Jerma and Joel: Bomb Defusal Experts - Jerma Streams Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (Long Edit)

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oh my god jc a bomb a bomb it's remote controlled hold on get out of there just have to pull this wire hello everybody hi go back offline that's the second day in a row okay that's the second day in a row that i have read within 30 seconds of the stream starting somebody say [ __ ] out of here turn off your stream and i go turn up my stream what are you talking about man what i don't know why i have no idea anyways today is gonna be sort of a fun stream i hope it depends on how good joel and i are at communicating instructions we're gonna play keep talking and nobody explodes all right so let's take a look take a look at my setup here let's head over here well the stream is not over don't worry so i've got for you here my my battle station i printed this [ __ ] out i'm ready to go i'm not messing around i've got my guide bomb defusal manual it's i've just got to lean over a little i am ready i told you i was taking this [ __ ] dead serious dead serious today it's you can actually read belong with me if you want to joel has one of these too we did a trial run uh before the stream turned on and we did all right we did okay shave get out of here how can you even tell how do you i don't know how could you even tell i have like a spooky ghost light on me how can you tell that i need to shave it just looks like a little bit of scruffy how can you tell you look like jesus uh if jesus was around today he'd have the most followed twitter account so but that's okay with me he's pretty [ __ ] big deal we have to do the squad stream thing because we're gonna have two different when i'm doing the bomb stuff he's gonna be talking and that's gonna be our screens are gonna be completely different joe what are you up to [Music] see this is my own all right let me tell you something this is my own damn fault this is my own fault when i start a stream i'm just like start i have an intro screen and the intro screen plays right and then i sit there for one minute and then i go okay time to start screaming now like time to go let's go i don't give any [ __ ] time and some i i always just like two not even two minutes will go by i just sit there because yeah adhd it just takes over my whole body because i'm looking at i'm here i'm just here and i'm seeing the screen i'm seeing people chat and i'm just going like i want to let's go i'm like a [ __ ] five-year-old what is that thing in your camera we're talking about a thing on my camera that thing oh this thing this is this camera this is this camera and i i have like a i have like a like a periscope this is one of those scenarios where like i'm i'm gonna fall down on this stream and this is gonna go through my [ __ ] eye it's like we spoiled the joke me putting my head through is wouldn't mean a joke that would be a disaster that would be a horrible thing that would happen to me all right look why here you go all right hold on i'm gonna be i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna you know when you wait for the bus and you got there way too early and you realize that the next bus is coming in like 30 minutes and you go [ __ ] i mean i kind of have to i mean this is the way that i am when the buses become i'm walking around and looking at stuff you look at the same ad on the side of the bus stop like a thousand times you just space around you're like all right that bus will be here in 30 minutes my phone ah my phone's not even interesting i hate that [ __ ] when even you when your phone is not interesting that's when it's the worst waiting you can't you can't even open up your phone and do anything because it's like nothing on this phone is interesting i've already seen these tweets a thousand times i've been to reddit twice i wrote 25 comments i hate waiting hey germa so don't we when you're late all the [ __ ] time oh [ __ ] oh i got myself i fell in my own trap there i stepped on a rake in the backyard it hit me right in the [ __ ] face i don't have front teeth anymore all right let's [ __ ] go and then when the when the bus actually shows up when the bus shows up oh i'm sorry i'm going over something all right when when the bus actually shows up and you look at the top text on the bus and it's not for where you're [ __ ] going it's the complete you're talking about and you're like god damn it i have to wait for like another 20 minutes i thought it was 30 all right how you doing you ready yeah i'm i'm i'm i'm good i'm good to go you ready to uh defuse some bombs i hope so so what do you want you want to go first oh what do you want how do you want to do that you [ __ ] read are you i defuse all right okay all right listen i'm not i'm not self-deprecating but i'm saying like if i start [ __ ] reading manuals right now i might as well be reading a [ __ ] orbeez menu all right i'm not gonna get [ __ ] done you have to read i have to do this okay i think i can handle it all right we did do this once and god damn it this is gonna i'm this is gonna hurt me all right that's all like this is a gun pointing at me oh this gun remember listen the core principle of defusing bombs or like handling stuff under pressure i've come to learn that um you can always rely on chat chat yes always knows how to handle these situations chad is should really be the bomb experts in this case uh so what we're gonna do in case this gets a little hard you guys kind of have to spit instructions at us and i'm sure that with your expertise and and and our lack of i can't even we're gonna have an excellent stream that's not gonna be going down as the worst stream of 2020 already let's hope for hey look with joel we're starting all the way at the bottom like we're starting at the bottom so there's no way this could be the worst stream of 2020. like as long as this is even five percent better than the halo german this is already the worst stream we've ever done somebody just goes worst stream of the 21st 21st century you know what's the funniest thing sometimes when i try to like um i just want to like send you tweets or whatever stuff um i forget what your name is like i i know your name is like blah blah but the thing is like you have these three last numbers i'm just like german 900. germa 800 like all right let's [ __ ] go joel i'm ready all right we're squatted up i'm ready to get [ __ ] ready are you [ __ ] ready for the stream of 2020 to define the 20s the roaring 20s all right if you don't know how this game works we have five minutes to defuse a bomb where i can't see what he's doing i have to give him instructions on what he has to do and he can't see anything he just open the [ __ ] again i think i can i can hear all right hold on should i mute this no does that matter no no no no no no no no no no right right i just i was taking control of the game all right listen listen i i i'm on jeremy's computer i get to see all the desktop porn all right listen feel sorry for me i didn't give you access to the [ __ ] keyboard so uh sure about that oh no listen do not look at the screen i got like my my last like six years of tax returns on my desktop don't [ __ ] show it all right well maybe [ __ ] tell me instructions and we won't have to [ __ ] show that on stream all right here we go let's kick some ass is there are there any red wires there's one red wire okay is there are there more than is there two red wires there's there's one just one color this one yellow one white one red one blue wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay wait wait wait wait what hold on nope don't argue don't argue i can hear the noise and it's freaking me out all right if there how many wait is it german that's why no wait i thought i didn't talk to you all right hold on there's no red wires there's one red i [ __ ] said that okay there's only one there's only one red one that's one red wire is the last wire yellow no it's blue okay there is there one blue wire there's germa i swear i'm gonna [ __ ] come over to boston and i'm gonna [ __ ] say what i don't even live there anymore man well [ __ ] all right what is is there one it's yes or no is it is there one blue wire third [ __ ] time blue wire you say it say it's a one blue okay there's one blue wire cut the first wire cut the first wire okay what's next what else okay so then we have a a a second uh module it's a keypad looking thing right with the symbol for the symbols the first one is like an x with a little skadoodle underneath it or it's like it's like it's like a really badly looking k or the x with a skadoodle underneath it but more like a k is it an h is it an h does it look like an h yeah you could say that yeah sure okay so so it's okay what else uh then you have a upside down question mark yeah upside down question mark okay and then you have a drooling oh wait wait wait wait wait wait is could that also be an upside down nine two uh no i don't see any i don't see any upside down question marks here auction yes i do okay all right what else what else uh what oh that's drooling okay yup what else okay and then you have an uh a backwards e with two dots it's like uh it's like a swede road on e press the backwards e first okay then the the drooling o and then the h with the squiggly and then the upside down question mark we got it got it is that it what else uh that's pretty much it what do you mean that's it why is it still ticking uh you got you got the big big old button big old button all right what what color's a button uh white where's the white button okay yeah we have less than a [ __ ] just just a minute now all right if the button is white and there is a lit indicator with the what does it say on it abort it's a support okay it feels like i'm allowed to do the stream if they're more if there is if the button is yellow the button is red and the button is holding if none of the apply hold the button and refer to releasing wait so where's the board does it say board anywhere on the [ __ ] bright [ __ ] las vegas letters blinking at me okay all right why why is like stuff okay hold the button down okay hold on and if you start holding the button down a colored strip will light up on the right side of the module based on its color you must release the button at a specific point in time blue what color is it blue release when the countdown timer has any four in any position any four yeah four in any position let it go when it's when it's at four okay any position okay we did it we got it we did it one you didn't think we were gonna get one you didn't think we were gonna get one you didn't think we were gonna get one listen listen he he's here's the thing about being a miracle man right you have to like underperform you have to tell people that it's gonna be awful and then you have to do a slight effort and then people like wow they are geniuses i couldn't believe that i doubted them you know that's the power that's the power of lying all right that's being uh that's being a gamer that's what being a gamer's all about you guys doubted us you guys said oh colossal brain you said dumb and dumber all right uh-uh listen mario and luigi we can do this this is one of many one you know step on your uh you don't reign on your parade here that was level one oh man ready that that listen that out manner we got this man here's the thing though here's a thing though i noticed there's a problem already you're yelling at me you were yelling at me you're yelling at me you're you're being unnecessarily aggressive how listen next time you start yelling at me there's going to be consequences oh consequences oh no consequences are you ready for the second one letting a little bit of gamer come on are you ready for the second one i'm ready i'm ready okay um where is uh where's the second bomb though free play no this is is it all like level two i can't find level two it's just the first bomb all right first that was the first bomb so let me turn on my monitor and help you out here oh no no no okay never mind never mind never mind i i we can do this okay sorry sorry guys let's listen listen maybe you guys are the bomb i guess you guys are [ __ ] yelling at me now you see you see you are the challenge you are the challenge right now all right listen i'm not blind i'm being gamer you see i'm inviting you in i said that when i just won the thing about this is i underperform you guys don't expect this but when we actually get into this we're gonna soup through everything all right okay let's [ __ ] soup through everything what do you what i don't know what that means well sometimes i say words i don't mean anything they just like phonetically like imply things like you know zoop is like you know um i still have ink on my hands this is fresh print you have ink on your hands yeah i just i printed this like 40 minutes ago and like the ink is coming off my hand taste it what no one second of thought why would i give that one second thought but let's let's listen it might like sharpen you out like here's here's another challenge try the ink get poisoned if we can do this in time you can make it to the hospital you want to up the stakes gamer when is some seeing something familiar bomb become comforting no matter this bomb will only be half comforting you ready to do this same thing five minutes three modules three strikes i just spit on myself all right are you going all right yeah i'm i'm ready what are the modules all right hang on hang on we're not done yet all right we're starting now our game are you welcome you are you welcome to hell i'm ready all right first module is uh well we actually have two wires now why am i doing this so slow two wires okay yeah we're gonna look at the first one it's gonna be two yellow wires there's three wires in total there's one red two yellow i'm going okay is the last wire white not red last wire is what otherwise is there is there is there's no more than one blue wire there's no there's three wires two yellow one red cut the last wire all right go ahead okay what's up second one you got one blue one black one red well what do you mean what do you mean there's another there's two wires we just saw one modular wires now that's a whole new salad of wires [ __ ] all right what is it hey there's one blue one black one red what are you doing you think you're funny we got it all right and then we have a whole new problem all right listen what listen we have a new problem now we have a new model i've never seen before it's a giant two and it says one three two four in in four different key buttons okay wait what does it look like okay you have a giant like big screen with four buttons underneath that says one three two four one okay all right okay it's a memory problem it's memory problem all right okay so press the correct button to progress the module to the next stage complete all state okay press the correct button progress pressing an incorrect button will reset the bunch back scene button positions are ordered from left to right all right it's stage one what what what's what number is on the top one number two two two if the if the display is a two well what are these different stages mean german what are you doing this all right there's five better what does that mean stop stressing out just just read and tell me all right germa what are you doing i don't understand yeah you don't understand just read if the number is two press the button in the second position uh oh okay right right we go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go all right so uh i pressed the third one it's showing a green one now all right now press press the button in the same position as you pressed you just did do it again okay we got it is it still it's still two right yeah and then okay okay now that's saying three sing a three now okay three uh press the button in the third position got it two left now there's another one uh what about what's my number what's the number uh three three press the button in the same position that you just pressed in stage two wait don't press anything what did you press two times ago uh that'd be the first one uh okay okay last one last one what's the number uh two press the button with the same label you pressed in stage two they'll be the same oh no no no no it isn't oh jesus i'm sorry d did you [ __ ] me did you [ __ ] me no did you follow him you said two right no what what you saying no uh the numbers one number's one one press the button in the second position okay what's the next number two two okay press the button in the same position you press stage one to press press okay okay i got it okay remember what you just did yeah yeah what's a number a two okay two press the button with the same ow you press the stage one press the same one you just pressed okay are you dead joel joel joel step uh all right he didn't like turn his stream off did he i'm dead what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] what was that what was that cartoon stuff that was our lives germo all right well we know what that all right you ready yeah oh my god okay so listen listen that was that was what was called a fake move that was a fake out sometimes you do fake as you test the waters all right now we have conquered this it's probably gonna be same modules you ready yeah yeah no no it isn't oh god it isn't okay well whatever the point okay listen listen first first module we got is wires first modules wires three wires one red one black one yellow got the last one got it uh we have a keypad at the last one keypad all right give it symbols first one is is mr smiley man okay smiley man we got a back we got a backwards p what do you mean smiling man like like that like like one one guy [ __ ] okay okay smile the guy backwards p yeah backwards p okay all right all right all right then you got like a three with a snake squiggly below all right yep yeah and then you got a a tb a b with a t inside of it all right i got it you ready yep smiley face tb backwards p weird three got it now we've got simon says sir simon says i would this is this is new okay one of the four colored buttons will flash blue using the correct table below press the button with the corresponding color the original button will flash followed by another repeat this sequence in order using the color mapping blue is blue at top up top yes blue is on top okay so it flashed blue button to press the red button the red one first red got it okay now what then i went blue yellow red um no blue yellow what blue yellow no no listen but you need to press wait it does a serial number have a vowel in it what what check the serial number does this run above serial number the serial number is okay do you have look for the serial numbers if you have a vowel uh hang on hang on it's a serial number yeah it's like it's like a sequence of numbers yeah is there a vowel am i looking at the right thing i think so yes yes yes yes yes it is it's got an e in it okay all right all right all right so we got so it's blue it's a blue yellow right yeah press red green red green red green okay then i went blue yellow green blue yellow okay i want you to press red green what was third color germa what was the third color just say it again uh uh it was green okay so you need to do red green yellow okay no that was wrong no it's not you said blue what press green red okay uh green red green red okay good quicker you got to tell me the colors blue yellow green ah press green red blue okay got it blue yellow green blue green blue blue yellow green blue okay no no no no no red green oh no what happened no no not [ __ ] up dude no press red blue yellow red blue red blue yellow red red blue yellow red the colors [ __ ] change and it's like reading the color and seeing the [ __ ] thing we got this man hey that's the first time we've even seen that we don't know what now we know what happens listen here's what's gonna happen this is unbelievably stressful and you might say like listen here gamer are you colorblind no you you [ __ ] try having having this amount of stress on you all right listen listen here's what we're gonna do is we're gonna do we're gonna try again now that we tried the waters all right let's do it again okay it says cause of explosion simon says all right simon says might be a horrible detriment to the gameplay here it might be the the killer i i get how it works now okay okay so we should be good okay good okay you ready i'm focusing here unfortunately we have another simon says immediately so let's let's do that last let's do it first [ __ ] [ __ ] it someone says first do you have a b anywhere a b where's no this is [ __ ] making a table god damn it i must have got stapled in here all right simon says what okay first call it first okay i wasn't paying attention i was too confused by beast uh red red red red red all right press blue wait what's serial number vowels oh hang on uh jesus jesus jesus we have any we haven't e we have a vowel there's an e all right so flash red press blue blues pressed red yellow blue green blue green has been pressed now red yellow blue blue green red okay now red yellow blue yellow blue green red green red yellow blue yellow blue okay i'm going to say these out loud and you press them as i do it okay ready yeah blue green hurry red no no reset you gotta do it faster man oh god okay red yellow blue yellow blue red red you hold on red yellow blue yellow blue okay yellow yellow red red green green red red green green we did it within it okay what's next okay okay uh keep that keypad okay uh tb tb is the first one didn't get an upside down nine then he got a squiggle [ __ ] at the bottom at left like you got you gotta okay triangle upside down triangle you got like a like a japanese toe oh [ __ ] you don't read japanese whatever uh then you got a upside down uh bowel with a line in it basically a spider think spider i said you got you got you got upside down nine you got fighter and then you got an upside down question mark here okay i got it i got it i got it press n press upside down nine okay and then um the was there tv in this one uh yes there was tv at the first one tv okay yeah okay and then the weird spider thing you were talking about wait wait wait wait wait wait like the the the japanese thing you were saying yeah press that one all right okay and then then the then the question mark i already got it man was not okay now we just need to press the uh we got a big red button okay what does it say on it uh just says press it's red you said 55 seconds how many batteries on the bomb uh none i can't see any spin around just look okay uh there are two there are two batteries four in total but but two batteries one two three four actually four all right let's wait there's four batteries yeah four batteries if there are more than two batteries on the bomb and there is a lit indicator with the label frk press and immediately release the button uh uh uh what i'm gonna hold it i'm gonna hold it it's it's blue it's blue what do you mean it's blue it's just blue oh god does it say frk [ __ ] it [ __ ] it on don't do that okay press uh press and hold it what happened what happened somebody said somebody said joel is [ __ ] dumb laughing my ass off listen what no he's not i'm not dumb i'm a gamer he's a gamer what i don't understand that's so [ __ ] i don't know what happened let's listen what's the ratio of dumbness here all right listen listen what's the ratio of dumbness like all right all right like if we're on a seesaw thing right what what where's the dumbness our way a seesaw you don't know what a seesaw is i know what a seesaw is but what like that's not this okay let let's let's say we have anvils for heads right that represents dumbness all right we both sing at each side of the the the seesaw which dumbness like outweighs the other so it tips over you know what i mean oh i see what you're saying like you talk about scale uh we're both sitting like our brains are both being weighed on the scale which who has the heavier brain okay um i don't know that's for the audience to decide not me they balance each other it's just even at zero all right we're going to get this one all right let's let's let's not get embarrassed he is his thing though here's the thing what you don't understand is that german i are what is commonly referred to as uh liars um it's a bit of an incorrect term here really but we've been putting on a show for you guys because we know that you know if we breezed through everything here and we didn't you know entertain you guys with with uh you know failed attempts we would essentially be beating this and there will be no comedy to it so uh but we're gonna we're gonna do this thing now where we're gonna drop the facade and i know you guys are doing kappa and stuff like that but but you could tell that i'm not smiling when i'm saying this that means that this this is the one this is going to be the one speaking of the saw germany do you know that dude the button [ __ ] just [ __ ] me up drama i i got to ask you something um oh i already saw it yeah somebody like yeah somebody liked it last night um i didn't see it i did i don't know i'm just saying that my face is the same face listen yeah i saw it listen uh do you have any do you have any uh you know anything to say about it what am i supposed to say i i mean i mean i mean i apologize why do i have to apologize for looking like somebody well you know it's apologize for looking like somebody jesus that's unbelievable well maybe to the audience you know maybe they feel offended by by by the fact that you've been like you know going around dinner parties and stuff i don't know okay i just go around at dinner parties right i don't know i listen listen it's [ __ ] better than us trying to defuse bombs are you ready to do this i'm sorry and i'm gonna give you the best instructions i can alright do better there you go there's the apology you ever said the word yeah out loud listen we don't have time for your [ __ ] no i'm serious we have we don't have we we can't we can't do germa talk right now all right all right right first one we got a keypad thing module all right uh we got a backwards uh p okay a star a a three with a squiggly underneath it okay and uh the last one is one uh it's like uh i with a u inside of it okay yeah all right press uh i with a u then backwards p then weird three then star got it too what's the next module sorry i was just i was just uh thinking about you looking like trip anyway uh we got this big a three with four keypads underneath it press the button in the third position all right we then have four uh press the button in the same position you just pressed in stage once press the the third got it we've got a four again uh press the button labeled four okay we have a four press the button in the same position you pressed in stage two which was guys what's that two was that two was that two was that two no no no no no i don't know i don't know i can't see your screen we're going we're good last one we got one press the button with the same label you pressed in stage one uh that was two again right no that that was that was the first that was three three three three same the first button no no no it's gonna match the number the label the number not the position the number all right where are we oh [ __ ] okay we're back to one back to one we're back to one yeah we're back to one oh my god what's the number uh one okay press the button in the second position got it then we got one again press number labels four we got number one again okay now press the button with the same label you pressed in stage two which was labeled four got it too okay keep done number three press the button in the same position that you pressed in stage two which was uh whatever four was uh four guys what what the [ __ ] was that people saying three i'm gonna go go with your your choice yet all right and now we have number two press the button in the first position um that that was that was the press the button just in the first visit the first number germa we're [ __ ] one second position three what's the next number three three press the button in the first position and remember what these are yes four press the button labeled four okay three press a button in the same positions you pressed in stage two uh guys guys quick horse position and finally three press the button with the same label you pressed in stage four ah uh chat thanks guys listen listen that was the one that was the one you know what that means chad i can't trust you guys you can't listen to chat chad is gonna is gonna listen this uh unbelievable they're gonna say hey press two and you're gonna go two you've got it and the thing explodes we have to do it again i want you to look at the screen right now i want you to read the cause of death memory on level two is level two oh my god okay listen last one if we can't figure this out listen that means it's impossible for me to do this all right we could switch roles and i could take the bomb while you read the instructions we could do that too after that you want you want to do that you think that's going to help us i think i can i will be very clear with you okay oh god okay here we go i'm gonna retry this one it's gonna be even worse all right listen no more [ __ ] no more for real this time for real this time for real this time all right we got we got a wire module at the first one all right we got a blue one we've got three black another blue and a white how many how many words just slow down how many wires they are uh currently uh five wires what's this you really just getting at six numbers by the way is the last wire black uh let's see here uh no it's white uh if there is exact is there one red wire and and no more no no you said something about cereal no no [ __ ] that forget all that all right is there one red wire and one yellow wire no there's nothing like that how many what okay so is it more than one yellow wire uh no there is two blue three black and one white are there any black wires did do not hear me i said six i did i did but are there any black wires at all there's three cut the first part okay you [ __ ] up no incorrect [ __ ] oh that's my fault that was my fault i [ __ ] it up all right what we got uh uh what we got at this point i mean we [ __ ] it up [ __ ] it let's do the keypad instead we're gonna backwards e with the two dots uh we gotta we got an h with uh without you over it and it's got a bit of a squiggle at the bottom we got the uh [ __ ] i keep thinking in japanese uh we got uh uh we got a uh i can't say this but that's like saying the the the kana for ki uh [ __ ] do you know japanese i don't know any japanese [ __ ] uh okay we got like uh i look like a railroad track like it's a it's a line with two like staples on it like a puzzle piece okay okay yes yes yes yes okay i see i got you okay and then we got i i like the letter i hey i know what you mean by that and like i could use a little clear instructions okay what else and that's it okay so we got you said there's a uh there's an e with two dots e with two dots yep okay and go what's the other one uh we got an h without you over it all right you ready okay uh backwards backwards e train track ie and then the h got it the h thing okay all right now we got back to the the [ __ ] again all right so uh we really gotta remember this time we cannot [ __ ] up this time okay we got a two i don't the [ __ ] second position okay one labeled four press the button labeled four got it two press the button with the same label you pressed in stage one same button or or like like number same number in stage one got it okay now two press the button in the first position got it four press the button with the same label you pressed in stage three uh oh god yes i did i did it i did it i did it it's done yes yes yes yes did we win i i think so i see it's still going though it's still [ __ ] going so what is there anything else spinning around flipping around uh [ __ ] we got we got a serial port inside oh the wires the wires the wires blue black black black blue white blue black blue six wires yeah do we have an odd serial number so what i thought i took a gamble at the very end and i just took a random one and i swear to god if we would have won that way [ __ ] it but here's the thing i thought if you fail a module that's it right so we're just sitting there and you're just spinning the thing around like all right we win we did it well i mean i don't know i'm doing this one more time i'm going to get you through this one i'm getting you through this i'm going to do it i'm going to get you through it i'm going to get you through this one to be fair i did [ __ ] up the wire one i [ __ ] up that first one no no because here's the thing i wanted to like try you and see like ha ha ha ha but i realized how [ __ ] utterly stupid of an idea that is to like [ __ ] around with now so i said no no let's not do that uh and i thought you didn't hear me so i thought like okay now now we're going on the tangent where like you didn't hear my joke so it just became this this this schmear of like let's let's not [ __ ] around all right um all right for real this time listen this is it this is the one this is the one tips to help me help you okay okay when a module when you got the modules right immediately immediately tell me the number of like for wires number of wires immediately okay all right four wires got it right then go okay okay but what if you [ __ ] up well i did [ __ ] up last time i i [ __ ] the whole thing up last time no no no no no that was on that that was on me man listen this is the one this is the one right now listen i i can only play so much half-life in my head eventually there's too little space and i get a little dumb you know i'm saying maybe it was my fault it does say you play you're playing half-life every single day on steam okay so that that doesn't that okay uh just for clarification here i've been playing half-life for like 35 days on steam and i don't know how to shut it down just says he's playing half-life and i can't like a controller delete in the in the uh panel or whatever still there i i don't know what's going on uh all right listen task manager listen listen you think you think i'm a native english speaker i barely understand what half the [ __ ] i'm saying right now do you understand how incomprehensibly difficult it is to communicate with somebody and like not not grasp not perhaps the words that are coming out of your mouth no no no don't move the [ __ ] mouse oh [ __ ] i can't move most i can't click that link i'm sorry oh all right jeremy i swear i will go on the desktop and i'll reveal all the the stolen tax documents you got don't show my [ __ ] taxes don't show my tax returns all right let's go we're doing this one level two okay i can't believe we can't do level two this is [ __ ] embarrassing all right okay uh here we go uh we've got three wires well i didn't even know where we're going okay three wires yes red blue white red blue and white yes is the last wire white yes cut the last wire gotcha all right we got a whole new problem we got a whole new model i'm not familiar i'm familiar with we have essentially pac-man it looks like pac-man okay all right all right all right it's like a maze okay yeah yeah find the maze with the matching circular markings i've got a diffuser must two circles the diffuser must navigate the white light to the red triangle using the arrow buttons warning oh [ __ ] i have you i have your keyboard disabled derma uh hold on hold on a second hold on all right i'll press the buttons you just tell me what they are okay what do not cross the lines do not cross the lines uh in the maze okay so i have no [ __ ] idea what this wants us to do is this battle battleship find the maze with the matching markings okay where are the circles uh there's two circles at the second row and the third row okay second all right are they on opposite ends uh yes but there aren't okay they're opposite ends so now so that's the correct this one here but what how am i so you have to navigate you must navigate the white light to the red triangle where's the red triangle it's uh left of the the right third column um okay so so like one two three down and then one over from from the right sure so now you have to navigate the white light to the red triangle don't cross the lines these lines are invisible on the bomb we're [ __ ] we're [ __ ] you want to restart this one wait double it's of anakin i have the high ground i [ __ ] it up i [ __ ] up you need to have uh you need to be able to uh press the keys okay um press a bunch of buttons and explode and i'll give it to you wait you don't need the keys you you can use the mouse you can use the mouse what you can use the mouse to like navigate through the keys you don't need to [ __ ] numb keypad whatever well it says it says well you have to use the the keys but the keys are on screen it's not keys on the keyboard it says the arrow buttons yeah but they are on screen this touchpad [ __ ] okay you uh you have to that's the right one hey don't give me that tone hey find the a okay you must navigate the white light to the red triangle using the arrow buttons okay are you ready yep you want to go up up up's not an option what do you mean no it wouldn't be not nice i just i just you spat that red at me you can't go up no i can't go up you have to be able to go up no i don't even know what i'm looking at here light the light you must navigate the white light to the tell them where they're going at the bottom at uh bottom at the dude this is [ __ ] it's like the sixth spot the sixth note fifth oh sorry i'm stressed out okay so all right we're down all the way at the bottom yeah last spot yeah okay go you can't go up no i can't go up you all the way at the bottom like the second last one oh the second the left okay one two three four five six so your second or less your second to last spot are you okay go left can't go left where the [ __ ] are you i'm gonna go right that worked hey we're dead by the way i'm cheating i'm gonna i don't even know where he is all right i get this now i understand this oh you understand this okay chat chat chat was that germa's fault or my fault whose fault was that one both it's my fault when we get new modules we gotta it's you gotta figure out what to eat i don't even know what it wanted us to do all right all right do it again do it again do it again okay okay okay okay okay let's go it's gonna be [ __ ] simon says it's gonna be the the [ __ ] all right if we do not beat the first three levels of this game i am going to scream okay okay okay we got simon says simon says okay simon says and it's gonna be uh blue okay press red you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] didn't check the serial number didn't check this here all right okay serial number is that the serial number [ __ ] hang on uh does it have a vowel it definitely has it definitely doesn't have a vowel okay let's go let's go what was it you said it was [ __ ] [ __ ] how do you know how do you know yellow press yellow i just i know what it's not [ __ ] yellow wait you said it flashed blue now we have two strikes oh boy press green germa drama press green quick so we can move on come on please great green blue blue green green okay blue blue green green green blue ring green blue blue blue green blue green green blue green green green blue green okay we got it we got i've got a keypad keypad backwards c with two dots we got an omega symbol i don't know if that is what i'm not getting i don't i don't know omega symbol for real i don't know that i have no idea that no no you know you know what a [ __ ] omega symbol is just do the other symbols do the other side no no it's like an all with with i think ultramarines warhammer i i don't i didn't play i didn't play that again no no no you did you did what's the next time what's the what's the third symbol what's the thirst it's like uh it's the the the you with the eye in it they got a war symbol you [ __ ] come on i don't know what the god i didn't [ __ ] you play god of war jesus i played the for that [ __ ] quake symbol upside down quake symbol jesus doesn't even know what i don't know what [ __ ] trident okay [ __ ] the okay listen backwards east first okay omega big o with two like spinys underneath it that goes uh like a toilet seat toilet seat did you leave no i'm here it was just a [ __ ] what's the third okay third one it's like it's it's like a trident all right try okay and then an a backwards e i.e trident omega okay good we got we got our key red key say this hold red key on hold what do you mean like it's a button yeah okay it's a red button okay yeah it says hold on it yeah how many batteries on the bumper there is three three okay now there's four there's four it's force are you okay okay okay is there a lit indicator with the label frk um it's not late it's not lit press and hold press and hold the button hold down okay release the button drama if the button is red in the box it didn't sail i'm gonna eat this [ __ ] paper what was this was there a strip i checked all the [ __ ] wait wait there was a switch at the bottom there's a switch it's a there was a switch on the bottom that was my fault that was my fault was there a switch on the bottom is it my fault whose fault was that who can take the blame for that one who takes the blame who takes the blame all right that was germa's fault this is not level two this is level three we have to beat level three dude again oh god first module is simon says okay hang on okay i'm looking at it it's serial number serial number serial number says uh you want the serial number no is there a vowel is there a vowel in the serial number is w a vowel no go no then it doesn't have any vowels a e i o u okay what what happened no it's not [ __ ] vowels i'm just kidding come on it's green what green green on simon says come on okay hit press then press green green on green green on green green is pressed green green green green green green green green blue green green yellow okay we got it okay keep that keep that time we got we got a smiley face uh spider uh backwards b p okay tb okay you ready backwards p tb spider smiley okay say that slower slower backwards p yep tv yep spider smiley got it okay now we got a big red one it says detonate on it is it red okay hold on how many batteries in that bump okay i'm checking i'm checking we have uh there is uh two batteries two batteries okay and it says detonate yes press and immediately release the button we did it you see derma if you listen to me if you listen to me everything will be fine all right an hour and ten minutes if you start screaming at me you screamed at me first you screamed no i i i [ __ ] yelling did i yell at germa you've been yelled at me the whole time no i i have not yelled once i have not yelled at you one time look at chad look look at what chad's saying i haven't yelled do you want something they're saying to say no joel you did not scream at germa no i didn't yell once drama you don't know what an omega symbol is you're you're invalid to say anything anything you say is nolan void how can you listen i might be a dumb [ __ ] listen i might be drinking like toilet water but at least i know what a [ __ ] omega symbol is you're american like don't you read books yeah it's greek uh it's greek and i'm american but you know i don't know a greek language what you [ __ ] live in boston you guys speak a whole nother language i can't understand what you're saying i don't know i don't know a greek one i live in [ __ ] america but i live in boston i don't even live in listen you you eat like oh don't your pizzas are like aren't they baked wrong pizzas yeah yeah you isn't like boston pizza like something wrong with it no wait no sorry i'm be i'm being i'm being an insistent [ __ ] i'm i'm thinking of chicago deep style sorry no boxing pizza is ranked number seven in the world by the way in the world wait wait you guys have your own pizza boston pizza is ranked number seven in the world but what defines boston pizza delicious pizza it's what it's it's a it's like thin crispy you get [ __ ] pepperoni on it you can get i'm i don't know so that's how your brain looks huh i can't talk about i can't talk about pizza i'll have to stop this really all right i can't talk about the it's crispy and thin as you get pepperoni i can't talk all right move on let's press the next button i'll leave i will even get a pepperoni pizza right now i swear to god this happens every [ __ ] stream okay we finished two levels can we finish this third one what do you mean you got to stop the stream because you're talking about pizza stop saying that word why stop saying that word because it's i if i if i hear it enough time how about tomato crusty slice nah that's not doing it for me yeah are you hungry yeah yeah you fixed it stop all right what's what's the first module it's the first module is this a weakness no no no no listen we'll get through this i'm just wondering like like a tomato blood flashlight makes you horny what did you just say what are you talking about i'm just asking like like okay i'll tell you what i i have a big peepee problem right if people say waterfall for me i get really like in the mood for peeing so if i say i like the word gizza you get really horny for pizza you're on thin ice young man we're gonna we're gonna do this we're gonna do this next one all right too let me see what it says that says sick that's a lot of modules that's six modules this is the first one jeremy what are you doing hey let go of the mouse man let go of matt what are you doing i'm not touching anything what germa i'm not touching any germa what i'm not touching anything no don't worry about it listen this is going to be the last try we'll continue at some point this is going to be my last one all right you ready to make this count his brain is is on fire first one is a wire module how many wires we got we got four we've got blue red to white cut the first wire gotcha okay number two what's it it's a bunch of uh keypad modules whatever okay yep okay we got a three that's kind of like squiggling off in the distance it's not quite a three it's like half a three and then it goes like on a ski ski path got it i got you we got a an at symbol but it's kind of like wrong uh do you understand like i think i think i think so i think so okay like think infogrames okay okay okay okay uh hollow star not black one and then copyright okay copyright weird at symbol weird three and then uh star gotcha all right we got another we got another uh module we got an upside down question mark oh it's another one okay yeah yeah yep then we got infra grams again okay we got a drooling o yep and the h with the little uh thing at the bottom you got it okay drooling o uh messed up at symbol yep the weird h and then a tri upside yeah we got it okay now we got we got uh we got six wires okay six wires yeah uh two red one yellow two blue one white you said one yellow yeah there and there is only one white wire right yes uh there are no are there any red wires there's two red wires at the start too okay cut the fourth wire you sure yes we got it what's next come on keep going uh there's nothing just spin the box around you guys spin the box around i think there's this stuff there could be stuff on the other side oh there's stuff at the [ __ ] hang on oh god the game is lagging it's all lag it's so laggy right okay we got two detonate buttons two detonate buttons yes okay uh what what is the what color is the first one they are both white they're both white okay the what is what is on the text of the first button detonate okay it says hold on okay how many batteries are on it are there is it more than one battery bomb uh there is uh three batteries in total on this whole thing okay and that button says detonate yes press and immediately release it you sure yes yes what is the text of the other of the elements do it again press and release again [Music] unbelievable unbelievable it's almost like if i'm just pretending here and i said they will be the last one just to make sure that uh we do this all night anyway uh unbelievable guys you see that's what happens when you think germa are you done no no no i can go all night i can go all night uh because i mean i took i took a multivitamin like four hours ago just we took just you took viagra multivitamin i took like the complex like vitamin c why are you taking like drugs on stream man i took a multivitamin because i wanted to try and focus well now you're horny all right do you want do you want to do the reading for a little bit listen listen here's what we propose in order for us to maintain this amount of quality uh i propose that we do one more and then i'm gonna do some other stupid [ __ ] tonight but next next saturday if you guys want to chat would you want us to resume this game and next stream would do i do the reading it's [ __ ] it's it's harder than it looks what are they what are they saying on your chat are they all saying no i'm saying yes okay well they're saying yes it's mine too so uh you know i gotta say though once you stop like taking super mario boner pills you're pretty good at this but you keep you keep you you keep doing this to me you keep doing this to me where you can't read like omega symbols and it's it's it you're you're being real silly you're people said people that just don't just don't play uh halo is what they say so all right that works all right all right well you ready for the next one all right let's do the next let's go listen as long as it's not simon says or uh the [ __ ] hard because when you say yeah i could explain it it's [ __ ] hard all right you ready all right here we go next one is called one step up it's for those who have made it this far and wants something tougher but not too tough which for us means [ __ ] impossible i can't believe we spent that much time with this this level is the equivalent of like licking your elbow are you faced cameron right now yeah can you can you lick your elbow probably do it now prove it did it it did it yeah i don't understand why is that hard okay well if you can do that then then uh then i'm sure we can do this i did it both ways just to prove i could do it all right all right let's go okay here we go all right here we go here we go first one is uh we got the [ __ ] we got the oh my god we got the super [ __ ] we got a three it's over it's over it's over it's over more specific than the super [ __ ] bit we've got four four things i gotta remember when i press got six little things single okay okay all right wait what what what what's what what's the number three okay press the button in the third position okay by the way what number what did you just press three what number did you press that was the number three okay remember that first position was two two okay press the button in the same position you pressed a second ago okay that was a four by the way now we got a one all right press the button with the same label you pressed in stage two which was a four if i'm not mistaken how dare you be so condescending number three is it stage three what's that this is the third this this is the third time we've done this right there this is number three right number three this is like the third this is number three like stage three right uh this is the fourth one idiot okay what's the number what's the number the number's three press the button in the same position you press in stage two which was a four condescending [ __ ] here i didn't say that all right three i did same label you pressed in stage four which was a four is that your final answer germa i don't know yeah you're pretty smart all right now we got the uh battleship pac-man thing going on okay so what do you need to know all right where where are these circles the circle says at the uh second position top and bottom what uh okay give me like six across row what like two across row okay so so in total you got you got six dots on each right six and six right so the top one the circle is at the the top uh at the second one oh okay i think i got it and is the one directly below that on the last line like is it matching directly below it uh yeah at the bottom yes sir okay so you have to take the white light yes and you have to get to the red triangle right okay do not cross these lines okay where is the red triangle the red triangle is at the second row at the first position second row first okay are you ready yes top position yes top one go left and then down that's it that did not work what do you mean okay people saying where is the light do you need a light yeah you need the light yeah i said you must navigate to the red triangle fifth top are we talking about the same thing yeah okay all right let's listen listen down down down left left up up left left left left oh i [ __ ] you up i [ __ ] you up hey go ahead just running run to the wall i [ __ ] you up no no we can still do this no no we can't we can't trust me we can't get a ball what's the point of the two circles i understand all right now it's running through a wall running seriously where is the red i solved it i solved it anyway [ __ ] it whatever [ __ ] it whatever let's do the keypad keypad we got we got a bullet we got a giant ass giant ass i don't see an s giant giant badonkadonk okay okay okay i gotta see the giant ass test these test these okay hollow star yep we gotta we got a three that with squiggles off yep what's what's it what's the last one uh half life okay got it so uh big ass three squiggly half-life star okay okay last one one uh keypad assess abort blue okay it's it's a blue button and it says a board on it okay hold the button down okay what happened uh it's showing a blue one blue line okay release when the countdown timer has a four in any position okay we got it we got it we got it we got it we're getting better at this [ __ ] we got this man yeah we're getting much better at this dude we're gamers gemma let's do a high five okay you ready yeah yeah it's it's because we're from acro across the world so the latency the sound latency was bad yeah dude the lag is really messing up uh our uh cerebral power together you know all right so are you are you are you uh you're done for today okay what let's do one more because we're on a roll here we've really tapped into our potential here you know all right then i'm what am i i'm going to move on to something else what am i going to what am i going to play how about how about how about this how about how about this you look up basic greek for idiots no i'm not going to play jump king no way what jump king oh wait you're supposed to play that and like beat it weren't you what you were supposed to play that and beat it you didn't beat it though i beat your ass okay do you guys do you think germa scared on me all right anyway uh oh [ __ ] we don't have any time okay okay we have a whole new module right now we have a whole new model right now it's saying six things saying no middle uh nothing blank ready first first word is no you said the first word was no yes hit blank no that didn't work here using the label from step one push the first button that appears in its corresponding list german what are you doing i don't know oh oh oh okay okay so wait there there's like okay speak english speak english behind there's the new one you speak english i don't can't understand you ryan stop seeking bostonian or whatever ring about all right so read the display and use step one to determine what buttons labeled to read using this button label [ __ ] me okay based on the display read the label find me dinner first thing about that all right he said no right okay can you click like in the bottom right corner yes great you're [ __ ] you [ __ ] me you [ __ ] me you said that you said it was no right no you said bottom right no no but but the word was no divorce no germa you're about to witness how gamers do it watch this all right i don't know who wants to do i'm trying to figure out what it wants us to do what did you did you just throw the bomb on the ground and step on it listen i i just took a chance i took a chance and i pressed something random sometimes that [ __ ] works you know it's a leap of faith okay um ty tell you what first i don't know what this [ __ ] is but we could be this first time we've seen in this module new module all right what do you want what's that what's up yeah the sky [ __ ] you talking about tell you what [ __ ] you talking you wanna fight you wanna kiss kissing my gut why is it so impossible to do anything with you why do you have to be so difficult always we're all here voting for you we're all here rooting for you we all believe in you jeremiah why do you have to do this every time i want you to look at my script i open up my stream and look look look at this this is what i had to work with joel you are so argumentative i'm not argumentative i'm being fair i don't think he's being very fair i don't think he's being very fair okay okay l okay okay you want me to look at what what you've prepared from the print now or whatever no just look see that's like you said the word was no there's no so then there's this eyeball in the bottom right i figured you had to press that okay we got this we got shh don't stop [ __ ] screaming at me oh wait a minute i don't understand no but what the [ __ ] does this even mean sure you got really tiny hands my hands are [ __ ] actually huge like i'm sorry you have the tiniest hands i've ever seen i've got like monster hands you're looking right now these things are [ __ ] monstrous look at this [ __ ] yeah but maybe there's kind of like normal sized and you know the rest of you kind of you know that was uh that was joel that was playing uh keep talking and nobody explodes [Laughter] he's gotta go he's got something else going on today so he's got something else to do uh it was good playing with me though uh it was uh it was uh it was something and i look forward to the next time uh we are trying to diffuse listen we're gonna beat this game together right no matter how no matter no matter how tough this is gonna get so the power of of the mind and with patience i i thought we could get it done we were getting it done i'm just saying next time you're gonna realize when i read these instructions that's when you understand i feel like if i had the bottom of my hand if we flipped it around it would be i could probably get it you could probably feed me info better and i could do the actual clicking and moving around better we did it wrong we should have been the other way all right all right well we'll check back uh next week saturday and then uh yeah whatever you do for the rest of your stream have a good stream all right well uh i'll tell you what uh uh uh let's let's uh i was telling i was talking to germa about this before we started streaming uh i was talking about the uh key fabe you guys know what keith is in chat what the [ __ ] were you even talking about uh do you know what that is no it's like it's like the terms of wrestler's use listen uh it's a term wrestlers used to like not break character and i'm gonna break characters so like mute the [ __ ] stream or uh unmute it because uh it's been so terrible listen beside the point listen i'm saying that german and i uh if you think if you think that we're we're we hate each other don't worry about it we do does it beside the point uh it was really fun coming on the stream speaking for me on this one listen um uh it was fun it was a lot of fun and i i look forward to uh two more streams and uh hopefully this stream was just a little bit better than halo reach uh just a little like no this was a thousand times better than halo reach like without a doubt in my mind but still still the worst of 2020 though but no it was not no it wasn't no what it's going to be like i've only streamed like three times in 2020 no twice this is the second time oh [ __ ] well i'll tell you what i'll tell you what incompatible friends what incompatible friends that's what somebody just said uh all right i'll i'll see you guys all right well thanks for having me man and uh i look forward to uh uh the next time we uh we uh you know uh work it out yeah that'd be fun all right well uh i'll see you later and i'll uh i'll see your tiny little baby hands what's left all right he said i thought he was going somewhere else that's why i just immediately left and this time we will reverse the rolls next time [Music] all right i'm not here yet i'm not i am but you know it's starting soon screen you know the i'm a streamer but somebody said it was funny somebody said omega lol losing viewers [Music] on an offline screen that's pretty funny stream's not even on oh man look at those views go down yeah uh we're gonna do keep talking and nobody explodes i'm gonna be the diffuser this time joel like a couple weeks ago two or three weeks ago i was the one reading the manual now we're gonna flip it around dead for a year anniversary oh that's right yeah i i did die last year at this exact time no no no no no in like three hours is my one year dead anniversary that's weird to say that's very strange how does it feel um i don't know that's interesting i miss germa so much i'm here for his anniversary i can still hear you what oh apologize for being late sorry all right it's not okay it's all right it's okay it's okay we forgive you can you introduce yourself i am jeremy germa do a q a all right let's go q a right now i will answer questions until joel comes in the call all right let's go what is it why am i streaming because uh it's fun i like to play halo ever again uh i don't know when you're gonna play tribes ascend that's a great question do i like shrek yeah how many teeth do i have one one five thirty thirty teeth have i eaten a vegetable today no i haven't you're gonna do diablo two later i don't think so favorite video game song uh beware the forest mushrooms you have too many teeth like what is it 30 32 whatever it is 31 what does kim do for work uh she's a butcher 28. do i have extra teeth monkeys that's sick all right let's see if he's around let's see if he picks up the phone hello hello is anybody there hey i just actually scared the [ __ ] out of me it was just like how you doing diffusing bombs i'm ready to defuse some bombs okay so i was just i was just giving the uh the inter spiel here at the start but i said this before um uh you know last time we did this it was uh it was a bit of a bit of a challenge because uh we never played this game before and uh uh we quickly realized that reading instructions while also timed on it and having people uh you know tell you what to do uh it can be quite quite the challenge it's tricky before we do this before we do this all right first ball let's go i'm just kidding i'm kidding again you have to i'm just kidding um no i was going to say um this is more from my chat really but would you guys prefer that um i put up the the manual on screen or uh just again because i i i i'm gonna be reading the manual on my phone yes oh you kind of were you reading out your were you reading it on your phone yeah because i thought like well i don't really have a piece of paper this is the closest thing you know who reads these days that's gonna be so small you're gonna feel like scrolling through you're gonna do a microscope we got one white wire two white wires let's listen big letters scare me all right um so the tinier the better you know um that's you're gonna have trouble reading that [ __ ] i'm gonna it's gonna be no um i'm gonna be fine i'm gonna be fine i'm gonna be fine pull up on pdf are you um do you want what do you want do you want to start easy because this is the person you've read right uh this is the first time i've read yes okay so we'll we'll start easy we'll start easy all right real easy yeah so let me let me know when you're ready because i i'll have i'll have an easy one ready for you i swear to god if you pull up some like gigantic bomb with like every module on the planet no no i'm gonna make it very easy for you just let me know when you're ready i have a fairly easy ah yeah yeah yeah yeah but are you ready something no not yet not yet i'm trying to like uh i'm trying to see what i can do here on your stream to like make sure yeah i'll tell you i'll tell you man i'll tell you don't look at my stream it's cheating i'm i'm not doing that i'm getting the [ __ ] manual up man don't chill out chill out man okay uh well i'll tell you what i'll tell you what um i'm just gonna game capture your screen oh and uh for their enjoyment because i'm gonna be reading this on my phone i know that's not the best way of doing this you're gonna turn you're gonna turn around it's the honesty policy don't you know if you have an honesty policy on halloween if you have like the treats and the honesty policy uh bucket people just take the whole thing you you bostonians man what the [ __ ] on halloween if you have like a hair please take one and it's a thick full of candy that thing's gone in 10 minutes can we trust you so so yeah you can trust me man i can trust you all right yeah okay n a manners what what's like what's like boston famous for it's like rocky or whatever the founding of the country the founding of the united states of america yeah but like you know important things like you know hot dog inventions oh well [ __ ] pizza you know the north end has got the best pizza in the country ever seven what is your favorite topping sorry i'm just making small talk while i'm trying to get this [ __ ] manual up pepperoni americans you guys i heard that you guys don't do ham on pizza yeah yes we do oh you do okay because they've been telling me otherwise man no pain this ham on pizza pie but the pineapple and ham is like one of the most popular pizzas in the country is is pineapple popular for you germa don't bring [ __ ] we can't talk about this okay good because i was gonna end the [ __ ] call anyway uh i think i think i'm pretty much ready man all right all right i'll start one all right so screen's black we've uh what screens black uh the game capture thing you're we you can't see anything well you shouldn't be able to see anything all right so we got i'm not saying i'm looking at the [ __ ] screen hey hey hey hey don't don't make this another thing i'm saying if this was actually a bomb to defuse and this was the conversation happening hey so what kind of what pizza toppings do you like okay okay let's let's listen whatever well the point here let's stop jerking around on screen i'm saying i have the game capture your thing for their enjoyment i'm also right so so can you can you can you all right can you see the screen like just you i i can i can see the mouse moving around but i cannot see anything you can't see anything it's just what's this black screen for you yes yes but i see the i mouse i tried with the info that i had so you could so you can't see anything no no no no no if you check my stream you'll see what my problem is let me see let me see what your problem is let me see what it is we should be it should be working uh no it that is working on twitch oh my god this is like more more hard than the actual diffusion bomb uh okay all right yes that all that is working but the the screen that i'm looking at right now i only see a mouse and nothing else really can you do window capture i see like the overlay of steam and everything but there's like nothing on the screen tell what do you want to like just um what do you call it um re-invite me to a new game perhaps yeah yeah yeah let's try that oh i see i see what you're talking about yeah that's [ __ ] up all right let me reinvite you yeah and you thought you thought i was doing some sort of joke huh no i i thought i thought you were mement on me no what i thought you were memen on me well i never do that uh yeah yeah you remind me there you go yes now we're talking all right can we see now it's starting up starting up yep and i think that should be it you guys see this is everything fine all right at the same time we're gonna say [ __ ] yeah and that means that that like we're ready to go ready yeah yep one two three [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah nice all right we got we ready we're ready for the first bomb we'll do the first bomb do you have your manual are you ready to give me instructions uh i i have my man the only problem now is that i don't think i can hear the [ __ ] my god hang on i'm sorry i'm sorry this is totally on me i don't know why all these technically just crop up on where we just want to play a game and have fun oh don't worry don't worry we just fixed it we just for the king it's just k are you good yeah i gotta ask you uh when you do that voice why did you play a lord of the rings for like 16 hours i don't know because i had to beat it i had to beat it all right you ready or whatever yeah yeah all right no i had i had to beat it because i had to do the gamer challenge you beat lord of the rings two towers and one go uh oh we've got wires there are one there okay there are six wires there's six wires is there any yellow wires yes there are two yellow wires two yellow wires three red wires and one white wire so yeah if there are no yellow wires in the last data the serial number is odd they are yellow wires otherwise if there's exactly one yellow wire no that's not true either um are there any red wires yes there are three red wires cut the fourth wire fourth wire yes incorrect oh no it was like uh all right that no no we're gonna moving on to symbols okay let's move on let's move on all right symbols the the the symbols with like the omega symbol thing that i couldn't do okay okay okay okay just just tell me that mirrored k mirrored k okay uh three that somebody fell asleep in the middle of doing like a three that they they [ __ ] up at the end um a uh a um the a big a bum a big a bum with like a a comma at the top does it look like a like a bum scrote yes okay a ball sack okay i'm on board now okay uh and then the last one is a uh looks almost like the like a currency symbol it's like a a it's like a uh it's like a currency symbol it's like a upside down v it it's like a it's got like a line at the top it's like a logical triangle the other ones that are left triangle triangle there's like a little thing on top triangle okay okay it looks like a like a currency it's a triangle it's got like a little tail on the right side it's like a triangle without a bottom it's just upside down it's like upside down v are you talking about the lambda symbol yes all right um well uh you will be going uh ballsack good weird x okay you fell asleep on the three okay and [ __ ] has never played half-life all right yeah dumb [ __ ] oh my god it's the half-life symbol okay we got a button we have a button i just it's a it is a blue button are you sure there's nothing on the back there okay there's nothing on the back but there there is a there's a serial number here okay but let's not worry about that let's let's get to the point here okay what color is the button the button is blue and it says press that's it blue button that says press how many batteries do we have we have any batteries there are no there are one battery there's one battery there's one battery there are three batteries the three okay and the bottom said set abort uh the button says press okay uh does it say f4k somewhere on the bomb uh this is a it says this frq on the bottom there is no it says f4k no there's no frk just just hold down the button just hold down the button for me hold the button down okay what color it's just blue and there's a thing on the right that's blinking just blue blink okay release it when it says four four in any position we did it all right good i can't believe i didn't do the half-life thing i can't believe it i sat there for so long i cannot [ __ ] believe it we learn we learn through uh we're learning we're learning about things you know i'm learning about bostonians and you're learning about half-life i can't believe it that's worse than omega i just don't i just get locked out i get locked out of my own brain all right we'll do it we're doing it we keep we'll we'll go from here we're gonna do double your money all right get this left okay okay that sounds good half life symbol what an embarrassment all right double your money you're ready to go just keep it rolling i'm ready to go man i'm ready to go you have to trust each other and we i'm i'm not going to do any [ __ ] because at least explosions we have to do this three wires we have three wires all right one yellow one blue one red yellow blue red that's it we do have a red buyer uh there's one red is the last wire white the last wire is red cut the last wire good symbols omega 7 we're looking at omega symbol a e yes okay uh somebody had stitches everybody had stitches and they have a cut it's like a frankenstein stitches and then a um h but the line is going from top right to bottom left gotcha uh we will be looking at uh stitches ae weird sh omega okay now we have we have two buttons there are two blue buttons they both have the same exact button it's a blue button that says press both of them are the same two blue buttons that say press it gotcha there's going to be some things that factor into this though so we got to be careful but i'm going to look through the manual here and see what we can deduct from this uh how many batteries do we have on this bond there are one there is one battery on this bomb only one only one bomb okay um and the it said press on it yeah both buttons say press they're both blue okay okay here we go we're gonna be holding this down okay i have a red blink it's blinking red it's like one in any position one in any position one in any position okay you got it okay what about the second button if this yeah it doesn't completely duplicate do the same procedure okay red again this is one in a position one in any position okay all right oh wow i hope i did this right what's your favorite pizza all right now we have there are okay we got we got more symbols okay okay that's fine that's fine we can do symbols okay we've got uh backwards p smiley face of the tongue sticking out uh upside the t the t up tb thing and then uh trident okay uh trident yep mr smiley yep uh weird tb weird tv got it yes and then yes the last one okay final module we have plenty of time so don't worry just relax okay okay it's we have one two three four there are five wires two of those wires are yellow two of those wires are red one of them is white two yellow two red one white there are five of them yes any black wires here there are no black wires cut the first wire that was incorrect uh read them real quick again i got really stressed out sorry two all right two yellow two red one white there are five two yellow wires there are two red wires and one white wire that's it cut the second wire my bad my bad we got it look at that i i i sort of freaked out like here come here comes the the the bomb demons in my head like come on dude just tell them anyway i'm like no we have to commit to this all right i i think we're doing all right we're doing all right we're doing all right but that's because i i disciplined myself before the stream and i said okay maybe maybe i shouldn't be devolving the streaming too just like uh making fun of uh jeremy's lack of greek symbols for like three hours so well we didn't know what we were doing last time all right last we gotta give you some credit the last time we played this that was the first time we've ever even seen the manual and the first we didn't know how the game even worked we had two be honest we probably bought the stream for 10 [ __ ] years now do we know what we're doing still no no next level all right this one how did it take us this long to do this last time here we go i think it was because i was screaming and uh we had some issues but anyway um let's go man this one we gotta be careful this one is three minutes as long as we coordinated and we're not screaming all right relax just relax we're just having a good time here relax relax it's just a bomb and you know 3 000 people screaming at you it's okay it's fine are you ready i'm ready we have uh i believe this is simon says with colors okay okay that's fine that's fine we have red it blinked red okay read me whatever let's let's do simon says first all right i've never okay so um what are we looking at here we're looking at it's uh it's red red is the first one it's blinked red it's before we do this we need to check if there's a vowel on the bond okay vowel on the bomb you got it uh there is not wait vowel on the serial number or just on the bomb in general uh the the cereal yes okay there is not a vowel on this bump let's go back to simon says okay you're gonna go blue okay red green blue green [Music] okay red green green blue green green [Music] red green green red blue green green red uh blue green green blue sorry jesus okay hold on red green green red blue blue green green blue yellow was it red green green red blue red green green red blue so red green green red blue then you'd be looking at no no no no no no no no i was i was like reading that okay so freaking out okay hang on you'll be looking at blue green green blue yellow that's solution what's happening blue oh my god germa i'm sorry i'm so sorry i just realized something if we get a strike on the simon's test that means the equation is totally different so i'm sorry this is the first time i'm [ __ ] reading okay we're going we're going we're going we're going okay learn learning process it gets tricky it gets hard okay here we go ready okay this time it's a little different this time we have okay a okay it's the number four it's the screen with it's a scream of the number and then four numbers underneath okay it's the it's basically memory essentially yeah yes it's a memory game and then you have to do this five times i remember this one all right so i remember when i did this i had a lot of problem yeah it's your turn now already all right inside the screen is the number four press the button in the fourth position the number is now one press the button labeled for labeled form one again press the button with the same label as just press the stage two the same label in stage two that was the same label instead same label okay that was four now the number is three first about in the same position as the present stage two four okay finally four first the bond with the same label as it pressed in stage three it was also four done good okay awesome now we've got we have got a it's the word it's there's a word in the box and then the six other words so the word is red okay hang on this contraption is something like out of a sketch comedy routine uh tell me about it okay so read the display in step one to determine which button label to read using the button label you set u step two determine which button to push repeat until the model has been disarmed okay so what word do we have in the thing word is red inside of the box the word it's the word what is on in the middle button to the right middle to the right the word is right okay right let me see here uh okay i'm gonna suspect i'm gonna spout these out and you just until you see some okay so here we go yes nothing ready press i see ready ready is on here it's the bottom right slot first one ready okay go i don't want to alarm you but all right uh the word is no okay uh what does it say uh you are next uh uh sure done hold no no no no no no give me the word give me the word is no the word is no okay uh blank uh three letters uh wait uh first uh what oh get down how about dead okay well uh now we deducted how we should do simon says and we're gonna do that quickly we're quickly learning now that uh you know with this reading thing don't worry don't worry these are growing steps we did great at the first tier let's just let's just keep going and hammer this in and eventually we'll be experts but i'm just telling you something next bomb we're gonna actually be treating us we'll die yes okay next one is so serious we will actually be dying okay i'm going to take this as if we were going to die we are going to die in that okay like your life we are going to die treat this like it was real yes okay okay uh yellow yellow one this time it says thing we have three minutes no no no okay simon says okay okay hang on so uh yellow yellow yellow yellow costs call the please call somebody call somebody okay let's let's go okay whatever whatever just read the [ __ ] cereal on the thing uh do we have a vowel on the cereal yes there is a vowel green good yellow yellow green green tell me what is flashing yellow yellow red green green blue yellow yellow red blue green green blue red one more yellow yellow red blue yellow green green blue red green okay uh it's a we have three wires here we have three wires we have three wires it's two yellow one blue the two yellow wires are on top of the blue wire which is below the second wire okay all right now we just have one more thing to do it is the box with the word on it it says hold on what does it say okay read me read me at the bottom right bottom right middle blank ready blank is here my blank is here okay okay blank next one the next word is lead read me bottom right aha you're as in possessive you're on this list top left okay wait wait wait you are you are like you are sensitive as in like your pizza your pizza i pressed it oh uh next one was it you are pizza all right you're you're you are the you're you're you are you are you are you are you are top top left top left what no no no no you have to read me that oh my god mom mom i supposed to [Laughter] don't worry about it because now that simon says thing was fine we're quickly learning that the uh the it's called who's on first that one is a little difficult for us it is because we have to be very specific because i'm noticing a lot like here's the thing that's very important about this some of these you are there's three variations of you are there's you are without you space are you know whatever uh there's possessive like your pizza yeah why oh you are right why oh you are and then there's there then there is you are a pizza as in you apostrophe re you know oh [ __ ] all right so i'm gonna start saying apostrophe i'm gonna say possessive apostrophe or space on the you and there's also this different variations on uh right there's not just uh there's oh yeah and okay hhh so there's gonna be a lot of specifics here and we have to be super [ __ ] like tired about this so uh this is this is very bad for me because not i'm not an english speaker you know i don't speak english neither do i so so uh well we're just gonna have to do the best all right but let's here's the thing here's the thing coordination okay let's not screw it any every second special for us is vital so now the problem was and and all right i burnt like 20 seconds during the simon says because i tried to do it too fast you can't do okay for instance it was like it was like green red red and you were like oh blue like yellow yellow and i did blue yellow but it doesn't register you have to go slow okay okay i get it stressful it's stressful but but uh we can do this we can do this okay i'm ready three wires blue red three wires blue red blue in that order uh the the cut the loose blast blue wire okay uh it's the word game thing again the word it's le at lead l-e-e-d bring me the bottom left one the bottom left word is ready okay i'm gonna spout the words yes okay four letters what middle what is down here what is on the bottom right press that one press that one okay next word coming up the next word is oh there's no word this is the bottom left one your y-o-u-r as in your friend your friend okay your friend germa okay okay uh-huh four letters has an uh yes okay there is uh huh like uh-huh go go go go go go go with that one coming up next we have your like you are your middle right middle right middle right first left okay four letter four layers yes metal no middle right n yes press that one done one more of these the word is lead again l e e d bottom left aha uh huh r space huh uh-huh okay uh oh okay i got it uh same word uh-huh you're as in possessive with wheels the one r you just like you're like your [ __ ] up sorry just keep going keep on going okay hold on the word is hold on hold on hold on hold on okay bottom right bottom right sure s-u-r-e i'm sure of it you are as in a space you are you are yes that's here top right yes no no yes yes yes yes yes yes okay next word coming up next word is u space r u r bottom right bottom right done as i'm what we'll be assuming like uh sure uh-huh with a space in between uh-huh uh-huh yes that's here yeah yes yes yes okay last word we have ten seconds okay last word is okay okay why spell the whole thing up uh top right top right no was that the word or was that you screaming in fear that was the word no i thought it was like huh can't we save this or is jeremiah shedding it's pantalones this is fun this is fun we we what we managed to do though simon says it's on a lockdown great okay and we're getting better at who's on first but the thing is that time is really really like close uh so i think if we're not getting [ __ ] up by um two of those i think we can do this but yeah the random chance of yeah but uh i think we're doing great i mean yes we are dying here but honestly let's be honest here i think we're doing just a little bit better than last time yeah we are all right well uh try this one more time uh simon says hey simon says okay hang on okay so check the cereal do we have a vowel or do we do not have a vowel there is there's a vowel on the serial number we have a vowel oh okay we have a vowel all right so what what's spotting our color blue red blue green red yellow blue green red red yellow blue okay blue green red yellow red yellow blue green okay we have a uh word game the word is display like a display like your monitor like a display like it'll put me when i [ __ ] this up on anyway so bottom right nothing okay uh we got uh three h's right here okay okay yes three ages okay the word is first spelled out completely f-i-r-s-t top right read me top right right yes nothing yes it's on here ready press that final word coming up the word is you y o u like you did that middle right what with a with a question mark what okay um okay here we go uh as you ready h's oh hhh what left nothing ready what it what is on here but it's what with a with a question mark uh say them all again okay uh oh god what was we're all possibly on here those are all possible three h's what left nothing ready blank middle no okay so has to be what it's it's what is it is it white person what is what no that's not right we have uh we have another one don't worry the word is red okay red okay uh middle right middle right middle right word is okay spelled out completely okay a y okay middle no first yes yes it's on here okay yellow button it just says press on it yellow button press it down just hold it down okay it's flashing yellow five in position did it we did it we did it we did it that was good my soul escaped my butthole my heart was [ __ ] beating out of my chest i think honestly this sounds ironic but i think me being an idiot i'm actually reading better than actually playing i think we found our groove yeah i think so this one okay now they're getting harder this one is called a hidden message oh yeah and this is now moderate difficulty i'm so [ __ ] nervous i know i think there's only three modules though uh we have a new module here it is a uh game boy looking thing that has five letters on it it has five letters okay five letters looks like a game boy and there's arrows on the top and bottom i can switch i can change the letters it's five left okay well here's what i'm gonna i'm gonna start writing down i i think i yeah i see this module this is gonna be impossible because i'm gonna have to deduct a word from this all right so just give me the first letters the letter is a oh okay no no no no so so so so i'm not saying what's on screen i'm saying cycle through them oh okay the first letter has potential to be a okay oh h or v or j x o so we're looking o i m q almost the two letter ones o o o o then oh then oh then what oh what do you want you want the third one the third one cycle through the the second one okay the second one has o i b m r and q okay here we go um remember the third ones k n y o s m k n y o s m okay now is that now i start to deduct this okay uh can you spell about about a b yes o you yup yes go with that one got it okay uh we have a wire module i got this for you don't worry don't don't pray joel's got this oh [ __ ] oh my god it's dark i can't see anything um okay flashlight no no that's not in this game it was okay four wires thank god you turned the lights back okay two black two yellow in a row so black black yellow yellow cut the first wire okay we're good uh word game okay okay we're game we're again what is the first one c as in i can see you s-e-e ironically okay uh bottom right okay spelled out okay why middle no first yes yes no no it's on here no no is on here press that one okay says s-a-y-s like they says somebody says this bottom right no blank uh three letter h's wait first what ready right yes right nothing okay press that one you're like is in you're coming to dinner tonight you're coming you are apostrophe yes you're middle right middle right nothing uh with three h's right okay middle okay okay [Music] yeah we're having pizza ham that'll be no pineapple man his ham there yeah all right you ever bought ham from the store in a package and you just don't even make a sandwich you just like eat it out of the do i eat him is it cooked yeah it's you know like you know it's not raw it's i mean it's like like you know cheese [ __ ] like a bag yeah you don't do this um i ate i used to eat bagged chicken now you see chicken out of a bag that that's [ __ ] weird you mean like deli ham like sliced deli ham yes like yeah yeah okay i thought you meant like you went to the store and you bought like a full ham in a bag and it was pretty i don't know so you're saying like i i i'm not saying german do you eat raw pig like no i don't know let's just brought it up all right so let's go something's different and it says do these wires look different to you does this bomb look exploded to you well you've got a good ham here okay let's go i'm [ __ ] nervous we're gonna die jeremiah oh i need a second i just like farmed a bad joke for fun all right we got a simon says first of all do we have a vowel or do we not have a vowel no vowel on this unit there's no vowel okay uh so what what is the colors in blue yellow okay blue green yellow green blue green blue yellow green yellow blue green blue red yellow green yellow blue final one blue green blue red red you're gonna make fun of this but uh do they would have lost my train of thought what what what happened hold on wait wait wait wait for vowel did we have a vowel yes or no sorry no no no hold on okay okay it's making sure okay so read me them again sorry blue is quick um it was blue green blue red red yellow green yellow blue and the last one was red yes yeah hold on let's just refresh blue green blue red red yellow green yellow blue no no no no no no sorry my bad yellow green that's yellow did we do it what it was red red what what i have a suggestion all right we clock out of this one now and repeat it immediately there's no need for this time waste let's leave the room back out of the situation and redo this mission all right because i lost my train just walk away walk away walk away from this one [Music] you don't have to kill us can't walk go out of the [ __ ] room you have to like blow me off it was quicker to do that i was quicker to do it that way all right let's it's sorry that was do you see how easy it is to just the rope it's so easy to throw everything off because it was like okay blue green blue blue we have a serial number for a vowel it's like right yeah it's super embarrassing but the problem the problem with that is like it's like riding a bike like you know how to do it but somebody just like throws a stick in the wheel and you're like okay like all right i'm gonna talk very clearly and very slowly okay all right we're going to do this wires here we have six wires and they're in this order four blue two red blue blue blue red last digit of the serial number is odd is the last digit of the serial number odd it is even if there are no red wires cut the last wire but you do have red bars yeah two red wires the last wire is red two red wires the fourth wire cut the fourth wire wire done okay okay we have um some different looking wires these are strange-looking wires they go they go they're they're they're different they're vertical not horizontal are they are are they uh do they have a star and a light on them um yes they they did they did for a second but we're going to go to go who simon says because the lights just turned up simon says okay simon says holy [ __ ] yes uh yeah i don't know okay you know i just are you still on that page so so read me this serial uh serial number seriously wow does it have a vowel there's a vowel okay so uh here we go okay let's go first flash blue red [Music] blue yellow red green [Music] good blue yellow blue red green red [Music] uh hold on shut up not you we have uh five wires so relax we have three full minutes to figure this out so just okay okay here we go we're gonna be looking at something called uh uh it's saying the these wires are not like the others some have stripes this makes them completely different the good news is that we found a concise set of instructions so this is what is referred as a venn diagram okay oh i just kind of line this okay so what is the first one okay so from left to right it is white yes okay um no no no no okay that doesn't matter the instruction said that doesn't matter okay so i gotta line these so we have does it have a store yeah okay there are three stars on the bottom okay the first second and third wire are on a star okay uh okay that won't matter then okay so you would need to uh let me let me read you the wires just let me cut the first one cut the first wire first like all like like left the leftmost wire yes okay i wait there's more to do yes so uh what's what's the what's the what's the second one so these wires are red and then blue and red striped that's the two difference that's it so there's two blue and red striped and then there's two red does it have a light does it have a light the blue and red stripe has a light and it's on a star okay this has a star uh don't cut that one next one the next one is a red wire on a star with no light red wire with a star no light cut that one okay okay yeah keep going keep going the next wire is no star with a light and it is a red and blue striped wire so just the light on this no no no light just the light is the last serial number even uh yeah the number is is even cut it cut that wire done okay yes there are two wires that remain the last wire is they have a star the last wire does not have a star okay so there's nothing on it not just red doesn't have a star thing nothing just red it's the last even it was even right it wasn't even it was even lesser lumber cut it somebody said hello got it hello just cut it hello what do you mean i don't want to [ __ ] it up okay so do you know what a venn diagram is i'm going to pretend to yes uh okay so it's like a giant um it's like a bunch of circles circles with different colors essentially inside of each circle you just like yes i know that spells the solution yes except these are colorless in the manual so you're gonna have to really like squint your [ __ ] eyes the only way of reading this is if the colors spell out uh if they're striped or dotted it's [ __ ] but don't worry about it i feel like you're doing a lot of good work here n a education um well here's the thing about my n a education uh joel i i gotta ask you this people oh people like oh i can't believe you didn't know i didn't know what what that symbol was you didn't know what that math problem was was the last time you sat on a math class like what was the time you were sitting in a math class in a chair in a math class i feel like i'm in a math class every [ __ ] stream with these people uh 100 years i don't know uh it's been a while so it's been 20 years since i've been in a math class so yeah i don't know what the omega symbol is you're 60. no i'm i turned i turned 25 next week did you take 1000 sure that is i i took a multivitamin it helped it helped yeah yeah but i don't need performance enhancing drugs to do this all i need is the the skill of a gamer all right if uh all those guys that got in trouble when they did took vitamin b12 all those athletes yeah it's about honor it's about honor yeah i i'm low on vitamin d i'm not gonna i'm not gonna like drink any milk all right you good i'm good we have a different module this module uh has uh megahertz on it and there's a blinking light with almost like a radio uh dial i can change the amount of megahertz and there's a button that says tx we have a blinking light up top and then we have something that with megahertz it's uh it's a 3.5 is this morse code maybe more squad i don't hear anything is there a light going no it's a visual because that's how people communicate with flashlights in like world wars okay all right yes there there is a light up here and i uh okay yeah do you know how to read morse code german no absolutely not zero knowledge i know that like i know what's that that's that's sos right that's sos germa you can't read morse code why the [ __ ] do i know why would i know morse code that's basic school knowledge no it's not what is this 1910 what do you mean basic school knowledge this is like 1840 all right ready jeremy i can't read morse code either i'm [ __ ] too oh god okay so here we go all right all right listen listen we wasted a lot of time on this can you hear my screen here i can't okay you ready listen to my screen for just i'm gonna be quiet [Music] no hold on let me hold on okay germa i have a better solution to this does that help a better solution to this no absolutely not it's gonna be a practice right it doesn't matter if this explodes or not this we have to hammer this in uh we i have to teach you morse code or rather i gotta complain about something different thoughts and dashes i i know i know the basics is dawson dashers i just let me explain something to both chats here so two weeks ago i read the manual and it said morse code and i've been telling chat for two weeks that chad i'm gonna learn morse code off stream so they can snitch on me and tell germa beforehand joel has been practicing off stream in reality i did not practice at all because i wanted you guys to just see how much of a snitch you guys were to germa um so i didn't practice at all so you guys that have been going around talking to germa saying hey by the way joel's been cheating you guys [ __ ] up i know who you guys are i'm gonna tell you on sos and [ __ ] morse codes because i'm coming over there and i'm gonna tell you something snitches get stitches all right so [ __ ] you all right anyway but that doesn't deduct from the problem here we have to learn this so i just proposed this morse code is relatively simple it's just a matter of taking it slow and easy so what i propose here you're going to be reading me again i know that there's a clock here but don't worry about it exploding we have to learn this so again i haven't read it okay so i just want to say this is going to be a repeating pattern essentially right yes and we're not gonna be we don't need to read the full letter so for example uh if the word will be shell there will be a frequency at 3 505. press tx okay i just want to make a mecca see if it worked anyway but that doesn't matter uh so here's what we're gonna do again i know that the clock is ticking but this is just a practice round let me read this here we go okay interpret the signal from the flashing light using the morse code chart to spell one of the words in the table the signal will loop with a long gap between repetitions once the word is identified set the corresponding frequency and press the transmit tx button so essentially what we're going to be looking at here is um it's it's going to be actually quite simple um you are going to be reading me yeah yeah you're going to read you're going to say dot dash right yeah to spell out something yes and there's going to be a space in between these when the spaces happen i propose that you say dot dash comma dot dot dash comma yes and that's going to spell out a word for me to like deduct and then we take that word and then we transpose that into a frequency actual word so uh let's see german i was repeating the last three words you were saying and nodding my head uh no no i get it i get it yeah it's dot dot dash dot dots and dashes and then in between like lymphatic for instance like dot dot dash if it was dot dot dash that's a letter so dot dot select that will actually let me see if that actually means something dot should be you as in the letter u and after you say that make sure you say comma so you don't say like that would [ __ ] me up yeah add a little comment between this i know how to separate the letters i think we're good to go i think i get it okay uh but keep in mind if there's misspellings here we're gonna have to do this all over again and this could lead to a lot of [ __ ] problems but i'm going to be very looking i promise i i'm known for my noises right like i mean that that's good i'm known to be able to get correct noises if there's one thing i'm confident it's making noise okay i'm known for i'd like literally if you type in german 985 into google the first thing that pops up is probably like the mini century noise so like i'm good uh we don't have to do that this one all right we got the um we got the we have a new module it is three wires horizontal and there's one two three abc it's a new model oh we're looking at a wire sequence here we're looking at a wire screen it's a wire sequence the wires are horizontal and they and there are there's one two three abc on the left and right let me let me read this and see what the [ __ ] this is within this model there are several panels with okay so basically this could also be a practice round because this is also going to be something completely [ __ ] up uh with within this module there are several panels with wires on them but only one panel is visible at a time switch to the next panel by using the down button and the previous panel by using the up button okay okay press the down button to go to a new panel and it said don't don't don't touch no touch do not switch to the next panel until you're sure that you have cut all the necessary wires on the current panel derma anyway cut the wires as directed by the following table wire currencies are cumulative all over the panels within the module and okay so the first one here you have to tell me uh one goes to what and what color okay so one for instance one is black and it goes one to a one to a okay cut it okay the next wire is blue and it goes two to b do not cut that one actually does it go to b yes sorry you cut that one that was my mistake i'm so sorry i'm so glad that there's like a lot of audio in the background because that was like a ball frog noise that i made all right so then three goes to c and that's the last one to cut anyways so i cut it yes yes okay i see all right i get you all right so we've got four five six there is no wire on 4 we have black wire 5b uh skip to the next one a black wire 6c yeah yeah you just skip the next one i i think this will work okay uh it's 789 and then abc eight okay so uh eight goes to c blue wire cut cut cut the blue one okay nine now goes to c black wire and then we'll take will be th in terms of like uh occurrences like how many blacks this would be only one will be so this will be the second right oh we have to keep track of how many wires there were okay and that would be so the sec this will be the second one go go up go up go up oh you can go up okay so wait but now this okay so this there are two black wires here on this one and then on the one before that there's one black wire on the one before that so so we're looking at four four in total now so this is the fourth black wire okay uh does it go to c yes cut it okay uh 10 11 12 a b c 10 is a blue wire 10 b so the blue one will be in terms of a current we'll be looking at this would be this would be the third blue wire does it go to a uh it does not it goes to b uh don't okay so second one second one is a red wire 11c okay and that will be i think the second one yeah probably you can't say probably yeah probably i don't know listen listen it's a completely new [ __ ] mom to me and i i don't i don't it's hard to like decipher what the [ __ ] these mean but whatever whatever listen if we refresh now and we get a more scoreboard i i think i think we're we're good all right we've learned we've learned these two we we we've learned these two now maybe okay let's just let's just get something absolutes if you're a bomb diffuser okay okay no you got it you got it you got it man you got it here we go simon says are you sure it's just simon says though uh no i mean the assignment says that we have morse code on this one and one of the new wire ones but there's okay uh how about this another practice round here because here's what i want to do i want to get this morse code [ __ ] down here so we can do this in the future right you got it here so uh you remember what i said about saying like comments and all that [ __ ] yep i i got you i got you all right so let me wait till let's wait till we get a big break here okay hold on dot dot dot dot that's h okay so we have dot dot dot german i already know the answer it's three five o five dot three five oh five 3505 is the solution that's not 3505. three five three three four five three point five oh five three five one five three five one five that's correct sorry my bad did you do that okay all right now we've got the wire i'll tell you i'll tell the solution for this and this is going to be a strategy for us all right i know we probably can't do this another practice round here do this quick okay so basically i have all these words that correspond to the letter and basically if the letter or there's words there's words there's all of these words but this one was unique because it was the only one that started with an h that means i can deduct and immediately know the answer beforehand so i can immediately spit out the code at you so um that's that's funny all right all right we got we got the the wire when we practiced last time here it comes all right we have okay two red wires one two three a b c one b red okay you're gonna have to repeat that because i got lost in the manual here i'm so sorry i have this now okay so we have two red wires that's correct uh does it go to c no i said a right one goes from one to b red wire okay do not cut that one the second one goes to to a two to a red just skip skip all of these let's go to the next one the next one we have four five six abc the first wire is a black wire four to be second wire is a blue one black marker okay the next wire is a blue wire five to see skip to the next this next one is 789 abc the two wires that are present on this module already do we have okay if there's a red wire cut it right now okay the next one is a black wire 9a okay and this would be the the third black wire yeah okay this would be the one this would be the second black wire okay and that goes to a a you said uh cut it got it okay last one we have three wires it's 10 11 12 abc this is a black wire is the first one it goes to b cut that cut the black wire okay now we have two red wires 11b okay and in terms of occurrences this this one will be the third or fourth one yeah this would be the one two three this would be the fourth red wire that is thus does the fourth one here go to a it goes to b okay do not cut that one and the last one is red wire as well and it's 12a skip to the next one done okay uh we have symbols you ready uh yeah uh a e trident stitches h or n uh batman symbol batman symbol happened i heard the [ __ ] music i know we will be [ __ ] there's no [ __ ] way i can spit it out maybe aquaman all right so morse code is not a problem for us now i think i think we got that down and the occurrence wires i think we got two the thing we're going to be watching watching out for though is we got those complicated wires but i think i got that down with the venn diagram so all right i i think we're we're these new complicated wires that have been you know regenerated for it i think we're good so next one here we go i think we can do this i think we're good i think we got it this time yeah i think we're so yeah yeah absolutely all right are you guys ready like are you ready are you ready i'm ready man i'm ready man all right game boy with a word to spell okay we're gonna be spelling out a word here so we're gonna look at the this is called a this is called the subject password so i'm going to be writing down all the first ones in the first column right so get ready okay here we go ready first first letter in the first column b j b c t e d so we're looking at b j ted yes yes b j ted correct okay b j second row c e h n w s okay so and the third ones are s l n b i k okay so the first one let's see here uh cbt ted the word is think or it could be thing the word is thing the word is thing all right we got it okay we've got morse code all right you ready now now keep in mind i want you to like remember these though like and say comma in between so here we go dot dash so we got a v try putting in three five nine five as a solution three five nine five okay uh now we have the word game where like they are you uh what huh okay we i got that so are we prepared huh okay the first word isn't there it is there like as in like yours [Music] okay so middle right middle right uh what what with the question mark what what will the question work uh so we got uh with three h's we got what four letters left nothing ready what is on here but it's what i just add what's what i just said to you though what with the question mark oh yeah no no what what what is the word here okay no no no no no okay i got okay oh okay the word is there their pizza in the middle right you hold your with an apostrophe single you or you you like you the person uh you ass in like three letters yes okay it's there okay next next word okay we have you it is y-o-u you as a person you let's see here uh you are we are looking at uh middle right middle right no blank uh three h's wait first final let final word is you again y-o-u you so we're looking at middle right again you y-o-u the person you sure you are with a space in between you're possessive you're with an apostrophe next okay now yeah we got it got it all right we got uh we got one more and it's just it's the symbols like the half-life symbol thing right half-life symbol all right we have half-life symbol mirrored k sleepy three and a uh not filled in star okay uh the x looking weird thing uh we're looking at the uh the three yep half life and the weird star sleepy three sleepy three yeah it's like somebody just like was doing three and then they just fell asleep when they got to the end we had a minute left to go that's our best time by the way that's good you know you know what though i think the morse code is really easy the problem with the morse code though is sometimes i can't do that logical uh um what is it called when you elimination where you're like well it's hard you know basically the word was vector right there's only one word like that that's one v in it so what i chose to do was just go v and then it's got to be vectors i correspond with the frequency on it but there might be several ones that start with t for example that means i have to also get the second letter so i can't do up i think it's process of elimination i think it's called so uh it's it's gonna the challenge will ramp up but don't worry i think we got this this is five modules it's five minutes this is the this is the dps check dude let me tell you i've been so nervous i've been holding in this p i i i now that i can relax like the the the the pp instincts are kicking i got it i gotta go i'm sorry p you want to pee all right all right we'll take a bullet just wait are you like sprinting to go pee or is this like let's take a break for two minutes yes which one yeah you are you you're or you're yes sir yeah which one i'm [ __ ] pissing hang on go pee with them now no um i i'm gonna take long it's gonna take a lot longer for me guys i take my time when i pee i i like arch my back i like crack the neck i like roll my shoulders a little bit i look directly into the ball for a full 10 seconds and i go all right that's that's where it's going right there and then they're okay i take my time i don't i don't rush pee where else is it going where else is it gonna go you know what today today i think i'm going right at the back wall i think that's where i'm going today no one wanted to know that this is how germa paints his house through the sentry noise i don't need to do the sentry noise right now it's not necessary this was like when you when you go somewhere with somebody and you don't have to pee but they do and you just want to get to where you're going it's like hey man i just gotta go pee you're like all right whoa why did it take you that long why did it take you that long to start what are you doing all right all right all right all right all right there we go there we go did you pee in there wait did you did you go do it like a snack and then pee in the corner of your room no i i didn't go no i didn't go pee anyway uh let's uh let us uh let's let's play some games uh alright well now now i gotta go pee no no you don't let's go this one's gonna be hard focus use everything you've learned um i am yes you are you got it you are so smart and you've been a big man beast uh we're gonna do we have uh what's the word gameboy edition all right what's the word here we go we're gonna start kicking ass here so much uh what is the first letter x u w y s i okay let's see here um second row v b o q y f okay let's see here uh let's see if they want to start with s okay uh does the third row have a u in it the third row does not have a u in it [ __ ] okay uh [ __ ] did the second row have a p in it second row no i'm not making a joke what the second row does not happen okay it doesn't have a p [ __ ] this this is going to be really hard one uh there's no t's either uh does anyone want to start with w uh yes yes it's true that could be could be that i got it the word was world okay uh simon says what the [ __ ] okay simon says uh ready simon says okay whatever i have to deduct that later on whatever yeah so cereal cereal serial number is we're looking for a vowel no vowels no vowel okay so what the color sequence is green green green that that's the solution sorry what oh that is a solution okay green green green green green green green green green green what the [ __ ] is going on okay done now we got okay uh we got the wire scenario no no no we've got the the the box with the number in it with the sequence you gotta remember the sequences okay that that shit's easy because you you you're like an elephant you remember everything anyway uh sorry i'm gonna say that but whatever let's just do a currency or whatever it's called right the combination of wires no no no no no no no no no wait wait wait wait no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we're doing cut the black wire okay what else red uh what else do we have red 2c cut that one too next we have one black wire 4 to be b c four to b black wire skip skip skip next we have seven eight nine a b c blue red black blue seven a this is the first this is the first blue one first blue wire of the game okay skip that one don't skip the thing don't skip that one like did you skip the thing i did not skip it i i i clicked it it was a strike okay [ __ ] now okay okay so when i say skip it i i didn't mean like the four whatever so that was the blue one right okay so that this is the second red one second round one right nope yep second red wire second red wire and it's from a to eight to a okay don't cut that one send and then it will be the third black wire or the second one black third the last wire is a black wire and it is the third black wire of the video game okay what does that go to be good get it final one is 10 11 12 abc 2 blue wires one red blue blue red 10 a 11 b 12 b but it turns off the current says the blue one this will be the third one they said no this be the yes this would be one two three no used to be the third two and three blue wires yes okay so uh third one it doesn't go to b it goes to a okay don't cut that one all right we had three seconds we had three seconds i was just trying to guess no guessing how the [ __ ] did you deduct that that member [ __ ] what do you call it i just thought how do you suspect i just saw w and just went with it there was like there was like four [ __ ] different ones you had a 25 chance of winning and you you won i think it was just on o i saw like the o r and then i saw there was a w so i was like it's world i guess man okay i'm just telling you that don't do a cowboy move like that again we don't know what's gonna happen oh my god all right i won't do it again okay so this one we're starting with we've got a new module but remember we pick it up uh it's the pac-man module the thing with the with the red triangle and the lights okay i remember when we did this last time okay so we're gonna be referring to this as a b c d e f g right do you understand what i mean there so when i'm saying numbers here uh i'm saying like the the uh the vertical one so i'm saying like alpha one you'll be in the first position if i'm saying b2 that would be uh like yeah like one one over and down like one over and down yeah one over eight okay so so where did you spawn here i spawned in alpha two alpha two okay um okay uh and then um we have two dots here we have two dots here yeah where are they located the two circles are located in uh beta one and beta six okay beta one and beta six and you spawn in a2 a2 the light is in abc is in da was it delta delta six okay then go down one uh did it work what's going on tell me why am i not moving i go i don't wanna head down twice what's going on why is it not moving drummer did you do this correctly you didn't you didn't confuse the red and white did you oh so weird drama let's first start i i didn't know i thought i thought that was us because everything every video game that's ever existed you are the [ __ ] triangle pointing in every single game you're the triangle that's pointing you're the triangle on the mini-map every time all right just put scratch it just go you ready scratch it new let's kick it guys let's kick ass let's let's get its ass we have a blue button that button says detonate on it it just detonate all right so let's see here uh how many batteries do we have on this one the amount of batteries are we have one batter one battery and it says detonate detonate blue okay but the problem is there is not more than one there's just one not more than one there is only one button here it's a blue button that says detonate there's a lit in indicator on this one there is it's on the right okay does it say f or k no it says trn okay well we're gonna be holding down this button okay yellow flashing light well five in any position okay good very good five in any position let it go okay now we have uh game boy find the word war scrambler alright here we go uh so i'm gonna be starting writing this down so here we go r t z v s i okay next one p u y t m i he okay before we do that one let's see here um v v is any v words no s s s s uh remember the third ones bring the third ones the word is study done okay we have uh we have we have symbols the the weird symbols with like the the tb and the k and the okay okay yeah we we got i got it i gotta go for it all right oh [ __ ] you're really good at this so uh what are we looking at here we're looking at the the mirrored k uh the backwards p um it's dark mirrored k backwards uh the lights turn off mirrored k backwards b tv and then um an octopus holding a uh okay i got i got i got you what the [ __ ] okay uh do the backwards p yep do tb yep weird no reverse and then that will be spider with spare and then okay i'm sorry okay okay okay then we got we got plenty time uh it's the the it's the number with the the thing in the middle the number the big box of the number one okay okay okay no no no no problem no problem the number is four fourth position okay number two press the button the same position is pressing stage one same position the position uh [ __ ] i think it was four i think yep okay all right next number making me nervous is one all right same label same label as the preston stage two same label as pairs in stage two got it okay the number is one again press the button in the same position as the president's stage one same position of the same persistent persistence yes final number is one press the same button with the same label as the press on stage one same label done okay we've got one more module this is the complicated wires gonna go horizontal one two three abc okay okay let me let me talk into this one here we go here we go all right so we we got what black wire only from two to c good okay next we've got uh this would be the second and third black wire so we have two black wires one red four five six abc does where's the second one go to the second black wire is going to a the second wire is going to be and it's red so the first okay so the first wire first one do you know do not cut the first wire okay the okay so give me the give me the there was another second black one right okay the second black wire is going to a it's in the third it's it's it's six to eight skip that skip skip that one and then we go what okay now we have one red wire two blues red blue blue and then the current and current is this will be uh the the second would be this would be the second red wire does that go to a or c this one goes to a cut it that's not correct um uh we have two blue wires whoa shit's getting hard now son oh that was it too well i'll tell you what that was the worst scrambler thing i you're a [ __ ] genius at it like unironically you are amazing at this i i don't i i think i think i'm i think i'm just a little strange you know you know you got that one thing that you can do i'm writing these down like okay let's see here uh w like and you're [ __ ] like running through it i don't know if i could do that every time you're amazing man i think i think just a little strange dude i'll tell you what man i'll tell you what if if nasa needs like a word scrambling man this streaming [ __ ] bin all right you're going to space buddy thanks wow word scrambler don't worry i'll take care of this if you actually do this tell me i'm not going to help you this time because you are so good at this friend you're so good at this isn't he amazing guys it's probably [ __ ] solving it in any [ __ ] second watch five four three two one germa here we go five four three two one germa moss moss god this is one like the guinness book of world records shows up at your house and everyone realizes that he wasn't real no you can do this you were really good at this sherman what are you doing time oh oh good oh you messed up i i was like a full minute and a half that we just threw away all right let's do it again again again again again that was not very good no it wasn't yes i'm ready it wasn't very good okay okay we've got double pac-man double pac-man game give me two dots give me two dots two all right we've the two circles are in a2 and then f3 okay gotcha okay where do you spawn i spawned in d6 and the light okay and the goal is the goal is in e1 so you spawn in did you spawn in d6 i spawned in d6 so you want to go up yep and you want to go uh up nope respond to d6 abcd one two three four five six d six i mean i'm at d five right now a two and f three for the circles and e one for the goal something's wrong here what's wrong something is wrong here uh e1 is the goal a d6 okay bottom bottom bottom [ __ ] redo this redo this one redo this one okay totally on my fault totally on my fault that was totally my mistake totally my [ __ ] mistake that is totally on me sorry full responsibility look i had i had the whole guinness book world records team watching that that was my fault i am sorry man they were here they were just the guy was sitting there like with a pen in his mouth just like you won't be part of the academy and then they left well you're going to space with your [ __ ] password solving skills man i hope so one day we have uh pat with pac-man game let's get this right okay okay let's go so what do we have the dots on oh these are little like green swords little green circles okay we have d4 and f4 e4 okay f4 gotcha and you are spawning in i am an a6 a6 okay and you want to go to the goal at the goal that i would like to go to is an e1 okay so you want to go right right right up up up right yep go as long as bottom as you can okay go right okay all the way up yep and left you want to go left okay next we have a guinness book of world records puzzle are you sure you want to do this yourself no i'm just like just i'll i'll i'll help you here g okay um g so g w r f i v okay uh let's see here uh and the second rows are r i x h c s uh do we have any eyes in the third row yes we do right the word is right as not right as inside but as in like you know you use a pen to write something it's not the direction right got it got it got it i got it okay the next one is a uh number inside of the box numbers on the box okay okay sequence number two the number is two you said yep press the button in the second position got it next number number is four press the button in the same position as you press the stage one simple section number one now start over number one press the button in the second position okay number two press the button in the same position as you press the stage one okay numbers four press the button labeled for the next but the next number is four press the button in the same position as you're pressing stage two okay the final number is one press the button with the same label as depressing stage one all right we have uh the the candy cane wires the vertical wires with the stars and lights and the okay no not a problem man not a problem here uh let's see here so we're looking at uh there's six wires [ __ ] okay let me let me read this we have time we have time you know what no you know what this is there's a button it's there's about let's do this first oh the button is yellow it's abort yellow abort but we have a we have a strike we have a strike yes there's one strike and it is abort yellow okay let's see abort uh blue no uh one of those batteries do we have how many batteries there are one three batteries it's a lift indicator there is on this so say frk the frk is on the side yes um release the button release the button press enter press immediately release nope it's not lit up the frk is not lit up oh it wasn't lit up no oh [ __ ] hold it down hold it down hold it down okay yellow blinking five into position no i can't time that okay wires we have 25 seconds uh uh i don't know the third one the third one we were doing so good [ __ ] i'm sorry i should have asked if this thing was light i i uh no i i saw that i saw that and i was like maybe you know is that 4k whatever oh [ __ ] i'm sorry i should have asked if there's a light i forgot about the light that's my fault i should have brought it up i saw it but i didn't know i i take responsibility my bad my bad oh i did ask you did oh i did so who who was in the wrong then i was like i was like super on my mistake is it my fault it no i no stop stop attacking germa i will be the christ on the cross on this one attack my flesh all right i will take the explosion into my body all right that was me now don't don't don't well even if you slug off if you stood in front of me it would just it would just liquidate the both of us so it's not like it's gonna stop anything we'll do a new one we have uh the regular wires just standard wires standard wires how many do we have we have five and there's colors but the first wire is white and in a row it's white red yellow blue red two red wires are there no black wires there are no black wires cut the second wire okay we have a button here the button is zero button white and it says hold on it white old is there a lit indicator with the label car no there is not are there more than two batteries there are no batteries okay no there are two batteries there are two batteries it's a lit indicator with frk on it there is not okay the button is not yellow was white you said white and it says hold okay uh hold it down blue flashing light one one good uh we have the uh the word like you or you're you're uh huh let me just read the word is first okay uh uh i [ __ ] up here uh okay wait okay now okay we're kicking ass now now so the word is first bring me top right or in the top right i'll reach top right it's hold hold you are with a space in between the letters there it is done okay next word the next word is blank b-l-a-n-k blank so blanca okay here we go uh okay we're look middle right middle right remy middle [Music] [Applause] yes yes yes okay now we have the it's read like you're reading a book r-e-a-d read okay uh read read okay middle right middle right blank okay blank blank blank here we go wait write okay four letters middle okay got it next we have uh the sequence of of uh the annoying wires the horizontal ones the ones that's like oh black red okay so first one first red one first red one so red is going to c cut it okay second wire is red also going to be cut it the last wire is a black wire going to c cut it okay next we have a black wire going to a and a blue wire going to c four to a the black wire that's black wire okay blue wire is going to c6 c it's the third slot and that is the first one we've seen that's the first blue wire and do not cut that one skip to the next round next round we have two blue wires going from seven to c and then nine to eight two blues first cut the f uh wait this is the this is the first blue wire yes no this would be these these would be the second and third blue one second second this will be the second right this one here will be the second blue wire okay does that go to c yes cut that one next is the third blue wire and it's going to it's going to a skip that one okay finally we have a fourth blue wire going to b and then we have fourth occurrence blue wire for the current blue wire does that go to b yes cut it at this incorrect okay so we have a black and red wire next both going to c black c so the black occurrence for black wire would be that would be the sec the third black wire does that go to b does that go to b that third black wire goes to c let's get that one and the red one will be what occurrence the red wire is also going to c and it would be the third occurrence of red skip that one skip that one skip it all okay that should be it yes it's done okay now we just have we just have a word a word jumbler you do it you are the master you are the master german go activate you can do it go that's not goofy the word's not goofy i thought it was goofy it's not goofy oh come on germa please joker you know maybe i i know you guys like jeremiah you [ __ ] up i should have said joker's oh i had it it was goofy oh come on it was goofy i feel this is poetic in a way you know come on i thought it was going to be bang we had it garsh what was it supposed to be i was goofing on a word that's the part let me let me double check if there is a word hang on this joker word joker or goofy are not words in this dude we could have had that if if okay so now we just know for reference there will never be goofies on stream no goofy jokers all right god damn it i'm so sad jokingly goofy it was correct we had it here's what i proposed let's not do any more cowboy moves on this one let's be slow and just you know force code we got a morse code all right let me let me get in position for this one all right uh all right so uh we are going to do some horse coating all right so here we go uh you ready to read don't no no no no no no no you you you say dawson that's it holy [ __ ] i uh i dropped it i dropped the bomb on the ground you dropped the bomb yeah i literally dropped it on the ground did goofy steal it again and then it landed on the x on the d on the x explode button all right ready three two one and scene here we go simon says oh simon says okay here we go uh and do we have uh any any vowels no we do not have vowels okay so what are we looking at we're looking at red blue yeah we have vowels we have vowels we have vowels okay so that was red you said yes vowels red i thought it was i thought it was a one blue blue okay i thought that was a one not an eye red red blue blue [Music] red red yellow blue blue green [Music] red red yellow blue blue blue green red okay red red yellow blue yellow uh red blue blue green red yellow blue yellow stop talking like that you [ __ ] up i'm trying to give you that again red red yellow blue yellow so blue blue green red green blue blue red that wasn't red okay now i have a strike fine [ __ ] whatever okay now red red yellow blue yellow yellow yellow red green red [Music] got it okay coming up next we've got uh the word thing like c who what don uh-huh uh-huh we're good okay so the first one is c two e's i see you okay so uh bottom right uh-huh with a space r space huh uh-huh okay so we're looking at uh oh actually i gotta ask you uh is the ah-ha with h-u-h or just ah u-h space h-e-h uh-huh okay so we're looking at aha as in the word uh huh you're possessive you are with a space in between okay wait are you we're on the right page here wait like you're or with the space possessives like you're like you okay if you're asking that many questions it can't be it okay so aha you you are you have you are with a space in between no okay uh do you have you no done hold on ah no once uh we have two strikes by the way oh god there's no we're not doing this we're not doing this one whatever but where's nothing two strikes worth no nothing uh middle left middle left done [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay sure uh-huh next what your possessive your essence you are okay there as in they are there okay but it's what they possibly can left next bottom left next uh [ __ ] what with a question mark uh huh uh uh your possessive hold sure final word coming up is yes yes okay uh we're looking at how many seconds we have left um plenty of time you sure might suppose uh restart no no no we can do this yeah the word is yes uh yes the word is is dead dead by preston [ __ ] this is the wall we got we got this wall here you know what with five modules in five minutes we gotta be doing one module per minute we gotta get bang bang bang we just have to be tight man we have to be tight about this we gotta be tighter than dick skin on this one ew okay code okay morse code all right here we go uh so what are we looking at here we are looking at first first letter just be like dot dot dash dash dot dot like in comma remember the commas dot dot dot so s what's the second what's the second letter the second letter is okay so we have dash it's dash yes okay so it's uh [ __ ] we need the third letter [ __ ] can we need three third letter we need to check third letter we have to check third letter okay all right all right dot just a dot three five eight two three five eight two yep all right all right all right all right right okay uh we have the just the symbols like i'll make a symbol ae and all that [ __ ] okay so we all right let's kick something let's kick some ass all right here we go so uh we have a e stitches trident upside down nine okay so we're gonna go upside down nine and then you're gonna go stitches simon says okay uh do we have a vowel uh we do we have a vowel yes we have a vowel okay uh so uh remedies green yellow green yellow yellow green green yellow green yellow green yellow green yellow green green yellow green yellow green that's not correct i got it okay oh green okay green yellow green green green so uh yellow green yellow it's just in the reverse order it's yeah yeah we got it okay now we need we have uh the number box box and the number in it the number is four sequence thing press the f in the fourth position fourth position okay three uh press the button in the first position okay one press the button with the same label as the press on stage two okay four press the button in the same position as you press in stage two same position as stage two same position i think it was the second i think it was second or third second and first please don't mess this up who's the first okay i don't know yep it was first three press the press the same press the button with the same label as the press and stage four stage four same label stage four three okay finally finally horizontal wires with the abc123 okay okay hang on i'm almost ready i'm almost ready okay so uh what are we looking at red blue black red goes to c okay cut cut red blue goes to c uh skip that one black goes to b okay cut that next okay we have uh red black black red goes to a uh uh does the second one go to b yes uh skip that one and uh the third one goes okay skip this one skip to one go to the next one okay we have two black wires okay uh first one go to a okay uh the third go to a no third one goes to b two black wires third one goes to b skip that okay it's a fourth fourth one goes to go to c this one's three we're gonna see uh okay first one let's skip them we'll skip this get this one [ __ ] it last one is just c black wire in the middle to see what number what number [Music] how many seconds were left 0.28 oh god i don't know like [ __ ] nerves can take this 0.28 uh 3 10 of a second holy [ __ ] that was um that was a that was tricky you know you know what you just [ __ ] did germa wild guest until i got it right you you made a hollywood move like you did some sort of like hollywood [ __ ] where you're like you're sweating sweat coming on your face or like what [ __ ] wire is it just [ __ ] rip them all out you know oh that was wild hey we we beat the gear check though oh that's true so what are we looking at now ah that's why that's that's why that's the gear check because the next one uh is also five modules but here's the difference it's two minutes and thirty seconds instead of five minutes ah i wonder how the module i'll tell you what though before we do that one can we do another practice round by ie instead of doing the mission here how about we do a free play and we clock up the time a little bit or something like that not a bad idea because i feel like if we're gonna tackle a challenge like that we need a little bit you know extra that's too much um what do these mean well people saying it's easier let me see um oh it's easier modules it's not hard modules apparently apparently it's like a bunch of really easy ones yeah they say it's not it's not hard ones it's easy modules okay well i think we can do that one i think we can do that one see if it's just simon says [ __ ] fine but when it comes down to like the wire ones the horizontal wires the occurrences [ __ ] me up the occurrences [ __ ] me up because uh basically i'm unsure of myself because i have to do definitive answers i can't just say and i have to be like okay what was it what was it and i have to just like manually think you know so it's actually hilarious that it took us about an hour and a half to do the first two or three missions in the game and it's been two hours and we have done what like eight missions well uh you know i think we found i really uh yeah i think i think me being the the reading man are you being the [ __ ] cowboy here with the bruce willis the bomb diffusion [ __ ] yes i think i think it works all right you ready to try this one five modules two minutes 30 seconds regular wires there are six regular wires how many do we have it's six wires six wires it's sick it's mcdonald's so it's four red two yellow the yellow is in the first slot red is in the last how many yellow do we have we have two yellows the first wire is yellow the last wire is red four red two yellow so we have okay uh cut the fourth wire fourth wire okay uh we got pac-man pac-man all right so what are we looking at uh these the two circles circle one is a five circle two is c two i've spawned in c4 and the goal is in a3 right right like oh go like all right okay i thought you were like yeah yeah right okay so i went right once i went right once okay up okay right yep up up yep left left left yep down down yep left okay uh symbol omega ball sack you know the three okay yeah i got it okay so uh what we're looking at ball sack sleepy three unfilled star and us and a swoosh hey if he means what do you mean in infogrames i don't know yes that's a swoosh okay uh it's like uh yep yeah yeah i got it ballsack swoosh yup uh sleepy3 got it done okay uh we now have two buttons and that's it one they're both blue one button says hold one button says press both blue buttons okay do we have any batteries yes there are three batteries no no [ __ ] we just gonna do a cobbleshit on this one just hold it down okay we have blue blinking fourth any position [ __ ] okay blue button again okay hold on hold on okay blue blue little blanket four in the position four in the position four in the we did it i was trying to save us like two seconds or like a [ __ ] you can't do that i was trying to save us a second and catch it on the tenth of a second like you almost went for saved us save our skeletons out of our [ __ ] skin i was trying to do like the 5.4 that would have been so cool people thought it was all people thought i was awesome if i did germa have you ever drank mug before mug it's a root beer mug root beer yeah what do you think of it i think it's the best root beer but you can't find it anywhere they don't sell it anywhere really yeah i'm sure about are you serious i love my grouper they don't sell it anywhere oh because a lot of people say that mug is a really bad tasting root but compared to like uh berries or no it's like some other like frank sparks bark sparks yes arcs is good too i like it but bug is better barks is better than mug but i like mug but i can't buy it anywhere because they don't sell anymore how about this germa at some point in the future would you like a culinary snack exchange because i would die for some mug don't ask me why but if i send you weird swedish weird [ __ ] brands that you cannot get in america would i be able to get bostonian root beer um yeah if you knew somebody that currently lived in boston oh yeah you want to live in like do you want anything from las vegas uh what what do you have in las vegas they have like elvis cole or something like that elvis cola yeah copyright elvis cola but i don't know i [ __ ] don't live there elf is elvis cola um do you like sprite you have sprite over there [ __ ] i've never drank that one before do you have sprite in sweden yes germa we have sprite here all right what about uh what do you guys have you guys got arby's you got rvs in sweden arby's no no well turkey sandwich i'll send you a double meat turkey sandwich extra mail how about how about this um you send me that i will eat it on stream in for what okay well on one condition right i'll do it but on one condition i get to send you swedish fish yeah i don't i can't get those dude if you know anything about arby's every sandwich i've ever had from arby's i've only had a few so it's like somebody while the sandwiches in the wrapper put as much meat and as much condiments on it as possible and then rolled it out with a [ __ ] rolling pin gerber can you explain hooters to me um you don't have those no oh it's a restaurant where it's a restaurant that's based around can you say yes or no to this hooters is a strip club that serves you spaghetti no no no no no no no no no so what is the restaurant that okay it's it's known for their cha and by the way they're changing their name and their whole approach they're changing it to like hoots now uh it's not going to be hoots from what i've been told and they're going to change it it's not they're not going to have like the girls in the in like the hooters out like shirts and like sneakers and stuff uh who told you this it's i'm just curious because uh you know i see these american brands i'm thinking what do americans think okay now that we played american football my good friend let us hit up hooters and eat some chicken wings with buffalo sauce my good friend well i mean that's that's kind of like a cartoon way to look at an american uh but no no we roll our sandwiches out with rolling pins and um and then we eat them covered in mayonnaise oh it's not wrong it's rhett's wrong that is wrong i i i don't go to hooters in fact they're frozen no they're closing them all down okay well what is what is your favorite uh chain restaurant in america i'm asking this for our cultural culinary knowledge exchange that's not this is funny america best fast food in america i don't know i i i love mcdonald's i really do i actually really love mcdonald's what's what's your favorite thing at mcdonald's uh that's simple mcchicken just plain just a plain chicken or hot or mcdoubles the mcdouble is the [ __ ] how do you feel how do you feel about those sesame seed uh regular cheeseburgers or small ones for like a dollar sure yeah okay okay here's the thing those are less than a dollar sometimes when i buy games on steam on stream stuff like that and it's a waste it's a waste time and whatever i equate my losses in what how many cheeseburgers could gotten at mcdonald's versus buying this game so uh standard mcdonald's cheeseburger is like probably the best one yeah for sure well why why the [ __ ] are we talking about we should be solving sorry well it's a nice little segue mcdonald's is like crazy but it's good but i'll tell you what i'll tell you what um what is the worst place to go if you're hungry enough sucks burger king's terrible really burger king is dog [ __ ] like taco bell uh somebody said taco bell taco bell is like one of my favorite places but burger king sucks doesn't burger king have that like uh you know they had a commercial with return of the mac you know burger king mac and cheetos whatever um you have that but you eat one and then you go that was kind of good and you eat a second one you go i don't want these ever again and you don't order them ever again burger king has this thing with a make a menu item that you will order once and never [ __ ] order ever again it's half their menu i got it we got like the chicken cheetos the chicken fries the cheetos fries the cheese the mac and cheese bombs you eat it once and you never [ __ ] order it again and half the menu goes under germa germa i just thought of something amazing i've been talking about something on stream for years heart attack grill you live in vegas now yes do you know about this do you weigh over 350 pounds do i sound like i do i don't know no if you eat if you weigh over 350 pounds you eat everything for free at the heart attack grill in las vegas it is free german your meal is hard have you ever been there have you ever been there i have never been to i have walked by it many times but i have never been inside the restaurant i'll tell you what i'll tell you what uh this is a question about germany you're coming to vegas you want you want to get weighed and go to the heart attack grill no no there's a question more for for jeremy's chat right now i'm out i'm reading my chat right now but i'll ask you guys a question would it not be the best thing ever to see germa just go and eat at heart attack grill put them in one of those like surgical dresses and just like eat onion rings until he has a coma you know i can eat i can eat a lot though that's the thing people get surprised whenever they whenever i eat food around people okay mr big shovel i'll tell you what let's put your your your money where your mouth is let's head down to heart attack grill and let's obliterate 15 plates of fries and let's see who truly is a gamer you ready well maybe at some point i can eat a lot of food i can eat a lot of food i told you my order everybody everybody in my chat knows the order they know my order and they think it's a joke and i've told it's a big mac number one like two mick chickens and two double cheeseburgers and i eat it every time in a large fry and a large soda and the large soda yes an extra dip extra dip anyway don't worry about it anyway my point being i'll tell you what do you want to do uh a wager here do you want to do a little bit you don't want to do this i'm telling you i'm just trying to be honest with you you don't want to do this you really don't want to friends of mine call me friends of mine call me the bird because they can't understand how i eat like six times my body weight they're like you [ __ ] bird and i i'm like what are you talking about i i just pictured you like vomiting into your friend's mouth after you've been eating so much i don't know why the [ __ ] whatever the point being i have a bet for you i have a bet for you okay uh i'll hear it and you may decline there's nothing nothing bad about it but if we can solve the next bond even though we've been challenged at this you will at some point as a joke or whatever it is go to heart attack real you don't have to overeat just go there and be like just be a patron of the heart attack real just show them the world you know what happens do i have to stream going to the heart attack grill no you can film it or do whatever you want just just to be like i have the privilege of living in in elvis town and now i'm having an elvis burger you know would you like to do this here's the thing though here's the thing if we [ __ ] up there's no need to do this but if you win but if we jeremy has to take his ass and eat if we win or how about this because it sounds like a losing scenario like if you lose you have to do this okay well okay but here's the thing we are guaranteed to lose i'm saying if by some chance we we and we have to play straight yeah we're guaranteed to lose okay but if we win you have to just eat an elvis burger all right if we win i'm going to try as hard as i can i'm not i will actually okay if we win okay i will go to the hardtack reel and i will i will have a photo of me taken in this restaurant with a hamburger in my face and i'll it'll be like hey i hear i'm eating a hamburger so here i'm eating a hamburger at a restaurant okay but uh what person are we on we are on no room for error we have one strike and it's over so if we so i get it if we lose it's over maybe we win oh mama if we win i go i take a photo beating the hamburger whoa whoop do you do we have regular wires there's six regular wires how many how many how many six wires two white two red is the serial number odd it's the serial number odd is the serial number odd the serial number is even so uh is there except no there was no yellow wire she said no yellow wires the two white wires are in the top and bottom position oh there's no red button okay there are two reds that's the fourth wire cut fourth wire cut the four wire okay another one same thing another just regular wires three of them white blue and red in that order cut the last wire okay we have uh symbols just you know like the omega ball sack whatever it was all right okay okay wait um i'm ball second okay upside down what what upside down upside down a e the h that looks kind of like an n and a trident so balls we have we don't know no omega ball sack in this one it's just okay uh upside down nine a e trident upside down nine upside down nine yeah and then you wanna go uh ae trident got it okay uh okay uh there it's the word with the you uh-huh oh what huh gotcha gotcha the word is we're going to go there we're going to go there like a place okay oh i see okay bottom right ring the bottom right is what what with a question mark you hold like why are you okay yes you you you you did this middle right like i like this that's a lie well i mean i maybe you know anyway uh like let me see here like like you're with an apostrophe next like like literally like you are like you are going yes with an apostrophe yes last word is c c e e not s e e c e e g got it bottom right one first left okay yes middle no right nothing uh hhh okay we have one more it's it's the the see the number sequence thing with the there's a thing in the box the numbers and the sequence we got it we got it numbers two press the button in the second position okay verse two press the button in the same position as you press on stage one okay the number is one press the button with the same label as you pressed in stage two okay number two press the button in the first position okay number is four press the button with the same label you pressed in stage three [ __ ] lights raw press the button with the same label is pressed in stage three lights were off i didn't see it lights were you didn't lose on purpose did you no i didn't i actually really didn't i when you said press the first position and the lights were off and i just pressed it why three you want to double down this oh you want all right fine let's double down if we get it right this time then i will not only will i eat the cheeseburger but i'll have to be i'll be smiling in the photo okay that sounds great wires okay what are we looking at six wires we have uh two blue two black a yellow and a red no white wires six of them we have one yellow wire you said there's only one yellow wire it's the first wire cut the fourth wire on this one okay uh omega symbol stuff all right what are we looking at trident upside down tb a backwards p and then a c with a dot in the middle okay we're gonna be looking at uh trident okay tb yep c okay backwards t all right uh wires again just regular wires okay three wires all right we have uh blue white and black in that order three wires no yellow wires just three wires there are no red wires there are no warehouses red no yellow but the second wire cut the second wire okay you you're sure uh-huh there's no word bottom left space huh you h ah space huh uh-huh oh that was not okay same word as an aha but you don't have that do you no okay so uh-huh so the the words would be uh h-u-h you're with an r as in you're like possessive uh i did y-o-u-y-o-u-r it was y-o-u-r right like your it was u h h u h u h space h uh and then you said the word what you said one of the words was y o u r it's your all right triple down i'll eat the burger i'll smile and i'll [ __ ] be winking too all right but no more than that if we [ __ ] this up boom nothing remains we have a a red button that says press there are no batteries on this bomb red no batteries hold down okay white flashing light one in a position one in any position uh you you're nothing blank middle ready no first word no bring me bottom right right as in i'm going to take a right yes nothing ready no okay good very good excellent work next one is e c-e-e-c-c-e-e read me bottom right old you are spacing between there okay got it the last word is spelled out okay okay one letters yep four letters read me top right then the top right is also okay four letters middle no first yes uh out of three h's okay we've uh we've got some we have a number sequence here the thing with the oh four and then how much sequence let me let me okay here we go first first one is four press the button in the fourth position four again press the button the same position as you press the stage one two press the button with the same label you pressed in stage one okay three press the button in the same position as the press and stage two i'm so bad with those ones i'm so bad with like the position and the label and remembering like three times ago here's the thing and i know i said the last one but this is poetic this is poetic you know why because at the heart attack grill there's something called the quadruple bypass this will be the fourth one the number is one okay the number is one uh press the button in the second position four press the button in the same position as the pressing stage one one press the button with the same label you pressed in stage two one don't [ __ ] up there's one four press the button in the same position as you pre-pressed in stage two it's [ __ ] ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding it's this one go [ __ ] up i can't i can't i hate that i can't i can't do that one no do it again i'll leave four quadruple bypass surgeries okay okay it's your death four press the button in the fourth position four press the button the same position as you press on stage one two press the button with the same label you pressed in stage one same label in stage one i was remembering the last number i can't i know i can i'm gonna be all right two press the button in the first position or press the button with the same label as you press the stage three it was three or one it was three or one three yep good good good good let's go let's go let's go uh uh say the word it's words you there wait first huh who okay hang on i'm getting ready i'm getting ready all right so what we looking at l-e-e-d lead l-e-e-d bottom left bottom left right i'm taking a right and in the car yes nothing ready nothing chris no yep that's a one uh lead again but this is l-e-a-d or lead lead lead okay bottom right read me bottom right uh you're like as in that's gonna be yours your it's your thing u-h-u-h uh space h-u-h got it okay final word is led an led light led led middle left middle is your thing yours your u h u h y o u space r u h space h u h got it y o u r that one's done okay now we just have uh we have a blue button that says detonate on it blue button detonate and there are three batteries on this there's one in one battery and the bottom says it says that on it yes it says detonate it is blue okay and there's more than one battery there's yep there are three batteries press and immediately release the button we got wires regular wires all right these wires there are five of them and they go as follows there are two white one red one yellow and one blue there are no black wires no they're not cut the first wire what happened well we exploded what happened that was my fault that was my fault listen that was my fault tell you what tell you what tell you what to tell you what i will lock the stakes on this one too oh no i'll still eat a quadruple burger but do i have to keep eating four of those i can't eat four of those that i just said that out of anger okay how about this how about this i have a proposal you go to heart attack real those are calories each no no no you don't have to eat that because there's blood in my hands now i guess what i propose right hear me out you got a heart attack you order whatever you want but you take a photo and you give a thumbs up or whatever preferably if an onion ring in your mouth or some stupid [ __ ] like sure i'm funny i will eat i i will eat a raw egg on stream no that's bad for you don't do that no no it's fine it's fine people do that [ __ ] all the time no i don't raw eggs raw egg on stream no you don't eat raw eggs you don't need to don't eat a raw egg okay good that you agree on this germa now let's do the next level and do this let's go eat one full cooked egg okay germa i agree on that he's gonna eat a raw egg on stream if i do this wait are you doing it on stream okay germa let's play the level we have uh wires there are four wires two rings there's more than one red wire is there more than one there yes there is two red one blocks the last one the serial number odd yes cut the last red wire the last red wire okay we have another set of wires just regular wires there are six okay are there any yellow wires there are two yellow wires okay there are also two blue wires one red and one black are the no red wires so there is one red wire cut the fourth wire we have a number sequence here my favorite the number is three press the button in the third position two press the button in the same position as you press the stage one three press the button in the third position three press the button in the same position as you pressed in stage two and finally four press the button with the same label you pressed in stage three now i'm gonna ask your chat was was that on me was it on germa no i i they were all three what when did i press something it was three it was three like three times okay uh i i've deducted something our weakness and strength we are you are platinum at the password but the memory thing it's not even memory it's remembering so it's four numbers that you have to remember out of order and then like the position in the labels i can't do it i ate captain crunch every day when i was like from eight to [ __ ] 14 so like i don't have the capability to remember that [ __ ] germa what what did you say it's not memory it's it's what say that again no i i can remember lots of things i remember i could i remember no no no you said you said it's not memory it's remembering no it's not memory dot dot dot dot end quote nuquo new quote new quote it's about remembering the secret remembering whatever let's go let's let's do i'll eat [ __ ] two eggs all right let's go shove a hamburger into my underwear [ __ ] it up all right [ __ ] it here we go wires okay here we go uh six wires all right here we go all right sorry six wires six wires three red wires it's the last digit of the serial number odd uh no it's even it's an even number six wire is an even number and they're sure it's an even number look look look look look two oh yes okay i just wanted to make sure okay there are no yellow wires and the last date of the serial number is odd to cut the third wire which you're not going to do no there are six wires and there's one white three there's no yellow wires no okay cut the fourth wire number sequence oh boy i i did this so good the first like hour we played i don't know i i lost i'm getting tired i need to eat a [ __ ] ball of captain crunch never are we doing three four two what are we looking at the number is three press the button in the third position third position is the number one third okay one three press the button in the first position would it help if you wrote this down maybe i don't know one i can't write [ __ ] down press the button with the same label you press the stage two the same label and pressing stage two i'm already gone i already don't know because we still i said something ask chat ask chad hey guys number one how are you do you see me holding the finger out all right the number's four if the display is four press the button the same position as the president's stage two and that would be position number two don't don't make a mistake here now don't listen listen it's very vital mod has to tell that mod has helped me i'm i can't i'm i'm checked out for some reason my brain can't do it listen click clear thoughts it's easy all right relax i know it's hard last number is two you have i looked at the same label you press press the button with the same label you press the stage two and that would be the stage was stage two which was here that that's another that's one that's one that's one i know that i know that one already okay i'm good i'm good somebody said great value brand memory and i'm upset with that person but and that was they were from your chat so you got to get on that all right all right well now symbols symbols like omega balls okay here we go uh mirrored k octopus okay for the spear smiley face with a tongue ring an upside down nine six what uh weird x okay smiley we have uh a the there you your huh huh okay here we go it's there yours like put it like yours possessive like there like there read me middle right like your essence with an apostrophe you apostrophe r next letter u next yet next okay yes next okay red red red middle right okay with four letters spelled out okay okay uh middle no first yes i thought it exploded my heart just exploded all right uh last is the last one is the letter c just the letter c top right read me top right y o u you you are you you did it no no no no why are you just just you you okay sure u space r y o u r okay like just what like y o u r like your yes okay good okay we have six we have six wires six wires regular wires okay two red two red two yellow two blue no white no black two yellow cut the fourth wire cut the fourth wire i'm eating two eggs i have to shove a hamburger on my underwear [Music] you know what the worst thing is that was like the easiest one but just because the stakes were so [ __ ] high it was the worst one like my my heart did not skip up like it was just like and then it just stopped and now it can like pump blood again you're lied about a hamburger in underwear i'm glad you're already writing that because it's definitely not gonna happen you know what the worst thing about um so i had a physique when i was doing the password thing i wrote these down somebody's gonna like find me one of these days i go through my notes and be like my god it was insane there's no nothing makes sense there's like spiders with spears and there's ball sacks and it's f u u u u p p p p p q q q q like yeah yeah germa holy [ __ ] i'm just going to ask you something but i am really drained after all that would you like to take a small break you want to take a pee break yeah all right i i'm gonna we do we do have one more this this is like the boss coming up here okay let's let's clear for tonight but first of all i need to take this like damn burster right yeah jesus christ let's take like a few minute break we'll come back and we'll we'll beat the ball okay all right i'm back oh wow perfect timing that was we must have been completely on cue our pp is in sync that was kind of strange actually this is eight minutes we have eight modules and it's going to take eight minutes just take your time relax then it says don't relax if we can do this in one minute each no problem all right if we beat this if we beat this first try then when you then all we have to do is when you visit las vegas we just have to take a picture in front of like the bellagio fountain you're cutting out what i said okay if you if we do this one first try then when you come to vegas we're just gonna you that all we have to do is take a picture in front of the bellagio fountain the bellagio what yes it's like a tourist place okay there's a big big big big connotation here when i come yeah when i come you don't want to come i i'd love to come i'd love to come there he's going but but but all right okay okay i was okay uh yeah i'll go to the fountain man you gotta be the first try though uh yeah absolutely absolutely man i yeah i'm i'm rock and roll mcdonald's moist code morse code all right let's see here uh we gotta quickly do this let's not [ __ ] around for this one all right so the first letter is let me you know the usual [ __ ] usual [ __ ] okay dot dot dot dot dash so dot dot dot dot dash so the first one dot dot dot comma dot dash no it can't be that then it would be sa no that can't that can't be right man that's all right correct dot dot dot dash dat okay dot dot dot dot dot dash dot dot so dot dot dot com dot dash dot dot it's three five two two all right uh we have the horizontal uh cut the wires thing we're going to do this twice complicated complicated [ __ ] we have plenty of time to do this but okay let's go here we go so what are we looking at two blue wires blue blue both going into a uh thus two go to a yes cut that one get it next one okay we have another blue wire this one is going to a in the third slot okay so anyone who wires on this one it's only blue let's get to the next round okay so this would be the this would be the fourth and fifth blue wire here so blue blue red so they're cur so what currencies on the red wire here sorry so the red wire is yeah this red is first and it goes to c cut that one okay we also have the fourth and fifth blue wires both are going to a so fourth is going to a yes cut that one okay and this is the fifth one and it's going to where a next round so we have a sixth blue wire here it's the last one but we also have a black and red wire black is first it's going to see cut the blue wire is that it what occurrence is the red wire at uh the red wire is second and it is going to a okay don't bother and the black one is at it's going to c okay and that would the current first ever that's the first ever black wire yes cut the black wire done next one next one okay that's it all right next one same deal we're going to put starting over completely fresh same module whenever you see the first ever you just cut the the black one okay so we have so we have black black blue cut that one cut cut the first one the first black wire okay now we have a black y a wire going from two to b don't bother with that blue blue yes going to a uh don't cut that one next one this is the third and fourth black wire only black wires there's two of them they both one is going to c one's gonna skip the first one uh and this will be the fourth one right fourth one this would be the fourth one going to be okay uh skip that one too only one wire on this one it is red it's going to a and that will be our uh first one too that will be that's the first red wire yes that's correct okay and that that's going to uh hey skip it okay the last panel here is the fifth and sixth black wire and then a blue wire so it's black black blue fifth and six black wire blue is going to be is six going to be is six going to be the last black yes it's going to be uh cut that one okay and the blue one was the first one we had uh the blue one is that it is the first wire here is black going to a this is the blue wire here's the third one going to be okay and it's going to be yes and this is this by the way this is the second blue wire so the last one is blue cut that one last one is blue that was incorrect but it's okay [ __ ] truck yeah just just go let's go man that's it all right all right simon says all right here we go we have one strike we have one strike one strike vowel and there is a vowel we have a vowel and one strike okay colors what the [ __ ] i thought i wasn't even clicking on the you have two strikes now sir i didn't know i was in the module two strikes whatever yellow blue yellow blue blue red yellow blue red uh that would be uh blue red green yellow blue red red yellow blue red red blue red green green next one now we've got a we've just got regular wires there are three wires two white one yellow that's it three wires are there no red wires no red wires cut the second wire okay we have a white detonate button there are more there are two batteries person immediately reloads the bomb person they need a little release okay we have pac-man pac-man uh the circles by the way are a2 and f3 and then we start in a2 and we are going to be five okay uh go up yep right right yep down yep left yep down yep right yep down yep right yep oh [ __ ] i'm sorry uh left up left left up left up left yep uh up up right right uh up up left left left left left left bottom all the way to the bottom okay we got out how many models did we have left one after that and it was the symbols oh [ __ ] i thought i wasn't clicked in a module and i made it speed up faster i was like trying to click into the module and i thought it was i was already in there all right let's go let's go we got it that was you know possibilities are there you know yeah we're good we almost had it first right yeah too bad you're not coming to vegas okay we got a uh word just a jumbler thing okay first one what do we have b r g c i e b r j c b r g c i e okay r yeah c i e the second one is b u p k m i v let's see uh i can't get that one right now i got it that's right okay pac-man pac-man you're so good okay we got pac-man pac-man let's [ __ ] this up okay so the circles are in a two and f-three starting position okay is f two the goal okay so okay okay so so down yep left left down left up left yep up right up yep all the way left yep spam down okay uh you okay blank first uh uh-huh there okay so what do we what word is it the word is read r-e-e-d to ease read bottom left riemann one right r-i-g-h-t like taking a right yes nothing ready press no you have to say this again wait you get upset again because the light's turned off okay uh yes nothing ready press no no okay wait wait that's not right okay no okay let's restart we have one strike restart uh the word is says s-a-y-s s-a-y-s says bottom right bottom right bottom right what with a question mark or regular one like what what with a question mark you hold your apostrophe like you are like your apostrophe like you're let me see here uh just to double check uh it's you yeah it's apostrophe okay good next word we've got is uh display like a monitor display bottom right hold you are with a space in between letter u okay last letter last word is okay with spaces they space are they are with a space they middle nothing left what okay what with that yeah just no question mark just yes yes yes uh we have morse code dot dot dot comma dash comma dot repeat dot second dot dot dot comma then dash okay the word is uh i need the third one i need the third one i need a third one dot dash dot dot dot it's three five four five uh okay uh symbols uh omega copyright okay okay copyright omega no no no no no no no no no reset we have right coffee right leafy three uh star that doesn't happen if it failed and then we're decay what are you eating what are you eating sorry it's developing the [ __ ] poppy writes sleepy three star with no filling in mirrored k uh copyright uh then we'll be looking at the uh the weird x yep sleepy3 done okay we have uh we have a red button that says abort by the way there are three batteries red button lit indicator with frk on it uh there is no lit indicator with frk on it hold it down hold it down hold it down holding it down we have white flashes one in a position one in any position okay we have we have regular wires here regular wires we have two red one white blue and black cut the first wire the first wire that's not correct [ __ ] uh we have five wires two red one white one blue one cut the third wire third wire look at that the [ __ ] i took a chance i took a chance i i don't want to spit basically i had a chance there to uh go um oh my god that was close i i did such a bad mistake there was there totally on me the stress got to me you're gambling with your life ah god i'm sorry i'm super sorry hey hey it's all right so we we all right that was an easy mistake to make it what it's hard all right this game's not easy all right this game is boss we'll go quick on this one bang bang it out look out we got uh simon says uh someone says someone says uh here we go by the way there is a vowel simon says with a vowel so and we've got no strikes obviously so what color do we have green yellow cool green red yellow red nope wave one strike [ __ ] i'm sorry oh we have a strike now [ __ ] whatever restore restored when you're exhausted and if you're doing this for a couple of hours you start to do really stupid mistakes morse code dot dot no no no no no how many were there how many were there four four okay so uh we're gonna hh see it's a two and eight uh we are looking at three five oh five three five oh five three five no yeah pac-man okay uh we are looking at uh what are we looking at what are we looking at we are looking at you've got uh c four is one of the circles and e1 is the other circle the starting point is d4 is my starting position and we're trying to go to f2 oh okay okay right right yep up up down okay all the way up yep we got it all right so we got uh you your uh uh-huh okay so we go what word is it what word is it the word is blank like a blank space read me middle right middle right is [Music] you're you are just you're you are that's in two letters there's two letters just you are you're done the letter u u r u space r u space r bottom right read me bottom right is what without a question mark just what without a question anymore no question mark u h h what letters left nothing ready okay nothing what that wasn't correct what the [ __ ] whatever whatever uh so remember this new one you're it's an apostrophe like you are you're an apostrophe like you are read me read me middle right middle right is right r-i-g-t-h r-i-g-h-t okay uh yes nothing got it done ready okay gotcha again you are you're with an apostrophe you're okay read me middle right like a l-i-k-e you you're with an apostrophe next the letter u two letters u r u u like you are letters yes yes okay done uh moving on we have uh symbols like omega half life okay so we are here okay reset here we go half-life symbol lightning bolt cursive h and a backwards c with a dot in the middle okay half-life lightning yep h got it done copyright we have a second pacman what are we starting up so we have d four and f four are the circles and we're starting at f two we need to get to d six spam the ball spam to the bottom to the bottom done left yep up up up left yep all the way down we have a red button that says hold red button that says hold by the way there are two batteries uh if the button is red and the button says hold right yes press immediately release done good over regular wires six wires two whites one blue is exactly one yellow wire and there's more than one okay so there is one yellow wire and there are two white wires and that's that's the only thing that has white seal that has more exactly one yellow wire and there are more than one white one yes cut the fourth wire done okay now we've got we've got a complicated one it's the side where's horizontal complex wires okay let's let's kick some ass at this let's kick some ass here we go uh all right so red red first one is going to red the red is the first wire it's going to c cut it blue is the second wire it's going to be it's in the third slot so three to b cut it no no no no i just i did i got it okay sorry good go next one next one next one we have our second red wire and second blue wire but our first black wire here so the first red wire is going to c cut the black wire cut the black wire okay the blue one the blue one is the second one right or the first the first one right the blue one is the second wire no no no the blue one the blue one is the third wire i believe of this sequence here okay is that the first occurrence we see in blue it's the first blue this is the second time we've seen a blue wire it's going from it's going to see yes it is is it going to see cut it yes okay here we have our third blue wire and two black wires it's it's going to b array it's going to c the blue wire is going to c third time we ignore that ignore that one ignore that one two black wires one going to be one going to c and this will be the second black wire right this would be the let's see this is the second and third black wire here okay one's going to c one's going to be the first one's going to c cut the the one that goes to c okay and that's the the one going to be yes it does okay cut that one too okay last one we have a black wire and a blue wire 11 to c both going to see 11 and 12 both going to c blue wire and black wire blue blue wire will be what in terms of occurrence so this would be the one two three fourth blue wire does it go to a goes to c skip it nope oh i cut the black wire cut the black wire done yes oh we did it oh we have played all the time we had played 42 seconds yeah we had like 42 seconds that felt like [ __ ] 25 minutes yeah that i felt i thought we had like it's 10 seconds left jesus oh my god oh nice work that was good dude i'm [ __ ] exhausted that was [ __ ] wild oh jesus christ i can't well i can see how difficult this game gets dude i i tell you one thing we sure got way better at this in the [ __ ] first stream yeah i did that and i'm like it feels like i'm in like running a marathon like i'm physically exhausted i've just been sitting down but it's been like a i've actually been nervous this time like holy [ __ ] man yeah i'm like sweating uh somebody said this would be funny you want to preview the next one just to see what what the [ __ ] is that what is needy this is like there's a new mechanic something is different about this bomb and it demands attention let's just apparently this bomb is needy uh somebody said we should hook ourselves up to small electric devices that give us small shocks if we do if we blow it that would be like death penalty that's electrical chair man that's like tos you ever seen the green mile uh yes ev all right what's this okay so what the [ __ ] are we looking at okay so apparently there's a new module here that has like a bop it there's like a pull it twist it measure it okay oh yeah go go got it it says discharge the capacitator before it overloads by holding down the lever so if i hold this down okay i don't know what any of this means i think it and the word is needy right i mean needy is just the name of the bomb now it's like the type of bomb i think this means that when we're gonna do this next string question mark i don't [ __ ] know i think this is gonna build up a danger factor and we have to like keep on being like no go down go done you know we can't uh i think we have to like discharge it or something oh okay well i'll tell you what i'll tell you what i think how long have you been streaming just curious like three hours 15 minutes i i'm i'm fine with that i i think we can call it here okay any more than this and i i would have been like dude just blow it up we're [ __ ] so but here's here's how is this not oh actually that's how let me see what you're doing on screen hang on uh okay you ready yeah imagine doing this how would you is this even possible uh let's find out too quick three five nine five three five nine final remorse the word is the fee sex sex no no back back back it's sex sorry i lost you there thick let's try that that's not insane mode one more time you want wait are we here we can't do that yeah i know but let's see if we can solve one completely wrong we'll just try to solve one all right let's try to solve if we solve one then i'll eat four uh i'll eat something no no no no no no we have enough salmonella for for a lifetime all right here we go ready just like the very same omega oh omega okay omega omega try a e and then um the microsoft staple of mascot okay uh you want to go you want to go uh uh staple mascot trident omega got it okay all right we saw one i'm just trying to yes got it holy [ __ ] how would anybody they're probably speed runners that can do this [ __ ] in uh 5-10 seconds dude imagine getting so [ __ ] good at this you don't even depend on somebody you just remember from just like you just do it algorithmic like you know somebody oh but by the way i forgot about this somebody emailed me there is a mod for this game called speed speed it's a multiplayer mod you've seen the movie speed uh-huh so many more is that someone you have to drive the bus with a and d and always go around 80 miles per hour or else why didn't we do this why didn't we do this one this looks awesome i'll tell you what i'll tell you what next one uh next speed next next one and i'll tell you what uh let's get a bunch of mods next time let's download uh you know you want to [ __ ] it up the whole thing you want to [ __ ] crap well i'll tell you what man uh this was a lot of fun and um i think the stream went way better now that we're like sitting down and we're like let's be very serious uh but that this was a lot of fun man this was a a very fun stream and i uh i can breathe now but uh a lot of fun man a lot of fun yeah well uh we'll probably see you again soon thanks for hanging out uh joel and we'll see you again uh uh whenever yeah absolutely whenever you're absolutely hit hit me up and uh i'll wake up at the 3 a.m and uh your sleeps can have this hand in my ass and be like knocking over cats like i gotta defuse moms look at how similar we are guys look at this except one of us is funny um but uh which that's not me by the way no you are okay listen um no uh anyway my point being my point being uh i uh i had a blast and uh now that we know how all these modules work uh now we can drive again and uh yeah the only thing we have to be a little better at is we have to i have well you don't need any practice on the password module but i'll say this the memory [ __ ] is really difficult i suggest maybe next stream get like a no or something to bsp like yeah that's not cheating because um it's you know [ __ ] when i do math in real life i'm like i have to write [ __ ] i'm gonna get the thing i have this thing where i can draw on my screen a pencil no no no no like th the pen that you can just draw on the screen so i can be like okay one and then two three four i'll see you next week uh hopefully whenever we uh whenever we uh cross paths again but once again thank you for uh having me on the stream i hope uh i hope that uh or uh us playing this a little bit better uh add a little more quality of the stream but uh you know uh hey the last one was quality too we were learning but with with 15 quotation marks that's true but now we're in a little different league i think but regardless thank you so much for having me man and uh you know i hope next time we can uh we can breeze through it even a more accelerated pace so uh that was a lot of fun absolutely yeah absolutely we'll see you later well uh see you later and have a good sleep well actually no you just woke up didn't you yeah but you know i'll probably eat two regs later on and i'll [ __ ] have salmonella like hawkeye for a week but anyway uh yeah speaking about that uh you listen that's not my my prerogative anymore you check out whenever you are gonna go with a heart attack grill and eat onion rings that will give you like uh i'm looking forward to it biblical biblical diarrhea so you know i don't know i yeah probably i don't know but regardless thank you for having me man and uh thank you thanks for having me too thanks for you having me having you having me right yeah absolutely thank you germa and uh thank you uh germa chat for calling me at turnip uh i'll see you all right get deleted yeah get deleted so yeah all right all right guys uh what we're gonna do yo i just was talking to kim and uh i think we're gonna go to dinner oh i see how it is you hate us a three and a half hour stream get it i'm going to the heart attack grill dry ski just gave uh 5 000 bits thank you dry ski uh it's dry skis they say hey germa it's my birthday today i want to say you've made it so much better with the laughs tonight love the idea of you buddy have a great time thank you drysky happy birthday not sure where you are in the world but uh hopefully it stays your birthday for a little while longer the idea of you i love the idea of germa but the execution is just yeah no it gets lacking sometimes it's lacking thank you to e word towards a word word for the 250. it's been a while since i've said that name out loud and one of my favorite names i love saying it e word toward you word word remember please play halo m when it comes out on pc or i'll fly to america and sign a petition to ban you why do we have why do you have to fly to america to ban me there's a clip here i know what this clip says but well i did it and it worked working work thanks for the five dollars germa play halo on pc please thank you probably i did on legendary mode i did that too you call what you did playing yes i i had a i controlled the character and moved around [ __ ] halo that's so funny to me it's all good though whatever all right he's going to ban you in real life how do you get banned in real life oh my god how did i miss a hundred dollars from freddie dredd how did i miss this is like the most important message ever freddie dredd gave ten thousand bits earlier and they said i'm at hash house right now i'm gonna order i was like three hours ago god damn it he's i i need to know i have to know he's he's waiting for you he's been waiting for you for three hours he was supposed to go to dinner that's the most important because of the money no it's most important because they went to hash house of gogo at the link that's why freddie if you're still here if you check back in again thanks so much for the [ __ ] hundred twelve hundred dollars now over two days i hope you liked it one of my favorite places he wouldn't notice freddie if he just typed in chat normally i'm gonna i'm so sorry i'm kind of nervous what if he comes back and he's like dude that that was like a six out of ten at best in fact like two of my friends are sick i'm gonna be like oh [ __ ] no impossible not possible if you go to hash house to go go with the link not possible you're not sorry someone's talking that was like a poker tournament going on on the front page of twitch or parent i don't know i just like i hit the back button and i'm on my twitch homepage sorry about that that's not the funny video i guess there's another one okay this is here i'm gonna show you how here comes a halo spoiler for those of you that have ever seen halo here comes the spoiler last one is that's enough to see black wire in the middle to see how much time was left you don't want to know that's the first level in halo 2. i've i've never seen halo 2 before you spoiled the whole game i can't even play it now uh mehdi marin thanks for the 500 bits hey germa yeah were you ever considering returning to games in the monster hunter series the switch has a couple games in world recently got the iceborn expansion and was there any reason you never returned i just think that after a while it just kind of it's almost like streaming an mmo in a way you know you know the thing that you're going to do you're going to go do the same thing of like at least i'm going to kill this monster like three or four times i think i think i got most of what i wanted out of it on stream grind yeah not necessarily like the grind but when i turn on a stream i'd rather do that off stream not that i don't think the game would be i think it's boring that's not the right word but it's it just takes a long time to do stuff in monster hunter there's a lot of setup and then there's a lot you know you oh you just kind of going for that one weapon i need that tail i need that tail i need that tail i need that tail i need that tail i need that tail i need that tail i need that tail i got the tail i need that claw i need that claw i need that claw i need that claw i need that claw i need that claw i need that tail i need that tooth and it ends up going something like this i need that i need that tooth tail then i kind of just give up sans hold on i don't know i could even do that uh but the probably answer is no i don't have a reason to really stream it monster hunter to me is more fun if i can just sit with my mouth open and i need that tail for like four hours straight please do the kylo ren voice i can't do the [ __ ] kylo ren voice i no i don't want to do it that's the thing sometimes [Music] with a megaphone on that's a warehouse announcer voice wait wait [Music] we please a full glass of salsa that was shattered in aisle number four jerry if you can take care of that that'd be nice oh wait why is it not working oh it's not even on i oh it's so much fun to sing this exists too why would there be a button for this why would there be i'm sorry guys i'm so nervous i didn't think i was gonna get i didn't think i was gonna be a have to come up on stage and tell you guys anything but uh seriously i i'm so uh i am so excited to put this in winning this award and uh thank you everybody thank you for everyone all the support and everything thank you good night bye all right i gotta go i gotta go i gotta get out of here i gotta go i gotta get out of here i gotta go i gotta get out of here i gotta go i gotta get out of here uh we're gonna raid box box tonight box box did a double raid over the last few days it was i think there was a coordinated raid it was two people goodbye that's right i will not be participating in the raid i'm going to go out to dinner give my best [Music] you
Channel: Skye4
Views: 41,978
Rating: 4.9327025 out of 5
Keywords: Jerma985, Jerma, Jeremy Elbertson, Jeremy Harrington, Jerma stream, Jerma highlights, Jerma edit, 2ndJerma, Jerma and Joel, Jerma Joel, Jerma Vargskelethor, Jerma Keep Talking, Jerma Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, Joel Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, Joel Keep Talking
Id: bBpr20x_VqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 2sec (13022 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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