"Jesus" - Joel Urshan

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in the presence of the Lord it's good to be here tonight I would like to preach to you what I think the devil didn't want me to preach the the more I thought about what I wanted to preach I was gonna preach it Thursday night I wanted to open the that my time here with this message and and I don't think the devil wanted me to do that but the devil is not in charge amen some will preach the word of the Lord tonight and so I will invite your attention to the book of Acts and the eighth chapter the book of Acts the eighth chapter this is a message that the enemy does not want to be heard but it is the saving message Acts chapter 8 verse 26 the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip saying arise and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from jerusalem unto gaza which is desert and he arose and went and behold a man of Ethiopia and eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians who had the charge of all her treasure and had come to Jerusalem for to worship he was returning and sitting in his chariot and read Isaiah or Isaiah the prophet then the spirit said unto Philip go near and join thyself to this chariot and Philip ran thither to meet him and heard him read the prophet Isaiah and said understand us now what thou readest he said how can i except some man should guide me and he desired philip that he would come up and sit with him the place of the scripture which he read was this he was led as a sheep to the slaughter like a lamb done before his Shearer so opened he not his mouth in his humiliation his judgment was taken away and who shall declare his generation for his life is taken from the earth and the eunuch answered Philip and said I pray thee of whom speaketh the Prophet this of himself or of some other man then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same Scripture and preached unto Him Jesus everybody say that name Jesus and as they went on their way they came into a certain water and the eunuch said see here is water what doth hinder me to be baptized and Philip said if thou believest with all thine heart thou mayest and he answered and said I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and he commanded the chariot to stand still they went down both into the water both Philip and the eunuch and he baptized him and when they were come up out of the water the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip that the eunuch saw him no more and he went on his way rejoicing and I just want to preach to the Atlantic District tonight in Fredericton New Brunswick on on the message that Philip preached to the Ethiopian eunuch I just want to preach to you a message called Jesus Jesus could we lift our hands and our voices up to him at this time Lord we love you and we thank you for your blessing and for the glory of the Lord that we feel in this house I thank you Jesus for what you have done in this Kent meeting I thank you Lord for the blessing that you have brought to bear I ask God in your holy name that you would move upon each and every individual Lord allow the Holy Ghost to move in this house Lord let healing virtue flow in this house Lord let miracles abound in this house blessed be the name of the Lord our God blessed be the name of the Lord our God Lord we love you and we give you praise and glory in Jesus precious name we pray hallelujah and everybody said in jesus name amen and amen god bless you you may be seated in the name of the Lord certainly want to give honor to pastor Woodward pastor layman the great Capital Community Church he-man god bless them it doesn't take much for us to look around and see the depravity of our world it is quite evident without much effort that our world is broken Society is broken and and there is much dysfunction and there is much pain and and hurt and and and people's lives reflect that pain and that hurt and the Bible actually describes people's hearts being far from the Lord and so when we look at this we understand that that we as the church have a lot of work to do amen and and I've already heard it stated concerning pastor Brewers message look on the fields we have a job to do people to reach do you know that that brokenness it was not always that way the world was not always in a broken state it was not always dysfunctional there was a time when man was in union with God and in communion with God there was a time when when man who was made in the image of God enjoyed the the relationship that that one can have with God and and it was a beautiful thing now now this of course took place before the disobedience of Adam man and God were able to communicate one with another without any misunderstanding between them God would speak man would understand there was love God is father and and the Bible actually says that Adam was the son of God now he was not the begotten son of God but he was the created son of God God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul and and the song that we sing the old song I come to The Garden alone while the dew is still on the roses and the voice I hear falling on my ear the Son of God discloses and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me that I his own that song is describing a place we can go in prayer where we can experience maybe some of that communion that Adam had with God in the beginning when God first created man and then of course there was this sharp jagged interruption of that communion and it was the disobedience of Adam not necessarily the deception of Eve Eve was deceived but what brought death into the world was the disobedience of Adam understand Adam was not deceived Adam disobeyed Adam knew what was going on and made a conscious choice to disobey the Lord and death entered the world see sin never travels alone regardless of how pleasurable it may seem regardless of how appealing it may appear death is always accompanying sin when lust hath conceived it brings forth sin and sin when it is finished brings forth death so death entered the picture at the disobedience of Adam and and and death has been with us ever since death is the most unnatural thing in the world I've heard people say that that death is as much a part of life as birth but that is incorrect it is a part of this fallen life this fallen earth but we were never supposed to have an awareness of death and encounter with death and understanding of death all of that should be foreign to us we should not know what an obituary is or or what a a funeral home is or what a cemetery is or we should not know the protocol of a funeral procession or the work of a mortician or all of that all of that should be alien to us because death was not supposed to be a part of this world but sin brought death into the world a legal transaction was made in the disobedience of Adam and the law of sin and death were brought to bear in the earth and all things changed the first time we see the change so pronounced is when God came down into the garden as at other times to commune with man as he had before and the same God with the same love with the same voice with the same presence and demeanor he spoke to Adam and there was no response Adam was hiding because Adam was afraid the first time we encounter fear in the scriptures Adam was afraid what changed he was not afraid of God before the sin he was not afraid of God for he in disobey but now he is afraid of God what changed God didn't change God is God and God will never change he said I am the Lord and I changed not he is the same yesterday today and forever it wasn't God who changed it was man who changed sin corrupts the mind of man sin literally alters the mind of man the Bible says wickedness corrupts our mind and when wickedness corrupts our mind this is what we see in Adam he is afraid of God who is love who is mercy who is compassion who is kindness when he encountered God God even was careful to begin to clothe them and cover their nakedness that they did not even realize beforehand that they had experienced God did not change but man changed and man still deals with the consequences of that disobedience to this day we see how man miss perceives God all through the Scriptures and there are many people that you talk to when you try to reach them with the gospel and they'll tell you I'm not religious they'll tell you I don't want anything to do with God I don't want anything to do with church I don't want anything to do with church people these are what this is what comes out of their mouth why because when they hear about God they feel afraid they feel like they should resist it or they should reject it it's because their mind and don't get haughty because our mind too is corrupted by wicked works every one of us have fallen every one of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God and so we see this same resistance to God and the children of Israel when they looked upon the mountain that did burn with darkness and blackness and Tempest and when they looked upon this mountain they they said we don't want to enter into that mountain Moses said come and go with me it I know it looks scary from where you are the carnal mind is enmity against God but if you'll just walk into it you'll find inside what looks scary from where you are your vantage point of of a corrupted mind if you walk into it you'll find a good God you'll find a God of mercy a God of love a God of kindness and compassion a God who is intent on saving your soul and making you whole hallelujah but they feared what they did not understand God when he created man made him in his own image understand that he was made in the image of God therefore man had freedom to choose whether to obey or disobey God he had a free will somebody said why did God give man a free will because he was made in the image of God if he were not to have a free will or have freedom of choice he would not have been made in the image of God if he were if he were to have been some kind of robot that's not in the image of God if he were to be some kind of a subject to a tyrant that that's not in the image of God God made him in His image God is free so man was free God is free right now there's nothing holding God back from consuming all of us with a ball of fire he could do it as we sit here he could consume every one of us with a giant ball of fire and who's gonna called him in on the carpet let the media come down and make a fuss and get angry at God and demand answers he could consume them with a ball of fire God is God he has all power do you know what causes him not to consume us with fire his mercy his great grace that's why it's amazing grace because he didn't have to do it but he did he doesn't have to love us but he does he doesn't have to save us but he does hallelujah so God made man and because God knew freedom and God knew free will and God understands the dynamics of how freedom works before he Manman he made a plan before he created man he had already in the recesses of his mind a plan to redeem man from his own destruction and so the Bible says it this way that there was a lamb slain from the foundation of the world before God created anything in the mind of God in the thought of God in the ideas of God in the logic the logos of God there was a lamb that would be slain and then God said let there be light and there was light and then God created plants and flowers and trees and and fish and fowl and beasts of the field God proceeded with creation but before he created anything in his mind the template for creation was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world was the lamb who would be born into this cursed fallen world who would live a life of obedience a life of righteousness a life of the holiness a life of submission which would qualify that lamb to die the death of every man and he would not stay dead but would rise from the dead triumphant over death over hell and over the grave hallelujah and be alive even forevermore this was the plan of God and so when God began to create the earth everything he created followed this pattern of birth life death burial resurrection birth life death burial resurrection birth life death burial resurrection that's why when he created the day and he created the night you can see in the day and night the birth the life the death the burial and the rection resurrection when you wake up tomorrow morning get up in enough time to see the Sun begin to rise it's a reflection of the birth of the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world and as the day unfolds that Sun will be glorious and will shine upon the earth that's the life of the land but there come a time in the day where the Sun will set and darkness will overtake what once was enlightened that's reflection of the death of the Lamb and the Sun will stay buried that's the reflection of the burial of the Lamb but don't give up hope because weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning The Sun will rise again because the Sun has a message the birth the life the death the burial and the resurrection that David was talking about this when he said the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork day and today other speech and night and tonight shows knowledge so why did God do it because God knew that when men sinned he would no longer be able to hear the voice of God God's voice would sounds scary God's voice would sound intimidating God's voice would sound foreboding so God said when he can't hear my voice I walk in toad the message of his Redemption in everything that I create when he wakes up in the morning he'll see the sunshine when he goes to bed at night he'll see the death and the burial and when he wakes up the next day he'll see the resurrection day and today but her speech and night and tonight shows knowledge the Apostle Paul told the church at Rome he said the invisible things of God hallelujah are understood they are clearly seen being understood by the things which are made even his eternal power and Godhead you don't just see it in the sunlight and the nightfall you see it in the seed that is sown to the earth what a miracle that is don't tell me you don't believe in miracles if you think a seed can go in the ground and you can pour water on it and the Sun can shine on it and a tree will come up out of the ground does anybody know that happens can I see a show of hands then don't ever tell me you don't believe in miracles because that is a miracle there's no there's no engineer underneath the soil making that seed do something that that seed doesn't want to do this is encoded in the creation of God God put it inside that seed I've got a message for man I want met the man to know that when the seed goes into the earth that's not the end of the story the seed may be buried but the seed will come up out of that ground just like when the lamb died and was buried the lamb came forth from the ground that's why the Prophet said he shall grow up before them as a tender plant as a root as a root as a root out of the dry ground yes man I want you to hear I want you to hear it so God even put it in the body of man the message of the life the death the burial and the resurrection watch what happens tonight when you go to sleep wake up tomorrow morning get a good night's sleep and when you wake up tomorrow morning you're gonna be raring to go in Jesus name might take a little tim horton's perhaps I don't know but you'll be raring to go that's the birth and in the rest of the day you'll be marching along getting stuff done being a camp-meeting and and doing what the Lord wants you to do and and you'll be awake and you'll be alert that's the life but when night comes when the Sun sets along with the setting of the Sun will come a weariness upon your body it will happen it will absolutely happen a weariness will come upon your body and your brain will stop firing on all synapses as it once was and you'll slow down and your yarn and you'll stretch and your body is beginning to tell you a message the body is telling you there's a birth and there's a life and there's a death go to sleep when you go to sleep that is a reflection of the death of the Lamb and you will stay buried in that sleep like he was buried in that tomb but oh when the Sun begins to rise your body will wake up to the light of the Sun your body will begin to respond just as his body came up out of that grave your body will come up out of its slumber God encoded in everything he created the message of the Lamb of God hallelujah and it's it's it's not only in creation but it's in Scripture notice what the psalmist said the psalmist saw it in creation that's why that's why he looked up in the heavens and he said you know what he said when I consider thy heavens and I consider the work of thy fingers and I consider the moon and I consider the stars which thou hast ordained that's an interesting word ordained because that's what we do to preachers we ordained preachers and he's saying the moon and the stars are ordained like preachers the heavens are ordained like preachers the works of your fingers they're ordained like preachers they have a message and now the psalmist is looking up to that point he has the same questions every human being has what is man what is the purpose of life and and and why am I here and what does it all really matter but but when he began to look at the things which are made he began to understand the things that are invisible and he said wait a minute what is man that you are mindful of him and what is the son of man that you visit him you crowned him with glory and honor you made him a little lower than the Angels the invisible things of God were understood by the things which are made his eternal power and Godhead hallelujah now we look at this matter of Philip who was preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ he had preached it in Samaria when he preached it in Samaria they received they were received the revelation of Jesus name baptism and they were baptized in Jesus name Philip was an evangelist and he was baptizing them in Jesus name left and right the Bible says Peter and John came on the scene and laid hands on them and they received the gift of the Holy Ghost meanwhile Philip is translated by the Holy Ghost to a place where the Ethiopian eunuch is sitting in a chariot he sees this chariot it is it is from Ethiopia he is a man who is under the authority of Candace the queen of the Ethiopians he has the charge of all her treasure and the Lord says go and join thyself to this chariot so Philip the Evangelist walks over to this chariot kind of peeks around the corner and sees this man with a scroll open he's got his Bible open and he's reading from Isaiah the prophet in his humiliation his judgment was taken away hallelujah he was led as a lamb to the slaughter like a sheep before his Shearer's was done so opened he not his mouth and Philip leaned in and said do you understand what you're reading and the Ethiopian eunuch looked back and said how can i except some man should guide me and Philip said well I'll be happy to help you out he began at the same Scripture and preached unto Him Jesus you know my grandfather used to tell a story about when he was a young preacher and he was preaching a revival in the state of Idaho and while he was preaching this revival in Idaho nothing was happening there was no miracle there nobody was receiving the Holy Ghost and there was no breakthrough there was just it was like a it was it's kind of a deadlocked and and he had tried everything he called his father Andrew Ocean and he said dad I don't know what to do I'm preaching this revival but nothing is breaking loose Anderson said are you praying well yeah I'm praying I said have you fasted yes sir I fasted he said have you been studying well of course I've been studying he said well then there's only one thing to do he said what's that he said you got to preach Jesus he said okay I'll do that tonight what do I do tomorrow night he said priest Jesus again and the next night preached Jesus again preached everything you know about him preached his purpose and preached his story and preaches miracles and preaches preach the foretelling of his coming and and preach that he is the answer today just preach Jesus because ladies and gentlemen something happens when we preach Jesus James begin to fall off when we preach Jesus I don't even have to mention drug addiction all I've got to do is preach Jesus and God can reach down if you believe and break every chain of addiction that's in your life I don't have to get into the nitty gritty details of sinful habits all I've got to do is lift high the name of Jesus Christ and the power of God will come down into the believers heart and set the captive free Oh hallelujah can I remind you what Jesus said he said if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me I wonder if there's anybody in this house that's willing to live Jesus huh I wonder if there's anybody in this house that's willing to magnify the name that is above every name hallelujah he can reverse years of abuse to your body he has the power to break what the doctors can't cure he has the power to step into that relationship that you gave up on a long time ago and bring healing hallelujah bring healing to what you can't seem to work out that happens when we preach Jesus so Philip leaned in and began at the same Scripture and preached unto him Jesus I want you to know something he happened to be reading from the book of Isaiah there was a time when I thought you know it's a good thing he was reading from the book of Isaiah that way Philip could begin at the same Scripture and preached unto him Jesus but then it dawned on me no no you've got to understand this whole Old Testament is about Jesus it didn't matter where he was reading if it was Isaiah or Zechariah or Hagee I or Habakkuk he still would have preached still would appreciate it didn't matter if he was reading from the books of poetry or the books of the law or the books of history or the major or the minor prophets Philip would have still preached Jesus if he would have been reading about the Lamb of God that they sacrifice and painting the blood over the doorpost hallelujah Philip would appreciate if they would have been reading about the children of Israel walking through the Red Sea or walking through the Jordan River he still would have preached Jesus if he had been reading about the lion that was in Daniels den or the lion the Samson killed or the lion the David killed or the Lion of the tribe of Judah Philip would have still preached Jesus if he would have been reading about Jacobs rock that he laid his head on halleluiah or David's rock that he brought down Goliath with or the rock that was soon out of the mountain without hands Philip would have still preached Jesus if he would have been reading about the rock from which water did slow he was a priest Jesus there's only one message there's only one name no self-help is gonna do it no self-motivation is gonna do it no better self-esteem is gonna do it there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved hallelujah Philip would have still preached Jesus if he was reading about Samson's lion that was killed but when the death occurred sweetness came forth that's Jesus or when or when Moses threw down his rod and it turned into a snake we see in that a message of the of the Incarnation and and God Himself becoming the man Christ Jesus who became he who knew no sin was made to be sin for us hallelujah hallelujah all throughout the Old Testament even even what they even what they spoke about in the Word of God that kind of sounds like they're talking to us and they and they are but we can't live up to it so someone explain what I mean Jesus was talking to the Pharisees one day and and he said to the Pharisees he said you know what you guys act like you're so holy and righteous he said search the Scriptures now that's kind of audacious cuz these guys could quote any of us under the table they've literally got it like wrapped around their arms and as frontlets before their eyes they know the books of the law they know the Old Testament and Jesus said search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life but you're missing the key ingredient of the scriptures they are they which testify of me you look at the scriptures and you read them and you think you think that they're talking about you and so you try to live up to what the scriptures prescribed only to find out that your flesh is fallen and your mind is corrupted and your brain is broken and you don't know how to be saved and you don't know how to be holy the holy are you try to be then you fall into pride and think you're holier than everybody around you search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life but they are they which testify of me let me give you an example the Scriptures are all pointing to Jesus listen to this question of the psalmist Lord who shall abide in the tabernacle who shall dwell in that holy Hill that's what we all want to know it's not talking about that there's only one who qualifies to dwell in the holy hill there's only one who qualifies to abide in the tabernacle as the psalmist begins to describe who it is understand he's not talking about us he's a Messianic prophecy about Jesus he said he that walketh uprightly well that's not you or me he who worketh righteousness let's speak of the truth in his heart he that backbite is not with his tongue listen ladies and gentlemen you might sit here and think well I don't backbite anymore but you have and that one transgression disqualifies you we don't take sin seriously we've become so accustomed to the mercy of God that we don't realize we're lost without him none of us can dwell in his holy hill not one of us can abide in his tabernacle so the question Lord who can dwell in your holy hill who can abide in your tabernacle the question is answered by describing Jesus he that walketh uprightly who's that Jesus he that worketh righteousness and speaketh the truth in his heart who's that Jesus he that backbite us not with his tongue nor doeth evil to his neighbor that's that's Jesus notice notice what the psalmist said in Psalm 24 he said who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord and who shall stand in his holy place he who he it's not a random person it's that's not a generality he's referring to somebody he's pointing down the way and saying to him that guy Jesus the Messiah hallelujah he hallelujah that hath clean hands and a pure heart so what do we do when we hear that we go and grab a filthy fleshly rag of righteousness our own self-righteousness and we try to clean our hands and they're dirtier than what they were before we started to try to clean them because it's not talking about you or anything you can do for your own salvation it's talking about Jesus he that hath clean hands that had the pure heart who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully he shall receive the blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the god of his salvation someone said blessed is the man the man not your eye but the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but this blessed man his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper jesus said those scriptures are testifying of me and you start reading them and think you have to somehow through your own efforts live up to this amazing man and Jesus said I am the great I am I am the way and I am the truth and I am the life he that cometh unto the father must come by me hallelujah he's not just a great teacher he is God manifest in human flesh he stepped into this world to do what we could not do understand ladies and gentlemen that death came into the world by the disobedience of man so in order for death to be vanquished from the world it has to happen through the obedience of man nobody qualified to challenge death the scripture says that the Lord slept for an intercessor and found none so his own arm brought him salvation he stepped down into this world I I remember if you're familiar at all with the National Basketball Association remember being a kid cheering for the Indiana Pacers hoping that they would win the championship don't don't don't get your hopes up it didn't happen I learned a long time ago that only Jesus can satisfy your soul I was hoping they could win they didn't win they didn't win anything and I remember Larry Bird was their head coach won one for a few season then Isiah Thomas was their head coach and I kept thinking to myself man I wish Larry Bird or Isiah Thomas could get on the court and it could just win this game they know how to win championships they could get on the court and win this game but you know that can't happen or can it there is a position in basketball called player coach where the coach can actually step onto the floor and can become a player never stop being a coach but become a player become subject to the rules of the game and within the context of the rules of the game play while he is coach can I tell you that's exactly what God did when God looked down upon this earth he saw the high priest and the Lamb and he saw the tabernacle and the mercy seat and God said you know what if you want something done right sometimes you just got to do it yourself and so God stepped down into this world put upon himself the form of a man hallelujah made of a woman made under the law God was manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit leave Don in the world seen of angels preached unto the Gentiles received up into glory the Lord hallelujah humbled himself to behold the things that are in heaven and in the earth unto us a child is born unto us a son is given his name the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father and the Prince of Peace in that day there shall be one God and his name shall be one step down into this her he put on man's uniform walk down onto the battlefield where man was losing the fight don't you know that's what was going on when David walked onto that battlefield David was a reflection of what Jesus did for us David said is there nobody who can challenge Goliath Goliath is like death and he intimidated all of Israel the way death intimidates all of humanity but Jesus stepped onto the stage and said I had power hallelujah over death David was not a reflection of his own light he was reflection of the message of the Lamb that's why he said I come against you in the name hallelujah Oh hallelujah you know why this is important to hear because we do get to thinking that it is by our all night and that it is by our own goodness that we are saved we forget that it is only because of the mercy of God don't you get holier than now don't you look down your nose at somebody else and think that somehow you have an advantage over them because you have stepped into Jesus Christ listen without Jesus you are lost and undone without God without Jesus you're a stir you are a sinner you are a cold-hearted sinner if you are full of sin and death somebody said if it weren't for the Lord I'd be dead in my grave worse than that brother you'd be dead in hell it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed his compassion fails don't you know that when you stand before God in judgment there is no goodness in you that can withstand the standard of expectation of his holiness there's no good deed you've ever done or intended to do that can ever match the expectation of God's holiness this is why the angels covered their face they weren't even worthy to look upon his holiness this is why the Lord said gnosis I want to show you my glory but you'll have to be hidden in the cleft of the rock and I'll put my hand over your face because it would consume you you have no ability to be saved you have no ability to be saved you're destined for hell without the blood of Jesus but all the blood hallelujah oh the blood of Jesus hallelujah can I preach to somebody just a little bit about the blood of Jesus Christ let me preach to you about what Jesus blood does for us can I tell you ladies and gentlemen that his blood makes the difference when the Bible refers to the life of Jesus Christ for instance it refers it refers to life don't we talk about lifestyle the Bible doesn't really talk about lifestyle the Bible talks about life in him was life in the life was the light of men he told Martha I am the resurrection and I am the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live so Jesus is full of life what life his life that life that he lived is the life that shines in the darkness he lived the life that you and I were supposed to live but can't don't know how to are unable to live he lived a life of obedience he lived a life of submission to the will of God do you know that he was tempted in all points you and I are tempted but he was without sin now there's a reason why he was tempted listen in all points not in a few points all points he understands the root of every temptation and he was tempted in all points as we are tempted and with each temptation he overcame it and made a way of escape so he was tempted but he overcame lying he overcame lust he overcame in the he overcame stealing he overcame hatred he overcame fornication he overcame he overcame greed he overcame everything so that you and I could have the power over it now listen that record of his victory over those temptations are a part of his life not only did he overcome every temptation but the Bible says he healed all manner of diseases all diseases there is not a form of disease that could ever morph into a mutation of whatever that Jesus hasn't already healed it He healed all manner of diseases and when he took authority over leukemia and took authority over every kind of cancer you can imagine and took authority over diabetes and took authority over high blood pressure he put all of it in the record of his life the record of one's life is in the blood this is why the Lord told Moses Moses tell the children of Israel not to eat the blood of an animal why because the life of the flesh is in the blood in other words everything that animal did in its life is in its blood so if that animal ate something you wouldn't dream of eating it went into his bloodstream and if you eat the blood of that animal then you just ate what you would never dream of eating because the life of the flesh is in the blood the life of Jesus Christ is in his blood the victory over sin is in his blood the victory over sickness is in his blood it is in the blood of Jesus Christ hallelujah this is why we sing songs like there is power power wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb we sing a beautiful song that says what can wash away my sin anybody know that song how's it go what can wash away my sin beautiful nothing but the blood of Jesus let me tell you how that song would go if Jesus had never paid the price that he paid this how that song would go what can wash away my sin nothing what can make me whole again nothing but because he did pay the price because he was obedient throughout his life because he did die the death of the Lamb of God because he was buried and he did rise from the dead we've got a song to sing what can make me whole again but the blood of Jesus that makes me white as snow no other fount I know hallelujah hallelujah I'm gonna tell you a bishop Brewery the power that I need to overcome the temptations that come my way all of that power is in the blood of Jesus the power I need to overcome sickness that tries to invade my body all of that power is in the blood of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah when were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ we can't be saved on our own we must be saved how are we saved by the only one who has ever ascended into the hill of the Lord the only one who is qualified to dwell in his tabernacle the only one who can abide in his holy hill Jesus Oh say his name Jesus Jesus say it again Jesus when I'm buried I'm not buried in just some some good sounding formula that comprises his noble titles and and said over me no sir no man I'm baptized in the name of God in flesh hallelujah it is the name that has authority over death hell and the grave I am buried with him by baptism into his death that is my only hope of being saying because without being covered by his blood which is his DNA covered by his name then when I stand before God I'm just standing there as Joel elution and Joe larssen's going to hell unless he's in Jesus but when I'm covered by the blood and when I'm buried in his name then when I stand before God I'm not just standing there as Joel Ocean walking up saying alright give me what give me what's give me what I got coming no no no I'm hidden with Christ in God let me explain what I mean listen listen his life we're talking about the life of Jesus his life was was even more important than his death because without his life his death doesn't matter if he had just lived a life of some great teacher or sage or whatever and then he was crucified on the cross and martyred he's just another great martyr but but he wasn't he was obedient unto death there was no sin in his body it is sin that gives death jurisdiction over us so when Jesus died death had this assembly line going there was an assembly line just everybody come through there's sin yep they were tempted and they fell to the sand tempted fell to the sin yep yep sin it's in it's in these it's in this body and and so so sin has death has jurisdiction over these bodies but when Jesus body came down on the assembly line it was unlike anything they'd ever seen before there had been multiple temptations but no sin and so death is looking over this body trying to find where the sin is and there is no place where sin ever entered the body of this one Jesus the Christ so death looks at hell and hell looks at the grave and they're like what are we gonna do with this body that has no sin in it there's only one thing they can do they've got to let it go hallelujah they've got to let it go your body in my body will stay dead in its natural state because we have sin in us but when we're baptized into the name of Jesus Christ we're baptized into the body of Christ and when we're baptized into the body of Christ we're baptized into a resurrected body [Applause] hiya Bo Shonda that's why when the trumpet sounds we're gonna rise first those that are dead in Christ shall rise I got a little behind [Applause] hey another love ocean blue hallelujah he had to live the life of obedience so that his death would matter it was a messianic prophecy when Samuel looked at Saul and said to obey is better than sacrifice he was referring not only to Saul situation but these are they which testify of me remember so he was referring also to Jesus the life of his obedience was even better than a sacrifice of Calvary because his life of obedience made his sacrifice of Calvary efficacious for our Redemption o blessed be the name of the Lord I won't tell you when when lust tempted him he resisted because he loved you and wanted to pay the price for your sins when in the ten thirty he overcame it because he loved you and wanted to pay the price for your sins don't you know when he went to that cross he wasn't wounded for his transgressions he was wounded for ours he wasn't bruised for his iniquities he was bruised for ours it was the chastisement of our peace that was upon him ah the old song says when I survey the wondrous cross when was the last time you survey the wondrous cross you'll come along too late to tell me to baptize in somebody else's name he's my Savior he's my king he's my god and I'll baptize everybody I can in his name [Applause] [Music] [Music] when you stand before God there will be two books present there will be a book of your life and there will be a book of the Lambs life in the book of the land's life is victory over every temptation and victory over every disease and victory over death hell and the grave that's in the Lamb's Book of Life in my book of life y'all it's like this big in an alphabetical order chronological order every misdeed every time I stumbled and fell every time I lied every time I transgressed it's all in that book the devil's been keeping track he couldn't wait to throw the book at me inside my book of my life listen every idle word it's listed in that book of my life if I get judged by this book I'm lost it's hopeless its helpless I'm lost if I'm just by the book of my life oh but what if my name is written in the Lamb's what if my name hallelujah come on go back to get past the ABCD efg get on down to the use hallelujah I got an O in the Lamb's Book of Life hallelujah I don't care the Devils are subject unto me in Jesus name that's what matters that's what matters that's what men don't get caught up in what doesn't matter that's what matters hallelujah repent hallelujah repent repent you can call it old-fashioned if you want to but it's the saving message repent don't be haughty and proud don't just cross your arms and say I don't want anything to do with religion I don't want anything to do with church people I don't want anything to do with God unfold your arms open your heart and repent and be baptized every one of you in the saving name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost for the promises unto you and to your children and to all that are afar off even as many as the Lord our God shall call hallelujah hallelujah you wanna know who's going to the lake of fire I'll tell you the Bible tells us the false prophet the Antichrist death Satan hell the grave and all whose names are not written in the Lamb's Book of Life and the angels of the devil are cast into the lake that burneth with fire if I were you and you've not been baptized in Jesus name I would run to that watery grave run to that watery grave and if you've been baptized in Jesus name for forty years I would lift my hands and I would give God praise and I would magnify the one who save my soul Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus my Yamaha I don't know what you're up against but here's your solution Jesus I don't know what fear you've been fighting but here's your solution Jesus Jesus Jesus in Jesus name be free right now in Jesus name your coach Taha in the name of Jesus let the power of God come on you like it's never come on you before Jesus let angels prostrate for both the royal diadem and crown Jesus Lord of all I wonder if there's somebody in this house that can just lift up your hands in your voice unto Him and praise His name [Applause] [Applause] come on that's it love him [Applause] Kelo don't wait for the music to start up somebody get out of your seat right now and magnify the name that's above every name magnify the name that's above every name magnify the name of hey who put death in its place magnet by the one who subdued your sins [Applause] Magnemite he who has made wisdom and redemption and righteousness and sanctification unto us there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit in any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away all things for become new [Music] [Applause] yamo shut down I'm a higher [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] la magia de la bajada yes yes yes yes Oh magnify the Lord or magnify the Lord o magnify the little let us exalt his name let us exalt his name [Applause] [Applause] full of our cash on the lemon [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 21,655
Rating: 4.8194776 out of 5
Keywords: joel, urshan, preach, sermon, ccc, capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, international, jesus, atlantic, district, summer, summit, family, camp
Id: NwVKIu0PNk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 25sec (3745 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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