit together it's like a tapestry where the whole thing has to to work together so you want to be careful of what the the falling into a a pothole that we call one verse theology if the entire idea hangs on one verse you ought to consider it somewhat suspect now I want to emphasize something else as we go here we are not here to sell you any particular viewpoint what we want to do is equip you to develop your own we will attempt to map the terrain if you will we'll try to let you know what our views are and we'll try to tell you why we hold them but our goal is to develop self feeders people who can study and feed themselves by knowing where to go for resources we need students who can think critically of themselves and have sufficient navigation understanding to find their way around the Bible to seek to seek the answers you need but that's our goal not to sell you a specific viewpoint but rather encourage you in with sound practice so avoid one verse theology and I usually play X 17 xi where Luke tells you don't believe a thing chuck Missler says right and you've heard me say that before that in fact I mentioned some of these things so often they've become a trademark our radio station radio broadcasts or call 66 40s so forth but the need for precision I'm going to touch a little on this I want examines that's acts 17:11 or more precisely as it reads in the King James they these were more noble speaking of the Bereans these were more noble than those in Thessalonica in that two things they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the Scriptures daily to prove where those things were so and that's been our trademark for over 40 years and the thoughts and likens were persuaded by argument but the brands believed but spiritually apprehended yet they searched like the word searching there is like stalking game if you will and the the I for many many years emphasize the second part of that emphasizing the need to search the Scriptures daily to prove where those things be so but in recent years I've become sensitive to the fact that the more difficult part is not the second parts the first part to receive the word with all readiness of mind it's amazing how often we stumble because we bring to the discussion some preconceptions some presumptions from the past and one of our skills need to be our ability we should have is to set that aside so that we don't stumble on presumption so the okay let's move on here as you know I've emphasized many times there our Bible consists of 66 books penned by over 40 guys and this all accumulated for almost 2,000 years now this is a very profound issue to really understand the significance of this because what we discover from all of this is that there are we what in fact the two things that changed my life very early in my intellectual life two discoveries the first discovery is that we have in in our Bible if we take a Bible we have in our possession what turns out to be an integrated message system and I don't mean just thematically but every detail is very structured there's 66 separate books penned by over 40 different guys who didn't even know each other over virtually 2000 years in which every detail we now discover by examination is there by deliberate design the fact that those designs are as subtle as they are as elegant as they are and yet pervade multiple authors who had no common understanding it wasn't like it was it was a collusion if you will quite the contrary and so once you discover the integration of that design you stumble into another conclusion from it that the origin of that design had to emerge from outside the dimensionality of time because it writes with a precision that's astonishing about things before they happen and the so it that you can I I get so tired of well-meaning commentators on the radio or television whatever saying you can't prove the you can't prove the Bible but and they make some positive statement yes you can prove the Bible exactly the way we're going to show you here in a minute and the epistemological approach the first step is to establish the integrity of that design and we can spend a lot of time on that but what's more important is for you to discover it for yourself that the this package of messages the 66 books by 40 authors have an elegance of design that is a lifetime treasure hunt for the right now you can spend your whole life continuing to discover substance of that and I'll call that the apologetic of our tether of its architectural structure and what I mean the design subtleties the fact that all through the Bible there are structures of seven that you could not simulate even if you're aided with a computer and we've got a number of it it's too technically to detail here but if you go through our studies there's discoveries of even panin our legend Yakov Ramsey and others have discovered their elegance of Sevenfold epic Sevenfold structures all through the old and new Testament we discover the vocabulary distribution are things that could not possibly have been arranged by the authors and yet the patterning there demonstrates a deliberate design and we see the design of the structure that beneath the text that are so elegant that even aided with a computer you'd have a tough time simulating them those are subtleties you need to understand there's also rhetorical integrity seminary though they'll speak of expositional constancy just fancy words meaning what that the use of idioms are consistent whether you're talking about Genesis or revelation from one end to the other you discover there are metaphors that are used with consistency and it's the consistency of not only are they used consistently you'll discover the first occasion of that metaphor being used turns out to be profoundly significant so you can make when you indulge in those kinds of studies you're acknowledging the fact that it's a deliberate design from end to end and the precision is astonishing and that's something you have to discover for yourself and the comprehensive design give you an example of that when we look at the four Gospels we've got Matthew Mark and Luke matthew presents to him as the Messiah mark the servant Luke the son of man being a doctor a son of man and John the son of God and everything in their Gospels support that premise the genealogy of Matthew is starts from the Abraham the first Jew then it's the legal of genealogy mark is focusing on his servanthood do we don't worry about the pedigree of a servant and Luke the is interested in human 'ti so he starts from the first man adam and takes the bloodline and john of course speaks of the pre-existent one and they emphasize what jesus said did felt or was theirs emphasis is different they're focused there and who they're really writing to is distinct which miracle who kicks it off is relevant to that theme and how it ends is relevant to that theme and they also interestingly enough are all been even the early church recognized that they also are exemplified by the four phases of the cherubim around the throne of God and we suddenly discover there's an integrity of design to the text that is flabbergasting and we could spend a whole hour just on that and how they how they camps of Israel modeled the throne of God but in those four fold idioms and so forth so the other thing that so the first thing is established the integrity of design and what that does then that will establish the identity of a person and you discover that every detail from Genesis to Revelation focuses on a specific person on every page you'll find the focus is none other than the Messiah Jesus Christ example of course a prophecies the court of the gospel but you go through all of these we've been through these before I won't go through them all here but his whole genealogy is background what would happen in his beginning is all lated laid out in front and then just the last week quoted in it we have triumphal entry the being betrayed for 30 pieces of silver and all the details of his the crucifixion and that he would die among malefactors we go through each one of these but the the the richness and the precision of the description of this person is astonishing and that he would rise from the dead on the third day that's all through the Old Testament in many places and that the resurrection will be followed by the destruction of Jerusalem all these things are in the Old Testament so so what we're doing here we establish the integrity the design that establishes the identity of who we're talking about once you get that far and then he is in a position of course to authenticate the whole package that sounds like circular easing except you have to realize the package is 66 different books by 40 different authors that kind of authentication is a very very valid closure of the epistemological loop here so we've talked about the architecture we've talked about the prophecy fulfillment there's another aspect that we will just touch in passing and that is the anticipated technologies that we find in the Bible and we find the round earth the weapons technology the pathways in the sea the whole field of oceanography derived from maari's discovering the in Psalm 8 and Isaiah 43 that the pathways to sea so he set out to find them and he has acknowledged as the founder of Oceanography because of all of that they made the whole a meteorological cycle the medical hygiene aspects of discussions of them and we could go through all of these global TV comes electronics but all these things are alluded to in the text there it's astonishing to realize how much of modern technology is anticipated in the text and even subatomic particles and we could go through all of that one of the things though that as we approach this problem that have also become convinced that we we need to shed our naivete about the boundaries of our own reality and so I'm going to use I'm fond of using da Vinci's Vitruvian Man is just a symbol of man and his reach and if we look at things larger we'll call that the macrocosm that's the element of astronomy and astrophysics we know that time is now a fourth dimension it had a beginning but the main discovery of 20th century science is that the macro key that the universe is finite it may be expanding but it's finite if we look the other way towards smallness and that takes you into the field of subatomic physics and so forth we discover that things are made up of units that are indivisible it's a digital universe they're indivisible we run into what's called the Planck wall the limits of length mass energy time are made up of indivisible units and when you try to split those that the the item uses loses a property called locality it's suddenly everywhere at once and that sounds so strange except it's been proven in the laboratory and that we live in apparently at least ten dimensions that's the current estimate but the real point out of this as you study this is you quickly discover that there's a limit to largeness and there's a limit to smallness which means that we are in a virtual environment and that it's a digital environment and as limits and it the the it is part of a larger reality for lack of another term I'll call it the meta Kazem and Scientific American in June of 2005 they they point out that reasons why we now know that our universe is but a shadow of a larger reality that's their words not mine and inside in June 2005 Sunday American there's other examples of that that so this is what the Bible has been saying all along and it's astonishing to realize that our glibness our comfort with what we think is reality is but a small subset of something much larger and that our what we'll what we're receiving in our Bible that's in our lap is a message from the meta Kazem outside the physical reality that we're used to and that's demonstrable that's not a speculation that's something you can prove so we have a message from meta Kazem that's beyond the limits of our reality we have actually a guidebook from the designer himself astonishingly enough and when we come to grips with that that should preempt all of our other priorities there's nothing else in our life that shouldn't be preempted by that insight and where it leads so that's what we're about now something else we talked about hermeneutics such a theory of interpretation if I know you're a theory of interpretation how you approach your Bible I can predict what your doctrines are going to be eschatologically your eschatology will derive from your hermeneutics what I mean by that let me give you an example the first branch of you as you study the Bible you'll either become a linear premillennial I'll millennial people that don't take us don't take little money they think it's just a figure of speech in contrast to most of us who are primal we think the Millennium that the scripture talks about is very very literal and is going to happen there used to be a post millennial view but that's disappeared for a lot of good reasons but the move moved through all these among the prey Millennials views you'll have post-trib mid-trip pre-tribulational perspectives but the point is if I most denominations are on the left side of this chart most denominational churches especially the came out of the Reformation are all millennial and post tribulation in their perspectives those of us that take the Bible very very seriously that are to have a very high hermeneutic would be called a fundamentalist and they'd be on the right-hand side of this the point I'm getting at is if I know your attitude about allegorize ation if you if you're willing to just allegorize passages you'll be on the left side of this chart if you're very strict about taking the Bible literally or seriously however you want to express it you'll be towards the right side if I know your hermeneutics I can predict your eschatology okay that's interesting so that leads me that far if I know your eschatology I will know a great deal about your ecclesiology or view of the church in fact I'll know more about your view about the church from your eschatology than many of the other doctrinal discussions we might get into and why is that because if I look at the church's eschatologically I know from the 7-letter seven churches that the the seven epistles that Jesus wrote discovers strangely enough that those seven churches lay out the whole history and they do many things but among them they lay out the history of the church if those letters were in any other order they wouldn't but as they do they they they are a phenomenal discovery we know that the first three have the promise to the overcomer post scripted for some strange reason the last four have the promises the overcomer within the body the letters for some reason they're structurally different but we also discover the last four include an explicit reference to the second coming of Christ so suddenly begin to realize that there's there's a there's more than just a historical overlay here and so one of those the fourth one in the series has a commitment that if it doesn't get his act together they're going to be cast in the Great Tribulation which tells you if they didn't get their act together they wouldn't interestingly enough well in contrast that the lure one of these last four has an explicit promise that it'll be removed from the time of the Great Tribulation and the others are but the point is if I know your eschatological sophistication I'll know your lazy ass to go view and so if I know your ecclesiology I also know that's going to impact your hermeneutics does your church use paraphrases do you take your document views from things like the message or these paraphrases I always murdered dr. Walter Martin leaning over the pulpit sent you and paraphrased God you know but the truth there are many of you that may be using the nearly inspired version that's fine I'm not going to disparage that but that's not the same thing as really finding out what what it really says and that's more than just leaning on the King James or something it's using your tools to find out what the exegetical level is what the text says and then going to your exposition as to what it means and do it with sophistication what's interesting about the cycle though if your hermeneutics impact your eschatology and the eschatology if actually ecclesiology which in turn raises this has a tendency to tighten or raise each one the tighter hermeneutics will make you more crisp in your eschatology that will give you a clearer insight and the Kliq the future of the church in its role which interns will impact your hermeneutics and one reinforces the other to drive you in the direction that I think we're espousing here among ourselves and which kind of version what's your King James or whichever are you talking about verbal fluency or dynamic fluency that gets into translational issues the main thing is with electronic aids that are available to you you can get to the originals and without knowing Hebrew and Greek yourselves so for what it's worth but in all cases every one of these invariably points to and highlights what we know about the Messiah so we discover at their fulcrum at the pivot point of all of these is the the existence of the strange strange concept called the Messiah or in the Greek called Christ that's it that's a title that's not his last name it's the title okay now the tools that we have the most astonishing things that we have available to us are information appliances that are unbelievable many of us securing 5 or 6 Bibles around in our phones and their word searchable think about that you can do more in half an hour on the internet then a pastor would spend six months doing years ago with the tools available you can find out anything all of man's knowledge is available by a few clicks the miracle of the Internet is a huge huge asset available to us and of course today we have all kinds of alternative translations and emphases that to draw from and whether you want dynamic fluency or verbal verbal flows it was it exactly what they said before versus putting it in today's language is it true there are trade-offs that every translator has to deal with but one of the things people always ask me what what what version do you like your problem there isn't what's translation is best because you can use them almost to use parallel side-by-sides anyway the real question is what are you can do your memory work in if you did your memory work in what's popular today will it be popular 10 years from now probably not so what's one of the reasons I still like the King James because there are its prophets problems are well known and well documented there's a half a dozen words you have to learn that have a different meaning now but that's trivial just a few words but it has a majesty that none of the others even come close to so and so that's why we tend to use that as our baseline we're using in our Isaiah study we're using the ISV as a companion with some some merit doing that because it was directly translated from the king of the Dead Sea Scrolls but the main point is you and I have the benefit of word searchable libraries there's a collection of some three dozen volumes called the anti missing fathers if somebody gave me a set of those books and had it on my shelf I'd be useless to me I don't have time to read those I have them on my computer and I can wordsearch them and I can find out what Irenaeus wrote to John about subject X and it'll show me C having a word searchable library is vastly more powerful than having it sitting on the shelf if it sat on the shelf or I'm just laying through my home in my in my home home chair and so that is that that these tools are incredible and on the Internet you can get most of them free of charge if you haven't discovered the blue letter Bible it's just one example but it's an incredible one in terms of dictionaries and expository aids as well as all these different translations it's all available free of charge now okay as you go through all this there's nothing I like to touch on is on this warm-up session really has to do with problem passages what do you do when you get to a passage that you don't understand how many of you had one of those right okay so what do you do about that I'm going to suggest something to you that you may sound make things a little strange I'm gonna suggest that you develop a log book go to a store a stationery store and buy a journal your girls know what I mean the guys haven't the foggiest notion in fact if you're naval officers is illegal for you to do that from from the MOL reasoning but anyway the point is get a journal in your concept here is that you make this private nobody is ever going to see it you're going to consider a personal private place why do I say that because I want you to jot down in it things that are very candid you're not trying to protect yourself from anybody this is something that I want to just completely candid and what I want you to do when you come across a passage in the Bible that you don't understand you rejoice because you then have an opportunity to conduct a controlled experiment in the supernatural you take your little journal take a blank page write down the date put the reference here's the hard part try to write down in ink not pencil why it is that verse puzzles you it seems contradictory or I don't understand that to try to capture in your own words why it is you're confused about that verse it's important for you for the purpose of this experiment to be very candid to yourself this is something you're never going to show anybody else resolve that upfront so there's no reason to be guarded there's no reason to be anything but candid to yourself once you express that then what I want you to do is go before the Lord in prayer and say father you promised in your word that the Holy Spirit would teach me all things not most things all things you can give the scripture verses there if you want to add to that so you heart I don't understand this verse I've studied with it I'm I'm confused I'm asking you through your Holy Spirit to make good your commitment to me that you will teach me all things so I submit this to you in the name of my precious Lord and so forth and do it your own words of course and tie it off now it may not happen in the next 10 seconds it may be another day or two or something but what will happen is something is going to happen in your life to make that verse suddenly clear it may be your reading your daily reading another thing in or it may be that you overhear something on the radio it may be you're in a restaurant you overhear a conversation in the next booth it's got nothing to do with but yet for some reason it's suddenly it's going to be so clear to you what I want you to do is go back to your journal find that page put down the date and the circumstances and put down the resolution that the Holy Spirit has given you about that verse you say Chuck I understand that sounds like a lot of paperwork why why the record I'll tell you why the day will come when you're going to go through the valley of doubt you're going to get through a time in your life where you're going to question and wonder have we gotten carried away with it all whatever in those dark days I want you to be able to go back to your private journal and see the footprints of the Holy Spirit who taught you personally step by step by step and that those steps will be a treasure to you that nobody else will understand it's not a thing you show other for witnessing it's your own private journal you might decide to leave it to your kids when you die or something that's up to you but the point is if you you will end up having a book here a laboratory journal of experiments in supernatural things you did not understand and the degree to which you express that confusion is part of the the discipline here and then when the Holy Spirit illuminates that by something you saw on television or heard on the radio or read another book who knows that will become clear to you you go back there and document it they become your marker stones all through the Old Testament they left piles of rocks to test to be monuments of milestones and this is your milestones of your own spiritual journey and it's something that you don't do for six months you do it for a lifetime and it'll be a treasure so that's that's the concept privacy I believe is essential so that you're very candid with yourself now I'll give you a secret discovery by the way what will also help you when you find one of these peculiar things that doesn't seem to make any sense it's a very simple key that will unlock it for you you're ready for this put Jesus Christ right in the middle of it and see what happens when we got this weird thing cities of refuges strange rules cities from Levitical cities and they were cities of refuge and if you were somehow entangled in what we would call second-degree murder or manslaughter situation and you could make it to one of those six cities then convinced the city fathers that it was a not premeditated murder was it was accidental or whatever then you were granted asylum and that can't the Avenger of blood the next of kin was coming after you but if you made it to the event the the City of Refuge you were secure there until down in Jerusalem when the high priest dies all bets are off and you could leave the city of refuge and be safe up until then you don't want to leave the city of refuge if you left outside you were fair game to the Avenger of blood that's the way it worked when the high priest in Jerusalem died then you're clear you've got you can go home and you're safe from the Avenger of blood and you look at you know that's kind of a weird procedure what's that got to do with anything doesn't make any sense it's dummy to us why and take for Jesus Christ in right in the moment he's our he's our City of Refuge right and for how long till the death of the high priest his death and you suddenly start analyzing the details then you begin to realize it's a metaphorical model if nothing else than our Lord but that's also true of everything it's true of the daughters of Zelophehad and the five daughters that didn't have husbands and you discover the claims of Christ hang on that peculiar exception that are you then suddenly discover as you study the Torah and it's full of these weird detailed laws and rules most of them will yield an understanding if you recognize the every one of them illuminates something about the Messiah and so I just it's something I throw into just the alignment I believe it unlock any problem passage well Ted Paul tells in his last two letter to Timothy says all scripture not most scripture not a whole bunch of it no all scripture is what given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness those are there's four key instructions they're all scripture not just most of it given by inspiration the word there is actually God breathed God breathed it's hard not to depart here and just talk about Hebrew because as we study the Old Testament with computers we discovered has all kinds of fascinating design levels hidden behind the text what's interesting about that if you put one letter out of it they all Paul heart which what should tells you is that not only did God give Moses the Torah he gave it to him a letter by letter and then we discovered that Hebrew has some absolutely unique linguistic properties from the information Sciences so it's much more than just another language but anyway I believe that for another day it's profitable for doctrine what is doctrine tells you what's right it's profitable for reproof what's not right see the difference doctrine or reproof okay for correction how to get it right or for instruction in righteousness how to state what's right what's not right how to get it right and how to stay right those those four words if that helps you we say doctrine reproof correction instruction especially if you've memorized that verse those words start to become mechanical distant know they should rattle when you shake them they should have meaning to you I won't try a little bit more about hermeneutics and you and I are Western in our minds typically Greek Gentile what-have-you and we tend to think that prophecies that prediction followed by a fulfillment a prediction and a fulfillment that's what we think it was prophecy the Hebrew model is quite different in Hebrew prophecy is pattern that's why they look what they would look for what they call types or models or allegories or what-have-you and so in Hebrew hermeneutics they have four levels that the shot is the direct literal meaning straighten up fair enough the remiz is the allegorical significance the hint of something deeper the Dhiraj is the personal application the homiletic are practical application of the passage and then they have a fourth level in the hebrew which called the soul which is the mystical or hidden meaning and so those are and they remember the four levels by a mnemonic the PRDS which is the equal of garden or paradise tea depending on how you what what vowels you point for the thing and so and so the duration remiz in our thinking you would think they put them in a slightly different order but that messes up their mnemonic so I won't get into that here but I want you to notice the reliance on patterns there's close interplay between the passages on national Israel and the Messiah so much so they are so parallel that many people get them confused because they're both true in other words the model fits both and it's useful to understand in fact it's often said that the Jews Catechism is this calendar and if you're gonna really study your Bible you really want to understand the calendar of Israel it's precious it illuminates all kinds of things that you would miss otherwise and you have rich rewards and studying the feasts and so forth as they are a shadow of things yet to come not just mccomber ative and the they have the spring feasts in the first month passover feast of unleavened bread for Easter firstfruits those are all in the first month of the year and the fall feasts in the seventh month they have three feasts the Torah Yom Kippur and Sukkot there's one between these a strange one or the first by the way the first three clearly are prophetic of the first advent of Christ they're all commemorative historically but they're also relevant prophetically and the fall feasts are predictive of a second Advent there's one between these two that's a very strange one that clearly refers to the church and some people suspect that maybe it also refers to the rapture that's a very provocative area to get into separately but I want to share something else with you that is really part of our exploration of hermeneutics before we go much further here in Matthew 22 we have an incident where the Herodians and then the Sadducees and the Pharisees all were taking their shots at him each one sent off confused and while the Pharisees were gathered together Jesus asked them it turns out he's gonna he's now going to ask them a question Justin said what thinkI of Christ whose son is he they said unto him the son of David he said unto them how then def David in spirit call him Lord saying the Lord said unto my lord sit thou at my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool he's quoting to them Psalm 102 the first verse of Psalm 110 they quickly answer to ask us we know that you know the Messiah the Messiah is the son of David no problem he says then honking David in spirit call him Lord now their problem here is they could not answer him that's why I love the way this this but yeah if David then called Lord how is he his son and I love the way some master my two ends the last version and no man was able to answer him a word they couldn't solve the problem neither Durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions I love that let's see what you and I miss here is the subtleties behind-the-scenes why could they not solve this simple little problem he quoted someone in 10 verse 1 and they couldn't unravel it and so if you look at Psalm 110 verse 1 the Lord said unto my lord sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool when you look at that in the Hebrew okay it turns out that the word for Adonai has a little yard at the end of it bear in mind you know Hebrew goes from right to left I think you know it that yard makes the adonai possessive how can David call him Lord when manoa my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool they could not unravel that because he's the son of David and yet David is his you see they didn't recognize that his that Christ was you know God if you will and so Jesus amplifies this force in the in the in the Sermon on the Mount back in Matthew 5 verse 17 Owen is this thing not that I come to destroy the tour of the prophets that come not to destroy but to fulfill for verily I say unto you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled Noah you're a tittle those are he Bray is a yacht is one of the 22 Hebrew letters that you and I would mistake for a blemish on the paper but and a tittle is the little decorative hook that distinguishes certain letters but the point is Jesus is giving us a fantastic instruction here that's overlooked by so many not one yarder one tittle shall no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled he is saying to take the text seriously he put the lawyers in confusion because they couldn't untangle the impact of a yacht in the Hebrew there no it's not that this is such a big deal other than an instruction to all of us to take the text seriously if this Antichrist is going to enforce a covenant doesn't say he signs a treaty he enforces a covenant it might be a sign treaty we don't know but it's not what the text says he enforces the covenant what does that mean the point is precision is going to avoid a lot of confusion and so now the church of course has spent four hundred years fighting over two mutually antagonistic points of view Calvinism and Arminianism Calvinism has a concept of eternal security they have a concept for a perseverance of the saints the problem is they they are really what you call your experimental predestined Aryans your predestinated but you can't tell until you get to the end of the road that you're on the right road not very useful and that's why theologian would call that experimental and the pedestrians the Armenians go the problem the other way around they just say only those that prefer persevere to the end are saved and these two views drive most of the denominations today overlooking the fact that they're both wrong they're both in right and what they avert and they're wrong and what they deny and there is a view that separates those two of what we will call for a lack of another thing the overcomers the overcomers male eternal security first for sure because that's crucial and that's a part we'll talk more about that tomorrow but they'd make a distinction between entering heaven and inheriting we discover that in the Old Testament there were those that were forgiven for the lack of faith but they didn't inherit Moses was one of them and so there's a variation of rewards rewards are rewards for faithfulness and we're not talking about salvation here we're talking about whether inheritance which are two different things and that distinction once you understand the verses about those suddenly this 400 year old war gets put on the shelf because it's really a question of having asked the wrong questions so I want to again emphasize we're not here to sell a particular view we will explain what we believe in why in the hopes that it will be helpful when our goal is for you to become a selphie derp learn resources learn how to use your resources and determine your only view from your own study of the Scriptures because that's what's going to make a difference if we head into the turbulent times that I think are coming you need to be grounded not by having memorized some cliches from some favourite guy or whatever no you need to know your Bible you need to be able to dig into it meaningfully on your own and our aim is for you to be helpful in what our heuristic searches heuristic methods are serving to discover for yourself I want you to discover the elegance of design in the scripture I want you to discover the relevance of types I want you to discover these things we want you we rely on hermeneutics not on the doctrines and so we want you to be a partaker of Christ a partaker of Christ that term in the Greek is a medical one who shares in companion comrade partner and work officer dignity we are for we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence deadfast unto the end oh whoops there's a condition on that I always say that I'm going to have a talk where I want to explain why most Christians when they get to heaven are going to be disappointed that'll smoke out all the fundamentalist to come to the conference and then I'll point out and then we'll talk about that we're all taught that if you're saved you're gonna reign with Christ the scripture never says that it says if we suffer with him if these it has a conditional clause you can be saved and still not necessarily reign with him that's my premise don't accept that challenge through your own study but we made partakers of christ if whoops whoops whoops we've got a little word there a condition if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end if we hang all the way through if we persevere to the end there's a reward for that pray God praise God now a Gustin is credited with an admonition that really is our banner for this conference here he's a credit as saying in essentials unity in non essentials Liberty in all things agape or charity if you will that's pretty neat we are to decide and what are the critical things and be unified in those and yet there are lots of views we may have that we have different views and for not essential praise God we still can fellowship and enjoy each other and whatever you so the concept is that machine here is pretty straightforward except it raises the question that is really the question that we're going to be struggling with for the next couple of days and that is what is essential and what is not essential and so and all this is leading to an impending climax that's going to happen I believe within our lifetime I'm not setting dates but I think most of us in this room will be alive at the time of the rapture and so we're going to talk about Sunday morning we're going to talk about the a pre-emptive imperative the kingdom is Kingdom what does that all mean and that should reprioritize every one of our lives so that's that's what we're all about father we thank you for this time together we thank you for those that you brought together and we pray father it's our earnest prayer father that your purpose would be accomplished in each our lives those that are right here physically and those that are watching on the internet we pray father that your purpose your desire will be achieved in this gathering through through your word and through your spirit we pray father you would help each of us to better understand what it is that you would have of us in the days ahead as we commit ourselves into your hands without any reservations whatsoever in the name of Yeshua our Messiah and [Music]
Channel: Koinonia House
Views: 16,983
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Keywords: jesus, christ, chuck, missler, koinonia, house, khouse, institute, body builders, who & why, who and why, bonus, unseen, matsen, ron
Id: MO6uPh7Pjqk
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Length: 56min 3sec (3363 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
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