Jerma Proves His Intelligence (Flash Games Highlights)

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uh what why can i why can't i send a tweet right now we're sorry we can't send a tweet right now would you like to retry yeah retry it we're sorry you can't do that right now what happened why does everybody i swear to god i'm made out of static electricity you know how people are we're 70 percent water not me nope i am 70 static electricity 8 water two percent blood bad twenty percent piss somebody said that's not possible yes it is yeah you can be seventy percent electricity but i i asked that to electro you know the spider-man villain what is it is that does he think he's 70 water what about the what about uh what about the human flame right do you think the human torch is he seventy percent water nope i guess that guy's a ninety percent fire ten percent human uh i've i've been having blue screen problems with my computer i've blue screened like probably eight or nine times now today so this is great anyways here we go uh we're gonna be playing some brain games this is the brain game this is the we're gonna start with this one i got like 20 or 30 different brain games to play okay so recreate pattern click on the grid to read to create the same pattern as the example i'm going to test our intelligence here we've got uh what did what did you want that was really easy all right i may have uh overestimated some of these brain games no no it's getting harder that was a test i just wish it wasn't candy and donuts i do have an iq test it is i have one ready to go not bad that's what i would say that's a ninth grade level right there okay that was like 11th grade that we passed the 12th grade one i didn't i i fell asleep in class that time [ __ ] come on this is like what sorry i can't match like the ice cream cones big brain also i'm not what what the hell is that what what oh the timer is counting down alright here we go got it i got a 60. low to click on the numbers from low to high in the correct order what does it want me to do okay i guess one four six eight we got zero three six seven see how fast that was i clicked i tried to click it don't get mad this don't get don't [ __ ] unhinge yourself right now this is made for eight-year-olds don't unhinge you tried to click it and it didn't work it flows doesn't help that the mouse is just painstakingly disappearing every 10 seconds and look i can't see what the [ __ ] i'm doing oh my god you wouldn't believe how laggy this is i'm trying to [ __ ] did not not like already [ __ ] pissed i got like a broken computer and i'm sitting here clicking on like 8th grade puzzles what the [ __ ] am i doing is the current image the same as the previous image okay let's find out all right there's an octopus one two three four five six seven eight hands on an octopus that is the same image not a match what i'm so confused right now i hold on it wants i get it this is this is just so odd is this the same picture as the last one like okay no it's not i don't understand does this make me a brain billionaire i don't get it i kind of like don't want to do this anymore this is like just making this is just making me like tired choose the heaviest item [ __ ] watermelons what is it was it cheese yeah i don't even what are you even trying to tell me here it's apple's uh the telephone is heavier than a but that but you're [ __ ] up you're doing real work you're putting real world items in here and it's messing me up that's the point that so it's just supposed to be real world all right well the telephone's heavier than cheese what you'd say i don't even get this we're starting the stream just joking around with a dumb [ __ ] online test what do i dog column match what is this this is not like a [ __ ] actual test this is just somebody made like a jokey game in their spare time how long is my but why did i decide i wanted to do this today what are they what what do they get what have been clerks what the clerk's got what does clerk say i'm not even supposed to be at work today right it's a miracle my computer is still on hey i'm pretty good at the dog collars don't you think create the correct equation from left to right by clicking on the signs uh come on don't do this to me five plus six equals thirty it's the times six times five six minus six plus eleven is uh six five seven nine plus minus two to seven oh thank god this is at like a literal third grade level uh five plus uh five minus eight five times eight minus eight equals four five minus times plus 35 minus uh five plus eight equals 35 minus 35 divided by 5 uh times 8 equals plus 15. 36 minus 4 times 1 equals 8. 18 divided by 3 and then times 1 equals 5. 5 minus 20 times 4. this is hurting my brain this is i'm just [ __ ] kidding it's a joke all right don't worry we got another one here this one's an actual this is this is a unique iq test it's called flash your brain what the [ __ ] does this say please disable your ad block the game will load faster without an ad block that is such a lie huh you tell me that if i didn't have an ad blocker on the game would load faster i don't even have an ad blocker i don't have an ad blocker lies i swear to god i have i have like okay i have kaspersky protection which is enabled look i can prove it i just don't want you to see the rest of the games we have to play tonight look i can prove it look i can prove it in real time here see right there that's not adblock that's kaspersky it's like internet protection let me let me give you a mo let me give you give me a second right so everyone saw the the how smart are you test right i could have write i could have written something like brain games or iq test or online testing online quiz no when like when like when like a 14 year old goes to search for this they type in how smart are you test it's the easiest way to get the keywords how smart are me you test it's it's keywords we're talking about search engine optimization here okay anyways let's go test uh what image continues the following sequence v21 uh what image can you use is another sequence okay and then it's minus and it's plus two and minus one so plus two would be three four five and it's gonna be this one over here okay one two two quick one one two one two and flip it sideways and flip it around and pull it back it means it's going to be two one two four two one two it's gonna be four two now when we get up uh okay one two three four you got that in the cube your foot threes currently in the blue then four and then two and then the two goes around four look at the patterns here so that's but it's uh bumble bee bumblebee uh no no i don't think we're gonna go back to bubble b here i think it is complete the pyramid you got it okay green black green black green black red green black black black green black black complete the pyramid this is the triforce of wisdom the triforce of courage of the triforce's strength it is definitely this one hopefully the pyramid we got the it's all about patterns and recognizing them pulls it out of the circle which means it would have to be it wouldn't be this one it would have to be this one got the paint set here it spins the colors to it seems to be sideways yellows are those so it's gonna be one of these two that's part of the pattern there now what about white it's gonna be this one right here the second one and the next four tasks you'll be required to remember situation in 60 seconds and answer the question also in 60 seconds you got it but what does it mean quiet multiples of 11. why am i reading chats what are you doing i can't do this with you guys here like i've got to sit down in a quiet room i already lost it what oh we get we get we get extra computer time it hurt me it knows i will get this right don't you worry about that i think i'll get it we can skip that now what image was on the previous scheme okay let me think about this okay i think i got that one correct this is another memory test i should be i'm actually really good with these um for those of you that are curious i uh i actually was iq tested before and it was enough for me to be able to like completely understand patterns and recognize um how they function so i don't need to look at this anymore i don't think what was on the previous stream um well if i just pull out deduction here i think it was this one another memory test this one should be very i don't you know what i don't even need to look at it for more than a few seconds okay sorry i just had a cough there for a sec uh it was it was this one here what what image was absent hmm which one was one i'm not sure which one was in here pretty sure this blight blue one was not there no it wasn't memory test we have quite a few of these what image was on the previous scheme find appropriate parts to complete the square see i'm all right with this one so i've just got to spin around i'm going to have three staircases why am i reading chat it's no it's this one find appropriate part to complete the circle you got it wrong wait wait let me just let me just spin my monitor around pretty it's not this one it's this one it's this one find appropriate part complete the square i need blue on the tip and yellow here so that's fine it's not this one it's either this one or this one that's this one fine appropriate part to complete the circle it's going to spin it around is this just a joke i mean the whole [ __ ] stream is a joke you think the things we're taking we're doing this like seriously it's this one finally appropriate inside of the cube oh now that's just [ __ ] offensive that's just defensive even if that's the correct one i'm not gonna click on it this is a boring stream well blame my computer for [ __ ] sucking and i just clicked on the satan one because of that guy this is too long i thought these are i got like 30 tabs up here to go through i have no [ __ ] idea i would need to sit down for like 20 minutes to look at this this is gonna be a screamer play no we're playing brain games how many red circles on this movie what what is it so just how many red circles are there how many blue squares on this movie how many squares on this movie this is like a headache simulator how many bees are collecting honey flying from flowers to honeycomb or vice versa oh i didn't know there was a movie it didn't say this movie i think it's yeah no no this guy's moving now too it's all of them all seven of them find the missing brick i mean it has to be one of these three so we've got blue this is minesweeper red red green green blue blue [ __ ] i really don't do you like jazz jazz music is pretty good it is pretty cool define absent triangle move mouse cursor over the image oh my god i drop finally absent square this is boring he didn't get the meme what are you talking about didn't get the meme okay congratulations you completed the first part of the iq test to see your score click on results button if you wish to practice single tasks of this why is t like this okay results okay the results of this test can be found by comparing your score with the following iq skill the author of this test doesn't pretend to be absolutely exact in estimating your mental skills however along with your intelligence you must have a sense of humor oh oh excuse me oh excuse me is this result's pretty poor this is average result oh this is a good result high intelligence with such high iq you are able to manage large companies but it is not enough to prove format theory in 60 seconds by the way full version of this test will include such a task very high intelligence you have to apply to mental organization this is union of people with very high iq get me the [ __ ] out of here i like okay hold on a minute i feel like this isn't a good test no it's not this is an awful iq test and iq says takes like six hours not like 22 minutes all right let's go next one you weren't supposed to see it right off the bat but this is uh this is called monkey drive meth drive into the barrels whose equation equals the number on the car you got it so just gotta get the right one begin the race go all right i need to get 14. 14 times 1 is 14. four times fourteen that's not fourteen seven times two fourteen hit this other [ __ ] car fourteen i got a bonus you got all the correct answers plus two bananas now you got to get to 15. no we're done that was quick this one's called bus driver math you think i was [ __ ] around when i told you guys that i had like 30 tabs open we're gonna be here for a little while okay instructions calculate whether the money paid by the passengers is enough okay child is two dollars and a delta's four dollars uh senior is one dollar uh that is as a child a child is no no sorry not enough is this like a [ __ ] eight-year-old driving the car this is this kid's definitely not old enough to operate a vehicle especially like not even then he probably has a not a classic wait hold on two four yeah that's enough not enough wait that is enough that you just keep it you overpaid all right this one is actually for like a four-year-old apparently if you get it wrong then you get hurt okay please i'm out i'm out of here i don't want to do this one anymore oh here we go this one's good this is world countries quiz okay that fits right looks all right it looks good it looks let's go this way it looks good enough let's start with where i know which is north america that's barbados uh can i zoom in antigua that's it no let's sets [ __ ] i wonder what this one is the united states of america this is north america at this that's uh okay uh i believe this is honduras nope it's costa rica is jamaica all right now this is there's el salvador hey look there's guatemala this is not north america this is not north america i wonder if this is the bahamas or not that's mexico there's belize this honduras [ __ ] god damn it once you go past that i don't have no idea this is cuba okay let's try uh let's try let's try europe spain [ __ ] uh that's that's lithuania no it's estonia they're right next to each other now there's a croatia that's uh that's the netherlands this uh sweden there's that one here's the thing like half of these i'm [ __ ] around and the other half like i'm not [ __ ] around oh this is lebanon i'm not doing myself any favors by like making everybody think i'm like a [ __ ] imbecile oh yeah yay sometimes sometimes i do these divine oh there it is no way figured it out oh there's russia hmm is this one france i don't know this one could be switzerland all right let's do another iq test hard play with a time limit yeah let's play the time limit press the green circle press the red circle twice press the square press the blue text plus the red text press the blue square butt head butt head why did i lose my iq is five you clicked on a purple square there that was there was the funny one let's try it again green circle red circle twice square blue text red text press the blue square okay that's not blue so no look at that press the square i mean like all these are all squares press the white square it's this one it's this it's just the whole screen it's the screen it's the whole screen too slow man too slow this is just the impossible quiz but made by somebody that was a fan uh hello welcome to brain age test my name is professor fumble i calculate your brain age based on a variety of factors simply complete three tests to find out your real brain age great you finished test one let's move on to the second test test two will measure your brain's processing power let's go blue click the word click the color click the color it's pink click the word that's red yeah test two is finished just one more test remaining test three will measure your ability to retain numbers in basic arithmetic i'm terrible with this [ __ ] this one is easy simply solve the sum five dollar five dollar twenty five it's all fifteen [ __ ] [ __ ] it's all the sum that's two dollars two dollars fifteen cents fifty eighty that's eighty five cents fifty five eighty sixty seventy eighty nine hundred one or five one twen [ __ ] ninety ninety five [ __ ] no fifty do the big ones first 50 one dollar that's one dollar i can't do this i have the disease when you can't do math have you i told you guys that three four five six seven seven eighty seven ninety oh [ __ ] i have the goddamn disease where i can't do math it's it's embarrassing i did it your brain age is 38. it's it's the math dyslexia why am i getting cheeseburgers from steve jobs to oprah when did i open this ah this is uh let's just let's open the quiz right okay here we go uh how many different months have exactly 30 days in 2008 i don't know how old is this website let's go let's go five okay a farmer has 17 cows all but eight of them die how many cows does he have left all of them died but eight of them that's that's like the oldest trick in the book which country is largest in terms of land mass australia italy peru spain it's australia it's not but australia is like a continent and a country right and then like both which can't wait no but hold on which country is luck so what what's this is that i know that's like the am i dumb joke australia is a country it's a continent but is it a country too uh israeli is a country and a continent it's a condiment what is the approximate average height of a full-grown man in the united states it's five nine i know this we all know that by this point this is 2007 though people have people have shortened a little bit since then and what year did the u.s declare its independence from great britain in 1776 columbus uh 1492 columbus hill of the ocean blue in 1776 george washington [ __ ] got bled to death because they had a he hit a cold all right he finished all the candy except for one piece which is worth more one pound of dimes or one kilogram of dimes one kilogram of dimes what date does the fourth of july fall on in russia who i don't know it's fourth of july same uh why would it what are you talking about the hotel chain is paris hilton most closely associated with the hilton because it's her last name who's the current prime minister of the united kingdom oh but that's i don't it's not it's gordon brown because this is 2007. what is the square root of nine the square root of nine is square root is eighteen three the effect of his injury was to prevent him from playing any further its effect what time do you have to get up if the drill sergeant tells you to wake up at 0-600 that is 6 a.m which of these cities is a capital of a country with a coastline on the mediterranean sea um is it tokyo uh is which of these cities is a capital a country with the coastline of the mediterranean sea i mean it's one of these two rome is inside rome is no it's not it's no way hold on a minute i'm gonna say rum which is greater half of one-fourth or one-fourth of half um half of one-fourth is now those that's that's the [ __ ] that's the same thing no it's not no is it yes it is that's that's equal i heard that but i don't like these because they try to do like these little trick questions where they like go hey what hold on a second you have to read really think about it carefully which distance is longer one mile a thousand meters 10 000 centimeters um i don't know i grew up in north america where we're all [ __ ] idiots and used like the mile who died first julius caesar genghis khan alexander the great uh genghis khan probably because that was like 3 000 years ago how many months are in a decade well decades 10 years so that's 12 times 10. that would be how many months are in a decade okay so that would be 12 times 10 is 120. that's a year so it'll be 1200. no that's 12 times 100 yeah yes julius c it's alexander the great it's genghis khan which shape has the most sides an octagon i know that because i saw the w e ufc the pentagon's five i know cause like penta in league we all play league of legends penta a pentakill it's definitely octagon what language is most commonly spoken in brazil portuguese get out how many sides does a hexagon have oh i just heard i just learned this damn it god damn it i was just trying to look at i was just trying to look up a bunch of [ __ ] and there's an iphone update god damn it look at this [ __ ] can you see like this [ __ ] verifying an iphone update yeah look it oh yeah iphone update great trying to cheat and i can't even [ __ ] do that what is the chemical symbol for iron uh i believe it's fe approximately how far is it from new york city to london if i would travel a thousand miles just to just say you to nine that was from and i would walk 500 miles and that's that was from scotland to ireland right uh glass knot was a political policy introduced in what country which is not a prime number prime number is number that can be divided into itself for uh it's a it's things that are divided by 2. it's not 13. 13 is not a prime number okay so uh six percent of the population all right let's just move on to [ __ ] all this intelligent [ __ ] you know what i mean like who care you're smarter than this guy are you more so you're more intelligent to this guy no what matters is what element are you is what matters none of that matters it's not about how smart you are it's about internalizing your spirit it's all about the numbers jeremy it's all about how smart you are how brilliant you are no it's about your [ __ ] spirit all right let's find out what i am okay question one of the 15. you're at home alone late one night and there's a thunderstorm going on outside when the power goes out this happened two days ago so i can give you a true answer to this this happened two days you know i got a lot of [ __ ] from my hair people were saying like well you look like a [ __ ] you look like a real like villain so i slicked it back today so i actually look like a [ __ ] real like 80s movie villain slicked back with oil all right you're at home late one night this happened two days ago just okay what do you do when the power goes out during a thunderstorm just sit there in the dark and calmly wait for the storm to pass um maybe go over to the window and watch the lightning flash shrug and go find a flashlight to read by curl up under the blankets in your bed while you try to block out the roaring thunder no what am i a dog look around for something to hide under while worrying about your chances of getting struck by lightning i would do one of these two things go over the window and watch the lightning or i would just shrug and just get a flashlight and just sit there i'd probably probably watch it for a little while it'd be like interesting to me for a little while which of the following comes closest to your greatest fear drowning or suffocating dying of starvation or thirst flying or falling public speaking or fire hold on wait a minute wait a minute i understand this one i understand this one i understand this one public speaking or fire uh enclosed spaces or an animal attack i'm fine i'm doing public speaking right now there's nothing wrong with that fire on the other hand that's scary no and i'm not afraid of animals if animals don't scare me fire doesn't scare me flying doesn't scare me drowning suffocating that doesn't scare me all right but dying of thirst or starvation i could i could see that that would be like that that'd be pretty close that's pretty terrifying by the way those of you that said it was [ __ ] that didn't actually have an update excuse me what is that you think i lied to you guys on this stream dying of starvation with thirst probably let's go next question please what would you rather gain without losing anything strength knowledge time peace or power which of the following groups of color do you most uh find most appealing green and brown red and gold white and aqua violet and pale blue indigo and ciro cerulean that hair is whack well i i don't i did it for a joke you guys talking [ __ ] about my hair every day i did it as like a i did it as like a [ __ ] me probably probably probably pale blue white oh no white white and aqua i like that okay here we go keep going if you and your family and friends were going on a camping trip what would you probably spend most of your time doing swimming boating uh offing yourself oh no off by yourself reading or something whoa sitting by the campfire or cooking things over it walking hiking and joining now [ __ ] that watching the sunset glad to get away from the bustle of everyday life probably that um probably swimming that's like it's fun to get in the water and move around no not just watching the sunset what's your greatest strength you are steady and reliable no you are caring and passionate yes you are strong of character yes you're optimistic and friendly yes you are wise and give good advice no so what do you got look at these uh these three okay am i more caring and passionate than i am strong of character am i more optimistic and friendly that i am uh strong i'm gonna say i'm strong with character i know that that would but that's what i would do what's your greatest weakness your wild mood swings i don't need to read the other ones your negative attitude ah not really your temper your inability to sit still and be quiet your stubbornness your temper you it's all of them can i pick all of them but temper no but it's every one of them oh god damn it it could be any one of these except for like negative attitude i don't really have a negative attitude i don't it's it's definitely this one it is pick a word hmm i wonder why they want me to do this people game these systems all the time like hmm i think flame is my favorite word because i want to share to my friends that i got fire it's like come on man i'm gonna pick i'm gonna do it for real snowflake flame droplet leap cloud say about loud and close your eyes snowflake flame droplet leaf cloud cloud droplet snowflake cloud cloud uh what's your dream eye color i don't have it people like dream about their eye colors by the way i love over here look at this report illegal content what the [ __ ] does that mean what okay i have light blue eyes if i don't have a dream eye color can i just pick the c color i currently have what is your preferred sense sight hearing smell taste touch um it's probably hearing it's definitely hearing because like honestly you see me with the one ear button it's hearing for sure which situation would you find the most difficult to cope with being emotionally hurt by someone close to you being overwhelmed by problems that happens every [ __ ] day don't worry that i got that under control being used being abandoned being humiliated in public that happens all the [ __ ] time that's happened like five times tonight so that's i'm okay with that it probably is probably like being hurt like emotionally by somebody that you would never expect would do something like that to you that's pretty like [ __ ] up yeah i don't like that one uh how or where do you seek comfort when you're upset in a pet or stuffed animal all right that's a little that that yeah like but this one i don't know about that one no not a good cry no no i i i you know i do the best like like like auto when otto is like around it makes me feel much better which of the following animals do you find most appealing stallion eagle polar bear dolphin or stallion hmm not sure here one of the two stallions or a polar bear eagle dolphin no dolphins are dumb polar bears are dumb stallions are dumb eagle eagle they can fly what is your favorite season summer autumn winter not sure or spring the easy answer here is summer it's probably spring though because spring is like a good combination between nice out and not really hot it's not cold it's not too hot it's not it's just right it's spring is the goldilocks just right porridge of all the seasons spring last question if an artist were to paint a stylized representation of you how would you want to look in the painting yeah results what's your element what i get for 40 you are your element is free-spirited air you're an optimist and you tend to look at the bright side of things because of this you have many friends who are attracted to your outgoing personality you also value self-expression and would probably enjoy writing or art or maybe both you hate being tied down with obligations so you try to keep your life fairly simplified you have you love to have fun and you brighten everybody's day with your smile only 20 got this for another 20 i'm ice you are solitary and quiet and would probably rather be in your room reading a book than with a large group justice is important to you and you won't hesitate to stand up for others though quiet you are strong and determined and never give up your unique personality is admired by those around you uh no that's not right that's this is like you know horoscopes uh when you read the first part of the horoscope and you're like holy [ __ ] that's so me and you go down like two or three paragraphs and it's not you at all they just make sure they give you every single self confirmation that they possibly could oh yeah i am like wicked outgoing and i'm like fun oh that is me i can't wait to tell everybody they're all the [ __ ] same every single one of these is the same thing it's just find the one that you think that you are and which look at this you could be any one of these there you go i'm [ __ ] air i'm full of air uh it's called the forer effect it's a common psychological phenomenon whereby individuals give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically to them that are in fact vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people yeah it's true i mean honestly i mean like but but more importantly i really want to know what spongebob character am i uh what is your favorite food uh what is your favorite food i would say uh sushi's great uh fish chums is that that's disgusting i would never eat that oyster is gross ice cream okay uh nuts it's gonna be sushi let's go let's go with sushi or hamburger i think i like sushi more than i like hamburgers yeah sushi how are your friends they are goofy a lot like me they're kind of mean awkward but classy i don't have any friends they're fun but odd i would say that my friends are fun but they're a little odd favorite what's my favorite spongebob quote god damn it spongebob who says that who said that they don't swear in spongebob i've never heard that god damn it spongebob what the [ __ ] is wrong with you got any hobbies okay counting stuff musical martial arts avoiding certain people planning stuff hunting or bubble blowing oh he's [ __ ] naked counting stuff the rest of this stuff sucks this is absolutely squidward all right let's see if we can figure this out spongebob um uh sandy why am i holding up three i just said two spongebob sandy who's counting stuff that's mr krabs right squidward musical squidward probably again hunting i'm gonna go with counting stuff that sounds like fun uh where do you often find yourself at work or at an orchestra in a shop home in a school i'm home how many relatives do you have i have a few but very far away at least ten thousand mommy and daddy oh you know regular family with cousins and stuff i don't know don't care well i'm only connected to one or two of them oh you know regular family with cousins and stuff i love that these are made by like kids like it's perfect uh how do you live with my beloved wife and husband like my pet along with my ego i got some company time to time alone but it's still fun that depends now that depends it could be any day my friends could come over i could have family over how high is your iq it's upper average last question what do you what do you work with art and culture own business serving a big boss nope teaching no business no unemployed uh art and culture all right this is this is this is art right here i'm doing it right now this is this is performance art you guys don't understand this is this is a living painting that you're seeing michelangelo leonardo da vinci they're all dead i remain you understand i remain as a performance artist art and culture well i got mrs puff uh okay you you are probably a teacher in a class there is this one student you just want to strangle but can't when you get angry you easily blow up and let it all burst out most of the time you spend alone searching for love you know it's funny like a half of this is real look at this this is this is what happens you guys are the students there's one this one student you just want to strangle but can't i love that immediate turnaround you want to strip but can't you know dial it back a little bit a few notches so this one is going to play various nes theme songs or video game sounds um i gotta guess if i can get them correct this is the super this is not super this is regular nintendo i i actually am curious you know let's be like for real i'm curious as to how well i'm gonna do on this one there's one there's one for super nintendo as well we're gonna do this all right here we go gotta guess the right music what game it is from this is not gonna be a screamer i've already like i've already opened it for more than it's been open the whole time okay let's see if it's loud okay well obviously this is this is super mario brothers this is uh super uh did you have to get it completely right mario brothers got it easy let's go number two okay easy this is this is the legend of zelda okay what about this one uh that is that is castlevania three for three so far let's keep going just punch out yeah it is pancho that's bubble bobble immediately got it thank you five for five that is mario brothers three more specific uh super mario brothers three huh mario 3. what the [ __ ] that's what i just wrote oh [ __ ] don't tell me what this is i'll go back to that one it's contra that's uh duck hunt dog comes in right after that that's mega man oh what a classic i decided my favorite quiz mega man 2 didn't even need to be specific i don't know i don't know what that is oh that's excitable excite bike i remember that that was that was my favorite that was my favorites growing up what the [ __ ] is this oh that's the donkey kong original dog no that's yeah original donkey kong ah i can feel it i can feel that one i'll come back to it oh these are all just burning on the tip of my tongue ah what oh double dragon i have no idea adventure island sounds like adventure island it is i can't get hints on these adventure island i don't know ah that's it that's kid icarus i know that because i played the smash brothers level that includes that song i'm not sure i have 277 hits apparently oh baby that's ninja turtles that's the first ninja turtles game on the nes all the ninja turtles games had awesome music by the way turtles and time but awesome music the fur this first game of awesome music that's snake rattle and roll come on let's snake rattle roll that's snake rattle and roll i know that one that's um river city ransom river city ransom that's a great one oh i can hear that again i see it i can feel it in my bones i've heard this song a thousand times that's pokemon what i don't know what it is that's like pokemon red pokemon red green tea not many plumbers have phds talk to mario oh that that hint is too good intended as a last ditch effort by square to end their days as developer and instead revitalized them is it final fantasy because that was supposed to be the last fantasy right the final one here it is okay let me try to get this one without this i think i can get it shoot him up by konami the konami code granted all the power-ups takes place in space you shoot them i should have known about that [ __ ] dumbass comedian takes place in space included areas where you had to dodge volcano fire rhymes with radius instead of rhymes with radius you should have said anything else because you just have to put a g on there hideo kojima's vision taken and bastardized metal gear huh i don't know make your way to the exit of 100 mazes power-ups include upgrades to your walking speed and your weapon range bombs are your weapon had one of the worst sequels ever on the xbox 360. bomberman i like these hints a world tournament that includes countries as poland and czechoslovakia fights would escalate until teams were fighting amongst themselves how does zamboni intermission ice hockey it's just oh yeah so it's ice hockey can you learn how to [ __ ] spell for once in your life okay snake rattle and roll that snake rattle and roll i'll look it up right let's i i i want to make sure i got this right i ascend through 100 levels in this vertical platforming game guess what was a vertical platforming game go and collect the eggplant at the top you it was you were snakes characters are featured in spell it's ice climbers snake rattle and roll theme song let's hear it entertainment system it's close balloon no no it's not joust is it jost it's just balloon pop no balloon ride what's it called balloon what ballooner balloon what's it called balloon man balloon fight not jost racing game by square choose between a racing a normal car or an f1 is it zero this game was pretty rad for its time but that's not a hint that's like a personal opinion of the game rad racer oh it was a hint this beat em up by rare is well known for how frustratingly hard it is oh it's battletoads this one is going to drive me crap i don't want the hint for this this is this game about food right it's game about food you like serve food the customers and [ __ ] this is it's a feeding game there's food in this game i know it this game based on a tv show had music from the tv show the main protagonist is a duck oh there's no food in this [ __ ] game ducktales what a classic i don't even know it this game popularized backtracking after gaining power ups pokemon there it is pokemon stadium how to feed but they haven't made a [ __ ] metro in like 10 years how was i supposed to know she's only been in like smash brothers pokemon wasn't on the n.a yeah that's right i think i like how shitty the game boy quality was beat him up game by data east save sylvia from mr x named after martial art is it just kung fu that's an old one got it completed the quiz uh there's another one this one i don't know if we want to do this because this is uh do you guys want to keep doing this because look at all these we got a lot to do so this is uh 16-bit error games so this could be sega this could be super nintendo that's cl that's sonic sonic oh i don't okay that's it this one's way nicer and flashier than the other one all right i don't know i don't know this one either you know we have to use some hints i thought i was going to be better at this i'm way worse at these ones wow i don't know this is hard gotta get one here see the issue is i never owned a sega genesis so half these i'm not gonna i would never have even wanted to know what ten we got a hint back here this is sega genesis i'll get this one hold on power rangers got it this game was awesome super nintendo power rangers video game nice this is side scrolling beating up this game was really fun harvest moon you can you always tell when it's sega genesis when it sounds awful sega genesis music and sounds always sound like they were coming out of a tin can through somebody's blanket holding over their mouth oh man i don't know i i have it up here i just don't have it oh i wonder what system this is for why does every sega genesis song have to sound like the intro to seinfeld they're the same songs gonna have to start using hints this earthworm jim don't even need a single other second my favorite characters ever that's a good one there he is mr jim i'm like bobbing my head like yeah i don't know though i have no idea these are all going to need hands from your altered beast i'm gonna use that vincent price at the very beginning to yell at you oh god what is it i'm why was i gonna say boogerman i don't know i don't know which wwf is this [ __ ] well i got four out of like 30. all you need is the first like three notes to know what his element is it's gone i don't know i know this one i know this one harry potter and the sorcerer's stone thank you just kidding it's a magical mickey mouse thing right that's that's that's a mad the magical mickey mouse's magical journey no way that is that donkey kong country yes it is okay [ __ ] no not punch-out super punch-out no it's not god damn it come on i know this one i'm pissed i know what this is that's king arthur king arthur's chord that was that even a video game was had a [ __ ] like donkey series on history channel stop mario kart got that one like all the all those first party nintendo games i'll get except for dr mario and metro no that is correct you're right how do you spell aladdin how do you spell aladdin how do you spell aladdin god there we go aladdin i mean is this like this is video games or test your knowledge of recognizing tv and movie shows animaniacs that is just enough video game the rat the racker one of my favorite video games ever made i'll get that every [ __ ] time i'll play the whole song okay is there an option where i can have them play the whole song um what is it what is it it's a game of the it's a scary game on super nintendo oh what i just i just clicked the screen accidentally and got the it's metroid i never would have guessed that ever those sounds i can hear them [ __ ] i need to know this is i've been driving crazy it's mega man mega man mega man x mega man x2 mega man mega man seven mega man eight mega mint six megabit five bigger band four mega man three mega man nine mega man eight mega man x3 mega man x2 mega man x ow we started using hints oh my god um i nobody's i know this this is gonna drive me crazy i've played this zombie say my neighbors zombies ate my neighbors right yes got it yeah by far the best beat-em-up uh that i've ever played so if you get a chance to play turtles in time don't play the remastered one it's a car it's absolute garbage play the original one that was for super nintendo get it on emulator if you have to it's the best uh side-scrolling beatdown that's ever been made this is the nostal yeah this this this turned into the nostalgia stream it wasn't it wasn't intentional i was we're just killing time because my computer sucks but turned into this moon song from ducktales some would argue is the best uh video game song to ever exist i don't know about that i think there's a few that could hold that up you know i need to know what this is i don't care micro machines what is this what is this rock and roll racing i have never played that game before and i'm okay with cheating the lost vikings that's also a blizzard game it hurts that's it what uh windows firewall your virus protection is off okay why did that happen virus game okay um what will you you can stop doing that now that'd be great hold on a second get what the [ __ ] is going on right now what's going on what are you talking about oh god here comes a blue screen i think i think this is the computer trying to desperately not blue screen what the [ __ ] is happening right now uh that what i've never heard that sound before it's opening random programs my computer's been taken over it's opening and closing random programs i'm gonna get like ransomware on stream we're gonna do like a virus scan on stream i just did this you guys thought i was bullshitting you you guys thought i was like [ __ ] around you thought i was just making all this [ __ ] up everybody thought i was pulling ever you thought i was pulling your leg all right i betcha i thought that was somebody in the computer just coming to get me somebody just gave somebody just gave like [ __ ] so much money and i thought it was a guy talking to me that took over the computer why is it mirrored i didn't do that why did it do that you see what i'm talking about you you guys seriously you think i make this [ __ ] up you do i don't i didn't do that it just that just happened a ghost took over i have a [ __ ] out my computer my house is haunted i have a haunted [ __ ] house super mario brothers i know this one this is a classic shooter on the snes smash tv i'm surprised they've never made a i should play this game on stream smash tv is [ __ ] awesome it's one of my favorite super nintendo video games and i don't know why i do this sometimes but i do like i'm coming at you i'm grabbing and i'm pulling you back let's go don't jam and roll that's a good one too seinfeld yep that's a good seinfeld cover rpg it's a whole new strong it's pissing me off what i've never what game is that what what game is this straw no there's a hole in the straw they're not the two holes but one that when you bend it too much it breaks terminator there's no giant alien in there it's not gonna start heroes what is this [ __ ] i'm wasting my points what the hell is that it's a gummy pogo stick why do i have to lean in like my hip just lean it close to my monitor what am i [ __ ] 80 that's a sad kool-aid man that's a sad cool that's a kool-aid man in a life the game piece had a child and there it is that's not rystar rystar is a star that's clearly a [ __ ] sad jet ski grass am i spelling it wrong drastic gerbrasic i'm not doing it on purpose dress thick ass thick oh you guys are [ __ ] out of your minds sometimes i gotta disappear your ass here we go finally all right composure get it together before the camera turns back on the hair is like just going yeah i try i did like a thing where i was slicked it back with like [ __ ] grease and it's starting to fight back and look even worse all right let's keep going i want to beat no i'm not going to beat this guy what are we doing okay i still i still have to do my alignment test my dungeons and dragons alignment test was stuck on this for a little while but it's [ __ ] video game music and we all love that we're not going to stop until we get at least 15 of these one two three four five six seven eight nine ten two we already have fifteen final fantasy what final fantasy is this oh it's just final fantasy okay star fox star fox that's nba jam got it oh i was so good at this game back in uh back in high school this looks like a game i don't want to play and i don't even care michael jackson michael jackson had a video game i would never have gotten that thank you chad moonwalker all right this one on the other hand is gonna drop me nuts how would anybody have gotten that i can't believe anybody could have ever gotten that who played that game a beaver this is not bejeweled what is this then gems columns i should have known that now this is gun store heroes now they're coming up when you see the picture egg pokemon eggman no this is uh bart barnaby um and the boy the boy is uh what is it called oh my god it's like the boy in his bar to me uh little nemo no what's what is it the one it's with the guy the boy in his phone famous hatching egg the famous the guy in his hatching egg billy what puzzle game though played like a platformer you could say that this game was fantastic although the characters were all eggs they didn't have any egg-like characteristics at all no idea kid chameleon my [ __ ] hands today my keyboard it's let me show you something when i type another letter do you see that like insert is on why is insert on i didn't do that my favorite kid kid melon why is insert even a thing why and when did i press it what is this the insert feature has been disabled since windows 7. oh really oh really has it let's see oh wait hold on looks like oh wait wait wait wait wait wait insert is still here what is it what game is this oh that all i know this is the uh this is the uh the glob glock after that right the glove go gap good lab shitty batman microsoft paint turkey in a video game running out of free points here i don't know what i'm looking at here i don't know rapid fire now if i can't get it by looking at the picture i'm not gonna do it ah i don't know but that's the guy from the monster ranch stream echo rapid fire game mode here we go the look it's an alien the video game i don't know i don't have enough points that's the end what is this what is this coco puffs bird all right that's it we're done with this let's move on all right what's next i don't know list this apparently this is called geek mind simply name the game shown in the picture oh it's another video game test we got a couple of these vid another video game test name the video game in the picture pac-man oh this is a brain it's a brain game this is a brain game this is a brain game what the [ __ ] uh it's called brain academy brain training academy i like nine seconds left what is it called got it okay this wasn't fair we're gonna do this again minus 25 points brutal legend i like this game we're redoing it because that wasn't fit pac-man i got i got [ __ ] over impacted i like this brain games i'm ready level one uh dragons dragon's lair why mirror's edge gotta keep going come on bonus uh spelunky incredible hulk x-men skip it who cares bomberman what the [ __ ] come on barman too god of war let's be let's get some time back here mario world get back up to 60 seconds i will destroy this game that ah they made two of them they made another one bethesda fallout across the galaxy i don't i don't know zelda easy civ two i don't know it's probably some weird football game that says a weird name it's not star tropics what is this this is zelda i thought it was going to show me the same game twice star tropics is an awesome game by the way i don't [ __ ] know mega man i won't do it again uh that's gonna say beekman's world what is it oh oh my god animal crossing cross-dressing that's not what i was gonna write my typing wasn't so bad got it don't you need to be specific who cares anxiety burger time that's a great game uh law the law and order game but you point to people and you scream at him dad objection what i don't i've never played one law destiny's law destiny's child um dear oh my god it's a guy's first and last name it's called like professor leighton what is his name it's the character's name jojo's bizarre adventure the cat in the hat what is this andrew lupus what's his [ __ ] name what is the guy's [ __ ] name phoenix wright judge judy it just was gone i the the music that funny i'm gonna turn the music down a little oh yeah yeah i i like this game it's super quick and it really gets me going let's go aladdin i'm spelling it right it was two ds right hold on a minute like am i spelling it wrong [ __ ] dummy dummy dummy okay calm down that easiest one they got so far come on doesn't it you as long as you get the person's name correct wii sports mario 3. pong got it mario 2. oh do you have to put super mario difficulty up obviously not boshi i want to be the boshi i want to be the boshi i want to be the guy burger time contra let's count to three mario safari i don't understand skip it uh age sage of sun golden sun it's a good game sid vicious is the main character there that's all i know no not not mario wii oh man calm down this is melee that's obviously brawl that's not melee jeopardy jab bar d pokemon something i know obscure games that chrono cross bring it on come on bring it on bring it on bring it up [ __ ] the movies that actually looks like the movies got to know that's final fantasy 10. i know that because that that i can recognize those graphics that's straight what's which street fighter is this oh god damn it street fighter 2 i was gonna say what if it was like turbo ultra alpha uh destructozoid whatever the [ __ ] it would be what is this warcraft yes it is higher difficulty let's go um you've gone in that game oh [ __ ] what is this oh my god half-life 2. i was thinking it was like a resident evil game pluck no it's the egg game it's the stupid [ __ ] egg game again you assassin's creed did i spell it wrong last one promise then i'm gonna do my personality type i'm gonna do my my alignment got it right this time how many pieces in that game ghostbusters donkey kong too many v's the price is right that's not even a video game this is just a game show scribble knots scribble scribblenauts is it different is it not not is it is it scribbled nuts if only if only i know this game but i don't know it at the same time skip it crazy taxi lego batman back up to 51 seconds double dragon punch out i know i recognize i got the glasses crater's dilemma this is alan wake alan wake [ __ ] don't think i know this [ __ ] miz is it ms or mrs mrs pacman what's the what's the one that came what is it metroid prime professionally oh [ __ ] you in the cage i don't know why nice climbers i have no idea final fight milk car yo she's island mario super world 2. i'm getting to 30. no don't if you don't know just skip there's no reason not to skip somebody gave 50 [ __ ] dollars hold on don't make me do super one more one more one more the people have spoken one more no [ __ ] round one more this is the last one not even joking getting the 30 points i am no no what do you mean nobody said that it's all people have been saying i was gonna say zelda gameboy game was there a gameboy zelda like that a double dragoon yeah panzer dragoon orta what is it called on the [ __ ] wii we punch outs punch punch out we just called punch out sky skyler um what is this game called there's an entire engine made the vr sky does the cry cry engine cry far cry cry crisis what the [ __ ] is that skip i don't care that like that was gonna help skyler oh please no that's not who it is what the name of the game i just pressed the windows key pitfall why am i having i just had so much trouble right there that was insane i remember that scene [ __ ] ninja turtles oh [ __ ] i know it but i can't say it star wars get a funeral here come on give me the chainsaw and it was on the weed it was really bloody it was the first m-rated game on the wii chainsaw guy i don't even know crime city or something god back up to 20 seconds there we go i'm fine now spelt it right don't worry don't know very animated tonight nights who can forget nights the dog dog zelda twilight princess oh i have to play it again i'm sorry i have to i have to do this again i have to do this again i'm really sorry everybody but we have to do it again i i i am like so addicted to this right now i'm so sorry i said one more but we have to get to 30. i'm sorry we're gonna memorize them all before i this is fun i like this it's always street fighter 2 don't ever make it anything else i know what this is but i can't say it it's it's not there so what was wrong with this last time now there's a space okay i gotta get another one right it's bad not street fighter 54 it's street fighter 4. yeah maybe like another 10 or 20 years there'll be a tree don't know a break oh boy my favorite [ __ ] game diablo 2. gotta get to 30 this time i got plenty of time plenty of hints don't care i'll be going country three it was the baby kong guy whatever his name was ghouls and ghosts there it is i knew it was gonna show up somewhere tonight i knew it uh i don't know i don't [ __ ] know [ __ ] [ __ ] modern warfare 2 no it wasn't that was not modern warfare 2. what my mind sweeper on here of all things all right we climbed back out of that hole double dragon slow down [ __ ] angry birds that's a that's a still from the movie too of all things i don't know [ __ ] i know this oh this is uh guy fieri saves the world no um what's the star the guy with the [ __ ] guitar skip it i don't know what his name was scott uh scott pilgrim okay come on i need to get to 30. those uncharted are they using this okay that was a jet grime radio will probably would have been correct as well advance wars no what is it called advanced wars no what is it what is it what is it it's called advance wars thank you not advanced wars advance wars don't know everybody puts the lost vikings in like it's some game that everyone needs to know existed don't have any idea and then mario party skip it i don't have time for this gotta get this one right right now that was far cry i did it we're done we can move on i'm done so um this is uh what what is your character alignment so let's start with the first question here um pick a song to listen to i don't i don't me against the world oh i listened to beethoven while killing people okay everyday hero smash mouth monster warriors monster the confrontation i've never heard any of these songs we have to figure this out all right so this was the first one is me against the world simple plan let's see if i enjoyed this song again these are these are first lessons i've never i've necessarily i've never listened to any of these okay let's see and they tear them apart till everyone's the same gotta go no place to go i've got nowhere to i'm reading i don't know i don't the song sucks i'm done with it i don't know the name there was the lyrics around the screen i'm glad you got the joke okay okay i like that one so far that's that's the best one how about monster by imagine dragons if it's imagine dragons on him twice who are the imaginary dragons how would this determine your character alignment i okay uh i'm going to say let me say no to that one so so far it's everyday superhero by smash mouth warriors by imagine dragons what league of legends 2014 tournament is this a league of legends this is from the league of legends world tournament i don't play league sorry uh how about the confrontation at last we see each other playing music you'll wear a different chain before you say another word before you chain me up like a slave again listen to me there is something classic is it good yeah okay i like that one this is between this and smash mouth that's a good one all right what about monster one ear that's good nope no no uh how about let's start a riot no uh so it's gonna be it's gonna be the confrontation by les mis okay good pick a quote i am the thing that keeps you up at night the evil that haunts every dark corner of your mind i will never rest and neither will you forgive me but to me you've been dead for centuries who it doesn't even say who said these you broke the protocol of temporal displacement you cheated illegal is always faster there are all types of prisons kid and i'm making sure your prison is the town where you live ah the eiffel tower and the ever-romantic city of lights we're definitely coming back here baby you know when we don't have a world to save it is simple there is good and there is evil there are those who commit crimes and those who stop them this is captain america who said this i'm a thief kid i'm not threatening your city just look it up from number one uh how about how about ozzy eiffel tower we're gonna do we're gonna get like french as our alignment we're gonna be like french neutral which hogwarts house would you like to be in slytherin that's an easy question slytherin are you strongly suspect someone close to you is keeping secrets from you what do you do let's go let's look through their phone could be something bad pick a marvel character i'm not putting labels because i assume you'll recognize who they are do i know who they are okay that's logan that's dr manhattan um uh that's loki hellboy green goblin uh superman spiderman and captain america loki i'm like mischievous right a mischievous i would do that you're at a party and people are drinking you're not of age and neither are most of the people at the party but someone offers you a beer what do you do you were the one offering the beer wow no no no no no don't drink but take the opportunity to videotape drunk people at the party doing dumb things this would be good ammunition now i would i'm the driver no pick a dc comics character all right do i know the all these people let's see i might not the joker batman i don't know who is that this is the flash who's this guy guy with his phone out we got superman we've got green lex luthor and we've got lex luthor and then slade i'm gonna go guy on his phone that's probably what i would be doing it's all fun and games until you hurt my friends it's always fun and games you break the law people get hurt then it's just a game wait it's all fun and games until people get hurt then it's just a game someone gets hurt then it's just fun you make me mad you disobey me you do the wrong thing it's all fun and games until this is the same ques the same answer i think cell phone against you make me mad have you ever participated in a prank war as long as no one gets hurt sure what's your motto do what's right especially if it goes against the rules screw the rules the difference between bombs and confetti is that bombs are more fun to throw around cheat the system look out for yourself everyone else is optional uphold the law do what you think is right do what's right do what you think is right almost done pick a job doctor mercenary judge advisor private and serial killer that's not a job that is a lifestyle that is a way that you act there's not a career let's go with consultant pick a legend the three-ish musketeers what coronas here we go here we go chaotic neutral i don't trust no this is this this was we would listen to like somebody's ipod this is not how you do an alignment test chaotic stupid new test play the winnie the pooh baseball game i don't know where is it where's winnie the pooh baseball winnie the pooh baseball huh oh play the winnie the pooh baseball game this is this is gonna scream in my face i swear to god this is gonna be a screamer is it winnie the pooh home run derby the more flash games i play that i'm gonna risk losing my license no it's called it's called my computer [ __ ] the bed and i can't do anything on it so we have to play all these dumb [ __ ] shitty flash games and do quizzes because i blue screens 10 times in two hours let's try it how to play uh move poo with the mouse keep your eye on the voltaic game click to swing i press the back button this is not i don't i don't like this ad what is this ad that was [ __ ] weird that was a weird start okay here we go try the ball with the middle of the bat to make it fly yeah move through the levels a bunch of home runs let's go all right this is fun you will know fear why why will i know fear i don't understand this is just a this is just a baseball game i'm playing the baby easy mode what are you this is just on it gets hard i'm gonna like lose before i can even start just keep playing okay this is just a click bait ad game on an ipad that that's what it seems like am i actually getting baited right now or is this some other thing that happens in this game you guys are going to make me play this game all night what could possibly be in this game it's on a it's not a licensed disney website level five is actually impossible we'll see stage four i hit 12 i have 25 tries oh it gets a little weird that's a little weird that's fine okay it just [ __ ] froze the game i mean you can throw all kinds of [ __ ] at me if you want i'll still take care of it yeah what are we doing here what are we watching here i had that question before as well two more shitty quizzes well now i'm invested okay i'm seriously not even kidding an ad just loaded and i felt it i could feel it in my hand so far i i feel like that i feel like the here come here comes the hardness right all right here we go here we go got it 15. okay bring it on it's not that bad that's not that bad i'm gonna beat poo home run challenge on stream is this the guy that beat pooh's home run challenge in one sitting first try blind on all right stop [ __ ] around you have to hit like five more all right i gotta i'm gonna lose i'm choking right now can't choke this out choking he's choking choking i gotta i can only miss one more choking choking get the [ __ ] out of here with your hard game well that's different wow that really is like not [ __ ] possible you've not even begun to suffer is what somebody just said damn all right we look we look terrible this is gonna see how fast my reactions are you're gonna get a [ __ ] bird's eye view of the whole thing 207. 210 that's not bad is it 2 four that was faster than the last one how is that slower 216. okay my you scored you're currently in the top 89 percentile for this test that means i'm better than eight that means i'm better than 89 i can get a better one under 200. [ __ ] yeah almost down to 200. look i'm i'm as good as if you connected to like a server in asia right that's pretty fast i'm as fast as a packet of data going from my computer to asia and back that's [ __ ] so fast uh somebody's like somebody's having like a party downstairs do you hear that no that one doesn't count that one that was i gotta refresh there's a party going on downstairs what am i missing right now there's a [ __ ] there is a rave going on downstairs i'm almost curious to go check and see what it is i can get under 200 i know i can that was the first one was i was literally the host of the server got it 186 milliseconds average rate let's say what's that currently in the top 92 percentile for the test uh no the average person can remember seven numbers at once what's the longest number you can memorize two what was the number the number was two 72 72 honda honda honda honda 406. 10 48. you're gonna have to start remembering i'm gonna have to start thinking about uh phone numbers [ __ ] off not you nope i was pointing i was pointing at the car uh 72 228 228 968 y736 968-5736 968-968-5736 125 0314 one twenty five oh three four fourteen one twenty five oh three four fourteen one twenty five o three four fourteen four ninety two eight three four eight eight seven four nine two eight three four eight eight seven four nine two eight three four eight eight seven four nine two eight four nine four nine two eight eight eight three four seven verbal memory test uh you'll be shown words one at a time if you've seen a word during the test click save for work if it's a new word click not safe for work amilas nah that's new mango these are all new garments mango seen it heartland new i've seen it seen it seen it it's new that's new convention that's new seen it no seen it new seen it new new new seen it new new seen it new seen it new seen it seen it seen it new it's new new seen it seen it seen it seen it seen it new new seen it new seen it seen it seen it seen it new seen it seen it seen it new seen that seen that one too it's not that's new seen that one top 79 visual memory okay it's getting bigger i'm gonna do all right on this one so okay do sorry six times let's stop top 66 i want to play family feud right now where can i get one where can i actually get a family feud i'm like into that right now oh boy there are ads all over this oh thank god you can't hear this one two three four there are four ads there's two playing video ads here and here there's a banner here this is unbelievable here's the thing i had adblock on and i had to turn it off to load the page oh my [ __ ] god all right here we go let's hope this is worth it buy the full version you can [ __ ] right off um just like to add for like chicken nuggets and stuff on the bottom all right family feud i feel like doing this right now let's do it name something you'd find in a school lost and found box uh keys survey says when your kids have keys yes they do uh game boy survey says what um a coat a article a sweater coat jacket how about uh why would you lose your socks all right i'm gonna take off my shoes and my socks and then i'm gonna lose i'm gonna put my shoes back on why would that happen lunchbox survey says glasses everybody loses the damn glasses survey says yeah jacket glasses lunchbox backpack survey says strike three too bad fine let's take a look so what is a jacket and we see two please cat let's see number three gloves let's see number six a book kevin let's see it shoes how does somebody lose their shoes you don't how do you lose your shoes names people people people need good posture to do office work [ __ ] you need posture for dancing do like the chad walk and play the piano i mean you do but you need that cox sacrifices you make what what is this the late nights the weekends and early mornings what's it for big deal to other companies right but they are to us what company is it that's why our fast internet and scalable voice solutions are backed by 24 7 personal support 24 7. personal support right in my hometown isn't small to us right switch to cox business today don't do that name a cartoon movie that features animals as the main characters uh what is the name zootopia survey says god um white and the seven animals those are dwarves uh beauty and the beast survey says well he wasn't really technically an animal he was a person that was an animal hybrid uh 101 dalmatians survey um finding nemo fish aren't animals though fish aren't animals babe the pig madagascar and bambi let's see how you did let's see what cox can do for you name something on which you might need your boss's signature eviction notice no um pink slip survey says your report card no that's your parents um what do you need a boss's signature for like to get permission to go on a field trip a check survey says you wait your boss has to sign the paycheck but this is what about direct deposit survey says vacation like i have to go on vacation so and i have to have the boss sign the vacation slip survey says vacation there it is vacation request vacation time sick sick leave that's not the sick when you're sick a job in which you need to wash your hands often uh janitor no uh cook name an animal you would find in the ocean but not in a pond turtle no um shark no shark name a good excuse to eat soup sick you're sick why might someone's phone number be unlisted criminal uh criminal because they like i don't know they have a place where a child makes friends playground cook chef thank you we asked you animal you'd find in the ocean but not a pond shark is definitely there's no sharks and ponds thank you you eat soup when you're sick because it it's easy to go down easy to digest somebody that has an unlisted phone number could be a criminal or could be somebody trying to scam you you answered we asked this question you said playground to school give me 55 seconds on the clock more let me drop what you need to wash it i um wash it dog uh doctor you find in the ocean but not in a pond turtle no uh find an ocean but not a pond a sunfish no a a whale never gonna choose to eat soup lazy because it's fairly easy snake why would somebody's phone be unlisted privacy where a child makes friends school 326 plus 205 dollars plus 20 000 equals 2020 531. medical professional right shark i got that top answer good excuse to eat soup sick why would your number be unlisted because privacy got that one number one and it's definitely gonna be school school try i got it look at me i'm they go yeah here comes a business we see the sacrifices you make the late nights the weekends and early mornings may not be a big deal to other companies but they are to us that's why our fast internet and scalable voice solutions are backed by 24 7 personal support from experts right in your hometown because your business isn't small to us switch to cox business today that was a double middle finger i win what might a person make when first learning how to knit it's a sweater absolutely grandma a blanket that's a pretty good one i think blanket sweater uh hat hat is pretty easy correct answer i think yeah gloves gloves that's a good one gloves or the mittens is better what is number one sock slippers mittens blanket sweater hat scarf one more scarf blanket sweater hats slippers socks mittens ugh bed yeah grandma knitted me a whole bed it was really comfortable a doll that's not a bad one doll like a little action figure the potholder grandma i'm gonna burn my [ __ ] hands that is the most dangerous gift grandma could ever give you name a kind of hat that would be weird to see a magician pull a bunny from um a construction hat construction construction chef's hat yeah hard hat chef's hat not from a chef's hat wizard's hat a wizard wizard's hat a cowboy hat okay cowboy hat hard hat like a baseball bat you'd be such a shitty magician a fedora no it's not gonna be foot door top hat is a magic that's a magician's hat already isn't a top hat what a magician pulls their rabbits out of no it is a top hat a beret still doing better than average no where do many teenagers have their first kiss um in their car in a car survey says yeah at like at the movies like movie right will you pick up on that you will okay at the movies at like outside like at like at the park survey says uh where do many teenagers have their first kiss on their mouth you're being very literal about that i don't think that's what they're looking for onto the bleachers that's like a meme right that's like a teenager meme i mean like the school that's what like that's what i was going for it says school dance one guy said something here let's see number five front door let's see how you did at the front door you're going to do that you're going to do that you're going to you're going to kiss you're going to get a kiss in front of dad don't think that's going to happen name something you find out about a word by looking it up in the dictionary what the hell are you talking about name something you find out about a word that could be anything find out about a word um adjectives verbs i don't noun but what do you find out about a word by looking it up in the dictionary got that answer try again all right no it doesn't work thesaurus survey says description survey says how to spell it survey says name something you have uh a one in a million chance of experiencing jackpot name a time when you exchange gifts christmas name a way that someone might cheat in a baking contest boxed box food um how do you always say boxed ingredients prepared already prepared food boxed food what the [ __ ] packaged pack packaged when learning to drive what might your teacher do that indicates she's afraid scream name a person who might call you by a childhood nickname even after you've outgrown a uh neighbor you didn't give me points why do i have a time limit something but you're not gonna if you got a jackpot you're not gonna be what i have to do what do i have to do when exchange gifts christmas no what oh [ __ ] easter we asked you um boxed food did you beat fast money 20 000 bonus points let's see we asked this question you said we asked you name something your car would be less safe without brakes your car would not be safe without a wheel survey says how would you drive a car without a wheel it would just go straight you'd crash into a wall seat belt survey says survey says epic boomer bumper stickers that's a good one survey says airbags and locks let's see how you did well some of those okay we were being a little too literal like safe as in crashing a car versus safe as in someone's gonna break into your car we were thinking too literal they have a part of the job that flight attendant must get sick of um the safety instruction right just the safety instruction survey says no no they don't get sick of safety i'm talking about like the instructional thing where they like talk at the beginning it's sick of flying you get sick of flying around serving food sick of all the passengers smiling let's see number five walking let's see number name a profession that helps people but from which people hate getting helped that would be the dentist nobody likes going to the dentist survey says the doctor survey says nobody everyone hates going to the doctor oh speaking of lawyer speaking a lawyer from the recommendations tab in the discord ace attorney all three of them right now are on ipad full games hd releases phoenix ride coming up very shortly here name something a doctor might ask a patient to do during a checkup cough survey says they don't do that though i've never had somebody tell me to cough ever that's like everyone pretends like that happens uh yeah like p survey says say ah say ah survey says what stick out tongues tongue stick out stick tongue out stick out tongue open wide all right let's go fast money but yeah actually you know what [ __ ] it uh the next stream we do we'll we're gonna start a journey uh what do you eat that as a hole in the middle that would be a donut name something that would tell you your blind date is british accent name a profession where you may receive lots of mail from strangers celebrity but that's a actor name a household chore that you do less frequently because it's barely noticeable when it's done sweep name something about a food that would prevent a kid from eating it good for you did i have less time that when did that you said sorry i'm gonna get it on the next one don't worry bagels bagel's gonna get me up on the top accent just listen to the talk actor we asked this question actors props and 3d words you said we asked you sweet okay we asked this question i might yeah i barely i barely need a second round so all these are really specific though bagel will get me over the top for sure that's pretty much guaranteed i'm not no this is am i writing teeth all right we got just pick something doesn't matter name a profession where you may receive lots of mail from strangers chore food that will prevent healthy i win i win barely notice the dirty dishes yeah if you don't do this in like six months it's just like it's in one spot doing the dishes that they're in some this is such a tiny central location that you can just walk right by them accent was number one celebrity i wrote celebrity at first and i took it out dust i mean that was sweep smell all right what about some other fun little [ __ ] online video games so this is lemonade stand okay you have zero paper cup zero lemon zero zero everything's zero i have 20 bucks it is 80 degrees and it's hazy you have okay 25 cups let's do 50 cups let's get some let's get 30 lemons i don't want it too sweet though no not too sweet eight cups of sugar and 100 you know what i don't want to water it down nice lemon flavor without without the the sweetness two sugars per pitcher ice per cup three 25 cents a cup not enough sugar no that's too sweet you don't want to be that sweet this is me anybody buying cups it's 80 degrees outside there we go did you like it oh you really liked it it's like monsters in this planet here yuck yeah go back to sesame street buddy go get angry at grover for the spaghetti he [ __ ] up get out of my game yuck everybody wants their lemonade so sugary and sweet that's not why would you want it like that more ice yuck more ice yuck this guy keeps going back to my stand if you don't like it don't come back more ice yuck more ice everyone ice more ice more ice yuck more ice yuck [ __ ] you all oh you managed to sell 21 cups to 105 potential customers considering the weather i'd say this is pitiful cut back on the lemons add sugar because that's what people want and add ice go more ice why do you guys want so much ice nobody likes that when you go to like a restaurant they just they give you like four tablespoons of pepsi and then two bricks of ice nobody wants that more people people are more so more ice okay more ice more ice hmm more ice that was pitiful we're gonna do five lemons per pitcher five sugars per pitcher and eight no ten ice cubes it's 53 degrees outside make it cheap cheap very cheap 15 cents i had to get rid of the inventory what's random ice zero percent customer satisfaction it said that's pretty good net profit five dollars and eighteen cents we're in the green fifteen cents five lemons six sugar five what is it it's 81 degrees out we're gonna go with like seven or eight eight cubes no no seven cubes fifteen cents a cup sold it up it's gone not here we go this is where we're going to make all the money right now 91 degrees it's clear and sunny buy a shitload of 30 lemons 48 cups of sugar 500 ice cubes more cups more lemons 30 cents made it all back all you need is one day sold out the whole inventory six lemons per pitcher it's eight sugars five ice cubes they're not buying it they're not buying it they're not buying it drive dr liquidate quick liquidate buy it it's good final day it's time to make money watch this one 87 degrees outside i got 21 lemons we're gonna do we're going all in 45 cents 10 lemons 10 12 sugars 10 ice per cup 33 cents 35 cents 35 cents 30 i was wrong 30 cents 30 cents i had to go all in i was just like at the in the new york stock exchange show it sell it no sell it for less sell if a little less than him less than that please somebody please buy it all right here's the plan i'm gonna start i'm gonna start ace attorney tomorrow i'm gonna get it on ipad i'm gonna plug it in get everything done i have never played an ace attorney game i don't know what they are the only thing i know is that meme where you point your finger and you scream objection right so i don't know i don't know i don't even know what that means hello let's find out who the [ __ ] i really am fast and easy it's gonna take it's gonna take like 40 minutes it's not gonna take 12. i'm going to answer these questions as truthfully as i can i'm gonna i'm not i'm that you're gonna get the real me here okay do you enjoy vibrant social events with lots of people yes i do i love talking to people i love uh complaining about the internet to people pretty much every conversation i i have nowadays with um with other people is about like either like the zit that's on my face or about an internet problem that i'm currently having so yeah i know i love talking to people i do you often spend time exploring unrealistic yet intriguing ideas all the [ __ ] time there are streams that i have tried to do that just completely unrealistic were never ever gonna happen but i tried anyways i have like stuff on my mouth am i like frothing at the mouth am i like turning into like am i turning rabid wow this is what i'm talking about i can't like comb my hair on these streams now my hair's turning into like uncooked ramen noodles your travel plans are more likely to look like a rough list of ideas than a detailed itinerary i um i like to have some kind of a plan but not completely outrageous i feel like i'm getting these wrong because like they're all agree all right no no okay that that's correct i do i'd like to just kind of go and do i like to plan uh hold on i plan some stuff but not everything you often think about what you should have said in a conversation long after it's taken place no no i don't i don't i don't give a [ __ ] no because i i look i just say the things i say i don't like think about long after conversations over what i should have said no i just said it if your friend is sad about something your first instinct instinct is to support them emotionally not to try to solve their problem like okay if it's let's say it's like a like a little kid like drops the ice cream on the ground just go i gotta go get another ice cream and there it is and it's not i just solved your problem in a minute that's a bad parent wait what do you mean bad parent hold on so if you're like kid drop that ice cream full ice cream on the ground he wouldn't go get him another one what if they were like but i okay what if what if like the worker like didn't get it in there well and it just like fell out and like oh then the worker was like oh yeah you're right i didn't secure that i didn't secure the ice cream in there good enough you didn't secure the ice cream because i would buy my son or daughter an ice cream that they dropped on the ground or try to get another one that makes me like a crazy person what the [ __ ] are you talking about i would just try to support and then maybe like how do we maybe fix this right people can rarely upset you someday somebody could like hit me in the face with the door and i'd be like oh you know well people are people are just blood all over my mouth people are clumsy you know it's okay don't worry about that have a wonderful rest of your day you need anything like some days it's like that but other days somebody could literally sneeze like 15 tables over and i'm just like stop don't [ __ ] sneeze no right in the middle i'm only 10 of the way through this it said 12 minutes you often rely on other people to be the ones to start a conversation to keep it going no strongly disagree i'm always like throwing out [ __ ] [ __ ] to talk about i'm always just like hey what about this what about that what about this what about that so yeah i i'm always want to start conversations if you have to temporarily put your plans on hold you make sure it is your top priority to get back on track as soon as possible no unfortunately not that disagree but i they come back to normal they gradually come back you rarely worry if you made a good impression on someone you met so like i don't really worry if i make a good impression um i wouldn't say that's a strong agree this is my first time watching and you suck well that's interesting because you have a four month sub badge that would be uh very odd got a do you see that vein is that healthy that was big that means i'm healthy right that means like there's a ton of blood going up into my brain right it would be a challenge for you to spend the whole day no it would be a challenge for you to spend the whole weekend all by yourself without feeling bored yeah maybe not that much because sometimes you do want some alone time right you are more you are more of a detail oriented than a big picture person no i i just i'm a big picture you are very affectionate with people you care about yeah i think so somewhere in here ten minutes by the way you have a careful and methodical approach to life absolutely not you are still bothered by the mistakes you made a long time ago no i no people you grow you know what i mean you grow you learn you grow and you become the person that you are at parties and similar events you can mostly be found farther away from the action um i don't know is this imply like the dance circle at the wedding because like okay there's the i love the dance circle at the wedding but i don't really like the when it gets when it gets too crazy you know the dance circle of the wedding is fun and then you're like all right i want to go back over to like the bar and just sit around and like watch so i don't probably like it right here uh germa light about the clown card just gave five community subs thank you so much germa lied about the clown car you often find it difficult to relate to people who let their emotions guide them that i slightly disagree when looking for a movie to watch you can spend ages browsing the catalog no nope i just i don't care what it is i'll pick something for fun um i uh here's the thing i actually do this this is fun to do uh the next time you're on netflix or you're on hulu doesn't matter right uh a fun uh project is to find a movie that you've never seen that you'll never watch that you're like i will never [ __ ] watch um there's no reason why i'm gonna watch uh the other guys too right i'm just i'm not gonna i'm not gonna do that there's no reason why i would do it i just i there's not a movie i'm gonna pick to watch it's if it's on tv i'm not going to watch it but what you do is you do the 20 skip and how that works is you start the movie and you watch for about 60 to 120 seconds and then you skip 20 minutes watch for about 60 seconds skip 20 minutes watch for 60 to 120 seconds skip 20 minutes and you'll get the essentially the 20 skip of the whole movie and you'll be able to like just take it in you'll be able to see at least seven to eight minutes of a movie and you're not gonna watch this [ __ ] movie anyway so just have fun and just skip through it and just see what they do just look at like the weird [ __ ] they do on camera you're [ __ ] up no but i'm not gonna watch that movie like i'm not going to watch that movie okay so uh daddy's home too is the last one i did this with and i would do it again because there's no way i'm gonna give two hours to daddy's home too i watched like nine minutes of this movie and i feel like i've already seen it there's a dad's home one yeah so no i just pick [ __ ] and just we'll watch it for fun sometimes it doesn't matter what it is you can stay calm under a lot of pressure yeah strongly agree but i i can stay real [ __ ] calm now don't say that the internet problems are cracking under pressure because the internet okay listen the internet problems that's not pressure that is that is like that's not even pressure that is just extreme stress you know what i'm saying it's not just oh well something's happening today that i gotta be calm about this is literally somebody just like throwing darts into your chest for like a year eventually you're gonna be like can you stop throwing [ __ ] darts at me like you're gonna have like seven okay 700 darts go into my chest this is like getting 700 thrown at you over the course of a year i i walk out the door like this you'll have a completely normal life and i open the door sometimes and there's just there's the dark guy and he's just lined up the shot and you're like okay go ahead and he's just like hold on don't move and it bounces it doesn't go it's not gonna throw out hard enough to go and it just hits you in the chest and falls down and you have like a mark that happens that by the way this happens like two or three times a week after a year you're gonna like kick out the dark guy you're gonna be like don't [ __ ] get don't come in my house ever again he's gonna look at you like what don't don't don't leave don't ever come back get the [ __ ] out of my house and he'll just be like with his bag like his bag of [ __ ] darts on his back okay all right bye you'll never see me again and you're like yeah get the [ __ ] out of here dark [ __ ] okay fine bye you're never gonna see me again the door closes and he's gone by the way two months later um a dart hits your like window and you look out you're like that [ __ ] and he's just like 12 minute test by the way yeah but we have to like interact and talk about this like honest to god this hair looks pretty good for a [ __ ] 34 year old man give me some slack seriously you know how many [ __ ] 35 year old men i know that their hairline goes back to here i think i deserve a little bit of slack it'll okay i'm not and when i'm 40 this will probably be all the way back yeah i mean i'll be 40 though whatever you can't look like [ __ ] 25 forever not gonna get any work done i mean you know maybe i'll get like you know that's not true maybe i might get like a chin implant and then like a eyebrow bone implant because i would look like a banana when in a group of people you do not know you have no problem jumping right into the conversation i can do that very easily i just go like hey i scroll on like this and everybody like notices that you did that and they're like who's this guy who's this guy funny and then i go kind of and i like get in there and i start talking about whatever you got to get in there like this if you had and here's a good icebreaker like oh like we're at a party it's just like rolling hey everyone's just like oh this guy thought this guy might be like a funny guy when you sleep your dreams tend to be bizarre and fantastical um does this count as like crazy nightmare [ __ ] i had a dream a couple nights ago that there was this big gigantic thick pain wall of glass and they were like three or four people around me then i don't know what they were doing they were like just hanging out right and they were taking turns trying to run and jump and break the glass with their bodies this was like as big as a whole wall like like a mural of like just glass i'm just like what the why are you guys doing what are you guys doing they're just like yeah come on man and like running like making a den bang and like the little spider web would break out and then finally after like probably six or seven more attempts of this one of them actually got through it was like he broke through and he fell back and landed and like he got like cuts all over and he was like bleeding he was like ah like screaming and like blood was coming out of his back and [ __ ] and i was like why did you do that does that count are these nightmares because sometimes they they're like that in your opinion it is sometimes okay to step on others to get ahead in life well now they're dialing up the questions into [ __ ] up territory no it's not do it do it yourself do it yourself don't use people i'm talking more of like a strict like in in a don't use people don't like just step on somebody to get to the top now get to the top on your run get to the top because you you belong at the top right you know you know what i'm saying get to the top because like you belong at the top you know what i mean you are dedicated and focused on your goals only rarely getting sidetracked i don't need to even talk about that one if you make a mistake you tend to start doubting yourself your abilities or your knowledge no i typically take take a mistake and turn it into something else that works when at a social event you rarely try to introduce yourself to new people and mostly talk to the ones you already know that's that's pretty that's kind of true i think that's true for everybody though you usually lose interest in a discussion when it gets philosophical ah that's like fun to do that's fun to do sometimes you would never let yourself cry in front of others no i've done it in front of you i've literally cried on this stream like twice you feel more drawn to places with a bustling and busy atmosphere than quiet and intimate ones yeah las vegas come on you like discussing different views and theories on what the world could look like in the future oh yeah you know is a robot's gonna take over we've we've had these conversations on the stream what's gonna happen in 500 years are they going to write books about this yeah all the time when it comes to making life-changing choices you mostly listen to your heart rather than your head yeah sometimes you cannot imagine yourself dedicating your life to the study of something that you cannot see touch or experience probably probably because i would i would get lost comedy oh wait i thought they were talking about like oh yeah you're right okay but that does that is comedy that that's not the there's no study of comedy oh what are you what are you doing in college oh i'm a comedy ologist that no you just you don't like study dedicating your life to the study of something i'm i'm going to go with i'm going to go with this group i guess like comedy is like a thing i guess right it's very clearly not meant as comedy yeah it is it's like it's like what they're talking about here is they're talking about like religion and that's mainly i'm assuming what they mean by this what about physics particle physics yeah but the particles exist okay you usually prefer to get your i thought i said massage you usually prefer to get a massage rather than i'm like wait what you usually prefer to get your revenge rather than to forgive i've never like had to get i've never like had like revenge though before revenge when have i ever had to get like revenge like maybe in like a video game world no i don't know you make decisions on a whim all the time the time you spend by yourself often ends up being more interesting and satisfying the time you spend with other people it really depends but for the most part no you often put so special effort into interpreting the real meaning or the message of a song or a movie no because every time i watch a movie that confuses me i just find the subreddit that the movie is based on and read da da da da da ending explained what did da da da da and i just look at somebody on reddit has like two paragraphs that explains literally everything you ever want you go oh he trusts reddit no i'm just saying like it's somebody else like already somebody else already has this is the thing about the internet and pretty much this is how it works somebody on the internet figured it out already if there's something that you think that like hey wait hold on is that what is that what's what happened in that movie i think no somebody already figured out there are people that figured out the end of like every tv show and every like movie and every book like years before they were even done so they already somebody else has already figured it out that's why i just don't even use the internet if you're ever going to watch a movie just don't have to go on the internet you always know exactly what you want no i don't you really think back on the choices you made you rarely think back on the choices you made and wonder what you could have done differently rarely look back no i don't that often maybe like once in a while no no i don't i usually just kind of stick with whatever happens yeah i do when in a public place you usually stick to quieter and less crowded areas no i usually like the hustle and bustle you tend to focus on present realities rather than future possibilities no i'm always trying to think of like what cool thing could i try or do in the future you often have a hard time understanding other people's feelings no when starting to work on a project you prefer to make as many decisions up front as possible it really depends on what they what what the thing is though when you know someone thinks highly of you i mean like all of you everyone here you also wonder how long it will be until they become disappointed in you we actually talked about this like two days ago i don't give a [ __ ] about what people think about me i give a [ __ ] what everybody thinks about me flippy floppy no but that's different though that's different because if i thought when you know someone thinks highly of you this is not flippy floppy because when this is worded differently when you know that somebody thinks highly of you you also wonder how long it'll be maybe yeah no that absolutely because you want you want to make sure that they still think you're like cool they still like you that they still are having like a good time yeah you feel comfortable just walking up to someone you find interesting and striking a conversation no i don't here's the thing about walking up to somebody like starting a conversation everybody has this thing in their head of the conversation that they're gonna have and it's usually the first like three sentences everybody blocks out the first like two or three sentences and then after you have your pre-planned like two sentences that you're going to say uh oh there's nothing else here um so like for instance right like oh hey you notice that oh somebody's somebody likes uh garbanzo beans at the grocery store i love garbanzo beans hey i love garbanzo beans those are really delicious here's a i got an interesting recipe for like a hummus that you could try okay cool hey uh uh those are that's the best brand i usually buy that brand it's a good one you're a big i'm big fan of garbanzo beans too i got a recipe for hummus that i got my grandmother passed down to me okay i gotta go bye you often drift away the daydreaming vote very oh yeah you look after yourself first and others come in second there's a reason yeah secure your own oxygen mask first before helping others no you can for all right for me listen listen for me to be able to look after somebody else i need to be capable of doing that i have to be kind of in the right mindset i've got to be in a good spot i got to be okay with me before i can be okay telling somebody else what to do you know what i mean take care of yourself first make sure you are good because how how could you expect to like take care of somebody else if you're not kind of locked in on yourself you know what i'm saying like think about that put your own oxygen mask on first got that on reddit even when you have planned a particular daily routine you usually just end up doing what you feel like at any given moment yeah self-absorbed streamer steals oxygen masks and claims they belong to him have you ever been on a [ __ ] airplane if you've never been on an airplane before that person never been on an airplane confirmed selfish streamer steals bits from homeless viewer well no no thank you for fifty dollars but the the homeless viewer walked up to me and like gave me 50 and i and then ran away and i was like what the hell happened the home i didn't say hey come over here and give me that money no no i was just walking down i was just walking down [ __ ] twitch street and like somebody like came up and was just like germa hey germa and i'm like huh hello yeah what's going on hey uh i had to catch up to you you i notice that you like garbanzo beans yeah i like garbanzo beans too hey here's 50 dollars i got a recipe my grandmother gave me like like 10 years ago and you can make good hummus i love the stream somebody escaped see another person just like spread it up germa hey it's 75 well jesus hey here's 75 see you later this white screen is killing my eyes hold on i'm gonna i'm gonna take care of that person hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that that's true let me like let me help this person out here i agree you're right hold on see i was sitting in the chair and i was i'm looking at the screen right now and i'm i'm good i'm locked in i'm taken care of and i can see that it's not bothering me so therefore what do you let's go what do you need i can take care of you now jared and gave a hundred dollars so they sprinted up to me they gave me 100 bucks take it i'm like okay fine and then they said thief give it back is what they said here's a hundred dollars that guy stole a hundred dollars from me get him you just you planted that on me what am i going to do i'm going to let it go at that point i would just be like i i don't i have my fingerprints are on it oh i'm going to wear gloves everywhere i go now literally i'm going to have a [ __ ] like leather gloves so if anyone ever does that i can just be like oh it doesn't matter i didn't touch it i'm never gonna get through this personality test it's been like an hour you often contemplate the reasons for human existence on the meaning of life no that's too much to think about once you start thinking about that [ __ ] you start to you go down like the path and you're just like wait a minute what the [ __ ] is this why can i see everything about that [ __ ] why can i see i you i have like my own vr 3d goggles on like i can see why can you smell why do things smell why does anything have a scent there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of different smells why do they smell like that why do things taste differently shit's [ __ ] up you have got detailed you have got detailed education or career development plans stretching several years into the future no you know what my career development plan is tomorrow than today you rarely dwell on your regrets no like i told you before you gotta grow spending time in a dynamic atmosphere with lots of people around quickly makes you feel drained in need of a getaway no i like going out with people you see yourself as more of a realist than a visionary no i [ __ ] i it's like that you know what i mean like my if my if your brains are all in here my brain's in here but like it occupies like this that's not saying i'm smart that's saying what whatever like like low iq idiocy that's in here is not like densely packed into the brain it's like up like it's an aura around like all over here i got a pretty decent iq though you've already proved that you find it easy to empathize with the person who has gone through something you never have that's hard to do would have been a realist okay a realist would have probably a realist probably would have gotten like a job eight years ago your personal work style is closer to spontaneous bursts of energy yes than to organize consistent efforts bursts of random energy that's why sometimes i don't stream i don't have a schedule right so like sometimes i it's like oh today i'm today i'm ready right let's go your emotions control you more than you control them yeah sometimes doki doki literature club i said on stream 10 times i'm never going to play that game that's not a change of heart that is a real realist non-visionary statement i'm not ever going to play this game that's not a flippy floppy that's that's not a commitment the commitment was to not do it so i think i'm doing pretty well yeah i think so you rarely feel insecure oh this is it this is it this is it what am i your personality type is campaigner enfp a wait let's go over this mind this trait determines how we interact with our environment 72 percent extroverted it's 28 introverted okay energy this trait shows where we direct our mental energy 69 intuitive and 31 observant i mean i'm pretty intuitive all right all right that means that means i'm smart this is the psycho trait by the way what this is the psycho trait this trait reflects our approach to work planning and decision making prospecting 72 prospecting okay identity this trait underpins all others showing how confident we are in the abilities and our abilities in our decisions assertive turbulent i'm very assertive i'm a very assertive intuitive prospective feeling person start reading hey all right introduction i don't want to read all this don't lose that little spark of madness wait what do you mean madness that's that's iron man over here so i'm like 20 iron man 20 robin williams twenty percent clinton twin tarantino and twenty percent twenty five percent holy [ __ ] that's pretty cool kelly clarkson will smith so this is everybody combined makes me all these people make me meg ryan michael scott i get to be spider-man i get to be spider-man and iron man you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me just wait for the last one wait for the last one there's one more on this list it's willy [ __ ] wonka i'm a combination of okay let me tell you something i got both genies on that list just saying i got robin williams and will smith uh iron man spider-man the genie and willy wonka and like carrie bradshaw from sex in the city no i'm not the one i'm not okay you i know some of you will go you guys are being a little bit of a dick i'm the guy behind willy wonka that's real funny doesn't say guy behind willy wonka it says willy wonka not person standing behind willy wonka i'm gonna make a lot of people upset right now i've never seen the office i swear to god i've only seen like maybe two episodes ever i don't even know what i just know that's like funny you've seen it i know everyone's bad uh the inkblot test also called the rorschach tested method of psychological evaluation psychologists use this test and attempt to examine the personality characteristics and emotional functioning of their patients this test is often employed in diagnosing underlying thought disorders and differentiating uh psychotic from non-psychotic thinking in cases where the patient is reluctant to openly admit to psychotic thinking what um all right i thought this was just like what do you think this image is okay i'm not going to look at the answers yet i see there's two animals going like they're they're holding hands it's like at the circus or something and they're going like this like they're like holding hands together and they're doing it's like a big presentation you know what i mean like this is the animal like the bear or something and it's like flying his arms out or like they're presenting both yeah that's what i see all right so what i see a face in the cards i don't see if no i see a face in the card i see a scary face things look like they're whirling around in the card looks like we're looking down on people or something in the card or something it looks like we're looking down on people or something i see a mask i see a flower i see sexual imagery um or i can type in my own thing i don't think i want to type in my own answer things look like they're whirling around like it's like they're like i said all right they're whirling at this two bears continue all right just like just let's look hold on i'm not looking at the answers that's they're that that's that's two people doing the the mime thing you know like when they go face to face and they both are like i'm moving and you're moving at the same time like the mirror they both have hands like this gun right right here look okay that's what i see it looks like a bunny rabbit looks like an elongated horse head looks like an x-ray it looks like spilled ink it looks like two distorted eskimos playing patty cake it looks like a giant open mouth well i mean that's the closest one right why is it an eskimo that makes them what the [ __ ] are you talking about it looks like a tunnel into another dimension or maybe new jersey website like is this like a is this this is not real oh man or maybe new jersey okay i mean look it looks like that like i said the two the mirror all right this looks like okay i see it's like a it's a okay face a face here and like these are the legs and it's a back it's like a monster leaning forward those are the front legs and the back legs could be back here hidden looks like the coast of italy after an up it looks like a pair of one-legged cannibals fighting over a victim i love pudding is an answer that's the closest thing this is a butterfly a moth i would say it's a moth to me moth you know when like you go into science land to aside like an exhibit and there's like the moth up on the wall thing that that stuff looks like the universe exploding coming at me no no you idiot it's a butterfly it's been crushed by a boot heel ah that's definitely an ink plot finish it what what's the finish it's not gonna be real that's like a skull or like a butterfly or a moth again that's satan eyes oh i see a fluffy bunny rabbit i see a big naughty shape what okay looks like a guy that was hit by a train it doesn't look like anything can we have some lunch to me it looks like a mask it looks like you just threw ink on the paper and folded it i'd say it looks like a mask but i'm not i don't really need to write that what do i get sickness 70 sickness you're you have difficulty concentrating on keeping on task probably because you're an idiot with this i'm not uh i'm not going to read it i'm not even going to read it run to i've never played this see if you can collect the bonuses all right all right we don't i don't get to get the bonuses who gives a [ __ ] oh i'm good this is actually kind of this is pretty fun do run three or i'm gonna pee my pants well go for it man [ __ ] the bonuses how many levels are there in run two there's 500 levels well i won't be doing this for that long damn it [ __ ] come on oh my god i'm so stupid i have to wait wait holy [ __ ] what is going on all right i can hold on i can drop down drop down get this jump over jump over jump damn it damn oh [ __ ] it's okay oh my god okay i'm good oh man my fingers are getting really greasy all right i'm gonna get to level 20. [ __ ] slow down get your greasy hands i might i'm look at me i'm starting to sweat i really am because my zit's gonna be like five times bigger at the end of this it's gonna literally take on a mind of its this pimple is going to start talking by the end of this string i had it too all right i just tasted salt is this sweat like dripping down my i get face okay i'm good all right level 20. i'm ready just jump nice and easy i got the bonus that was easy oh man i gotta get that come on 21. that's the blackjack number i can do it got it all right 22. this is the last one this is actually the last one damn how do i do that i gotta jump underneath it got it okay 20 uh 23 is a scary number it's like the satan number i can't i can't i got 24. i can't end on the scary one all right 24. i can't end on that one 25 that's like a good evening one all right all right okay i'm good go good we're good i did it i won i okay i won what's the next one play run three uh run three is not as popular as run two blocks ors the aim of the game is to get the block to fall into the square hole at the end of each stage there are 33 stages bridges and switches this might be a little too much for me this might this might be it might be not too much for like an eighth grader but it's too much for me he was joking funny man pretending to be stupid he is enlightened he's a pretty good oh [ __ ] he was just pretending to be funny man he was pretending to be funny guy no i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good everything's fine what do i think about this game i think it's pretty sweet i think it belongs the top two video games on this site [ __ ] i did it i just went too far great i forgot i forgot i'm streaming you're right i i'm streaming um right i'm not just playing cool math games alone um i'm stumped i'm stumped on this one i think guys and they stumped me yeah they stumped me can you play something else this game sucks this game doesn't suck i think it's pretty cool what's next all right we're going back all right papa's bakery all right papa's bakery day one welcome to pop papa's be i did a very very good video on one of these i've completely forgot about the video that i made so sir again i have to apologize we do not have any burgers but i gave you a bologna sandwich hopefully you like you didn't like it no tip no [ __ ] tip you should add filling exactly how it shows on the ticket all the way up that's just all pecans this is gross that's not pecan pie those are just pecans out of a bag uh a car wants a vented crust okay vented crust drag the pie into the oven well you want top the pie needs caramel drizzle the icon below shows they want this added all over the whole pie try to cover the whole pie with this drizzle uh did i do it i would like a cherry pie with apple stuff captain crunch and caramel sauce uh big paulie wants two fillings and the fillings you know he wants to all right you want cherries up to here and then you want apple up to here what a sick [ __ ] 99 points use the game tickets you earned to play the houdini's daily mini game show okay yeah let's go can you stack it high doesn't make me hungry i want one of these right now it's a four-year-old's drawing all right i think that's good closers are very picky about their food they will be tougher when grading their orders this guy's a closer stop saying pee can i'm sorry pecan [ __ ] whatever just go take it d minus hey thanks for watching the stream everybody that was a fun one tonight
Channel: Pythanoc
Views: 571,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jerma, Jerma985, Streamer, Funny, Flash Games, Highlights, Edit, Long, Compilation, Long Edit, Idiot, Liar
Id: BmQyZNfxgWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 53sec (12233 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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