Jerma Keeps His Promises - Jerma Streams Ratatouille and Saw (Long Edit)

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what if i give jeremiah play ratatouille tomorrow just for you really jeremiah i would do that for you he would good lightsaw sure kid yeah but then you got to promise you'll do something for me i know stream dark souls while naked yeah that would be nice but i really just need the code welcome back to the stream hope you're having a good day today we're going to be playing lisa nope just kidding that's never happening today we're going to be playing doki doki literature club no just kidding that's never happening either today we're going to be playing garfield cart 2 just kidding that's never happening either that game doesn't even exist how could it happen mystery game today [ __ ] you elise is amazing [ __ ] i didn't say the game was bad i just said i'm not going to stream it i didn't say hey by the way lisa the faithful sucks see now clip that one now i [ __ ] up your clip i'm gonna clip him staring at lisa the painful sucks not gonna happen today thanks zoidberg hey you're very welcome i'm on it everyone's saying rat tattooey well here's the thing about rat tattooey i promised i would play ratatouille on the 28th but the problem is i didn't buy it yet uh i said i bought it i said i owned it but that was just it was sitting in my cart so technically i did own it temporarily speaking liar he's a liar that's not how it works uh anyways so what we're gonna do today is because it's a mystery game let me just change the title to something i'm going to key let's put the title to please spell that they spell that word all right yeah today we're going to be playing uh i don't know i can't spell this [ __ ] word how do you spell this word it's a one a two a's no i i i keep my [ __ ] promises rat tattooey i told you guys i was gonna play this on the 28th i keep my promises i keep my promises i do this is the the original there's like a band-aid over here this is disney pixar presents rat tattooey the video game from thq i actually looked this up a little bit this game apparently is [ __ ] terrible every review place gave this game like a four the game sucks apparently i don't even know i don't understand what the joke here is i think two people said play ratatouille and i was like okay fine well congratulations you and your friends made me play a game on stream i ironically love this game i don't know why i'm so excited i'm like i'm like a lightning rod right now i'm like ready to go i don't know why this game's gonna be [ __ ] terrible you know what's funny i've never seen this movie let's go sign in and continue yeah i don't whatever who cares you've never seen i've done i've never seen this movie i swear to god you go oh i could go right to the cheats if i want to let's play the story yes for those that don't know i just hit i just hit accept on the first generated name that xbox gave me i didn't even care what the [ __ ] would i even care am i what do i need to be german 985 on here my xbox 360. dog this is david's xbox well it's my xbox now got us from third party sellers thanks dave does this follow the movie do i have to watch the movie if i beat this game it's just the movie can't a rat work in peace around here is that pat wait is pat osborne the rat in the movie he is this sucks turn it off [Laughter] you know how much of a pain in the ass i was to get this game just a pain in the ass a real pain in the ass oh i thought he was like smelling his butt i'm not gonna [ __ ] this on and skip it in the beginning cut scene that's not happening today come on you know how much [ __ ] people gave me to make sure i played this game on today's date all oh emily okay this is a charm collect as many as you can to unlock rewards okay double jump there's a double jump in the game all right that's kind of cool it's an edge grab god remember when xboxes just give you [ __ ] achievements for no reason you know you can you can even use it didn't even care tails white okay so it's just an attack okay is this game like an hour and a half long please say it is d sync me or the game what do you mean it should be it's the game game sound is all [ __ ] up he's right about now hey germa slug pog thanks for the five community subs thanks for being an emote that will be deleted in about three months sound is early hold on let me fix that how does this sound you tell me all right slug pog i don't even know why it's activated it's chili peppers you cooking this game worried you just walk around and collect points oh [ __ ] this guy's dead oh pull us to help him chili peppers can be used to destroy certain objects in the world to defeat enemies tail swipe and get away it's a little platforming game like every single video game that comes out that has a license i'm convinced that every single movie and tv game that came out from like 1998 to 2010 was all the same engine same video game just put different assets sort of in the game world it's all the same exact game easy to use wrong it's not wrong they just shared the source code with every single movie that was within six months of release they changed the coin in this game to like the cheese in another game the cheese turns into like a star in the other one voice story yeah toy story had like [ __ ] action figures instead of coins you can find out where to go next by using your sense of smell nice i'm so glad that there is like a fable tube just walk this way idiot button speaking of which drummer should play dead space one and two for october i actually might do that whenever you come to i don't know there's like no reason to be playing this once you do that there's so many things i've been playing right now this game is 40 hours dangerous 20 plus hours no it is not this thing the only way this game is 20 plus hours is it level 1 through 10 was copy and pasted 30 times do i get to use the food please tell me i get to cook you can't make a rat tattooing game and not have cooking i don't want to just walk around and spray bugs i die oh okay i was just waiting for like dark souls text to pop up and go like [Music] oh god he's playing this yeah i am because when i tell you i'm going to do something i'm going to do it regardless of how detrimental it is i i don't i don't hate it yet i don't hate it yet i kind of like it is this okay can i ask a question is the reason why everybody wants me to play this game regardless of how bad it is because this is everybody's favorite movie here that's why right and you overlook how shitty this game is because you love the movie so much all you care about is like the characters talking around in a hurry you're watching like a reunion show you know that's a kind of tired and old but it's still your favorite character so you like it that has really bad taste now let's see if you have as much that's one letter grade coming up does this count no it doesn't count right the car actually actually has to turn oh that's too bad when do i get to grab onto the guy's hair and like [ __ ] with his brain like pull his hairs and like give him a headache when does that happen graphics are actually pretty good yeah they're pretty they are they're not bad let's see what you got use the left stick to balance oh okay like tony hawk manual just play tony hawk instead no i'm playing ratatouille everybody thought that i was not playing this today too everyone was convinced that i didn't buy it all right i'm interested so far i'm interested [Music] sorry remy but you need 20 charms to proceed what did i get soft locked in the tutorial what do you mean i need 20 charms i got pay walled how did that even happen what what did i do wrong i just followed his instructions i missed the coins i did i thought i picked them all up the water pump handle is stuck try jumping on it for a reward there's gonna be coins in here right [ __ ] i thought they would just collect yeah i don't know i need them i guess i need them i get oh that's a coin one wait a minute i need ten more coins ten did i just run past them i mean five there's a charm hidden in the stump blow out the box all right i get it no no i was supposed to lose here this is just the tutorial to explore and learn and figure out what happened you'll need to use the rat on a ball to reach this charm right okay where's the rat on a ball is a ball there's sprint button you know remy if you just use all four of your hands you could probably go so much faster than this you can dash oh [ __ ] you can this is literally a plot point collecting coins i've never seen the movie i know i'm gonna piss off a lot of people when i say this but i always saw ratatouille as a filler pixar movie like it was oh yeah they came up with like three or four every year or two and it was like oh this is one of the filler ones i don't need to watch it i i'm just i i'm not saying it's a bad movie i'm just saying that's how i saw it when i first came out take that back look i'm not saying that that's accurate i'm just saying that's how i felt you know how like pixar and disney came up with a shitload of 3d animated movies there's like 30 of them over the course of 10 years some of them i was like i don't know like i guess it's all right i didn't hate the movies or anything apologize for that i'm sorry i don't know what paul just for what i didn't say anything find the valve and fix the sprinkler what is this [ __ ] i don't want to do this all right chili pepper there's one down here right you're a disney hater look once they announced the live action remake of ratatouille then i'll care how's that sound you actually can do that oh well what what just happened did i die that was a trap gotta do what a rat's gotta do all right i need more coins i had to go trap yeah what the hell was that all right what's your what do you what do you want to see for a live action remake for disney nothing that's true who cares that's that's right yeah who [ __ ] cares the one okay once they made the third one in a row it was like all right i don't care anymore this is [ __ ] stupid you want cars okay that would be actually pretty cool you would have my attention with the all right wait what happens if rat fights a squirrel imagine looking at you window and seeing this in the backyard what do you do i would freak out i'd be like stop stop stop stop i was going to start clapping my hands really sucker punch you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] nice sucker punch i kicked your ass for like five straight minutes and then you're gonna when my back is turned typical [ __ ] squirrel move stop leaving the [ __ ] alone give me this thing all right come on come here get over here get stop it hey that's so stupid all right get me out of this blow up the squirrel that's evil i'm gonna blow up the squirrel all right so what the hell is that dude i'm supposed to like jump on these all right this is [ __ ] dumb i do i really need to get more coins what a tutorial this is all right i didn't mean that these i think these are friendly are you friendly yeah i just have to no oh yeah of course not is this what it's like when we're not looking like everybody like toy story and [ __ ] when andy's not home the toys have a bunch of fun and they play games with each other in the animal world when the humans aren't looking they kill each other they eat each other they rip each other's heads off everyone thinks oh yeah when the animals are together they talk and they have like fun adventures none of the rat literally gouges out this little chick's eyes with his hands and then eats his brain great chef they can't make a movie about that though am i a psycho that's real that's real life that's what happens like in real life these two would not have a conversation about their taxes the dove would come down he'd get tailwind right about now he'd get bitten in the face the rat would lose his tail this other rat would come over and start eating the other rat even though they're both rats no it isn't jeremy you have to go outside what before i cook oh my god there's like a thousand coins up here you collected wait to glide i can glide how do i glide just told me i can glide wait a minute i can do a mary poppins oh cool i got 20 charms i gotta go find eddie you looked in by the way you look in your backyard to see this many rats yeah probably time to uh actually put the trash out rather than skip it three weeks in a row because you well [ __ ] i forgot and it's like already like it's like already 8 a.m i can't get the [ __ ] trash out now i cannot i can already hear the truck coming down the street the food i'm not what am i going to go out there in my underwear like hold on a second i've thought about it before but then you can't you just can't do it yeah and then you go over in your head is it embarrassing for me to go out there with messy hair and underwear and like a pair of socks or not have my trash out oh [ __ ] i don't know i don't what if i get caught on somebody's like ring cam i'll wait till next week i'm getting huge bugleberry vibes from that guy right now huge vocal streamer leaves house for the first time in months a shotgun oh i thought the old lady was shooting a shotgun she has a shotgun it is a shotgun [ __ ] does this happen to the movie does this happen in the movie oh [ __ ] fps mode run remy run why does a lady have a gas mask on and a shotgun this actually does happen in the movie holy [ __ ] oh okay i have to actually run if you're stepping stuff get it next time okay go faster step in this okay it doesn't matter those mouth traps are from me i didn't even touch that one that was horseshit oh god know what oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh you no you lose speed i'm dead chic imagine seeing grandma yeah matt this this game so far has been look out your window and be surprised an old lady outside my window shooting at a moving book with a gun and gas mask uh on a new apartment in your area that are available now let's take a look well at least i'm a good cook i got shot by the gun so you're telling me that there's a point in the movie where an old lady with a gas mask on is shooting at the rap with a shotgun you don't want to see this as a live-action movie sure why don't you figure this one first what did they do first what was the first live-action remake so cinderella cinderella was like a daytime movie talking about like a real remade movie [ __ ] i'm looking at chat some reason tarzan oh that was also like a tv movie made for tv cinderella was a made for tv movie it wasn't in theaters at the chat oh well okay honest to god i'm gonna be this can't be one of those people that plays like a three-hour long licensed movie video game it takes like three hours to read but i spend like 40. and i've walked into that like on purpose somehow and that one too i don't even know how my my i have muscle memory to do a fall joke i swear to god i don't even know why i didn't do anything i was trying to win go go go go go go go how big is grandma's front yard oh out of ammo sorry grandma [Music] sand raider i've collected a health container oh so i got extra health alright so does he read the cookbook now or does he already know how to cook and why does the rat already know how to cook this is skillet where's his [ __ ] burner what's his microwave i am chef auguste gusto excuse me the ghost of chef don't you feel like if you grabbed the tip of his head and pulled him up strongly you'd make him look like a normal person oh what are you gross feeding chum the dogs on the street just a figment of my imagination turn on captions is it available [Laughter] i thought a mini mission beacon what fun i wanted to try a mini mission timed challenge you want sure right two minutes to do something i guess to follow him around uh time's chaos build german 985 it's actually the name of a small like three-part series i did i thought it was going to be a huge hit i thought that was going to be a huge hit for the stream minecraft was just getting traction everybody loved it didn't really work out so well in my in my head it was a little different collect enough of these items and you'll be able to open a tall mission wait i need to collect these to get a mission just [ __ ] gate this time gate [ __ ] currency gate [Laughter] is getting too far away stay oh no you've lost the race let's start over oh it's a race i thought i was just following him but i kind of need to see where he goes i don't know where to go okay you know what a really really super pro player jumps off the edge hangs on yeah jumping up they hang on the edge just because they're bored and they can they know every inch of every second of the game pretend i was doing that it's gonna be a long stream it is not it's not gonna be a long stream i have a finite amount of time i'm willing to give to ratatouille the official licensed video game stream i don't know what that is i'm not sure if it's 20 minutes or well it's been 40 so that's wrong um it's been longer than that all right come on i can do it stop going to the right all right don't [ __ ] this up and i win what the [ __ ] is going on collect enough of these weights i'm gonna need to open the tall michonne he's getting too far away get it stay with him does sound like yoda [Music] you start on a mission activate the mission market not really though this absolutely you did for a second soupy assistance all right cool i'm looking yes i'm ready this is i'm ready to have fun now here comes an actual cooking mission oh super sure i mean he kind of does he did one word was like everything else was not yoda at all but i get it the soup is terrible use the spices to fix the soup knock the cheese that is on the top shelf into the bucket below complete your tasks and don't let the chefs catch you these look like they can make a tidy hole if you're spotted by a human you need to run inside of a hole so you said that rats gonna kill me what if i just imagine that imagine jump scaring the guy on purpose you know you can fix that soup what are you waiting for this is kind of like yoda you're right same noise i just made water say i can't even boil water i'm [ __ ] useless i can do that and i'm stupid just saw me he just looked right at me alright was this there's two more there's two all right there's one across i gotta climb up and then go down okay this one over there blind him i know you can fix that suit but you've been detected or the hidey hole tell you where the nearest safe area can be found hurry hurry what he's that much of a psycho yeah it's an invisible wall of course oh this is bad it's really bad it's really bad okay i'm all right i'm okay i'm okay you know you can fix that soup am i stuck down here go go go go go go go go go go go go go go all right there it is cream find a way to tip the ingredients into their pot from i got it all right there's only one more quickly find the play store try now backstab him set the eight timer to distract linguine what's his name this guy's name is linguine like paul linguini quickly find a place to [ __ ] no turn around turn on turn turn turn turn camera camera camera camera camera camera and then i've never seen that i've never seen the movie i have not seen this movie hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry you know you can fix that soon stop yoda i don't need this force ghost to tell me what to do every time all right there it is got it four out of four now what quickly [Music] you need the last one regardless you do i need the cheese oh [ __ ] is that the cheese over there all right hold on i'm gonna distract him i'm gonna go what's that timer all right we're good you know what can i tell you soupy assistance mission completed you know rip out the chef's tongue psycho you that's you the perfect place for a colony i thought i had a condo or something at the end of the movie he gets like a condo with the guy back at the cottage it's hard to move about a condo how do you know that but not his name follow me and we'll get to work guys the main character that's an animal or some mutant alien or something that lives at the end of the movie with the other main character in a weird kind of like odd couple scenario that's half of every [ __ ] movie that's ever existed every disney pixar or animated movie that ends like that always it happens in b movie remember b movie he like moves moves he moves in with her at the end of the movie does it happen and beam yeah it does all right let's snip what's that trash is that auto okay when there's food any food i order like takeout or something or if i bring back something from cooking you look over the side of where otto's bed is and he goes he goes up it's the cutest thing in the world i kind of miss the force ghost guy ah it would be so nice if you could speak to your father find him there he is okay hey okay thank you fourth ghost he's still around he's gonna be a presence the whole game isn't he jumping is fun that's about it uh okay i just i just put my hand up to my face and like did like a like i'm gonna talk to the microphone and i invited like touched my voice on like my [ __ ] hands and i got it on my face i didn't like that at all i hated that i'm not doing that anymore i don't like to lean in and make like a hair i'm leaning in and doing a thing doesn't mean i'm gonna get water my face no i if i break this thing off it's fine oh [ __ ] there's like eight thousand people there just have to say that like two thousand of you know what i'm talking about the colony is counting on you to distract that you learn more about what's there some food they feed dogs a bucket of scraps in the courtyard every day we need to get a hold of that bucket scare the dogs away from the courtyard an idle rat is a worthless rat find a coin in the bird's nest and bring it down to the courtyard find all the light bulbs we need to make them liven this place up oh god i gotta do all these tasks next game please i can okay i can't i can't i can't then dude the next game is no i i've got a bunch of xbox 360 and xbox games back here whatever it is it's gonna be on xbox i'll pull something out no i'm playing ratatouille right now talk about that later oh the dogs gave the dogs away i got it stream rationing no hey that cat just threw a [ __ ] rock x-men origins waiting room no you can't listen i bet you you're the same guy rat tattooey waiting room with a resident sleeper on it six weeks ago i bet you the same guy i was playing a game i was doing something and i saw like resident sleeper resident sleeper rat tattooing for xbox 360 waiting room resident sleeper and now i'm doing it and here you are again you can't keep moving the goalposts i'm here find a way to scare the dog yeah guess what when i play x-men origins wolverine whatever it is the same person is going to come in they're going to say [ __ ] feeding frenzy for waiting room that's not a bad idea i'll take that idea soon find something to scare that dog quickly oh well what was it wasn't there acid you have started saw waiting rooms stop it boom beach waiting room isn't that like an iphone game [ __ ] it god waiting room yeah i can dexter waiting room i'm okay i'm gonna have to stop you on that one i'm playing jack and dexter right now i may as well just i play in the same game eggel waiting room i played peggle on stream i've already done that man more peggle nobody you don't want more peggle i know you don't as i extreme fevered almost every single level the last time i played it what more can i do to impress you you can't get like 20 extreme fevers in a row and then be like yeah i mean like you could do better than that no i can't i cleared five levels in a row with one ball i can't ever replicate that again yeah that's it find something to scare that dog quickly the hell oh [ __ ] that was cool well this is just a way to get back up here it's a permanent environmental upgrade i'm a one ball omega low i'm trying i'm trying to stand with like that where you come from with this one i don't get it club penguin no nobody you don't want okay the special request video games i think a lot of you have to understand okay the special request games really it's like okay right now there are 82 almost 8 300 people here right now four of you really want me to continue to play this and you're like you got your popcorn ready you were like holy [ __ ] i can't believe you playing this is my favorite game ever when i was a kid and that and i'm doing that for you you'll get yours eventually you will you will you're gonna say like oh dude remember that remember that game uh mischief makers for the n64 wow you should play that dude i've loved that game when i was a kid and i'm gonna play it for you one day i didn't see that sheesh being a great chef sure isn't easy that's right on my neck why even balance just [ __ ] go ani musha waiting room money moosha how do i know what that is all right don't [ __ ] it up sheesh being a great chef and it didn't do anything play league of legends that's one thing i will never play i promise okay you know how i said that like four of you are really excited that i'm here right now playing this game if you wish too there's probably like 3 000 of you here that would be excited if i played league i don't care i only impressed like three people not like five thousand i'm sorry this is such an elaborate way for me to scare this dog i'm just gonna keep going play never hood maybe one day i kind of like this game though i'm not i'm not kidding typically by now i would be like oh yeah let's do something else uh something else uh no not today i i kind of like this it's kind of fun i don't hate this find a way to scare the dog wait right here this is it i'm not going to kill the doctor that dog almost got exploded boom baby oh now bow wow mission complete do we do jinx at the sphinx right yeah that's another one that's another one you'll see maybe somebody said worst stream contender get out of here i'll get us a request stream and uh get out of here ban that guy for real just like having fun playing ratatouille get out of here he's still playing this yeah i don't want to play it it took me it took me it took me let me hold on let me detuber that a little bit it took me like three months to get this game and find it and be like yeah i guess i'll pay for 75 for it no i'm playing this for like another at least 20 minutes those four guys don't even exist yeah oh they don't really really okay let's find out let's see i'm i'm curious hey excuse me sit down for a second let's do a truffle straw poll let's see how many if it gives more than four if this gets more than four votes for yes i like this game keep playing it and we're good if this gets less than four votes i will i will change to whatever [ __ ] cave you want you ready this is this poll is called here we go you like this yes no here we go if this this gets more than four votes all i'm looking for is four yeses oh what you're looking at for two three hundred five hundred six hundred it's forty percent of you guys 42 it's more than four guys isn't it those are bots [ __ ] a lot of people are voting on this by the way and we we never get this much participation it's like 3 000 votes right now avoid the thief seven boxes left all right let's let's go do a new poll that's 45 that's more than one that's dude those four guys aren't even here you're right no they were replaced by apparently like 1300 people people have spoken the majority wants me to stop but the the large the large minority wants me to stay and that's what that's what we're doing i never said this was a democracy right now i said this is a one guy moment and there's 1501 guys okay i gotta clear the trash you're distracting me on purpose now you're doing this debate what is this robots yeah you're distracting me on purpose because you know that i'm gonna be like okay i i don't understand what to do well way to go so we're gonna play saw i don't even say that guys even if i put saw in i don't even know where to start there's like an hour left of saw all right okay are you listening are you listening are you listening i will finish saw tonight okay that's it are you all right are you good are you good no way yeah unclean i will finish saw one tonight so we can prepare for sawtooth during the halloween october month 24 hour stream um it's only been one hour so no i don't know it's not gonna be even close this game is [ __ ] sick actually it's not even that bad you guys need to give it a real chance what how much was left in saw like one to two hours right there was like less than an hour or two wasn't there four hours no way irma's chat [ __ ] sucks dude remember [Music] where did it go uh at first it just came and it was like oh [ __ ] this world of warcraft like ghostbusters remastered there any good ghostbusters game yeah okay that ghostbusters game from like 2008 it was pretty good it was it was all right i wouldn't necessarily say it was the greatest game i've ever played it was it was it was pretty good i liked it luigi's mansion ah ah no luigi's mansion not right now oh how funny is it that i played mario sunshine on the gamecube and they just decided to hd re-release it i saw that i was like come on man it's been like [ __ ] 15 years like what you're doing that after i play it they watch the stream nintendo watches the streams it's trash is it yeah i guess i've it's been confirmed at the head of nintendo of antarctica watches the stream yeah i'm all over i got dms about it i believe you must clear a path to the sewer i know dude i have one box left are you are you watching the same person who are you talking to it's not obviously not me yoda is stupid yoda's not stupid yoda's one of the smartest jedi all right you cannot let it go at all you have to you cannot let it go at all it has to be very gentle you're stalling for viewers you think that's going to help me stalling and rat tattooing is going to help me with viewers it's the other way around i can't get this one this one doesn't work if i drop it what happens of course [ __ ] whatever let's go the other way oh dude he's definitely stalling from to lose viewers that's what you mean ah you guys aren't going anywhere remember you guys aren't going anywhere i just i i just like saw baited all of you now you're gonna stay to the end of the stream you're gonna watch all the ads you're gonna watch you're gonna do you're gonna stay the whole time you're gonna keep my engagements up because you know saw's coming at some point it's all baited gonna it's gonna happen i'm gonna play so you know what i am it's not yet this is like okay i'm gonna i'm gonna go like activate a bounty for saw and the whole time i'm gonna be streaming naked endless trying to get like 50 000 viewers here so then okay now let's play saw for the bounty have to have as many people here as possible so the sponsors think it's cool like i just stream naked for an hour and then i turn the webcam off turn on saw it's a sponsored stream there's 50 000 people here i called this guy that's sponsoring the stream hey come to the stream man there's a lot of people here right now holy [ __ ] man that was a good idea to like have to sponsor that stream there's 50k people here dude and then 20 minutes like 30 minutes later i get banned hey we're just like checking in we saw that your channel has been like permanently removed huge numbers though by the way yeah so what's that payout look like um it's like it's like seven hundred thousand dollars okay time to retire goodbye imagine having to negotiate that like in your contract or sponsorship or like if you do to claim this yeah is it okay if i stream like you know naked for an hour and then if i hit like a hundred thousand concurrent viewers because i'm like the naked guy on twitch because this that still counts right if i immediately switch to your game it has to remember you play oh i wanna play mafia that's another thing i'm doing oh [ __ ] let's do that tomorrow play mafia tomorrow the mafia remake i'm playing it tomorrow oh yeah yeah playing mafia remake tomorrow good call good call he's gonna play it anyways but good call all right what are the uh missions i have like two or three more right yeah i want to play mafia i've heard it's good i've heard it's very very passable which these days passable means good in the video game industry now six and a half out of ten is now a nine in this new world we're in of video games ooh olives oh spit them out gross crush them up into oil and you got my attention not whole disgusting cutting board calamity oh [ __ ] this is a cooking mission would you date remy if you were a rat no i mean did somebody say all of eating challenge or am i making that up smash 30 veggies before the time runs out oh [ __ ] this is cool just a trash compactor you should stream dark souls with what is this spam you stream dark souls while naked and you start the camera resolution at like one by one pixel and every time you die the resolution doubles i think it's a great idea it's like a sword art online but instead of dying in real life you slowly get exposed to tens of thousands of people all over the world that's quite the chat imagine you would be trying as hard as you could that would be a silent stream this is important to think about one by one pixel that doubles in resolution quality or that increases in how much percentage every time i die how long would it take before your penile area is visible alone one times one how many pixels would it be for you to determine like the actual area two two four four eight eight it would take like five deaths before i got banned from the [ __ ] site 20 deaths 32 by 32. but it would have to be like wicked blurry too and like every time you died after it got to like 32 by 32 how many times did i die in dark souls that's what i'm asking i think i died like a hundred and like 12 times so not only would it be visible but it would be in 4k by the time that i got to there so that's not gonna work what a great idea germa your penis takes up one pixel it's so like [ __ ] rude and like weird and gross and unnecessary have you explored all of your dream words have you explored all of this okay let's keep going pixel dick that's [ __ ] funny that's funny all right i don't know whatever you clicked on the mature audience thing when you got here you're fine you are we're we're all a mature audience here you clicked it if you collect enough oh another one one by one a one pixel webcam that increases in quality but you're naked so you better not die more than 50 times in whatever game you're playing that's such an unbelievable that's like such a [ __ ] up i'm gonna throw up where am i i hate this i hate this so much you have no idea where am i what all i heard was oh this sucks i don't want to do this one again [ __ ] all right dude again are you gonna play hades they put a huge easter egg about you in the game what what are you talking about they did all right i gotta beat this where the [ __ ] am i that's debated i would why the hell they what did what is it that that's just a monster debate is that what you're telling me come on any two more of these damn things come on yeah come on one more what well at least i'm a good cook [Music] oh you sloppy piece of [ __ ] [Music] there's 8 000 people here watching you play ratatouille i mean yeah i guess there is it speaks to the quality of the video game right that's people you're interested i'm interested now it's not time for saw all right i'm doing it let's go one two three silence you have bots if you okay if you think that i've been doing this [ __ ] for 10 years and at year number 10 is the year that i decide to turn on bots i don't know man what i don't know what to tell you hey let's never do that again nice job twitch username here springboard race get to the end sure that's right this is awesome okay i gotta do good is it okay odd watchers skip ahead 15 minutes for saw and gamer wart pixel what wait is that implying that i'm going to show my hand in 15 minutes i'm not going to do that i need uh where's the i need to where's the where's other missions i need more missions i'm going to go back to the rat cave wait no over here i've gone over this way [ __ ] i can't go that way um should i go no i'm not doing a wart reveal that's disgusting and i don't want you to see that it makes me sick thanks for signing up for this trial run of twitch bot services we hope you are enjoying your personalized ego boost i'm going to read the rest of that just because i feel like it you have 30 you have 30 days until your trail is over if you are enjoying your service sign up for a one-year activation plan it actually it said trail i didn't say trial wrong it was trail imagine if i like all tabbed and you guys saw that i had a viewbot running and it was like 10 viewbots like i prepare apparently i'm so money is counting i need those extra 10 people here's what you got to do all right what am i going to do tell me the colony is count i want to know the missions dude there's a repeated joke same joke no it's not that's not true that's not the same joke as last week this the joke last week was if i just revealed that i have view bots not that they were ten i added to the joke from last week that's that's the same joke no it's not a repeat no it's not no it isn't that was a different that was that was a different piece of humor attached to the same idea and uh look at the rules guys disagreeing with the streamer is abandonable offense don't do it all right i can go up there there's one here there's a okay there's one up there i'm gonna go up there okay s good stream thank you you think so nice good because if you didn't you know put my finger up and across you know what i mean you're a heavy band you're out he's a murderer no i'm not that you you you're missing the what i'm saying i'm dead i just i just did an olympic dive okay i did just say worst link i'm not clicking on any links right now i'm busy wait i gotta go which how the what's the fastest way okay i see we're going this way the link sucks don't worry i'm not gonna soulless marvel videos roll this marvel 2020 video game waiting room soulless [ __ ] i'm actually i like i'm starting to actually un-ironically enjoy this game you know what i mean i'm unironically enjoying ratatouille is that bad that's kind of not a bad thing though is it i don't think so it seems like a solid seven out of ten it's pretty solid seven out of ten have you explored always airing stage one was i lying earlier i lie every day sometimes i lie about a lie i already told so there's a double lie going on and i don't know which one i actually tried to put off as real and i oh what i mean about this one again and i already do this one i walked too far and went over the edge that's how well i was doing this was way harder than the other one under underneath both of those by the way good [ __ ] hit detection i'm saying hit the hit red yes what i get a lot right your dog ever do that to your ear otto will be up in the bed sometimes and i'll just kind of roll over and i'll and i'll feel inside of my ear just and i'm like the ant army has invaded the courtyard clear the courtyard of ten ants before time runs out clear the courtyard of the ten viewbots they have the same spider movement pattern and binding of isaac and that's why i hate those enemies [Music] i could beat the hush with my eyes closed but i will get hit in the first room five times by the same spider it reminds me of madagascar i mean they're both just licensed video games look that person just came in and what did they say you guys told me i was i was wrong you said i was like ah you're gonna carry your mind they're all the same game that person just came in and said oh well this looks just like madagascar remember we talked about that rooftop rolling yes let's do it dirty gee nice that i'm unlocking these for david and not me remember when you cared about this [ __ ] remember when you really truly gave a [ __ ] about achievements and you do the most asinine [ __ ] in the game to make sure you got like 100 points i remember i played viking for the xbox 360. and i remember wanting to there was like an achievement to kill like 500 enemies and i was like i'm gonna do that i want to do that i don't think this game sucks i don't even care i need to kill these 500 enemies to get the achievement because i want it find a way get the coin from the bird's nest bring the coin to the rain gutter and drop it down actually viking was kind of good wasn't [ __ ] a good game it was kind of fun oh well viking was like god of war for the ps4 remember kind of way worse but still good nest honey poo waiting room sure hey make sure you watch every single stream start to finish it might happen and and watch every ad what happened you new viewer here well look if we look at the post stream what could happen i'd have to stay here don't leave there was a 0.0001 chance that there was a a poo stream okay there's also a 0.001 chance and you're gonna get that like burning team captain but you still opened five thousand boxes now didn't you stay here remember you can use their rack to get removed the coin is in the nest on the rooftop i hope you're not afraid of honey i got just i got a double force coat i think i've got this height thing under control no problem where is it it's omni roofed up i apologize i'm sorry sorry sorry i'm sorry for saying those there's that lincoln chat right now i have no idea i'm yo i'm i'm not going to click it for at least a little while remy your father said what else he is i hope you're not afraid of heights you'll unlock the bonus pack afraid of heights lick it okay fine let's see what you guys got here not bad but i mean is it is it really is it that good oh [ __ ] it's a one by one dick pixel wrong okay well what's the right one love her if germa clicks this he has to play glover you guys know that this is one of the first games i ever had for this n64 if jeremy clicks as he has to play glover well i did i clicked it the reason why you say glover because you're watching me do the the ball here don't you turn into different hands in this game there's like five different hands one of them's like a strong hand one's like a a quick hand i remember this game we're gonna play glover now not right now the n64 is one of the only consoles i have not really done on this stream and there's a reason for that to save the best for last we've done 3do sega cd playstation 1 playstation 2 gamecube xbox no we've not done any n64 now why is that conquer is bad for a day remember that's illegal you can't play the illegal i mean your father the air vents lead to the nest sounds easy smell the create through the glass yeah isn't it like conker's bad isn't like a sex scene in it or something something in there that's not okay it's like there's like a sex scene in it or something ooh this level is pretty good this is a good level this is not a game that's worth skipping i'm sorry wow so you guys don't know where the original conquer unbelievable people like minus twoing that if because you think i'm just doing that like oh that he made like a conqueror voice you've never played diddy kong racing then unbelievable that's unbelievable to me and that makes me upset unbelievable you want me to play conker's bad further if but thursday but you don't know what the origin of conquer is and you don't know what that voice was really you want to play conquerors bad thursday but that's it you don't know anything else oh i win this one minus four keep it up buddy i'm okay yes bring the coin to the rain gutter minus four yeah you don't even know how the minus system even works i think there's like a problem with the minus system can we can we do the plus twos just to see if it works i'm testing it out it's still like c minus two somebody's they did minus four and i like [ __ ] up the algorithm a little bit so we have to do plus two to even it out a little i'm getting trolled stop trolling me now i'm getting trolls stop trolling me the joke stock for today all right so it's been an hour and 56 so all right i know that it's being gamed i know you guys are [ __ ] around what happened um okay something was really really funny a rat's gotta do at like 20 minutes and then at 21 or 22 minutes that something happened nobody was happy and at 21 minutes what happened what did i do it was a joke in the game stop doing that you're crashing yeah we were on a complete uptick here and now everyone's manipulating the market i still want to do the market thing now what [ __ ] help the gang distract the humans so you can get the bucket contents to the sewer grate this is the first major encounter of the game you're buying 29 28 calls well i'm sorry if you just did that you're you just got manipulated dude you just got you just got absolutely destroyed you bought those calls let's say you there it was like five hundred dollars worth of calls the second that you hit the accept button they were worth forty dollars that's not good celine needs the handle to work the gramophone find the handle and bring it to her that coin you found earlier will help us distract that human file [Music] by the way [ __ ] this is gonna be bad i'm gonna mess this up like three times all right got it now where does this go bring the handle to celine who is standing near the gramophone all right get out of the way where's the gramophone good turn it on yeah just two minus two you yet poor guy is gonna owe money you're gonna margin call the guy that bought 20 calls don't do that you need to flood the gutter tie a rope to the faucet so it can be turned on turn off the music why what do you mean turn off the music last one is over here somewhere what is it whatever you'd be fine but you don't like like french bistro music why not oh well [Laughter] stop it stop saying minus two you guys are ruining everything you find they're ruining everything they're ruining everything if germa clicks he has to spend five nights at freddy's two no i will not do that i'm sorry that's never gonna happen guys i played five nights at freddy's three on the ipad for no reason maybe maybe was four i installed it i downloaded it i bought it and i played it for maybe five minutes and then i i deleted the app off the iphone or the ipad i didn't want to play it ever again i was just like this is stupid why did i buy this sheesh what happened did i hit my jaw on the edge why did i just stone cold stun myself on the edge of the concrete we're crashing we're crashing the marquette we're going to crash the market that what you guys don't know is i i sold at the top already i don't care rash away for i care i mean i made 14 we all know the german stock is only worth like a tenth of a penny you guys got just sheesh democrats yeah germa hey hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to germa crash the series where i crashed stop dying on these the series where i lose all my money at the stock market you blew my you've ruined my whole joke the whole this stupid ping pong thing so i have to pay attention to the video game for the love of god pay attention where'd it go it's alright i got the red and stimpy sound effect that came back into life what perhaps if you find there have been after almost two minutes he's delirious no i just i had a good germa crap joke and it got ruined that was a good one it would have been i got interrupted in the middle of it turn the music off not too loud what camera oh why is there why is it extra loud what there hello ladies and gentlemen welcome let me see if i can get it correct i'll try it a few times hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to episode one of germacraft series where i play minecraft it's pretty good i need to have [ __ ] of your mic though that didn't make sense all right so how do i get that coin i get okay i gotta get a uh mary poppins into the thing all right am i dead if i go in here with the ball nope my dad if i dip that showers off my head probably i'll do it next time perhaps if you find just a handle to say grab a phone i can do accents yeah i could do uh you know french or you can yeah can you give me a little bit of a sample sure i have to go to this store today to get some of the tylenol very very good very good mods do something what what happened isn't everything okay what's going on somebody add it to his portfolio now be careful in the stock market seriously if you like we make like jokes about like stalks be careful because what happens is when you if you buy like a stock let's say you have like an app or something you have like a like you just like schwab or whatever the [ __ ] you use you think you're a genius you buy like five shares of [ __ ] toyota or whatever and it goes up like four percent you make like eight bucks you're like oh i'm the smartest man alive i can't [ __ ] lose then you make one bad call and you lose 500 bucks just be [ __ ] careful don't be in it don't do it be careful all right how do i get this it's lodged up in the sludge i can't get it come back later if that music does that music is hell people are gonna wait people aren't gonna want fake meat oh stop reminding me of my past [ __ ] mistakes i was so certain so certain i was not more certain than anything else in my entire life beyond meat was worth like [ __ ] like 40 billion dollars and i'm like there's no way there's no [ __ ] way that that's gonna stay like beyond meat was worth more than like every american manufacturing car company it was more it's more expensive than any than like all the airlines combined i'm like there's no there's no way it's going to stay like 300 a share and it did stayed there for a while don't die parade coming in from rt welcome guys playing uh rat tattooey how do i get up there oh i see it i see it don't die i'll get it it's not even that far of a drop it wasn't that far of a drop all joke for the new viewers hey guys welcome to the fall joke stream i fall and i go and i fall and i go and i fall and i go up and i fall and i go so mega lol bad so mega lol bad wait [ __ ] that give me this oh [ __ ] this is what you have to do what do i do from here [ __ ] why can i go up all the way here okay i saw somebody using an emote it was a laughing face and a finger pointing and it was like a cracking up face and a finger pointing and they broke so bad so bad so bad i don't know why it was making me laugh early i can't turn it off i need your help there tried it's even worse no no no no it was like a human finger it was like a human finger pointing right at the screen finish the level dude what are you i'm trying what do you think i'm trying to do this game is one of the hardest games ever this is one of those games that has a bunch of bugs and glitches and it's got tons of difficult platforming it's one of the hardest games on the 360. it's one of the hardest things is it a limit emoji oh yeah yeah it's like it's just like a pointing and laughing it's just so like rude so bad like pointing and laughing all right guys i i might i need to be like 11 to figure this out apparently how do i get up so bad so bad oh mega holy [ __ ] dude this dude is oh mega bad i played that already you think you're pulling out some really really obscure video game i've done i played that already on stream i played the mark echo game already somebody link that person to where it is all right can i climb that perhaps [Music] i can climb this all right let's go okay i needed a drink too take a little sip i don't know why i don't know why i'm laughing there's no reason to be laughing i don't know i just somewhere in my head i thought something was funny somewhere and i just started laughing at i don't know why i am just one of the weasels from who framed roger rabbit i know that already i'm aware of it completely can you climb this please remy you [ __ ] idiot yes the guy you guys think i say like [ __ ] well are you [ __ ] idiot yeah i think i do i almost got air shot oh yup don't now what there's so many roads that lead to nowhere i thought i died i'm okay break through the window are you serious are you kidding me was i really supposed to go through the window oh [ __ ] i'll try it i missed the music don't you i really missed the hold on hold on okay i missed the music through the window that was wrong nice try though i appreciate it i have no idea how to go you must find a way to the water faucet alley force ghost i've done that i don't know what the guy's name is i have no idea what this guy's name is there's the force ghost shift his name is alice ella's oh [ __ ] wait i gotta do it in an order there's an order you do the turn the phone on the way to the water faster okay you turn the faucet on then you got there's like three rats just died there's like this four rats you do the turn on the phone the phone lets you turn the faucet on the faucet then lets you dislodge the coin somehow with some of your friends i got it here we go one two three read chat more sad boy why am i sad sad i don't think i'm sad right now i think i'm fairly happy right now i'm very happy who said i was sad i want that person timed out i want that person timed out for a long [ __ ] time an hour oh [ __ ] that's a long ass time man one hour that's a [ __ ] eternity here not like there's like dog ears well in german stream chat years that's like 30 years all right here we go this is now on now i have to find the coin out oh yeah thing what's up zip zipper something good all the water oh [ __ ] okay right right right right right yeah i gotta blow this up i could blow this up okay i needed a bomb where's the cherry bomb isn't it up here somewhere cherry bomb you guys see anyone i don't see a cherry bomb anywhere it's at the very top right there oh can somebody edit that for me like somebody i know this is gonna be a race for you guys to do this but can somebody just take out all the times he says zip in like a two like a 30 second video and just let me watch it on stream no don't get [ __ ] comboed but where is this bomb i swear to god if you kill me i'm gonna be so mad i hate this [ __ ] game so much it's triggering my fight or flight response fast forward to 10 seconds from now when there's a whole 3 monitor i'm sorry where is this bomb i need to blow that thing up down there i'd like don't make me quit this game i like this game i was having fun please get a guide open the dumpster dumpster all right where's the dumpster in this mission you have 10 minutes to do a couple of tasks which are no biggie as soon as it starts turn your left and jump under the boxes to collect the grand phone handle and take the grand phone after cutscene drop down and go to the opposite of the courtyard near the middle next to the ball near a cat you will see a pallet of the goddard boxing box climb under there and hear that the blue height a little pi all right let me actually process what i just said next to the wall near a cat you will see a pallet over the gutter and a box climb on top of this and up to the blue highlighted pipe you got it i know that is you should watch the movie it's good people happy no i probably won't i just i'm serious i probably just want what time when am i gonna so much like tv and movies and [ __ ] that i want to watch that i don't have time for how am i gonna fit ratatouille what am i gonna fit ratatouille in there i don't think i'm gonna it's the box in the gutter where's the pipe other side oh [ __ ] i found it did i do this before and i fell down oh this is a pineapple under the sea of starving and yellow and porous yes oh people are not gonna like that one i made it up here all right now fake fan now i was doing that just to make you upset coins stuck in the gutter get the ball to emily so he can dislodge it let's go where is he why are you killing rats in the game i'm not killing anybody and that guy for an hour accusing me of killing something what are you trying to get me like in [ __ ] trouble or something like ban that person out i thought i was gonna die right to get all there dangerous areas yes i know and i just tried to do it what are you doing video game boom baby oh i hate when that happens hey we got the coin final task is get coin okay oh my god don't do it please i know you want to do like a tf2 scout thing where you jump off a really high thing and then double jump right at the very [ __ ] bottom i really i swear to god why would i want to do this again why would i want to do this again why i just was trying to skip time i had like one minute left i don't want to oh my god that hurt my head when i did that by the way not just yours literally why i don't know i thought it was really gonna work i really did i thought i could do like a scout tf tooth and you jump off the handle when you jump off the [ __ ] roof where the second turn is and you fall jump right before you hit the ground you do the double jump this is not the same game though oh my god i'm so annoyed what have i done so unnecessary but like i just [ __ ] had to sorry i know what to do i thought i could double jump like boom right before the ground i really did it i tried torture stream i believe you must why do i always end up at the worst streams what hey wait that person for an hour i don't know i don't know what you're talking about i'm having fun being a great chef sure isn't easy oh great i didn't settle down that actually hurt why did i empire stay building off why did i do that that was so unnecessary i wasn't even trying to be funny or anything i really wasn't like i wasn't trying to make oh sorry i'll get it right now don't just it's okay don't let them don't let them see you upset next it's been two hours in this game i've actually been having fun though contrary to maybe popular belief i've been having actually pretty good time today this has been fun words don't hurt when you wear gucci if you said something like that i have no idea what you were saying i'm going to play saw i am going to play so i need to beat this though saw is coming up i promise this is my first stream and this is great hey welcome to the stream thanks for joining thanks for hanging out i typically stream monday tuesday and thursday 4 to 5 p.m eastern maybe 3 p.m eastern sometimes no one said that yes they did oh look at the logs yes they did look at the logs i believe the paid actor seriously this is really finicky it just is cbd streamer sing the song the new follower song there is i don't know there is none i don't remember what it even was hey you're new welcome to the stream it's such a dream or something like that right now it'll be so [ __ ] tiring okay this time do not empire still building off the top some streamers do that yes and when you do that five to six thousand times i feel like that would get a little bit on your nerves do it don't no i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna jump off and do the double jump don't say that stop it i'm gonna go down normally no i'm not gonna do it i'm not doing it i'm not gonna do it no no i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna do it it's been too long i'm gonna go how do i get down normally though or this way how do you actually get down from here normally is an umbrella where i don't see an umbrella up here there is he's blind [ __ ] i'm so nervous i actually don't want to fall off because if i fall off again i have to turn it oh [ __ ] there's an umbrella right there you're right like if i fall off again i have to pivot to saw i do another death here is unique it's the inexcusable okay okay okay this game is [ __ ] with me now don't let go don't let go of a don't look over don't let go of it don't go get sweaty i know but don't don't let go i thought i died i thought it was dead i don't know why i thought i'm so used to hitting the ground and seeing a black screen ring coin two up what what do i do i don't understand what what how do i get up there doing this for the colony oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i have to go back up there and go all the way across up there and get over there somehow oh no no no no no no no no no no i refuse to i'm not going to lose perhaps a chili pepper bomb would help already shut up stop being chat for god's sakes okay why am i sliding stop sliding stop the slide good i win hooray finally there's just an anime character that got told anything slightly surprising a great chef sure isn't boom baby have a new viewer they're joining the stream they're gonna have a big super dream every day we get some new fans to our club sound cost policy sunk cost fallacy put another five hundred dollars into beyond meat put another thousand dollars on to beyond me it's not cost value let's go i'm gonna play some i will in just a minute i'll play salt in a minute just give me one minute get him away from the pc no he's good okay fine i'm away from the pc now i got a wireless controller [ __ ] i've got a wireless controller you can't take it away from me i could be in the other room i could pee i could be anywhere i could be on an airplane and still be playing right now with the wireless technology that's in every xbox looking at the whole concept of like the ps vita couldn't you like turn on your playstation 4 from like your vita and like to play a game on your vita or something what if you vita runs out of battery and you're on vacation if your vita runs out of battery and you're like you're like you're not gonna be home for like three weeks does that [ __ ] just stay on with your ps4 to stay powered on when i say smite time why would i play smite right now i need to complete this i have to i will have nightmares about me not being able to be like level one's mode thing gta4 not look at how much faster i'm doing this right now look we're almost done i can't believe i [ __ ] fell i can't believe i died and what did i okay is the are the rat traps instant death or did i just have one cube left i don't even know they are instant death oh my god you can use the rat ball to get all the dangerous areas okay grover i know i know i can supergrover come leave me the [ __ ] alone should have used those dave states via it okay coin is done now he's gonna go to the other side i'm done i've got it i'm gonna go for the skip and i'm gonna [ __ ] it whatever i'm going for the skip i'm gonna go for the skip right now i'm going for the skip right i'm gonna get it i'm gonna go no don't get it there's an umbrella up there [ __ ] let's get the umbrella and float over there why did i do that oh no wow you can actually do that okay i'm okay i'm all right okay now i have to get back up there trust okay i think the wireless controller is lagging i'm not even kidding it's no it is it is it is uh it is it is i just press b i'm [ __ ] out of here turn turn it off turn it off turn it off oh i have to beat it though i want to beat it so bad i want to beat it so bad oh come on man jump yup yup yup i'm naked but i'm going to turn it on i'm naked but i'm going to turn the webcam on this is [ __ ] up look look i need everybody to see this i'll just duck i'll duck i don't even care look ready look look look look i need to wash up before i handle the food [ __ ] control is broken it's not jumping look what oh wait a minute stomach reveal no what are you talking about i was ducking in the reflection of what [Laughter] yeah you know okay that was me that was me knowing that there was gonna be a frame so i flocked it with my hand i knew there's going to be one frame because i've [ __ ] up before [ __ ] by my all right i'm going to give me a minute i'll be one more break and i'm going to move this saw a really important question did we gain viewers i gained like 300 viewers when i said i was gonna play saw what i have an important question this is really important um do i even have like a save file it's because you got naked what are you trying to show me here i can't even look at this image because hold on let me change let me see he's freaking out no laughing okay that that's that's my hand okay guys i'm i'm going to break this image down we're going to break this image down that's my arm this is my arm new e mode that's my arm by the way if what you think what am i wearing a diaper am i wearing a bee's nest is my bee's neck what are you talking about that's like i don't know what that is that's like my hair that's like the top of my head you think i would turn the camera on if i had this like bee's nest ball sack on stream all right let's go diaper okay okay let me put saw in i wanna can i try all right can i hear me out can i play ratatouille one more time please guys play rats do it one more time let me play right to tweet one more time let me try to beat that part one more time okay and we're gonna play saw all right yeah let me just do that level best dude one more time okay okay let's do the rest two level one more time i thought about it while i well i got a little bit of water i'm gonna try one more i'm gonna do it one more time then i yelled i'll never play it again does anyone remember if the saw save file is on david or if it's on my account i don't remember on mine it's on tendon d rangoon okay all right we're gonna do this one more time all right what last try that's it look i'm already going i'm already there i'm already like alright here we go let's go final try i promise dirty like rotten pair of underwear is what that's in that image yeah it's my hair it's the light shining off the top of my head myth busted sorry guys i get to keep my twitch account for now and by the way what's with this like dark souls 2 [ __ ] that the health bar have i died this many times that i can only go to half health i need to take a humanity why am i only have four bars here this is [ __ ] i don't why i honestly thought it was your pubes do that man you do understand i'd be gone and i wouldn't be coming back that would be the end everybody here yeah i'll be gone that would be my final image and i would i would break a tweet i'd be like guys yeah um it's been fun no these last like 10 years have been really really interesting and really i've been a big fan of it and everything it's been a lot of cool fun um take care of yourselves and uh yeah do good in school and [ __ ] and get good grades and take care of yourselves and eat well and um all right and and by the way here's a link to my patreon don't forget about me just pivot to only no dude oh my god what are you doing stop moving i'm sliding i'm slipping okay all right all right all right all right all right what the [ __ ] is happening i'll get it next time i can't beat a kid's game i can't beat a guy i cannot beat a kid's game i can't beat a kids game it's over i'm disc is out good good good stop stop put it in rinse off finish saw try again i don't know maybe [ __ ] that that really does look like a [ __ ] like dirty diaper [Laughter] i just looked at it again the disc isn't reading oh my [ __ ] god guys we're in trouble we're in trouble unrecognized disc okay good oh [ __ ] there's a huge stain on this there's like a big like coffee stain hold on i gotta clean it how did this even happen lying why would i lie about that i can't go back to ratatouille right now the save point is like 20 minutes before i even got to that point no we're good we're good here we go did we determine if it was david or attended the uh regular attendant let's uh sign out to work yes we're good okay i don't remember anything that was happening i have no idea where we were in the game i don't even know how to play it's been like it's been like three months i have absolutely no idea it's been longer than three months eleven wait november of last year november december january february march april may june july august it has not been 10 months no the date in my xbox is wrong this one five five okay [ __ ] is this is that is this look familiar okay wait a minute i don't that's heal that's flashlight left trigger and okay left trigger and left trigger and a is punch all right i think we're good i don't i don't i this is like a late game puzzle i have no idea what it wants me to do activate the two circuit boxes to open the door go back to ratatouille no dude no that's not happening you need to go get a handle dude open [ __ ] door [Laughter] just hey it's it's like not even four months has gone by oh where oh i need a thing is this save file soft locked it might be i think this [ __ ] is soft locked i don't have any of those and then no way to be found i got one i got one i got one i got one i got my god i got i got i got i got it oh [ __ ] yeah two minutes two minutes two minutes two two two two two do i still have one of those units do i have a unit still i still have one gas gas gas i can turn the gas off turn the gas gets killed guys guess guess absolutely only like one minute hurry up i don't do this [ __ ] again ratatouille waiting room welcome i have one minute don't even look at the clock i can do this in 10 seconds [Applause] oh [ __ ] i gotta go 40 seconds oh no shotgun no shotgun exploding head thing no shotgun exploding head thing i made it thank god locate the crematorium locate ob get more time than that dude come on all right locate save the game oh i just got back why is he playing this [ __ ] game again uh because i have to play this [ __ ] game again because i have saw two now and if i want to play saw two and i don't finish saw one what kind of video game player am i seven and a half minutes for what why is this seven and a half minutes on that that's too much time okay activate the two circuit boxes to open the door and there's a timer too all right let's shock on this guy's head off i don't have time for this just installed fuse oh [ __ ] i did i'll go the fuse box all right power on don't walk out there all right i'm gonna i'm gonna learn him over here and then kill him how do i get this guy to open the door i got pipe let's go now you're [ __ ] dead now run the [ __ ] away and then zap them oh god oh god oh god oh god turn it on what do you got on you spike club health hypo nail for all right good ruined my life and then you killed him he's running at me with a spiked club i'm sorry but i'm going to attack you if you tried it you're going to try anybody kill me holy [ __ ] okay you know when you put open up mine sweeper and you put it on hard i need a power source everywhere i need power power power power power power power oh dick this is not good oh there's a power source up here all right not bad not bad not bad but actually bad bad and go no not bingo [ __ ] this is too much this is too much just okay forget it do the other ones first [ __ ] wait there's only just like three more i have to light god damn it i [ __ ] it i i don't know it's too huge it's too much i haven't played this game in like four months wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no now now now now now i go [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh how much time four seconds no go go go go go go go go go go open uh huh it's two oh look do you think i'm gonna do that thing again oh i don't think so what a monumental pain in the ass you put it on very hard mode yeah cool that's the joke mode that was on old puzzle games that nobody wow i'm never going to be able to do this [ __ ] i put i put the hard difficulty scale up the whole way no way this is happening okay here comes this [ __ ] up part with the breathing the controls suck such [ __ ] i'm trying to select this one like it sits so bad it's unbelievably awful don't bolt the door take a healing potion pipe dial unlock with a what the [ __ ] do you want me to do heal how do i heal what's the heal button just unlock it i can't i need one of those things go back to the box i think there's a reason why i said i've never played this [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] ever again i need a valve well run around look at every [ __ ] stupid wardrobe to find the one thing i need oh shut up saul found a fuse coupler okay coupler all that shit's over here by the way keep in mind okay let's get this quick hurry up i want one minute go [ __ ] okay got it got it got it a little bit more come on [ __ ] do it open all right no okay yeah that's gonna open the door right okay this door no now i need uh i need um what do i need now i got a few minutes i have to turn on the pipe thing do i have that now where's my inventory i think it's got it i don't know i think it's got it i got three minutes go [ __ ] you what what the [ __ ] why why i didn't take it you can't be serious take all a i pressed a i pressed a i s why would i not have pressed a stupid feature thank god this foot is simple this is the easy one oh [ __ ] i can't do the easy one all right hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry what is this what the [ __ ] that was for a scalpel that was for a scalpel that wasn't even anything i needed get the [ __ ] out of here man no no way i'm sorry no way no [ __ ] way unfucking believable why would this look dumb this is like not even cool i'm dead um okay so i'm gonna get a picture of the completed puzzle so i can just go through them and just do it and just get out of this room i'm gonna go look up a walkthrough and just look at the completed puzzle and just get every single one correct it's random left side first go all right i gotta do this quick i'm so bad at these puzzles though it's not even funny i don't even have one got it okay there's one there ah i don't even i don't want to do this anymore i would rather play ratatouille i'd rather show my [ __ ] beehive nuts on stream then do this what a pain in the ass what a total pain in the ass i don't [ __ ] know this is even right i'm back i'm begging you this stream isn't funny anymore ratatouille is funnier [ __ ] please so like all right you know like you think like the saw video game i know everyone wanted me to complete this but this is dog [ __ ] let's be honest we gotta be completely upfront doing like the pipe dream puzzle over and over again like a thousand times this game just sucks i should really just run around get all the couplers mad because bad no i'm i am bad you're right but oh my god why do you want us to do like five of these in her bro with a timer all right quiet the last [ __ ] game dumbest [ __ ] game on twitch right now this took too long i got like three i got two minutes left to do like eight other puzzles who made this game i'm embarrassed for them go outside in there are cheat codes for this game guys are cheating this [ __ ] no clip through the door there's four of those puzzles there's five puzzles in seven minutes because that means i have to do every puzzle in less than one minute is that even possible to do that in seven minutes this has to be the last room of the game you wish this is too it's too much man it's just two of this two it's too many things to look at it's too confusing it's just then shut off turn the [ __ ] tv off i don't want to hear him anymore my brain's like too tired to do this i hate this i do i hate these puzzles too by the way of all the puzzles they could be these are like my least favorite like this [ __ ] over here like this [ __ ] right here get this one going here get this one going over um i don't know [ __ ] i don't know outside in dude outside in dude [Music] outside in dude all right outside in dude all right yeah yeah outside in dude oh sudden there's no outside in i do i can't i can't i can't i can't because once i get this it's gonna take like a minute or two to do this there's one more come on oh [ __ ] off with this [ __ ] all right oh go can i get it get it take it all right her hurry like that's gonna [ __ ] happen in four minutes ah turn it oh my god you need a circuit box let's put three of the same stupid dog [ __ ] puzzle right back to bags but give him six minutes to oh this is fun ah oh i didn't get this one no oh no no i don't understand how's this wrong oh one has to go i don't know it's so close come on do it what happened how do i do this i got it wrong somewhere there's one thing wrong i don't even know where the [ __ ] it is this is connected to here this is connected to there this has to be connected here this has to be connected here but then you lose this [ __ ] thing i don't understand i don't understand it's this last piece i have to pause the game oh my god i hate this [ __ ] game with a passion this is the worst game i've ever played on stream i want to drop kick this [ __ ] disc into the dumpster okay you ready i'm taking a screenshot of this and we're gonna up the contrast there's no oh no yeah i don't need to take a screenshot you're right okay this is a screenshot all right i'm gonna unpause the game and somebody okay here we go ready take a screenshot i probably should have told you to do that beforehand did you get it somebody get it okay this is stupid all right so wait is that is this you saw is this the puzzle solved did you edit this okay the middle right needs to go i need to like draw on stream okay somebody can somebody draw a picture on there all right somebody draw a picture so i need you to draw a picture somebody take that photo and draw a draw over it the way what it's supposed to look like it should take you like two minutes right like not even i don't want to do this again i [ __ ] hate this i'm gonna put i don't care i'm gonna i'm gonna wait until somebody gets me the right picture it's not even the middle right one okay did you get it no not pixel dick not pixel dick not pixelate what are you linking me to i don't know this is that's yoda that's yoda please i need you to help me pixel penis yeah cool i can't i can't show that on stream somebody please help me this is super monkey ball again but with like the stupidest shittiest puzzles yeah that's the image but you didn't i know i already have the image but i need correction on it i need to just do i need you to do it for me just draw go and paint and like draw what it's supposed to look like you solve it yeah you'll get it somebody will get it i'm not on pausing until i can verify what it looks like mods verify this okay i think somebody's got it but no you don't all right hold on what is it what am i looking at here though this is it all right no no i think this is it somebody's got it okay somebody we got it you got it you got it you got it okay so it looks like we got the cross in the middle the cross in the middle does not connect anything down there this is looks all right i gotta turn the one that's blinking right now over to the left that okay then i gotta get the one right below it be like this okay turn that one down there good this next one remember this is a children's game it's right at m from retro you can't even go your parents would have to buy this for you bad parent bad parent okay this one goes which way left good that's it i did it i got it okay i'm good i hate this [ __ ] game this game sucks okay hey here you go guys you ready for this we're gonna play a game called oh uh hey guys big screenshot somebody saw the whole [ __ ] thing i just broke it i think i broke the controller [Laughter] why even play i know oh that was good time that was pretty good time that actually was not bad time i got five minutes just so easy just get it right good okay good good good go go go i need another d i need to do the coupler [ __ ] come on dude come on come on come on come on come on i need one of those couplers coupler come on why are you doing this to me right now okay all right it's uh it's getting there it's getting there all right yeah yeah yep yes yeah yeah yeah yes yeah yep yes yeah yeah no yes yes i don't know [ __ ] somebody solve it somebody solve it solve it screenshot one two three solve it you already did it we already did this is a maze what's with the gigantic google search thing come on there's that one guy that did it before it was perfect mr ratatouille says please what the hell are you doing you didn't okay thanks for solving the puzzle you did a good job solving this puzzle please play my game germa i'm not sure what you have against rats chuck e cheese will not be happy about this here's your image thank you that's uh i know i have the image i need the solution to the problem got it all right yes okay so this one let me get this on the screen so you can see this has to go up that then this has to go sideways like this this goes down up this one curves over nice almost done what happened here this is correct this is the way this is the way i have it what am i doing wrong is this right somebody got it wrong top middle one is wrong solved it hold on top middle piece goes up okay you didn't solve it you just did one part you can't say solved and just correct one of the mistakes [ __ ] it's all that solvent stuff i screwed up side move some stuff though you have to do it again you're gonna have to do it again okay so that um okay got it here's this one oh [ __ ] it done it i got it i got it i got it it's done what's wrong oh oh like 13 seconds i have 13 seconds to get out of here oh my god thank goodness holy [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god thank you god thank you the stream savers i hated every second of that thank god i don't have to keep falling down in ratatouille crematorium that's where we need to go checkpoint in here right place the frozen hand into the furnace all right give me a checkpoint where's the [ __ ] checkpoint guys where's the checkpoint okay at the crematorium key i got a minecraft steak checkpoint all right here we so go that you have come to me for your test you've come to the streamer room you wish to become like he's isolated himself in his broadcasting fortnight is to understand he hasn't been outside over two months just don't boil the guy alive i think i can get it okay here we go outside in that's wrong done part two nope wrong wrong wrong [ __ ] wrong this is super this is ultra wrong he's already dead all right this is very wrong there it is there it is got it i'm gonna save him it's good i got plenty of time no this is my game it's my game actually okay maybe that looks good how's that close it's close it's pretty close right there [ __ ] wrong there it is all right come on out you ruined it you ruined my game it was mine not yours what are you talking about i almost aced the last people 10v1 put an ad in the paper i was going to get on the front page he called out i wasn't ready to come out yet i need to come here we're all crazy the sound of the bat hitting him right in the forehead as hard as i can i had the choice find jigsaw's next clue don't hit him until you get a checkpoint that's important come on let's go much like dead rising oh follow me come on follow me come on come on follow me come on why is in the bottom of the barrel uh you do it you put your hand in there oh i just had to grab it the opportunity to live life without this obsession you lack perspective i can't stand by that's me hitting him in the head with the bat his head flying back so fast it hits the [ __ ] concrete made out of aluminum becomes the final clue final saw clue and then i can be done with this franchise until like next week when i play the second game where's there a shotgun okay i have to go down i gotta ring these install light bulb right this is gonna be fun it's gonna be fantastic i can't wait run around open every draw to find a light bulb to put in here remember they're actually releasing another game at sawcon this weekend i don't know what sawcon is but i know it doesn't exist saw con sure i don't know where the combo is okay how long stick to brute force a three-digit password let's start at zero i'm not gonna do that i'm kidding we didn't even get a code 643 oh 8 23 no 373 find it find the numbers all right fine let's go find the numbers date on the poster the date november 18 19. that's 11 11 and 18. there's a lie okay let's go over here it's 181. well i'm already d i'm already down here so what are your eyes all right i'm already down here wake up yeah yeah yeah whatever whatever whatever here comes the code the code if anybody needs something when i get in the code i have the code no code remember go to sawcon for the code there's no such thing as sock on a guy in a saw mask shows up at like horror fest 2018 or whatever but not here the order is irrelevant you are trapped in the room with 10 minutes to play the hardest level of wrecking crew well i want somebody who's texting me uh hold on hold on i gotta text somebody mom okay no there's no bit in coming i'm not about to like no i didn't sorry i actually had to text somebody am i you interrupted my uh that wasn't my mom i'm not gonna say it was my mom my mom's probably watching right now and she's gonna be like i didn't text that liar enter the code yeah i don't know what the code is yet maybe i'll find the code here at how much less ridiculous this one is by the way this one is not even close to being as insane as the other ones have been are they both open let's go anything else in here that i need to get oh a medical cabinet bandage is nice okay good did i really do all this today i could have just skipped this by putting the code in what's that i'm just walking i'm not even i shouldn't be scared because there's no monsters installed it's not like a giant dead space monster's gonna i mean it might look like the dead space guy right now like the thing like doesn't have like a thing on his shoulders oh it's on his back never mind is that already he already killed him this is pre-recorded find a light bulb within the staff housing find a light bulb find the combination to the cafeteria [ __ ] was it find a light bulb in the find a light bulb in the staff housing great or 35 that for real 435 wrong 838 that's wrong too the light bulb is in your ass [Music] is it is it on is it like is it on i don't understand i don't even know why i laughed that hard at that that was a forehead laugh it really was cafeteria where the hell find a light bulb in the staff room where's the stupid ass staff from current position the objective circle i code what oh [ __ ] zero three eight some of you guys almost got it too eight three eight how did you you were close i find a light bulb in the cafeteria you would have solved it faster if you had just done your strategy of counting up from zero that actually would have happened you're right that's ridiculous you're right oh explosive trap can't make it i have gas trap stun trap explosive trap i already have like a bunch of [ __ ] how do i use this stuff you spam important if you ever put a light bulb in your ass it'll get stuck and you can't get it out without breaking it it explodes the safest way to remove the bulb without remaining yourself is to feed a banana around the bulb what the [ __ ] are you talking about i don't know who's gonna do that why would anybody do that what are you describing no one would ever do what you just said no one not one person i'm gonna turn that [ __ ] off how do i get the how do i get this how do i get that off no one said ass yes they did yes they did it said mouth the one that i read did not say mouth oh god it's right of course it's in the corner ass lighted yeah i mean the one that i read said ass put an emote only mode important if you put a light bulb yeah what what before lookout ah before cooking oh what before lookout you know what i'm trying to say ah before cooking in the freezer whatever i'm supposed to put in here milk you piss sure feed the grinder to get the key all right feed the grinder what like my own arm need the grinder to get the key can i put my own it can just put like a shoe in there okay let's let's grind up some pigs grab a brick to throw bricks at the pigs and knock them down somebody said this is a zelda minigame yeah it is a carnival how many more i would how do you get to do all right this is getting a little full i think oh i got it enter the freezer for my molotovs i don't feel safe without the molotovs dude i love this event it's socon okay very very important question does saw khan have more than 500 attendees i don't think so that answer is no probably not i don't think it would god oh my god no this is the end of the movie this is going to be absolute health hold back no pull it back you idiot use a molotov good idea all right i should be bad i should be fine for a few minutes i can't even see anything this default photoshop [ __ ] pair of brush thing is i can't see just do it again how the hell are you supposed to do anything like this this is like getting up in the morning when i was living in massachusetts you go to your car and you clear your car off with snow and it just looks like this you turn the car and you just sit in the [ __ ] driver's seat and this is the view you get all right guess i'll uh make sure to plan an extra 35 minutes before i can drive the car this is ridiculous i mean at what point do you just i die or do i not die i can there's still a little bit i could see out that this is gonna suck you know that traffic game those of you that don't didn't see the last stream of this game months ago it's that traffic game where you have to move move move and then get the one car to the left all the way over what's it called gridlock yeah yeah yeah that's stupid called rush hour yeah all right i'm gonna we gotta go from the back at a monologue for a second it's okay so this one's got to move to the right so this has got to move up to move this one up this one has to move up move that one up these two need to move all the way over this needs to move all the way over so to do that this needs to move up go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go [ __ ] hurry i'm trying [ __ ] hurry i'm hurrying come on come on that's it go go go go go go go go go go go go go go okay get in oh to the heat ah why are you guys doing crushed you guys are question marking me at the beginning that's the only way i was going to be able to move them all now he sounds drunk i guess he's probably just been sitting there drinking whiskey what if he just like falls asleep like if i just walk through all the traps it's been in game in universe it's been probably like seven hours in here this dude's probably blasted swagely falls asleep yeah the dude is sloshed into the next room you will find the three keys inside of wait no in the face and the room behind you there's a vase inside of that phase there's two keys i think i'm i think so you'll figure it out i think call me when you figure it out make a dodge choice guys i thought that was like 30 minutes left of this game there's like two and a half hours left actually i would blame the first hour of this uh transitioning to here on um on the the stupid puzzle thing that i got stuck on the seven and a half minute room seven minutes room this is the game you idiot laugh at the streamer give me the key oh [ __ ] we're both gonna [Music] just explode me the key pretty good i'm utilizing the traps here we're going to touch it you know the sound that it makes when you take a picture with a disposable flash camera that's what that is that's an industry secret i want to let you guys in on it [Applause] it didn't do it that time but the one but it goes you guys know the one to the left and the right down each path is the light what's your name of the light now put your faith in the light it's not a name how would that matter i can't put your name in the light i can't see anybody know anything about saw two saw two as much as of a train wreck as this game is actually yes uh i'm hungry oh man what are we doing for food today boys and girls what are we doing for food taco bell nah no thanks always i need a [ __ ] circuit box i was swearing i just i told my mother i wasn't going to do that anymore there we are mm-hmm honest puzzle in the games that wasn't too bad nothing my big lane red lobster uh no i'd rather be able to hold in whatever it uh goes down and not have it come up immediately about 30 minutes later did i say that my opinion that's how i feel that's my personal opinion on the matter but what about those cheddar biscuits okay yeah go to go to a restaurant and order bread for food just get bread just eat bread for the [ __ ] appetizer for the the main course dessert just eat the bread eat cheddar biscuit bread i don't even order the lobster why would you just get those oh those cheddar biscuits oh oh no it's not armed why is already but those cheddar biscuits though right oh [ __ ] don't tell anybody sometimes i go to red lobster and i order those cheddar bisque all the cheddar biscuits i get them and i like to i like yeah can we get two of these and they put more but they bring more of them i put like two in my pocket they're so good i eat them later on when i get home no you don't nobody does that stop pretending you do that why do people have to pretend to like food just eat it who cares i know it's good it's probably good just eat it you don't have to like pretend like it's cool god we're so much different than everybody else we're quirky i can't say that word people get really pissed off when i say that word hey what's a food brag that you guys have that's what i'm referring to i'm trying to think of this a food brag where i'm like no dude it's the bed you gotta eat these are so good no just take two home like what what would it be what's like a food brag cinnamon buns place i could see that yeah i'd love to read that [ __ ] sign no men beyond this point okay no men allowed i guess oh here we go this tv is up here anybody got a combination let's get those biscuits [Music] snapchat those biscuits man that's the worst way to force it all right well i'm not going to force it then do i have a nintendo power glove on what the hell is that it's flashlight i've really for some reason feel like i'm going the complete wrong way well 4 204 204 i know you're looking to come to room 204 it's 204. does every game have to have a balance you don't have to have every video game have a balancing board like why it's in every game 204 brand find a light bulb how many light bulbs do i need three what pain in the ass squeeze through the hole in the wall two oh oh no no no no no no no no no holy [ __ ] i can feel the air on me okay i can stop right holy [ __ ] okay oh okay i'm good i made it 204. oh is should i hey is the audio delayed should i pull it back because the first game was how's that you should be hearing like how is it i need to put it back hearing it before you're hearing it after good search what 10 seconds to do what who cares leave one wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a button press button [ __ ] [ __ ] wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong you i'm okay we're okay and nothing happened it was just a little dangerous it's all right what was in here this guy all right so now turn to the theater control room with the two light bulbs gonna get collapsed on by the bane the main enemy right i get collapsed on entering now is one of my college frat buddies he's real wound up he's been doing cocaine in the bathroom for the last three days good luck he's been drinking coffee and doing cocaine all morning you thought that was in the game no you did not i'm really glad you did actually insert the bulb here we go one two nine five one oh it took a long time to brute force this one what was that wrong what are they other way i'm a german whoa what's wrong oof ooh five nine one five nine one not five nine one what was it one five nine six five one is it upside down oh look at it again what a pain in the ass okay so what rgb er is rgb right okay cool green blue red hooray eight three one and step behind the curtain 831 somebody you guys had it right somebody did somebody was spamming that wasn't the last one like one three eight all right let's see the climax of the movie go to the stage and rescue jeff here comes the movie's climax okay jeff i'm here for you why does he have this many tvs that's the symbols what oh it's just a memory all right um this is film canister film nail hammer it's going back in all right take it out take it out take it out tape cassette tape drug all right he stole this one from dora the explorer he's run out of ideas tape tape we almost got all of them out we're good this is it he's gonna be fine saw that saw what he's good we got it art dead he's free yeah sorry dude you got to give me something harder than back of a cereal box like captain crunch i got this son of a [ __ ] i have evidence we can beat him [ __ ] locate the entrance to the library more of this [ __ ] oh double pig fight when it comes just separated by degree see i live in the antarctic you live in las vegas two very very separate climates but sometimes i have visions of being on a nice sunny beach cold sucks after a while should probably trade places great actor oh thanks man can you guys tell what my face looks like when i'm doing this my teeth my face is scrunched up my teeth are out you ruined my life how did i ruin your life is he telling people i did this i think the guy that stuck the vr goggles deep into your eye sockets is the one that probably ruined your life i didn't do that [Music] that was just give me the [ __ ] key [Music] sorry dude i couldn't what am i supposed to let you out actual murderer i did not murder that guy he had a device on his head that i did not put on him and i don't know how to open the door uh yeah so sorry i murdered this guy in here that guy i killed that guy i tied him up and put like home depot saw blades behind his head and gave him a timer before it grinded his head into pulp i mean i'm sorry i did that i must have done that you're almost there we're at the climax of the game you're gonna arrest yourself it's gonna be something stupid you know it is already [Music] how bad of a guy i am i'm a really bad guy right i did horrible things gonna be somebody that comes out and it's like oh you yeah i'm the bad guy like i'll be like a bad guy somehow like i arrested saw back like this the whole thing is when i was 16 i was on a roof of my friend's house and i pulled up a few shingles i then threw the shingles off the roof they called the police and you came and got me and put me to juvenile home this is payback for when you arrested me detective you think jigsaw made that graffiti apparently he does everything um why don't we what did let's arrest jigsaw and make him a game designer like dude hey how about you like stop this kind of murdering [ __ ] and make us like a new call of duty an elaborate setup you have here this is like designed very well locked locked blocked blocked everything's blocked everything's blocked blocked block blocked i mean spoilers for saw this isn't the whole thing with saw the reason why oh he does everything is because and they're like eight of them it's like eight different saws there's like a saw team like the wizard of oz you know there's just the the guy with his face is there but then like all the munchkins do all the work saw khan right oh [ __ ] i just spoiled the whole movie whoops i spoiled saw i told you they're gonna be soft spoilers if you okay look if you haven't seen saw one and two already are you really gonna sit there and watch all seven of them no you probably don't even care this is probably the only experience you have with saw and you're like this is all i ever want somebody quick link length of rat falling and landing on his head i just need to go to the library and the game ends yes let's activate that cut scene again i go down here well now i know how the cat died that's a huge cat by the way that cat is almost as big as me that's a tiger in the library sure let's go to the library that's three in a row real quick we gotta get him out of the way i tried to go i i it was a super nintendo controller and i pressed x x is the top button in my brain a lot of times y is the left one b is you know what i mean a is on the right it sounded like a snapple opening i haven't had a snapple in probably 20 years still make snapple apple is gross i haven't had it in like almost 20 years i don't know if it's gross no it might be could be this time don't fall off the edge like a dumb idiot i'm holding i was holding [ __ ] my chest i swear to god it's it i was being so careful too no it's not i was being so [ __ ] careful why even have that in the game why can't i just walk oh i forgot this was game mechanic sorry guys it's been three and a half months okay we we're golden final gauntlet to them i don't know why that's supposed to shock me at this point we've seen some really awful [ __ ] it's not a big deal in fact that's underwhelming what's your final thing look i have electricity on the ground and we've been doing that for like the last 12 hours dude not a big deal is this the gauntlet am i in the final gauntlet right now i feel like i'm not but i feel like it should be am i in the final gauntlet he controlled that one he pressed the button on that one the final gauntlet of so it's actually a final it's actually a boss oh it's not an instant kill [Applause] oh squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze he doesn't squeeze through does he all right hang tight how do i use these explosive trap how do i anybody know how to use these what button do i press right bumper and then b so it kind of seems unfair but i could totally get a [ __ ] selfie this guy and people be like how did you get so close to the pigman bang right there got you that's going on instagram it's gonna get [ __ ] 500 million likes what did you it took you that long to duck holy [ __ ] he almost go back and go back and go back and squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze he's way stronger that could be right in the back of the head all right so r b and then b r b b to use is that what you're saying not b that's not right that's incorrect rb b just keep going he's gonna get electrocuted he's gonna do the thing that dog does when the dog doesn't know where you are and runs the other way and you catch the dog by the way did jigsaw just say i just wanna he electrocuted me he doesn't like that he hates that he doesn't like being electrocuted what what is this mechanic i have no idea what i even did okay joseph it's so anticlimactic i actually got it all right can we unmask them take the mask off and see who it is oh guys i see a five minute timer in there i don't want a five minute timer or a pipe dream mission please no please no i have to be anything else i'll do anything else but not just to connect the pipe pipe dream thing he made these levels that's how you respond yeah you know i changed my mind he shouldn't be a game dev he's repeating the same level over and over again repeating the same puzzle over and over again here comes the climax what happens in the end of saw you have killed my servants your final choice lies ahead my final choice ah there's a robber before i guess you i'm not even gonna give you the choice you just die detective oh he figured it out oh no i hope i get the baseball bat this guy in the head and look it's gonna be see wasn't even saw it was somebody else tied up to the chair rule of freedom i am waiting for which door oh okay so i either can know the truth and die or leave and just come out of like a subway station somewhere this is we're gonna do truth do a poll all right fine let's see let's see what people think freedom is probably just gonna be an ending cut scene where you walk out with like sun going in your eyes and it's really bright and you go oh [ __ ] through the freedom there's a third door behind you that's the door i walked this door i came in wait what door is this there's a third door a secret door oh no it's gonna be like oh great can't wait for the puzzles locate the key for the choice door as we that's we were supposed to go through here hurry in 10 minutes dude don't give me a gauntlet of stupid [ __ ] puzzles who's that guy oh it's a dick you dumbass but it's okay holy [ __ ] don't throw it don't throw don't throw don't throw don't throw i can throw molotovs at this guy over here do i have to kill everybody what's this final gauntlet [ __ ] who wants to do a final gauntlet this place is so great i can't even tell the hell i'm going you know i can just leave you said i can just leave where's the door to get out of here oh it's right there okay oh [ __ ] okay i know i know yeah yeah i didn't know i could just leave i didn't know i could just leave your right i can leave i can sleep all right give the [ __ ] out of here and then wash my face with my [ __ ] cute covered hands oh god damn it just kill me i've started i got i went the wrong way i can't do that how did you even get up here man okay i kind of feel bad for that guy that guy actually was my friend i think he was that guy was helping me kind of right i think he kind of was all right i just got to go through the building and walk out of this dude i hate this area okay wait where's the exit right there all right i can just leave oh my [ __ ] god what this calf is on backwards stop stop stop leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave it alone leave me alone leave me alone i got eight minutes wait he gave me 10 he gave me 10 minutes why did i have 10 minutes to do that is he giving me extra time we've heard the end of the saw movie music a dozen times now when is the real ending of this [ __ ] game it's is it time what what what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what what there's no panel to turn this off flash flash black okay you gotta where do i go oh my god right through the i know okay i see it now i thought i had to time it all right everybody relax everybody relax you're good i gotta make this a little easier he's having a lot of trouble is he okay detective just checking in on you making sure that uh you're okay you feeling all right i could get you a water if i if you want to water or something i'm concerned about you man it's a really long time to do this [ __ ] yeah i couldn't get like 10 minutes to do the stupid insane puzzle room why would it have taken me 10 straight minutes to do that final choice key the choice is yours it's 10 minutes again what was it what was i on this 10 minutes [ __ ] i opened this ow he's actually so [ __ ] done with this game ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding we have a winner what have they won get that gas off all right gas is done now i can actually see what i'm doing all right i got i got seven and a half minutes to do this stupid puzzle and it's a big one it's a monster one outside in outside in i know i know hey okay okay okay oh [ __ ] come on dude no no no why oh man [Music] i got it i got it i got i got i got i got i got i got it i got i got i got i got it i got it got it done done done we're done the timer's still going why is this timer still going like we didn't reset it on me this time hurry um i'm going they do it yes okay i got it thank god it's time to choose and you guys chose truth this is what has been decided i really hope truth does not add a chapter to the game freedom of truth go in truth voice has been made okay that's what the truth room looks like all right let's see what the freedom one looks like just to see i can't okay i can't take it out let's add another chapter to the game find the truth god damn it you added a chapter no i just want to see the end it's too late i just got a checkpoint it's too late time for the guilty i wasn't even looking why didn't you choose your freedom jigsaw on a little tricycle doesn't anybody wish that it kind of was just like that little guy on the tricycle and not just a guy it isn't no technically no jason he's so slow get him he's so slow we can keep up white shadowy figure uh i feel like i'm gonna hit him once and die this is him he took his [ __ ] shirt off and just went rage mode he's kind of a big fat guy with no clothes on kill jigsaw where is he it's over your wife or something and you stomped on your wife's head and said you killed her i won't let you kill her the man again for your husband's death the man you obsessed over as your life fell into pieces your son is now in my care if you want him the instructions provided for you all you have to do to see your son again is keep detective tap on tracks to make sure you follow the rules i have temporarily removed listen what is that oh [ __ ] you should have paid attention dude you got killed by a double trap i don't have any sympathy at all or her at all not at all the amount of times that i've gotten killed by that shotgun trap i kind of have to expect it by now you don't open the final door not look could have done freedom hey we made our choice break the disc no now we can play saw two in like four months it was all right i did say that i hated the game and i thought it was awful that was the worst game i've ever streamed right i i said that i think i said this is the worst game i've ever streamed that's kind of harsh i think let's do freedom wait i can't it'll be 7 14. it's right right behind the door yeah right we're here this is it right now it's good this is good freedom earlier than this i kind of want to know what it is time for us to find out what happens if you pick freedom i just skipped it all right here we go freedom what is this one boy i'm still obsessed with it i can't get over it uh truth is i think truth is probably a better ending than okay okay i was trying to skip the credits oh man i was trying to skip the credits i was trying to skip the credits holy [ __ ] okay well that was a little intense i was trying i was trying to i was hitting a to skip the credits and that was intentional they put that in there that was saw and that's the end of the stream lots of x's i've noticed hey you want to be uh do you want to you know stand up from the crowd on twitch have your name start with a z there's only like eight of you in this chat right now we can now actually play sawtooth whenever i feel like it hopefully it's not going to be the second worst game i've ever streamed [Music] so [Music] and i will tell you i love this stream i i you know i'm i'm yeah i'm so like i can't believe i couldn't beat that [ __ ] level in ratatouille i don't know what i i don't know why i have no idea what was going on there i can't believe i didn't do it i am so glad that i beat saw on this stream and i'm so glad i pulled myself out of the ratatouille matrix when i did otherwise this would have been six hours of me failing at that ratatouille level i have to beat that i did i did in my mind like three times
Channel: Skye4
Views: 137,418
Rating: 4.9372902 out of 5
Keywords: Jerma985, Jerma, Jeremy Elbertson, Jeremy Harrington, Jerma stream, Jerma highlights, Jerma edit, 2ndJerma, Saw, Saw: The Video Game, Jerma Saw, Jerma Saw: The Video Game, Ratatouille, Jerma Ratatouille
Id: p2OEhUuMLZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 52sec (8152 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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