Jerma Streams - Until Dawn (Part 2 Finale)

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hi everybody Welcome to Tuesday's stream what the hell was that it sound like I was [ __ ] 90 years old hey everybody Welcome to Tuesday stream God welcome I probably should have cleared my throat before I hit the uh the on button I didn't bu whatever we're going to finish the video game called until dawn I'm so late I'm only I said I said it was going to be like 15 minutes late I have't issue today and it's going to affect the stream's quality it just will unfortunately uh I get migraines bad and a lot of you guys already know that already and I just spent all day in bed today I I I I was like I was like asleep for like 14 hours because I just couldn't get out of bed cuz I have this like this awful migraine it's better now but those if you don't know about migraines when you have one a bad one windows up update get the [ __ ] don't even don't even do it what what's going on here no turn this [ __ ] off do not turn my computer off right now like Windows 10 please uh so I'm a little under the weather it might affect stream quality you might not get as many [ __ ] hilarious [ __ ] wacky jokes no of course you will serious no I'm going to finish till Dawn I just want to make sure you guys know that like if if I like slur my words together for some reason it's because I had a migraine today that happens and you know what anytime that I say something stupid or any anytime I have trouble with something it's because I had a migraine some at some point in my life thank you uh ilver am I saying your name right is it Ivory ILY lroy like what is it I want to get it correct uh I just turned off auto updates yet Rock uh but thank you for the $849 850 hey germa heard you're getting over a migraine got a jet soon but this should cover the cost of Advil in accordance to Boston sales tax take care hope you feel better well thank you thank you for the bottle of Advil all right so let me move this over here you know you know we're here let's get that going there is our there's Dr Acula you notice when you went back to watch past streams a lot of great content happens when I'm sick really well all right cool expect some [ __ ] good content then your migrants feel like Edward scissor hand stuck in his hand oh Edward scissor hand's like stabbing your brain yeah that the worst thing about migraines it's not for me I I I can I can like handle like the pain it's not the pain that bothers me it's like the the full two-day hangover that I get where I feel like I drank like [ __ ] four bottles of vodka it sucks I feel like I'm just slow I'm cognitively not like completely there it's it's awful I feel like I'm just drunk it's awful I could deal with the pain but not that [ __ ] it's annoying all right enough enough of the pity party uh let's finish until dawn did I kill anyone yet I don't I I don't know I don't think I think there's only one person is dead barely let's go and that was loud all right here we go we at least we're going to get a previously on until done let's let's see what happened last time Josh Josh how does it feel do you enjoy all those emotions that my sisters got to Fu once one year ago only guess what they didn't get to laugh it off no nope no no no they're gone Jessica's [ __ ] dead what did you hear me Jessica is dead you were going to [ __ ] pay you dick what happened with Jess Mike I don't think Jess is dead I don't remember killing Jess Jess she's not dead Christ oh God oh my God m look at all these spoilers well I mean I've played the game for like 6 hours already all right so this oh looks like looks like we're just going right back into [Music] it okay so I have the flare I'm currently playing as Emily and I've got my Red Ice Cream going say you thought the jokes working going to [ __ ] start flowing Derma has a migraine oh he doesn't feel good red ice cream cone with [ __ ] sparklers on It come on give me that one that that was good what's this all right all right somebody gets angry Fortune totem what is that another joke all right so Fortune prophecy of Good Fortune why is that good fortune that looks like he just scratched off a lottery ticket there you go here's your [ __ ] first joke of the of the evening that's the good fortune don't think so you know when you get a lottery ticket you scratch it off and like your winning numbers are like like 12 and 16 and you you scratch off 13 the next one you scratch off is [ __ ] like 14 and the one after that's 11 you're like God I would have won a million dollars joke I don't need to say joke after that all right no more no more jokes let's play a laugh track you know one of these days I'm going to do that you know that right there's a bug in here now and it's going to really bother me I [ __ ] hate when there's a bug in the room and it's a fast flying bug mosquitoes are easy you clap your hands and they explode that's easy a moth is easy you just like crush them into the wall a fly okay this is going to be the way not easy God damn it [ __ ] are these [ __ ] monsters we even seen a monster oh boy almost just dropped the ice cream all right yeah that that thing we've seen that no we haven't all right we're going to go left that's like Slender Man Golem okay that's like somebody made Golem in a creat a character watch out for [ __ ] w we create a character Golem he's coming all right I think I think we're good okay [ __ ] oh [ __ ] don't move I I got this good how long do I not move for oh I almost [Music] moved oh [ __ ] my flare is out nice oh that's the clown that's the thing we had the clown Vision the whole time okay what is it then it's going to be one of the miners convenience Stones really you fall there that's where you fall stay on it stay on it don't [ __ ] jump off just don't fall as like a meat rinder I knew it was going to be a meat grinder oh [ __ ] I didn't press startle hold on a minute I knew it was going to be a Meek grinder I was certain it was going to be a Meek grinder what what I was waiting for the prompt and it didn't give one to me I got bit know what happens when you get B now I'm going to be com for [ __ ] Golem monster later that's what this is like some some virus broke out in the mindes and all right remember in the very beginning when that happened to the first two characters and they were dead uh why did she survive this and know she she just like threw too many [Music] pitches okay we're good plot armor really should have just dropped her in me grinder but no we're trying to get everybody to stay alive crap what now let me in let me in let her in quick this is a bad idea didn't she get bit shut the door oh my God shut the door Em are you all right I didn't think that I'd make she's going to turn and she's going to [ __ ] bite somebody totally there was something where man sit down sit down something's out there you monster time to be cous um there's a monster or must be confused here what are you talking about I said there's something out there relax it was Josh it was all Josh no no no no listen to me we got him tied up he can't hurt you no it was after me and it wasn't human hold on oh wait a minute not human well why is it this guy this guy has to be the one that the H what happened where is he M can you tell us exactly what happened I am trying to tell you we were climbing up the tower and it it fell the whole Tower just fell right into the mines whoa whoa whoa what mines there are these mine shafts all over running under everything when the tower fell we ended up down there I don't understand the tower fell how it fall I down there dark and I found this pile and there was Beth's head wait what Beth's head I found it oh my God what the [ __ ] are you serious yes I'm serious wish she came back to me and I should act concerned Jesus Christ but the worst part is I don't think that Hannah died like like from the fall not right away wait what what do you mean I don't know I feel like she was down there like starving to death for weeks when we were all up here looking for her and we had no idea jez that's horrible I I didn't choose that I wanted to CH in the tower there was there was a radio and and I got through to someone but then that was right when the tower coming quick M you made it oh God m m and by the way n comes after that we're trying to and then L and then o and then P got the alphabet that's what he say all messed up guys Emily hey M whoa what the [ __ ] that Josh Jess it's not Jess sorry man but who is it I don't know we should check it out I got your back that was a two cent joke yeah it was isn't there a gun somewhere in this house that I can use yeah if you're just joining us for the first time this is wait a minute this is important this is the flamethrower guy all right just cover the door okay I'm going to open the door don't let drop the gun down you ready just do it already whoever it is is probably gone by now unless you can see through the [ __ ] blinds there's a guy standing there good you do the door he doesn't see that guy all they're probably gone already even though I can [ __ ] see them through the door what look at this [ __ ] immersion God hold on there hold on there Mister Freeze oh what all right are you serious just take it easy Grandpa okay everybody just calm down now just move over there go on move let me say what I came to say what I'm here to tell you what you're up against being back on this mountain you should never have returned I don't know why you did after what happened last year and Beth yeah how could you know without being involved or responsible you hold on to your horses I don't take kindly to you kids coming up here to my Mountain your Mountain huh I'm sure the Washingtons would be very surprised to hear that well the mountain don't belong to me it's true but it don't belong to the Washingtons this mountain belongs to the windy go uhoh who what's he talking about hell talking about like the Native American have a choice now I'm only going to tell you this once it doesn't matter to me if you believe it or not I got reasons I want to get it off my chest he's going to die the [ __ ] mutant's going to come in and rip his head off when he's about to say like the [ __ ] tile guilty is something shut up Mike is a curse that dwells in these mountains okay should any man or woman resort to cannibalism in these Woods the spirit of the wo shall be Unleashed Hannah ate Beth got it oh crap wait is he remembering when he ate somebody Oh I thought he was like oh [ __ ] I shouldn't have eaten that person God damn it what did I do you're going to need to find somewhere safe the basement might be okay okay get down there now all of you and wait what why for how long until dawn there it is guys I knew it I ran off and left Josh when I heard screaming where did you leave him in the shed your friend will already be dead no no he can't be we we were just with him a lot can happen quickly on this mountain no I I'm not letting anything else happen credit anything else what what do you mean uh Chris roll the title card you mean I hit him we thought he'd killed Jessica and and and so he got me riled up I ate him and I hit him in the head Chris maybe he deserved it no matter what we can't just let him died then I'll go with you I I don't need your help you're going alone it's suicide I like this guy's voice the rest of you get down to the basement be safe and don't go outside again until we're back so we've seen this guy periodically throughout the whole game you don't seem to understand the magnitude of the situation he's been flamethrower in random places well I'm going to get Josh aren't I no I'm going to get Josh you're going to help me do you understand uh oh choices here it comes yeah I think so you need to follow me and do everything I tell you grab pen and smash pen into back of his gas tank why is that not a choice grab knife on table stab as hard as you can into propane tank why is that not oh a shy the thing you want to kill I know how to use a shotgun man no you don't what how do you know trust me I know wait a he come back safe we need to hurry son I uh see you soon I'm not going to kill this guy this guy is the you don't ever kill the guy that knows everything on the mountain he's going to die on his own in a cut scene don't worry what's uh what's the guy got to know you just be careful don't you follow my lead don't you guys have any idea the [ __ ] random like mystical dude that knows everything will die in a cut scene before he says the secret H you be shooting it a long time you mean this thing won't even kill it no it'll slow it down but how do you kill it I don't like fire I don't like fire how can I get a Ghostbusters proton pack that's not fair if you have to and their skin is like it's like Tough Armor unless you burn it off first that kind of looks like a Ghostbuster he's in like the Ghostbuster costume what are these things this guy's just crazy he just like [ __ ] stumbled into the woods after cosplaying it like packs I mean can you figure out what they're going to do like lost his [ __ ] mind in the woods here to some pattern like eating animal or human you mean like how they've got schedules well they only HT at night oh why I didn't ask can we just say like [ __ ] this guy why are we going back to rescue the guy that had caused so many problems throughout the whole game here Pro when to go tips like if I rub garlic all over me they be able to smell me or something they'll still smell you anything like that I feel Burger boy just talking in his normal voice standing still based on CH M I need to look at this so if I don't move I I'm I'm basically invisible yeah well I wouldn't recommend testing it out unless you have no hey thank you premium k for the five uh Premium pill says I love when I have to log in to give bits and then when I send the message it doesn't give the bits I have waited for the stream all weekend well welcome thank you welcome back uh also thank you to uh when talking are or or were human do they they still have some aspect of humanity I'm trying to like well they retain certain things thank you jewes wait I mean is it really right to kill them I am liking the game shut up surr no not you not not like you that gave like the bits over there I'm talking about this Chris if your name is Chris I'm sorry that's not what I meant human I don't know if it's right to hurt when you're scaring one in the face it's them take the high Ro you won't be on it for long oh he's gone we're too late shh quiet why you even come back for this guy where to go right now we got to find Josh he can still be out there first the wind you go he'll render you immobile okay and then he strips the skin off of your entire body piece by piece and then he keeps you alive and wear and feast on your organs one piece at a time that's [ __ ] up so for watch then let's go now might still be imagine I got the choice to stay stay and investigate the wendigo oh okay go let's go wait a minute there there's probably something in here guys like there is there is there is I know I'm supposed to leave I forget it like this there's going to be a [ __ ] like secret here this I have to look okay well at least I have the shotgun I'll be okay jeez all right whatever apparently there's nothing here there's something right here oh crap go he just said oh crap a few times let's like I got to go I'm being patiently waited for by the [ __ ] flame beer oh what what what the what oh come on run I was there was no preparing for that you can't sream don't just Burt me back God damn I'm look right out got to get out of here oh my God just got him I told you guys oh [ __ ] oh my God oh my God he got him oh my God cuz I stepped on a [ __ ] twig wait what what is going on shoot it I couldn't shoot the gun oh my God br what why wouldn't the gun shoot why wouldn't the gun shoot why didn't the gun shoot no Ash uh Ash that gun wouldn't fire oh my the gun wouldn't fire R2 didn't do anything the gun wouldn't shoot there was no bullets in that gun I swear to God the gun wouldn't fire are you okay I'm literally sitting there pressing R2 over and over again okay wouldn't shoot let's get down to the basement okay hey stay with me stay with me Ash I tried to shoot the fuel [Music] tank hold on a minute look at this I you saw me I tried to shoot the fuel tank it didn't work so I was like okay so I went over to the [ __ ] gollem zombie and I tried to shoot him and it didn't do anything hold on what that gun didn't have any bullets what do you mean I didn't aim what are you talking about I was aiming at the [ __ ] the what motion control no I don't have motion controls on my ash oh thank God Ash what's wrong it's no no rewinds I can't rewind that what what do you mean Mike where is Chris oh no God Ash it's press it's not X to shoot it was R2 the whole time he was out there I'm I so sorry Ashley he legit legit did not know how to use the shotgun he's got to be dead too oh Christ no no rewinds I I something went wrong there the gun didn't work I didn't know how to use the gun another way out mik I really don't think that's a good idea we should stay put right here until dawn at least we're safe down here CR yeah all wrapped up like a little present with a bow on top that thing to tear us apart on Christmas morning people will come for us in the morning you don't sound so sure that is what'll happen right em yeah I I mean right well you can wait I'm leaving so every single other time I've had to use Jos he's got to have a the thing so it turns blue over the spot and then I press R2 that's how it's been the entire game if that [ __ ] thing got a hold of Josh then we're [ __ ] out of luck I don't know Mike it's possible what's possible it may have taken him down to the mine what I saw some horrible stuff down there I think it's where that thing lives and go run that VOD back and look huh m what [ __ ] it I'm going to get that key right from that thing's goddamn bedroom and then I'm going to get us all the hell out of here never turned blue what are you talking never turned blue so that old guy like stick it in there and press the button that guy was prepared for anything not quite what is this place oh my God wait wait what is that I was down there it's horrible you were youve been a cave in in the ' 50s I guess yes and these miners got trapped down there pause the game and run the V there was this reporter and I think he figured out there had been some like big cover up going on I found these plans they knew the mine was a death trap but they let the miners keep working anyway Michael I'd like to maybe focus on how we're going to get the [ __ ] out of here please I'm just saying it's weird how much crazy shit's going on up here there's a lot of crazy [ __ ] what's weird is that there's a tunnel leading from the lodge to the sanatorium see we'll look at it in a minute that's how I got back here I saw this when I was down there that's where it lives restart the whole game m m what is that huh what is that Ash OH then they're noticing her her wound oh my God oh my God oh my it's nothing it just bit me it bit you what bit you the the wo the what it's nothing really it's not Qui drowner okay [ __ ] it doesn't hurt anymore really it's it's not that bad em if that thing I I know what you're thinking I'm fine are you yes Emily at least let us check it out Em going to pull it up there going to be a bunch of bugs [ __ ] bit you you could turn into one of those things that's ridiculous he said it was from eating each other remember he said that is that how it worked yes it happens if it bit you you're going to turn into one and then you're going to turn on us oh my God oh my God oh my God you can't be down here and it went on that you'll be all right what Mike you got to go are you kidding me you're putting us all in danger like hell I am Emily you can't stay here Mike just cool your head okay we don't know if it works like that maybe it's just a bite it probably doesn't work like that this guys what are you doing door is right here we about to like lock her this voluntarily Oh no you're just making yourself feel better about sending me to my death since you know there's a wending out there ready to rip me to pieces like it did with okay oh my God will you just go go get out of here uh here we go okay who whoa whoa Mike calm down got I told you to leave you're going to shoot me Mike me this is the safe room M please it is not safe as long as you're in it not for us don't don't do this don't we're not going to I'm not going to shoot her I'm really sorry what I have I have to make this choice oh I wonder is it R2 take a look if I have it over there watch this see that's what it did last time and it didn't shoot [ __ ] I can't do this oh my God that's exactly what happened last time go look maybe for now [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you can't kill somebody that quickly are you serious keep an eye on her if you see anything weird yeah you guys know what to do yeah no one leave should have tested it was going to it's not safe out there I [ __ ] was smashing R2 go watch the [ __ ] VOD if you're watching the VOD right now if you're a VOD Watcher you know what I'm talking about you can just skip you can go back and be like oh wow he's right he did do that and hit R2 a bunch of times at [ __ ] shitty PS4 controller mechanism I thought thought that if she shows that he was going to help us a sign of turning flamethrower dude that's when you shoot now we don't have a chance no guys it just means we've got to be tough we've got to do this on our own they're going to go through an animation I can where they're like when she starts to do that bang right in the face okay wo must be contained grows out of cannibalism OCD wait I'm trying I was you you don't give me an entire [ __ ] diary to read and then go back to cut scene mon a man found dead creature is real and dangerous if you are reading this you will have questions but I do not have all the answers the evidence and stories of my own experience let's get look all right mining mining the miners were eating each other don't step on the stick next time Stillness totally not mimic wait we got to I I I know how this works all right we got to read all the [ __ ] highlighted letters that's the code that's the code he was trying to give us [ __ ] can't higher craving okay found native artifact caught by the designs I've tested Mountain hunger cravings skill and rib cage found miles apart who survived the collapse stripped of all their bones and their skin eat the Flesh of another one wait bite of another wind to go but the bite is harmless I have been bitten but I did not change the only way is to eat the what did he cross out okay so you have to eat somebody uh Emily has to eat someone or she or she'll turn what what is it what does it say they had drained of all their bones it says that the bites it if it bites you it's not infectious it doesn't do anything let me see that I'm sorry what did you say um yeah it kind of has to eat me it says what you're going to be fine fine Mike almost shot me is that fine shoot you and this [ __ ] let him hey that's not fair she was scared I'm the one who scar she up the gun and then you can like aim and Sho her I didn't know what was going to happen none of us know there's no excuse there's no excuse please just trying to understand understand the palm of my hand [ __ ] I'm sorry my God I'm so so so so sorry [ __ ] no it says you have to eat somebody that's what it said we've got to get to Mike like now all right that slap was and why would you not take the gun what the [ __ ] are you people doing you leave like the [ __ ] Necronomicon and the gun you should have listened to me because of your choices people have died because of your shitty I don't know which is worse actively triggering events that lead to someone's death or passively allowing a tragedy to occur because you couldn't lift a goddamn finger to help someone else remember last year huh are you left your poor sisters to die hold on hold on wait wait wait wait wait nothing hold on stop stop stop stop pause pause it German shoots the gun I'm watching it all right I see like like murdered that guy okay I'm watching it right now no you're going to see it you're going to see it and you're going to hear me pressing R2 oh my God oh my God he got him oh my God cuz I stepped on a [ __ ] Twi and where's my shooting oh oh didn't work didn't work didn't work didn't work again [ __ ] unbelievable you saw it there it is there black that's just their black and white it's by your own s cented fear while a real threat was closing in no it's all about you Josh it's always all about you what the [ __ ] is this your game has gone terribly wrong and your friends like your sisters have dis surged you took me 15 seconds I tried to shoot the tank on the [ __ ] left side and it didn't work can you feel how cold you long Ness has become H why did you hurt them Chris was your best friend huh and yet you despised him that much um I didn't hurt anybody oh but of course you did they were your friends you misled them you lied to them and you put them through a night of genuine horror it's just a game man just a game but it's a game that has driven you to one of your own deepest fears Joshua isolation that's not one of my fears I didn't pick that I didn't pick that as one of my fears in the beginning of the game I can't ash oh thank God Ash what's wrong it's it's not good up there Ash Ash no I could have had everybody sa sorry [ __ ] what about the old guy no sign of him wa don't more holy [ __ ] what the what are you looking for another way out damn it Mike there's no key for the cable car Josh he's got to have it you actually did pick that lonely on the farm I did down to the mine em what is that huh this is the safe room M please [ __ ] I can't do this oh wait that was the Good Fortune you did the right thing that was the Good Fortune keep an eye on her I'll be back soon all right episode 9 Karma two more chapters until the game ends after this one oh this safe room I'm safe in the safeer room all right so very rapidly here this a lot of these characters going to have a chance to die so like place your bets of who's going to make it out I don't know depends on if like I can shoot the gun this time over there important over there over there [ __ ] laundry you guys don't think anyone's going to make it out you you have that you have that little confidence in my ability to play this game where we're at the end of the game and the only character that's died so far is because of a [ __ ] up like shitty controller game mechanic very clearly the evidence is there that I pressed R2 with the green like please shoot reticle and that don't matter that's the only reason why those two characters died yep yep you all think so all right fine no one else is dying the rest of the time I play check it I did check the bot I watched it somebody clipped it you can you can hear me going like this you can hear it you can hear it the evidence is there I would get acquitted there would be a [ __ ] mistrial I would go home and go back to [ __ ] school wherever the hell I was going I would go back to work why would I go back to school I'm [ __ ] like in my 30s no it's another one of those things um why is this one not doing anything what how come this one doesn't give me like weird like Tiki Vision F what what's going on here it's my fault right huh it's my my fault that this doesn't work really you you're going to get you're going to give me [ __ ] my fault for this not working I already have this one [ __ ] I do no [ __ ] I really wasn't hoping my like R2 was broken so like I I could really like get you guys all well where where where am I going apparently this way r two is [Laughter] innocent no none of us are innocent not even R2 God don't you guys wish that there was a holy [ __ ] a D2 on the PlayStation 4 controller huh you know what I mean so like you would see like button combinations like R2 D2 Star [Laughter] Wars ah I can't open it actually I can't open it really whaty the Woodpecker hey wait is the dog still there what whaty woodpecker you replace okay take the Star Wars [ __ ] thing that I just did that really just is what the woodpeckers intro they're the same exact Melody then the Woody wood pek intro is it's the [ __ ] same thing are you serious nobody's found that out yet that that's it we got that we got that here we made it on [ __ ] the German 985 stream twitch chat it's the same exact [ __ ] song got it somebody copied somebody and I don't know who it was mystory has been made can't get this [Laughter] door where's the dog the dog should still be sitting right here right you think I have might have more than a m green yeah well I'll give you a list of all my issues okay well this this has to be something here I can do now you can't watch the VOD copyright strike I'm not going to get a copyright strike with that come on man come on I've already looked at this uh this [ __ ] in here can I get in this come on why would it zoom in like this weird I guess I can't do anything with this I can look at it well oh well why is nobody here well it's on sub only to prevent spoilers dog is not here anymore guys I don't want to look over in chat and see uh you know somebody writing the end of the game and that's very possible very possible yeah end of the G you guys are clever that's a good one oh now I can drop down okay that would hurt a lot that's a very big smile let's open this first CU I'm not going to get like a when to go to [ __ ] jump at me and not have a place to run here is a okay there's what what do you guys think I should take should I take the cordless vacuum cleaner or should I take the torch I just need a pitchfork and a mob want don't you take take the [ __ ] portable vacuum C does he not see the gun I got I got to take these like lipsticks what are these for oh a gun good enough okay well at least now I got like a cordless vacuum I'm going to say it again so these things are like werewolves right they don't they're going to hate fire anything else down here that I can do that I can like burn yeah I would I would put that box of ammo underneath my arm and hold it like a football sorry my AC just turned on like why wouldn't you [ __ ] just football carry like a running back that whole box holy hell Charlie Miller Adam White and Evelyn Daniels they all died together they all laid each other that it well I have a second here sticks Renegade thanks for the five bucks if no one else dies I'll donate $100 next week oh well I'm going to try thank you though also thanks to gummy monk for the five bucks as well you [ __ ] it up too badly you got to rewind I can't rewind somebody else gave bits and I didn't see who it was and people subscribed too I got I got to think I got to get a solu for the whole sub thing I don't know you I've I've talked about this a [ __ ] 100 times before I've got to think of like a [ __ ] solution cuz I I want to be able to like acknowledge people that subscribe but I don't want it to like take over the stream cuz i' i' I've see streams like that and I'm not going to [ __ ] I'm not going to dog anybody or down any streamer or but you guys know what I'm talking about we're [ __ ] every like 8 seconds the whole St the whole [ __ ] thing freezes to say like seven names in a row and then like oh let's go back to it yeah I don't I don't want to do that like imagine if like we were in the middle of like a [ __ ] heated moment and all of a sudden I just like paused the game and just started saying names I don't want to do that is there anything else up here I can do cuz it it takes away from like the flow of the game flow of the stream the flow of like if like there's something funny going on or something interesting that like we're talking about like that I don't want to get like interrupted you know what I mean and then like somebody somebody just wrote like just acknowledge landmarks and that's that's that's potentially a good idea like get like the first month and then like the third or like six months or something I don't know I don't want you guys to think I don't care and where am I going I never want you guys to think I don't care because like you guys are obviously are the ones like supporting the stream and like paying me money and [ __ ] like I don't wanted you to think that that's not like you know some of you guys have been subscribed for [ __ ] like more than a year that's a huge deal I don't want you to think that I'm like devaluing you or something by like not saying your name or acknowledging you but I just don't want it to take over the broadcast you know uh I missed the room I'm a [ __ ] idiot so what's the point of bringing a gun if you don't know how to shoot it ride or die can I do something in here now that I couldn't do before I I guess I can hold that I can like hold this [ __ ] why would you hold this this close to paper not in there did I just go backwards I no I already went this way this [ __ ] I was walking around in circles like raing and talking and now I like don't remember where the hell I was going can't open this door right oh no maybe I can I'm going to have to shoot it off okay here we go guys you ready guess what worked that time when I pressed R2 everybody was giving me [ __ ] about press X it was just R2 oh wait a minute hey big guy yep we're friends happy to see me again huh oh we're [ __ ] friends I'm so glad hey put that gun away hoping I'd run into you again all right good Bo these things are like probably the wind goes me all right here's the plan I happen to see a map of this place so we're not Flying Blind there should be way to the psychiatric Wing that'll take us right outside the mine think you can handle that hope he doesn't turn on me couldn't have said it better myself the W to go is going to be like if you get bit by dog these dogs are like the ancient secret Native American dogs or something that they have like the strange some magic in the mountain or something and if you get bit by one of these dogs then you turn into a wend too eventually I mean the wend too people are like werewolves it's going to be one of those Coming of Age stories about like the I mean not a Coming of Age story you know what I'm talking about like the werewolf Coming of Age story not a human Coming of Age story story wend too is Native American for dog so I mean that makes sense it's a literal direct translation from Native American doy boy Cal down is dog wish I can move like you Wolfie who slow down stuck on this side all right there there's nothing Native American awesome that is not true I know it's not true that's why I said it I shouldn't eaten that [ __ ] pie at Thanksgiving cuz now I can't get through the door ah there we go see that I do got moves don't not Wolfie am am I calling him Wolfie yeah I can't trust the dog he's definitely two wendigos in a dog costume detention area I used to have detention all the time I was one of those kids in high school and middle school that I was always in detention always and it was the awful it was so bad cuz I had to take the late bus huh they should be dead okay who who remembers the late bus from high school they had one last sorry ass bus at like 4:00 for all like the [ __ ] degenerate kids I was one of them oh boy oh God see oh son of a [ __ ] hell yeah late bus boys yeah see Jesus Christ [ __ ] have I got myself into you always in detention cuz you made noises I was always in attention because I just didn't pay attention and I would like make like a snarky Swanky comment [ __ ] man this is truly disgusting this is disgusting swagy it's got to be the one of the worst words in the English dictionary well there's a wend to go right there I I I see that on the right wendigo or you could just call it like a default first area Dark Souls 3 enemy please give me the tutorial zombies from Dark Souls he's going to be like right here what's a Swanky comment one that like after you're done saying it like the two people at the desk to your left in your right are like yeah put their [ __ ] hands up and you like slap their hands and then you get in trouble like you know like at least the teacher gave you the benefit of the doubt to like get those high fives before picking the phone up and saying that you're coming to the office you know like bang slap this guy's hand bang slap that guy's hand she picks up the phone uh Jeremy will be in the office in about 5 [Applause] minutes why wouldn't I be moving faster than this I don't I I I like this game but I wish there was a slightly run button so if you're not friendly to the dog I'm I'm going to assume this dog is going to save me and he's going to die and it's going to be really [ __ ] sad wait nobody else is allowed nobody can die right should I I don't think should should it's probably just a rat it's going to be a rat don't shoot it's going to be like a [ __ ] bug or something see I knew it oh that worked huh that for you [ __ ] don't close the dog [Applause] out just straight ahead I got a dog come on where the dog don't close the dog out can I wait for the dog oh what the [Music] [ __ ] [Applause] these are miners I he's like locked in here but where's the dog [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm in darkness now God no way no [ __ ] way way this is happening am I just locked in here he's in the other cell we we're like inmates wait what how did I do that who's here [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] I'm getting ready to shoot it [Music] why did that not work why didn't this work last time I don't understand like when I [ __ ] was clearly pressing R2 I should have two other survivors God damn it Mike has had like the hardest life so far wait what what what oh wait the dog is here I have the dog in here right now he oh hey by the way I was here okay okay the hell was that oh my God watch these all be end up being like presidents oh that's right it's we're talking about there's like 30 miners right there were 30 presidents up until this point wasn't there oh God I was about to sneeze I didn't do that oh my God it my my whole body's itchy I hope I don't have to no move holy [ __ ] good sneaking damn it you son of a [ __ ] dog really hasn't done much he's kind of just walking around with me huh damn it does is the dog like a character now does does he count if he dies what I hope he doesn't I hope he becomes like my best friend I know he's not going to they're going to ruin it for me they're going to make me really sad right [ __ ] going to stop you're [ __ ] bad dream follow the dog follow the dog that really are in a haunted house one at the time boys it's enough for me for all you this is the most gameplay this game has had in like 7 and a half hours okay what I don't know why you would mean why am I shooting because [ __ ] I don't know okay don't shoot then I'm not going to shoot then okay I didn't shoot I'm wasting ammo I don't know guys I don't know if they can like break [Applause] through do the champion dog oh God come on oh God not good come on I have enough bullets right [Applause] um shoot shoot it blow it up this is where we're going to blow it up and we're going to get [ __ ] double kill oh [ __ ] okay we're good where's the dog where's the dog where's the dog oh no all right time to go goodbye dog no he's he's okay right I think he's okay I hope he's okay I really hope I have bullets in this please take your time going up the stairs it's as if you know what it's really as if all these characters have like 40 lb shoes they want to be running but they just can't I wish I wasn't wearing these heavy [ __ ] boots seriously I can hear some sprinting around right [Music] now [Music] he these [ __ ] things everywhere I'm just I'm just moving come on get me out of here F that was worth that's I think worth it was uh barricaded barricaded barricade good come on I ain't going to [ __ ] play that game barricade the door and then I had time there hey buddy what come on down it's all right why would he he just keeps showing up bud I'll catch you on the flip side huh huh where where has he been that was the dumbest run I've ever seen I can run way I'm going to I'm going to REO [ __ ] quiet what what what what oh my God what just shoot this Barrel I got it I got it I did it I win I beat you [ __ ] [Music] monsters I don't get they're like Souls come out [Music] screaming the dog no the dog is alive remember he got out I was like hey go get out of here and he like went the other way he got out the dog definitely got out fine guys now this is Jessica yeah Jessica's not not dead she's very much [Music] alive that was the dog reaching his hand out all right give me one sec I got to pee and I got to refill my uh my my [ __ ] coffee here uh give me one second I'll be right back I take this opportunity to go to the bathroom take your take a little pee if you need to I'll be right [Music] back wait what all right we're back we are back put this back on hello hey would you look at that okay so what are we doing did I get the DLC um is it DLC this DLC for the game well while I was gone uh Dan with wings gave $10 thanks a lot for the 10 bucks Dan and Dan says if the dog dies you get no $100 well the dog's not dead he didn't die on camera that means he's still alive but thank you for your uh 10 bucks also big we gave bits as well tier 100 for evil dead in the title that's that is a Evil Dead reference that's correct glad you got it glad somebody got it dead by Dawn Utopia Fox thanks for the five bucks hi ger you're an amazing Entertainer and you never failed to make me laugh stay Swanky and eat your potatoes I will thank you for the $5 Utopia much appreciated I think we can get [Music] going so I'm with these three characters now uh Ashley uh the boogeyman up there in the The Shadow and uh Emily you sub to say you love me well thank you you have my admiration Candy Crush 2 why would you make a candy crush 2 what else can you possibly add into Candy Crush 2 to justify people getting Candy Crush I don't know [ __ ] I must have locked behind him crap there's got to be another way in oh yeah I I forgot about Matt where is Matt Matt's still alive isn't he wait hey what about this it's got candy you're right I mean should should we try it oh it's not like we got a whole lot of choices here oh yeah uh let me just uh uh yeah so I'm sorry just give me one second um we're going to like open up the uh sewer thing to make sure we can get like this uh get this [ __ ] off hold on almost got it almost got it okay let's get this thing open all right getting close almost there and here they come no don't windows up there don't Windows update do not Windows update I turned this off turn it off I don't [ __ ] want it after you [ __ ] Windows update all right I got to it's not so bad all right no more jokes hold on I like actually got terrified that my windows upd El go my like heart stopped I saw the Windows update thing hurry up and get down there what how long does it take you to get down a [ __ ] ladder jeez I could fall down there and be fine this streamer is funny hey the stream died oh God we should close this right we should close this I mean that means I should play this in Reverse yes fine close it but we got to keep moving I'm not closing it catch up please I don't want to close it but what if like we lock ourselves in but what if ick up what if one of those like weird like monkey werewolves comes see now I'm lost now I don't have anybody with me wait a minute let's check the [ __ ] back here I know what you guys are doing don't think I can't see stream chat I know what I know what you're doing over there stream chat you're saying all kinds of mean comments come on I you know what I was trying to do mud she sees us hide and this is why you don't split up [Music] hello who's there anybody J of us is it [Music] you there three people here I'm going to investigate the voice let's do the horror Trope this is [ __ ] crazy Jessica that was way too far fall Jessica is is that you investigate the voice I did the worst possible [ __ ] thing I could do but sometimes like the obvious don't do it is like the it's like the thing you're supposed to do right please uh well at least I I it's going to do the right button combinations and I won't be dead oh god oh no no no see look at this it's going to give me the answer to all my riddles that's somebody's head being like exploded loss of a friend all right well there now I was going to just say something but I'm not going to give any spoilers for any TV shows I'm not going to give any TV show spoilers if you know what TV show I'm about to refer to don't say it like that's a TV show spoiler like remember in that TV show very popular like Emmy winning TV show you know don't worry you guys know what I'm talking about all right well somebody's like in here I'm not opening this why would I open this are you serious no this is like how to die 101 right I can't open that no that's such a bad idea open it open it if no just don't open it oh no I'm not opening it that's how the character dies don't you guys understand that I'm [Music] going there was see look at that so glad to see you look at that I'm good we're back together look at that look look there wow great why would you ever open a trap door with like shaking like that no no no I think I can worst case scenario it's a wendigo best case scenario it's like a [ __ ] snake and the outcome is still the same I've got to get Mike good luck it's not the dog it's was not the [Music] dog a snake in the snow but you don't know that it's not the dog what Oh I thought that was Mike what was the point of seeing that oh there's a huge fly on my screen right now get the [ __ ] out of here get out of here oh my God he's like red what does a red fly mean somebody look this up like red fly is this going to bite me I'm going to get like [ __ ] bit by this thing aren't I it's he's like [ __ ] swirling around me it's a death totem it's deadly he's [ __ ] freaking me out so when to go [Music] God you always have to do the hard one it means it goes faster and you escape all the scary animals and the Annoying flies oh he's just he's he's swirling around my head I can hear him I have full 5.1 stereo of this fly circling my [ __ ] brain right now I'll catch him in my mouth if I have to you know what I mean like I I'm he's so annoying I I will try to eat him and I'll spit him out under the ground God damn it [ __ ] fly okay then these like red murder Flies what is this what am I looking at here no I was to like looking at the [ __ ] fly should I just drop down I pay $1,000 to eat the fly no wait a minute let me look I'm going this way can you guys like hear him he's like [ __ ] He's smashing into walls and [ __ ] this is not going to like actually collapse on me is it like I BL I blame this [ __ ] fly for like if I picked the wrong decision I I didn't have a chance to look hello like literally I would have like had a more conscious decision instead like this this obnoxious fly [ __ ] flies I hope they all go away forever what purpose do they serve nothing they're just annoying I have like my window open over here that's like what one like got in cool what is that that something just like screamed in my why are we all separated again think of the frogs Yeah that's right yeah well I mean that the frogs are fine but come on girl you could do it how do we get him away from our houses he flew in this window stay oh God wao wo wo wo whoo wo wo oh got Smash in the head I can't aim down that [Music] faruck using the gun as a prop there Windows update is seriously okay I'm going to pick a time alive start how about how about like next [ __ ] Saturday get the [ __ ] out of here what the hell are you doing here anyway I was going to warn you about the wind Gast I think I got it let's find a way down to where we're good guys uh I'm just going to warn you here you very loud I'm about to crush the [ __ ] fly on my desk okay Mike there's no key for the cable car I'm going to give you up if I got it he's got to have it here we go a he's gone we're too late shh quiet it may have taken him down to the mine I didn't get him don't move uh didn't didn't get him holy [ __ ] not get now he's in now he's [ __ ] in I'm going to get that key right from that thing's goddamn bedroom and then I'm going to get us all the hell out of here holy [ __ ] I was so confident who let's find a way down to where this [ __ ] is not going to be balanced well I didn't get it so don't worry 1 hour until dawn we're at the last possible chapter I think or maybe one more after this are we going to find out what the [ __ ] this guy's deal is I'm really want to know I wonder how much these sessions are been held to you now just won't listen to me and things seems pretty [ __ ] [Music] up so I I'm going to believe you not Josh it's time you learn there's more to be afraid of that can be dreamt up by the unhinged imagination of a self-indulgent spoiled little brat you had so many people who cared about you were willing to help but at every turn you choose to push them away and now you're all alone this just like J like imagination character nobody sounds things you won't be alone for long this is like his old psychiatrist from like [ __ ] 20 years ago oh you won't be alone for long imagine the whole breaths Josh deep breath no no no no no no not again not again get away get away become the spiders right get away from me no you're dead sorry you're dead shut up we miss no you're dead this not ready you manipulate you're our there all right I take words from you you can't you can't tell me what to do you can't tell me what to do anymore time has run out from okay okay so it's like a multiple personality right I trust you I trust you it's going to be like multiple personality like Josh has like two personalities one of them's like the psycho the other one's no no you're not real you're all alone down there not again do I stay in the light I don't know all alone so you're with us now Family get away get away from me you get away it's not real why didn't you save us Josh why did you want us to die I didn't want you to die I [Music] swear I keep what where where the [ __ ] are we are we like inside like a stomach what the [ __ ] [Music] you just punched the pig in the face what all right like let's be honest what the [ __ ] is going on oh please pleas trash they they turned into like a monster I don't I don't take orders from you oh here comes this they're taking off the mask is this what you want oh no it was just a skeleton the whole time it wasn't actually why are you doing this scary me alone why are you doing this why did you save us Josh why did you want us to die that's nice who is this supposed to be all right well we're still going to believe the thing used to be a person we're still going maybe a minor maybe someone who worked in the sanatorium there was so much weird [ __ ] happening up there that would even begin to surpris me kind of weird [ __ ] I'm I'm I'm into a lot of weird [ __ ] sorry capturing the windos how them all tied up in these restrains I saw some real [ __ ] up [ __ ] wow yeah I must have just let them all out when I blew the place up Smooth Move smooth move dude oh wait I'm not controlling the guy with the light oh she has a light [Music] too um we can look at this shiny thing oh all right let's see the whole house is on fire how is that a good fortune Good Fortune the whole house is burning down okay M give me the drop down I'm assuming fine yeah let's go I'm going in although probably [Music] could oh it's acid come on it's okay I I would I would laugh my ass up if Ser acid name his last words they like skin just like melts off my fingers obviously very cold okay let's go wasn't there a premonition about this wheel if I remember correctly the water wheel here both doing our best Frankenstein impression I like [Music] that also if you if you jump into that water aren't you freaking the [ __ ] out to try to get to the other side as fast as you can I am going as fast as possible like frantically going through that [Music] water oh wait where did these heads come from Jesus what oh god oh here comes another one bies don't it's only two bodies though this is where it shows you all the bodies from the game that you've lost I've only lost two because of R2 oh my God no I'm going to be sick just move why do people do this in horror movies and stuff just go hold on I think I saw something how many of you guys are in a full Sprint right now no I don't I don't take orders from you why you going in here take ERS from me you can't you can't tell me what to do you can't tell me what to do anymore you can't tell you what to do this is no good I don't like this okay okay I trust you I trust you he's going to [ __ ] try to kill us I trust you what's matter he's tripping or something Josh Mike Josh hey man don't don't hit me please please you would deep in it man full mental jacket we didn't think we'd get you back full get the [ __ ] out of here okay Josh do you have the key for the cable car where is Matt is Matt the [ __ ] killer who's been gone for like [ __ ] 4 hours God see that over there that means there's a direct way out come on all right we got to get some action here there's been a whole lot of doing it's been a whole lot of nothing's no way this is supposed to be the climax of the whole series okay if you help me up I back walking around in circles yeah yeah good you bring Josh back the way we came and we'll all me at the lodge be careful yeah you do Josh aren they like two other characters we haven't seen and haven't like been near in a long [Music] time look at greasy shoes you didn't you didn't have to hit me so much man uh yeah um I'm sorry about before man I I thought you killed J I was wrong I love how I get to control this character should I like role play as him should I I think I have to do the things that he would do right if it gives me an option to like Snap neck of Mike in front of me I'm going to have to do it right like that's that's the character I I'm acting right now as the character I I didn't want you to die do it yes yeah I mean like that's what would happen right you shouldn't give me choices to make if the choices I'm like a crazy guy you know what I mean I I I I want to pick up one of the totems as this as Josh what happened to the what happened to the girl why are we doing this again uh-oh no here it [Music] comes that's an extremely odd way to be holding that flashlight why is he doing like in a Lim epic statue it's like he's doing like a javelin here we come where the monsters all right bye come on real he is real no you're not yes he is oh wait I've seen this I've seen this I've seen this we've seen this how was I supposed to prevent that I couldn't prevent that what could I have prevented that okay hey wait here he is here he is so that was Hannah Hannah is one of the W goes and there's like 40 of them what did I just I just pick up a rock no it's a lighter it's a [ __ ] Zippo should have hit R2 wait wait hey wait what the [ __ ] is that you why is she Jesus chess the hell happened to you how the [ __ ] are you still alive just how many sisters do this guy have there's something been going on just broke that shovel over his arm [ __ ] with us up here no what it's not someone it's something what if I didn't let that what if I just took my head off you had a pretty rough night I it's pretty confusing no I'm telling you it's okay I I didn't mean to scare you I don't trust this girl at all oh God she's the one that get sucked out of the window right yeah come on Jess like I'm I'm sorry like you get sucked out of a window from when to go I don't trust her for a second look at the way she's walking too she's walking like a she's pretending to be a human you know when when a toddler first learns how to walk it's a w to go she's a [ __ ] to go some sort of cave in here that was me what I fell through that roof you fell this far that's a long way Jesus makes two of us when I fell off a goddamn fire tower down here what was Josh's plan for Mike and Jessica they're up in that cabin and got attacked by windo Josh did his pranks then revealed his identity he pretty much messed with Chris and Ashley exclusively and chased Sam with a bat I I don't know man I don't know it's true um let's go this way she's going to do the thing from Dead Space 2 you guys remember Dead Space 2 the first like 5 minutes the guy that's like we going to get you out of here Isaac and he's like and he like [ __ ] gets ripped apart and like turns into one of those thing it's going to happen SPO Dead Space 2 spoilers game been for like [ __ ] 9 years like look at my my record for like here here's where where my stance on this if if a piece of media has been out for 5 years like that's when it loses that's like that's that's like the statue of spoiler limitations you know what I mean cuz I mean like come on like I can't believe you spoiled that for me it's been 5 years that game's been that game's been on the Steam Sale like [ __ ] five [ __ ] times for like two bucks come on which one ah come on Jess did I done that I have to I got the light [Music] okay hied with a lamp what why why was that why was that for me oh first Square to grab her do this hurt all right all right we got to do this get out of here come on Jess come on come on come on my stances don't do it because psycho was spoiled for me and I can never see that movie Jess come on she's done like you know what I'm sorry you can barely [Applause] leave all right fine fine we'll try we'll [Music] just okay leave her I was about to we're safe for now no here's here's she she [ __ ] on the side of a mountain she climbed all that way without a harness I want you to think about that no we're not jumping it's way too slow Brie that's such a bad idea I ain't taking the quick way not when it's this dangerous keep going I almost [ __ ] that one up good thing I got [Music] it taking longer though I love how careful you're being now well yeah I mean come on we're at the very end of the game there's like this probably like another 30 to 40 minutes of game play like I don't I want to try to win I want I want to get one like the good endings let's go this [Music] way everybody would be alive right now if it wasn't for R2D2 you know what I mean yeah first died because of a gameplay malfunction not because something I [Music] did better than average ending oh a gold coin no no no no no no no no I thought I didn't even see this what's with the [ __ ] water get out of the cold water there's got to be a better way to go oh she's dead I think I may have blown it here guys by going in the water this one's going to jump up right in my face there it comes yep's going to grab my leg and pull me back down no well all right we're good okay go you're going to be wet that's what's going to happen look at least Sam is the smart one she brought one of those mining helmets headband lights I mean that's so important well sloppy but he's still okay he's very sloppy but you're good I want one of these headband lights those things are cool I would get mine to be like right all right now she decides to run oh she she looks back and Smashes in her head that's what would have happened another one of these there's a lot of those random little like 8ot [Music] drops hey hey come on open up guys come on are you in there let me in damn what oh gosh what that's not bik you look terrible going to look worse if we stay out here were you guys lying to me or is this like the thing where like it could be anybody she did that so close back up a few feet what the [ __ ] are you thinking she just like slit her whole arm open I could happen to Josh I got him God what got him awful way to go I feel like he's the monster don't you guys feel like he's the monster not good what do you think we should do I should check the basement might be someone left down there check the basement right okay he's a [ __ ] wendigo you got like it was very clear like wendig go can like [ __ ] transform and [ __ ] like you guys were saying cuz look at all like look at the times like there's been a random person that just got like transformed and it was not the person actually talking or something right I'm [ __ ] hitting this guy in the head with the shovel this is wind to go and like every time the camera changes the the directions change which I'm able to move he's going to turn and be right in my face and grab me and go you know like like [ __ ] scream how do you rate our chances of survival 5% I'm trying not to think about it here like that like run wow wow oh [ __ ] oh are a [ __ ] stone cold piece of [ __ ] what's going on why are we standing like this what the [ __ ] was that uhoh oh don't move okay don't [ __ ] move a must [Music] [ __ ] my ass is itchy so bad oh my God my itchy ass okay go my whole [ __ ] body itches why does this happen anytime you can't move your whole body starts to itch why does this [Music] happen what the [ __ ] was that he just did like a bam bam [Music] oh [ __ ] gas you the [ __ ] out of here don't turn on any [Music] lights like all right Hest to God don't move oh my [Music] God okay we're don't what are you doing what are he [Music] doing ow that was a mistake but she's going to get [Music] away ah ah save him hey what what what what are you scream I thought you going to throw like a stick uh well there's two we got two out okay we're good two people got out [Music] um you can't run for the switch right now we can't run for the switch I mean there'll be more in stock in like February don't worry going make a joke I'm I'm what no oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I wasn't moving oh I had to make a [ __ ] Nintendo joke oh come on oh God damn it run for the switch I was going to make like a Black Friday joke where it's like oh s you don't have to like run for it they'll be more in stock after Christmas we have visual the main structure is completely destroyed over on I'm seeing something hey it's all looks like there are survivors let's pick them up did I win I won I made it to Dawn [ __ ] no that's it wait that's wa wait wait wait wait wait wait that that that's like the end of the game where's like the ending did I get like the bad ending no no everybody live only like a couple people died and she died because I [ __ ] we had like an itchy nose everybody lived I can't believe Chris is gone no police interview he was my best friend and maybe I we never had a chance you know everybody here's the thing everybody would have lived he held it right up to my face right here right in front of my nose and he could have shot me he almost shot me the prick I you go out with a guy for however long and you think you know him really Takes the Cake I wouldn't blame it to with those deaths on [ __ ] R2 there and I could have done something I tried to do something it wasn't good enough it's never good enough how did you end up in the mines I don't know I was she's the most and taken and what did you see I don't know I don't I don't know he we got another couple people right y he's out of his [ __ ] mind you wanted to hurt us okay I mean and I think it's they're right I thought he was the one who attacked Jess he hey wa let me let me I'm going to defend myself here I heard Jessica I don't know how or why she was down the only reason why people died was not because of my bad decisions I made good decisions throughout the game but like the knee jerk don't move like accidentally you moved and they died I'm just a little worried because you know I'm his pressing R2 correctly tell you that I mean I probably his favorite person there for couple minutes I am to him he knows he he said he knows right your friend Ashley she told her she's tried to help you she said she heard you calling out what happened to the dog not me Mike what do you remember no excuse he came for me he did came for you Mt because no I just did he make it I [ __ ] up I moved when I wasn't supposed to move Josh helped us and then [ __ ] man that thing okay the wend too it came out of the darkness and it just scoop up I don't know I heard screaming I got out of there there's no point in both of us dying what was in the trapo was there an actual one to go in there or it was like where is there a dog Monsters and Mysteries in America footage courtesy of M2 pictures archive and Discovery access hey hey hey it's going to be okay written by Stephanie Sid all right well now what is [Music] it canic human voices see yeah [Music] right all right let's skip this what are we going to get like a stats page or something episodes oh wait a minute so hold on a minute select an episode to replay and change the story hold on where is it where's the uh where's the where's the shoot the um wasn't Karma what's the one that where I I I want to I want to shoot the gun I want to shoot it was eight I want to do this I want I want to see if it actually works and you can take it off sub only I want to shoot that shotgun Josh Jos how does it feel do you enjoy all those emotions that my sister's got got to fuel once one year ago only guess what they didn't get to laugh I'll give you my no no no they're gone Jessica's [ __ ] dead good it it was fun I I enjoyed it hear me I enjoyed making choic Jess is dead and you were going to [ __ ] pay you dick what happened story was like a little all over the place but I'm sure you play through more than a few times you'll get the whole thing Christ oh God oh my God Matt stop the car crash all right so now this time I I I kind of want to do this we're like at like episode 8 I'm going to try to kill everyone no don't do it what happens if everybody get back I'm going to fail every quick time no use these my like dog is [ __ ] barking at something give me a minute I'll be right back all right he was just being a weirdo we're good so what do you guys think you want to just try to get as many by the way if you if you just here just to watch through till dawn thanks for watching we're going to try some wacky [ __ ] now uh thank you for sticking around though let's see what we can do what get the best ending well well here's the thing at at at this point of the story [ __ ] everybody was still alive right oh boy [ __ ] where we left this is where we started oh my God all right right let's go everybody would be alive if it was I just I just want to know if I shoot the gun and I mean that's that's going to take like like a minute so like just like everyone like rewind your brains like [ __ ] two hours guys remember we came what was what was I saying when I came back here all right it's got my Red Ice Cream going with a little sparkler on it I'm going to try to redo the whole stream you okay wait a minute wait a minute everybody hang tight for a second ready hold tight for one second this this is just everybody calm down it's going to be worth it trust me just wait just wait I'll be right back this is going to be worth it we're GNA we're going to watch the video and play at the same time I'm going to try to I'm going to try to you know what I'm going to do just what just give me a minute that that was good okay let's give this a try this is gonna be [ __ ] hard to do but hold on okay let's go with where is it it's one of these there like [ __ ] four of them [Music] I think it's this one is that it what's this no that's not it that's not the right one uh hold on how about oh [ __ ] hold on this is this will be worth it plus like wait what done with the game already so like don't worry about it we're good just got to get the right window that's not it that's not it where is it what the [ __ ] this is so important all right somebody I don't know if it's going to work [Music] oh God damn it I mean there it is but it won't pop up on the screen for some reason it's not going to work it's not going to work you see you can see it on the screen but it's not actually showing like the video that's unfortunate oh well well just right pretend we did that God damn it yeah I'm I'm doing screen capture right now it's not working it probably has something to do with the I'm capping the screen that's like I don't know who knows I'm going to close some windows let me close like a bunch of [ __ ] windows and then we'll try this again I just closed the chat I literally I literally closed every single [ __ ] window that it could be it it has to be this one so let's go for it again re up it there it is okay uh it's not showing up but what if I do this does that not work almost hold on bear with me here I'm going to try one more thing and then we're just going to move on why can't things just [ __ ] do what I say you know what I mean it's clearly available so why does it not work [Music] um I think I can do this no it's not going to work oh [ __ ] it we just wasted a bunch of time oh well it's not going to happen it would have been funny if like programs did what they were supposed to [ __ ] do on when you know it would be really great if like a program actually did what the [ __ ] it says it's supposed to do that'd be [ __ ] fantastic can't even make my shitty joke wind screen capture no it doesn't [ __ ] work oh okay that was great why like [ __ ] programs you know what I mean like [ __ ] all [ __ ] coders get it right next time let's go [ __ ] [ __ ] like that would have been fun but I I I cannot screen capture my own thing no it just doesn't do anything just goes to a black screen nice job [ __ ] coder [ __ ] Bill Gates this guy's raging on stream but okay I'm going to give you guys like a real scenario of why why streaming is annoying sometimes cuz like I don't get grab snaap my [ __ ] neck but I don't care just got I don't care screening the wrong no I I don't I I'm on a PS4 I'm on a PlayStation 4 there's no second monitor I am using the second [Music] monitor let's go right what I was going to say is when something's happening live I can't sit here and try to fix it if it doesn't work the first time it's just not going to work I me why is it so loud like if it if this if this [ __ ] doesn't work the first or second time even though it should I can't [ __ ] spend like 30 minutes trying to figure it out because it's live like we're [ __ ] sitting here live I would love to like just be able to [ __ ] figure out why that didn't work for like 40 straight minutes but I can't do that [ __ ] move then so does that none of that just walk into the chain all right I failed every oh now now I'm dead now I'm dead you can only fail so many of them before you die well there she goes [ __ ] I was going we got I want to go in the meat grind and [ __ ] it don't matter I just want to find out if I can shoot the gun crap oh crap oh wait this is so far ago this is a long time ago what are you serious you all right I'm trying something the [ __ ] that just keep watching this while I try this it's not yet sorry it let's see if this works I don't know we should check it out I got your back good like does this work no not like [ __ ] OBS project like this does it do it did it work oh I think I got it I think I got it I got it I got it everybody we're good oh [ __ ] wait what's a 5 Hour Energy hold on we got to get back to I don't who is this I don't want to see like get this ad off the screen all right guess we got it we got it we got it get off the screen for a second I figured it out we got it you know what you got you know what I [ __ ] love I love [ __ ] coders you know what I mean uh I think I have to it's just going to play it from the very beginning though oh God damn it I it's gonna take like 30 minutes to get here [ __ ] D watches own ads uh never mind it's not going to work I can't fast forward it there's no fast forwarding this it's just playing the link I posted we're going to watch a stream all right right click it would that actually do anything no I it's no I can't it's just it's just gonna play it's just going to play it I can't do it the long setup I have to like go back I can't interact with the all right hold on here what we're going to do I need to like be able to hear this oh no I don't what is what am I even saying right now we're going to play till should have cleared my throat before I hit the play link with timestamp oh that's a good good good good very good idea good idea good idea that's what we're going to do all right somebody get me the time Tim stamp of the twitch VOD because I it's I I can't do it right now all right so that's what we're going to do give me the time stamp of the twitch bot of like where I am right now you know what I mean like where I'm sitting right now give me like the Twitch TV Tim stamp 3:42 [ __ ] no not 342 it's about be a [ __ ] lightning storm over here one of one of my mods want to just link that to me [ __ ] 342 I actually was going to do it twitch setion viewer participation you have mods I do look this is just like the after the stream [ __ ] like we already streamed until dawn now we're trying to do something [ __ ] stupid okay this is get that yeah that's not the one and now I just [ __ ] clicked off I'm looking give me a sec try to get me like right here you know what I mean like right where I am with between demand and suggest and I'm gonna have to try to catch up it's gonna be me talking over me I'm going to try this is going to be worth it guys trust me because I need to hear myself talk cuz I need to recreate the stream this is the after stream wait [ __ ] why is it still going getting over a migraine got a jet s but this should cover the cost of Advil in accordance to Boston sales [ __ ] did somebody link it holy Mac is on it what just GNA sit here I have to delete this it's [ __ ] freaking me out remove this all I hear is myself talking is it 14 minutes okay let me try that okay Sam's got it all right I think I think we're gonna I think we're going to be ready to go here guys let's try it I think we're I think we're in the correct spot here we go I need to move this we're going to do like this screen up here there we go get this like stretched out so here's this screen up here and the other one's gonna be I got I gotta go right away though I'm gonna get another [ __ ] ad okay here we go let's give it a try [ __ ] hold on how do I get there we go come on almost got it and comes after that [ __ ] I gota I got to get ready damn it [ __ ] it's like not it's not possible okay whatever I don't care here we go what I where am I demand okay that I can use uh I don't know where we are yeah if you're just joining us for the first time wait a minut this is important wait wait wait wait throw a guy how far oh wait Dem man wait no cover the door suggest suggest suggest suggest don't like drop the gun down all right here we go here so we got to do we got to we got to play this [ __ ] we got to do this correctly see which one of them which one of is mine which which is which is mine he doesn't see that guy am I the top left one I forget you I I [ __ ] see them through the door okay here we go I [ __ ] it up here we go I remember I like I touched it like right now nope it's like right now and then I yeah let me [ __ ] I did it too quickly hold on hold on this is so confusing guys I can't do it are you serious okay everybody just calm down oh I should turn okay wait wait I'm going to turn one of them off we just get audio for one on this m you should creating a paradox I don't know why you did after what happened I have to play this on my other monitor you know right like I got to stretch this out hold on to youres take kindly to you kids coming up here to my Mountain your Mountain huh I'm sure the Washington surprised to hear that the mountain don't belong to me it's true but it don't belong okay guys good luck finding out which one's actually being played there you go belongs to the windy go uhoh which one's actually getting played talking about like the Native American have Choice I'm only I'm only going to tell you this I'm only going to tell you this once it doesn't matter believe it or not I got re which one do you want to hear this one gu something title something it has to be I have to mute this one is a curse uh can I beat my record do you think I can beat it first should any man or woman resort to cannibalism why am I doing this the spirit of the windo shall be Unleashed Hannah at Beth got it anybody got it is he remembering that he ate somebody oh how do why am I I don't there's no reason to do this oh [ __ ] I shouldn't have eaten that person keep one with what did I do guys these are my splits somewhere safe mute the bottom right one but that one has me in it okay get down there now all of you wait don't do you want to hear me for how long until dawn there it is guys nobody too many ger when I heard screaming where did you leave him which one needs to be on your friend is that better but now you won't hear me don't mute either of them all right well the I'm top left old me is bottom right open up a third stream this is going to be so hard to sync this up guys do you understand don't I'm trying to like Rec I can't recreate the whole thing get don't go again until although finally we're going to get to see the the truth going to get Josh aren't I we're going to get to see the truth guys you're going to help me do you understand split screen yeah you need to follow me and do everything play three at the same time I I'm I'm only doing this so I can you're right all right smash all right grab his pen and smash it into the back of his gas tank grab knife on table stab as hard as you can into why is that shotgun german5 to your following directory what the [ __ ] is that how do you know trust me I know I'm going to get this wait wait come back sa make sure you follow Gera o follow yourself I'm not gonna kill this I'm not gonna kill this guy this guy this guy is you don't kill that guy that knows everything about the M he's going to die on his own in the cut scene don't worry guy care just be careful good luck Follow My Lead okay here we go don't you guys have any idea [ __ ] idea [ __ ] random random like mystical dude that knows everything will die in a cut scene he says the secret a long time you mean this thing I got I got to get this right hold on no slow it down but how do you kill it I don't like can I get a Ghostbusters Pro that's not fair I have to mute this for a second it's just too much I'm hearing double wait what if I do this I get an idea just kind of looks like a Ghostbuster ghost costume [ __ ] I'm blowing it already go go go go go this guy's just crazy he just like [ __ ] stumbled Into the Woods After cig I got to get I got to [ __ ] keep up keep up keep up I'm the top all right I got to slow down slow down slow down we're good cross the bridge cross the bridge go on I need to relive this moment exactly like it happened on stream come on I didn't can't we just say like [ __ ] this guy yeah [ __ ] this guy why we going to rescue a guy that causes just so many problems syn the Springs I'm trying to I'm going to try to here we go ready anything like that and then boy just talking in his normal voice do I I have to pause the game for like 5 Seconds right what is this need to look at this all right I got to look at this hold on basically invisible [ __ ] wouldn't no [ __ ] it we're caught up now we're caught up hey thank you premium pillow good this is this is an opportunity to catch up uh premium pillow says I love when I have to log in to give bits and then when I send the message it doesn't give the bits I have we in a perfect [ __ ] place and here we go ready this is going to be perfect I can't pause the VOD by the way the second I see him turn I have to turn I got to get the perfect sync I got to be on the ball on this one you're right shut up here we go got it no not you not not like you that gave like the bit over there I'm talking about this Chris if your name is Chris I'm sorry that's not what I meant are we good I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it so close you won't be on for long [ __ ] God damn it I had it so close why you even come back for this guy I'm I'm off a little bit out I'm going to have have another chance though I'll have another chance I got to get it right when the cut scene happens pause the VOD for a second I can't I can't do it off of your enti body I did I walked around a lot I'm just going to wait by the door and wait till he walks out the door right and on your orans one piece at a time the second I come out of the of the lodge is when I'm going to try to sink it it might still be there so here we go I just have to sit right the [ __ ] here here we go there's me being like a [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] okay I just got to wait till past me goes out the door and then bang I'm gonna walk out I'm gonna get it synced because I'm listening to me right now talk like a [ __ ] idiot there's going to be a secret here I'm going to do me what I was doing before at least I have the shotgun I'm okay uh what this oh I don't know uh okay here we go well once I turn to go out that door I have to move here we go go he just said oh crap a few times I got to go I got to go here we go and and outside we go f flame yeah oh what God damn it what what I didn't I [ __ ] it up twice I [ __ ] it up twice it's okay no all right here we go this is what you guys are going to know what happened this is it hurt me this is it oh I just got him I told you guys oh [ __ ] I got to get this right oh my God still not sick oh my God he got him oh oh my God cuz I stepped on a [ __ ] twig here we go wait what what's going on it I could shoot the gun oh my God see I did that exact thing last time why wouldn't the gun shoot did the exact thing last time the gun shoot why didn't the gun shoot see timeline changed it's over we have we're on two different timelines oh sh as uh Ash that gun wouldn't fire the gun wouldn't fire R2 didn't do anything the gun wouldn't shoot gun I swear to the gun wouldn't fire you okay I'm literally sitting there pressing R2 over and over again it wouldn't shoot the gun we're at the same timeline okay we're at the same timeline I tried to shoot the fuel tank I tried to shoot the fuel tank went back at the same timeline hold on a minute I you saw me I tried to shoot the fuel tank it didn't work so I was like okay so I went over to the [ __ ] and I tried to shoot how angry I am you guys look at you guys are all giving me [ __ ] right now and like I'm freaking out that gun didn't have any bullets I swear to [ __ ] God I did that last time what do you mean I didn't aim what are you talking about I was aiming at the [ __ ] all right wa wait wait we're synced up we're synced up perfectly right now you guys seeing this we're in like almost a perfect sink we're fine everything's fine motion control no we're back to [ __ ] normal it's a perfect sink what's wrong all right we're good Mike where's Chris you guys didn't think we were going to be a perfect [ __ ] sink it was meant to be he didn't he was out there I'm still complaining about the shooting so so sorryy he legit legit did not know how to use the shotgun he's got to be dead too oh Christ no no rewind something went wrong there what are you looking for I kills Emily oh [ __ ] she's just not here Emily's just not here that [ __ ] thing got hold that's so funny everyone's here Emily's just not standing in the corner I'm going to get oh this is you guys this is a lot harder than you might think wait it's not so wait Ashley I can't shoot Ashley oh no I [ __ ] up the whole timeline what is that I was down there it's horrible all right I got to go back and I got to four no I can't that's too much that's too [ __ ] much man imagine I can't do four screens I can't Ians I knew the mine was a death trap I can't that's I I'm not going to be able to do that [ __ ] do three oh God damn it you no it's not going to work it's not going to work it's not going to work I I don't I I can't capture two of the same VA at the the same time I can't do it yeah four screens no muting it's not out there all right so what what's left now now I play as Sam [ __ ] capture this vot and it will have past two pasts oh god I've already broken time just use different browsers four screens and no muting that's how we're going to have to end the stream okay like we we'll I'm gonna do this for another minute or two and then we're gonna I'm going to do that we're gonna end the stream that way because like that's going to be too much okay I'm Ashley this is where I go through the uh the pages right I I the the last page and then it'll be synced this is where they freak out about her getting bit just captured this VOD from where you started capturing this VOD oh God damn it I I wait I can inform right do no screens so funny how much more dialogue is here I can just sit her and once I get to inform or not in so yeah like I back it up and it's either inform or not in oh what is it what does it say this whole thing plays out well maybe not no okay hold on you won't even three vods and three face cams if I had a face cam on there would be three face cams wait what is running now oh I think we're about to lose the timeline here no okay we're back here I'm genuinely annoyed because I have no [ __ ] idea what he's trying to do don't all right so listen here here here's what's going on so I played through until dawn I was done with it and I wanted to prove to everybody that like I did the right thing so we went back to the very we went back to the beginning of the game and I'm playing through again to show everybody how correct I was last year this is going to be so far away your poor sisters to you did to help if I have it over there watch this see that's what it did last [Laughter] time timeline's already [Music] lost all right hold on hold on hold on hold on just I can't pause it I missed too many things and alone all right so you feel what 2 20930 20930 youur know what I'm talking about you can just skip you can go back okay here wait wait wait this is good this is good this is good I I I can sync this up here just we just have to wait I I can like syn the timeline again if she shows he was going to help us a sign of turning flamethrower dude that's what so I just got to sit here and contemplate if they hurt me or not it's the butterfly effect come on Save Chris all right fine I'm G to go save Chris all right but let's go you want you guys want to see that [ __ ] you guys want to see that so bad huh let's see it then J okay how does it feel do you enjoy all those emotions that SS got to oh God damn it [ __ ] like it's like a World of Warcraft ad the other what did you hear me Jessica is dead don't give me another [ __ ] ad you dick what happened with Jess Mike I don't remember killing Jess [ __ ] hold on oh God hold on remove remove remove and I can't pause it I can't [ __ ] pause this [ __ ] pause okay I think I think I can just like redo it all right somebody give me somebody give me the the where I was before get back cuz I need to get to the right spot it's over it's over it's that's it it's over it's not going to work it's too much goodbye it's over it's over it's not going to work oh [ __ ] like it's I don't think it's going to [ __ ] it's not going to work oh boy it's too much setup for a live stream I would have to set this up like for [ __ ] 30 minutes before the stream starts let's see it can't be over all right well let's see what happens with this one I don't know what's going to happen on this one wait hold no it's not gonna work just [ __ ] the double screen it's over for me to be able to actively do that you you guys it's going to take me a [ __ ] while to set that up that's not something I can just do on the Fly let's fit this back to the screen CU I'm viewbotting oh my God we can wait no it's too it's too long it's too much that's something that I will set up four before I do a stream I would like set that up because that's going to like sinking three four different [ __ ] timelines that's gonna be [ __ ] impossible what I would need to do is I would need to where I started doing the split screen if somebody can get me the exact moment where like the split screen like started working then I because I still have to get down here and Emily has to live and then this that's going to be the end of the stream by the way like I'm after I do that it's over okay okay this is going to be the way where should I send it uh just send it right to me like right here oh [ __ ] okay I I got to like I got to get to the point where I can like syn them up [Music] he has all his [ __ ] to do save them all okay well there there's apparently okay I can't like make a decision right now I'm I I I I have like I'm trying to like copy and [ __ ] paste like [ __ ] from the chat like this is so difficult all right here we go I got it I don't know where this okay hey Mac where does that start what's the exact moment where that starts fuing like what's the exact second that that starts like what are we doing like where are we so I can know when to like start it let her become Patty first like none of that that doesn't matter let's go 42 exact second what in the world am I doing it's called uh it's called we M the stream was over like 30 minutes ago we're just doing this to make like dumb jokes all right we're going to me rer her and then here's the end of your stream guys like cuz I'm not going to be able to do anything after this stay on it [ __ ] grinder [Music] up all right see she missed it and there's the last opportunity oh no okay okay okay okay okay so what Jesus so where are we here is what what point does this happen not worth it now we're going to get the good ending okay so I'm GNA pause this for a second because so Mac what what is currently happening in the link that you just gave me like it's it needs to start what wherever it needs to start needs to start right when like I make that like decision when I first like turned on the the the double you know what I mean why the [ __ ] are we doing this this is like 21342 is like the exact moment when like I'm sitting there and and I make like the decision on with Chris let me see this no good ending well the stream is already over we're just doing this for fun now we don't have to well this is this is how this is the worst joke of all time well I there's nothing else to do I promise you it's like ripping teeth out of my head to get this to work but I have to do it I need like the link the42 again because like I don't have like my twitch open like I yeah I give up I give up I can't [ __ ] just sit here and waste time like this this this just takes way too much time to set up so sorry that's it it's over it's it's it's just not going to happen it's just too much time it takes way too much for me to have to get this to work I'm going to give this one try I'm going to try this once I don't even know where this is but we're going to give it a try this is the bad ending but just pretend the stream ended 20 minutes ago that's what I'm saying where is this I need to know like where this actually is give me a second okay what happens here all right two here it is we're going to try this one time now I want to see where it starts no ain't gonna work all right that's it it's not going to work what now this is where we were before yeah that [ __ ] requires like 30 [ __ ] minutes all right and I'm not I'm not going to like put you guys through like sit on a live broadcast while I set up a [ __ ] 25 minute joke Jess it's not Jess sorry I would love to do that but I can't it worked before it's just it I can't get it to it's going to take like to sync like the two streams in this one again it took like 25 minutes to do it before and already after 20 minutes it's not going to work I I have to set that up beforehand if I want to do it it's not going to be worth it like this is where I was but like not none I can't get like I can't get like the right setting let's just [ __ ] save Chris let me uh I am not streaming tomorrow but I will tell you what I'm doing hold on I need be a to hear this man I was trying to protect you well now I got you covered don't worry save Chris save the stream uh Thursday I can't do it on Thursday might I have the gun does that change anything no it does hold on there hold on there Mis no volume all right just take it easy Granda okay everybody just calm down we've already done it I know but like it's I just not I'm not ready for it I promise I will do that I just can't do it on Thursday being back on this mountain you should never have returned and plus i' I've been sitting there for so long trying to like get like the right time I don't want to waste anybody's time how could you know I'm done wasting your guys time on resp you hold on to your horses I don't take kindly to you kids coming up here to my Mountain your Mountain H I'm sure let's save Chris very surprised to hear that and then I'll tell you what's going on oh God I just realized I have to watch this [ __ ] whole cut scene again belong to me it's true but it don't belong to all right anyway so Thursday what's going to happen is we going to me and italic are going to play I'm going to do something called the stream challenge okay stream challenge is what a dumb Name by the way we have to beat an entire game on stream and it's the the game in question it's a co-op game uh is Kane and Lynch 2 dog days we have to beat the whole game on stream on Thursday from start to finish that's the challenge it I mean the game is apparently not that long we have to beat it so there's your content for Thursday no matter what happens no matter what we have to complete that game from start to finish on Thursday no matter what so it might be very painful at some point but we have to push through it need to find somewhere safe basement might be okay okay get down there now all what yeah I turned it down just so I could tell you about that [ __ ] guys I ran off and left Josh when I heard screaming where did you leave him where did you leave in the shed I we're doing this again your friend will always so many people were just like I'm [ __ ] out of here no no he can't be we we were just with him a lot can happen quickly on this m I had a critical opinion of the game no I I'm not letting anything else happen to him else it's going to be at least 3 hours yeah well we have to be don't and this is going to be the end of this stream by the way we thought he' killed Jessica was really feeling that well I hit him in the head Chris maybe he deserved it really like not 100% today and after like this three hours my brain is already like fried so unfortunately we're only going to have a 3our stream today the rest of you get down to the basement be safe don't go outside again until we're back Thursday stream's going to be at 7:00 it might be at like 6 depends on when it's Alex wants to um well I'm going to get Josh aren't I no I'm going to get Josh you're going to help me do you understand yeah I I'm sorry I didn't do the three timelines thing I'm just my brain is like scrambled eggs right now and I can't like I can't even do it can and Lynch two dog days beat the game on stream challenge all right this time I'm not going to I have to save both these guys and then I'm allowed to end the Stream Point towards the thing you want to kill I know how to use a shotgun man no you don't what how do you know trust me I know it would have worked fine here's like the reason why it like bums me out that I can't do the three come back safe cuz it would have worked fine if I could just like capture my window it just won't work it's a black screen so I had to like do browser source and like I can't pause or play it's it makes it like nearly impossible to try to sync it up if I was able to do it the way I wanted to it' be [ __ ] 10 times easier just be careful I can't do it that way app for some reason all right save Chris save flamethrower guy and then stream ends how many times do I have to shoot it with the shotgun before it's dead well you be shooting it a long time you mean this thing won't even kill it no imagine seeing that kiss three times but how do you kill it they don't like fire I don't like fire they fear try xplit I refuse to use xplit because they got their databases hacked and like leaked out everybody's information like a few years ago no unless you burn it off first any service that saves your stream key on a [ __ ] cloud is a service I don't want to use so [ __ ] xplit what are these things like I mean are they just crazy unpredictable or like no way I mean can you figure out what they're going to do well they adhere to some pattern like any animal or human you can't say flamethrower guy like how you've got schedules well they only night oh why I didn't ask paranoid streamer no I got my like information leaked I don't know if it was me like personally but like they got all their databases leaked like [ __ ] 4 years ago it was horrible me they able to smell me or something they'll still smell you anything like that they can't see you all right so I got to save Chris and then the stream can end it's like toad sight is based on change moving in their field of vision I just have to not move so if I don't move I I'm I'm basically invisible yeah well I wouldn't recommend testing it out unless you have no othero yeah I know that like every service has had like a data leak and whatever but they I xplit saves your stream key in the cloud and what happened was if somebody gets like a hold of your like account like password and name and everything they have your stream key still be out there I don't [ __ ] want that to happen [ __ ] that he'll render you IM mobile and then he strips the skin off of your entire body piece by piece and he keeps you alive and aware and feasts on your organs one piece at a time let's go so the Lun then yeah let's go now it might still be near hold on everybody calm down for a sec [ __ ] found the 5 just wait for the [ __ ] stupid ad to stop playing no I don't care about 5 Hour Energy where I don't I don't care stop drinking it go we got it boys once turn to go out that door I have to move we got it here we go this is where we go all right I got to get this right don't [ __ ] this up God damn it oh [ __ ] wait wait wait wait wait twice I [ __ ] it up twice oh my [ __ ] god no I didn't sink it up correctly know what happened [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] here we go here we go here we go I got to get it right got to get out of here got get this there we go I got to get it right I got to get it correct I'm going to shoot I'm going to shoot the guy guy always die shoot him good we got it go go go see I'm going to get it right this time I'm going to get it right thing last time an exact thing last time got it we're safe we are [ __ ] safe it's got it I did it Chris is safe Chris is safe so far so good oh God damn it hold on oh I'm good just got to get to the [ __ ] door open the door God pleas quick shoot oh my God what happened I made it I made it behind still alive all right guys there you go timeline saved we got the right timeline no what took you so long it's not so good of now I have to make him live through more death scenarios Chris where's the flamethrower guy uh yeah he um he didn't what happened I thing it tore him apart okay we got right in front of me is Emily still alive in this timeline all right the [ __ ] Emily is dead in this one yeah are you sure what are you looking for another way out you have all right now that's it Josh got to have it Josh thank you for watching than great great if that [ __ ] thing got a hold of Judge then we're [ __ ] out of luck all right we're good [ __ ] it I'm going to get that I can't I don't know what I'm saying in the other going to get us all the hell out of here what is all that what's wrong I killed Emily oh [ __ ] that guy was prepared for anything save the man so what happens to Chris now now I need to know oh my God each timeline gets retroactively worse in quality cuz yeah because we're like compressing it like three times you've been a caveen in the 50s I guess and talking got trapped down there did somebody just give me bits or was that like from one of the other timelines reporter and I think he figured out there had been some like big cover up going on I found these plans I think somebody just gave me bits that could have been like part of the other game I'm just saying it's weird how much crazy shit's gone on up there to a perfect run that's how I got back here all right so where's Chris you guys know what to do yeah no one leave no one leave okay it's not safe out there I'll be back soon well now we replace Emily with Mike I mean with Chris at this point we're never going to get to Dawn hey what happened out there going to think I got like bit you don't want to know hey are you okay he was right there what the flamethrower dude yeah the weird guy he got himself killed I love it's like the three separate mov no muting I was definitely not lying about that Jesus what it look like all right so what's left like like like like a like a person only but just distorted Ashley old hotel I know yeah yeah yeah can is there anything anything happen here resurrect Emily I don't think I can do I will say if Emily's still alive this is that's the longest one oh no no no what is it what does it say why am I subscribed to a Bud Light streamer let me see that who the [ __ ] are you talking about [ __ ] okay well this is where we're like at the right Point here we go crop your [ __ ] I dude it's much harder than you think and it'll be this is where they freak out about her getting bit this is like as good as it's going to get just captur this SP from where you start he should have listened on the left of my icon those those those aren't my subscriptions I can inform I don't know which is worse actively triggering events at Le who the [ __ ] am I like subscrib to or passiv to occur because you couldn't lift a goddamn finger I can just her once I get to inform or not inform my Bud Light sub don't have any idea dude you left your poor sisters to die you did nothing to help paralyzed by your own sented fear proba reck no I I have no [ __ ] idea hold on no it's all about you it's always I'm I'm subscribed to like italics and like Star if I had a face cam on there would be three FaceCam your game has gone terribly running and your friends like you're all alone no okay we're back here can you feel how cold your lonel genuinely annoyed because I when are we going to get to control the [ __ ] game oh [ __ ] I paused it here's what's going on why did you I play through until dawn your best aut the bottom I did the right that so we went back to the very we went back to the beginning of the game and I'm playing through again to show all right wait I'm done this [ __ ] like that we're just like hanging out now this is going to be so far away what did they do did they hurt me it's time for mov over there watch this see that's what I did last time put the face C no that's it timeline's already lost I'm satisfied I'm satisfied too hold on hold on hold on before the fourth screen no no [ __ ] fourth screen I'm I'm like going to get a snack too many things too many germ as it hurts oh it's still playing it's still playing I'm sorry I didn't realize it was still [ __ ] play all right that that's it uh this is we've been doing this for like 45 [ __ ] minutes there like shout out to Bud Light apparently let me get like a a very special shout out to Bud Light yeah guys those are guys those are recommended channels I'm looking at it right now recommended channels Bud Light some some like Diablo I streamer I don't know don't ask me liar I'm not lying look it look I it says recommended I'm looking at it right now stream that stream stream the Bud Light stream why why I don't know I'm being recommended Bud Light streams just probably it's like a sponsored [ __ ] it's a Street Fighter 5 tournament sponsored by the pisswater Bud Light I shouldn't have said that all right well anyways uh thank you for watching really appreciate it we are going to can this here let's not be right back it is outro time anyways um thank you for sticking around those of you that wanted to see that um hopefully it was entertaining enough completed until dawn it was a good game recommended it's at this point it's like 2 three years old it's like only like 20 bucks or like 15 bucks or something uh it's fun so uh have a good rest of your night guys that concludes this stream I would like do some other things but 3 hours with a migraine is not necessarily the thing that I wanted to do like with my brain 3 hours awake with a migraine I'd like to be in bed so um take care Thursday is going to be Canon Lynch 2 dog days we have to beat the entire game on stream it's going to be me and italics should be interesting uh but I do want to read the bits before I go so let me get those open because there are some bits to say hello to some people to say hello to uh there it is thank you for bearing with me I'm glad we at least got to save Chris in the triple timeline but thank you to uh husan for the $3 thank you for the joke my dude you're you're very much you're very much welcome Mr tubs thank you for the 10 bucks hey germa love the Stream when are you doing Yakuza zero it's my favorite brawler series I mean I like I could still do it I I probably I don't know I'm thank you for the $10 first of all I just I don't know it's like Hollow night for me like it's something I want to do but there's a lot of other things that like have planned over the next like four or five streams it's it might get in there somewhere I don't know I want to do some more psvr like maybe one of those days I just don't know but if you're waiting around for Yu is I'm sorry that you're waiting uh somebody gave $4 and I I can't say their name for some reason it just says save our boy premium pillow was the one that gave almost $10 $9.49 you can't escape the dead Chris timeline I yeah it was hard uh Magpie cuck oh well that's okay well thanks thanks for the 10 bucks no thanks for the $1 thanks for the $1 uh gummy monk thanks for the five bucks they just scream uh as loud as they can sticks Renegade gave me $5 it says germa you're a dumb dumb I know I am there's a lot of bits that I missed damn uh vicarius wrath thanks for the dollar corvid moon thanks for the two bucks $2 one for each germa thank you well now with three germas there and um husan again gave $2 wow same amount of bits for two streams at once getting really really getting my money's worth tonight and right before the stream ends uh e gave $10 just says cheer cheer a thousand thank you e for FS for the 10 bucks and that's going to Rack it up that's going to Rack it up see you guys on Thursday for the stream challenge complete the whole game take care everybody good night
Channel: Ster/Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 47,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, ster, star_, shtur, stream, jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jemra full stream, jerma985 full stream, streams, full stream, jerma until dawn, jerma985 until dawn, until dawn
Id: 8ZdWbwIbmK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 58sec (10978 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2017
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