It's Time to Build an Altar - Pastor Jack Leaman

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turn with me to exodus chapter 20. the background for this chapter as the children of israel are on mount sinai or they're near mount sinai moses has been on mount sinai there's lightning and thunder god has given the ten commandments but god doesn't leave them without instruction he's given the ten commandments but now he's giving the first instruction you find in exodus chapter 20 and verse 22 god wanted israel to obey everything that he had commanded them to do but they weren't going to get there they weren't going to become until they knew what to do and he gives some of the very first instruction he gives in exodus 20 and verse 22 and the lord said unto moses thus thou shalt say unto the children of israel you have seen that i have talked with you from heaven you shall not make with me gods of silver neither shall ye make unto you gods of gold [Music] god's not going to share his glory with anybody verse 24 god gives this further instruction an altar of earth thou shalt make unto me and shall sacrifice thereon by burnt offerings and thy peace offerings thy sheep and thine oxen in all places where i record my name i will come unto thee and i will bless thee and if thou wilt make me an altar of stone thou shalt not build it out of hume stone for if thou lift up and tool upon it thou hast polluted it i i love how god just kind of lays the groundwork literally out of the ground he said build an offering and out of that on that offering everybody is going to be able to come from anywhere and bring whatever the need is whatever the offering whatever the sin sacrifice is wherever you've come from whatever your past has been whatever whatever your approach to god that you're saddled with that you've done whatever that is he said there is an opportunity for everybody to congregate and meet at the very beginning of what i'm doing with you at this place called the altar and i've just felt in my spirit over the last week or more and especially over the past few days that god is challenging us with this one commission it's time to build an altar you say well pastor jack i've already built an altar in my life well the word of the lord is coming this morning one more time to remind somebody it's time to rebuild an altar we have we have scripture preference for that there is there is a season sometimes in our lives when the altar gets broken down but god commissions someone this morning it's time to rebuild the altar in your life altars aren't very popular [Music] i don't know what the response physically will be to the message i don't know if you'll jump or shout or jericho or holy roll all perfectly permissible in an apostolic environment i don't know i don't know but i'm not really looking for that kind of response today i'm asking that the lord will help us deliver the word that he has challenged us to bring and if you'll receive it god will he said bring blessing he said he said that if you will then i will bless i need god's blessing in my life more than ever if you need it would you lift your voice together with me i know we've prayed a number of times thank you for sacrificially giving to the need in kingston thank you for worshiping with a great sacrifice of praise but i wonder if someone would just be the living sacrifice this morning for a moment and bring yourself to the altar today and ask god that he would minister and move in this room father we need you more than we've ever needed it before please don't allow us to operate in our human engineering or human ability but father i'm praying that we will god that we will hide behind the shadow of your cross this morning and god let our voice be lost in yours i pray that you would declare god that you would speak freedom i asked that you would bring liberty and hope and help i i pray that someone that they thought they were at the dead end but they didn't realize that it's a brand new beginning you're bringing someone hope this morning in this place in this season god in this time god in this decade in this time in their life you're working right now and i pray god that you would be clear god speak clearly we ask god make a way in the middle of no way we pray in your precious name we ask these things would you just lift your hands one more time i i just feel that pulling to god's presence if you feel that would you come on come on let's step a little higher for a moment let's let's go a little deeper let's let's take a walk and take some territory in the kingdom let's let's just kind of advance the cause of christ for a few moments today in the name of jesus come on intercessors we do intercede for a minute come on prayer warriors why don't we just why don't we just take a little bit of kingdom by by prayer let's step in for a minute hallelujah hallelujah i feel that rise that's happening i i feel the stirring in the water i i sense the wind of the holy ghost beginning to blow in this place this morning ah there's a there's a help that comes it's not from somebody it's not from someone nearby it's a help that comes from the lord i will lift up mine eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help my help come on my help isn't gonna come from a cell phone call my help isn't gonna come by text message my help's not gonna come from somebody my help it's only gonna come from above it's only gonna come from the mountain it's only going to come from the hill from whence cometh by help i feel my health coming on this morning hallelujah hallelujah come on somebody take it right now somebody receive it right now come on that liberty is what you've been waiting for come on that freedom is what you've been asking for hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you may be seated this morning it is so wonderful to have everybody in the house of the lord i'm excited we've got a couple of baptisms some of them will be private a little later on today we got i'm just excited about what god is doing would you thank god for meeting with us already this morning amen much much of the blueprint for worship was laid out in the old testament the old testament tabernacle the tabernacle was a prophetic picture of a heavenly process the tabernacle was a promise of a heaven-sent messiah the tabernacle was the outline and the layout for us to be able to walk out our faith in god i love the picture of promise that we find in that ancient dwelling place if you look at the courtyard if you looked at the holy place the table of incense the golden candlestick the table of show bread if you were to step beyond the veil into the holy of holies you'd find the ark of the covenant and most precious of all god's precious shekinah glory overshadowing the mercy seat there on the ark of the covenant it's all a beautiful powerful picture of promise but for the sake of our lesson this morning i want to remind all of us that before the priest ever stepped over the threshold into the room he had to approach the altar before you ever entered the tabernacle you approached the altar the altar was the initial place of meeting the altar was the place of dedication the altar was a place of separation it didn't matter where you come from when you got to that place it was you and god it was a relationship that was established god said here's where i'm going to meet with my people but this is how that relationship is initiated you start at the altar the altar was that place of sacrifice you didn't come empty-handed to the tabernacle you didn't come with an empty a sacrifice somebody brought something when they approached the tabernacle of god you always come with something and i i i commend you i i i celebrate what god is doing in this room this morning and it only happens when people come on purpose it only happens when you showed up in the room this morning and and you weren't just going to let the singers be the song singers you you said you know what i'm gonna join with them you you just didn't let the song be the thing this morning you allowed your hands to be raised in worship you you entertained the presence of god there's something powerful about people praising god it it it means that you didn't come empty-handed and and you can come with the the greatest laying down need in your life but but can i let you know that when you come with purpose and when you come into thank you when you come with purpose and you come with praise then god is going to move god's going to help god's going to meet us and and you you may have come with all kinds of baggage this morning but when you stepped into the room and you began to take your attention off of yourself and put your attention on god there's something that shifted into super natural you brought a sacrifice of praise you said well i didn't have a whole lot to give in the offering it don't matter today it doesn't matter what about that what matters is that you brought something to bring to god this morning that place of sacrifice and as we get closer and closer to the end times uh we're in the end times and when we get closer and closer to the coming of christ the thing that would concern me is that there is an absence of the altar in our lives i wrote in my notes keystone thought i usually don't get that eloquent the absence of the altar is the absence of revival don't worry i put a little hope under there too the presence of the altar is the indicator of revival if we're going to have and i believe that we are we've been preaching about it we've been reading about it we've been declaring it i believe that we are going to have an end time revival my favorite scripture is in the last time days saith god i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh i'm grateful today that we have an end-time promise that includes come on a multicultural revival we have an end-time promise that includes a multi-generational revival we have that promise and we're going to declare it but if we're going to have a mighty revival then we must have a massive altar come on i'm not talking about an altar that that we can take credit for because nobody loves altars altars are places that get messy altars are places where something has to die altars aren't convenient they're very inconvenient altars will cost you something but god will never be a debtor and i can promise you that whatever you bring to god god is going to bring it back into your life no wonder god said that if you'll build the altar then i will bring the blessing if you'll take the time to erect those stones those uncut stones and if you'll take the time to build up an altar then you can be sure that god is going to bring the blessing into your life whatever you're willing to bring to the altar god's not going to let you leave empty-handed somewhere sometime before the end of time god is going to bring blessing back into your life it's going to happen market town you can't give to god and god not give down pressed down shaken together and running over god said i will bring it back come on come here that's a promise so we know that if we will take the time and if we will make the sacrifice we're not going to be the loser you see the sacrifice is always an indicator of your willingness to trust god it's a declaration of faith it's an ability to believe that god is greater than the need in your life so when you take of what you possess sometimes in your lack we have the promise that god will never leave you with less than you started with you're 90 will always go further than 100 that 10 percent that you give to god that gift that's not a gift that's actually god's the bible says can a man rob god you can't rob god but if you give it god said he will give back press down shaken together running over he said that he would open the windows of heaven so often we're looking for the doors of earth to be open and god said hold on a minute i want to open the window of heaven if you're willing to release gifting into god's kingdom then god will bring blessing into your life that's just a side note that's free this morning there's not even no charge for that that's just that's just there but we know that that if we're willing to build the altar and if we're willing to lay our sacrifice upon it then god will meet with us but it necessitates the building of an altar i want the blessing but don't forget the building we've got to build altars in our lives i i don't know it's the simplest thought in the world but but i i just have a question is the altar present or absent in your life if you don't know it's time to build an altar if you're not sure it's time to build an altar uh if a biblically commanded altar is in your life then then you're you'll never be unsure it's too big not to notice if a biblically commanded altar is in your life the sacrifice isn't negligible it's noticeable you never forget sacrifice you'll never forget the things in life that cost you more than you knew you had to pay we just took justin's truck in for an inspection this week dropped it off at the auto shop and we both were like you know eyebrows in the hairline kind of day as a matter of fact i was in a meeting the first call came back from the from the repair shop and i didn't take the call and and i i'll just be honest through the rest of the day i was wondering now i i wonder when i dropped it off i you know you don't want to be the dumb the dumb guy i said i know it needs some stuff i know i i know it needs some stuff well you can't even hardly see out the windshield for the cracks let's start there captain obvious i know it needs i know it needs the stuff and i told him i said well i don't know i don't know bud he's like yeah this is literal little words from justin adulting he's becoming he's over there thanks joss thanks for the sermon illustration this morning he said yeah this one's gonna hurt and then my favorite line of all my response maybe you'll get to drive old blue wasn't too eager so finally i i i got the call back and got the list still on my white board up in the office if you want to look i was on the phones like yeah okay yeah yeah okay oh oh yeah yeah oh yeah no yeah notice notice that yeah rocker panel yeah making some sacrifices to be safe on the road yup carry on we got through the list and he said he said but but you realize that uh the inspection's not due this year [Applause] oh ain't got good i said are you sure he said well yeah uh just a sec i'll i'll run out and check i'll i'll run out and check so i was on the line i was like you guys think i'm joking i was in the i had my head back i was like so he comes back in on the phone he's i'm like waiting just come on tell me yeah no i checked yep you still got one more year got one more here i was like it got good fired a text message off to justin i said just you want the good news or the bad news this is bad news so i was like oh this is i take a screenshot or a picture of my whiteboard and i send it off to him he's like yep yep and i'm thinking he's thinking to himself this is gonna hurt and then i said but just so you know it's not due for another year he's like what lol now just so you know the brakes are fine you don't have to you don't have to wait for him to leave before you get in front of him on the way down downing street or anything brakes are fun out of the windshield we're gonna have to talk about that a little bit but we got another year and here's what i do know that that the cost of repairs wouldn't go unnoticed especially in a year where he's getting married and making some major life transitions and all those things there's there's just there's just some seasons in life when i remember when kathy and i we we first had bought our first house and and uh it was just you know she decided well not we she not she happy anniversary kath happy 29th anniversary we didn't put that slide up by the way i think pastor forwarded that through via the montreal connection but a happy anniversary happy 29th let me step back in the sermon hopefully she's forgot we decided we we decided that she was going to stay home with the kids you know and uh so that was a slight impact on our our finance um but well worth it i would just say i never regretted that move ever not not one time um not saying that's what you have to do should do that's family decision uh how far off the notes am i long story short it was that that year that our hyundai elantra decided to throw the timing belt and before we knew it there was a 1 500 charge in order for us to have a vehicle and that was kind of a necessity and i remember the frustration that came along with that and i remember getting that car back repaired in that car at that point that was a tremendous sacrifice i i drove that car very carefully i i i drove that car with utmost care i wasn't tearing the tires off it and and i wasn't you know i was just saying i just need this thing to last because it now it became something that that i had invested in now was something that was a part of of my effort and part of my toil was now in the tires that were rolling up the road that that was a sacrifice it cost me something so i remember i didn't forget about that bill i'll never forget about uh sitting down to talk about it i remember us making the decision yeah we're gonna go ahead and make that repair huh it was a sacrifice it cost us something you don't ever forget sacrifice you don't forget the seasons in your life when it cost you more than you had there's just those times in our lives sometimes when sacrifice you won't forget can i just remind you that god calls us to the altar with sacrifice and when we have altars that are god required in our lives then it requires more of us than we would want to pay it's part of our sacrifice it's part of the cost that's required of us it's it's part of that if anybody have you ever been in that situation before where you just caught anyone no one here ever had your car inspected you all drive 20 20 21s you don't know what i'm talking about somebody's talking back somebody i hear an amen in the amen corner it just sometimes well can i can i just say that that's the point i'm trying to make this morning is that your altar will cost something let me step back to the point a biblically commanded altar if it's in your life the sacrifice is too big not to notice the sac the sacrifice required isn't negligible it's noticeable you never forget sacrifice you may take blessing for granted you may overlook the goodness of god we all have but you will remember the thing that cost you something you will and here's where we're coming in for a landing this morning is that we need those kind of altars in our lives and i'm not talking about finance today i'm talking about altars of prayer i'm talking about altars of separation i'm talking about altars that require a direction in our life sometimes to take a course correction i'm talking about mornings where we tell god thy kingdom come thy will be done and it costs us something if you do have that altar in your life i applaud you today i i celebrate you i thank you you're one of the reasons that we're still here in 2021 but if you're unsure about the altar if you can't define the altar in your life today then that message is for us today great altars bring great revival the mightiest of men built altars before they built cities or families or history they built altars in their lives abraham isaac jacob i've got references if we had time we could go through them david gideon altars elijah the bible says that when he confronted the the prophets of baal on mount carmel that they repaired the altar of the lord which had been torn down it may be that you had an altar but somewhere along the lines it got torn down something just got sideways in your life and and and the prayer went and the word when and and we're still here we're hanging on we're we're getting through sundays but god is calling us to the next level today god's calling us to a monday morning relationship with god and god's calling us to a tuesday morning sacrifice of praise and god's calling us to a wednesday morning sacrifice where we put some things on the altar and say god i know it's midweek but i need your help today god's calling us to thursday morning and friday morning and god's calling us and and maybe you're maybe you're not the morning maybe you're not the morning person maybe your evening maybe it's the midnight oil that you're burning that's fine god accepts those kind of sacrifices too it's that it's that maybe it's that midnight cry that you're making that that you're calling out to god that you're asking him to revive something in your spirit or to turn something around in your life that that god honors that sacrifice too but it's those altars that prepare the way for the greatest revivals and ccc i i am so grateful for all of you i am so privileged to be a part of you i'm it's the greatest honor that we have to to be here in this season to be here in this for such a time as this it's the greatest honor for us to serve god together here in this place the greatest honor that we have it's the greatest honor but we will never see the greatest revival until we have a great altar we'll never see it we'll never have it we'll and god is calling us to that next level of sacrifice paul paul refers to to spiritual house in first peter sorry peter refers to it and in first peter chapter two and verse five he also as lively stones are built up and spiritual house and holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices accepted acceptable to god by by jesus christ there's also reference to living sacrifices but that's the problem when you get a living sacrifice and lively stones we've got two variables that keep changing the altar keeps wanting to move away and you keep wanting to crawl away so when we get lively stones and and living sacrifices it's a constant battle for us to come back but if we will make the step to allow the altar to be built in our life not not just once a week or once a month or a couple times a year during during commissioned services but if we will take the time to allow our lives to be on that altar daily then god will bring god will save god will reach god will fill god will have baptismal waters stirred daily because we are allowing the altar to be built daily we have got to move past the church on sunday mentality we have got to move into the altar daily mentality we've got to make sure that our living stones that are our altars are built every single day if we're going to have a mighty revival then we must have a massive altar i understand we can come back to the music i understand that we live in a gimme now culture i know we want instant gratification i know we seek to please ourselves first but there is a quiet call to sacrifice that's in this room this morning that can't be ignored it was judges chapter 6 and gideon the bible tells us that the children of israel did evil in the sight of the lord and the lord delivered them into the hand of midi in seven years if you skip down to verse four it says then they encamped the medianites encamped against israel and destroyed the increase of the earth someone say destroyed they destroyed the increase of the earth it says they came up verse five they came up with their cattle and their tents and they came up as grasshoppers for multitude for both they and their camels were without number and they entered into the land to destroy it the enemy always has a destruction agenda jesus said the devil comes to steal to kill and destroy do you know why he's so bent on destruction because if he can destroy you then there is if he can bring destruction then there's less chance of insurrection if he destroys you but as long as you are still he that's why captivity isn't his agenda that's that's why he's never happy with just putting somebody in bondage that that's why he's never content to just leave someone to he always wants to take sin to the lowest level and destroy he wants to destroy lives he wants to destroy homes he wants to destroy families because if he can bring destruction the chance of somebody coming back but let me tell you what happens is that he can't do more than god will allow and as long as we're just take a look around for a minute look who's still here we're still here we're still here if the enemy if he had his way then we would not be here but god gets his way why because god says i got my hand on this people i got my hand on this church i got plans for what i'm going to do in fredericton i've got plans for what i'm going to do in new brunswick for canada i've got plans for what i'm going to do all around the world and so the enemy's plan is floated and god's plan is implemented but what god is saying is i just need someone that will build an altar i just need someone let me tell you why god gave moses instructions on how big to build the altar because the altar it was big enough pace it off it was big enough to allow all of that other tabernacle furniture to fit inside of it [Music] all the praise all of the altar of incense everything else oh the golden candle sticks the table of show bread the come on the ark of the covenant it would all fit inside the altar why because if your altar is big enough to contain all that you're going to have the greatest praise you're going to have the greatest promise you're going to have the greatest glory of god resting but it takes a great altar and if moses had been left up to determine the size of the altar it may have been this big it may have been maybe it was three feet by three feet maybe it was four feet by four feet but regardless moses would have built the altar too small we always are willing to build the altar too small but if god in this simple sermon could encourage somebody to build a great altar something great would happen in this supernatural great revival comes when we have great altars [Music] you're still here because god has a plan for your life wanted to destroy it their agenda was destruction but god slipped an angel under the oak and met with gideon there he met with him he'd been threshing wheat by the wine pressed to hide it from the midianites and the angel of the lord appears unto him that the lord is with thee thou mighty man of valor gideon says oh my lord if the lord is with us why then is all of this befallen us anybody said that lately i know god your word said if god before us then who can be against us but sometimes i i'll be honest scrolling through the headlines you begin to say to yourself where are you god in gideon's word where why has all of this befallen us why are we facing all of this if god is with us can i just remind you the enemies headlines are never an indicator of what god is doing there's a gideon somewhere there's a gideon somewhere in this room and god is speaking and encouraging and challenging [Music] gideon starts the testimony service himself he said did not god bring us from egypt but now the lord hath forsaken us it's one of those testimony services we've all been there as a matter of fact i had a friend a friend somewhere between the north and south pole recently who decided you know it would be good to bring back testimony service [Music] someone stood up and they went off on a tangent that was so far from anything that glorified god and his wife sent the text message because we need wives like that she said this is why we don't do testimony service anymore gideon's having that kind of testimony service but now the lord hath forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the midianites oh gideon you got it so wrong as a matter of fact you better get ready but there's some prerequisites that are required gideon the lord told him he said go this in thy might and thou shalt save israel from the hand of the midianites have not i sent thee someone just put your hand on your chest and that god is sending me [Music] foreign [Music] and there's a holy ghost help in the room right now [Music] and god said i will be with thee thou shalt smite the midians been in the eyes as one man and he said unto him if that if now i have found grace and i say then show me a sign that thou talk is with me depart not hands i pray thee until i come into the and bring thee my present said it before thee and he said i will tarry until thou come again and gideon went in and made ready a kid and eleven cakes of an ifa flower and flesh he put it in a basket he brought the broth in a pot and brought it out unto him under the oak and and presented it and god and gideon thought that this angel of god was going to eat of it and the angel of god says no no no i take the flesh and the unleavened cakes and he said lay them here on this rock he said first things first gideon we're going to build an altar you got the sacrifice you've got the right heart you got the you you got the message we're gonna we're gonna take this rock and this rock this rock it's gonna become the altar and gideon he takes the kid and he takes the flower and he puts it on the altar the bible says the angel extends the rod that's in his hand and fire comes up from the rock consumes a sacrifice [Music] getting he's got he's got the message [Music] he needs an altar in his life [Music] says the angel of the lord departed out of his sight and when gideon perceived that he was an angel of the lord he gets worried i've seen an angel face of the lord face to face and the lord said unto him peace be unto thee fear not thou shalt not die and read what gideon does next it says then gideon built an altar there verse 24 then gideon built an altar there unto the lord and called it jehovah shalom unto this day it is yet an oprah of the as aburites right there in that place gideon builds an altar unto god and we know the story we know the rest of the story of gideon 32 000 men god whittles it down to ten thousand he he come on then he widows that army out of 10 000 down to 300 men and then he sends gideon with 300 men and trumpets and lights and lamps to go in and fight this great huge incredible army of the midianites and we know the end of the story that the midianites end up destroying themselves and god declares his victory among those people but can i just step back in the story to where this all began that it began at a rock where kitty had said all right if god's gonna use me then i'm gonna i'm gonna place this stuff on this rocket and the fire consumes the sacrifice and then gideon says i'm not gonna stop there i'm gonna build an altar i'm gonna build an altar and if you'll read on through the story of gideon gideon doesn't stop there either as a matter of fact he goes and tears down the astral pole and he destroys the altar that's been erected to bail why because you can't have more than one altar in your life and if you'll take care to build that one altar that one altar will be greater than every other altar in your life [Music] the cost of the other altars was tremendous the cost of the other altars it was significant but god was calling gideon to that place of sacrifice and when gideon did god brought great blessing great deliverance great revival among the people standing together with me god is calling god is calling this morning [Music] you know we love building projects we've been in one for 20 years we love construction zones please don't touch any wires [Music] we love it but the greatest construction that we can undergo the greatest building program that we could have is that we would take the time to build altars in our lives it's time to build an altar ccc i here i can't build your altar i can encourage you pastor wilbur can't build your altar he can teach us see nobody nobody can build your altar you have to build your own altar this morning but if you do [Music] you see that's why gideon called it jehovah shalom we know shalom it's the common greeting for peace shalom but in the midst of absolute chaos when gideon built an altar and sacrificed on it he called the name of that place jehovah shalom anybody need a little peace in a stress-filled life today it's counter culture to build an altar in that season but if you'll build an altar in that season guess what will happen jehovah shalom will show up the god of peace will enter your life in a way that he never has before it's time to build an altar i have more notes but to be honest i don't have more sermon [Music] i think the message has already been delivered and god has already encouraged someone to move from the place that you're in and to step into the place of promise that he has for you [Music] you see if the devil could have taken you he would have by now but god left you here because he needs altar builders you see i'm not much of a construction guy well you just build the altar you don't have as a matter of fact if you try that's what he told moses unhewn stones don't touch the stones you have to build the altar out of whatever you have whatever exists in your life is what god requires you to build the altar you don't have to go and get something you don't have to go become something that you aren't to become an altar builder in your life god says what have you got what have you got that's untouched what have you got that's that's unhindered by humanity what have you got in your life build your altar with that out of the earth out of the unhewn stones build the altar of your life i'm praying together if you'll join with me but this morning i'm going to invite you to come to this altar this is why we call it an altar father we are your children today god i felt your courage and your help come in this room [Music] jesus if you could call someone like gideon who was the smallest of the smallest tribe god if you could work with someone who struggled with insignificance and lack of purpose god if you could reach back through all the individuals of israel's history and pull gideon's name to the surface then god you have somebody many people in the room today that you're calling god in this generation of 8 billion people in our world you need a gideon god you need someone that's willing you need someone that's willing to build an altar in their life today god we stand here this morning and we commit god we commit to having an altar of prayer god we commit to an altar of your word where you commune with us and you speak with us god we commit to having an altar of fellowship and commitment we we commit to sacrifice because god in 100 years whatever we've got doesn't matter but the kingdom will still be at work whether here or in eternity so god we lay these living sacrifices on the altar this morning god would you use us today in jesus name we pray we're going to begin to sing in the altar is open i'm wondering if there's somebody in the room this morning that would say i'm going to give my life i'm turning it over i'm going to commit to building an altar great altars bring great revival i want to be a part of that today if my sacrifice is less than giving you my very best [Music] i [Music]
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 2,251
Rating: 4.9534883 out of 5
Keywords: capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, international, apostolic, sermon, preach, preaching, bible, study, teaching, bible study
Id: Xrb1psxUtgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 53sec (2693 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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