Jerma Streams - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Part 2)

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welcome back to animal cross this is would be day two vandal crossing I mean it was real I told her we were doing this yesterday garbage game in the middle of like a bunch of pogs garbage game it's all right don't worry man we've just changed one or two small thing that's good it's gonna probably flash for a second looks all right I do have to change this is here we go oh this is day two we changed the title micro games five hundred percent hurry this makes the sense but I mean this is like micro gaming isn't it animal crossing new horizons is this on the Gamecube no it is not is not so the question is am I gonna keep a face cam on for this talk I mean I turned it on already [ __ ] I'm gonna have to uhh well alright let's go you're gonna get negative viewers that's alright there's planning we're crossing them what's going on here it's dauntless a Donald Duck what's wrong with Donald ugh it's Donald Duck in the game we started lucky in this game was weird testing testing test test test hello every oh dear so sorry about that the volumes a little loud there it's the screen well this is what mean one me the screen make it bigger oh dear so sorry but that Diwali is a little loud hello starting today I'll be doing an island-wide broadcast full of island updates goings-on and such hmm I'll go over some things that are very important to island life so let me your island ears for a short time the only thing that we kick off this daily ritual with a doozy of an island announcement the salt crest Airport is now open for business don't say you can use online or local communication to fly to other islands for a visit that's not all no no no the airport counter now if is a postal service as well you just like the resident service center the airport's up in 24 hours a day so please drop by for a look I'm doing one of the items here and it too is a whopper hmm as this very gay brilliant fellow by the name of blathers would be joining its crest that's the as the let us in not a mocking dick I'm not [ __ ] giving you guys my Nintendo switch address that's a mistake but this very day blathers will be joining us install crest has a keen interest in biology asked him president he's here to study Salk arrest she'll help everyone lends their cooperation yes this is the museum guy all right let's go pick up Weasley [ __ ] let us in oh no not let you guys in there are streamer codes whatever [ __ ] weeds and stuff and hit rocks with shovels look at all oh that's gonna change I forgot about this guy that looks bad I don't want to look like this whoa look at all this mail happy home Academy greetings with a happy home Academy our goal we want to make your home the best all right give me it nope mileage program wish to express our gratitude for your continued use of the nooks stomp and nook mileage program the Adam you claim via hard emption is attached to this message oh right did I buy a bunch of [ __ ] yesterday hold on good luck crap in here wooden mini table sweet I learned it Oh DIY wooden table I need a hug wait I got a host now there's not a tent anymore this is a house hold on important congratulations of the contraction in your new home here a few tips our lights on and our decorating mode and open storage that's good and open the room brighter or dimmer this feature lets you easily make design changes and open storage yeah when in your home you can open your pocket select furniture are the items yeah I like that better okay what uh decorating oh I have anything I have [ __ ] okay well let's pick this up in the corner I'm so glad you have to push this and pull this in all that crap all right switch right here and then the radio of what this over here this house is pretty bad radio in the middle so we can vote this into our favorite tunes and then the switch should we can both watch TV in bed looks good okay no that's the same thing I threw everything else no alright let's let's go get the elephant slides that I had let's go for them in here I've got lots of mail and all this stuff alright hold on what's this one Oh eyes oh cool okay it's [ __ ] 3d glasses alright what do I wish I put my slides change clothes no my dear Jeremy how is your new life treating you are you eating well brushing your teeth washing behind your ears oh dear I'm all worked up here's a little something to help out eat it or plant it but think of me says mom this is nice this week alright elephant slide get it I gotta go sell a bunch of crap hold on I'll open slide oh yeah oh yeah it's just it's so good alright what is what a mom give me apples oh thanks mom which I turn it this way spin it there we go might get on it if I can't slide this this is not where the four thousand [ __ ] dollars I can't slide on his life you've got to be [ __ ] me what a way the net how do you just put something just put it away completely half aid don't hold how do you put something down down on d-pad okay I can't get on slide [Music] ring all right shopping at the loafers and can I throw this put this on CL to check your nope miles this the same slip-on loafers oh they're just what's the difference this marine it's not a big difference all right I gotta get rid of some stuff I can't even with my mill I gotta go talk to the museum guy dream house how many miles is it 500 is pretty good but it in the house storage this is relaxing no no I'm like this is good this is where I want to be okay how do I put this in here put in storage I'm gonna hang it on the wall I'm gonna hang the sneakers on the wall why would I do that all right let's put let's keep everything else and back to the future three what profession - darkbrown huh he was a scientist well they're blooming that's cool again it's good all the mail has been looked at right wait where's my um good night all right like everything okay all right water this [ __ ] he's gonna be beautiful the next time we play oh [ __ ] I just realized something so those you that weren't here at the beginning of the stream I'm not gonna be here for at least a few days I will be gone for probably four or five days so know that I don't like to say that but I have a lot of [ __ ] to do in my personal life so a lot of things going on that has to be taken care of how am I gonna do about animal crossing just play offline in an update us dude alright what if I don't what if I just like don't do that just play it off stream in an update you guys that's okay alright that sounds fun oh I'm not gonna play that much only like an hour so a day I might not even play like I'm gonna be so [ __ ] busy those of you that are curious I'm moving bang in Vegas I didn't want to make a big deal about it because obviously many people hear that word and it's really really bad timing too because just how everything's getting set here but staying in Vegas is going to a different spot and didn't want to really talk that much about it cuz obvious when people hear the word moving they go wait a minute why he's moving he's [ __ ] moving on not again what's wrong and so I don't want to you know make a big deal about it staying in Vegas if somebody want to link the is that there's a link is a hashtag exclamation point thing that explains why is Reid it's it's very it's right there it's a few sentences whereas nobody's got it right no no no no nothing that that the exclamation point there you go somebody gotta do why is it not working so I see since number of homeowners increasing I agree that we need oh this is the person who's face down I should probably do that I have every confidence that you'll find a way to handle this little puzzle holy [ __ ] he's [ __ ] moving is what I'm talking about that's what I was talking about the two of you have been training under me for how many years now this should be a piece of cake no more rumors I don't I don't know I don't think that's possible in Las Vegas to not have a rumor I don't think that's possible are you happy with your home isn't meeting your expectations that you'll be a lot more comfortable now us are so different from tents you've really changed up to Florian wallpaper we've got some built-in storage you can put away the furniture you aren't using there's more there's more all homeowners are automatically dresser with a happy home Academy it evaluate your home and regular basis and your helpful advice are they better you can evaluate my house no more strings for another season no no the move from Vegas - Vegas is not the same as the move from Boston to Vegas one of them's across the country the other ones in the same city so it I will be back within five four or five days it won't it's not gonna take that long trust me yeah the mileage on a hot air balloon I'll get there in like four six seven days so I'm like that or five years not four to five decades I'm not even gonna be alive in five decades oh my I'll be like 85 I'm not gonna be alive and when I'm like 90 oh that's like a long [ __ ] time why do I like Vegas well we I mean you're talking about a conversation we have dozens and dozens of times almost two years ago I'm here I love it here I love this city but I want to stay in the city pretty much it oh that 98,000 bells can I pay in miles can you pay it miles no let's not do italics I think it's Alec sustained here Leggett alex is staying in Vegas - that's the plan oh did look the last couple years has been sort of a trial period if it was something that we wanted to even do you know I remember this is the I've never done anything like this before I lived in Massachusetts my entire life so coming out across the whole country was like you know obviously wanted to spend a year or two years or so to find out it is something I actually want to do who actually want to be here more than a year or two that was one for everybody involved and the answer is yes and wherever you know wherever it's Alex ends up wanting to be that's where he wants to be and I'm pretty sure he's staying in Vegas that's at least a plan but that's kind of what this way it is right forget about the night baud command oh no end of the gamer hubs but is he still he's not staying with me no not anymore not after this week as Kevin yes Kim is coming with me and then I will we will be moving and so we'll italics as well but I can't this is but I obviously don't want to make a big deal about moving because I'm not going very far I'm staying in the city of Las Vegas so you honestly I'll be honest with you you probably won't even really see a difference or stream down time because the plan is by this weekend to be done we'll see what about Otto you also think that my dog is not coming with me what what are you talking about yeah keep going Otto you know I was gonna go get his own place I think Otto I was thinking about going and checking out some places he was apartment hunting the other day no he's he's my dog anyways again don't want to make a big deal about I guess it's not a big deal at all [Music] are you and Otto still friends payments can be made using the a beedi feature of the Nook stop I think that's everything in to tell you about homes today Otto is coming with me I've said it like five times I have a nice surprise for you I didn't you ready for this it's a premium Maya's Redemption on nuke miles ticket pretty sick what is a nuke miles ticket it's a conundrum moon we want to improve our island but still hold on to that deserted island magic well now you can do both adventuring yes just go anytime you want Metiria web project I just did what question do you have you got me you got me for 10 seconds what question what do you got what about sheet oh yes are you an auto friends yes do you eat ass I plead the fifth anything else no she's not I'm having a seder line are you still friends yes it's Otto a dog yes you got four more seconds what about chat you guys don't you guys don't live in my house oh yeah I don't know you will be coming with me my husband it plans to we don't know you don't you don't live in my and you know you don't live him you don't live here you guys are here in this house so how could I bring you to the new a new place you don't occupy this house this room here all right fine you ready I'm turning the [ __ ] digital vacuum on this is weird this is weird this is gonna get weird I don't wanna do that oh you got me two more seconds I'm not doing like a [ __ ] German sucks you up in a digital vacuum thing like that's something that's [ __ ] weird I don't like that you like the Olive Garden of course I do I especially love out of all the things there my favorite part about going to the Olive Garden has to be I'm actually [ __ ] just doing ads Olive Garden this whole stream I didn't even pay me any money or anything like I'm doing this I'm doing this from no reason I am like shouting out the [ __ ] out of the olive garden or at almost two straight hours I just this is just for this is just for Freight whatever that's it for breadsticks by the way they're endless you didn't know all right good I could play game Oh compliment get the camera off I'm play I can play game I've got playing a video game right now have to go to the counter in the airport zoom in of you have travels strikes now then go enjoy your life and the freshly built home wait don't they ever cycle alright let's go and we're on know when always some guys late it's getting late no I don't I do not want to put the cam on I think it's time to just kind of hang out and chill take out I don't I don't the camera doesn't have to be on anymore what's the point of the can't wants it camera have to be on four or every day and have to be a point I can does not have camera on when I don't feel like it you I here we go let's play what's in one of some chores I today Oh somebody's like on the ground over there right wait I gotta go down here well the [ __ ] game sound is beautiful I'm Tommy I'm so sorry I'm sorry alright what's that person that was on the beach get the bottle I don't have any room for the bottle I have any room oh my pockets are full already I just put it down I don't have any room I don't have room what is this elephant slide you know I just what is this ooh there's someone out there somewhere the latest trend to hit the waves is a little something I call self-care and how can you do that if you can't see yourself take a little you time to make this and any other recipe that floats - sure Oh woody full-length mirror that's cool let's go talk to the the new guy waves the waves are already the pool noodles that storms to come and brace yourselves lads hard to starboard tough to port Stern to stern oh it's not Donald Duck it's Donald Pelican blur do you have my middled herring pizza I already tipped online so he says we're bye where are you who am i oh hang on I know that one time none other than Gulliver a seafaring seagull of the seven seas were you the one who kept nudging me just now thanks for the wake-up calls those tasty hallucinations tend to sneak up on me he finds me hard to forgive this waterlogged birdbrain I'm reading your vacant expression as a yes you cuz I dozed off and tumbled overboard again that's an endearing character trait of mine my crewmates love it when I slip over the bow ha don't worry the fellows over here they're asking me in no time an ace up my wing you see I'll just call for help using my handy-dandy uh oh my oh my gosh my handy dandy communicators broken this isn't handy or dandy Oh sardines don't crack and Buster's looks like it's missing a few communicative parts that means I have to wait for my crew to find me on their own I can take a while I've only got enough nautical puns to last a couple more hours I'm begging you will you look for my communicator parts please sure surely Wow well haven't got interception this sweet and bubbly since I was washed up at old coral old or coca-cola communication parts are probably buried in the sand somewhere just Mission five parts find him I'll try to click get them back together again you're my true face I'm looking for me so I better stay here and watch my boat I like the searching to you I believe in you partner I don't have much of a choice but let me get this straight this character is not in your game but he's in mine right that's possible he shows up shows have been in everybody's this one this one everyone gets oh okay there you are okay let's give him some creatures pleasure to meet you my name is blathers yes I have come to conduct research if you will could you be that you are Jeremy the first sana JH who chose the location for this tent I am Glenda job indeed thanks to you I was able to I won't say I I was able to I I was able to get on here now regarding the F mentioned research the told I'm determined to open a museum and henceforth dwell on this island amongst you I just cover any new types of inspector fish come bring it here I will exhibit them as well as those you gave to Tom Nook there's one small problem I like the number of exhibits getting to secure permission to open a museum proper display cases will not do I'm told display kids or something display that is another matter where are you coming allow me to explain I need insects it's not just insects and fish I want fossils it's a substantial stretch of land beyond the river I would bet my pin feathers this primitive plot is flush with the fossils I require the river you say yeah I can't go over it boys a boat hit on one part me Jeremy well I transfer the vital data to your nook home like I wanted to drink out of that anybody else want to drink out of that thing there you see with good weather were gathered with would gather from salt grass one can make a legendary pole vault oall can be used to propel oneself across the river up and over you go hootie-hoo I sent DIY schematics for a shovel dig fossils from the ground as well which brings me to my point please Jeremy cross the river and seek out these ancient relics why they're not for too long but let me leave you with this time to open the museum I must acquire more items to exhibit 15 I hope you do it things to donate okay so I have take this mop I got a bunch of [ __ ] outside two pumpkins what happens I must maintain my composure I beg your pardon bugs I do detest them wait aren't you don't you want them so there's much I can tell you about the insect you apprehended if you insist that is no I know what a moth is that's the joke bugs the bane of my existence freshly sure the wretched thing will get the best of care here supposed to be funny Jeremy it was I went it by the way I wonder if you have anything else like if you donated I do here take this routine carp any facts about the coffee oh no no it's a fish I can eat algae hey 13 more this dude's going feral why am I going feral hey I will get plenty you know what I want oops don't do that look at all these animals I have out here it's going to clean up with a bucket let's go we will get the lure of the hermit crab I promise I'm not an animal hermit crab hermit crab thing I don't like bugs hermit crabs not a bug hold on hermit crab is not a bug is it like crustacean it's like a crab bug tell me about it in that case hermit crab is not an insect most certainly resembles one in blue it looks much like a spider with creepy eyes and crawly legs but it is in fact a crustacean as such the hermit crab has ten legs and also wears a shell but it doesn't grow this shell itself it slips a soft body I mean we're reading a Wikipedia article above it's at the first four lines of hermit crab entry that we don't need to do this I know what a hermit crab is strange many thanks to the donation any more donations I think I have one more yeah take this bag worm let him do the job evil loves it no he hates it apparently cos it it doesn't like any of these things all right you got it you can read it here caterpillar it uses silk it's very cute dangles they hide their bah their bog bodies and leaves they eat trees a villains let me in let me in wow they're so I've got more things for you Germans character the G okay all have of bugs and [ __ ] all right here's another centipede sure let's hit let's find out the centipedes name means 100 legs but I tell you now that's a lie these ugly bugs can have as few as 15 pairs or as many as a hundred and seventy one because of how their bodies are segmented they never have exactly 100 oh it's true you know what else is true centipedes are carnivorous aggressive and venomous bite is quite painful to horrible anywho my sincerest thanks for your donation no bugs are the bane of my existence thank you fun fact about centipedes if you see a centipede elite you're supposed to leave it alone the centipede is such an aggressive psycho it will eat and kill all the other awful bugs that are even near your property the centipede is like the ultimate ultimate hunter and they killed like scorpions and [ __ ] and spiders and just leave those [ __ ] alone let them just let them just wreak havoc on the pests that inhabit your house no one cares about centipedes I mean don't ya I didn't tell you to like to try to put you like touchy tongue on it I just leave it alone if it's in your house just get it out of your house but if you see when I like round your house I don't know just leave it alone I gotta bring my stuff this is a fossil wait that's enough fossil I need to get a shovel all right back to them I gotta go so it was one of my room last week yeah and it probably it probably wiped out the scary spider collection that and they have been in your house though you should be thankful of the centipede hello would you like to talk to me about um no no no I'm good team spider can I tell you I saw the I said I say the other day but this is a horse [ __ ] it was probably six months ago I saw a fake widow whatever they're called they call that fraud widows it's a good they look like black widows they big they legs us so tariffs it was terrifying it was just outside but it was those things as they're scary there's a it's a fraud yeah it's actually called like fraud Widow a bit of proposal I'm in proposal sure I'm hoping that you might be interested in collaborating on a new venture building a new shop after all eilen communities growing in our needs are growing too it does let's go offer a much wider inventory of goods but as you can see I'm a bit limited here spoke with our fearless leader agrees that we have a need that's the thing building materials are hard to get so can we set them aside for building a shop I really don't see it since we'll need those materials for residential projects but I have an idea yes yes yes you could gather up materials from around the island right from the trees and the rocks you even suggest that there will be zero impact to native flora or fauna false widow spider there it is I think I'm getting drunk we need a lot of materials for proper shops to bring in wood and here's the items 30 pieces of wood sweat ninety thirty iron agates and ninety pieces of different wood okay [ __ ] man alright well here I want to sell us a look here take this I want to sell let's get rid of these well should I get round I don't notice to sell it's all the weed I'm gonna keep the weed it's all the nest - yeah I guess so [Music] 1,400 bells I got money the bank ok I got money in the bank I got fifty five hundred dollars in the bank loan payment pay from savings let's do us do two thousand dollars onto our loan what am I gonna play odama next I don't I'd not playing that game again you'll never see that game again not happening okay so I need to find I didn't make a shovel let's take to make a shovel let's collect some stuff first let me go to there was a rock down here let me hit the rock hey bunch of wood to each tree has three wood is that three wood a day I might be able to do the shopping today probably done what's the easy part yeah oh I need that iron yo Jeremy hold on time for you in a minute get outta my way go stop get the [ __ ] out of my way I've got stuff to do oh my god you've ruined everything cool yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah nice thank you thank you thank you cool thanks for the lunch figured out make a lunch okay cool you can make a shovel down thank you just gold over there I don't I'm just okay thank you [Music] I'm rude I only have about five seconds to hit this stuff thanks for this thanks to that I'm so rude no yeah I'm clearly working and they got in my way you don't go walking through guys swinging an axe and go hey I have a question for you there's my face too close to your back swing down here just give you a shovel be more [ __ ] grateful hey Doc you're being rude to me it's a never-ending cycle of rudeness I see you guys next week for the City of Heroes dream yeah I'll be fun I'm gonna work together gonna have a superhero group of like tips 4000 of us old nugget nice I wasn't take to make a shovel here I'll talk to you I'm sorry my being pranked is there a hidden camera let's talk a game is dead love wait wait wait the game doesn't even turn on if the server's gone that's service icon I came to play that's he's a fan server ok [Music] there's a fan server well I don't want to diarrhea all over somebody's fan server with like 5000 [ __ ] accounts made on it I'm not gonna do that you better invite me over soon did I learn the shovel DIY play champions online here we go it's hardwood couple sleepover ooh wait I can make all this stuff I'm gonna make a little table and we're gonna make a mirror I have to have furniture in my house okay look miles what did I get I've got actually a lot of miles 5,000 is the inventory off great right furniture flour tender mm-hmm almost set the inventory upgrade very cool okay I'm need to make another ax I have enough for a nice yep that's a net that's not an axe okay do the pole I had a pole vaulter right new vaulting pole [ __ ] it's a two-fold [ __ ] I gotta get out hold on Oh lengthen I gotta get this stuff in my house I got to deposit some [ __ ] bareback okay so mirror Oh turn lights back on wooden full-length mirror nice what can I do with it I change up my look but you can I mean change up my look you can change your haircut and stuff it's kind of cool that's cool all right a little table nice and a elephants what the elephant slide down here I'll plant an apple Oh actually I plan to apple trees why not and this is a [ __ ] temple will hold up slides all right now I want to go back big pull and go across the river want 30min slowmode I don't think they do sure they do okay it begins so I want to go to help Donald Duck first I'll head down there cuz I can dig on the beach right hey come on that kinda was a bad haul sub-optimal grinding thirty minutes slow mode no I do that flimsy shovel and shovel what okay so I have to do look for holes things to take on the beach how the bird gave me the shovel did he say my steps on the beach all vault over here I need pole vault so you said use the shovel on the rock [Music] damn Wow that was holy [ __ ] that one had like 4,000 take a whole behind you so you don't get recoil back here it was huge there's an enemy's fire how do I use the pull ball this be quick Oh hold it all right nice here we go there we go there we go complete oh I played I can play okay I'm gonna play an apple trees over here yeah I'm gonna plant some trees here okay apples what cool let me do uh how far apart they have to be doesn't matter how far apart can I do it out whatever will is work I do it here I can do it right there right it doesn't matter it just does okay cool I have an apple garden just at least one space okay if you water them zooming right freeze don't need water okay I'm not gonna play some light after this that's something I haven't heard in a very very very long time dude you're gonna play smite after this all right I'm gonna I'm gonna make okay I'd be free apple trees there's a lot of stuff word crap I already have one of those though I don't anymore that's a huge fish huge fish I have any money I gotta get that space upgrade all right do I have enough of the upgrades I think I do it's 5,000 right come on come on 500 Oh what do I need to get there I need was an easy one just take a just take a picture all right just take any photo I'm gonna go get the inventory upgrade that's the plan boomer selfie I don't know why I'm laughing at that cuz I don't know what that means take the bulletin board is this free stuff tomorrow only at Tom nooks house just go in it's fine take anything sign Tom Nook well that's today it's still valid you still hoping 5,000 miles a pocket organization guide I will take it thank you [Music] we actually on 30-minute slow mode why we should not be come on 30 minutes alone would I don't want to I learned some tricks for organizing my belongings I can carry a bit more stuff holy [ __ ] that's so much better oh I can actually breathe is it almond or Wi-Fi it's free you don't way it was actually on I have some room for this [ __ ] and then I want to store other things need storage what I do I love here but back what do you want back you just you have the ability to speak now and you want it taken away from you why do you want that you don't actually want that he sounded like a cam girl when she reads messages better I've no what the [ __ ] does that even mean actually what what I don't even know if that means what are you talking about prove though that's true true it's true true true true true true true what the [ __ ] are you talking about I don't even know I don't know that references of reference to just I know what I know what it is I don't know what you're what do you do what did I say it's so true it's true what are you talking about I think it's just how people read messages in general I got dressed for this [ __ ] I don't know I don't know whether that was I mean earlier I don't want to use face cam oh wow what naked frame place might people have spoken the people have spoken clay Nancy Drew while you swallow a disc of smite installation disc one of four [Music] I am going I didn't store my items store your [ __ ] I know I'm being distracted by saying things about me they're saying things about me oh they're saying things about me alright store this store this store the clay strong staunch yes al I'll get the stumps yes my lord I will I will get the stones I do anything this or this [ __ ] and even I can imagine you imagine not seeing a bunch of movies and not knowing what the element is imagine not seeing a bunch of movies you took the universal [ __ ] Studios quiz okay you don't know movies Emagine alright so I need to go on you need to watch more movies Jermal walk what's the stack of a fruits one stack of fruits 10 20 30 ooh look at those Terra rock 40 feel like that's different from the last one alright I hear somebody that this is a strategy right you do one behind you so you can't be bounced back is this the strategy it is oh you [ __ ] panty series I got some iron though watched it okay no more what's over here lots of stuff no stop it I want to just check it to diagonally by you to hold that old back seating I distinctly saw three peaches drop and only one of them was collectible what's that I tagged up a fossil oh cool vacation here worth 20 was rare everything is rare in this game don't you know make a lot of money from the peaches there's $90,000 what that's pretty cool this time I'm ready yeah don't touch it I caught a tarantula the situation just got hairy I'm gonna get some more fish bring to the guy got a loach looking at me with reproach already got this one Oh two more spots nice awesome the fossil and two more fossils this game is terrible for joke stumps yeah but we gotta remember sometimes it's not about two jokes sometimes it's about shaking trees and picking up apples on bro it's not about sending a message why don't you make me do that it's always about the jokes it's not always about the joke sometimes it's about just there's always both a joke look if it was only joke it could joke exhaustion I'll I got much stuff let's go talk to the wait Xena it's a sentient rock wouldn't that be something I want nananananananananananana oh no no no no no if you eat the grass gonna blathers balloon present balloon present balloon alert attention streamer I wasn't looking how was it what's in it hopefully it's a fossil punch a clade yeah that's pretty good I only had one rare clay nice alright blotters I got some fossils for you I do take this is he dusted off no this is a fossil incredible wonderful remarkable my intuition was impeccable arefox is on this island after the matter of wing I must assess your fabulous fine let me see here hmm declare this to be a left the jello slide my feather is what a fabulous fossil this left a jello side would be a sizable step toward opening the museum I wonder would you perhaps deserve donating this to the cause yes I'll add this to the collection uh a mr. Michael a and ever thought I'd say I lay eyes on this bunch of preserved have left in the jello sighs dear me I might have to give you a short presentation on the topic Oh No oh sure wonderful missing stuff I assure you know where to begin Megalosaurus was a relative of the deer that lived during the Ice Age long after the dinosaurs also known as megalo Spiros giganteus which just means deer with large horns true to their name they were deer with antlers spanning roughly 10 feet across imagine the majesty while smaller than many dinosaurs they were nonetheless a very charismatic example of megafauna and that is what I have to say about that he's doing it on purpose he has to be doing it on purpose he has to be oh hello Soros only specials that can appraise a newly discovered fossil whether you choose to donate is up to you I was what about this bug tarantulas yeah let's learn in that case as far as go the tarantula is said to be quite docile but have you ever seen such fuzziness there barbed I tell you he's awful arachnids let loose their spiky itchy hairs to protect itself from predators seeing how fragile is also prey on frogs mice and even birds one must ask who needs protecting from whom who indeed anywho my sincere thanks a loach I don't care it's all in the fossil that I've dug up that then the magellan stone whatever was called is it that can I know sell that is that I don't have to give it to him anymore you can you can send off to get it again place it place the fossil he's donate why do you have where do I place it place it like up here outside on the ground I already donated it keep getting him fossils I couldn't select it you get it again no you did not what but when I all the fossils are grayed out when I just talked to her you talking about okay wait he has to assess the fossil first and then you can donate it assess all souls okay look at this take them both sometimes it's automatically donated oh my god these are rare fossils what are they [Music] t-rex skull how did I bring this in here t-rex skull everybody say it wait wait a minute there's me I might give you a full presentation oh my can I sell a t-rex skull for I know what it's here X isn't business I'll put it outside hold on put it outside it's it wait there's a hundred thousand valves to sell it okay well I'll let me place it down prison oh yeah it doesn't show up on the ground I know it's not the right one all right this is the IRS Archy up to trace our K o RK o RK optics Archaeopteryx the off of the Archaeopteryx take it we it is an Archaeopteryx so preserves Thank You Lee five more though I need to give let's go back out and explore okay I still need to do your thing hey communicative parts come out wherever you are I'll answer what gives looks like they've all clammed up all the sudden buried their heads in the sand sort of deny responding to him right what am i typing this for right okay buried in the sand what was that here's me communicator park yeah communicator part 5g chip and the other the little waterspouts ain't five right prophet is infected with 5g ah no more how the beach yeah so this way okay get some more of these plans I want that fish - yeah give me this fish right it's a big guy holy dude cut a red snapper it looks pretty dapper come on a little waterspout No Marge nothing nothing yeah hugs spotted that's okay bug bug bug bug it said go get the bugs bugs bugs bugs bug bug I know bug hey I see a tinted rock come on I'm here wrong come on get it here comes Oh No that's gonna float out right in front of them really I I [ __ ] can't believe that just happened my sweaty ass hand just to hit the button I was there I just like my remember again I'm gonna say this again and I know people are gonna be like I know here it comes again you can press it every single switch button where you've done every single one every single button on the switch control are gonna be pressed with one thumb all right bug on rock he's now using the pro controller I'm not a pro there is this bug on rock as you were describing down hey look at that up left the middle of the island on the big black rock yeah I'll get the net out preemptively up left big rock up here I don't see any bugs it's Fisher and really weird spots it's right next to you just turn North the bug bug on chair of course he turns to the left the second ideation I caught a horse mackerel of course buggies behind you okay okay looking for another bug ogden bugs yes I got a warp roach Wow Wow whoa it was nice let's cool I have one more and then we're gonna go donate thank you yes yes I finally got it I got it I finally got it thank God it took so long they took that took so long yes - yes oh I'm never gonna delete that that's gonna stay there forever how do I get there new subside big guy ah come back put the Paul in your ring all right let's go give Donald Duck his communicator parts my pockets are full Oh drop it [ __ ] sea snail oh I want to say it but I don't want to do know what I mean I want to say it but I don't want to don't even want to like oh I just I don't know why I feel like saying this right now I hate that word but the way that he's this likes I just it's [ __ ] up it's [ __ ] me up Barry what what I just Barry I'm begging you stuff down I'm gonna turn into mica time do it for me cuz I want ice I had to do that for me I don't want this it was a private one yeah please watch it I've seen the video by now I don't live under a rock okay I've seen it target blathers is it everyday I've got something for you too coupe guy not in chat anymore no he's not he's got like the band and like the poopoo BLT guy is gone I don't think if you seen him in chat again oh it's a mega cero tour so you can have it listen to the description please I wonder if you've anything else do I don't think I do actually yeah I do I got bugs and [ __ ] it's [ __ ] roach tell me about the roach I see in that case Wharf Roach is an omnivore which is merely a polite way of saying it will eat almost anything this skittering scavenger and its uncouth appetite help keep beaches clean it said I dare say their long antennae and bulging eyes turn my stomach unappetizing indeed what is the proof somebody came in here and said that they like God that they were eating a BLT [ __ ] sandwich or something and they made everybody lose their [ __ ] minds Chatwood nuts I went nuts it was a huge problem we calling it the become of the BLTs [ __ ] sandwich scenario of [ __ ] 20/20 okay let's connect multiple donations I can't do multiple donations at the same time you want some facts and Lulu this big guy red snapper we'll get the facts on the snapper give us some back hit us with the factory red snapper is the common native dozens of fish species and I wonder why it's so popular there's so many types of fish that I've both a shade of red and have a tendency to snap garnish grasper fuse pincher fascinating stuff oh thank you once the museum is complete there you go one more donation this is a crack stream they're all crack screams oh god news please hey look what I did we'll get into the link I'm gonna click on it okay yeah sure Hey all right there it is and and those of you and and you don't think and use the thing that yeah and you don't get that person should have C received exists a 25-minute time out to something like that you don't think oh and I'm the bad guy I'm the bad guy you don't think that that deserves like a 20-minute [ __ ] timeout like just relax and like and go over your life for a little bit alright ran back in it let's see if this thing can send a message hi there cruise me you're a broader from another rudder so listen it happened again can you swing by to pick me up any Mike wardens now Gulliver over a now that should do it the best thanks for all your help I promise to return the favor be sure to check your mail in a few days I'm gonna send you something that'll knock your flippers up look at this dude firemen yeah fireman's in a lot of game nothing to do now but paced back and forth the next few hours did I get started I can play doom eternal I don't know maybe I had a choice to play Doom or this and I chose this way I still have two points two more Gulliver quest what about resin evil 3 absolutely without question I will play resin able three resin evil 2 remake was my favorite game of last year so I will absolutely wait all right so I got yours eurozone you said a few days need one more thing to donate which let's see I really have very much let's go sell these peaches let's go sell all this crap of a halflife Alex I can't do it I can't do it right now not only am i moving i I still have this thing [ __ ] chest and back problem I'm not gonna be able play that at launch he's moving all right I forgot like every hour there's another like new thousand people I've keep I forget that sometimes um yes yes staying in Vegas staying in Las Vegas let me get the hashtag what the [ __ ] is he talking about why is he moving but they've done yeah sometimes I forget this is LA if there's this 5,000 people that are here right now that means that five to six hundred every ten to twenty minutes are cycling through it's a very remarkable piece of data if you ever get a chance to look at it sell all this stuff I don't make some money here right with clams all the Powys very remarkable data LMO who the [ __ ] is this guy I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry I got a little like a little smart there let me like back up a little what is this one got it what is this reddit was the same what is this one's saying got it got it I can't hear it got it got it got it got it got it got it - got it oh right from War II where okay I've really showed it oh this is I'm so happy I have this recorded because randomly I'm just gonna play that and people are gonna think it was real sneeze and I'm not gonna not gonna be funny or anything this is gonna be I'm gonna be sitting there going like I'll make noise beforehand - I'll be like and done I can buy these from you for whole of 7 mm - gosh sorry and they just keep going I'll go all of my with my day I'm gonna do that all the [ __ ] time prepare and then I could buy these review 7,000 bells is a lot it sounds so real it was real it was real three in a row okay here we go ready I want you guys to start writing like what the [ __ ] is wrong with them like that's too many in a row like dude do you have allergies I start writing that [ __ ] how many is that in a row oh my nose this so tingly it sucks no [ __ ] oh geez oh I think the room is gonna dusty - room is so [ __ ] dusty I'm sorry I shouldn't open up the bag of flour in here I was a mistake yeah beasties what happens anybody know what happened to city buddy know what happens each sneeze like said it's hazel ku where do we sneeze sector times in a row I get to thank you what that's fine let me sue sue sue sue yeah hey sue sue sue [ __ ] never sneezed mouth it's hired new life oh ok I think they're gone I think they grow I think that's it are there any more in here Jesus okay so what I was saying was I I saw the Star Wars movie and it was [ __ ] it was I mean it was okay if you huh thank you thank you oh thank you thank you yes thank you [ __ ] I'm okay now I think somewhere it's movie very topical did you lost 150 viewers it's alright I'll be back tomorrow I'm a [ __ ] psycho I gotta relax okay what's next am i had your stuff to do now I oh wait a minute I need one more awesome one more I gotta get let me go get a fish and then the airport yeah let me get this last fish and then we can figure that out there's my fishing rod god this game is so good alright took it off um okay how do I put it on my thing register magic sneezes were real well that's not where anything put that old tire can be repurposed I've got an idea for a DIY project wait that's kind of cool really be fish I haven't seen oh I've already seen this I probably need to go this way I'd go to them and go to the river I want a rare fish it's where he does that sometimes when I'm watching the streams he does that fake Boston accent almost like he's pretending that he's from the area that he's actually from anybody know why he's doing that enter question mark with a flounder I caught a dab not bad it's a nameless fish well there's the last thing to give to the museum look at the bugs okay no bugs all right let's do the museum and then I'm gonna do the airline ticket thing actually it's called a nose wipe yes all right I misspoke did I do this one yeah I did yeah it's pretty looking how someone whose that is although you've not you you're nominating different worst joke take me more than five minutes yeah okay I see the title well that way you don't think a guy even look I can see with the title of what clips are being made I can see it over there assess this I'd like to make a donation I like it and then the museum can open probably tomorrow let's actually let's give them facts the dab the flatfish that bears some resemblance to be all the flounder we all have flowered and though their mouths are different personally I'm more really fascinated by each fish's eye placement the dabs eyes are both on his right side while the olive flounders are on the left it's been lots of time lying on their sides in the sands the odd eye placement make some sense it's incredibly disturbing finally upsetting defense and there you have it fascinating stuff once the museum is complete it should be displayed with the utmost dignity I do believe this means yes we have acquired a number of specimens required unfit as I am the loss words never would I have imagined we could reach our donation goal on this my very first day on the island made this possible the passion I am humbled by the spirit of salt rest Mountain now we can submit our application to build a proper Museum oh I'm a I'm a must make haste I gotta prepare all this [ __ ] dude I gotta there's an opening that I gotta be ready to open tomorrow there's supposed to do let's go thank you so much Jeremy all right dunh dunh both tasks completed in record time now we go to the airport holy [ __ ] he's chasing me uh uh okay gonna turn around Phoebe do something Phoebe Phoebe do you ever get the [ __ ] out of here that was bait the whole time I had confidence the entire time I'm gonna sell this mean wait guys hat wait what if I just keep it in my house I'm gonna have a pet spider now I plate oh my god its friend its friend his friend showed up oh my god I'm so scared oh my god oh my god what do I do what do I talk I was trying to go forward - it didn't work twice it's okay but here we go go France Allah show it off place so wait let me there's no room I can't put it on the table yes Wow it's just you and me this is so cool right here okay fine what you want to watch oh you can watch that on switch whatever you want what on anything small he's gonna binge rocket power I come back in watch history is like every single every single [ __ ] season every single episode of like doctor who has just been watched all liked v twenty years of the series okay so now go just just go to the airport what a mediocre show um I think what you just said right there I'm 99% certain that somebody's going to scream in your face because you said that like I would never scream at you where am I going it was the airport down here but what can I do I can go to a Mystery Island after who bad doctors really bad hey welcome to your Noli gateway to the sky's the salt crust Airport thank you meet you I'm Orville ground crew for dodo Airlines dodo Airlines the crew may be flightless that doesn't mean you have to be another Island my friends this one go on a mystery tour this the place to be oh we've also got a mail service at this airport sometimes Oh letters yes better you know if you want to send somebody a note take a gander to your right got all kinds of cards at the card stand by the way you're Jeremy right it's a small island word gets around I just got a new miles tickets from Tom Nook with Jeremy written on it which makes it yours so if you want to use this ticket you just gotta say the magic words I want to fly got it so Jeremy you got anything to tell me thank you guy on fiber for your voice acting that I paid for it was like $14 appreciate it I want visitors I want to fly wait I wasn't listening people party mail they have a card stand here look I can take a message on a card for 200 bills or send a letter sure no some other time I want to go to Mystery Island okay I'm not letting chat join this I I will ruin my whole game I want to fly it people gonna come out here just like stopped throwing grass on the ground it they're gonna do like the Dark Souls thing where they just drop [ __ ] humanity everywhere do you game crashes I want to visit someone I want what should I do they used the Nook miles ticket you want to use your nook miles ticket Roger in that case I'll just take this ticket I got from Tom Nook ready to get you in the sky right this minute but let's just check how you all pack tools already um wait not yet yeah what happening do I wait actually anything okay a lot of the crap in my inventory from chat no I don't want anyone to I don't want to visit somebody from chat they can like groove verse [ __ ] Google Image Search my game and find my game I'm not doing no trove he knows it he's paranoid hey what are you watching he's [ __ ] scary I would never be able to have a tarantula for a pet never in a million years they're just scary I'll be honest and as I know they're not and I know that's me just being that's a [ __ ] I know but they're scary they're terrifying to me it terrified the [ __ ] out of me all right what do I need to bring I need a only the watering can shovel net pole-vault slingshot doesn't need the umbrella axe okay I need a fishing rod yeah all right visit at Alex I'm just saying visit Vinnie wave my rod go I didn't like but they like playing their games okay I'm not gonna code like it invade anybody I don't like a [ __ ] - Dark Souls invader another Dark Souls reference there it is didn't have any say multiple times he didn't want to do online yeah that's what I'm saying it's not like okay I'm gonna listen if a bunch of if this say somebody who has was in their house just sitting down like on their bed and hanging out with some people and then there's like a whole group of people in another house that want one person to go over to that other person's house you'd go to that verse dose go I'd go check out that person's house all right I'm going and I'm like I go over there that [ __ ] suck climb it up the window knock on the window hey red hey can I come to your house it's like I'm dude I don't want anybody over here right now I know bugs me I just me man I'm coming over right now I I don't want anybody over hey I'll kick this guess come in window [ __ ] slided these peers thanks man oh that's good one and you got any food I don't know what you're saying I want to do it then we'll do it go set it up to die I'm sorry I well what are you gonna imagine me look at me all I see your face right there you're looking at me with a bad face you got a buffet-style [ __ ] party here who do you want me to do you don't understand guard [Laughter] [Music] by drunken Java at 3:00 a.m. that's a stupid that's un-fuckin'-believable all right put the fire out oh no it's not even scented hmm all right I want to I'm going to the Mystery Island I've got my tools wait no I don't I need a fishing rod building oh yeah I did that joke yesterday I'm not gonna do it again I know I mean we're gonna repeat the same thing we just did I'm gonna go the I am the shed it and then I'm gonna do the rethink but he spins I'm we already did that yesterday it's been less than 24 hours as I did that remote we just saw a frame of nudity and what is this fire toy oh cool all right what does a fishing rod take three branches shake shake shake shake what is that shake shake shake shake shake shake that's for mischief makers for the Nintendo 64 I'll be playing that just farm tarantula just have a house of tarantula can I just have like every business pile in my house be tarantulas just ride the bride's in the amusement park level go to the new Island all right I got a big I gotta have a fishing rod man and you gotta tuck it in all caps to me little annoyed by this okay so we got we just need to get rid of these sell the twigs who cares who cares sell [ __ ] you Jeremy you rock kind of a weird statement to make it back to back there no I want to sells out be eight Oh [ __ ] I just drop on the ground I'm gonna go on the plane now go job Gemma nice one dude I'm sitting my chair right now leaning back nice one dude bidet [ __ ] this guy [ __ ] this guy [ __ ] this guy [ __ ] this guy [ __ ] this guy God he sucks [Music] who would have guessed that he would use that clip you may think I might be overdoing it but do you and if you haven't been here for a while you might not know I've been waiting so long to get that up real sneeze recorded on this stupid [ __ ] thing it's been a Middle East but through four or five months I'm sorry I'm gonna use it I've been waiting I got my new toy I'm gonna use it all right it's the way it is it's just the way it is resti Airport I want to fly let's go to Mystery Island Luke the sneeze for three hours I would people leave they really would I mean we make jokes to people would actually be like [Music] hi I'm for takeoff did you delete almond or Wi-Fi yes I did but I want this is dodo tower Wilbur you copy got a walker who needs wings Roger we got how much time do I have on you there's a limited amount of time here you down and dr. target this time getting your pontoons went on tour let me brief you on the mystery around the Finders Keepers protocol here lumber root fish whatever yours if you can carry it will forget one I can requisition for your placement not a charge you miles though there's one red line item you need to memorize the leg your favorite glute I order gonna give me behind stays here we don't come back to these places actually burn the flight plans afterwards security reasons no go catch some bees oh wow holy [ __ ] look at these flowers what what I just take them I get if I'm gonna just take everything we should go free we'll get this right [Music] yeah it's good use the shovel on the flowers [Music] look how what's the difference oh it's actual plant use the shovel I know I say I know I see the column trying to get that excited about it trying to stay rounded I just take them all no I don't want this is this is that both is it left if they just told the guy just told me on the dock take everything you can carry I see a stinkbug and missed it and I'm [ __ ] furious how could I be so stupid how could I mess that up I can sell this stuff sneeze alert mean sneeze alert wait okay hold on so you talking about I just need to do this like that this is gonna work cool very cool oh he gets it he gets if it gets it I dunno this coconut I'm gonna make economic I'm gonna plant the coconut tree oh so bugs now those are dumb I don't want this actually I'm running at it face it on stack he's not stacked do they No Aryan oh [ __ ] okay let's talk of Miriam great to meet you how are you I'm Patti welcome to my type plastic island getaway it's got my darling but ability I want to be a pop star and all pop stars own Island your dreams result Christopher hating the folks make a a new fans I don't think better than keep me back and chillin on an island would be to do it forever and in time an island is the best way to find your inner calm and I hug it as hard as you can I lived on an island Wow I'd be the calmest most relaxed how pop star ever met we want to live on my island those basalt crest oh my oh my gosh yes I could move to any old Islands but this is way better since you'll be there you hear that world I'm moving to salt crust yay sarcastic oh my gosh my big big ah so stressful so much to do Oh calm down center yourself um find your happy place calm down okay so all I'm gonna do is get this train going is talk to Tom Nook easy and not wait to have a cheek salt crust zip code welcome see when you get there's another rock I see a rock okay drop this I got to replant some [ __ ] so let me okay we're gonna do one of each yeah okay and then plant No plan I've so many yellow one let this to stupid what it means stupid don't plant next to rock why why why what's going on just eat the peaches don't have to dig I don't have to dig oh I see what you're saying I get it now now I understand oh [ __ ] it it's already ruined yours I think it's already broken in front of me what am I gonna put it up now it's over well coconuts giving them mm milk miles wasted no it's not it's not it's my first time on milk Island it's okay I accidentally brought home to many plants and I wouldn't even look tonight dig up the tree guy take a coconut tree with me meet zero to ten okay now I can can I take this with me oh my god it's gonna put the take over another one brutes are steroids wait why is it one of the 10 friends of ie10 and you'll die it sounds bad take charge oh okay these have been planted on the beach yeah well oh wait what about my problem with having Beach real estate I'll call you all you objective following me around I swear to God if following me everywhere they just are there everywhere got you yes swapping swap it with these two stones okay anything else that I can do you got a lot of stuff teachers are not SPECT eat the tarantula luck it eats your Angela shake pine tree nothing but my fish so how do you keep getting tarantulas [Music] just will check my seed Oh worthless go back in I caught up boot swap it can I turn this into something waffle with like a no three branches I could wear these do I found another one and got a recipe can you get two boots you can make a pair shoes that's funny what is it tadpole tadpole another fish over here there's a lot of fish in here carp if I had known I could do a carpool or swap it with I don't know not a row oh all right I'm gonna get some all the peaches and it's time to go I can grab the flowers just actually pick them off you plant those goddamn flowers I mean when I get back I will drop them why well you don't need peaches can I just land them in here wait aren't I just like you believe it this is the mystery island only just like leave after this and who gives a [ __ ] wait I come back here is what he's saying oh no you don't know you never do okay uh I wanted these flowers I want to keep the plants are useless right islands just Brandon Easton though don't need so many I hate to break another hole just whatever this one's already I've already expelled that one after the Kyle I already got the cow-house coming keep plants drop flowers okay so what should I pick up instead wait there's a centipede in here I hate it another couple of fish I try to get another fish every island is a piece of Rancher in the trees really keep kidding guys get it what the hell is that rattan wardrobe well okay time to go that's it I got all do you think I want I to move alright let's go home huge fish alright I'm gonna try to get the huge fish huge [ __ ] fish I'm going for it [Music] come here get it oh I caught a koi swap it swap it with the back row I don't want the back I got a koi there's another big one right here ko is very rare is it really nice is it really that's so cool it actually is I do boy number two what should I get rid of the clay I throw my hat in the river throw away the boot okay I throw the boot boy well it's fun time to go back no get the boot wait get rid of the shovel I have a flimsy shovel don't a bag just drop this I'll pick the boot up I'm ready to leave I'm ready to go home [Music] [Music] is that this time in this dream that I'm going to go appraise some of the stuff and move stuff around well we're gonna start doing bits as we're getting to the end of the stream we're gonna hang out still it's time to say our goodbyes probably before four and a half days or so see you guys very soon hey what's up you want to talk are you getting stuff together to build as a shop good hustle found some that helped light things here you go I can't carry this right now iron nugget into an extra heavy free weight but so I'm gonna put something on the screen just people realize that this is like kind of the end it was no what's going on this is text I was great [Music] there says it Sosa's end of the stream wind down so you know library scream please be quiet all right so I got a bunch of stuff and we start going over the bits no hey that guy tag this is a long time it was like six and half hours ago next to the fifteen hundred bits tag newer USB 3.0 capture cards have no delay so you don't have to do audio syncs with them yeah I'm just a [ __ ] loser and I just I'm using the same equipment from like 2014 that's pretty much all there is to it it's really what it is that's pretty much what I'm using the same equipment from like a six and a half years ago it is a true statement but thanks tag hey new new place after the move I'm gonna be professional streamer okay new uh new place resolution New Year's resolution thanks a lot tag you said it ooh I can make washers whatever they're called that's cool but thanks a lot that's $15 per tag s 10 W update I know your name is slow update but I like saying it that way thanks to the 250 hey Jerome I'm happy to be doing it again glad to see you in at least functioning condition if you live in your best life and can't wait for the Germania whenever that will happen peace and love hopefully at some point in the flow in the fall that'll happen wait are you moving again yes staying in Las Vegas we can get a exclamation point while you're moving one of the [ __ ] thing is now can I keep I'm gonna keep one of these boy [Music] but the game of the theater screen uh I don't really want to do that because I'm kind of still playing it uh how can I have a [ __ ] like a fishpond place item oh that's not enough room there's needs to be five times bigger push table up against the wall I can't it's so small well I'm donating one for the museum yeah hopefully the Durham a rumble stuff that'll happen the Boston Marathon if you don't know it got pushed who hopefully in September so that's the whole point of having the screen there who's gonna sponsoring one of my friends runs from Boston Marathon's Oh now let me go donate some these things Thank You 250 Thank You GU berry juice to the 250 minigames for the mini streamer of sub laughs out loud moment can't watch the stream tonight as I got to work I got work to do I hope you had fun nonetheless hope you move goes well and you like your new place me too also make sure to give that Alex a can of beans before you drive him out of the forest thanks for the - oh I can't donate anymore wait can I not anymore until them using them to open Guu berry juice thanks again for 250 also I found your nudes idiot yeah that was an accident that was an accident one accidental frame of my like bare shoulders oh well y'all know the photo it's okay should I sell this other what else do I have wait I want to plant these um all right I'm gonna plant bottled up get out of the way I want to plant those coconut trees can't play with other players in their body well how do I shoe a mocker butt Thank You goober just appreciated we should find pretty sure I appreciate my nudes I guess what yeah a lizard amiibo thanks to the 250 lizard amiibo says hey germ it's my birthday on Wednesday happy birthday on Wednesday happy Wednesday birthday not excited to spend it at home but I guess I'll just have to make the most of it anyway it's been a great stream already it's hard to go wrong with WarioWare the luck with whatever that stuff you got going on this week and stay healthy I'm gonna try I tapped Donald accidentally it just touched him I just like poked him like yeah he got like the stick just like I'm not trying not to poke him in the eye but how happy birthday lizard to me well wait ah my plate is up here at birthday on Wednesday where'd he go what oh I wish I liked about what the [ __ ] he was hiding behind the tree hey here's my garden you got outsmarted by our spider nice yeah that's cool I'll have a big garden over there eventually so we're gonna spank you thanks with 250 they say here it is I'm not sure what here it is it's a clip of something says regret ugly garden whilst its ittle it's gonna be ugly for little one here what this is you guys here and this down for a second alright I don't know what this is supposed to be but we'll find out together I don't know how to remember what's called Texas anyways Thank You spaghetti squeaky also thank you to archives for 500 bits thank you archives archive says hey German you may not be able to answer this question but I'm going to ask you is he one of my biggest inspirations when I stream I get it is weird mova I feel like I am NOT myself because I'm in front of a live audience do you have any experience with this I love streaming but I can't seem to find the niche where I'm comfortable and enjoy every stream well actually I'm way more comfortable in front of 10,000 people than I am in front of five so I'm kind of the opposite way I could go in front of us I could go in front of a stadium and do anything and say anything but you put me in a room with less than ten people and I will have no [ __ ] idea what to do it was 4,700 people yeah I'm rounding up rounding up from there was 7,500 people here earlier rounding up a little what I can't round up on my resume why not but I mean really all you can do with streaming then trying to find what you want to do is just you just got to start throwing spaghetti at your fridge and see what works see what you'd like to do see how you feel and just try to do the best you can try to have the most fun you can and see what happens and trying to get more comfortable is I mean that's a process of i back in like 2000 [ __ ] 10 I mean I can't say that I mean I guess I was kind of on a scam and stuff but I I don't know I feel like I've always kind of just been I've always kind of just been the annoying center of attention weirdo so I've always been a look at me you know I'm saying like I've always been I've always been that like [ __ ] annoying guy that's like hey I have something to say today and everyone's like ok Jeremy's gonna talk now I guess we're all gonna [ __ ] just have listen for the next five straight minutes I'm gonna pick up my phone and just pretend to be listening so I but I've kind of been comfortable doing it for a long time but the best way to get better is to just to keep trying and see what makes you comfortable do the things you'd like to do play the games you'd like to play and stream the way you want to stream its your stream remember it's you see you doing this he's wasting electricity no I'm [ __ ] tanning right now come on wait where's my tanning light here we go I wish you the best of luck though with streaming and everything Heldrich thanks for five dollars I saw you coming out of the Starbucks bathroom chewing something but I was too anxious to ask what you what it was I cannot [ __ ] believe that I just read that without realizing what they were talking about thanks for five dollars a john with no H thanks for the 500 bits Irma after yeah yeah yeah yeah yep yep yep yep yep that's [ __ ] funny very hilarious all these kinds of words that you wrote down here mm-hmm you also say I just finished that BLT uh-huh I hope you enjoyed that bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich a staple of America yes thank you for the $10 John I'm not even sure if you still live you might not you might even be potentially banned I might even be speaking into the wall right now what is the next time you're gonna stream I will answer this for you I'll answer this for you because the rest of your two-bit comments have been unreadable just absolutely unfuck incredible when do i stream in the CVT time zone well I stream Pacific Pacific time which is the west coast of the United States I'm in Las Vegas Nevada thank you for your question and goodbye forever because I probably won't see you again you may have been permanently bit thank you okay anyways ash six eight six eight six eight thanks for the thousand bits what a tyrant Neera I really have enjoyed your content for a couple years now and I also love JoJo's Bizarre Adventure can you say Killer Queen really loudly you should would Killer Queen Jodha I don't get it there you go thank you thanks to the thousand bits a man with the baby hands thanks to the thousand bits died to WarioWare wheel omegle oh yeah I think I got a good tan I told WarioWare will ya sort of not really though I'm gonna go sell a bunch of [ __ ] wait I got this wait I got this wardrobe sorry let me see what it is that's ugly and I don't want this to change no I don't I'm not really into like the wicker basket looking stuff for furniture I mean I'll keep it but whatever sorry hey a video game thanks to the 300 bits video game says a German thanks so much for a fun run of streams the past few weeks it literally moved halfway around the world from home just before all the virus stuff started and your streams have really helped me keep me happy and sane during all the stress best of luck will you move and hope you keep safe and healthy yeah that's the the worst part about moving now is just it was all planned you know obviously was you try to make a plan as best you can and then all this stuff that's happening to think well what do I do now [Music] we've been trying to figure out the best course of action to do this and stay healthy and avoid any potential issues and it's kind of tricky game is too loud oh but we can do our best that's all we can do thank you video game for the three dolls moving halfway around the world it seems like what the [ __ ] is that thing is this a go crater here what's his crater what is this thing this is the lava look I dug up a thousand bells what do I do what should I do with this plant it back let me plant it back plant it back pull it Berrien hole put it back whoa am I gonna have a money tree are you serious that's so cool I can actually have a money tree Wow nice that's cool I can't wait to see that in like nine days game time hey John with no H they are again thanks for 300 bits remember these are the last of my bits I'm done with the BLT joke chat thought it was hilarious and clearly your sense of humor is several levels lower than mine because your initial reaction was to have me timed out I love you stream and look forward to the next time you use the Starbucks yeah yeah my bike humor level is so much lower my humor level is just so like it the ten rungs down on the ladder underneath I can't even say it out loud you know what it is make it permanent yeah I love it I love you know I'd like no no no alright thank you see you learn thanks for the bits I appreciate it but you've been 30-minute timed out that's right I don't give those out that often that's a personal 30 minute timeout and not right now on the night on the starter than on the next of the night of the next start of the next stream it begins 30 minutes who are you at the moment that the next stream turns on oh that's got staying a little bit too you don't it thank you hey thanks a normal user for the 300 bits Dermer you're stupid thank thanks to the thanks for the 300 money's thanks to this prenup it's the man with baby hands six five hundred bits of all the GameCube games you own you picked the one where you pick up trash for 90 percent of it that's fine I wish I had a bigger net so I can catch bigger bugs Oh what if I caught a bug so big that I couldn't even lug it around you need a bigger net I don't know more cos pork is thanks for $30 there's no message just 30 bucks that's a big [ __ ] drop let me try to catch some fish here no message just 3000 bits just a bunch of money thank you come on take it please move the text is [ __ ] the animals stuffing thanks for 30 bucks man that's a lot of money just to give somebody and this is no message just thanks for 30 bucks I wish I was a to Olive Garden thanks to 300 bits me too man me too me too [Music] half map map map map ah all right there kill [ __ ] thanks for the thousand bits I don't watch movies I don't listen to music I don't watch TV what do you do to pass the time when not streaming walk Auto for three days no talking to the mirror and pretend that I'm in an academy award-winning movie I come at you and they I make up my own TV shows in my mirror it's true you don't think it's true it's fine that's depressing I'd I'd watch movie and TV shows this not those five Universal Studios movies thank you ketamine for the 255 would you say you're a Boomer zoom or Doomer Zoomer or the other one I I'm just I'm a guy that [ __ ] does I'm a guy as it I'm a I'm a [ __ ] millennial okay I'm none of those things that you just described a crunch thanks for 300 bits first time donating a twitch hope I'm doing this right seems like you are anyways since we brought up et in the stream I'm taking the opportunity to bring up the official Rushton et doll when the movie came out they're so great and [ __ ] up and I'm lucky enough to have found one to own suppose B et all the focus is 18 as eating okay it seems impossible bug you're the net-net the knight get the net I think I don't like I've seen this one yeah this is like I'm ism multi I'm so bad at catching bugs pressing there we go this is thanks to the et doll X it's 300 bits Esparta ask a lot of thanks for 250 this is me watching you taking that quiz over and over again over four seconds Teen Hunger Force in show alone ballon streamer alert streamer alert balloon streamer alert rumor alert alert alert I got it I got it I know I saw it first shot second shot guaranteed third shot guaranteed or I will never stream on Twitch again ever I will never scream again I don't hit this right now okay pedalboard oh boy wait this is like a like a DJ table if I leave this out if somebody does steal it oh cool let's take a look at my pedalboard shoe it's gonna shoot a Friedel's ditz thanks for the 250 police and the love of God watch back to the future I can't not now some other day peaceful Haley thanks for 250 so you've never seen ET or back to the future but you've seen the shitty comedy twins you are unbelievable also hope your penis is okay what what oh my god twins is age I would rather watch twins then I can't say that somebody will [ __ ] probably murder me um twins is a cool movie though the control or right right right right let me sell this about bummer sell everything sell it all thank you peaceful Hayley appreciate it uh we also had Gorky five more dollars from Gorky Thank You Corky do you ever get the tetris effect after you stream it's when you play a video game so much when you you see it when you close your eyes as to me all the time when I play Tetris um not really that only happiest happen when I played Diablo 2 but not them about anything recently not anything recently I missed bits what Utah where what mr. bits of misfits returned like when when where whatever I got everybody so far yeah I got everybody so far according to my dashboard is this this is the list is going from bottom to top yeah what is it they just come in yeah well I'm going from I'm going in descending order here this is how what I'm going do this this is these bits from like three or four hours ago I'll get to it eventually I'm gonna get there I'm gonna get there you skipped it already that I don't they're not here I just run refreshing I don't see anything not right not where I am right now there's nothing here from like three or four hours ago let's see if they pop up we'll see if they pop up eventually here but let's keep going we left off right here right the tetris but I was going key for the tetris effect tar Alec ran thanks for 250 German you always backdate your switch system you could always backed it you switched it till next week but the game wouldn't realize that you hadn't played all week that way you could just resume like normal on stream like it only been one day better rather just do it the way it's intended rather do it the way it's intended play it once a day your text is blocking the bells it's fine so after I'll just play it the way it's normally intended to be played you know I sell the coin no I donate that one I can sell him a coconut tree what the [ __ ] ninety two hundred bills holy [ __ ] sucks splicing was spleen thanks for five dollars hey Jemma I saw a white Honda Civic driving around Vegas the other day with the license plate germs can you confirm or deny that this was you as is not me also I live near Henderson in Las Vegas Valley is that where you're headed in Vegas thanks for all the quality content man best on your move there's a lot of places in Las Vegas a lot of places in Vegas we're able to live if they want to live places a lot of great places in Vegas a lot of people don't 3 million people live in Las Vegas and there's a lot of great places thanks for the UH thanks for the thanks of the bits we should thank all right actually there are a lot of great places and big turning into Trump yeah there's a lot of great places in Vega beautiful places or wonderful places all the places in Vegas are great is that is that even close or far away from an Olive Garden Thank You spice people spleen for the $5 hey kill kill con thanks five-oh dolls are polite well are partly polite and cuddles moving with you too no tar ala Curran thanks for 250 the odds that German manages to move to a new house setup isn't an internet properly and find the motivation to stream is less than zero percent if German streams a real stream next Saturday I will give him permission to personally ban me for life I am you've been around for a long time you've been around for a very long time but I do have to tell you something right now there are quite a few contingency plans if the internet does not work this story that I will be streaming on Saturday you're about to be banned for life you've been around for like seven straight years so yeah I'm sorry but we have to commit to this if I'm not live on Saturday then you're gonna get permanently banned I got to come back a star Alec run to the I will be streaming on Saturday like without question less than 0% it is going to be 100% 100% I will be live on Saturday 100% I just made that have fun being number three you dick thanks to the 250 though and have fun with your permanent band I can't wait to see Tarr alicorn 79 or whatever the hell you're gonna have to make now glow-in-the-dark stars thanks for $5 he-hey he sent me he hey he sent in a message earlier but it's a birthday from Lizard amiibo it's Andy's birthday on the 25th he's an incredible doing a fantastic friend he got me into watching his dreams and his friends wanted him to hear happy birthday again from his favorite streamer happy [ __ ] birthday happy birthday and ex2 the $5 glow-in-the-dark stars hope you have a good one Luigi man thanks for 255 minutes in two 30-minute slow mode I'm starving please help you asked for this you guys have wanted this [ __ ] let me go look at this shopping center RTX 42069 TI what a [ __ ] unbelievable name utility sink I want one and I want a drying rack - no I don't why the [ __ ] would I want one of those you say hey Jeremy I'm happy you're branching out and playing city skylines just keep in mind that the City skyline community swears by absolute perfectionism in efficiency in design oh I know I know oh I know with some practice I know you can become a loved mayor I think chad has just mean you made a lot of progress over the last few streams I hope you play more of this game and it's not just a 100 plus dollar joke yeah baby's first city builder is what you have to understand all right that's the first time I ever played any a game like that no my roads aren't gonna be [ __ ] all that 90 degrees you guys some of you guys need to take a [ __ ] bath you know you need to take a bath with some epsom salts in there and just soak for a little bit I'm a more of a shower guy dry pay this loan down at n grin other ten thousand on it eighty six hundred look six thousand look all right now I'm gonna deposit this money I got to play with like a bank account look at this sixteen thousand four hundred seventeen cool hope you play more of it um I don't know maybe maybe it depends I'd want to get some mods for to something oh I never got the hairstyle is people gonna be mad it's ok it's ok but thank you to rock riding for the 300 bits now realizing Germa is villager walking around in an eye mask that resembles a maxi pad it's that's like a is actually a nice metaphor for him blindly bumbling around in the game but in the purest way possible cool watching someone play a see for the first time and then we stay safe everyone wishing it on auto a peaceful move thank you and thanks for imprint implanting that images of my brain that I will never remove until I've removed this from my eyes which will be later after this dream is over alright uh what do I want to do now before I leave is that enough I think I did enough I can't really do much anymore until tomorrow ok let's call it I made make sure the game's saved I will see you guys on Saturday guaran-fucking-tee I don't care if I have to stream from my cellphone that guy's getting bent I'll make sure of it so let's actually do the actual wind on screen and move there mr. Pitts I'm not done wonder why do you go whispering what's going on tonight this is how we do this every night what's going on here [Music] I'm gonna quit read read read read what is this [Music] this is the same all right anyways let's keep going thank you to a literal fraud of 500 page German we're gonna need to talk about this sneeze joke man it's not funny need to realize that it's not funny it hasn't been funny please we're trying to get it through to you I thought it was funny I'm gonna pee I'm gonna keep pressing that [ __ ] button until the day I die Oh's alles thanks for 300 say Jeremy Olive Garden music one guy here just wanted to say thanks for reading my shitty joke and turning it into an amazing one guy moment and we get one last BB unit before you move god all right okay again this is gonna be the I'm gonna give it to you this is gonna be so good as hard as I can I just want to see flinch so hard doing that they go yeah I'm never doing that ever again [Music] I'm sorry about that goddamnit hey egg scramble thanks to the 250 a German great stream you look very nice and handsome today I know eating enough healthy food can be really tough during busy times chorizo eggs tortillas white onions couscous Swiss chard Gold potatoes hummus Ezekiel bread walnuts ground turkey have a good week man stay hydrated what the [ __ ] are you talking about those are all those are all delicious things but why why on a row hey spooky Fox thanks for five dollars remember me and my girlfriend watching tonight and I've been watching since like 2013 she's really excited you're playing an assassin's for animal crossing I love you and your stuff and also said girlfriend is thinking of getting some rats at some point and if she does she might name one after you I'm honored I am honored I would love to be named after a rat especially yours thanks for the five doll she ever made the rat that's okay that that that's more of a name that you have when you get beat up in prison then a name that it would be for an animal but you know thank you though hey Keith King Crimson thanks to the 250 most of the characters in Jojo are named after music references Killer Queen is one of them also the pro strat is to name yourself a Joe Joe reference so German says it out loud every time you donate oh I guess that makes sense then that's what your name is you Keith King Crimson is the name of that person that's in Joe Joe's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Joe Joe's I can hear myself talk now Joe Joe Joe Jude thanks I promised I would never do it again that I didn't say I would stop streaming if I did that again right but that wasn't part of the deal it wasn't okay good a spunky Spade there you are thanks 4,000 bits it's Ramon hope you're not mad at me selling every drawing you've done an animal crossing and broke but here's the bits equal to the money I made from it but are you are you the RedBubble guy are you the RedBubble guy I either guy with like 300 listings it's him we got him it's him it's the red bubble guy we found him he outed himself we didn't have to do anything the hey hey jerk hey Jeremy just want to let you know I'm the red bubble guy first and foremost hey thanks for the 10 bucks though thank you Bopha swag destiny thanks to the $5 can you move the elephant on the right one space to the right please it's probably bad looking that's okay I'll do whatever on a grave embrace thanks it's three bucks Disney claimed a parody video depicting Bugs Bunny as a what I what the [ __ ] okay it's [ __ ] up thanks for 305th a celestial made thanks to 300 bits hey German I heard you generate electricity and miniature lightning bolts while walking is that true if it was I'd probably be on the cover of Time magazine like the guy that can create electricity with his hands I'd be on there hey Sammy Lant thanks for the 300 bits I made something to help you with rocks as a little this is a little a little chart for me thank you a little rock chart you say that as if you're not gonna be on Time magazine as Best streamer I mean remember the Carnival stream yeah that's but that's already over with don't you go guys the Internet don't you know the Internet has a memory of above 4 days I got out we got to go we got to do more we got to do more [ __ ] high magazines already moved on from that I'm gonna get on the cover of Time magazine I could have started to figure out how to pick electricity with my hands but thank you Samael and for the finger bit toasty night thanks for the 400 it's they say achoo achoo thanks to the forest hey John with no h4 500 bits it's VLT Gigan hey Jer just want to apologize for my statements earlier regarding a BLT I don't think I mentioned that yeah well now you are getting bit it's like it if I'm you're hanging by a thread over like the cliff and like I'm pulling you up and there's like three are the people that I'm gonna pull you all up I'm not strong enough I got you all don't worry I can't think I can't no one of us you have to let one of us go you just looked up and said short streamer I'm gonna let you go I'm gonna be like that's the guy I'm letting go like I you just made my decision so much easier you know what you don't have to use of my like super strength and pull everybody up all right you're not big enough to save all three of us well you could be let go - you would how many how many how many ropes do I have over the edge here I'm gonna to let go of all of you know who am i pulling up here if you work holding on to the rope you're not you're not gonna do this you're not gonna say this stuff while you're hanging by the rope pull me up got it got you let them all go fold now that's just that's good it's just a sicko thing that's it that's just that you're a [ __ ] crazy vote you're pulling them all up as much as you can a churro captain thanks with 500 bits a drummer are you gonna be using a nook Myles ticket when you move to your new place yes yes [Music] let us go we're nine inches off the ground that was you're so [ __ ] on me it's so funny when I hear these things I go let him go let them all go let them all go just let them all go screaming at our cab hey scramble thanks to the 250 yo also my 21st birthday on Tuesday I'm gonna spend it alone in quarantine but your vows are gonna get me through it and to give me your favorite grocery list is an early birthday present yes Clif bars a bunch of them Campbell's soups a bunch of them tons of Clif bars make sure and this is done you you might be able to oh here comes another advertisement for a company that isn't there's no money involved here Clif bars are this they're delicious very filling and baked they'll built they'll carry you a long time I got a bunch of them also stuff like boxed macaroni and cheese is really really easy to store soups canned soups are very easy to store and they're good tuna fish tuna fish is it good stay it keeps forever and it can be used in a million different places you can eat that [ __ ] out of the camp hey go that's my grocery list don't forget baby food yeah you could that to ate your old diet no I mean we're talking about what if he's we're talking about like the quarantine stuff it stuff they can easily as I'm not eating tuna fish out of the can everyday we're talking about like preparing for potentially happened to be in your house for like two or three weeks [Music] non-perishables that's correct peanut butter is another good one Bryce is another good one although rice is kind of hard to find during these kinds of people that go into the store and they bind up everything they can peanut butter is great beans are great that if you like refried beans just get a bunch of them you eat them do what you can right I could eat refried beans every day stop talking about tuna sorry but I wish you the best of luck everybody around the world is currently at a standstill right now hoping that this [ __ ] just goes away and we can just kind of hunker down and get through it let's hope so hate are alec Hren - hey Gemma I'm holding the tar Alacran - username hostage if Ta'ala Crenn wants tar Alec Hren - I need a bean burrito well that has nothing to do with me that is between the two of you that's between the two that's between you two has been you and tar Alec you tower eloquent - and tar Alec runs between you two - of you nothing to do with me hey goober e-juice thanks for the three hundred bits chat whenever someone mentions Jojo no hey I know everyone has their tastes we don't all have to like the same things to love each other also there's new hairstyles and a see mirror one of which looks like yours I just don't I just don't even I have no say in any of this because I've never seen the damn show or even know the show is that show could Star vegetables and fruits and [ __ ] and I would be like okay that vo JoJo's Bizarre Adventure JoJo's a banana and he has his band of merry strawberries and fruits and [ __ ] and like vegetables I'd be like ok it's like it's a weird TV show I guess I wouldn't eat I don't even know what it would be seems like it could be I don't know I've never seen it a crunch thanks for the five hundred bits Hale eight bits sorry about that don't just say sorry we're just hanging up I just got confirmed as far as I know from my first job and I've been wanting to donate to you for a while I wanted to do it the day I started it but it looks like you'll be off the streaming when it happens so send them over what I currently can't early I'm a newer viewer I just think you're genuine cool and I want to help out wish you the best during your move and during our weird endemic times as well as everybody in chat I really appreciate that but take care of yourself make sure you were taken care of make sure you were taking care of your loved ones your friends new family they carry you I hope you do and thanks for checking out the stream when you did say you're a newer viewer so I'm not sure how new but thank you and good luck on the new job [Music] we had 250 from pigeon thanks pigeon hey Gemma it's your favorite bird it's been a while but college plus a boyfriend has hindered my ability to watch all your streams so I try to keep up on the archive queue that you don't have to feel pressured to watch feel that it's gonna do it I you are I was gonna do it you already took the words right out of my mouth but now with all my classes moving online I have a lot more time wish I could tell you how you've been super productive oh I've been super productive but honestly I've just been catching up on video games and I bet it will watch your streams again it's good to be back love you you don't have to yah-yah-yah de yada yada everything I was just gonna say if you have time and you're around and you want to hang up and by all means absolutely but I think we're all kind of catching up on video games and sort of stuff to do in your house he hates us what - but I just write that doctor says boyfriend sucks oh yeah I forgot about that thanks a lot pigeon good to see you again hey Keith King Crimson from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure thanks for the 250 what if you went to all of garden ordered endless breadsticks with the waiter brought out a single really long breadstick that stretched all the way to the back of the kitchen and no matter how much you ate more breadstick has kept coming out of the kitchen with no end in sight well I would be a little disgusted because how would that not touch other people how would that gigantic breadstick tell people are gonna be stepping over that somebody might bump into what somebody might like put the shoe on and somebody goes step on it I'm not eating that no it's gonna be limbo [Music] but what if it was it's in a tube and it comes out the end the tube for I would ask very very idea okay a tee time of it and after about through two or three loaves of bread worth of bread I'd say who's the guy that spent 40 grand to make this a reality and why is it only on my table I see over there the that that couple over there has regular breadsticks and that couple over there and that group of friends over there has regular soups and [ __ ] why are you doing this to me and then you hear just a wheeze laugh deep within the kitchen just like a like a [ __ ] wheeze laugh I was I was gonna do the wheeze laugh I was gonna smash it out but I didn't because I didn't want to exert my chest cavity pretend I did hey let's run those credits and again I will see you guys Geron peed saturday guaranteed if there is no stream on Saturday and I have hell to pay Saturday afternoon I will be live Garan [ __ ] Peter stop swearing you know my mother told me to stop swearing didn't you guys I tell you that my mother caught one of my streams recently she's like aw that was like really interesting really fun can you stop you gotta stop swearing I was like bah bah bah she's like no I want you to stop swearing I'm right so as of Saturday I'm gonna say 25 percent less swear words we're gonna clean it up a little bit so instead of [ __ ] it's gonna be cute and is it of [ __ ] it's gonna be crap and instead of booger it's gonna be snot I don't know shoot crap is just as bad no it's not I'm kidding my mother said three swear is telling me in the sentence to tell me to stop swearing the stop swearing and she swore like four times we're swearing family anyway so here come the credits they should be showing up on your screen now in about ten seconds or so I think oh thanks everybody if he subs all of the new subs all tubs all the ongoing subs all the subsidy maybe you subs like twelve months ago and you never did maybe you got a community sub from somebody maybe you sub like four years ago for whatever thanks for even considering appreciate it all of you we're gonna finish up the bits we have a couple more to do we have Cosmo Kratts or the 300 bits here 3 bucks a German awesome stream as always you should play hearthstone on Saturday not gonna happen we'll buy you packs not gonna happen also a really stupid outdated question when you fake proposed to Kim on you're moving to Vegas stream was she in on it yes I would not do that to somebody that's so [ __ ] horrible place might why is this a good are you guys plants are you guys plants what was where they licked up the plants here about like place might it's working this one way you know it you your scheme is working you've got me thinking about it again what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go lie down in my bed with my iPad and just look at all the stats for all the gods that have released in two and a half three years it's working hey frozen Thor or 516 thanks to the 250 a German today when I was watching the stream my country New Zealand went into level 3 lockdown and going to level four lockdown in 48 hours because of the virus I'll be at home for a month luckily on the plus side I'll be able to tune into all your live streams for one month stay safe out there German and you chat lots of love to all of you also side note no game you ever played has ever bored me I dare you to find a game I will hate you playing please step right this way to Mountain blade or europa universalias no one will want me to play those games I know you guys say those things if I play Crusader Kings I will actually lose fans people that people that are like fans of this channel will flip a hundred and eighty degrees if I play Crusader Kings for more than four or five hours I'm just telling you facts I would be so unbearable I would be so unbearable uue people wouldn't be able it would be but I quickly wouldn't be I couldn't even read yeah see you guys on Saturday an anonymous chair around the very end $10 no message just an anonymous amount of money they carry ourselves enjoy this week coming up here I will be back on Saturday at the latest I have to reiterate this one more time the latest you will see me this Saturday afternoon and that is a 100% guarantee this should not take very long take care much love to you stay safe see you soon take care of you missed bits I did I didn't I guess on a raid Joel how's he doing bill what ray Joel playing Super Mario World all right let's go diarrhea over on Joel's channel see you guys next week you
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 26,430
Rating: 4.8881989 out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, archive, jerma animal crossing, jerma animal crossing new horizons, nintendo switch, switch, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, jerma facecam
Id: SGbnxLpG70s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 7sec (12187 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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