Jerma Streams - Pokémon Channel

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okay I'm watching [ __ ] TV now [Music] you well what up put him on TV show I wanted to beat that level so [ __ ] bad it's gone Oh them right right this fell alright let's watch the [ __ ] TV was a pokey buds I want to beat that low so bad I would be that little so no not the [ __ ] news I feel better you [Music] Oh relax progressive-scan I gotta change this what I change this to idle Luigi Luigi in this game a mouth right right right okay pokemons channel screaming orders while I play pinball on the battlefield it doesn't make sense to right now about a pokemons react pokemons react Randy [Music] okay how's it work okay new game today is 3:14 2020 the time is 559 play doesn't know that it's like kind of accurate this is a original we why would its date be correct - oh no it'sit's nice micro I know that's fine it's correct oh that's right this it's an hour ago okay so now we're going whatever [Music] the do you really just watch TV with bogey bonds [ __ ] got in green ball relax [Music] [Music] I'm like I'm like lick clipper whatever they are but Ivan I have to apply this year [Music] it's pre-recorded how okay here we go on the TVCs we've arrived welcome to Pokemon channel this TV is a gift to you from Pokemon channel Pokemon channel is a TV station that airs many kinds of Pokemon program you've been chosen as our first test audience but first things first may I have your name signing up is easy just register your name that will start putting programs on the air may I have your name we confer your name is set [Music] aka person who owned this console before I did because it's pre-owned hey Seth what's up the first program is brand new anime kichu brothers I'd like you to watch the TV anime all the way through okay we got to give our real honest opinions - here we go and it's read you and me juice the shitty father it's like a default Adobe Premiere fun professor eight if I brisk if I just skip it what happened I've waited a long time for this guy's and in just 24 hours from now to me out stream is finally gonna come true have a peach you brothers but I'm sure you knew that cuz these two I know most far and wide just try and guess the next place they'll turn up open you see life's a blast with your best friend by your side I wouldn't want this I see where's my where's my like America's Got Talent like what is huge but I wouldn't guarantee hate you beat you that's them beat you of course there are these things don't go right even the best of what is sometimes spices free on just an intro oh man that's not funny let's not you [Music] [Music] well it seems like the Pichu brothers and their friends are ready for another day of house Oh sounds like smooches got a problem c'mon are carrying they're shaped like a crescent moon I'm ruining this job [Music] all right all right no more no more this sounds very interesting so the other Pokemon want to see for themselves it's a way for you [Music] what is what this morning you actually just watch this this is what we do is just forget the game is oh nice Oh like 22 minute episode it's 22 minutes this is a real mystery so the gang heads for the park to figure out what the crystal is not 22 minutes and ass miracle maybe they can give the gang some answers I'm so annoying you get moving like ten Pokemon in the same room at the same [ __ ] time holy [ __ ] that'll be obnoxious now I know why I'd like you only have like three rounds got like a [ __ ] crowd of the pokemons there's gonna be yelling the name it's chaos robbery wrong strawberry fairy [Applause] this is gonna hit me like my channel flat I mean this video game this game it's a game I put in like week I think that's it be continued okay it's gonna ask me what I thought what if this is just like a Nielsen ratings pokemons alright let's see [Music] what did you think of the anime about I get you to file a report right now I need you to send your reports through the report channel you can change the channels by pressing either minus or plus on the TV using the a oh I was gonna say this is not the right controller you can also change channels using the controller just press either L or R the TV can be turned on and off by pressing on using the yeah first thing Z on the controller okay this is this is TV or is this a [ __ ] microwave it's three buttons okay set the channel to the report channel report channel I talk through the TV septa hand on the report on the screen and press a pilot's report hi report officially arrived fine I'll say to report Baylor I didn't even get my report oh it's how to save the game right right now don't make that joke I want you to have this as a thanks for your report $20 no do the money if you save up some P you'll be able to shop for all sorts of things on the Shopping Channel please channels give you a chance to earn 8 before you finish the game remember that you must make a report [Music] what was that pride how about backing away from the TV and take a look around whoops before you dude you should turn off the TV press on using the hand and [ __ ] how's he still talking to me good you turned off the TV step away from the TV move where's beat you can take a look around the room bye yeah yeah yeah - something here where's the telephone to call the police it's not now - excuse me I know I might I know I might have like an 80 inch TV in a gigantic bay window but this is not like park your car in front me my [ __ ] driveway and watch like sharknado with me okay so I there why they run so it's a Pikachu well it's very rare to see a wild pitch you out like this really must be interested in television Seth when you're filing your reports but you'd let us know what it was like watching TV with Pikachu he's gonna talk over each movie right at Pokemon channel we collect data for developing programs the Pokemon will enjoy it's almost unheard of a wild Pikachu counting on you you could choose like hey hey put something [ __ ] like Sopranos like hey hey no no no you're not old enough for that I want to do it so bad everyone hates it I want to do a wicked Lau it as loud as I [ __ ] can alright let's go oh it's gonna happen I can't guarantee it won't happen you understand how to use the TV there's something I should tell you I had a pokey pad the villa of the looked along with your TV the pokey that will let you access a variety of information [Music] turn on the pokey pad by pressing star here try it out now top pik saloon be strong that strong Magnemite registration done hello I got to know Pikachu Magnemite delivered the TV set if you have more than one TV programs other than the anime have now started turn on the TV I hope you and Pikachu will enjoy it together kernels [ __ ] TV let's go what is it [Music] all right Pikachu about Pokemon news flash like this one dream I think you like it what did I do wait come back back I'll put your favorite show on I'll put on up and on the Fitness channel smooch OH shape up all right you don't [Music] heart throbbing Smoochum workout this is Pokemon [Music] [Music] hey how about this one wit get back over here it's starting time for quiz wobble buffet here are our contestants okay dial og pie and TV the answer is correct okay ball pot is lowered first to reach the bottom becomes its champ do you know what we're done with that one I don't wanna watch that animator how about um but news flash if you appears as if it wants to go through the TV screen [Music] question we already watch this what do I do watch the TV I am doing shopping these politics what I think so thank you Doug I'm just gonna knowing it while he's watching TV oh yeah I'm paying attention to a show can you [ __ ] stop [ __ ] doing that like wouldn't you do the same thing that's enough TV for today that's enough TV for today you got to do homework now no you're getting addicted to television Pikachu it's not good for you listen to me you want to do is want to balance your life balance media excuse me watch watch that tongue what you mean excuse me your mother is talking you need to balance your life [Music] he gets you get closer to go within two inches of screen he could chew he could you stare at screen with eyes as wide as you can okay I can't do that is the shopping channel shopping squirtle okay what can we buy we get bargains today first this item it's the binder keeping things neat and organized immediate delivery important 10 P okay hardpack will give on nice cards I want it binders been ordered weight is more miss your eyes on this it's fantastic what is this painting available only here you want this do you want one of these I'm so glad I bought it yeah let's get it friendship poster aren't any more money okay Pat I don't have any more money go back to the fitness wait who the [ __ ] is this guy wait do more and more people just come like invade your house to watch TV oh it's a delivery okay delivery buried baby [Music] when do we get some new subscriptions a new TV shows it's not even like basic cable [Music] this is antennas [ __ ] is what we're getting right now how do I open how do we up in the contract okay it's working oh it even came with a free gift gun opening who we open a car pack open up the nice card back a snorlax motion card was stored in the binder the mr. mime card was stored in the binder he Geodude card was storing the binder he a Tillery card was stored in the binder Celebi are those cool but good timing you should put the free gift in that binder all right nice cards are very nice trading cards and are though thing in thing right now I understand that they're very popular among even amongst Pokemon I know you collect a lot of nice cards I'll give you reward how about you aim for nice cards of 25 different for now if you want to look at the nice cards you have to open the binder just go see them streamer luck oh oh we can actually spin it around by this Geodude is a mr. mime these look like um custom debit card I guarantee at least a hundred of you guys have this or custom debit card sorry I suppose I like this one they're rare suppose if it was medium M well this one is rare this one's like a medium wait a minute oh that one is the only one that does it [Music] holy [ __ ] it's today it's holographic oh I got that did people happy the other ones suck where your mom wants you to study for a change thank you notice the desk it off the desk yes because you notice the trash can [Music] no I won't do it look over there what's that he doesn't appear to notice I just said we're just open we could go in the backyard you want to go inside it wants to keep watching TV all right yeah let's watch it boy [ __ ] coupon he's like yeah yes now outsides for suckers come on come on let's go let's go let's go we got another 12 episodes of Breaking Bad to watch in a row let's go holy [ __ ] too close way too close he wants to watch TV sure and a little bit more TV stand back put on the fitness channel TVs that way you changed Pokemon I don't know not yet all right I got a pee you just watch exercise TV with Pikachu I'll be back in the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as backs pecking fetching exercise I should do this one you're a deadbeat what I just drop the [ __ ] [Music] but he's enjoying himself [Music] features learning about exercises all right fatigue relief all right are you ready let's chase him what do you know what's your question oh all right snow though I've got a I've got of all [ __ ] up he's just doing exercises no he wants the news all right fine all the news there you go all right we're gonna go outside and play this is bad no what no eyes are hurting he looks like he's supposed to fall down all right it's time to go outside yeah we can't just sit her all day sound it goes like outside at the end of this segment we're going outside we'll play catch come on son that's enough wild pikachu it appears to be interested in TV okay because he wants the TV turned on no outside because she wants the TV turned on oh no he's addicted he's addicted to television now we're going outside yes it wants to keep watching some more TV no he's angry we're going out there and we're gonna play dig some holes or something Oh God it's Russia [Music] get out there no no no more TV outside oh no he's like a he's like a little brat no no only TV you want to read a book no TV that's not TV microsite only TV only TV he sees he's attacking me he said why is he only need to watch each show all the way once I don't wanna put the anime on I wasn't a bad one I would abstain on that one be missed it you missed it you missed the show the static on alright fine you like this [ __ ] the bitrate oh wait wait wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute let's do a bit rate fight wait wait [Music] all right let's go let's go let's go I'm done one more report have you watched shoppings Pirtle to the end I don't know probably not getting new programs on the air you report Seth you have to leave vital you got your counting on you okay I'll save we have to report data [Music] [Music] this is sex I'd like a big launch Space Ghost you're doing great you're doing great keep at it by the way this gets all your viewers at home didn't realize I have power in the [ __ ] real world [Music] all right let's it goes ham [Music] alright no more of this [ __ ] what we watch them I losing my mind losing channels wait this is the same thing no I don't wanna watch this no no we need to watch them where's the shopping channel alright drop a channel just watch chopping channel enjoy it Pikachu eat this this no this is sad like this one I'll eat the other one oh you like this what is it like a thing you like a little boy you ride on it a lot of money I don't have that much money sorry Pikachu I can't afford it [Music] what I believe you watch every TV channel I don't have any money I need money the ring girl's gonna get you quizzes okay Justin Albie oh so guy from uh wait no it's not if there's a character that looks like that Lucario is what he looks like we get the same scheme as wrestler Pokemon the sinner alright now we're gonna watch the quiz show his channel and we're gonna do quizzes for money I don't play though silhouette please do I get to the canonic hall do I have to like the way face up to it I don't we how do we do this I don't play pokemon I don't know what that is get out of the way that's alright oh it is right correct Parminder is in the lead I'm sorry no never mind oh c'mon chocolate we will take the chance oh it's underneath it I thought that feels like a or are like a bottom peekaboo quiz I don't we even answer these correctly oh so I see it now it's that big it's that it's this one the one we just saw right it's Blaziken how do we how do I go on this show that's the one from Smash Brothers fire there's no winner I want to get on this show maybe I can get Bulbasaur 50 bucks II did it okay now it's time for no more TV that we've watched every show Pikachu we watched every show that we have and sadly enough we only have seven full television shows available to it it wants to watch anime part [Music] watch anime part 1 and we already saw this um don't go in do you really are like a [ __ ] five-year-old a Jew you guys don't know kids love watching the same episode they've seen of a TV show a thousand times like if you DVR the same episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse little kids will want to watch the same one every [ __ ] day but this does not surprise me at all and eventually it gets to the point where you can you can say every line of the whole show for instance the episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse where kookie doesn't know how to bake a cake I know every lunch I could recycle whole thing [Music] you see life's a blast with your best friend by your size we don't watch the whole thing though he's sad about this alright that was fun he's gonna want to watch everyday this is just babysitting well gross lack these can't stay mad for long in no time the back where they belong sattva sonnets reach you and beat you beside its Picchu and beat you well it seems like the Pichu brothers and their friends are ready for another day of fun at their Pokemon Clubhouse Oh sounds like smooches got a problem Smoochum is all excited Pokemon are carrying little cards and they're shaped like a crescent moon this sounds very interesting so the other pokemons want to see for themselves [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah honey honey honey that go put that in your mouth well you're just gonna have the beat your brothers and their friends you're gonna have to trim the crescent off of that get down from there don't find that don't find that get down just please I tell here okay [Music] just turn the volume down turn the volume down I gotta go I've been around my sister had kids and I know people that have kids that's it that's tricky that's tricky it's a lot of work shout out to all the [ __ ] moms and dads out there oh boy we got it we got to get you off [ __ ] TV I think had the mic muted when I first gave me all right no one news it wants to watch PMF its PMF but we're already watching no no no more no more of that here okay it's Phineas and Ferb we just watch this whole thing no you know what we're done yes I have it's very odd that isn't what it says in your reports I mean if you do sign up to be one of those people that has that you get like all these [ __ ] devices that are in your house listen to this if those either don't know if you sign up to do one of these watch TV and report back things they literally make you wear a device in your house like like an ankle bracelet if you were on like house arrest and it kid [ __ ] keeps you on there and attracts everything that you've ever do it's like we want to be able to catch what like network you're on at any second and you have to wear it you have to have it on at all times how do I know this because funny story about that a long time ago my family decided maybe we would try this it sounds interesting and once we found out what we had to do and we found it we were gonna have to wear these like weird [ __ ] devices it was like I don't think we want to do this anymore that's a sitcom you had to wear a Fitbit that was weird but they would say we're gonna pay you though that's the thing I think they like paid you this like 17 years ago 18 years ago I think they would pay you if you like to actually did all the weird [ __ ] anyways we got to watch the news all the way through Jeremy you're the reason why community got canceled portable people like you thought I was lying no I'm not lying they have these like [ __ ] weird ankle trackers you're like I've to wear it on your leg it's like a walkie-talkie that you connect it's real no no my whole family wasn't on probation this is not me like yes I could have been why to as a [ __ ] 11 year old oh we all have to wear [ __ ] nice bracelets son it's the TV companies are tracking what we're watching and like my whole family's on house arrest like that's know I mean like that's not what happened this is a real thing all right Pikachu we've watched it all report it it's me hey it's me Oh kind of weird thanks for your report Pikachu watches TV this way it's a very informative before at finest thanks for your report I'll give you something some cards okay can I do like a special like delivery instructions and like that little check the text box I don't want that [ __ ] thing in my house just leave it at the door I got smeargle to using SMERSH miracle to you'll be able to paint images taken off Eevee your artwork will be automatically submitted for use on pokemons channel this one drawback miracle too can only be used with the anime Pichu brothers [Music] well Pichu brothers are showing on TV set the thing on smeargle - and then press a now I must admit something smeargle - has only just completed nobody has tested it properly yet we get you to test it out paint with it and file a report on it we're counting on you a weapon to surpass Metal Gear all right we got to put on the P true brothers ok part 1 [Music] what's going on [Music] [Music] please stop I don't know what to do hold down and make them alright um how do I get out of here [Music] you [Music] [Music] what does this have to do what I can I don't understand what the [ __ ] is going on oh wait would you like to display this and auction off untitled yes please give title to a new painting [Music] the old painting will put up for auction by presa Oh screenshot hold on a minute holy [ __ ] all right now what's because I here because here yellow [Music] now look Ana's body here blue hair becomes background like that right I don't remember blue hair blue hair blue blue blue blue album doing blue but just pink anything pink [Music] [Music] I don't under I'm done [Music] [Music] Roseville now we're gonna go to free grabs you and no I don't want to i do no no no no no Broadway the newest yes throw it away okay we did it alright now another way mom making shitty art love child runs into a wall v/o thank you for your report paint system appears to be working well excellent most excellent with this much data I imagine that we should be able to visit the new programs are to begin it out tomorrow 5:00 a.m. if you look forward to them wait [Music] like tomorrow tomorrow at 5 a.m. in real time thank you so we go into the Wii Menu save the game and then make it like three years from now what are you doing what the [ __ ] have you done hey Seth I guess that you're at least still able to hear me the time being we'll send you a replacement TV you have insurance [Music] laughs they couldn't get it in the door [Music] this is better this is like a new TV a retro TV out welcome home watch TV and pull with the controls as supposed TVs will have been made to be made more sturdy okay okay with the watch everything in black and white now we don't what we have to do is we have to skip time by a full day all right do you play in the game now all right so just wait do we have anything news now I'm not watching this in black and white all right let's go back should I go outside back out wait how can we go outside turn the TV off well going out oh yes all right that's just go outside with me we finally get a plate okay is the yard okay say hi Dugtrio Dugtrio moves its three heads around to do what to the soil no idea I don't have to single though long as they soften it right you win a nice card I mean that's what I figured you do makes sense my pistol is a sound one else we do this up but as a but there's a B you're chatting with Letty ba let it go use of fluid to let others know where it is where does this fluid get released from its wings its feet its mouth its mouth I want to come out of your feet what was it just actually feet gross please you don't notice turn around play with the wooden box oh do it no we're not going back to watch TV check the wooden box yes bharden there what's in there banana ooh oh that's pretty good prize don't eat the banana no no that's mine oh that's mine all right what about this weed uprooting the weed come on you can do it one more you couldn't do it well eat that onion take playstation fine eat the apple is it good it's because you're that small [Music] and apples like this big because she was like this big you see I thought he was like but it was like [ __ ] Frieda half feet tall but Pikachu is not like four three or four feet tall that's way he's like this big no he's not does he come up to like ashes knees he's like [ __ ] huge no I know I might be I might be confusing like the Pikachu in the costume at like the birthday party that's like six feet tall like the big I'm not I'm tough but easy actually he's not that big Ash's ten [Music] how tall is that ashes 10 he planted flour what did you planted the flower seat from me Oh what things you picked up the wailmer pail it's just watering the garden Wow oh so cute what will grow it may grow faster its water every morning its way Lord I know what that is you can clean that up get fresh up oh [Music] all right pick it up pick it up I know checking his surrounding on the weed juror pull it up you can you know it's far enough would you pull up a coin something jumped out Oly should get it go get it are you are you doing get the coin at that point is it one coin or is it funny [Music] it's just one pea Oh imagine burying fun ascent in the ground one Bitcoin and all right let's go save the game and this fast-forward all right let's get inside he's put him in a huge at the of the scale the world is messed up that was wrong yeah this is my this is my house oh stop wait I'm like I'm I cannot even tell us the doorknob what the hell is going on out here what's this little blob Oh get oh I know that I have that enabled oh no didn't I take it off what does ditto transform into to avoid attack while sleeping err a rock err [Music] what about you platypus cyndaquil oh sorry when do you when do the flames on cinder fields back burn when it's in love during store when it's angry [Music] holographic let's go come on oh he's behind me all right wait looks we get on the bus why is he angry where's the bus this fighting what's this thing planting planting plot was it honey in there wasn't there make the face yeah butter it nope alright let's say the game in this teleport to tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. I just for one second just smelled hey cook beyond burger for a second it was just like 30 very specific all right no I don't want to continue playing the game let's go let's change the wheeze time go tomorrow 5:00 a.m. what's today all right alright mark 5 a.m. let's do it you we we's settings eight and time right calendar date okay so here we needs to be tomorrow fifteen brief wait right breathe fifteen twenty twenty and the time used to be what's 5:00 a.m. - wait what's 5:00 a.m. but I was just five will do five ten just paper all right let's go I should do it it's like tomorrow at 5 a.m. let's go okay let's see what happened yes put it in progressive scan mode or even you up what am I backwards a day as before today okay okay Iman channel continue loading data all right saved it have been loading your Seth today is 315 2020 the time is 5:11 a.m. that information is correct [Music] [Music] you get it [Music] I see that you've gotten you a repaired television now several new programs have finally gone on the air all thanks to your reports step token of our appreciation did wisely $50 hell yeah oh yes shoppings fertile has started selling TVs just starting today in fact when I spend that he I just gave you and buy yourself a nice TV to exchange your TVs a start and open the pokey pad well then dude check the new programs filed reports Hovis forgot your painting untitled three sold at the auction it sold for $78 I imagine that the fair price I would have thought that it might be a fetch better price but Durr [Music] okay what's the new TV shows we have smuggles art study [Music] [Music] you [Music] he bought it he's the one that bought of the auction miracle smooth stately overflowing with glass the attention to detail is smooth bodily emotive if this art were a movie who would be a classic with tears and laughed there is more to this such a display the diction is reminiscent of comics yes I sense the influence of comics somehow in this pictures and press until we meet again [Music] watch it again real quick want to watch it again wanna watch that again I'm gonna scam the [ __ ] out of this guy [Music] please tell me again how much you like my pin [Music] I was saying right it's Meera go Meera go Meera go Meera go what I can't take a screenshot oh I was gonna take a screenshot of that and then paint over it did you just change the [ __ ] Channel on me what's with the eyes but frogs Pikachu on what the hell was that that's copyrights I own the copyright do I if I sold the painting I don't own the copyright anymore Oh pokemon cards I want these yup yup yup I want them too how much is it you still own the rights but do I though what about what do I just sell the whole thing but if I sell everything rights including wanting dollars for a pack of Pokemon cards get the [ __ ] out of here fine what about TV Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [ __ ] this show you [Music] but with the G [Music] you [Music] whatever yes fine I'm gonna give pokey bands what if I can band for this I love the game wait because she was looking at the painting see he likes it too no no I can't do it [Music] yes I'd like to auction off shitty program [Music] so you got all right let's put the new one on please let's put episode 2 on by having fun yeah kinda [Music] you a poms painting pointed our friends in the right direction and it's time to do some exploring [Music] when the TV get fixed when I skipped on my wheels whole thing [Music] this is like an actual TV show was this actually on the air because it looks like an empty old warehouse but maybe Teddy Ursula's knows know something Jim prawns are invitations to meowt's party and that fruits reserved for invited guests only [Music] [Music] imagine voice-acting one of these abominations him you'd be pretty great you just have to go like this bah bah bah bah Wow and then they use that the next 12 years no you just have to give different emotions of wha huh set like 15 times and then they could just use it wherever they want for the rest of the entire run at this whole show right way [Music] [Music] [Music] not real not real either is Santa Claus the Easter Bunny with Barry Mickey Mouse is not really [ __ ] it's and corporate made [ __ ] corporate thing they make you pull money from us [ __ ] corporate enjoy the show though oh that's the other show slowpokes sleeping channel accurate both weather report [Music] [Music] raining and then sunny Hey [Music] [Music] you know like this channel well this is what the weather actual weather channel is like no Weather Channel is just you got like five minutes of information that you play for 24 [ __ ] hours hey what's it gonna be like today well it'll be sunny and it might rain later today [Music] [Music] MIP it's gonna be sunny it might rain later today it might be sunny you know just like just play a bunch of reruns of like storm chasing for like five straight days until like thousands talk about it could became clear we did it all right wait I gotta buy some more stuff how much money do I have let him sing [Music] big bargains today what's the first item oh I didn't even open my car pack did I treat fries pulling the plus button that's not you know all you push it stop that get back stop pressing that button stop it you're gonna rip it off we just watch TV and relax yep get out of here man all right yep [ __ ] out of here hey could you please get the [ __ ] away Pikachu yeah [ __ ] away from me I'm trying to get my you're blocking my view he's taking a break [Music] who said my cat does this yeah yeah every cat does this when every time you're doing you're busy doing something where he comes over and just like breath it's just like butt up like as far as it can engage but it's just like oh I'm doing something else that it's just like oh yeah it's like dude all right all right man like I'm some busy fight [Music] oh I got another crane wait it's like a this is a horrible reality the thing that like eats its own tail whatever that is bye bye bye bye bye bye Horace hey I know what it is I've seen full metal alchemist brotherhood and the asker sake whatever the [ __ ] movie was called all right uh do I have enough of the frame maybe nothing else to buy Pikachu let's report this could go October walk because what I was gonna say I don't know why all right Professor Oak report oh this is a magnificent report what this report it should be easy to develop and broadcast new programs new programs students begin tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. hope you hope you look forward to them [Music] see you tomorrow [Music] see you tomorrow 5:00 a.m. [Music] go outside turn off the thing okay you didn't do the quest didn't do buzz didn't do the place didn't do this oh it's [ __ ] didgeridoo it wasn't in when does piglet emerge out of the ground during lunch time when it's bored when it doesn't bright out oh because it's but it's not bright out it's a nocturnal animal day time frame oh that's true it is [Music] [Music] it's full and we have car packs oh wait so everybody's here great eat great eat bread eat break [Music] stomp stomp grapes ferment in an oak barrel drink wine it wants to eat the grapes yes I like fruit but we're gonna water us plant I like grapes grapes are good I agree all right water sorry not poop into wine Wailord mm-hmm over here [Music] Pikachu wants to do something else well you just what you're good you just water click on sign lick on sign click on sign what sign wrong sign I mean oh this board pokey this more the smoked pork Iman's here too is chatting with my nut pokemons quiz but do why not do to improve their counter move they play tag they mash each other hologram this was pretty cool all right what about this weird flour vegetable Pokemon Bell awesome when possums gather and seemingly dance what are they said to be doing summoning a storm summoning the Sun they're summoning the Sun yes look I know I've never played a single game of Pokemon not once but I'll be cool Russ's out here boys a hole in the ground what's in the hole play every pokemon game on strim not apply every pokemon game i don't don't play pokemon i dont play pokemon i just played the ones where you watch TV and [ __ ] and like baby i'll play the one will you take photos of edible I'm not playing the actual game check out this hole yeah therefore we must have a game cute polka mice that they can zero is their game coupon now is that an umbrella ball-ball is that oh well I guess with that let's play catch with down there you go son yeah give me another one son [Music] be my dad let's play a catch I was trying to get too far away the game went on for three oh we can do this again oh let's look at you guys how'd you get I get it down I was transferred in the hole I don't know why too sick sadistic go for a hundred I don't think I don't want to do a hundred [Music] coward is a secret unlocked at a hundred that is that for real is there actually a secret unlock how many is that or yes [ __ ] that's it for [ __ ] 95 more of these watch out for the whole deeply moved the game of catch went on a long time yeah it did it list it over Liars guys what you guys wide to me Oh what about these uh what about these what about these what about these I'm fighting it what about these already I'm fighting but I want to do it people hate it what about what about these trail eight clovers I [ __ ] had to get whatever I don't care whatever I know what do you want is there gonna stop jump scaring me that was a bad pick pop no Pikachu don't run away [Music] you [Music] watch the end real quick watch again real quick [Music] watch the game real quick [Music] I mean that uh you think you think I farted on you target this is a guy I [Music] have a chair that [ __ ] [Music] watch it [Music] I didn't but holy [ __ ] that's [ __ ] like I did [Music] what [ __ ] [Music] I didn't do that [Music] that's what I do in the video I don't know I didn't do that [Music] do that I don't know I thought that was Garfield let's cut his [ __ ] Garfield I forgot what game I was playing all right let's go [ __ ] doing that man Cici Nile alright let's turn the let's go to uh tomorrow's watch was a set of videos however that same jury [ __ ] himself all right can you act thinking to knows the bed wait do I have to actually turn off police yeah I do yeah I'm gonna sneeze I'm gonna try to make why [Music] I hate when he does this I shouldn't even talk about it what's under the bed which cardboard bucked see can't sneeze I'm trying my hardest hello just papers oh my god somebody said inhale like you're gonna sneeze a bunch and I did that and it like Oh was it a des OQ on mini case under the bed okay my minions Snorlax is lunchtime we're safe the hell is this you can play the Pokemon mini now their little games on your hey yeah let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks [ __ ] broken zinc broken go did great okay oh okay I get it you eat but don't eat Pichu don't eat eat you I get it let's go man new record [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sure sorry that's good enough all right I'm watching TV right just watch TV that's what you do in the game all right you know over great you [ __ ] noob over great you [ __ ] noob I want to open up my car pack then don't I have like more artifact about like Coover hey how do I open them did I already open them well they haven't been delivered yet oh right okay tomorrow morning let's go uh alright save the game and then I'm gonna I just printed out you know go forward a full day skip a hundred years okay alright I will skip forward 100 years [Music] you you can choose just a [ __ ] dusty skeleton in the corner oh [ __ ] no no I don't it's got like rug burn on my [ __ ] hand you okay let's go right now you can't see just don't flash you guys like a blue screen like I do sometimes all right calendar here we go 8 in time so today's date is now 3:15 316 uh what wait dude the we was not programmed to go more than 2035 they what happens in 2035 when there you can't do this anymore just a [ __ ] end of the universe all right so it's been it's been 15 years let's see all right it's 3:15 and the time is 5 a.m. go to 12 okay let's go to 12:30 1:00 1:00 he's 35 okay and the time is gonna be midnight wait what happens okay hold on a minute here I can't go further than this what happened give yourself a little bit of time okay ten minute okay you in there it's gone of the final day yes progressive-scan we is the new Mayan calendar okay okay mom company Hey Pokemon channel it get it unloaded your set today is twelve thirty one twenty thirty five the time is 11:51 p.m. this is correct yes Pikachu isn't here because you seem like an apocalypse bunker this is a Buddhist [ __ ] letter like candles [ __ ] tomato soups behind him he sure seems to have taken a big liking to your home set that Pikachu is off he's taking a big liking to you too how about giving it a nickname this [Music] then my name has been 15 years [Music] well then Seth you reports are very very helpful thanks to reports like yours Pokemon panel is constantly evolving and growing here here's a here's $50 almost forgot said you're painting a shitty program sold at the auction it sold for a hundred and six dollars oh it's the delivery bird wait isn't deliver this different delivery word 15 years late pizza what have you done [Music] Coachella alright let's open up these car pack cleff a motion card the Eagle II buff single card wait this is Eagle II puff into this big leap off the Chikorita the oddish the meryl goal that the wheezing the nattu the probe at bloom when you get the doll look at all the stuff we got don't open them don't open them switched over to the ik hands frame got a lot of stuff I mean it's a good thing we selected thought to reduce boxers by having all the items come in the same Amazon bucked alright let me go look at the cards yeah I know I'm gonna do is to not look at those oh here we go ball back well I that was that one's a good one no no no paper one also SAR cool kind of cool pretty cool pretty cool yeah this is gold wonderful whoa I like that one this is like this is a practically puff I like this one a lot you saw all of them right off more we haven't seen I think this is the best one oh that's I'm check oh you mean like it fake life uh I don't know go check it after this I gotta go watch the art channel hatch up no no no no not yet here we go miracles of art study there's a clock right there oh [ __ ] hey what's that that's not even the right one [Music] [Music] [ __ ] ripped me off and it's just like a slightly different color all right you're gonna rip your weed it's 11:58 [Music] what happens what happens Kerma it detected the name is shitty [Music] [Music] obey Him I mean if you hear will it go to the one he's looking at the meteor they say oh yeah there it is well they M what is it it wants to learn how to turn on the TV sure you really got like 25 seconds left Bobo one which button turns the TV on this one check the year saved see what year it thinks it is alright what year do you think it is it seems as it wants to watch TV with you folks yes we will watch TV it says 2036 then what happens does that mean that the Gamecube was programmed to be more than the Wii but what happens when I go back to the Wii [Music] [Music] I've not watched the end oh yeah yeah yeah okay sleeper put every car spa day okay hey doesn't say continue playing the game no sonnets meet you and read you [Music] he doesn't even know oh [ __ ] [ __ ] up behind he says they say so enthralled by the [ __ ] beat you Brothers episode 3 Oh oh my god what year is it it is whoa ah so I check the we check the we let me check I'm gonna check the week Oh hot [ __ ] [ __ ] it's 1204 am [Music] the day before but what day is it in here wait those are the we calendar with the focus the we calendar we calendar you bottom right was the message board calendar [Music] [Music] - sir I have seen same messages watch there be like a [ __ ] message in here it would you know what I'm gonna write a [ __ ] message got a message on like July [ __ ] forth of like 2030 this thing I probably won't own this thing forever I might just like let me give this to somebody or this could be out in the hands of a of some other entity but me and then and they'll yet don't get that message all right let's see what happens here now but with what day doesn't think it is now it's know it yes it is correct we're still a day forward on the Gamecube but we're a day back on the Wii you invited your friends over wait and they have just softlock the rest of the game for myself I can't go forward anymore I cannot skip a day anymore it's got to be in real time now oh that's not good this goes back and then forward what's watching your TV all right I don't wanna watch that that's boring was this one the egg Channel go backwards and then go forward so I'm going to scramble the game's brain catch-up okay about five minutes to hatch losing the egg I don't know is it an egg TV oh that's explaining it up top okay it's explaining it I change my answer [Music] oh there's the egg okay choose your cookie which one Pikachu with 21 help right top left bottom left which one parla my fortune is people from different countries might have different custom [Music] [Music] [ __ ] I can't get another one wait there's another one egg Channel oh no wait three minutes to hatch we actually have I don't want to watch this I don't want to watch this he two brothers part three this I design [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but covers with his nose cuz the eyes she's got you put it off you look like oh no what I need to picture a Garfield okay hold on he has this big like [ __ ] this big like Colonel Sanders mustache it goes like this his eyes go up here oh sorry I'll just draw over okay then it's uh he's got like an eyelid here and then the eyelid right here now we need white [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he's got that that big mustache thing [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] looks like he's counting broken [ __ ] glasses face into a wall with glasses oh don't said doctor quietly oh [ __ ] that hurt a lot that hurt a lot uh and then he's got like he's weird like things coming off his head hold on I gotta fix this it's orange okay like under his ear they go like this he's got this I'm telling go look at a picture garb really cuz these weird like lines on his head now they're not whiskers they're like under a buffa see there on his ears give him a sword like a big cigarette in his mouth we're getting I have no no no no no okay bite how do I undo okay then he has lines these like lines they go like this okay and then he has got like some [ __ ] under here these are orange - he looks gross garv you a little spleen man okay now give him a sword no it's gonna be like football and that's the color of the syllabus that light saber is better a light saber is better [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he's gonna have obi-wan Kenobi's saber [Laughter] an acid acid okay good did he have two lightsabers one obi-wan Kenobi one Luke Skywalker do I even need to ask that question ahsha's ear this was hold this one back is a little bit of trajectory here see like moogle I mean like he's like that's these arms back like this back so it's gonna be like that see yeah it's like it's back he's pulling it back - [ __ ] how do I do [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right this is just like I'm making like this is like just like [ __ ] an art from Newgrounds in like 2002 [Music] we gotta have moved a house this what is this [ __ ] hold on wait what's this secret none nessam that's better no looks kind of like buildings don't [ __ ] accidentally put it on his head oh okay I was it all up all right this is like that now down here we can do this [ __ ] it's a family grass okay punch it up a little bit this is foot down there I'm gonna make this clean this is the only one for a time it's good all right let's do the foot there we go all right ahh let's go to the foot and we're done I'm a five o'clock shadow I can't do that right now [Music] [Laughter] prequel shitty Yoda okay so there we go he'll let me clean this up done give him a sans I I am NOT gonna give him a [ __ ] sans I okay this is a map from worms wait wouldn't his mouth be up here like right here this is incorrect it'd be like yeah this is wrong my sister for shade this is the difference she why is it like a shade of orange wrong orange [Music] there's only one orange did I get to the whole thing up here here here here here here you look simply alright that's alright that's fine it kinda looks rip chair chair chair chair can put chair and armpit hair fight even harder give him armpit hair piece bleach he's to be wearing a diaper oh no no he's not wearing a diaper he's not wearing a diaper oh I'm vetoing that one he's not my feet oh that one [Music] okay there we go alright there's there is now we got right here no I'm not doing that yes it is no he's not no no nope Oh nope that's enough save this painting would you like to display a poster yes [Music] [Music] Garfield doesn't have nipples I need you to look up an image of Garfield and you tell no okay all right it's not even a picture of that Erica that's me messing around on the that's even worse on another Pokemon this is this is a new original character and those are not lightsabers they are they are beam Spears and I know I said I said obi-wan I said those names but that was just me referencing what they could look like someday [Music] Garf Vader well he's Annette Leland he's not sick [Music] Pablo just covered gar Vader original character [Music] no it gives a car Vader original character no od1 od1 Kenobi gar [Music] you [Music] od Wan Kenobi [Music] that's [ __ ] terrible keep an ot1 gar gar Binks [Music] it's not even OD in the picture I'm gonna be displaying this in your house all right have you finished watching this yet the ad was busy not gonna watching TV anymore [ __ ] bugle Barry I heard bugle ferry eating a spider what are we not seeing oh wait the egg what was it whose Bulbasaur I don't know why my brains fried for some reason I thought that was like eight how many bars you have on a cell phone I was like wasn't but if just Wi-Fi is it go losing my mind League was like it was like right down there it was in the perfect spot I was like why is a compact by honor all right Blaziken paddles with greater intensity when it faces a tough opponent it will back oh well intense flames shoot from this wrists beauty maro walk groove ferocious by building bone as a weapon however it is thought to have been leaked originally we won't don't you on buddy Pikachu status buddy Pikachu all right so let's it's apparently 12:36 a.m. it's 40 minutes we [ __ ] hey a new viewer Eric a new viewer here can you explain this game to a newbie please thank you and love the stream oh sure the game where you watch TV set is engrossed in TV we're gonna do uh pokemons minis alright what's next oh we've watched all the shows what about good news out of the way you walk in the TV I don't want to watch this what you're blocking TV with me go take the bus hey new viewer here what's the chef's cane story one time I checked my pants and I didn't I did I after washing the underwear I didn't get rid of it hahahahaha hell in the end held it again tell it again tell it again and tell it again and held again tell it again held again held again this one time oh my god this one time I shoot my best and I good didn't clean it up for something is this again TV filming is underway where we going on TV TV all right found the three leap over looking for a four-leaf clover no four-leaf clover all talk I guess is this guy I look I drew you both eat gather and draw what sort of patterns in the night sky geometric pattern baby baby baby baby I like this one now what about Mario enemy dusk Oh oh hi Lauren but it is said that if Dusko hips chase it will follow the target till what comes up the morning son [Music] and here's think up it's it's like I'm like a full puppy four and a half second fine ripping me okay just was him telling me your own he just wanted me to pet him because it relax all right so I have to well I have to how do I go forward in time I have to go backwards in time and then go forwards in time how do you a cook a dream person I don't know what am yeah I will probably do this pretty much longer they get the egg question right please please look what you guys like submit that somewhere Paget whoever what about the know what what's going on here who's the other one I mean I missed it plagiarize this oh oh it's just here's Garfield Pokemon's this X is pretty cool it's all of pokemons this is really really really this is very interesting same one that I drew with the lightsabers and everything no I don't see anything wait wait wait where is this I'm trying to find it with like the cigarette coming out of the mouth and the lightsabers what you got it there is I want to see this that's [ __ ] hilarious okay I'm not clicking on any more links I'm not clicking on any more link that was like that was that's gonna [ __ ] me up for life check the art Channel what are you talking about you ruined it oh they okay I thought I worked like the art Channel on the website [Music] yeah you guys got some [ __ ] up images there's nothing gonna be here waitwhat I didn't sell this [Music] but even everybody I'm your host smeargle where are you getting this definite ayats I sickness is losing with originality the artist demonstrates the original creative vision unseen and others see it's an original character it's not anything related to Disney or or uh Jim Davis neither one of those original you go see this is a repost what the [ __ ] mods [Music] what the [ __ ] you on alright I think I'm done I think I'm done I think I'm done nothing I'm out of here I think this is I think this is where I have to stay as be done oh yeah I don't think I can handle this anymore save the game I'll save it he hates this what I don't say that oh hey this we talking about he's never gonna watch TV with stinking cute everywhere again the final rating on this game I mean the video game is a - but like it affects the interesting the fun factor is like an 8 so I mean it's fun it's like funny and it's awesome but it's just watching TV with Pikachu I give it us I give it up together seven I give it a 74 on the moon who is it oh and pay attention what I'm gonna do my planes which I'm gonna play Animal Crossing when it comes out all right expel this one more time okay I'm saving sometimes it Pizza like an hour and a half ago their fault that reason Pizza like an hour an hour and a half ago now it's your fault toxic paint you what the new programs discovered beginning at uh today at five a.m. [Music] because they can't afford I could I can't skip ahead I'm softball I have to go back and then go forward everyone you spent like two hours on one level of pinball game I don't like to remember how'd she get up there he's saying then Tendo you said you'd eat the disc I'm not gonna eat the disc all right I'll see you guys later oh so plan is tomorrow on tomorrow um hopefully gonna do tomorrow morrow I wanna ah you're gonna hate this you're gonna hate this but I know you get a lot of you guys gonna hate this I'm gonna wah I'm I want to play binding of issac again you're gonna hate this play again I'm like it I want to like play it so bad I so badly want to play it I'm like that guy scratched the itch and now it's like I want to play I'm gonna play binding of issac anymore he's ejected either that or there's one other thing that I might do as well it depends on what uh it depends on how I feel not Nancy Drew oh you [ __ ] liar we'll see I'm not sure yet but I do want to play at least at least like two to four hours of binding of issac tomorrow we'll do something else but I want at least four hours of binding of issac tomorrow or two hours at least at least two hours understand I'm compromising with you at the whole scream was not two hours is it it's like 20% of us cream like 30% of one string to our but my average screen time is like six to eight hours two to three hours is like 20 to 40% it's 30% I'm playing it as all there is to it 4 to 6 nice at 2 to 4 but play purple place look it's like what you can't even play that game that sounds like that games unbound loadable yes you can I don't think you guys want me to play purple place that's funny for five seconds and then oh no he's playing [ __ ] purple place I'm gonna leave I'll go do something else for like an hour all right I'll see you guys mom will do a couple things let's say our goodbyes when it's Burma crap within the next hundred years not destroyed yes he's like fun and cute games are like electable I don't care if I didn't like the game not this one the one before it I actually liked him on before it but I was gonna eat it just in my anger he's a cool that nice thing to collect looking like eat this I gotta break anything swindie stick Wendy's I don't know I don't get this what is there to do with anything what is this Wendy's image you have to do it anything it's because I hit the mic oh god damn it okay let's go back to a little bit earlier today almost just about six and a half hours ago we had Dark Soul 250 from Dark Soul here's some sober bits last night with something anyway I do like whisky a lot not more than vodka but jameson equals good Johnnie Walker equals cigars and [ __ ] less thing about unions everyone's got it's a coward you have one too we should the 250 LM man thanks to the $5 sound the call to war Shogun gerbil and some opinions are wrong they ever say [ __ ] you thought that's the thing you thought I was gonna say that next part nope thanks for the $5 Li min hey yen when thanks to the 250 it is my birthday today happy birthday yen when uh I'm almost as old as you but younger by a few years nice oh you're in the post you know post 30 know it's like started drawing this in hopes that I would finish before my birthday but I ran out of time brannad of time hoping that I could use this as a bribe in order to receive an exclusive rats birthday song is this the sandwich is this like the dirty sandwich let's see yeah it is this is the dirty sandwich I'm just show it on screen well dirty as an old has an old get it on here almost done this is [ __ ] really good that's that's the turkey sandwich that sat in the car for like six and a half hours or in a day or something the Oblivion sandwich yeah that's [ __ ] incredible though it's so good it's so [ __ ] good thank you for this and happy birthday and you want to spell you want to rat this evening in here we go hey have a great day everybody again when I'm revenge me [Music] just bound them it was we just ran by it was pretty wild it's kind of a problem where they're coming in from but thank you again and thanks for the insanely talented artwork you got you guys some skill here real skill happy birthday hope it's a good one I should I lost my [ __ ] I lost my scream I lost my stream there it is hey LM man another five dollars from LM n Durham Osama with this legendary skill in leading an army of conscripted as she garu have you ever considered playing the total war Shogun games my brain is way too small for those I'm capable of throwing a pinball against the wall and getting angry I I do not have the patience to play any of those games like that I've seen a lot of people say dude you should play civilization it would be so much fun man you should check out like your ropa whatever it's called ooh you know what what's it called you you're you're up - what's it called what's that one called is this like three of them right you yeah you Robo universe sales yeah I've heard that I've heard what's the other one there's another one that's really popular what the hell is it called Crusader Kings there it is yeah those games take like dozens of hours to even understand how to play them correctly I would get annoyed and bored and frustrated in the first four hours and it would be I couldn't I always just loved lose my mind I just don't have the brain patience for games like that even on my own time something like that is like hey you look like Crusader Kings I'd be like no no not in a million years like I wouldn't even do that on my own time even like it before streaming that's something I just wouldn't play I need to throw rocks at people I mean I got a rollup involve rock into a guy that's that's pretty much what you saw today was the extent of most of the strategy games you'll see me play on this channel what about the stronghold to total war Warhammer total war hammer 2 is easy to learn maybe look we're talking about me we are talking about me but probably not you'll probably never see a game like that on this channel and that's when I could be really certain though Wembley T TV thanks to the 250 if you want to play a better voice-activated military game find a copy of Tom Clancy and war I don't think the PC Steam version is voice-activated though to find a ps3 or xbox free Xbox version if you want to try it I love microphone games general arse thanks for the $14 1,400 bits from general Arthur Murray where did you get that Flint water when we went water is that what they have on the shelves Paquito I'm drinking coffee I'm drinking coffee [Music] it's coffee it's not it's not it's coffee it's good I like it no but there ain't nothing on the shelves anymore that's why I've got I got that I bought symphysis Fiji water because the only thing that bucketing was existed people go buy all the regular bottled water and they just and they leave the Fiji my gosh [ __ ] like I gotta buy like a case of Fiji is nobody's gonna buy the case of Fiji [Music] it's good though I mean I love this stuff it's great it's really good but I don't don't really want to buy cases of it anyways two swords Dutch Captiva thanks for the thousand bits new drinking game take a shot every time drummer says press forward I would advise against doing that that's not a good idea what advise against doing that sir Ling Curtin thanks to the $5 hatred glad to make it to a stream usually watch on YouTube thanks for giving us all distraction from the scary times the world is in right now but the V another keep talking stream with Joel Oh probably not we'll probably move on to something else if we ever play something again if we ever have a monster but Pluto if we everybody say that ever does that mean it means he's never gonna play with him again he must hate Joel I think he hates Joel I think he hates Joel he said ever yeah so we'll probably when did we ever do something again it will probably do something else new games come out it worth playing he punched Joel I did not do that I didn't do that you're a liar and you're making it up new games aren't coming out cuz they are there's like three or four new games coming out over the next few months a Ferrari my miss this is a lot of money Freudian weapon thanks to the $40 4,000 bits from Freudian weapon that's that's just shy of [ __ ] $50 dude thank you human residence we got delayed awfully it's unfortunate they say hey Jeremy I just want to say that I appreciate you screaming things are getting kind of scary in the world as you know the fact that I can still turn into your streams some laughs definitely helps bring some much-needed comfort thanks so much love you and chat he has to wash your hands everyone yes take some precautions when you do anything when you go anywhere try to limit the amount that you go out to especially the places that have a lot of people in them especially if you're in an area that you know has seen cases there are some countries that are in lockdown right now just be careful and be smart yeah well like I said the other day and yesterday too hopefully this blows over pretty soon hopefully we can get ahead of this has been a while since something like does this happen right when was the last the last big kind of scary pandemic was but eh one h1n1 DARS or something but not this big yeah in 2003 Ebola but I don't think a bola was this widespread around uh what was I don't think I don't remember it being like that was it how could I remember I mean like Disney World is closed that's not that's not even close to what how scarier you know it know that not even what I mean not even close like bear-bait closed Disney World Disney World has never been closed ever in the history of it ever being opened except for I only think I think two or three days so this is I guess enough to have to warrant doing something like that last time Disney World was closed was on 9/11 yeah I mean that you don't just close it just I mean the whole park is you can't even go but like hopefully this is all over soon and we can kind of get back to normal over the next few months when summertime can really rolls around here especially in the US hopefully um cases die down and it can you know we can move on hope so but beaker Saints got robbed thanks to the $5 just $5 Thank You Saints got robbed all the list goes thanks for the three doze been watching you Constance it's 2011 your streams have helped me get through a lot of rough patches especially recently also you're now withered muscles helped encourage me to get [ __ ] huge while I'm still somewhat young but lately I've been eating a tahini paste and doing bicep curls for YouTube sub celebrations and I've never felt better about myself thank you for the near decade of content and for always striving to be the best gamer you can be much love good luck to you I never condone to that I never told you to anyone to do that do not do that are you doing that on your own good luck thank you thank you sell juniors for the $5 funny streamer pepo happy no konoka thanks to the $3 Jeremy loved seeing you play pokemon channel today your Viva Pinata strange maybe remember it being a game I was wanted as a teen I actually went and bought a copy hope to see you stream it more it's so chaotically cute cute games on stream is always great have a good day YouTube you will see the return of Viva Pinata I have the second one ready to go just need to pick a day to do it up limbo thanks with free dollars pokemon ruins my brain to the point that it made me enter my credit card information and give you money I'm sorry to hear that peaceful Haley thanks to the 250 derma can you admit you farted it's okay we all [ __ ] ourselves from time to time that didn't I didn't but it sounded like it in this one piece me lately again thanks for 250 derma you um you obviously don't know you Star Wars lore obi-wan saber has always been blue he only used a green saber once when he spoiler my reading spoilers Luke used Anakin's blue saber and he made his own saber which was green shaking my head German come on if you need to know Star Wars lore come to me I wasn't I wasn't doing Star Wars lore that was a [ __ ] beam spear that's why I said it incorrectly because that wasn't that's not a reference to any at Disney related properties but thanks for the five dollar return that shirt no I will continue to wear it and pretend to be a fan of the show movies in the movies and the show is the show I could say that there's a show is the show hey loo PFA thanks to the thousand bits loopy no message just ten [ __ ] dollars let's roll the credits janitor is gonna come sweep by you here there come the credits thanks for watchin thanks for sticking around we'll see you tomorrow for more stuff thanks everybody I want to fight binding of issac it's fun and I scratched this tonight I have to keep scratchin also there's a couple other things I want to do we'll see what happens tomorrow I will see you tomorrow thanks again and thank you to rag Nell for the $5 buy better coffee instead of that curdling swill from yesterday no okay it's that is a nice cold brew at coffee that I'm drinking is a is a cold brew that you keep in the fridge it's a nice cold brew the reason why I look so gross is because I put almond milk in it and I sit here and I drink it and I sip on it for an hour and what happens is the almond milk separates from the coffee and looks like [ __ ] it's not the coffee it's the almond milk I'm putting in it but I like almond milk or like putting on the milk in my coffee oh that's why it looks like that it's a nice cold brew what you're seeing why not mix it with a spoon because I don't have a spoon up in my office you [ __ ] quotes don't have a spoon up here and I gotta have this but am I gonna poop I'm gonna do with it like I put my finger in it oh that's gross a frozen Thor 5:16 thanks for the 250 hey German thanks for the stream as usual you said you never played any of the Pokemon games before but even consider playing them perhaps the new one that came up with a switch with silly rules such as chat picks what pokemon you can use stuff like that again thanks to the stream and keep being awesome I will try glad you think that I'll try to drive better I can be better it always be better right um I don't I hope I don't really want to play pokemon pokemon is uh-huh it's cool I respect the franchise but I don't have any interest in it at all I really don't see row like it unless is a TV game or like take pictures with Pikachu I don't actually really care at all about the main line Pokemon game I just never have and I never do and I never will it's the way it is sorry wait thank you for the suggestion silence serenity thanks to the 250 years others have said I'm glad you chill here with I'm glad to chill here with you guys while we're quarantined video games are a great time killer I've been playing the cities skylines over the past couple of days and I definitely recommend it for wasting time I actually planned on streaming city skyline should I we talked about that a few weeks ago like a month or two ago right [Music] that'd be fun could can I handle that I want to be very clear about this can I handle that but can I handle that one absolutely not yes do it tomorrow can I [ __ ] handle that is that like I got to sit there and learn the whole game for like 12 hours it's easier than SimCity doesn't take that long it's good there are some systems kind of need to learn it's 30 minutes to learn but it's easy to pick up it's easy it's super simple okay okay we'll do it tomorrow all right we'll do tomorrow we'll play City skylines tomorrow but I'm getting my I'm getting my [ __ ] couple hours of binding of issac in will do that's more that's the N thanks for watching and see you tomorrow same time around 3:00 4:00 p.m. Pacific and goodbye and good night Sergio but right the end 250 got back from work to see you was still stream and I had a co-worker act totally normal all shift and start violently coughing into the trashcan next to him Jesus I told them hey I love you but please don't COFF on the line we had to decontaminate the entire kitchen midship that's [ __ ] scary glad I could share a laugh after day today that's not good he's got to be careful I mean here's the thing though there's there's there so it's like coughing and sneezing in there's X normal stuff and it's like is that what's wrong with that person you don't want to get too too into it into like a stereo you know that that's how it's somebody just sneezed in this in this place I am I got to get the [ __ ] out of here you know I mean it just kind of be careful we it's a like the jacket just said it's allergy season too so if there is enough to be concerned about for sure but we just we got to be careful with I know it's scary and it's it's not a fun time for really anybody but we don't also want to feed into the like the absolute hysteria but you never know I know but I know but still but it's the same reason you got people buying 30 [ __ ] rolls of toilet paper like they like I've seen the images of people that got like a full a full closet of like 5000 rolls of toilet paper it's like that's that's all that's a lot that's a lot um people buy like 10 gallons of milk like milk goes bad in like not even 12 days right like what are you buying 10 gallons of milk here who's gonna drink all that milk in the next like a week or two just freeze it but we both we both freezing milk and if I ever put milk in my freezer I'm just gonna freeze 9 gallons of milk and you got like the people that are buying all this [ __ ] and then they're selling it on like the internet for like [ __ ] a thousand percent more it's like God if people are just trying to get like a one stack of toilet paper and now you're talking about they might have to it's not there because everyone's been panicking and buying it all and they got these kinda sort of going in there in buying it to sell it to those people that didn't get there in time at like a twenty thousand percent premium it's like Jesus always in like a pandemic how are we supposed to like it help each other you don't say like that's that that seems a little strange no I felt the same okay when there was like a baseball game or something and it's like oh maybe like three or four of us will go to the game oh okay yeah how about your tickets oh there are none left now there are no more tickets left it looks like we're gonna walk out to the front of [ __ ] Fenway Park yeah I got tickets for 200 bucks for the [ __ ] nosebleeds okay thanks go but what's that again those those are like those are like $41 seats boomer ball server the Communists what that what that stuff does not communists you seeing people but 70 [ __ ] containers of like cotton L in the back of their car is like you go dude like that sorry I must be a communist hey sorry excuse me uh ma'am it sir I'm a communist and I don't agree with the fact that you have your whole entire [ __ ] Subaru Outback full of toilet paper it's not it's not that what it is he's going on a socialist rant no I am NOT that's not what that is not even close oh don't twist it don't twist it on me don't twist it don't twist it on me don't twist it I don't want to hear from any of you starting to twist what's happening to me what's going on don't twist don't I don't want anybody to twist this on what's happening sorry I had something all right I don't want you don't twist it on me that's not what I was saying anyways have a great day have a great wish to unite see cool berry juice thanks for 250 you're right at the buzzer here no like for real German it's okay you can admit that you farted we all do it there's no reason to be embarrassed about it I mean not all of us aren't live on stream in front of thousands of people a small percentage of which may peak into farts I mean that would be [ __ ] embarrassing but you know it's okay if you do why did I read that out loud okay goodbye good night see you tomorrow have a [ __ ] wonderful rest of your evening City skylines and binding of issac tomorrow see you soon good night take care by sorry there was a delay on the bike you
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 43,010
Rating: 4.886076 out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, archive, jerma pokemon, pokemon channel, gamecube, jerma facecam
Id: wEoyqW5gwHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 30sec (12870 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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