Jerma's Downfall - Jerma Plays Streamer Life Simulator (Long Edit)

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the only reason why I want to play this one reason there's only one single solitary reason is because you play a game in the game to a fake audience and like that I don't know why that's funny to me I like is this a cringe game I don't know what that means what does that even mean I don't even know what that means look I already have my settings ready we make a character all right let's put clothes on this person first of all [Laughter] it's it's [Laughter] perfect why is the camera what's with the camera what the camera's freaking me out man okay that's a little it's a little much but whatever eyes uh my eyes kind of go like this a little bit do they I don't know I can't turn the camera on I don't have any clothes on I I got I have big eyes I have big scary eyes they're like this forehead size I have big uh eyebrow uh hinges whatever these are called it's not I don't have a big nose I have a warped nose is a different people uh people misconstrue that all the time oh he's got a big nose no no no no no it's just it's just crooked at top and like broken and twisted arm width all right huge arms but they're kind of no I have long arms all right so that's this is is 67 66 65 64 I don't even know what height is this. five neck thickness oh God it's like gu swallow I like cartoon python swallowed a plate or something my character right now is going like I have short legs I have a long here the thing I would be so much shorter if I had um a shorter torso I actually have like an alien body I have a really long torso but short legs if I had a short torso I'd be like 5'4 oh like an accordion eyebrows no eyebrows they're kind of like this okay that looks good this this doesn't look anything likely there we go now it's a little more correct all right I'm ready streamer life the first installation may take a little longer you can find some items to sell you can buy gas from the gas station what is it you buy gas you drive a car does this get an automatic plus one or plus a plus a letter grade how do I what do I do press the up arrow on the keyboard to open the phone welcome car assistance turn the overturned car back to normal spoiler thanks Zuber select the location you want to go oh it's like uber Health current weight 83 pounds calories consumed recommended calories okay what the [ __ ] is this game I have to just go home talk to MOSI put the computer parts and go home what the [ __ ] what is going on I thought I was a streamer oh those a streamer simulator what happened last night I can't explain right now I'm about to faint was he what's going on money I said buy a computer to pay me your debt the computer is in front of the door now [ __ ] off okay here's press e to get it in your hand put it in what x47 this is a real motherboard the Zam zung 03 that's a great way to not get sued you've done a great job I can't carry any more items what where the hell do we live all right I have $814 prettyy sick all right wait what happened to my put this in there too zintel yes just put put a z in front of every single word zorer zintel zenvida right okay let's go okay well it's got I I have to be fair to the game I do this is plus one full letter grade it is how do I drive oh the handbrake was on this car is sucks that that sound is in 3D movie maker that's in 3D Movie Maker it's one of the car hit sounds holy [ __ ] there are people all right get out how do I get out of the car exit the vehicle okay how do I [Applause] stream this is my streamer room set up and run your computer this is a shelf let's just like clean this place up a little why has there no wallpaper on the walls or anything there's no drywall on here I need to get this is my streamer room wait no it's not this is like people can just crawl in here people can just reach over and just grab my [ __ ] Mouse okay put this on the table okay now how do I get my backpack you should do you should do your toilet what here we go that's the motherboard and then I got a I got my desktop PC okay whoa wait the computer's already done um okay press F to access computer oh I need to okay okay it says you got a chair you need a uh I need the tower I need the keyboard I should do my toilet urgently what the [ __ ] does that even mean I should do my toilet urgently how do I get up I don't have a bathroom what what is all this make stream and get a stream Crown where's the piece skill okay put this uh down here that's actually where my my PC is right now actually I'm going to make this my streamer room go to the bathroom I don't know how that's kind of weird to say there we go all right computer's done it's not set up and run your computer what the how do I okay where the cables then in cords oh my God okay um okay close this get out of this get out of this how do I close this out out get out get out how do I get out oh it's Escape motherboard there it is put it in got it all right I'll be back the keyboard was really preventing me from leaving the house anything in the dumpster nope ice cream how much money do I have I don't want to do this why is there an ice cream vendor just right outside of my house all right I need to go back to that guy's house do not hit anybody don't hit anybody I already have it in the trunk oh this is a video card okay video card hard drive oh I do have it all all right let's go back let's go my first stream Boot It Up turn it on what's wrong with it open up the phone uncheck first house from map app what cck to enlarge the map oh my this is a coin game okay house one house two House Pizza taxi waiter Pet Shop okay uh cat shop oh okay that was fun I unchecked it how do I turn the computer on go to the club I'm not going to the club right now I'm busy I'm trying to set up my first [ __ ] fortnite stream did I just am I doing something wrong [Music] oh this thing is slow detecting flash generic welcome to stomach growling noises what the hell was that opening sound this computer sucks you're not my type let's see my internet speed it's pretty bad it's really bad I'm going to have to do uh s up all right let's see how good my upload and download is yeah it's pretty bad so how you can't stream with a connection that's this bad what's wrong with me you have to eat well what am I supposed to do can I order food food shop see okay I'm going to get delivery all right let's get a burrito my cart burrito dish complete payment all right where is it what the [ __ ] oh my God I thought that was in real life that scared the [ __ ] out of me I was like who's here why are you here all right hold on I got to get off the computer oh too real man too real make it something goofy yes I'm here oh all right thank you didn't even put in a bag okay how am I doing I need to go to the bathroom there's an outside out housee is there really um you know where the bathroom is you know where the where's the bathroom I need a bathroom excuse me sir you know where I can find a bathroom oh bathroom bathroom you got a bathroom in here why are there no toilets [Laughter] 180 bucks wow dude you don't you shouldn't don't $180 a month I need to buy a better internet this internet's so bad I this is like triggering such a response in me how many times have you been sitting there with like your phone or like a device and just does that and you just rage wait am I on here I mean is is zerma on here is Zera on here is zerma 985 on here let's find out come on it's a it's a play on like all streamers I got to be on here oh I'm not not I'm not important enough okay well register enter oh okay to scan my fingerprint all right here comes zero right like I Aces only because how do I stream download the Ops program from the apps website why is this way more detailed than I thought it was going to be steam an application that you can download and play okay we going to get OBS oh my download sucks though this is going to take so long this sucks where's zamur bu microphone from the zamor website oh there it is okay we need uh furniture or it's toilet's Furniture yes it is thank God uh what else we need microphone like a WWF mic I need the cheap one I don't have any money quality sound in this microphone phone 97 bucks let's get it all right toilet and a microphone only the essentials from Amazon I can't afford it do they have cheaper toilets 420 oh 215 here we go all right when do they show up wait does this take like a couple of days I'm sure it does where's my bank okay money transfer complete the transfer I now have $800 in my account I need to transfer to my credit card okay so I've got 9918 bucks on this credit card that's enough to buy a zor hub account sleep and save the game sure thing and our deliveries will be there cough murmur turn left okay delivery oh what okay I got to go to food shop and I'm going to order like three burritos I'm going to order two Big Macs two MC chicken sandwiches a large fry and a large Coke mushroom bucket oh who would order this a parfait a perogi of just a whole pig it's $8 all right we're going to get a bunch of beans and candy and some dog food okay when you get a PO when you get like a post baates or Uber Eats or like a grumb order like this you're just like come on dude like [ __ ] you are remember really going to go get you 12 cans of beans and like a bag of dog food come on man three whole figs I want to see them put this over here I want I'm be the oh dude the smilees on the box oh [ __ ] hold on oops all right hold on what the [ __ ] hey okay I want I ordered enough food for the Super Bowl party I'm going to have let me put this down this what is this thing this is like a bar rice krispy Street Press to make your toilet I have to go [Laughter] again twice I had hey do not everybody that's freaking out right now saying what the [ __ ] no how many times have you done that before you did a full 30 of 40 30 second piss and then okay here comes another one here comes another full 30 second piss okay I got to eat this whole pig no my mic there so much food do I have a fridge okay uh that's just going to have to stay there this is canned food it's fine I just ate the dog food okay ate the dog food I was just seeing if I could break the glass what the hey come on wait I can do there we go uh doesn't matter okay oh [ __ ] stream quality 144p show cam oh I don't have a cam stream category uh okay just just chatting stream settings uh okay oh [ __ ] I wasn't ready just like everybody's first stream okay no one's watching the stream wait silently yo just me just messing with some settings you are obese [Music] you are yes sorry for that or you are all stupid you can't even speak properly I think throw your computer in the trash [ __ ] you buddy go watch another stream if you don't like it oh wait I I banned that person stream a game oh [ __ ] hold on okay uh game wait I'm I'm I'm lying I'm I'm I'm putting I'm faking the category there's someone who says he can never be a streamer it doesn't concern me hey you ever seen this before speedrun ban incoming donate received my first stream I'm going to get banned wait I have I'm getting donations hey why why are you hacking me l r r l oh what happened you've been hacked you lost $200 okay I am I am about to get banned in real life in the game while I'm pretending to get banned in the game on the fake stream oh the stream died I got banned oh well whatever we'll be back tomorrow I got six viewers though I need to download some games tomorrow all right [ __ ] move this goddamn thing [Music] get a get a camera and go to zor up oh my [ __ ] god oh a pig no o Dude I somebody comes over your house your mom comes over your parents are over your house computer turns on that's the last thing that Mozilla saved and you [ __ ] hit back Wicked quick but they saw they saw they know son were you watching zor znow z z was all right steam the mitcher three 3 countar stria fall gang cyber prank the past of us Dark Souls yep rocket sucker ball gang all right I I I can't afford any more money and and we're going to pre-order the $120 cyberpunk 277 keato Reeves figurine box that has the 10 computer action figures in it in the art book okay streamlabs I got donations enter your stream key you don't give your stream key to streamlabs the streamer is look very [Laughter] nerd H ban that [ __ ] guy don't let him come back all right spoty [Music] okay well it's just on there wallpaper oh yes like I'm on the moon cool all right I like that one all right shut this off I I don't want to listen to music I need to go sleep all right those those downloads will be ready when I wake up all right we're going to do our first gaming stream today okay still not done Jesus okay what how do I get faster internet internet speed there's a website where you can buy an internet package you can also buy in Daily turbo packs I need to take a shower I haven't taken a shower in three days Amazon can you buy a shower on Amazon don't have enough money to do this washing machine I'm going to have to be dirty for a little while I can't clean myself go shower in the neighbor's house that's actually not a bad idea look I'll I'll bring some uh I'll bring an offering can I like spray myself with the washer fluid I feel so dirty what do you think I'm trying to do hey hey [Music] hey you have a [Music] bathroom you smell disgusting get out of the shop I [Music] just I just ate a handful of with my hands in front of them I'm not disgusting you're disgusting what are you talking about bite with my canine into the top of the can and like cartoon around to get the lid off and then reach in with my bare hand and eat it with the other one okay these done this is just what it felt like some of you guys don't know but this is what it used to be like back in like the mid90s most people had a 28 point 8K modem some people at 128 and that was just holy [ __ ] you mean that you can open up your email and load all of your emails in five minutes a 12 gigabyte download no no you didn't download video games they came over a series of like 12 discs if they were big enough quick make a World of Warcraft joke 2004 bu graphics card couldn't handle wow so I had to play on the lowest settings it is still r at like 20 FPS That's all folks that was a nice internet clown thanks man hey I'm here to please internet clown E clown German 985 nice to meet you that's a good handshake you got there he you [ __ ] [ __ ] you have to leave the download window open all right let's see if this person get b gets banned for for real 8.5 8.6 oh man they're right oh wait wait wait wait might have just been might have been a a glitch God damn it I can't believe I had to have have the win I slept two days in a row for this [ __ ] downloaded all right let's go Dark Souls does the game play itself what are you what is this this is Dark Souls no no no this is this is what you get when you torrent Dark Souls this is what happens when you get the wrong torrent and then you go what is this oh no what did I download this supposed be dark souls and oh I'm in trouble now I got to clean my computer I got to reinstall Windows all right let's do it let's stream let's go all right I'm I'm going to beat Dark Souls on stream on stream you understand okay here we go donation oh it's my streamlabs say somebody subscribed thanks for the sub yeah I'm just checking out Dark Souls I will subscribe to you with a credit card that I stole uh don't do that check it out Dark Souls for the first time guys welcome you got chips and cola nice dude I think the 18 plus category should be added here I'm looking for my favorite streamer well yeah just hold on just wait dude press the F key to ban oh that guy was looking for a favorite streamer you're obes sorry spam spam spam shut up there's 12 people watching holy [ __ ] I gotta play I will hey don't [ __ ] do that how what bad stream no ban these people I need a mod it's not a bad stream just wait I'm going to beat Dark Souls on stream why does this feel like a real stream don't [ __ ] hack me again I just ran a virus scan oh uh thank you uh J2 n955 2 for the sub I appreciate it I'm currently getting hacked right now uh you've been hacked suggest a good TV show uh the boys I'm watching the boys right now it's pretty good I think you can be I think you can be a good game shut up I have to beat this I mean that in a very nice way I closed the stream no right when I beat the level Sports already can I save it and I will pick up tomorrow and I'll continue my dark souls playr okay I'm going to save it here holy [ __ ] it's 17 bucks never sub never donated add block on stolen laptop okay thanks for the 17 bucks that doesn't make any sense never never subbed never donated add block on okay thanks for the $17 I made my coffee and I thank you I how much money that's pretty good total donation total account is $358 thank you this dude left his cam on and ate two cans of beans off the floor all right let's go I don't got any time to waste we're going to continue our play through who just uh who just came in hey uh thank you uh o even though there are Publications that I don't like it's generally good sure whatever I don't know I have no idea what that means okay someone is advertising ban them I I I what do you want to do watching stream while eating plus one oh I didn't get the oh I got to get the coin in the middle [ __ ] oh wait [Laughter] [ __ ] uh why am I trying to entertain these people they're not real got it I'm trying to entertain a fake audience you got to go quick [ __ ] stop just leave me alone leave this streamer is Bored hey hey hey this very very nerd I'm your sub thanks for the sub can you say my darling's name and say I love her sure uh talk about your mother hey Lian thanks for the subscription appreciate that steam of Aly thanks for the $78 I'm sending you the last money on my card what are you doing man you crazy hey thanks for the $38 o I made my coffee and I came here hey thanks a lot man appreciate it how many how many people are watching am I even streaming anymore oh [ __ ] turn stream back on all right I'll get back at it tomorrow what's wrong with me that didn't sound good I'm like dying I'm like sick because I won't take a shower and I won't sleep Bill Corp you have a new bill that you have to pay oh [ __ ] all right hold on I got to I got to make some money Job King that's Blackjack easy money don't tell me that I have $85 in my account you don't tell somebody with 80 bucks to their name that Blackjack get money that's horrible why are you telling me that Taxi Driver Courier Uber driver waiter we're going to be waiter we'll get tips we'll send you a message three hours before the job let's go to work waiter what is a horse horse racing I got out I made it out give me Ace oh [ __ ] okay I need uh I need to go to work I need to okay wait I need to sleep I need to sleep I to go to work okay eat where are my cans where's my candy why did I lose Health oh [ __ ] what's wrong with me why is my health why am I dying from eating beans what I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die I can't go to work today I have to eat something I need a medicine or something uh I need to pay a bill oh [ __ ] I used it on Blackjack oh [ __ ] my stomach I can't even buy food I'm so [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] I I'm [ __ ] what hello your waiter job will start at 13 please be at work oh what time is it I got to go go to work I got to go to work right now turn off the computer I got to go to work okay work waiter hey let's go eating beans and candy what oh my goodness so the cars are on the road I got to get to work it's the first day you look out the window you see this I got to go to work [ __ ] I just like I didn't mean to do that what that school bus where's the where's the entrance where's the restaurant okay got here okay I'm ready to work what happened I did work Where's My Money wait I have $136 okay let's go I can't believe I [ __ ] ran that Jesus Christ leave me alone I'm trying to I'm trying to just live man all right okay I need um dealer who has medicine the dealer right holy [ __ ] how you doing [Music] I need that medicine you smell disgusting all right we're going to play Blackjack till we have M for by bath can I dump that on me wait oh I can't just spray this all over me all right can you shut that music off why a dog you think I could take care of a dog right now I have $100 in my bank account and I'm a about to die and you want me to buy a dog all right come on come on oh that's 50 bucks that's 1,000 bucks I just made like five grand oh no you have to match them I got to buy food what's like a healthy food I spend my remaining day on zorub well I got one HP might as well just go to zorub and open up a 100 tabs how about clam soup that's pretty good right please buy a shower it feels bad what the hell hold on okay all right got all right we got that we just got that for free I'm out oh yes okay clam soup this is going to be filling and delicious not really but kind of I need medicine okay guys hey I'm live hey hold on hold on hey someone's trying to teach you how to stream pretend to listen hey guys um Amazon Prime wait w what the heck weird what just happened oh thanks for the5 Magnus guys I am I am primed to play Dark Souls one of my favorite characters ever is Optimus Prime from the uh Omega Bots whatever the [ __ ] I don't even know let's get some music going 37 viewers it's pretty cool yeah you you know my favorite I I love prime rib oh what's what is this somebody gave money I always order a prime rib thank you for the prime if you never make money do you keep streaming I don't do this for money oh $20 20 woo [Applause] oh stop stop the presses 20 bucks okay guys I'm going to end stream thanks for watching I'll see you guys [Music] later yeah oh stream's still on hey uh it's been a fun stream guys thanks a lot I'll see you guys some other probably next in a couple weeks all right let's [ __ ] go how much money did I make 2 Let's Go 23 bucks 203 bucks [ __ ] I need to eat food quick quickly don't eat those beans I need to order Uber Eats something really really expensive we get a bathtub we get a bathtub I can finally clean my body okay clean clean clean clean clean clean I need to eat first though no eat first 400 bucks for this bathtub thank you I will take it please deliver it to my house I have $6 that but this is okay I can go to work now wait oh [ __ ] oh my God food food food I I need six oh [ __ ] what do I do uh I need to eat I need to eat right now and sleep I need to eat or sleep which one I don't know I need something that's cheap melon bread miso soup that's that's healthy as [ __ ] get two of them I want two miso soups oh my God I'm about to die sleep I got a ding I think I slept through work I'm sorry all right Mis so Sou okay that this is good for you it's got It's got like tofu it's got broth it's got like lentils I don't know what else is I've never had it before I have to take two baths in a row okay now we're doing just fine I can buy the medicine now I don't have any money for medicine I need to work for first actually is an out house here I thought that was [ __ ] that you were lying to me where's my car I don't have the job how sick3 6 bucks let's buy medicine quick soon gasoline will run out I have to buy gas what oh wait there's a gas station right next to the house isn't there there is [Music] uh-oh I need medicine what a perfect time for that to pop up I've ran out of gas right at the [Music] driveway I pill what 200 bucks God damn it sell the toilet not a bad idea I come with a toilet what are you going to give me for [Music] this 92 [Music] bucks did I get no I got it okay good I got medicine I'm [Applause] good it just cost $10 to use this toilet are you serious I have $14 that's enough to eat and then stream tomorrow wait hello yep thank you I'm going to sell him the poster that was not filling at all how much is this worth 43 bucks you can do better than that you can do better that I'm going to I want 50 I'll take 35 I'll take 35 I'll take 35 thank you I'll be back you want beans too I got beans I'll be back eat the beans the beans hurt they actually hurt it's just it's expired that's why well let's see if we can sell to that [ __ ] [ __ ] over there I got beans they last forever everybody know he looks very angry okay I'm ready to start my stream I'm going to stream Fall Guys what's going on guys I'm back it's been kind of a wacky week I'll tell you beautiful girls add me this takes so long to load this computer sucks I have to work in three hours holy [ __ ] this looks awful this sucks someone wants you to close the stream turn off the stream dude this sucks oh yeah I made it through you're streaming your streamlabs yeah I'm just waiting for somebody uh to set hey thank you seti for the $45 my brother is watching you all the time hey thanks a lot I'll subscribe to you with a credit card that I stole I promise dude don't do that don't do that that's [ __ ] up don't don't be like that hey hiso Genesis thanks for the $420 appreciate it I got to go to work and I missed work close the stream okay can I go to work oh I should set an alarm okay we're going to set an alarm for 10 so we don't sleep through work okay is my food thanks to the burritos all right we're good I need to use the toilet I got to pay this guy to pee [ __ ] all right I'll sleep and I'll I'll pee somewhere in the morning I don't have any money my I can't pee I can I can just I can [ __ ] it work all right I need gas I have to pay for the that service how much is it a oh I can't walk to work I know I got to go stop I know I have to work leave me [Applause] alone hey surprise stream today this motherfucker's got it out for me huh uhhuh f o m d locked this by Lucas the same Lucas leave me alone someone says they know where you live I'm going to sue you all right okay hey what's going on guys just chilling today uh what movie you like um I I'm I'm big I'm really into pornography it's my favorite movie genre all right they're not not going to stop just ban them just get them out of here I mean just guys you can't you can't stop [ __ ] around you ban these the people that are fighting I'm not into that cut that [ __ ] out guys that [ __ ] up all right we're going sub only just donating support you better or subscribe well that's up to you stop fighting each other stop why is it just fighting just Dona supports you better it's up to you man let do I do whatever you feel [ __ ] stop fighting C W yeah I love that emote man it's so cool all right I'm GNA [ __ ] end the stream if you don't stop fighting uh how about um I want to be a little chill we'll talk about my past one time I [ __ ] my my mother's bed all right guys that's an I'll see you guys later that's uh that's it at the same stream title for like two months I got 145 bucks that's enough of me to fill the gas with car fill add gas to the car oh I got two uh gamer points let's see what they do [ __ ] I have can I upload videos I don't have any recorded videos I'm so tired all right I got I get to start recording all right we need a real gas station here though I hope there's one here so I don't break down again to pay 80 bucks to fill the tank okay gas there's one right up here all right straight ahead I'm out of gas I'm out of gas I'm out of gas I'm out of gas I'm out of gas please no I'm not out of gas oh I just barely made it Jesus man this is so expensive how much money do I even have all right you don't have enough money in your wallet wallet just go to work I think I have the superpowers I think 136 bucks let's fill that tank let's go with half tank okay that's going to get us a pretty long ways is this illegal is is it nudity in this game hide screen quick all right let me see this [Music] nudity baby you're a f you work him show you this is a lap dance area I got to leave that's [Music] fine it's it's it's kind of Resident sleeper in here I'll be honest whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what's in there oh I think they might be naked naked girls in there no way dude what your with naked girls go to work oh [ __ ] I forgot about work no I have to sleep dude no you were at work yeah I just was at work and then I went into that [ __ ] snooze Club don't hit this guy I can to open cases shut up [Laughter] wanker dude let's open a case CS go case oh my God am I going to get the knife come on do it who I just made some money I would rather you pull out every hair on my body individually with a pair of tweezers over the course of a few hours then me to do an open csgo box stream it's Lucas again yes like clockwork Lucas tries to hack my computer every three days Cas [ __ ] all right okay now new new rule I'm not going to do any gambling until I have at least 500 bucks and then I'm probably going to go all in on one hand wait can I just go rob my friends house he had a bunch of computer parts yeah three bucks all right I'm not going to bargain for this of course I am an extra 50 cents whatever give me that money enough for food all right let's go um I don't know let's go explore for a little bit no no no stream I got streaming what am I doing this is streamer simulator what's up guys today's the day Dark Souls is going to get completed on stream favorite emote LOL they didn't like that apparently [ __ ] all of you there's some more money all right I got to I got to turn Spotify on there that's going to bring in the [Music] viewers leave me [Music] alone how am I supposed to get through this though seems impossible it's not possible to do this there is a definite bot user I opened a broadcast and it was not watched this is [ __ ] this [Music] stream I don't know that that someone just got collateral someone in chat insults those who subscribe ban his whole family okay we've banned his entire family that's loud I'm getting a lot of donations this [Music] stream how do I do this [Music] part you can't I you can't beat this part oh [ __ ] okay what about all right I'll I'll use thanks thanks for the tip how much money do we make cry cry cry you guys have said that before you guys have done that 66 bucks let's go do it cry I got to move this [ __ ] over I got to get a webcam you're right no more gambling No gambling I'm I'm serious don't do it please go take a [ __ ] I'm fine okay we need to go to the bank no no no no no no no I need to go to the uh bills app I'm going to speaking of going to the bathroom I have to go to the bathroom right now today 0 pay it okay electricity bill not what it's taking all my money I had the 200 bucks what about taxes did I not just pay taxes we will send your current tax to you as an invoice every 4 days I have to pay taxes every 4 days tax rate what's this value added tax what is that don't companies pay that doesn't like isn't it like a company thing why why is it an individual thing it's an EU thing but I thought like companies paid this why they why do I have to pay that companies don't pay [ __ ] what's up and and it's and by the way what's going on with that by the way is that some kind of currency thing no no work stream My Stream toxicity is at 120% the mood of the stream let's just chill chill chill everybody chill let's get that number down thanks with the money I hate all of you stupid nerds I reported your stream what why it's boring this stream's boring I have $2 I cannot be a sub if I find money why is everybody like this right now I I need more viewers I only have 30 what happened Legend is back hey I'm losing viewers I got to do something crazy oh no no we're good we're good we're good we're good play music wait hold I'm trying to beat the game okay hold on I'll get uh let's get oh [ __ ] my tax rate I don't want you guys to see that hey I know how much you guys love this [ __ ] we're gonna open some cases on stream 27 bucks I cannot watch the stream but I leave my support thank you very much thank you too thank all of you cry cry 10 out of six I don't know what that means thanks for the 10 okay we're going to open a super case today guys This Is 50 bucks we're looking for blue come on give me that knife oh too bad too bad too bad too bad thank oh whoa thanks for the subs guys opened one case oh offline Subs POG I've opened one case to end the stream I made how much money did I make seven how is it 17 bucks oh my goodness I don't have food all right I'm going to go on a food shopping I need a fridge I'm obsessed with this game I can't stop let's get uh three burritos okay how long does this last how what do it last storage on this thing okay it's probably fresh for a couple days all right we'll play Black Jack on stream but not crazy amounts of money all right here we go we just going to be uh ASMR I'll do that later what's up all you toxic [ __ ] today we're going to be playing no fart I'm G to give you guys some basic strategy for how to we're going to do a b we're doing $1 bets in blackjack here wish I did a [ __ ] thousand wish I did a thousand guys I wish it was a thousand I just got Blackjack first on a Dollar Bet great okay so B we're going to we'll see what we get for a hand here we get 11 versus a four now if I was able to I would double down here I would double down but I'm not able to do that on this particular uh game but we're going to hit this that's 21 these are dollar bets guys is just kind of hanging out having fun with you someone realizes that you are Sleepless I stayed up all night watching porn thanks the 10 bucks all right Let's do let's get a little bit crazy here let's go for a seven uh a $690 bet because we're a comedy guy here that's a 20 H we're going to stand on 20 guys always stand with the 20 versus any like that and we won again cool all right everyone relax we're doing $20 bet we got a two oo 21 [ __ ] 16 oh crap crap I thought the cops were just here like what the [ __ ] happened okay guys this is for you this is for the stream this is the big one for the stream $50 bet for the Stream oh and it's a good one oh it's not a good one we have to stand here [Music] o too bad oh no I lost some money oo okay guys I'm going to uh I got H I gotta go wait how long has the stream been off [Laughter] imagine watching some sick [ __ ] like this at 144p at 700 bit rate talking like that and losing some money and then just ending stream every day like that I have to go to work have I eaten all right I'm I'm okay what do you mean gas is going to run out soon I just got it excuse me can I just buy gas someone siphoned gas from the car I feel like they did Dark time what I missed it well just no I I'm early I'm really early I'm so ready to work oh God I'm here two three hours early restaurant even open yet M no I'll be here hey need somebody to help clean the dishes and everything I'm here this is Eerie just standing out here you looking out that back window as you know kids typically when they look out the back window and they go [Music] like if you ever pull up behind a school bus at a red light there's always like four or five kids kids that are always like pointing at you out the window and then you go like like oh hey hey kids you like cover your eyes and your ears and you go and they go and then when the light turns green and three or 4 seconds go by and the school bus driver hasn't gone yet they they didn't leave it they mean it's green light you let's [ __ ] go hey easy yeah oh you're only you're only like nice and sweet into that guy thinks he's going to get away with that does he I need gas [ __ ] go I'm hitting the button I'm out of gas I'm out a guess [ __ ] go already that's why I have no guas can I help you I thought he pulled up and was making that sound with his mouth that's an assassin [ __ ] thank God yes oh my God I get burritos I was so hungry trunk burrito still good no it wasn't [Laughter] [Music] come on please I just want to go somebody Push Me Just get two you know I'm going to get like five jobs we're taking a streaming break wait hold on I'm going to take this rest of the computer parts out of that guy's house wases he live wait this the Hacker's house this is the guy that's been trying to like break into my bank account for the last like 3 months where is he up press to buy a oh this is a cryptocurrency minor are you the guy you're not the guy you know the guy okay I got G what's going on what does this car have a leak I don't I I just bought a quarter tank of gas I didn't I went down the street you been on 100 toilet all right I have a plan here's my plan I'm not going to [ __ ] work again I'm not going to work I'm going to go home I'm going to stream every day I'm going to make $1,000 over the course of a week and then I'm going to fill my car up with gas I'm going to use the bathroom I'm going to buy a bathroom I'm going to order some pizzas and [ __ ] and I'm going to be fine for now I I have I have to get home okay let's transfer just 10 bucks to the wallet is enough to go to the B no 20 bucks I have to go to the bathroom twice oh good all right it's three burritos and some beans and just keep them in the desk what lasts beef jerky lasts like forever get two of these thank you somebody said European taxes and American Healthcare okay let's stream me me me me me me me hey what's going on Sinners it's me German 985 coming at you with another live stream the just well hold on a minute okay everybody I want you to uh relax while we shh everybody breathe in and breathe out [Laughter] I feel dizzy is there a lottery how we had so much toxicity just relax and enjoy enjoy enjoy the tingles hold on a sec bony Prime thanks for the sub thank you for the $31 I say I love you oh I'm not going to say you two so you can go [ __ ] yourself this is a [ __ ] stream okay is this live yes it [Laughter] is wake up stream o 50 bucks all right same thing tomorrow I got backpack full of burritos back at it again eat the food in my inventory and then let's go oh [ __ ] there's even more in here I didn't know this that's pretty awesome actually all right store that we're not doing ASMR we're doing um we're doing a creative stream today okay okay hold on I need to [Laughter] why do we keep climbing with toxicity this is so annoying I'm just trying to draw a face right can I sell this to one of the viewers here you want to see my bank account hey look this is here's my here's my actual thumb print see I have 56 bucks want to watch me get a loan on stream 500 bucks and you have three days to pay it off I'm never going to be able to do that that's way too much more subs no take out a massive loan and then do a hand in blackjack for all of it I don't I think that's a really really bad idea go look in trash and see if you can find anything nothing in this trash you have to press space Oh there's nothing here move whoa this is free [ __ ] it it is ooh a gas bottle o plastic crate I can sell it to a dealer I can sell these to a dealer let's go make some money what's up I've got some things for you to look at I've got a water bottle for you to look at nine bucks I've got a gas canister that's a lot of money and a plastic crate I think we can have make a little bit better of a deal there I [Music] think Freelancers what's this oo coding can I do I know how to code get a key by finding capital letters and numbers within the scattered code so I need capital letters and numbers in here here we go we've got eight 8 V 8 vv5 wait eight there's another one 8 vv5 8 v v wait eight j8 got it fre okay and and uh uh W and um and done and uh s uh B on go go go [Music] cod a there's nothing here that's it Oh I thought it had to be five RF g b done that's uh $95 let's do it again what where's the next one what that was wrong $74 let's go this is so easy why don't you stream this holy [ __ ] you're right this is double money this is making double money you can't hack me we in the middle of doing my own hacking same time next week cool see you then thank you 42 bucks all right we'll do this tomorrow on stream yeah look at that 280 bucks good we'll do it on stream tomorrow okay okay let's put let's store these on the shelf that better not be dirty where did that go dude did I I don't touch my beef jerky it's out here this mine don't touch this all right we're going to dig we're going to wake up tomorrow we're going to dig through the trash we're going to eat some medicine I have plenty of energy what am I doing uh today we're just we're doing just chatting and I'm going to do coding on stream welcome everybody check it out guys we're going to be coding on stream z f five this is a very boring stream isn't it [ __ ] and I [ __ ] it up I SC hey VOD Watchers skip 20 minutes right that's what they should be saying okay uh three I'm taking triple money this is the way to do it chatting people wonder what you think about the shape of the world the World is Flat the world is the World is Flat we're gonna do we're gonna okay sure the World is Flat stream over worse than ftk get out of here I'm scrolling over my chat I'm going to ban you [Laughter] there's nothing in there take it [ __ ] whatever I'll just sell it to him all right I'll take [Music] pills all right short stream today of me transferring money into my into my wallet just a quick one okay let's transfer to my wallet okay let's go get that medicine hey guys I'm back childhood memory say you were a very clever baby tell the memory you pissed underneath I need to buy a webcam that's really important oh man somebody gave a lot of money who gave a lot of money just read them all on stream and they they'll keep coming okay I Clos the stream that's fine I'll take the 160 bucks please how much is a shitty fridge 200 bucks I can afford that 112 God Luke just pick somebody else to do this too this one here is 112 bucks streaming for web cams I need 312 bucks all right let's put that on the credit [Laughter] card there wheel in here oh dude we're going to have a streamer fridge what an ugly fridge that's the worst streamer fridge ever and I'm doing a webcam stream to test it out let's let's have the donations roll the [ __ ] right stream settings full screen camera what is this even a picture of be serious my computer's disconnected I turned off the computer a shitty stream oh that's so stupid sorry guys that's my fault oh I can I could pretend there's a sub train so people will just start to subscribe because they think it's sub trades going on whoa dude oh that's not even I thought that was real get that huge viewer count all right I gota do something crazy what do I do this the most Vios I've ever had I want to be a streamer but the blender refus oh [ __ ] that was pretty good though that was that was almost 200 concurrent viewers let's take a look at our bank account 108 18 bucks I feel like I'm always at 118 bucks I want to just gamble what is Fast Net this is the package that I have two down one up this is four down one up that sucks you can buy maximum of one turbo package every day so what hold on this is I if I stream with that's 300 that's 3 3,000 all right let me get ready for that I need to eat I'm going to get sleep and I'm going to turbo boost and do an insane IRL stream turbo boost into the [ __ ] [Laughter] bathroom let's get some sodas three sodas two waters an energy bar some somebody once told me the world was going to roll me I'm sorry it's the first thing I thought of I'm sorry I know everyone's going to do that everyone's going to say that was terrible but come on I had to do that I had to do that stop treating me this way or I'll start Banning everybody don't make fun of me don't I'm in control here we click on the deep web app by the way if you see an app that says the deep web app don't click it after the hacking attack you have back door hacking you can hack the person who hacked you what wait we can finally get our revenge on Luke the hacker I need to get some BTC this is a soda drink it up into the fridge it goes I got pretty good health let's put 10 let's put 20 bucks in my bank account in my wallet so I can go pay the guy to use bathroom and we're going to get the super boost internet and I'm going to turn the stream on and we're going to get a huge amount of people all right I'm going to finally use the bathroom it's been a week thank you appreciate it internet boost and I'm going to play Dark Souls no ASMR gave us way more money no way yeah ASMR gave way more money we do ASMR for like like 4 hours all right it's going to be worth it I'm going to make a bunch of money this is a big one oh I have I have a ton of internet now okay OBS just start the stream I don't even care what it is at least you wait until I'm done with a sentence you know he never interrupts me we're going to go to 360p this is big deal how's everybody doing how do you like the quality pretty good huh let's go to ASMR turn your headphones down we're about to break 200 viewers 200 viewers here comes the 200 come on do it and I can get partner at 400 this guy's only got one trigger okay is this a big Great Dane shaking his head around thanks for the sub appreciate it thank you thank you thank you yeah and when when you guys come back remember it's me the fat [ __ ] IRL come back next week and I'll shake my stomach around for you more after drinking three Gatorades you know you love it thanks for the sub thank you what does it say hello hello how are you thanks for the sub o thanks for the sub I told you ASMR kills it okay is it really the do I just grab a bunch of [ __ ] on my desk and just knocking it around just go like I you know I'd probably be a really good ASMR streamer I I I'd make a million dollars in a day oh hey got some money can you say my darling's name hey Kitty bed my bed read my message we're at 300 come on we're at 300 viewers we can get higher than this we can get higher than this no that was right that was I was right in the middle of the big deal here we go let's see if I can apply for partner join in the app I'm ready I'm in the approval process I just my I just applied expected earnings 283 what all right tomorrow I'm getting up early and we're going to do an I'm going to do an ASMR ad stream come on ban me did I get it no I got I got to CL okay start that stream stream settings God damnn it Luke okay we're back what's my stream look like okay I got my full camera pointing at nobody apparently put the music on too music on an a ASMR stream that seems kind of odd but I okay okay [Music] shaking to the [Music] Beet I'm so bored going into a stream and have a fat guy naked shaking his stomach to the beat of the song and you say that you're bored it's boring [Music] boring this guy would puke this guy would [ __ ] puke he'd be like I can't do it very much longer everybody I can only have five gar rates why going throw up oh too much too much too much slow [Music] down oh [ __ ] that's [Laughter] it we're doing it again tomorrow we're doing it again tomorrow we're doing it again tomorrow we're doing it again tomorrow what a [ __ ] up stream okay eat and then I'm putting some cash on my on my wallet so I can go out there and use the toilet I can buy a toilet no why would I buy a toilet if things are going so well just buy a toilet fine all right I'll buy a damn toilet we're going up to it we're going up to HD quality 720p coming up there this is just what he does and people love it hire a moderator for stream to number of moderators to be hired one is $5 let's get two toilet the cheapest shittiest one I can get you're just pissing it who cares turbo upload plus three so this is set 6K I got the Boost I'm at 6K up right now stream ste's full screen camera ASMR let's get the Music Ready hello everybody Welcome Back you juggles the great 140th stream of his career I love you too watching while eating how I ate a lot of I ate a lot earlier if you can already tell so if I do please to announce the next song we're going to be doing this afternoon are you ready are you ready mods take care of some of these little [Music] [ __ ] coming up next to all the track we have Palm Avenue this is going to be a good one hope you all ready [Music] okay yeah yeah [Music] yeah what the hell's happening somebody's hacking me c w x oh I blocked his ass we're okay we're good where was I all right sometimes I forget what I do here hey what do you say we really get this popping huh I need another song ah we need something bigger bigger than that [Music] [Music] it's just hurt after oet I do it for [Music] you ah I love everybody here we we just going to get partners soon oh good night I'm going to [Music] bed this gets banned this dude gets banned every day he just makes a new account and he titles his stream the same thing so everyone knows where to find him upload that VOD oh right right right yeah [Laughter] yeah I wish we could watch this video and my goodness there's a toilet finally let's get some light in here I need food I also need something else do what do I need hard drive right 175 bucks right here okay I got to pay bills too oh very overdue very overdue this one's due today we got to stream right now impromptu stream hey everybody it's me jugles the great you know what we do here what what what what hey hey hey hey hey what's the problem what's the problem here what's going on what are you talking about drop drop please fix fix fix what oh what the [ __ ] oh oh what the [ __ ] what's going on the internet hold let me sit down let me sit down for this I ate two cakes today for this impromptu stream uh I is it my internet or is it my computer I maybe I need a better computer I don't know what's happening here [ __ ] out get out of here I going to do what I can how we normally do but I'm I'm I can only do so much much with the computer sorry about that uh I just I'm going to run a few ads maybe we'll shake around a little you know like you guys love uh we don't need that much uh stream power for that I don't think oh [ __ ] he's a do today I'm going to run a few ads and you just support the stream support uh you know me shaking around I don't know how everybody so end of that I'll see you soon I I I don't know what I did I screwed something up we'll do we we'll end it out on a good one here I'll see you guys I don't know what's happening this is [ __ ] God damn it man I am starving you know how much I [ __ ] ate today to do this and how much I had to get this ready everyone's expecting me to be here I did it I prepared for it so I'm going to [ __ ] do [Music] it okay okay that's that's enough that's [Music] enough okay 123 bucks they okay thank you they supported him they know he's G got to pay his bills and I know he shakes around for their entertainment go on [ __ ] zorub or Riot you're going to have to Riot I'm afraid of seeing like a naked lady on it or something the twitch mod said do it it did hold on yep zor Hub time what I I just okay I just got confirmation from twitch staff to go to zorub okay I'm telling you I just saw it um this is just like drawings of people this is why how is this zorub okay okay we did get confirmation from twitch staff that like I could do this I'm not playing the fire anymore I'm not I'm not holding a lighter up to my hand and going oh oh that was 50 bucks great now I can't eat tomorrow all right let's I we got to do a stream I lost my internet boost I got to boost it again do scratch tickets on stream all right yeah that's not a bad idea let's scratch we'll do scratch tickets we'll do skin cases on stream just a few of them let's get off the ASMR category we're going to do um just chatting and we're g to start with zor Hub we're g just open it with zor Hub okay hey guys want to let you guys know that today is going to be an interesting stream today usually we play a game or I do something IRL or but today I'm I'm going to we're going to go to uh zorub I'm going to turn the mic off and we're just going to enjoy it together you guys ready I'm going to be quiet I'll be typing in here with you we'll put some cool tunes on here we go Do extreme energetic movements wait hold on okay you didn't think I was going to be here today did you probably not a good thing to have right now probably not a very good thing to have right now probably a very bad thing to do right now on the zorub stream probably not a great thing to do uh let's run a couple of ads quick before the stream turns off run five minutes of ads Y no I got banned zand for zering off people only want belly shaking yeah I know can I do anything can I do something different can I do some variety not allowed to do any variety you want me just to shake my stomach into the camera when I can't play fortnite for an afternoon oh I love when you get that box there it is awesome all right Boot It Up download Counter Strike ooh I haven't gone to work in probably three months I hav't not been fired all right I'm going to just let's see let's open it Counter Strike by Van not zve you're not gonna make it zve you're gonna make it van I don't this is scaring me I don't have an IP matchmaking that's very loud okay anti-terror or Terror okay fight oh my [ __ ] God I can't believe this I have nine FPS I need a better graphics card he's at door he's at door door door door got him no he got me I got him too I need a better I okay how do I I'm going to get a graphics card I'm rage quitting graphics card where do I get one all right let's turn the stream on and just shake our stomach a little bit and get money it doesn't matter it just has to be live guys want to watch a guy eat audience quality you guys are you guys are awesome how you guys feel about Counter Strike [Music] I I like oh [ __ ] what did I do I got him that's team kill oops okay if the mouse is off the screen I can't wait who killed him who shot him Aces only acees only acees only Aces only acees only did Mr the [Music] flame defeat what fight wait buy menu oh [ __ ] okay hold guys I'm going to get a graphics card in a minute just shot his own friend all right graphics cards H this these are cheap I go with the m MTX go how about yeah the MTX go yeah I'll play music for you guys all right when's the delivery get [Laughter] here I hate all of you stupid herd you will never be a good streamer change the subject talk about cats talk about [ __ ] I do that pretty frequently so there's a lot of bands going out is this kind of does this happen in channels yes no no 10 no 10 no 10 no 10 no I didn't mean to do that don't there's no 10 under there you don't have Blackjack I [ __ ] hate cards Zer Zer off then go to Fed Zer off you know I can say it because it's not even a real word isn't that how uh wasn't there a TV show on TV that got away with that for a while they had swears in the universe it was something it was like it was like Frack or like gr Battle Star Galactica yeah they had a whole list of like just swears that they made up and people in the show if it was like oh come on like rack you it's like excuse me so it felt real felt was like holy [ __ ] that was big that bad word are both two graphics cards oh Bo it up hey hey New Gear let's check this out new gear I'm ready to play Let's see if I can get that Ace look at that loading time it's like cut in half fight 15 FPS where's the bottleneck it's the CPU I need a better CPU now got watch out watch out watch out watch out out behind behind behind behind behind stunning all right I'm going banana me me at quad box I'm going banana people wonder get the F [ __ ] out of here all right that's the end of my stream
Channel: dumptruck
Views: 103,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma985
Id: 0GT3Lbl0fS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 20sec (6440 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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