Jerma Streams - Vegas Stakes

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I didn't realize this was still playing [Laughter] [Music] one more time all right [Music] all right I'll are its off I'm turning it off hold on oh there's Acme acres why doesn't one one I'm not doing it one more time the next game we're gonna play for an hour - although who knows I might just might be one of the ones that I I don't stop for a while um it's a classical my favorite that I ever owned in my whole life and favorite SNES games ever Vegas stakes those you know what that is it's not for Team Fortress 2 not a Super Nintendo it's a casino game that's right this game you gotta get to a million dollars if you don't get to a million dollars then you lose this game actually is very very very good let me change the title see no game it's it's gonna I'm telling you you guys are gonna like this random NPCs come up to you in this game and they like try to take money from you and [ __ ] you hittin like fights yeah I'm telling you you guys are gonna like this you know Inc never again oh I already did it I already did casino Inc I'm get this ready you why should I try to live road to $1,000,000 road UPS is gonna be road to a million that works for me why would I make it just II not gonna happen are you guys ready Las Vegas Vegas Stace [Music] Vegas adventure you [Music] when are we going to get there I'm so tired of riding in this car oh quit complaining we'll be there soon enough well it'll be nice to stretch my legs and walk around not complaining just anxious to get there Blackjacks lost roulette craps and poker which game should I play first well I'm heading right to the poker table that's where I'll make my riches I don't know how to play poker so I'm not gonna be doing that hope I don't lose my shirt like I did the last time I went to Las Vegas we're here good luck and remember to go out in pairs it would be more fun I don't know how to play poker I really don't I know like the basics of poker but I don't know how to like look at a guy and be like ah [ __ ] you I'd Bluff on you and then I would lose $100,000 I don't know how to play you I only know about pokers you wear sunglasses and just like you're like the guy sleeping in the back of class that's how you be a good poker player is just emulate every college student that's sitting in the back [Music] welcome to the golden paradise hotel checking in please write your name mister [Music] mr. 23 DTC 3 4 5 FG [Music] Oh fit go back on a face delete characters [Music] delete this [Music] miss tuffet mr. space face like a ton of spaces mr. mr. L [Music] well yes mr. L we certainly have your reservation show you to your room please follow me let's see if anyone wants to come to the casino with me how about cliff Maria Isabel or Richard who wants to call it me too because st. Richard about Richard yeah at the column we're not staying the same room wait wait wait you guys didn't get [ __ ] suite separate rooms you talking about no get like a get like an executive suite everybody pulled their money together and you get like [ __ ] three bedrooms hello Richard how about going to the casino with me they're away from me in the lobby I'll be right there [Music] all right we go select game but I think we should do first how about slush yeah all right $50 block how much money do I have I have a thousand dollars okay as just $250 pin [Music] I died just got something that's it [Music] let's go we understand all right I'm up about give me up mom how do I believe I didn't want to play again I want to know no I want to get out I want to leave how do you get out no stop putting money into the machine and believe how can I help you we've got any advice there's only one way to win a slot machine instead of coins pull the lever good luck you'll be a millionaire I'll be an I could be a millionaire thanks for the advice that [Music] [Music] oops all berries go on the orange that's [ __ ] nothing stop Jeremy this is my college money there it is alright that's got to be something big alright get me else [Music] I lost $400 sir alright let's go we're gonna go we're doing flak jacket I actually kind of know how to play craps a little bit not really that much but I know a little bit max bet 215 blackjack all right let's that was off [ __ ] video place your bet okay I want to bet fifty dollars your hand we've got twenty stay [Music] 14:20 I'm staying on a 20 I'm not gonna hit I don't what I don't care it's 20 this case stay on 20 why would you I'm not kidding if I were to hit with the nutty crazy stand here too I [Music] i-i've come to the realization that chat does not understand blackjack people don't know how to play this game but don't worry this is actually how you play blackjack and you'll get corrected if you're play this is basic strategy blackjack this one's called and if the dealer has a four five or six is it I'm talking to Zoomers sorry no not [Music] but why'd you say that I'm not talking to sue that see breakfast stand take it see that's there's a 67 percent chance that he's gonna lose it's like from twenties or in this Jam maybe the rest of your [ __ ] doctors and [ __ ] you should know what I'm talking about 250 let's go big one all right should I split the twos I guess the Ted what do you think split twos against a 10 that would be the worst thing ever [Music] okay 3:18 all right I have to have had all that one okay yeah yeah and what happened twenty [ __ ] one give me a break see what it did right there is he'd never do that that was the dumbest thing ever I was doing it for a stream joke and I ended up losing all my money big one let's go 13 gets the five don't do anything you have a twelve or over don't do anything as you see again people don't get this people don't understand if the dealer is showing a five or six especially as six if you have a 12 or more do not do anything stand don't hit don't be like wow I've got a hit and then you Boston you lose you don't know know you get bet you this is how you that's how you play blackjack [Music] lot of you cards count well that person's gonna get thrown out of the casino let's play I have way too much money [Music] but if I've split them I only had one of it is make any sense take a card here nope [Music] though I lost 250 you just did what you said not to do no four five or six I'm gonna get it all back here it is this is bad insurance no [ __ ] that it might just add to this flat deck great here we go come back [Music] just count cards and now I know you guys don't have gone play blackjack you guys know that most decks have like eight decks like what four three likes six and eight Dex's would you like to play good luck counting [ __ ] play 500 cards by the way they're out picked out of that but keep that [ __ ] personality [Music] and do it all right so with ya was the idea why did I hit against the ten yeah that you knew that's a joke okay it's a funny joke [Music] gerrae we've been here for ten minutes and you are we you know we have like the hotel booked for four days right yeah just take a walk all of us always take a walk every day you gotta get that million man I think you actually like level up and [ __ ] alright just don't know huge bets we didn't in here mister not mr. Ellis now mr. Ellis it's mr. Luss it's more like it rain more like that's me [Music] Gregg green mr. Gregg green God see if any moment okay Richard was a bath Richard's bad luck that we're gonna bring let's go with Maria the Rick know [Music] red/green is the greedy Grinner is alter-ego mean the lobby all right here we go select game we're gonna do I'm gonna go to the left [Music] okay no monster breaths just play it well what number is what am i choosing guys all right all wait always double zero double zero a hundred no twenty dollars on double zero and then we're gonna do [Music] we're gonna do a minute can I do like corner bets in this can you kind of go right okay and then thirteen fourteen sixteen seventeen hundred bucks on the line let's go well how do I say yes go [Music] I said yes [Music] ready I said yes [Music] okay mr. Brean have you finished your pet yes I have let's go [Music] is that for what black [Music] anyway alright sorry you go you go the same strategy save strategy right here thirteen fourteen sixteen seventeen hundred bucks get it on them zero zero and double zero 20 bucks in each one before this blue screen ready 13 14 60 70 look up a corner somewhere right here all right [Music] just put one in every spot [Music] you're just put like a dollar on every number and then just sit there and stare while you don't win or lose anything you just are annoying [Music] no yes it's 20 [Music] if you did this at the casino you'd be like sorry sir sir sir sir sir stop thumbs up well I'm sort of make sure I win [Music] all right mr. green are you finished betting yep I'm ready strip that wheel [Music] did I but okay I'm just gonna say no way [Music] Oh [Music] [Laughter] I'll give you a doll back thank you now here's the real [ __ ] play mr. Brean knows how to play roulette $40 or the half of the number and there's a 50/50 chance for you to make it back [Music] and don't call me mr. Breen for nothing spit it [Music] don't ever doubt mr. green like and then I do I think I do a full cigar in one drag I won seven hundred and twenty dollars how's your luck Fred mr. green mines been awful mind if I hang out with you for a while here you [ __ ] loser well that's okay I think I'll just try someone else copy the green strategy skip every number every other number [Music] see right now there's like a group of like maybe 10 people of congregated behind me and like having a there might be taking pictures of me and [ __ ] like like this is this guy's a [ __ ] psycho I mean all right just good luck [Music] spin it [Music] then the smoke comes out my ears [Music] this grain you've won $640 thank you [Music] I can't put all our dresses sorry about that mr. green sometimes is that matter III [Music] No ha [Music] take my money somewhere else take this to the slots no black 50 dollars just came in 5,000 bits from lesbian Bigfoot thanks for the $50 they say Jeremy today was my payday so I thought I'd toss a couple bucks away and use it on a couple more Funko's for your gamer room also I know how much you hate playing Nancy Drew I've had one request in the world it would be that you play ghost dogs of Moon Lake from the series my sisters and I used to play those games all the time and watching you play the games you did reminded me the fun we all used to have thanks as always to the great content drew crew forever I'm such a I'm such a klutz I sprained my ankle I hate to ask but mr. green would you please take me to the emergency room [Music] who is that why why me get her can you imagine if I'm like I'm like a big high roller and I got a big crowd around me like wow this dream that's another $100 whoa all right and then you push through this crowd mr. green mr. green what is yeah what do you need can you take me to the ER can you just up how many people did you push through [Music] and I'll tell you they got gumption you got gear you got gumption someone's ever done that before get in the car let's go Oh Angevin [ __ ] trust me that way mr. green took that person to the emergency room what that's it [Music] all right let's go 13 verse yeah I got a hit hit hit hit hit oh I got a hit again okay now you stay he's gonna flip over tenets don't matter I lose anyways oh yeah [Music] mr. green you're so kind accept this gift I wanted the slot machine give it a thousand dollars [Music] let's go just spend her money [ __ ] jack oh there it is Black Death yeah 3,500 bucks home pretty well do it again nine give me a call come on do it no why would I double this against the nine that's stupid hit hit hit card give me ten all right I stay tipper uh [Music] for sure and this is we're spending her money right now blackjack again 13 versus Jack that sucks I'm probably gonna lose oh that's even more annoying that's even more annoying that I probably have to take another car but by camping I can't have two free they had [Music] III take if you've got three small cars like that what the [ __ ] like eventually but I'm gonna get a monster card how's your luck with mr. green mine's been awful mind if I hang out with you yeah sure we have bugle berry you can sit right here you are always welcome [Music] right right I don't I could pick up some [ __ ] [Music] you want to bet this yes 11 yeah versa 10 that's so stupid this is dumb you think this would be like a gasp at the table if I double down right Jesus Christ [Music] well I hope I don't some of your luck rubbed off on me see you later tell the bump when the loser walked past you check your pocket everything was okay why is he a loser I didn't call him a loser the games calling him a loser blackjack that's 20 anyway [Music] mr. Regan Oh mr. gray your bucket problem I won $15,000 on that's not machine I can't forget my lucky charm I want you to have this $5,000 tobey's [ __ ] [Music] wrong voice [Music] raise my boy Michael alright dude I got $8,000 right now you have to hit again we build until you get it done at the table alright get up let's go oh oh my god I guess I got [ __ ] 8,500 bucks out [Music] games really loud I can exit the casino leggo well I'm it returned to the room hang out of the room for a little bit go gambling with other friends save your scores and let's go with another friend get room surface all right cliff let's go let's go keep your 8.5 K what is that this is road to a million not road to 8.5 cave [Music] you [Music] the luck game let's go all right let's do all right how do you play poker somebody helping you heard all the minimum/maximum it's easy Moe's got 10 grand auntie 20 minimum is 20 maximum this 21 press a button to ante up all right ante up [Music] so we all get five cards this can take forever all right got a seven I got a - I got parts at 20 I this is what I don't understand about poker this is [ __ ] here like head raised call check I don't know what that stuff means what has called me is an awful hand Paul means like I don't want to raise Oh [Music] means call your mother it means the call means you but same amount that they dip always the bugle berries over there he's using some of that money equal the current bet okay [Music] I'll call call call call now what is check me [Music] no bet do nothing I'll bet anything I want to play I want to participate [Music] that's a pot work this dude's got two fours hey we got you got a pair over there [Music] Paul [Music] oh nice can I and they hurry up [Music] wait a minute I thought you weren't supposed to like show emotions that's that guy's got like a royal flush [Music] this is getting to be $500 what excuse me before that I lose a chance [Music] it's heading putty couldn't they keep doing this it is straight Estrella and of course what he just win we can just went 40 100 bucks ha ha ha ha I won I won look at this pot alright I lost 25 let's do it again [Music] this game is not even plated yeah when it does Texas Hold'em is the one that's at every casino now and it's also something I'm staining he's gonna block the bucket of everybody [Music] raise $1,000 raise 200 okay go ahead and spin it around [Music] what you don't know is I pocket aces Paul okay all right [Music] leave that clean oh [ __ ] that guy's got Oh raise it again maybe next time i falled call took this dog [ __ ] hand I just tried to scare everybody [Music] no he's got no no no no no that guy probably has like three the time about Steve's got three times he's from history jack [Music] now who know that I could have a blush no I can't like just [Music] I mean look at he's look at how happy he is again he's probably got like a [Music] wait he's back to normal [Music] I want to see one of them get excited raise a hundred raise a hundred all [Music] Paul [Music] all right we got at 100 this is parts like Jerry I want this money you only had to pair or whatever to pair two pair two pair this [ __ ] I one look at his pile of chips and their mind whatever [ __ ] yeah I keep my my I join my down the person gets bad cards there leave the table no no no no no no no yes alright come on [Music] I'm not gonna focus stuff [Music] yeah see you later you know you know you knew jack all right that's I could get a flusher check but yeah zero wait hold on ready [Music] Oh raise to $50 should call that race 20 [Music] Oh [Music] Paul and you just go around the table and just keep saying call call call call until Oh carts come on holy [ __ ] [Music] now but my secret is them know when to hold them and when to fold them were you I can't keep but I can't keep up now you can't they all that's who they all saw the [ __ ] they saw the Royal Flush that's a $900 wait all right last one [Music] 900 by the way yeah well they had to take taxes grenades I do have a name old with an ace oh no I'm gonna get another ace raise 50 bucks [Music] oh the game audio I will [Music] ace [Music] [ __ ] alright I'm leaving alright now we're gonna take us to the swamp okay uh I know I have a very very basic understanding of crap [Music] now how do I just leave the table [Music] sit on the toilet [Music] leave this casino go to a different casino go to a different casino all right I don't want to see how happy they are that they winning I want to go [Music] why did John he wins every time oh no Harold wasn't all that difficult maybe next time I beat I'm so sorry to ask you for a favor but I desperately need some cash would you like to buy this diamond I guaranteed is worth quite a bit it's been a phrase for $5,000 how much will you give me for it I'll make him an offer five thousand you say huh you get ten dollars to get the [ __ ] away from me stop talking to me my friends about four thousand ten dollars and you give me a little more how about 3,600 ten dollars how about thirty two hundred [Music] ten [ __ ] dollars can you give me a little boy how about twenty eight hundred ten dollars did you get a little bored of that how about twenty-five hundred you're going to only get ten [ __ ] dollars ah some people let's get out of here [Music] gonna pee right back and pull a piss today sorry [Music] this as it is it is that cut the music's kind of annoying I'm gonna drop it here we go how much that's any better better better all right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right bring it back [Music] all right uh exit casino like that would you go to different casinos how this work exit casino exit casino I go to a different one oh [ __ ] which casino should we visit whoa the 2020 we have to go to the 2020 it's the current year Oh check it out this one has a sci-fi atmosphere yeah let's go 2020 the 2020 that's so weird at least this music is gonna drive me nuts oh no this is a higher minimum there's a higher max oh no I'm ten fifteen twenty twenty five hundred dollars for a spin come on Oh what I've done come on okay yeah I'm fine everything's fine now art oh [ __ ] was that [Music] alright looks like crap I don't little of all right I'm gonna do $1,000 crowd yeah here we go I'm gonna [ __ ] destroy this so I'm gonna put I remember how craps works um the whole thing with craps is you don't want to roll a seven I'm gonna put $1,000 on the on the past night let's go and then I'm gonna put and these are vets that if this shows up if you get double sixes right and you just get this pay up ass is the best out yeah I know and they said these are sucker bets this is 32 one snake eyes I do $1,000 sucker bet and make [ __ ] 30 grand all right how about $50 sucker bet looking for two ones all right I'm good I'm done no seven six yeah here we go good bad I didn't pay that yeah okay now the six shows up wait hold on I remember how this works right now I want it now I'm okay you're gonna land on a [ __ ] before can't bet here why not yeah okay I want it 500 bucks ain't you gonna [ __ ] be hitting floors all day if a six shows before seven you win right right now nine nobody wins then he's gonna come on let's see if or stay [Music] Oh a sucker bet I was gonna put $100 on that do that for six there we go that's it I went can go thousand bucks keep going the thing about craps is if you can just keep going thousand bucks on the pass line god damn it I was gonna do that too I was gonna do one of these [ __ ] vets how's your luck been mr. mr. green how's your luck with how mine's been awful I blew the $17,000 I won and I hang out with you again your thank you I'm gonna pick up some pointers from you I blow it off ed sit down you know give me a [ __ ] break okay thank God I don't some of your luck rubbed off on me I'll see you later oh yeah bugle very bumps into you as they walk by you check your pockets and everything is fine Oh on bugle bugle very go hit a [ __ ] hundred million dollars again yes don't hit a seven no sevens no sevens no seven Oh mr. gray you'll never believe it your luck rubbed off on me again I've won another $15,000 on a smart machine I can't forget you again I gotta give you five grand again just ten thousand dollars in two days hey thanks for the $5,000 and guess what now I'm back up upward before I even walked in the [ __ ] door back to roulette active roulette thousand dollars we're going okay this is where we you can take him [ __ ] nuts you're gonna think I'm nuts I'm saying 19 20 22 23 right in the middle $1,000 let it ride go that was bugle very money who cares that's all right I'm doing one more time this is bugle very money again 19 20 22 23 19 20 22 23 oh right there right next to 19 19 20 22 23 18 you [ __ ] you gotta be kidding me 19 20 22 23 if I don't hit I'm out back to this law oh come on right it's lanes on the one right next to it put every cent that I have on nine eight and five come on mr. green mr. green mr. green are you all right yeah doing fine let it roll again hey listen don't ask me out doing after this just to leave me alone and I got a drink if I could get what it was really good mr. green yep that's a three yeah I can read place your bets yeah I'm tough I love this guy there's a guy I watch he's alive stripper he's really really lucky it has to hit it at some point because this guy just make some noises on the internet and he's the best of fortune so I mean like he's that you got to be the luckiest person in the [ __ ] world mr. green and knows all [Music] fortune what that's for four times in a row an alien who's just in here and just speared through my chest this is an alien like from aliens finally just blew BAM through my chest let's go nine eight five oh my god hey oh god damn it well I'm here's my last a bugle Barry do you need any fool luck wispy beautifu you can have some money he's losing his - all right everything on for everything on for [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [Music] mr. green thank you for your stay at the 2020 yep how'd you do [Music] yep oh yeah you thermos sucks at this game service sucks at gambling no I have to I have to get I want to be I want to get transfer to the executive suite we're just kept playing half the numbers you mr. green you're back I'm back how about mr. Greene's I changed my name to make sure I greens stop wasting your money on gambling tax fraud see I changed my name every two or three years just add a couple of letters it makes me able to reliably oh we need why am I talking like this all right safe plays only we're gonna make it I'm gonna get I got across the $10,000 threshold after no different casino you just ruined three people's lives what's another bankrupt person okay let's go to the buffalo head let's make a killing in the Old West [Music] easy Cody to crunch is the worst item ever he's trying to get me to be angry with you sound weird alright here we go place your bets thank mr. greens do you remember me uh yeah from poker your face seems a little familiar I bet you thought you'd never see me again thank thanks for being so nice to me I appreciate it so much I'd like to give you that what I've won here tonight is there's $2,000 oh wait knows the emergency room oh nice he knows your identity all right this is this is Stephanie money this isn't even mine blackjack [ __ ] damnit I had to do it Stephanie money 14 [ __ ] you stay on yes is six it's gonna be gonna busted boink oh you got [ __ ] 21 it's like a 10% chance that you would get 21 with a six unbelievable that's [ __ ] it's Stephanie money there's 19 there we go alright good good alright again mr. green I'm down on my luck would you'd like to purchase my lottery ticket the payoff is $10,000 it cost $1,000 but I will sell it to you for $500 yeah sure is Stephanie money who cares thanks a lot I'm sure that tickets on Twitter good luck what if it is No winning lottery number is nine eight nine eight five nine eight nine five five you check your ticket nine eight nine five five I just won $10,000 there's a step anybody who cares yes finally four verse no no no 21 again you can't be [ __ ] serious I'm so sorry to ask you for a favor but I desperately need some cash would you like to buy this diamond I guarantee it's worth quite a bit how much were you willing to pay for it you know there was another guy that used to come around here and talk about his diamond I'll give you a hundred hundred hundred this is [ __ ] Stephanie money who gives a [ __ ] 7:18 and Stan I'll do it fifteen verses six just [ __ ] stay with this bust anyways that's [ __ ] up I hate this I hate this I was a coward play whatever what the [ __ ] is happening that's 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 [ __ ] you I have to do it what do you got under there Tess yeah of course it's tables [ __ ] mouth this casino I'm up matter Korea let's get the [ __ ] out of here all right let's go to another place this place [ __ ] stacks their decks let's go to the golden parrot no let's go to the hide away hide away club this place looks pretty rundown we should make it our last resort you sure you want to go here golden paradise isn't that where it was once seems ok which is the one that I started that Golden Corral [Music] Oh - pasta italiano all right here we go let's do it a guide slots what we got 50 all right now I can't get I can't damage myself here even if I want to do something insane like for instance five dollar spins look at this [Music] how do I increase the bet it's $50 how do I do it I want to do I wanna do $50 bet [Music] Oh back I didn't have to pick it I had to pick it there to go to a different machine Oh staff are asking for a raise all right here we go let's do it 250 of spins get a big hit then I'll I'll get a million dollars that's it that's a pretty big yeah that's a million dollars I think nice [Music] ah your staff has died oh that game is so [ __ ] up no I got to get a good line up with a $250 veggies a terrible payouts it's $50 a line and this is the junkie payout this is a junk payout you're gonna give me for this [ __ ] oh look at this junk junkie payouts [Music] sad [Music] relax it's just Stephanie money not anymore this is mr. green money now come on say mr. Greene's do you remember me yes I bet you thought you'd never see me again thanks for being so nice to me I appreciate it so here here's $2,000 people just come up to me and give me money and apparently because I I remember what they look like hey mr. greens yeah that's me remember me we said it the same blackjack table for 20 minutes oh yeah I guess we did yeah thanks for letting me play blackjack with you even though that that's just what you do at the casino here's $2,000 cuz you sat next to me and know that and remember what I look like yeah this is realistic Casino plants wait whoa oh no I'm right right right right come on give me a big hit how are these powered vets if the doll is a line and you're calling this a he's a coward bets orange now that's gonna be big now that's gonna be good it's not good at all Pressey a let me see please [Music] holy [ __ ] this really is the worst machine ever okay 7/7 I'm taking it down to if I go on to 10,000 I'm [ __ ] out watermelon Oh ten dollars for a bag of cheetahs bottom Ellen [ __ ] Oh big ago jump camp it's an interesting one to hear go big or go jumping ah [ __ ] all right this is this is it nein nein nein nein still in it now give you a lottery ticket no I don't want anybody's lottery tickets under okay now I'm under ten thousand hey I say mr. greens do you remember me yes you just walked over here but it happened out you did the girl that gave me $2,000 for remembering what you looked like yeah I remember you I bet you thought you'd never see me again thanks for being so nice to me I appreciate it so I want to give back here's another $2,000 Thanks I know who you are remember that I know what you look like if you ever want to give any money to people I know who you are you're the $2,000 girl come on back if I'm alone oh I remember nobody else will though nobody has to come to me people have [ __ ] memories nowadays come to me you're sick of weird like I said it's a sim watermelon but no come on Sherman no I shut up I what do you want to say just reading that's a big one [Music] give me a monster head I mean an absolute [ __ ] monster of a hit [Music] you're the streamer oh there it is monster [ __ ] hit monster hit you all didn't believe in me he didn't believe in my monstrous ability that's probably 20 grand it was oh it's not 20 grand it's LA though all right that's it are [Music] I stopped now yet just by going under 16 now you give yourself a new ceiling 16 is the ceiling I go under 16 we're over take a look and okay now we make it we're gonna make a new ceiling okay under 16 5 or out can go [Music] under-17 were out okay same plan Irma stop right now this is not real it's not my money it's not real money under 17 we're up it was [ __ ] up alright this is it I got one more after this potentially okay I don't hit we're up is we're 217 5c 8,500 [ __ ] bunny stop your gambling your net worth all right now let's go to the let's go to the nice casino go to the one that has like $5,000 bets I uh Richard one of us or the shitty one I'm not youth Wow are you kidding me you want me to bring 17 thousand dollars into a casino that's supposed to be like a bad casino oh this looks really really bad this is appreciative we shouldn't go here oh excuse me I don't worry let me just take 17 thousand dollars in cash with me in here I'm mr. green it's only 17 K all right let's go - I don't want to go there with a so much money let's we got to go to the big casino I can't go to Laurel Palace yet 2020 is the one that is big bets I'm ready [Music] if we go 2020 baby alright here we go back to blackjack thousand dollars and let's go let's go I'm [ __ ] bring this down to ten I got a $7,500 bankroll [ __ ] bad start that's a bad start [ __ ] you [ __ ] mr. greens I found this wallet with $1,000 in it you [ __ ] idiot that's just the money I put on the table I was about to place it I dropped it what are you dub I'm sorry I don't mean that turnitin it's $1,000 I mean [ __ ] that's nothing to mr. greens earn it in I'm so glad you found it that's mine stay oh you found a wallet I'm looking for that thanks double the bet you can't double I would do that mr. Greene's the hotel office said you turned in my wallet Thanks I played roulette and put all the money on my favorite number and won I would like to reward your honesty if you weren't so honest I wouldn't have won so I'm giving you half of my winnings wait is that just help that's me that's just my money you gave me 17 five I had 17 five oh my god okay I got 34,000 oh that's the 21st of six I why can't I split them I wish I could split these why I got a [ __ ] it's not the same damn thing whatever come on look at how well I did you know it's bad when you're playing a game a casino game and the amount of you know your net winning so far are probably it'd be like positive four or five hundred dollars at this point but the amount of charitable donations to my bankroll has been upwards of $50,000 that's kind of a strange casino game my profit is just donations come on something was why two aces this is so dumb ah just like in real life three's a streamer at heart these are all bits there's a blackjack finally life imitates art another blackjack you in a row I got thirty grand when do i oh why when do i unlock the the expensive casino I have $35,000 do I need to go to its six figures the only way that's gonna happen is if somebody loses another wallet [ __ ] ah that's so bad good link link link hold on wait wait wait I just clicked a stay holy [ __ ] I didn't even mean to do that I can't believe that where's this link on screen I don't look what is this miss that who is that no is that a boy is that a part that's a person mr. green and bugle berry but that's like a part that's a real person googleberry do it again give me a blackjack you're gonna [ __ ] you well five six man Howard Howard is not how you win in a casino game I mean this that is how you win even okay sure could you put $20,000 on the table right now and hit blackjack and have like 80 grand in your pocket sure or you just don't win that hand and then the Brett all your money's gone rather than just bleeding five hundred to a thousand dollars like I'm doing here over the course of like seven hours I'm not doing this because that ends everything now I'll do this over the course of a few hours and then oh look you lost turn thirty grand I only lost 100 insurance No heard grand everybody it's just virtual I look are you kidding me do you really think the guy with no self-control if I was able to like illegally at this table that I wouldn't do this three times are you kidding me you know what channel you're on right I want to be able to bet $10,000 a hand that's what you don't understand that's double blackjack alright we've crossed seventeen versus a nine I hate this but I'm gonna do it they let him he cooks won so much yeah but I it's not allowed the max bet is 10 is a thousand I'm max betting right now go all-in I would if I could you know I would I would do with thirty five thousand four hundred and ninety nine dollar bet now see if I can break 40 any black check again all right let's split them up here we go this is it split him 18 and 20 stay on both of them stay on both get the hell out of here yep that's a double mm okay now mr. greens my little girl is very sick and needs an operation we're too poor I know we just met but could you please lend me a hundred dollars absolutely thank you so much I'll come back in about two or three hands with 50 grand bye dammit hey we should come back I know you're mr. greens you saved the life of my baby here's $200 oh I nothing more not more than that I mean had a guy sit next to me and he's set behind me for a few hands and gave me 5 grand and then a lady came up and asked me if I remembered what she looked like twice and I got 4 grand okay I saved your daughter's life and I only got $100 what is it are you [ __ ] serious and then just a huge another huge inhale and I'm holding it in where is it where is it where that's was the smoke yes where's the smoke out eventually and then like a little trail of smoke is coming up from behind me and then I just stared I go you know that's coming from then everybody's like what though let's cut [ __ ] I can't wait till you get old why you think I'm gonna be like this you know I'm gonna get insurance because [ __ ] goddamn it and one time hide - so one time I do my god whatever rumors teeth are gonna be round wait what we'll have brown teeth damn it alright I'm get up I'm going to much CBT oil get up okay quick quick okay I'm doing poker I need your help here I'm doing $1,000 on poker I need you guys help the ante is a hundred bucks let's go seven seven cards got his ass did I just combine two messages in a row Stefan all right I'm ready double seven we're ready to go go all-in $100,000 race fire furniture I'll do that too hey I'm gonna race it $1,000 who's this guy wait who's the guy with a cyborg face this is a $5,100 pot right now Paul Paul give me another seven yeah oh no all right okay let's keep going he doesn't got [ __ ] over there you got a pair of fours [ __ ] Oh call call yeah you got a pair of fours seven eight nine he's from the future the year 2020 he folded that was the guy I was worried about what you got two aces oh [ __ ] you have two aces what an idiot holy [ __ ] that it work it's got twos [ __ ] guy called bluff call bluff get up oh [ __ ] you just oh my god that's too much call give me a step what's that two pair I got two pair though holy [ __ ] I'm gonna win 10,000 more dolls all right raise it all in this is Seth I got a pair of threes and sevens scare the [ __ ] out of them are you serious do you still at the table are you still at the table okay you still want to go huh you want to go you got any more money you got a thousand more dollars to put on this okay alright you want to play games [Music] that's a scenario where you you're like at the table and you just like sit up you stand up and you like point like once is that the sky and you go ah good luck don't like everybody good luck everybody I wish ever really good luck then you [ __ ] just walk away and you walk with your hands your pockets and you just like one two three or five six count my steps here gonna take this with P hmmmmm okay then you find just go sorry say [ __ ] what's up look ah alright let's go let's go to the buffet oh my god what's happening $31,500 on one okay wait what just happened stop doing that I'm trying to Stu why is it doing this Matt Oh F minimum bet is a hundred oh [ __ ] okay we're gonna do one two three four five six seven eight nine I'm ready [Music] his song at a color I thought I was a coward just bet 1 through 12 you don't get the same pay back it's 35 to 1 I said the worth 35 and it landed on it great how am i problem this I'm pro look this is not even my money's what it gave us me that my age one two three four five six seven eight nine thirty four why didn't I just do my fake age that I said that I am I'm 33 now hold the author's screen or now 35 just a fake age do your real age I'm not actually 35 but okay let's see if it works god dammit I should have done how old people say that I look not about the age that you actually are the age at you for its to how it's how you feel as well I shouldn't that people think I'm 25 24 [ __ ] all right now I'm gonna know it's now it's gonna be the age that I wish that I was the age that I wished that I just still was 28 it's great you know it's like 28 you're older but you're not old see I that's the age I wish I could stay forever [ __ ] the whole 20s 20 well start at 21 the 20s are gone guys I don't have them anymore I'm now in my 30s well dude look through my entire demographic wait how many is that okay this is like how old up I'm wrong all right all right I'll do the range fine fine fine fine fine he's looking a complain you're not 21 you're even the same range old boomer I'm gonna get out okay there you go 26 26 to 35 is like my age kind of rain [Music] god damn it I should have bet on the [ __ ] median age of the audience not about how old I am to keep getting this wrong the hate sent we act here's the thing here's the thing okay well let's be okay here we go here's bye oh I act know how you act how I act okay I think that's pretty good let's go all in on eleven God's wanted my real age again I I act thirty-four apparently sound 34 year olds act okay [Music] thousand dollars on one alright if you come over to a table and hold on this is important where's my camera I'm gonna show you what you do here's this how this plays out you ever come up to a table okay and you put a thousand is how you're gonna how you're gonna act wait a minute hold on Google Barry again I'm such a klutz I I'm such a klutz I spread my hand yeah let's go head thanks for the free money mr. Greene's took that person to the emergency room okay here we go we're gonna put $1,000 on 20 this is what if you put that much money on a number you're gonna go okay when you're gonna go like this [Music] hey who's back you are so kind except I was lucky to have $5,000 $10,000 actually let's go thousand dollars on 1314 in the corner thirteen fourteen fifteen seven what was it you click Maps it's gonna be impossible numbers to do close together okay literally how this is going to work is I that for the first number that I see in chat is again a thousand dollars on it and there's ten got it wrong that's a boring number omegle all and that person okay yeah time that person up and the person up to [ __ ] five minutes okay okay I'm gonna pick a number and I'm gonna say your name Jae bum bum J bum bum twenty three thousand dollars on it if this doesn't hit band that for some ten minutes gumgum guy said thirty six I'm gonna guy hold on honey my return fare oh and you spare $200 or his watch yeah sure thank you for singing well hi how was that guy's name gun gun gun guy whatever his name was okay thousand dollars here what's wrong I'm up left time on it anyways well you ran cuz you knew that it was it was not gonna hit you just said number scale toxin says 14 that's a nice watch you want to sell it for $1,000 yeah 13 but when is it 14 was their name I don't remember wait I didn't put a bet down this is actually 14 don't even oh thank God I didn't put the bet down but they were wrong ban him anyways alright we're doing 26 all right the true Michi 26 and then put 10 minutes if this is wrong Oh 27 to 26 so close it's still a 10-minute time up goodbye couple zero stinky okay fine psycho psycho or is it a cold what let the psycho in their name level zero panel and what is it Vic ban me 12 banned me who said that i stuff and me 12 and b12 ok ban them first and I'm gonna do 12 and do 20 minutes if this is wrong 35 keeps popping up put I'm gonna poke a I'm gonna put a hundred bucks bucks on 35 every time [Music] max poly 31 you know the deal only one okay somebody said get them get the range and fan everybody writing the numbers 11 to 35 ban everyone I keep giving you [ __ ] every cent I own could you please give me $100 I know I mean I haven't given you $70,000 in the last three days can I please get a hundred stand by don't you lend it to me no nevermind somebody here must have a kind heart all right 16 Oban me 16 retro fan me I will mute for five I'll mute for five minutes [Music] you [ __ ] rude that's [ __ ] ridiculous I know mom's band bein me again [ __ ] whatever I'm saying my piece that's ridiculous I didn't get the last two but if it's been five minutes whatever [ __ ] cares what do you got it's 110 grand we should move on let me move on I got 22 grand still there's not even my money 6 or mod me sue okay who said that but this this is or mod me what do you mean the no.6 means if you'd lands on six than you get mod hey you were wrong you no and no it was if they got no it's not mod me no they if they have it head yeah then you deserved it games muted oh [ __ ] Devon or I eat eggs over said that seven or the other oh they eat eggs well yeah and you're gonna get timed out for 10 min that's close that's close that was pretty close all right let's go burn the rest of this let's go ready you know what I'm going you know what I'm doing here this is what we're doing let's go let's do it let's [ __ ] go let's go going super mode $2,500 spin let's go GoPro come on it's gotta get one [ __ ] monster come on I gotta do it come on where's the monster hits dermis sucks thanks for five community summary god damn it seven seven I just want that's like hundred thousand all that way it's a [ __ ] out there don't you believed in me how do you believed in mr. grade ah there anything even left on this I just put it in my mouth and breathe it in just to make you feel less agree you see this cigar cost $4,500 I [Music] got a hundred and ten thousand [ __ ] dollars yeah I did that beat the game mr. greens I've got great news for you due to your great success you have been awarded a high-roller status and with it a complimentary room at a Laurel Palace the Laurel palace we could never go there before good going mr. greens don't pack your bags our limo is waiting to take you to Laurel Palace ah that's right where I belong with all the other rich people a high-roller I'll miss this old room but not too much well I hope my limos ready now it's off to the Laurel Palace that's my internal monologue I'm talking about like I still think I'm a good person and I talk normally but now I'm actually horrible but I like to pretend I am in my head bound under the Laurel palace Wow check it out a great room and free to boot well time to go back get back to the casino floor and there'll be no stopping me till I've reached ten million dollars that's uh if you go to the casino going there with a goal to come up with ten million dollars um what you should be trying to do is to be able to still afford to go to Taco Bell when it's all over so I think you're going in with weird expectations here holy [ __ ] look at this place Wow like game let's do how was the slot like that's a $5,000 bid oh that's a lot of money oh no I mustn't lose I'm about to lose a comma go on keep it up okay is it weird that I feel like if you're sitting in a on a if you're here doing a $5,000 spin slot machine you are like this amorphous blob thing that your body is just holding over the sides of the seat and you're just like leaning back and you have like two drinks attached like a helmet on your head and there's like people do you're getting a manicure and a pedicure on all of your hands and feet at the same time and when you blink somebody else presses the button for you that's $5,000 a spin [Music] I get a big hit here bar oh my god that would have been I would have won nobody in the whole game okay all right I don't want to lose all my riches don't get cocky I just um I got to give myself a limit down to ninety thousand ninety thousand dollars is the limit eighty thousand that's good call eighty thousand slimmin all right I could still hear about 70k no that's pushing it damn it that watermelon would have been separately know what a tea come on the [ __ ] are you doing in here I am so sorry that ask you [Music] [Music] all the money I vote to five or five hundred dollars I'll give you 500 come on five hundred thirty six hundred now 500 but to put it doe five hundred twenty eight hundred you got yourself a deal 2,800 bucks and I was five thousand guys I spent $5,000 a spin big one all right mr. Greene's that's a very good imitation Dimond I'll give you $100 for it I don't need that you were conned how would you know how would you know that like a regular if I'd looks like a ring on and you came over like hey hey you got a fake ring on okay I know what if I knew that bar it sucks [Music] ah [Music] seven hundred seventy seven thousand I got all seven seven seven that's a good I got that's why I got out let game blackjack is good we've been doing monster [ __ ] hands here no I can't I can't do it I can't do it like that me so long to get this I can't do it I'll do all the 30 oh [ __ ] I have to stand here this is hand he's gonna bust art he's gonna bust on it oh my god oh [Music] come on 14 verse 1/8 [ __ ] oh [ __ ] don't turn over a 10 vincible i am untouchable no one can [ __ ] with mr. green that's a 19 baby stand on 19th ah what do you got ya got nothin and I know for a fact that a neck scar there's gonna be blackjack at 50 grand [ __ ] you dad I hate it I'm not good for it [ __ ] out of here you know you're talking - how's your look been mr. green mine's been awful can I hang out with you for a while hey I remember you I know your face [Music] maybe he'll come back Wednesday I learned you some stuff let me show you how it's done I saw you get a done stand Oh mr. green a push mr. green quick question ah do you feel anything ah your honor it's not really it's just I was a hand I hope some of your luck rubbed off on me see you later yeah oh don't worry get out of here oh it is bumpy everything's fine everything's good to go one more $50,000 hand and I'll be out of here blackjack that's how we win free card that's how we get out of the [ __ ] table here where you got that bus [Music] hey darlin mr. green your luck did rub off I won $15,000 and just shut up and give it like cut there we have ten grand you [ __ ] idiot I don't want to hear your story I show y'all are stuck oh look at me [ __ ] [ __ ] thousand dollar blackjack hands what do you want to do you want to get a 20 here [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the greedy Grenier never has insurance [Music] [Laughter] hey just because I feel bad for you know oh I win two of these I have to double this that's a winning hand that's a dance of winning hand give me attention oh Jesus Christ mr. green right a bad goes wrong no I'm all right okay mr. green you can't just throw up on the table I know I can't mr. Brean you can't take your shirt off just give me a second just throw my shirt I got five of these in the backpack there what about his toeses just Dave yes mr. barrini shirt oh my god [Music] thank you Steve by the way Steve I'm a good tipper here's $2 Wow cut I caught it thanks mr. Greene's no problem by the way yo my favorite I'm your favorite yep mr. green you okay yeah something exploded in there I felt it I can feel it I heard it mr. green do you want to hit hold on a second this will be the third heart attack in the last probably three days ah ah uh ah let it run fast mr. green Oh hold on I stood grab my head on the table he hit no I just grabbed it a table for God's sake ah mr. green uh-huh I'm Jordan but was there two four okay it looks like it worked out all right ah hold on a second I gotta stand up you like to stand no I got Oh mister bring you one Wow yeah Steve Steve I hate you yes mr. green can you help can you clear that part up over there this is what I do i all the lunch came on already mr. green [Music] for $1,000 bet please mr. green door I would like to do a I [Music] [Applause] looking a little strange and like like I'm starting to say I can't my hump I'm falling mr. green you all right back it's green that counts as a hit mr. green he's hit his head on the hate on the table mr. green mr. green hey mister break it up what what what is it what we'd like to do would you like to stay at 18 yes okay mr. green is staying that's a push what how much did I bet now that was a $400,000 bed oh do it again okay mr. Gray's about $400,000 13 hey what did the guy should do stay there yes mr. green what do I do what would you do by the way young life is on the line here mr. green this is really tough to hand to have I would probably say that I mean 13 versus potential 13 it's very very tricky I would probably stay on this hand it's very hard to I'm not sure it's up to anybody's discretion I would tell you to stand if I trust you [Music] dude yes mr. green done all you have on you what do you mean all I have on me is that all the equipment just you shirt you could be a bag in it yes pick the [ __ ] Road well I might be am I being fight yep you're being fired I blackjack right at the [ __ ] eye at the farm stay save up just kidding kill outback steep it was a joke Steve you're not fired I got [ __ ] 10 million to the banking kidding me get back over here oh my god oh [ __ ] I thought that was fired no of course not you think I haven't [ __ ] psycho Steve sit over here your good luck or do you do here Steve uh [Music] I'm just [ __ ] ready I'm gonna [ __ ] stay I guess Rick a little rabbit he won't buddy Steve [Music] everything if you have any gas in your car [Music] [ __ ] oh that was nightmarish you damn you had $400,000 welcome to Las Vegas [Music] no now look the rest I can't play it is this is gonna be nothing now nothing will ever match the rush that we just had I'm gonna be doing hundred dollar bets I was doing four hundred thousand dollar hands I can't go back to do it if they'd all of bets well that was gonna be the end anyway yeah yeah we can wrap it up here that was fun enter this room voice yeah yeah yeah you I will try one more attempt at only max best mr. Steve [Music] go to the yeah yeah I want to do that I want to go to the to the the Cassini like the shady casino me and Maria Steve inherit inherited mr. greens life savings after he died and it's a thousand dollars 1/k inheritance [Music] student has become the master alright let's go to the hideaway this place looks pretty rundown are you sure you want to go here I'm sure lose our money here and then I'll call it okay yes monka monka monka monka monka is what is it multiple links German for [ __ ] sake multiple links [Music] area is this mr. green here here's a sketch of mr. green [Music] it's just wet it's just a sludge why is there a gas pedal there's another one this one too [Music] that's [ __ ] funny all right so what are the table minimums here but gam oh let's do slots what is it 50 cents to all the slots just play you know just hitter five dollars [Music] I need a bigger rush yeah that's I'm saying you can't I can't do two hundred two hundred three hundred thousand dollar bet oh I did it I won $15 this now it's not enough it's not enough what the [ __ ] step it's gonna be a huge jackpot it's not enough hundred and ten dollars that's what a huge that's a what that's a 25 accent that's a huge extreme jackpot it's not enough I'm going I'm leaving I can roulette dude if I if I get another like $50,000 I'm doing $50,000 on one number the max wait a minute night what's the what's the bets here and I do like $1 on every number and I do that Maja's somebody doing this [ __ ] like sir sir what are you doing trying to make a picture Wyatt oh my name [Music] [Music] it's Wiggly so obnoxious this is obnoxious oh oh something's going on with the chips Oh Steve Steve stop all right spin it spin it rolling all right roll it yes I'm done I don't even know what the numbers are [Music] all right just on every single solid number I want to I want to get AG win a big hit stop doing that oh I can't look at it I can't look at Ike that's hurt by it hurts my [ __ ] head this is what the red and black spaces before I know I'm just [ __ ] psycho [Music] okay alright let's leave this place going to the 2020 I'm gonna put a thousand dollars I'm just gonna bet here's what's gonna happen I'm gonna max out spend money that's gonna be a thousand dollars a hand in blackjack and maybe somebody will come by and give me free $5,000 then I'm gonna I can't believe I had four hundred thousand dolls [Music] dammit file a correlative fifty dollars five thousand bits compiled actory they say so far I'm really enjoying the CVD on drugs arc of German I hate let's go he lit 18 he doesn't have a sign under there just got kicked off the table [Music] [Music] could save the game $66 nice job Steve I told you that's enough for a that's enough for at least four or five like monster meals from Taco Bell that's like 50 yeah that's like 25 cheese ago data crunches but I'll just sit in the hotel room and just eat five or six each [Music] all right that's it we're gonna hang out for a little bit do the bits and everything but that was the sort of the length and thought it would be before hours sad and so I will see you guys on with let's see on Monday see you guys on Monday we have a very very interesting week coming up Monday and obviously the later on the week 14th or 15th and 16th are going to be very interesting as this coming weekend after this weekend here next weekend have Easy Bake Oven and green-screen DLC content night will also be on the 14th so we're gonna do probably Monday probably Monday let's I don't know we'll see Monday Tuesday and then Thursday Friday Saturday or Monday and then Thursday Friday Saturday we'll see but it's gonna be an interesting end of the week I will see you guys on Monday thanks for joining me for the week you carry yourselves I'll see you guys on Monday oh my god he just confirmed true crew on I didn't say that appreciate it is the item real crew thanks for hanging up he's played okey-dokey on July 30th I don't think I'm gonna do that I can't even give you a July 30th fake promise there [Music] let us rewind the clock heavy is spy thanks to the 300 bits $3 Thank You heaviest buy and no message when Billy T TV thanks to 250 mr. green is a real betting website Europe and it was founded in 2007 sad to say someone stole your idea well his name is what was Greg green that's mr. Greg green it's all right excuse me mr. Greg greens he changed his name it's mr. Greg greens yesterday's bits yeah I know how about these we're gonna go through these really quickly because there's only uh there's not a whole lot so we'll be able to get through these easy but mr. green is mr. mr. greg green EEG golden boy thanks to the $15.00 German you inspire me so I wanted to give back for all the joy you've brought me thanks for the 15 bucks it's a lot of money just to give somebody thank you in Lux thanks to the $5 Durham a long time watch her first-time donor a big admirer of your work ever heard of the Gamecube game amazing Island it's a pretty brainless minigame collection but the main feature of it is that you get to draw your own monster and you use that to compete even if you don't play it on stream and they could be right up your alley but the [ __ ] this is [ __ ] up they didn't even have legs he just slides around thank you appreciate it and I'll check it out what's it called amazing island feel like I passed by that one at one point don't know when Hawaii remember that name is familiar it's familiar a being dropped next to $5 my friend's birthday is coming up who's a fan and I'm making him a custom birthday card that plays the rats birthday songs there any chance to get you to say his name Nick like you say in the Michael rat song so I can edit it instead Nick Nicholas you a happy birthday to Nick everything have a great money dries ease the great thanks for the $5 thanks for reminding me how annoying my customers are Jeremy casino security guard here I'm sorry sorry Nick I did it without sound I got it [Music] but yeah sorry to remind you of the [ __ ] hey will god thanks it's 300 bits greetings streamer why did you push the streams so that as European peons can't enjoy them in the evening be pissed a funkopop collector please I have to give you a hard truth here is the hard truth for all these the people that are in Europe I know you don't want to hear this but I live i streaming between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. my time is is my time and we live across the world from each other I live across the world from you this is the time that I'm active and I'm awake and I'm the most alert and ready to go is around somewhere in there afternoon Pacific time that's just the way it is that's the way it always will be is the way it's always gonna be we live across the world from each other he lives in an nae society yes say it say you hate us no why do you want to say it what are you talking about I live in America and I stream on American time and what do I want to say just move to the EU I'm not I don't want to move to the you just say that you hate them I'm not gonna say that I hate any money back up you're getting too close to mr. green but what am i 10 hours behind I'm like that 8 to 10 hours behind your and it's a long time that's like that's a huge amount of time it's not like it's not like I'm a few hours behind you I'm like a whole day behind you it's eight hours you're asleep for [ __ ] eight or nine hours yeah at eight hours a day I said that's a day they move on to their like nighttime you sleep you wake up you're not alert for those extra six to eight hours you're sleeping a long story short I can't I've never been somebody that can have a bunch of energy in the morning that's when I would have to stream amita's I would have to stream it around 10 or 11 o'clock in the morning to be able to have it be like what 8 p.m. 7 p.m. --u time I'm not at high energy I'm not at high it's not gonna happen I've never had in my whole life this is the time it's gonna be this the time it always will be that's pretty much it sometimes I'll stream before then because like maybe I'm just I happen to want to do it sometimes I do it but it's not the norm it's not supposed to that's not normal it's not normal what do you mean 11:00 in the morning o Megillah lazy wait so start starting at 4:00 versus start again at 11:00 is lazy it's just a different time of the day some people of morning people some people the graveyard shift people I'm one of those people I'm at my absolute most active between like 3:00 p.m. and like 2:00 a.m. some people are incredibly active in the morning and that's just the type of personality to have a person that they are we're all different people why don't you start when I want you to think you've pretty much nailed it on the head there this is [ __ ] good this is really good mr. greens but there's not enough sludge coming off oh it's pretty good it's pretty good did you do this in one [ __ ] sitting here in like the last three hours holy [ __ ] that's awesome but I know that was a little long-winded but I do get asked all the time during a poll you streams back German started 12th Germans started 10 yeah I'm gonna stream when I want a stream that's the way it is that's why it's always gonna be sorry that we live across the world from each other I can't deny don't have a time thing to like make us closer if I could if I could press a button I would be at the egg 4 o'clock everywhere at the same time baby and do that though thinks is a flat earth yeah maybe if the earth was no that wouldn't make any sense it's stillborn no wait what would that work well had earth anyways thank you neuro wolf for the five dollars mr. Jeremy do you remember me you do thanks for being so nice here's five smackeroos hey thanks I appreciate that thanks for the five dollars person that I remember does diz thanks to the five dollars remember me mr. greens yeah of course I do he gave me five dollars gnarly thanks to the 250 the shamed German lost so much money on gambling that he couldn't afford to hire the real bugler Barry and had to get a text-to-speech synthesizer it sounded like him Germa Pluto maybe these bits will help you get back on your feet how people there's a real person thank you to nut for the five dollars mr. green do you feel anything my sides that's the best character I'm glad you think that these I don't think we'll ever see him again I think that's the one and only time that mr. greens will ever show up ever I guess it has no more money Hey and on tins thanks for the $5 Reaper thanks to the 250 remember when it comes to blackjack 17 is the magic number always hit if below 17 and stay when above it it's not true the dealer is showing a four or five or six and you have the 12 or higher the correct play if you're playing basic strategy is to do nothing especially versa five and a six that that is actual basic strategy it's a term that's been used to bring the most returns over the over that lab more than a dozen hands in blackjack this guy just lost a [ __ ] this guy lost it a shitload of money why would you believe him I didn't it was mr. Greene That's not me it wasn't me it was his mr. Hyde I am the casino Steve Steve Steve I turn myself into a casino Steve look Steve you know somebody you guys have [ __ ] funny I love it control X thanks to the 250 I want Germa hearts in chat now I'm handing SP thanks for the $5 German thank you so much for being a part of our Xbox gamer Coalition for national Xbox day if you tell us three reasons why you're so proud to be an Xbox gamer and none of this is real this is fake this is a joke this is a bit I'm not on that coalition but I'll tell you anyway a they they're very good at stopping doors after you open them if you don't want the door to close hard behind you what else a somebody breaks into your house and they're brandishing a weapon it'd be used as a defense mechanism very heavy third one game pass I get to stay on the coalition just do a 360 walk away thanks for the $5 Microsoft is a good company they're gonna come back real strong I think that this next console a generation I think so hey post thanks for five dollars Jeremy I also recently started doing THC and CBD vapor pen for my panic attacks talked about it last week at the recommendation of my doctor it's so much more effective than taking a benzodiazepine orally it takes 30 minutes to actually take effect when the panic is already over also I'm not substituting you're a clown shenanigans for professional help like you said last time I donated [ __ ] egomaniac alright yeah I have been doing small doses of CBD THC combined three milligrams taking it because there's been studies and data at HD and CBD have an effect potentially on kind of shutting up the nerve response if you have potential nerve damage or nerve pain so give it a try to see if it kind of calms it down just see what happens small dose not very there was the term it's not very psychoactive just to put it that way with like a 1 to 3 milligram dose smoke wise ganja he's [ __ ] stoned let's click it already well you guys relax oh wow yeah there is this is what you guys have been spamming me the last three gosh darn minutes it's pretty good actually all right we are at the end we have two more three more from today stream beyond thanks for the $5 Germa I want to say thanks for the screams and also when I posted a Joop the other day you called it a pleb Juke a reputation has never recovered and my girlfriend won't return my calls I need you to repeal this statement at once please a four year long relationship gone because I forgot to renew my sub if you don't what I'm forced to do Oh Lagasse is this a Bela Lugosi is died thing anyways no the it still stands pleb Joop but everybody know what that means what is hey plebs Jupiter is that just a regular Jupiter just just connected with all sides what's a pleb Jew what is it is it I show it to me it's just a regular one there's no like weird crazy other stuff in the middle oh it's it's but somebody doing it that's not subbed okay there it is I see it that's a pleb Jew okay I get it and now I know my terms my own community anyways thank you and yeah fine it's been repealed hey mr. jazz oles thanks to the $5 gym I was more than interested I was more invested in mr. green and Steve than I was in Resident Evil's free also did you not realize that bugle berry was a robot the whole time oh I know I did he'll you just said it hey Micasa thanks for the three bucks I'm mr. germ oh I've been trying to reach you concerning your vehicles extended warranty you should have received a notice in the mail but your cars extended warranty eligibilities to do not god we haven't got a responsible gonna give you final courtesy call before we close out your file it's to to be removed in place owner do not call us to speak to someone about possibly extending and reinstating your vehicle's warranty first one for warranty specialist [ __ ] I still connected first one a post thanks for the five hundred bits baked streamer Oh mega low good hey ex whimsical mousse thanks for 250 German I love this trainwreck I was wondering when the next channel points thing will happen also RIPD bela lugosi the next channel points thing that's a good question do not have that we might talk about something like that soon we'll see we'll see but we're gonna move on to yesterday and I'm gonna go through these bang bang bang bang bang bang bang and then we'll catch the ones that came in and now him this is from yesterday you ready for the lightning round Hamrick $5 thanks a lot a real dough 250 Delgado president evil 3 I don't know what that is uh I don't know what that is higher Thank You Carver the $5 I hope this works the first time I've ever donated to twitch Durham a please try to enjoy this game it's way better than people say I did think it was good I did give it a 74 though it's the amount of safe files that were available flammie bob thanks for the $10 read all the lore and makeup voices for the dialogue now somebody else to do it Adrian thanks to the spree bucks agent darkbootie thanks for the $50 and I not catch these help don't listen to the haters this game is this game is fun just not as good as resin evil - I think I caught these it was a fart there I didn't know there was not I would I was like one of the haters at the end of the yet last night stream 74 is not a hater like 62 is a hater I think like 58 is a hater 74 is no I'm not a hater silence serenity thanks for 250 you're gonna love you big fellow why don't you have a channel points icon it shouldn't it be like a bald coin and a points we'll come back soon agent darkbootie thanks for the five dollars Jill's sandwich right princess kitty thanks for 15 dollars hello a clown will you please say hello to wolf song it's her birthday and she thinks you need a wolf song happy birthday [ __ ] yesterday I've had a great one hopefully had plenty of [ __ ] cake in them and toys and stuff I have a birthday yesterday missed it I missed it happy birthday yesterday related alright that's what they say play me Bob thanks for the five dollars ignore earlier bit messages forget it I forgot it wouldn't be read until post stream lol and you were actually correct but wrong at the same time because it's actually ended up being now we had 15 dollars from tag that guy tag thanks a lot tag for $15 hello again germ stuttering chat was seeing at the start of the stream is due to some new dumb Windows settings and newer games games use a hundred percent of your GPU leaving none for OBS the game will look fine to you will lose frames and OBS no matter what encoding process you use if it happens limit the framerate of the game or lower its video settings I've had this problem I have an RT X 2080 it's really silly I so I had it right I put my cap to the 60 right I kept it on the right with my captain right it is [ __ ] silly our tapes 2080 is it good I should I get one thing's a beast isn't it I get a 20 80 okay how are they cheap they've been up for like a year right that means that they drop by like eighty percent of value after like three days I'm like what does it how much it is worth just wait for next gen okay aren't graphics cards like used cars or so when you drive off a lot it drops like 20% but thanks the tip tag up good here for you good to see you thanks it's $15 hey Nick muscles thanks with ten bucks Dermott's me and my girlfriend's one year and I can't spend it with her because you know what thanks been making quarantine a lot more fun it's already here that I'm more than happy to hang out everybody here we're all dealing with this [ __ ] all something that we all have to [ __ ] in and just bride out and see what happens and hope it goes away and hope they could be medicine and hope they could be [ __ ] they can be taken care of and people go back to work and can be brought back to work I mean you see the numbers it's [ __ ] it's terrible I really hope we can get back to some kind of normalcy if you're affected by it I'm really sorry to hear that I really am because that's [ __ ] up isn't it you didn't do anything wrong that's the worst thing about all this is if you if you're dropped from a company because of this that's just that's just [ __ ] horrible because you didn't do anything wrong [Music] thank you an anonymous chair gave $10 no message just 10 bucks thank you whoever you are mr. fish pudding gave 300 bits Germa it's my brothers birds love birthdays you guys have a ton of birthdays your brother's birthday on Friday I think he's already expecting me to play the birthday rats song for him I was wondering if you could say his name so I could edit it in I think wait hold on his name is Griffin the same person I want to and it's like home on his name thanks and thank you for all you do oh this is freaking this is weird the other person was Nick compare the messages on that's like very weirdly it's like worded right and a lot of birthdays is this it and if it's the same person if is it different oh no where is it where's this message pies are gone oh here we go your mum it's my brother's birthday on Friday my friend's birthday is coming up was a fan I'm making him a custom birthday card its effects people advice birthday but it's wondering can you say his name so I could edited in his brass Bertha so it's like I get you say his name like you Michael his song so he edited in thank you oh this arrived after this this is interesting this is crazy well Griffin happy birthday this is to different people than you guys got ruined you guys are the same great idea happy birthday to Griffin Peter Griffin [Music] somebody said that and I've read it all right Thank You Beth mr. fish pudding and then bean doop [Music] thank you we appreciate three bucks hey grave embrace thanks to 250 German looks like Jill Valentine Hope Bronx Scotsman thanks for the $14 take these in hopes that the zombies don't get you gamer what happens when money is useless than the zombies come after us okay what am I gonna do with paper start fire with that [ __ ] thanks to the 14 bucks bragging Pixies thanks to $3 German looks like electrics from The Incredibles to [Music] [ __ ] what I'm trying to get this image on the screen Google Images sucks it really is the worst do you want to try to like pull a photo from Google Images good luck you get like redirected five times I just want to sit get the image even me to work Oh I want to show this on stream because it's [ __ ] crazy this actually looks very much like me oh yeah I just tried I have to save it like three times you yeah that's their house it thanks for the thanks for the $3 dragon Pixies hey bop beat thanks for 250 sending my oh wait this is the okay this is the guy it was a guy that okay all right they say sending the telling my suicide note to Gemma only for him to Ruby on CBD and skip the lure then speed Rita is talking about Resident Evil three talking with resin even for the guy that I just I didn't read this note that's what he was just okay alright for a second I was like what the [ __ ] is this there's a guy that was sitting on the ground and I didn't I didn't read it okay yeah okay I've got you kind of freaking me out yeah I got freaked out for a second I was like what's going on what did I hide what had it what did I do what did it happen thanks to the 252 Hey Allu SSB thanks for the thousand bits here my friend of mine showed me your 700,000 games video last year and I've been a big fan ever since thank you for making me laugh and I hope you're doing well in these tough times thank you hey I don't know if you don't know at a 700,000 game stream part two edition I did that last year some things that may not have shown up in that video showed up on that live stream thanks for the UH thousand bit I'll promo yourself it's a bad it's my it's my own damn stream what do you mean if I served you food that I cooked what in my way what do we say oh here's here's a steak I made it's probably disgusting don't eat it you I my steaks are terrible all my food is bad eat up no you're gonna be like oh look I got that best rub on it you're gonna love it cook perfectly to your loving to you how you like it how would I do that no stay comes Paul me Falls thanks for five dollars actual grenade throwing streamer they do throw grenades in these games and I do very well rock riding thanks for five doors dura Jeremy your hair is looking very picture of dorian gray esque unpack that as you wish i frying - and while we're on the topic of victorian things it's probably time you pay a little respect to your ancestors I don't understand that's not me okay this is like an old an old tiny clown or something what is it is your real ancestor it's you it's him a one-man band a one-man clown they're all what a shower beer thanks for three dollars German you should host The Tonight Show pogchamp a zero giblets thanks for the five dollars hi Gemma well thank you for all you do I hope you and Kim is staying well remember you once said the only thing that prevents blood-borne from being a perfect 10 there's the game ran at 30fps it's a fair point check it out though someone patched the game to run it 60 and it's very nice to watch I actually did see this I did see this if there's a PS 5 here we go if there is a PS 5 sort of remastering of blood-borne and they pump it up to 60 tweaked a little bit of things maybe I'm not asking for it I'm just I am I'm asking for it maybe maybe like maybe like a DLC so it's asking a lot but if there was like a PS 5 like re like classic edition of re just paint it over and bring it over to PS 5 or even PC add a little bit of content to move a couple of items it would be a 10 if it'll do that on July 30th maybe you're gonna tell the banana with the olive oil story one time I if the banana and olive oil thinking it was gonna taste good and it was just gonna roast thought it was gonna add like some saltiness to the sweetness and it was it just didn't work out and I I spit it out and it was gross I spit it into the trash yuck hey goo berry juice thanks for 250 gutentag Sharma I was just wondering why do you bear wooden wigs sad face whatever a job to bone thanks for 250 what do I do if I forget my clothes in the washer for a week and a half easy what you do is you just close the lid but detergent in and washroom again and then change him over hey snoozing copter thanks at the 250 its me snoozing confident by now you probably know me better by the guy that won't stop talking about godhand that's yep I will now though really and long enough okay but I have one last request but you play it on August 10th that's my birthday we now return to our usual programming stay tuned I'm playing it on July 30th I already said that July 30th that's what is happening fabled July that's happening on July 30th don't worry you'll see it sooner than your birthday in early birthday present see key of the Dead thanks for the thousand bits and no message just thousand bits and some ebooks with a grave thing with a month does all be coming out of the grave thanks for the thousand dollars thanks how much that is thanks for the to us and make the ten dollars that's nonchalantly saying thanks to the thousand dollars thanks for the ten dollars ten dollars is still a really good about him money to give anybody but reading it like thanks for thousand dollars [ __ ] me white fox thanks to the 300 bits nermal would you please play resistance fall of man sometimes it was a launch title for the PlayStation 3 about an alternate history World War 2 the series kind of died out when third game sucked I wanted to are amazing don't listen to the two haters that both great I actually remember that game do you remember it I remember it was that the big selling point was they look at how many enemies we can put on the screen right and that a big thing about it it was we can handled like 50 enemies on screen at the same time it was a big deal that was that's cool the on line was terrible yeah I forget that yes 3 and Xbox 360 had us online was huge in 360 and ps3 sometimes I forget it existed you know but doesn't it feel like Wi-Fi like even the weave right oh the Wii yeah we had like Wi-Fi built into it like holy Sh it's been that long since that technology's existed which is not even that long if you think about it's been like 15 years the what yeah the we add a [ __ ] Wi-Fi chip in it it's just crazy to think about that Wow hey the - ooh thanks for the 9 dollars and 27 cents what's up Jay man today's my last day of college and I want to say I couldn't have done it without you I don't believe that I don't believe that at all I think I think you had it in you the whole time I had nothing to do with it it was human history and made me laugh and cheer me up with nothing else could I'm about to graduate with a 4.0 thank you from the bottom of my heart well thank you and good job you doing that I didn't do it you did it I had nothing to do with it you did it yourself some credit I swear that's [ __ ] huge it's huge [Music] thanks to the nine dollars in 27 cents [Music] rave embraced thanks for 250 cut him into germicide pieces oh yeah I did say that yeah well that was cuz that's the way you get rid of emesis just have to you know I can't say it again because I wear out of context now and people are gonna [ __ ] just flip it and only a serial killer like a psycho or something you know what I said yesterday well just watch the entire eight-hour stream then you'll find it eventually you have time nothing who cares hey amber thanks to the $5 Jemma I've never been able to tell you but you've been such an important person in my life you made me smile and laugh when I had no joy in life anymore and probably helped me have a lot of dark times only know how the courage and possibilities say this and I had to tell you you saved my life more than once thanks for being who you are and making my life a brighter place where there's hope thank you from the bottom of my heart if I have that kind of effect on somebody i-it's it's sometimes it's hard to respond be honest because I can't even believe it like I can't even it's hard for me to even give you anything any answer or even a comment is that this this [ __ ] laws me I can't believe that people think this and say this it's unbelievable to me all they can say is thanks for watching and I really hope that you take the steps necessary to they carry yourself and move forward thank you so much for the insanely kind message it slap you sup see if you're dreaming nah thank you I care yourself a flood boy thanks to the $5 Jeremy long time no dough no deep fakes are you of you are honestly starting to scare me maybe I'm a Boomer too also since I'm basically smack dab in the center of New York City quarantine has been my 24/7 so I started playing Diablo I've been sucked in save me why would I want to save you from the greatest thing on earth why would I want to rescue you in your most perfect place that you're in stay at Diablo stayed in it stay in Hell you want to be there it's awesome you're gonna love it I'm so glad you're in hell I'm so glad you're here with me in hell god help it's a great game but thanks to the $5 have fun with it it's a [ __ ] great franchise just stop at 3 just play three play three like you would play an iPad game just pretend three was an iPad game it was like oh it's the threads the iPad ring don't know I mean like play it's like fun but it's like iPad fun it could be completely honest with everybody here Diablo 3 is iPad game fun it's not diablo 2 fun it's still fun that's not fun now iPad games have fun they're just a different kind of fun hey s ha Luke oh thanks for the 250 gotta head out early early morning tomorrow thanks for the laughs and the Lego hair pipo happy thank you we did go late last night it's a huge insult is it that's not meant to be I guess maybe it is that's not I'm just saying it's like it's not that major insult yeah that's a really name one fun iPad game [Music] there are a ton era there actually are a lot there's a lot there's a lot sorcery was on the iPad okay excuse me at the brakes for a second sorcery was not on Steam sorcery was an iOS exclusive experience for the first three or four years it was out that's a port to PC and that's one of the greatest games ever so I think they get some points to the iPad side there hello neighbor tooth surgery we were gonna do into the iPad night where I just download a bunch of junk and it freaks me the [ __ ] out sometimes but I'm looking at iPad games that are just crazy cuz yeah this just is these games that with its people with their mouths open but just like rotten teeth and like holes in their teeth and [ __ ] it's like every single cartoon character every single Marvel character every single thing every they all have these like teeth rotten teeth games but why that why I like teeth I like teeth surgery I see it everywhere every time I'm like I'm looking for like a cuckoo oh I'm gonna do a crazy iPad night teeth surgery surgery teeth surgery to the mouth dentist dentists dentist dentists dentist tens of rotten teeth teeth teeth like green teeth grain ttttt it's because it's blood and surgery is that I'm not gonna I don't I'm not gonna play those games on stream hey Grave embrace thanks for 250 do you eat your milk with or without the skin I don't drink milk it upsets my stomach at this point I drink almond milk I don't drink any other milk I don't drink soy milk I don't drink oat milk I don't drink rice milk almond milk is the only dairy substitute that I take in my stomach I have intestinal issues milk doesn't really sit well with me I can eat a piece of cheese or two but I can't I don't I get I've been trying to get rid of dairy forever sigh lack thanks for the thousand bits just $10 no message just a $10 bill I'll take it thank you pea flavor thanks for the $5 this stream was super good everything about it was great you sucking at the game chat was funny the tuber faces I haven't laughed that hard in a while thanks to the $5 talking about resin evil free thanks a lot and we have been caught up let's run the credits while we chill for another few minutes there's another few bits have come in [Music] and the credits change this over to you eventually Steve we've had addition has been an addition [Music] uh listen I'm gonna disgust everybody here there is there has been a hair in my throat a hair just all the way in the back for 20 minutes and I don't know what to do about it I don't know what to do about it [Music] I think I swallowed it oh I hate that I hate that [ __ ] oh I hate to swallow it my hair it's just a hair in me now there's Steve Steve oh yes mr. Greene's yeah ah credits right right right right right right right credits credits credits credits roll credits roll them roll them roll them roll em thanks for all the subs everybody all of you there's been a lot even on a stream that's less than four plus hours long and still a shitload of people sub this channel thanks for doing it thank you let us conclude the bits we had three dollars from Jude minecraft by the way this is weed boy done with yesterday we're back on two today the last five to 10 minutes or so just got her at the end because my five bros been weird hope you're healing okay I'm working on it - I believe you speaking about is it fibromyalgia it's one of those illnesses that is just it's a [ __ ] mystery to everybody for some reason it's just a thing that happens that's been one of the things that some of the doctors have talked about people throw out just random ideas costochondritis fibromyalgia nerve damage intercostal neuralgia there's a lot of random things that the thing I have could be I'm still just trying to RA might have arthritis rheumatoid arthritis it just seems like a never-ending a game of musical chairs when it comes to this [ __ ] I'm really sorry to hear about your fibromyalgia I hope you're doing good I hope you're doing good too Thank You mini clips for the five dollars I'm a little late on the screen but I have a question what was that stick figure game that you voice-acted in a long time ago I can't find it it feels like a fever dream I don't I think that might be a dream I think that could that could be a dream potty on [Music] maybe the one with the Greek gods and everything it was apathy on stick figure though yes that's the one yeah apathy on I was the horse Lord all I did was this make I got killed noises and I said what did I say I'm like yeah how dare you across this bridge it's like I just died it's like a mini-boss yeah and maybe that's the one you talking about maybe thanks to $5 hey hey sugar Shinx thanks for the 250 hello again Durham bumbo back out again with another game request if you liked Mario Galaxy and sunshine I recommend a little game called a hat in time it's a cute 3d platformer to think you make for a cozy stream you know I've had that game installed for like three years but I just never did it yeah heipo worked on that game one of the mods here I Paul actually worked on that game so I think I remember talking to - long time ago like oh [ __ ] yeah you like worked on this it's good right yeah it's good oh maybe I'll play it and then you know ain't no hype oh you got July 30th three years ago maybe I'll play it on July 30th we'll see they also say don't skip Pikmin 1 if you get around to that series I'm going to I'm sorry I'm going to be flat I'm gonna play Pikmin 2 sorry I'm gonna skip Pikmin 1 it has been unanimously told to me that Pikmin 1 is the one to skip Pikmin 2 is Pikmin one but just better I've been told that's gonna that's what I'm sorry I have to do it that's so wrong but it was like an 80% vote I have to trust the people cuz I don't think I'd play more than one Pikmin game I don't think I will I got I could how I've gotta tell you honesty I do I don't think I'm gonna play more than one Pikmin game it's like four of them I have to pick the one that I'm that people think is the best I've been to is gonna be a crack cocaine stream maybe it will hey spooky future thanks to the three dolls hey drummer it's my sister's birthday Friday I'm making her a birthday card her name is Mona lot can you say her name so I can edit it in No happy birthday happy birthday every birthday Mona Thank You BS 88 $5 thanks for your kind words Durham I've been stood down from work through the Kovan and working on videos and the downtime to keep me sane encouragement like yours is appreciated yeah I mean do people tons of people just got furloughed or laid off yet for nothing no they didn't do anything wrong it's not like oh we have to get rid of you because of this because of that virus [ __ ] swept into the goddamn world and into the States I don't know where you are and into Europe into every Asian everywhere these employees didn't do anything wrong it's just really heartbreaking to [ __ ] hear about it I hope that a majority of you're working right now or you only if you're not working I mean I'm really hoping but you already you go back to where you were before well maybe if you don't want to go back maybe you'll have a different career path that you can go forward with is that that sucks that just sucks and it breaks my [ __ ] heart to hear about it I wish you the best thank you omni cash for the $5 play the newer bubsy games i don't think so they one of them try almost I threw up almost I threw up into my mother's bed after playing bubsy three days hell don't want to do that again anthem tech thanks to $3 durably the best man thanks for being such an awesome and creative streamer your vids are the best keep up the good work just a sanely nice encouraging thing to hear I'm gonna try it I'll do my best thank you hon vote breaker thanks for the free to 250 dear Jeremiah when I said Xenoblade Chronicles 1 was the Chrono Trigger of our decade I didn't think it should be a stream game at all should be something that you enjoy on your own taking the time to soak in the world the same goes for chat the game is great as long as you don't mind talking to all the NPC's all of them they're interesting don't worry hire however is a great stream game it's basically NBA Jam to choose your own adventure game also has a moustached earbud the true higher is the NBA Jam of choose your own adventure games I'm trying to break that apart I'm trying to figure out how that what that means the NBA Jam it's basically NBA Jam to choose your own adventure game ire is good but it makes no sense lol yes I don't lie in donations okay alright I'll look it up higher ey re yeah I'll check it out elapsed er thanks for five dollars believe it or not you actually managed to keep me sane in some weird situations especially in the past few weeks now I'm planning on going to university part time next year while working full time as a developer you being here as a moral support is for real don't underestimate your influence you eke lon yeah but I I also I also want you I want people I want you to get better I want people to get better I want you to move forward in your life I want you to take care of yourself and sometimes you know when you hear stuff like Oh Jeremiah you're the reason why you're the only reason why I've been able to i-i've I wish it wasn't just me I really want you to get better and if that's the case then I don't know that's not this exact comment but I want you guys to take care of yourselves and I think it would be selfish of me to sit here and be like yup yup it's me it's me yep stay only watch me I feel like that's selfish mita to ever have that cross my mind so I've really really implore anybody that is feeling bad or terrible and this dream is an outlet for them to be a part of I really hope you take the necessary steps to try to move forward and get better because IIIi don't want to be I don't want to be that if that makes any sense does it feel like that's like I said I feel like that's selfish for me to think like that and not say something about it but thank you so much I really hope you move forward whatever those situations are whatever the last few weeks have done I really hope you got through it good luck at university thanks to the $5 hey raindrop thanks of 250 Jeremy wanted to let you know that mashing buttons fast is seriously called jacking just so you know you're like a self-proclaimed number-one jacker if you don't want to say that out loud that's cool just know that you [ __ ] Rock thanks for everything been watching since 2014 when I searched tf2 diaper on YouTube and found stirs tell it diaper teleporter video question why did you type in tf2 diaper into a search what will you what were you trying to gain from tf2 diaper has a Google search and even more awful what a what video that I'm apart of comes up what a star's videos comes up tf2 diaper German 985 and stir the two diaper-wearing tf2 players oh no oh no the brand what do we do that's [ __ ] oh that's [ __ ] funny thanks for the 250 boy key thanks for 5 dolls hey guys turnips are selling in 439 one airhead bar per entry also mr. green you have banned for trying to sell one of the new clings to pay off your loan shark omni cash thanks for $5 do a staring contest stream I would know I would sit there for five minutes and be like I'm done I would have to move omni cash again thanks for the $5 do a yodeling stream I could do it not now it's been too long it did remind me to do yours I could probably do it I could probably actually do it if I if you if you catch me on like a hour one of this frame I guarantee you I could be able to yodel really well [ __ ] I just punched you you alright alright I'm sorry my me hey Ike turtle thanks at 250 when is the fortnight's stream we can play duo's and get the dub I died I never played I'm not gonna play for it life it's not gonna happen dinosaurs Rex thanks for 250 I found your IMDB links the German I need fifties TV series and Jeremy Hatton it's not even people you got he's my real name Jeremy Albertson check out the filmography on the second one actor 20 credits ant-man in the wasp the slim-jim guy uncredited love live sunshine as shiitake stardew valley as grandpa's bed minecraft story mode as mr. sneak man you guys understand like this is just absolute just gibberish yeah Jeremy Harrington is an actor and known for rat movie mystery with a Mayan treasure fateful findings and too many cooks it's all just fake I clicked on biography height five four and a half good now you understand why IMDB is there's no reason to oh my god it's just Jim Carrey's gonna be the next Iron Man in 2024 they're filming Iron Man 5 no no that's not happening but it says there no it's not I'm telling you that's not happening oh that appreciate it thanks for thanks for editing giving me fake [ __ ] on fake in my life hey I appreciate the fake life he's given me appreciate that thank you hey Jojo 360 thanks for your thousand bits hopefully this works it's my first time to try donating the sub on the YouTube channel both the dead one and the second one for a couple years but with being stuck inside my life I gotta go actually try to watch a stream the nice dream was definitely a favorite and I probably owe you more does a college kid it's easier said than done thanks for helping me and everyone else through these times now you never don't ever have don't give me any money ten dollars is that's you paid or a subscription to a ton of these [ __ ] places they have tons of [ __ ] and tons of value I appreciate a really appreciate people give me money tend to want to tell $50 thousand dollars five hundred dollars $10 $1 $2 $5 five five five but I really hope that you're doing that because you feel like doing it and you want to do that you don't have to ever I would actually employ a lot of you that don't have a lot of money to not and to save it and take care of yourself first absolutely I sound like a broken record when I say this but I really I hit it I hammer it because I want to make sure it's real clear it carry yourself save your money you don't got to give it to me thank you so much for the 10 bucks finally the enter move to the end the actual end of the stream the derma subscription takes precedence over everything if you feel like that sure but you don't have to do that if you have to choose between if German 985 $10 and buy $10 worth of cheesy go do two crunches I hope you make the right choice I hope you make the right choice there a post thanks for five dollars I'm going to keep bugging you to check out receiver to until you do receiver - is this VR yeah this is a VR game yes no this is on the list no it's not none of this this way this is VR what is this what game tonight what game do I have that this game not VR this actually is pretty [ __ ] good don't I own this or something there's a VR game that looks exactly like this all right put it on the list will play this soon that's pretty cool all right yeah I will see you guys we have one more we have slug brain thanks for three bucks oops too late sent you money take it thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you all of you have a great weekend I will see you guys back on Monday I have actually no idea we're gonna do on Monday oh I plan on figuring that out on Sunday night we'll see take care have a great weekend see you Monday
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 265,218
Rating: 4.9110289 out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, archive, jerma vegas stakes, vegas stakes, snes
Id: eJv5yaQHvfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 19sec (12499 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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