Be Careful! Don't Be Deceived! | Our Very Own Pastor Robert Cuencas

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come on let's give god a big shout of praise this morning for he is good his mercy endures forever oh that song really blessed me because how many know the enemy will try to lie to us and that's part of the message today we're gonna be talking about deception be careful to not be deceived be careful to not be deceived just going off this song a lot of times which i don't want to get ahead of myself but a lot of times the enemy will put a thought in us that things are not going to turn around things are not going to get better but i we declare right now that god has the final say so his word has the final say so how many believe in trusting god's word once he says it it is done father we thank you we worship you and i'm so blessed by that song and just the whole worship said i can't wait for september 19th because father in a place of worship right now and father let us stay in that place of worship as we get ready to receive your word speak to us today even as we go home let us stay in that place of worship even though we're going through tough times we're going through difficult we could stay in a place of worship knowing that once you say it god it is done it is finished i lift up all those right now that may be sick there's people watching us from the hospital we pray for healing in the name of jesus if jesus said it he will do it we declare healing right now i just got some disturbing news really quick family if we can let's pray um rose and um ron gearhart you guys know rosaron right um their daughter just got shot six times i don't know if it's last night i don't have all the details i ran back after nine o'clock service my phone was blowing up i prayed for ron they're they're at the hospital right now and not only his daughter his their grandson got shot um his daughter got shot six times they're she's in surgery right now as we speak can we pray for ron's daughter julie they begin to pray right now her name is her name is julie um the grandson's name is deshawn pray for julian deshawn julie is under undergoing surgery right now father we lift up the gearheart family right now you would strengthen them you would comfort them we pray for julie right now god that you would be with the doctors the surgeons the nurses every physician that's there you'd give them wisdom father god the surgery will go well there'll be a great recovery we speak healing in julie's body we speak healing right now into sean's body be with rose and ron right now give them strength and peace give them comfort lord right now the whole family give them peace and give them comfort father we thank you lord and anybody else that's hurting right now god we we pray for healing and comfort today that's why we come in your house lord to get encouraged and father god for you to heal our hearts and for you to begin to turn situations around for you to change the way we think about things we need to we need a change of thinking god that's why we come to the house we come to the house to worship you we come to this house to magnify you the king of kings and lord of lords let your presence reign on the gerhart family right now as they're going through this tough time right now this morning in jesus name we pray everyone shout tell your neighbor you look good this morning i'm so happy you made it to the house of god tell your neighbor you look good today i've gave you some punch lines you could tell and say hey looks like you lost a few pounds tell him you look good he looked good but continue to pray for our families the gearheart and so many families going through some things and but how many know god god is good even in the tough times can i get an amen god is good he's good even in the tough times and i hope you're encouraged today when you leave today you leaving courage now for the ones that i haven't met my name is pastor robert i'm the associate pastor pastor marco which is our senior pastor he's my brother he's even on vacation he's coming back tomorrow maybe pastor marco's watching right now can you give our senior pastor lisa give him a big clap say we miss you we love you yeah they'll be flying back tomorrow from puerto rico and they're so excited to be back next sunday he'll be ministering um wednesday we're in a series right now um how to be salty christian just tore it up last week how many were here last week for the word last wednesday man if if you haven't tuned in you want to jump on the app get caught up so when you show up wednesday you kind of know what we're talking about but we're going through the book of matthew it's been great but on sundays now we're going through the book of james so we have your bibles go to the book of james um we've we've learned so much in these last i think it's been maybe four or five weeks since we started the book of james pastor marco kicked it off with james chapter one verse one and this is a letter from james a slave of god you know we learned how to really surrender our whole life to god in that week there's no whole bar you to give everything to jesus um james um chapter one verse two we learned about troubling times pastor marco said it about four or five weeks ago there's really three groups of people one you're in a trial right now how many are in a trial okay second group you just got out of a trial how many or that you just got out of a major trial or number three get ready you're about to enter another trial look at your neighbor and say watch out you got another trial coming you won't hear that in church too much that's life someone say that's life until we get to heaven this is a fallen world this is a very fallen world and that's why our hope is not here in this world our hope is based on the word our hope is in the kingdom our hope is in jesus so we learned about trouble in times we learned um in verse 5 that god wants to give us wisdom how many have been asking for wisdom these last few weeks we're learning about that pastor joe we always talked about our source that god is our source we learned about last week pastor joe how to overcome temptation how many were tempted this week on a few things how many past anybody pass glory be to god we're learning right we learn how to overcome temptation now this week i want to go down to verse 16. so if you have your bibles go down to james 1 16. i'm only gonna read really one scripture from james because the holy spirit told me you gotta park here for a second you gotta you gotta you got you gotta go here james 1 16 is how it reads don't be deceived my dear brothers and sisters let me read it in the message version james 1 16 in the message says this so my dear friends don't get thrown off course right now the enemy's doing everything he can to throw us off course but i'm letting the devil know you're not throwing me off course i'm staying close to god so james and we're talking about trials we're talking about tribulations this scripture will go on the next verse every good gift comes from god don't get deceived now who's james talking to he's talking to the new believers the the jewish people that are getting saved they're leaving everything to follow god they're going through tough times he warns them look you're going to go through tough times you're going to go through very difficult times but that's where you're going to grow that's where you're going to get endurance now he's saying now be careful there's an enemy that's trying to deceive you i wonder let me ask you a question could we be deceived and maybe not even know it can we be headed down a path we think that's right but you're about to go off a cliff could some of us be thinking could there be church goers thinking they're going to heaven but they're not even close could it be possible that you and i me as a pastor me as a leader could be deceived the answer is yes the bible says this in uh proverbs 14 12 there is a path before each person that seems right how many has ever thought they were on the right path and and you you figured out this is bad how many come on how many ever been in a relationship you thought you were dating casanova they turn out to be lucifer times infinity right you we think we're headed down the right path well things are going great are they going great where are you headed just because we're in a church it doesn't make us a real christian comedian said this because you're in a in a garage they'll make you a car that's a good thank you that's good yeah that's good i didn't say that someone else said that could it could you be on a path there's a path that each person it seems seems like it's right but it ends in death it ends in destruction so james is saying don't fall for deception be careful the title is this be careful don't be deceived tell your neighbor be careful tell them be careful the devil might try to deceive you be careful tell your neighbor open up your eyes could it be possible yeah the very elect the bible says in the last days are gonna some of them will fall away from the truth the bible warns us in matthew 24 24 for false christs and false prophets will rise and those show great signs and wonders to deceive if possible even the elect second thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 gives us another warning let no one deceive you by any means for that day what day the rapture the coming of jesus for that day will come not unless the fallen away comes first hey if you think you can't be deceived you got a whole nother thing coming because the angels that were in heaven got deceived by lucifer every time i think about that i go a little bit crazy how did lucifer deceive one third of the angels you know why lucifer is a master deceptor how do we know that most people are deceived and they don't even know it christian let's talk about christians can can christians be deceived i i mean can i read you some stats about some people that go to church can i read it to you it's going to scare you it's going to mess you up you can handle it okay you told me you can handle it babe they told me they could handle it all right 7.8 billion people are on earth right now all right give or take people die people are born if we had to roll them eater it goes up and down people born people die every three seconds somebody dies then another baby is being born there's only 2.5 billion which is amazing 2.5 billion are christians give it up for the christians right that's good i'm not good at math but if i do the math that leaves 5.3 billion deceived now there's babies in their kids so you got to take them out of the factor let's look at this let's look at some stats now 70 of americans believe in heaven so right off the bat 30 of americans are under a spirit of deception they don't even know it 30 of americans are under a spirit of deception 50 look at this out of that 70 right 50 out of the 70 believe that you get to heaven by good deeds deceived i'm not saved on my good works i'm saved in grace i'm saved by grace i'm saved what jesus did on the cross how many are thankful you're not saved by your good deeds will glory be to god half of us will be going to hell right now thank god i'm not going to go to heaven he's going to pull on my rap sheet you did this you did that you did this you did this you did that you did you did this you did that okay that's the bad let's take it let's take a look at the good you did this you did that you did this oh man you got more bad than good oh my gosh man you shoulda did you should have did six more good things before you died oh my gosh go to hell now i might be the first one going to hell because you know why it's not based on works it's based on what jesus did on calvary how many are thankful is that based on works how many used to be crazy back in the days thank god it ain't based on works huh so 50 out of the 70 believe that you go to heaven because they're highly highly deceived let's continue some stats they get they get scarier 40 of christians churchgoers in america forget about the world we're talking about america right now 40 of christians believe there's more than one way to get to heaven they believe other religions and other gods as long as you're good you can still get to heaven deceived look at this one a majority of christians 57 percent now this is a survey they did until in 2020 this is this is as recent as we can get they did a survey they called all these christians a majority of christians 57 say that sex between unmarried adults in a committed relationship is sometimes are always acceptable so long as you're having sex outside of marriage but long as you're committed you want to marry this person yeah we're going to get married okay you sure you want okay you can go ahead you can go and have sex now over half of christians believe that they're deceived james is saying be careful that we don't fall under the spirit of deception it's dangerous look at this one 4 out of 10 christians 40 random calling christians 40 strongly agree that satan is not a real person at all he's just a symbol or a metaphor of evil in the bible don't believe him um the holy spirit 38 of christians do not believe that the holy spirit is a living person again he's a symbol like the devil he's just a symbol that's in the bible that just relates to power 55 of christians agree that the the bible is a hundred percent accurate 55 percent of christians what is going on with the body of christ i'll tell you they're being deceived so james is warning us alert alert make sure you're not deceived can me as a pastor can i be deceived yep just like you yup just like you if i'm not alert and and the devil is very content he's very slick because we can be deceived in one little area but everything else is going great and we think we're on that right path but we're headed towards a serious cliff today we are breaking the spirit of deception in the name of jesus we're breaking the strongholds of the devil this morning how many want to be set free with the power of god yeah the enemy's slick watch out watch out for all kinds of sideshow distractions right now there's so many sideshow i love the can i love the scripture proverbs 25 27 in the message version it says this because this is a season right now we got to stay focused we have to stay alert don't get involved in foolish arguments why these were mass no mass stop the foolish somebody wants to wear a mask wear a mask that's good right but we're getting involved in all these different things be careful stay on mission don't get sidetracked right now because what's the mission the mission is this save souls and make disciples what's our mission as believers proverbs 25 27 in the message says this keep your eyes man straight ahead ignore all sideshow distractions this is in the word in the message watch your step and the road will stretch out smooth before you look neither to the right or to the left leave evil in the dust don't allow any distractions in this season we're living it our mission is very clear in the book of matthew 4 19 jesus is calling his disciples he made the mission very clear matthew 4 19 jesus call them come follow me and i will show you how to fish for people matthew 28 19 therefore go make disciples it's saving souls and making disciples but the enemy will deceive us and get involved in all these sideshow distractions and take us off to mission deception will creep in even when you're going through a tough time because going through a tough time and trying to stay on mission how many knows is difficult when you lose a loved one trying to stay on track when you lose a loved one man is difficult spirit of grief will try to settle in i give it up to my dad i gotta get every time my dad is winning souls i gotta give my dad props can you pull up my dad he was in mexico this weekend with our adopt-a-block tj team pull that up i love this i love this pull up my pops there he goes [Applause] man he's been going through the hardest time of his life he calls me he just cries he misses my mama just like me i miss her every day sometimes me and pastor marco just talking i miss her so much why can't she be here i miss her he calls me crying look at him yo soy el uno buscando e luno because even when my father we lost our mother lost his wife they're married for over 40 years in that hard time in that difficult time the enemy will try to distract us and deceive us and to get off mission but god is i know you're going through a tough time but stay on mission save souls and make disciples stay on mission save souls and make disciples because deception will come in those dark times deception will creep in in those dark times i was at the i went to go visit someone in the hospital one of our members and uh they were on their way to church last sunday on the way to church last sunday as we're ministering as pastor joe was ministering she walks into her bathroom and her 21 year old son is laying on the floor convulsing she calls 9-1-1 i don't know what's going on long story short he had a brain aneurysm that caused a stroke and it's a pastor you got to get down here fast someone's got i just need some backup i need some encouragement because the enemy is trying to put things in my head i don't know what's going on why is this happening to my son and i want you to write this down as i continue this story write this down how does the enemy deceive us how does he trick us how does he deceive us number one he'll get us to believe the lie he'll get us to believe a lie my marriage will never turn around i could never get healed i can't get employed i don't have the education i'm not smart enough i'm not good enough whatever it is the devil will drop a little seed of a lie so when i talked to this lady i said okay the enemy's trying to deceive you and she said pastor what he's really trying to do he's making me feel guilty right now that this is my fault i said sweetie where are you getting that thought from she's why i seen some signs of him not acting right and i waited too long i said i bind that lie in the name of jesus that's a lie that comes from the pit of hell this has nothing to do with you as a mother this is the enemy trying to put a lie the enemy will deceive us by just dropping and getting us to believe a lie honey you gotta change your atmosphere pop some worship in blast of music i don't care if you got people sleeping next to you blast worship as loud as you can because the enemy is trying to infiltrate he's trying to bring deceit that the situation is not going to turn around it's going to get worse and why why did god do this and if he's a loving god why did he allow this for my son so i finally got to the hospital and man to get into a hospital mount now good luck you gotta fight your way into a hospital now i fought my way into the hospital i went to the room she goes who are you i saw pastor robert oh my gosh pastor robert oh my gosh and when i walked in she had a cell phone on top of her son's body blasting worship and she went to go turn it off i said no let's just worship for a second you got it you got it man we worshiped god we had a work we had a worship set here we had a worship at arrowhead hospital a few days ago worshiping the king of kings and lord of lords and what she was doing was tearing down the lies that the enemy was trying to bring her son's not going to make it it keeps on getting worse he said robert they're coming in every 20 minutes with bad news and the only thing that i have is the word of god that's not the only thing that's the best thing you got because the word won't let you down how does the enemy deceive us he gets us to believe the lie john 8 44 he was a murderer from the beginning he's always hated the truth because there's no truth in him when he lies who's to talk about satan when he lies it's consistent with this character for he is a liar and he's a father of all lies i wonder i want to show you some let me see if you could blast my mic let's see if this works and i'll explain this let me see let me see if i can play this can you guys blast my mic let me see if this comes up and uh let me see if it comes up i just wanted to share the praise report with you okay hold on it's going to be good you guys ready for this you guys ready can you guys hear it play it loud blast it will beat up the devil for about 20 seconds okay this is tina oh sorry this is tina two weeks ago i preached about god as our source remember that and i said something i think was 11 o'clock service maybe nine both of them i don't know i said somebody's in here they got three jobs remember that and you're considering a fourth one you're a single mom and you're going crazy right now and i prophesied two weeks ago i said whoever that is maybe one or two people i don't know maybe online it's gonna it's gonna turn the enemy has lied to you saying that you have to work three jobs right now this is the only way you could provide for your family as a single mom the devil was lying to tina saying she don't have an education so she can't get a better job see once you accept the lie it becomes reality to you it's a lie it comes from satan he's the father of life but once you speak that lie once you begin to repeat that lie it becomes reality so tina wasn't buying that lie anymore two weeks ago she ran to the altar she says pastor it's me i'm going crazy i can't do this no more i get an hour of sleep i'm working non-stop and i still don't have enough i know god is my source i've been listening to the lies of the devil but the lies are stopping here you told me or god said that he could give me one job and give me enough money so i can have time with my kids and come to church that was 14 days ago i said tina go see city way we got a team here we got connections at the way we got how he says connections connections how many got connections with god take a look at this man blasted 14 days ago single mom three jobs she finally decided the devil can't lie to me anymore i'm not gonna be under this deception i could get the best job i've ever had because god will supply all my needs according to his riches and glory he owns everything get ready to blast it one this is tina another new best friend of mine i'm having a bunch of best friends now here goes tina pastor robert i just wanted to share the praise report with you so i had a job interview today and i was only asking for a certain amount but my god is so good they offered me two dollars and fifty cents more on top of what i was asking for and my health insurance and my 401k would start the same day that i work and i would only be working three days 12 hours a day [Applause] she just went 14 days three jobs to one just had an interview three days ago not only working five days a week the boss says nah let's just do three days you're a single mama you need time with your kids and the boss says you're gonna work three days a week i'll give you overtime in those three days so you'll make enough money like you did in five or six days just come in three days have four days off with your kids full benefits on the first day give jesus a big shout of praise glory tell your neighbor that's the god that i serve hey but you can't accept the lie as long as that lie sits there you'll remain in a spirit of poverty so now tina she's not walking with a spirit of poverty she's walking with grace [Applause] the first way the enemy deceives us he tells us a lie here's number two how does the enemy deceive us he gets us to question god's word he gets us to believe a lie whatever the lie is my marriage can't turn around yes it can who said that yes it can my kids will never turn around yet yes they will they will turn around in jesus name i've been doing drugs for 30 years it's too much i know it's too much but not what jesus is not too much tear down that lie now second he gets us to question god's word so again james is telling brothers and sisters don't get deceived on things you're going to face don't get deceived on on troubles you're facing don't get deceived don't be drawn away he gets us to question god's word we see this in genesis 3 chapter 1. the fall of man we see this the devil now begins to talk to eve and he begins for her to question the word he just twisted the word just a little bit how many know soon as you twist the word a little bit that's called deception you leave the word for what it is and what it says you guys got that as soon as we begin to twist it the devil will try to twist it just a little bit it's a little off and it's off i was talking joel jova witness while back about a year ago and i said you believe let me go to john 1 1. just real quick they could just twist it a little bit it sounds good but it's off she reads this i was talking to jehovah witness and they read the scripture because hey you know in the beginning the word already the word already existed the word was a god and or the word was with god and the word was a god you catch that this is a joke of winning she's telling him she's reading the scripture i say wait what'd you say can you put that scripture i don't have it now put it up or look at it in the beginning the word already existed the word was with god here's the correct reading of the word here's the correct reading of the word in the beginning the word already existed the word was with god this is correct and the word was god when she was talking to me she put the word was a god i said stop right there that's deception and that's error she goes what do you mean i said read it again and i brought out my bible i said my bible don't have that a as soon as you put that a you have took away the deity of jesus christ and who he is you know what they told me they got a good one oh our bible is correct english yours is not correct i said man i'm not an english major i i barely passed but what you're saying is a lie from lucifer from the pit of hell as soon as you add that word a you just took away the deity of who jesus is and will always be because they believe jesus is just a great teacher that jesus was just a great prophet the enemy will do he'll just twist the word just a little bit he'll get a question what god's word says the serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals this is genesis 3 1 the lord god made one day he asked a woman did god really say you must not eat the fruit of any of these trees in the garden did god really say that of course we may eat from any tree in the garden the woman pride it's only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we're not allowed to eat god said you must not eat it and never touch it if you do you will die is that what god said is that what he said you're gonna die god didn't mean that watch when you eat it you're not gonna drop dead go ahead and eat it she ate it she didn't drop dead what it was it was death separation from god but the enemy tried to have a little you you can't have a conversation with the devil i looked it up again you guys we got to get off social media for a while average american is spending two to three hours on social media a day hey if you're doing that i'm gonna tell you right now you're not gonna make it as a christian unless you listen to preaching all day pastor christian's message on wednesday all day you'll make it now we're looking at garbage all day again hello look how cute this is look at this statement what if that statement is true someone posted something they they were talking about a pastor look at this statement they said i don't know if that pastor is true i had to jump on it i don't know if it's you i apologize because i'm pretty straight up like james i said quit talking about the men and women of god don't you dare talk about god's anointed ones but i was trying to put a thought in my head the enemy was trying to put a thought you're not going to really die did he really mean that come on give me a break and eve got it right but she continued the conversation some of us were hanging out we got too many conversations going on with the enemy right now too much conversations on social media right now too much conversation with friends right now and we're not spending time with jesus and we're wondering why we're getting deceived father for the lies he'll get us to question god's word number three because of time how are we deceived he'll get us isolated there's christians right now that are being isolated i'll just stay home and there's a time to stay home but there's a time to come to church i'm not going to get involved in discipleship that's why we hung out maybe 10 minutes today telling you get involved get connected go to discipleship class you're not you're not a lone ranger go to leadership university join up for a power of 12 because the people who are isolated their lives will be ruined their lives will be rude i love the scripture in the message version jeremiah 44 7. so the last way the enemy or another way it's not the last another way how he deceives us he gets us isolated look at jeremiah 47 or 44 7. this is the message of god god of angels armies the god of israel so why are you ruining your lives by amputating yourselves love the way the message says it at times why are you ruining your lives by amputating yourselves man women child baby from the life of judah from the place of worship from the house of god from discipleship from servant why are you amputating yourself why are you isolating yourself your life is going to be ruined leaving yourselves look at the last scripture why are you amputating yourselves man woman child baby from the life of judah leaving yourselves isolated and unconnected isolating ourselves from church leadership and family and mentors it'll ruin our lives when we distance ourselves from church and small groups in p12 when we distance ourselves we will distance ourselves from hearing the truth soon as we distance ourselves from church as soon as we distance ourselves from leadership as soon as we desert ourselves from from p12 from small groups you're setting yourself up to hear a lie that's why the bible i mean right now he's trying to tighten his church up he's tighten this up because the minute you're i don't need nobody i'm cool i can read my bible by myself you ain't the holy spirit pastor robert i don't need church p-12 i don't need that that's for all the weak christians i read the bible i'm out of worship be careful you're starting to fall into the spirit of deception i need you and you need me it's the body of christ it's a unity in the body the bible says don't forsake the fellowship of of the brethren hebrews 10 25 god urges us in the last days stay connected stay connected to church stay connected to small groups and let us not neglect from meeting together some people are doing but encourage one another especially as the big day draws near that's the big day the rapture of jesus christ how many people are in the last days right now we bind right now the spirit of deception over your mind some of us man we think we're going to heaven and we're not going we're not going the bible says those who practice sin those who practice not those who sin and make a mistake i make a mistake right those who practice it without repentance they will not enter the kingdom of heaven so there's some people they think they're on the right path they're far from it they're far and the enemy will deceitful you're okay are you really okay my marriage is okay really is it you've been fighting all week long right wait wait let's just slow down is it are you okay because it's easy to come here right hey what's up we're doing good you don't know what i'm going through i don't know what you're going through this is the place where we could be honest the truth will set us free knowing the truth the truth will set us free some of us today might have to come to the altar and just confess something say man i've been doing this i've been the craziest knucklehead all week long i need help my mind is jacked up it's okay to say that instant freedom comes your way right right but deception will come you're okay you can live how you ever want to live you're okay look at this scripture this is scary oh lord help us jesus save us all save me save everybody in this room god glory be to god help us jesus last scripture before we before we get right how many how many of you guys want to get right don't you realize that those who do wrong they will not the hair of the kingdom of god don't deceive or fool yourself those who do wrong they practice sin they're not going to don't fool yourself don't deceive yourself and then he gives a list well you want to list here's a little list i'll give you a little list right those who indulge in sexual sin fornication adultery and then it goes on to homosexuality all sexual sin sex outside of marriage married adultery sleeping with someone else's man who nelson wife adultery all sexual sin those who worship idols those there goes commit adultery male prostitutes homosexuality um thief you like to steal you're greedy you're drunkard you're abusive right goes into this list those who practice this none of these will enter the kingdom of god don't leave this building under deception if you're saying man i've been a little deceived i need to get right and some of us we know we're doing wrong we just want to let go of it ah man i wanna let go that feels too good if it feels good i could be right i could be wrong no hey you're right bible says pleasu sin is pleasurable for a season oh it's pleasurable it's beautiful for a season right if not people wouldn't get involved in it it's pleasurable it's exciting it's fun for a season right you're in this room today you guys let's not deceive ourselves man you could deceive your wife you could deceive your husband you could deceive me pastor marco leaders but we can't deceive god when i stand before god i stand alone i'm not going to stand with my beautiful wife honey vouch for us tell them how good we were god tell them our good word veronica tell them tell jesus tell them tell them i'm good right i got to stand in front of god he's going to open up the book here's a question is your name written in the lamb's book of life pastor what are you talking about lamb's book of life that sounds like a movie or something the book of revelation describes it as this give me two minutes and we're done the bible describes the the the the lamb's book of life is this everyone who gives their life to jesus their name gets recorded in the book of life so if i died they would open up the book of life and they'd find my name on there roberto antonio cuencas that's pretty good espanol roberto i can't roll my r is good roberto antonio heaven is yours why i've put my faith in jesus christ i've repented and i've turned away from sin and i've decided to follow jesus so here it goes i want everyone to stand up how many enjoy the book of james isn't this good pastor marco next week we'll continue what is that verse 17 every good gift comes from god meaning again god is our source where does the good come from god is constant he's consistent a lot of good stuff we might have to go first just one verse at a time because these next three verses you got to stop because there's too much in there now here we go you're saying pastor you know what man i've fallen into one area of deception i know what i need to do i know i need to get right with god i know how i'm living it's not a good example for my children it's not a good example of a christian man i i'm almost playing church i go to church on sunday but i just do what i want throughout the week man i need to get right i've been deceived in this area i've been deceived in that area i got to stop i want the clarity i want the truth of what god is telling me i want to be saved i want to be a disciple of jesus that means a learner that means a student i want to be a learner of jesus not a church goer i want to be a disciple church coming to church is great but now we graduate into a disciple a learner and a student of jesus if you're in this room you're saying pastor i want god i want my name in that book that you mentioned i need to get right with god i want god to forgive me of all my sins man i want to make sure if i die today man i'm right with god no playing god no playing church no i'm done i'm surrendering today that's me i want eternal life i want to follow jesus with all my heart i'm done holding back i want to follow jesus with everything that's me when i count to three raise your hands all across this auditorium online you can raise your hands you're at work and you're driving pull over get ready to raise your hands everybody in this auditorium you're at home you're in a hospital this is me i want jesus i want forgiveness i want to repent i want to become a disciple i'm done playing games i i'm done this is me i want god if i die today i'm not sure i need to get right that's me when i count to three raise your hands like me one two three raise your hands right now raise them raise up keep them up keep them up keep them up keep them up want to see them see enter keep them up keep them up see hand there see your hand there keep your hands up that's me i want god i want jesus a couple hands there see a little hand over there i see your hand over here yeah all those that just raised your hands even if you didn't raise your hands i want god i need to get right with him i want to dedicate my life to him all those who raised your hands come on down meet me in the front we're going to lead you in a prayer today of salvation to become a disciple of jesus come on down come on down come come come come come come come [Music] [Music] even if you raise your hands come to the front this is your day of salvation this is your day [Music] six seven eight nine ten eleven 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 you guys are coming up two ladies 37 38 look at that cute baby 39 right here give jesus a shout of praise 39 people 39 people saying i want god i want to become a disciple of jesus i'm all in here he goes you guys ready [Music] what are we going to do i'm going to say a prayer he's going to say it after me all those who confess jesus says lord you believe in your heart that jesus died he rose again and you openly confess to the world hey i believe in that i believe in you jesus you are saved every head bow every eyes closed after this prayer of salvation then we had another one or two people one person came up another one came up give a round of applause she came up that's 40 40 people after this prayer 41 42 two more people came up 42 people after we say this prayer we're going to pray with you for the ones that need prayer he said man i'm going through a lot everything was great worship was amazing word was i just i just need some counsel i need some wisdom i need a breakthrough please before you leave just ask one of us we'd love to pray with you for a minute just agree with you then you can get on with your day but get a breakthrough get get agree with something we just want sometimes we're one agreement away from getting a breakthrough so come up we'd love to pray with you every head by our eyes closed repeat after me say jesus i ask forgiveness i repent of all my sins jesus come into my heart become my lord and savior today i choose to become a disciple of jesus christ jesus set me free set me free from all my bad habits all my wrong thinking holy spirit fill me strengthen me to live for christ i thank you jesus for dying on the cross for me and i believe with all my heart on the third day you rose again to give me eternal life i'm on my way to heaven i'm a brand new person today thank you jesus for saving me in jesus name i pray amen congratulations all those giving her life to god you guys if anybody needs prayer come on down we'd love to pray with you pastor marco he's back next sunday don't miss it if god is for you who could come against you have a great week if you need prayer come on down our altar team is here we'd love to pray with you guys god bless we'll see you back wednesday
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 1,492
Rating: 4.860465 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus Christ, Christian Church, Southern California Churches, Online Ministry, The Way World Outreach, San Bernardino
Id: JxfXqLs9qjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 46sec (2926 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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