RTGame Archive: Until Dawn

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[Music] do [Music] oh hello everyone can you hear me okay happy halloween i hope everyone's having a good day hope everyone's up the spooky shenanigans hope everyone's having some nice sweets how are you all doing good morning some people it's only dawn for them now and they're just tuning in to the stream it's good to have you here how is everyone going if i spooky shenanigans you mean college assignments i mean that's horror and of itself you know so that's in the spirit of the holiday i'm pretty sure oh no i hope i hope the assignments go well avant thank jesus i haven't even done anything thank you for the five gift subs ah thank you to everyone else who's also subbed i haven't done them yet you're all very welcome to the stream uh this is a long boy stream we are playing the entirety of until dawn on stream today this is one sitting we're gonna do all of it we possibly will be here until dawn ah but it's a big stream day we're gonna go as long as it takes it doesn't matter how long it is i've got snacks i've got drinks and i'm excited to play it no yeah there's no rewinding in this one too yeah i guess are people familiar with this game let me just describe what this is this is like a david cage game not directed by david cage it is kind of like an interactive movie is the best way to describe it and it's also a horror game it's made by supermassive games who you might know for making the dark pictures anthology in recent years where they have an annual horror game they just released one called house of ash um this was the game that they did before they did their annual kind of halloween games and this is a really good one this is a big one they did uh we are in for a journey i'm just looking for my glasses before i stare i think they're in the other room i'll be one sec [Music] there we go i can see now oh we're back i'm no longer blind imagine needing glasses i mean i'm okay without them for the most part like um i only have like i have like one eye that's slightly just weaker than the others and this is like they just kind of correct it i'm supposed to use one of my computers i wear them the most when i'm streaming uh i'm actually relatively okay without him but you know it's like a gradual thing and like 30 years from now uh future daniel might thank me if i remember the worm even a bit just see get a monocle they don't really do like prescription monocles anymore i don't think that's as common i don't think that's as common gamer glasses they actually are they have um they have like the tint in them that's specifically for like filtering blue blue light gamer brand glasses where two monocles what's the point if you're wearing two monocles that's a pair of glasses like a monocle like that's gonna fall out that's not gonna hold in place to a glasses would rgb maybe someday oh god how many subs are monocle that's not how this works it's not how it works how's your day so far uh my day's been good thanks uh i got up i got ready i had dinner i watched some youtube uh call up a family to wish him a happy halloween and now i'm here this is pretty much the rest of my day like i'm signed up for this for the night uh can you guys hear like the eerie background noise okay we'll do another proper sound check when we get going yeah you can cool we'll do a sound check soon dinner was your first meal i got up kind of late today don't judge me get off my case mom oh god are you gonna get pizza no not today i've kind of gone off pizza since i called papa john's i don't know if i want to get pizza again actually that's a lie we had pizza when we went to kill his mom's house in brighton but that's just because you know you got to do that we all went around to kiwo's mom's house and we played super smash bros melee on a gamecube and we ordered pizza all of us being like between 26th like 30 years old it was wonderful was it from papa john's it was not oh god oh so just to mention before we kick off with this game um i'm gonna politely ask that people do not post spoilers in chat uh purely for the benefit of other people here if this is your first time seeing this game as it is a horror game it's a story based game it has a lot of twists so i'm going to ask that people do not post spoilers and the other thing i'm going to ask is if i seem to be struggling with a puzzle or something i'm not working it out instead of saying anything just smile away the pain just smile away the pain [Music] all questions i ask are purely hypothetical unless i say the key phrase help me out chat i don't say that don't help me okay i have seen a playthrough of this game before many years ago this came out in i 2014 i have to do a double take on that because like jesus i thought this only came out like the other year the game is seven years old that's insane oh god i'm old like i know right like i had that realization when i saw it like no it can't be that old it just came out and the ps4 just released on the market the wii u is still new we had we don't know what the nintendo switch is yet seven years 2014 was seven years ago year 2000 was 21 years ago are people born after the year 2000 that are legally adults now welcome to the halloween stream we're going to scare the [ __ ] out of you with existential terror oh god day bae hero lunar uh me thank you for all the bits thank you very much guys okay spooky game time i was just fiddling with the options we have subtitles on i don't know if i need sidebar text i didn't know i had a camera option but like i i've i've never seen anyone play with that i don't have a playstation camera as far as i know um the sidebar attacks i don't know if i need that we can just fiddle with that if we need it later uh i'm playing this uh via the ps5 so if it looks a little snazzy and quality maybe that is why i don't think it affects anything like the controller still has motion controls in it doesn't it because i know that's important for this game i don't think it affects anything probably yeah i i hope it's the same we'll find out okay new story butterfly effect honey butterfly flapping swings they may lead to devastating hurricane [Music] your actions have consequences smallest decision can dramatically change the future actions will shape how the story unfolds your story is one of many possibilities this game has a lot of branching options for the story too choose your actions carefully okay we'll do a sound check when people start speaking okay [Music] going on a winter holiday [Music] oh oh my god i can't believe you actually did this don't you guys think this is a little bit cool can you hear okay she deserves it it's not her fault that she has a huge question hannah's been making moves on him i'm just looking out for my girl em ah just because he's classic doesn't mean he belongs to everyone mike is my man they're on their midterm break not anybody's man whatever you say darling not too loud no hannah [Music] keep as is she's here shh mike house is alarmingly dark it's hannah hey hannah [Music] let's just look it in hey did you see that dad said it'd just be us this weekend there's a man watching us josh i can move now [Music] what's josh doing josh's is conked out i know is this josh here use the right stick to look around objects that glint can be inspected [Music] uh pressing alt r2 to pick up the bottle hold ir2 and use the right stick to inspect objects jeez josh i put it back down by accident let me press an old ir2 [Music] okay so you gotta i gotta like turn it there jeremiah craig since 1794. vintage can i just leave the house what's this anna you look so damn hot in that shirt but i bet you're even hotter out of it come to the guest room at 2 am winky face mike oh my god what did our naive sister get herself into now i got your note glad you can make it maybe we should start with a little you know making out and see where it goes from there i don't know if we should be watching here i feel a bit uncomfortable hell yeah do we have do we have a sensor what oh my god matt oh we're okay we're doing here good friends have saved us just a stupid prank you guys are jerks you know that hannah everything's okay i don't have my sensor uh goofy image unfortunately um but for some reason i do happen to have a picture of um spiff's channel icon handy so if spiff is on the screen just assume that something terribly not safe for work is happening i'm sure it's fine uh let's wake josh josh josh [ __ ] he's out of it guys there's someone outside [Music] what the hell hannah what's going on where's my sister going anna's just [ __ ] she just can't take a joke it was just a prank han what did you do it's very mean heavily [Music] yeah let's just leave her abandoned in the woods press the correct action button before the timer runs out going into the woods go fast live in dangerously none of them are even battering to like check on their friends here like alone in the woods uh let's follow the noise damn it hannah where are you i kinda saw her go to the right there she went to the right didn't she i thought i saw like i saw her down that right path but then she went left i didn't see the other shadow go this way find her going deeper into the woods let me let me unlock my phone real quick [Music] hannah beck if she's texted me direct the beam using the right stick i'm sure it's fine everything's a-okay [Music] hold oh the walk faster like yeah you're gonna want to get through this bit hello hello oh we got some [Music] that's not good but we can learn about the debt totem indigenous tribes believe that butterflies brought dreams and premonitions each totem piece foretells a possible future event how you play will determine whether or not these prophecies comes for true as you unlock totems the events of the past will become clear so there's bet just in a bit of trouble see this again so we gotta we gotta make try prevent that from happening [Music] not like this camera perspective one bit come on hannah where are you at what the hell was that it's just fire no now the ordinary here anna hello hannah oh my god you must be freezing here take my coat i'm such an idiot i'm so dumb [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna need that coat back that's not good it's just a cliffhanger [Applause] don't let go it's just a fire guy hold on wait no i can't these are both bad i'm sorry hannah i'm sorry i'm sorry man it didn't work out well we didn't do a great job of avoiding that future before we begin there are a few things i need to make sure you understand hello no one can change what happened last year the past is beyond our control you have to accept this in order to move forward but there is freedom in this revelation everything you do every decision you make from now on will open doors to the future i want you to remember this harry hill this is dr hill he was a doctor before he became a kid every single choice will affect your fate and the fate of those around you it's a bit more menacing looking here so you have committed to commence with this game this is significant and i want to help you see it through sometimes sometimes these things can be a little scary even terrifying but i'm here to make sure that no matter how upsetting things may get you will always find a way to work through it harry hill's got our back all right like a flash back through his pants a simple exercise could you please pick up a card and i want you to look at the picture on the other side and tell me what you feel about it it is essential that you answer honestly in order to get the most out of this experience that keeps puffing up his cheeks like this a lovely farm so how did that picture make you feel remember be honest uh it makes me happy i feel uneasy um i mean it's just kind of like a cozy farm scene doesn't make me necessarily happy i don't feel uneasy looking at that but makes me happy that's good in what way did it make you happy uh yeah it's it's just very peaceful ain't it ah interesting he's writing over something he's already written so would it make you happy to spend the whole week here all by yourself i don't know all about whole spending like being there by myself that is just like a barn i don't i don't think i want to the cozy scene but i don't want to like just sleep in the barn yeah i'd be more fun with friends yeah and why is that why is that i'd be lonely yeah well there is a fine line between the peacefulness of solitude and the long dinosaur isolation see i think we need to explore further don't you agree i feel like i'm talking to like an la noire npc session try to surround yourself with friends in a place that makes you feel safe personal space harry [Music] he's getting up a bit close ain't he how how does that postcard make you feel like the noises he's making [Music] super massive games [Music] very big games that's why they named the studio then they're just really big [Music] hayden panettiere [Applause] uh oh do i need to say audio jungle or something hang on do i need to like make my own views i can add friday night funkin back to it hang on [Music] hang on [Music] [Music] jungle one year ago tonight the washington girls left the safety of their parents lodge and headed out into a snowstorm foul play not officially no there is one individual we're considering as a person of interest but his whereabouts are currently unknown he has an interesting history with the washington family he had warned them against pursuing their construction projects and claimed the land was sacred to his forefathers you know there is still the old sanatorium on the mountain could he be hiding there my officers did it's a sanatorium up here it just doesn't go far something about that mountain seems to breed tragic events more than you know marty well thank you for joining us with all the washington's tonight with their son josh on this the anniversary of the mysterious disappearance of hannah and beth washington well hello friends and fans all right let's do that again all right well hello friends and fans no he's a youtuber awesome to have you guys all back this year um first off i gotta say i am super excited to welcome all my pals back to the annual blackwood winter getaway smash that like button let me just let you know uh let's take a moment to address the elephant in the room for a second i know you're all probably worried about me and i know it's going to be tough on all of us going back after what happened last year yeah i was like dude your sister is dying um it means it means so much to me that we're doing kind of twisted to go back only after a year i know it would mean so much to hannah and beth that we're we're all still here together and i'm thinking of them i really want to spend some quality time with each and every one of you and um just share some moments that we'll never forget for for the sake of my sisters and you know let's just drink a bunch of alcohol that's what they would have wanted let's party like we're [ __ ] porn stars okay make this one trip okay all right yeah all right normally it's a more somber occasion when people die but [Music] oh my god hang on [Music] just to be safe [Music] because i can still hear it [Music] it's like a [Music] cacophony friday night funkin in the chapel yeah it's getting real funky [Music] we're here memento mori 10 hours until dawn oh he's he's already here and he's got a machete sam hannah's best friend diligent considerate adventurous hello describe yourself with three words i'm diligent loopy boy thank you for the five gift subs thank you very much we can move around the camera we gotta get to the manor use the right stick to look around objects like glint can be inspected gates bust it climb from chris yo how do i get there again did that did he print an email what's that anymore okay uh let's go quick [Music] uh jump living dangerously yes gorman thanks for a thousand as well i'm sure he just wants to say hi to you i'm sure mr machete is a nice guy okay where we're in keep going hey little fella and don't move icons on the screen keep the wireless controller as still as possible um i've got it wired but the controller is also on my lap it's just that's just how i hold it i feel like i'm cheating because i don't i don't really like hold controller up i like lower my hands and like my hands rest on like my legs that's that's like the most natural position to me cheater i can hold it up like in front of my face this is you know like i'm playing video games like an advert on tv you know like pressing every but it's like cool i'm having such a game and time and it's like they can't sit still they're like shuffling all about in their chair and like you look at the game on screen it's just like tetris or something they're just playing farmville insane streamer hold it above your head no one plays games like that cool oh indigenous people and butterfly prophecies uh this is telling us yes there's the dash one black butterflies prophesies the dreamer's death bread is danger born of dangerous events loss is brown we're told of tragedy affecting friends guidance is yellow uh butterflies offered visions to help and guide a white is fortune white butterflies brought dreams of luck and good fortune okay so that's a little bit of info on the totems you got one here you can discover totem artifacts picking up a totem and turn it will reveal a colored butterfly and a premonition of a possible future event okay so let's have a look oh that was yellow that was a guidance totem this is a bird future is uncertain whether or not the prophecy comes through depends on the choices you make there's arrow at any time to view your totem collection god we gotta go all the way up there that that's quite fair there's a sign in blood that says the past is beyond our control it's just painting all the way up here looks a bit menacing climate i think we're getting the cable care uh the door is locked back's here where are you not in the bag are you hello what do we have here his phone is ringing i can snoop or close the bag [Music] i'm just going to close it for now maybe i should play it safe a butterfly effect appears when your actions have changed the narrative of the game chris sam hey yeah he is right there chris has a crush on ashley methodical productive humorous oh so i found something kind of think about yeah if i like looked at his phone he would have come over and said uh what you doing come on it's this way where right around here gonna blow your mind [Music] sure thing chris let's have a look at this want it milgram victor nice you think we'll get a visit from america's most wanted last scene 1998. oh come on this place is a dangerous criminal somebody comes up here [Music] collect clues to solve the mysteries of until dawn increase your chances of survival press hour one to examine the clues you've found but that that's a clue already torn up one poster about a fugitive on the mountain date in 1998 someone didn't want people to see this okay so there's a killer [Music] bodes well for us pretty rad right yeah come on look at these beauties uh beauties is not the word that comes to mind why is this even here what do you mean what the hell is a shooting range doing at the base of ski lodge uh dude have you ever met josh's dad yeah he thinks he's like grizzly adams or something you want to try uh no you go ahead that's chris pratt no i don't think it's chris pratt here goes it's just a guy named chris chris pratt is mario different game character oh god use right stick to aim press r2 to shoot [Music] timering shows how much time you have left wow nice shooting test all right i'm bad i'm a badass i'm gonna go ahead what are you doing in case of beginner's luck i don't think so girl just broke into like a just dance well anybody in their brother could shoot a bottle that big that close [Music] there's a squirrel look at the little guy do not shoot the squirrel no that's terrible like if chris shot that sound be like what the [ __ ] is wrong hey sharpshooter a ride's coming wait don't shoot the squirrel come on chris the cable car poor little guy just wants his nuts [Music] butterfly effect update it i want to see can i can i view [Music] the specific bits of it oh this character traits and then relationship status it went up with sam i imagine that's because like sam didn't snoop through his phone or anything here's the butterfly effect once yet some respect to chris's privacy chris was happy to see sam chris chose not to shoot the squirrel nature remained in balance the crow will remember this this is a bit ominous isn't it so we want to be wary i don't i don't think we want to [ __ ] with like with nature that's probably going to get us killed the crow will remember he is watching it's definitely weird coming back up here after a whole year yeah i swear the moment i got here it just all came flooding back here goes fast [Music] hey that's weird door's locked yeah uh josh wanted us to keep it locked keep people out he said that what people i i don't know he said they found people sleeping in the station one time that's creepy i mean if they're all the way out here and no one's here just let them take shelter not like i don't think we're here every day i don't think anyone is after you ah real gentlemen they're good friends now we didn't kill a squirrel or like snoop on the phone i imagine there's an alternate one where if you just like if you snoop and then kill the squirrel they're just like pissed at each other at this point and i thought the car was closer i guess we gotta wait i'm trying to get the appeal of killing time at the shooting range how long is this gonna take let's have a look now blackwood pine hotel and sanatorium for healthy body and mind what a crazy place to set up house no matter how rich you are they're not so rich the odd kind of branding scheme if i could be calling a sanatorium too it's like you don't really have sanatoriums as much anymore you call them psychiatric hospitals oh people's mental well-being sanatorium just doesn't sound right [Music] here's security weird combo but hey i don't know it's like seeing like a poster for like hospital and like juice bar or something and that's the advertising it's just a bit odd i don't think there's anything else i can do here no one on the monitor that was the bathtub oh what did you guys see something i didn't was the bathtub stream was everyone saying bathtub i looked away for a moment looking at chat before it switched it was a bathtub was there it was a bathtub and then it changed okay that's a bit creepy you don't i don't think you need a camera there finally you coming oh we did just kind of leave sam on our own okay [Music] let's get the cable in the cable car i'm just like going to the prom [Music] here we go right adventure begins oh i hope this was the right thing to do there's like no one about here like it's actually so creepy everyone together on the anniversary i mean josh seemed really pumped about us all doing something didn't he yeah no he definitely did i haven't seen him so excited about something in forever good good it's hard to tell with him and i i've kind of been worried no no it was it was a good idea i hope everyone else feels the same way we're all here aren't we thanks bro good talk oh no you know what let's just listen she's talking like a gamer too or a youtuber you're right hey bro you know how josh and i met no third grade josh sat in the back of the room i sat in the front we didn't even know each other existed but the kids sitting next to josh started strap snapping the training bra on the girl in front of him so the teacher made him move to the front where i was sitting that's kind of mean josh so i got moved to the back and it's not something you should do that's how we met i mean and became friends to this day a match made in heaven oh no that's a happy story genie simmons hit puberty like three years early and on that day decided to wear a low-cut shirt that showed off a training bra oh the kid next to josh was being mean oh you could be right sorry right now or we're talking to some other person entirely boom butterfly effect oh god it's a butter remember this is a mechanic in this game yes mike's new girlfriend confident trust in er forever irreverent what does that mean hang on showing a lack of respect for people are things that are generally taken seriously like maybe light-hearted or something like describe yourself in three words well i'm disrespectful that's not it's not the word you want associated with boy oh boy oh boy new people time to meet and greet okay we gotta say hi what the hell jess hey jessica over here uh are you guys having a really weird stroke we're stuck in this stupid thing can you please let us out pretty please just don't do it there you go oh my god i thought we were goners another 10 minutes in there and i would have chewed off my own leg chris you're going to be first to die if you don't want to meet him stop being a smart [Music] seems that someone has a little crush on our good friend and dear class president michael monroe chris and what kind of sizzling erotica might our jessica be capable of imagining i wonder um i mean we don't want to cause and chris is being an [ __ ] here you shouldn't just take that that's a bit mean um let's be calm mike and m split were together whoa drama not really pretty clear-cut actually m's out i'm in i feel like everyone here could be a youtuber in some capacity i don't know why just a way to talk to each other all right all right let's just get up to the lodge already it's getting tired uh oh drama thanks bro go ahead i'm just gonna wait here for a bit see who else is coming and let's not forget that's party like porn stars which is i mean oh no did you see this view i mean holy cow sometimes i forget to just stop and take it all in the zoomers seriously couldn't they have built the lodge like right where the cable car ends emily mike's x intelligent resourceful persuasive i don't think it would have been like as pretty and matt emily's new boyfriend ambitious active and motivated no and where's the bell boy when you need one i can already tell i don't like emily getting chills we're almost there no i'm getting kind of creeped out oh yeah gonna be weird matt is carrying both of their bags definitely mike emily's ex intelligent driven and persuasive michael you really really should have seen your faces right dude i almost clocked you just now nice one michael you're a jerk guys we're all friends here right no need for violence just a little harmless fun we're up in the woods it's spooky come on let's get into the spirit of things the spirit of things too wrong with you just trying to lighten the mood em don't be like that like what the way you're being you always get like this it'll be lightening the mood of my ex by just jumping out of the woods this actually sounds really bad for mike if you think about the context oh no uh but let's try keep it civil let's try to keep it civil or everyone's gonna like kick the [ __ ] out of each other later and we don't want that michael i'm just gonna lay it out otherwise this whole weekend's gonna suck ass for everyone um this is super awkward and we all know it let's just uh acknowledge it now and move on okay matt i hear you man i get it i don't want to make this weird cool so we're good all good down to ours you guys gonna make out now oh my god totally we're so gonna make uh no seriously i'm gonna go check on the cable car back down the trip all right see you man see ya all right so please mike is taking the piss out of the others i do like that ah crap what hey could you take these the rest of the way the bags yeah all the bags um why what i need to go find sam okay sorry i just i really need to go find her i totally forgot i needed to talk to her before we get all the way up there just really can't wait we're almost there it's important matt please uh [Music] he's not being too caring i feel like mike's gonna need to take a bit of a stand for himself and he's also yeah he probably shouldn't be left alone like in the middle of the dark woods here it's spooky god knows what could happen yeah two people like died here a year ago not leaving you alone em i really don't think you should head back down the trail by yourself seriously it's reasonable it's cold out and it's getting dark you're gonna protect me from it being dark out oh don't like her at all i'm with you nobody's gonna steal it matt are you kidding me you can't leave me alone for five minutes do you really think that little of me we're in the middle of like the dark spooky world question everything i said two of our friends are dead here if you want to be helpful then you can help get everything up to the law just quickly it's like a murderer at large um okay fine oh poor man he tried to take a stand for himself i'll see you up there after i go find sam oh my god this poor man [Music] like two of her friends died in these woods i think it's reasonable to be a bit anxious or maybe we shouldn't be on our own ashley has a cross crush on chris academic inquisitive orcish right again i just imagine like a job interview scenario destroy describe yourself in three words well um irreverent uh very disrespectful and force right uh there is that chest down by the cable car put the perspective there oh hello somebody's getting a little friendly i'm not in the friend zone kind of way i might need to check the expiration date on their big breakup uh-oh man i'm really sorry i asked dan it's okay it's fine it's fine what are you looking at see anything juicy with that thing uh let me check it out do i i just be polite and just mislead ah it's not working all right let's try it um sure uh go go ahead knock yourself out i guess ah a son of a [ __ ] seriously emily what the hell man hey listen it's probably nothing but nothing you think uh-oh is it ever just nothing with him ever i don't know damn it matt [Music] i mean they could just be catching up but she probably shouldn't have lied about going to meet him there very well could be that everything is fine but don't lie about that establish some trust read a book or check my phone these are useful tick tockers but check their phones sheesh oh you did not just do that put your hands where i can see them we've got your surroundings oh my god mike but who am i to retaliate what choice do i a supple young rebel girl have but to surrender to the strapping military guard come to take me into custody [Music] grab a snowball take him down a peg or two well i don't know when you put it like that hey we need to get him with like deadly efficiency and accuracy here where are you hiding hello come [Music] [Music] sometimes doing nothing is the right thing to do you can't hide from me michael i know all your tricks [Music] like what i'm not hitting the bird keep nature in balance and now we clock him in the head again wow right and then no more oh yeah oh more oh you're going down gotcha done done city so did i go down uh i don't think so i think you'd know so if i did i don't know if we should still be here all right all right my my so are we calling it my favor then your worthy opponent miss jessica the snowball queen okay that's supposed to be very cold dirty my lady like negative temperature here clock em ah oh ho ho okay okay you're really gonna get it what am i gonna get well i can think of at least one thing yeah but you'll have to wait until later it's so awkward to get a watch yeah it's so nice out here though pretty breathtaking i mean i could stay out here for pretty much ever provided i was hanging out with you the whole time just making out quote unquote well i think we might freeze to death somewhere in between those quotes yeah we don't need to know mike and jess you you guys just do whatever we don't need to know these people need to chill [Music] that's how you get tetanus slow again oh no how are we feeling oh harry hill's back i trust that you have stayed in the company of good friends since our last session this time we're going to try to understand the root of your anxiety okay now pick up that book turn the pages you will see a set of pictures and symbols i want you to identify which image in each set makes you the most anxious which makes you the most anxious uh i mean this man here looks quite mean looking uh i i can't handle turbulence too well i think i'm much more afraid of drowning than just being somewhere high up uh i've never encountered a snake i encountered a rat once because um somehow right this is like one of like a family christmas i went because like we have like a bin that's under the kitchen sink and i just like opened it up to put like kind of like a sweet rapper or something there was one in the [ __ ] bin and i just like opened it and it's like holy [ __ ] it's right there and it's it terrified me um but i've also seen pet rats and pet rats are very cute i'm not really afraid of snakes though i have been scared by a rat so i'm gonna go around uh guns are scary uh i think i've been cockroaches are just kind of ick oh geez i mean this [ __ ] clown um i'm not good around too much gore i think i can handle crows okay jesus did i start with you so sorry you're doing very well dump enough i wasn't nervous until you [ __ ] slam the book close on me doctor try to speed up the more you rely on your instincts the more honest your answers will be and the more enlightening you will find this experience oh my god i don't know i don't like that actually makes me uncomfortable on the page uh i don't like needles i really don't like needles uh i think i'm more scared of clowns between the two of these probably more afraid of needles i i don't like needles because when my lung collapsed i had a bad reaction to some morphine they administered and whenever i get like a needle like kind of in me uh it kind of like my brain like associates it with that and like it takes it out of me for a day this is very interesting thank you for answering so diligently if i go get like the flu shot or something like that then i just need a bit of time to recover i still get it i'll still push myself to do it but um the sun combination sounds like it's like sometimes i can get quite sick and it's just because of association i'm actually fine well i'm afraid once again we're out of time but i promise we'll talk again very soon spider clown's giving you the jab yeah that sounds quite terrifying just combine them all [ __ ] spider clown previously on until dawn don't you guys think this is a little bit oh come on she deserves it hannah what's going on the frame rate is suddenly way worse [Music] oh we get to watch them die again first off i gotta say i am super excited to welcome all my pals back to the annual blackwood winter getaway i really want to spend some quality time with each and every one of you and um just share some moments that we'll never forget why do we need a summer you've played it for 20 minutes for the sake of myself it has been an hour probably don't need the research so i got moved to the back and next to josh that's how we said boom butterfly effect man i feel like nine hours until downtown actually takes about an hour to play through it feels the same to me it's actually kind of uncanny how like a lying nut is josh hannah and beth's brother complex thoughtful and loving come on you grew up here it probably feels like it's shrinking i guess that's true when are you going to install some cell towers up here i'm getting withdrawals already turning around and i'll fix you right up funny you should say that i i think i left in my mind can i make youtube content out here hey guys get over here okay yeah well more or less but it's just so good to see you what's up with him thank you very much yo yo yo we got things moving up here what yeah man uh you're doing all right yeah hey just check on him what i know it must be really tough without yourself stop i just meant that no i know what you meant you know seriously i'm over it and i just want us to have a good time you know like we always used to i don't think being over it means you refuse to talk about it or refer to it at all that sounds like suppressing maybe there's another way in there are a million ways in they're just all locked there's gotta be like a window around the corner we can get like get open or something wait a second are you saying we should break in i don't think it's technically breaking in if you own the place right hey not if i don't report you um lead the way you're going to be arrested chris after our get-together you're going away a long time hi chris um you know it is kind of weird to be back you doing all right yeah aside from being kind of cold and vaguely creeped out by this place it's kind of weird being back up here huh yeah like it would be weird to say wow i love being back here when my friends died like no it is kind of weird ashley was looking pretty hot today right i'm sorry josh she's like a sleeper hit kind of gal you know and i just want to rip that parker right off of her and make some snow angels right gosh this is inappropriate hey cut it out man yeah i mean you're not gonna bang her maybe michael take up the cake wait will you back off on the relax just checking to see if there's some blood flowing down there yeah oh so he he look around you look at that you have across the mountains do you see any parents i mean can you imagine a more perfect ripe scenario just dripping with erotic possibilities you and ashley alone at last josh you're all here you've been a perfect gentleman now you come in for the kill i don't like referring to it as the kill i'm gonna murder her like and also our friends died here a year ago i don't know if it's the time how can you not know what if it's like weird and what if she she might like want to be friends with me anymore if i try something like that i mean weren't you just listening you gotta buck up bro grow up here it's weird coming from him too he finally died here my parents lodged but i didn't say it it's good to have you back you're honest you want to hook up with all right four lovely ladies who are going to be freezing their buns off and last time there's going to be no romance on my watch with these kids nobody likes cool buns none whatsoever that's what their parents would want [Music] axel oh the axe is missing that's not good that's not good at all damn i'm getting pretty low in juice here i should have turned off my gps well well well we got ourselves a thinker nice one we gotta push this party says leave space for jesus [Music] no he wouldn't approve break in that would hurt oh i'm okay that would really hurt i paid more attention in climbing class you mean jim yeah you know with the climbing up the rope whoa that's a bit unsettling i i don't think so here use this whoa chris i just got an awesome idea yeah totally what is it okay so i'm pretty sure that i've got some deodorant in one of the bathrooms you could use that with the lighter i i don't follow how's the stick of deodorant gonna help spray on it's a can oh yeah this is a terrible idea flamethrower just like we did with little army dudes yep ones we melted this is a terrible idea this is like a houseburn sound if i buy frozen lock bingo all right so the lock is frozen i mean if it's going to control something out you up for hunting around in the dark for a little bit no surely we can just like break open the door or something god spits like a wooden house well i'm alone now the totem here yeah so this is a terrible idea let's let's not use the flamethrower idea as we watch one of our friends like burn alive it's not going to end well uh is there anything i can interact with there's a door there ending over here no i think i just have to go through the door it was emily dan do it i'm not kill i kind of can't keep them alive i'm gonna save the kids huh that's cool family portrait how's that a clue found in the washington lodge a portrait of the washington family hannah is wearing a distinctive locket okay oh actually yeah so there's this tabs here so the twins 1952 the mystery man and then totems huh the hell was that okay house may now be haunted go on uh here is the door hey gang hi chris very funny oh how'd you know it was me shouldn't you be like getting the lock open or something on it have i gotta go get the deodorant can like i i think that's a terrible idea especially because we just saw our friends die with the totem oh god it's creepy here uh like this this house is assuredly haunted there's no way it's not who found the prom night photo ready for senior prom hannah sam mike and ellen and emily all right alan me you heard me emily anyone else just hear like whispering anything over here doesn't seem to be can we can we shut this window probably should over here there's a pat there anything up here looks like there's something on the ground there i can't interact with it this house is nice as well it is a gorgeous home but like it's very clearly haunted you can't even be bothered to shut the windows too like it creaks a lot don't like being here oh i can speed walk l1 yeah i do need to do that something here oh sheesh ah [Music] oh my god it's just a badger how do you get that fire into the house we're freezing our buns off the wolverine is it oh we're actually burning the lock my god thank you thank you thank you i'll be here burn your hand dude [Music] crap that thing freaked me out what was it it got us twice it's like a bear or a tiger or something oh it's just a cute little baby wolverine baby don't worry buddy got that boy soon home sweet home sweet is not the word i used oh my gosh it's so good to be inside even if it's still kind of freezing in here i'll get a fire going this place barely looks any different yeah nobody's been up here even with all the police coming in and out not a lot of action up here lately nope it does kind of look about party people hi hey oh make yourself at home bro will do yeah come on in take a load off have whatever you want it's gonna be awkward just take whatever you want anyway right whoa easy there cowboy yeah like like there's no i don't the issue here isn't mike i think the issue is that emily lied to him what the hell were you doing with him out on the trail what i saw unm at the telescope before we just ran into each other been a while so we hugged and i said hello against law yeah i distrust like they probably like they probably were just catching up a bit and just wishing each other well or something i like to give the benefit of the doubt here let's just apologize keep it cool we need everyone to be friends if we can help him yeah duh or like that's how kids like sorry they'll start killing each other overreacted nah man don't worry about it okay cool yeah it's all good the problem is like emily there she shouldn't have lied about going to see sam i don't it's not mike's fault there oh my god that is so gross are you trying to swallow his face okay emily you're like the worst yeah no one wants in on your territory honey excuse me did you say something oh did you not hear me was your sluttiness too loud oh my gosh better she didn't make the cuts yeah it's all a big cattle call with that dreamboat congrats you're top count i'm glad she seems to have moved on from this past relationship uh it seems to be healthy yeah like emily come on now um come on no shut up matt stay out of it you dumbo hey suck on that when you're trying to sleep your way into a job who needs grades when you've got all the natural advantages you can handle oh you couldn't buy a moldy loaf of bread with your skanky ass are you serious do you think that's insulting that [ __ ] is on crack or something oh my god yeah just emily just come on emily stop this is out of hand and there's no reason to fight like this yeah em why are you picking fights over your ex-boyfriend huh stop it this is not why we came up here this is not helping thanks josh that's not what i wanted if we can't get along for 10 minutes and maybe we need a little bit of a break right mike why don't you check out the guest cabin the one i told you about yeah yeah all right you want to go do that any place without that [ __ ] jesus chris okay i don't i don't right up the tree i don't like jess as much i don't know my god glad that's over yeah so josh uh should we get this fire going where's my bag huh my bag the the little bag with the pink pattern the one i got on rodeo matt are you are you listening oh my god don't you remember next to the italian shoe place where i got the stilettos and you knocked over the rack while you were drooling all over that girl oh i hate her she was asking about my life like she's just gaslighting the [ __ ] out of her letter jacket why do you hate my jacket matt i need my bag oh my god em maybe you just forgot it do you seriously think i'd forget my bag whoa do you [Music] guess not you must have left it down by the cable car station come on han we'll be back soon go get the bag get the flames you can get very warm okay okay let's go that just seems tired like i just want to be done oh my god ah exiled sexile works for me none of this now how far is this cabin anyway this cabin is the coziest most romantic love den you will ever lay your eyes upon if we ever make it i have a feeling lux's on our side play your cards right and maybe you will get lucky hey porn stars you're gonna need these porn stuff josh i don't like how you're calling everyone gross hey i'm sorry to kick you out like that no worries man oh i'm sure you'll find a way to entertain yourself oh my gosh you have fun with the peanut gallery oh i almost forgot gotta fire up the generator so you can see where you're going it's dark out there all right roger that very spooky josh was flirting with me okay you want to invite him up with us wait really what no oh my god okay so yes and m not in the best of books right now running over here it's like a different camera angle but i don't think there's anything here let's head on back surprisingly like a secret thing uh ash thank you for a thousand bits even for boot camp soon just wanna say thank you for all the laughs watching your streams the past year and a half the very best of luck to you i hope it goes well thank you very much let's get going is there anything over here i feel like i gotta scour the place for secrets that's something i can help you with and how are you gonna do that i guess you do the fast walk too this way gang into the creep dark mysterious woods okay there's only murderers here uh there's a gate huh i guess this thing needs juice or something that's for the generation josh say there was a gentleman can't climb over that one apparently front gate no problem though oh wait wait kind of totem i wish you could generate a little i'm sorry i just saw one of her friends get punched in the face i don't i know you're upset about the generator but i think ashley's in trouble all right let's see okay let's flick this boom nice one mikey there we go you are a wizard oh oh let's just keep walking let's just let's just overlook that guy sam the gates shall open into the woods we go pretty good right yeah totally no it's just awesome oh yeah i bring the hit we probably shouldn't walk so far apart from each other you psyched yet want to stick it it'd be so spooky being out here it'd be an adventure sure like a little bit exciting a sexcapade we're like okay jess you got to stop saying sex compared i'm sorry it's an adventure and that would be cool but it's also quite creepy especially because our friends died out here police tape from hannah and beth i think they'd clean it up well they never closed the investigation okay i'm getting the creeps now yeah oh like understandable be respectful what do you remember that's probably actually a good question it's all such a blur can barely even remember what happened well what i remember is that we played a stupid half-baked prank that probably got hannah and beth killed hey i mean it's not our fault they ran into the woods yeah how could anyone have expected them to do a dumb thing like that it was a very mean prank though it was a very mean prank you know kids i guess just being kids and then tragedy struck i suppose oh did you hear that they're like thirsty something yeah how old are they supposed to be in this game because i think they're all just like i think they are all just like kids supposed to be like this oh no way 18 20 like okay young adult wax museum to drink hot chocolate with emily you know what amateur and reckless we're adventurous we will find another way around oh jeez yes [ __ ] why would you lean on that hey okay holy crap you scared the heck out of me i didn't think i felt uh you didn't hit your head or anything gotta be careful tell i still have all seven of my limbs uh yeah can you get out i i don't know i can hardly see anything down here uh you know heroic all right coming after you just stay put oh i'm glad i came down if not for her sake for mine [Music] all i imagine right grunting together this is not what i pictured oh dear go deeper into the spooky abandoned mine jesus christ oh oh my gosh are you okay [Music] push that i'm fine he could have just moved he probably could have just stood out of the way yeah oh nelly this place is giving me the willy uh do we go left or right good kind of willies gonna offer you a little comfort and reassurance this way it might be blocked [Music] oh there's a totem here though [Music] fortune totem apparently that's a good thing [Music] uh i didn't see if there was anything there was there something down the end of that let's just keep walking he isn't dead and that's good true yeah so i guess it what i mean but like it's still not particularly great you know it's like if you go to the fortune teller and they say good news you will survive the car crash tomorrow like your first reaction is gonna be wait what you know to be a little bit concerned we're placing smoke's cars the car stopped wonder who's up here i think it's kind of good news but there's an unfortunate part too this place is like historical holy batcave it's gotta be named americans right i don't think the miners were getting their arts and crafts on no no no it's like a shrine or something just trying to what like oh we don't have time to debate what kind of shrine old mine is falling apart i don't think this place is up to code yeah i'm thinking it's time to go keep moving what we got here danger danger danger this place is a real fixer-upper doesn't look too good here go down there i don't think i can go left take the map yeah they're probably i mean maybe they should yeah finally a little rave seem to be out okay though we're all right i haven't been punished can you scooby looking weird this is when they split up and look for clues cabin is that way there's like a collapsed footpath well well when josh had a cabin i felt like abe lincoln where do you see that where's the dog that was scooby we found in like the the cupboard before [Music] take a ride on air force one [Music] i just saw someone at the cabin okay someone at the cabin what what's that [Music] only i don't think that was uh matt this time golden peekaboo hey jess stay close bye okay wolves bears this posting says there's some brown bears up here sometimes oh no oh michael i have the best idea what what let's go hug a bear come on please come on that seems like a terrible idea not hug a bear give him a cuddle just a big teddy bear with claws and teeth and he's mad who's the good bear yes you are you i'm pretty sure that's how we'll die watch out frames rats with wings ah just play it off play it off it's just that's not funny jess wow you're easy yeah got a lot of love to give scared there was a deer there god now keep going keeping nature at balance is more important like do you think nature will become imbalanced if i even like slander it verbally god damn bird nature is angry now like that's how i die damn it josh can you have at least cleared out the path before setting us up here really what i didn't figure you for the glass half empty type you got a better idea stand back debbie downer oh oh boo show off hey mike you've got something on your face the nutter stuff okay okay that's how it's gonna be well she's dead we had a good run what you want to help me get this fire going uh well i was just getting into the bath oh oh do you need any help with that gosh no why why is he like this okay well jess is dead um cat might be happy there that means only emily is the hot water in your big fancy lodge [Music] are you looking for i'm over here i need to turn on hot water is it [Music] oh what was that well let's go for a wander and spooky mansion we go [Music] what we got here uh johan d smith tattoo artist march 18 2013 9 30 am [Music] oh is this hannah's room [Music] isn't medicine at all [Music] and what else we got i already uh anything else i think there's a carrot over here [Music] anna josh and bet you are invited to sam's halloween party october 31st 2013 fancy dress obligatory oh this was this was the postcard uh that harry hill showed us okay uh there's in there a lot of stuff in here hello could this be any more about mike oh so it's mike and hannah i don't know what the surnames are clue found compatibility test mostly c's uh oh this is not going to work he's like a crazy reckless hunk of a man and you're just staying at home working on your embroidery and practicing g minor on the piano what [Music] uh or do something like really well run away from home and get a tattoo or something anything to attract his precious attention i mean it's for love right so just do it [Music] ah the days of trashy magazines it was a different time i thought there was stairs there but no that's just uh it's just the window now we have buzzfeed quizzes to determine everything about ourselves how the times have changed [Music] can't go that way uh queen thank you very much for the five gift subs thank you [Music] hope you're enjoying this [Music] go off this way [Music] [Music] yeah totally let's go josh let's go the gang's down here should we just meet up with the gang again you know what i got an idea for you too what okay well i'm pretty sure that somewhere in this crazy place we used to have a spirit no josh don't do it you have a spirit board those things are a joke man oh chris you don't [ __ ] with spirits we used to do it all the time man well josh no hot water is kind of a major oversight don't mess with spirits fire up the boiler it's in the basement all right you guys see if you can help that's not a good idea let's go find it it'll be like a scavenger hunt um okay guess so brad i mean you're not gonna regret it yep for a ride along having a fun time out in the woods invoking spirits of the damned shouldn't do this don't mess with ghosts let some eventual spirits what could go wrong i think he's like his sisters are like dead you notice how i gave this very obsession together yeah i was thinking they could use some alone time i'm not gonna mock them no they they have a crush on each other they are very sweet together i wish they just freaking get you that nerd i swear they just need like something to bond over you know some sort of traumatic event to send them into each other's arms i mean at this rate they'll be in the geriatric ward before christmas they need some tragedy in their lives to make them closer i don't know if i agree with that logic why is that your goal too maybe something sweet could happen first you know tam yes josh i just wanted to say what it really means a lot to me that everyone came back this year and you know that you came sam um it is very weird to be back but we need to be reassuring for his sake because he's probably having the toughest time of anyone it's weird that he had the idea we're here for you really whatever you need whenever we're all gonna make it through this together um i want us to have a good time you know hey watch your step i think i can handle a little old set of stairs there's a broken step there sam just trips and falls breaks her neck oh my god first like first kid's dead actually no because jess has already got second kick sorry to drag you down into the bow oh just get me some hot water and i'll be super fine i mean i wouldn't want you coming down here on your own you know well it's definitely creepy down here yep not a place to be on your own uh daryl thanks for 200 bits hey dan if you were a character in this game what three words would you use to describe yourself besides irreverent [Music] um they're all such like buzzwords i don't know like confident outgoing adventurous like no like [Music] i want die live laugh love [Music] the drift king that's three words [Music] i use one of my words on the go i gotta make this count [Music] here can you can you hold this i love how some of the buzzwords from though just iron positive qualities just oh giant here so i can see what i'm doing should be paying attention something's coming to kill these guys they're just like yeah drift king oh hey can you just keep the light so i can okay i i was holding it still [Music] i'm holding it more still now sam please i'm i'm literally holding it still hang on [Music] [Music] what if i just put it down on the table [Music] [Music] nice one yeah okay yeah that's cheating i hope to that again okay first things first we got to increase the water pressure before we get the boiler fired up um sounds kind of complicated no it's actually pretty simple yeah i kept just drifted away stop ah moving it's okay i'm just try again wait so what do i do oh okay i gotta i gotta ah relax you're okay sam that hard just press the button when the light comes on okay okay i'll get it this time sure just increase the pressure to max we're gonna like explode this that's more like it all right goodbye girl join this i don't wait that was a butterfly effect that was a butterfly effect excuse me [Music] no wait josh locked the baseball bat in the cupboard oh that oh no that can't be good that's just because i missed a high five how does that relate to that that could be a lot of things none of them nice i'm just just in you oh my god oh you were really freaked out something behind you get them back [Music] you're right gotcha you can't it's addictive move to say no seriously when there's nothing behind you it's just this is gonna be like the most pathetic prank i honey you're gonna have to do a whole lot better such a lame prank okay so you hear that too right nothing regular about it uh we should check it out go together maybe we should go check it out why what if it's like a pipe that's about to burst or some problem with the furnace unlikely if it were me i wouldn't want this place to burn down on my watch yeah right let's not die here go let's go come on why are these doors locked to keep out strangers oh what the hell oh you just got mugged what that's nice why would you do that there's all this cool holy crap down here was i not supposed to take advantage of the opportunity are you are you serious [ __ ] he's singing in on this putt no but i wish i would that was too good oh my god i'm ready to admit that your dumb little prank may hurt when did he get down there joke master well i i said nothing about you prank which was dumb holy crap you were scared admitted i was not come on you totally missed your josh like ashley was just left on her own this entire time are you wearing i found my true calling mm-hmm please tell me you're gonna take a vow of silence oh okay okay did you at least find the thingy [Music] oh you shouldn't have found this i've just been through enough spooking for one night okay i see a hot bath in my crystal ball all right so have fun oh but watch out for that josh he's a schemer okay well let's go invoke spirits at the damned where is he hiding that good question good question [Music] hey harry how you doing harry your office looks a little worse for wear i would like to understand your feelings toward people of fear isolation loneliness do you share this fear i don't like how close he is to us why is there a spider on the desk now and a needle [Music] oh no [Music] um you know yes i i do share sphere is that so because that's not gonna get the needle from playing your game how is it there's gonna be a clown in a moment too yeah and now let us investigate your feelings toward other people in greater depth dr hill could you back up like 10 inches from my face please and others why is he so close which would you say was most important in a person's loyalty or honesty uh honesty so you would tell the truth even if it resulted in an unpleasant outcome for a friend and what about honesty then and charity uh between the two of them probably honesty charity is overrated i suppose better to be true to yourself than to help others in need i mean that's not quite what you were asking dr hill once again i'm afraid we're out of time we'll talk again soon okay see you later why is his window boarded up now [Music] previously on until dawn it was just a prank han shut up today is the one year anniversary we're gonna watch him die again beth washington the twins who are still missing i know it would mean so much to hannah and beth that we're we're all still here together and i'm thinking of oh them somebody's getting a little friendly boom butterfly effect excuse me did you say something oh you can get a little recap mike why don't you check out the guest cabin the one i told you about yeah yeah all right did you hear the guys are being stalked in the woods in god's name are you where else you are watch out for that josh he's a schema well that's how it's going to be yes jesus is probably dead so it says here to communicate isolation eight hours until dawn of all preconceptions drop all inhibitions and generally give yourself over entirely to the will of others sublimating your every desire to the whims of the spirit master which is that drink every time had a [ __ ] duck move their garments at my sole discretion chris come on this is serious oh no i'm deadly serious oh shush it let's try this yes please oh god we're actually using the board we shouldn't be doing this let's see what happens ashley since you're a recent convert why don't you be our medium for today [Music] um i mean don't [ __ ] with the spirits if we're doing this like abracadabra shazam is anyone there okay um is anyone there will you reveal yourself to us if you're there [Music] oh wait a minute did you do that i didn't do anything it's moving again h what's it spelling hold on how's this happening are you moving it i swear it's just moving oh [ __ ] help how are we supposed to help i don't know what does it mean we need to know who it is if we're supposed to help them um can we who needs help here we go who are you oh here it goes okay s i s t e r sister sister who's sister oh come on this is for real shut up oh no it's gotta be yeah okay well which sister is it then ashley ask who it is [Music] uh [Music] is it hannah or beth i mean we we which one are we going cry bash who are we speaking to beth is that you [Music] oh god this oh josh are you fine are you sure because we can stop no dude it's cool i want to hear what it says i don't know where to start think about it if this is actually beth i mean we can find out what happened that night okay um oh boy yeah we probably should just probe get to ask questions we want to know what happened to you that night can you tell us h a n and it's spelling hannah wait it's still going okay i oh oh oh my god killed guys guys what's she talking about i don't know if i can keep doing this we have to just just stay calm hannah's killed someone i don't know i just asked something else uh who killed hannah how did hannah die oh [Music] we saw how hannah died [Music] okay who killed hannah all right [Music] who killed hannah who was it [Music] i b the library maybe there's something in library oh there's r o o proof there did you see that holy [ __ ] chris did you see that in the background there [ __ ] this isn't real josh i don't know there was a ghost stand in there listen i don't know i don't know if you think messing with me is somehow going to help me deal with my there was a ghost lady just looking at me i'm cool josh no you wanted to use the spirit board hey calm down it's it's not actually i don't need this right now okay you guys are full of it oh oh yeah we shouldn't we shouldn't have used it i mean he'll be okay let's just just give him some time i don't blame him that was crazy the pointer flew right off the table if if you were faking it if you were doing one hell of a job i wasn't faking anything i think we should do what it says we should look in the library oh boy you have to say goodbye we didn't even close the portal properly let's hear jess die again [ __ ] [ __ ] all right i know jess is dying and we gotta go quick come on mike as quick as you can if you could like saunter a little faster please yes meander in the direction this is not funny jess honey you in there whoa christ might not even happen i scared the blue out of my jeans what does that even happen how is that doing in there anyway jessica i'm just left like a hockey mask here why i'm gonna be able to play hockey too well here jess light of my life oh geez oh my gosh no that was so good no i totally promise i won't i'm not seeing it all right no oh my god look at your face i was scared jed you can't just jump out at somebody i'm in the middle of the woods it's scary oh that's camera there i hear you send that to anybody for what gonna kill you i didn't know you had a cute little lady like screaming they're all just trying to get those like tick-tock pranks until you scared the pants off of them um just be witty play it cool as far as i can tell my pants are still on oh is that so yeah looks like you have to try harder a challenge eh just suggested um well that can't be good oh here's a totem to help us [Music] that one's kind of hard to see [Music] that's like someone climbing up next to a water wheel okay that's real hard to make out we also have the bird balance has been maintained there's emily dying poor ashley that's danger there [Music] and here's jess covered in blood halloween franks the clown is just straight up punching her in the wonderland face here now hey girl you know i hooked you up just a prank that sounds normal was it someone's guess you need to walk a little faster you need to stick with me probably just a squirrel squirrel met a grizzly end in the woods oh what no hello uh oh someone there [Music] let's spook it [Applause] probably should have spooked it that thing almost killed us no don't tell me i disturbed the balance [Music] butterfly no nature remains in balance [Music] hubbard is locked jessica appreciated mike's heroism outside it with jessica during the fight with emily or you can turn them so actually encourage matt to use the telescope that's how mike and emily flirting it's not necessarily what that is matt confronted mike chris continued to trust him nature just gave a warning shot yeah it did spooky charming i hope it's just the deer stalking us with like the red like night vision the cabin i love it this is this isn't the one i think we're supposed to go to old max um just show it to her it's just don't scare the [ __ ] out of her because i feel like the moment you start like [ __ ] with him right someone's just gonna like trick and fall and die right it creeps me out i think you like it oh my god oh might stop you're lost that can't be hygiene is there anything else in here just a mask it's just a mask okay keep going consider how it's snowing it's amazing not freezing yeah like it's super cold here they do not have like much equipment it's like kind of like a light jacket [Music] gotta keep going it's nature again [Applause] i'm not sure i want to know that's not a good noise oh [ __ ] damn it's horrible geez i don't think he's gonna make it oh kill it or comfort comfort hey bud hey buddy ah the poor thing it's okay it's okay it's okay mike it's in so much pain it'll be over soon okay buddy it'll be over soon oh my god shortcut oh we gotta go go come on here we go oh my god jess help jessica come on we gotta go i am get the key get it open i'm trying to help you and she's like don't touch me ah what had it under control whole time how [ __ ] no 100 100 110. it's still out there holy crap i feel like i just ran a marathon i think we kind of did was it a bear yeah got to be things are crazy fast i mean i didn't see it hey thing's not going to come barging in i promise how can you be sure because i'm pretty sure bears don't know how to open cabin doors i've seen them open car doors what they could just break the window we don't know on the internet really okay well this isn't the internet jess right this is real life and i promise you that no bear i always had to take that seriously when you're like playing a video game live through it on twitch.tv the live internet audience i'm almost feeling relaxed again almost this is real says the fictional character and fictional property you are enjoying this is not the cozy chalet i was promised mike yes a lot of butterfly effect updates well there is a fireplace we don't need a fire to heat things up michael i am a lady and a lady needs a proper romantic setting okay uh all right jess lady would like to cuddle up with her man by a nice cozy fire bathed in atmospheric mood lighting right it'll get plenty toasty once we're revving up against each other mike fire and mood lighting he really wants that fire i'm a lady get jesus [Music] a look what we got ah this will take care of the mood lighting [Music] like this like this all right logs are ready to go just need a match just need a match uh what's over here native american myths and legends we can open it mudda bear returned she was in range and attacked the merchant with an ice sculpture she managed to escape with her cubs pelts any eagle saw this and guess i'm trying to read and swooped at the merchant as he ran through the trees but a gunshot from the eagle away the merchant was leaving the forest and was gleeful thinking of the money that would soon be his right tree fell blocking his my fingers are in the way i can't read it looks like we weren't the only ones to meet the friendly neighborhood terror bears that does not make me feel any vision or dream of the future award or spell protection against evil spirits native american hunters use symbols and signs scratched on trees or dabbed onto walls to communicate with other tribe members many symbols conveyed religious or mystical beliefs others warned of danger of protection some told of good hunting grounds most symbols were specific to the tribe that used it be unrecognizable to other tribes okay so these might be very important though there's the totem one jess for the love of god i'm trying to learn about native american history we're learning here oh jess look at this is it a fire no no way cooler we have a gun don't scare her with a gun that's mean huh hey like me now oh my god why do guns make mango completely nothing he's just having fun right she'll never understand what we have together read it like it's loaded yep you always should so i hear i've not handled a gun myself oh you don't you don't want to mess about with it [ __ ] [ __ ] mike what crap what where is it what what's wrong gone it is gone okay yes slow down what is gone my freaking phone sherlock can you find it crazy crap no i must have dropped it out oh no oh yeah i can't lose my phone my parents will kill me you can always get a new one that's like my fourth one this year okay it's a lot of phones to go sir i'll have to look for it at what point do you just give up outside yeah subtle for a blocky like four phones in a year it's atrociously bad fine it's one phone every three months like that that's horrendous lucky lucky who's going to fire up some nookie you've been dying to use that line since we got here haven't i lost even like two phones in five years like i'd be [ __ ] like devastated and like hired on myself nice losing it once is bad enough but like after a certain point oh geez hey why are you okay what are you doing it's it's the lights i know it's the lights dummy you broke them it's probably faulty wiring or something i i did my best okay we got another picture tennis photo anna winning bronze alberta invitational 2013. is there anything in here it's so cold in here right now my tongue will get stuck to your you know i'm just going to read a book in here for the night oh no it's the camera suture that's a bad book oh hell yeah no i shouldn't have picked this one up put it back put it back that's unfortunate [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what did you think was in there mike come on how did that happen how much force they gotta use like completely ripped the shower curtain off if i found the matches as well i don't think i have i did oh i picked him up earlier then oh yeah i remember now i just have to go destroy that shower curtain real quick man one fire zero very nice bravo strictly speaking we created the fire man all right my lady what comes next i think well i i wish we had some booze uh well uh if i had known that ahead of time i don't know i'm kind of just i'm not feeling it yet um let's reassure am i doing something wrong no no no no i mean i thought you were one way but you're kind of another way just if that makes sense it's is this because i've been like so calm and not seductive i really like you was that reassuring i think that was like kind of anxiety-inducing just give me a chance and i will show you what you need well i am liking your confidence that wasn't reassuring at all yeah mike the shutters what about them um close them please there's just no one out there i feel like someone's watching us i don't like it yes really it's fine we did just get chased by like a potential bear okay shutter it is status update i'm curious what's going on there wait honesty went all the way down why did honesty drop what did i do at least i bond with jess is there we got that going mike appreciated jess's heroism might continue to impress jessica apparently we're completely dishonest you're lying about who mike really is close the window voila shutters are shutted now where were we i'm sorry i i i i'm sorry i think i'm a little freaked out and it's hard for me to like keep this up and what keep watching is understandable act all super confident and like a total sexy babe and everything but underneath i gotta be honest i'm really kind of insecure okay dismissive oh but if i reassure her i don't like where this potentially leads i have to reassure her jesus you've got to be kidding me what you have nothing you should be so like mean it's like god that sounds rough but i'm sure i do it's just like me and everyone else we're all insecure but you know how to handle yourself you might call it a front but it's real he's a sweetheart yeah i guess i do yeah and that's super [ __ ] hot really he's a sweetheart don't approve this come here maybe i know how to handle you too i am definitely ready to behave i don't know if i am hang on oh wait hang on wait there's infrared vision hang on hang on it's not going well let's just stay outside stay outside we don't need to go back in no mine what is that i don't know okay we'll go find out now please should i grab the gun [Music] this is a grab the gun situ situation we're just gonna leave that there apparently oh god [Music] why is there like singing [Music] that's a bit menacing [Music] oh [ __ ] say god damn it what those goddamn [ __ ] probably followed us out here it's for you [Applause] this little window shatters oh no jess don't go outside don't go outside yeah pricks that means you i know you're out there oh no no no no jess [Music] jess no no no no [Music] going to don't anger them well it's okay everything seems sort of [Music] oh no [Music] do you really think the girls were i don't know i don't know if i wish they were if i wish they were she's gone out i shouldn't have yelled at them she shouldn't have said she was gonna have sex he's gone now she's dead captain grace thanks for the five gift subs thank you very much josh looked really freaked out at the seance he looked like he was keeping it together but do you think we should have mentioned his sisters it's why we came back up here yeah but not to like have a seance maybe we went too far there's the door here it's locked she got banned what holy crap are you okay i think so look what oh it's just straight up like a poltergeist what is that is it a button why would there be a button that's a good question should i push it that's what buttons were for i guess here we go oh opens that explodes are we like in a movie right now if we are i hope it's a rom-com leave it to the washingtons to have secret passages in their house i mean maybe they don't even know this place is super old so should we take a look after you no no no no no thanks sorry i had to there okay let's go explore yeah i don't like that cheap trick game what whoa what did you find get out of that room get out of the room get out of the room get out of the room get out of the room get out of the room is there anything else in there i don't want to go back in keep trick cheap trick don't do it game don't do it i will take them and bleed them like pigs and rip their soft white skin off [ __ ] 16 years 16 years i waited for pretty little hannah holy cow there's nothing here i'll take a look at this and now i actually i i don't want to freak you out but but look at this what chris what is that i i think this might be what the spirit board wanted us to find the clue yeah it's a letter let me see it it's uh a threat chris this is serious we need to find josh right now this is very menacing [Music] can't be good uh yeah let's go find josh well i guess he's in here what was that there we go something over here do you think someone was actually after hannah and beth if so that would be dear doctor uh thank you for your response good to know that the tribes still feel an attachment to the land here and we've got a few unfortunate problems graffiti people sleeping in the outbuildings this is their ancestral home after all and make contact with the descendants of the tribe and intend to make a donation to their elder council the only ones of the past won't be easy but i feel that it's a step that is necessary you're sincerely melinda washington looks like it was written by josh's saw that crazy guy again thursday hanging around the generator shed i'm gonna start keeping a record goes back a long way oh there's a front of respect here but clearly not much respect [Music] uh what is in here there's a door out of the house here oh we're just back at the front of the house yeah we looked around so um i've just been thinking about something i saw earlier with sam what there was like this wanted poster like full-on western style you know so and sam really thought there was someone following her around so so what you're saying there's some criminal opponents we maybe get like go call sam like she's just like kind of chilling in the back right now chris we should knock on the door and say hey you feel better things are getting bad here things are getting real rough here sam you hear that that was josh break it down chris ash gosh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no it's the clown dr hill tried to warn us of this [Music] i don't think we didn't have a chance to prevent that punch at all did we all right we gotta talk about your office [Music] things are getting like progressively worse here [Music] i don't understand what you're doing with the decor is he not going to say it i'm going to show you some uh pictures of people that you have come to know oh god but maybe you don't like them as much as you pretend to this is halloween decorations this isn't that's pretty hardcore for halloween tell me which person from each pair you like the most take your time your answers are important okay so which do we like the most between characters um prefer sam sam has been quite lovely she's the only one hasn't gotten in a fight anyone but emily [Music] um chris is kind of a jerk we'll go with ash i really don't like jess we'll go mike anyone but emily [Music] um probably of these two chris do you have something to say tell me in this little game you're playing so diligently who is it that you most dislike are you so menacing looking uh i dislike emily [Music] a bit too [ __ ] for your taste she's awful even the lack of confidence manifest itself is overconfidence think about that is that not just a little bit like [Music] oh once again i'm afraid we're out of time these are very short sessions [Music] they don't like the clown okay previously on until dawn that'll be a hundred dollars i can't hold on oh he has an interesting history with the washington family apparently he had warned them against pursuing their construction process every time there's a fight claim the land was sacred to his forefathers s i s t sister asking who's sister josh it's it's got to be which sister is it then oh my god why do we have to see it from the start every time i mean i think it's just the way the game is structured they're trying to treat it like an episodic series i think but it's just one game together maybe i know how to handle you too oh we don't need to see this again another kid is dead loyalty seven hours until down okay mike come on [ __ ] what the [ __ ] jessica shit's hit oh my god oh my god come on jess we gotta go he's not even getting a coat or anything yeah he won't be breathing i guess no time risk the shortcut come on come on come as on jessica we gotta catch her [Music] we're taking a shot there she is don't don't point it at her [Music] shut down okay come on mike okay doing good gotta go we gotta go jump don't want to miss that one dangerously [Music] come on mike pick up your lantern as slow as you can we gotta go we gotta go jessica oh my gosh you're being dragged go go go go go go go go i'm coming he's down the elevator yeah [Music] michael if you could go a little faster on the stairs please jessica time is of the utmost importance if you go over a bit more than a leisurely stroll jessica oh my god like runner soft man run run there she is god oh jessica he's okay oh yeah she's still moving jess are you okay he's still alive probably shouldn't have gone for this girl okay jump down mike [Music] shot it keep going uh quick risk it every quick time come on jump okay okay i almost missed that one [Music] there we go oh [ __ ] there he is that's just the man god damn it he tried to help the girls at the start oh the gun's jammed anyway [Music] i just gotta make it oh come on mike turn this on [Music] this is like indiana jones some reason i get like a sylvester stallone vibe from like michael i don't know why he's like an action movie hero rocky 7 looks weird it's not cold he's probably very cold there's your man it's an average day in england what didn't have time to prepare but like before he came here he was wearing that oh no he knew where he was going you gotta you gotta ask oh that's like gym clothes he's canadian ash oh [Music] what's this not good not good at all that's not good at all no okay [Music] let's have a look around uh there's a door here are we not gonna go find sam yet oh [ __ ] that's like blood all over the walls like sam's still just having a bath are we are we not going to no we're just going let's pat here hang on you know is there no that's blocked luffy boy thank you for the five gift subs thank you very much leave sam out of this but like she she probably should know at this point that like someone is assaulting people in the house ashley you know ashley let her enjoy your bad you creep anyone out there ashley well just politely knock on the door it's like um excuse me sorry i don't mean to spoil the mood or anything i hope hope you you're doing well uh there's a killer in the house no no just just so you know just [ __ ] help what the hell just so you know just so you know there's like a psychopath up here who would do this why would someone do that oh [ __ ] severed pig head oh let's tell them [Music] well that's unfortunate all right so don't don't incur the rash of the pig there was a pat back here ash got to keep moving why are they even here oh my god go home like they really shouldn't have come here like the death of their friends is still being investigated and they're like yeah let's have like a spooky halloween reunion ashley it is actually halloween in this game it's october 31st isn't that that's when it takes place lines up surprisingly well i think it is yeah [Music] happy halloween all if we lined this up and started at like close to midnight we could actually just stream it until dawn would like stop the stream for like six hours [Music] oh this looks rather menacing ashley oh she's in here red ash i'm here hey god damn it please oh i'm coming ash just uh just keep talking to me what happened what's going on with that curtain there i can't move ashley i'm gonna get you out of this don't worry chris are you there hello and thank you all for joining me a little experiment sort of test now for this experiment we'll need the cooperation of our two test subjects joshua and ashley but we're going to need one more brave participant to help decide which subject will live and which will die oh no please please everyone calm down it's all very simple christopher you will find a lever placed directly in front of you it's [ __ ] good okay okay okay this is gonna be okay well um i'm sorry josh actually i'll get you out of this i won't let you die oh cute thank you [Music] it's here we go oh no why would you do this oh yeah i'm coming ash i'm going to get you there i'm running you down stop please come on come on let's let's get it down come on we're going to get you out of here no we gotta go okay oh we saved ashley chris someone should baby check on sam what is that how long were they gone looking for their luggage what happened josh what dude you said right in front of us man what are you talking about maniac oh my god we gotta get out of here i don't understand what happened the maniac he was there was a song it was either him or it was my no no this is insane we need to go get some help we're gonna figure this out matt we need to go get help now [Music] and we should look for the others mike and jess are off 69 each other and who knows where sam is i think she's in the lodge fine fine you're right get everyone else together but if there's a maniac running around i think we need to get some help too right not just wait around that's a good idea why are we still talking about this let's go so one thing i've agreed with you so far emily we need help so on the one good idea emily gets oh let's check in on harry hill what's going on with that clap hello again not very professional they're getting pretty tense out there aren't they is the night going the way you hoped it would [Music] yeah you know i mean we're still having a fun like halloween party [Music] and you think that these poor people are getting what they deserve [Music] at least some of them what do you want who are you what are you what do you want harry i'm trying to help you and this game you're playing you understand that it's not good for you it's not good for anyone i can't say that you're being particularly honest in the way you're playing he's very upset with me this all happened because i left josh hanging in the basement and missed that high five he would be alive right now jesus you really freaking me out doctor do you even believe that i am really [Music] i mean harry hill is very real you're real you're real ah the heart of the problem it all comes down to this can you really tell the difference anymore [Music] i doubt it [Music] oh he's gonna go back to the window and brood a while that'd be another hundred dollars for that session okay place your bets we're going to see hannah and beth die again i still see just eye [Music] how's that could be a lot of things none of them just just screaming it's like what was that one-way ticket to the spirit realm i've just been through enough spooking for one night okay i see a hot bath in my crystal ball so have fun why would you do this oh we're going to watch josh jessica oh my god oh my god [Music] there is one individual we're considering as a person of interest but his whereabouts are currently unknown you know there is still the old sanatorium on the mountain could he be hiding there there he is dread six hours until dawn that's not good that's really not good planatorium pounds he's got dogs well they probably know we're here all right god mike is pretty rough he's pretty badly scratched after all that okay so pause the game quick moment we're gonna take a quick toilet break uh i'm gonna take a water break too uh y'all got five minutes everyone use the loot if you need to get a snack or that get a drink now is a good time for it and then we'll pick on up again okay i'll be back in five minutes [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hello there give people just a minute more to get back before we kick off again uh how are you all doing i just had a little snack there i recently acquired some york peppermint patties which is like one of my favorite sweet foods i very rarely get them because you can't really find them that easily in ireland but i i've received some very generously and i have a little stockpile normally we only have them at christmas in my house because they're quite hard to get a hold of their very special treat but because halloween and you know it's like like gotta have some sweets it's a night for it why not had one there it was delicious chocolate mint combination is a sin nobody's perfect but you're welcome here anyway uh this four thank you for five gift subs thank you for the 10 gift subs even thank you very much very kind of you snack stock bottles are the best like like when you're a kid right like it's a magical feeling when it come becomes halloween you go trick-or-treating you stock up you go all around the neighborhood and that's like your snack stockpile till christmas and i remember i used to have this little pumpkin bag um for like kind of store and all the chocolate bars and i would always try and like kind of organize it so that like i could like space out all the sweets so it's like okay i can have this one today and i'm gonna have that one i can keep this one like kind of like make it last and if i do it this way then it'll right up till christmas i was always like very methodical with like kind of sweets in that well i kind of rationing and like planning them out i was never like the person who was like i'm gonna eat all of them and like get sick or something i'd be like no i want like a nice sweet thing like every day if i can make it that way and that's what i do income christmas well hey it's christmas uh and there's a bunch of sweets then typically you got biscuits you got more chocolates hey dan did you know this game takes place in my home province of alberta specifically the rockies although i've never heard of blackwood or whatever it's called i didn't know that pretty cool well stay safe in alberta though here is a killer on the loose gotta keep an eye over there i'm just gonna open a window of crack as well i need to get some cool air in here you might hear fireworks as the stream goes on just because it's halloween so just fair warning if you do if there's like a loud bang noise just assume it's fireworks unless it's like a loud bang followed by like help me then assume something bad's happened to me otherwise we're fine oh god he's been shot the fireworks hidden down got it oh no oh god who uses fireworks on halloween what do people use fireworks and halloween you kidding me i'm not not everyone does because i know what this bonfire night which is like november 5th some people do it then but like halloween's like the big one how do people get fireworks for them we've always done that in ireland i remember like we would go up to northern ireland um because fireworks it's still illegal in here in ireland i think you can get a hold of them easier now i'm not sure but we'll go up the north to the uk where they're legal and you could buy them and you'd smuggle them back across the border you just bring them home and then you set them off here no one really cares as long as you know you're safe and like responsible whatever you find but there's always be a kind of a fun day when we go up the north and dad gets the box of fireworks and brings it back and we'd have the whole neighborhood kind of meet up and we go out to this big field and just set them all off there and it'd be like [ __ ] wonderful the others like kind of halloween traditions we do outside of trick-or-treating is i usually have my granny and grandad come around and we'd all have a lovely tea my ps5 will enter power mode in 10 minutes if i don't play something there we go yeah be very sweet i would have i don't know if so do other countries have this do other countries have brac bread i'm just just trying to teach you something like the irish customs we do oh okay yeah so brack bread yeah so this might just be an irish thing it's kind of like um oh how do i it's like a fruit loaf right so like bread with kind of raisins little bit of cherry in it and into the cake when it's being baked a ring is tossed into it and you cut you you cut the bread and if you find the ring it's supposed to be good luck yeah we call it brac it's not actually cake it's more of a bread it's like a fruity bread yeah brac uh look it up uh like i'm pretty sure it's called brac like black bread that's a huge thing in ireland barmbrack brown brack is the full name of it it's like kind of like a raisiny bread uh but yeah that's an irish custom they're huge on that here i need to actually get some breath because i haven't have i haven't really been eating too much bread lately uh it's kind of bad for the old braces it hurts a lot to bite into it but i want to get at least a little bit of it i might do that tomorrow [Music] sounds lovely it is lovely except if while you're biting on it right you find the ring then then it's very painful it's wrapped in like some kind of like kind of like rough paper so uh like you know you're not completely like blindsided by it um but sometimes if you cut it too thick you will bite into the ring so be careful it's like a very definite choking hazard looks delicious it is delicious i'd thoroughly recommend it that's an irish halloween staple okay hope everyone got some more water i'm gonna just take a sip more of mine turned into chugging half a glass there i might need more water soon let's go [Music] i love a good choking hazard like if people think like the kinder surprise toys are bad as like a choking hazard like you guys you guys wouldn't survive rack bread because that would just be out to like murderous is there anything over here i feel like there's got to be like a totem piece or something they seem to be like the hidden like items to find yeah there's something over here there we go fortune totem that's matt just kind of standing there okay go he's not dead that's fortunate he's still alive good luck a lot of howling noises here okay just open the front door oh no [Music] oh i don't like this at all [Music] apple security pass required there he is dogs just happy to have their bone in the ground all the time and you pet the dog we'll see i don't know if that's gonna be an option it may not be they might not be very good boys might be big mean boys [Music] uh there's a door over there is there anything over this way look at that blackwood pine sanatorium mike is is your lantern okay there having a moment why is it doing that [Music] it's there we go it's settled having a rough time but [Music] oh someone really wanted to take a peek inside sure let's break open this private safe why not [Music] we got 30 clockening name cards [Music] a batch of 30 clocking in cards from the mine locked away in a safe this means there are 30 miners trapped in the mine this is the mining mask this belonged to billy bates map shown structural faults on the mine marked by a manager looks like the owners knew that there was a risk of collapse oh [ __ ] so they got trapped in the mine [Music] the the lanterns having a rough time of it i don't know if that's just like a thing because we're playing like ps5 or something there's been some bits i've noticed that are like different because like you can see in like the cutscene bits where it's like pre-rendered it's like ps4 and then we jump back to this and it's like it seems a bit higher fidelity i think there's like some funky stuff going on [Music] this there a physics bug probably yeah camera broken bits it's only a minor disaster [Music] 30 men are trapped [Music] uh narrow that's true did you wear a costume for halloween i did not this year no uh for halloween my plans simply were to just stream for you guys no costume this year i did try to get some bits together for avon caramel costume but i couldn't couldn't get like the right size like find like a long blue overcoat [Music] maybe next year medical notes what follows ahri the initial state of the 12 miners after the collapse of the mine subsequent rescue at blackwood pines we see the 12 pages of the sanatoriums medical facility we had fully expected to find emaciated shells of men scared and confused thankfully the miners appear uh cogent and relatively healthy through their apparent discovery of emergency food supplies in the mine inhibited respiratory function was detected in a few of the older men as predicted as well symptoms of pneumonia psychologically after being trapped 23 days the shock of reintegration has been difficult for some of the group uh though their outward health is better than expected they do seem affected by their time in the mind treatment due to the delicate nature of some of the patients closed off the a-wing of the sanatorium psychological values take place as soon as possible respiratory problems here undergone a bronchoscopy and i prescribed a course of strep tomo thumb the others are simply kept on a straight 24-hour observed thumb one of these guys actually tried to bite me [Music] okay keep looking see if there's anything back down the hall there's a big open door down there god there's a lot of different ways here [Music] this [Music] huh sultan on blackwood mountain reporter assault okay [Music] probably like reports of like the murderer [Music] can't go that way anymore so it's down this way [Music] yeah there were 30 miners trapped only 12 found doesn't bode well does it at night for the 500 bits i hope you're doing okay and having a lovely halloween night football as well good luck at uni [Music] there we go just a crow oh [ __ ] gross got a new trusty tool keep that with us [Music] anything down here [Music] curtain restraining chair what happened here [ __ ] hit the fan here i'm guessing is it a gaming chair wait a minute secret labs what are they doing here [Music] i don't think i can there's a lot of stuff down here how many days will they keep us here [Music] who the hell would [Music] mike's having trouble processing that one [Music] i feel like i should move [Music] probably want to keep away there reply immediately reporters and other snoopers to be kept away at all costs western province telegram gee who wouldn't want instant updates paradise well survivors received a sanatorium showing signs of mental trauma may need to contain local press now have scent of blood coming a problem please advise further [Music] uh oh [Music] [Music] things did not go well here and the media was trying to find out what was happening she don't do that mr bones [Music] completely uncalled for [Music] in we go side room here [Music] there's something on the table it says that there's something there but i can't can't get over to it you know [Music] all with the gaming chair sorry you're right uh you know i don't know if i want to touch that one that's given me a bad vibe i'm gonna leave that one yeah i don't i have to be conscious that there is stuff that's going to potentially hurt us or kill us don't have just fell down a [ __ ] elevator shaft this place just gets better and better who found strange skull oh don't start opening these i need this document death certificate the fear lacerations to the abdomen body was not discovered until six to eight hours after death effects of the intestine and kidneys were apparently eaten by the attacker let's open another one oh this is not a good idea excuse me i need your hall pass okay let's check this out there's one more of them we shouldn't have opened any of these but we're too far in at this point we're looking for evidence there's something name tag attack by inmate fatal lacerations and trosh [Music] okay you can use the chapel pass here here we go god it's so uncomfortably dark hang on one cutting the curtains a bit just so i can see a little better i might flick off the lights i might have to okay up the stairs there's an arrow that way but i don't even go that way i gotta go up go go okay we're okay this a quaint little psycho crib got a chair set out there my my lantern is like having it rough it just like gets agitated every now and again having a rough time but lantern is scared we gotta comfort as we go i just want to play i don't know about that right back in here uh am i just safe to oh no i'm down at this side okay so now i gotta go into the chapel [Music] lanterns calm down no i don't think the lantern's doing well again what is going on with this thing return to me lantern return to me it's okay don't no don't don't punch it don't punch it don't punch don't okay oh easy boy easy oh my god god almighty [Music] nice i'm gonna try approaching that's a good boy that's right easy easy yeah good boy can we pet the dog hey guy you like that yeah 10 out of 10. respect nature all nature we appreciate what it does for us ah the stogy stash exposed our box we found a stub of us a guy earlier we beat the game like that's it pack it up go [Music] maybe this will keep the wolves fat and happy we can give him a bone my turn calm down do you mean you're gonna like make someone else your companion friend i thought i was your only companion and friend jealous here you go doggo yeah that's it yeah easy boy easy there we go our friend what's over here so what have we here stealing his jacket i guess so oh there's a gun there take it nice rock michael of robbery is a crime but given the circumstances we'll take what we can get right now all right he didn't have to steal the jacket but i can understand the gun it's desperate times [ __ ] a freak clippings wall a map of the mountain with sightings and recent disappearances marked with dates looks like the work of an obsessive mind and he's cold it just seems uncalled for but i guess so man might need the scope as you know he he had a coat on him then this is this is spare coat yeah it's actually fine it's fine it's the only way to open this i guess so was there anything in the other side of the room nothing there i don't think there's anything over here that's all blocked american lockpick um before we go add it one more time for good luck if we can hey guy you like that yeah there you go everyone likes a little loving all right give them a little more love okay press on pet him one more time there's a door here look on the ground but i can't interact with that stairs leading down there ending over here another totem okay that appeared to be mike killing himself the lantern does not approve this use of fire miracle men the successful rescue of all 12 miners trapped in the disaster but it was 30. not all of them okay now we go the miracle we got 12. i mean possibly it's still not all the men following the tunnel can't go that way of course locked uh i'm just gonna move out of the way and shoot it again there we go oh that was a poor decision that was a real poor deception [Music] oh no clown guy he just locked the gate hey it's locked the hell who did that then there's some seriously uncool [ __ ] going on up here tonight i mean like you could probably just climb the wall like it's about your height yeah it's not that high yes they'll never make it back now i can't believe josh is dead i can't believe how he died no i i mean what if they were wrong what maybe we should have checked the shed to see if it was really true i don't know there are some things that once you see them you can never understand just checking over here yes but some things you have to see for yourself i'll take their word for it i'm just checking because like the totem pieces always seem to be like yeah they're just like off the beaten track a bit painted it's still fresh red paint yeah here's the totem okay we're gonna get oh my god okay matt you wanna be careful you want to be real careful look reacts i feel better with an axe why is this axe in the door oh what now this is locked matt we'll break the door down will ya whoa wait a second we start smashing [ __ ] down he's gonna hear us you got any better suggestions i don't know what about look what a window that's great matt i can just about fit my lip balm through that little slot oh come on you will never fit through there big guys we can open it a little bit we can it's fine i won't fit but you will are you nuts you're gonna shove my ass through that little hole i've seen you slip into some pretty tight jeans em excuse me it's a talent think again lug head no can do for one thing that maniac is probably just sitting there under that window waiting to blend us into pina coladas okay fine here it goes she won't listen to anything we tried just do it just do it like back open the door [Music] here we go we're in could have easily gone through the window damn happened this is crazy we were here just a few hours ago this must have just happened what the [ __ ] is going on it's got to be the guy though the one who who got to chris and ash and josh i just gotta know this is the only way back i don't say that look the cable car is all going out there well that's i i mean that's not far right you can jump it i'm good him but not that good flattered though just leap across like plummets off the moon everything is like so busted up i think they knew exactly what they were doing so we can't leave anymore see what we got someone really did a number on this joint such a mess this place is the radial tower up there it's a sanatorium hey look fire tower hey magellan maybe we should get the cable car working and take the show on the road huh emily can you just like stop talking at least a little while very friendly unfollow oh she is a tick-tocker why she sucks i don't do anything here great no keys don't like a cable is it influencer what about the fire tower on the map you found what i guess it's an option oh maybe it has a radio or something i mean it would wouldn't it did you probably yeah matt we gotta get to that radio you just shut down this idea why am i agreeing with you this was my idea well we need that radio hi we can use the radio to call for help somebody's got to pick up the signal oh well someone's learning to play this wasn't my idea what rules rule number one emily is always right rule number two nothing else matters because emily is always right uh-huh man i'm so tired i just want to go home oh hold up no emily what are you doing [Music] why are you going around this way what's cooking good looking getting us out of here mr meat for brains why are we going around this way oh this is so dangerous this is look how narrow that gap is oh look at this bad boy you're coming with me buddy this is so treacherous and just like magic come on down we can totally get out here this way this is so dangerous you're all right yeah could you just die then you should go first to protect me sometimes if i didn't push that would you have just fallen okay okay easy now okay all right oh my gosh almost almost i'm feeling kind of fake don't look down whoa okay okay make our way across holy cannoli thank god that's over yeah for real okay keep moving holy cannoli the words she was looking for was sweet jesus [ __ ] i'm glad that's over [Music] guidance totem that is emily giving her him the flare gun okay give matt the flare gun that's good if it doesn't work what the radio it'll work but okay if it doesn't we need a plan maybe we can just climb down i'm down what the mountain are you serious what's the big deal i'm doing my best emily floating in the sky i don't have the best of ideas right now it's black out hey hopefully we won't have to you think the psychopath is just gonna give up it's so hostile but maybe we should find a safe spot hold up wait it out it'll be a lot easier to figure this all out in the morning as long as we don't hide in the lodge that's where he expects us to go yeah so we're just gonna haul it out in this treacherous mountain instead could be far safer totem here get it [Music] fortune totem open the door for chris seems pretty straightforward that's why we don't that's why we want to make sure that we're friends with everyone over here [Music] pat there why does she want to go over here where is she going oh wait pusher pusher i want i'm gonna see what's down in that other pat real quick [Music] oh oh [ __ ] that's the cliff where they fell isn't it this is the phone whoa this is beth's phone i thought the police like swept the whole area well it looks like they missed this that was pretty much in plain sight too there anything else over here no dead end [Music] okay why are we going over here like let's just look over the edge this this isn't helping us [Music] watch where you step around here oh my gosh given the choice i prefer not to spend my evening plummeting to my death off a snowy cliff top there's a dan cliff [Music] yeah what is that be kind to nature and we'll get through this data's angry right now oh [Music] nothing bad's about to happen [Music] guys what are you doing out there no no one told her okay like oh yeah josh is dead by the way [Music] okay come on sam we're going exploring in a towel for some reason clothes really whichever one of you did this is off my christmas list seriously at least the left socks cool guys not cool at all probably take the socks at least something chris [Music] josh i wouldn't want to be walking around in this house like barefoot this is going to be like nails and [ __ ] like it seems treacherous like old abandoned home [Music] asking for trouble [Music] okay it's just the clock [Music] is that a balloon mike emily this is really getting out of hand okay it was all very funny ha ha look at sam walking around in a towel but now i just really want this to be over all right you had enough happy birthday happy halloween that balloon just floated away can i have my clothes back now or am i supposed to hang out in a towel for the rest of the weekend tell it is then well down we go trying to freak me out guess what you succeeded how are you guys shiny on the table i i got that chinese i believe earlier i've been in this room a few times oh hey guys come on oh i'm done with this i really don't appreciate the silent treatment here oh hello samantha looking for me and i have quite a lot to show you going on do you think she has any idea what lies ahead do you think these were the last happy moments of this creature's life oh boy why are you watching [Music] [Applause] no no no no no sam right time to go jump go go [Music] step [Music] run we gotta go are you kidding me no handle why is there no handle okay pull that down real quick [Music] what it is [Music] go go go go go oh no i feel like i have to keep going here [Music] just real quick uh anonymous thank you so [ __ ] much for like how many was that was that 100 gift subs jesus christ it's incredibly kind of yeah like serious that's a lot of money to drop thank you so much i hope you're enjoying the stream i'll be having a happy halloween incredibly generous i just wanted to play with that cena mode i feel like the tension would like grind to a halt as like like the clown is chasing us like hey you know pause the game there thank you so much uh okay let's we have to hide at some point here [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [Music] [Music] that's understandable really well that certainly didn't go according to plan now did it so that's pretty cool brilliant plotting and yet in a crucial moment you are foiled by your own inadequacies all his offices everything you do has consequences do you think this mistake won't have repercussions [Music] what do you do and what you say causes things to change oh no he's going on about the butterfly effect again all the good work we did exploring the souls of your fear and you've just gone and used it forever your overwhelming fear of isolation you have turned it against these people who use a desperately want to torment has it been worth it he's really on our case [Music] oh no he he got the doctor too he got him as well oh my god we gotta get out of here oh my gosh that again there's a painting this is insane we need to go get some help hello guys hello samantha looking for me we should look for the others mike and jess are off 69 in each other and who knows where sam is i think she's in the lodge why are we still talking about she's just having a nice bash though let's go saying hey look fire tower [Music] matt what is that i don't know okay don't upset nature five hours until dawn what are you going to do what are you going to do stay calm stay calm relax there's a steer i just want to check us out as well no [Music] [Music] back away from the cliff [Music] it's their leader do not hit the deer just stone it that's how you die come on it's okay there we go we're all right we're all right [Music] okay oh now we get to play our favorite character emily yeah let's keep going if we do manage to get someone on the radio then we tell them we need help what do we do while we wait we go back to the lodge and get everyone else oh god not the lodge we should stay here in case whoever it is needs to get back in touch with us now you just need to [ __ ] listen to math you can't keep doing this oh oh that's freaking bright no kidding i can't see what is that it's just a security light motion sensor probably them here's chris with a gun but he puts it down it's a guidance tone [Music] [Music] keep going chris is not having a good time in these totems i don't i don't think any of them are i think all of them have had some kind of horrific debt i guess that's the good fortune of like it's being covered like in blood [Music] i don't think sam's like i don't think sam started in any of the totems i don't think so don't leave the axe behind why would you leave it why is this hey no there's a kill we're almost inside [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] you're gonna want to see how to do a playthrough as a total psychopath shooting squirrel hitting the deer etc etc yeah we call that the [ __ ] face run in uh these kind of games but you just like have no remorse or shame and it's just like i'm gonna make everyone suffer there's a radio here come on great no power gotta be a switch or something around here [Music] so no there's no power let me just check the old printer ending here oh miss and hannah sorry hannah you're still missing after tonight their disappearance is starting to make more sense i'm trying to like play this like through and actually get these kids alive i'm trying my hardest to like not fail anything see how we get on including emily i mean she's not dead yet is she [Music] he failed and killed it emily this fuse box there we go [Music] [ __ ] yeah here we go okay score one for matt and emily things are finally looking up anything else over here this is the flare gun okay so i i i need to give this to mack no [Music] give the flare gun to match let's [Music] hopefully someone is not a psychopath yeah [Music] okay and then we go back to the radio oh we can we can use the printer [Music] it's the one for basketball you're still missing too beth let's use the radio oh no oh there we go hello anyone there hello please say something if you're out there please we need help over over [ __ ] oh my god thank god we need emily please you need to choose your words carefully hello can you please identify yourself oh my god comply oh my god okay this is my name is emily hello you're not coming through clearly please repeat over gotta stop fiddling with the switches in form we're on blackwood mountain by the ski lodge there's a killer and he's after us he's already killed one of them speak into the mic emily speak into the microphone there's not much time motion sensor probably [ __ ] tears [Music] earliest we got alaska down [Music] oh no oh and it's on fire oh no oh [Music] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] my god [Music] dammit jesus christ [Music] let me think don't think you idiot just get me oh my god emily you're gonna be fine emily you're upset you need to come back you're gonna be fine that situation is quite urgent take it stop yelling at me and let me work this out okay i shouldn't be yelling but you kind of need to get a move on here you stop it why do you question every little thing oh my god okay don't move i'm gonna try be the better man man now will you please get me off this goddamn tower please please please matt just do something [Music] okay dump the safety and then we can help her get a jump oh we need less weight on it that's jesus i'm just trying to find the safest way to get to you idiot make the emily oh no [Music] oh no no because like because what i was thinking right if you pull her up there right she wasn't up there the weight hasn't changed and you've basically brought her in closer to where the tower falls so i was thinking well if matt jumps first then he might actually be able to help um but apparently emily just dies [Music] oh like that was my logic i wasn't actually trying to get emily killed there it's just like i didn't agree with the game's like reasoning for save emily there because if you pick her up there well you're just gonna fall anyway [Music] you have to jump there like that there was no other way through that oh did that just happen damn it what people are is i'm doing a great job after emily [ __ ] dies what of course i just want to say oh you're doing fantastic daniel don't worry don't worry you don't need to explain yourself no i want to say i mean you made the best choice you could have done you know okay i couldn't let anything happen to you oh god damn it i couldn't i didn't want her to die there i didn't want it i was trying to save her but like it's a very delicate situation [Music] oh god damn it beach photo joshua's lovely sisters hannah and beth looking great guys [Music] as you all right yeah i just i know you and josh were close chris let's just find sam okay that's what we're doing chris we're finding sam yeah let's find sam oh no what no no no no no this is so effed up the doors are fighting back wait a minute that was did you just see that that was the ghost girl earlier did i see what that question was what's that was that it was like it was like a see-through shape like a ghost oh boy i'm serious why don't you believe me i said i saw it doesn't that count for anything we've been through hell tonight okay your mind is fried my mind is fried i don't even trust what i've been seeing um i saw a ghost yeah you did no you are wrong i saw it and i am sure chris come on chris yep chris understands maybe it's maybe he did something we're close let's just let's just keep our heads are we going crazy down here it's it's the only place left sam could be ash i wish we could just go find everyone else and what if sam needs us what if she's in trouble oh god he's got a point he does have a point here you need to find sam you probably should have found sam earlier while she was still having the bat but [Music] versus leading the way here now [Music] anyone here like a music box gotta be kidding me what the hell is going on oh my god they scared me you knocked into it right i mean you knocked into it i don't think so i mean i don't know oh god around here door slamming in candles lining it out of nowhere and that the door here or whatever actually i i think you're kind of ignoring what's really happening here don't tell me you didn't see that translucent white figure just passing right by us we could be seeing things i'm not imagining things yeah well i mean i saw things too i i i saw what happened to josh in the shed you know then that's that's what i'm worried about oh stick together guys you can't be fighting at a time like this no you know what i'm really worried about okay i'm worried about sam oh wait let's go what did you see it no oh no dip what are you tweeting there's a freaking ghost after us ash calm down okay there is no ghost here god damn zoomers talkers you're freaked out because of what happened with josh i'm not paying attention i'm stopping to take a picture and it looks like hannah i'm unfollowing you as well chris your baby bad jesus what do you think they followed us up here from the seance i don't know maybe they didn't because ghosts don't exist oh no who is talking to us at the same time i do exist i don't know [Music] how does the picture just jump off the wall like that the oh that's convenient that's the key something [Music] ah there you go oh oh my god there look there chris you can't tell me you can do that see that's uh you juicy i don't know i i i i just it's [ __ ] crazy kris it's showing us the way hashtag oh [ __ ] it the ghost is after us i don't know if anyone else here watches uh a wonderful show called buzzfeed unsolved with shane and ryan um but all i can picture in my head at the moment is is like for the show like ryan believes in ghosts shane does not and no matter what evidence he's shown he'll be like well it's no good and all i have in my head at the moment like him just like ah but it's not real is it could have been a trick of the light like oh just like passing by my head for some reason i feel like the ghost wanted me to see this what what it's just the wind like of course like chris is trying to like rationalize it at the moment tiny furniture no it's a whole scene with dolls and everything [Music] god and look this little key what'd i tell you the ghost is helping us unlock the house what is going on here oh god it's like it's not like anything that's us hiding there waiting for hannah last year but it's it's so accurate i mean that's exactly where i was sitting and that's where matt was this was set up by someone who was there or someone or something that was watching us maybe it's a warning i think someone i think someone put this here to mess with us no it has to be the ghost is trying to tell us the maniac killed hannah and back i think it's this there's just not enough evidence he's trying to [ __ ] with our heads why would he set this all up chris he's trying to tell us that he's going to come after us all too oh must have just been the wind it's it's hannah's diary mom finally agreed the invitations are out the party is gonna happen i hate that i have to wait so far ash matt and sam have said definitely yes nothing from mike sad face omg mike confirmed he phoned josh this afternoon woo hoo party time tomorrow they're here on the mountain it's going to be so awesome cozy fires and hot tubs and omg mike i am so psyched to spend some time with him i can't read this it's so sad okay i got you totally gotta stop obsessing but i can't help it and don't want to smiley face what was that it came from down there having difficulty here don't worry i got you let me continue to read this heroin message that makes you feel guilty i used to write like that when i was 10. yeah like that diary was written when they're like 18 or 20. but they eached our own for diaries you know we have no right to judge [Music] is she i thought she was smiling for a moment [Music] like an angle i got there where it's like it looks like she's got a smile on her face [Music] let's go for it [Music] why would you do that but you did see it chris for real i saw something but where'd it go why would you do that hey hey look at this it doesn't seem as old as some of this stuff down lean professional lighting solutions that is so random [Music] look one of the bulbs is circled that's a powerful wall original lamp ah it's a pair of scissors keep that with us got another weapon [Music] just when you think it can't get any creepier oh jeez nope no that was a huge bang look at the entire house [Music] wait there's a whole nother room through here it's mammoth chris i don't know if i want to keep going this just keeps going where in the world are we now like this this isn't all just the house here this is there's no way the hotel i had no idea this was here i don't know like you know they weren't all out in the basement [Music] oh this is where sam ran to yeah i don't think she's there anymore [Music] we're in brazil it's not always brazil not again it's the asbestos wing of the house you know it really doesn't look too safe i wouldn't be surprised you wanna you wanna move quick here gang don't think i can take any more of this yeah i'm uh i'm about my limit here too all i wanted to do was forget last year ever happened to be honest i'm not sure what hannah thought she was doing yeah well you know how it is when you're crushing pretty hard on somebody great so you're basically saying that we put a vulnerable friend in a terrible situation and essentially caused her to run away and never to be heard from again i mean yeah we that that about sums it up chris if it was you don't you think you would have run away i mean who likes being made fun of people don't make fun of me to your face why talk about you behind your back we made her look so stupid in front of all of her friends and the guy she liked i can't imagine doing anything worse to somebody oh god keep going [Music] keep going you might be getting some more fireworks i feel as time goes on i don't know if you heard that one okay invoice enclosed hey these are these fake why would anyone make fake newspapers this was recent that's a really good question next janitor for arson sounds like a campaign poster and he put that way vote for me and i'll commit arson you know what no ash no i've had enough i'm not going down any further into this nightmare chris ashley we gotta find sam okay i'm really freaked out too but if sam's down there all alone with a maniac and we leave we're basically killing her ourselves we gotta keep going be courageous be brave god damn it ashley come on why are you always right i'm not always right well when you're right you're right i don't want to be i want to leave no we've got to find sam let's go [Music] down we go chris seems decent he does i mean he like he's looking for his friend right now which is like actually something i like to think though if like at the start you shot the bird or like sam looked at your phone the chris in this point would just be like ah [ __ ] look she can die he looked at my texts chris i'm getting a really weird feeling from all this what do you mean well i just i can't shake the feeling that those fake newspapers have something to do with the guy who killed josh wait what the like like what like it's a setup or something yeah but i mean how it's just it almost makes sense but it just feels like we're missing something missing something like for collectibles the bird decides we get a bad end or not like it all boils down to that one bird moment and high five and josh oh we're like halfway on the highway the hell because we missed the high five but we can still save it batteries and timers tv lights we're straight up just in the asylum now there's no way this is part of like the family home i can hear like a baby crying [Music] gonna be all right that's us photos of friends is that is that emily well i got i guess she is dead i mean what is this like a [ __ ] hit list christ oh no like we got him hold on a sec a lot of fireworks outside pretty cool happy halloween y'all we won boys oh god okay there's a door there this way keeps going so let's just check the door first vector what did they record this on uh this is a little it's a little uncomfortable huh she's here i've never seen this video she's just so what an old-timey camera what are they using in this setup she's so excited polaroid and alive she has no idea oh geez oh my gosh for now you're such a willful participant what are you doing here it was just a prank no no you should you feel some genuine remorse like horrible couldn't feel worse you hurt your friend looks like you didn't kill him but you that's the worst part isn't it we were just playing a joke it was supposed to be funny yeah i never want to see this video ever again she is oh chris what is going on slow down okay i can't handle this ghost in these videos and everything just just lying calm down listen to me for a second what calm down why should i calm down because i am freaking out this has got to be think about it ghosts don't hook up video cameras they don't play games then who would set this all up seriously i'm asking i don't know maybe the same person who tied you up and killed josh yeah right the same person who might have sam right now we gotta find her right i wish i wasn't one second lowering my audio just a bit on my monitor just so you guys don't get any double audio the audio has been okay for the stream yeah just making sure yeah it has cool okay just taking a precaution in my end oh god oh deeper into the house we go it seems absolutely unending you sound a bit quieter now no i'm i'm still here the faces they're making when it's just like here it's like twitching looks suspicious just a bit shaken by it all she's a twitcher that's what they call you guys you're all twitchers here sounds like you can't sit still when you say it that way oh crap look at that what might be sam's all right let me see if i can get this yeah i got it but oh damn this thing is heavy be careful you gotta come through ash i i can't hold up oh come on chris wait what i think i just saw sam over there i asked are you sure i don't know but come on i think we should check it out yeah well i'm pretty sure whoever's bleeding came through here okay so we really gotta get moving like now oh follow chris follow chris okay okay stick together stick together do [Music] that's how one of you died it why would anybody want to make this place any cooler it's freezing i don't even know what goes on inside this guy's head edge [Music] i need to get like a different sound set up okay like it's fine for you from the streams and i think on my own i just need like a speaker or something i made it too quiet so now i can't hear what they're saying i'm very particular about sound i'm like the guy who has to have like the tv remote and like said i like just the right level or like it stresses me [Music] okay let's keep going a bunch of pigs down here why is this so many [Music] sam keep going there's a door there there's a door there which door are we trying [Music] oh chris oh no hello sam [Music] sam i don't get it it's the cloud it's a dummy yeah no i can see that why is it dressed up like sam i don't know why would someone dress up a dummy like sam chris i don't know and i'm kind of freaking out with god's clown too they killed a different clown oh no oh [ __ ] no get back away from me i can hit him oh oh my [ __ ] head i had to fight back [ __ ] oh crap ash the prophecy ash i don't know if there's a way i could have avoided that oh jesus ash what'd he do to you oh my god [ __ ] i'm gonna murder his [ __ ] face off what is that oh god i don't think i'm ready to die no one is going to die i wish i could tell you it's just not fair what tell me what it's too late chris what's the point stop it just say we're always talking around it and now i mean we've wasted everything none of it was wasted what do you mean every second that i spent with you was the only thing i ever wanted to do with my time oh what are you saying chris sorry i should have told you how i felt chris ashley i swear when we get out of this don't be scared has made one fatal choice already today and now you must make another chris you can take that gun in front of you and shoot ashley or you can shoot yourself oh this is where he put it on the table the choice he put it on the tables don't be so silly chris let me just consult my totem collection we got a lot of points with ashley not so much with josh i guess we're not seeing eye to eye considering he's dead now oh [ __ ] there's been a lot of stuff happening here nature remained in balance nature remained in balance sam unharmed hid successfully wait what so not shooting the squirrel means that the psycho clown didn't find us how is that you have befriended the crows and we shall return this kindness emily was aggressive with matt i don't know jessica appreciate it mike's heroism might continue to impress jessica jessica resistant mike's advances josh locked a baseball bat in the cupboard but sam made the right choices to avoid the psycho in the cellar i made it to a hiding place in the elevator so again like this decision is related to not shooting the squirrel it's also related to the high five oh my god so sam sam has lived because we failed the high five and the squirrel survived i don't believe this mike successfully chased after jessica emily gave the flare gun to matt matt walked calmly through the herd matt and emily escaped the threat and scared it sam made all the right choices during the chase chris and ashley found a dummy in sam's clothes and supported emily's plan to go to the tower and get help matt fired the flare to signal for help mike didn't kick the wolf mike made a friend yeah you tend to make friends if you don't kick him all the life advice mike got to the morgue mike still had a usable machete that's related to the hand we saw something could have happened there chris said that he would save ashley ashley was grateful and felt in debt to chris matt jumped to safety this one's called save yourself the intention still was and i cannot stress this enough to also save emily it just didn't work out that way ashley took the scissors actually stabbed psycho the psycho gave ashley a black eye oh no ashley followed chris actually failed to see who was in the workshop oh god okay wait stop wait [Music] let me choose to save you if i do one last thing in my life let me do this oh god okay put the gun down no putting the gun down it's just it's just not doing anything either they're gonna die this is what the totem [Music] we are in the psychopath trophy nate you have gone too far now don't you see a lot don't you see that this torch of porn has gone too far now what gives you the right to play god in these people's lives what makes you so special then dr hill is really trying to get rid of this clown [Music] having a rough time but you're sick you're a sick [ __ ] [Music] now what the hell have you done for them huh what the hell have you done to them psychopath you shouldn't have gotten my personal space doctor all of this could have been prevented it's probably not professional if your doctor just scream abuse and call you a psychopath i feel like if that's your therapist you might need to consider someone else hello unlicensed oh god chris the choice is yours hello oh god we need help please [Music] mike really did a number on himself there violence four hours until dawn oh no hey sam is okay mostly that's gonna hurt that must be so sore [Music] okay where are we going sam still in it doing good in here older open it ocean view hospital confidential psychiatric report jeremy harris oliver perkins rosie williams sarah north patient report that side effects headaches nausea were becoming too severe and wanted to change drug a patient claimed the drug was no longer having any effect reported that his mood had badly worsened patient began self-medicating taking a lot stronger doses 30 milligram dose twice daily increasing three times daily after two weeks patient reports any of the fallen symptoms please contact a position immediately okay there's quite a laundry list there patient arrived delirious confused strong symptoms of major depressive disorder great death slash disappearance of sisters this is josh place patience patient under observation ect was considered giving patients history of paper and drug effects but reject it new course of drugs is necessary patient moved on to non-selective madi rationale being that ssris and snris have proven ineffective in the past two weeks patient symptoms and move are greatly improved discharged on the 16th of may after final consultation proves satisfactory dr alan hill oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] harry hills got a few clients under his belt i'm kind of worried if josh was going to see him because he didn't seem the most supportive of doctors i'll be honest there keep going [Music] keep going down into the basement towel is not holding up too well [Music] there he is [Music] i go up here anything back this way this i feel like there's like branching paths almost here coming over here too hello and thank you all for joining me tonight we're gonna conduct a little experiment hello hello children ah that's not right greetings pilgrims [ __ ] oh [ __ ] voice recording it sounds like the cycle rehearsing his speech but suddenly the voice modifier cuts out and someone else's voices can be heard oh my god the clown is the doctor he's gotten loose on the mountain it all makes sense now people actually yes you see it was i that was the clown all along when i went on holiday i went into the canadian mountains and i came to kill again oh fun karma you just gotta stop i knew it oh [Music] here's a camera here is sam's clothes jesus who found dummy and sam's clothes am i not going to take my clothes back i guess we don't want those oh mike what are you doing down there there's a oh my thank god you found me it's okay okay you're okay uh where's jessica where where's jessica she's she's not with you jessica's dead what he killed her sam there's some maniac on the mountain who was trying to kill us all of us and i swear to god when everyone is safe and accounted for i am going to hunt that [ __ ] down and rip his nuts this guy who you're talking about oh no they need to share what they know these videos too and one of them showed josh being killed just ripped apart by this huge two things jesus christ i think he's living down here and whoever the hell he is he's obsessed with hannah and beth that's him what the [ __ ] is going on british comedian harry hill have you ever heard of him there's a door here it won't open can you unlock it from your side [Music] which is we're not gonna get changed got a backpack and a towel [Music] there we go well let me open mike again [Music] hey chase you like hell nice to see you too it's like why are you in a towel what are you doing well actually the towel didn't turn out to be the best outfit for fighting off killer maniacs you know do you mind mike oh ah right come on now mike my bad don't do it [Music] we need spiff again let's just block it just to be safe let's put this thing to bed okay we're going into that what's that is that crying [Music] oh no no no no no get away i thought you were shooting mike oh chris chris chris chris what the [ __ ] you've heard of blanks before i mean really oh my god it's not harry hill [Music] oh emily's not dead oh my god oh jesus [ __ ] oh [ __ ] she's still alive [Music] oh we need to swing across [Music] probably need to undo this rope that's wrapped around our leg i'll do it all right [Applause] you need to get going [Music] oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god here goes 600 bucks oh that's your main concern i look great in that top for the love of god you're so vain all right now we're talking [Music] well i hope i kept the receipt [Music] get going [Music] get going i feel like emily's in a truly precarious situation now along with uh matt and jess tiff jess is not [ __ ] dead already [Music] keep going keep moving captain wow gives 200 bits and says i can't believe the killer clan was freddie mercury the whole time what i don't know if i see the resemblance there's a thing here hang on it's locked uh was there a totem there someone said totem it's the same actor i don't think it's freddy mercury [Music] i don't think he was involved in this game josh played freddie mercury in the movie i mean the actor wait really is it actually him [Music] uh let me let me just see what's his name ramy marik is that is is he actually in until dawn is this him oh my god it's him he's the villain in the new bond movie oh my [Music] oh it is freddy mercury yeah oh [ __ ] he's a renowned actor rt i didn't know i didn't make the connection he plays freddie mercury [Music] he also plays benjamin in the twilight saga of breaking down part two he's also in knight the museum he played the pharaoh he's in halo too man has had a very varied career [Music] uh where was totem someone said there was a totem here that's why i walked back i didn't understand that okay well freddie mercury was the evil villain all along and also in the new bond movie go back there's a totem is there a totem further back people are saying i don't think there is no i'm just going this is precarious no i don't mind if there's one no i'm not going all the way back there's a monster like screeching or something in here we need to go go this way [Music] it was right there don't be don't be the chat that cried totem you won't like a lot like that that's funny [Music] like this [Music] okay does this work [ __ ] nope okay how do i get this thing on [Music] there's something up there i assume i need i can't walk that fast because she injured her leg because she just refused to move in out 36. that can't be good we need to get going now [Music] up the ladder come on [Music] god this has gotten significantly worse we check my phone real quick oh my god disgusting [Music] we gotta go into the into the unknown just like frozen two all over again come on you can break things here weird really weird what's that [Music] doesn't want to look at it anymore okay i can climb that way i quite possibly need to get a move on the bladder is broken so nothing else down here [Music] cave here picture [Music] miner's family photo let's not worry about the screams we got to pick up this precious memory real quick go just her leg's injured her legs injured [Music] come on reach up he needs to go a bit slower she can't be as brave as like mike here she's already hurt herself up we go enter the unknown [Music] into the unknown hate this yeah let's keep walking towards that shirt going keep going come on [Music] [Music] we gotta keep going there's no other way to go right now here's my torch at least [Music] oh [Music] now we can flick this oh my god finally something works [Music] gotta get back down is there a way here there is a way here i'm just uneasy she seems to be okay nothing's come to kill her yet fingers crossed it stays that way [Music] okay a hand in the wall don't trust the hand [Music] nothing there oh this is the way this is the way i came am i going back around i think so we're getting somewhere no i don't think that's mass emily oh matt's doing okay he's down here too somewhere oh yes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] a bit unfortunate [Music] when are you getting yours bash uh-oh [Music] lovely danger is my middle [ __ ] name you have dan's cliff and juror's edge [Music] got her at last can i hang there [Music] something else over here [Music] uh-oh free glasses puggers my god spec savers is down here somewhere hope for us yet [Music] that seems like the way [Music] oh forward [Music] oh not all i don't think it's looking too good there my god dr hill he's down in the mines he lives down here [Music] [Music] something else here [Music] wait wait wait wait wait i'm i'm not done with that [Music] oh she was down here i know what love kind of lock it gotta keep going please don't make a lot of noise [Music] are you ready gang are you ready [Music] blue found that's head remain a bet washington's head rested on her jacket in the mine there is no sign of the body wait what but it's just what do you mean there's no sign that's her body right there oh god oh god no bastard make it [Music] gotta keep going may not be able to save back but we can still save emily back here real quick before we pull this lever i need to use the toilet we're gonna take a quick break a quick two minute break i'm just gonna quickly use the loop okay i'll be right back [Music] hello i'm back oh spiff's actually here at spiff just to mention real quick uh i normally have like a goofy sensor image but i couldn't find it today uh so your avatar has just been the sensor uh for anything a bit risky just so you know he's actually here perfect oh god i'm just using the blue real quick taking a bit more water i expect payment oh no 10p per use okay someone keeps don't want to open a tab what quantity of pence will it be in and i'm going to convert that further to sausage rolls and i'll pay you in those with the 40p so we can almost afford a sausage roll okay we're getting there greg's please can do can do okay let's keep going i gotta get comfy in the chair why do you have sausage rolls but not pence don't question this i don't live in the uk i don't have their coins we do have sausage come on let's go okay no she just wants to get out [Music] oh god please don't come this way stop talking him he's things are running she's just running further in [Music] i could set it on [ __ ] i didn't do it fast enough [Music] oh god uh i can hide this is not a good hiding spot [Music] this is not a good hiding spot [Music] hello there josh [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] how does that feel right how does it feel do you enjoy feeling terrorized humiliated i mean panicked all those emotions that my sisters got to feel once one year ago only only guess what they didn't get to laugh it off no no no no no we're gone i don't know if you noticed this josh but none of us are laughing oh com come come come come why the long faces come on it's good to get the heart racing every now and then right and race they did i mean every one of you just pitter pat pitter pat i hope you appreciated my little phantasmagorical spectacle i mean no detail too small no opportunity missed it was such a delight to play the puppets obviously like all to all i mean god that [ __ ] was expensive and no retakes nope nope nope only double tape there's no way he did all of the ghosts hook line and sinker for every little stinker josh why are you doing this because one of them was being done when we were at the front he's got no clue he's out of his [ __ ] tree he's definitely off his meds oh come on you guys revenge is the best medicine you're done mike he's sick what come on you guys are all gonna thank me when you guys become internet oh no he's an influencer oh you better believe this little puppy's going viral ladies and germs i mean we got unrequited love we got we got blood he's been recording all this for tick tock hard drives in china tip to count all the views we're gonna get you guys what are you talking about you asshat jessica's [ __ ] dead what did you hear me jessica is dead you were gonna [ __ ] pay me ah josh on twitch guys come on let's see what's inside crazy you know got up i was gonna get out of this situation she hit her man huh why should the [ __ ] hit her ah what are you talking you punched ashley you piece of [ __ ] i got so mad you don't hit a girl you you just don't dude dude chris bro i'm not your bro where are we going where are you guys taking me locking you up bro what you can't do anything stupid before we call the police in the morning come on didn't ashley stab him didn't do anything are you serious true yeah no that is actually a fair point in that battle michael please just listen to me man i did not hurt jessica i actually did stab him at one point but you just you deserve this are you insane like like really do you not understand what you've done i'm a healer man yeah actually it was definitely bringing people together he is the one who's been terrifying the [ __ ] that's our knife i'm sending him back only here what you want to see you're stopped crying you are [ __ ] dude ah it's not my fault you [ __ ] can't take a joke oh oh wait did it hurt you did you just you feel a little a little bit pain right now i am so so sorry stop it jesus dude michael i'm sorry man i can't tell you how sorry i am that something happened to jessica but i swear i swear to you i have no idea what happened to her uh something does feel wrong yeah [ __ ] mike this oh something feels really wrong here man because uh he's been out the house doing [ __ ] i'm just having a really hard time figuring out that he would like do anything to hurt you what's going on i saw what he did to her with my own eyes this this this is her blood but can't we i'll just get along oh my god josh this is not how it's supposed to go down you're just a bunch of bully you can't hang out a guy just to try like this guys huh not like not like you got the guts to really do anything about it anyways you got to know when you're in a losing position oh is chris going to get mad do we let chris get mad for once you do just kind of need to stop talking you really really really need to shut up man oh oh yeah i i i mean i i don't even know what you mean because i i don't have anything to regret oh my god no shame yeah okay time me up now okay they're still right right right right still okay that time up if they're just wiggle around gosh dude leave me a little wiggle room what does it taste really snappy that's so tight okay not so tight again okay those plastic ties that's where it's we're going around stupid stupid chris and ash chris is an ass ashley's a dum-dum i i'm sorry what did you say well i said you're a dummy dubby what is wrong with you oh oh i never imagined in my wildest dreams that you liked me you know what that sound is it's the sound of never kissing ashley you [ __ ] stop yeah you know you might as well let ashley sleep with mike i mean at least he's got some notches in his belt you know he'll treat her all right this isn't doing us any favors mike what what happened with jess mike freddy's gone too far you know what happened just leave him here no can you allow them it's not it's not the same i have changed a problem mike i don't remember killing jess christ i mean like i feel like i i would remember killing her you know she's so soft and she's probably got like a really tight body no okay just don't don't shoot him seriously what did you think i was gonna shoot him i i don't know come on chris you know me better than no i shouldn't have done anything great you know me better than that uh yeah well just next time give me a heads up all right oh oh you poor little piggies but you can't even get your good cup back up routine to work leave it to the pros bros why don't you go back to the lodge make sure everything is way more efficient if you've got this kind of scenario in the morning oh sleepover can we order pizza you sure you're okay yeah i wanna know everything's fine josh yeah you're right papa john's gotta go real far to get up here i feel like your pizza delivery involves a cable car they're probably not going to deliver [Music] josh josh how does it feel do you enjoy all those emotions that my sisters got to feel once one year ago only only guess what they didn't get to laugh it off no nope no no no 30 minutes so your money fell just about [ __ ] dead what that was the cable ties did you hear me that's 30 minutes of your money back to cut these three three hospitals with your money back [ __ ] pay you dick claim with jess mike i don't remember killing just gonna see josh in again embraced oh god oh and emily we're still in the mines three hours until dawn [Music] we're getting towards the end we've almost survived the night gotta trust him use these get the oh [ __ ] come on you got to be better than this your life depends on it all right all right let's go all right [Music] okay well we'll back deeper in the mind she's having a hard time with it keep going i've never told him in a while i feel like i've missed quite a few totems drop down [Music] there is my recently suffered structural collapse uh left or right we can drop down there a little hut here greetings from calgary hey billy i had a good time uh look me up if you're ever in calgary loretta is there something on the other side of that pan i'm not gonna stay and find out i gotta get going [Music] why are we running away from the helpful stranger totem oh god [Music] fortune totem there's still quite a few of these missing we've got a good amount but there's no more missing that's mike like stubbing his toe but with a gun okay good to know gotta go deeper in [Music] only three hours left we're almost safe you can make it oh no wait no i didn't read that to the gap right away [Music] oh oh god [Music] all right go go [Music] oh god oh god gollum's really pissed okay okay it's not bad for them i'm slipping i'm okay [Music] light a player [Music] oh my god oh god uh leap off leap off close it move don't stop don't stand there he's okay she's still alive [Music] oh god not quite no she's still going to drop the players oh emily crap what now let her in quick shut the door oh my god shut the door okay are you all right i didn't think that i'd make it you were screaming party murder you looked totally wrong there was something where's that sit down something's out did you guys split up the monster wait the jews break up are you guys still together your relationship what are you talking about i said there's something out like watch relax it was josh it was all just no no no no listen we got him tied up he can't hurt you no it was after me and it wasn't human hold on where's mash uh what happened though em can you tell us exactly what happened i am trying to tell you we were climbing up the tower and i've asked you about magic i don't care about that fell right into the mine what mines there are these mine shafts all over running under everything when the tower fell we ended up down i don't understand the tower fell let it fall i i was walking down there in the mines and it was dark and i found this pile and there was beth's head wait what that's head i found oh my god what the [ __ ] are you serious yes i'm serious i think they fell down there oh jesus christ but the worst part is i don't think that hannah died like from the fall not right away what what do you mean i don't know i feel like she was down there like starving to death for weeks when we were all up here looking for her and we had no idea the police survey was like are really useless listen in in the tower there was there was a radio and and i got through to someone but then that was right when the tower collapsed um he made it oh god yeah barely what about matt we're trying to figure that out yeah and then there was this monster that was chasing her she's all messed up guys emily hey em whoa oh what the [ __ ] can that be josh jess it's not jess sorry man but who is it i don't know we should check it out [Music] i got your back good come on gang pizza delivery guy he finally made it took him a while longer than we thought it's a trick-or-treater [Music] that's don't make any demands okay i'm gonna open the door you ready you ready [Music] just do it already whoever it is it's probably gone by now he's right there [Music] hold on there hold on there mister trick or treat freeze oh what all right i'm just taking a treat just take it easy grandpa okay everybody just calm down nah just move over there go on move let me say what i came to say i'm here to help what you're up against being back on this mountain you should never have returned i don't know why you did after what happened last year you mean with hannah and beth yeah how could you know without being involved are responsible you hold on to your horses i don't take kindly to you kids coming up here to my mountain your mountain huh i'm sure the washingtons would be very surprised to hear that well the mountain don't belong to me it's true but they don't belong to the washingtons this mountain belongs to the holy [ __ ] who is he talking about what the hell's a wendigo let's hear him out not like we have a choice now i'm only gonna tell you this once it doesn't matter to me if you believe it or not i got reasons i want to get it off my chest see i told you he's guilty as [ __ ] guilty of something shut up mike please let him talk there is a curse that dwells in these mountains should any man or woman resort to cannibalism in these woods the spirit of the wendigo shall be unleashed oh crap you're gonna need to find somewhere safe or just dying again okay get down there now all of you and wait what why for how long until dawn [Music] guys how to wait for the road i ran off and left josh when i heard screaming where did you leave him in the shed ah your friend will already be dead no no he can't be we we were just with him a lot can happen quickly on this mountain he's gone no i'm gonna go get him you can't go out there chris i'm supposed to be his best friend don't go out there you down chris he let all of us down i don't what if we just leave him and i'll go with you i don't need your help ain't going alone is suicide okay i need your help all right the rest of you get down to the basement be safe and don't go outside again until we're back you don't seem to understand the magnitude of the situation well i'm going to get josh aren't i no i'm going to get josh you're going to help me do you understand your place chris uh this is my mountain yeah i think so you need to follow me and do everything i tell you [Music] i follow i mean irl not you on tick-tock all you zoomers have been struggling with that tonight oh your lingo is a little bit different i remember a time before tick tock this is the end you point towards the thing you want to kill i know how to use a shotgun man no you don't no you don't how do you know trust me i know hey come back safe oh [ __ ] we need to hurry son uh see you soon yeah we gotta go josh josh is dead so so tell me you're the expert on these things uh what's uh what what's the guy gotta know he just be careful you follow my lead [Music] okay here we go so how many times do i have to shoot it with the shotgun before it's dead well you'll be shooting it a long time you mean this thing won't even kill it no but it'll slow it down i just want to check real quick this butterfly effects have been updating there's quite a bit going on here uh ashley was grateful felt indebted to chris josh felt betrayed and antagonized by chris chris considered violence oh no okay we found a dummy and sam's clothes damn explored the psycho's workshop oh no emily gave the flare gun the mat emily had no defense against the attack and was bitten we could have prevented that but the fortune said give it to matt it actually stabbed the psycho like we gave ashley a black guy chris hit josh chris didn't shoot actually ashley was concerned about chris as he left bless and emily was bitten there's not too many more scenarios we're we're almost there we're getting there how do you kill it they don't like fire i don't like fire they fear it and it can kill them if you have to their skin is like it's like tough armor unless you burn it off first i don't like fires gross let me take point stranger well what are these things like i mean are they just crazy unpredictable or i mean can you figure out what they're going to do well they adhere to some patterns like any animal or human you mean like house it's really funny because as far as i know about the myth you're not supposed to say the name of the creature mostly saying it draws it towards you i didn't ask once again that creature is the when to go the uh pro when to go tips when to go look if i rub garlic all over me they won't be able to smell me or something they'll still smell you anything like that i can't see you if you're standing still it's like toads the sight is based on changes of movement okay that's why it's don't move so if i don't move i'm basically invisible that i'm really bad at the don't move i recommend testing it out it really sucks i feel like i'm going to get a character killed because i don't move eventually i can guarantee you that i'm very like my i got like kind of slightly shaky hands oh no it what happened and thank you for the 10 quid artificial thanks for 1500 bits thank you very much guys we're too late oh no we gotta go right now we gotta find josh he can still be out there first know when you go he'll render you a mobile and then he strips the skin off of your entire body gotta go piece by piece can we hear this explanation later and aware and feast on your organs one piece at a time so we'll watch that yeah let's go now gotta go it might still be near come on gang get back and stay safe you just bunk her up no oh no no no no no no no go now holy [ __ ] gotta get out of here [Music] [Music] chris [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] ash [Applause] go go oh no that goes trash [Music] oh my god guys thank god it took you so long it's not so good i've tried the warnings i'm really not good at the uh chris where's the flashlight he didn't make it the motion controls are gonna get every kid killed here if it comes down to it tore him apart right in front of me oh god all right these all the doors yeah are you sure what are you looking for another way out mike look i really don't think that's a good idea we should stay put right here until dawn at least we're safe down here oh yeah all wrapped up like a little present with a bow on top for that thing to tear us apart on christmas morning people will come for us in the morning you don't sound so sure that is what will happen right em yeah i gotta bunker up right well you can wait i'm leaving mike there's no key for the cable car josh he's got to have it josh one of his dirty little tricks great great we need to fight that [ __ ] thing got a hold of josh then we're [ __ ] out of luck i don't know mike it's possible what's possible it may have taken him down to the mine what i saw some horrible stuff down there i think it's where that thing lives and huh um what [ __ ] it i'm gonna get that key right from that thing's goddamn bedroom and then i'm gonna get us all the hell out of here he's an action hero and what is all that it's uh that old guy's bag is that a map oh that guy was prepared for anything not quite what is this place oh my god wait what is that i was down there it's horrible you were you're been a cave-in in the 50s i guess and these miners got trapped down there oh my god some of them survived but like 15 of them didn't make it there was this reporter and i think he figured out there had been some like big cover-up going on i found these plans they knew the mine was a death trap but they let the miners keep working anyway mike stoppy and dub i'm not sure what he don't want to go back down i found this chair i don't think we have dried all over the place like somebody's been tortured michael i'd like to maybe focus on how we're gonna get the [ __ ] out of here please i'm just saying it's weird how much crazy shit's gone on a bear what's weird is that there's a tunnel leading from the lodge to the sanatorium sea that's how i got back here i saw this when i was down there that's where it lives um um what is this huh what is that ash um oh my god oh my god it's nothing it just hit me and [ __ ] you what bit you it's okay what it's nothing really it's not a big deal you okay it's just a wearable thing it doesn't hurt anymore really it's it's not that bad em if that thing [ __ ] i i know what you're thinking and i'm fine are you yes emily at least let us check it out emily if the wendigo bit you you could turn into one of those things that's ridiculous that's not how we said it remember he said that is that how it works yes it happens if it bit you you're gonna turn into one and then you're gonna turn on us oh my god no no ashley you misunderstood it emily has to eat one of us what mike you gotta go no are you kidding me you're putting us all it's fine like hell i am emily you can't stay here mike just cool your head okay we don't know if it works like that maybe it's just a bite yeah i've seen what sounds right you do and i don't want to say it again what is this guys what are you doing door's right here i am letting you do this voluntarily oh no you're just making yourself feel better about sending me to my death since you know there's a one to go out there ready to rip me to pieces like it did with okay oh my god will you just go go get out of here ashley get off her case no mike don't worry okay mike calm down don't support this gonna shoot me like me this is the safe room em quickly it is not safe as long as you're in it not for us is that safer don't do this i'm really sorry just don't do it yeah this is not how it works it needs to eat one of us oh you did the my thing i hope you did maybe for now [ __ ] we got the total that was good fortune there keep an eye on her if you see anything weird you guys know what to do yeah no one leave okay it's not safe out there i'll be back soon that's why i'm going alone how y'all doing i like ashley lesnar yeah me too i thought that that he was gonna help us with the flamethrower dude now we don't have a chance no guys it just means we've got to be tough we've got to do this on our own i don't know if i can who found journal cannibalism only a few men have dared to hunt the wendigo this guy's a little ocd uh i am the only man who has ever kept him under control eat these words or shall be your death and your death will not be the last the wendigo must be contained wendigo uh grows out of cannibalism when a human is desperate and craves food trapped on the mountain in the fierce winter storms when he has eaten nothing for many days the wendigo spirit uh will begin to possess him even the strongest man is weak to it he will kill without remorse often those companions who have traveled it you will eat the flesh raw from the corpses i have seen this happen many years ago craven for flesh it cannot be said and then the change begins the eyes uh then first and become well the eyes turn first and become murky and white and the teeth become longer like fangs uh the creature grows and the skin is pulled taut across the bones stronger than human skin is crossed out there there was a tribe that lived in these mountains the cree the shamans tell stories of a tall creature born in ice uh try history to this yep no we're trying to read it ashley uh the tribe respected the mountain and all the animals which lived on it the mountain became a sacred to decree every animal became sacred awesome cree believed it was bad luck to harm an animal on the mountain and would hunt elsewhere so let's respect nature that's what very important in 1893 the miners uh the miners arrived they found tin and later traces of radium they mined deep into the sacred mountain cree site at the mountain uh cried out and the spirit was released that toll rises uh the wendigo's eyes change uh they become both sharper and more dim the wendigos sees movement there's a hunter like a hawk but it counts because the windigos are mutated from humans when they hunt us they know how to perfectly mimic their prey that's great ashley if we could please keep reading the book thank you uh the wondergo sees movement it is a hunter like a hawk it can't see stillness you'd keep totally still and the wedding to go will not be able to see you uh the skin and flesh of the wedding to go are hard like armor they seem to feel no pain that cannot be cut or stabbed even bullets will not pierce their skin though a shock and will keep them at bay because the wendigo is mutated from a human and knows how to hunt us you can preferably mimic its prey you must remain sharp and disciplined i have killed five crossed out six wendigos he's on a roll knives or bullets will not harm them use a flamethrower is the best weapon fire envelops them burns away their skin and makes them weak but try not to kill killing the wendigo should be the last resort that releases the one to go a spirit into the air i've contained them i've used traps to catch them and fire to drive them in the cages traps were baited with hum human limbs from those who had no further use from one by one i caught those who would infest at the mountain oh god this just keeps going maybe defenses uh shamans uh road of rituals i found native artifacts on the mountain and copied them uh totems uh bunches of herbs and feathers copied their designs i've tested them out in the mountain they work they keep the wendigo at bay not entirely but enough inside buildings they do not work okay so it's useless if you're inside uh there's like a relatives thing that's crossed out that's quite unfortunate three legends say that the wendigo grows from the bite of another wendigo the bite is harmless i've been bitten but i did not change the only way is to eat the flesh of another there is no other way oh m is fine oh no no no no no no what is it what is it the bite was harmless but emily deserved to be shot anyway can we tell her she's gonna be fine we probably still should it says that god's distribution here it bites it if it bites you it's not infectious it doesn't do anything let me see i'm sorry what did you say um so she'll be okay it says what you're gonna be fine i'm gonna die fine mike almost shot me is that she didn't shoot you and this [ __ ] almost let him that's not fair she was scared i'm the one who's scared sam's trying to keep this group together you know what was going to happen there's one of us no there's no excuse there's no excuse for me please just try to understand understand the palm of my hand [ __ ] no we should have shot her i'm sorry i'm so sorry we should have shot sorry let him in trophy [ __ ] achievement unlocked actually ashley got hurt oh my god they don't not taking the gun why the [ __ ] would you oh joshua you should have listened to take the gun because of your choices people have died i don't know which is worse that lead to someone's death or passively allowing a tragedy to occur because you couldn't lift a goddamn finger to help someone else oh dr hill is really cracking down remember last year huh are you left your poor sisters to die you did nothing to help paralyzed by your own self-centered fear while a real threat was closing in no it's all about you josh it's always all about you this therapist is not helping him too well your game has gone terribly wrong and your friends like your sisters have deserted you you're all alone can you feel how cold your loneliness has become huh why did you hurt them joshua why did you hurt them oh they hurt me i didn't hurt anyone i don't i don't like either of these responses what is this accent dr hill house you know i've been trying to place it as well it like moves a bit the worst psychiatrist i've ever seen like i don't like either of these this is just both denial oh but of course you did they were your friends you misled them you lied to them and you put them through a night sweetie really i wouldn't have said swedish it was just a game just a prank that got out of hand i'm sorry let's hope that it's not too late for atonement and that your friends if they still are your friends can save you from it's terrible isolation i don't think josh is doing too well anymore [Music] previously on until dawn you know we haven't seen bat dying guys thank god it took you so long it's not so good up there right now uh he's gone we're too late quiet uh yeah he uh don't move another way out mike there's no key for the cable car josh he's got to have it and what is all that it may have taken him down to the mine i was down there it's horrible you've been a cave-in in the 50s i guess and these miners got trapped on it what happened to that yeah we haven't seen him in a while is the safe room em please [ __ ] i can't do this you do the right thing this is the safe room i can't keep an eye on her i'll be back soon it changes june so quick despair two hours until dawn oh hey okay let's go mike you gotta see this through to the end i don't know why he's going alone like this is stupid gotta stick together anything here i've been in this room before i very well might have we're going back through the tunnels the beginning it was nine hours until dance at a time it's kind of consistent yeah it's actually it actually is kind of nice how closely aligned to this never going to be exact but relatively on on point takes about an hour to play each hour so we got about two hours probably a stream left you're seeing this through huh i have it on the walls oh no the wolves are gone is this room always open yeah this one was open doggo is gone i don't like that he's not here can't open wait can i open that no uh i can go upstairs here like mike has gone looking for josh now we're gonna we're gonna be searching a while i think oh we can hop down here oh i just need a pitchfork and a mob we need a torch we got a shotgun because many of these you can carry but take more than one handful ah good enough you might have some more pocket space took like six bullets no one else is going to be using this now you doing mike [Music] all right we need to open up here a dog hey big guy he remembers we petted him happy to see me again huh hey just hoping i'd run into you again let's hear the help goodbye all right pal you're coming with me all right here's the plan i happen to see a map of this place so we're not flying blind there should be a way through the psychiatric wing that'll take us right outside the mine oh this seems like a terrible idea that's where that's where they're being contained i couldn't say it better myself why would you go this way mike he didn't read the journal he just set off here by himself why would you go this way god okay before we go anymore this way i need to refill my water um i reckon that if we're like two hours till dawn and we're at this point this might be the last break and then we're gonna play it through the end okay i'm gonna go refill my drink and i'll be right on back you need to use the loot you need to get a drink yourself now is the time to do it because it's going to be non-stop after this so i'm going to take five i'll see you all soon [Music] do hey oh folks i to my girlfriend allison who watches these streams love you oh that's very sweet hello to allison as well hope you're both enjoying the stream happy halloween tears how's everyone doing arty stealing allison i'll stop that [Music] he's back we're in the end game now this is so fun down i'm so glad you're playing this yeah i i'm loving this i i've never actually played it myself uh i do hope people are enjoying the play true though it's been a lot of fun and i hope everyone's having a very lovely halloween you're doing really well thank you i'm trying to keep these kids alive best i can it was very tempting to shoot him [Music] but it didn't so she'll hopefully make it to the end uh kieran thank you for a thousand bits hey team my fiancee and i are watching the stream uh in place of our usual annual halloween movies and it's also our anniversary thank you for doing this today oh congratulations to you i hope you're having a very happy halloween it's an honor to be part of your tradition that's very sweet oh holy [ __ ] as well um there's another anonymous gifter who just gave 50 subs jesus [ __ ] christ you guys have been way too generous to me today because that's a lot of money i hope you guys are enjoying the stream tonight thank you very much for all the support seriously incredibly generous it's an honor to be entertaining y'all equivalent of 50 full-size candy bars all the sub money will go towards full-sized candy bars of course this thank you for 10 as well my god you guys are way too kind me no sadly like apartment life means i don't actually get any trick-or-treaters uh but my darling mum and dad in the family home they do actually get some there's a bunch of kids in the neighborhood there oh my god all right red as well another 50 gift subs holy [ __ ] like that's a lot of money that's like 200 like there's been like yeah there's been so many of those we have 100 earlier that's like 250s back to back jesus [ __ ] christ guys that's too much thank you very much seriously thank you there red incredibly kind royal thank you for a thousand as well hi i'm glad to be able to see you stream i missed the first three hours but i'm here for now for the ride thank you very much i hope you're enjoying it i mean all of this like this is going to be one that's like if you if you don't catch the stream for i'm going to just straight up say archive channel is going to be your friend because you can probably you can watch the whole thing in full there i imagine just given the length of this play true this one will take a while to get highlights for i like i never want to like rush chloe i wanted to take her time uh and even if there is highlights for this like that's going to be a monster highlights video that's going to be a big boy because i don't think there's much that can even be cut like maybe just something like the exploring and the totems well like it's pretty much all go captain thank you for five gift subs uh top thank you for five as well thank you everyone's giving bits jesus christ guys that's too much that's too much thank you very much it's incredibly generous get your awesome full-size candy bar soon i do i i have one little i it's not quite full-sized candy bars right um but [Music] that you know a thing that i was hoping to do in future um some people might know that i like to do a lot of bacon in my off time i really enjoy kind of baking cookies and cakes i know that my good friend josie does a lot of bacon cookies and cakes on her streams as well and from that i've kind of been inspired and i've actually recently acquired some of the kit needed to do that kind of stream i have a tripod for my camera and hopefully come in the run-up to christmas uh i'm gonna show y'all how to make some like delicious chocolate chip cookies it's my mother's recipe um i learned it from her i learned all my bacon abilities from her and we're gonna be able to try share that soon i have a tripod for my camera so we're gonna try to set it up proper before too long not quite chocolate bars but it'll be a stream where if you want to follow along get a tasty dessert by all means by all means i'll show you the family chocolate chip cookie recipe yeah we'll do that a bit closer to christmas don't share family recipes well i can still be proud of the recipe in that you know i don't think there's anything wrong with that myself you're not allowed have it like if my mum could bake cookies for everyone in this chat she absolutely would that's a fact all right we are your family oh god it's already christmas they're already playing the music ah come on it's not halloween's not even over yet give us at least until tomorrow oh god seven thousand children she didn't offer to make everyone sandwiches before uh when we had like the watch paint dry stream oh jesus quirrell's thank you for a thousand bits as well been loving the stream having the best halloween thanks dad no problem thank you very much uh cashmere thank you pretend as well oh jesus christ okay all right we got we gotta go you guys are being way too generous thank you very much to each and every one of you uh we're in the end game now we're going to the end there's no more breaks unless i really need to pee let's go just piss yourself no [Music] why would you go off into your own into this place i swear they're contained at least he's got his dog friend wish i could move like you wolfie i'm stuck on this side all right well this is nothing [Music] come on mike make a little bit more noise with that if you can like see that i do got moves doing that wolfie wolfie approves gotta keep gotta keep him safe i don't know are there gonna be any more totems at this point it could very well be i've definitely missed a lot of the tops if the dog dies you have to kill everyone it's true don't make the rules we should not be wandering in here like the the air looks like contagious god doctor support then just observe powder skin dis pigmentation severe vitamin d deficiency i mean that second symptom sounds like most of the population of ireland i'll be honest with you so social dysfunction ability slash weakness the gesture action place under strict observation restraint strongly recommend it they're just gamers i don't think gamers suffer from scurvy i'll be honest well maybe i don't know how often we get like a fruit and vegetable they should be dead is like a note here oh okay let's keep going we have to watch out for our mystery hand here i believe oh no oh son of a [ __ ] the other dog didn't make it don't go off on your own doggo hang on huh these doors were built like tanks how crazy were these inmates it's like still scratch marks on these and they busted open i think all the gift subs in that are still just catching up you guys went overboard there thank you again let us out we are terrible and freezing this is not it will make you pay stop testing us now mike is very slow he's walking with like a bit of swagger probably should get a move on that's all blocked oh i hate this and we go watch out for the mystery hand anything in the cupboard no did you not see that wait see what i got i got is there a totem did i miss something there was a wendigo was there i didn't see it i didn't see it at all [Music] i saw that one why are we going further in why are we still going in [Music] this is such a terrible idea ending at the end of the hallway no okay no need to shoot it [Music] [Music] gotta go uh straight ahead what about the dog where's the dog [ __ ] you can't get me here [Music] [Music] where is the dog [Applause] [ __ ] [ __ ] no no no no why didn't you take like a lighter or something no [ __ ] way this is happening where's the dog oh my god [Music] [Music] go go go [Music] don't look at the window why would you look at the window why would you look at the window [Music] close it yeah i'll keep you safe the dog's here dog's here i always said oh no no no [ __ ] don't die [Music] thank god it was a short one i wasn't gonna make it [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy [ __ ] damn it but on the table damn it so fun fact the controller vibrates sometimes when you do that if i pop it on the table it will move where are you it will most definitely move i can chance it but i might not get much time to chance it damn it what the what turn off the rumble it's behind the back the hand one at a time boys it's enough for me for all ya he's in the cell okay oh [Music] he's locked up [Applause] save your shots there's so many options here [Applause] [Applause] not good hit it back a bit oh i see what we're doing kick it shoot the barrel oh [Applause] those window goes again where's the doggone it's the dog please tell me the dog is safe this whole trip was pointless to the asylum by the way this has not really helped us at all keep going keep keep moving [Music] gotta just get through this place and open that oh another one he's coming open the door hey buddy hold the dog come on down it's all right come on doggo please i'll catch you on the flip side huh he's just gonna go home all right [Music] god action hero yipikaye [Music] [Applause] oh god it's still alive and now it's like a fire when to go [Music] is she alive still [Music] after all this time [Music] stranger left another one of his coats down here totem yeah she's alive [Applause] he's been unconscious this entire time [Music] oh we've all set off come on guys hurry up we gotta find mike come on hey i'm i'm kind of giving out here guys um i think maybe you should go on without me no no chris we we can't leave you on your own no chris we are not leaving you we're sticking together mike will just have to wait that's how people die oh by the way jessica there's a monster running around inside us based on movement yeah like jessica's very much out of the loop at this point and we just haven't heard from matt like at all the totem here danger totem [Music] [Applause] i don't think josh is doing to a teeth come on josh you're only down here like an hour and you've already eaten human flesh like you could have lasted a little bit longer before getting peckish it hasn't been that long oh oh [ __ ] mike must have locked it behind him crap there's got to be another way in oh i mean here it seems to be away wait hey what about this i mean should should we try it well it's not like we got a whole lot of choices here down we go [Music] that's all he needs okay this is not yourself when you're hungry place i would want to be right now so who's going first after you emily can you be like brave or courageous like at least once selfless even that's the word you think this is the tunnel to the sanatorium of course it is where else would it go [Music] chris i know you're hurt but you got to move it all right i'm trying doing his best it did get almost killed [Music] it just isn't interestingly sad because she's smashing handy um hey we should close this right i mean what if something's following us yes fine close it but we gotta keep moving can you just catch up please oh sam's getting annoyed at someone for a while yeah he's always been so calm [Music] there we go straight into the mines they just bolted they abandoned her [Music] why are they not here [Music] hello [Music] who's there anybody jessica is it you [Music] you know we can get the group together yeah i'm not no don't split off and go solo that's how you die get the group hello and go look for get the group gosh do not split up and look for clues gang with that said why did they abandon her they ran so fast i am so glad to see you glad you're safe you're not gonna tell them that you heard jessica look no over there wow all right the letters toast we're never gonna make it up there oh you're not gonna you're not gonna share what you're just doing witness with the group it's like a rock wall i'm gonna keep going you should head back to the lodge i've got to get mike good luck oh they're just going back all right i guess they're going home why why didn't ash tell anyone that that was jessica that she heard someone you know no why they keep abandoning each other yeah like i really gotta stop splitting up i guess sam is trying to get to um what you got like mike at the moment climb it's not as much urgency here it won't take much longer to just climb it climb come on girl you can do it yeah that's right keep climbing ah [Music] doing great sam [Music] must be incredibly strong to be able to scale up that's very impressive there's something over here wait wait wait wait wait i thought that was like an item oh no well there was most assuredly something the other way that we missed that can't be good here we go keep moving hello don't say hello you know what you're dealing with you hear a piercing monster cry don't be like what is [Applause] it we're in a bad spot one just died come on sam yeah that's right come on girl you could do it just looking at it at the moment baiting it [Music] don't want to violate an entry here can't climb up there i want to make sure i don't miss anything this time it's canon oh my god [Music] uh it's fine all right alive or start yeah yeah life's good yeah the hell are you doing here anyway i was gonna warn you about the wendigos i think i got it yeah let's find a way down to where this photo you seriously using the shotgun to keep the door closed you see how many weapons will this gang mike there's no key for the cable car josh he's got actually been acknowledged for once uh he's gone we're too late quiet it may have taken him down to the mine i did move here unfortunately i'm gonna get that key right from that thing's goddamn bedroom and then i'm going to get us all the hell out of here [Music] hey i've chopped off this head that's a different dad find your way down to where this [ __ ] lives holy fbs yeah it thanks a bit one hour till dawn repentance this is it final hour i wonder how much these sessions are been helped to you now just won't listen to me and things seems pretty [ __ ] up [Music] yeah he's given up i'm gonna leave you now josh it's time you learn there is more to be afraid of that can be dreamt up by the unhinged imagination of a self-indulgent spoiled little brat you had so many people who cared about you you were willing to help but at every turn you choose to push them away and now you're rolled along wow [Music] no you won't be alone for long deep breaths josh deep okay thanks dr hill he's probably still even after that that'll be 120 no uh oh [Music] get away get away from me he's struggling no you're dead sorry you're dead shut up oh no you're dead a lot of voices okay i trust you i trust you oh god this play is josh now we haven't gotten the players them up until this point [Music] it's very dark [Music] you're with us now family why didn't you save us josh why did you want us to die i didn't want you to [Music] you die shouldn't have wished that upon people oh god punch it [Music] oh god no i don't i don't take orders from you oh just what you want no no why are you doing this leave me alone why are you doing this why didn't you save us joshua why did you want us to die [Music] oh my gosh [Music] there was so much weird [ __ ] happening up there i think josh is having a lot of trouble what kind of weird [ __ ] can't believe that's how james bond kills the villain in the new bathroom capturing the wendigos i'm all tied up in these restraints i saw some real [ __ ] up [ __ ] wow i must just let them all out when i blew the place up still kept olivia blocked the door with the shotgun yeah like this gang like no god love i'm trying my hardest to save them but they are not making it easy with their decisions let me use a shotgun to lock a door let me just leave this revolver let me leave all this useful kit that might save us there's the water wheel there was a there was a thing for that wasn't there charitable was upgraded went way up with mike there [Music] let's see what we got mike's got a usable machete because of that mike found another way through the sanatorium and sam rescued mike in the mine i didn't kick the wolf mike made a friend the wolf guided mic around the sanatorium mike's new friend survived i didn't die [Music] ashley was concerned about chris as he left ashley opened the door saving chris's life mike spared emily and she was faced with dilemma and told the truth how is that a dilemma oh by the way you're not gonna die just tell them that ashley wouldn't leave chris ashley ignored the voice ashley joined the others chris was safe oh god you can just straight up leave him behind then [Music] okay emily gave the flare gun the man emily had no defense against the attack and was bitten mike faced the dilemma because emily was still alive at that point i guess outcast thank you for 200 bits thank you very much red thank you for 2 500 bits as well josh be like it's my mental illness i get to choose the coping mechanism uh well i mean if his coping mechanism is envisioning his dead sisters made of pig flesh and going insane like losing it down a mine shaft he's not doing too well i would consider maybe a different therapist that doesn't hurdle abuse at you i had to tell those actual things his actual therapist said or if it's just um him envisioning the doctor in his mind we can go that way that totem [Music] that's the house burning down that's a good fortune apparently okay so we want the house to burn down good to know mike is that what i think it is [ __ ] looks like a grape [Music] facts [Music] oh god like this is best this is our watch what let me see look there was a cross here so this is where she was buried but who took her up [Music] how is her manicure still perfect that's a very good question [Music] that nail paint is that's just staying on its value i think nails easy i don't think the fake nails would have survived like the rock climbing sequence [Music] it all stays on for a long time but like considering the circumstances [Music] would it still be perfectly attached okay sure i'm not dead yet famous last words oh i don't like this it's freezing my fingers oh we gotta go there's a water wheel good fortune was at the water wheel mike where you going i can climb back up here just help us [Music] thanks around here [ __ ] this looks like hannah's writing hey when my little sister is dead the fall killed her i watched the color drain from her face my leg is broken i'm all alone stuck here with bet [Music] oh come day five i've never been so hungry feels like my stomach is uh twisting around inside i took that sweater much warmer now he's still looking out for me 8 30. i'm sorry beth i have no choice it's the only way i can survive anymore if someone finds this i'm sorry i had to i had no choice what does it [Music] my hands feel unclean my nails fell out pushed out i am aching but no more cold no pain i am getting stronger [Music] hunger hunger hunger oh god it makes sense i think hannah took a bath it was hannah no not bunger that's ridiculous michael it has to be the only thing different beth died in the fall so what what does that mean so hannah must have buried her god damn it [Music] god damn it hannah was down here i don't believe any of this she would have been starving she would have been desperate [ __ ] we need to find josh right he's just sick of all this [ __ ] [Music] can't believe this [Music] yeah we need to go back in the water i need to get to that water wheel climb up there if i can can i go that way no i can't i gotta go the other way first do i not do anything with the water wheel yet yes [Music] make sure we got a lot of the info on the twins we got a lot of the evidence missed a few bits mystery man uh which one was the was it a guidance totem that's the gun it's chris yeah there's the water wheel we just like when we get up that's where we go maybe that's what it is okay go over here [Music] danger oh let's see oh no [Music] oh don't push yourself up here [Music] i take orders from you oh we gotta help okay we actually say we're doing pretty good then i trust you i trust you oh oh oh he's tripping or something josh mike josh hey man don't you hit me please please you were deep in it man full mental jacket we didn't think we'd get you back josh [Music] hey let's just get the [ __ ] out of here okay josh do you have the key for the cable car um uh yeah here oh god we got it [Music] see that over there that means there's a direct way out come on okay we can go home yeah there's no way josh is gonna make it up there okay if you help me up i can go back to tell the others we're okay no don't split up again you bring josh back the way we came and we'll all meet at the lodge be careful why do you keep splitting up [Music] oh there she goes all right let's go you [ __ ] up son of a [ __ ] he's gone [Music] you lost her you didn't you didn't have to hit me so much man uh yeah um i'm sorry about before man i i thought you killed me i'm over here i was wrong that was just ditching them oh another totem another fortune excuse me hang on i missed that i had to sneeze oh that's fortune apparently [Music] that looks menacing like my worst fear is right if there is any more of the don't move sections i'm going to fail one of them there's no way i'll pass them up [Music] because like like i can't keep it steady that long and i'm gonna be gutted if right at the very end there's like three three of them die [Music] is there any way for me to like rewind like a little section of the game or something if it comes to it like is there like a quick save i don't think so [Music] put the controller down but the controller vibrates that's cheating you can start from a chapter start so i'll have to do like all of this again [Music] turn off the rumble it's less don't move and keep the icon in the center is it actually because that might help keep welcome josh unplug the controller what if i need it for like a quick time event after we never climbed up the water wheel [Music] it's bad there was one of them in the water this is bad this is real bad we're gonna be going here we shouldn't be going there oh oh you're not real no you're not hello oh [ __ ] [Music] mike was spared for some reason [Music] oh we finally get to catch up with matt how long has he been down what has he been doing like the last six hours he fell a while ago [Music] and then i only saw the quick top event after please [Music] nice to see you too oh my god i didn't think there was a quick time event there are you okay why would you do that jess [Music] define okay why would you do that [Music] jesus chess what the hell happened to you how the [ __ ] are you still alive uh we're not alone up here yeah we need to move there's something been going on tonight is someone really [ __ ] with us up here no what it's not someone that's something jess you you you had a pretty rough night hey okay we gotta get just saying she's not doing too well i'm telling you it's okay i i didn't mean to scare you oh god yeah come on jess sorry jess let me just regain control of my lantern as some other curse in these mountains it seems to be affecting the gravitational pull on any light source oh my god go this way i'm so worried about the keep still sections i don't want anyone to die okay i'm not going to put the controller on the table is there a way for me to turn off controller vibration though i might be able to do it without vibration i'm really bad at it from sentence where would i go for that oh you might have to describe it too i don't want like internet information or anything to come up [Music] sound mic accessories launch bug snacks i created a video clip when did i why did i record this did i record a few oh why why is that saved oh it's the achievements right okay that's there's like something with a final fantasy okay sentence [Music] roll options i've been using traditional controller is it on console sentence okay let me let me bop back here okay i am gonna have to hide this just for a moment just so i don't mess anything up okay i i don't want to just jump to a screen and have it like oh [ __ ] like here's my my internet information is accessories controllers vibration intensity off okay i got it okay we should be fine because i'm real bad to keep still sections and it's going to get characters killed how does keep still sections work if you like play this on pc or something because i know this game is out on that now i'm playing like the ps4 disc version because i just had like that handy had it a long while they don't you ignore it like don't move the mouse like you just don't pick it up it's not on pc but i'm gonna be got it if that's how anyone dies you have to hold your computer tower don't move [Music] which one [Music] uh which one all right [Music] come on jess you guys can't run here we go short and sweet [Music] gotcha all right let's go we got to do this get out of here come on you gotta go oh jesse we're almost there come on come on come on jess jess come on [Music] gotta stay still [Music] they're okay they're okay [Music] oh meanwhile sam is scaled on the mountain [Music] okay keep climbing [Music] keep going sam come on take your time [Music] come on come on it's good she made it oh okay we gotta get back to the lodge then is it [Music] gurney on home we're so close on this no nothing flash thoughts up [Music] ma'am you really might want to run or something [Music] everyone likes to do like a brisk walk oh no oh come on sam you're almost there keep going don't have time to stop you're okay [Music] keep leisurely strolling up here drop down oh this is going to be treacherous we're okay hypothermia yeah like she she's gonna be feeling it soon oh she's so close bam go [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hey oh come on open up we need something why are you in there [Music] oh gosh you look terrible gonna look worse if we stay out here come on from all i thought you was gonna get like the key under the rock or something like after all this time okay oh god mike what happened to josh you got him god what an awful way to go we got to move inside not good what do you think we should do we should check the basement might be someone left down there gotta go okay the basement there's the door lead the way mike oh god [Music] how do you rate our chances of survival i'm trying not to think about it go go go oh no why did you push oh her real quick oh no oh no don't don't [ __ ] move a muscle oh no not don't move sequences [Music] oh this is bad they're all going to die if i'm not careful here [Music] oh this is how the house gets on fire [Music] break the bulb hit the switch [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] they are just killing each other oh oh god chris is out [Applause] save mike hey there goes emily [Music] oh ashes out [Music] [Music] jesus i gotta hold my breath like when i do that [Music] uh runner hide [Music] huh [Music] [Music] oh come on [Applause] oh my god we did it the kids are alive the kids are alive [Music] mostly alive it looks like there are survivors let's pick them up oh my heart is pretty sick they all live trophy earned oh my god oh we got the watch back [Music] oh the old man i i don't know how to describe him i mean you said you thought he was stalking you at first did anyone else in your group think that well yeah is it possible they could have killed him oh they're being like interviewed after no no you you don't understand don't you understand if he attacked you he saved my life and i watched him die i heard jessica i don't know how or why she was down there but i know i heard her he held it right up to my face well no one wants to hear him right now just stop talking he almost shot me shut up you go out with a guy for however long and you think you know him but man this one really takes oh i wish he did shoot you emily i was right there and i could have done something i tried to do something it wasn't good enough oh poor man how did you end up in the mines i was carried and taken and [Music] what did you see i don't know i don't i don't really needs to get to a hospital i'm amazed they're interviewing her right now he's out of his [ __ ] mind everyone's still gonna hurt us and i thought he was the one who attacked jess i thought we were close after a sister's disappeared he'd come and talk to me he said i was the only one who understood him i thought oh god love your sound connection if you need someone to talk to i'm fine sometimes after a traumatic experience i said i'm fine sam was like the real hero i feel like and i tried to get away but i didn't know i swear i didn't know didn't know who did you stab oh i i stabbed the maniac i didn't know it was josh but then he was the second house i supposed to know josh had all this sauce and a gun and oh my god [Music] you bringing in meat brain next can i kick him around a bit for me i'm sorry meat brain mr muscle brawn matt the incredible sulks is there something we need to know oh no nothing important except um you know how he basically left me to die up on a freaking tumbling tower like a world-class douche novel josh up emily your friend ashley she told her she tried to help you she said she heard you calling out go back and shoot mike what do you remember he came for me this is the second best ending because you didn't shoot her where is he did he make it you need to listen to me i don't care if you believe me or not doesn't matter because you will you need to go down to the mines what's in the vine sam i've seen what's down there and i'd give anything tonsi it could you could you answer the question there sam i'm not really sure what that means [Music] oh my god [Music] uh audio jungle we'll be fine let's have a moment to calm down oh banger song but i gotta lower it a bit just because which copyright you can still kind of hear it there yeah i've lowered it ah it's a good sign i i'm amazed we actually saved all the kids i don't think it was possible to save josh i might have [ __ ] up at one point in the stranger died but at least the kids made it out [Music] not possible to save josh okay stranger was doomed does a stranger always die at least we saved his dog that's the more important thing there ranger can't be saved okay oh my god like my heart was racing in those don't move scenes oh god like the last time i felt like like that much stress and tension for a moment in the game was literally when we were doing the permadeath breath of the wild run and we went through the [ __ ] hot clan hideout no nothing's ever come close to that moment for me and that actually did because like we made it to the very end ah god almighty [Music] that was good fun i i really enjoyed that david cage did not do this one but it's very much inspired by those games oh [Music] i'm so on edge i if you're hopping off now thank you so much for coming uh for this halloween i hope everyone had a good night hope everyone got a lot of sweets in apparently there is a post-credits scene some people said it yeah so we're not done yet we'll sit tight a moment or two we'll just let the credits roll just have a moment to calm down and then we'll get the post credit soon yeah that that was amazing i love playing that who's your favorite character i think sam is just the best character like she's properly a badass and she doesn't like lose her [ __ ] at the rest of the gang the close second will be mike just because he's like he's basically like an action movie star and he's pretty cool emily is by far the worst oh god are you going to play the dark pictures anthology games after this possibly at some point uh i know the next while i want to keep playing more phoenix right so as far as like rpg story games go we're going to be pressing on with that the next one but i will be down for playing them at some point i have heard the dark pictures games are not as good as this one uh i i've seen german play like the first two of them and they're like kinda iffy at parts i think until dawn is like a lot better than them i've heard the one that just came out is actually very good and it's like the best one so far they're doing like eight of them there's gonna be another one next year too um so you know i i hope that they're just kind of learning as they go along until dawn is way better yeah until donna is just really good fun oh god almighty my heart is just settling have you considered playing amnesia i've played amnesia on this channel uh we played the new one i played the original way back in the day i don't know if that one's still available on the youtube channel that would have been like 2013. that one freaked me out because the main character in that game is called daniel so it all felt a bit more personal [Music] oh god we're just taking a moment of calm before we get to our post credits yeah of these kind of games like like i mean that was phenomenal i love that i think the kids are [ __ ] stupid at some points but it's like really entertaining still um i know i love detroit become human at games that i it's just such a fun game it's like david cage like at the epitome of david cage i do want to try some of the other david cage games at some point i really like kind of playing these cinematic games they're just very fun minecraft story mode though that's my least favorite by far i hated that i i don't think i want to play any more telltale games after that one i know the walking dead is good i saw a playthrough of that way back in the day but i think i'm good for the rest of them [Music] oh my god minecraft story mode but it's made by david cage it's all a metaphor for society uh as ever i just see a lot of game suggestions being posted in chat uh there's a suggestion box on the discord server you're welcome to pop them there i actually have time to kind of go through them all there because there's like like chat is moving about a minute and i'll never be able to catch them all here yeah suggestion box on the discord i read everything that goes into that the best way to suggest games and a lot of games we've played were suggested there i know turnip boy commits tax evasion was one that came in there i think forza came in there at some point too amber thank you for the five gift subs and the thousand bits you're at and saving tomorrow i don't know how you did it uh today's actually the first year anniversary when i started streaming on twitch you're my inspiration for it i love it thank you for all you do with dan ah thanks very much amber glad you're having fun streaming thanks ever for being here always good to see you the kids living is the bad ending what are your thoughts on dr hill i mean i imagine dr hill isn't actually that mean but it's just like because you're in josh's head it's it's all twisted because there is like a letter that we found that says that he was like properly discharged i'd like to give harry hill the benefit of the doubt he's quite a funny comedian maybe he wasn't the best doctor we don't know his past i'm still confused now mike tamed the wolf but the wolf was just friendly and it just saw that mike wasn't a threat because like the wolves belonged to the stranger and the stranger was using the fight like the the monsters but like mike was just reaching out to pet and then the wolf picked up that this was a friend and he fed it too are you gonna continue the asmrt stuff i've talked about that for the podcast a few times uh it's simply because uh it takes too much out of me to maintain the podcast as well as like four streams a week so it's kind of just on hiatus for the time being i'm quite happy streaming four times a week so i'm not really sure what to do there at the moment it just takes too much out of me okay post credits time oh this is what the total warned us of [Music] josh is a hungry boy well they're dead but it's okay because they weren't the children so we don't care about them uh let's see final consequences uh mike successfully chased after jessica jessica was still alive uh jessica survived until dawn okay so so she can she just die if you don't catch up yes she can okay so we made the right choice by just like going to running after match up to safety matt found jessica and survived until done look how happy he is once bitten emily was bitten mike spared emily ashley was faced with dilemma and told the truth emily pushed past ashley pushing her at risk what the [ __ ] emily like ashley tried to help you and put your mind at ease i should have shot her sam found hannah's journal on the mind not heard the truth about the monster uh josh recognized hannah and hannah recognized josh oh so if you don't find the journal sam's not able to tell it to josh josh was alive trapped and cannibalistic the result of chaos sam escaped mike escaped ashley escaped emily escaped chris escaped well they all made it out in the house we got a lot of the evidence too they're bringing most stuff on the twins we missed a bit in 1952. uh this is related like the miners i believe the mystery man we got a fair bit of stuff here oh this is like josh is the killer i think is the wanna poster the the letters uh we missed a lot of totems complete at one pole [Music] press triangle on the totem screen oh [ __ ] there's something at the bottom oh [Music] defeated some time after the prospectors came to mind this mountain until a cave-in trap oh this is like the story and driven mad murderers cannons [Music] taunt them with fire thought them for five years after many more [Music] until one night a year ago i was finally able to get him in then i cut out we're not alone in the exact night while i was tracking the macapee it was tracking something else megapixel choice your friends over the mountain there was nothing i could do watch that die again [Music] oh [Music] okay i i assume someone's upload that to youtube could probably give that a quick look there for yourselves um yeah the full things on youtube i'm just seeing if there's anything else bonus content meet the cast making a scene the science of fear thousand pages the score from stage screen from stage to screen what in hell's name he looks very concerned in this one let's see [Music] america's northwoods border region within this land of ten thousand oh this is like all the research they did a hideous creature is believed to lurk the north woods is probably one of the last frontiers in america there's still a lot of places in in this area that hasn't been set foot by man it's just a wilderness monsters and mysteries exist here because it is remote it's cool to have a bunch of behind the scenes up in those woods winters are long just learn more about the game and tell them about it in isolation a devouring monster is believed to come forth it's terrorized native people for generations growing up i was told like don't go outside the windico will get you there is a copyright warning so i am going to stop that there just in case um yep no that's a good point a good cop we'll leave that there we didn't spend long in it super massive games i loved your game please don't sue thank you uh that is cool though that they have a bunch of behind the scenes stuff that is really cool oh and you have like episodes at the end now too so you can just like yeah you can pick like which hour of the night you want the play at and it's just the credits and that's been until dawn [Music] okay thank you so much everyone for coming by tonight i hope you've had a lovely halloween thank you so much for coming around hope you enjoyed the game thank you to everyone at sub jesus christ that's going quick that's probably because of the amount of gift subs thank you so much for all that guys there seriously you guys were incredibly generous tonight i do hope people enjoyed this i'm gonna just see who else is streaming we can leave you in someone's care spread the halloween cheer uh who is all going uh kelly is straight up just streaming amnesia the dark descent um so that sounds fun so i'll leave you in kelly's care [Music] get that going yeah uh also quick note for the next stream um i meant to mention earlier i think i will be streaming tomorrow i think me spiff kio and actually kelly are all going to be doing something ash as well we haven't decided just yet what we're playing uh but keep an eye on the discord server and i will update in the stream notice channel there what the plan is not sure what we're doing just yet but i think we were hoping to do something i got a double check with the gang thanks for coming though folks happy halloween to y'all and have a good night take care you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 97,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1192149489, Dawn, Halloween, Irish, Surviving, Surviving Halloween Until Dawn - Full Game Marathon, Until, Until Dawn, callmekevin, forza, full stream, funny, funny montage, game, minecraft, pokemon, rt, rtgame, rtgame full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames full stream, rtgames stream, twitch, video games, rt game, rt vods, rtgame vods, rtgame twitch vods, gameplay
Id: z9igMAqi3t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 474min 20sec (28460 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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